Mirabilis planting and care in the open field. Can mirabilis be grown as a houseplant? When to sow mirabilis

At first glance, this plant does not stand out in any way. Its highlight is in the flowering time. Variegated inflorescences bloom in the late afternoon, and close only at dawn.

It is for this that mirabilis, planting and caring for which in the open field requires minimal skills and costs, received the second name "night beauty".

The petals of these charming flowers are painted in different shades: yellow, purple, orange, red, burgundy and white. They may also have multi-colored strokes. Sometimes flowers of different colors appear on the same bush. This phenomenon is due to overpollination.

Mirabilis is a perennial plant, but is often grown as an annual, since it is not always possible to keep the tuber in winter.

The main varieties received the following varieties:

  1. Elvira

This variety forms a dense bush of medium size (no more than 60 cm), flowers up to 4 cm.

  1. Iolanta

Low bush (up to 50 cm), small flowers are painted in bright colors with strokes.

Dense dark green foliage forms a ball adorned with pink funnel-shaped flowers. Great for growing in cold regions. Blooms for a long time - until frost.

  1. red lollipop

A large plant, reaching a height of up to 1 m, is covered with large red flowers with a wavy edge. Absolutely unpretentious variety.

  1. Tea Time Formula Mixture

Bush up to 75 - 90 cm high, strongly branching stems. The flowers are painted in variegated colors.

Landing rules in open ground

So that planting and caring for mirabilis in the open field does not cause problems, it must be remembered that the plant does not tolerate acidic and too wet soil. It is desirable that the landing site be sunny, not very windy, it was carried out.

The method of landing largely depends on the region. So, in the southern regions, the seeds of the night beauty are planted in April immediately in, in the northern regions, already grown seedlings are planted. To do this, in March, each seed is placed in a separate cup with soil.

For faster germination, the seeds can be held in a damp cloth for a day.

A week later, shoots appear. Seedlings are watered as needed, loosen the soil. Shortly before mirabilis is taken out into the street, it is necessary to harden the sprouts, for example, put them on a glazed balcony or loggia. In early May, ready-made adult plants are planted in a flower bed.

The best option for the south is to grow mirabilis from seeds right on the site. At the same time, there is no need to fulfill any special requirements; the seeds of the "night beauty" germinate perfectly and evenly. The only thing is that you can not thicken the plantings, the distance between plants should not be less than 40 cm.

You can try to keep the tubers of the night beauty after flowering in a cool and dry room. If this can be done, in the spring they can be germinated, and then planted on the site in a permanent place. These plants will flower a few weeks earlier than those grown from seed.

How to care for mirabilis after planting?

Care after planting mirabilis in open ground is minimal:

Flower propagation methods

There are three options for propagating a mirabilis flower:

  • seeds - through seedlings or sowing in open ground (the most common). Ripe seeds are dark black in color.

Seeds remain viable for 3 years.

Possible difficulties

Outdoor care for mirabilis also includes regular inspection of plants for pests and diseases, although it is quite resistant to them.

Mirabilis in the landscape

Planting Mirabilis in open ground involves the creation with his participation. The night beauty goes well with daisies, lobularia and bluebells. Anemones and fragrant tobacco are also suitable as "neighbors".

Tall varieties form very beautiful hedges. In discounts, borders, mixborders and various flower beds, dwarf (up to 30 cm tall) varieties are placed. Mirabilis is used to decorate terraces, verandas and balconies, undersized varieties are placed in flowerpots.

Unpretentiousness in cultivation, ease of propagation, charming and fragrant flowers - all this does not leave anyone indifferent. Having become acquainted with this charming flower closer, you will no longer want to part with it.

VIDEO: what does mirabilis look like in the garden?

You can find out what mirabilis looks like in a flower bed or in a garden from this video:

Mirabilis does not require much effort when planting and caring in the open field. He can rightfully be given the status of a flower, which is ideal for lazy gardeners. The main thing is to choose the right place and do not forget to water the unpretentious plant. Everything else you don't have to worry about.

The name of the flower is translated from Latin as "amazing". Indeed, a gentle garden pet never ceases to amaze owners with a variety of colors and unpretentiousness in growing. Often even a combination of shades of buds is striking. If you plant 2 bushes of different colors side by side, then next year you will find an unimaginable range of colors resulting from pollination. On one mirabilis, white and purple, red and yellow buds can easily coexist. This harmony looks amazing.

Another amazing quality of a green pet is night flowering. For this unusual property, he even received a second name - "night beauty". The plant also has another, more romantic name: "a thousand and one nights." Beautiful buds bloom in the second half for, delight with a beautiful view and sweet aroma until the morning. Within a day, the inflorescences fade, new ones appear in their place. And such a bright cycle continues until the first frost.

The marvelous plant has an overseas origin and a rather exotic look. Despite this, it perfectly took root in conditions of moderate latitude. More precisely, only one species is adapted to our climate - mirabilis yalapa. It includes a huge number of varieties that amaze with a variety of shades and sizes.

