Russian folk tale war of mushrooms and berries. "War of mushrooms and berries." A dramatization of a Russian folk tale adapted by V. Dahl for the preparatory group. II. Updating of reference knowledge

In the red summer there is a lot of everything in the forest - all kinds of mushrooms and all kinds of berries: strawberries with blueberries, raspberries with blackberries, and black currants. The girls walk through the forest, pick berries, sing songs, and the boletus mushroom, sitting under an oak tree, puffs up, pouts, rushes out of the ground, gets angry at the berries: “Look, there are more of them! We used to be honored, held in esteem, but now no one will even look at us! Wait, - thinks the boletus, the head of all mushrooms, - we, mushrooms, have great power - we will oppress, strangle it, the sweet berry!

The boletus conceived and wished for war, sitting under the oak tree, looking at all the mushrooms, and he began to gather mushrooms, began to help call out:
- Go, little girls, go to war!
The waves refused:

We are all old ladies, not guilty of war.
- Go away, honey mushrooms!

The honey mushrooms refused:
- Our legs are painfully thin, we won’t go to war!
- Hey you, morels! - shouted the boletus mushroom. -Gear up for war!
The morels refused; They say:
- We are old men, no way are we going to war!

The mushroom got angry, the boletus got angry, and he shouted in a loud voice:
- Milk mushrooms, you guys are friendly, come fight with me, beat up the arrogant berry!
Milk mushrooms with loads responded:
- We are milk mushrooms, brothers are friendly, we are going with you to war, to the wild and wild berries, we will throw our hats at them, trample them with our heels!
Having said this, the milk mushrooms climbed out of the ground together, the dry leaf rises above their heads, a formidable army rises.

“Well, there’s trouble,” the green grass thinks.
And at that time, Aunt Varvara came into the forest with a box - wide pockets. Seeing the great mushroom strength, she gasped, sat down and, well, picked up mushrooms in a row and put them in the back. I picked it up completely, carried it home, and at home I sorted the fungi by type and by rank: honey mushrooms into tubs, honey mushrooms into barrels, morels into alyssettes, milk mushrooms into baskets, and the largest boletus mushroom ended up in a bunch; it was pierced, dried and sold.
From then on, the mushroom and berry stopped fighting.

Dahl, Vladimir, fairy tale "The War of Mushrooms and Berries"

Genre: literary fairy tale

The main characters of the fairy tale “The War of Mushrooms and Berries” and their characteristics

  1. Borovik. An old and important mushroom. Envious and greedy for other people's glory.
  2. Milk mushrooms. Friendly mushrooms, carefree, frivolous.
  3. Honey mushrooms, morels, volushki. Mushrooms are lazy and wary.
  4. Aunt Varvara. An avid mushroom picker.
Plan for retelling the fairy tale "The War of Mushrooms and Berries"
  1. Harvest summer
  2. Girls and berries
  3. Anger of the boletus
  4. Boletus call
  5. Refusal of honey mushrooms, honey mushrooms and morels
  6. Consent of milk mushrooms
  7. Mushroom clearing
  8. Mushroom preparations
  9. End of the war.
The shortest summary of the fairy tale “The War of Mushrooms and Berries” for a reader’s diary in 6 sentences
  1. In the summer, various berries ripened in the forest and the girls went to pick them
  2. The boletus was offended that the berries were held in such high esteem; he planned a war
  3. But honey mushrooms, honey mushrooms and morels refused to fight
  4. But the milk mushrooms cheerfully agreed and climbed out of the ground
  5. Aunt Varvara came and collected all the mushrooms
  6. I sorted it out, distributed it into tubs, and dried the boletus mushroom.
The main idea of ​​the fairy tale "The War of Mushrooms and Berries"
Don’t envy someone else’s happiness, your own will not be far off.

What does the fairy tale “The War of Mushrooms and Berries” teach?
This fairy tale teaches that in the summer the forest is expansive and there is a place for everything in the pantries, both for mushrooms and berries. Teaches not to envy others, teaches to be calm and balanced. Teaches you not to get into trouble.

Review of the fairy tale "The War of Mushrooms and Berries"
I really liked this funny story. Its main character, Boletus, is not the most attractive character in terms of his way of thinking. He was jealous of other people's fame, he dreamed of destroying the berries, but he himself ended up in the soup. Oh, how delicious it is!

Proverbs for the fairy tale "The War of Mushrooms and Berries"
Every mushroom knows its time.
Gruzdev called himself get in the body.
No one gets bored of the red summer.
Where there is happiness, there is envy.
The boletus is the boss of all mushrooms.

Read the summary, a brief retelling of the fairy tale “The War of Mushrooms and Berries”
In summer there are a lot of mushrooms and berries in the forest. Girls wander through the forest, pick raspberries, strawberries, currants, sing songs and call to each other.
And the old boletus sits in the ground, swelling, he is dissatisfied with the honor given to the berries. He believes that mushrooms have been undeservedly forgotten. So the boletus decided to collect the mushroom army, crush all the berries and bend them down.
The boletus calls the little girls to war, but they refuse - we are old ladies, where to go to war.
The mushroom mushroom calls, but they also refuse - the legs are painfully thin.
The boletus calls the morels, and they answer that they are already old people.
The boletus invites the friendly milk mushrooms to go to war, and the milk mushrooms and the nappy milk mushrooms agree. They promise to throw the berries with their hats and trample them with their heels.
And milk mushrooms climbed out of the ground, the grass swayed.
And at that time Aunt Varvara came into the forest with wide pockets. When I saw the great mushroom power, I gasped and let’s collect all the mushrooms indiscriminately into a basket. I filled the basket full and carried it home. And she sorted all the mushrooms by type: mushrooms into tubs, milk mushrooms into boxes, morels into alyssettes, honey mushrooms into barrels.
And I put the old boletus on a thread and dried it.
And so the war between mushrooms and berries ended.

Drawings and illustrations for the fairy tale "The War of Mushrooms and Berries"

Mushrooms, berries Senior group

Lexical topic : Mushrooms, berries

    V. Dahl “The War of Mushrooms and Berries”

    E. Trutneva “Mushrooms”

    V. Kataev “Mushrooms”

    A. Prokofiev “Borovik”

    Ya. Taits “About berries.”

    About mushrooms

    S.L. Prokofiev “The Tale of the First Mushrooms”

    M. Sholokhov “Wonderful Berries”

Valentina Oseeva.

"On a visit to the berries."

Illustrations by Elena Karpovich.

On a birch meadow
The strawberry blossomed
Turned red, turned red,
Invited Grunya to visit:
"Eat, Grunya, strawberry,
I'm ripe for you.
And when you eat, drink some water
From the icy stream!"
Grunya ate strawberries,
I washed it down with some water,
She ran to the village.
And the next morning the whole village
Came to visit the berries.

Vladimir Dal

"War of mushrooms and berries"


Ksenia Prytkova, Konstantin Romanenko.

