Plum for Siberia which variety to choose. Plum in Siberia - varieties and cultivation. Pruning house plum

The Siberian assortment of plums is represented by three traditional groups of varieties: Ussuri plum (a variety of Chinese), less often - Karzinskaya (a population of American and Canadian plum hybrids) and plum-cherry hybrids, the fruiting of which is unstable. Since the end of the 20th century, a hybrid of Ussuri plum with cherry plum has been successfully cultivated in Siberia - hybrid cherry plum, or Russian plum.

Growing plums in Siberia has general principles, however, each type is characterized by some features of agricultural technology.

The varieties of the Ussuri plum are better, which bears fruit on one-year-old wood, blooms before the leaves bloom in May, the flowers withstand frosts down to -3 ° C. Varieties are self-fertile. For a good fruit set, three or four mutually pollinating varieties must be present in the garden. Trees bear fruit from the third or fourth year after planting as annual seedlings.

The Ussuri plum is moisture-loving, but does not tolerate even slight waterlogging. The root system is dense, superficial. Trees are watered during the period of growth (June), increase in the ovary (July) and fruit filling (August).

Varieties of Karzinskaya plum are less common.

The disadvantage of the Ussuri and American plums is the damping of tissues and organs in the winter.

Plum-cherry hybrids are hybrids of sand cherry with plum species. Bushes up to 2–3.5 m high with a crown diameter of up to 3 m. Insufficiently winter-hardy in Siberia, stronger than plums, they freeze and rot, so they bear fruit unstable. They begin to bloom later than the Ussuri plum, they bloom for 5-9 days. Flowers tolerate frosts down to -2°C. They bear fruit in the second or third year after planting. Fruits in taste, shape, size resemble plums. Due to insufficient winter hardiness, cherry plums are grown in slate form (only varieties with flexible branches are suitable).

Plum varieties for Siberia

Yellow Khopty is an old variety, a highly winter-hardy tree, vigorous with a sparse crown. Fruiting is slightly periodic, yield - 8-12 kg / tree (up to 40-60 kg). The fruits are yellow, rounded, with a groove, weighing 13–15 g (up to 25–32 g), sweet and sour taste with bitter skin. The fruits ripen at the end of August, after picking they quickly lose their presentation, they do not tolerate transportation well.

The Manchurian beauty is inferior to Yellow Khopta in terms of winter hardiness, but the variety is more drought-resistant. The plant is a natural dwarf; the bush is undersized, thickening, the shoots are dark brown. Fast-growing, bears fruit periodically. Productivity - 4–12 kg / tree (up to 16–32 kg). The fruits are round, weighing 15–18 g (up to 25–35 g), maroon with a bluish bloom, dessert taste, do not lose their appearance for a long time. Ripens in early August.

Altai anniversary. Winter hardiness is satisfactory, the tree is vigorous. The variety is not sufficiently drought-resistant, prone to periodic fruiting. Productivity - 8–12 kg / tree (up to 40 kg). Fruits are orange-red, good taste, average weight - 12-18 g (up to 20-35 g), universal purpose. Ripen in late August - early September.

Oyuna is distinguished by a satisfactory frost resistance of the tree, the variety is resistant to decay of the bark and cambium, however, the buds can be severely damaged by frost after thaws in the second half of winter. The tree is medium-sized, slightly thickened. Productivity - 6–27 kg / tree. Fruits weighing 19–27 g, round, yellow with a blush, with a separating stone, universal purpose. Ripen in late August - early September.

Baikal amber is a winter-hardy, damp-resistant, vigorous, unthickened tree. Fruiting after favorable winters is annual. Productivity - 10-15 kg / tree (up to 20 kg). The fruits are yellow with a slight blush, large (15–25 g), excellent taste, dense, with a free stone. Ripen at the end of August, stored for 3-5 days.

Pride of the Urals is the only variety of Ural selection that succeeds in Siberia. The tree is frost-resistant, resistant to decay, fruit buds can freeze slightly after thaws. The crown is low, not thickened. The yield is almost annual, average (5–12 kg/tree), the fruits are very large – 25–20 g (up to 40 g), maroon, fresh-sweet, with a non-free bone. Ripen in the third decade of August, stored for 2-3 days.

Gardeners of the Novosibirsk region should be aware that in the snowy zones of the region (as well as in the Kemerovo region) very many varieties of Altai selection fail. For example, varieties freeze slightly: Peresvet, Vika, Timoshka; varieties are supported: Chemalskaya, Gift of Chemal, Chemalsky souvenir, In memory of Putov, etc.

Most varieties of the Ural selection (Shershnevskaya, Uvelskaya, Uyskaya, Kuyashskaya) are completely unsuitable for us, they are subject to a complex of winter damages: freezing of the aerial part, especially one-year growth and flower buds after thaws, damping off. These varieties cannot be recommended for cultivation in the Novosibirsk region.

Anna Solovieva, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences

Plum varieties for Siberia

Varieties grown in the European part, related to the so-called domestic plum (renklody, Hungarian), as well as thorns and thorns in Siberia, are not winter-hardy and freeze to the level of snow cover. Varieties of a different type are common here. According to their origin, they can be conditionally divided into groups: Ussuri plum varieties and cherry plum hybrids.

Ussuri plum varieties - Yellow Khopty, Manchurian beauty, Altai Jubilee, Katunskaya, Poniklaya, Krasnocheekaya, Pyramidalnaya, Chemalsky souvenir, Orange, Chemal Gift, Dawn of Altai, Peresvet are most common in Western Siberia. They come from the Ussuri plum, which grows in the Far East.

Plum varieties "Yellow Khopty"

The variety of these plums is one of the forms of the Ussuri plum, selected by N. N. Tikhonov. A low-growing tree or shrub 2.5 m high, with a spreading, medium-dense crown. Winter hardy in cold climates. Propagated by grafting. The best rootstocks for this species are Canadian and Ussuri plums. Plum medium, about 20 g in weight, rounded, yellow. The pulp is yellow-green in color, juicy, with a good sweet and sour taste. The bone is medium. The fruits ripen at the end of August. Recommended for gardening in cold climates.

Plum varieties "Manchurian Beauty"

Far Eastern variety, seedling of Chinese plum. The variety was introduced by N.N. Tikhonov from Northern Manchuria and propagated in the Far East. Differs in drought resistance, low winter hardiness. The tree is a natural dwarf with a dense crown. It enters fruiting from 3 ÷ 4 years, bears fruit periodically. The fruits are large, weighing 14÷16g (up to 27g), rounded, maroon, with an intense bluish wax coating. The pulp is quite dense, juicy, greenish-yellow, sweet and sour, very good taste, easily separated from the pits. The fruits ripen in early September. The average yield per tree is 3÷8kg.

