FEFU campus: from architectural plans to the APEC summit. FEFU Campus: From Architectural Plans to APEC Summit Repairs and minor construction flaws are a necessary evil. Take it for granted

Under the cut are footage from several trips to the FEFU campus (August 2012)

On August 14, a public acceptance of the FEFU campus took place in Vladivostok.
Started from desalinator working for the needs of FEFU. The desalination plant is capable of producing 10,000 cubic meters of drinking water per day. The cost of one cubic meter of such water is 30 rubles

Members of the group tasted the water from the plant and listened to the assurances of the distiller's employees that such water can be drunk for a long time.

Meanwhile, according to architect Valentin Anikeev, such a solution can only be temporary, since desalinated water contains a lot of deuterium - the so-called "heavy water". Therefore, the Russian needs a water pipe, and university students have a choice - to drink desalinated or bottled water. The head physician of the Third Maternity Hospital, Elena Novitskaya, said that the note to the governor of Primorye would contain a mandatory recommendation - to make a water pipe to the Russian Island.

The next destination was communal area - treatment facilities serving FEFU. A temporary project for the release of treated water into the closed Novik Bay, which has a slow water exchange, has also been implemented here. Valentin Anikeev said that according to the plan, the "scattered" waste discharge from the sewage treatment plants should be transferred to the open sea zone in the future.

Also, the issue of disposal of spent activated sludge (organisms that are the main component of treatment plants) arose with Sergey Lazarev, General Director of EcoStar Technology. The environmentalist promised to report the problem to the governor.

From the communal area, members of the commission went to FEFU central building.

Questions and complaints from specialists were raised by sports and concert venues, namely, their compliance with the needs of athletes and creative teams of the university.

In this regard, the head of the FEFU technical supervision department, Oleg Yezhov, tried to explain that all the most modern materials were purchased and the new premises would in any case be better than it was on the "mainland".

Also, a separate issue was the relocation of laboratories and production facilities of the former Far Eastern State Technical University. Oleg Yezhov assured that a separate laboratory building and culinary production are provided for these needs - to transfer enterprises from the city.

Yaroslav Voskresensky, Deputy Director of the Far Eastern branch of CJSC Crocus, told the members of the working group about the construction of the FEFU campus

On the territory of the FEFU campus, work on the improvement of the territory is already being completed

The entire territory of FEFU was carefully designed by landscape designers

During the inspection of the FEFU campus, the working group visited hotel-type hostels.

The inspectors were interested in the organization of the fire safety system, lighting and soundproofing in the rooms, as well as the question of who will serve the internal premises of the dormitories.

Members of the working group visited a regular double room, a room for the disabled and the presidential suite. The inspectors were told that the cost of living in rooms for students would be from 3,000 to 5,500 rubles per bed. And the students' rooms will be serviced by maids.

In the dining room of FEFU, members of the working group learned that, by order of the rector, prices should not exceed 100 rubles per meal in student cafes. Oleg Yezhov also noted that smoking and alcohol will be completely banned on the territory of the Federal University - there will not even be special “smoking rooms”.

On August 21, the new Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Livanov, visited Vladivostok for the first time in his career. He took a picture of the FEFU campus on Russky Island with his phone and outlined the “tasks of tomorrow” for the Primorye teachers.

In the photo: Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Dmitry Livanov (left) and Rector of FEFU Sergey Ivanets

FEFU central building inside:


Sports complex:


Upon arrival from Russky Island, Dmitry Livanov shared his satisfaction with what he saw: “FEFU is one of the key projects for the modernization of Russian higher education. Of course, the campus is built to the highest international standards. However, it is important that the people who will study and work there also meet high professional requirements.”

The minister photographed each “attraction” of FEFU on a mobile phone.



A quarter of applicants for state-funded places at FEFU applied to Vladivostok from 45 different regions of Russia, including from capital cities. In total, representatives of 56 regions expressed their desire to study in Primorye.


The most demanded specialties of FEFU, as well as last year, were language areas, international relations, economic disciplines and jurisprudence. The highest competition was observed at the Department of State and Municipal Administration, and among the natural sciences - at the Oil and Gas Business.

Sergei Ivanets emphasized that even with relatively high education prices, FEFU managed to attract students and become competitive even in comparison with metropolitan universities: “No one is interested in cheap and anyhow education. We must take anything, but not the price. The cost of studying at FEFU is set and will not change for students from semester to semester.”