In the red summer there is a lot of everything in the forest - all kinds of mushrooms and all kinds of berries: strawberries with blueberries, raspberries with blackberries, and black currants. The girls walk through the forest, pick berries, sing songs, and the boletus mushroom, sitting under an oak tree, puffs up, sulks, rushes out of the ground, gets angry at the berries: “Look, what a crop of them! Now no one will even look at us! Wait, - thinks the boletus, the head of all mushrooms, - we, mushrooms, have great power - we will bend it down, strangle it, the sweet berry! "

The boletus conceived and wished for war, sitting under the oak tree, looking at all the mushrooms, and he began to gather mushrooms, began to help call out:

Go, little girls, go to war!

The waves refused:

We are all old ladies, not guilty of war.

Go away, honey agarics!

The honey mushrooms refused:

Our legs are painfully thin, we won’t go to war!

Hey you morels! - shouted the boletus mushroom. -Gear up for war!

The morels refused; They say:

We are old men, no way are we going to war!

The mushroom got angry, the boletus got angry, and he shouted in a loud voice:

Gruzdi, you guys are friendly, come fight with me, beat up the arrogant berry!

Milk mushrooms with loads responded:

We are milk mushrooms, brothers are friendly, we are going with you to war, to the wild and wild berries, we will throw our hats at them and trample them with our heels!

Having said this, the milk mushrooms climbed out of the ground together, the dry leaf rises above their heads, a formidable army rises.

“Well, there’s trouble,” the green grass thinks.

And at that time, Aunt Varvara came into the forest with a box - wide pockets. Seeing the great mushroom strength, she gasped, sat down and, well, picked up mushrooms in a row and put them in the back. I picked it up completely, carried it to the house, and at home I sorted the fungi by type and by rank: trumpets - into tubs, honey mushrooms - into barrels,

morels - into alyssettes, milk mushrooms - into boxes, and the largest boletus mushroom ended up in a bunch; they pierced him, dried him and sold him.

From then on, the mushroom and berry stopped fighting.

Yakov Moiseevich Taits

For mushrooms

Grandma, let's exchange baskets!


So they came home.

Grandfather looked and said: Grandma and Nadya are going to the forest to pick mushrooms.

Grandfather gave them a basket and said:

Well, who will score more!

So they walked and walked, collected, collected, and went home.

Grandma has a full basket, and Nadya has half.

Nadya said:

Hey Nadya! Look, I've gained more than my grandmother!

Here Nadya blushed and said in the quietest voice:

This is not my basket at all... it’s completely grandma’s.

Yakov Moiseevich Taits

For berries.

So the strawberries are ripe.

Grandmother and Nadya took the mugs, went into the forest - and let's collect them.

Only grandma - in the mug, and Nadya - in her mouth.

We came home. Grandma's mug is full, and Nadya's is empty; even grandpa has nothing to treat him to.

Nadya felt ashamed.

The next day she went into the forest, didn’t eat a single berry - it was all in a mug. She came home and said to her grandfather:


-And what about herself?

-And I ate yesterday.

-“Yesterday doesn’t count,” said grandfather.

Let `s together.

And she and Nadya began to eat from the same mug.

Nadya - berry, grandfather - berry, Nadya - berry, grandfather - berry.

So they ate everything.

Alexander Andreevich Prokofiev


Walked along the path -
They found the boletus.
Boletus boletus
He buried his head in the moss.
We could get through it
It's good that we walked quietly.

Valentin Petrovich Kataev


Cousin Innochka came from the city to visit Zhenya and Pavlik.
“Well, children,” said mother, “there is no need for you to sit idle.” Go to the forest to pick mushrooms. Let's see which of you picks mushrooms better.
“I’m the best at collecting,” said Pavlik.
“No, I’m better,” said Zhenya.
But Innochka remained silent. She generally liked to keep quiet.
The children ran into the forest and dispersed in different directions. They return in an hour.
- I collected the best! - Pavlik shouts from a distance. - I have the most mushrooms of all, look: the bucket is full!
Mom looked and smiled:
- No wonder you have a full bucket: not a single good mushroom. Only toadstools. It doesn’t matter if you pick mushrooms, my friend Pavlik.
- Yeah! - Zhenya shouts. - I told you that I collect better than everyone else. Look: I have the largest and most beautiful mushrooms - red ones with white polka dots. No one has such beautiful mushrooms!

Mom looked and laughed:
- Silly, these are fly agarics. Although they are beautiful, they are no good. You can get poisoned by them. In general, you’re also bad at picking mushrooms, Zhenechka.
And Innochka stands on the sidelines and keeps quiet.
- And you, Innochka, why are you silent? Show me what you've collected.
“I have very little,” says Innochka shyly.
Mom looked into Innochka’s box, and there were ten excellent mushrooms. Two very pretty russulas, like pink flowers; two foxes in yellow Chinese caps; two cousins ​​- boletus and boletus; milk mushroom, saffron milk cap, volushka. Yes, a big, strong, pot-bellied boletus in a velvet beret.
And on top of that there’s a whole nest of honey mushrooms - daring guys.

- END -

Evgenia Fedorovna Trutneva


Drawings by N. Knorring (1957)


And under the old pine tree,
Where the old stump bowed down,
Surrounded by his family
The first boletus was found.
V. Rozhdestvensky
Based on taste and nutritional value, edible mushrooms are usually divided into four groups. The first category includes porcini mushrooms, saffron milk caps and real milk mushrooms. The second includes boletus, boletus, boletus, champignons, and boletus. The third includes black milk mushrooms, fly mushrooms, chanterelles, morels, and autumn honey mushrooms. The fourth includes umbrella mushrooms, brittle types of russula, summer honey mushrooms, oyster mushrooms, talkers.
This division is arbitrary; each mushroom picker has his own preferences. Tastes also differ among different peoples. In Russia, milk mushrooms are considered valuable mushrooms, but in Western European countries they are considered inedible. Some peoples prefer dung beetles and umbrella mushrooms, while others consider them inedible and do not collect them.
The highest quality of all mushrooms is rightly called the porcini mushroom, or boletus. Many mushroom pickers only consider their trip to the forest successful if there is at least one white mushroom in their basket.
This mushroom is called porcini because, unlike other tubular mushrooms, its flesh does not change color when broken and remains white both after cooking and after drying.
The cap of the porcini mushroom is convex, can reach 25 cm in diameter, its color varies from whitish to dark brown, depending on the forest in which the mushroom grew. The lower surface of the cap is spongy, with well-defined tubes, initially white, turning yellow with age.
The stem of the porcini mushroom is thick, sometimes up to 10 cm thick and about 17 cm long. In young mushrooms, the stem is tuberous, in mature ones it is cylindrical, with a light mesh pattern in the upper part. The weight of the fruiting body can reach 10 kg.
The porcini mushroom is found in deciduous, coniferous and mixed forests. It is most often adjacent to spruce, birch, and oak. Porcini mushrooms are very nutritious. There is even a saying: “Boron mushroom is better than any meat.” The mushroom is eaten fried, dried, or pickled. In folk medicine, an extract from porcini mushroom is used. The porcini mushroom has twins: the gall mushroom and the oak mushroom.
Lukashka is standing - a white shirt.
And the hat is wearing chocolate color.


