How to remove damage or the evil eye from yourself. How to protect yourself from negative impact and influence. Once you read the powerful spell to remove damage three times, then the situation will improve

After reading this article, you will find out for yourself how the evil eye affects a person, and, in addition, you will learn how to remove the evil eye, the energy of which is by no means harmless. The evil eye is often called unintentional damage. Indeed, it happens that someone is accidentally jinxed. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, believe that an accident is rather an exception to the rule. But the real source of the evil eye is envy. The evil eye is a type of energy damage, and just as the damage itself does not leave a person, but requires magical intervention, so the energy of the evil eye itself goes away. So, Is it possible to remove the evil eye from yourself?? Let's find out.

Cleanse yourself from the evil eye - throw the negativity onto the aspen

You can transfer the evil eye to an aspen tree on an odd day of the month. Do it when the sun goes west, that is, at sunset. Take a ball of woolen thread and approach the aspen tree at twilight. Press the ball to your chest, kiss it, and read the words of the spell against the evil eye:

“Remember, don’t be reckless, but go away. Amen".

After this, tie a thread around the tree trunk, pass the thread through your hands and wind the tree from left to right. At the same time, read the strong words of the conspiracy to do independent cleansing from the evil eye:

“What evil the sorcerer wove against me was interrupted by this woolen thread, what evil was sworn by the sorcerer, then the aspen, went around and around, but the evil returned back, now seen by the accursed tree, now known to Judas himself. Amen".

Wind the entire thread without any residue around the tree trunk, fasten it with a knot and leave. This independent ritual allows you to properly remove the old evil eye, as well as whispers of bad wishes thrown at your back. In combination with stronger magical cleansing, you can remove weak damage that someone ineptly caused. And one more thing, this transfer of the negative to the aspen with return. So, no matter how many circles the thread is wound, so many days will the one who did evil to you have to suffer. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, believe that by using this witchcraft ritual, you can save not only yourself from damage, but also remove the evil eye from another person, this is a working ritual for independent use.

Novice magicians are interested in the question of how the evil eye affects a person.

First of all, it should be said that any evil eye is a slight damage. But, not of a magical nature, the evil eye is an energetic damage done to a person’s aura. First of all, the result of an attack in a negative way is:

  • poor health of a person,
  • weakness,
  • prostration,
  • troubles,
  • accidents,
  • and the classic of harmful influence – monetary losses,
  • unplanned expenses,
  • theft
  • and other material losses.
Is it possible to remove an old evil eye yourself?

The evil eye must be removed. The evil eye is not a runny nose - it will not go away on its own. Here is another good and reality-tested way to remove the black evil eye from a person. Here's how you can quickly help yourself if ill-wishers begin to influence you by sending the evil eye and other negative energy.

How to cleanse yourself of the evil eye and damage - remove negativity from yourself at sunset

The independent ritual is very good, it works even for those who are encountering magical powers for the first time. You can remove a simple evil eye from yourself if you read the first dawn. If something is stronger, then you need to read for 3 evenings. And if the negativity is strong, then at 7 evening dawns everything will be removed. Through the setting sun you can cleanse yourself of the evil eye. If you feel that something bad has been done, then you need to look at the sun as it goes beyond the edge of the horizon.

Read the words of the conspiracy to cleanse a person from an old evil eye:

“You know life, and you also know the dead, since you return to the ends of the earth, and you roll towards the dead luminary, then you will measure yourself with my black burden, and you will become familiar with my badness, and with it you will go to the ends of the earth, and there, return will not return, but will remain there forever. Amen".

How to remove the evil eye at home yourself and for free

Knowledgeable people often use simple washes, while reading conspiracies to get rid of the black evil eye. This effectively neutralizes negative energy and removes the evil eye, which, by the way, has considerable negative power.

A fresh evil eye can be removed at home.

For example, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will give you a way to neutralize energy damage by using holy water. Holy water for those who practice white magic rituals is an effective artifact, a powerful witchcraft tool. Holy water taken from the church washes away various conspiracies, negative energy and the evil eye.

If you feel a chronic loss of strength, weakness, or chronic illnesses have suddenly worsened, you have probably been jinxed. Determine the reason (there are several ways find out that a person has the evil eye), and choose a suitable method for cleaning yourself from black energy dirt. Naturally, the magical ritual is taken within the framework of the tradition in which you work. Or, which one you think is closer to your spirit, if you yourself do not practice magic, but prefer to rely on rituals made by a practicing magician.

