Twilight of the Gods card. Twilight of the Gods v0.89. Other files on this topic

Twilight of the Gods is the last mission from the Elf campaign in Reign of Chaos, remade for multiplayer. Now each side is controlled by a real person, not a computer. The map is perfect for playing cooperatively with friends and will appeal to almost any Warcraft 3 player. The map is completely translated into Russian, so it will be very easy to understand.

Playing for the defenders

Playing as the defenders, you and other players will have to defend the World Tree for 30 minutes from the constant attacks of the Scourge and Archimonde. There are 5 races to choose from: alliance, night elves, orcs, nagas and corrupted orcs. Such legendary heroes as Jain, Illidan, Farion, Thrall, Cairne and so on will fight for you. To hold back the enemy's onslaught you need to create an army, build towers for defense and, most importantly, help your allies in this difficult battle.

Playing for the attackers

Playing as attackers, your task will be to destroy the World Tree in 30 minutes. You can play as the forces of the Scourge or as Archimonde himself, who has incredibly powerful abilities: he can summon demons, cause rain from infernals, and even kill any unit. To win, you will have to act quickly, decisively and constantly keep your enemies on their toes to prevent them from gathering strength and preparing a defense.

If you are interested in this map, then you can download it from the link below, and also watch detailed videos by Vadim "2kxaoca" that will help you in the game.

Map author: Trok-Ferot, FellGuard
Russian language
Number of players: 1-5
Computer support: Yes
Landscape: Ashenvale

Before you are the very Twilight of the Gods that concludes WarCraft III: Reign of Chaos. The great battle for Nordrassil, which became an ordeal and test of skill for many players. Unlike the original, this map is designed for multiplayer mode - three players [Alliance Expedition, Horde, Guardians] and two spectators. Now the greatest battle in the history of Azeroth can be experienced together with friends, and the armies of the Horde, Alliance and night elves will finally unite and stand together against a common enemy.

Multiplayer mode
Hero level increased to 18 [including Archimonde!]
There is AI.
New troops, upgrades, artifacts and spells are available.
A huge number of Easter eggs.
Archimonde's army has been significantly strengthened compared to the original.
Game constants have been updated for patch 1.26.
The balance has undergone significant changes

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People and orcs defeated Mannoroh and began to prepare for the arrival of the main forces of demons, and at that time the night elves watched them from behind the dense trees. The moon priestess Tirende decided to drive out the strangers from her forests.

Night Elf Camp:

The Tree of Life must weave around the mine.

Build a Moonwell.

Grow the Tree of War.

Hire 5 archers.

The night elves use large trees instead of buildings. Such a tree can be planted in a certain place, and it will become a building, or you can take it out of the ground, and it will become a strong, slow-moving unit.

We plant the Tree of Life near the gold mine so that it entwines the mine with its roots, after which we can launch fireflies for mining. You also need to create new fireflies and send them to get wood.

The elves create lunar wells as farms. After building the wells, we turn on their auto-healing so that they heal nearby wounded warriors. In the tree of war, we can only produce archers for now; we create two squads of 12 warriors each.

In the meantime, units are being produced, let's go explore the map. Distant areas can be viewed with the heroine's first spell - scout owl.

We can find three archers in a dead end to the north of the base.

Additional task:

Find 10 "bears".

To the south of our base we find a settlement of beorn bears. They are going to move to quieter places. The leader asks us to find 10 bears that did not show up at the collection point.

1, 2 bear - in the southern dead end under our base.

3, 4 bear - in the south across the river, in front of the enemy base.

5, 6, 7 bear - in the northern part of the river on the eastern bank, captured by the orcs.

8, 9 bear - in the northern part of the river on the western bank.

10 bear - in the north before the entrance to the base of people and orcs.

Returning to the bear settlement, we receive 3 beorns as a reward for our squad. These are heavy melee units and are great for protecting our archers.

In the south across the river between the huts we find Ring of Protection (+1). Further in the southwest we break down people's tents and find a Scroll of Protection and a Healing Potion.

Kill the Paladin.

We gather the created squads of archers and beorns and go to the enemy base. It is not necessary to destroy buildings and warriors; we concentrate the attack only on the enemy hero - the paladin.

But after the victory, we do not have time to destroy the enemy’s base; suddenly attacked demons and undead do it for us. The Burning Legion destroys humans, orcs, and night elves. Only Tyrande manages to survive using the ability “Hide in the Shadows.”

2. Daughters of the Moon
Warcraft 3 Walkthrough. Daughters of the Moon

Miraculously surviving, Tyrande is now trying to quietly reach the main camp of the night elves to report the terrible news about the demonic invasion.

