How to make chebureki from store-bought dough. How to cook chebureks from puff pastry in the oven. Modeling and frying are carried out according to the standard scheme

People love chebureks due to their crispy crust and juicy filling. Not many people know that you can cook from puff pastry, which gives the dish fluffiness and airiness. There is no need to talk about the huge range of fillings, since they can be prepared from completely different ingredients.

We bring to your attention several proven recipes, thanks to which you can regularly surprise your family with delicious treats.

The correct recipe for making Crimean chebureks from puff pastry

Many people who have visited Crimea at least once have definitely tried these flat pies fried in hot oil, the taste of which could not help but surprise. After that, trying to repeat the recipe, they conducted various culinary experiments, but in most cases the result was different from the original. We bring to your attention a special recipe, which is traditional among the Crimean Tatars. The prepared ingredients are enough for 12 pcs.

The correct dough recipe includes the following products:: 3 tbsp. flour, 3/4 tbsp. water, yolk, 0.5 teaspoon salt, 1/3 tbsp. vegetable oil, but odorless and any for frying. To make the filling, prepare: 450 g of minced lamb and beef, 4 onions, boiled water, salt, pepper, cumin and cilantro.

Cooking steps:

  1. To make puff pastry for pasties according to the recipe, add water mixed with yolk and salt to the sifted flour. Stir everything in a circular motion until flakes form. After this, pour in the oil and knead the mass, but do not do it for long, as it will turn out too steep. Form a ball, wrap it in cling film and leave for 35 minutes. "rest" ;
  2. Now it’s time for the filling, for which peel one onion, cut it into small cubes, add salt and knead it well with your hands to release the juice. Grind the rest of the onion to a pulp using a blender. Place it with the minced meat, and also add salt, pepper, a little cumin and chopped herbs. You need to add a little water to the minced meat to make the consistency plastic and soft. It is thanks to this trick that you will get a juicy filling;
  3. We take out the bun and remember that this amount will make 12 chebureks. Finish off a piece of dough and cover the rest with film to prevent it from drying out. Roll out a thin pancake, but do not overdo it so that nothing ends up torn. Spread the filling on one half and cover with the other half. Pinch the edges, forming a pigtail that will prevent the juice from leaking out during frying;
  4. Pour oil into the frying pan in such an amount that it fills 1/3 of the height. Heat it well and then turn the heat to low. Fry on both sides until golden brown. Place on a plate lined with a paper towel to absorb excess fat.

Recipe for chebureks made from puff pastry in a frying pan with mushrooms

We suggest considering the option with a vegetarian filling, but despite this, the miracle pies turn out very tasty. In this recipe, you can use ready-made puff pastry from the store or the option discussed in the previous recipe.

For pasties made from ready-made puff pastry, take the following products:: dough, 125 g of onion and cheese, 35 ml of vegetable oil, a pinch of salt and 225 g of champignons. You can use any other mushrooms.

Cooking steps:

  1. Wash the champignons thoroughly, peel them, and then cut them into small cubes. Chop the peeled onion in the same way. Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry these ingredients until cooked. After this, transfer the mushrooms and onions to a bowl and cool. Then add grated cheese and salt;
  2. Cut off pieces from the prepared mass and roll out into thin flat cakes. Place the filling and form beautiful chebureks. It is important to secure the edges well. If you have a special wheel for cutting, be sure to use it. Fry on both sides in hot oil until golden brown. Serve the dish hot.

Let's enjoy cheburek made from puff pastry with ham

You can also prepare the dish from yeast puff pastry, which will allow you to get fluffier pies. We will prepare the filling from ham, and for juiciness we suggest adding tomatoes.

For the test, take the following products: 3 tbsp. flour, 200 g of butter, 7 g of dry yeast, 1 teaspoon of salt, 125 ml of milk, 85 ml of water, egg and 3 teaspoons of granulated sugar. To make the filling, prepare: 200 g each of ham and tomatoes, 100 g of raw smoked sausage and cheese, 85 g of onion, 3 g of black pepper, 60 ml of dry white wine, 25 g of melted butter and 200 ml of vegetable oil, and also salt.

