How to protect yourself from a witch. Protect yourself from witches How to deal with the mistress if she is a witch

In Russia, you most often encounter witches and sorcerers (men have long entered the arena) in churches - on major church holidays.

Not all believers know what dark deeds are going on in churches during services.

Someone will be surprised: “ But how so? Why in churches?».

Energy! They need strength. The temple is the easiest place to get them. So.

How to recognize unclean people in church:
When witches kneel in church, they try to cross their legs behind them in this position.
Witches cross themselves very quickly with their left hand, that is, they make a cross, first cross the stomach, then the left shoulder, the right and the forehead.
They leave the temples with their backs and as if backing away. This is due to the fact that there are many nerve endings on the spinal cord, and the rays from the icons and the altar strongly burn the backs of witches and sorcerers.
In church they can walk around you counterclockwise and point their hand at you, then stand behind you and suck the energy out of you. If this happens, then immediately, without hesitation, hit the witch or sorcerer with your left hand so that the damage comes back. The second time a witch or sorcerer will not do anything like that to you.

Please note if you lit a candle, stood in some place in the church, and the candle suddenly became smokey. Don't be lazy and look at your feet. There might be a needle there. Ordinary damage in order to feed on your powers.
Do not allow strangers to move your candle, make sure that it burns to the end. Make sure that your candle is not extinguished, that another candle is not placed on it, and that your burning candle is not stuck in a candlestick. After all, in this way they damage you and take away your strength.
Many beginners do not know where to put a lit candle. A witch or sorcerer will definitely try to approach such a person with advice. A person is told: “Light the candle and leave the church backwards.” If a person does this, he will damage himself.

This situation also happens. You have a lit candle in your hands, and they ask you to light their candle from yours. It is better to politely refuse, let them light their candle from the burning candles standing on the candlestick.
If a man or woman stands with a burning candle, and holds the candle horizontally rather than vertically, they are causing damage.

Don't believe me? Go to the temple for a big holiday and watch.

But it’s not only in churches that you can meet witches. We all know about the “evil eye” of gypsies. To protect yourself from them, try to silently pass by and under no circumstances look into their eyes. This will make it much more difficult for the gypsy to do something bad to you.

Refrain from picking up small change on the street - it is most often the source of warts, diseases and damage. Do not touch crutches, sticks, canes, gloves, or other lost items lying around.

If you suspect that you are talking to an unkind person who may say or wish bad things, hold on to something metal during the conversation.

You should also be careful about food that you are persistently treated to. Using food and drinks to make a person sick is not difficult.

Be wary of accepting items made of wool as gifts. The easiest way to damage wool is to damage it, which will then be passed on to the owner of the item. Do not give or accept as a gift without a symbolic “payoff” scarves and gloves (towards separation), watches (towards melancholy), or sharp objects (towards a quarrel).

Have you suddenly found a pin in your or your husband’s clothes? It's better not to unfasten it. Because one of the most common ways to ruin your marriage is to attach a charmed pin to your clothes. The spell begins the moment you unfasten the pin. And believe me, it really works... It's better to get rid of the thing where the pin was found. In villages, such things are burned to this day, but in the city... at least just throw them in the trash.

Imagine, sorceresses can live with you in the same house, and you don’t even suspect why one of your loved ones suddenly got sick, why things aren’t going well. And why did one continuous black streak in life begin? Pay attention if a neighbor often comes to you asking for some salt or eggs. It’s better not to give anything at all and ward off the annoying lady. And certainly nothing should be taken from her hands. And if you took it, sprinkle the item with holy water. In your home, hang a bag of wormwood or a clove of garlic above the door. Since ancient times, wormwood and garlic have been considered the most reliable protection against evil spirits.

Stones such as tiger eye, agate and amethyst are considered good protectors against the evil eye and damage.

If you suddenly find yourself at sea, bring with you a small flat pebble that you take out of the water. There is no magic here. It’s just that the energy of the sea is very strong and will be able to protect you from the evil eye.

Try to have less black and dark things in your wardrobe. It is much more difficult to cause trouble for a person dressed in light clothes.

If there are serious suspicions of damage: children get sick inexplicably, dishes break on their own and objects fall, other strange phenomena occur and bad dreams occur, carry out a general cleaning.

Inspect the door jambs and door frames to see if there are any stuck needles (just don’t touch them with your hands), throw out any misplaced paper clips, coins lying around, other small metal items. Wash everything, wash it, rinse it.
And if you decide to turn to psychics and magicians, be extremely careful. Many people don’t even realize how much worse they are making themselves and their loved ones with such appeals. Yes, there are people who really help.

But remember that such people never set rates for their services. They serve God, and therefore help, regardless of whether the person turning to them has money or not. If they demand fabulous sums from you supposedly “for candles”, run away from such magicians without looking back.

Anyone who has never encountered all this will be very surprised - what a topic, and what advice. And some will think - I’m so good, why should anyone harm me.

Believe me, the victim of a witch is often completely innocent.

Most witches do not set out to do harm to others. They do well for themselves. They cannot live without it. And God forbid you from meeting people who, by their actions, distort the true meaning of the word “witch.”

"Witch" comes from the Old Russian words “Ved-Vedat” - knowledge and “mother”. Which most likely meant that witches possessed sacred knowledge, which they received from Mother Earth. Probably, witches were originally her priestesses. However, subsequent layers of beliefs and ideas under the influence of Christian existence greatly changed the idea of ​​witches, but could not expel them from the popular consciousness.

Witches are one of the main characters in the demonology of all nations. According to popular beliefs, witches carried two essences, sometimes completely independent of each other - human and demonic.