You can wash away the evil eye with holy water.

And here's how it should be done. When you wake up early in the morning, read the Lord’s Prayer, then wash your face from top to bottom to wash away the evil eye and other energetic negativity with holy water. Then say:

“The evil eye goes where it came from. In the name of the father, son and holy spirit. Amen!".

The Lord's Prayer has great power, despite its simplicity. Repeat the witchcraft ritual of white magic for as many days as necessary until complete recovery. Your body will certainly tell you that you are healthy. But, in addition to physical sensations, there is also diagnostics. Make a diagnosis and see if it helps washing away the evil eye.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

You can help yourself and remove a strong evil eye using clean spring water. Washing with a spell against the evil eye will help restore health. You can read neutral and black conspiracies with an appeal to the Forces. Water can do more than just wash your face. You can completely plunge into the water. A fast-flowing mountain river is a great place where to remove the evil eye Can. And not only do they give the evil eye to water, they wash away strong damage from a sick person.

I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, know that it helps very well against the evil eye and that I have clung to you for a year, swimming in an ice hole on Epiphany, at midnight on January 19th. Immerse yourself completely in the water, with your head, and sit there for as long as possible, there is no need to set records, but try longer. It happens that after this, illnesses worsen, but the illnesses and the evil eye, energy negativity and slight damage go away. There’s only one problem: once a year you can use this effective method of removing the evil eye with water.

It is possible to remove damage on your own, without seeking help in magic salons. Almost any negative influence can be removed through rituals and prayers. A person can defend himself, but will require desire and faith in his abilities.

In the article:

The Lord's Prayer will save you from damage

Prayers Lord, Mother of God And Saints have great power, the ability to destroy the bonds of witchcraft and free the victim from the captivity of negative damage. It is especially distinguished by its power " Our Father».

To get rid of the witchcraft influence, you don’t have to walk - the evil will be removed on your own. We will describe 2 ways to remove damage through prayer.

IN first In this case, the victim performs the ritual. A church candle is slowly passed around the body three times. Then they cross themselves and repeat the text three times "Our Father". During the process, they carefully monitor where the flame begins to smoke and smoke: in this area, the negative program managed to make a hole in the energy shield. You need to linger in such areas, cross them with a candle three times and whisper:

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

When the words are spoken for each problem area, the ritual is performed again (the best result is from repeating it seven times). The ritual is performed for several days until the candle stops tarring: this means that the damage has been removed.

In second case "Our Father" pronounced by a close relative of the patient or the victim herself. They read a prayer over water, which they immediately drink. They pray to an icon depicting a personal saint and ask for health. This is done as sincerely as possible, prayer is allowed in one’s own words. Instead of the icon of your protector, you can turn to the image Nikolai Ugodnik:

Nicholas, saint of God, helper of God. You in the field, you in the house, on the road and on the road, in heaven and on earth, intercede and save from all evil.

The ritual is repeated for three days. You can pray to the saint an unlimited number of times, the more, the better.

Removing damage by praying to the cross

This method is capable of resisting damage inflicted by an experienced black magician. The ritual is repeated for forty days. The ritual will not only remove the imposed negative program, but will also protect you from magical attacks for a year. To remove damage, stand at the window with a lit church candle. Looking at the sky, they say a prayer seven times:

May God rise again, and may His enemies be scattered, and may those who hate Him flee from His presence. As smoke disappears, let them disappear; As wax melts in the presence of fire, so let demons perish in the presence of those who love God and sign themselves with the sign of the cross, and say in joy: Rejoice, Most Honorable and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord. Drive away the demons with the power of our drunken Lord Jesus Christ, who descended into hell and corrected the power of the devil, and who gave us His Honest Cross to drive away every adversary. O Most Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord! Help me with the Holy Virgin Mary and with all the saints forever. Amen.

Each time a person reads the text, he makes the sign of the cross. The prayer is repeated in the morning and before bed. After the complete completion of the ritual, no evil force will harm, and severe damage will be eliminated. You cannot miss a single day of the ritual, otherwise you will have to start over.

How to remove damage yourself with a conspiracy

The presented plot is old, used by ancestors to help victims of the evil eye and damage. Read by a close relative. For the ritual you will need yellow cubic zirconia candle. It is made from natural wax with the addition of cubic zirconia mineral, sold in a specialized store or made independently. As a last resort, the church one is taken.

