Options for finishing the facade with clinker tiles. Finishing the facade of the house with clinker tiles. Installation of a ventilated facade using clinker tiles

Clinker tiles for facade decoration occupies a special place among building facing materials. Similar to ceramics, but with increased strength and resistance, tiles are also distinguished by aesthetics and versatility. Manufacturers offer a wide range of materials, emphasizing the unique practicality of products, and due to the ease of installation, cladding a house with clinker tiles can be done by the hands of a home master without much experience and professionalism. What happens in the end will show a photo of buildings with decoration, but first we will understand the types, product capabilities and stages of finishing work.

Manufacturing features

The raw material base for ceramics is the highest quality shale clay. The addition is an oxide coloring pigment, feldspar, quartz, but there are no chemical additives, which makes brick-shaped tiles ideal for use as an environmentally friendly material. During the production process, the composition is not enriched with salts, lime, due to which the clinker retains its original shade for a long time and does not fade or fade.

After complete kneading, the mixture is placed into molds and sintered in special ovens at a temperature of 1300 degrees, resulting in a monolithic cladding of the facade of the house, which can withstand mechanical loads.

Advantages and disadvantages of the material

The antiquity of use speaks in favor of the tile, the first specimens were found by archaeologists at the excavations of the ruins of Ancient Rome - even then high-fired clay tiles were used. The most surprising thing is that the fragments perfectly preserved color and texture indicators. Today, the production process takes place with full control of the stages, which means that the products have become even stronger and better. So, the advantages of ceramics:

  1. Increased strength, resistance to abrasion, mechanical stress.
  2. The surface of the elements is difficult to scratch due to the formation of a strong crust of clay.
  3. Non-susceptibility of the material to UV rays, which means that the facade finish will not burn out even under the influence of directed sunlight.
  4. High frost-resistant performance allows the use of products in regions with harsh climatic conditions.
  5. The increased density of the material makes the clinker finish immune to moisture, directed water flows.
  6. The light weight of the material allows it to be used for finishing buildings of different heights, made of any material, while there is no need to add additional weight when calculating the strength of the foundation.
  7. The high speed of finishing work is due to the ease of installation of products.
  8. Using tiles, it is easy to lay out a mosaic or create the effect of a brick wall - there are no restrictions.

Important! Finishing the facade of the house with clinker tiles is a reasonable and effective way to solve many problems. The material has a long service life, does not deteriorate under the influence of time, easily tolerates water ingress and temperature fluctuations, and does not require increased maintenance.

  1. Higher frost resistance is achieved by a low-porous tile structure, which is much smaller than that of a brick, which also means low thermal conductivity, so it is necessary to combine the installation of the finishing material with insulation.

Important! Tile cladding lasts much longer than brick cladding. Due to the flat shape, the material does not crumble, which means that such a finish will not lose its structure even after a long time.

  1. A wide range of colors has the maximum approximation to natural shades, but there are tiles for sale in exotic colors. Thanks to the addition of a coloring pigment during the process, the color remains bright and saturated throughout the entire service life.
  2. In addition to tiles for finishing facades, a number of additional elements are produced for decorating corners, which facilitates the installation process.
  3. Clinker is not susceptible to bacteria, mold, fungi and other troubles, in addition, the material has a fire safety class NG - non-combustible.
  4. The porous structure has increased adhesion, but you will have to use a special glue.

The disadvantages of tiles are few:

  • Low resistance to mechanical stress, therefore, the material is not suitable for facing wall panels of the facade of industrial buildings;
  • High price.

But the cost-effectiveness of tiles and the ability to use them for finishing work inside the house redeem the shortcomings and complement the advantages.

Important! As a rule, the cladding manufacturer offers its own adhesive composition along with the collections - it is better to use this service and do without experiments.

Dimensions and material properties

Since the clinker tile is an imitation of brick, the dimensions do not differ too much. The most significant parameter is the thickness, but even these gradations fluctuate in narrow ranges. Due to the fact that the facade of the house does not experience bending loads, a large thickness is not needed, the most common sizes are 5-7 mm, but there are thicknesses of tiled elements up to 12-17 mm. To choose a facing material, factors such as:

  1. Environmental conditions. The more aggressive the weather, the thicker the tiles should be.
  2. The length and width of the products correspond to the parameters of a standard brick. But you can choose an atypical size and lay out the facade with larger elements.
  3. The parameters of European tiles differ from Russian ones, since they are equal to the European standards of stone and brick.

The hue variety of facade elements is slightly inferior to the clinker collections for interior decoration - glazed tiles are not used for facade cladding. But there is a large selection of textures:

  • the smoothed surface of the elements ideally matches the texture of the facing brick, and the ease of cleaning makes the material most in demand for finishing facades;
  • “aged brick” has a relief surface, but the pattern can be very diverse: chips, cracks, other defects formed under the influence of time will give the structure the appearance of a “pretty standing” house, while the lining will remain strong and intact for a long time;
  • relief tiles - a material that imitates not only brick, but also natural stone, and the texture can be any: hewn stone, wild, metallized.

Advice! If careful and timely care of the facade is not included in your plans, it is better to abandon the relief tiles - the pits and veins are often clogged with dirt, so after a while the facade will lose its attractiveness.

The stages of work are few, however, facing facades with clinker tiles requires compliance with accuracy and all the rules:

  • It is impossible to work with the material at low temperatures: for the polymerization of the adhesive composition and good adhesion of the product, you need heat + 10 ... + 25 and no rain.
  • It is also important not to work with clinker if the humidity is high or extremely low. Dry weather will dry out the adhesive too quickly, and high humidity will not allow the mixture to dry properly. If the cladding cannot be transferred to another time, the facade is carefully covered with a film.
  • The laying of clinker can be carried out on any type of surface, only the level of humidity after leveling matters, a figure above 4% is already considered excessive.
  • The adhesive composition should only be with the appropriate marking, but it is better to leave the cement-sand mixture aside. If there is no other way out, M400 cement is mixed with sand in a ratio of 3: 1 or M500 in a ratio of 4: 1.
  • It is strongly not recommended to use finishing material on aerated concrete facades. The porous cube will absorb moisture, so pre-treatment with plaster is necessary.

There are two options for installing clinker tiles. The first "wet" is suitable for standard finishing material, and the second "dry" for tiles where there is insulation, that is, thermal panels with clinker.

  1. The "wet" method requires the use of an adhesive mixture. Finishing of the facade and plinth is carried out piece by piece - only by each element. The tile is glued to the surface with an adhesive. It is extremely important that it is with this installation option that a warm substrate is used, mounted with self-tapping screws to a pre-primed wall. The layer of heat-insulating material is leveled, reinforced with mesh, and then tiles can be glued.

Advice! The method has high rates of strength, durability, the facade acquires an aesthetic appearance, but long and careful work is required. After installation, the seams must be sealed with mastic for better waterproofing, the mastic should be leveled.

  1. Dry installation option involves the installation of panels already equipped with insulation and clinker. It is worth remembering that all fasteners are supplied with the tiles, so no additional clamps are required. But the fastening of thermal panels with clinker can be done with self-tapping screws or dowels on the wall of the building. In case of uneven wall panels, a wooden crate is prepared, which is impregnated with antiseptics. Then, panels with clinkers are already being installed on the crate. The advantage of finishing is the ease of installation, after laying the tiles you will not have to embroider the seams, but the minus is the high cost of thermal panels.

Advice! Finishing the basement is also possible in the second way, if you select plates with insulation of the right size. Cutting such elements is difficult and not very convenient.

As for the technology of laying out clinker tiles, it is no more complicated than working with tiles. Look at the photo, it will become clear how exactly the rows are laid out. Just like with tiles, crosses are used for clinkers so that the seams are even. And the jointing is done either by grouting the seams, or laying out a bar to ensure the evenness of the seam. The distance between the bar and the wall is filled with glue. Thus, when the rod is removed (after the glue has dried), an already filled seam is obtained, airtight and practical.

Important! Tile adhesive sometimes protrudes at the seams, it must be removed immediately, otherwise the composition will be absorbed into the surface and ruin the whole look.

And a few words about the choice of material

What you need to remember when buying clinker tiles for the facade:

  1. Cladding type: standard clinker or thermal panel;
  2. facade color scheme;
  3. Textured tiles. If the facade and the plinth have a different shade, then it is better to choose matte-tone clinker for finishing one of the parts and without overflows;
  4. Grout can be both in the color of the tile, and radically different in shade.

And, of course, the best choice is an already proven manufacturer. Then there is less chance of getting low-quality material or an incomplete collection.

Clinker tiles are a popular finishing material today. It is universal, but not everyone knows how to properly use it for decoration. In addition, it has a number of advantages and some disadvantages that are important to study before choosing.

What it is?

Some people think that clinker is a new finishing material that has unusual characteristics and innovative production technology. But this is not true. Clinker tiles are a popular finishing material that has been popular for many years. Just not everyone knows its correct name. It allows you to return to old traditions and resembles the work of old masters. Externally, this finishing material is similar to masonry made of brick or stone.

The history of clinker tiles is very long. When in the XIX century in European countries there was a sharp increase in demand for building materials due to an increase in urban construction, the craftsmen had to look for new types of finishing materials, since there was simply not enough stone and brick, the quarries were overloaded. Then masters from Germany came up with a technology for the production of a new material, which was clay fired at high temperatures. And for this, not ordinary clay was used, but a selected, high-quality type of material.

“Bricks” were produced from clay, which, in terms of their quality characteristics, were even better than the original counterpart. They were waterproof, durable and of high quality. In addition, they were used for the construction of roads, squares, plinths, walls of street buildings and much more. And such buildings were preserved for a very long time.