Path among the shadows:

Bring Tyrande to the Night Elf settlement.

Avoid meeting the Gatekeepers of Hell.

Tyrande must not die.

Large demons patrol our way, we need to hide from them with a special ability (it is located in the middle line of abilities on the screen, or is activated by pressing the “I” key on the keyboard). If a demon notices us, he will cast a spell on us, and it will be very difficult to escape, in which case we must use invisibility.

Along the way we collect artifacts. In total there will be much more than six of them on the level, so the extra weak things will have to be laid out (this is done by right-clicking on the item and dragging it to the ground).

The demon in the upper left corner of the map guards the War Claws (+3) and Agility Shoes (+3). We just take things, hide, and then run away.

Having gone down the river, we take Scroll of Healing, we break the cage, Beorn is freed from it. The bear will distract the demons, and we can run past at this time. In the forest on the bottom right, at a dead end, there is a Druid's Pouch (+1 intelligence), but it is a useless artifact.

On the way we will meet 5 archers. Now we can kill one of the demons to get the third level for Tyrande. We run past fighting people and undead, and then past orcs and undead. Having sent the archers into the portal, one heroine can run to the rear of the orc base and pick up the artifact there Scholar's Robe (+3), and only after that teleport.

On the other side of the portal, the hunters join us. We heal at the fountain, break the gate. Here on our way there are enemy shadows, and they see invisible creatures, and it will not be possible to hide near them. You need to quickly kill the shadows and only then hide. Here we can already defeat individual enemies. Lying on top surrounded by gargoyles Gloves of Speed, in a dead end on the right - Scroll of Healing, in a dead end on the left - Ring of Protection (+2), the trap of spikes around the thing can be broken with shots.

We kill the demon fighting with people, we get a Tome of Power (+1).

Behind the next gate we get a few more elves into our squad. There is an undead tower on the way, we quickly run past it. On the other side, near the forest, we meet 3 ballistas. Now you can destroy enemy towers from afar. With the ballistas, you can go back a little, break two towers and get a Mana Stone and a Book.

Having received the ballistas, we need to attack the southern undead base. Enemy units can be lured higher and destroyed separately from the spirit towers. No new units will appear. It is not necessary to destroy the entire base; you can quickly run down as a squad, destroy the gate and run out of here. And right outside the gates our goal is the city of the night elves.

3. Farion's Awakening
Walkthrough of the game WarCraft 3. Cry of the Warsong

Realizing the hopelessness of the situation, the night elves decide to awaken their allies, the great druids, from their centuries-old sleep. But for this you need a special thing - the horn of Cenarius. Cenarius himself died at the hands of the orcs, and now we will have to find and use the horn ourselves.

At the same time, it turns out that the undead troops built their base dangerously close to the hut of the most important druid - Furion the Fierce. The ghouls are gradually cutting down the forest around the base, and soon they are able to find and kill the druid while he is still sleeping. We need to wake up Furion before the undead cut down 100 trees.

Farion the Fierce:

Find the Moon Island behind the orc camp.

Defeat the Ancient Guardians.

Bring Tyrande to the Horn of Cenarius.

Sleeping Farion must not die.

There is very little time, so we are building the base as quickly as possible. We create 6 fireflies and send them to harvest wood. After that, we improve the main building. On the right, at the exit from the base, we will meet new units - dryads (they themselves are invulnerable to magic and can remove negative effects from other elves). After that, we need to build a mahogany tree to produce dryads.

We do not build defensive fortifications at the first base, we immediately send a detachment to the east, and there we capture the second gold mine. There is a river in the center, Morlocks live in its northern part, you can clear them out, but it will not bring any benefit, they have no artifacts. The detachment attacks in the northeast, on a small enemy outpost near the fountain of health.

But near the fountain of health you need to start building your protective buildings. We build several Elder Defenders (they throw stones at enemies) and a couple of Trees of War (if they are pulled out of the ground, they cause very strong melee damage). We are also building a number of wells here. Although there is a fountain of health here, our wells are better - they restore health instantly.

Having built up, we begin raiding the orcs. It will be difficult for ordinary elf units to destroy the army and the orc base, even with the maximum army size, but we have created trees, and this should help us in battle. We constantly lure the orc troops with us to the fountain, where they will be hit by the trees. While there are no enemy soldiers, we shoot buildings with ballistas and bring our trees closer. So gradually the orc base will be destroyed.

