A parable about forgiveness. Parables about forgiveness, resentment and kindness

A woman dies and Death comes to her. The woman, seeing Death, smiled and said that she was ready.

What are you ready for? – asked Death.

I am ready for God to take me to Heaven! – the woman answered.

Why did you decide that God would take you to him? – asked Death.

Well, how? “I suffered so much that I deserve the peace and love of God,” the woman answered.

What exactly did you suffer from? – asked Death.

When I was little, my parents always punished me unfairly. They beat me, put me in a corner, shouted at me as if I had done something terrible. When I was at school, my classmates bullied me and also beat and humiliated me. When I got married, my husband drank all the time and cheated on me. My children exhausted my soul, and in the end they didn’t even come to my funeral. When I was working, my boss yelled at me all the time, delayed my salary, left me on weekends, and then fired me without paying me. The neighbors gossiped about me behind my back, saying that I was a prostitute. And one day a robber attacked me and stole my bag and raped me.

Well, what good have you done in your life? – asked Death.

I was always kind to everyone, went to church, prayed, took care of everyone, took care of everything. I experienced so much pain from this world, like Christ, that I deserved Paradise...

Well, okay... - Death answered - I understand you. There remains a small formality. Sign one agreement and go straight to Paradise.

Death handed her a piece of paper with one sentence to tick. The woman looked at Death and, as if she had been doused with ice water, said that she could not tick this sentence. On the piece of paper it was written: “I forgive all my offenders and ask forgiveness from everyone I offended.”

Why can't you forgive them all and ask for forgiveness? – asked Death.

Because they do not deserve my forgiveness, because if I forgive them, it means nothing happened, it means they will not answer for their actions. And I have no one to ask for forgiveness... I didn’t do anything bad to anyone!

Are you sure about this? – asked Death.


How do you feel about those who caused you so much pain? – asked Death.

I feel anger, rage, resentment! It’s unfair that I should forget and erase from my memory the evil that people have done to me!

What if you forgive them and stop having these feelings? – asked Death.

The woman thought for a while and replied that there would be emptiness inside!

You have always experienced this emptiness in your heart, and this emptiness devalued you and your life, and the feelings that you experience give significance to your life. Now tell me, why do you feel empty?

Because all my life I thought that those I loved and those I lived for would appreciate me, but in the end they disappointed me. I gave my life to my husband, children, parents, friends, but they did not appreciate it and turned out to be ungrateful!

Before God said goodbye to his son and sent him to earth, he finally said one phrase to him, which was supposed to help him realize life in himself and himself in this life...

Which one? – the woman asked.


What does it mean?

So he didn’t understand what God told him... It’s about the fact that only you are responsible for everything that happens in your life! You CHOOSE to suffer or be happy! So explain to me who exactly caused you so much pain?

So who can't you forgive?

Forgiving yourself means admitting your mistake! Forgiving yourself means accepting your imperfections! Forgiving yourself means opening up to yourself! You hurt yourself and decided that the whole world is to blame for this, and they do not deserve your forgiveness... And you want God to accept you with open arms?! Have you decided that God is like a soft, stupid old man who will open doors for fools and evil sufferers?! Do you think he created the perfect place for people like you? When you create your own paradise, where first of all you, and then the others, will feel good, then you will knock on the doors of the heavenly abode, but for now God gave me instructions to send you back to earth so that you learn to create a world in which love and care reign. And those who cannot take care of themselves live in the deep delusion that they can take care of others. Do you know how God punishes a woman who considers herself an ideal mother?

How? – the woman asked.

He sends her children whose destinies are breaking before her eyes...

I realized... I couldn't make my husband loving and devoted. I couldn’t raise my children to be happy and successful. I couldn’t preserve a hearth where there would be peace and harmony... In my world, everyone suffered...

Why? – asked Death.

I wanted everyone to feel sorry for me and have compassion.. But no one felt sorry for me.. And I thought that God would definitely take pity on me and hug me!