And now the same technology is used in the production of clinker tiles. Of course, it is produced in factories using new equipment, but in general the process remains the same: clay is selected and fired at a temperature of more than 1200 degrees. Sometimes minerals and some other additives are mixed into it, which improve its quality characteristics.

Modern clinker tiles are dense, and their texture is uniform. If you hit such material with a hammer, a lingering clear sound will be heard. This is where the name of this material comes from. "Klink" is Dutch for sound or ringing. From here the material got its name. From German, the word "clinker" is translated as a brick, so some believe that this word is of German origin, like the material itself.

At first, clinker tiles were brick blocks, now they are produced in the form of tiles. It is used for cladding buildings. It is able to imitate natural brickwork. The facade, finished with clinker, will not outwardly differ from brickwork. Now manufacturers present a wide selection of clinker tiles. Moreover, the models have a specific purpose and are necessary for different types of construction and decoration. This is because the material is versatile and therefore suitable for many finishing works.

What is it for?

Clinker tiles are often used for facing houses and industrial buildings. It is able to give any facade an aesthetic appearance, as well as protect it from negative factors. Clinker is used to finish an already prepared and leveled surface to make it look like brickwork. Also, clinker can be the primary material for creating solid panels that are used to decorate facades. It is used in various forms for decoration.

In addition, clinker is used even for wall insulation. In private houses, they are often trimmed with external pipes of the house, as well as other ventilation systems. They decorate houses and other buildings made of concrete, stone, wood and other materials.

With its help, they make beautiful ladders and other elements of landscape design in summer cottages, lay out garden paths, as well as floors in the gazebo or on the terrace. Another purpose is the lining of fences of artificial water sources, such as a fountain, a pond, a stream in a summer cottage. With its help, they also trim the pool.

Clinker is most often lined with fireplaces in the house or stoves in the bath. This is due to the strength and reliability of this material. She finishes the walls inside the industrial, as well as residential premises. In addition, in garages, auto repair shops and other industrial premises, where a large load falls on the floor, they even make floors with its help. Thus, the range of application of this finishing material is very wide.


Clinker tiles have a number of advantages that attract buyers and determine its popularity. It is very durable and wear resistant. Such material is almost impossible to damage, it is resistant to external influences of a technical type and many natural factors.

A big plus is the durability of this material. But this applies only to those cases when its installation was carried out correctly and efficiently. The service life is not limited in time, since such a tile practically does not wear out.

Over the years, outwardly, the material practically does not change, especially if you provide it with proper care. Moreover, these advantages apply to those cases when the tile is in adverse conditions.

Once finished, the facade element will not lose its decorative qualities. The material is completely eco-friendly and natural. In the process of its production, manufacturers do not use toxic substances harmful to human health. Moreover, the tile does not emit harmful substances even when exposed to elevated temperatures., as is the case with many other materials.

Clinker tiles have a low level of water absorption. This figure does not exceed 3%. Thus, this tile can be used in almost all rooms, including those where the humidity is too high. Therefore, with its help, baths and pools are trimmed.

The advantage is the ability to choose one or another type of product, depending on the purpose of the room where this tile will be used. You can save money and purchase a model for finishing residential premises, which, for example, will have a lower level of water absorption.

Clinker tiles are fire resistant. She is also not afraid of temperature changes. From this, it does not deteriorate and does not change its external characteristics. It is considered a frost-resistant material and is able to withstand more than 150 cycles of complete freezing and defrosting. Thus, it can be used outdoors in all weather conditions, as well as for finishing walls or floors in unheated rooms. The tile does not burn at all, which once again confirms the safety of this material. Clinker is not afraid of direct ultraviolet rays.

The big advantage is the ability to choose different textures or colors of this material. You can even select models of different sizes in the form of small products or large solid panels. You can choose a model for every taste for both external and internal decoration.

The material is chemically inert. It does not give any reaction to the effects of chemical irritants, even very aggressive ones. During the exterior decoration of the premises, even in conditions of smog or other harmful effects, the tiles do not collapse.

Clinker is easy to care for. It does not collect dust on itself. In addition, this factor slows down the spread of mosses. Therefore, the facades of buildings will always be clean and tidy.

But this material still has several drawbacks, although they are all fairly obvious. First of all, It should be noted the high cost of this material. It will not be affordable for everyone. On average, 1 sq. m of clinker tiles costs from 1,500 to 3,000 rubles, but hand-molded models are much more expensive. Thus, finishing the house with this material will cost a round sum. Of course, there are cheaper models, but they usually have the same quality. All high quality products are expensive.

It should also be noted the relatively low choice of design options for these products. All types of tiles will look like brick or stone.

Among the shortcomings, many buyers note the fragility of this coating. This is due to the fact that the technical characteristics of clinker are very similar to glass. This material must be transported very carefully and soft elements should be laid between the tiles or the stacks should be firmly tied to the tiles. Even with a small impact, such a tile can easily break even before installation. In addition, the material can easily crack.

A big disadvantage is also the complexity of its processing during the installation process: in some cases, it is necessary to cut the clinker tiles for joining, and this is quite difficult to do. Cracks or chips may appear at the cut site. It is almost impossible to do this with your own hands without damaging the cut of the material.


Since the clinker completely imitates brickwork, its dimensions generally correspond to this material. The main difference is the thickness of this finishing material.

Types of clinker tiles may differ in their thickness. It depends on the purpose of this material, as well as on where it will be used: inside or outside the building. Manufacturers present clinker with a thickness of 5, 7, 12, 17 mm. But the most popular are models with a thickness of 7 mm.

For interior decoration, the thinnest products are selected, since they look more aesthetically pleasing and do not overload the room. But for exterior decoration, they try to acquire the most durable thick models.

In addition, the thickness of the tile should depend on climatic conditions. The lower the temperature in the region drops, the thicker the clinker tiles should be. As a rule, according to GOST, the standard size of a clinker tile is 11.5 cm by 24 cm. But you can also find other format options for this product. And they differ depending on the manufacturer. Domestic manufacturers present models according to the following size range:

  • L-NF -29.5 × 7.1 × 1.5 cm - these are long models;
  • WF -21.5 × 6.5 × 1.5 cm - medium-sized models;
  • WDF -2.1 x 0.5 x 0.2 cm - small size models.

Tiles produced in Europe have different parameters. As a rule, its length also remains 240 mm, but the thickness starts from 9 mm. Clinker of the European type differs in width. Manufacturers present models with a width of:

  • DF - 5.2 cm;
  • 2DF -11.3 cm;
  • NF -7.1 cm;
  • RF -6.5 cm.

You can also find American-made clinker. Its thickness is standard - 1.5 cm. The length ranges from 19 to 30 cm. But they may differ in width. There are models with a width of 5.7, 7 and 9 cm. Thus, when purchasing different tiles from different brands, it is necessary to calculate the cost of materials per square meter. This indicator varies from 34 to 73 elements per square.


Clinker tiles are also distinguished by such characteristics as its texture. So, manufacturers present several different options:

  • Smooth clinker. Most often it is used for interior decoration, but sometimes for cladding the facades of residential buildings. Such a tile is the most unpretentious: it is easiest to care for it, dirt and dust do not clog into it. In addition, it is the thinnest. In general, such a coating looks monolithic and therefore harmonious.

    Raised. This type of clinker resembles a brick not only in appearance, but also in its texture. It is non-uniform and has some bulges. In addition, embossed clinker can be similar in texture to stone or other interesting natural finishing materials. But such tiles must be regularly looked after, since dirt accumulates in the elements of the relief, over time the product can get very dirty, which will significantly reduce its presentability.

  • antique. This is the most embossed type of tile, which has artificially created chips, cracks and other visible defects that make the texture look older. Such tiles are used for finishing the facades of buildings or some elements of the antique room, as well as for the restoration of famous architectural buildings.

There are also different types of clinker, depending on the exterior finish and texture:

  • glazed tiles. It is a smooth tile with a slight glossy sheen. Most often used for decorative finishes.
  • With roughness. Such clinker is used for exterior or interior decoration. It has a rough texture and looks more natural, which allows it to completely repeat the brickwork.
  • Completely unfinished models. Such clinker is suitable for finishing paths, industrial premises. Also, some use it for antique decoration. It looks as natural and simple as possible.

Clinker can be presented not only in piece format, but also in the form of panels.

Clinker thermal panels

Separately, it should be noted tiles in the form of facade thermal panels. This material is already mounted tile elements. Thus, it is possible at times to simplify its installation. During production, the clinker is installed on ready-made facade thermal panels so that it can be mounted in this form on the frame of the house. Such a skin will take a little time, but it will also look presentable. The tile is pre-mounted in a thermal panel - a polystyrene foam plate with ceramic lining. You just have to prepare the frame and all surfaces, fix the panels on them and grout.

The heat panel allows you to "kill two birds with one stone": it will insulate the house and make its lining beautiful and decorative. In addition, the cost of such panels is quite low and starts from 1,500 rubles per square meter. m.

Thermal panels are a two-layer material that includes a warm insulator and clinker. As a rule, the role of a thermal insulator is performed by polyurethane foam, expanded polystyrene or mineral wool. On average, the thickness of the insulation layer is from 3 to 10 cm. Polyurethane foam models have high thermal conductivity and good density. In addition, such panels do not rot at all.

The panels are mounted tongue and groove, so the coating becomes hard and stable. It is not blown by the wind and frost does not penetrate. Thanks to such thermal panels with clinker tiles, it is possible to reduce the cost of heating a house by up to 50%.

Since such panels are quite large, the number of seams on the facade of the building becomes minimal. In this way, the number of cold bridges can be reduced. The manufacturer claims that The service life of such panels is at least one hundred years. But thermal panels are solid, so they do not bend. That is why it is necessary for them to prepare the base well.