Called himself a milk mushroom -
Get in the back!

The genus of lacticifers (mushrooms containing milky juice) includes milk mushrooms: real, black, yellow, golden yellow, pepper. The true milk mushroom has a mucous cap, initially white, then slightly yellowish with slightly concentric stripes and a wavy-shaggy edge. The plates are descending, frequent, white and pinkish.

There under the prickly spruce branches
We are looking for mushroom miracles.
Black milk mushrooms have a dense look
The forest is mesmerizing.

L. Glazkov

There is also a mushroom - milk mushroom,
Sadness will be driven away from the soul.
He looks like a funnel
White in color,
Often hides away
From daylight.
Salted breast milk is something!
All mushrooms taste better!
What a mushroom hunt,
Let's go to the forest soon!
E. Dolgikh

The flesh of the milk mushroom is white, dense, with a pleasant fruity smell. The milky sap is white and turns yellow in air. Very bitter. Milk mushrooms are found in birch and mixed forests. It is better to eat them salted. In Rus', milk mushrooms were salted in barrels; these mushrooms were considered the best for pickling. And according to the Siberian method, milk mushrooms were not salted separately, but together with other mushrooms from the genus of milkweeds - capillaries and saffron milk caps.
Yellow milk mushrooms are found in spruce and spruce-fir forests. From August you can collect black milk mushrooms in birch forests. People called him Chernushka. This is a giant among other milk mushrooms - the cap can reach 20 cm in diameter. Its color is very dark, almost black – greenish-brown. People say: “It looks black, but it’s delicious inside.”

The names of oak and aspen milk mushrooms speak for themselves - they grow in oak and aspen forests. But the flesh of the pepper milk mushroom is so pungent that when dried and crushed it can be used instead of seasoning for dishes.
Milk mushrooms contain a lot of antioxidants, vitamins D and B12, they help with tuberculosis and kidney stones.

In the moss, like on a pillow,
Someone's little white ear.


Very friendly sisters -
Golden chanterelles.
They wear red berets,
Autumn is brought to the forest in the summer.
G. Novitskaya

The fruiting bodies of chanterelles have a funnel-shaped cap that gradually turns into a stalk. The shape of the foxes resembles yellow inverted umbrellas.
About 100 species of this fungus can be found in coniferous, birch and mixed forests of the Northern Hemisphere. They grow from mid-summer to late autumn.
The most famous among them is the real chanterelle. Its distinctive features are: the bright yellow color of the entire fruiting body, the wavy-lobed edge of the cap and the branched folded plates on the underside of the cap. The pulp is whitish-yellow and elastic. It is almost never damaged by larvae, because chanterelles contain substances that destroy the egg capsules of various insects and worms. The leg is cylindrical – up to 7 cm long.
Chanterelles grow in large groups in mixed and coniferous forests. They are rich in microelements, especially copper and zinc. Chanterelles contain a lot of vitamins A, B, PP.
The grass has braided its braids,
And under it sit chanterelles -
Fragrant mushrooms -
At least row with a shovel!
How many gold hats
Spotted under the grass!
We collected them in a package -
We'll grill it in the evening.
Yu. Chichev
For a long time, tinctures from these mushrooms have been used in folk medicine. Chanterelles are good for people suffering from eye diseases or night blindness. Chanterelles are also used to treat dangerous diseases such as furunculosis, sore throat, hepatitis C and tuberculosis. But in order for the mushroom medicine to bring as much benefit as possible, the chanterelles need to be cooked correctly.

In a clearing by a stream
The red-haired sisters have grown up... (chanterelles).
Red ears
From the top of a fox's head -
They lie in the grass
Two little ones are eating.
I was in the forest
Caught a fox
I'm taking it home.
I’ll boil it, salt it,
And in winter I’ll praise you.


Chocolate brown mushroom,
Thin openwork collar -
This mushroom is called butterdish.
E. Savelyeva

The boy is standing -
The cap is dirty.
(Oil Can)

Honey fungus


I'm growing up in a red cap
Among the aspen roots,
You'll recognize me a mile away
My name is boletus.
The boletus is common in the forests of the Northern Hemisphere. It is also called redhead, or simply aspen. Common names: obabok, vanka-vstanka. It is adjacent to aspen, birch, and spruce. Rarely grows alone; more often these mushrooms can be found in large groups under young trees or in small forests. Boletuses are collected from June to October.
Boletus mushrooms are found throughout the temperate zone and even in the tundra, where these mushrooms sometimes tower above dwarf birch trees.
The cap of the boletus is spherical, with a diameter of 4 to 30 cm, red, yellowish, orange, gray or white. The bottom of the cap is finely porous, from white to dirty brown. The length of the leg can reach 20 cm. It has oblong black scales. The flesh at the break is initially pinkish, greenish or bluish, but it quickly darkens. When dried and cooked, the mushroom turns black.
Boletuses are suitable for food even without prior boiling. They are fried, salted, pickled and dried.
Red-capped boletuses grow in aspen groves. But mushrooms with yellow and yellow-brown caps can be found among birch and pine trees.
- Boletus, look! -
I showed it to my son. -
There are three in red hats -
Come on, go to the basket!
Yu. Chichev
Together with its fellow boletus, boletus is one of the most common mushrooms. It is not copied by any of the poisonous mushrooms, so it is impossible to get poisoned by boletus. Of course, there is no need to collect and cook very old mushrooms - they are very flabby, fall apart right in your hands and accumulate toxic substances.
Under the tree, under the aspen tree stands Thumb Boy,
He is wearing a gray caftan and a red cap.
The boy was buried
For an aspen stump.
Just a mushroom picker's hat -
Like a beacon for a sailor.