Remember that the most dangerous people on earth are those who want to arouse pity and compassion for themselves.. They are called “victims”.. Your greatest ignorance is that you think that God needs someone's sacrifice! He will never allow into his abode someone who has known nothing but pain and suffering, for this sacrifice will sow pain and suffering in his world...! Go back and learn to love and care for yourself, and then for those who live in your world. First, ask yourself for forgiveness for your ignorance and forgive yourself for it!

The woman closed her eyes and began the journey again, but only under a different name and with different parents.

When parents raise their children in the Christian faith, they have to explain a lot so that the child will internalize the traditions, preserve them and pass them on to their descendants. The matter is quite complicated. Take, for example, Forgiveness Sunday. To convey to the child the meaning of this wonderful and beneficial day for the soul, you need to tell him that there is a parable about forgiveness. Let's see how it can be presented so that the little man never forgets the lesson.

What are we talking about?

You know, the parable of forgiveness is not a legend or a fairy tale. It is a serious lesson that a person goes through throughout his life. And the sooner you prepare your child for the tests, the easier he will cope with them. Everyone experiences grievances. We probably shouldn’t call this the norm. However, it is difficult to find a person in whose soul a negative response has not at least once arisen in relation to the words or actions of others. But resentment burdens the soul and does not allow you to feel happy. A person constantly thinks about the so-called enemy. Why does he need this? The parable about forgiveness of offenses encourages just such reflections. The world was created by the Lord so that the people in it would be happy and enjoy His works. This does not mean that we do not need to work or be idle. On the contrary, the Lord created all the conditions on earth for people to develop, realize their talents, love and support each other. But he gave us freedom of choice. In communication, everyone is free to decide for themselves how to treat their partner. The Lord gently pushes us towards bright love, renunciation of resentment and hatred.

Three parables about forgiveness

Information can and should be presented in different ways. The form depends on the age and worldview of the listener. A trained person will reason with you, but a beginner will only be able to listen if you choose the right words. Therefore, the parables “Three Words about Forgiveness” have different interpretations. By the way, no one will punish you if you come up with your own. We will study several famous texts. They are recommended by clergy for study by the general public. You will have to independently decide on the original text of the parable, focusing on the level of preparation of the listener. It is very important to convey to him the essence of the legend, which is that it is necessary to think over each of your actions based on the divine commandments, and measure them against them. Often today, children are brought up in the spirit of healthy pragmatism, which is no different from selfishness. This is useful in the modern world, but very bad for the development of their soul. But parents are responsible not only for the body and career of their offspring. There is a more significant duty - to help the child comprehend his tasks, choose the right path, accept the lessons and complete them correctly. And for this it is necessary to give him not only specific knowledge, but also to push him to cultivate wisdom in himself. This is why there are such things as parables “3 words about forgiveness.” They do not contain a methodology for using opportunities to improve the quality of life, they contain the eternal knowledge of kindness.

Parable one, short

This happened in ancient times, although it could also happen today. The holy elder was called to discuss the punishment for the monk who had sinned. At first this man refused. But after a certain time he came to the place of conversation, carrying an old holey bag of sand behind his back. The rest of the meeting participants were terribly surprised and cried out: “Holy Father, what is this?” The elder answered like this: “I go to judge the violator of the Lord’s commandments, and my sins fall behind me.” Ordinary people puzzled and shamed the organizers of the proceedings. They did not judge the sinful monk. It should be noted that short parables about forgiveness should be presented to children with detailed explanations. The priests recommend returning to their texts after some time to discuss what exactly the baby understood and what is still hidden from his inner gaze.

Parable two

In one state, a noble governor decided to seize the power of the ruler, overthrowing him from the throne. He knew the names of those who hated the current king and wrote them an inflammatory message. This man hired a messenger to travel around all the enemies of the ruler and notify them of the impending rebellion. Soon his evil deed was discovered. The organizer of the rebellion was killed by those whom he tried to push to commit an illegal act. The messenger with the letter was seized and brought to the royal court. However, the wise ruler ordered the papers to be burned without opening them. He explained to the surprised servants that he did not want to know the names of his enemies. These people, although they do not support the current ruler, went against the unrest and lawlessness. It is no good to punish them even with a thought. And knowledge of their personalities will become an irresistible temptation for the ruler, who will want to take revenge on them for their ill will. This parable about forgiveness has the following meaning: the king has complete power. He could execute or pardon. However, I decided not to let bitterness into my soul against those who had not committed a sin. This is what every person needs to do. One should give up being bitter towards those who, out of intent or ignorance, speak unkind words.