Thermal panels have different quality characteristics and depending on where they are installed. So, the plinth panels are not so large, but their thickness is quite large. Facade thermal panels, on the contrary, are large, but not so thick.

Depending on what such a construction consists of, insulated clinker panels are divided into:

  • two-layer - they include only insulation and clinker;
  • three-layer - in them, manufacturers include a substrate of moisture-resistant OSB boards, which make them more rigid and durable;
  • four-layer - the fourth is added to the previous three layers - a refractory substrate between the layers of insulation and OSB.

Clinker can be glued with a special composition on such panels. Glue is used only if the clinker is attached to polystyrene foam. Thus, the panel initially already has a recess where the tile elements will be fixed with glue. They are fixed under great pressure so that the panel is completely seized.

More reliable are pressed type models. The clinker is first laid on a mold, it is covered with a foamed polymer, and then left under high pressure so that the insulation completely hardens.

Clinker non-insulated panels

They are presented in the form of a sheet material that is durable and resistant to bending, on which clinker elements are fixed in the form of brickwork. The clinker is attached to the glue and holds quite firmly. The front part of the facade is presented in the form of a constructor, in which neighboring elements continue the previous ones. Between the rows there are also brackets that allow you to mount such panels to the wall.

The role of the substrate for such clinker tiles is performed by fiber cement, chipboard or glass magnesite boards. All these types of substrates have a uniform structure and are quite durable and moisture resistant. In addition, they provide good sound and heat insulation. At the same time, the design does not become heavier, since all these types of panels weigh quite a bit.

Typically, tiles on such panels are applied using polyurethane adhesive. It provides good adhesion and secure fixing of tiles to the surface. Such clinker panels cost from 2000 to 3000 rubles per square meter. m.

Thus, the cost is approximately the same as the cost of individual standard clinker tile elements, but the installation of such a coating is greatly simplified.

For interior decoration, glass-magnesite slabs with clinker are used. They have a very small thickness - no more than 8 mm. At the same time, they are resistant to temperature, chemicals, and UV rays. Also this material will provide good sound insulation, which is why they often make walls in rooms.

It also retains heat well. This version of the plates is universal, because it is very flexible. That is why it can be used to finish coatings that have some defects. The cost of these panels is approximately 3000 rubles per sq. m.

Manufacturers even provide the opportunity to make an individual order of such panels, in which you can reflect any tile laying option. So, you can choose the type of layout, texture, as well as the color of the clinker.

You can even make models with mosaic styling. But such differences greatly increase the cost of finishing materials.


Many people think that the design of decorative clinker tiles is uninteresting and boring. But it's not. For example, artificial gypsum tiles can look very interesting and even more original than their natural counterpart. In addition, manufacturers present a wide selection of models with different textures, as well as interesting color schemes. Thanks to this, brick laying does not look so cold and not at all monotonous.

Models with antique design are simply mesmerizing. They look stylish and natural. Separately, it should be noted models, the design of which has a specially emphasized uneven firing of bricks. It alternates between light and dark areas. This design looks stylish and interesting. Such a finish will resemble noble antiquity. In many interiors, it looks more sophisticated than simple, sleek modern models.

Models that have additional elements in the structure of the material that imitate pieces of coal, fragments of stones and minerals are very popular. Usually this type of material has a more interesting variety of texture.

Manufacturers present not only the traditional brick color of the clinker, but also more interesting options. So, red and white clinker tiles look bright. Such solutions attract attention and fascinate. Moreover, white clinker tiles can be perfectly white, or they can have a yellowish tint.

The ivory color clinker looks quite elegant. This is especially true for interior design in the Provence style.

Yellow clinker tiles will help make the house more comfortable. She will fill it with warmth and make being in it more comfortable.

Black clinker tiles look very restrained and stylish. This is an excellent solution for interior decoration in a modern style, such as hi-tech, loft, minimalism. At the same time, the grout for such models is chosen the same black.

The design of the entire coating as a whole is influenced by the color of the grout. It can be similar, or it can be a couple of shades lighter or be contrasting. Red clinker with white grout looks the most striking.

Some models of clinker tiles are colored in bulk. Such coatings are painted not only on the outside, but throughout the texture. If suddenly the tile is damaged, its color will not change. The coating will look even more vintage and unusual. Decorative coatings with coloring in the mass do not deteriorate from scuffs and scratches. Just in the production process, such clay is painted in different shades.

Very interesting is the design of decorative clinker tiles for the bath. It perfectly replaces ceramics and looks very stylish. Glazed tiles are more often used to decorate this room. Moreover, for the coating, you can choose both transparent and colored glaze. Such products look more bright and modern.

The design of the tile may vary depending on the size of the bricks. The most standard is the size of an ordinary brick, but there are also larger or smaller models.

Fine narrow clinker is used to decorate modern interiors, and standard models or products with a wider width are used for more traditional styles.

When choosing a clinker tile, first calculate the required amount of material. To do this, you can use a special program or calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site that is planned to be made with this material. Keep in mind that the planned thickness of the tile joints will affect the consumption of materials. This rule especially applies to cases where a large surface area is finished with clinker tiles.

Try to buy tiles with a margin. This is necessary in order to be able to cut it off at the joints of adjacent walls or replace elements in cases of damage. Thus, about 10% more clinker for finishing should be purchased.

When buying, try to check if there are any broken elements in the package with tiles. This is very important, because this material is fragile, but at the same time it is expensive. Subsequently, it will be quite difficult to change it.

When you buy clinker for facades, it is important to pay attention to its characteristics. Models for the facade cost from 4000 rubles per sq. m, so you should calculate the cost of such coverage. When buying, try to choose between popular foreign brands that represent already proven high-quality models. Many of them give a long warranty period. Although domestic clinker tiles are cheaper, their quality is generally lower.

When choosing clinker tiles, keep in mind that interesting models with a relief texture are much more expensive, but are not so practical. In addition, the maintenance of such clinker will require additional costs for its processing by the master. Although outwardly such a coating looks presentable, it must be maintained in good condition.

When choosing clinker, pay attention to its color. It must be in harmony with all elements of the building, when it comes to exterior decoration. And this applies not only to the design and color scheme of the building, but also to its architectural features. That is why, when choosing, it is better to ask the advice of a designer or architect.

Try to choose the clinker in such a way that it matches the design of the roof and does not look too bright. Contrasting options look tasteless.

When purchasing clinker, you also need to buy an adhesive mixture for attaching these elements and a grout with which you will process the seams. As for the glue, in this case a durable frost-resistant coating is more suitable, designed specifically for this finishing material. It is better to select clinker adhesives that can withstand more than 50 freeze and thaw cycles. Thus, you will ensure a more reliable fastening of finishing materials to the facade of the building.

Grout is also an important element, so you need to pay attention to its quality and color. It must be able to compensate for the thermal expansion of the tile. As for its color, it should be in harmony with the tile.

But in some cases, contrasting grout options are acceptable. It is important that it favorably emphasizes the beauty of the clinker.

If you are planning to clad the building with clinker on your own, then it is better to take a closer look at the facade panels with clinker tiles. In this case, thermal panels will be the most practical, as they provide an additional layer of thermal insulation. In addition, laying them yourself is much easier than piece clinker.

Manufacturers and reviews

Now one of the most popular manufacturers is the brand Stroeher from Germany. It presents models with the highest level of quality. Many collections are stylized antique, but at the same time have a slight glossy sheen. Such a coating looks luxurious, and caring for it is simplified at times. Due to the features of the coating, dust does not linger and is easily washed off with water. The manufacturer also presents non-standard models 44 by 5 cm long. With their help, you can make an original and unusual styling. But the cost of this product is quite high.

Tiles from the brand are popular among buyers houson, which is made in China. Although usually Chinese tiles are considered quite inexpensive and of poor quality, but in this case the brand proves otherwise. Clinker from this company has many positive reviews. This product is in great demand in Russia.

In terms of quality characteristics, it is no worse than German clinker, but the cost is several times lower. The fact is that the manufacturer does not make extra charges for transport services, as is usually the case with models from Europe. It presents a wide variety of designs and colors of such products. In addition, brick tiles are slightly different in format from domestic and European indicators. Models are presented in sizes 20 x 6 cm and 24 x 6 cm.

The Polish brand is considered quite popular Cerrad. It presents tile models that are made using dry molding technology. The material in its quality and external characteristics is similar to porcelain stoneware. It is most resistant to mechanical stress and external damage. Moreover, the cost of these models does not exceed 1000 rubles per square meter. m. That is why such models are in great demand. Buyers indicate that such clinker tiles are very durable and of high quality.

Brand Opoczno is another Polish manufacturer that produces clinker-type tiles intended for facades and cladding around buildings. With its help, buyers often finish steps, paths, as well as floors of verandas. This tile is also made using dry pressing technology and has a high-quality and environmentally friendly composition.

Clinker tiles Gerrard enjoys great popularity among buyers. This is due to the fact that the manufacturer presents not only standard brick-like clinker models, but also wood-like products, as well as concrete-like products. With its help, you can finish the floors and facades of buildings, steps and paths. The manufacturer also separately presents models for interior and exterior decoration. Buyers write that with its help they even trim window sills and the space around windows. Also, this manufacturer presents a separate line of clinker tiles for the pool. That is why such models are in great demand.

In Spain, a good tile is represented by a brand Exagres. Moreover, you can choose both large-sized color models for decorative finishing, and standard samples.

Popular hand-molded facade tiles from the brand Vandersanden. These inexpensive brick samples are very popular due to their good price-quality ratio.

