Fortune telling "Goldfish" will reveal all the secrets. You got the symbol: DHI PA - Goldfish How to tell fortunes using a goldfish

A person never stops dreaming, thinking, wishing. Various plans constantly appear in my head. Some go away, others turn into an obsession. People want to be sure that their wishes will come true and not regret wasted time and money. Fortune telling will help you look into the future. Some people cast fortunes for fun, not being upset by a negative answer and continuing to move towards their intended goal, others believe in predictions.

How to find out whether a wish will come true or not. Try fortune telling with the fabulous name “Goldfish”. The answer to 3 wishes is a simple “yes” or “no”. The Internet makes the task easier. You can tell your fortune online and get an answer right away. Real fortune-telling turns out to be more interesting, more accurate and more truthful when it is possible to influence the alignment.

Preparing for fortune telling

  • Write your deepest desires and dreams on paper to capture your thoughts.
    Make your request specific. General phrases weaken the energy of thought. Specify details - numbers, shape, location, color, etc.
  • Specify execution dates - one month, two months, six months, a year.
  • Avoid hesitant words and avoid negative particles. “Fish” loves specifics and pressure, confidence, a strong desire to get what is planned. This increases the chance of your dream coming true.
  • For fortune telling, buy a live goldfish in an aquarium and three candles.
  • Carry out a wet cleaning of the apartment.
  • Write your wish on a separate sheet of paper, but no more than three. For a larger number, the probability of correct answers is minimal.
  • Fortune telling for the New Year, Christmas, Epiphany, Christmastide.

How to tell fortunes with a goldfish

Midnight is the best time for fortune telling. Prepare all the attributes the day before. Place two candles on both sides of the aquarium, and the third one behind. Saying your wishes out loud, feed the fish. If she turns her head towards you, then everything will come true, but her tail - don’t count on a positive result. Repeat the process after a week or a month. The situation may well change.

If you don't have an aquarium with live fish, use a toy. Buy a yellow or orange plastic fish so that it floats on the water and does not sink. Say your wish, throw the fish into the bath and evaluate its position. Head towards you - it will come true, tail - alas, no.

Goldfish for three wishes

  1. Fortune telling "online". Write one important wish in three columns. Click the “tell your fortune” button and wait for the answer. The system will choose one - the one that will come true.
  2. When fortune telling in reality, say each wish separately. First feed the live fish, whisper the first wish and see how it turns. Say two more quietly.
  3. If you are using a toy fish, pour half a bath of water, light the candles, take the first note in your hand and say the spell: “Like a fish in water, I’ll immediately whisper a wish out loud. Swim, darling, spin freely and then look back at me. Amen". Throw the figurine into the water and wait. If the answer is yes, he will turn his head towards you. Do the same with other notes.

Goldfish Yes or No

When guessing online, ask the question clearly so that the answer is unambiguous. Then click on the goldfish icon three times and count how many answers there are. The result will be a dream come true.

Fortune telling on a cigarette by name

If you smoke, you can. When you consume tobacco smoke, you think not only about the possibility of quitting smoking. Thoughts come about important, pressing matters. Focus on them and tell your fortune. Take a filter cigarette and smoke until the end. Focus your thoughts on the main issue. When the filter remains, hold it in the fingers of your left hand and rotate it with your right hand as many times as you are old. Examine the filter from the tobacco side - perhaps you can distinguish one or more letters of the betrothed's name.

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  • Don't bother the fish often with your requests.
  • Formulate your questions clearly and keep them short.
  • When guessing, think only about your problem, do not be distracted by extraneous things.
  • Believe in the mystery of divination and the result will exceed your expectations.

In what cases will fortune telling not come true?

“Goldfish” does not like to answer many questions: it begins to get angry and mislead. Ask no more than three (as in the fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin). She misinterprets a non-specific question - there is a possibility of getting the wrong answer. The Lady of the Seas feels when people turn to her for fun. Believe me and she will tell you everything.

Don't be discouraged if you receive a negative answer. Just an unfortunate period of time that will soon end. If the answer is yes, don't wait for "manna from heaven." Make every effort to fulfill your wishes. Think through every word, deed, and steps necessary to implement your plans. Otherwise, it could happen like in the fairy tale of the same name. The main thing is to be grateful to both fate and the “Goldfish” for life on this earth.

"Agreement with your intentions, wishes and plans"

Undoubtedly, you are a lucky person, since you were lucky enough to throw away one of the most remarkable signs of Tibetan fortune telling MO during fortune telling. The symbol “DHI PA – Goldfish” indicates that fate more often extends a helping hand to you than puts trials and obstacles in your way.