Parable three (Paolo Cuello)

The master asked his beloved student how his spiritual growth was progressing. The pleased youth said that now every moment of his life is dedicated to God. To this the teacher replied: “Now you need only one thing - be able to forgive the enemy.” The young man was frightened and tried to refute the master’s words. In his opinion, there is no need for forgiveness, because he does not wish harm to his enemy. To which the master asked the following question: “Does the Lord wish you something bad?” Naturally, the student answered negatively. The wise mentor then offered to explain why the Lord had him? The young man does not expect any evil from Him, and still repents. You need to forgive any person. Then the heart will become free and joyful. The teacher said this: “The soul of a person who knows how to forgive is pure and fragrant!”

Parable about forgiveness for children

Surely the above texts will be difficult for kids. A more figurative parable about forgiveness is recommended to them. When one man died, his soul ascended to heaven. She was naked without a body, completely visible to everyone. All his thoughts and experiences swam in her like fish. Some were bright and beautiful, others were scary, like sharks threatening the inhabitants of the seas with their teeth. This man himself was horrified and tried to throw dark thoughts out of his soul, but could not. Then he disguised them with good “fish” so that no one would notice the badness of his inner essence, and went to the gates of heaven. The Lord let him pass without saying anything. However, the man returned after some time. He felt uncomfortable in heaven. He asked God to deliver him from dark thoughts. To which the Almighty replied that he would not be able to lift this stone. Everyone is responsible for themselves and bears the heavy burden of past mistakes.


The parable about forgiving people's judgments and actions for children needs to be deciphered. It is necessary to bring to the attention of the child that an insult or an evil word remains forever in his soul. They turn into sharks and piranhas that eat a person from the inside. It's like an incurable disease. No matter how many procedures you perform, no matter how many pills you swallow, your body will not begin to function like a healthy one. A person forgets that he was offended or angry. And the shark lives in its inner ocean. She scours the expanses of the personal world, looking for food for herself. There is only one way to get rid of this “terrible beast” - to forgive the one you were offended by, and yourself for the wrong feelings. Then everything bad leaves the soul, being replaced by “beautiful fish.” After all, forgiveness is a very kind and bright act. And he also stays with the person forever!

When to use the parable of forgiveness?

In fact, a person should rely on this wisdom. There are many moments in everyday life when we decide how to react to a particular action of loved ones or strangers. Why take evil into your soul? It will then have to be processed as described above. That is, at first you were offended, for example, then you will need to return to the situation to ask for forgiveness. It’s better not to judge right away, don’t you think? After all, there is folk wisdom on the topic. It goes like this: “Judge not and you will not be judged.” If you take on the role of the Lord, think about whether you are worthy of it? And can a person replace his Creator?

Parable Four: Practical

If a person just can’t forgive his enemy, offer him an experiment. Once a man came to the elder and complained that he could not refuse revenge on his enemy. The sage gave this poor fellow a jug and advised him to do with it what he would wish for an enemy. The man lifted the clay product high and threw it on the floor. Naturally, the jug shattered into small fragments. The sage invited the poor fellow to think about the results of this demonstrative “revenge”. The man did not get rid of the jug, which personified the enemy. He turned the object into a mountain of sharp fragments, on which he himself could cut himself. Anger generates and multiplies evil. And it returns to the author. Every time the desire for revenge clouds your eyes, you need to remember the results of the experiment. And it’s even better to prevent the emergence of negative feelings, so as not to broadcast them into the world and not stumble upon “splinters” generated by your own deeds.