Witch appearanceThere were different ideas about the appearance of witches. In the north of Russia, for example, it was believed that a witch was an old, ugly woman who, if desired, could turn into a young beauty. And among the southern Slavs, in Ukraine, for example, it was believed that the witch was in the guise of a young beauty - a maiden or a young woman, but her inner essence was a harmful, creepy old woman, into which she turned when she had already managed to lure the soul of a man into her net. This is exactly how the most charming witch in Russian classical literature is described - Gogol’s Pannochka from the story “Viy”. However, it should be noted that despite the difference in the sequence of reincarnations, both peoples noted this ageless status of a witch.

How to become a witch
A woman could become a witch in several ways:

1) Vedic magical power could be inherited from mother to daughter, sometimes from grandmother. Such witches were hereditary and had an innate gift.

2) In addition, an ordinary woman could well become a witch if she was possessed by an evil spirit or the devil, or the restless soul of a deceased or unrepentant sinner who had not received absolution. Such entry could occur by consent or against the will of the woman. Such women were also called possessed.

3) One became a witch through cohabitation with the devil (option, with a snake). 4) Or, if a woman made a deal with the devil for the sake of enrichment.

5) There was another option - to receive witch power from a dying witch who has no heirs.

6) Some peoples also had beliefs that girls whose parents behaved incorrectly during her infancy could become a witch. For example, if the mother breastfed the girl for more than two years (three Good Fridays) or her mother or the girl herself was born out of wedlock.

The witch was credited with the ability to cast spells on people, pets, plant products, etc., as a result of which people and animals get sick, die, newborns do not sleep at night, cry, households quarrel, weddings are upset, food spoils, threads break, work fails. In Ukraine and the Carpathians they believed that Witches could send hail, hurricane winds, floods, fires, steal heavenly bodies, cause drought and other disasters. The most active and dangerous witches were on full or new moons, on the night of Ivan Kupala and on St. George's Day, as well as in the weeks preceding the Annunciation, Easter, Trinity and Christmas. On such days, witches could turn into cats, dogs, toads, owls or other animals or even objects (wheels, branches, balls of thread, needles) - they scared people, sent damage and behaved as they wanted.

Identify and neutralize
Considering the strength and abilities of the Witches, it is clear that their actions posed a direct danger to the villagers and their households. Therefore, great importance was attached to the method of identifying and neutralizing witches.

Basic ways to recognize a witch

1) Lure the witch closer to the Kupala bonfire. The proximity of the fire causes physical suffering to the witch and she is tormented by cramps, and in order to get rid of them she must come very close to the fire. The main methods of luring were considered to be: boiling a piece of damp linen with needles or aspen pegs stuck into it, and you could also pour the milk of a cow spoiled by a witch into the fire or onto a hot sickle.

2) To watch for the witch in the barn, where, as a rule, she entered in the form of a toad or other witch animal, and black out her eye or paw. And the next day, track down a woman with a damaged part of her body. It was possible to kill the animal or throw it into the water. It was believed that a woman who was a witch for a year would either die or drown herself.

3) It was possible to recognize it during a church service, especially Easter or Christmas. During the service, the witch tries to stand with her back to the altar, does not walk with everyone in the procession around the church, and tries to touch the icon, banner or priest’s cassock during the service.

4) In Ukraine, it was believed that if you walk past a group of talking women, while twisting a cookie under your armpit, the witch will immediately begin to swear and scold the person passing by.

5) The witch could be seen through a log or through a board that was placed on the coffin from which a twig fell out.

6) The witch could also be seen through a harrow, which was made from aspen wood in one day.

7) Put the milk in the oven in a frying pan, throwing in nine needles three times in advance.

8) Milk the cow for live trout.

9) On Easter Sunday, light a fire in the stove from the logs that were set aside every Monday during Lent from the wood that was brought into the house for ignition.

10) The most cruel way was to throw a woman suspected of witchcraft tied into a pond. It was believed that witches did not drown under any circumstances. In Ukrainian ship acts acts of the XVIII Art. There are indications of trials of witches by water, which is called there the “Judgment of God.” As an example, we can cite the case when in 1709 one villager and nobleman tested the noblewoman Yavorskaya with water in the following way: they stripped her naked body, tied her crosswise, as was usually done in such cases - the thumb of her right hand was tied to the big toe of her left foot, and the thumb of the left hand to the big toe of the right foot, then they pulled the cord and lowered it into the pond. If the unfortunate woman drowned, she was considered innocent. Often such executions ended in the death of an innocent woman. The story of the famous Ukrainian writer Grigory Kvitka-Osnovyanenko “The Witch of Konotop” describes just such a plot, which at first glance may seem incredible, but in fact is based on real events and very truthfully describes the life of a Cossack elder in the 18th century.

Charms against witches
An effective way to protect yourself from witches’ tricks was to draw a cross on the door with tar on St. George’s Day. Scattered poppy seeds also worked well. Since it was believed that witches loved poppy, but could only collect it grain by grain, while they were doing this, morning came and they had no time left for harmful actions.

Death of a WitchIt was believed that for her connection with evil spirits, the Witch was punished with a difficult death: she could not die until she passed on her knowledge; during the agony of the Witch, a storm arises or a huge black dog appears, which does not disappear until the funeral. In Polesie they said that the Witch could not die until the ceiling of the house was dismantled or until she was covered with calf skin. They believed that after death the Witch visited her home at night; to prevent such a posthumous “walk,” the Witch is buried face down or her coffin is pierced with an aspen peg.

I firmly did not believe in the evil eye, damage, witches and other evil spirits until I was twenty-eight years old. Until a woman came to work in our department alone, completely harmless in appearance. One could even call her sweet, though with a stretch.

She worked for us for a year. During this period, each of us, four employees of one department, was faced with problems, one worse than the other. In addition to the fact that our bank almost went bankrupt, and we all suffered a little financially, our boss’s brother, a drug addict, hanged himself, Leonidovna’s son was seriously injured in an accident, Lenka’s mother was diagnosed with advanced intestinal cancer and there was no guarantee that she would survive. In general, the whole department cried one by one. And all this is accompanied by additional minor misfortunes like broken favorite cups or torn blouses, which our new employee managed to compliment.