It has always and at all times remained a mystery why some people are lucky, while others... Others can only envy these lucky ones. Usually our life is woven from successes and defeats - both of them approximately equally. But even when we lose, we all lose in different ways.

There are people (including you) who find positive aspects for themselves even in failures. It is difficult to say what this is: the favor of fate or simply a character trait, very rare and valuable. Be that as it may, mentally thank the Creator for such a useful gift that makes your life a little sunnier than the lives of other people.

Beware, however, of exaggerating your luck: fate likes to test those it favors from time to time.

Having become accustomed to victories and successes, do not forget that at one point they may be replaced by a streak of failures. Will you be able to meet this test as it should be, or will you give in to the first difficulties?

When thinking about your goals and making plans for the future, focus primarily on those that promise long-term prospects. Don’t be afraid to raise the bar as high as possible: You know yourself and your strengths too poorly if you are afraid of “overload.”

There is no need to pay too much attention to everyday problems, believe me, they will easily resolve themselves, and only minimal participation will be required from you. Dedicate yourself to planning and implementing plans, the full implementation of which will have to wait, but which in the end can radically change your destiny in the right direction.

Be able to see not immediate, but long-term benefits.

family, property, personal life, friends and ill-wishers

By attending to the affairs of your family, do not consider that you are thereby making an incredible sacrifice on the altar of your loved ones. The more you try just out of a sense of duty, the more difficult it will be for you over time.

Remind yourself often that your closest people are next to you and you just like to do something nice for them. And don’t just think - tell them about it every day, every time you’re in the mood. Perhaps you have not practiced such “family gallantry” for a long time, and at first it will be difficult for you. But when you see how much you can achieve with such a simple act, you will no longer need to force yourself with willpower!

Your business practice, including those related to property, promises to be successful. Allow yourself to relax a little and deviate from your usual paths. Try to look at your affairs with a fresh, non-trivial look - it is from this side that the greatest success awaits you.

And be more persistent: remember how often, having overcome the very first difficulties, you achieved much more significant results than those you aimed for at first. Consider obstacles as a springboard, from which you can jump successfully and achieve great results!

In that area of ​​relationships that is commonly called personal life, try to avoid any “sudden movements.” Such precaution will not be superfluous, since no changes are recommended here either now or in the near future.

Even if everything is going neither shaky nor smooth and you, under the influence of successes in other areas of life, oh, how you want to “rebuild” and “move” something, restrain your impulses. Remember: one careless move and you will lose even what you have now.

And you can safely direct the excess energy into another, safer area (for example, set yourself a new, very interesting business task and enthusiastically take on its implementation).

In the near future, expect an increase in the number of your acquaintances and friends. If one of these new people eventually becomes your friend, well, you can only be happy about that. However, try not to plan anything in advance. Everything should happen by itself, without your active intervention. Otherwise, you risk achieving results directly opposite to those you expect.

Rely on fate in everything: it is your best friend and adviser. And if you see that not everything you have planned is being fulfilled, do not be upset. This means it’s better for you.

All ill-wishers (both those you know and those you can only guess about) will not be able to cause you any serious harm in the near future. We hope you have not yet forgotten that the Goldfish sign you received during fortune telling indicates that you are currently the favorite of fate. And who, if not fate, is able to best take care of your pet? All that is required of you personally is not to behave defiantly with those who are not too friendly towards you. Rest assured: no one will drag you into conflict on their own initiative.

rest, health, self-improvement, business

If you manage to get things done earlier than planned and have excess free time, spend it in the company of friends: you will still have time to be alone. In other words, let your vacation this time be remembered as an evening full of fun and noisy chatter.

You have recently spent too many hours and days in solitude, meeting only with work colleagues. Agree: a friendly party is something fundamentally different. You can invite your friends to your place, but it would be best to leave your “hole” for a while and go visit yourself.

If you've been plagued by health problems lately, try not to get upset: unpleasant emotions do little to improve your well-being. Rely on the good conditioning of your body and your own sanity - this is probably not the first time you have been sick in your life, and therefore you should have a good idea of ​​how to treat yourself.

And since fortune telling predicts a successful period for you in everything, there is no doubt that any ailment will be cured in the shortest possible time, especially if you take up the matter with diligence.

Don't you think that the last streak of success has spoiled you a little and you have become a little lazy? Let this time the goal of your self-improvement be the cultivation of such a quality as diligence. Remember the tasks you worked on in the recent past, as well as those that are facing you now.

