Queen of Wands tarot meaning. Original meaning "Queen of Wands" (Tarot of Thoth). Shadow manifestation of Arcana


Possessing high energy potential; activity; passion; excitation. Just like the “Prince of Wands,” the card can mean energetic and controlled dynamics of development in any direction.


"I have a lot of strength and I'm capable of a lot. I'm confident in myself and I do what I want."


The card is quite often personalized and indicates a woman with high energy potential and activity level.


Active development of relationships; passion; satisfaction with partner. Sometimes the card indicates minor contradictions and minor quarrels.


Energy; activity; great enthusiasm; high interest and active research; courage and self-confidence. Negative characteristics may include impulsiveness, haste in making decisions, some emotional incontinence, problems with patience and finishing what is started.


Active business development and career advancement (sometimes overcoming minor difficulties); determination to achieve your goals; significant profit.


Significant deterioration of condition.

You are full of energy, confident and truly capable of much. However, there is no need to “break through the walls.” To achieve success, you need self-control, flexibility, gentleness in relationships with others and a lot of cunning. By combining these qualities with your energy resources, you are sure to achieve success.

The Arcanum Lady of Sceptres represents power and status. It shows a woman sitting on a throne, she appears cruel. In her hand is a symbol of power - a scepter. In another she holds a sunflower. Everything in the picture indicates her status (clothing, jewelry, hairstyle, throne). At her feet sits a black cat, which confirms the steadfastness of the queen’s decisions and her authority.

The meaning of the Queen of Wands Tarot card can give a sunflower in a woman's left hand. It symbolizes carefree happiness.

In fortune telling, the Queen of Wands Tarot card symbolizes greatness. The person to whom it falls is able to achieve high social status and independence, and become a leader.

In relation to an ordinary person, the interpretation is often simpler, more down-to-earth. The most common concepts that arise here are:

  • diversity of interests;
  • Confidence in your strength;
  • prudence;
  • love of life;
  • generosity;
  • optimistic attitude.

The Queen of Wands Tarot also points to certain aspects of the fortuneteller's personal life. She talks about addiction to love pleasures, popularity among women or men.

The opposite of the reliability predicted by the Queen in an upright position is the meaning of the symbol with an inverted image. A sign promising mistrust, justified caution and increased vigilance.

If the questioner takes fortune telling seriously, then the Queen of Wands tarot card should become a real warning about the existence of enemies. Enemies plot behind a person’s back and interfere with the implementation of his plans. Such an enemy may turn out to be a woman from the immediate environment. The ancient symbol advises you to take a closer look at your partners and friends, can you trust them?

Hatred of men, radical feminism, ostentatious independence - are personified in the Tarot deck by the Queen of Staves. Sometimes the alignment indicates not only external dangers, but also internal obstacles, which the questioner may not be aware of.

The beliefs surrounding a person's reality are not always beneficial. For a woman, the inverted Queen promises loneliness, which is upsetting and alarming. The consequence of actions and decisions, voluntary detachment only from what a woman created with her own hands.

One should be wary of pomposity and pride, says the ancient Tarot symbol, because in a male-dominated business world one does not always need to lead. Feminine energy is much more effective and efficient than the desire to imitate a man in professional life. Isn't it time to show flexibility and feminine cunning?

For a man, the inverted Queen of Staves portends difficulties in work due to the machinations of an envious woman. This could be a colleague, a friend or even a significant other. A manipulator from birth, a cunning woman will interfere in all the affairs of the questioner and harm him in the future. It’s time to take courage and stop any connections with such people, the Queen reports this in the reading.

In the hands of the Queen of Wands is a scepter with a sunflower flower. This means that women of this personality type are sunny, positive, emitting light and energy. It is very important for them to be the center of attention. The flower itself in the Tarot is a symbol of the joy of life, new life, and the human soul. The sunflower flower is the Sun in tandem with man. The sun is a symbol of the highest creative energy.

The leaves on the Rod are nothing more than symbols of life. The dress is made with a neckline that evokes associations with the sign of Aries. There is also an image of a cat on the Arcana. This is an animal that does not depend on anyone, with character, and it also speaks of magical knowledge or love. Lions can be seen on the Queen's throne. They symbolize power and the indisputability of its decisions.

This is either an exceptionally wonderful person who is on the side of the questioner, his muse, pleasant and supportive. Or is this a man equally wonderful in his own way, but he is on the other side of the fence, which characterizes him as a strong rival.

Positive features

Queen of Wands Tarot, the meaning of the card is responsible for healing the spirit. If the mood for victory has become minimal, then it instills fighting spirit, inspires to move forward and achieve the goal. This happens through the connection of one soul with another, this event is positive, the fire in the eyes appears harmoniously, and not on the basis of negative impressions and the desire to “spite everyone.”

The energies of the Queen of Wands most often manifest themselves in the form of a woman with a masculine principle, with a core inside her; she is characterized by assertiveness and an endless desire to move forward, no matter what. Courage, passion, the ability to openly express one’s opinion - this is the woman of this Arcanum.