The rector also announced the size of the maximum scholarships that excellent students can count on: for engineering specialties - 7,500 rubles, for humanitarian ones - "slightly less."

In 2012, about 3,000 applicants were already enrolled in FEFU, 2,538 of whom entered the budget department, and the acceptance of documents from those wishing to enter under the contract continues.


Vladivostok from a bird's eye view, including FEFU can be seen in the report:

Modern buildings rarely become attractions. But in Vladivostok, all visitors are advised to visit Russky Island without fail and visit the campus of the Far Eastern Federal University. For the Russians, perhaps, in recent times this is one of the few objects that should be proud of. On the outskirts of the country, in a relatively short period of time, a campus for students was built in a new place, which has no analogues in the country so far.

Russian was a closed territory for a long time, military units were located there. They are still there, but once the whole island was a fortress. When they considered their military presence to be excessive, they decided to build a student campus on Russian. There were many more skeptics than optimists. But now we can safely say - it worked.

On a hill in Ajax Bay, a wonderful town was built, stretching for several kilometers. There are two public transport stops on the road from Vladivostok. Each has a parking lot, but it does not accommodate all the cars, and they line up in a long line along the track.

In the center of the campus is an administrative building - a sort of cube of glass and metal. On both sides of it are educational buildings. And along the edges - hostels for students and teachers, which are called hotels here. The buildings do not shine with architectural delights, but on the whole they form a single and attractive ensemble.

A bus runs around the campus, delivering students from their place of residence to their place of study. Foreign vehicles are not allowed to enter the campus. Passage is allowed only for special vehicles serving the university.

Between the buildings and the embankment there is a park with flower beds and bike paths. The river flowing to the sea has become an object of landscape design. It was blocked in several places, and small ponds turned out, which are already overgrown with cattail and duckweed.

Another branch of the river falls from stones about 10 meters high, forming a series of picturesque waterfalls. Here is a favorite place for lovers of selfies and photos for memory.

In addition, a fountain is installed on a large pond. With a good wind, water dust from it spreads over tens of meters. Next - a sports town, with a football field, volleyball, basketball, etc.

Cycling is very popular on campus, there is a rental office. Vladivostok residents come here to ride. The roads are smooth, not yet broken. Of the obstacles - only pedestrians.

The main street in FEFU is the embankment. Here is the place of the student party, here is the beach. True, there are signs everywhere that swimming is prohibited. But who did it stop? Bathe.

There is also a pier for ships on the embankment.

In general, the big Vladivostok has acquired one more sight and place of rest - a student campus. And getting to it from the city is very simple: stops are written on all buses along the route, and the FEFU campus is indicated there.

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Moving students to the campus of the Far Eastern Federal University on Russky Island is one of the hottest topics this year. A lot of conflicting information about the life of the “martyrs of science” has appeared on the Web lately. Our "stalker" went to the "Exclusion Zone", fenced off by a high fence of the FEFU. So here are some survivor tips:

1. It is better to come to school twenty to fifteen minutes before the start of classes.

It sounds like the words of a fanatical teacher, but everything is much more prosaic. It is difficult in educational buildings. Sometimes, to find your audience, for example d413 (315), you need to go through a maze of intricate corridors and stairs.

At first, it is not clear why the names of the cabinets are double. The reason is bunk rooms. So far, there is no navigation on the campus. There are not even evacuation plans to navigate the buildings. The main guides in the buildings are teachers who also walk around in search of their audiences. Therefore, remember "your teachers" in the face and having settled down in the "wake" - you will get where you need to go!

2. Don't touch anything again!

Most of the equipment has already been delivered, but not yet connected. Bulky cellophane-covered plasma TVs sit idle. If a student breaks something, he will have to pay a tidy sum. There are no classic writing boards in the educational buildings. Here it is a big white rectangle on the wall. But the fact is that they have not yet been treated with a special coating, so they cannot be used yet.

3. Bring a quality table lamp with you

The dorm rooms have poor lighting. Two small energy-saving lamps built into the ceiling do not disperse the darkness. There is only one way out - to use additional light sources. But there are not enough “local” table lamps for everyone, so it’s better to get your own - large and high-quality.