Made in Italy brand KlinkerSire manufactures extruded-type models, which have a low price and light weight. Of the minuses, buyers call only the fragility of these coatings.

Beautiful examples

Clinker tiles are now commonly used for finishing various interior elements. As a rule, this is a fragmentary finish: with its help, one of the walls or only part of it is decorated. In order to make a beautiful finish with clinker indoors, you need to follow a few tips. In the interior, you need to choose one accent wall and decorate it with clinker.

This is a great solution for a country style bedroom. For example, you can finish the wall surface near the head of the bed in this way. Moreover, the clinker can be both dark and light.

With this decoration of one room, you can follow the approach of uniformly decorating all other rooms by making a clinker accent wall in each room.

As for the kitchen, clinker is also often used here. But in this room, with its help, a kitchen apron is often trimmed. This is an excellent solution for this area, since the clinker makes the kitchen more stylish and modern, while it tolerates all the effects of temperature and humidity that are characteristic of the backsplash zone.

In the interior, clinker tiles are also used for zoning. So, with its help, you can divide the room into different areas, for example, the kitchen into a dining and working area. Moreover, in the kitchen area, you can lay out an apron with light clinker, and make the dining area more comfortable by decorating it with classic clinker brick.

In the interior of a classic living room, a fireplace trimmed with clinker will look great. Thus, it is possible to arrange not only a real source of heat, but also a decorative, artificial one. This traditional design looks very stylish.

Clinker tiles are often used in the hallway or in the corridor. The corner model is suitable for decorating the lower part of the walls at the entrance, since it is there that the surface is most often exposed to splashes and dirt from shoes. It will be easier to clean up in the hallway, while such a design move looks advantageous.

In the corridor, you can make an imitation of brickwork near the doorway. You can complement this design with clinker trim for windows, columns or accent corners. Clinker tiles allow you to create a fashionable and trendy interior in a loft style. With its help, you can finish all the walls and even the floors. Clinker is a characteristic feature of the loft style.

Clinker is also used in high-tech and even gothic interiors. Light clinker fits perfectly into the Provence or country style interior, as it looks natural and natural.

Clinker tiles for the facade - a modern material that allows you to do the exterior and interior decoration of the house with your own hands. The product has a number of advantages due to which it is gaining more and more popularity in the construction market.

In the article, we will consider the features of clinker tiles and thermal panels, highlight their pros and cons, get acquainted with the material laying technology and useful tips.

Clinker was first made in Holland. As early as the beginning of the 19th century, the road from Amsterdam to Harlem was paved with clinker. Today, the modern production of facade panels includes the use of slate clay, oxide dyes and special additives. In a furnace at temperatures up to 1300 °C, the material is sintered, forming an extremely strong and homogeneous layer. Externally, the clinker resembles an artificial stone. Many thermal panels imitate brickwork.

Advantages of facade clinker

The main advantages of such tiles for facade cladding include:

  • Long service life of the product. Clinker tiles for facades serve more than 50 years.
  • Frost resistance. Technological material is resistant to temperature extremes due to minimal hygroscopicity. Water, getting into the product, at low temperatures causes the destruction of the structure. This does not happen in clinker panels.
  • The strength of clinker products is on par with natural stone and porcelain stoneware. The clinker facade is resistant to adverse weather conditions, wind, ultraviolet radiation and precipitation. The material can be used in areas with high traffic.
  • Minimum load on the foundation. Products are light and do not exert significant pressure on the structure.
  • Resistance to alkalis and acids. Clinker is not afraid of aggressive environments, in addition, it does not form unattractive efflorescence on its surface.
  • Uniform coloration of the structure. Even with chips, the appearance of a building lined with clinker tiles or panels will not lose its presentable appearance.
  • Environmental friendliness of the material. Tiles are made of clay and are safe for human health.
  • Attractive appearance. Manufacturers today offer clinker slabs for facades in a wide variety of colors and textures. The main purpose of such panels and tiles is to imitate brickwork and natural stone. But the choice of products for the realization of design ideas is sufficient.
  • Simplicity and convenience of installation.

Variety of facade clinker.

Cladding a house with clinker materials can be done by hand without the involvement of specialists. The speed of installation of facade clinker allows you to finish the house in a short time.


Despite the numerous advantages of modern material, clinker tiles also have a number of disadvantages:

  • Fragility. Ceramic products under strong mechanical stress can break. Therefore, during installation, this factor must be taken into account.
  • Price. High-quality material with such a long service life cannot be cheap. But if we compare facing bricks and facade clinker tiles, then the latter has a more affordable price.
  • For the installation of clinker-based thermal panels, the dew point must be carefully calculated. The panels have an additional layer of polyurethane foam, so before facing work, it is necessary to make calculations taking into account other heat-insulating materials.

Types of clinker products

The production of artificial stone includes several options for facade cladding. The following types of clinker are popular with builders:

  • Facade clinker in the form of tiles. Used to decorate the walls of buildings, imitates brick.
  • Facing clinker. Produced in the form of tiles. Imitates natural stone or brick. It is used for facing and the embodiment of design ideas.
  • Paving stone clinker. It is used for landscaping household plots and other territories.
  • Facade thermal panels with clinker tiles. Modern material that allows you to additionally insulate the building. Due to the special seamless design, the cladding of the house takes place in a short time.
  • Clinker steps. A convenient solution for facing stairs, steps.
  • Floor tiles. Floor tiles have all the advantages of clinker.


Clinker-based products are used in multi-storey construction and individual buildings for finishing facades, walls and rooms. The widespread use of frame construction technologies involves solving the problems of cladding the walls of a finished house. Clinker tiles and thermal panels - an opportunity to create a beautiful and modern facade in a short time and at the best price.
Products are also used for ennobling the territory at their summer cottage, creating paths, stairs. A floor lined with such material will serve for many years, retaining its properties.

Facade mounting technology

The method of laying the facing elements depends on the type of product. Basically, “brick-like” tiles and thermal panels are used for wall decoration.

Layouts of clinker tiles for facades.

Clinker tiles

Before applying facade clinker tiles, it is necessary to prepare the surface. Plaster, apply notches to smooth concrete. Surfaces made of aerated concrete, shell rock and other porous materials do not need additional processing. The wall should be flat, without bumps and bulges.

It is necessary to start laying from the bottom up; to control the horizontal, it is recommended to install a starting rail. Laying starts from the corner. There are special corner elements for facing the corners of the facade.

Pie cladding without insulation. Version with and without ventilation gap.

Three options for clinker cladding with facade insulation.

The wall is covered with a layer of frost-resistant glue under the comb. The back side of the tile must additionally be smeared with a thin layer of glue, this will increase adhesion. Facade clinker is pressed against the wall in a circular motion and the plane is checked by a level.
Do not rush and cover a large surface of the wall with glue, it dries within half an hour. Sequentially apply glue to the wall, gradually moving up.

The clinker is laid with large gaps. Use 10mm plastic crosses, drywall scraps, or steel rod to create even seams vertically and horizontally.


Complete drying of the masonry occurs within a week. If during this time the probability of precipitation on the wall is allowed, it is covered with polyethylene.
Seam grouting can be done in several ways.

  • The semi-dry mixture is compacted and smoothed into the seams by jointing (narrow spatula).
  • The mixture is applied to the seams from a construction gun with a tube. When it hardens a little, it is smoothed out with stitching.

In any case, the seams must be filled flush or slightly rounded. Recessed seams will collect dirt and moisture.

Installation of thermal panels

Facade thermal panels with clinker tiles make it possible to sheathe a building in a short time. The insulation layer does not absorb moisture, the service life of thermal panels is about 30 years.

Technical characteristics of thermal panels

For installation, you will need thermal panels, corner elements, glue, grout, dowels, mounting foam.

Panels are mounted on brick, stone or wood. Due to their light weight, they do not weigh down the facade.

It is necessary to lay thermal panels on vertical walls. Insufficient verticality is leveled by a leveling crate.

A horizontal line is applied to the base, along which it is necessary to fix a metal corner. It is necessary to start facing the house with thermal panels from the left corner of the building, starting from the bottom. If it is necessary to cut the material, first the ceramic surface should be sawn with a grinder, and then the insulation is cut with a hacksaw. After mounting each row of panels, check the horizontal.

Facade panels with clinker tiles are attached to the house with self-tapping screws and dowels. After the sheathing is completed, the joints should be glued with sealant and the seams should be rubbed with a special frost-resistant compound.

After installing the first row of panels, fill the gap between the plinth and the wall with mounting foam. This will prevent air from circulating under the skin.
Video instruction:

Summing up

The clinker facade is an opportunity to give the house a complete and presentable look with minimal time and financial costs. Imitation of material under natural stone or brick expands the possibilities for creating an individual design of the building.

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Installation of clinker tiles on insulation.

Wet facade insulation system- today one of the most popular technologies for the production of facade works. So, these technologies find their application not only on the facades of private houses but, first of all, on the facades of industrial and civil buildings, including multi-storey ones, which are subject to strict technological requirements.

Building materials and technologies used in industrial and civil construction, associated with the life of a large number of people, must have certificates certified by the relevant supervisory authorities confirming the technical conditions for use and operation, without causing harm and damage to both the population and business entities.

As a rule, such technologies are subjected to thorough multilateral testing and research in scientific laboratories, where each component and the entire system as a whole are tested for durability, environmental friendliness, fire safety, ability to operate in certain climatic zones and under certain conditions of height and purpose of the structure. If the components and technology meet all operating requirements in accordance with state standards, the manufacturer issues a technical certificate for the system, which discloses the basic rules and requirements for installation.

