Mixed feelings. Theater of Anton Chekhov. Press about the performance. Mixed feelings (performance) Mixed feelings piece

The play "City of Millionaires" is a joint project of the Moscow Lenkom Theater and the production group MK-YAN, based on the play by the Italian playwright Eduardo De Filippo. As an actor, director, he is the author of more than forty plays for the theater, the most famous of which was his work "Filumena Marturano". In Italy, the play was filmed twice, Vittorio De Sica in 1964 directed the film “Marriage in Italian” based on the play, starring Sofia Loren and Marcello Mastroiani.
The past years have turned Eduardo De Filippo's contemporary play Filumena Marturano into a classic. Theater Lenkom made its own version of the playwright's work "allowing itself some fantasies along the lines of dialogues, plot and title." The production was staged by Roman Samgin under the artistic direction of his teacher Mark Zakharov.

Especially for the "City of Millionaires" Lenkom introduced a stunning innovation - he returned to the stage an old-fashioned, crimson, sliding curtain. A luxurious, cozy, warm southern way of life reigns on the stage. There is an unusual amount of solid antique furniture, utensils, dishes and heavy curtains - everything is genuine, real. A detailed interior with a cityscape that opens outside the windows, where you will find a rich palace and a cute Italian courtyard with greenery peeping through the window.

Barely recovering from the magnificent stage scenery, you get a new reason to be surprised. Star duet of Inna Churikova and Gennady Khazanov. You experience great pleasure watching their play, which reflects any subtle spiritual movement of the characters.

The heroine of the play "City of Millionaires" is an elderly mother of three teenagers. For the sake of her children - her love for her sons in general amazes with a spontaneous, all-crushing force - she, without hesitation, resorts to deception - pretending to be dying of an incurable disease. To give the children a name, she is ready to marry Domenic Soriano at almost any cost. To deceive, but not for the sake of money, but for the sake of the cherished dream of finding a real "legitimate" family even in old age. Filumena performed by Inna Churikova is a monument to female fortitude. She stands, for the first ten minutes on the stage, with her back turned to the audience, motionless, like a statue. Impenetrable, majestic and indifferent to the threats of the deceived Domenic Soriano.

The image of Domenic Soriano, played by Gennady Khazanov in the play "City of Millionaires", is no less controversial. At first, he appears as a rather one-line bon vivant in search of inexorably elusive youth. Perseverance, disinterestedness, nobility of Filumena makes Domenic, if not think seriously, then at least look around. Restless, comical in his white socks, with a tailcoat, hat and gold chain, he resists to the last his threefold paternity. Till younger son will not blur out the word "dad". And then the stern Don Domenico breaks down, gasping from an unknown feeling.

Everything as it should end with a wedding. Festive table, well-groomed children, white candles, starched tablecloth. Gennady Khazanov will say that family and children are the main thing in life, Filumena will cry quietly and even the most insensitive spectators will hastily reach for handkerchiefs.

On the Vacation home pop artist earned overseas tours

On May 20 Roman Kartsev turns 75 years old. I decided not to celebrate the date magnificently. He says that he is much more comfortable in the circle of his relatives and friends. On the eve of the anniversary, Roman Andreevich shared his painful and most personal.

- You were born in Odessa. It must be very painful to see what is happening in Ukraine now?

I am not a politician - why should I argue ?! It's a pity for the people who died, you can't return ... Yanukovych to blame for everything. Allowed the Maidan, behaved horribly. In spite of everything, I am going to Odessa in autumn. Every year I go there and enjoy the air, sea, acacia, Privoz.

You last starred in a movie four years ago, and you haven't seen any big concert posters either. How does the artist Roman Kartsev live now?