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    Appearance of plants

    Outwardly, garden beauties are small bushes, the height of which does not exceed 1 m. The roots of plants are similar to turnip or carrot tubers. The stems are densely branched and fairly straight. Their distinctive feature is a red tint. As the plant matures, the lower part of the branches becomes stiff. The leaves are ovoid and deep green in color. They sit directly on the stems or are attached to short petioles.

    The cups of flowers are funnel-shaped and have wide limbs, the diameter of which often reaches 2.5 cm. The buds can grow singly, or they can be collected in lush inflorescences. In nature, mirabilis flowers of various shades are found: pink, white, yellow, red, orange. They can be single color or two color. Often there are original specimens, for example, spotted or striped.

    Reproduction by seeds

    There are several ways to propagate beautiful "night beauty" flowers. However, the most simple, convenient and common method for mirabilis is growing from seeds. To use it, it is necessary to begin preparation in early spring. In March, the seeds are soaked for 24 hours in warm water, after which they are planted in a greenhouse. Even if you did not take care of pre-soaking, you should not worry: even without this, the seeds germinate.

    The temperature in the greenhouse should not be very high. The best option is 18-20 ° C. Under such conditions, you can expect good germination and violent growth. After about 7 days, the first shoots will appear from the ground. They must be carefully planted in different containers. It is advisable to choose deep cups, since the flower has a tap root system.

    It is necessary to transplant young plants into open ground after the threat of night frosts has disappeared. In central Russia, the best time is the beginning of May. When you plant mirabilis, make sure that the distance between neighboring bushes is at least 40 cm. The plants grow quite quickly, they will soon become crowded in a smaller area. Then lush flowering can not be expected.

    After the planting of flowers in fresh air is completed, it is recommended to cover them with polyethylene at night until the weather becomes consistently warm. This will avoid the death of young seedlings from unforeseen frosts. For the same reason, it is not recommended to plant plants immediately in open soil with seeds.

    Cuttings of bushes

    Cuttings are a method of propagation that is rarely used. It is much easier to propagate a beautiful plant with the help of seeds. However, this method has the right to life. If you decide to resort to it, get ready for the fact that the procedure can take a lot of time.

    1. 1 It is necessary to cut off the cuttings from the mother plant, which are a little stiff. The optimal size of the segments is about 10 cm.
    2. 2 The cut should be slightly dried. After that, it is recommended to dip it in a growth stimulator, for example, in Kornevin. This will help speed up root formation.
    3. 3 For rooting, cuttings are best placed in water. Planting them in the ground is not recommended. Containers with plants should be placed in a warm room. The optimum temperature is 20-22 °C. If it is colder, there is a high risk that the cuttings will not give roots.
    4. 4 After about 2-3 weeks, the first roots appear on the cuttings. If this does not happen and there is no sign of growth on the stem, most likely it will have to be thrown away. This rarely happens, in most cases, mirabillis cuttings germinate.

    Experienced gardeners use a little trick to speed up germination. The lower part of the pot, in which the cuttings take root, is gently heated to 20-22 ° C. Of course, you can only resort to this method if the containers are made of materials that cannot be melted. As a rule, shortly after heating, the plants give roots.

    After the roots have become a little stronger, the seedlings must be transplanted. It is better if mirabilis is planted immediately on the street, and not in a pot. The flower does not like to be disturbed often.

    Suitable piece of land

    Mirabilis is a night beauty who moved to us from hot tropical countries. Therefore, it is not surprising that she is a big fan of warmth and light. When choosing a place to plant a plant in the garden, it is better to give preference to the warmest and brightest area, which is well lit by the sun's rays. If you plant a plant in partial shade or under a tree, it will feel uncomfortable. This will immediately affect the appearance: growth will be slow, and the buds will be small. But the mirabilis flower tolerates drafts and gusts of wind, oddly enough, well. Of course, if a hurricane is planned on the street, it is better not to experiment, but to cover the bush with a thick film.

    When looking for the most suitable place for growing a "night beauty", one must also take into account the fact that an exotic plant is very demanding on soil moisture. It absolutely does not tolerate stagnant moisture, so it is better not to plant it in lowlands or in swampy areas. If this factor is not taken into account, mirabilis may die from rotting of the root system.

    The ideal land for a flower is fertile loamy or clayey. It is desirable that there is lime in the soil. But it is better to abandon the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bgrowing shrubs on acidic soil. Under such conditions, the plant will feel bad.

    When choosing a suitable place, be sure to keep in mind that the bush grows quite quickly. Soon he will occupy most of the flower garden or flower bed. Another important point: if there are people in your family who are prone to allergies or do not tolerate strong aromas, it is better to plant a flower away from the living quarters.

    What care does the plant need?

    "Night Beauty", which is grown according to all the rules, will delight you with lush flowering throughout the season. The main thing is to follow a few simple recommendations for caring for the plant.