Of course, my grandmother, who grew up in a remote Ukrainian village, told a lot of all sorts of folklore tales, but I attributed her stories to the paranoid schizophrenia from which she suffered. Nevertheless, according to all the canons of grandmother's stories, our new arrival was drawn to the titled witch - judging by the avalanche of troubles that happened to the people around her.

When asked about the reason for her dismissal from her previous job, she answered that there was a change in boss, who wanted to see in front of him not the “old schmuck,” as she called herself, but two young twenty-five-year-old beauties whom he took in her place. This would be true if, by chance, at one official event I had not met a woman who had just taken her place at her previous job. She was not a twenty-five-year-old beauty, but a “scumbag” older than ours. She hesitated about why her predecessor was fired and answered: “Because she brings nothing but misfortune. Our new boss is Latino and he believes in these things. As soon as I saw her, I started fiddling with my amulet and whispering, “She’s a bruja, she’s a bruja, fire her immediately!” So they fired her (officially for being late), but he didn’t go to work until she took all her things from the office. And he even performed a purification ceremony, as is customary among the indigenous Indians. His subordinates were already prepared to call the psychiatric hospital, if anything happened, but he turned out to be a normal person, after his appearance their office simply blossomed. (After his arrival or her departure? – I thought).

Soon our new employee herself confirmed that she brings troubles with her and knows how to stare and spoil everything that is in front of her eyes, when she told us over tea that her grandmother was a real witch: the whole village was afraid of her, and she caused damage and the evil eye with just one glance, and there was no need to whisper. She earned her living from this “gift”, and made a good profit from her craft. And when she died, the door and window shutters were “sealed,” and for several hours, while she howled there with a brutal voice and there was an incredible roar in the house, people could not enter her house. They couldn’t open the doors and windows, that’s all—they already wanted to dismantle the roof. And when the sounds died down, the doors were easily opened and they saw that all the furniture was overturned, and the witch froze in a painful pose between the wall and the oak cabinet, which four strong men barely put back in place. How could she move this cabinet herself?..

We, of course, asked why this grandmother was so cramped, to which the new employee replied: “The devils came for her, so they chased her all over the hut until they shook the soul out of her and took her with them. And if the grandmother was smart, then in order to die peacefully, she had to find a successor in advance and pass on her gift to her. It’s a pity I wasn’t around: now I’d be working on fortune telling instead of drinking tea with you here. I inherited only part of her gift from my grandmother by genes.” It is not surprising that after this tea party we each had diarrhea. Except for her, of course.

Then I started having little troubles: one day I brought a photograph of my child to the office, and she, taking it in her hands, suddenly said: “Oh, your apartment is okay: it’s poor, but tasteful. I especially like the chandelier!” I smiled: I always smile, even if they say bad things to me, it’s just easier for me when I smile. (As I later found out, the best way to prevent damage or the evil eye is not to roll around in your pocket, and to sincerely smile in the face of your enemy, and then he will get his negativity).

I returned home that day, and in the room, the photograph of which our malicious employee was looking at, there was a smell of sulfur. Just like in medieval treatises: before the devil appears, there is always first
It smells like sulfur. Well, I sniffed everything I could. My husband came and also started sniffing the sockets, the TV, the computer, the walls where the wiring was located - nothing! And the smell in the middle of the room intensifies, and it’s unclear what to do with it! And then suddenly that same “chandelier” that the employee liked went boom! It exploded right at the very base, and our entire white, newly repaired ceiling was covered with streaks of black soot!!! I stood at the switch - I immediately turned off the electricity, and my husband started jumping up and down in surprise and yelling, “They’ve jinxed us, they’ve jinxed us”! Later I asked why he got it, and he said that he didn’t remember saying those stupid words at all, and that I was making it all up.
Literally a day later, a malicious employee suddenly says to me, looking at how I dress to go out: “You’ll catch a cold, you’re not wearing a hat!” I say: “It’s the end of April, what kind of hat?” That same evening I came down with a runny nose.

It happened like this: she came up to me and suddenly began stroking my hair with her hand, saying how thick and beautiful it was. I smile again and say thank you (although I can’t stand it when people touch me unnecessarily). And then she says: “But if my grandmother did that, then all your hair would fall out within a week.” Well, here I actually laughed. And a week later, this “shmaga”’s hair began to come out in bunches. The whole office was covered with her hair, and a bald spot on the top of her head began to show through.

Finally, another strange circumstance simply shocked me. There was a yoga instructor hanging around our offices, a tea drinker, and half Persian. When he started telling us about the laws of the universe, we sent him away: the boss couldn’t stand such talk. And she was very happy that with the advent of a new employee, for some reason he stopped coming to us for tea altogether. On the contrary, I was very surprised. I met him in the elevator one day and asked when we should expect him. And he answered: “I won’t come to you anymore, you hired a witch for yourself. I don’t want to pollute my karma.” His words left me speechless for a while.
It was then that I realized that too many terrible things had happened in our department over the past year. And now it’s my turn, or what?.. It was not my plan for me or my loved ones to suffer. After all, even a lifeless chandelier was a pity.

Then I turned the entire Internet upside down and found out that the influence of a witch can be muffled by driving a nail into the doorway - right in the middle where a horseshoe is usually hung for good luck. And when the witch crosses the threshold, you need to give her a mental message: don’t stare, otherwise everything will come back to her. I laughed, but I took the hammer and nails with me to work. Knowing that the new employee is always late, I nevertheless arrived at work not at nine, but at eight in the morning. To drive the nail in properly without surprising anyone with noise.