Not all building materials and technologies receive a technical certificate Gosstroy of Russia. Many, such as vinyl or brick basement siding, will never get it due to its inability to operate on buildings above 3 floors (it will not withstand wind loads, and the fire performance of vinyl siding leaves much to be desired). But the plastic analogue of clinker tiles is perfectly used on private two-story country houses, especially those built of wood, which eliminates wet plastering processes.

In general, a wooden house puts forward a lot of restrictions for us due to the characteristics of the tree - if you want to get an appearance a la clinker brick from a wooden house, we will have only three technology options to choose from:

  • Facing with clinker bricks with a wide base of the foundation (the brick must necessarily fall on the foundation) with the obligatory setting of the ventilation gap between the wooden wall and the facing masonry
  • Facing with facade thermal panels with clinker tiles (the option is comparable in cost to the Lobatherm system, but it excludes the use of cement mortars for fixing the thermal panel to the wall).
  • Facing with plastic facade panels under brick (the cheapest option, the easiest to install)

LobaTherm System by Quick-Mix involves the performance of work on fixing the insulation on the facade of the building, creating a reinforcing layer on it from a special mixture and fiberglass, and finishing the facade with clinker facade tiles under brick. The Lobatherm system is widely used for facade work on stone and brick foundations; on walls made of aerated concrete and foam concrete.

Facade insulation system with subsequent cladding with clinker tiles mounted in layers and stages, each layer has its own requirements that must be met in order to avoid violations in the system.

When properly installed, the LobaTherm system is able to perform its functions for more than 50 years without requiring repair (which distinguishes it from a simple plaster facade, where the finishing coating with plaster mixtures will require repair or painting of the facade in about 5-10 years).

Violations of the installation instructions, replacement of the main components of the Lobatherm system with analogues that do not meet the requirements, improper performance of work, violation of the temperature regime of work, can lead to a decrease in the life of the system or to its collapse.

LobaTherm system components:

  • Load-bearing wall leveling compound
  • Insulation boards (mineral board or polystyrene foam)
  • Glue for insulation
  • Dowel dowels
  • Alkali-resistant facade glass mesh and profiled corners
  • Plaster-adhesive mixture for surface reinforcement
  • Adhesive composition for clinker tiles
  • Clinker tiles
  • Mortar for grouting clinker tiles
  • The system also provides for the use of primers, plinth metal profiles, anchor dowels for fixing the plinth profile, perforated corners of their plastic or metal, sealants, primers, sealing cords and tapes, metal drains, frosted ceramic slabs or artificial stone slabs for plinth lining

A detailed description of all components of the Lobatherm system, the purpose of each and aspects of the application are described here….

Purpose and scope of the Lobatherm system:

The Lobatherm system is applicable for cladding and insulation of external walls of new buildings and reconstructed structures for various purposes, I, II and III levels of responsibility. It can be used in all climatic zones at absolutely minimum and maximum operating temperatures from -40°C to +80°C.

The system satisfies all degrees of fire resistance and classes of functional and structural fire hazard (an exception is the Lobatherm P-R system, which is based on polystyrene foam, for which fire hazard class F1.1 is defined.). The system is suitable for use in school and out-of-school educational institutions of fire hazard class F 4.1.

The system can be used in all areas with any wind load (in terms of fixing the insulation to the base), in any humidity zone (dry, normal, wet).

The strength and durability of the system is ensured by the use of heat-insulating, reinforcing, fastening and finishing materials of the appropriate quality, prescribed in the album of technical solutions.

The fire safety of the system on mineral wool insulation is ensured by the non-combustible properties of mineral wool; and systems based on expanded polystyrene - the creation of fire cuts from non-combustible mineral wool boards, which meets the requirements of building codes and is confirmed by the results of fire tests.

Production of work on the Lobatherm system:

Work on the installation of thermal protection of buildings, followed by cladding with Feldhaus Klinker clinker tiles or analogues, begins, as a rule, after the completion of general construction work on the erection of the walls of the building; after the construction of the roof and installation of roofing material; installation of window and door blocks, as well as after the completion of finishing work inside the premises.

Before installation, it is necessary to check the base for its bearing capacity. Only a sufficiently strong foundation can ensure the full functionality of the facade insulation system.

Before starting installation, check that the following conditions are met:

  • the base surface must be completely dry
  • dust, dirt and flaking must be removed
  • dirt on the base of the wall must be cleaned (concrete, masonry mortar for bricks, old fragile plaster, oil stains, paint)
  • protruding parts that are not structural elements must be dismantled from the facade: drainpipes, flagpoles, satellite dishes, etc.
  • deviations from the flatness of the base must be within acceptable limits. Cracks and depressions larger than 20 mm must be sealed. Alignment of individual sections of the wall surface with the help of linings in the form of fragments of polystyrene foam plates is allowed.

Also, before installing the system, it is desirable to provide for the subsequent installation of additional elements, for example, antennas, awnings, roller shutters, etc., since embedded sleeves for fastening such elements will greatly facilitate their installation after completion of work.

Plinth profile fixing:

In the basement of buildings, for the installation of the first row of insulation boards, it is recommended to use special metal base profiles, which are designed for the lower horizontal completion of the facade insulation system and horizontal alignment of the insulation boards.

In addition, the plinth profile is structurally equipped with a drip, which facilitates the removal of water from the plinth of the building and protects the plaster layer from dampness in the lower segment of the structure.

The size of the base profile is selected depending on the thickness of the heat-insulating plate.

The plinth profile is attached to the wall with driven dowels at the rate of 3 dowels per linear meter.

Irregularities in the base of the system can be straightened out using leveling plates with a thickness of 3 to 30 mm.

At the joints of the base profiles, both along the length and at the angles of rotation, plastic docking plates are used for support.

Bonding of thermal insulation boards:

Installation of elements of the Lobatherm system is carried out in layers. Insulation slabs are installed from the bottom up in compliance with the rules for ligation of seams: horizontal displacement of vertical seams, jagged ligation at the corners of the building, framing window and door openings with slabs with cutouts fitted in place.

When performing work on curved surfaces, as a rule, lamellar plates are used.

Before gluing the insulation boards, the base of the wall, if necessary, is primed to bind dust and reduce the water absorption of the base.

The gluing of insulation boards can be done manually using the “roller-cake” method or by machine. For manual application, the Quick-Mix RKS putty and adhesive solution is applied with a continuous roller about 100 mm wide, set back from the edge around the perimeter and several Easter cakes with a diameter of about 200 mm in the center of the board. The bonding surface should be 40-60%.

For gluing lamella boards, the adhesive solution is applied in a continuous layer on the entire surface of the heat-insulating board. Before gluing, the adhesive solution is leveled with a notched trowel with a tooth size of 10 mm.

Also, for gluing polystyrene boards, it is possible to apply the adhesive solution directly to the base wall by machine. In this case, the adhesive is applied to at least 60% of the wall surface, and the distance between the adhesive strips should not exceed 10 cm.

The heat-insulating board is immediately applied to the base of the wall, no later than 10 minutes, and lightly pressed into the fresh adhesive solution. After that, the plate should be adjusted and pressed with a long float until it is completely glued.

In the area of ​​window and door openings, the joints of heat-insulating plates should not be located at the corners of the openings. The slabs should be cut to fit the dimensions of the structure, i.e. they are installed with a corner cutout.

When gluing insulation, in order to avoid the formation of cold bridges, it is necessary to avoid getting the adhesive solution into the seams between the plates. Thermal insulation boards must fit snugly against each other and be attached to the base without gaps at the joints. Open butt gaps larger than 2 mm are filled with inserts of the same material or filled with mounting foam of flammability class B1.

Fire breaks:

For reasons of fire safety in the area of ​​window and door openings, in the case of using expanded polystyrene plates as a heater, it is necessary to install fire cuts and edgings. This prevents the flame from spreading to adjacent areas and preventing the spread of fire.

The facade insulation system should always start at the bottom and end at the top marks of its application with a continuous “end” cut of non-combustible mineral wool boards around the entire perimeter of the building.

The height of the cross section of the cuts must be at least 150 mm.

When using a thermal insulation system from the level of the blind area of ​​the building, it is allowed to install (raise above the lower end of the system) the lower "end" cut of non-combustible mineral wool boards to a height of not more than 0.75 m, counting from the level of the blind area of ​​the building.

Intermediate (floor-by-floor) horizontal cuts along the height of the building from non-combustible mineral wool boards should be installed around the entire perimeter of the building facade at the level of the upper slopes of window (door, etc.) openings, on each floor of the building.

With a distance between adjacent floor openings, intermediate (floor-by-floor) cuts from non-combustible mineral wool slabs can be made within these sections, with the exception of the 1st floor of the building, discrete, extending beyond the opening for a distance of at least 0.75 m towards the corresponding side wall .

On all other sides of the openings, along their entire length, edgings made of mineral wool boards should be installed, the height of the cross-section of cuts and edgings should be at least 150 mm, the thickness of their cross-section should correspond to the total thickness of the polystyrene foam insulation in the system.

The use of fiberglass boards for cuts and edgings is not allowed.

Through gaps between cuts / edgings of non-combustible mineral wool boards and the building base, as well as at the joints of adjacent slits / edgings with each other are not allowed.

Reinforcement with corners and profiles:

Multi-layer thermal insulation systems with a finishing layer as a clinker tile must be properly protected from moisture. To achieve the evenness of the wall geometry and the tightness of the joints, corners with a fiberglass mesh are used.

The outer corners of the walls and the edges of the slopes of the openings are previously reinforced BEFORE APPLICATION of the base plaster layer with corner profiles made of metal or plastic with a fiberglass mesh glued into them. The elements must be alkali-resistant and intended for use in stucco façade systems, since they will be in a reinforcing cement-based plaster layer.