The parable of forgiveness is great wisdom. Don't forget about its meaning in everyday life. This will help make the world a happier place. You know, when there are only worthy and good people next to you, life becomes simple and easy. But we ourselves label those around us. If we are offended, then a “villain” appears nearby, but if we forgive, he turns into a good acquaintance, you pet him, and soon he will become a devoted friend. Give people only good feelings and do not judge their reactions. There is a Lord for this, in whom we completely trust!

During one conversation of Jesus Christ, the Apostle Peter approached Him and asked: “Lord, how many times should I forgive my brother (that is, my neighbor) who sins against me (that is, if he offends me in some way)? Will it be enough? forgive him up to seven times?

Jesus Christ said to him: “I don’t tell you until seven, but up to seventy times seventy", i.e. farewell without counting, always.

To better explain this, Jesus Christ told a parable: “A certain man owed money to the king. ten thousand talents. (Talent is the weight of gold and silver, worth approximately 2,500 rubles. This means that his debt was about 25 million rubles). But he had no money to pay. When he was brought to the king, the king ordered him to be sold, and his wife, and children, and all his property. Then the debtor fell at the feet of the king and, bowing, began to ask him: sir! have patience with me and I will pay you everything. The merciful king took pity on him, forgave him all his debt and released him.

That man, leaving the king, saw one of his comrades who owed him one hundred denarii, (i.e. only 20 rubles). He grabbed his comrade and began to choke him, saying: “Give me what you owe.” His comrade fell at his feet, begged him and said: “Have patience with me, and I will give you everything.” But he did not want to wait, but went and put him in prison until he repaid the debt. When the Tsar learned from the victim’s comrades about the cruelty of this man, he called him to himself and said to him: “Evil servant! I forgave you all your debt because you begged me. Shouldn’t you also have had mercy on your comrade, just as I did?” have mercy on you?" And, angry, the king handed him over to the torturers (i.e., the people who had the responsibility to punish criminals) until he paid off all his unpaid debt.”

Having finished the parable, Jesus Christ said: “My Heavenly Father will do the same to you, if each of you does not forgive his neighbor from his heart for his sins.”

In this parable, the king refers to God. By the person who owed the king so much, we mean us people. Under debt are our sins. By the debtor's companion we mean those people who are guilty of something before us (our debtors).

Parables about resentment and forgiveness

One man was sent by his wife to a distant market to buy more supplies for lunch for the whole week. Without looking, he bought food in boxes and drove back. But when he opened them, he found there a pile of stones instead of food.

His wife scolded him terribly and demanded that he immediately return the stones and bring home vegetables. But the husband only remained silent.

Several years have passed and this incident has already begun to be forgotten in the family. But one evening there was a loud knock on the door. The man opened it and saw a crowd of strangers.

Greetings! - they said humbly. - Forgive us. It was our fault that you then bought not food, but heavy stones. Deception has constantly tormented us all these past years, and now we have come to apologize to you.

The man just smiled and said quietly:

I remember that incident. But I didn’t hold a grudge against you and forgot about it that very day. I put the stones that you gave me then in a deep hole and buried it.

You are very wise. And we had to carry our heavy guilt in our souls for whole years.

The deceivers warmly thanked the man for his forgiveness and left in peace.

A parable about kindness and forgiveness

In a remote village there lived a rich man who was known for his inexhaustible charity. One day a beggar approached his house and asked for help. He was very old and had poor vision, so he accidentally hit him with his staff while leaning on the railing.

But the owner did not show it, gave the poor man money and he left. Those around him hastened to ask him how he endured the presence of such a man.

It really hurt you when he suddenly hit you with his cane and you didn’t say anything when he soiled the porch with dirty clothes?

I really felt uneasy, but I kept silent for a very simple reason. I was afraid of hurting his feelings. What if he would be offended and would not take alms from me?

Parable about forgiveness

The wise teacher stood surrounded by young people and taught them wisdom. They listened to him respectfully.

Then the elder, in order to check how the young men were doing, turned to one of them with a question about what he had learned from the sciences taught. The student told how he realized that he needed to keep his heart open before the Lord.

The teacher told him: “You are on the right path. But the main thing you should learn is not to hold a grudge against your enemies.”