Plum varieties "Altai Yubileinaya"

The variety was bred by breeders V.S. Putov, N.N. Tikhonov and T.I. Cepetsaver. The tree is vigorous with a raised broom-shaped crown, good winter hardiness. The leaves are large, oblong-oval. Leaf blade with a small assembly along the main vein, the edges are slightly tightened inward. Begins bearing at 4 years of age. Average fruit weight 16÷20g. maximum 28g. The fruits are bright, orange-red. The skin is not rough, the flesh is orange, friable, with aroma, good taste. The fruits ripen in the third decade of August. They are good for fresh consumption and for making compote, jam.

Plum varieties "Katunskaya"

Tree of moderate growth, satisfactory winter hardiness, flat-round crown, not prone to thickening, annual fruiting. Harvest per tree 8-32 kg. The fruits are oval, medium size (12-26 g), pale yellow, with a whitish bloom. The pulp is yellow, juicy, tender, sweet with a slight acid taste. Ripen in mid-August, quickly lose their appearance, universal purpose.

Plum varieties "Poniklaya"

Plants of satisfactory winter hardiness, with a characteristic drooping, unthickened crown. The trees are fruitful, prone to regular fruiting, a year earlier than other varieties bring an economic harvest. The fruits are round, with a small hole at the top, dark red, medium size (12-21 g) The skin is rough, the flesh is juicy, tender, sweet-sour taste. Ripen in the second half of August, universal purpose, within 3-5 days retain their presentation.

Plum varieties "Red-cheeked"

The variety was bred at the Research Institute of Horticulture of Siberia named after. M.A. Lisavenko. It is characterized by increased winter hardiness of fruit buds and relative resistance of flowers to frost. The tree is medium-sized, with a rounded, medium dense crown. It enters fruiting from the age of 4, bears fruit periodically. Fruits weighing 12 ÷ 14 g, angular-round, red, with a well-defined ventral suture-groove. The pulp is sweet-sour, good taste. The peel is bitter. The fruits ripen in the second decade of August. The average yield per tree is 8÷9kg.

Plum varieties "Pyramidal"

The trees are medium tall with a pyramidal, medium thickened crown. Fruits weighing 12÷16g, separated by a groove. The main color is orange, the integument is dark red, the skin with numerous small subcutaneous dots and a slight bluish wax coating, rough, with a noticeable bitterness. The flesh is pale yellow, friable, fibrous, juicy, with a refreshing acid, good taste. The stone is medium in size, easily lagging behind the pulp. The fruits of early ripening - the first decade of August. General purpose variety. Comes into fruiting for 3÷4 years after planting in the garden as one-year-olds. Productivity is high, fruiting is relatively regular. The winter hardiness of the tree is high, fruit buds are above average. The variety is self-infertile.

Plums of the Chemal Souvenir variety

The tree is vigorous, with a different crown, satisfactory winter hardiness. Fruits of medium size (14-28 g), red, with a rough skin, satisfactory taste, ripen in the first decade of September.

Plum varieties "Orange"

The tree is below average height, with a pyramidal crown, satisfactory winter hardiness, abundant, often periodic fruiting. The fruits are elongated-round, medium size (12-22 g), beautiful, yellow-orange, with a whitish bloom. The pulp is dense, with aroma, satisfactory taste. It ripens in the second half of August; after harvesting, it retains an attractive appearance for 3-5 days.

Plum varieties "Gift of Chemal"

A tree of medium height, with a thin, slightly drooping crown, satisfactory winter hardiness, with relatively regular fruiting. The fruits are small (10-12 g), spherical in shape, attractive in color, satisfying taste, universal purpose, ripen in the second half of August.

Plum varieties "Dawn of Altai"

A tree of medium height, with a spherical, unthickened crown, increased winter hardiness. The fruits are bright red, small (10-12 g), elongated-round shape, early ripening (August 10-15), universal purpose.

Plum varieties "Peresvet"

Seedling of Jubilee 68-25. Bred in the Research Institute of Horticulture of Siberia. M.A. Lisavenko. In most respects, it is similar to the Altaiskaya Yubileinaya variety, from which it differs in somewhat greater winter hardiness, a more elevated crown and a darker color of annual shoots and leaves.

Varieties of this group are distinguished by early flowering (they bloom 7-10 days earlier than ranetki and semi-cultivars), therefore they often fall under spring frosts. They do not have enough winter-hardy flower buds, which often leads to their death in the winter and, accordingly, the lack of flowering. Most often, the death of flower buds is observed in winters with sharp fluctuations in temperature from high - thaw - to low. Sometimes only the rudiments of the pistil are damaged. Then the trees bloom, but the fruits are not tied.

Frosts up to 42-44 ° C are tolerated by trees without severe damage. In more severe winters, their wood freezes, annual growth, less often semi-skeletal and skeletal branches.

Trees begin to bear fruit in the 3-4th year after planting. Varieties of Ussuri plum are unstable to drought, they grow well and bear fruit in areas where the annual precipitation is at least 550-600 mm, in the rest they need watering. With a lack of moisture, the trees are strongly oppressed, their winter hardiness decreases, the taste deteriorates and the size of the fruits decreases, and with a large moisture deficit, the entire ovary may fall off. The varieties of this group are characterized by a dessert taste of fruits. They are usually round in shape, of the most diverse colors (yellow, orange, orange with a blush, red, dark blue with a bluish bloom). In early-ripening varieties, they ripen in early August, in late-ripening varieties, in early September.

Plum-cherry hybrids. These are hybrids of sand cherry with plum. Some of these varieties were imported from the North American continent (Opata, Meinor, Beta, Admiral Schlei), others were obtained by breeders in our country (Lyubitelsky, Chulym, Pchelka).

Unlike the Ussuri plum and Karzin plum plants, which grow in the form of trees up to 3-4 m in height, plum-cherry hybrids are bushes no higher than 2 m. after which, however, it quickly recovers. Varieties of domestic selection have good winter hardiness of bushes.

Plum-cherry hybrids are characterized by increased winter hardiness of flower buds, later flowering (by 5-7 days) in comparison with Ussuri plum. Due to the bushy nature of the crown, a significant part of the plant is always covered with snow and winters safely. All this provides this group of varieties with more regular fruiting.

The difference between these varieties is high precocity: they begin to bear fruit already in the 2-3rd year. The fruits of plum-cherry hybrids are characterized by a dark color, from burgundy to dark purple. The exception is the Amateur variety, which has a green color with a blurred burgundy blush.

The taste of the fruits of American varieties and Lyubitelsky is good, that of Pchelka and Chulym is mediocre. They ripen in late August - early September.

Plums for Siberia: variety requirements, winter-hardy species, video

Despite the fact that the plum, in general, is quite winter-hardy, the Siberian climate with its frosts and heavy precipitation in the form of snow does not tolerate most of its species. Here, gardeners will have to select special varieties that have a number of advantages compared to plums grown in the European part.

Plum varieties for Siberia should not only have increased winter hardiness, but also resistance to a sharp temperature drop in early spring, as well as damping and freezing as a result of abundant snow cover. In addition, they must be able to withstand strong winds in low temperature conditions.