4. Stock up on food on the mainland

Study study, and lunch according to the schedule. To eat in the dining room you have to stand in line for about half an hour. True, they cook deliciously, and this pleasure is inexpensive. A standard three-course dinner will cost about one hundred and fifty rubles. At the local store, you will find a long line and a poor assortment. It is best to go to the mainland once or twice a week and buy everything you need.

5. Buy a slow cooker

Not all hostels have managed to equip kitchens, so students are trying to organize meals in their rooms. A multicooker is the best way out in such a situation. You can cook soups, cereals and even pastries in it.

6. Be prepared to spend about an hour to get to the island

If a FEFU student lives in the city, then one can only sympathize with him. Half-empty departs from the Pokrovsky Park stop, but already on the Funicular it is crowded. Therefore, students at this stop have to wait for the next bus, which is often just as crowded. In the middle of the day, a similar situation is observed on the island.

7. Repairs and minor construction flaws are a necessary evil. Take it for granted

It happens that students have to study in classrooms where scaffolding is still standing. Teachers can drown out the sounds of repair from the adjacent classroom. In some places, the tiles fell off, and the windows do not open due to design errors. It makes no sense to be angry at the shortcomings - the repair will not speed it up, and spoil your mood.

8. Shop for drinking water

9. Learn the pass system

Of course, I want to show all my friends and relatives where and how you live. But you can't get to the island. For guests and their cars, you need to issue a one-time pass on the mainland. FEFU students need to have a special pass with them - a campus card. It allows you to get into all the buildings of the new university. A year ago, this “plastic” was forcibly issued to all students and teachers of the Far Eastern university.

10. Be patient

Checking into the campus, like any undertaking, has its drawbacks. Take them with a grain of salt. Walking around the campus, especially along the waterfront, also helps. Looking from the outside at all this splendor, you understand how petty your personal inconvenience is compared to the colossus of the campus. Over time, order will come to FEFU, the main thing is not to get hung up on shortcomings, but to demand their elimination from responsible persons.

FEFU campus on Russky Island. Photo: Alexander Ognevsky

FEFU campus: from architectural plans to the APEC summit

Chronicle of the construction of a modern residential and educational complex (PHOTO)

Today, the campus of the Far Eastern Federal University on Russky Island is hosting guests of the APEC summit. And even 10 years ago, no one even dared to dream about it. In 2008, the then President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev signed a Decree on the creation of the Far Eastern Federal University, which was supposed to unite several universities in Primorye. This marked the beginning of one of the main construction projects of the century. RIA PrimaMedia recalls how the construction took place, how the architectural plans changed, and what ultimately came out of the idea of ​​​​creating an innovative educational institution.

It all started with the fact that in order to modernize higher education. By the will of the head of the country, it was decided to locate the new educational center on Russky Island. It was planned to allocate about 55 billion rubles for the creation of FEFU.

The Far Eastern Federal University began to be created on the basis of the Far Eastern State University. . And she got approved.

April 2009 Preparatory work.

In addition to FENU, according to the concept, the Pacific State Economic University, Vladivostok State Medical University, the Far Eastern State Academy of Arts and the Ussuri State Pedagogical Institute were to become participants in the project.

April 2009 The ceremony was attended by officials.

Metal structures of the FEFU building.

The builders have completed the installation of metal structures.

However, the construction was overshadowed by sad events. So, in July 2010, in one of the buildings under construction. In September 2011 . So far, no one from official bodies can say the exact number of dead and wounded at the "construction of the century" on Russky Island.

Fires broke out during construction. The first one took place in September 2010. . In 2011 . In the same year, seven builders were injured in another fire at FEFU. In 2012, also,.

Installation of plastic windows.

Lamps on campus.

In the same year, the then rector On campus, in addition to training areas, many sports facilities have been created - three swimming pools, a stadium where students can play sports. As well as its own theater and student center, where students will engage in creativity.

Rooms for students.

Residential houses.

In December 2011, . They decided to use these buildings for the residence of the heads of state during the APEC summit in Vladivostok.

Conference center.

Also in 2011, but the plans remained on paper - the temple was not built. Perhaps things will get off the ground after a visit in September 2012 to Primorye by Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus'.

Temple sketch for students.

In February 2012 . First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Igor Shuvalov came to check the readiness of the facilities.

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