Corner profile with glass mesh to reinforce the edges of decorative plaster is recessed directly into the reinforcing layer. The smooth corner edge of the profile remains visible, the plaster layer is leveled along it. The reinforcing fiberglass mesh of the profile overlaps the fiberglass mesh of the reinforcing layer over the entire surface.

When installing expansion joints on external surfaces, for example, on inter-house walls, the conditions and parameters from the design documentation should be observed. Expansion joints between individual parts of the building during the installation of the insulation system must be taken into account and equipped with appropriate expansion profiles. These profiles are embedded in the reinforcing layer, and the fiberglass mesh on the edges of the profile overlaps the fiberglass mesh on the facade surface.

For the Lobathern M-R system based on mineral wool, an expansion joint is installed every 24 meters; for the Lobatherm P-R system, an expansion joint is installed every 36 meters.

When installing expansion joints, heat-insulating plates are laid up to the edge of the joint. In the seam between the plates (width 10-20mm), a sealing cord with a sealant or a special deformation profile with a preliminary seal with polyurethane foam is installed.

Clinker tiles are also laid up to the edge of the seam.

In low-rise buildings up to two floors with a facade length of 1012 meters, it is recommended to perform vertical expansion joints at the corners of the building.

In multi-storey buildings, depending on the geometry of the facade and taking into account architectural considerations, vertical expansion joints should be provided approximately every 10 meters, as well as horizontal relief expansion joints approximately every 2 floors. The width of the expansion joints must be adapted to the vertical joints (10-15 mm) and horizontal joints (12-20 mm) in ceramic tiling.

An adjoining profile with glass mesh is glued to the window and door frames. Thus, the junctions of the plaster layer become airtight and waterproof even in a downpour. A film is additionally glued to the self-adhesive profile overlays, which protects the window or door from dirt. Upon completion of the installation of the system, the overlay together with the film is bent, broken off and thrown away. Thus, the place where the plaster adjoins the window or door frame not only looks great, but is also executed flawlessly from a technical point of view.

Fiberglass reinforcement:

The reinforcement process begins after the adhesive composition has set (depending on weather conditions, but not less than 24 hours after the end of the gluing of the insulation).

A feature of the Lobatherm system with clinker tiles is that doweling is carried out after the first layer of the reinforcing mixture and the installation of the reinforcing glass mesh so that the dowel with its dish-shaped cap holds not only the insulation, but also the mesh layer. This method of fixation provides increased strength to the reinforcing layer, which will better bear the weight of the entire structure.

The reinforcing layer is made using the appropriate certified reinforcing and adhesive mixture Quick-Mix RAS.

The thickness of the applied layer depends on the type of system and material used.

The reinforcing solution is applied manually or by machine over the entire surface and leveled with a notched trowel with a tooth size of 8 mm. A reinforcing alkali-resistant fiberglass mesh with a density of 200-220 grams / m2 with a cell size of 7-8 mm is embedded in this fresh layer of putty.

Then the putty layer is leveled with the even side of a notched grater. As a result, the glass mesh is located in the middle of the reinforcing layer.

At the edges, two adjacent fiberglass mesh sheets are overlapped by about 10 cm.

In order to provide additional protection against mechanical stress, it is possible to place a shell mesh under the reinforcing glass mesh over the entire surface, which is laid at the joints not overlapping, but end-to-end.

In order to avoid the appearance of cracks at the corners of window and door openings, additional reinforcement is made with fiberglass mesh strips. These reinforcing elements are cut individually (30 x 50 cm) or are provided in ready-made scarves.

Additional reinforcement of the corners must be performed on top of the main layer of reinforcing mesh.


In the Lobatherm system with a clinker tile finish, doweling is carried out on top of the first layer of reinforcing putty with an alkali-resistant glass mesh recessed into it.

Dish-shaped dowels must pass through the glass mesh.

The diameter of the dowel head must be at least 60 mm.

After installing the dowels, a second layer of Quick-mix RAS reinforcing mixture plaster is applied according to the “fresh on fresh” principle.

With this technology of applying a reinforcing mixture in 2 layers, the total thickness of the reinforcement will be from 7 to 10 mm.

Mechanical fastening of heat-insulating boards is always carried out in addition to gluing. The length, type and type of dish-shaped dowel depend on the characteristics of the building object. The load-bearing base, the anchorage depth and of course the thickness of the insulating material play a major role in the selection of the dowel. In case of doubt about the properties of a particular base to which the insulation is supposed to be attached, a dowel pull-out test should be carried out.

Mechanical fastening of thermal insulation boards with appropriate dowels is carried out only after the adhesive solution has completely dried.

Installation of clinker tiles:

After the plaster layer reinforced with mesh has completely hardened (and this should take at least 7 days), the clinker tiles are glued. To perform the cladding, unglazed or engobed clinker ceramic tiles with a thickness of at least 7 mm and not more than 15 mm are used, imitating brickwork textures. Usually, for these purposes, clinker brick tiles are used in the NF format (240x71mm), but replacements for other formats are also possible so that the area of ​​​​one tile does not exceed 0.06 m2.

Clinker tiles must comply with GOST 13996, as well as the following additional requirements:

  • the pore volume of the back side of the tile in the bonding area must be at least 20 mm3/gram;
  • from the total number of base pores, the main proportion of pores should fall on pores with a radius of at least 0.2 microns;
  • water absorption of tiles by volume should not exceed 6%

For gluing the clinker tiles on the prepared substrate, the Quick-Mix RKS adhesive mixture is used, which is applied both on the surface of the plaster layer and on the back side of the tiles. In this case, the thickness of the adhesive layer should be at least 3 mm, and the width of the seams should be 10 mm. The total area of ​​the seams must be at least 6% of the area of ​​the surface lined with clinker.

In the areas of the corners of the facade of the building, window sills, window and door slopes, special corner tiles can be used or ordinary tiles are sawn at an angle of 45 degrees.

After gluing the tiles, the seams are cleaned of the adhesive solution that has entered them to a depth equal to the thickness of the tile.

Sealing of seams is carried out not earlier than 14 days after the end of gluing the tiles on the facade wall using the RFS grouting compound. The grouting mortar is mixed with water according to the instructions to the consistency of wet sand, and the joints are filled with a trowel. In this way, the jointing of the seams will also preserve open pores, which will ensure uniform vapor permeability of the entire system.

Facade facing clinker tiles

Facade facing clinker tiles attract many owners of their property. Also, facing the facades with clinker tiles on the insulation will save heat, and this is not unimportant in our time.
Today we will consider how the cladding of the facade of the house with clinker tiles is done and what is needed for this. On the video you will see the cladding process and it will help you do everything right. Also, the photo will show the individual stages of work.

Advantages of clinker tiles

Today, brick-like clinker tiles are quite popular and they deserve it.

  • Clinker facade cladding tiles last longer than other cladding materials. She is not afraid of humidity, frost, heat and frequent temperature changes.
  • Tiles are made according to a special technological process, due to which the material becomes refractory. This ensures its durability, practicality and safety.
  • Laying clinker tiles is not a difficult process. It just needs to be glued to the wall surface using a special solution. And you can hide the seams and keep the coating intact for a long time with the help of high-quality grout, which comes in different colors.
  • Clinker tiles look quite aesthetically pleasing, they do not require any complicated and expensive maintenance.
  • All work can be done by hand and this will reduce the cost of finishing, then the price will be lower.
  • Facing the facade with clinker tiles is quite an effective option, it perfectly tolerates temperature extremes and high humidity. Therefore, it is durable. She doesn't require much maintenance.

From the above, it follows that this material is in demand and has many advantages that make it relevant today.

The disadvantages of clinker tiles include the following characteristics of the material:

  • Fragility, since clinker tiles are ceramics and do not withstand impact well.
  • Price. Compared to standard ceramic tiles, the cost of clinker is many times higher. This fact is influenced by the complexity and duration of the production technology, as well as the high level of quality of the material.

Attention: The disadvantages should include the fact that you cannot attach it to any mixture. Most often, the manufacturer offers his own and sells along with the material.

Installation of clinker tiles: the nuances of self-assembly

Facing the facade of the house with clinker is done in several stages.
They look like this:

Also now offers instructions on the rules of cladding ..

Finishing rules

Finishing with clinker tiles is quite simple, if certain conditions are met, and there are not many of them:

  • First you need to properly prepare the base. Typically, clinker tiles are installed on plaster or concrete.
    But in any case, the base surface must be absolutely smooth, clean from dirt and dust. In addition, it requires a high-quality facade primer.
  • If your surface is already ready, it must be covered with a primer. This will enhance the adhesion of the surfaces.

Attention: It is necessary to first check the level of tile application. That is, we will then know the layer that we will get. If it exceeds one and a half cm, then a construction mesh must be fixed to the surface. Otherwise, the tile will not last long.

