Lobelia ampelnaya fountain. Lobelia: growing from seeds, planting and care technology. lobelia erinus royal palace

Lobelia is a flower accustomed to a warm climate. But if the care is correct, the landing will be successful in Russia as well. Photos of flower arrangements are proof of this. Lobelia is a beautiful and delicate plant that allows you to create unusually elegant flower arrangements to decorate any garden. The article describes the rules for planting, caring for seedlings and an adult lobelia plant.

Graceful lobelia: planting and care

Lush, multi-colored patches scattered around the shady garden will please any person who loves nature. To create such magnificence, you can plant several varieties of a flower with the unusual name of lobelia. It is used to decorate garden paths, flowerpots, flower beds, pots and many other elements of landscape design.

plant card

class: annual; There are perennial species.
height: from 15 to 150 cm depending on the variety;
planting time: in March it is recommended to sow seeds for seedlings, and plant seedlings at the end of May at a temperature of at least 18-20 ° C;
flowering time: June - early September;
location: sun, partial shade;
flower size: small;
frost resistance: 0°С to -5°С.

The most popular varieties

In nature, there are lobelia with blue, white, red and even purple or purple flowers. Gardeners often grow plants such as Mrs Clibran, String of Pearls, Emperor Willie, Blue Cascade, Crystal Palace, Cambridge. Below is the TOP 5 most common varieties with a brief description.

Lobelia ampelous Sapphire

The petals of small flowers are bright blue, the bush itself reaches about 15 cm in height. In order for abundant flowering to last for a long time, closer to August, you can trim the bushes a little.

Lobelia Climbing Blue Fountain

Shoots hang about 30 cm, so the variety is great for hanging baskets and planters.

bird home

Tall perennial. The inflorescence of a rich purple hue resembles a spikelet.

lobelia erinus royal palace

The bush is compact, up to 12 cm high. The diameter of small, dark crimson flowers reaches 1.2 cm.

Lobelia beautiful Russian princess

The diameter of bright pink flowers is about 4 cm. Amazingly beautiful flowers reach the peak of their magnificence only in sunny areas. Read more about other plants here.

Landing Features

Planting seedlings in open ground is carried out around mid-May and later. The exact landing time depends on the region, the optimum air temperature is 18 - 20 ° C, but most importantly, you need to wait until the moment when the threat of frost has completely passed. Therefore, if it is possible to plant earlier in the south of Russia, then, for example, in the northern Urals it is worth waiting until the very end of May or the beginning of June. A refined flower does not tolerate even a small minus.

The most common way to prepare seedlings is growing from seeds at home. Sowing seedlings is recommended to be done in March. An earlier date is fraught with the fact that the sprouts will stretch and become weak due to lack of light. In order to sow the seeds fairly uniformly (which is not easy due to their tiny size), they are sometimes mixed with sand.

Advice! Try not to grow lobelia at home, especially if you have small children or pets, as it is a poisonous plant.

Ideal soil will be designed specifically for growing seedlings. You can buy such soil at any specialized store.

The sequence of actions in the preparation of seedlings

  1. Pour the soil into a pre-selected container, carefully tamp and water. Leave for about a day. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the soil: it should not contain large particles and lumps.
  2. Bend the paper into a corner and lightly pour the seeds into the soil.
  3. You can not cover the seeds with earth. It is enough to sprinkle them a little with water from a spray bottle, and preferably with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  4. Cover the container with glass or transparent polyethylene and place in a warm, well-lit place.

How to care for seedlings?

The first shoots will hatch in 7-10 days. When the daytime temperature outside is consistently above zero, to strengthen and harden young sprouts, you can take them out to the balcony or loggia during daylight hours. But at night, still return back to a warm place, as she is very afraid of frost.

Be careful when watering seedlings. Excessive soil moisture can lead to the formation of mold and rotting of immature sprouts. Therefore, it is better not to water directly, but by adding fresh water to the pan. If there is no pan, then use a disposable syringe or a teaspoon for direct watering. Don't let the soil dry out.