I fiddled with the office door longer than usual: the lock was sticking more and more each time, and no amount of repairs could fix it. Our business manager Vasil Vasilich installed other locks twice, but within a few months they failed and also began to jam. Three times that year I ran to stamp keys for the entire department.

Having opened the door, without taking off my shoes, I grabbed a hammer, jumped up on a stool and began to quietly hammer a nail into the doorway, mentally saying: “This is for your boss’s brother, this is for Lenka’s mother, this is for Leonidovna’s son, and this is for my chandelier! And this is for all your sins!” With these words, I hear someone inserting a key into the lock to open the door. I’m shocked: it’s eight o’clock in the morning, who needs to break into the office at such an early hour??? Everyone is crawling towards half past ten with difficulty!!!

While someone behind the door is struggling with the jamming lock, I jump off the stool and cling to the nail with my sleeve. The nail falls to the floor and rolls away in an unknown direction. The sleeve is torn. In a state of shock due to the failure of my idea, I manage to hide the hammer in my bag, and then the door opens and... our witch steps across the threshold!

I don’t remember what I told her to justify why I came to work even earlier than she did - she also somehow vaguely tried to explain why on that day she wanted to start a new life without being late. I explained the sound of the hammer by a picture that allegedly fell from the wall, which I seemed to have nailed back with office scissors... My disappointment that the witch could not be restrained with a nail was impossible to describe. But I was determined to see it through to the end no matter what.

At lunchtime, everyone went to the dining room, and I was left alone in the office. She grabbed the hammer again and began nailing down her “charmed” nail, which she found on the floor. Once again I remembered our witch all her sins, and then decided to go to the end and exclaimed in her hearts: “It would be better if you died altogether! Then your family – your husband and son, whom you are torturing, would live like human beings!” After that, I sat down to wait for the witch to cross the threshold. Everyone came back from lunch, but she was gone and gone. It turns out that she decided to go outside for a walk - it will take another two hours. And my stomach is rumbling from hunger: I haven’t had lunch. Then I gave up on my idea and, together with my co-workers, accepted an invitation to go to a cafe and celebrate the birth of the granddaughter of an employee from a neighboring department.

We returned after a glass of wine, satisfied, but the office door did not open! Everyone tries to open it with their own key, but it doesn’t work. “Has our new one still not returned from her walk?” - the boss buzzes angrily, - “if she thinks that she can come at eight in the morning and then sneak out of work in the middle of the day - she’s mistaken!!!” Then the door opened, and in the office... all the cabinets were moved, everything was turned upside down, as if a tornado had swept through... in the middle of a pile of papers, with a distorted face, our witch lies, eyes at the ceiling, foam at the mouth...

OK it's all over Now. The story was hard for me. It was as if she had confessed to murder.

(Monograph on witches)

How and why do women become witches?
How to spot a witch?
Where do witches come from?
What do witches do?
How to identify a witch by her eyes, voice and appearance?
Is it possible to identify a witch by her horoscope?
What should a man do to avoid marrying a witch?
What is the difference between a witch and a sorceress and other evil spirits?
How many years do witches live?
How to fight witches and protect yourself from their harmful, sabotage actions?

The answers to these and many other questions can be found in the work of Tetcorax below. And what is typical, completely, completely and absolutely free!!

“Here the bad women in the village are interpreting that you, Mrs. Solokha,
in some way - a witch."
(N.V. Gogol “Evenings on a farm near Dikanka”)

Vedmus vulgaris domesticus.

From the point of view of banal erudition, a witch is an evil, grumpy or ugly woman who does dirty tricks on people, animals, nature and the Universe as a whole.
Charles Darwin, in his famous book “The Origin of Species,” unfortunately, did not say a word about this creature. Although there are many varieties of witches in nature.

In this article, attention is paid to only one subspecies - witchus vulgaris domesticus (lat., common house witch). Representatives of this subspecies are most often found in nature and settle closer to people. They are characterized by the following features: openly, and most often secretly, on the sly, they do dirty tricks: they send pestilence, diseases, the evil eye, damage, take away milk from cows, honey from bees, and sexual energy from men, spoil the weather, crops, air and water. If the witch is in a peaceful and well-fed state, then she confines herself to minor dirty tricks: for example, drains in sinks, bathtubs and other plumbing fixtures become clogged, the insides of vacuum cleaners become clogged, food in refrigerators turns sour, salt and sugar spills, dishes break, doors, beds and TVs, power goes out, telephone wired and mobile communications fail.

You can’t list everything!

Although these are minor dirty tricks, witches do them all the time. And from these tricks of theirs, witches receive satisfaction, buzz, orgasm and other satisfaction.

Well, and when they are in a bad mood... Global warming, flea flus, holes in the ozone layer, economic crises are also their work!

Signs indicating that a witch is somewhere nearby are numerous. These monsters are constantly brewing some kind of rubbish (usually under the guise of herbal medicinal decoctions), intelligently studying suspicious books of seers, prophets, oracles and psychics, and performing magical rituals of “cleansing” the body, pets and things. In their home they must place witchcraft amulets, amulets and other pseudo-magical crap. Before going to bed and leaving the house, they mutter some conspiracies under their breath. Bunches of dried herbs and Kabbalistic spells are hung in the corners; incomprehensible magical tchotchkes, dead flies and cockroaches are scattered everywhere; burnt matches and bent nails are scattered along inconspicuous crevices, and some things have hairs tied on them. In conversations they often use abstruse words, such as: chakras, aura, meditation, negative energies, etc.

In rural areas, where there is little entertainment, witches sometimes trample circles and complex pseudo-mathematical figures in the fields out of boredom. And ignorant people believe that these “signs” are left by dumb aliens, trying to communicate with humanity in this way using their fingers.