The young man felt that the task was becoming too difficult for him. After all, he did not know how to refuse the grievances caused. In addition, he had no evil enemies at all, and his soul was soft and welcoming.

The teacher said to him: “Can you remember any time when God did not forgive you?” The student thought for a long time and admitted that it had never happened.

The elder drew his attention to the fact that people are not able to bring harm to the Almighty and yet they ask him for forgiveness. Therefore, they themselves must endlessly excuse others, without staining their souls with evil feelings. It is required to forgive any person. Only then will the heart become free and joyful.

The sage concluded: “He has a truly pure, bright and joyful soul who has learned not only to forgive completely, but also not to accept any evil!”

The young man remembered the advice forever. Following him, he lived a happy and loving life.

Parables about friendship and forgiveness

Parable of Devotion

Once upon a time there were two friends and they fell in love with a beautiful girl. It was very difficult to say which of them she would give her heart to, because she showed real concern for both young men.

This went on for some time and they noticed that their relationship began to gradually deteriorate. Then the young people consulted and decided that their friendship had been going on for a very long time, and their feelings for the girl arose only a couple of months ago. As a result, they decided to forget about her.

War came to their region and young people had to defend their country. One day in battle, one of them covered the other and was killed.

The second was treated for a long time for his wounds, and then returned back to the front line. He was sent on patrol with one soldier. Before going on a mission, he noticed that he was crumpling some paper. He asked him what was the matter and he admitted that his comrade had taken his beloved girl away from him, which he would never forgive him for.

The young man completed the task, but asked the command not to assign him anything to do with him in the future. It was clear to the young man that a person who cannot forgive cannot be trusted with his life.

A parable about the ability to forget grievances caused

Once upon a time there lived two inseparable friends. They sometimes argued and even fought among themselves.

And now there was a scandal when an older friend hit a younger one. He was very offended, went home and locked himself in there for a long time. He took his diary and wrote in big red letters: “Today I lost a friend forever.”

But his friend could not live without him for long, so he came to him and asked for forgiveness. They went to the shore of the pond and plunged into the water with pleasure. The offended young man swam poorly and suddenly felt that he was sinking to the bottom. His comrade dragged him to the shore.

Having got out, dried off and come to his senses, the rescued man returned in the evening and carved the inscription on the tree trunk: “My friend saved my life!”

He asked him:

Why didn't you write it in your diary?

I do it very simply. When I am unhappy, I write it down on paper, and when I am grateful to another person, I carve it on wood. The first letters are short-lived, and I myself will not re-read them again. And many people will see the latter, and I will also look at them with joy every day.

Parables about forgiveness of human shortcomings

A parable about the ability to get along with people

In one village there lived a wise old man. People often turned to him for life advice.

On the morning of a spring day, a fellow villager came to him and asked:

Father, I often get angry. I feel bad myself, but I don’t know how to cope with my hot temper?

The elder, without hesitation, said to the man:

Once you learn to forgive people, your life will become much easier. You need to understand that the Lord sends a test to a person and watches how he can get through it.

Father, I am unable to control myself when someone deliberately tries to hurt me.

Look wisely. Anyone who tries to make people angry is unhappy. He attacks you with abuse because he feels his own imperfection. Thus, he makes it clear that you are better than him. Should you be angry with someone who is worse or should you preserve a calm mood?

“I’m not up to such a task,” the young man answered sadly. - I'm too hot-tempered.

Your soul is simply pre-set to be offended and fight back. Therefore, you lose other opportunities. You don't even allow the thought of forgiveness.

But, father, there are people who promised me something, but did not do it. And should I remain silent?

You need to understand that you can't deal with them. Why hold a grudge in your heart? In addition, you should consider that not all of them wish you harm. Some things cannot be accomplished simply because the course of life has changed its course and a person is no longer able to do what he wanted. You don't know the circumstances of his life. You shouldn't be angry forever. You need to learn to learn from an unfavorable situation.

But I am often dissatisfied with people. And not without reason,” the man frowned.