Chocolate brown mushroom,
The leaf stuck to the slippery cap.
Thin openwork collar -
This mushroom is called butterdish.
E. Savelyeva
Butterflies are tubular mushrooms from the genus Maslenika. In most species, the skin is slimy and easily removed from the cap.
In English-speaking countries this mushroom is called “slippery Jack”, in Germany – “butter mushroom”, in the Czech Republic – “butter mushroom”.
In some butterfish, the tubular layer is covered from below with a thin film. It is called a private veil. As the mushroom matures, it is destroyed, its remainder can be found on the stem in the form of a filmy ring. The flesh of butternut squash is yellowish, slightly pinker when cut. Has a pleasant soft pine aroma.
In pine and mixed forests, boletus grows in large families almost all summer until the autumn frosts. Butterflies are common in Eurasia, America, and Australia. The most common types of oiler are true, granular, and larch.
The butterdish is a noticeable mushroom, the height of the stem is 3–8 cm, and the width of the cap is 5–10 cm. Small mushrooms are hidden under the needles and can only be discovered when they grow a little.
Usually during the summer there are several harvests of butter. The first is in mid-summer, the second is in early autumn, although there are also lean years.
Butter is used both fresh and for pickling. The skin from the cap is usually removed. To do this better, immerse the mushrooms in boiling water for 1–2 minutes or keep them over steam. Most types of buttermilk practically do not differ from each other in taste. Butternuts are usually not dried because after drying they become rock hard. They fry or prepare soup from summer harvests, but autumn harvests are better suited for pickling and pickling, because they are denser and more elastic, and do not spoil for a long time.
The genus Shrovetide includes two more types of mushrooms: goat mushroom and pepper mushroom. The goat is edible, but of low quality. Pepper mushroom has a bitter taste, so it is not usually collected. Some fans use it as a seasoning.
The sheep mushroom is very similar to the oiler. But the bottom of the oiler's cap is light yellow, and the lamb's cap is brick red.
The boy is standing -
The cap is dirty.
(Oil Can)

Honey fungus


Red squirrel in the forest
I found a saffron milk cap
And hung it on a branch -
Closer to the sun.
The hedgehog said:
- Look, this is a very rare case:
A mushroom grew right in the sky
On a spruce branch.
L. Gerzhidovich
The fruiting bodies of some mushrooms contain a milky juice that is released when cut. It can be white, colorless or colored. Such mushrooms are called laticifers. Most of them have a bitter taste, which disappears when salted, sometimes when boiled.
The most valuable of the milkweeds is the camelina. It is collected in coniferous forests from July to October. All parts of the fruiting body are copper-red in color, which is probably why the mushroom got its name. Its milky juice is orange, turns green in the air, is not bitter, and has a pleasant smell of pine bark.
The cap of the saffron milk cap is from 4 to 17 cm in diameter, in the middle there is a funnel-shaped depression from which concentric circles extend. The most “red” saffron milk caps – with a grayish-orange cap – grow in pine forests. In spruce forests, saffron milk caps are more modestly colored; their caps are bluish-greenish with yellow-orange circles. Mushroom pickers noticed that in rainy summers there are more spruce mushrooms, and in dry summers there are more pine mushrooms.
You can use the saffron milk caps to determine the cardinal directions. Most of these mushrooms grow on the north side of trees.
Saffron milk caps can only be confused with saffron milk caps, but saffron milk mushrooms have white or soft pink flesh, and the whole mushroom is much lighter than saffron milk caps. Although it is with saffron milk caps that volnushki are most often found.
Since ancient times, people in Rus' loved to cook saffron milk caps. They were served fried or stewed. Salted saffron milk caps were especially revered. Peter I's favorite dish was salted saffron milk caps with sour cream. And young saffron milk caps are generally eaten raw - only after salting them first. In terms of calorie content, salted saffron milk caps are superior to pickled porcini mushrooms, eggs and even meat.
In the old days, in the Urals, saffron milk caps were salted right in the forest. They brought barrels into which they put saffron milk caps sprinkled with coarse salt. Each mushroom was pre-wiped with a linen towel.
Settlers even brought saffron milk caps to Australia. There are so many of them that the hillsides turn red from the abundance of mushrooms.
PROVERB Summer saffron milk is not good for serious business, only in hot weather, but autumn saffron milk is good for everyone and good in all kinds.


What kind of squad is this?
Gray heads?
It's lined up
Birch trees have rows.
They say:
- We're in the rain
Let's grow up a little
Let's enter in friendly formation
There is a basket in Petino.
L. Gerzhidovich
Rowers are a genus of lamellar mushrooms. Some of them settle on the forest floor, others grow under trees. The diameter of the caps is from 3 to 15 cm. The caps are convex, then spread, often with a wavy edge.
In coniferous and mixed forests in the fall you can find gray row, which is also called pine pine. In dry pine forests, greenfinch, which belongs to the row, is found in large groups. Red row grows on and around pine stumps.
The purple row is a late mushroom and is harvested until late autumn. These dense mushrooms with a short stalk can be found among nettle thickets, in rotting vegetation, on fallen needles under old spruce trees. The purple rower tolerates frost well and is found in Karelia, Finland, and in the north it was even found in Lapland.
Green row, or greenfinch, is notable for the fact that it retains its green color even when boiled. It grows in open soils in pine forests in late autumn, when many other edible mushrooms have already disappeared. Mushroom pickers are upset that it is very difficult to remove stuck sand from the caps of greenfinches.
The rows are consumed boiled, salted and dried. These mushrooms must be treated with caution, since among them there are inedible and even poisonous species. The white row is especially dangerous, the whole body of which is white, and the pulp has an unpleasant smell of dust.
In Western Europe, on April 23, St. George's Day, they began to collect the May row (May mushroom). This mushroom is found in pastures, along the edges of roads, in orchards under plum and apple trees. The pulp of the May row is juicy and fleshy, cream-colored. May mushrooms often grow in circles. In the old days, people did not understand why this happened, and called such circles “witch circles.”
Short and stocky, he decided to look at us,
Raised in the morning under the fir trees
Leaf with stuck needles.


Wrinkled, like old men,
Morels were born in the forest in the spring.
Avid mushroom pickers know that the first edible mushrooms in our forests, like snowdrops, appear in April. As soon as the snow melts, you can go for morels.
April is already here,
The snow in the forest has almost melted
And warmed the clearings...
You know, the morel is already ripe.
E. Larskaya
Morels are representatives of marsupial fungi. Their fruiting bodies are large, fleshy, up to 15 cm high. The cap is conical, ovoid, cellular, brown or brown in color, fused at the edges with the stem. In appearance, the wrinkled, lumpy caps of morels resemble shelled walnuts. Both the stem and the cap are hollow.
The mushroom on the leg bent like a hook,
But he stubbornly tries to reach up...
– It is popularly called “morel” -
That's what my laughing mother told me.
A. Kropotin
It has long been noticed that morels usually appear in those places of the forest where there was a fire three or four years ago. And in old fires they can appear every year.
Another representative of marsupial fungi, the Stochki, has a cap that is often shapeless, wavy-folded or brain-shaped, partially fused along the edge with the stalk. The leg is thick, hollow, light. For a long time, the strings were considered conditionally edible; later, the toxin gyromitrin was discovered in them, which is not destroyed during cooking and accumulates in the body. Gyromitrin disappears when dried, so it is better not to eat the stitches fresh.
Unlike strings, morels can be eaten both after drying and fresh, after boiling for 10–15 minutes. And in America, morels are generally called the “king of mushrooms” and many delicacies are prepared from them. The main dish at the annual conventions of American mushroom scientists is pancakes with morels.
But of course, mushrooms such as morels and strings must be treated with caution. Numerous cases of mushroom poisoning were reported by ancient Greek and Roman historians. There were also titled persons among the “mushroom” victims. For example, the Roman emperor Claudius. His wife Agrippina knew a lot about mushrooms. Claudius somehow quarreled with her, for which he paid.
Our ancestors knew about the hallucinogenic properties of some mushrooms. By eating them, people received relaxation, but often died from an overdose. Shamans often put themselves into a trance using mushrooms. The Vikings used fly agarics as doping before the battle.