She decides for herself what and when to do, to stop her or vice versa, to force her to do something that she does not consider necessary, to influence her in one way or another is impossible. Such a woman always has her own point of view, and it is very difficult to prove that she is wrong.

The Queen of Wands has clear boundaries between concepts. She knows reliably what honor, honesty, decency, generosity are. This person certainly qualifies as ideal. Determination and courage allow her to move towards her goal without fear, according to a well-thought-out plan.

Queen of Staves, the meaning of the card indicates chastity in a literal and figurative sense. She stays as far away from bad people and thoughts as possible. This woman is always cheerful and able to cheer up others. But no one can influence her decision, even she herself cannot question it.

The fire in the eyes of these women does not overshadow their common sense. The decisions they make are carefully weighed and thought out. Her actions may be desperate, but they will never be caused by fleeting weakness. They characterize her as a strong, self-sufficient person.

But all people make mistakes, even the Queens of Wands. The latter have difficulty learning their mistakes, and when someone wants to point them out, they will be extremely unhappy. Criticism towards them is met with hostility. However, they flare up quickly, but also cool down quickly. The concept of vindictiveness has nothing to do with women of this arcana. They are also characterized by independently drawn conclusions. The Queens of Wands defy conventional wisdom.

As for her behavior in society, it can attract people. People around her pay attention to her, and the Queen of Wands is flattered by this; she loves to feel that someone likes her. And the understanding that she is respected is a balm for the soul for this lady. She behaves with restraint, but in conversation she often openly expresses her point of view, which can be emotional, and gives free rein to her emotions without fear of condemnation. At the same time, it can become an absolute mystery.

The Queen of Wands reversed is an arrogant egoist. She was hurt by something, and all her virtue turned into evil intentions towards the questioner. The black cat, which on a regular map we see at our feet, is now at the top of the map.

The Queen of Wands in this position can be compared to a black cat. Just as the latter tries to cross a person's path and ruin an event or day, so the Queen does not want the questioner, who is most likely her rival, to be rewarded with success. She questions a person's luck.

If in its true form the Queen of Staves indicates the presence of a good friend, ready to follow a friend through fire and water, then the inverted Queen is nothing more than a quarrel with a close friend, the emergence of problems in communication.

The inverted Queen is a woman “I want this, I don’t know what.” Her self-confidence is gone, which means she can't enjoy the privileges she clearly has. It is also possible to interpret an inverted card as a woman taking a very big risk, not worth the losses that will subsequently occur. And it’s not just about money, connections and other things related to the material world. The consequence of a rash decision will be discord in the family.

The Queen of Scepters reversed also serves as a pointer to a person who is openly or secretly discrediting the questioner. The inverted card may also turn out to be a person with different views on life and a blurred framework of norms and rules, a woman who tries and is able to seduce him.

The inverted Queen needs to fight non-stop for herself, her self-realization. In a good sense, an inverted card speaks of good deeds that the questioner is unable to do due to the interference of certain factors.

To understand the meaning of the Queen of Wands Tarot, admire the image. We will focus on the classic deck, but all the others correctly convey the meaning. The picture shows an accomplished, confident, slightly playful and stubborn woman. She holds her head proudly, the thoughts in which are hidden from others.

The thoughts of this beautiful lady are a secret guarded more than the wealth of the whole world. She always acts guided by inner conviction, but this does not mean that it is to the detriment of others. Rider White connects the lasso with the Moon in Leo. It is a symbol of cheerfulness, harmony with the world, optimism, indomitability and self-confidence.

The meaning of the Tarot Queen of Wands in the layout will become clearer if we reflect the situation using the example of a person characterized by the lasso. That is, look at everything that happens through the eyes of this woman. She is kind to others if they are not obstacles in this lady's path. He communicates affectionately and knows how to choose words.

Her strength is gentleness multiplied by fortitude and perseverance. She will not scandalize or demand, but she will persuade you so that no one will dare to refuse. This is a powerful lion pretending to be a weak cat. The quality is as positive for friends as it is dangerous for enemies. If the Queen of Wands of the Tarot is present in the fortune-telling, the significance of the situation should be considered from the point of view of the predominance of feminine energy.

For a man, it means help from the weaker sex. The situation is this: he, most likely, does not fully fulfill his duties assigned to him by the Higher Powers. A kind mother or an affectionate friend supports a man gently and imperceptibly, so as not to hurt his pride, not to hurt him, not to push him to the disintegration of his personality.

The meaning of the Queen of Wands in various readings

It is no coincidence that the Queen of Staves appears in the reading. The prototype of the mysterious woman depicted on the Tarot card is a real person of flesh and blood. If the female questioner draws the powerful symbol of the Queen, then the alignment indicates significant personal events that will happen soon.

A purely feminine symbol conveys an irresistible desire to feel real human happiness. Tarot deck cards of this rank predict not only dry facts, but also the sensual mood of the questioner.