Cooking steps:

  1. We start with yeast dough, for which dissolve yeast and 1 teaspoon of sugar in warm water. Separately, mix the pre-sifted flour with salt and the remaining sugar. Grate the pre-frozen butter into it. Add an egg to the water with yeast, mix everything well and pour in the milk. The result should be 1 tbsp. liquids. Pour it into the flour and knead into a smooth mass. Form a bun, wrap in cling film and leave in the refrigerator for 2 hours;
  2. Now let's move on to the filling, for which you need to cut the sausage and ham into small cubes, and then add grated cheese to them. Finely chop the peeled onion and fry it in melted butter. When it turns golden, add chopped tomatoes, from which it is better to peel them first. Simmer the vegetables for a few minutes, adding salt and pepper. Turn off the heat, cool and mix with sausage and cheese. Pour in the wine and mix everything well to make a homogeneous and soft mass;
  3. Separate the pieces from the bun, roll out the flatbreads and lay out the filling. All that remains is to secure the edges and fry them on both sides until golden brown in hot oil.

Recipe for chebureks made from puff pastry in the oven with chicken

Delicious and rosy pies can be prepared not only in a frying pan, but also in the oven. They will turn out juicy, crispy and tender. In addition, such pasties are not too heavy for the stomach. The prepared ingredients are enough for 10 servings.

This cheburek recipe includes the following products:: 250 g of minced chicken, a couple of pinches of ground pepper, 0.5 teaspoon of salt, a clove of garlic, an egg and 400 g of ready-made puff pastry.

Cooking steps:

  1. Let's start with the filling, for which you need to add salt and pepper to the minced meat. Grind the peeled garlic or pass it through a press. Also add it to the minced meat and mix well;
  2. Roll out a thin layer and, using a plate, cut out circles, put the filling on half and cover with the other half. Seal the edges and place the pasties on a baking sheet lined with parchment. Brush them with egg yolk, which must first be beaten. Thanks to it, a beautiful ruddy color will appear. Bake in the oven for 20 minutes. at a temperature of 180 degrees.

Recipe for chebureks made from puff pastry with cottage cheese

If you want to try something unusual, then use this recipe. Serve them with sour cream sauce. An excellent option for a vegetarian menu.

Take these products: ready-made puff pastry, 250 g cottage cheese, 50 g green onions, 30 g each cilantro and dill, salt and pepper.

Chebureks are loved for their crispy dough and juicy filling. They can be prepared not only from unleavened dough, but also from puff pastry. Such chebureks turn out airier and more magnificent.

Chebureks made from puff pastry - basic principles of preparation

First, prepare the dough. If you don't have time for this, you can use store-bought ones. But homemade dough, of course, turns out tastier. You will think: it takes so long to tinker with it. In fact, there are recipes for so-called “quick” puff pastry, which will take you no more than half an hour to prepare.

To do this, take cold, almost ice-cold water. Salt it and add an egg from the refrigerator. Shake with a fork and pour into a bowl with sifted flour. Stir until flakes are obtained. Now add vegetable or animal fat. Collect the dough flakes into a ball, put it in a bag and put it in the refrigerator. Do not knead the dough until smooth.

The meat filling is prepared from minced meat and onions in a 1:1 ratio. At the same time, chop the onion as finely as possible. In addition to meat, you can use cheese, curd, mushroom, or any other filling.

Chebureks are made from the dough and filling and fried in a large amount of vegetable oil, or baked in the oven.

Recipe 1. Crimean puff chebureks


66 ml vegetable oil;

400 g flour;

salt – 3 g;

filtered water – 150 ml.

purified water – 20 ml;

400 g minced meat;

black pepper;

two large onions;

sea ​​salt;

chicken egg.

Cooking method

1. Sift the flour into a deep bowl. Beat an egg into a glass. Pour ice water into it, add salt and shake with a fork until smooth. Pour the resulting mixture into the flour and stir with a fork. Flakes should form and there should be no flour left. Pour in the vegetable oil and quickly bring the flakes together. Do not knead the dough for a long time. It's enough for the flakes to just come together. This is what makes the dough flaky. Place the dough in a plastic bag and place it in the refrigerator for half an hour.

2. Peel the onion and chop it as finely as possible. Combine the minced meat with onion and egg. Salt and pepper everything and mix. Pour in a little cold water to make the filling juicy and mix again.