Try to answer yourself honestly: don’t you give in to difficulties too often? How many obstacles must there be on the way for you to turn aside? Do you then try to finish the interrupted work or do you simply throw it out of your head?

We hope the task is clear to you. Can you fulfill it with diligence?

Such development of the best qualities of character in yourself will be very useful to you when carrying out a specific task. The Goldfish sign, which currently determines your life, says that you will have to wait for the final results, despite the fact that your wish will certainly come true.

This is where the diligence and patience you have trained will come in handy: they will help you cope with the grief and irritation that are inevitable when any business that is important to you is delayed.

Control yourself and don’t let your emotions overwhelm you - this is the main condition for the successful completion of the enterprise!

Each of us has our deepest desires. A person always strives for something, makes plans, wants more. Sometimes dreams turn into an obsession, and there is a need to find out whether they will come true or not. Fortune telling “Goldfish” will help you look into the future. It will answer 3 questions about your intended goals.

Features of Goldfish 3 Wishes Solitaire

The goldfish symbolizes fulfillment. According to myths and legends, this magical creature is capable of performing miracles in real life. Until now, her image is used in talismans that bring good luck and wealth.

Goldfish Solitaire is a very simple and fun way to learn important information about the future. Thanks to this interesting solitaire game, you can make a wish and see if it will come true.

With its help you can find out:

  • Will your plans come true?
  • Will I get married in the new year?
  • Will I be rich?
  • Will I receive an offer?

This solitaire game helps you navigate your life goals, gives you confidence in your own strengths, and shows you the right path to your dreams. For the ritual, you can purchase an aquarium with live fry or spread it out. Before asking questions, you need to focus on what you really want.

Important! The best time to play this solitaire game is midnight. Before the ritual, you should prepare 2 candles and write down 3 innermost desires on a piece of paper.

Preparing for fortune telling

In order to correctly perform fortune telling and get accurate answers, it is important to prepare for its implementation. If you can’t buy a live goldfish, buy a toy one. To prevent it from sinking in water, the toy must be made of rubber or plastic. Place her in a bowl of water, if after asking a question she turns her head towards you, it means that your plan will come true. Otherwise, you should not count on its implementation.

In the process of fortune telling with live fish, first feed it and only then start voicing your desires. Observe how she behaves: turn her head or tail towards you. The result will depend on the position of her body. You can ask the same question no more than once a week, during which time the situation can change for the better.

For the ritual, purchase two candles and light them before midnight. On the eve of the event, write down 3 of your deepest desires on a piece of paper. Formulate them clearly, in such a form that you can get a monosyllabic answer - “yes” or “no”. Describe the details of your plans: dates, deadlines, circumstances, people.

Fortune telling rules

To make the goldfish ritual successful and give an accurate result, buy a live fry, an aquarium, and yellow or golden candles for your home. You should write down your dreams on pieces of paper, no more than three in one divination session. You can play solitaire on the eve of Christmas and New Year. The results in this case will be as accurate as possible.

Before the ritual, place 2 candles on both sides of the aquarium. Be sure to generously feed the sea life. When pronouncing a question, do not use negative particles, do not allow vague phrases. The goldfish should sense your decisive attitude and specific words. When playing solitaire, be sure to accurately name numbers, dates, people's names, etc.

The result of fortune telling will depend on which side the goldfish turns to you. If with the head the answer is “yes”, if with the tail – “no”, with the side – the plan will be fulfilled with a delay.

Attention! Remember that the first answer is always the most correct. Try to ask the same question only once.

Online fortune telling

The easiest way to get an answer to a question and find out whether your plans will come true or not is to use a free wish for three wishes. This easy-to-follow method will truthfully answer any topic of concern. In this scenario, there is only one condition that must be met: the question must imply an unambiguous answer - “yes” or “no”.

Belief in the magical power of goldfish arose in ancient times. In old myths, its golden color symbolized success and happiness, which were the reward for hard work and submission to the will of evil rock. When there is a desire to know the future, you can resort to Goldfish fortune telling and get an answer to any question. You just need to ask about what particularly worries you at the moment.

How to find out the future

An easy way to find out the answer to any question - fortune telling Goldfish. The prediction can be obtained online via the Internet. You can check whether what you want will come true at least every day, but you should not ask the same question twice, even if the answer you receive does not suit you. The most accurate prediction is the one that came out the first time. The question must be formulated in such a way that the answer is unambiguous - only “yes” or “no”.