It is difficult to unravel the intricate web of future events, but it simply cannot be done without emotional overtones. It is possible that the Queen’s card in a personal reading symbolizes valuable advice that you simply need to listen to, because the wisdom received will come in handy very soon.

Lady Posokhov foreshadows many dramatic changes that await the questioner in the near future:

  • fearlessness in making important decisions;
  • authority in behavior;
  • strictness towards oneself or others, which will not interfere with the conduct of important matters;
  • caution in communication;
  • hidden desires to find love;
  • self-control in difficult situations.

The feminine nature of the card does not make it overly soft and pliable to other symbols in the Tarot deck. The prototype of the Queen of Staves is a person who rejects chaos and everything that brings confusion into the usual way of life. The meaning of the card symbolizing the Queen may vary depending on the position of the ancient sign in the layout.

Marker cards that represent a specific person in the deck help create a comprehensive outlook for the future. Such signs indicate the character traits, habits and preferences of the questioner or a person from his close circle.

People born under the sign of Fire are often represented in the deck by the Queen of Wands card. A sensitive ancient symbol adapts to the mood of the questioner and, instead of the usual retelling of future events, presents a picture of the emotional traps of the future. Without such a symbol, the questioner faces many problems in his personal and professional life.

The prototype of the Queen of Staves card has the following distinctive features:

  • collected, organized woman;
  • a person who is not resistant to stress;
  • a powerful, strong-willed girl or woman in adulthood;
  • a noble person who always adheres to his own moral principles;
  • a woman capable of carefully analyzing a situation;
  • a proud man who knows his worth;
  • vulnerable lady;
  • keeper of the family hearth;
  • a woman for whom family ties come first;
  • warrior

In an upright or inverted position, the Queen card can indicate a business person seeking to build a brilliant career by any means. The prototype of an ancient symbol often occupies a leadership position.

High social status is accompanied by forced loneliness. A woman with a strong-willed character is picky in choosing a man, a life partner. It is difficult for her to accept other people's shortcomings and weaknesses. A warrior by nature, she demands the same from those around her, and when she does not find the desired qualities in them, she prefers a solitary life.

Increased energy and cheerfulness are the best qualities that are displayed by the Queen card and are a distinctive feature of the questioner. Even an elderly woman prefers an active lifestyle and varied activities. It is difficult for such a person to sit in one place for a long time, and therefore the choice of profession often involves moving and traveling.

The interpretation of the Queen of Wands card depends not only on the position of the symbol in relation to other cards, but also on the specificity of the layout itself. Special questions, which are often addressed by both men and women, involve determining a clear future regarding one or another area of ​​human life.

Personal relationships are an integral part of a happy, harmonious life. No matter how successful one is at work, when returning home a person seeks the warmth of someone who understands and accepts him. The Queen of Staves points to an experience that was not always easy for the questioner.

The events of the past in my personal life did not pass without a trace. Maturity in decision-making in personal matters, foreshadowed by the Queen's card, will help build partnerships on a completely different level. An extremely positive card for love and family ties, it speaks of patience and long-awaited harmony.

For a short period of time, the Queen of Staves promises revival of feelings, a surge of new strength and increased enthusiasm. Carnal pleasures, as an essential part of a harmonious relationship, will bring a lot of pleasure, which will have a beneficial effect on partnerships. Quick changes will overwhelm a person - the Queen of Staves card promises.

The lady from the suit of Wands indicates searches, internal torment, which can result in a breakthrough, a restructuring of consciousness. Inspiration that does not need to be looked for in all directions - the promised benefit of the Queen's card. It’s time to go beyond the boundaries of the familiar and boring, says the ancient magical symbol. The time has come for the necessary changes.

Work matters

A person for whom work and professional life comes first, seeing the Queen’s card in a reading for the future can be calm. Profit, promotion, a calm atmosphere in the workplace - Lady Posokhov is a harbinger of a successful business life. Such a card advises you to take a closer look at the chances sent by fate. New perspectives open up before the questioner, which will radically change his whole life.

Love is not the only area of ​​human life in which peace depends only on the inner mood of the questioner. Family relationships, friendships and professional unions are just as important. The Queen of Staves is favorable to harmonious tandems, and promises them long-lasting harmony.

It is advisable to make special arrangements if problems have arisen in the life of the questioner in a certain area of ​​his life.

The Queen of Wands, in combination with other strong signs of the Tarot deck, allows you to reveal the problem that has arisen from different opposite sides. Thus, the Queen of Staves in alliance with a Knight of the same suit foreshadows hasty decisions that can harm the questioner.

A favorable alliance softens all cards in the layout, even the most negative ones. The Six of Swords in combination with the Lady of Wands promises a move, a change of place of residence.

The interpretation of neighboring cards is more important than reading a single card, even one as strong as the Queen of Wands. Only an experienced magician can discover the true meaning of a general or special layout compiled using the ancient Tarot deck.

In the Queen of Wands Tarot reading, it symbolizes the desire to be a leader, accompanied by ambition and pride. The card almost always appears when the questioner finds an ambitious person striving to arrange his career and life in the best possible way. She is also attracted to people who are interested in something, with sparkling eyes.