Before going to bed, the patient lies down on the bed, and the healer stands next to him, holding a lit candle in his hand. Passing the flame over the patient’s body, without missing a single area, pronounce:

God bless. An Angel walked from the throne to the royal gates, in the fence of Khvarin, on a steep mountain there was a table. And on the throne stands Mother the Most Holy Theotokos and holds a sword and saber over the sick person (name). He kills with a sword, he cuts with a saber.

The last sentence is repeated twice, then the text continues:

Lord, put your heart in its place, strengthen it, close the gates tighter, the keys to the water. Amen, amen, amen. Chuchuy, Chuchuy, Chuchuy, come out of the servant of God (name) from the inside, the stomach, from the shoulders, from the eyes. If you don’t come out good, you will go bad: Saint Yuri will come and overtake you with a whip, Saint Yegor will come and stab you with a spear. And Saint Michael will chop you, burn you with fire, and spread your ashes throughout the world. Mother Most Holy Theotokos, seven-arrowed, shoot with your seven-arrows and cut with your four damask knives in the servant of God (name) all the pains, all the sorrows, tributaries, capes, clamps, nets, keels, heels, clothes, weakness, headaches, insomnia, lack of sleep, all the pain. Take away all sorrows, sadness, melancholy, sadness. Mother Most Holy Theotokos with all the saints forever and ever. Amen, amen, amen.

After the conspiracy, you need to take a small vessel with holy water, draw three crosses on it with a knife and give it to the victim to drink. This ritual of removing damage is performed no more than three times. To eliminate weak curses, one time is enough.

Remove damage at home with sulfur and wax

Proven helpers in eliminating damage are wax and matches. The latter contain sulfur, which is famous for its anti-demonic properties. You will need:

  • 12 matches;
  • candle;
  • two small containers (for example, jar lids);

Using a knife, the sulfur is first separated from the matches and placed in a small container. A candle is lit and placed opposite. The remaining matches without sulfur are put into another container and burned, reciting the text:

Lord my God, sweep away from me, your servant of God (your name), 12 Silences, 12 stones, 12 ailments, 12 bones, fat, veins, crowbars and half-veins. Locks and key - into the water, fire - into a high mountain. To your glory, Lord Jesus. Amen.

Pour matches into sulfur and let them burn out. The container is filled with wax from a burning candle and taken to a deserted road intersection without removing the contents from the container. They leave the jar there with the words:

That which is cursed is forever removed. No refund. True.

Ritual of deliverance with salt and incense

The ritual is performed on the full moon or on the waning moon. You can remove damage from both yourself and another person. Rituals have always been effective.

Salt from a new package is heated in a frying pan: it’s nice to have it blessed, but it’s enough to sprinkle the pack with holy water. Salt stored in the house is not suitable for cleansing. When the salt is hot enough, they say:

Holy salt, blessed salt, take all the nasty things from the servant of God (name) and give them along the flowing water to the island of Buyan, to the sea - Okiyan.

The product is poured into a small container and placed in front of the patient’s image. Burning incense is placed behind the image, and 2 yellow cubic zirconia candles are placed on both sides of the salt (if they are not available, take church candles). Leave everything as is until the candles burn out completely. The ritual is repeated from one to five times, depending on the strength of the negative program.

An effective spell for water

You can cleanse yourself of induced negativity using. They fill a bucket full of running water and whisper:

Deliver me, the servant of God (name of the victim), from the monogamist, the bigamist, the one-eyed, two-eyed, three-eyed, from the one-toothed, two-toothed, three-toothed, from the one-haired, two-haired, three-haired. From your eyes, from your thoughts, from the oncoming, transverse, fleeting, from everything dashing: from single, young, blind, crooked, empty-haired and old.

It is better to take the bucket with the charmed liquid outside and completely douse yourself in water from head to toe. In urban conditions, you can douse yourself at home, in the bathroom. If your health condition allows, take cool water.

Signs of successful removal of damage

It is easy to understand that the ceremony was carried out successfully and witchcraft was eliminated. Attention is focused on the behavior of the victim during the ritual. When your health suddenly deteriorates: this is normal, the body fights the magical effect, like a virus, and the fight takes a lot of energy.

Other signs of withdrawal in the victim:

  • unreasonable crying or laughing;
  • dizziness while cleansing from negativity;
  • Stomach or intestinal problems;
  • drowsiness, irritability, apathy;
  • body temperature rises slightly;
  • insomnia or nightmares disappear.

It’s worth thinking about how to remove the damage yourself if everything goes wrong, and “the cats are scratching at your soul.” It is worth thinking about the purity of your aura.