3. Remove the dough from the refrigerator, separate the required amount, roll into a sausage and cut into pieces. Roll each into a thin circle. Spread the filling evenly on one half, stepping back slightly from the edge, and cover the other. Seal the edges carefully. It is convenient to use a fork for this. Trim off excess dough with a special device or the edge of a saucer.

4. Heat a large amount of vegetable oil in a deep frying pan. Place the pasties in it, reducing the heat to medium. Fry on both sides until golden brown.

Recipe 2. Chebureks from puff pastry with mushrooms


ready-made puff pastry;

225 g champignons;

a pinch of sea salt;

125 g onion;

125 g cheese;

35 ml vegetable oil.

Cooking method

1. Wash the champignons, dry them on a napkin and remove the thin outer skin. Cut the mushrooms into small cubes. We peel the onion and chop it in the same way as the champignons.

2. Heat the oil in a frying pan. Place the prepared ingredients in it and fry, stirring occasionally, until cooked. Transfer the onion and mushroom fry into a bowl and cool.

3. Finely chop the cheese and add it to the mushrooms. We salt and mix everything.

4. Defrost the puff pastry, cut it into squares and roll it into thin flat cakes. Place the mushroom filling on one half of the flatbread and cover with the other half of the dough. We trim the edges with a special wheel, forming a semicircular cheburek.

5. Fry the pasties in hot oil until golden brown on both sides. Serve the pasties hot with broth or tea.

Recipe 3. Puff pasties with meat and potatoes in the oven


225 g of ready-made puff pastry;

150 g minced meat;

refined oil;

two potato tubers;

coriander and black pepper;

boiled water;

garlic - clove.

Cooking method

1. Pre-defrost the finished dough. To do this, remove the packaging from it and lay the sheets on a flat surface.

2. Place the defrosted minced meat in a suitable container and season it with pepper, salt and coriander.

3. Peel the potato tubers and wash them. Grind the potatoes on a fine grater. Peel the garlic and finely chop it.

4. Add vegetables to the minced meat and mix. Pour in just a little warm boiled water and mix again.

5. Cut the dough into squares and roll each into a layer no more than two millimeters thick.

6. Distribute the filling evenly over one half of the dough, cover the other and seal the edges tightly.

7. Cover the deco with parchment and grease it with oil. Place the pasties on it and leave to rest for ten minutes. We send the deco with semi-finished products to the oven. Bake at 175 C for about a quarter of an hour. Serve puff pasties with sour cream.

Recipe 4. Puff pasties with ham


sugar – 15 g;

flour - three glasses;

a stick of butter;

drinking water – 85 ml;

a packet of dry yeast;

half a glass of milk;

sea ​​salt.

sea ​​salt;

200 g ham;

fresh tomatoes – 200 g;

a glass of vegetable oil;

25 g ghee;

cheese – 100 g;

100 g raw smoked sausage;

60 ml dry white wine;

black pepper – 3 g;

onion head

Cooking method

1. Dissolve dry yeast and a teaspoon of sugar in warm water. In a separate bowl, mix the sifted flour with salt and the rest of the sugar. Rub the frozen butter directly into the flour.

2. Add the egg to the yeast mixture, pour in the milk and shake with a fork. Pour the resulting mixture into the flour and knead the dough. Let's do this quickly so that the butter doesn't have time to melt. Gather the dough into a ball, wrap it in cling film and leave it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

3. Grind the sausage and ham into small pieces. Coarsely grate the cheese and add to the sausages. Mix. Finely chop the peeled onion. Fry it in ghee until golden brown.

4. Scald the tomatoes with boiling water and remove the thin peel. Finely chop the tomato pulp and add to the onion, mix and simmer for several minutes, adding salt and pepper. Remove from heat, cool and mix with cheese and sausage. Add wine and stir.

5. Separate small pieces from the dough and roll them into thin flat cakes. Spread the filling and seal the edges. We cut off the excess dough with a special wheel.

6. Fry the pasties in a large amount of hot oil until golden brown.

Recipe 5. Chebureks made from puff pastry with cheese


200 g puff pastry;

Sunflower oil

50 g hard cheese;

chicken egg.

Cooking method

1. Remove the puff pastry from the packaging, place it on the table and defrost. Cut the sheet of dough into four pieces.