Advice! If it was not possible to avoid the formation of mold, it must be carefully removed with a small spoon, and well-ground activated carbon should be poured on top.

The grown seedlings need to dive. To do this, a small bunch of seedlings is dug out with a coffee spoon and transplanted into a separate container. Keep in mind that the seedlings grow tightly together with roots, so moisten the ground well before picking to make it easier to separate the parts from each other.

After a while, rapid growth of plants will be noticeable. When their height approaches three centimeters, it is advised to pinch a little, that is, cut off the tops so that the flowers bush better.

It is necessary to plant in open ground in May or June. If the seedlings by that time already begin to bloom a little, this will not hurt further development. Keep a distance between plants of 10 - 15 centimeters. People often ask how many pieces to plant in one hole. It is usually recommended to plant several young seedlings.

Advice! Do not plant seedlings on excessively fertile soil or in the shade. In such a plot, foliage is actively growing, but lobelia blooms rather poorly. But areas where a sufficient amount of sunlight enters are best suited.

Features of care

If you decide to grow this delicate flower, then one of the first questions will be how to care for it. The plant requires almost no complex effort and a lot of time to care for it during flowering.

For it to grow well, follow these rules:

  • It is necessary to water the flowers regularly, avoiding excessive soil moisture.
  • It is necessary to weed, otherwise the beautiful little bells simply will not be visible in the grown grass.
  • Pruning cannot be called a mandatory procedure, but if you want to prolong its flowering as much as possible, give the bushes additional volume, then it is still worth doing. In this case, the active phase will end only in September.
  • Top dressing is necessary 2-3 times per season. To properly feed, do not use organic fertilizers. It is better to choose mineral mixtures with a high content of calcium and phosphorus.

Please note that these flowers do not tolerate even slight frosts, so if in central Russia or in the south you can leave the plant in the garden until September, in the Urals, the Far East and Siberia it is better to start preparing for winter at the end of August.

Advice! Lobelia can be made to bloom all year round. To do this, you need to dig up the plants and plant them in a pot or planter. In a warm room and with regular pruning, flowering will not end even in winter.

The most popular way to propagate lobelia, especially its annual species, is to grow from seeds that you can either buy in a store or collect boxes that form after flowering has ended. can also be propagated by seeds.

There are also other ways:

  1. The division of the bushes. To do this, in the spring you need to divide one bush into several parts;
  2. Cuttings. In spring, when the first green leaves appeared, cuttings are cut from adult plants. Then you need to plant them in the ground and cover with a film to create the effect of a greenhouse. Then you just need to wait for rooting, which occurs in 3-4 weeks. Do not forget to water, periodically ventilate and fertilize once a week.

Advice! In a cold northern climate, lobelia does not tolerate winter well. Therefore, in the southern regions, it is necessary to insulate it by covering it with branches, preferably coniferous, sprinkled with sawdust. In other parts of the country, the rhizome must be dug up and stored indoors in a cool place.

Pests and diseases

There are 4 types of pests and diseases that are especially dangerous for these flowers. These include:

01. Thrips. They appear as small bright spots on the green. As a result of exposure to insects, the plant quickly dies. For prevention, seedlings that have not yet bloomed should be examined. When the first signs are found, it is worth treating with insecticides.
02. Bacterial wilt. The plant dries out after exposure to sunlight. This bacterial infection is very difficult to fight. Affected seedlings should not be dived or transplanted. It is better to remove infected areas along with part of the soil. In no case do not treat with copper sulfate - you will only aggravate the situation and, most likely, lose the entire container of seedlings.

03. Stem rot. Another common infectious disease. Some parts of the stems turn gray, mold forms under them. Infection often leads to the death of the plant. To prevent the disease, you need to monitor the nitrogen content in the soil. Low humidity is also helpful. If symptoms of the disease have already appeared, iprodione or fengisamide will help to cope with it.
04. Tospoviruses. The leaves become dark or slightly redden, sometimes whitish spots appear. The plant wilts quickly. It is rather difficult to eliminate the cause, since there are no chemical means of control, therefore, plants must be constantly examined: whether insects have appeared - carriers of the virus, and destroy them. If the leaves of the lobelia have darkened, it is better to separate the infected area from the main plant.