Most often this is the situation. If you don't believe me, just check.

There are many methods on how to do this.

For example, hold a fresh chicken egg in your hand and break it into a jar of water. If “snot” rises to the surface, it means you need to work with energy.

Energy normalization methods

To cleanse the energy, remove negative programs, and, ultimately, remove damage yourself, you need to choose a suitable ritual.

There are a great many of them.

To work independently, you need to choose the one that inspires more confidence. After all, the soul acts, and the engine is faith. If you approach it from this point of view, the effect will not be long in coming.

  • As an option, . The clergy suggest reading Psalm 90, which was written precisely for this purpose.
  • Grandmothers act like chicken eggs. The damage is simply rolled out of the body (and the field). Also a good and effective method.

In order to remove damage from yourself, it is very suitable. The method is called "pouring".

  • wax is melted while reading a prayer;
  • then poured into water;
  • The resulting figures are examined, determining what came out of the field.

Damage can be removed with the help of decoctions, bathing and other rituals. In principle, anyone works. The main thing is to believe, then everything will work out.

Method of removing damage

Independent energy cleaning begins with moral preparation. You just need to tune in.

It will not be possible to remove the damage if you act “automatically”, without putting all the strength of your soul into the ritual. Having chosen a specific method, you need to feel it and rethink it.

To make it easier to delve into the desired state, it is recommended to light candles and remove all distractions: TV, computer, mobile phone.

Nothing should disturb your concentration. In the end, you can set aside an hour or an hour and a half for yourself.

And understand, any ritual to remove damage, especially on your own, is pleasing to the Lord!

Any person comes into this world to be happy, to fill the entire space with harmony, and not to suffer!

Examples of rituals

If you are completely new to energy harmonization, then do not get carried away with complex and incomprehensible rituals.

Choose something easy and doable. Energy is not economics. Here the result does not depend on the complexity. The effect is achieved by faith.

  1. Go to the Temple;
  2. Buy candles;
  3. Ask the Lord for blessings on your work to harmonize energy;
  4. Light candles at home;
  5. Roll one and put it in a spoon;
  6. Heat another candle on the fire;
  7. It is good to read a prayer at this time. You can say “Our Father” if you don’t know another one. And best of all - a prayer to your Guardian Angel;
  8. When the wax becomes liquid, it is poured into a pre-prepared bowl of water;
  9. Then you need to hold it (the bowl of wax) above your head. The wax must be in your field;
  10. Look what happened. From the wax picture they determine who caused the damage, what, and so on.
  11. Pouring must be done at least three times.

How to remove egg damage from yourself

A living cell enclosed in a shell will absorb all your negativity. There is actually nothing complicated about rolling out, so you can do it yourself.

You just need to keep in mind that the eggs must be fresh (not from the refrigerator)!

It's just that the stuff that comes straight from the chicken works better.

  1. Take a raw egg. Hold it in your hand while concentrating.
  2. Then begin to move it over your body in a circular motion, reading a prayer to yourself.

Psalm 90 fits well here. You need to try to touch every cell of your body with the egg. It takes a lot of time.

In total, Psalm 90 should be read forty times.

The procedure can be divided into stages, as it takes a lot of time.

  1. Break the egg into a container of water and place it at your head when you go to bed. In the morning, pour it down the drain.
  2. It’s even better if you have the opportunity to take away the “waste” of the ritual.

There, water with an egg is poured onto the old grave.

This is done so that the energy of damage does not reach someone else. From the cemetery, the spirits of the dead will take her to where she belongs. People are guaranteed not to be harmed.

Decoctions for removing spoilage

It is not by chance that Trinity bathing in dew and herbal preparations existed in the traditions of the Russian people. These are methods of using the forces of nature to “heal” your own energy field.

Of course, it is much more efficient to collect the necessary herbs with your own hands. Although at critical moments you can also use pharmacy fees.

You can add it to it, based on the topic of damage. For example:

  • If the area of ​​interpersonal relationships is affected, then a rose works well.
  • If you need to restore the monetary sphere, then use juniper fruits and so on.


Energy can be harmonized using a set of words called a conspiracy. There is double work going on here.

Firstly, by pronouncing these sounds, a person programs himself in the right direction.

Secondly, conspiracies are drawn up in such a way as to verbally knock the negative program out of the field. That is, sounds work to cleanse energy.