2. Grind the cheese into large shavings.

3. Roll out the puff pastry thinly. Brush the edges with beaten egg white and the remaining surface with yolk.

4. Place cheese shavings on one side. Cover it with the other half of the dough and seal the edges tightly.

5. Place the finished pasties in a frying pan with plenty of hot oil and fry until golden brown. Turn over and fry the other side.

Recipe 6. Puff pasties with cottage cheese


freshly ground pepper;

ready-made puff pastry;

cottage cheese – 250 g;

green onions – 50 g;

a bunch of cilantro and dill.

Cooking method

1. Wash the dill, onion and cilantro, lightly dry and finely chop. Combine it with cottage cheese, pepper, salt and mix.

2. Defrost the dough, roll it into a thin layer, sprinkle the table with flour. Use a plate to cut out the flatbreads.

3. Spread the curd filling evenly onto one half of the flatbread. And seal the edges, covering with the second half of the dough

4. Fry the pasties in hot oil over medium heat. Place the finished pasties on a flat plate, covering it with paper napkins.

Recipe 7. Chebureks made from puff pastry with herbs and feta cheese


egg yolk;

half a kilogram of puff pastry;

a bunch of parsley;

sour cream – 30 ml;

a quarter stick of butter;

250 g feta cheese.

Cooking method

1. Free the dough from the film, place it on the table and leave to defrost.

2. Place the cheese into a deep plate and mash it with a fork so that no large pieces remain. Mix the cheese with the egg, flour, sour cream and butter.

3. Wash the parsley and finely chop it. Add the greens to the cheese and stir.

4. Roll out the dough thinly and cut it into squares. Place the filling on each, distributing it evenly over one half. Cover the filling with the other half of the puff pastry and seal the edges with a fork.

5. Cover the deco with parchment and place the pasties on it. Sprinkle with sesame seeds and place in the oven for a quarter of an hour. Bake at 180 degrees. Serve pasties with soup or main courses.

The ingredients for puff pastry should only be cold.

Add a little water to the minced meat to make the filling juicy.

The more onions you put in the filling, the juicier it will be.

Fry the pasties in a large amount of vegetable oil, after heating it well.

"Crimean" chebureks made from puff pastry are delicious!

I have already posted recipes for savory pastries, chebureks, khachapuri, etc. on my blog several times. But recently I found a recipe that will probably make me stop adding more recipes to this section, because... I just haven’t tried this delicious recipe.

"Crimean chebureks"- the best and most delicious cheburek recipe, as it is made from puff pastry!!! I always thought that the quality of chebureks depends on the quality of the meat... But after visiting Crimea, I found out that this is not so!!! In Crimea, I tried amazingly delicious chebureks, which we bought from one of my grandmothers. The dough was amazingly tasty - it can’t be compared with our chebureks, and it can’t even be compared with those that I cook myself. Therefore, I decided to find out the secret of these “Crimean chebureks” using the Internet... But alas, I haven’t found it out yet. This year I went to Crimea again and decided to find that grandmother, but alas, I didn’t find her. But then I found a girl who also sold pasties in that place. Having bought them, I realized that they were the same chebureks and asked her for their recipe. She wrote me the recipe on a piece of paper, for which I thank her very much!!! Arriving home, I cooked them and realized that the secret here is not in the meat, but in the dough... it is thin, flaky, crispy and at the same time JUICY and melts in your mouth!!

Having tried chebureks according to this Crimean recipe, I realized that you simply cannot find tastier chebureks!!! Thank you very much to this girl from Crimea. Now, I think that such a recipe should not be lost and people who love to cook should know about it. That's why I'm sharing YOU with him!!!

For Crimean chebureks you will need (for about 12 chebureks)

3 cups flour,

1 chicken egg (yolk),

1/3 cup vegetable oil,

3/4 cup of water,

0.5 tsp salt

Minced meat - as I already wrote, the secret here is in the dough, so you can take minced meat or meat for chebureks according to your taste (I take minced meat 70% pork, 30% beef) - 1 kg.

Recipe for "Crimean chebureks"

1. Place flour in a bowl (you can sift it).

2. Separate the yolk from the white. Place the yolk in a glass and add water to 3/4 glass, add salt and mix.

3. We pour this mixture into the flour in a thin stream, gradually stirring the flour in a circular motion until “flour flakes” begin to form.