Well, the surest sign of the presence of a witch is the stash. If your stash begins to disappear inexplicably, then rest assured: these are the tricks of a witch who is somewhere near you. Maybe even in the same bed! 😯
Numerous experiments have proven that witches can steal from people not only their nest eggs, but also other movable and immovable property, any kind of assets, as well as food supplies, booze and smokes.

It is very dangerous to be near a witch on public transport and in other confined spaces, since she can subject anyone to verbal violence or send damage. And under no circumstances should a man be left alone with a witch, as she may immediately accuse him of sexual harassment!

Witches are very envious. Therefore, you should not give them a reason to have this feeling. For example, if a witch sees someone wearing a new fur coat, the fur can easily come out within a week, and your other new clothes will be attacked by moths or eaten by shashel.

All witches, concurrently, are also servants of the devil, who periodically organizes corporate parties for them in the form of nightly orgy parties. The devil assigns each witch a personal devil for constant use and accountability, with the help of which she can do the most incredible things. In addition, the witch regularly copulates with this devil, since only from him can she get a “triple orgasm.” Other people see this devil in the form of a goat, less often - a pig. Sometimes witches slip up and call all men assholes. But even in ancient times it was proven that all men cannot be assholes, no matter how much the witches would like it. If this were so, then earthly civilization would collapse the next day.

Physical signs of witches.

It’s strange, but in the modern age of the Internet and widespread occult literacy, not everyone knows the physical signs of witches. According to historical folk data, a witch usually carefully hides her activities and outwardly seems to be almost no different from other women, but she still cannot hide some signs.

1. The image in the witch's eye is upside down.

2. A witch has a significantly lower body weight than an ordinary woman. During the Sabbath, the total body weight of the witch tends to zero. Using this fact, in the Middle Ages witches were easily identified by immersion in a container of water. To ensure the reliability of the experiment, the test subject’s hands and feet were tied with a cross: the big toe of the right foot to the big toe of the left hand and, vice versa, the left foot to the right hand.
If the subject went to the bottom, then she is not a witch.

3. On the witch’s body, hidden from view by clothing, there is at least one small area called the “devil’s mark.” Thus, the devil marks them with his identification code. The witch's body is insensitive to pain within this area. This fact has also been used since ancient times to identify witches using acupuncture.

4. All witches are pathological brawler. They fall into hysterics over any trifle, or even for no reason at all. They quickly lose the remnants of their thoughts, they shake with anger as if under an electric current. In this state, they are extremely dangerous, as they can cause injury, mutilation and even death. At the same time, they lose control over their voice, which becomes creaky, barking, and “frying pan.” It is precisely such a sharp coarsening and disgust of the female voice that betrays these abominations!
During these scandals, witches absorb the psychic energy of the victim, thereby providing their own fuel. Occult scientists call this phenomenon energy vampirism.

5. Many witches brazenly call themselves “baginas”, “queens” and endlessly repeat some stupid spells, such as: “I am a woman, and in this I am right!”; “If a woman is wrong, go and apologize!”; “I am difficult to find, but easy to lose”; “All men are goats!”; “They will come and give it themselves!” etc.

Now even scientists-shamans, scientists in occult sciences and hypnosis do not know, but ancient books claim that witches have the ability to leave their body and wander wherever they please. At the same time, having left their body, they acquire the image of animals and birds. 😯 Scientists-occultists-Satanists call this phenomenon supernatural mental transportation. Typically, in this state, witches can spy on who is doing what and, accordingly, record it on a video camera. You'll get away with it!

However, if someone accidentally (or intentionally) kills these doubles, then the witches fall dead, although often they themselves can be hundreds of kilometers away. This is where men have their ancient passion for hunting: they instinctively thresh everything that moves. Perhaps, some witch will be destroyed or, at least, black eyes will be given to her.

Is it possible to identify a witch from a horoscope?
Unfortunately, it is impossible to identify a witch by a horoscope, with the help of fortune tellers, sorcerers, seers and even psychics. A witch can only be identified by the external signs described in this chapter, by her behavior, and also by hiring an intelligent, learned occultist for this task.

Is it possible to recognize a witch in a church?
And this is impossible. Surprisingly, many of the witches are believers! And not just believers, but believers in Christ! And they even visit churches, observe and perform Christian rituals! True, they do not consider themselves such. Within the framework of religious rituals and in near-religious activities, witches behave very decently, tolerantly and politically correct. But in worldly life they get loose to the fullest. In this case, there is a balance of good and evil in nature. If a witch has done good somewhere, then rest assured: in another case, she will make up for everything with interest! Therefore, such women should be feared like fire and stay as far away from them as possible! If everything in this matter were so simple, then there would be no need for the Inquisition and other radical torture methods.

What do witches eat and how long do they live?
The witch is omnivorous and gluttonous. This is especially true for money. In addition, the witch is fueled by the aura, psychic energy and even the blood of those around her. Most often, for these purposes, she uses young, inexperienced men, turning into a written beauty before their eyes. Additionally, he lures them with affectionate words, depraved sex and hypnosis. After which he takes possession of their soul, body and wallet. Woe to such unfortunates! They live in a fog, giving everything they have to this insatiable vampire. From such nutrition, witches maintain good health for a long time and can live for a very long time, until the Lord sends them to the next world by force.

Levitation and flying machines.

How do witches get to the Sabbath, and in general, with what help do they make their incredible, from the point of view of banal erudition, flights?
The most common means, of course, are brooms.

A mad witch rushes to the Sabbath.

However, if there are no brooms at hand, then this is not a problem for witches. For flight, they successfully use not only brooms, but also other household items (mops, rakes, pokers, hay forks, mortars, troughs, shovels) as well as goats and pigs. All these means can be found in the paintings of medieval artists below.