“The light of the sun, the rising of the moon, the strength of the wind, the strength of the earth! I conjure all my strength to remove the damage to the grave! Gather together, be strong, and pray for the Servant of God (name)! My star shines brightly! I’m removing the damage forever!”

Drink some water.

It is necessary more than once, since the impact depends on your personal strength.

Since you were harmed in the form of damage, it means that the enemy managed to break through your field. It turns out that he is energetically stronger.

In order to remove the damage yourself, you will have to remove this program for a certain time.

In this article we will figure out How remove damage and how to protect yourself from it in the future. At its core, damage is a powerful charge of black energy, which manifests itself in different ways. It all depends on the direction of the curse and on the person’s inner strength.

You can remove energy damage in various ways - the choice is yours. For example, if you are an Orthodox person, then you definitely need to find out what prayers remove damage.

Every day the victim's condition will worsen if no measures are taken. This is due to the gradual destruction of thin layers of our energy field. And the stability of this factor is very important for our well-being.

There is only one conclusion: we need to get rid of the evil eye and the curse.

What is damage and what is the evil eye?

The ancient eastern sages said: “Until you know the enemy thoroughly, you will not defeat him”. The saying is perfect for those who are going to fight the induced curse.

There is one important difference between damage and the evil eye - this is intentionality. Damage always has a specific direction, but the evil eye can occur without a person’s desire - just one outburst of unkind emotions is enough. But the signs of these manifestations of black magic are very similar.

If you begin to suspect that you have been damaged or the evil eye has been cast, find out whether this is actually so. Here are some main signs:

  • You constantly feel a headache. It changes, moves from one part of the head to another. And so on in a circle. Even at night, during sleep, you are unable to fully rest due to the incessant migraine.
  • There was a complete apathy towards life. If in the past you were interested in something, now you look at everything without interest.
  • You don't care about events or people. Friends notice a drastic change in your behavior.
  • The family faded into the background, or even into the background.
  • You are unable to regain your strength and suffer from chronic fatigue. Because of this, you have outbursts of irritability and aggression.

Have you experienced at least three of the above symptoms? Then it won’t hurt you to find out how to remove the damage yourself (yourself). It needs to be dealt with immediately.

How do they cause damage?

There are several ways to damage a person:

  • Using a church candle. When we light a candle on the church altar, we think that its flame brings all our prayers to the Lord. But this can be prevented by an enemy. Wait until the flame goes out completely and only then leave the temple.
  • From photo. The image of a person is not an ordinary picture; it is initially charged with energy and can serve as an information transmitter. This is why it is not recommended to show photographs of babies to strangers.
  • Enemy damage. The ritual uses a photo of the victim. They wrap him in a red rag and beat him with a whip for a long time. The procedure is repeated for two weeks.
  • The evil eye is on the trail. The sorcerer cuts out the remains of the trace from the ground or snow and burns it at the stake with a special spell.

All types of damage to humans

There are countless types of damage that affect people in different ways.

If you notice the first signs of the evil eye, do not panic. Your task is to find out how to remove the evil eye and damage from yourself. Remember that anyone can face this situation. This is not fatal, but quite dangerous, so you need to take action immediately.

Damage to death

The purpose of such a program is the early death of the victim of witchcraft. Such damage attracts accidents or terrible diseases.

It happens that a person resists damage on his own. This speaks of his inner strength.

Damage to lack of money

No one is immune from bankruptcy. But magicians have long noticed that damage due to lack of money does not stick to those people who are generous.

If you do not suffer from a painful attachment to money, you are not afraid of the spells of evil sorcerers.

This type is more often applied to the female sex, because it is women who perceive loneliness as a personal defeat.

Constant failures in relationships or the crown of celibacy are the consequences of an induced curse. To get rid of evil spells, you need to use a special spell or prayer.

Damage to the family

Because of a witchcraft ritual, even the strongest family can fall apart. Moreover, such an evil eye is cast on one of the spouses, after which he becomes aggressive and angry. It is possible that the victim will be tempted to cheat.

The object of the evil eye cannot explain the changes in behavior on its own; it is as if someone from the outside is directing it.

How to remove damage yourself (at home)

Let's figure out how to remove the damage yourself. Any curse is a rite of black magic - it can not only harm, but even attract death.

A person begins to suffer from illness, fatigue, apathy and depression. And every day the condition is getting worse and worse.


Why do people think about how to remove damage and the evil eye? It happens that an unkind look or words from a stranger have such an impact on the other person’s mood that everything begins to fall out of his hands. People are capable of unwittingly or under the influence of negative emotions to violate the good mood of their interlocutor. What to say when envy or resentment forces them to do this on purpose? Sometimes the hatred towards an acquaintance is so strong that the negativity spreads to his family.