Career, success, popularity - the Queen of Scepters appears when it comes to these things. And her appearance is a good sign, it means everything is going like clockwork. The cards that follow after it tell about current events, about what has gained momentum and is approaching the final stage of development.

For career and work

This is a big boss, a bright, purposeful lady who only goes forward. The dropped card indicates success in a new endeavor. If the questioner is working on a project and is worried about its success, then this card suggests a good outcome, and those around him will indicate the outcome.

Queen of Staves, the meaning of the card is inspiration, courage, confidence in success and the ability to solve any problem that arises along the way. In some cases, this card is a call to radical action. For example, stop working for the boss and go about your own business.

The card symbolizes work that brings pleasure, a paid hobby. This can be a profession in the world of show business, as well as any other that brings joy to a person. For the Queen of Sceptres, there is no such thing as “working to earn money.” Uninteresting work does not interest her.

She chooses the industry in which she feels like a fish in water, where she is comfortable, and most importantly, her ambitions, where there is a field for games and growth, career and personal. Even if the Queen of Wands has to do something that, in her opinion, is useless, she will very quickly understand that there is no point in waiting for a happy ending, she needs to take control of the situation. She is not so much attracted by money and fame as by the temptation to do the work of her life, to develop and not stand still.

Queen of Sceptres, the meaning in the reading in relation to business foretells that success awaits the newcomer. But to receive a monetary reward, you need to make an effort, show assertiveness, courage and ingenuity. Despite the fact that the Queen of Wands knows her worth and is in a hurry to create a beautiful life, moving towards this, she can be quite economical.

For personal relationships

Relationships with the Lady of Wands are not like relationships with other women. However, you still need to start an affair with her, because she feels great alone. She feels good alone with her thoughts, she easily accepts something new, so with or without a couple, she lives brightly.

But if such a Queen falls in love, then it is better for no one to stand in her way. She sees nothing wrong with taking initiative at one of the first stages of a relationship, because she knows that the main thing is to “catch a fish” (she always succeeds in this), and in the future the initiative will pass into male hands.

The Queen of Wands is not the most difficult Arcana. Most often he talks about a woman influencing the situation. It is she who should be found and identified. In combination with positive senior Arcana, our Queen loses aggressiveness, selfishness, becomes tender, affectionate, slightly infantile (inverted position).

She is a kind housewife, a caring mother, a bit of a gossip, and a bit of a brawler for neighbors and acquaintances. But she adores and respects her husband. If there are negative major Arcana nearby, then her character deteriorates. She turns into a real witch, seducing other people's husbands in her youth and causing damage in old age (inverted position).

Negative major Arcana spoil not the character, but the life of the direct Queen of Wands. Such a lady faces many obstacles and problems. But she carries this burden with pride and dignity. She needs to be given all possible support if she finds herself in your environment. When Arcanum appears in a wish reading, consider it a hint.

You should look for an ally in its implementation. The upright position of the Queen of Wands indicates the presence of such an assistant or patron, while the inverted position indicates the impossibility of achieving what you want. And yet, this is a sign of insincerity of intention. That is, you want something harmful, dangerous. For example, a trip to a resort will end in a plane crash. Once you pick up a Tarot deck, try to delve into its signs. There is much more information in the layout than it seems at first glance. Good luck!

The Lady of Wands represents the feminine side of the element of fire. Thus, it symbolizes self-confidence, peace with oneself, feline affection, indicating intelligence rather than opportunism. The Lady of Wands is always on her own, but she is open to everything new and easy-going. The pride that drives her personality gives her great inner strength, but makes her vulnerable to criticism and all kinds of offensive remarks. It symbolizes the joy of life and the thirst for happiness to such an extent that it can result in a pure thirst for pleasure, in an escape into the world of illusions and in the most wasteful waste of mental strength. Her acting talent and passion make her the “queen of the stage,” an excellent example of which is Carmen in the famous opera by J. Bizet.


This is our desire for independence and independence. Here the Lady of Wands shows that we are currently open to any contacts, unbiased and ready to take on new big tasks, for which we now have enough strength to solve. This card represents our readiness for further maturation and development, thanks to which we can move to a new level of awareness of our being.


A certain force flows into us, bringing warmth and joy, courage and a thirst for adventure. In addition, the card means that we are no longer bothered by petty thoughts like: “Is it worth it?”, “Will it work?”, and that we no longer allow other people to decide anything for us. This card shows that we are completely ready to take fate into our own hands and arrange life the way we want. Now we have enough experience and independence and consciousness for this.

Personal relationships and love

The time for revealing mental abilities and “taking new heights,” often unusually interesting ones. We are open to everything new, ready for dialogue, for the free exchange of thoughts and feelings, which can mean both the establishment of new, lively and fruitful contacts, and a noticeable revival of the previous union. “Peace with yourself,” personified by this card, means that we (in terms of relationships with our partner) have finally become “adults” and are no longer embarrassed in front of our partner, who was still superior to us in some ways.