4. Now pour in the vegetable oil and knead the dough for a short time.

5. Now look at the dough: if it is steep, add a little more water. It should be immediately obvious that the dough is a little flaky.

6. Put the dough in a bag and let it lie there for 30-40 minutes.

Now you can make pasties in the usual way. Then fry them on both sides and the “Crimean chebureks” are ready!

Which are distributed far beyond the fabulous peninsula. Of course, every self-respecting Crimean woman carefully preserves her own method of preparing this dish, happily treats it to guests and assures that her pasties are real.

Surely every housewife has her own secrets and tricks, and the taste traditions of different families differ. But it is still possible to identify the common features inherent in Crimean chebureks. Let's try to understand the intricacies of preparing this dish.


Crispy is the most important condition. Air bubbles, juicy layers soaked in meat juice and a crispy golden crust are its constant characteristics.

The filling is also important. It is usually made from minced pork, lamb, beef or chicken. But there are other options that are specific to Crimean cuisine. It has a very strong influence of Tatar traditions, which means that an important place is given to homemade pickled cheeses, which local housewives have been making for centuries. Crimean chebureks are also prepared with this cheese. The recipe is very similar to the classic one, but this filling does not leave even convinced meat eaters indifferent.

Puff pastry with sunflower oil

This recipe makes very tasty Crimean chebureks made from puff pastry. Many people mistakenly believe that you can use ready-made frozen dough as a basis, or prepare it in the classic way, rubbing the layers with butter and rolling them out. In fact, it exfoliates itself. And the options listed above are suitable for samsa, but not for chebureks.

We will need:

  • yolk of one egg;
  • water - 180 ml;
  • flour - 480 g;
  • vegetable oil (necessarily refined) - 75 ml;
  • salt - a pinch.

Sift the flour into a bowl - this will make the dough fluffy. In a glass, break the yolk with a fork, add salt, and pour in water in portions. Mix thoroughly and pour into flour. It’s not easy to knead this kind of dough; it behaves a little strangely. You shouldn't be afraid of this. First, flakes will appear that will not want to combine into one ball. That's exactly how it should be. This means it's time to add oil. You can pour it directly into the dough or onto your hands.

Wrap the dough with vegetable oil in cling film and leave at room temperature for 40 minutes.

Choux pastry

The next Crimean one guarantees an abundance of bubbles on the surface. It contains some strong alcohol. It acts solely as a reagent. During the heat treatment, the degree evaporates completely.

We will need:

  • water - a full glass;
  • egg - 1 pc. (average);
  • salt - a pinch;
  • flour - 640 g;
  • vegetable oil and vodka - 35 ml each.

Salt the water, carefully add oil to it and put on fire. When it boils, remove from heat and begin stirring in flour. After adding half the required volume, break the egg into the dough and pour in vodka. Stir in the rest of the flour as needed - the dough may take a little less than the specified amount.

Meat filling

To prepare Crimean chebureks, the recipe for which has been tested for many generations, broth is added to the minced meat. This gives the filling juiciness. On average, half a kilo of finished minced meat will require 50 grams of broth. You can replace it with milk or heated water.

Good chefs do not advise passing onions through a meat grinder - this will squeeze out all the juices from it and destroy the structure. It will be much tastier if you grate the onion. It will make the filling juicy and flavorful. You can simply finely chop the onion with a knife on a board.

Real Crimean chebureks with cheese

Be sure to try this great dish! Crimean women prepare the filling in many different ways. Suluguni, feta cheese, or any other homemade pickled cheese are perfect for stuffing chebureks. For taste and aroma, dill, spinach, young garlic, and green onions are added to it. In order for the filling to form into a single layer, several raw eggs are driven into the cheese. Some people like the combination of cheese and homemade cottage cheese in equal quantities. Try different methods and you'll probably find what you like best. Be sure to add hard cheese to the cheese filling, for example, cheddar, maasdam or any other that can be grated.

Approximate combinations of products for preparing Crimean chebureks with cheese:

  • feta cheese, suluguni or their mixture - 350 g;
  • hard cheese - 150 g;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • 2 yolks or 1 egg.

