How to choose a water filter jug: tips and manufacturer reviews

The water that flows through the water pipes is not clean enough. Its regular use can cause various serious illnesses. Drinking water filters allow you to clean it at home.

History of water filters

Filter jugs for water purification were invented by the Germans in the middle of the last century. And in the 90s they began to be brought into our territory. Gradually, domestic manufacturers began to produce filter jugs. Their products are usually cheaper and have fewer features.

Description of the filter jug

The body of the named container is usually made of food grade plastic. It does not contain harmful substances, including phenol. If you have a model of a well-known manufacturer, there is usually no doubt about it.

In other cases, you can also check whether the plastic is food grade by examining its surface. It should show a glass with a fork. In addition, it should not have a distinct smell of "chemistry" or plastic.

Inside such jugs, a funnel is inserted through which untreated water is poured. It goes into a replaceable cartridge that purifies the water. The top of the case is covered with a plastic cover.

Jug cartridge

The main element that deals with water purification is a cartridge. It depends on its quality and reliability whether the pitcher will cope with its duties. Cartridges are universal and specialized.

Universal purify water from the main body of impurities that can be found in average water. But sometimes users know that their water is too high in one of the chemical elements, such as iron. Or she is very tough. This is evidenced by the huge amount of scale on the walls of the kettle during boiling. Some consumers suspect that the water they consume may contain harmful bacteria. For each of these cases, you can purchase the corresponding cartridge. It is only necessary to correctly determine the composition of the water.

But installing the right cartridge won't save you for long. Usually it needs to be changed at least after a month and a half of regular use.

Typically, consumers, having installed a new cartridge, soon forget about the replacement date. Therefore, many manufacturers supply their devices with special counters. They are mechanical and electronic. Of course, this affects the price of the jug.

Jug volume

Filter jugs also differ in volume. Large, with a margin, experts do not advise taking, because it is better to use water at a time, immediately after cleansing.

For a family of four, a two to three liter jug ​​is enough. And the four-liter one is suitable for families of 4-5 people. It is also important to remember that if the total volume of the jug is, for example, 3.5 liters, then the volume of purified water is 2 liters.

In summer, purified water can be refrigerated.

Pitcher safety

The described containers are safe. So, manufacturers of all types of filters say that they are made of food grade plastic, so they are not dangerous for the body.

And the filter jugs do not slip on the surface. This is usually prevented by special rubber pads. Therefore, it is not scary that it falls from a smooth surface and breaks.

Now let's take a closer look at the different brands of these products.

BRITA filter pitcher

The product of the company that was the first to launch this type of product. These jugs are distinguished by high quality plastic, convenient product shape. There is a wide selection of designs and colors.

Among all models, Marella and Elemaris are especially popular. They attract not only with their stylish design, but also with the presence of a mechanical or electronic counter.

The manufacturer uses high-performance MAXTRA cartridges for water purification. According to customer reviews, they not only purify the water and give it a pleasant taste, but even slightly mineralize it.

The most popular model of this manufacturer among buyers is the Brita Marella XL with a storage capacity of 3.5 liters.


The Kenwood filter jug ​​from Great Britain purifies water using a special composition of food resins and activated carbon. Mechanical particles are retained by a special mesh.

Pitcher "Barrier"

The range of devices under this name includes 14 types. They differ in volume, which can range from 1.7 liters for the smallest to 4 liters for a large family. The body of the jugs of this brand is made of German plastic.

This brand is supported by the ability to choose a cartridge for water purification, depending on the tasks assigned to the filter. There are seven types of them in total. They can be designed to remove chlorine and improve the taste of water, and to carry out fluoridation for regions with a low content of this element. Others soften water or have a bactericidal effect. A filter jug ​​"Neva" is designed specifically for a particular region. Its residents shouldn't even have a water test.

Users consider the Barrier Grand filter jug ​​with a working volume of 1.8 liters to be the best of the jugs of this brand. It cleans 300 ml of water in a minute. Can clean 350L in total. The cartridges are easy to remove and install, they last a long time. The jug itself has a bright and attractive appearance.

But he also has disadvantages. The lid is loose. If the tank is full, it continually falls off. Because of this, you need to pour water by holding the jug with one hand and holding the lid with the other.

You need to pour water only after it is all filtered out, otherwise the clean water will mix with the untreated one.

There are also complaints about the quality of the cartridges - some simply do not let water through. The jug does not have a counter. Consolation can be its price from 450 rubles.


The manufacturer has developed its own filler for Aragon cartridges, which promotes deep cleaning using polymers. You can choose from four types: for regular tap water, for one with a lot of iron, salts and bacteria.

Customers consider the Geyser Griffin water filter jug ​​to be the most optimal model. It allows you to purify 2 liters of water. And in a minute, half a liter passes through the cartridge.


The manufacturer offers 13 models of these products, ranging from 2 to 3.9 liters. The body is made of high quality plastic. The cartridges were also developed by the company's employees. Water is purified from pesticides, chlorine, oil products with the help of the Aqualena fiber element. It contains a certain amount of ion-exchange resin, which is necessary for high-quality cleansing. At the same time, the models compare favorably with the fact that the water passes through the cartridges not through the beaten channels, but only in the intended way.

Their versatility is also considered an advantage. Those who have purchased an expensive filter jug ​​of an American or German manufacturer can save money by installing some types of domestic ones instead of "native" cartridges. You just need to make sure they fit.

The best, in the opinion of buyers, is the Aquaphor Harry filter jug. It is appreciated for its compactness with a large volume (3.9 liters) and high performance. It cleans 200 ml per minute. This is easy to do. It is enough to fill in the water, and after it enters the lower compartment, drain the cleaned one.

By the way, thanks to him, bleach is also well removed. The cartridge must be replaced after 2 months. But this applies to ordinary average water, and if it is very polluted, then it will have to be changed twice as often. It can be used to purify 300 liters of water.

Judging by the reviews, the filter jug ​​has a great design and an attractive appearance. The build is pretty good. But after a while, the lid on the spout stops opening.

Buyers find the cartridge inconvenient to install. If you put it not very evenly, then untreated water begins to penetrate through the gap formed. It would be more convenient if it was fixed with a threaded connection. The price of a jug is from 440 rubles.

Filter "Our water"

The Nasha Voda filter jug, according to most users, does a good job with water purification. It is easy to use. Buyers believe that the price-quality ratio is also good.

However, they also indicate that the top lid of the jug is too flimsy. She does not cover tightly. Therefore, when water is poured from the filter, at the top of which there is unfiltered water, it is poured into the cup, mixing with the filtered one.

The spout flap attachment quickly falls off. There are cases when the body cracked and began to leak. Users note that water gets into the hole on the handle when typing. And there is no way to remove it from there, except to turn the jug over. But the handle itself is comfortable.

Other users testify that the filter jug ​​for water purification does not remove chlorine from it, therefore it is impossible to drink such water. And practically on the second day, plaque appears on the walls. But perhaps it depends on the original quality of the water.

Buyers do not like the price of cartridges. They consider her to be very tall. The filter price is about 400 rubles.

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