Inner meaning

The Queen of Wands of the Tarot should evoke the image of a woman with money and prosperity. Both in the original interpretations, and especially in modern ones, it is assumed that she has financial independence and earned it herself, and does not simply follow her husband. The Queen of Wands usually demonstrates a love of luxury, dressing smartly and enjoying her wealth.

The Queen of Wands can be generous and loving, but because her personality is more attractive than that of the King, she tends to be more careful about the people she is willing to help or even love. She is as sensible and practical in personal relationships as she is in business. The Queen of Wands expects to receive gift for gift, love for love - almost market relations. However, when giving his love, he does it sincerely.
If the prediction is for a man, the Queen of Wands tarot card may represent his wife or the woman he should marry (especially if he is striving for financial success and needs someone to shoulder some of the burden).
If the prediction is made for a woman, the Queen of Wands represents an old friend and confidante.
If this card is indicative of the situation, then now is the right time to start a new venture, especially one related to finance. You can count on help and advice, people will help you, and this assistance will be valuable. The Queen of Wands tarot card also indicates that you have the qualities necessary to succeed in your field.



Main meaning: Mother of love and sexual desire. Healthy self-confidence. Initiative. Openness. Impulsiveness. Independence. Self-realization. A good mood. Charisma. Generous, mature, experienced woman.

Profession: Confidence and professional self-realization. Be worthy of the task at hand. Start working for yourself. Take on leadership responsibilities.

Consciousness: Directing passions into the channel of spiritual development.

Personal relationships: Equality. Mature relationships. Soft submission. Love Tantra. Warmth of the heart.

Advice: Satisfy personal needs, defend yourself.

Warning: Egocentrism and self-affirmation at any cost.

Overall Meaning: Compared to the superficial, capricious and naive Princess, the Queen's maturity is especially noticeable. Her feelings are deep. She personifies the feminine power of fire. She is smart, determined, and has a strong will. Pride gives her great inner strength, although it makes her vulnerable to criticism and hurtful remarks. Communication gives her an incentive to live. Unlike representatives of the signs of earth and water, she does not strive too much for eternal love; she is attracted by spontaneity and passion, which gives her life fullness.

The Queen of Wands represents the watery part of Fire, its fluidity and color. She rules the Zodiac from the 21st degree of Pisces to the 20th degree of Aries. Her crown is topped with a winged ball and emits fiery rays. Her long, red-gold hair flows over her chain mail. She sits on a throne of fire, which her material power has commanded to take the form of geometric light. The flames below the throne rise in even waves. In the Queen's left hand is a staff, at the end of which there is a knob, reminiscent of the mysteries of Bacchus. A leopard sits next to her, on whose head she places her other hand. In her face is the ecstasy of a woman whose mind is absorbed in the secret that is hidden below her breast. The characteristic features of this Queen are adaptability, persistent energy, calm authority, which she knows how to use to increase her attractiveness. She is kind and generous, but does not tolerate resistance. She is very good at making friends and loving, but only on her own initiative. She has no less pride than the Knight, but there is no inner nobility that excuses this shortcoming. The Queen does not have true pride, but smug vanity and even snobbery. Another characteristic feature of hers is her tendency to “think,” from which wrong decisions and wild reactions follow. She is easily misled, and then she shows herself to be stupid, stubborn and tyrannical. It costs her nothing to offend another or begin to take revenge without a good reason. She can lash out even at her best friends out of the blue. When she, about to bite, misses, she breaks her jaw! In the I Ching, the watery part of Fire is represented by the 17th hexagram, Sui. It indicates the consideration of the motivating impulse and, as a result, the uniform flow of action. Implies a great capacity for clear understanding and smooth execution of work, but only under the orders and guidance of some creative mind. There is a tendency to inconstancy, even to infidelity; the ideas to which the Queen submits do not have a deep or lasting effect on her. She either “clings to the boy and lets go of a mature and experienced husband,” or vice versa (2nd and 3rd features of the hexagram), without realizing what she is doing. She is subject to fits of melancholy, which she tries to treat with drinking bouts, as well as outbursts of panic fear, followed by incomprehensible rage.


Aleister Crowley "BOOK OF THOTH"

Description of the lasso

The Queen of Fire is so rich, so much a queen, that she can afford to give. She never has to write an inventory later or save anything for a rainy day. She distributes her treasures without restrictions, inviting everyone without exception to taste the abundance, fertility and light that surrounds her.

Straight position

When you draw this card, it suggests that you too are in a situation where you have the opportunity to share your love, your joy and your laughter. And in this separation you will find that you feel even more complete. You don't need to go anywhere or make any special effort. You will find that you can enjoy sensitivity without possessiveness or attachment, and you can give birth to a child or a new project with an equal sense of accomplished creativity. Now everything around you seems to be fused together. Enjoy it, be grounded in it, and let the abundance flow within you and around you.