You need to choose those desires that are most important to you now. It is not advisable to guess several times in a row; you can only guess once a day. After receiving a positive answer, you should not wait for luck to turn to you. Active efforts are required for the dream to really come true.

Online fortune telling by wish

The easiest way to find out whether your plan will come true is ask the goldfish(online fortune telling is very simple). It is enough to perform just three steps to find out the result:

  • you need to mentally think about the desire that worries you;
  • ask a question three times by clicking on the image with the fish;
  • see the answers.

There can only be two of them - yes and no. If the result was always positive, your plan will definitely come true. A double “yes” means minor difficulties, but the likelihood of the wish being fulfilled is high. If “yes” comes up only once, the chances are slim. You will have to try hard to make your dream come true. Sometimes the answer received is three times negative. This means that your plans are unlikely to ever come true.

Will your plans come true?

There is another way - Fortune telling Goldfish 3 wishes. And again you need to guess only the most important ones for today. This will allow you to find out the fate of three desires at the same time. They need to be clearly formulated and written in a special form on the website. After this, click to confirm participation in fortune telling. The goldfish will show which one will come true.

Fortune telling on a real fish

You can find out about the future through fortune telling. Not everyone decides to undertake lengthy rituals using special cards. There is an easy way to look ahead - tell your fortune on a real goldfish. By making a wish, you are not trying to interfere with the future, but simply find out the answer to a question that concerns you today. There are two rules that must be followed:

  1. the desire should be short;
  2. It is better to ask several simple questions than one complex one.

Only if you complete them will you be able to correctly understand the result. There are skeptics who do not believe in the veracity of the predictions. But the likelihood of their fulfillment largely depends on a person’s faith in a miracle and internal readiness to accept the result. If you are determined to carry out your plans, sparing no effort towards your goal, then the likelihood of achieving it is much higher.

Correct wording of the request

You should not resort to the ritual without prior mood and preparation.. To do this you need:

Avoid using vague expressions and negative particles. None “I hope, if only, without, no, no”. Your subconscious perceives such indecisiveness as carefully hidden fear. A defensive reaction to such behavior is an unconscious refusal to realize a dream. Negative intonations are perceived on a subconscious level as an affirmative action.

If you don't already have a real goldfish, you need to get one. It is undemanding in maintenance; its appearance attracts cash flows into the house. Buy your new pet live food, which will also be needed for the ritual.

How to perform a ritual

Describe your wishes on three separate pieces of paper, try to mentally talk to the fish and convince it to help make your cherished dream come true. Wait until evening and place three lit candles around the aquarium: left, back and right. Pick up a sheet with one of the wishes and pour some food into the aquarium. Read the request out loud, paying attention to your pet's behavior. If he turns in your direction while reading, then the wish will come true. The same steps must be repeated with the other two leaves.

Sometimes it happens that during the fortune-telling ritual the magic fish does not pay attention to you, then the fortune-telling needs to be repeated. This can be done in a week, probably this time luck will be favorable to you. If this happens, it is necessary to continue the divination. This process can be called differently: self-hypnosis, auto-training, materialization of desires. And the essence of such fortune-telling is to see the fish’s affirmative answer, thereby bringing the desire to real fulfillment thanks to your faith in it and the help of the universe.

The chances of achieving your plans directly depend on a person’s faith, his willingness to make efforts to achieve his cherished goal. When your wishes begin to come true, do not forget about moderation and restraint. Otherwise, you can frighten away your luck, and all good things can quickly end. The ending will be like in a famous fairy tale. This simple but truthful ritual allows both adults and children to tell fortunes.

Attention, TODAY only!

Undoubtedly, you are a lucky person, since you were lucky enough to throw away one of the most remarkable signs of Tibetan fortune telling MO during fortune telling. The symbol “DHI PA – Goldfish” indicates that fate more often extends a helping hand to you than puts trials and obstacles in your way.

It has always and at all times remained a mystery why some people are lucky, while others... Others can only envy these lucky ones. Usually our life is woven from successes and defeats - both of them approximately equally. But even when we lose, we all lose in different ways.

There are people (including you) who find positive aspects for themselves even in failures. It is difficult to say what this is: the favor of fate or simply a character trait, very rare and valuable. Be that as it may, mentally thank the Creator for such a useful gift that makes your life a little sunnier than the lives of other people.

Beware, however, of exaggerating your luck: fate likes to test those it favors from time to time.

Having become accustomed to victories and successes, do not forget that at one point they may be replaced by a streak of failures. Will you be able to meet this test as it should be, or will you give in to the first difficulties?