Along the forest paths
Lots of white legs
In multi-colored hats,
Noticeable from afar.
Pack, don't hesitate!
These are russulas.
Throughout the mushroom season, you can find a large number of varieties of russula in the forest. In our country, there are about 60 types of russula, which differ in taste and color of the caps. Russulas with blue-green and yellow-brown caps are considered delicacy. Russulas grow in deciduous and coniferous forests.
As the name suggests, russula can be eaten raw, and many mushroom pickers believe this. Indeed, all of them are edible, but among them there are several types with a bitter taste, which are eaten after prolonged boiling. Bitter varieties usually have red or purple caps. Russulas are eaten boiled, fried and salted. They can even be dried. The disadvantage of russula is that the pulp is very brittle, so many mushrooms turn into dust in the mushroom picker’s basket long before they reach the table.
From June to September, delicious green russula are collected on abandoned forest roads in deciduous and mixed forests. In blue-yellow and blue-green russula, the plates under the caps are not hard, but soft to the touch. Their hats are sticky and shiny.
In pine forests you can often find browning russula, or herring russula. They are named so because in hot weather old mushrooms give off a strong fishy smell. In Scandinavia, russula is often added to other mushroom dishes to add a piquant taste.
Valuy belongs to russula. His hat is dirty yellow, first spherical, then spread out. Unlike other russulas, the skin of the cap is not removed. Grows in forests mixed with birch. The pulp is dense, with a pungent taste, so it is recommended to salt the valui.
We are forest sisters,
Dresses made for summer
Different in color:
Every sister
Your taste and habits.


Truffles are found in relatively warm temperate regions of both hemispheres. The fleshy fruiting bodies of mushrooms are round in shape and covered with warty or smooth skin. The size ranges from a pea to a large potato tuber and even larger, and the weight of some mushrooms reaches 1 kg.
The most valuable, black truffle grows in beech and oak forests in the south of France, northern Italy, and less commonly in Germany. The capital of the black truffle is the French province of Périgord. The most valuable - white truffle - is found in Italian Piedmont. Recently, a large number of truffle varieties have been discovered in the forests of Australia. Moreover, their number is growing as new territories are explored.
Truffles are very expensive mushrooms. This is explained by their exquisite taste, which is so appreciated by gourmets.
How do truffles, whose fruiting bodies are located underground, spread? These mushrooms are food for some animals, such as pigs. They eat fruiting bodies along with the spores they contain. The spores pass unharmed through the intestines and are spread throughout the forest along with feces. In the forests of Australia, about 40 species of mammals spread truffles. The endangered potorous spends most of its active life searching for truffles. In the coniferous forests of the United States, truffles are eaten mainly by rodents.
Animals search for truffles by the specific smell characteristic of each type of these mushrooms. People use specially trained pigs and dogs to search for the delicious black truffle. Avid mushroom pickers find truffles by a well-known sign: midges often swarm over these mushrooms.
In the 18th century The French taught the Russians to “hunt” truffles in the forests near Moscow. The “hunt” was staged on a grand scale - entire villages lived by collecting truffles. Russian men taught little bear cubs how to find truffles. In good years, up to 5,000 tons of truffles were collected in the Moscow region. After the revolution, the truffle sites were lost and have not yet been restored.
Besides black, there are other types of truffles. White, or Trinity, truffle is found in the forests of Western Europe, Ukraine and Belarus. The fruit body of the white truffle has light flesh, similar in appearance and size to potatoes.
Truffles grow not only in forests. Steppe truffles are called "tombolans". Some of them are also edible. They are found in the steppe regions of Southern Europe, North Africa and on the shores of the Caspian Sea - in Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan.


Champignons were known to the ancient Greeks. The Greek name for champignon (mikos) gave its name to the science of mushrooms - mycology. This genus of mushrooms includes about 60 species and is quite widespread.
The hemispherical, fleshy cap of the champignon can reach a diameter of 20 cm. The plates of a young mushroom are white; as the spores mature, they become pinkish and then dark brown. The leg is smooth, there is a cover that remains in the form of a ring on the leg.
Modern research has shown that mushrooms contain proteins, fats, mineral salts, carbohydrates and vitamins necessary for humans. About 90% of the fresh mass of mushrooms is water, 1–3% is carbohydrates, 0.3–0.8% is fats. The protein (4–5%) is of high quality and, thanks to the amino acids it contains, is well absorbed. In terms of mineral content, mushrooms are not inferior not only to many vegetables, but also to fruits. They contain approximately the same amount of phosphorus and calcium as fish.
Champignons are found in forests, fields, and pastures. The most common is the bisporus champignon. Since the 17th century it is cultivated in France. Champignon is one of the few mushrooms that man has learned to grow. Champignons can be grown in any ventilated area on a special nutrient substrate, which is prepared from a mixture of fresh manure and straw. Champignons do not need sunlight; they bear fruit in the dark. Among the champignons there are also poisonous ones, for example, the yellow-skinned champignon.
Currently, out of more than 4,000 studied species of cap mushrooms, several hundred are considered edible. There is a group of mushrooms that can only be consumed after processing: boiling, pickling, drying. Such mushrooms are called conditionally edible.
Grew up in the basement
Didn't see the light
But they got into trouble.
There is an almost domestic mushroom,
Plant at least on arable land,
Even under the apple tree in the garden,
At least at the stitch, on the go.

Sofya Leonidovna Prokofieva

"The Tale of the First Berries"

Masha and Oika made Easter cakes from sand. Masha makes Easter cakes herself. And Oika keeps asking:
- Oh, dad, help! Oh, dad, make me some cake!
Father Oike helped. Oika began to tease Masha:
- And my Easter cakes are better! I have some big and good ones. And look how bad and small yours are.
The next day dad left for work. A Forest Bird flew in from the forest. She has a stalk in her beak. And there are two berries on the stem. The berries glow like red lanterns.
- Whoever makes the best Easter cake, I will give these berries to him! - said the Forest Bird.
Masha quickly made a cake out of sand. And no matter how hard Oika tried, nothing worked out for her.
The Forest Bird gave the berries to Masha.
Oika was upset and cried.

And Masha tells her:
- Don't cry, Oika! I'll share it with you. You see, there are two berries here. One for you, and the other for me.

Mikhail Sholokhov

"Wonderful Berries"
Russian fairy tale

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a king and a queen. They had a beautiful daughter. Her father and mother doted on her and took care of the princess more than their eyes.

One day a foreign ship came to that city. People came running to the pier. The owner of the ship, a trade guest, began to show various rarities and wonders that no one had ever seen. Rumors about the overseas merchant spread throughout the city. That rumor also reached the princess’s tower.