The best types of plums for growing in the Siberian climate are:

  • varieties of Ussuri plum;
  • cherry-plum hybrids.

Features of the Ussuri plum

Types of Ussuri plum have increased winter hardiness and easily tolerate frosts down to -44 degrees, but this is possible only with a sufficient level of moisture. In the event of drought, the resistance of trees to freezing is significantly reduced, the taste and quantitative characteristics of fruits deteriorate, and sometimes the ovary even completely falls off. With a sufficient amount of moisture, they bear fruit abundantly from 3 years of age. Also fade resistant.

Because most cultivars bloom early, flower buds can be damaged by heavy frost returns (if the air temperature drops below 3 degrees below zero), which should be taken into account when growing plums in regions with late spring.

From Ussuri plums, Siberian winters are well tolerated by such varieties:

  • Altai anniversary;
  • Yellow Hopty;
  • pyramidal;
  • Dawn of Altai;
  • Red-cheeked.
Also Read: Spring Plum Diet

Features of cherry-plum hybrids

Plum and sand cherry hybrids are compact in size, their bush height does not exceed 2 m, due to which in winter most of the crown is protected from frost by snow.

See also: Popular drink for the winter: compote of pears and plums

Flowering in hybrids occurs a week later than in the Ussuri plum, which also contributes to the preservation of the future crop, although flower buds already have increased winter hardiness. Plums begin to bear fruit from the second year of life; in most varieties, the fruits are dark in color and ripen at the end of summer.

The most winter-hardy are hybrids of domestic selection. As for American varieties, the above-ground part often freezes out, but quickly recovers.

Most often, such hybrid varieties are grown in Siberia:

  • Bee;
  • Chulym;
  • Amateur;
  • Admiral Schley;
  • Mainor.

Growing Ussuri plum - video

5 golden rules for planting and caring for the best plum varieties in Siberia

Planting and caring for plums in Siberia is certainly different from similar agrotechnical processes in other regions, and is completely focused on adverse climatic conditions. Growing any fruit tree, including plums, is especially difficult in snowy areas.

In the Altai Territory and Omsk Region, where winters are moderately snowy and summers are rather warm, conditions are more favorable than in Tomsk and Kemerovo Regions and Novosibirsk, with cold snowy winters and moderate summers.

To date, many frost-resistant varieties of this crop have been bred, which are suitable for Siberia. They perfectly tolerate low temperatures, but such problems are possible:

  • wind drying of unripened annual shoots;
  • sharp jumps in temperature - cooling after thaws. The tree comes out of dormancy and the buds begin to swell. Therefore, their partial or complete freezing is possible. So, you need to choose varieties with a long dormant period and weakly awakened buds;
  • the tissues and organs of the plum suffer from decay: the death of the bark and cambium of the lower part of the trunk and skeletal branches due to the lack of frost and a thick layer of snow. It is impossible to prevent damping off with the help of snow removal; the roots may freeze slightly. The only way out can only be freezing the soil in the near-stem circle;
  • freezing of the upper part of the tree.

Given all of the above, steppe regions and individual microzones with a small amount of snow are better suited for growing plums.

How to grow a plum in Siberia

Fruit crops, including plums, in Siberia are adapted to low temperatures for more than 6 months a year. In winter it is frosty and windy here, in summer it is dry. To successfully grow plums, cherry plums and other fruit crops, special varieties are chosen.

Plum varieties adapted for Siberia

Favorable regions for most adapted varieties are the south of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the Altai Territory. When choosing planting material, pay attention to such parameters as tree height, winter hardiness and drought resistance. Srednerosly varieties are preferable, as they are easier to protect from the winds.

Source: Depositphotos

Plum in Siberia gives good yields even with a slight freezing of the seedling

For regions with snowy winters, long cold weather and short summers, new breeding varieties and hybrids are suitable. They are characterized by increased winter hardiness, late flowering and disease resistance.

The best plum varieties for Siberia are as follows:

    • "Ussuriyskaya" is a shrub or medium-sized tree up to 4 m high with yellow or reddish round fruits, moisture-loving, non-transportable.
    • "American" and "Canadian" - similar in characteristics, up to 5 m high, suitable for the southern regions, drought-resistant, with juicy fruits.
    • "Russian" - tolerates frosts down to -40 ° C and quickly recovers after winter, is resistant to temperature extremes, produces small sweet fruits weighing 25 g.

For the north of Siberia, hybrids "find", "daughter of Buryatia", "Baikal amber" are suitable. They endure high snow cover in combination with low temperatures down to -40 °C. The average yield of an adult tree is 30 kg.

Fit and Features

growing plums in Siberia

Planting plums in Siberia is similar to planting in other regions. Here it is important to find the most quiet and warm place in the garden. This should be a site that is free from other trees for the next 2 m, fenced off by a wall from the north and west winds. Plant a tree in early autumn or mid-spring.

Landing rules:

    • prepare pits 50 cm deep, 70 cm wide;
    • pour 5 kg of fertile soil;
    • the seedling is buried to the root collar, mulched with organic matter.

Plum in Siberia is best grown in areas with loamy soil, which retains moisture well. In summer, during the period of active fruit growth and in autumn, before wintering, the tree is well watered. In winter, the snow cover near the tree is well tamped - this will protect the roots from freezing.

If the landing site is not blown out by the winds, the plum winters well and blooms profusely, and quickly recovers when it freezes. All Siberian varieties during the flowering period endure frosts down to -4 ° C, therefore they give stable yields.

It is not so difficult to grow a fruit crop in the conditions of the Siberian climate. New varieties, in addition to resistance to adverse climatic conditions, have good taste, so the Siberian plum can be tasty and productive.

Many gardeners are engaged in the cultivation of plums, not only in the south of the country, but also in the regions of the middle zone. Thanks to the work of breeders, many winter-hardy varieties have been developed that are suitable for growing in regions with harsh winters. Today we will briefly talk about these varieties, as well as how plum is grown in Siberia, planting and caring for this plant, and much more.

  1. Plum cultivation in Siberia
  2. plum care
  3. pruning plum trees
  4. crown formation

The most common Siberian plum varieties

  • Ussuri. Medium-sized species, reaching 4 meters in height at maturity. The first fruiting begins at three-year-old trees. It bears fruit with red or yellow berries, which are poorly transported. Fruiting occurs in late August - early September. Ussuri plum is a moisture-loving plant. Due to the lack of moisture, the root system of the plant becomes weaker and more vulnerable to disease and frost.
  • Canadian plum and American plum are winter-hardy, drought-resistant and very similar varieties in terms of agricultural technology. The height of adult specimens reaches 5 m.
  • The most common Siberian variety is the Karzinskaya plum, bred by crossing two overseas species. This is a heat-loving variety that is suitable for growing in the southern regions of Siberia.
  • Russian plum or as it is also called cherry plum. This is a hybrid variety that is resistant to cold, heat and sudden changes in temperature, and is easily rehabilitated after damage. This plant bears fruit with small, but very tasty fruits, the shelf life of which is no more than ten days. The first fruits begin to ripen in early July. The last harvest can be harvested at the end of August.
  • You can achieve the highest yield of plums if you use varieties specifically designed for this particular growing area. For example, in the Urals, gardeners use the Pride of the Urals plum variety. It is the only variety suitable for cultivation in this region.