The meaning of the card

The Queen of Wands, the Sibyl, the Lady of Staves, the Queen of Thrones of Fire is the Amazon, Boudicca, Elizabeth of England, a wise woman, bright, impressive, filled with sun and flame. The card means positive dynamics, development of planned plans, inspiration, a surge of strength and health.

The Queen of Wands relies on logic more than on intuition, she tames the male flame of Wands with the water of her nature, she is attracted by ambitious aspirations, but in her heart, along with ambition, kindness and responsiveness live. She is first and foremost a friend and ally, to a much lesser extent a mother and a fragile woman.

The most significant values:

  • Kind, bright, open and strong woman– in the Tarot deck there are 78 doors, the card can indicate the person asking the question or someone who is close to him, will soon meet on the way and will bring happiness.
  • Success– The Queen of Wands patronizes dynamic processes, that is, success in her understanding is achieved through work and considerable effort, she will teach it, lead to it. This is not a sign of the beginning of something good, but an indication of movement in the right direction.
  • Authority- may mean the location of a significant figure towards you, or your own successes in the struggle for influence. In addition, it indicates the appearance of a powerful, strong and courageous woman (in general, a person), who brings a positive connotation to what is happening.
  • Independence– The Queen of Wands loves those who are independent, capable of action and struggle, capable of accepting the challenge that fate throws and responding to it with firm, correct decisions. She says it's time to take control of the matter.
  • Strength and inspiration– The lady says that everything will work out, obstacles will be overcome, good luck will be added to the work, if a big deal is conceived or important work has begun, the probability of success is significant.
  • Openness- a call to be open to the new and unexpected that is already knocking on the door, to think sensibly, rely on reason and enthusiasm in equal measure.
  • Positive– this card simply calls to be optimistic, to look into the future with hope and believe in the best; such an approach will be rewarded many times over.
  • Active life– the card is marked by the need for extensive social dynamics, the desire for fame, making new acquaintances and reviving old connections.
  • Amazon and businesswoman– The Queen of Wands in the reading hints at a strong figure, who is distinguished by independence and business acumen, the ability to command and build life, business, affairs. If we are not talking about a hint of a figure, then it is a call to become one.
  • Teacher“The Queen is always happy to support with advice, give an important life lesson, and set you on the right path. Again, the card can mean a lesson from someone wise or the need to learn and teach, to comprehend something new and share it.
  • Love– In the Thoth Tarot deck, this card characterizes love, desire, and self-confidence. An experienced woman who lives in harmony with nature and gravitates toward beauty, she surrounds herself with luxury and bright natural colors, perhaps hinting that this is the salt of life.
  • In an inverted position, the straightforward, brave, kind and devoid of hypocrisy, the Queen of Wands becomes her complete opposite - an offended woman who is ready to take treacherous revenge, intrigue and signify misfortune, a real witch and a dangerous adversary.

    The most significant values:

    • Cynical businesswoman- a figure on the path of the questioner, ready to engage in unfair competition, devoid of morality and honor, ready to sacrifice for the sake of profit even what cannot be sacrificed.
  • Jealousy– the jealous inverted Queen of Wands is ready to take revenge brightly, fieryly and proudly, indulging the black sides of her soul (it’s not for nothing that a black cat is depicted on her card). She is selfish and does not tolerate neglect, is despotic and narrow-minded, does not believe in compromise and does not forgive insults. This card can also mean the presence of such traits that do not allow a person to develop.
  • Selfish ambitions– the upright Queen of Wands is ambitious, the inverted one is devilishly vain, she is ready to walk over people’s heads and leave firebrands behind her back. The card can talk about a collision with such a person or about similar behavior that entails many troubles.
  • Sensual enemy– turning into someone’s enemy, the Queen ceases to use logic and common sense, self-criticism is not her strong point at all, and having considered someone an enemy, she will never give up her rightness and will be mercilessly dangerous.
  • Dangerous favor– in an inverted meaning, the card can mean that help received from outside can turn into bondage and will cost more than the benefit from the service. In its broadest sense, the card means problems that stem from character and lack of understanding of one’s behavior.
  • Health

    The direct Queen of Wands in a health reading speaks of the ebb and flow of vitality, vitality, vigor and excellent well-being, and, as always, in the process, that is, for some quite long time.

    The reversed Queen of Wands in a health reading can mean illnesses, lack of mental strength, poor health due to emotional exhaustion, depressive states, as well as various “fiery” ailments - fever, inflammation, the course of diseases accompanied by fever.

    A direct card in a reading for love and relationships is a card with a large number of interpretation options. The keynote is healthy relationships based on equality and trust, respect for partners, their ability to listen and hear each other. The Queen of Wands also loves objectivity - her love is to encourage giving and receiving, to achieve mutual benefit on the sensual front.

    It may indicate that the relationship is moving to a new phase, the revival of an already extinguished flame of feelings, or the ascent of a new fire that can give sensual pleasures.

    The direct Queen of Wands is also incredibly beautiful, she has the fluidity of water and the passion of flame, she can talk about an active intimate life, about carnal love for its own sake, about the need to receive and give sensual pleasures.