After destroying the orcs, we go to the northern hills in a large detachment, but always with dryads. We need to destroy three level 6 Centaur Ghosts surrounded by bears. Dryads will remove all ghost spells. The monsters have the Hawk Ring (+1 agility), Anti-magic elixir.

Having won, we take the horn and wake up our second hero - Farion.

4. Druids
WarCraft 3 for the elves. The Druids Arise

Together with Farion we continue to wake up other druids. Next in line are the Druids of the Claw. Furion also offers to unite with people and orcs against the undead, but Tyrande is against this.

Awakening of the Druids:

Find the Abode where the Druids sleep.

Destroy the Dark Elf settlement.

Farion is a fairly strong hero; he can turn ordinary trees into living ents, thereby significantly increasing the size of the army. If Tyrande is just the leader of the archers, and without them she is not capable of anything, then Furion can attack the enemy alone.

In this mission we have a base, but no good place to place it. On the way there are only mines with 2000 gold. We will need to move from mine to mine with one base: plant trees near the mine, pump out all the gold, dig up trees and move on.

The bases of people, orcs and undead here are located behind the rocks, we will not be able to get to them, and they will only fight among themselves with air units and landing forces. But sometimes enemies will attack us too. It is better to spend the resulting gold not on purchasing units, but on creating 5-6 defensive trees to fend off air attacks.

1 gold mine. While the enemies are not attacking, we can go north, there we destroy the monsters under the waterfall and get an artifact Ring of Protection (+2) and the Book, we are treated near the fountain.

2 gold mine. The second mine is located close to the first, the situation does not change. But here it is better for us to spend money on buying several ballistas and units for cover. There is a human land base ahead, we need to destroy it in order to get the third mine and move forward.

3 gold mine. Having destroyed the human base, we set up our own base here. Now all the money can be spent on troops. We break the gate in the south and enter the forest covered with fog.

Secret. In the swamp in the lower left dead end, we break through the trees on the left with ballistas, find and destroy the lizards, and get the Sobi Mask artifact.

Add. task No. 2. Cursed glade:

Destroy Revenant.

It is useless to stand in a swampy forest and destroy all enemies; the undead will appear again and again. (We get a little gold for neutral enemies, so you can make good money on such spawning enemies even without a gold mine). To prevent enemies from appearing again, you need to remove the curse from the forest - kill the Revenant located in the cemetery in the eastern dead end.

For destroying Revenant you will not be given a reward in the form of an artifact, so you don’t have to kill him, but then you will have to quickly lead your slow-moving trees through the swamps.

4 gold mine. At the exit from the swamp, we develop the fourth mine. Here we are confronted by our brothers - trees infected with demonic corruption, and corrupted elves - satyrs. We use the mined gold to build ballistas and place them on the hill on the right. Below we lure enemies under these ballistas, and then destroy the buildings.

Behind the base of the infected elves we find the shelter of the Druids of the Claw. Now they too have joined our army.

5. Blood brothers
Walkthrough of WarCraft 3 on Brothers in Blood

The next target for replenishing the army is the Druids of the Clawfoot, who live in an underground cave. We go down into their cave in a small detachment.

Awakening of the Druids:

Find the Bear Druids.

Tyrande must not die.

Farion must not die.

In the last mission we got the Druids of the Claw, now they are in our army. These druids can reduce enemies' defenses and summon a tornado to temporarily distract a single enemy.

We act according to the old principle for levels without a base: we assign the main characters to the first squad, the remaining units to the second. Heroes destroy all monsters on the way, units go behind and help only in special cases.

In the upper side dead ends, having killed the monsters, we find a Healing Potion and Scroll of Healing. In the lower side dead ends we find the Spider Ring (+1 agility) and the Lightning Rod. We clear the poisoned source from spiders.

Tyrande discovers a special gate in the cave. It turns out that the famous demon hunter Illidan is kept here. He was imprisoned for crimes a long time ago, but in the current situation, he is the most suitable ally to fight the demons. Also, Illidan is Farion’s brother, but Farion is clearly not happy with this relationship. Tyrande goes alone to Illidan's prison, while Farion continues to search for the druids.

Awakening of the Druids:

Find the Bear Druids.

Bring Farion to the magic circle in the center of the cave.

All bear druids must survive.

Farion must not die.

We play for Furion's squad. We go through the cave to the right, turn on the magic bridge.

Secret. Before the magic bridge, we go to the southern dead end, and use Furion’s spell to revive the blue mushrooms (they are here instead of trees). So we will break the way into the secret. Inside, we also go to the southern dead end near the water, revive the mushrooms, behind them we find the Magic Circle, we enter it like a teleporter. In the dungeon room we kill the spirit, we get the artifact Mage's Robe (+6) (+6 intelligence).