    1. 1 Despite the fact that the flower is a resident of hot countries and is quite resistant to drought, you should not forget about regular watering. If the flower experiences a lack of moisture, it will stop budding. Then you can not hope for lush flowering. It is necessary to moisten the soil as it dries. If you follow this rule, a luxurious bush will delight the eye with fragrant large flowers.
    2. 2 Those who are just starting to care for a bush need to know that it needs regular loosening of the soil and removal of weeds. When the soil is loose and light, it is easier for oxygen to penetrate into it. As a result, mirabilis grows faster and blooms more abundantly. Shrubs that grow quickly should be repotted.
    3. 3 If you want the plant to develop faster and bring lush flowers, loosening alone is not enough. Periodically, the bush needs to be pampered with fertilizers. For the whole season it is necessary to carry out 3-4 dressings. It is better to use mineral fertilizers, which can be purchased at any specialized store. But it is better to refuse organic matter: it makes the soil more acidic, which Mirabilis does not like.
    4. 4 It is not necessary to trim or form a mirabilis bush, it does fine without these procedures. But in order to prevent self-seeding, it is necessary to remove the buds that have already faded in a timely manner. It is in them that the seed pods are formed.

    Mirabilis, the cultivation of which follows all of the above recommendations, blooms around mid-June. If in the second half of the month the shrub is in no hurry to pamper you with beautiful flowers, although the buds have started, you need to take care of more abundant watering. Most likely, the plant does not have enough moisture.

    winter period

    The dormant period of a beautiful plant begins immediately after the last flowers fade. This usually happens at the end of November and continues until mid-March. Mirabilis is an annual plant, so some of its shoots may die off. You should not worry about this - the process is completely normal and does not lead to the death of the shrub.

    If you leave the "night beauty" to winter in the open field, you can not wait for seedlings next year. Therefore, many flower growers who do not want to lose a beautiful flower take it home for the winter. Experts recommend carefully digging up the tubers, removing thin adventitious roots from them and placing the tubers in a substrate consisting of a mixture of peat and sawdust. Containers with rhizomes are stored in the refrigerator, and in the spring they are planted in fresh soil.

    However, this method is not always safe. Not all tubers survive the winter in the refrigerator. Therefore, other experienced gardeners recommend leaving the tubers for the cold season in an ordinary pot. The ground part of the shrub is completely cut off, and the containers with the rhizomes remaining in them are placed in a dark, cool basement. In winter, it is necessary to water the flower no more than 2 times a month. This is quite enough to ensure that the tubers do not dry out and live safely until the onset of spring. Fertilizers do not need to be applied during the dormant period.

    As soon as spring begins, the plant pots must be moved again to a warm place with good lighting. Care for the overwintered flower should be as before.

    Diseases and pests

    Mirabilis is an unpretentious green pet that has an increased resistance to diseases and pests. Very rarely, rust can attack the leafy part of the flower. The main symptoms of this disease are brown or red spots. To combat the disease, you need to remove the damaged leaves, and treat the bush itself with a fungicide.

    Another possible problem is root rot. This usually happens when the soil is too wet. If the "night beauty" flower is damaged, it is necessary to carefully dig it out of the ground, remove the affected parts of the roots and plant again. The soil is treated with a fungicide, and the frequency of watering is reduced.

    Mirabilis wild flowers number about 60 species growing in America. These annuals and perennials are characterized by the most varied coloring of flowers, attracting the eye from noon to the morning of the next day.

    Varieties and types

    (she is also a night beauty, dawn) is a perennial cultivated as an annual plant. Its bushes have an elongated-rounded shape, grow up to 80 cm in height and are characterized by tuberous roots.

    The shoots are densely branched, reddish in color, overgrown with wood from below. The diameter of the funnel-shaped flowers is 2.5 cm, and the color can be white, yellow, orange, crimson, purple, red, or even 2-color. A pleasant aroma of opened flowers flows from 16 o'clock in the afternoon until the onset of the morning hours.

    The night beauty has a truly amazing feature, to match its Latin name - one plant can form flowers of various shades, so you can buy, for example, mirabilis tricolor with white, yellow and pink flowers. The usual color for this species is pink, alternating with salmon and raspberry shades, but white and yellow flowers are also formed, sometimes even with multi-colored stripes.

    The beginning of flowering of Mirabilis is associated with June and continues until the arrival of frost.

    Of all the existing species, only jalapa is cultivated in gardens, forming the basis of the following varieties:


    • with 6 cm diameter flowers in white, red, yellow and lilac flowers, dense branches of shoots, blooming in June-October, perfect for outdoor flower beds;

    • Variety mirabilis marble the flower has bright flowers with dark veins, also of various shades, its lush flowering lasts from July to August and looks great in flower beds and mixborders;

    • absorbed a very rich color palette, including yellow, orange, red, pink, raspberry, coral and lilac colors, which bring high decorativeness to any flower garden;

    • with fragrant red flowers with a diameter of 4-5 cm, pleasing to the eye from 15 o'clock in the afternoon, it is an excellent option for decorating flower beds and discounts;

    • Variety mirabilis cavalier with yellow and red colors of buds, it is also mainly used for the purposes described above;

    • is a low spherical bush about 50 cm high, with multi-colored flowers of medium size, decorated with stripes and strokes, blooming from the first days of July until the onset of frost;

    • - a variety with pure red flowers 5-6 cm in diameter;

    • Mirabilis variety white candy - similar to the previous one, only with white flowers;

    • - with yellow flowers;

    • - with purple flowers.