Use in landscape design

Due to the low height of many varieties and rich coloring, lobelia has become a popular element in private design projects. It is usually used to create flower carpets or streams. You can make an original cascading composition if you arrange it flowing from an overturned jug.

Lobelia planted in hanging pots look original in combination with other low-growing flowers that begin to bloom at about the same time as lobelia.

It can become such a companion. Bush lobelia is in perfect harmony with other flowers, plant iberis, carnation or viola. The flower looks beautiful if transplanted to a green lawn and create delightful blooming islands.

Wherever you plant this amazingly beautiful flower, no matter what composition you create, on which part of the dacha you make a flower paradise, it will delight you with abundant flowering all summer long. Judging by the reviews, her main secret is in the delightful tenderness of her petals, a subtle, almost imperceptible aroma.

Its undeniable advantages are the answer to the question why lobelia was chosen to create a flower garden. Planting and care is quite simple, and the photos should inspire all flower lovers to purchase it.

Video "Lobelia - cultivation and care"

Read about here.

Lobelia is a creeping, slow-growing annual plant belonging to the bell family. This plant is one of the few that has blue flowers. Lobelia love to plant in gardens. People are attracted by the amazing sky-blue flowers of the plant. In addition to the blue and cyan colors, lobelia can have white, purple and red colors.

Types of lobelia

The plant got its name in honor of the botanist Matthias de L'Obel. South Africa is considered the birthplace of lobelia, but it is currently distributed in many countries of the world with a mild subtropical climate. The genus Lobelia includes approximately 300 species of annual and perennial plants, these can be herbaceous slow-growing plants with drooping stems or shrubs, of which more than twenty species are cultivated.

The smallest species are Lobelia perpusilla native to New Zealand and Lobelia darlingensis native to Australia. The height of these babies is only a few centimeters. But there is also a huge Lanurian Lobelia (Lobelia lanuriensis), the height of this plant sometimes reaches ten meters.

The largest number of species of lobelia grows in America, as well as in Africa, Australia and New Zealand. In Europe and Russia, only two types of lobelia are known - Dortman's lobelia (Lobelia dortmanna) and sessile-leaved lobelia (Lobelia sessilifolia).

In addition to flowers, lobelia has decorative leaves that are used for landscaping garden borders and for decorating colorful carpet compositions. These plants can be grown on balconies and in special garden vases. Lobelia is also popular with gardeners for its long and abundant flowering. Flowering bushes are periodically pruned, they quickly grow back and bloom again until the first frost.

Cultivation and care

Lobelia is a very heat-loving plant, prefers to grow in places where there is a lot of light and sun. This plant loves moisture and requires constant plentiful watering. Violent flowering of the plant occurs if it is grown on loose loamy or sandy soils. If the soil on which the lobelia grows is supersaturated with organic fertilizers, the plant has a lush leaf cover, but blooms very poorly.

Despite the fact that lobelia is considered a moisture-loving plant, during prolonged rainfall, the flowers on the plant die, but after the weather becomes warm and sunny, the flowering of the plant resumes.

Lobelia cultivars have a very long growing season and therefore these plants are grown in seedlings.

Lobelia seeds are sown in early March in special seedling boxes. Land for seedlings should be light with the addition of peat and sand. Very small seeds of the plant are simply sown, and are not covered with earth. After watering the planted seeds from a spray bottle, the seed boxes are closed with glass or a dense greenhouse film, which are not removed until germination. Shoots of the plant are dived twice. At the first dive, the distance between shoots is about two centimeters. After the flower bushes grow up, another dive is carried out, while the distance between the plant bushes is about six centimeters. Lobelia is planted in the ground when the air warms up well, it becomes warm, and there is no threat of frost, usually in early June. When planting, the distance between the bushes should be at least fifteen centimeters.