Secret. Before the magic bridge we go to the northern dead end, use Furion’s spell to break through the mushroom trees on the left, behind them we find monsters with the item Rod of Disbelief.

Secret. On the right side of the map, about 1/3 of the height, mushrooms grow. We revive them 2 times with Farion and go inside. There we will find the creature "The Biggest Panda", from him we will take the Dryad's Necklace (immunity to magic).

Behind the bridge we take away the artifact Combat Claws (+9) from the enemies.

On the way we meet aggressive bear druids, maddened by demonic corruption. These are our future allies, and we cannot destroy them, because of this we can fail the entire mission. In this case, we simply use the tornado of the claw druids, and while the bear is circling in the air flow, we run past.

Having reached the circle of power, we call upon the bear druids to our side.

Find Illidan's dungeon.

Tyrande must not die.

We play with the Tirende squad. In the library at the bottom right we find the Book of Knowledge.

Click on the circles of power above and below the central door. We take Healing Spirits from the monsters from above.

Behind the opened gate we go south, kill the guards, open the weapons warehouse on the left, we get upgrade for hunters. We go north, in the side chambers we find new units and the wolf Loki, from the items there are Ring of Regeneration, Health talisman.

Upstairs in the left room we take a couple of sets of Goblin mines.

In the northern part of the prison, bears patrol the circular roads. It is not necessary to engage them in battle; you can place mines in their path and wait for them to explode. We kill the 3rd level hero and several bears, and Illidan is freed.

The freed Illidan is in no hurry to help the elves. Yes, he agrees to take part in the destruction of demons, but he intends to do this only alone. His relationship with Farion is too tense, which is why Illidan leaves the friendly elven army as quickly as possible.

6. Sorrow and flame
WarCraft 3. A Destiny of Flame and Sorrow

Lonely Illidan plans his attack on the demons. At this moment, Prince Arthas, who recently arrived in Kalimdor, appears to him. Arthas commands the undead, but he is not happy that he himself is commanded by demons. Arthas tells Illidan an effective way to destroy his boss, the dread lord Tikondrus.

Skull of Gul-Dan:

Destroy the Demon Gate.

Lead Illidan to the Skull of Gul-dan.

We are confronted by two bases of corrupted night elves. In addition, new demons are constantly emerging from demonic portals. First of all, we need to destroy the orange base; it is located at a dead end above our base; it will be convenient to locate the second gold mine at this place. There is another gold mine to our left, but it is in the open, and if you capture it, you need to build many defensive towers.

Druids-bears appeared in our army. These are the most powerful units of the elves, they can cause mass rage (you need to use it on your army every time before a serious battle), they can quickly heal one or two warriors, and most importantly, they can turn into bears, in this form their damage increases significantly.

The hero Illidan can burn mana from enemies, turn on a fiery aura around himself (this greatly consumes mana, you need to turn it on only during battle, and immediately turn it off after victory). His passive ability allows him to dodge most attacks, so he can only be killed in very serious cases.

There are several items in the level. Among the Morlocks in the west we find Ring of Protection (+3). At the bottom left near the gold mine we find monsters, they have a Scroll of the Beast. The spiders to the right of the base have a Mana Stone. The monsters in the upper left corner of the map, to the right of the portal, have Medal of Bravery.

Having destroyed the orange base, we go to the northwest and destroy the green base. After this, we can storm the upper left corner, where the skull is located. But first we destroy the portal, and then we finish off the demons that come out.

Illidan destroys Gul-dan's skull and gains demonic power. Now he has a chaotic attack type and can easily kill any demon.

Kill Ticondrus:

Destroy Tikondrus using Illidan's newfound abilities.

Having received demonic power, we go to the upper right corner to Tikondrus. There is no need to destroy the side portals, they will not interfere with us. We immediately concentrate the fire on Ticondrius, and his demon bodyguards can be temporarily eliminated with the help of a tornado.

After the victory, Tyrend and Farion come to us. They drive away Illidan for using demonic power.

Interlude. The Last Guardian

Tyrande and Farion arrive to meet with Jaina and Thrall. The raven prophet gathered them all here. Only now do we learn the name of the prophet - his name is Medivh. It was he who opened a portal to the human world a long time ago in order to save the orcs from death. But in the bodies of orcs, demons also entered our world. All this led to long, bloody wars between orcs and humans (which took place in WarCraft and WarCraft II). Medivh was killed for his transgression. Now he, in the form of a spirit, is trying to correct his mistake.