Applying mesh to the wall

  • To fix the mesh, holes are made in the masonry using a perforator. After that, you need to put mores there. Do not forget that you need to put a washer on the hat, it will not allow the net to slip.
  • Then you need to choose the right adhesive material. When choosing, focus on where you intend to use the clinker tiles.
    If it is intended for indoor use, then you can use ordinary tile adhesive. If we are talking about finishing the facade with clinker, then you will need a higher quality glue that can withstand low temperatures and is able to not absorb moisture.
    If you like the well-known Ceresit brand, then choose a dry mix of CM117 or CM17, since this adhesive is best suited for installing clinker tiles mounted in aggressive outdoor conditions.
  • Now the first line is being drawn, the subsequent order will go along it. It is best applied using a hydraulic level, this option will make it perfectly even.
  • In the future, you will need knowledge of the seam alignment process. It also affects the type of tile used.
    If the tile is standard, which is laid crosswise with the intersection of the seams, then, just as when installing tiles, crosses are used to align the seams. If we are talking about brick-like clinker tiles, then in order to level it well, you should use a round rod with a diameter of 6-8 mm.
    This tile is laid in a row along the entire length of the wall. Before starting the installation of the next row, a rod is placed on top of the previous one, ensuring the evenness of the seam.
  • It is also important to know the technique of sealing the seams between the tiles. There are two ways to seal the seams: the first is the usual one used during the installation of tiles, the second method is much more interesting, it is used when installing clinker tiles under a brick, we will talk about it in more detail.
  • In general, you may not need to seal the seams if you properly lay the rod, which ensures uniformity of the seams. When installing the rod, it is necessary to tightly fill the distance between the rod and the wall with glue.
    Then, after the glue has dried (not completely), remove the round rod, you will get an absolutely even, beautiful seam. In the case when a colored seam is required, the space between the tiles is filled with a special grout.

When fastening, we use construction crosses

  • Consider styling features. There are not so many of them, however, they should not be overlooked, as this may lead to the falling off of the tile.
    Before you smeared the tile with glue, it is imperative to wet it with water and prime the reverse side of it.
  • The solution is applied evenly over the entire plane. To do this, use a spatula.
  • After that, the tile is applied to the surface and slightly pressing, we make rotational movements alternately in different directions. Then the tile will shrink evenly.

Evenly distribute the solution over the plane

Attention: Mortar will protrude at the seams. It should be removed immediately. Otherwise, it will be absorbed into the surface and you will simply ruin it.

Facing the facades of houses with clinker is not a simple and time-consuming process. But having done it according to all the rules, you will get a beautiful and durable finish.

For those who are thinking about how and how to finish the facade of their house, consider what you need to know about clinker tiles in order to make the right choice, the technologies for laying it.

Clinker tiles are an excellent material for facade cladding.

Facade finishing:

  • calculation of the need for tiles;
  • surface preparation;
  • methods of finishing facades: wet and dry.
  • Seam grouting.

Clinker properties


  • high strength and wear resistance due to the layer of melted clay on the surface of the tile;
  • moisture, heat and frost resistance (water absorption coefficient up to 2.5%);
  • low specific gravity (15-20 kg per 1 sq. m. of surface);
  • resistance to ultraviolet rays (does not fade in the sun);
  • resistance to chemicals;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • a wide range of colors and textures;
  • ease of daily care.


  • brittleness (vulnerable to impact loads, including after laying);
  • relatively high cost.

High technical characteristics make it possible to use clinker tiles for outdoor finishing works in various climatic zones.

Varieties of clinker ceramics

Depending on the field of application, facing clinker is produced in the following types:

  • technical - for paving roads;
  • facing - for exterior decoration of facades and other surfaces;
  • waterproof - for lining bases that are in contact with water for a long time (pools, saunas, baths);
  • special - for complex artistic decoration.

Clinker tiles vary in size, color and surface texture.

With regard to the decoration of facades, consider facing clinker ceramics, which, in turn, is divided into:

  • tiles;
  • thermal panels.

Clinker tiles are fired clay products that are homogeneous throughout the entire thickness and are laid on the base using tile adhesive.

Clinker thermal panel is a multi-layer finishing tile consisting of a front clinker layer and a base-insulation. Thermal panels are produced in the size of one tile or in the form of a fragment of several clinker products on a common basis. The thickness of the thermal panel can be from 4 to 8 cm.

Facade cladding

Finishing the facade with clinker tiles, like any other type of finishing work, consists of several stages, the overall result depends on the success of each of them. Let's consider these steps.

Finishing the facade with clinker tiles includes several stages

Calculation of the need for tiles

Each type of clinker tile includes two types of products:

  • main - for facing flat surfaces;
  • corner - for laying on corners.

The amount of basic clinker is measured in square meters, the need for corner material is measured in linear meters.

To independently calculate the amount of clinker tiles necessary for finishing the facade, you need to multiply the length of the facade in meters by its height and then subtract the areas that cannot be finished (window and door openings, the area adjacent to the porch facade) from the resulting value.

In order for the facing of the facade of the house with clinker tiles to be successful, you need to know exactly how much material is required

Clinker packaging usually indicates its consumption for facing one square meter of surface, taking into account the recommended joint width. If this value is absent, it can be laid out on an area of ​​​​1 square meter. imitation of brickwork from the selected tile, leaving 1-1.5 cm wide seams between the products, and calculate the amount of material in pieces. Depending on the quality of the material, 5-10% is added to the obtained value.

The consumption of thermal panels for finishing one square meter of base is indicated on the package, or the area of ​​\u200b\u200bone fragment is indicated.

To determine the need for corner tiles, measure in meters the length of all corner joints of the facade. By dividing the obtained value by the consumption of corner clinker for finishing a linear meter, the need for this material is obtained.

Surface preparation

The technology of facing the facade with clinker tiles requires preliminary surface preparation in the same way as finishing with another type of ceramics. First of all, everything mounted is removed from the facade: gutter risers, antennas, brackets, etc. Then they begin to remove the old cladding along with peeled tile adhesive and plaster. After removing the used finish, the surface is primed with two or three layers of a moisture-resistant primer with antifungal additives, after which the base is leveled.

A notch is applied to a smooth concrete surface to enhance the bearing capacity. Porous bases (shell rock, slag and aerated concrete) do not need a notch. The surfaces for laying those types of thermal panels that are mounted without a frame are carefully leveled to minimize the presence of voids between the cladding and the base.


After leveling the surface, it is necessary to assess the condition of the base with a two-meter rail. If, taking into account level differences, the layer of tile adhesive under the clinker exceeds 1.5 cm, then the base, in the case of using conventional single-layer clinker, must be reinforced.

Facing is carried out no earlier than a week after reinforcement

Reinforcement is carried out by fixing a steel or fiberglass flat fine mesh on the surface of the facade. The mesh on the base is fixed with tension dowels or self-tapping screws on concrete so that there is a distance of 3-5 mm between the planes of the mesh and the base. Then, using a spatula, fill the mesh cells with tile adhesive and proceed with laying the clinker.

"Wet" method of finishing facades with clinker tiles

"Wet" is the technology of clinker cladding when laying tiles on tile adhesive. At present, clinker ceramics stickers are common on a facade insulated with a layer of ordinary or extruded foam plastic, on top of which mesh reinforcement is arranged to enhance the load-bearing capacity. Consider the technology of laying clinker, since the presence of thermal insulation on the base to be lined does not change anything in it.

"Wet" method involves the use of adhesive composition


The facade cladding begins with door, window openings and corners at the level of the outer window sill. The best finishing result is given by preliminary marking of window (door) openings and corners of the building for laying the corner elements of the clinker. Then they mark the spans between the slopes and corners, connecting the corner clinker in rows to each other and placing the trimmed tiles in the middle of the row.

The marking is carried out with the control of the horizon of the rows using a bubble or laser level, control cords or marks. A support bar is attached to the wall under the first row of tiles.

Clinker adhesive and tile laying

For clinker cladding, moisture- and frost-resistant cement-based tile adhesives are used, for example, RKS adhesive from the manufacturer Quick-mix, Ceresit CM-117 or Litoflex K 80 from Litokol. Some mixtures specifically indicate the suitability of the material for clinker handling.

When choosing a glue, be sure to familiarize yourself with all its characteristics.

A layer of adhesive is applied to the back surface of the tile with a trowel, the excess of which is removed with a notched trowel with a tooth size of 8-10 mm. Glue should be applied so much that its excess does not protrude from the seams onto the clinker, contaminating the tile.

When lining the plinth, glue is applied to both contact surfaces, and the tiles are selected twice as thick and twice as large.

In this regard, the reinforcement of the basement surface is mandatory. The first row of plinth tiles is laid just below ground level.

After applying the glue, the clinker is pressed against the base in the design place, and the final position is given to it with light blows of a rubber mallet. Clinker tiles are cut with a grinder with a dry cutter or a high-quality manual tile cutter.

To maintain a fixed width of the joints, imitating real brickwork, glass strips 0.8-1.0 mm wide are used, pieces of which are 2-3 cm long and inserted perpendicular to the surface into the joints. A day later, glass retainers are removed by turning around their axis with pliers.

"Dry" method of finishing the facade with clinker

Dry is the method of facing facades with clinker thermal panels. Complete with such a finishing material, fasteners for it are also sold. The panels are fastened to each other with the help of structural locks at the ends of the products, and fastening to the base is carried out with self-tapping screws through the mounting holes in the tile.

There are two methods for installing tiles: dry and wet.

Corner thermal panels are produced for facing corners, but their successful installation depends on the geometry of the building. Therefore, imitation of brickwork on the slopes and corners of the building is often done by plastering and cutting joints after laying thermal panels.

The technology of finishing facades with thermal panels is less laborious, saves time, but the cost of such material is much higher than conventional clinker tiles.


The "wet" method of facing allows grouting 2-3 days after laying the clinker. After the “dry” clinker finish, the joints can be overwritten immediately after installation. Properly selected contrasting combination of cladding and grout is the key to the aesthetics of the facade finish, so the color of the grout should not be close to the color of the tile.

An even more important point is the complete and thorough filling of joints and structural locks with a grout to prevent water from leaking under the cladding. Filling the joints of the plinth cladding is best done with reactive resin-based compounds, and the seams on the walls with cement-based mixtures.

An example of a grout mixture for facade clinker is the cement composition Ardex FL, Quick-mix RFS, and for the plinth - Cristallit, Ceresit CM17 and CM117, "Granite" or furan resins.