Plum seedlings for Siberia and the northern regions "Manchurian Beauty" and "Yellow Khopty" ​​are productive and unpretentious plants in care. Good winter hardiness and high survival rate of these varieties attract many gardeners for further cultivation.

For snow zones, hybrid varieties are best suited, bred by breeders of Buryatia - "Daughter of Buryatia", "Stranger", "Nakhodka" and "Baikal Amber".

Plum cultivation in Siberia

Planting and caring for a plum in Siberia is not a complicated process and is accessible to any gardener, even a beginner. The ideal place for planting this crop is a sunny area, where there are no winds and drafts, with loose, organic-rich sandy or loamy soil.

Planting of this culture in Siberia is carried out in early spring or autumn. The distance between seedlings is determined based on the plant variety. Vigorous species with a spreading crown are planted at a distance of 3 meters from each other, medium-sized and dwarf varieties are placed at intervals of 1.5-2 m.

When planting a plum, it is very important not to damage its root system, so it needs a deep and wide planting hole - 50 × 100 cm. A complex fertilizer of 5 kg of rotted manure, 250 g of superphosphate and 100 potash fertilizers is placed at the bottom of the hole. If planting is carried out on a site with heavy soil, then it will not be superfluous to add 5 kg of sand to this mixture. Such top dressing will provide good nutrition to seedlings for several years. If the laying of the plum garden is carried out on acidic soil, then before planting the plants, lime is added to the hole (60 g of the substance is spent on 1 planting hole).

The root system of young trees is very sensitive to fertilizers, so it is isolated. The nutrient layer is sprinkled with black soil, and roots are laid on top of it. Planting a tree is done so that the root collar is flush with the ground. Planted young trees are watered abundantly and mulched with a 5-centimeter layer of organic matter.

plum care

One of the main conditions for the successful cultivation of this crop is the freezing of the soil. This procedure is carried out in order to prevent aging.

The soil is frozen by any available method at the base of the trunks. In order to prevent the root system from freezing, the snow around the tree is left and compacted, and empty barrels of 200-300 liters are placed near the plants since autumn.

Periodic removal of root growth is another procedure that includes the main maintenance of a plum orchard. The formation of root shoots is typical for own root plums, old and frozen plants, as well as plums grafted on wild animals. It is removed immediately in the year of formation and the next year in early spring.

pruning plum trees

Plants are cut into branches 0.5-1 cm. In order for the wounds to heal faster, they are treated with a sharp garden knife. Larger wounds of 1-2 cm are covered with garden pitch. Sanitary pruning of trees is carried out in early spring, immediately after the blooming of vegetative buds. The second haircut is carried out in June in order to thin out thickened crowns.

Frozen trees need to be restored. Therefore, they are first trimmed, then during the budding period, all inflorescences are removed. In addition, such specimens need good top dressing with complex fertilizers and regular watering. The recovery process in weakened and frozen trees begins in the second year.

Old trees undergo a rejuvenating procedure - the branches are shortened by 3-year-old wood, thus stimulating the formation of young shoots.

crown formation

In Siberia, the plum is formed in the form of a multi-stemmed bush with a low trunk. One healthy and most developed central shoot is left on it, and all side branches are cut short or completely removed. Thick skeletal branches are shortened more than weak ones in order to equalize them in strength of growth and development.

Protection against diseases and pests

To protect the plum orchard from the invasion of pests and diseases, an annual preventive treatment is carried out before the start of the growing season, during the budding period and after harvesting with Fufan or Fitoverm preparations.

Diseases and pests of plum trees are exterminated with chemicals - fungicides and broad-spectrum insecticides.

Plum is one of the favorite fruit crops of Siberian gardeners. In Siberia, however, it bears fruit inconsistently, especially poorly in snowy places. has general principles, however, each type is characterized by some features of agricultural technology

Types of plums for Siberia

The Siberian plum assortment is represented by three traditional groups of varieties:

  1. plum Ussuri (a kind of Chinese)
  2. less often - Karzi (population of American and Canadian plum hybrids),
  3. plum-cherry hybrids , the fruiting of which is unstable.

Since the end of the 20th century, a hybrid of the Ussuri plum with cherry plum has been successfully cultivated in Siberia - cherry plum hybrid , or Russian plum .

Ussuri plum for Siberia

Better varieties Ussuri plum:

  • bears fruit on one-year-old wood, blooms until the leaves bloom in May, the flowers withstand frosts down to -3 ° C.
  • Varieties are self-fertile. For a good fruit setting, it is necessary to have 3-4 mutually pollinating varieties in the garden.
  • Trees bear fruit from 3-4 years after planting with annual seedlings.

The Ussuri plum is moisture-loving, but does not tolerate even slight waterlogging. The root system is dense, superficial. Trees are watered during the period of growth (June), increase in the ovary (July) and fruit filling (August).

Plum karzinskaya for Siberia

Varieties plum karzinskaya less common.

Plum-cherry hybrids for Siberia

Plum-cherry hybrids are hybrids of sand cherry with plum species.

  1. Bushes up to 2–3.5 m high with a crown diameter of up to 3 m. They begin to bloom later than the Ussuri plum, they bloom for 5–9 days. Flowers tolerate frosts down to -2°C.
  2. Insufficient winter hardiness in Siberia, stronger than plums, they freeze and rot, so they bear fruit unstable. Due to insufficient winter hardiness, cherry plums are grown in slate form (only varieties with flexible branches are suitable).
  3. They bear fruit 2-3 years after planting. Fruits in taste, shape, size resemble plums.

Photo: hybrid of Ussuri plum with cherry plum - hybrid cherry plum, or Russian plum

Plum varieties for Siberia

The success of planting and growing plums in Siberia will be the right choice of plum varieties.

An old variety, a highly winter-hardy tree, vigorous with a sparse crown.

  • Fruiting is slightly periodic, yield - 8-12 kg / tree (up to 40-60 kg).
  • The fruits are yellow, rounded, with a groove, weighing 13–15 g (up to 25–32 g), sweet and sour taste with bitter skin.
  • The fruits ripen at the end of August, after picking they quickly lose their presentation, they do not tolerate transportation well.

Photo: Plum variety for Siberia Yellow Hopty

The only variety of Ural selection, successful in Siberia.

  • The tree is frost-resistant, resistant to decay, fruit buds can freeze slightly after thaws.
  • The crown is low, not thickened.
  • The yield is almost annual, average (5–12 kg/tree), the fruits are very large – 25–20 g (up to 40 g), maroon, fresh-sweet, with a non-free bone.
  • Ripen in the third decade of August, stored for 2-3 days.