7. Twilight of the Gods
Walkthrough of WarCraft 3. Twilight of the Gods

The Raven Prophet nevertheless achieved his goal - he created a united front in the fight against demons. Now humans, orcs, and night elves are fighting together.

But the leader of the demonic army, Archimonde, is already on the approaches to the giant World Tree. If he gets to the tree and infects it with corruption, then our entire world will be infected. The only thing that greatly delays Archimonde is that he cannot walk on ordinary ground, he needs corrupted ground to advance. That is why the undead are ahead of him, spreading corruption.

There is no longer any hope of winning a fair fight. Our task is only to hold back the defense under the onslaught of the undead and demons for 45 minutes. During this time, Farion must have time to exchange his immortality for the help of natural forces.


Don't let Archimonde reach the top of the mountain within 45 minutes.

Archimonde must not reach the World Tree.

Our bases are located one after another. First they will attack people, then orcs, and finally the night elves. But we only control night elves, and we need to constantly come to the aid of our allies. We always keep the heroes and the main army on the front line; we direct all exit points from buildings to the heroes, so as not to gather troops manually. At the very beginning, we capture all the minor gold mines and hire more fireflies for logging.

(In WarCraft III, in single-player maps, you can control the speed of the game. By pressing the "Num-" and "Num+" keys on the right side of the keyboard, you can slow down or speed up the game. This last mission is very difficult, and this is the best place to use slowdown. During battles, we slow down the game in order to have time to use all the abilities, and when finished, turn on normal speed).

People database. It will not be possible to hold the defense for a long time on a human base. They are attacked first, during this time there is not time to build many defensive towers, and our new units take a long time to get to this place. It’s good if you can hold out for 10 minutes on hard difficulty. Sooner or later we will have to surrender this base to the enemy, we are withdrawing all the troops to the orcs.

Orc base. This is our main central fortress. Orc spikes will deal good damage to attacking melee enemies. But the main thing is that to the south of the second base there is a goblin store, where you can constantly buy mines and place them in the path of enemies. A little further away there is a fountain of health and a mercenary camp, where you can quickly purchase an entire squad of units if our buildings do not have time to produce warriors.

We build the maximum possible number of protective trees on the orc base. We use Farion to revive the forest in particularly difficult situations. Tyrande’s last spell “Starfall” gradually destroys all enemies around, and Furion’s spell heals all allies around - this combination helps our army well in battle.

Elf base. When it is impossible for the orcs to hold back the onslaught of the enemy, we retreat to the healing fountain in front of our base, here we build protective trees on the slopes.

It’s also worth immediately building up the last line just before the gate with trees. Large trees that produce units can be replanted so that they prevent passage further. In the last two minutes, Archimonde himself will go into battle; the trees in front of the gate will delay him for the required time.

Video. The end of eternity

In 45 minutes of defense, all the fireflies of the Ashenval Forest managed to gather around the World Tree. Having reached the Tree, Archimonde is caught in a powerful flash of light from hundreds of fireflies. The leader of the demonic invasion dies. The World Tree is also completely burned, but over time it will be restored due to the preserved roots.

The world has once again been saved from the invasion of demons!

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Long ago, this great battle took place, changing the history of Azeroth forever. Over time, memories of her began to fade from human memory, and new generations no longer remember the great heroes of the past. It's time to resurrect the legend!

About the map

Before you are the very Twilight of the Gods that concludes WarCraft III: Reign of Chaos. The great battle for Nordrassil, which became an ordeal and test of skill for many players.
Unlike the original, this map is designed for multiplayer mode - three players [Alliance Expedition, Horde, Guardians] and two spectators. Now the greatest battle in the history of Azeroth can be experienced together with friends, and the armies of the Horde, Alliance and night elves will finally unite and stand together against a common enemy.

Card Features

Version 0.90b

New version of our map "Twilight of the Gods"!

  • Spelling corrected.
  • The map code has been optimized for more correct operation and increased performance.
  • Balance adjusted.
  • New abilities and improvements have been added.
  • The graphic component of the map has been supplemented.
  • Fixed the possibility of Archimonde being killed too easily on all difficulty levels.
  • AI scripts have been updated.
  • Design errors have been corrected.
  • Heroes have been weakened for additional players.
  • Replaced Thrall's abilities.
  • Made it easier to use many ranged abilities.
  • The search for Easter eggs has been made easier.

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Twilight of the Gods card.  Twilight of the Gods v0.89.  Other files on this topic
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