    Mirabilis planting and care in the open field

    In the absence of the likelihood of the last spring cold snap, you can plant mirabilis in the open field in June, with both sprouts and seeds. Planting density must be kept moderate, that is, maintain the mutual distance of plantings at the level of 50 cm due to the fact that the bush can stretch strongly in height, depending on the variety chosen.

    Planting depth is also important - the seeds should not be on the surface. By filling in the planting gaps with other annuals, you can get a very effective variegated composition. The development of this very heat-loving plant is most significantly affected by lighting, so you should choose a site that is well warmed by the sun.

    Watering Mirabilis

    It is necessary to pay some attention to watering, even taking into account the fact that Mirabilis can easily cope with the lack of moisture.

    soil for mirabilis

    As for the soil, it should be noted that loamy or clayey with a lime content is considered preferable. Sour and waterlogged soils are strictly contraindicated, at the same time, excessively dry soil can cause a lack of flowering.

    In no case should compost and manure be applied to the site, which can cause irreparable harm to the plant.

    Mirabilis transplant

    Produced in early spring before flowering begins. This procedure is performed as it grows.

    Mirabilis fertilizer

    The dawn planted in the ground is not demanding on top dressing. It is fully enough to water it once every 30 days with a nutrient mixture based on conventional complex fertilizers during flowering.

    pruning mirabilis

    Mirabilis itself has a delightful appearance with a rounded shape, so there is no need for circumcisions and ties with this ornamental plant.

    Large varieties of night beauty are able to form uniquely beautiful hedges, and low varieties are quite capable of becoming the best available decoration for flower beds or borders.

    Mirabilis in winter

    With the onset of cold weather, mirabilis tubers become the main interests of gardeners. The fact is that this plant can be preserved in winter if the right conditions are created for its rest.

    To carry out the plan, the tubers must be carefully dug up in the last autumn days and placed for wintering in containers filled with sand and peat. The substrate is not intensively moistened, sometimes using sawdust.

    Storage of planting material is acceptable in a dry, cool environment at a temperature of approximately 5℃ - under other conditions, there is a high probability that the tubers will die before the arrival of springtime.

    Mirabilis growing from seeds

    In areas with a relatively warm climate, mirabilis seeds can be planted directly into the ground. They are collected during the period when they turn black, from the axils of faded and fallen flowers, and the extraction process is quite simple.

    Moreover, these seeds germinate perfectly, and, in this regard, they cannot be left without the attention of an experienced grower. Dawn flowering, as already known, is very long, so the seeds are also collected during a long period of plant activity.

    Sowing mirabilis for seedlings

    In cold regions, seedlings are the recommended way to grow mirabilis. Getting seedlings is also not a particularly troublesome business. To do this, in early April, they take medium-sized disposable cups, fill them with a substrate, including turf, peat and river sand (there should be a little more sand than other components).

    There are no more than 1-2 seeds of a night beauty per 1 cup, since the sprouts of this plant are quite large, and thinning seedlings is not desirable.

    After a few days, the initial signs of germination should appear, and after 30-45 days, the seedlings will be ready for planting on a plot in open ground.

    Diseases and pests

    Mirabilis is not a plant susceptible to pests, for which it is very much appreciated by novice flower growers. Almost the only possible defeat - rust and stain - eliminated by removing damaged parts, followed by treatment of diseased areas with a fungicide.

    As mentioned above, mirabilis's love of warmth is one of the most important things to pay attention to when growing it. Based on this, it is highly not recommended to land earlier than June, as you may encounter a short-term return of cold weather, and this may be enough for Mirabilis to simply not ascend.

    Dawn loves heat so much that it can respond to the presence of drafts in the area twisted leaves , so it is better to choose a seat without them.

    Mirabilis is an attractive tropical plant native to South America. From the Latin name of the exotic flower "mirabilis" is translated as "amazing". Its peculiarity is that a rather inconspicuous herbaceous plant during the day, by the evening, is transformed: colorful buds open on the stems, from which charming flowers appear in the form of small gramophones, fragrant all night. It is thanks to the unusual flowering at night that the second common name for the flower is “night beauty”. The plant is mainly distributed in the southern regions and warm countries with a tropical climate, where it is a perennial plant. In our temperate climate, the mirabilis flower is grown as an annual, as its delicate root system freezes in winter. The night beauty is a godsend for beginner gardeners and summer residents, it is easy to grow it in your summer cottage, and it is very easy to care for it. How to grow a charming mirabilis and how does the plant reproduce?

    Mirabilis flowers belong to the family of Noctaceae or Nyctaginaceae. Outwardly, the plant looks like a strong compact herbaceous bush up to 80 cm high, sometimes there are bushes up to 1 meter in height. The stems of the plant are straight, densely branched, painted in a reddish hue. As the bush grows, the lower stems become woody. Oppositely on stems, on short petioles, are smooth green leaves of elongated ovoid shape, leaves with entire edges. The root of the plant is tuberous, resembling carrots or turnips. Funnel-shaped flowers of various colors bloom on each stem at the top. In nature, there are white, bright orange, crimson, yellow, purple and lilac colors, as well as striped, spotted and multicolor flowers. Moreover, completely different flowers can bloom on one bush.