The princess wanted to take at least one look at the overseas wonders. She began to ask her parents:

- Let me go look at the overseas ship! The king and queen released her, and strictly ordered the mothers and nannies:

- Take care of the princess. If anyone causes offense, you are responsible.

The princess set off with her mothers, nannies and hay girls. As soon as they arrived at the pier, the foreign merchant himself met the princess and said:

- Beautiful princess, come to my ship! There I have a bayun cat, he sings songs and tells fairy tales; There are samogud harps and a bread-salter tablecloth. I didn’t show these rarities to anyone - I saved them for you.

And the princess wants to go, and is afraid, but the merchant relentlessly calls:

- Whatever you like, I’ll order you to take it all to the palace,

The princess could not resist and ordered the mothers, nannies and hay girls to wait on the pier, and she and the trade guest went up to the deck.

The owner brought her to a rich cabin:

- Sit here, beautiful princess, and I’ll go and bring all the wonders.

He went out onto the deck, locked the door tightly and gave the command:

- Give it up!

And on the ship they were only waiting for this order. They quickly raised all the sails - and the ship ran out to sea. Mothers, nannies and hay girls started screaming, rushing about on the pier, crying, and the ship went further and further. They let the palace know. They came running to
The king and queen docked, and the ship was already out of sight. What to do here?

The queen is killed, and the king ordered all mothers, nannies and hay girls to be taken into custody. Then he ordered the cry to be called: “Whoever finds the princess, I will marry him with her, during his lifetime I will write off half the kingdom, and after death he will get the whole kingdom.”

There were many hunters. They looked for the princess all over the world and found her nowhere.

And in that city Ivan, a peasant son, served as a soldier. It was his turn to go on guard duty, to guard the royal reserved garden. A soldier is standing under a tree, not sleeping. At midnight, two ravens arrived. They sat down on the tree where Ivan the Soldier stood and started talking like humans. One raven said:

- The local king lost his only daughter. They searched for three years and did not find it.

The other one answers:

- Well, this is a simple matter! If you travel across the sea in the afternoon, you will find yourself in the kingdom of the Big Man. He kidnapped the princess and kept her in his palace. He wants to marry his nephew, Zmey-Gorynych. It’s easy to find the princess, but you can’t get out of there alive. No one can defeat the Big Man!

- No,” said the first raven, “there is strength for the Big Man.” There is an island on the sea-ocean; two goblin live on that island. For thirty years they have been fighting among themselves, but they cannot share the self-cutting sword. Whoever was brave and daring and got that self-cutting sword from the goblin, then it would be easy to deal with the Big Man.

And the crows flew away.

Ivan the soldier did not hesitate. As soon as it was time for him to change, he went to the palace.

The king asks:

- Why did you come, soldier?

- Let me go, Your Majesty! I'll go look for the princess.

The king was surprised:

- There were many hunters without you. Princes, boyars, eminent merchants and generals searched for the princess all over the world, but they did not find her. Where are you, a simple soldier, going to look when you yourself have never been anywhere and seen nothing!

- Your Majesty, “he who goes, rules” - I know how to find the princess and bring her home.

- Well, look, soldier, my royal word is strong: if you find the princess, you will be my son-in-law and I will give up half the kingdom during your lifetime, but if you don’t find it, my sword will be your head off your shoulders.

- “You can’t have two deaths, but you can’t avoid one anyway,” the soldier answers. - Order the ship to be equipped and order the captain to obey me in everything.

The Tsar ordered the ship to be equipped, and soon Ivan the Soldier set off on his journey.

Whether they swam close or far, long or short, they arrived at a deserted island. Ivan the soldier says to the captain:

- Stay here and keep the whole team ready. I will go ashore, and as soon as I return to the ship, raise all the sails and get away from here as quickly as possible.

Ivan the Soldier crossed to the shore, climbed a steep mountain and walked along the island. He walked and walked, heard a noise in the forest, and suddenly two goblins jumped out to meet him. Snatching something from each other.

One shouts:

- My! I still won't give it away!

And the other one pulls towards himself:

- No it's mine!

They saw Ivan the Soldier, stopped, then spoke in one voice:

- Judge us, good man. We inherited a self-cutting sword. There is one sword, and there are two of us, and now we are thirty! For years we have been tormented, struggling, unable to divide.

Ivan the soldier was waiting for just this:

- It's a simple matter. I'll shoot an arrow, and you both run after it. Whoever quickly finds the arrow and returns will get the self-cutting sword.

They agreed on that. An arrow flew, both goblins rushed after it, and Ivan the soldier grabbed a self-cutting sword, and that was it.

I had just managed to climb onto the deck when the sails went up and the ship ran into the open sea. They sailed another day and night, and the next morning they sailed to the kingdom of the Little Man.

Ivan the soldier took the self-cutting sword and went to look for the princess. Not far from the shore I saw a large house. He went up to the porch, swung the door open and saw the princess sitting in the upper room, shedding tears and crying.

She looked at Ivan the Soldier:

- Who are you, good fellow? How did you get here?

- I am Ivan the Soldier, I came to rescue you from captivity and take you home.

- Oh, well done! The road here is wide, but from here there is no turn for anyone. The Great Man will also destroy you and will not let you out alive.

- It will be clear who will destroy which of us; now there is nothing to guess,” answered Ivan the Soldier.

The princess took courage and stopped crying.

- If only you could rescue me from the Little Man and take me to my father and mother, I would gladly marry you.

- Well, look, having given your word, hold on, - Ivan the soldier said.

She handed over her ring:

- Here is my personalized ring: I am a master of my word.

I barely had time to say this when a terrible noise arose.

- Hurry yourself, well done,” the princess shouted, “The Big Man is coming!”

Ivan the soldier stood behind the stove. At that same moment, the door swung open, the Little Man stepped across the threshold and blocked out the white light: immediately everything around went dark.

- Fu-fu-fu, I haven’t been to Rus' for a long time, I haven’t heard the Russian spirit, but now the Russian spirit has come to me! Come out, baked hero, and measure your strength. I’ll put you in the palm of my hand and slam the other one, and all that’s left of you is dirt and water.

- It’s too early, damned monster, to boast: it’s not for me, but for you, they will celebrate a wake! - shouted Ivan the soldier.

He swung his sword and cut off the head of the Big Man.

Then the servants of the Big Man came running, attacked Ivan the soldier, and he and the servants killed everyone with a self-cutting sword and took the princess to the ship.

A fair wind blew, and soon they sailed to their state.

The king and queen laugh and cry with joy, hugging the princess. All the people praise Ivan the Soldier. They started a feast in the palace. And all the guests at the feast drank, ate, had fun and glorified the heroism of Ivan the Soldier. And when they had feasted, the king said to him:

- Here, Ivan, peasant son, you were a simple soldier, and now for your valor you will be a general.

- “Thank you, Your Majesty,” Ivan replies.

How much time has passed, how little time has passed, Ivan asks the Tsar:

- Well, Your Majesty - the agreement is the most valuable thing - isn't it time to prepare for the wedding?