You surround yourself with unpleasant people. It is worth learning to communicate with those who will bring you love and joy. Then anger will visit you less and less. You need to change your attitude towards others and not take their imperfections to heart.

How can I accomplish this if my fellow villagers are constantly looking for my shortcomings?

They do this because they are like you. They do not know how to calmly treat other people's imperfections and forgive other people's mistakes. They, like you, are not able to learn lessons from any unfavorable situation. You must take a step forward and stop noticing the shortcomings of others. Having paid attention to them, you should immediately forgive the sin.

Parable about generosity

One eastern sage had a large number of students of different ages. Not all of them did equally well in their studies, and a not very gifted young man once said something rude to the teacher. The others wanted him to punish him, because everyone was unpleasant about such behavior. Days passed after days, but the stupid act remained unnoticed.

The rest of the students did not like this state of affairs very much and at the end of the classes they crowded up to the elder:

Teacher, we are all very dissatisfied with the stupid and impolite young man. We want him to receive the severe punishment he deserves. We are unable to pretend that nothing special happened. The Lord gave us eyes so that we can clearly see any evil.

Don’t forget that He also gave you eyelids to cover your gaze from the imperfections of others,” the wise teacher answered them with a smile.

Parable of Refusal to Condemn

In ancient times, in one very distant eastern country, there lived a hermit monk. He was often invited to the judge's palace to help administer justice.

He was called to determine the punishment of the poor man. After listening to all the circumstances of the case, he demanded that he be released. The judge refused to pardon him, citing the gravity of his crime.

Then the monk quietly stood up and left. But about an hour later he returned to court again, with difficulty dragging behind him a heavy, leaky bag with roadside stones.

The employees were indignant and told him: “What are you doing here, look, the whole floor is covered with cobblestones.”

The monk looked at them reproachfully and slowly replied: “I came here to judge true sinners. And what fell out of my leaky bag were my own sins and imperfections.”

The judge immediately realized that what the poor man had done was not at all so terrible and did not deserve severe punishment. Confused, he gave the offender a reprimand and released him on all fours.

Parables about the need for forgiveness

A parable about eliminating anger from life

In a village there lived a very old sage who had many disciples.

One day the youngest youth asked him:

Tell me, Teacher, do you sometimes get angry with someone? And what do you feel in your soul at a time like this?

“I’m never angry with anyone,” he answered with a smile.

But people still understand that they offended you. They're probably not too happy?

I'm sure they feel out of place.

Surely it’s unpleasant for you when another person is very upset? – in turn, the Teacher asked the young man a question.

Yes, these things are terrible,” he answered him, turning gloomy.

The only way out of this situation is forgiveness,” the sage answered him affectionately.

A parable about self-control

One day, a teacher made a remark to an overly hot-tempered young man taking a course with him.

I have been watching you for a long time and see that you are constantly quarreling with other young people. Treat them more calmly and forgive them their small mistakes.

But why should I do this? After all, then the person will offend me again and again? – the young man boiled.

Listen to me, my son. You're still too young. Answer me two very important questions, then I, in turn, will satisfy your curiosity.

He obediently agreed to listen to the teacher.

Do you feel joy when you are very angry? - the wise old man asked the first question.

“I’m sad and my mood is spoiled for the whole day,” the young man said thoughtfully.

Who are you punishing? And who are you helping by forgiving someone else?

The young man had already opened his mouth to answer the teacher, but suddenly stopped, plunging into deep thoughts.

Only you can choose how you should respond to insults. You can forgive a person, get angry with him or even break up with him,” the sage continued.

I'm not sure I can tolerate his insults calmly. They become a truly impossible test for me.

Just imagine that you are riding along the road on a too lazy or disobedient horse. And every time she suddenly kicks her hooves, you hit yourself, not her, with the whip as hard as you can. Not knowing how to forgive others, you become like a similar driver.

A woman dies and Death comes to her. The woman, seeing Death, smiled and said that she was ready.

What are you ready for? – asked Death.

I am ready for God to take me to Heaven! – the woman answered.

Why did you decide that God would take you to him? – asked Death.