It is not necessary to cast spells and perform rituals to ruin the life of an unwanted person. It is enough to wish him harm from the bottom of your heart, and, unfortunately, harm will most likely be done. Household damage or the evil eye is a common phenomenon that is difficult to resist. How to remove the evil eye if you are sure that your enemy brought it on his rival or his house? First you need to understand the meaning of the word “damage” itself and the consequences it carries.

For centuries, damage has been called a magical ritual aimed at harming the health and well-being of a person by sending him negative energy.

People turned to sorcerers and witches to read special prayers and curse the enemy and his relatives. Rituals differed significantly among different peoples, but their meaning remained the same.

In Africa, shamans made a Voodoo doll, personifying the target person, and manipulated it. In Europe, hair, blood of an enemy was more often used, or his personal belongings were charmed.

The most terrible thing is damage to death, which can actually lead to the death of the damned. If a ritual is performed by a strong magician, he can seriously damage a person’s energy field, which leads to illness and depression.

Unlike damage, the evil eye does not require special witchcraft influences. Negative feelings and thoughts that contain sincere hatred lead to it.

Signs of damage to a person and family

In the bustle of everyday events, people have lost the habit of listening to intuition and often brush aside the signs and even physical ailments it sends. This is a fundamentally wrong approach. If something is not going well, you should stop and analyze what is happening.

Particular attention should be paid to the following bleak symptoms:

  • causeless occurrence of apathy and loss of strength;
  • diseases that cannot be treated and cause difficulties in making a diagnosis;
  • quarrels with relatives and friends;
  • problems at work up to dismissal;
  • pet aggression;
  • unexplained fears and phobias;
  • the attraction of bad habits and/or loss of control over them;
  • nightmares.

Of course, all unpleasant incidents can only be an unfortunate coincidence. Everyone has bad days, but if you have been catastrophically unlucky for a long time or life has suddenly changed for the worse, you need to find out the reasons for this and take action.

It is believed that a person will be able to overcome the “black” conspiracy if he understands exactly how he was damaged. This is possible if he finds strange things in the house, like a stuck needle or a bag of earth.

Damage can affect many aspects of life: love, marriage, family, health and luck. If serious problems arise frequently and out of nowhere, it is worth thinking about the machinations of ill-wishers.

Using wax

One of the well-known ways to remove damage yourself is to use candle wax. It will also allow you to determine whether it was induced or failures were caused by the wrong actions of the person himself.

Before sunrise, you need to fill a bucket with cold water from a well, drawing it in the direction from west to east, or from a river against its current. At this moment the following conspiracy is supposed to be pronounced: “Ancestors-grandfathers! Allow water to be collected from all evil spirits, from all evil witchcraft, from all creatures, from all pains, for good health (person’s name). Goy! Glory!"

You need to carry the water straight home, without looking back. The ceremony is performed before sunrise or after sunset. After pouring water into a basin, you need to lower the silver item into it to disinfect it. Then, having melted the wax, slowly pour it into the water and examine the resulting figures.

If it is smooth or frozen in light waves, the energy is pure. Loops speak of hereditary damage, and knobby pyramids and figures with sharp corners speak of damage inflicted on a given person.

In some cases, one casting is enough to remove it. You can check this by repeating the procedure. When the wax hardens in the same form, casting is carried out with the prayer “Our Father” being said while the wax is melting and “The Life-Giving Cross” while it is poured into water.

You cannot remove damage on Sunday, fasting and church holidays. For men, the ceremony is carried out on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, and for women - on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays.

Using a chicken egg

The egg is considered a mystical product. In magic it is associated with the human soul, and ancient scientists believed that the creation of the world began with it. It contains many nutrients, but, most importantly, the white of a raw egg is sensitive to disturbances in the human energy field.

After reading the “Our Father” three times, you need to break it into a jar of water and leave it at the head of the bed overnight. In the morning, the unclouded substance will demonstrate the absence of spoilage. If the white becomes cloudy, unfortunately, a harmful effect has been caused.

By taking 5-10 eggs, you can remove damage from a person. It is better to carry out the actions with an assistant, since the negative must be removed from every centimeter of the body. The ritual is performed before sunrise during the waning moon in a spacious room with an open window.