To fill the joints, a special clinker grout is used, which can be selected according to color

High-quality filling of seams is carried out with a construction gun for grouting. In this case, the prepared mixture should be sufficiently liquid. In the absence of this tool, you can use a dense plastic bag with a cut off corner, into which a grout is placed as it is consumed. The seams are filled flush with the surface of the finish, after which they are leveled and sealed with construction jointing. The jointing can be made independently from a metal tube cut along a diameter of 8-10 mm.

If the tiles are contaminated with cement-based grout, the mixture must be removed with a damp cloth or foam rubber.

Contamination with resin-based grout is carried out according to the instructions on the grout packaging. Failure to comply with these rules is fraught with loss of aesthetics of the surface area.


A high-quality facade decoration with clinker will not leave anyone indifferent, and if the financial side of the issue does not bother you, feel free to make a choice in favor of clinker tiles, the service life and aesthetics of which are measured in decades.

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For those who are thinking about how and how to finish the facade of their house, consider what you need to know about clinker tiles in order to make the right choice, the technologies for laying it.

Clinker tiles are an excellent material for facade cladding.

Facade finishing:

  • calculation of the need for tiles;
  • surface preparation;
  • methods of finishing facades: wet and dry.

Clinker properties


  • high strength and wear resistance due to the layer of melted clay on the surface of the tile;
  • moisture, heat and frost resistance (water absorption coefficient up to 2.5%);
  • low specific gravity (15-20 kg per 1 sq. m. of surface);
  • resistance to ultraviolet rays (does not fade in the sun);
  • resistance to chemicals;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • a wide range of colors and textures;
  • ease of daily care.


  • brittleness (vulnerable to impact loads, including after laying);
  • relatively high cost.

High technical characteristics make it possible to use clinker tiles for outdoor finishing works in various climatic zones.

Depending on the field of application, facing clinker is produced in the following types:

  • technical - for paving roads;
  • facing - for exterior decoration of facades and other surfaces;
  • waterproof - for lining bases that are in contact with water for a long time (pools, saunas, baths);
  • special - for complex artistic decoration.

Clinker tiles vary in size, color and surface texture.

With regard to the decoration of facades, consider facing clinker ceramics, which, in turn, is divided into:

  • tiles;
  • thermal panels.

Clinker tiles- this is a product made of baked clay, homogeneous throughout the entire thickness, laid on the base with the help of tile adhesive.

Clinker thermopanel- multi-layer finishing tiles, consisting of a front clinker layer and a base-insulation. Thermal panels are produced in the size of one tile or in the form of a fragment of several clinker products on a common basis. The thickness of the thermal panel can be from 4 to 8 cm.

Facade cladding

Finishing the facade with clinker tiles, like any other type of finishing work, consists of several stages, the overall result depends on the success of each of them. Let's consider these steps.

Finishing the facade with clinker tiles includes several stages

Calculation of the need for tiles

Each type of clinker tile includes two types of products:

  • main - for facing flat surfaces;
  • corner - for laying on corners.

The amount of basic clinker is measured in square meters, the need for corner material is measured in linear meters.

To independently calculate the amount of clinker tiles necessary for finishing the facade, you need to multiply the length of the facade in meters by its height and then subtract the areas that cannot be finished (window and door openings, the area adjacent to the porch facade) from the resulting value.

In order for the facing of the facade of the house with clinker tiles to be successful, you need to know exactly how much material is required

Clinker packaging usually indicates its consumption for facing one square meter of surface, taking into account the recommended joint width. If this value is absent, it can be laid out on an area of ​​​​1 square meter. imitation of brickwork from the selected tile, leaving 1-1.5 cm wide seams between the products, and calculate the amount of material in pieces. Depending on the quality of the material, 5-10% is added to the obtained value.

The consumption of thermal panels for finishing one square meter of base is indicated on the package, or the area of ​​\u200b\u200bone fragment is indicated.

To determine the need for corner tiles, measure in meters the length of all corner joints of the facade. By dividing the obtained value by the consumption of corner clinker for finishing a linear meter, the need for this material is obtained.

Surface preparation

The technology of facing the facade with clinker tiles requires preliminary surface preparation in the same way as finishing with another type of ceramics. First of all, everything mounted is removed from the facade: gutter risers, antennas, brackets, etc. Then they begin to remove the old cladding along with peeled tile adhesive and plaster. After removing the used finish, the surface is primed with two or three layers of a moisture-resistant primer with antifungal additives, after which the base is leveled.

A notch is applied to a smooth concrete surface to enhance the bearing capacity. Porous bases (shell rock, slag and aerated concrete) do not need a notch. The surfaces for laying those types of thermal panels that are mounted without a frame are carefully leveled to minimize the presence of voids between the cladding and the base.

After leveling the surface, it is necessary to assess the condition of the base with a two-meter rail. If, taking into account level differences, the layer of tile adhesive under the clinker exceeds 1.5 cm, then the base, in the case of using conventional single-layer clinker, must be reinforced.

Facing is carried out no earlier than a week after reinforcement

Reinforcement is carried out by fixing a steel or fiberglass flat fine mesh on the surface of the facade. The mesh on the base is fixed with tension dowels or self-tapping screws on concrete so that there is a distance of 3-5 mm between the planes of the mesh and the base. Then, using a spatula, fill the mesh cells with tile adhesive and proceed with laying the clinker.

"Wet" method of finishing facades with clinker tiles

"Wet" is the technology of clinker cladding when laying tiles on tile adhesive. At present, clinker ceramics stickers are common on a facade insulated with a layer of ordinary or extruded foam plastic, on top of which mesh reinforcement is arranged to enhance the load-bearing capacity. Consider the technology of laying clinker, since the presence of thermal insulation on the base to be lined does not change anything in it.

"Wet" method involves the use of adhesive composition


Finishing the facade of the house with clinker tiles begins with doorways, window openings and corners at the level of the outer window sill. The best finishing result is given by preliminary marking of window (door) openings and corners of the building for laying the corner elements of the clinker. Then they mark the spans between the slopes and corners, connecting the corner clinker in rows to each other and placing the trimmed tiles in the middle of the row.

The marking is carried out with the control of the horizon of the rows using a bubble or laser level, control cords or marks. A support bar is attached to the wall under the first row of tiles.

For clinker cladding, moisture- and frost-resistant cement-based tile adhesives are used, for example, RKS adhesive from the manufacturer Quick-mix, Ceresit CM-117 or Litoflex K 80 from Litokol. Some mixtures specifically indicate the suitability of the material for clinker handling.

When choosing a glue, be sure to familiarize yourself with all its characteristics.

A layer of adhesive is applied to the back surface of the tile with a trowel, the excess of which is removed with a notched trowel with a tooth size of 8-10 mm. Glue should be applied so much that its excess does not protrude from the seams onto the clinker, contaminating the tile.

When lining the plinth, glue is applied to both contact surfaces, and the tiles are selected twice as thick and twice as large.

In this regard, the reinforcement of the basement surface is mandatory. The first row of plinth tiles is laid just below ground level.

After applying the glue, the clinker is pressed against the base in the design place, and the final position is given to it with light blows of a rubber mallet. Clinker tiles are cut with a grinder with a dry cutter or a high-quality manual tile cutter.

To maintain a fixed width of the joints, imitating real brickwork, glass strips 0.8-1.0 mm wide are used, pieces of which are 2-3 cm long and inserted perpendicular to the surface into the joints. A day later, glass retainers are removed by turning around their axis with pliers.

"Dry" method of finishing the facade with clinker

Dry is the method of facing facades with clinker thermal panels. Complete with such a finishing material, fasteners for it are also sold. The panels are fastened to each other with the help of structural locks at the ends of the products, and fastening to the base is carried out with self-tapping screws through the mounting holes in the tile.

There are two methods for installing tiles: dry and wet.

Corner thermal panels are produced for facing corners, but their successful installation depends on the geometry of the building. Therefore, imitation of brickwork on the slopes and corners of the building is often done by plastering and cutting joints after laying thermal panels.

The technology of finishing facades with thermal panels is less laborious, saves time, but the cost of such material is much higher than conventional clinker tiles.

The "wet" method of facing allows grouting 2-3 days after laying the clinker. After the “dry” clinker finish, the joints can be overwritten immediately after installation. Properly selected contrasting combination of cladding and grout is the key to the aesthetics of the facade finish, so the color of the grout should not be close to the color of the tile.

An even more important point is the complete and thorough filling of joints and structural locks with a grout to prevent water from leaking under the cladding. Filling the joints of the plinth cladding is best done with reactive resin-based compounds, and the seams on the walls with cement-based mixtures.

An example of a grout mixture for facade clinker is the Ardex FL, Quick-mix RFS cement composition, and for the plinth - Cristallit, Ceresit CM17 and CM117, "Granite" or furan resins.

To fill the joints, a special clinker grout is used, which can be selected according to color

High-quality filling of seams is carried out with a construction gun for grouting. In this case, the prepared mixture should be sufficiently liquid. In the absence of this tool, you can use a dense plastic bag with a cut off corner, into which a grout is placed as it is consumed. The seams are filled flush with the surface of the finish, after which they are leveled and sealed with construction jointing. The jointing can be made independently from a metal tube cut along a diameter of 8-10 mm.

If the tiles are contaminated with cement-based grout, the mixture must be removed with a damp cloth or foam rubber.

Contamination with resin-based grout is carried out according to the instructions on the grout packaging. Failure to comply with these rules is fraught with loss of aesthetics of the surface area.


A high-quality facade decoration with clinker will not leave anyone indifferent, and if the financial side of the issue does not bother you, feel free to make a choice in favor of clinker tiles, the service life and aesthetics of which are measured in decades.

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