    Mirabilis flower is endowed with an unusual aroma with a tropical hue, which attracts nocturnal pollinators - moth moths. In the morning, bright fragrant gramophones close in buds. Mirabilis blooms from mid-May to the first frost in November. After flowering, in place of the bud, fruits-boxes of dark brown color appear, in which there is one large oval-shaped seed that remains viable for up to 3 years.

    Mirabilis, varieties and types

    Among the 60 species of tropical plants growing in warm countries, only two plant species have taken root in our climate:

    Mirabilis Jalapa (Mirabilis jalapa) - this species is more common among flower growers than its own. He is loved for his unpretentiousness and wonderful decorative qualities. The bush is branched, sprawling, reaches a height of 80 cm - 1 meter, the leaves are small, oblong in shape of a dark green hue. The flowers of the plant can be of the most diverse colors: snow-white, pink, yellow, purple, and also variegated. Mirabilis Jalapa is characterized by long flowering throughout the summer season until the first autumn frosts. Among the varieties, the most famous are:

    • Tea Time Formula Mixture - flowers of a wide variety of shades.
    • Tea Time Red - charming flowers of pink-red shades.

    Mirabilis longiflora (Mirabilis longiflora) is a tall shrub (up to 1.5 meters) with more branching stems. A distinctive feature of the species is that the leaves of the plant have a sticky surface. The flowers of the species are snow-white.

    Mirabilis landing

    The right site for growing mirabilis is the key to a beautiful and lush flowering of the plant.

    Site selection

    Mirabilis comes from countries with a tropical climate, therefore it is a photophilous plant. For planting, choose the warmest and most well-lit areas of the garden. Mirabilis is very picky about sunlight, in partial shade or under the crowns of trees the flower will grow poorly, and the flowers will be small.
    When choosing the ideal place for a night beauty, one should take into account the fact that it is very demanding on soil moisture and does not tolerate stagnant moisture and high acidity of the soil. Therefore, the plot of the garden or cottage should be dry, swampy areas, lowlands, are not suitable for growing plants. Mirabilis feels great on fertile loamy, clay soils with the addition of lime.
    When choosing the ideal garden site for planting, remember that the bush grows quickly and can occupy a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe flower bed or flower garden. People who do not tolerate strong suffocating aromas are not recommended to plant a plant near the living quarters.

    Landing methods

    Mirabilis is most often grown from seeds, but the plant can be propagated by cuttings or tubers. You can also buy mirabilis already in the form of seedlings in a flower shop. When buying a plant for planting, pay attention to its appearance. The bush should be strong, the leaves should not be sluggish, without spots and damage, the buds should not be wrinkled. Otherwise, the plant may not take root in a new place.

    Mirabilis planting seeds through seedlings

    To grow a night beauty from seeds, the method of growing seedlings in small pots is used to avoid seedlings diving. Mirabilis seeds are quite large, so you can plant 1-2 seeds in a pot.

    The container for planting seedlings should be equipped with drainage holes so that moisture does not linger in the soil. The substrate for seedlings should consist of one part of soddy land, one part of peat and 1.5 parts of coarse river sand, gravel can be used. Mirabilis planting time with seeds is the end of March or the beginning of April, the room temperature should not fall below 18-20 degrees. Before planting, it is recommended to hold the seeds in a damp cloth for 6-7 hours. The depth of planting seeds in the ground is no more than 2 cm. Water the seeds moderately, avoiding moisture stagnation in the soil.
    The first young shoots will appear in pots in two weeks. Take the seedlings outside so that the seedlings harden, gradually get used to the new conditions.

    As soon as the earth warms up enough, and the seedlings grow up, the seedlings can be transplanted into a flower garden. Remember that transplanting to a new place is stressful for any plant, so it is necessary to provide the young plant with temporary shade, for example, branches with leaves or a newspaper. After a few days, when the adaptation to the new place is over, the sun protection can be removed.

    Mirabilis, planting open ground

    In the southern regions, where the earth warms up quickly enough, you can plant mirabilis seeds directly into the ground, the right time for planting is warm May or early summer. If spring is cold and heat does not come for a long time, it is better to use planting plants through seedlings, since seeds under unfavorable conditions may not germinate for a long time, thereby shifting the flowering time of the plant.
    Before planting, the soil must be limed, thereby reducing its acidity. Wood ash and mineral fertilizers are added to the soil. Before planting in the prepared soil, the seeds must be moistened (hold them in a moistened napkin for 6-7 hours). Plant them in the ground at a distance of 5-7 cm from each other, given that they will have to be thinned out as the bushes grow. Planting depth - no more than 2 cm. Seeds planted in the ground must be watered with warm water and covered with a film for a while to protect the plantings from possible night temperature drops.