When thinking about your goals and making plans for the future, focus primarily on those that promise long-term prospects. Don’t be afraid to raise the bar as high as possible: You know yourself and your strengths too poorly if you are afraid of “overload.”

There is no need to pay too much attention to everyday problems, believe me, they will easily resolve themselves, and only minimal participation will be required from you. Dedicate yourself to planning and implementing plans, the full implementation of which will have to wait, but which in the end can radically change your destiny in the right direction.

Be able to see not immediate, but long-term benefits.

Family, property, personal life, friends and ill-wishers

By attending to the affairs of your family, do not consider that you are thereby making an incredible sacrifice on the altar of your loved ones. The more you try just out of a sense of duty, the more difficult it will be for you over time.

Remind yourself often that your closest people are next to you and you just like to do something nice for them. And don’t just think - tell them about it every day, every time you’re in the mood. Perhaps you have not practiced such “family gallantry” for a long time, and at first it will be difficult for you. But when you see how much you can achieve with such a simple act, you will no longer need to force yourself with willpower!

Your business practice, including those related to property, promises to be successful. Allow yourself to relax a little and deviate from your usual paths. Try to look at your affairs with a fresh, non-trivial look - it is from this side that the greatest success awaits you.

And be more persistent: remember how often, having overcome the very first difficulties, you achieved much more significant results than those you aimed for at first. Consider obstacles as a springboard, from which you can jump successfully and achieve great results!

In that area of ​​relationships that is commonly called personal life, try to avoid any “sudden movements.” Such precaution will not be superfluous, since no changes are recommended here either now or in the near future.

Even if everything is going neither shaky nor smooth and you, under the influence of successes in other areas of life, oh, how you want to “rebuild” and “move” something, restrain your impulses. Remember: one careless move and you will lose even what you have now.

And you can safely direct the excess energy into another, safer area (for example, set yourself a new, very interesting business task and enthusiastically take on its implementation).

In the near future, expect an increase in the number of your acquaintances and friends. If one of these new people eventually becomes your friend, well, you can only be happy about that. However, try not to plan anything in advance. Everything should happen by itself, without your active intervention. Otherwise, you risk achieving results directly opposite to those you expect.

Rely on fate in everything: it is your best friend and adviser. And if you see that not everything you have planned is being fulfilled, do not be upset. This means it’s better for you.

All ill-wishers (both those you know and those you can only guess about) will not be able to cause you any serious harm in the near future. We hope you have not yet forgotten that the Goldfish sign you received during fortune telling indicates that you are currently the favorite of fate. And who, if not fate, is able to best take care of your pet? All that is required of you personally is not to behave defiantly with those who are not too friendly towards you. Rest assured: no one will drag you into conflict on their own initiative.

Rest, health, self-improvement, business

If you manage to get things done earlier than planned and have excess free time, spend it in the company of friends: you will still have time to be alone. In other words, let your vacation this time be remembered as an evening full of fun and noisy chatter.

You have recently spent too many hours and days in solitude, meeting only with work colleagues. Agree: a friendly party is something fundamentally different. You can invite your friends to your place, but it would be best to leave your “hole” for a while and go visit yourself.

If you've been plagued by health problems lately, try not to get upset: unpleasant emotions do little to improve your well-being. Rely on the good conditioning of your body and your own sanity - this is probably not the first time you have been sick in your life, and therefore you should have a good idea of ​​how to treat yourself.

And since fortune telling predicts a successful period for you in everything, there is no doubt that any ailment will be cured in the shortest possible time, especially if you take up the matter with diligence.

Don't you think that the last streak of success has spoiled you a little and you have become a little lazy? Let this time the goal of your self-improvement be the cultivation of such a quality as diligence. Remember the tasks you worked on in the recent past, as well as those that are facing you now.

Try to answer yourself honestly: don’t you give in to difficulties too often? How many obstacles must there be on the way for you to turn aside? Do you then try to finish the interrupted work or do you simply throw it out of your head?

We hope the task is clear to you. Can you fulfill it with diligence?

Such development of the best qualities of character in yourself will be very useful to you when carrying out a specific task. The Goldfish sign, which currently determines your life, says that you will have to wait for the final results, despite the fact that your wish will certainly come true.

This is where the diligence and patience you have trained will come in handy: they will help you cope with the grief and irritation that are inevitable when any business that is important to you is delayed.

Control yourself and don’t let your emotions overwhelm you - this is the main condition for the successful completion of the enterprise!

The degree of reliability of this interpretation based on the results of the general vote (8893 votes)

How correct is the interpretation in your opinion?

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