Well, how? “I suffered so much that I deserve the peace and love of God,” the woman answered.

What exactly did you suffer from? – asked Death.

When I was little, my parents always punished me unfairly. They beat me, put me in a corner, shouted at me as if I had done something terrible. When I was at school, my classmates bullied me and also beat and humiliated me. When I got married, my husband drank all the time and cheated on me. My children exhausted my soul, and in the end they didn’t even come to my funeral. When I was working, my boss yelled at me all the time, delayed my salary, left me on weekends, and then fired me without paying me. The neighbors gossiped about me behind my back, saying that I was a prostitute. And one day a robber attacked me and stole my bag and raped me.

Well, what good have you done in your life? – asked Death.

I was always kind to everyone, went to church, prayed, took care of everyone, took care of everything. I experienced so much pain from this world, like Christ, that I deserved Paradise...

Well, okay... - Death answered - I understand you. There remains a small formality. Sign one agreement and go straight to Paradise.

Death handed her a piece of paper with one sentence to tick. The woman looked at Death and, as if she had been doused with ice water, said that she could not tick this sentence.

Why can't you forgive them all and ask for forgiveness? – asked Death.

Because they do not deserve my forgiveness, because if I forgive them, it means nothing happened, it means they will not answer for their actions. And I have no one to ask for forgiveness... I didn’t do anything bad to anyone!

Are you sure about this? – asked Death.


How do you feel about those who caused you so much pain? – asked Death.

I feel anger, rage, resentment! It’s unfair that I should forget and erase from my memory the evil that people have done to me!

What if you forgive them and stop having these feelings? – asked Death.

The woman thought for a while and replied that there would be emptiness inside!

You have always experienced this emptiness in your heart, and this emptiness devalued you and your life, and the feelings that you experience give significance to your life. Now tell me, why do you feel empty?

Because all my life I thought that those I loved and those I lived for would appreciate me, but in the end they disappointed me. I gave my life to my husband, children, parents, friends, but they did not appreciate it and turned out to be ungrateful!

Before God said goodbye to his son and sent him to earth, he finally said one phrase to him, which was supposed to help him realize life in himself and himself in this life...

Which one? – the woman asked.


What does it mean?

So he didn’t understand what God told him... It’s about the fact that only you are responsible for everything that happens in your life! You CHOOSE to suffer or be happy! So explain to me who exactly caused you so much pain?

So who can't you forgive?

Forgiving yourself means admitting your mistake! Forgiving yourself means accepting your imperfections! Forgiving yourself means opening up to yourself! You hurt yourself and decided that the whole world is to blame for this, and they do not deserve your forgiveness... And you want God to accept you with open arms?! Have you decided that God is like a soft, stupid old man who will open doors for fools and evil sufferers?! Do you think he created the perfect place for people like you? When you create your own paradise, where first of all you, and then the others, will feel good, then you will knock on the doors of the heavenly abode, but for now God gave me instructions to send you back to earth so that you learn to create a world in which love and care reign. And those who cannot take care of themselves live in the deep delusion that they can take care of others. Do you know how God punishes a woman who considers herself an ideal mother?

How? – the woman asked.

He sends her children whose destinies are breaking before her eyes...

I realized... I couldn't make my husband loving and devoted. I couldn’t raise my children to be happy and successful. I couldn’t preserve a hearth where there would be peace and harmony... In my world, everyone suffered...

Why? – asked Death.

I wanted everyone to feel sorry for me and have compassion... But no one felt sorry for me... And I thought that God would definitely take pity on me and hug me!

Remember that the most dangerous people on earth are those who want to arouse pity and compassion for themselves... They are called “victims”... Your greatest ignorance is that you think that God needs someone's sacrifice! He will never allow into his abode someone who has known nothing but pain and suffering, for this sacrifice will sow pain and suffering in his world...! Go back and learn to love and care for yourself, and then for those who live in your world. First, ask yourself for forgiveness for your ignorance and forgive yourself for it!

The woman closed her eyes and began the journey again, but only under a different name and with different parents.

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