    Planting tubers

    Propagation of mirabilis by tubers is less often used by flower growers, since the night beauty is easily grown from seeds. The tubers of the plant can be purchased at the store or dug up on your own from your site in the fall. Tubers are stored in sawdust or dry sand at a temperature of 5 degrees, the storage conditions for tubers are similar to the wintering of dahlia tubers. Already in the spring, when the tubers germinate, they can be planted in open ground. This method of reproduction does not have a 100% guarantee, since the tubers can dry out and die during the winter, there is a risk of losing all planting material.


    Mirabilis propagates vegetatively - cuttings. This method of propagation is useful if the seeds of the plant are absent.
    Semi-lignified shoots are suitable as cuttings, the cut of which must be dried, and only then sent to a container with a growth stimulator (Kornevin). The stalk is planted in a nutrient substrate, where it takes root within 14-20 days, subject to all the requirements for caring for the plant. Namely - regular soil moisture and room temperature (20-24 degrees Celsius). To accelerate the growth of roots, heating of the lower part of the container with the handle is practiced up to 24-26 degrees. This effective way to stimulate growth and rapid rooting is used by many experienced flower growers. Rooted shoots can be planted in the ground when favorable conditions for planting occur.

    Mirabilis, care

    Mirabilis is an undemanding flower in care, it is a completely independent plant. It is enough to provide him with regular watering, fertilizing and loosening the soil to remove weeds.

    Illumination and temperature

    Mirabilis will bloom profusely only in bright, well-lit areas of the garden. In the shade of trees, it will not bloom and will slow down its growth. Therefore, in advance, choose the most illuminated place on the site for planting a bush. As for the optimal temperature, the southern guest cannot stand the cold and may die from frost. Summer temperatures and even drought and heat are favorable conditions for its growth. The birthplace of the night beauty is the rocky slopes of South America, so it is resistant to drought.


    Being a southerner and well tolerated by drought, the night beauty still needs watering. Since with insufficient soil moisture, mirabilis will stop budding and you will not see its luxurious flowering. In order for a luxurious bush to please with fragrant bright flowers, the plant needs to moisten the soil as it dries.

    top dressing

    For lush and abundant flowering and stimulation of growth, the plant needs top dressing with nutrient solutions. In total, 3-4 top dressings will be required for the entire summer season. As a fertilizer, you can use ready-made complex mineral fertilizers for flowering plants. Organics for feeding mirabilis is not suitable, as it acidifies the soil.

    Diseases and pests

    Mirabilis is a plant resistant to many diseases and is not at all susceptible to attack by pests. Sometimes infection of the deciduous part of the plant with rust can occur, when brown or reddish spots appear on the leaves. In this case, the damaged foliage must be removed, and the bush with a fungicide (for example, Fundazol). In addition to rust, the plant may be subject to root rot, which leads to excessive soil moisture. When the root rots, the plant is removed, and the soil is treated with a fungicide. The volume and frequency of watering is reduced.

    • The plant does not require pruning or bush formation. To prevent self-seeding, it is recommended to remove fading buds in which a fruit-box with a seed is formed.
    • The plant tolerates gusts of wind and drafts well, but in the event of a strong hail or hurricane, it is recommended to cover it with a film.
    • The first flowering of Mirabilis begins in mid-June. If there is still no flowering in the second half of the month, although the buds have started, watering the plant should be increased, most likely it does not have enough moisture.
    • Do not fertilize with organic, especially fresh fertilizers. Increased acidity negatively affects the fragile root system of the plant and the root can rot. As a top dressing, it is better to use complex mineral fertilizers for flowering, following the instructions on the package.
    • Mirabilis needs constant loosening of the soil and weeding. In loose, light, oxygenated soil, the plant grows faster and blooms more abundantly. Do not forget that the bushes grow quickly and need to be thinned out.

    Mirabilis - night decoration of the garden

    Thanks to the luxurious mirabilis bushes, you will get a charming evening garden filled with a fragrant tropical aroma. Mirabilis bushes are quite lush, dense and tall, can reach a height of up to a meter, so it is better to place them in the background of a flower bed or flower garden so that they do not block smaller flowers and plants with their luxurious appearance. The night beauty perfectly coexists with daisies, daisies, marigolds, petunias, cloves. It is worth noting that mirabilis is successfully used to create luxurious hedges, divide a flower garden, decorate garden paths and borders. Mirabilis looks equally luxurious both in group plantings and as a single plant - the bush looks spectacular due to its impressive size and bright colorful flowering. Mirabilis looks especially magical in the evening or in cloudy weather, when its fragrant flowering continues all day.

    The plant is successfully used to decorate terraces, porches or arbors, it is planted in planters or hanging pots. The capacity for planting mirabilis should be deep, as the root system grows deep into the pot.

    Mirabilis, photo

    The ease of growing, propagating and caring for this amazing flower makes it a favorite of many beginners and experienced flower growers. The name of the charming flower is quite justified, it is really amazing. Its heady tropical aroma and unusual colorful night bloom will not leave anyone indifferent. Your evening garden will be filled with amazing aroma, beauty and romantic atmosphere.