- I remember, I remember, but you see, another groom, a foreign prince, is relentlessly wooing. And I will not force the princess. As she says, so be it.

Ivan Tsarevich showed the ring:

- She promised me herself and gave me an engagement ring.

The king did not want to become related to the peasant’s son and it was a pity to refuse the prince, but there was nothing to do - so the king said:

- My word is inviolable: if the princess is engaged to you, we will start the wedding.

As soon as Ivan and the princess had time to marry and sat down at the wedding table, a messenger galloped up with sad news. The foreign prince approached the kingdom with a countless army and ordered to say: “If they don’t give the princess away in marriage, I will take it by force and shake the whole kingdom with firebrands.”

The Tsar was sad, he didn’t drink, he didn’t eat, and the boyars were sitting not their own, and the princess thought: “For a moment I was not smart enough, but now repent forever. If she hadn’t gotten engaged then to Ivan, the peasant’s son, she would now have married the prince, and her parents wouldn’t have cared.”

And Ivan says:

- Don’t worry, Tsar-Sovereign, and you, fellow boyars. I'll go and exchange strength with the prince.

He left the table, mounted his horse and rode towards the enemy force.

He gathered with foreign regiments and began to beat the army like mowing grass.

Just as he waves his sword, it’s a street, he waves it back, it’s an alley, and soon he’s killed the entire army. Only the prince himself and the main generals managed to escape.

Ivan returned in victory. All the people glorify him, and the king perked up and greeted his son-in-law warmly.

Only the princess is not happy: “Apparently, I will live forever with this hillbilly man.”

But he doesn’t show it, he greets her husband.

A little time passed - they again reported to the king:

- A foreign prince advances with a new army, threatening to conquer the entire kingdom and recapture the princess by force.

- Well, dear son-in-law,” says the king, “all hope is in you: go to war.”

Ivan jumped on his horse - and only he was seen.

He moved in with the prince, pulled out a self-cutting sword and beat the foreign army like mowing grass.

The prince saw imminent trouble, turned his horse and, together with his nearby generals, took off running.

He fled to his state, from there he sent a letter to the princess: “Ask Ivan, the peasant son, what his strength is, help me win, and I will marry you, otherwise you will forever be a peasant’s wife.”

The princess fawns over Ivan:

- Tell me, dear hubby, what strength do you have? How could you cope with the Big Man and defeat one or two countless troops?

Ivan does not sense trouble over himself:

- I have a self-cutting sword. With that sword I will gain the upper hand over every hero and defeat whatever army there is, but I myself will remain unharmed.

The next day the princess went to the gunsmith:

- Find me a sword like my husband's.

The gunsmith picked up a sword just like Ivan’s - it’s impossible to tell the difference. The princess at night replaced the self-cutting sword with a simple sword and secretly gave the message to the foreign prince: “Gather an army, go to war, do not be afraid of anything.”

After that, a little time passed - a messenger galloped up:

- Again the prince goes to war against our kingdom.

Ivan rode out to meet the enemy, but there was very little damage to the enemy army. He only managed to whip and beat three people when he himself was wounded and knocked off his horse.

Soon the king's son filled the entire kingdom. The princess greeted him with joy:

- Delivered me from the man forever!

And the king is glad-radekhonek. There was a huge feast and refreshments in the palace.

Ivan, the peasant son, lay down and only then remembered how the princess found out what his strength was:

“No one, how did she replace the sword and let the prince know!”

He crawled into a deep, dark forest, bandaged his wounds, and he felt better. He goes wherever his eyes lead him. He is hungry and thirsty. I saw ripe yellow berries on the bush.

“What kind of berries? Let me try."

He ate two berries and suddenly got a headache. I have no patience - it hurts so much. He touched it with his hand and felt that his horns had grown.

Ivan lowered his head and became sad: “Now I can’t show myself to people, I’ll have to live in the forest.”

I walked a little further and came across a tree: large red berries grow on the tree.

And Ivan’s thirst is tormenting. “Let me pick a berry or two and eat it.”

Ivan picked one berry, ate it - the horn fell off, ate another - and the other horn fell off. And he feels that the strength in him has tripled compared to before.

“Well, now I’ve completely mastered it! I need to get a self-cutting sword.”

I wove two small baskets and picked up red and yellow berries.

I got out of the forest onto the road and went into the city. At the outpost he exchanged his colored dress and, in a thin caftan and bast shoes, came to the royal court:

- The berries are ripe! Fragrant berries!

The princess heard and sent the hay girl:

- Go find out what kind of berries they are. If they're sweet, buy them for me.

The maid ran out onto the porch:

- Hey, merchant, are your berries sweet?

- You won’t find better berries than my berries, beauty, anywhere. Try it yourself. - And he gave her a red healing berry.

The girl liked the berry. And Ivan gave her the yellow berries.

The girl returned to the room:

- Oh, how sweet the berries from this merchant are, I haven’t eaten such ones in ages!

The princess ate a berry or two - she felt uneasy:

- What is it like I have a headache?

The hay girl looks at her, she saw that the princess’s horns were growing, and out of fear she could not say a word.

At that moment the princess looked in the mirror and froze. Then she came to her senses and stamped her foot:

- Where is that merchant, stop him!

All the mothers, nannies and hay girls came running to hear the scream. The king, queen and prince came running. Everyone rushed into the yard:

- Stop the merchant, catch him!

And there was no trace of the merchant. They couldn't find it anywhere. They began to treat the princess. No matter how many healers try, nothing helps, she can’t get rid of the horns.

At that time, Ivan, a peasant son, grew a beard, pretended to be an old man and came to the king.

- I have, Your Majesty, a medicine that helps with all diseases. I undertake to cure the princess.

The king rejoiced:

- If you are telling the truth and your daughter gets better, ask me for what you want, and the prince will give you a special reward.

- Thank you, Tsar's Majesty, I don't need any reward. Lead me to the princess and order that no one dare enter the chambers until I call myself. If the princess starts screaming, it will hurt her, but no one is allowed to enter anyway. If you don’t listen, she’ll never get rid of her horns.

They left Ivan alone with the princess; He locked the door tightly, grabbed a birch rod and let the princess treat it with that rod. A birch rod is not an alder rod: it bends, does not break, and wraps around the body.

- That's science for you! Don't deceive anyone in advance.

The princess recognized Ivan, the peasant's son, and began to call for help.

And he beats you and says:

- If you don’t give up my sword, I’ll put you to death!

The princess screamed, screamed, didn’t call anyone and begged:

- I’ll give you the sword, just don’t destroy me, dear Ivanushka!

She ran to another room and brought out a self-cutting sword. Ivan took the sword, ran out of the room, saw the foreign prince on the porch, waved his sword - and the prince fell down dead.

“There is no deception, the sword is truly mine! Now I can protect the entire people from evil and greedy foreigners!”

He returned to the upper room and gave the princess two healing berries:

- Eat, don't be afraid.

