Plastic pipes for water supply in the country

It makes no sense to explain how important it is for any summer resident or gardener to make a convenient and relatively inexpensive irrigation system on their site. Metal is expensive nowadays, therefore, in the overwhelming majority, preference is given to a country water supply system made of plastic pipes.

The cost of manufacturing will turn out to be cheaper than if you use steel pipes of a similar section, and you can easily do the piping around the site with your own hands, even without the involvement of specialists.

Features of planning a suburban water supply

Building a plumbing system at a summer cottage is always more difficult than making plumbing for a residential building or garage. The main problem is that it will formally need to build three branches:

  • Drinking water supply for the country house;
  • Stationary plumbing system for supplying industrial water to the house and to the irrigation points on the beds;
  • A temp or a portable system of pipes and hoses for connecting drip and shower irrigation of beds, shrubs and trees.

For each of the systems, you can choose your own version of plastic pipes that is most suitable for the task at hand. In addition, the price of plastic pipes for water supply in the country is of no small importance. For example, if you try to draw up a water supply scheme for a country house, it will become clear that in this case, everything about everything will take no more than 20 m of pipes with three consumer points - for the kitchen, shower and toilet.

Such a water supply system can be easily assembled with your own hands from polypropylene pipes. The whole venture with the arrangement of a water supply system in a country house will cost a maximum of $ 150-200, provided that it is connected to a centralized water supply system or to an already built well with a pump and outlet.

If you try to assemble the water supply of the irrigation system according to the same scheme, then the costs only for the purchase and assembly of plastic pipes can increase several times. For example, for a standard suburban area of ​​6 acres, the total length of the line laid in the ground is at least 100 linear meters, respectively, the price of an irrigation branch of a polypropylene water supply system will increase by at least 2-3 times. It is worth adding to this scheme a system of hose sprinklers and drip irrigation, for example, for a greenhouse or beds under a film.

For your information! A well-planned and constructed plastic water supply system can withstand 10-15 years of operation without major repairs and maintenance.

A country irrigation system, assembled from rubber hoses and steel pipes, at a higher cost of construction, is about half the time, so there is no real alternative to using plastic.

A typical device for a suburban plastic water supply system is shown in the diagram. As a rule, the water supply to the beds was carried out in the form of several parallel pipelines with a diameter of 20 mm, which were connected in the form of a "comb" to the main pressure line with a cross section of 40-50 mm.

To ensure the supply of irrigation water, one pressurized irrigation line and one supply line is enough to supply the house and fill the drip irrigation tank.

Features of the selection of plastic pipes for each segment of the water supply

The conclusion suggests itself the simplest, in order to reduce costs, for each section of the suburban water supply system, you need to use your own, most suitable brand of plastic pipes.

Four types of plastic pipes and hoses are currently used for suburban water supply:

  • Polypropylene;
  • Polyethylene;
  • Silicone;
  • PVC.

PVC pipes have good strength characteristics and satisfactory resistance to sun and frost, but it is better not to use it for arranging a ground water supply system. In any case, plastic PVC pipes will require special wrapping with foamed polyethylene, which protects against accidental scratches and impacts during installation and further use.

For your information! Of the entire range of plastic pipes for country water supply systems, only metal-plastic pipes with an aluminum reinforcing layer are not used.

First of all, the price of metal-plastic pipes is several times higher than the polymeric pipelines made of polyethylene of similar cross-section.

Moreover, polyethylene, as a rule, is sold in the form of coiled sections of 20 and 100 m. Polypropylene pipes are sold in retail in ready-made pieces of 4 m and 6 m, which means that the number of couplings will be required several times more.

Secondly, polyethylene pipes have good resistance to solar ultraviolet radiation, high strength and ductility. Even at low temperatures and frozen water inside the water supply, plastic pipes do not fail.

For water supply systems, polyethylene pipes of two brands are produced:

  • LDPE - high pressure polymer, used for small sections of water supply systems where good flexibility and strength is required;
  • HDPE is a low-pressure polymer used for high-pressure water pipelines and highways.

For your information! Country water pipelines are built from polyethylene pipes designed to transport drinking water.

They can be easily distinguished by a blue or white longitudinal stripe on a black background. Any other brands, for example, with a yellow or orange stripe, are designed to transport gas and liquid products of chemical production, therefore, they are not even suitable for irrigation at a summer cottage. On the surface of the plastic pipe, the purpose, diameter, wall thickness and GOST, on the basis of which the plastic product is manufactured, must be indicated.

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