Winter-hardy, resistant to decay, vigorous, unthickened tree.

  • Fruiting after favorable winters is annual.
  • Productivity - 10-15 kg / tree (up to 20 kg).
  • The fruits are yellow with a slight blush, large (15–25 g), excellent taste, dense, with a free stone.
  • Ripen at the end of August, stored for 3-5 days.

Winter hardiness is satisfactory, the tree is vigorous.

  • The variety is not sufficiently drought-resistant, prone to periodic fruiting.
  • Productivity - 8–12 kg / tree (up to 40 kg).
  • Fruits are orange-red, good taste, average weight - 12-18 g (up to 20-35 g), universal purpose.

Photo: Plum variety for Siberia Altai Jubilee


Differs in satisfactory frost resistance of a tree.

  • The variety is resistant to decay of the bark and cambium, however, the buds can be severely damaged by frost after thaws in the second half of winter.
  • The tree is medium-sized, slightly thickened.
  • Productivity - 6–27 kg / tree.
  • Fruits weighing 19–27 g, round, yellow with a blush, with a separating stone, universal purpose.
  • Ripen in late August - early September.

Photo: Plum variety for Siberia Oyuna

Plum varieties unsuitable for Siberia

Gardeners of the Novosibirsk region should be aware that in the snowy zones of the region (as well as in the Kemerovo region) very many varieties of Altai selection fail.

Varieties freeze:

  1. Peresvet,
  2. Vika,
  3. Timoshka

Support varieties:

  1. Chemalskaya,
  2. Chemal's gift
  3. Chemal souvenir,
  4. In memory of Putov and others.

For Siberia absolutely most varieties of the Ural selection are unsuitable:

  1. Shershnevskaya,
  2. Uvelskaya,
  3. Uiskaya,
  4. Kuyashskaya

Ural varieties are subject to a complex of winter damage:

  • freezing of the aboveground part,
  • especially annual growth and flower buds after thaws,
  • aging.

Photo: Ussuri plum, Variety "Ural prunes"

Plum cultivation in Siberia

Plum agrotechnology should be aimed at ripening shoots:

  1. do not abuse nitrogen fertilizers and dressings,
  2. do not water the plants after harvesting,
  3. more often to make wood ash.

Combined with low temperatures, the plum tree suffers from desiccation by the winds, especially its unripe annual shoots.

Photo: Plum farming in Siberia should be aimed at ripening shoots

Plum dampening

Wetting of tissues is observed almost every year. The reason is prolonged exposure of plants to temperatures close to 0 ° C, with a thick layer of loose snow or when snow falls on unfrozen soil.

  • In decayed plants, the cambium and bark are brown, the wood remains healthy.
  • Damping can be focal and ring.
  • The branches (trunks) that have aged from below first bloom, may bloom, but subsequently fade.
  • Damping out is more dangerous than freezing, most often the branches or the entire tree die.

Rejection must be distinguished from freezing .

Photo: Freezing the soil in tree trunks helps prevent damping off

The fight against decay

Freezing the soil in the near-stem circles, at the base of the trunks, in any way possible helps to prevent damping off:

  1. pouring from autumn to the root neck of rubble;
  2. the establishment next to the tree of high - above the level of snow - barrels with a capacity of 200 liters (method Kudryavtsev A.G.). Barrels can be laid on their side with the bottom to the base of the trunk;
  3. with a snow height of more than 1 m, the method of Gorno-Altai gardeners is recommended: tree trunks are protected with a casing made of wood, tin, any pipe with a diameter of 40-50 cm, the height is within the border of the snow cover. The trunk to this height must be free from branches. From above, the casing is covered with a cloth or tin so that snow does not get into the casing (“dry wintering” of the trunk). The base of the casing is buried in the ground by 10 cm.
  4. Effectively 3-4 times the compaction of snow (trampling the tree trunks) after the first snowfalls, starting from a snow depth of 15-20 cm. You can not rake the snow at the beginning of winter, this can lead to freezing of the roots.

How to prevent plums from aging (video)

The agronomist, head of the fruit and berry nursery "1000 roses" tells about what measures to take in order to avoid the damping of the plum tree in Siberia

Plum planting in Siberia

When placing plums, the nature and strength of growth are taken into account. Choose a place and suitable soil, annual seedlings. Planted out in the spring.

Place to land

Plum is thermophilic, it is undemanding to moisture. Therefore, the plum should be planted in a place protected from the winds, in the sun, insulating the soil (add sand when planting).

  • The upper parts of the slopes are suitable for planting plums: the steepness is not more than 3-8 ° southern, southwestern and western exposure.
  • In the steppe regions, separate microzones are suitable, where there is less snow.
  • In places with little snow, plums are planted on flat surfaces.
  • Problematic are forest zones, places with early and deep snow.

Groundwater should not be closer than 1.5 m from the soil surface.

The best time for planting plums

In Siberia, this is spring, in extreme cases - early autumn.

Photo: The best time for planting plums in Siberia is spring

Soil for planting

  • Chernozems, chestnut, gray forest soils are suitable for plums.
  • According to the mechanical composition - sandy loamy, medium and light loamy, well warmed up.

landing pits prepared with a depth of up to 50 cm, a diameter of 60-100 cm.

  1. Organic fertilizers are placed in the lower third of the pit (8-15 kg for infertile soils and no more than 3-4 kg for fertile soils), 200-300 g of superphosphate, 100-150 g of potash fertilizers, up to 50 g of fluffy lime and everything is mixed with the ground .
  2. On heavy soils, add 1 bucket of sand.

Plum seedlings

Plum seedlings can be own-rooted and grafted (on SVG 11-19, sand cherry).

  1. Plums are vigorous plants, so it is advisable to purchase and plant annual seedlings.
  2. Biennial are considered non-standard, always have a root system badly damaged during excavation, take root worse.


When planting, seedlings are shortened:

  1. If the root system is severely damaged during digging, and the crown is powerful, up to 50% of the length is removed.
  2. If the aerial part is compact, and the roots are well developed - no more than 30%.

To guarantee the preservation of the variety during its freezing, it is possible to recommend a deep planting of a seedling, that is, 10-15 cm deeper than the root collar. In this case, the plum "goes to its roots", and after freezing, the branches of the cultivated variety will grow, and not the rootstock.

Watering after planting

  • After planting, water (3-4 buckets per plant) and mulch the soil with organic matter.
  • Plum new plant is watered until full survival.

Photo: To preserve plums during freezing, a deep planting of a seedling can be recommended

Plum tree planting in the hills

On low areas and places where there is more than 80 cm of snow , landing on hills and ridges with a height of 40-50 cm and a width at the base of 180-200 cm is recommended.

  1. In spring or autumn, apply fertilizers to a site with a diameter of 200 cm (30-40 kg of organic matter, 200-400 g of ammonium nitrate, 800-1200 g of superphosphate, 150-300 g of potassium salt).
  2. Dig to the depth of a shovel, then pour a mound of soil mixed with sand and gravel.
  3. A hole is made in the middle of the hill, while fertile soil is placed closer to the center, and sand and gravel are added to the periphery.