You need to light a church candle in front of the icon and sit in front of it, thinking about getting rid of damage. You should start rolling out from the head, taking the egg in your hand and slowly moving it clockwise over your head. Then repeat the same manipulations with the neck and shoulders. The egg in the right hand is drawn down from the shoulder to the foot. As soon as the egg becomes heavy, it is put aside, a new one is taken and the ritual continues.

Used eggs are broken and poured into a container filled with water. After this, they take it outside and bury the contents along with the shell in a secluded place. Upon completion, say the words: “Holy Land, created by God, take away the dirty slander, the bad damage, the terrible disease. Amen!"

After the first cleansing, a person will have the feeling that a heavy burden has been lifted from his shoulders. However, the ritual must be repeated every day for a week.

With salt

An effective and fairly simple method for removing spoilage at home is using salt. Just as with the ritual with a chicken egg, you can determine the presence of negativity by throwing a pinch of salt into a glass of spring water and leaving it at the head of the bed overnight. If the water becomes cloudy or changes color, it should be purified. The best time for it is on the waning moon.

A bowl of clean water is placed on the table. Three handfuls of salt are placed on it and they begin to heat it up. You need to stir the salt counterclockwise with a knife and at the same time read the spell 6 times: “Salt is white and pure, cleanse me (person’s name) from damage, evil eyes, love spells, spells, spells, slander on water, on food, on the wind, in the back, in the eyes. From the old and the old woman, from the young and the young, from the father and mother. Let it be so".

Scoop up water three times with your hands and splash it on your face so that it drips onto the salt. During the process they say: “Water-sister, you get caught in the heat, you disappear in the heat. This way, damage and evil eyes, love spells and lapels, conspiracies, slander on water, on food, in the wind, in the back, in the eyes will disappear. From the old and the old woman, from the young and the young, from the father and mother. Let it be so".

Then the salt is poured into water, and this solution is poured into the ground under the tree. In parting we should say: “Water, flow with white salt, and black spoil, and everything rotten with (person’s name). Yes, right down to the root. Yes, drink the root, drink the water, and take away the white salt, and the spoil will be black. Let it be so. Let it be so. Let it be so".

Using a pendulum

Determining the presence of damage with a pendulum is carried out on the young moon. It is a thread with a silver ring without stones tied to one end. You will also need a sheet of paper, a pencil, vegetable oil, a brush and church wax candles.

On a piece of paper they schematically draw the figure of a person from whom the damage is being removed, without clothes. To the left of it they write the word “no”, to the right - “yes”. While reading the “Our Father,” they take a little vegetable oil and cross the drawn person three times.

Then, with a brush dipped in oil, they draw crosses on his forehead, stomach and shoulders, saying: “ I call you a servant of God (name of person). Today you will be for her. All her sores are your sores, all her troubles are your troubles, all her thoughts are your thoughts. Don’t hide anything, tell the whole truth, don’t bend your soul, don’t lie a word.”

4 candles are placed and lit in the corners of the table. A thread with a ring tied to it is wound around the index finger of the right hand and read: “I’m not starting it for fun, not for idle curiosity, but to know all this for sure. Forgive me, Son of God Jesus Christ, Ever-Virgin Mary, seraphim and cherubim, angels and archangels, all holy wonderworkers, apostles and equals to the apostles, forgive me my sins and teach me life.”

Place the elbow of your right hand on the table and hold the pendulum over the word “yes.” You should ask him out loud whether he will tell the truth today. The "yes" sign is determined by the movement of the pendulum back and forth. If it stays in place or moves in a circle, it means no. The question will have to be repeated the next day until the answer is yes. Then they ask the question: “Is there damage to the person?” If the answer is negative, the pendulum is thanked, the sheet with the drawing is burned, and the ashes are thrown into the street.

If the answer is positive, the pendulum is held over the part of the body where the disease is concentrated and the following is said: “I remove the evil eye and damage, all the blackness, all the pain, all the pain, all the misfortunes (with the name of the body area) of the servant of God (name).” After confirmation from the pendulum that the damage has been removed, it is thanked, and the leaf is burned and the ashes are scattered.

First, nine burnt matches one after another are thrown into a small plate of running water. Each subsequent one is set on fire from the previous one and they say: “Not the ninth, not the eighth...” and so on until the end. If at least one of the matches stands vertically in the water, there is damage to the person. Its strength depends on the number of matches in this position.

Fire, like water, perfectly removes the consequences of negative influences. 12 matches are taken out of the new box, a wax candle is lit and placed on the table next to a white container without drawings. Using a knife with a wooden handle, cut off the heads with sulfur from the matches, put them in a plate and set them on fire from the candle flame.