The coven party is in full swing! What fun the witches have here! Satan assigns each of them a personal trait in the form of a handsome young man. The engraving is also not without a certain amount of humor, which is noticeable, for example, in the reaction of the toad, who accidentally saw what the hag witch had under her skirt. And if, God forbid, a man sees the same thing, he may die of horror. 😯

Night flight of young witches to their first Sabbath.

This engraving depicts a group flight of neophyte witches to their first battle sabbath. The flight is closely watched by an old, experienced bander witch, like a shepherd watching a flock of sheep. She moves in a mortar, and with a broom, which she holds in her hands, controls the process if necessary.
As you can see from the above images, witches can fly with or without clothes. It depends on their age. The younger the witch, the less clothing she wears. You can also notice that some of the witches are simply sleeping during the flight! This proves that the evil spirit that has entered the aircraft steers itself where it needs to, even without an autopilot and GPS navigation!

Modern witches can also use progress to fly. For example, hang gliders, propeller and rocket engines. Although these means are set in motion by the same evil force.

Combined broom-hang glider drive.

Combined broom-propeller drive.

Combined broom-jet engine drive.

In this secret photo we see a pair of aircraft on a combat mission. The witch is a follower, but you can only guess who the leader is!

To launch the drive of evil spirits, witches use special witchcraft ointments. They include:
decoctions from various reptiles ground in a meat grinder (toads, worms, slugs, cockroaches, etc.);
juices of poisonous plants (hemlock, poppy, henbane, fly agaric, toadstool, etc.);
alkaloids (cadaveric poison, nicotine, atropine, etc.);
pet excrement;
as well as other unspeakably vile substances.
All components used are environmentally friendly and do not contain genetically modified products. The witch rubs her body with these ointments and especially carefully the flying device. The ointment serves as a catalyst for the release of evil spirits. And the more diverse and nasty the components of this hellish mixture, the greater the drive power and power reserve.

It must be said that these ointments emit a strong stench. Therefore, if your neighborhood suddenly smells of something nasty, you should immediately check to see if it’s a witch preparing her witch’s ointment or if she’s already rubbed herself with it! At the same time, you should always remember that you should never touch a witch rubbed with ointment. This is fraught with the most dire consequences. If a witch, taken by surprise, rushes at a person, then you need to fight her off with everything that comes to hand. However, what works best in this case is an aspen stake with a silver tip and thoroughly soaked in holy water. If these means are not available, then you should vigorously poke the witch’s face with a duli (fig) with both hands, in Macedonian style.

Many people are puzzled by how a witch can overcome a narrow chimney and fly out through it. 😯 Anyone who has not seen this event himself will hardly guess that during the launch process, the witch’s body is deformed in the most incomprehensible way. Her head has already emerged from the chimney, but her legs have not yet reached the stove door! She stretches like a worm!
Here is a drawing of transportation through a chimney from a medieval book.

The witch's flight through the chimney. Medieval engraving.

The witch starts by pronouncing the spell “Soar up and into nowhere!” And immediately, like a kick-ass on a piece of stinking shit, it rises into the sky. The device is controlled by giving commands by voice and pointing with a finger. “There!”, “To the right!”, “To the left!”, “Up!”, “Down!” Although there is no need for this: the evil spirit itself perfectly maintains the course and altitude, skirting the terrain.

Means of protection against evil spirits.

Witches' Sabbaths occur quite often: usually in the first week of each new month or on some holiday. But, if the witch is very out of sorts or has a headache, then she organizes a Sabbath right at home and without waiting for the new moon. And then woe to everyone who happens to be nearby in this house!
Even after their death, witches often rise from their graves in the form of ghouls and can show up at anyone’s house and demand satisfaction for their “lost youth.” Or demand a new division of property. Therefore, in the Middle Ages, measures were taken so that even bones would not remain from them.

Every modern man should be able to recognize a witch in a woman even before he calls her his beloved, and even more so, before he takes her as his wife. To do this, a man needs to study ancient knowledge in this area, listen to elders who are experts in evil spirits, and know the signs by which a witch can be identified by heart!
Currently, the following method of inquiry on suspicion of witchcraft is becoming increasingly popular. Directly on the new moon, the suspect is taken to the roof, given a broom, broom or mop and with the words “Fly!” pushed down. If it is a witch, then she will fly, and if not, then she is caught on the floor below with a special trap. A very effective way!

In case of an unexpected meeting with these creatures, a man should have a bottle of holy moonshine (vodka, cognac), splash it on the witch and immediately disinfect himself. It's also good to hit the witch on the head with something. There are other ways. However, the most reliable remedy against witches and any evil spirits is, of course, an aspen stake. Here it is, as in the picture: aspen, with a silver tip and soaked in concentrated garlic acid.

The pentagram was also used as protection against witches and evil spirits in Europe in the Middle Ages. Both in the form of an amulet and as a talisman for the hearth. A classic example is described in Goethe's Faust, when the devil Mephistopheles entered Faust's home.

No, it’s hard for me to go out now,
There's something bothering me a little here -
A magical sign at your doorstep.
Isn't it the pentagram that's to blame?
But how, demon, did you sneak after me?
How did you get into trouble?
You deigned to draw it poorly,
And there was a gap in the corner,
There, at the door, - and I was free to jump up.

But in the 20th century, due to the massive and thoughtless use of this ancient graphic image in the symbols of some states, by the military as insignia (on shoulder straps, for orders, medals, badges), by the police, etc., it lost its magical power. What meaning was (and is being put) into these cases by fans of stardom is unclear. But even the genius of magic Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa warned: “Do not use the sacrament in vain!”

Meanwhile, taking advantage of impunity, witches are becoming bolder and bolder every day. They threaten with all sorts of dirty tricks and punishments not only men, but also all other inhabitants of planet Earth.
Like, “The days of witch hunts are over, now witches are hunting you!” Oh how!