Planting plums in boxes

Landing in boxes without a bottom - for snowy areas .

Boxes with dimensions of 1x1 m and a height of 60 cm, made of wood, slate, iron sheets and other materials (or barrels cut in half) are filled with soil mixture and plums are planted.

Photo: in snowy places, plums are planted on hills and in boxes

plum care

Plum trees are short-lived: in a grafted culture they bear fruit for 12-15 years, in their own root - up to 25 years. In the spring, almost every year, plum trees (bushes) require restoration.


  1. Plum varieties are considered ideal if they bear fruit slightly periodically and form a good annual growth every year. Such trees almost do not require shaping. In the spring for them should be carried out only sanitary pruning(old branches without growth, diseased and broken).
  2. Varieties prone to overload and periodic fruiting can be pruned once every 2-3 years quite strongly. Old trunks are cut out (no more than 25-30% of the total crown volume). One-year growth is not shortened (the bulk of the crop is concentrated on it). Wounds after pruning are covered with garden pitch.
  3. Strongly frozen branches (black inside) are cut to live, slightly damaged wood, fruiting after severe freezing is not desirable, flowers should be removed. Cropped plants require top dressing and watering in the spring.

Plum regrafting

Cuttings of another variety can be grafted into the plum crown.

Rules for successful plum grafting:

  • plum regrafting is carried out early (before May 1-5) and in a short time (5-7 days);
  • for grafting (as a stock) it is better to choose 1-year-old branches, in extreme cases - 2-year-old ones;
  • plum vaccinations are short-lived, to create a "tree-garden" vaccinations should be updated almost annually;
  • the scion is characterized by weak fusion with the stock in the first year; at the beginning of intensive growth, it is advisable to tie the growing shoots to a stake in order to prevent them from being broken out by the wind;
  • the plum tree is much more likely than the apple tree to show varietal-rootstock incompatibility; for guaranteed fixing of the variety, graft it onto different varieties - rootstocks.

Photo: In the spring, almost every year, the drain requires restoration

top dressing

  1. Pre-planting refueling is enough for a tree for 3-4 years.
  2. With the onset of fruiting, up to 7 kg of organic matter and 100 g of ash are annually introduced.
  3. Instead of ash, you can apply 70 g of superphosphate and potash fertilizers.
  4. Every 2-3 years, 50 g of lime is added - fluff.


Plums from 2 years of age are watered to a limited extent.

  • Young, developing plants are watered more strongly (2-3 times), watering is stopped in August.
  • Fruiting trees are watered 1-2 times, be sure to pour fruit.
  • Watering is stopped after harvesting the fruit.

Photo: After harvesting, the plum is not watered

In the northern regions, where the harsh climate makes its own adjustments, it is not easy to grow a fruit tree. However, it is quite possible. In today's article, you will learn how to choose the right plum tree and how to care for a plum tree in Siberia.

We take into account climatic conditions

Planting and caring for plums in Siberia is certainly different from similar agrotechnical processes in other regions, and is completely focused on adverse climatic conditions. Growing any fruit tree, including plums, is especially difficult in snowy areas.

In the Altai Territory and Omsk Region, where winters are moderately snowy and summers are rather warm, conditions are more favorable than in Tomsk and Kemerovo Regions and Novosibirsk, with cold snowy winters and moderate summers.

To date, many frost-resistant varieties of this crop have been bred, which are suitable for Siberia. They perfectly tolerate low temperatures, but such problems are possible:

  • wind drying of unripened annual shoots;
  • sharp jumps in temperature - cooling after thaws. The tree comes out of dormancy and the buds begin to swell. Therefore, their partial or complete freezing is possible. So, you need to choose varieties with a long dormant period and weakly awakened buds;
  • the tissues and organs of the plum suffer from decay: the death of the bark and cambium of the lower part of the trunk and skeletal branches due to the lack of frost and a thick layer of snow. It is impossible to prevent damping off with the help of snow removal; the roots may freeze slightly. The only way out can only be freezing the soil in the near-stem circle;
  • freezing of the upper part of the tree.

Given all of the above, steppe regions and individual microzones with a small amount of snow are better suited for growing plums.

Choosing frost-resistant varieties

You need to carefully select a variety of culture for a region with a cold snowy winter. The best option is frost-resistant self-fertile varieties of plums for Siberia (frost-resistant varieties of Renklod and Vengerka) or hybrid forms (Plum Scarlet Dawn, Medovaya, Rubin).

We present a brief description of the main cultural groups that are well established in the Siberian region:

  • Ussuri plum. Varieties Altai Jubilee, Burgundy, Oyuna, Zaryanka, Yellow Khopty. Frost-resistant, resistant to decay, early-growing varieties. The fruits have excellent taste characteristics, but are poorly transported. The degree of productivity is average, it is possible to be affected by stone fruit diseases;
  • Canadian and American semi-dwarf varieties of plums. The level of frost resistance is average, but they tolerate drought well, early-growing, universal fruits;
  • plum varieties for the southern regions of Siberia - Kargazin varieties (Rumyanaya, Kulundinskaya). Not resistant to weathering, but cold-resistant and drought-resistant plums, with tasty fragrant fruits. The degree of productivity is average, fruiting is periodic;
  • Russian plum or cherry plum. A hybrid form that tolerates cold, heat, temperature changes equally well, adapts and recovers perfectly. The fruits are small, not stored for a long time, but have an excellent taste. Varieties: Northern dessert, Honey, Scarlet dawn, Rainbow;
  • for the Urals, it is recommended to choose varieties specially bred for the region: Pride of the Urals and Pearl of the Urals. Buryat varieties are suitable for snowy regions: Stranger, Nakhodka, Daughter of Buryatia.

Planting a tree the right way

Growing plums in Siberia is not difficult, but laborious. An amateur will cope with it if he follows certain rules. Before planting a tree, you need to decide on a site that is most suitable for culture. It is recommended to choose a well-lit, protected from wind and draft space. The soil is preferably loose, enriched with organic matter, sandy or sandy loam.

The time for planting is chosen based on the duration and the beginning of the cold season in the region. Early spring or autumn is best. The distance between seedlings depends on the characteristics of the tree, the variety being planted: for tall ones with a spreading volumetric crown, at least 4 m, for smaller plums, from 1.5 to 2.5 m. pollination of the variety.

The pit should be so wide and deep that the root system of the seedling is not damaged, and the roots can be freely distributed. It is necessary to make a complex top dressing, consisting of manure and potassium-phosphorus fertilizers. Depending on the type of soil, sand, lime, wood ash are variably added. Fertilizers are covered with earth and sprinkled with soil. Sometimes landing is replaced by a vaccination.

Young cuttings are grafted onto strong healthy rootstocks. If the cutting has successfully taken root, such a tree has a better chance of surviving in a harsh winter.