    The reversed Queen of Wands in a reading for love and relationships promises dark tendencies - it hints at greed and selfishness, the desire of a partner to tie you to himself. Shows that he feels vanity and jealousy.

    The reversed Lady of Wands is overwhelmed by pride, she demands unconditional submission and seeks to force her partner to obey - perhaps the questioner is now in such a relationship or is behaving inappropriately.

    In the upright position, the card speaks of independence and independence.. You are ready to take on new projects and have enough strength and money for them.

    The card hints at the opportunity to establish strong, vibrant, dynamic and changeable relationships with partners in positive emotional tones.

    In an inverted position, the Queen shows the wrong direction of activity. In another meaning, map may speak of stinginess and selfishness which may be harmful to others.

    The direct Queen of Wands in a reading of the situation can speak of the development of positive dynamics, the emergence of a chance or a reliable ally (teacher) who can help cope with the ambitious tasks set. The card speaks of the presence of inspiration and all the necessary abilities, the need to take risks, take matters into your own hands and win. We are talking about a positive impulse influencing ongoing processes.

    An inverted card in a situational scenario speaks of the influence of negative emotions, passions, selfishness, excessive ambition and inability to control one’s tasks as it should. It may also hint at the presence of hidden threats that should be taken into account and rash steps avoided.

    If the Lady of Staves appears in a reading for diagnosing corruption, this means that the ritual was actually performed, and it was done through dark entities.

    The Queen of Wands, among other queens and lower arcana in general, is considered very independent, significant in its own line, in combinations it becomes the central element, but still interacts a lot with the surrounding cards.

    • Combined with card Jester may indicate a person with frequent mood swings or the presence of mood swings that adversely affect the situation.
    • Mage in a reading with the Queen of Wands, she says that she is primarily concerned with her personal affairs.
    • High Priestess and the Queen of Wands together indicate a person of great strength and professionalism who can help in business.
    • Queen of Wands and Empress together they mark a meeting with an extraordinary, successful person or call the questioner as such.
    • In combination with Emperor The card promises success on the family front and in your career.
    • Along with the map lovers- promises long, devoted and sincere love.
    • Chariot with the Queen of Wands calls for you to finally start taking control of your life on your own.
    • Combination of the Queen of Wands lasso with a card Court speaks of creative inspiration.
    • With lasso Devil this card means the strongest deception.
    • Queen of Wands and Hermit they speak of the presence of enthusiasm that does not find support (but perhaps does not need it).
    • Queen of Wands Death speaks of the loss of meaning in life and the need to look for it again.
    • Another option in combination with Jester(or with both cards turned over) may indicate the presence of a secret love affair.
    • Queen of Wands under the influence Moon whispers about treason.
    • If the reversed Queen precedes the reversed Ace of Swords- she foretells childbirth.

    You hold your life in your hands and are not going to let go, your endeavors will bear fruit, and your inspiration will not leave you. The card promises a surge of strength that will be enough for everything that is planned; it speaks of the opportunity to achieve success if you know how to control your life.

    Other names for the Queen of Wands tarot card: Wands, Clubs, Crosses, Scepters, Staves, Clubs, Cudgels, Maces, Sticks, Branches, Rods, Arrows, Torches, Rainbows, Rainbows, Rods, Rods, Sticks, Clubs

    The Lady of Wands represents the feminine side of the element of fire. Thus, it symbolizes self-confidence, peace with oneself, feline affection, indicating intelligence rather than opportunism. The Lady of Wands is always on her own, but she is open to everything new and easy-going. The pride that drives her personality gives her great inner strength, but makes her vulnerable to criticism and all kinds of offensive remarks. It symbolizes the joy of life and the thirst for happiness to such an extent that it can result in a pure thirst for pleasure, in an escape into the world of illusions and in the most wasteful waste of mental strength. Her acting talent and passion make her the “queen of the stage,” an excellent example of which is Carmen in the famous opera by J. Bizet.


    This is our desire for independence and independence. Here the Lady of Wands shows that we are currently open to any contacts, unbiased and ready to take on new big tasks, for which we now have enough strength to solve. This card represents our readiness for further maturation and development, thanks to which we can move to a new level of awareness of our being.


    A certain force flows into us, bringing warmth and joy, courage and a thirst for adventure. In addition, the card means that we are no longer bothered by petty thoughts like: “Is it worth it?”, “Will it work?”, and that we no longer allow other people to decide anything for us. This card shows that we are completely ready to take fate into our own hands and arrange life the way we want. Now we have enough experience and independence and consciousness for this.

    Personal relationships and love

    The time for revealing mental abilities and “taking new heights,” often unusually interesting ones. We are open to everything new, ready for dialogue, for the free exchange of thoughts and feelings, which can mean both the establishment of new, lively and fruitful contacts, and a noticeable revival of the previous union. “Peace with yourself,” personified by this card, means that we (in terms of relationships with our partner) have finally become “adults” and are no longer embarrassed in front of our partner, who was still superior to us in some ways.