How do you become a witch?

Actual question!

Some believe that they are born, others that they become, and some think that all women are witches by nature. People say that people become witches due to poor heredity (transmitted by special genes of primacy, mandanutism and porosity) under the influence of external factors, and in some cases - because of the desire to have fun, in other words, out of boredom. The last case is easiest to deal with, but the first two cases are incurable.

They can become witches out of conviction and necessity, for pleasure or, conversely, because of frigidity, for company, to take revenge, for mercantile reasons, out of stupidity, in the form of a protest against the dominance of homosexuals, etc. There are too many reasons to count.

Modern witches are very fond of justifying their origin with the following “argument”: “if angels’ wings are broken, then they are transferred to brooms.” It seems like they used to be angels, but because of the goat men they became such disgusting creatures. Like, it's not their fault. However, it is clear to any hedgehog, sucker and batan that this is just a clumsy attempt-excuse to move out of the market. And an angel is an angel even without wings, and he never becomes a witch, be he sober or drunk.

What is typical is that witches become witches at any age, at any level of education and income, and no woman, even the most beautiful lady, queen, and clever beauty, is guaranteed against such a fate. Old, experienced bander witches take patronage over the “newly converted” neophyte witches and pass on their experience to them, introducing them to sabotage, demonic work. Here, for example, is how the Spanish artist F. Goya depicted the first flight of the witch-padawan:

Training flight on a spark broom.

In nature, there are even entire dynasties of witches - “shock laborers”. And if they work at the same enterprise, they can unite into sabotage “artels”. People call such a witch-caudla a “snake’s nest.”

Witches in the modern world.

What does a modern witch do in the periods between the Sabbaths and her other disgusting deeds? It must be said that the witch has no friends. Because of her envious and disgusting nature. There are one or two or three creatures just like herself, whom she sometimes meets in cafes, kitchens or doorways. At these gatherings, witches share their experience of how to screw up their husbands and fool knights, discuss the sexual habits of their hunters and the size of their intimate assets. In the course of communication, they also exchange recipes for hellish potions, poisons, tell fortunes, create various kinds of love spells, spells, spells, cast spells and predict the future. The witch's faithful companions are known to be: a black cat, a green toad, a bat and a gray owl. These creatures are considered by many nations to be the embodiment of evil spirits and all sorts of demons.
Their henchmen also constantly hang around the witches: cockroaches, fleas, and blood-sucking insects.

Currently, hordes of these malicious creatures have gotten into the habit of dirtying the Internet and causing mischief on the Internet at every turn! For long, long evenings they wander around the virtual world, where they spam, make crap with their comments, send viruses, break links and passwords, lock up computers, destroy screws, etc. But most of all, they love to hang around on dating sites and other social networks, pretending to be young, smart, beautiful, slender and sexy. Here they fool the suckers, looking for among them “real, accomplished, self-sufficient, ambitious, confident in themselves and in their wallet” macho-Pinocchios, with whom they are going to marry, travel around the world, or, at worst, join them for temporary allowance. As a rule, all these werewolves claim that they are kind, gentle, loving, faithful, etc., but fate was unfair to them, which only causes an ironic smile from an experienced witchologist. Witches are so carried away by the process of lying that they even begin to believe in their own lies.

Witches crap on the net with spam, viruses, hang up computers, destroy screws, break links, etc.

A modern witch often dresses in accordance with fashion requirements, has a glamorous appearance, takes care of her appearance, visits all sorts of demonic SPA salons and solariums, goes on diets, and works out on sadomasous simulators, which are like instruments of torture in hell.

Migratory witch.

Among the subspecies Vulgaris domesticus there is a species of witch, which is called the “migratory witch.” They begin to become active during holidays, such as Valentine's Day, March 8, their birthday, name day, New Year, wedding anniversaries, etc.

How are migratory witches different from all the others?

Women do not have eternal husbands and eternal lovers. Women have only eternal desires and eternal interests. (Tetcorax)

And the realization of these desires and interests occurs precisely in the form of flights from one sucker to another. 🙄 This remark applies to witches even more than to other women.

A famous classic wrote about this:

The sky was already breathing in autumn,
The day was getting shorter.
And a sad caravan of witches
Reached to the south...

Migratory witches fly to fertile lands.

Migratory witches are flying,
Blue in the foggy distance.
They fly to fertile countries,
And I'm staying with you.
And I stay, darling,
My native side:
I don't need strangers' witches,
No other fate is needed.

In conclusion, it is worth mentioning the advice to men that is given in ancient manuscripts. If you suspect a woman is a witch, under no circumstances enter into any relationship with her, let alone sex! You can't even touch her or talk to her! This will cause terrible harm to the man! Immediately drop everything and run away from her. And be sure to immediately file a denunciation with the Holy Inquisition.

And never part with the magic stake! A man should always have it with him, even if it’s small, in the form of a keychain. The author of this monograph has been carrying this item with him for 5 years now - and that is why all the witches received the Holy Bummer from him!

Notes and FAQs
on real work.

1. Some people ask: “What does the Kama Sutra of a witch with a goat look like?”
For such archly inquisitive people, here is a visual aid made by the artist Joseph Smith.

Joseph Smith. Coitus with the devil.

2. Do intelligence agencies use witches?
They are using it! Both the intelligence services and the military. There is evidence that even in Nazi Germany they tried to use witches as a weapon of retaliation. Here is a photo of the secret development of a battle witch, codenamed V-H (Vergeltungswaffe-Hexe, Russian: Fau-Hex, Fau-Witch). (Covered with a white tarpaulin)

Battle Witch V-Hexe. Fau Hexe.