Perennial lobelia species can be propagated by plant division and root cuttings in spring. Lobelia plants love transplanting and require constant rejuvenation of the plant, at least every two years. In Russia, perennial varieties of lobelia are dug up and transferred for storage in a cellar or winter garden. In the southern regions of the country, perennial lobelia overwinter in the soil.

Grow, lobelia can not only on the ground, but also in water bodies. For the design of reservoirs, purple, sparkling and blue lobelia are used.

When growing lobelia, remember that lobelia is a poisonous plant. But there are some species that have found application in traditional medicine. For example, Lobelia syphilitica got its name from the American Indians who treated syphilis using its flowers.

Ideal for hanging baskets and containers. A perennial plant used as an annual. A beautiful herbaceous plant with hanging shoots (up to 30 cm long), strewn with purple flowers. The leaves are small, lanceolate, green. Flowering begins in June and continues throughout the summer. If in August the plant is cut low, fed, loosened the soil and watered, a second flowering occurs, which will last until frost. Ideal for hanging planters, balcony boxes, containers.
Agricultural technology. The plant is unpretentious, reaches the greatest decorativeness in open sunny places. Prefers loamy or sandy soils. When growing seedlings, sowing is carried out in February. Seeds are slightly pressed into the soil, do not sprinkle with earth. The landing container is covered with glass and placed in a lighted warm place. At a soil temperature of +18°C shoots appear on the 7-14th day. Seedlings dive into light ground. Seedlings are planted after the end of spring frosts. For better tillering, the tops of young plants are pinched. Seeds meet the requirements of international standards and GOST RF 12260-81


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My Family Garden
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The price is per package (0.1 gr.) Lobelia is included in the group of plants that can become an adornment of any garden. In addition to beautiful flowers, the plant has leaves, which are often used as landscaping borders and decoration of decorative compositions. It can be grown both on balconies and in garden flowerpots. Abundant and long flowering ensures the popularity of lobelia among gardeners. If you cut the growing bushes in a timely manner, then they are able to maintain their beauty until late autumn. Climbing Lobelia begins to form blue-violet flowers from mid-summer. If the ground is too saturated with organic matter, the leaf cover will prevail. Regular watering is also important. Agricultural technology. The plant is unpretentious. It reaches its greatest decorativeness in open sunny places. Prefers loamy or sandy soils. When growing seedlings, sowing is carried out in February. Seeds are slightly pressed into the soil, do not sprinkle with earth. The landing container is covered with glass and placed in a lighted warm place. The air temperature should be above 20 degrees. At a soil temperature of +18 ° C, seedlings appear on the 7-14th day. Seedlings dive into light ground. Transplanting into flower beds is optimal in May. For better tillering, the tops of young plants are pinched.

Payment and delivery

Shipping and payment

The Valley of Plants appreciates and respects every customer, therefore, it strives to do everything to ensure that cooperation with dreams is as profitable and pleasant as possible. Now you can order our seedlings and plant seeds from any corner of Russia. Hanging planting material is provided with a quality guarantee.
You can be sure: your order will be delivered safe and sound even over long distances!

- from September 1 to October 31, 2019: bulbous plants, ornamental shrubs, seeds, related products.
- from September 20 to October 31, 2019: roses, fruit trees and shrubs.

How is the shipping cost calculated?

The price of delivery of planting material is calculated individually for each client and depends on the prices provided by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise " Post office» .

The total shipping cost is based on:

  • order weight;
  • type of packaging (depending on the type of planting material);
  • type of parcel (standard, express, etc.).

Order payment

Valley of Plants works without prepayment because it trusts its customers!

After placing your order, our employees carefully check the root system, buds and the condition of the seedlings, securely pack them in special packaging and send them by post. Each parcel is assigned an individual barcode, which allows you to see where the goods are at any time.

Estimated delivery time is 7-14 days. Payment is made by cash on delivery at the time of receipt of the parcel in your post office.

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