The golden rule of care

There is one agrotechnical procedure that distinguishes plum care in Siberia from similar care in other regions. We are talking about freezing the soil in order to prevent the bark of the bole and skeletal branches from aging. To do this, the snow in the zone of the trunk circle is not removed, but rather compacted. Large empty barrels are also placed around the barrel. Naturally, trees need root removal and regular pruning.

In early spring, sanitary pruning of damaged branches is carried out; in early summer, the crown is formed and thinned out. In order for the trees to recover faster, the cut points are lubricated with garden pitch, and the plums are fed with complex fertilizers. We should not forget about regular watering, because not all frost-resistant varieties tolerate drought well.

For old plants, anti-aging pruning is carried out, which contributes to the formation of young shoots. Care includes preventive measures to prevent stone disease and pest infestations. To do this, several times a year, trees are treated with insecticides and fungicides.

Getting ready for winter

In order for the plum in Siberia to grow and develop, it must be carefully looked after. Preparing for winter is a process that cannot be excluded. Since mainly varieties with a high degree of frost resistance are planted, they do not need to be covered, snow will be enough. Such plums are fed and watered abundantly for the winter. Fruit trees that are grown in less snowy areas need shelter. To avoid dampening, it is recommended to use special agrofibre or spruce branches.

Video "How to grow plums"

From this video you will learn how to grow a plum tree in the garden.

For many years now, plums have been freezing in our garden (Hungarian and thorns were planted). So, we were convinced from our own experience that these trees do not always survive in the harsh Siberian winters. Tell me, what varieties of plums can be grown in Siberia?

Despite the fact that the plum, in general, is quite winter-hardy, the Siberian climate with its frosts and heavy precipitation in the form of snow does not tolerate most of its species. Here, gardeners will have to select special varieties that have a number of advantages compared to plums grown in the European part.

Plum varieties for Siberia should not only have increased winter hardiness, but also resistance to a sharp temperature drop in early spring, as well as damping and freezing as a result of abundant snow cover. In addition, they must be able to withstand strong winds in low temperature conditions.

The best types of plums for growing in the Siberian climate are:

  • varieties of Ussuri plum;
  • cherry-plum hybrids.

Features of the Ussuri plum

Types of Ussuri plum have increased winter hardiness and easily tolerate frosts down to -44 degrees, but this is possible only with a sufficient level of moisture. In the event of drought, the resistance of trees to freezing is significantly reduced, the taste and quantitative characteristics of fruits deteriorate, and sometimes the ovary even completely falls off. With a sufficient amount of moisture, they bear fruit abundantly from 3 years of age. Also fade resistant.

Because most cultivars bloom early, flower buds can be damaged by heavy frost returns (if the air temperature drops below 3 degrees below zero), which should be taken into account when growing plums in regions with late spring.

From Ussuri plums, Siberian winters are well tolerated by such varieties:

  • Altai anniversary;
  • Yellow Hopty;
  • pyramidal;
  • Dawn of Altai;
  • Red-cheeked.

Features of cherry-plum hybrids

Plum and sand cherry hybrids are compact in size, their bush height does not exceed 2 m, due to which in winter most of the crown is protected from frost by snow.

Flowering in hybrids occurs a week later than in the Ussuri plum, which also contributes to the preservation of the future crop, although flower buds already have increased winter hardiness. Plums begin to bear fruit from the second year of life; in most varieties, the fruits are dark in color and ripen at the end of summer.

The most winter-hardy are hybrids of domestic selection. As for American varieties, the above-ground part often freezes out, but quickly recovers.

Most often, such hybrid varieties are grown in Siberia:

  • Bee;
  • Chulym;
  • Amateur;
  • Admiral Schley;
  • Mainor.

Growing Ussuri plum - video

Plum is a delicious and very sweet fruit that is grown in many regions of Russia. Since ancient times, it has been valued for its excellent qualities. And how can she not like it?

This fruit has good taste and useful qualities (you can read more about the properties of plums here). From plums you can make compotes, jam, just eat fresh. What a delicious dried plum!

If you suddenly decide to plant it in your summer cottage, then first read the reviews about a particular variety. It will also be important to pay attention to the climate. Many believe that growing plums in the Urals or Siberia does not always bring results. However, it is not.

Although it is considered a heat-loving plant, there are varieties that perfectly tolerate the harsh Siberian winters. Let's look at which varieties are suitable for this particular area and how to properly grow this crop.

Before you start planting a plum, you should still familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the varieties that are offered on the modern stone fruit market.

It is important: not every plum variety is suitable for the regions of Siberia and the Urals. When choosing, be sure to look in the description for which regions and climate this variety is most suitable.

So, let's consider the best varieties of plums for growing in the Urals and Siberia:


Remember that the entire success of planting, further growing and getting a good harvest directly depends on the choice of a place for planting, proper planting and further care of the plant.

Soil and planting requirements

First you need to choose a suitable landing site. Follow the guidelines:

  1. It should be borne in mind that this plant is capricious and very picky. It will bear fruit only in areas with good protection from the wind.
  2. The most suitable option would be gentle slopes on the south, southwest and west sides.
  3. It is advisable to plant seedlings in well-warmed areas, in places where there is good aeration.
  4. If you decide to choose a low-lying place for planting plums, then it is advisable to make a small artificial mound there. The height of the hills should be about 40-50 cm, and the size of the base is almost 2 meters.
  5. The composition of the soil should also be taken into account. Remember that the plum loves the soil of a gray forest, loamy and chernozem species. In addition, they must have a good level of moisture and breathability.


Planting hole preparation

It is best to land in the spring. Since the climate is cool in Siberia and the Urals, seedlings planted in autumn may not have time to take root and simply freeze. The optimal period for landing is the third decade of April.

It is also worth paying attention to the soil, it should thaw and warm up well. Pits should be prepared already at the beginning of spring, about 2-3 weeks before planting.

The depth level of the pit should be almost 60 cm, the diameter size should be about 60-70 cm. It is advisable to remove the earth from it and mix it with humus in proportions of 2 to 1. In addition, you can also pour some complex-type fertilizers there. After that, the earth is poured back into the recess.