Grate the cheese on a coarse grater, mix, add eggs, herbs, seasonings and salt, knead well again until the mass becomes homogeneous.


Roll out the dough and cut a circle out of it using a saucer. Apply the filling to the flatbread in a thin layer, otherwise you will end up with products that look more like pies. One cheburek takes a little more than a tablespoon of minced meat. Pinch the edges and gently roll the cheburek with a rolling pin.

Heat treatment process

A deep frying pan or cauldron is the ideal vessel for preparing Crimean chebureks. The recipe assumes that they will not just be fried in a frying pan, but boiled in hot oil.

Pour at least a centimeter of oil into the bowl. Let it reach high temperature. Place the pasties one at a time, avoiding splashes on the skin. During frying, do not pierce the pasties under any circumstances. Otherwise, the juice will leak out, causing copious splashes, and all the effort spent on preparing crispy dough for pasties will be in vain. Use a spatula, not a fork.

Place the finished pasties on paper napkins to remove excess fat. Serve with sauces and chopped herbs.

It is generally accepted that chebureks in Russia began to be prepared after the Russian-Turkish wars, having learned how to make them from the Crimean Tatars. And, of course, very soon they came up with the idea of ​​making them with vodka. And why not pamper your family with a delicious, hot cheburek with crispy edges and juicy, aromatic meat. Moreover, preparing chebureki at home is not a very troublesome task and can be easily done even by those housewives who think that they are good with the dough. This is not the case! If you want to make these pasties, you will make them. They can't fail!

For the dough we take: 1 yolk, 1 glass of vodka, half a teaspoon of salt, 3 cups of flour, 1/3 cup of vegetable oil and water (a little less than 3/4 cup.

Place the yolk in a glass, add vodka, salt and add water to 3/4 of the glass volume. Mix everything well.

Sift the flour into a mixing bowl and pour water into it, stirring it either with a fork or directly with your hand. We get flour crumbs. Great! It may not look very attractive, but it is exactly what we need.

Add the vegetable oil directly into this crumb and immediately knead the dough. There is no need to knead for a long time. We just collect it into one lump. 2-3 minutes is the maximum amount of labor we can spend on this almost puff pastry.

Wrap the finished dough in cling film and put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

While the dough is ripening, it's time to start filling. A juicy filling is the second (after a good dough) component of complete cheburek success.

We take: I have a mixture of lamb and beef mince 500 grams, I try to use meat for minced meat that is not lean, always with fat, greens (cilantro and dill), onions -2 medium (well, certainly not small onions), salt, pepper, paprika, ). hops-suneli and ice water (a quarter, and sometimes, if the minced meat is dry, then half a glass)

Finely chop the greens.

We also cut the onion (this is preferable to passing it through a meat grinder. So, for some reason, as experience shows, it turns out juicier). We cut it very finely. We transfer the onions into a separate bowl and... salt, pepper and season with spices... It’s the onions, not the minced meat. Mix everything thoroughly and even grind it (you can even use a mortar). We give the onion the opportunity to release as much juice as possible and even marinate a little in spices. This is our another chance to give chebureks the opportunity to be very juicy and aromatic. Let's use it!

Add all prepared ingredients to the minced meat. Stir and, as always, even knock it out. The minced meat should become smooth, without excess air, and even outwardly it should be visible that some kind of gray-white fibers have appeared in it.

Lastly, add ice water to the minced meat. Mix again. And if we have the time and opportunity to let the filling sit for a little (at least half an hour) to marinate... our filling will be the best!

All preparatory work is completed. As it turns out, quite a lot has been written! And this is very suspicious, because all this is done with lightning speed. For about 10 minutes.

Let's move on to modeling and frying pasties. Divide the rested dough from the refrigerator in half (by the way, you can see here that the dough turns out a little flaky... great), while we make the first batch, put the second half back in the refrigerator. Why should she heat up in vain?)

Roll out the dough thinly and cut out identical circles using a plate or saucer (whichever size you prefer today). We put the excess dough back in the refrigerator... it will go into the next rolling out.

Place a tablespoon of minced meat on one half of the dough and, as it were, spread it over this half of the dough.

Lubricate the edges of the cheburek with water and firmly seal the edges with your hands. We press the filling a little, distributing it evenly and releasing excess air from the cheburek.

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