    You can see how mirabilis blooms in the following video:

    In almost every flower lover's garden there is one or two completely inconspicuous bushes. Looking at them, guests often wonder why, among the general riot of colors and the fragrance of bright representatives of the flora, such a “gray” stranger is needed. But they will still see what the quiet mirabilis flower is capable of, because the life of this plant differs day and night, like the sun and the moon.

    Mirabilis is an unusual flower brought to us from America, it belongs to the Nyctagin family, it is a non-wintering perennial herbaceous plant. It is considered its homeland in Mexico and South America, for the most part it is a cultivated plant that is grown in gardens, but in Florida it is found in open ground.

    Night mystery

    The Mexicans did not just affectionately nickname the flower "night beauty mirabilis." In the photo during the day, it looks like an ugly duckling from the fairy tale of the same name, but as soon as the sun sets, the dull bush turns into a “beautiful swan”. And then the one who previously spoke disparagingly about the unsightly appearance of the flower freezes in mute delight, struck not only by its beauty: Mirabilis has another “trump ace up its sleeve”.

    Under the cover of night, a magical transformation begins: one after another, multi-colored gramophones open, which immediately spread their vibes throughout the garden, filling the air with an unusual aroma. It creates a feeling of some pleasant unreality, as if you were in a fairy tale. The night, the moon shines softly, the stars sparkle like diamonds, and you find yourself thinking that you can almost hear the music that flows from the living mini-gramophones.

    These are the fabulous surprises that the seemingly quiet Mirabilis can give us. It is extremely difficult to make a photo on a flower bed in good quality only in the light of the moon or with one flash. To capture the memory of wonderful metamorphoses, photographers have to install special lighting.


    Despite the fact that flowers that are next to each other are always pollinated and in the end it is impossible to guess what color mirabilis will bloom next, scientists have managed to develop certain varieties.

    6 popular and most beautiful varieties:

    • Tea Time Red. A dense shrub of medium size, resembling a ball, the stems of a pale green color are knotty and branch strongly upwards. The leaves are oblong, smooth and noticeably darker than the stems in shade. The flowers are deep pink, reminiscent of small funnels. The variety is most resistant to temperature changes and diseases, blooms from summer until the first frost, and therefore is most often used in cold regions.

    • Iolanta is a spherical bush about 50 cm high with thick and strong stems - knotty, branching at the top. Funnel-shaped flowers, medium in size, stand out among other varieties with a bright palette with stripes in the form of strokes. The flowering period lasts from the end of June until the first frost.

    Variegated flowers of Mirabilis cultivar Iolanta

    • Elvira is a medium-sized rounded shrub with some branches up to a meter high. The leaves are dark green in color, oblong in shape and have pointed tips. This variety is also distinguished by the size of the flowers - they reach almost 4 cm and have a bright color.
    • Red lollipop. A bush about a meter high is distinguished by its latitude, the stems are smooth, strongly developed, branch upward and have a shade of light green. It differs from the rest in especially large flowers - they grow in diameter up to 6 cm, they also stand out in the shape of the petals - the “funnel” is wavy at the edges. The color is bright, the plant is disease resistant and extremely unpretentious in care.

    Mirabilis variety red candy

    • Tea Time Formula Mixture. A wide bush-ball of medium parameters with a height of branches up to 90 cm. The leaves are oblong, located more densely towards the top and pointed at the ends. The stems are completely bare and smooth from below, but strongly branched towards the ends. The flowers are small, 2-3 cm in diameter in the form of a gramophone, differ in variegated tones, wavy at the ends.
    • Jalapa is a medium shrub about 60 cm with green stems and succulent leaves, fully covered with tubular flowers. They can be either one tone or multi-colored, even as if striated lines. It begins to bloom after the decline in sunlight activity at about 16:00, for which the plant has received the nickname "4 o'clock in the afternoon." Blooms until late autumn.

    Jalapa is the most popular variety of Mirabilis.

    Mirabilis: planting and care

    The plant is propagated by seeds, but many gardeners use cuttings and occasionally division.

    Mirabilis. cultivation

    The night beauty is not particularly whimsical in reproduction and care; it is quite simple to grow it.

    Three ways:

    • Germination. Seeds are collected from faded bushes, soaked in water for a day, then planted in a pot and watered moderately, waiting for seedlings to appear. In the warm season, seeds can be planted directly in the ground in the open air. They are strong and sprouts appear very quickly.

    Advice! You can collect only darkened seeds - almost black. The green ones have not yet matured and will not sprout.

    • Cuttings. This method is less common than seed propagation, but is practiced if they cannot be obtained for some reason.

    Mirabilis seedlings in pots

    1. The cuttings should be a little stiff - be firm to the touch, then they are dried.
    2. The tip of the cutting is covered with any growth stimulant that can be purchased on the market or in a specialized gardening store.
    3. For better root growth, the shoot is placed in a nutrient mixture, but ordinary water can also be dispensed with.

      Advice! If you use water, its temperature must be at least 20 degrees, otherwise the plant will not give roots.

    4. We wait from 2 weeks to a month, and if after 30 days the roots have not appeared, you can throw everything away and cut new cuttings, but usually Mirabilis germinates quickly and does not cause additional trouble. The sprouts are distributed each in a separate container and wait until they gain strength.

