Water in the country from a well: composition of the system, selection of a source and pumping equipment

A well for water in the country is the main condition for the normal life of the site, housekeeping and the comfort of vacationers. We devoted this article to a story about how to establish a water supply system in the country from a well with our own hands.

Water supply of the suburban area

System composition

To establish high-quality water supply to a country house and a personal plot, it is necessary to solve a set of problems. First of all, you should consider the configuration of the system and determine what elements it will include.

We want to present a system that is standard for today, which consists of several main nodes. The following table lists these nodes with a description:

Knot Composition Purpose and requirements
Water source Well, open spring or borehole The source must provide the volume of water of satisfactory quality necessary for the economy.
Water lifting equipment Submersible or surface pump, pumping station The pump must be powerful enough to lift water from depth and deliver it to the end user, while providing the necessary pressure and performance
External piping Water supply pipe to the house, water supply system of the site for irrigation and technical needs Must ensure the reliable passage of the estimated amount of water without leaks and pollution from the well to the house, as well as deliver water to the irrigation system
Storage tank and automation Pressure tank, pressure switch with on / off switch and pump start switch Providing the required pressure, protecting pumping equipment from frequent starts
Filtration system Coarse filter, fine filter Filtration of water to ensure the normal operation of equipment and plumbing, purification of water for food
Internal piping Collector or sequential piping from the gyroaccumulator to each point of water consumption, fittings and plumbing equipment Distribution of water between the points of its consumption inside the house
Heating system Electric boiler, gas water heater, boiler Heating water for hygienic needs, washing dishes and washing clothes, as well as for the needs of the heating system (optional)

When designing a water supply system, you must immediately take into account and calculate the drainage and purification system.
Sewerage in the conditions of a summer residence most often consists of discharge pipes and a septic tank system, sometimes it is bypassed with a storage collector, which periodically cleans the sewer.

Previously, dacha cooperatives sometimes made a land reclamation system for water supply, which had a pumping station and a surface pipeline that supplied water from a source to consumers. As a rule, the source was a reservoir, and it was impossible to drink such water. In addition, the design was intended for summer use only.

The water supply scheme we have considered at the dacha from a well assumes a year-round uninterrupted supply of drinking water not only for irrigation and household needs, but also to ensure the normal life of the whole house for the city. It will allow you to use a bathroom, bathroom, kitchen sink, washing machine and other amenities.

A source

The most important and essential node is the source of water supply.

There may be several options here:

  • Well . The most common and traditional source outside the city, it is notable for its convenience, independence from power supply and sufficiently high-quality water, however, it has a limited supply of productivity;
  • Spring. If you are the lucky owner of a spring on or near the site, then you can power the supply system from it. Differs in water of high quality and degree of purification, as well as good performance and an almost inexhaustible supply;
  • Well on the sand... Shallow bore or Abyssinian needle. In terms of its characteristics, it is similar to a well, but it is less convenient and depends on the availability of electricity if there is no mechanical pump;
  • Artesian well... The highest quality source of water, the purity of which is unrivaled. Distinctive features are the high price of work and equipment, a good resource and high quality of raw materials, the need for permits and legal responsibility for the condition of the facility.

If you got a well from the previous owners of the site, you can use it. Find out from your neighbors what is the quality of the water in their wells, whether it is constantly present or disappears depending on the season and weather conditions, and then feel free to proceed with the installation of the remaining units.

The well is convenient in that you can always get water with a simple bucket on a rope, regardless of pipeline or pumping equipment breakdowns, power outages and other circumstances.

A spring on the site is such a rare success that we will not consider this option. We believe that we are not lucky, and there is no spring nearby.

A well on sand is the most acceptable type of well, since it does not require a too deep shaft and can be made by hand. As a rule, the bottomhole depth of such a well is from 10 to 35 meters, sometimes it is necessary to lower it by 50 meters.

If the groundwater level in your area is high, then you can make an Abyssinian source - a pipe with a needle and, which is driven into the ground to the water level.

An artesian well costs a lot of money. In addition, you will need to formalize it officially, having previously received permission from Rospotrebnadzor and the territorial Center for State Monitoring of the Subsoil Condition, since artesian water belongs to strategic reserves and is protected by the state.

For the same reason, you will be liable for misuse of the well and contamination of the aquifer.

If your site is less than 60x60 m, then you can get permission only as an exception, and if it is less than 30x30 meters, then you will not see an artesian well.

Pump equipment

To lift water from depth and supply it to the reservoir, you need a pump.

There are two types of well pumps:

  1. Submersible or deep. They are located at a depth under the water column and are able to ensure its rise to a height of up to 150 meters, depending on the power;
  2. Superficial. They are located on the surface and are capable of lifting water up to a maximum of 8 meters, with an external ejector - up to 45 meters.

Downhole units are considered to be more reliable and of high quality, but they are also more expensive. In addition, they are completely silent for the residents of the house, as they are located under water. The disadvantage is difficult maintenance and repair, the need to supply power to the well.

Surface pumps are relevant for shallow wells and wells located near the house. Now the most popular pumping stations, which are equipped with a hydraulic accumulator and automatic start / stop of the pump, depending on the pressure in the system. Differ in lower performance and noise problem, especially when installed inside the house.

System installation

It will take a lot of time and effort to independently establish the water supply to the dacha from the well.

Our instructions will help you not to make a mistake and build your work correctly:

  1. First, it is necessary to carry out earthworks and dig a trench at least 1.5 meters deep from the house to the water source. An insulated caisson should be equipped around the head of the well so that water does not rise above the freezing level;

  1. Then you should install the pump and adjust its operation, make a test run and pump the well;

  1. After installing the deep-well pump, the vertical pipe is brought into the caisson, if the pump is surface, its outlet pipe is simply left untouched. A water supply pipe is laid in a trench on a sand cushion, which is connected to a vertical pipe or pump outlet through an elbow or fitting;

  1. A 60-200 liter hydroaccumulator is installed in the basement of the house, which is connected to the water supply pipe. Also, a starter is assembled nearby, which supplies the pump with electricity, the starter is powered through a pressure switch, which controls the pressure in the accumulator tank using a pressure gauge. The accumulator is connected to the collector of the internal water supply system;

  1. From the collector, pipes are laid to a water heating boiler, bath, kitchen sink, toilet bowl, washstands, and a conclusion is made for irrigation. From the boiler, pipes for supplying hot water are drawn to the bath, sink and washstand;

  1. They start the pump and fill it, check the operation of the automatic start-up and shutdown system, the integrity and tightness of the pipes, the work of the plumbing and the performance of the system. With all taps open, there must be a normal head;

  1. If the test is successful, the trench is buried, having previously sealed the place where the pipe enters the well and into the house.
  2. Excellent article 0

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