Just before planting, the hole is dug up again and the earth is well fluffed. Then the seedling must be placed in a hole, while the root neck should be 5-6 cm above the ground, and sprinkled with a small amount of earth. At first, the seedling should be tied to a special wooden peg until the root system is fully strengthened.


plum pruning

The rules for caring for plums are as follows:

  1. As soon as the seedling is planted, it must be watered abundantly. Approximately one seedling will require about 30 liters of water. Then it needs to be plentifully mulched. In the following season, the plum is watered about 3-4 times. The first watering is done in mid-May, the second - after the end of flowering during the intensive development of fruits, the third - during the ripening period, the fourth - in late autumn.
  2. It is also worth paying great attention to top dressing. Feeding trees with fertilizers should begin in the third year of their life. For fertilizer, a mixture of humus or compost of about 7 kilograms and 200 grams of wood ash per 1 square meter is perfect. ground meter. During active vegetation, complex mineral fertilizers should be applied. Nitrogen-type mixtures should be applied in the form of solutions. Phosphorus, potash, mixtures that have a dry and poorly soluble structure, it is desirable to add to the soil in the fall.
  3. Pruning plums should be done in the spring, when active sap flow has not yet begun. The process starts at the seedling stage. In young seedlings, active growth of branches begins and therefore during this period it is possible to form the correct shape of the plum crown. Also, given the feedback from experienced gardeners, it is recommended to remove the shoots that are actively growing from the root system. It can affect the further growth and yield of plums.
  4. In the spring, the trunks should be whitened, this will protect against the defeat of all kinds of pests. Also nearby you can install protective equipment against rodents and mice.

If you decide to plant a plum on your site, then be sure to familiarize yourself with all the varieties intended for cultivation in this region. Also pay attention to the climate: many varieties are very capricious and may not grow well in areas with a cold and harsh climate.

Be sure to follow the rules for planting and caring for the plum. It is on this that its further growth and harvest will depend. I wish you success!

See overview video about growing plums in Siberia and the Urals:

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Plum has always been considered the most whimsical tree for the garden. But today many varieties have been bred that allow it to be successfully grown even in the coldest corners of the country.

Let's take a closer look at the most popular new products and old proven varieties of the best plums.

Description and characteristics of the best self-pollinated varieties of plums

Self-pollinated varieties have long won the recognition of gardeners. For a good harvest, one tree is enough, which is good news if you have a small area. According to summer residents, from self-fertile varieties it is worth paying attention to such varieties:



"Memory of Timiryazev".

Plum variety "Bogatyrskaya" considered one of the most fruitful among self-fertile varieties. The tree bears fruit early, within five years after planting, at least three buckets of plums can be collected. The yield increases gradually, reaching up to 60 kg per tree. An adult tree produces at least 80 kg of fruit. The fruits are large, elongated, dark purple, sweet and sour. They tolerate transportation well. Mass harvest occurs in the second half of August. The tree is vigorous, withstands frost, resistant to major diseases, which is good for the climate of the middle zone.

From the blue plums can be distinguished variety "Viola". The tree will please with fruits in three years, on average, you can harvest up to three buckets of the crop. Plums of medium size, sweet and sour, quite juicy. The variety is medium-sized, frost-resistant, rarely affected by diseases and pests. The fruits tolerate transportation well. Grow plums in the middle zone. In a dry summer, problems arise with growing, the ovaries crumble, the fruits become smaller.

No less fruitful is considered proven grade "Memory of Timiryazev". The tree can withstand temperatures down to -30 ° C, at lower rates, buds suffer, and yields decrease. Plum fruits appear in the fourth year of cultivation. The average yield of a young tree is from 10 kg, with age it increases to three buckets. The fruits are medium in size, yellow, with a characteristic reddish blush. The pulp is dense, juicy, well separable, sweet and sour in taste. The variety is zoned for central Russia.

The best fruitful varieties of plums for a summer cottage

When laying a garden, it is worth taking a closer look at productive varieties that consistently bear fruit, despite the vagaries of the weather. Of these, gardeners have identified several of the most promising:



Variety "Morning" gives good yields, is planted as a pollinator for many self-fertile plums. The variety is early ripe, mass harvesting begins in early August. At least a bucket of plums is harvested from a young tree; with age, the yield increases to 25 kg. The fruits are yellowish-green in color with a characteristic bloom, juicy, tasty and fragrant. The stone is small, the plum peels well. The tree is undersized, comes into fruition after 4 years of cultivation, has good immunity. Frost resistance is average, the buds often freeze slightly, but the plum is quickly restored. The variety is recommended for cultivation in the Central region.

Plum "Interesting"- a relatively new hybrid for the Central and Middle strip. The variety is self-fertile, planted next to pollinators. The yield reaches three buckets. The fruits are yellow-green, round, sour in taste. The color of ripe fruits may change, becoming more orange.

From late-ripening varieties stands out Plum "Valor". The tree is self-sterile and needs pollinators. Variety for industrial use, bears fruit stably, gives at least 30 kg of fruit. The plum is large, maroon, with a characteristic wax coating. The flesh is pale yellow, juicy and sweet. The bone is well separated. Variety of universal purpose, mass harvesting begins in the first decade of September.

What frost-resistant plum varieties are best planted in the Moscow region and central Russia

In the conditions of the middle lane, it is worth taking a closer look at varieties that are highly resistant to diseases and well resist the vagaries of the weather. These include plums:


"Red Ball";


Plum "Skoroplodnaya" considered the best for the Moscow region and the middle lane. The variety is completely self-fertile, bears fruit steadily, yields are high. The first plums appear in the third year of cultivation, with age the yield reaches 30 kg per tree. Plums are yellow-red with sweet pulp, large, well transported. The tree is early ripe, fruit picking occurs at the beginning of August. Frost resistance up to -40 ° C, immunity is good.

Variety "Red Ball" partially self-fertile, yield increases with pollinators. The first fruiting occurs in the third year of growing a seedling. On average, 18-20 kg are harvested from a tree. The fruits are large, red, with yellow juicy pulp, sweet. The variety is resistant to major diseases.

Frost-resistant and early ripe variety "Yakhontovaya" will please the harvest in three years. The tree is vigorous, partially self-pollinating, well tolerates temperatures down to -30 °C. The fruits are yellow with a characteristic bloom, sweet and sour in taste, large, ripen in the second decade of August. At least 30 kg are collected from one tree.

The best of the frost-resistant varieties of plums for Siberia and the Urals

In the conditions of the Siberian climate, plums are rarely grown. Preference is given to seedlings grafted onto the most cold-resistant crop - the Ussuri plum, which easily tolerates frosts down to -50 ° C. The most productive varieties are:


"Yellow Khopty";


Variety "Uvelskaya" is self-fertile, hardy and productive. The tree is resistant to diseases and pests. The fruits are medium in size, dark red in color, elongated, sweet with some sourness. Fruiting begins in the fourth year of cultivation, harvested in the first half of August. Plums are suitable for conservation, processing and summer consumption.

Variety "Yellow Khopty" annually produces at least 30 kg of plums. The tree is medium-sized, frost-resistant, partially self-fertile. Fruits of universal purpose, ripen by the end of summer, large, bright yellow with a characteristic blush. The taste is sweet and sour, the pulp is juicy. The first harvest is formed after four years.

Considered to be very durable grade "Pioneer". A tree of average term of maturing, partially self-fertile, high-yielding. Fruits of saturated red color with a wax coating, medium in size. The pulp is juicy, tasty, honey-colored, the stone is easily separable. The average yield is from two to three buckets, up to 40 kg of fruits are removed from the tree as much as possible. Mass collection of fruits falls on the first decade of August.

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