    Inner meaning

    The Queen of Wands of the Tarot should evoke the image of a woman with money and prosperity. Both in the original interpretations, and especially in modern ones, it is assumed that she has financial independence and earned it herself, and does not simply follow her husband. The Queen of Wands usually demonstrates a love of luxury, dressing smartly and enjoying her wealth.

    The Queen of Wands can be generous and loving, but because her personality is more attractive than that of the King, she tends to be more careful about the people she is willing to help or even love. She is as sensible and practical in personal relationships as she is in business. The Queen of Wands expects to receive gift for gift, love for love - almost market relations. However, when giving his love, he does it sincerely.
    If the prediction is for a man, the Queen of Wands tarot card may represent his wife or the woman he should marry (especially if he is striving for financial success and needs someone to shoulder some of the burden).
    If the prediction is made for a woman, the Queen of Wands represents an old friend and confidante.
    If this card is indicative of the situation, then now is the right time to start a new venture, especially one related to finance. You can count on help and advice, people will help you, and this assistance will be valuable. The Queen of Wands tarot card also indicates that you have the qualities necessary to succeed in your field.



    Main meaning: Mother of love and sexual desire. Healthy self-confidence. Initiative. Openness. Impulsiveness. Independence. Self-realization. A good mood. Charisma. Generous, mature, experienced woman.

    Profession: Confidence and professional self-realization. Be worthy of the task at hand. Start working for yourself. Take on leadership responsibilities.

    Consciousness: Directing passions into the channel of spiritual development.

    Personal relationships: Equality. Mature relationships. Soft submission. Love Tantra. Warmth of the heart.

    Advice: Satisfy personal needs, defend yourself.

    Warning: Egocentrism and self-affirmation at any cost.

    Overall Meaning: Compared to the superficial, capricious and naive Princess, the Queen's maturity is especially noticeable. Her feelings are deep. She personifies the feminine power of fire. She is smart, determined, and has a strong will. Pride gives her great inner strength, although it makes her vulnerable to criticism and hurtful remarks. Communication gives her an incentive to live. Unlike representatives of the signs of earth and water, she does not strive too much for eternal love; she is attracted by spontaneity and passion, which gives her life fullness.

    The Queen of Wands represents the watery part of Fire, its fluidity and color. She rules the Zodiac from the 21st degree of Pisces to the 20th degree of Aries. Her crown is topped with a winged ball and emits fiery rays. Her long, red-gold hair flows over her chain mail. She sits on a throne of fire, which her material power has commanded to take the form of geometric light. The flames below the throne rise in even waves. In the Queen's left hand is a staff, at the end of which there is a knob, reminiscent of the mysteries of Bacchus. A leopard sits next to her, on whose head she places her other hand. In her face is the ecstasy of a woman whose mind is absorbed in the secret that is hidden below her breast. The characteristic features of this Queen are adaptability, persistent energy, calm authority, which she knows how to use to increase her attractiveness. She is kind and generous, but does not tolerate resistance. She is very good at making friends and loving, but only on her own initiative. She has no less pride than the Knight, but there is no inner nobility that excuses this shortcoming. The Queen does not have true pride, but smug vanity and even snobbery. Another characteristic feature of hers is her tendency to “think,” from which wrong decisions and wild reactions follow. She is easily misled, and then she shows herself to be stupid, stubborn and tyrannical. It costs her nothing to offend another or begin to take revenge without a good reason. She can lash out even at her best friends out of the blue. When she, about to bite, misses, she breaks her jaw! In the I Ching, the watery part of Fire is represented by the 17th hexagram, Sui. It indicates the consideration of the motivating impulse and, as a result, the uniform flow of action. Implies a great capacity for clear understanding and smooth execution of work, but only under the orders and guidance of some creative mind. There is a tendency to inconstancy, even to infidelity; the ideas to which the Queen submits do not have a deep or lasting effect on her. She either “clings to the boy and lets go of a mature and experienced husband,” or vice versa (2nd and 3rd features of the hexagram), without realizing what she is doing. She is subject to fits of melancholy, which she tries to treat with drinking bouts, as well as outbursts of panic fear, followed by incomprehensible rage.


    Aleister Crowley "Book of Thoth"

    Description of the lasso

    The Queen of Fire is so rich, so much a queen, that she can afford to give. She never has to write an inventory later or save anything for a rainy day. She distributes her treasures without restrictions, inviting everyone without exception to taste the abundance, fertility and light that surrounds her.

    Straight position

    When you draw this card, it suggests that you too are in a situation where you have the opportunity to share your love, your joy and your laughter. And in this separation you will find that you feel even more complete. You don't need to go anywhere or make any special effort. You will find that you can enjoy sensitivity without possessiveness or attachment, and you can give birth to a child or a new project with an equal sense of accomplished creativity. Now everything around you seems to be fused together. Enjoy it, be grounded in it, and let the abundance flow within you and around you.

    The meaning of the card

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