    • Division is a completely unpopular method for this flower, but it is also possible. The plant is taken out of the soil, the excess earth is shaken off, cut into several parts so that each has pieces of the root, and immediately seated in other places.

    Mirabilis roots suitable for division

    Advice! To make roots appear faster, flower growers often use a little trick - they heat the bottom of the container to 24-25 degrees.

    Planting cuttings in the ground makes sense under favorable climatic conditions - a clear guarantee that frost will not hit, and well-developed processes. The main landing period is the beginning of May, but at first in the evening they need to be carefully covered with polyethylene, since the nights are still cold. Between seedlings it is worth keeping a distance of at least 40 cm, since this is a future bush that reaches one and a half meters and is widely distributed in breadth.

    Mirabilis flowerbed: tall and wide bushes

    Mirabilis. Care, photo

    Despite the unpretentiousness, for a good flower growth, a number of conditions must be observed.

    What do you need:

    • Good lighting, coupled with clay soil. On ordinary land and in the shade, the plant will not be able to develop rapidly and gain enough strength to grow. The size of the bush and flowers will be smaller, the colors will be dull.
    • No drafts - mirabilis does not tolerate them well and can get sick.
    • Water moderately. It is not worth monitoring the humidity especially carefully, except during the period of heat and drought, because with a lack of moisture, all the leaves will turn yellow and wither, inhibiting the growth of the stems.

    • Loosening the soil - every time after watering: this will provide good air access to the root system, and the bush will not thicken too much.
    • Weed weeding.

    Loosening the soil and weeding weeds are important steps in the care of the mirabilis flower

    • Removal of withered, diseased and dried parts so that they do not "pull the juices" from the entire bush.
    • Top dressing - once a month with mineral fertilizers according to the instructions on the package, and if planting was carried out in already fertilized soil, it is not required at all.

    Fertilizing the soil before planting mirabilis is the key to good cultivation

    • Dead stems are cut at the root, and the tubers are left and stored for next year; they are stored in a container with peat at an ambient temperature of at least 5 degrees. If the varieties are intended for growing on balconies, the tubers are left in pots and taken to a dark, cool place, such as a basement. Every month and a half they need to be watered, otherwise they may dry out until spring.

    Advice! In the process of care, the bushes should not be cut, otherwise they will not be able to form a spherical shape.


    Mirabilis is resistant to pests and diseases, and occasionally stains or rust can form on it. In this case, the affected areas and neighboring bushes must be treated with any fungicide that is sold in gardening stores. Aphids can occasionally be found, then the leaves are washed with soapy water.

    The best place in the garden

    The plant is popular in landscape design, high varieties are used as hedges, medium and low are planted in small groups, they can decorate borders, terraces, balconies or decorate lawns. Designers advise placing the highest varieties in the background of the site so that they do not interfere with sunlight from reaching small brothers.

    Very small species look good in a flower pot, they are also good in a single version, because, growing, they take up a lot of space and serve as a bright color accent. Some species are even used in cooking, cosmetology, perfume compositions, or as a dye (paint is made from them). Special varieties that grow in warm regions with an air temperature of at least 15 degrees even in winter are used by some gourmets in food. To do this, take the green part of the bushes and tubers.


    Due to its ease of care and unpretentiousness, mirabilis can grow anywhere in the garden, and due to the extensive color palette, it harmonizes perfectly with any other small flowers.

    Advice! Such pompous beauties as roses, peonies, dahlias and other large garden "leaders" will shift attention to themselves, and small mirabilis can be lost, despite the saturation of the color palette. The optimal neighbors for him will be simple, albeit no less bright flowers.

    Best combined:

    • daisies;
    • marigolds and their mixture;
    • chamomile;
    • bells;
    • nigella;
    • lavender;
    • fragrant tobacco;
    • lobularia.

    In such communities, the night beauty will feel as comfortable as possible, harmoniously and in full equality. Such a background will favorably set off her romance and modest sophistication.

    A few useful observations from professional gardeners:

    • Mirabilis begins to please the eye with the first flowers already in early June, but if by the middle of the month it does not bloom, although it seems that the buds are about to bloom, it is worth increasing the amount of watering. Apparently, lack of moisture affects. However, if for some reason you have no time, you can initially plant a phyllanthus variety that blooms well in dry soil.
    • Thinning is useful - jigging extra shoots, so mirabilis will develop, become stronger and larger.
    • The flower cannot be fed with fresh "organic matter": such a fertilizer tends to corrode the root system, which increases the risk of its death. It is better to take dry-type mineral dressing and pre-dilute it in water.
    • If, when planting, you “spoil” the seeds a little - cut or file the shell, they germinate faster.

    Here is such an unpretentious, but mysterious surprise - mirabilis, a photo of flowers of which at different stages of development is so fond of making and spreading flower growers. This plant does not just please the night owls with the peculiarities of the flowering time. With an amazing combination of night, beauty of form, shades of flowers and delicate aroma, it can immerse our consciousness in the amazing atmosphere of an elven fairyland, giving rest from gray everyday life and everyday life to our souls.

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