The princess ate a red berry - one horn fell off, she ate another - the other horn fell off, and she became completely healthy. Cries and laughs with joy:

- Thank you, Ivanushka, another time you rescued me from trouble, I will not forget your century of kindness. Drive away the prince, forgive me, and I will be your faithful wife.

Ivan, the peasant son, answers:

- Your prince is no longer alive. And you, your father, your mother, go wherever you know, so that your spirit is not here! I didn’t have a wife, and you are not my wife.

Ivan, the peasant son, drove out the king, queen and princess, and began to rule the people himself, so much so that the people praised him for his kindness.

The people began to live happily and at ease under strong protection from all injustices and oppression.

Since then, Ivan, the peasant son, has been living and getting along with his people, and has not known any trouble.

Compiled by senior teacher Pokachalova T.V. GBOU "School with in-depth study of individual subjects No. 1248" Page 77

In the red summer there is a lot of everything in the forest - all kinds of mushrooms and all kinds of berries: strawberries with blueberries, raspberries with blackberries, and black currants. The girls walk through the forest, pick berries, sing songs, and the boletus mushroom, sitting under an oak tree, puffs up, sulks, rushes out of the ground, gets angry at the berries: “Look, there are more of them! We used to be honored, held in high esteem, but now no one will even look at us! Wait,” thinks the boletus, the head of all mushrooms, “we, mushrooms, have great power - we will oppress, strangle it, the sweet berry!”

The boletus conceived and wished for war, sitting under the oak tree, looking at all the mushrooms, and he began to gather mushrooms, began to help call out:

- Go, little girls, go to war!

The waves refused:

- We are all old ladies, not guilty of war

- Go away, honey mushrooms!

The honey mushrooms refused:

“Our legs are painfully thin, we won’t go to war!”

- Hey you, morels! - shouted the boletus mushroom. -Gear up for war!

The morels refused; They say:

“We are old men, no way are we going to war!”

The mushroom got angry, the boletus got angry, and he shouted in a loud voice:

- Milk mushrooms, you guys are friendly, come fight with me, beat up the arrogant berry!

Milk mushrooms with loads responded:

- We are milk mushrooms, brothers are friendly, we are going with you to war, to catch wild and wild berries, we will throw them with our hats, we will trample them with our heels!

Having said this, the milk mushrooms climbed out of the ground together: a dry leaf rises above their heads, a formidable army rises.

“Well, there’s trouble,” the green grass thinks.

And at that time, Aunt Varvara came into the forest with a box - wide pockets. Seeing the great strength of the mushroom, she gasped, sat down and, well, picked up mushrooms in a row and put them in the back. I picked it up completely, carried it home, and at home I sorted the mushrooms by type and by rank: honey mushrooms into tubs, honey mushrooms into barrels, morels into alyssettes, milk mushrooms into baskets, and the largest boletus mushroom ended up in a bunch; they pierced him, dried him and sold him.

From then on, the mushroom and berry stopped fighting.

Marina Porozova
"War of mushrooms and berries." Dramatization of a Russian folk tale adapted by V. Dahl for the preparatory group

War of mushrooms and berries

(dramatization of a Russian folk tale, adapted by B. Dahl, for senior preschool age.)

Target: Continue listening and performing with children Russian folk songs, create an atmosphere of joy from communicating with nature, consolidate knowledge about mushrooms.

Characters: Storyteller, Boletus, Morel, Milk mushroom.


Sounds Russian folk melody"Polyanka", comes out Storyteller.

Storyteller: Hello, good fellows

Yes, the girls are beautiful!

Here in Rus' fairy tales are very good!

I'll look at you

Yes I'll tell you a fairy tale.

You reel it all in,

Yes help me tell a fairy tale!

(Starts tell a story)

In the red summer and early autumn there is a lot of everything in the forest - and all kinds of mushrooms, and all sorts of berries: strawberries with blueberries, and raspberries with blackberries, and black currants. Girls are walking through the forest, berries are picked, songs are sung.

(The girls with the musical director perform Russian folk song"How our girlfriends went".)

Storyteller: A mushroom- the boletus sits under an oak tree, puffs up, sulks, rushes out of the ground, onto berries angry:

Borovik: “Look, how many of them were born! We too have been honored and held in esteem, but now no one will even look at us.”

“Wait,” the boletus thinks, everyone mushroom head. - Us, mushrooms, great power, we’ll bend it down, strangle it, sweetly berry

Storyteller: I thought - I made a wish for a boletus war, sitting under an oak tree, for everything looking at the mushrooms and he began to gather mushrooms, began to call for help.

Borovik: Go away, you little red freckles, perform at war!

Storyteller: Refused waves: - We are all old ladies, we won’t go to war!

Borovik: Go away, honey mushrooms!

Storyteller: Refused honey agaric: - Our legs are painfully thin, we won’t go to war!

Borovik: Hey you, morels! Gear up for war

(Performing Russian folk song"Morel".)

Small morel

The morel is distant,

Passed through the earth

Bel found the caftan.

I stood in front of the sun,

He took off the cap

Who saw him

He took it home.

Storyteller: Refused morels:

Morels: - We are old morels, so where do we go? war!

Storyteller: The boletus got angry, got angry mushroom, and he shouted loudly voice:

Borovik: Gruzdi, you guys are friendly,

Come and fight with me,

Puffy beat the berries.

Storyteller: The milk mushrooms responded - well done, fighting well done:

Milk mushrooms: We are friendly brothers,

We are going with you to war,

For forest and field berry

We'll throw our hats at her,

Let's trample with our heels!

(Performing Russian folk song"Little White Milk".)

The milk mushrooms are small,

The breasts are distant,

They passed through the earth,

The caps were found

We stood before the sun,

They showed themselves.

Storyteller: And the milk mushrooms climbed out of the ground together,

A dry leaf rises above their heads,

A formidable army is rising.

Well, there will be trouble, the green grass thinks.

(Performing Russian folk song"My grass, grass".)

Storyteller: I filled the box full - it was full, I carried it home by force, and at home sorted out the mushrooms by birth and by rank: honey mushrooms - in tubs, honey mushrooms - in barrels, morels - in alyssums (a basket with a lid made of birch bark - birch bark, milk mushrooms - in boxes, and mushroom- the boletus got into mating: it was pierced, dried and sold. They've been re-sold for some time now mushrooms and berries fight.

Come on, fungi, now let's go dancing.

(The boys put on their hats mushrooms, and girls wear headscarves. All children perform Russian round dance“Once the kids came out”.)

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People love chebureks due to their crispy crust and juicy filling. Not many people know that you can cook from puff pastry, which gives the dish fluffiness and airiness. There is no need to talk about the huge assortment of fillings, since they can be prepared from
Dietary puree soups recipes for blender
Not so long ago, in order to beat or mix any products, we used an ordinary fork, which required considerable effort, especially if the mass had to be whipped into a thick foam. Now mixers and blenders have come to our aid, which significantly