At the same time they say: “Burn, smoke, burn the black eye. You are ashes, and to me (name of person), the world is bright. So and not otherwise.” Matches without heads are laid out around the candle and, looking at the flame, they read: “Oh my god! Wipe away from me or (name of person), twelve Silences, twelve stones, twelve ailments, twelve fatty, bone, crowbar, vein and half-vein! Keys and locks - into the water, fire - up the mountain! To your glory, Dazhbozhe, exactly!”

Next, with your left hand, you lift the matches one by one, light them and put them in a container with ashes from the burnt heads with sulfur. After the ritual is over, she is carried out and left at the X-shaped intersection, saying: “What is taken away is what is cursed. No return! Truly!

Through prayers

In Christianity, turning to sorcerers and causing damage is equated to turning to the devil. This is a terrible sin. The person on whom it was sent needs to attend church and, with the help of prayers, get rid of negative energy.

After 7 days of strict fasting, you can read a prayer to Jesus Christ while standing next to running water. The prayer is said once. Its effect will be the stronger the more a person wants to get rid of damage.

By destroying the lining

Sometimes the actions of enemies make you think about how to remove damage from yourself and your home if strange objects - pads - were found on the threshold or in the home itself. They could be a bag of earth or salt, stuck pins or discarded rubber bands.

Some sorcerers pour earth from a cemetery onto the threshold or throw in the corpse of a mouse or other small animal. There is a strong conspiracy placed on these items, and under no circumstances should you take them with your hands. The lining must be taken to a deserted place and burned to the ground. The sooner you can detect it and get rid of it, the less harm it will cause.

“Knot damage” is induced by tying earth or small objects from the cemetery into a new handkerchief. Such a lining should be thrown into the river with the words: “You, river, flow, take the lining-laying-laying with you. Leak, float, return his burden to the owner.”

Reading “Our Father” and a lit church candle, with which you need to go around all the rooms, will help clean the house. In places where the candle is about to crack or the wax on it turns black, it is worth staying longer.

Other methods

Some people, suspecting damage to themselves, turn to psychics. Not all of them are true professionals, therefore, having decided to take such a step, it is better to ask friends and acquaintances who have used his services about the “magician”.

You can remove the evil eye from yourself with the help of energy cleansing. First of all, you need to sincerely forgive the person who caused trouble. Revenge on him will not improve the situation. Next, everyone chooses a suitable method of cleansing for themselves: prayers, playing sports or hobbies, going on an exciting trip. Positive emotions burn away negativity.

How to protect yourself from the evil eye and damage

Christians attend churches and wear a church cross around their necks. They are confident in the protection of God. Many people put the faces of saints and written prayers in a case and carry them in a bag.

Famous sorcerers make and charm protective amulets with their own hands. If you believe in their power, they will help in case of dangerous exposure. Various talismans carved from semi-precious stones are also popular.

An ancient method, known to everyone without exception, is to insert a pin from the inside of the clothing, head down. Our ancestors considered it very effective.

The person’s kindness and absence of evil thoughts will weaken or negate the evil influence. Negative energy will not linger near him, and the evil eye and damage will not stick.

You should not tell others about your successes and achievements. They can give rise to envy, and an acquaintance will unwittingly spoil the energy field, thinking badly about the interlocutor in their hearts.

Help and care correct karma. By showing them towards others, a person will not only gain friends, but also get rid of negativity.


In order not to think about how to remove the damage, it is worth remembering that there are embittered and disappointed people in the world. They may not show their feelings, but this will not change the situation. If being around someone is uncomfortable and uncomfortable, there is no point in continuing communication. It will not bring anything good, because it is almost impossible to change a person’s views and opinions.

Fortunately, there are many “bright” individuals around who will be happy to make friends and will always support you in a difficult situation. The world is not without good people, the proverb says. You need to have a positive attitude yourself. It attracts only happiness and good luck.

My name is Julia Jenny Norman, and I am an author of articles and books. I cooperate with the publishing houses "OLMA-PRESS" and "AST", as well as with glossy magazines. Currently I help promote virtual reality projects. I have European roots, but I spent most of my life in Moscow. There are many museums and exhibitions here that charge you with positivity and give inspiration. In my free time I study French medieval dances. I am interested in any information about that era. I offer you articles that can captivate you with a new hobby or simply give you pleasant moments. You need to dream about something beautiful, then it will come true!

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