3. Tactical and technical data of the product “Aspen stake” mentioned in the text.
The product is an effective means of self-defense against witches of all stripes and other evil spirits. It combines the simultaneous action of three damaging factors (aspen, silver and garlic), which leads to an overall multiplicative effect. An aspen stake is an accessible and fail-safe means of self-defense from loved ones, unloved, annoying, pestering, hostile and other dark forces. With an aspen stake, any person is able to protect himself and his loved ones. It has proven itself well in antiquity, in the Middle Ages, and in the era of scientific and technological progress.

The main advantages of aspen stake:
♦ Simplicity of the device, compactness, reliability and trouble-free use;
♦ The user does not require special preparation or training;
♦ The stake does not require power supply or consumables;
♦ Efficiency of use. (No need to wait for the operating system, Internet browser, etc. to load);
♦ Can be used repeatedly;
♦ Easy to clean and maintain. (The only requirement is thorough disinfection after use);
♦ The storage period of the device is unlimited;
♦ Low price.
The Aspen Stake product is used by paratroopers in the armies of a number of countries.
Anyone interested in the product can contact Tetkorax for more detailed information.

About witches, kikimoras, ghouls, vampires and other evil spirits, how to recognize them in a timely manner, how to fight them, as well as what rituals to carry out to expel witches from the family and work collective, read in Tetkorax’s blog under the tag “Witch”.

Copyright holder Tetcorax,

Copy-paste on any paper media, reading on radio, television and from the stage is allowed only if the name of the copyright holder and the address of his website are indicated. For websites and everyone writing on the Internet, it is additionally required to install an active link to the website of the copyright holder.

Agree, when it turns out that the troubles, misfortunes and troubles that spoil our lives are man-made, it is very offensive and painful. The man, having come to his senses and shaken himself up, thinks about how to return the damage to the witch, to punish her for her evil. Is it worth doing? Why turn the removal of damage into revenge? Let's figure it out.

In fact, returning damage to a witch is quite simple. Below we will look at a very powerful and effective ritual. But first, let's think about how removing damage affects life. If there is negativity in the aura, then the following happens:

  1. Luck leaves the victim, nothing works out for this person.
  2. Poverty becomes his constant companion, sticking to him like a sheet of paper. It is simply impossible to earn money.
  3. Illnesses follow him on his heels. The previously strong body constantly fails.
  4. Despair and panic reign in my soul. The world seems dark, evil, aggressive.

These are only the first, visible effects and consequences of damage. There are, of course, many more of them. But now this is irrelevant. It is important to realize that removing the damage automatically returns the victim to his natural destiny, prescribed before birth. It may not be what he dreams of, but it is much more pleasant and joyful than the existence filled with grief and suffering that the witch provided him.

A fundamental moment in life, if you return the damage to the witch

It is important that negative energy gives rise to similar thoughts and feelings in the soul. They are sad, ugly, scary and dark. A victim of corruption suspects everyone around him of evil, trusts no one, and therefore cannot love openly and sincerely. This person is as far from God (or nature) as the devil from hell.

When he strives to return the damage to the witch, obeying the first impulse, he acts out of habit. His thoughts are still under the influence of corruption, that is, they are full of anger, resentment, suffering and other negativity. It turns out that:

  1. Under the influence of damage, the victim’s field is filled with dark energy.
  2. After removal, the negativity continues to affect the personality for some time.
  3. To return the damage to the witch means to multiply this dark spot in the aura. This decision is influenced by the very witch from whom a person wants to get rid of.

What do you think will happen next? The energy of corruption will travel around the world, multiplying exponentially. From victim to witch, then back and so on. It is multiplied by the thoughts and suffering of people associated with the characters in this terrible tragedy. Is this necessary for someone who has been cleared of negativity by removing the damage? Think for yourself.

How to return damage to a witch

Let's get to practice. We have already discussed what damage is and how to get rid of it. A reprimand usually destroys a negative program and neutralizes it. Believe me, it doesn’t make things sweet for the witch or the customer. In any case, he gets a return. The mechanics of the process are as follows:

  1. Damage connects the victim with a certain dark egregor (or several), which suck out his field.
  2. Removing a negative program destroys feeding channels.
  3. Egregors make claims to the customer, demanding from him the lost energy.

You see, damage is always returned to the customer to one degree or another. And there is no need to redirect it specifically. But if you really want to, then do the following. The ceremony is carried out three days after the last report. If you know the customer, then prepare his photo. If you have no idea who brought you trouble, then find an aspen log or stick. In any case, it is recommended to choose the second option so as not to make a mistake.

On the day of the ritual, you cannot eat in the morning. It is only permissible to drink clean water with the addition of consecrated water in the church.

  1. At noon, close your doors and windows.
  2. Place the photo or log on the table.
  3. Place a small mirror in front of him.
  4. Light a church candle.
  5. Read the Lord's Prayer three times.
  6. Then you need to clearly and confidently pronounce the formula (below).
  7. Take the log into the yard and throw it on the trash pile (tear the photo into small pieces).
  8. Attach the mirror so that it reflects the street outside the window. You can glue it to the outside wall of the house.

The words of the conspiracy are:

“I collect troubles and misfortunes, evil days of bad weather, through the looking glass, and send them to the witch again. She cannot enjoy the caress of the sun, she cannot admire the clear world. What you gave me, take it for yourself. Take your black gift back! Amen!".

Results of work

The above ritual is enough for the egregors that previously fed on your energy to be redirected to the customer. At first he won't even understand anything. And then you will have to answer for the evil you have done. To return damage, it is not at all necessary to contact the inducing sorcerer. And it’s not very good to suspect someone in particular without clear evidence. The possibility of error is high. And with the help of a mirror with an aspen log, the negative is automatically redirected to the author.

Not everyone knows what removing damage does and how to act so as not to get it again. Share this information with your friends (social media icons below). Advise them to avoid common mistakes. Together we can make the world a cleaner and happier place. What do you think?

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