I play classics on the stage, Zhvanetsky... I have wonderful creative evenings everywhere except Moscow. In the capital, one has to pay a million rubles for a site, and another million for advertising: where to get that kind of money? In Moscow there is a club "AlmaMater" on Taganka. Sometimes I perform there. People come there to a concert, not to eat, and it's very nice. At the end of May, I invite everyone there! If we talk about cinema, then I do not consider myself a film actor. There are only 14 works in my filmography. The best of them, in my opinion, is Bindyuzhnik and the King. And, of course, the role of Shvonder in Heart of a Dog. I think the film was such a huge success because eighty percent of viewers had not read the novel before watching. Bulgakov- in our country it was prohibited. I myself read under the covers. The film is very accurate, a brilliant cast who did the job perfectly well. But after all Evstigneev I felt bad then. He played with difficulty, I saw how hard it was for him. Evgeny Alexandrovich is a closed person. We lived in the same hotel, I tried to somehow get him to talk, but he didn’t work.

- How did it happen that you and Tatyana Vasilyeva rehearsed at the Leonid Trushkin's theater, and the play "Mixed Feelings" was released with Gennady Khazanov and Inna Churikova?

Yes, we rehearsed for several months, and Khazanov stole it from us. He is friend Trushkina, liked the role, went to rehearsals, but hid from us. And then, apparently, he said to Trushkin: "Let me play." And he gave him the role. A vile act on the part of both. This case kept me in a terrible state for a long time. Tanya screamed, but what can you do here. Costumes, decorations - everything was ready, the premiere was appointed. After that, I no longer plunge into dramatic art!

- However, such unpleasant stories happen often ...

You are right - some gossip, squabbles. Khazanov is a good actor, but in the seventeen years that he has been running the Variety Theater, he brought it to collapse, turned it into devil knows what: he rents out the hall, such a rolling platform turned out. And before there Arkady Raikin, Leonid Utesov, Claudia Shulzhenko were playing.

- Now there is no such level of artists. Do not close the theater?

Zhvanetsky, Zadornov, I - many could decorate the site there. Khazanov is close to the president, he sits on the jury everywhere on TV, he went wild, and his identity disappeared. Gennady once called me: "At the end of the year the Variety Theater will be 60 years old, will you perform?" But when my director went to him to talk about arranging my 75th birthday there, the price was lowered so that the question disappeared by itself. A good director left Khazanov, he also speaks badly about him. Gena put some relatives in his place. What to say: he was a talented artist, and now - like everyone else ...

- Well, you know, Tatyana Vasilyeva is a brilliant actress, and now she also plays in everything that is necessary.

Apparently, she is afraid that the audience will forget her, makes money by acting in creepy TV shows, feeds the children. I saw Tanya and Fimu Shifrina in a play about condoms - a nightmare! I’m still holding on, I don’t climb on TV - screw it up, it’s impossible to watch!

- Which of the modern pop artists do you like?

One Maxim Galkin!

- He is now on horseback: the children were born, he married Pugacheva ...

Maxim did not marry, but Alla married him. Pugacheva Apparently, she loves PR, wants to be at the top, so that everyone would talk about her, show her - this is a disease. And Maxim is just next to her.

Letters to the other world

- You, I know, are monogamous. For 45 years you have been walking hand in hand with Victoria Pavlovna!

And we met in 1966. Vika was barely 17. She was a dancer in the corps de ballet, we worked in the same team. We just met her eyes and understood everything. That's how we live. In marriage, everything depends on the woman. My wife is a treasure! The wedding was funny: we arrived at the registry office in a watering machine. There were 12 people. And for this whole company - one Hungarian goose weighing 12 kilograms. They barely pushed it into the oven.

- Have you got a warm relationship with your children?

Our daughter Elena is 43 years old. She is a dermatologist and twice a mom. Her Nika is 20. Studying in England to be a wedding and birthday organizer. Grandson Lena will soon turn 14. They live opposite our house. I help them as much as I can. Our son and Vika are 37. A capable guy, but higher education never got it. Filmed in films. I haven't got a family yet.

- Kartsev is a pseudonym, isn't it?

- Katz- my surname. Raikin advised to change this for the performance: they say, Katz - very short, if you speak, and everyone will forget.

- Was your family wealthy?

What do you! Parents earned kopecks. We lived poorly all our lives, the only joy was that we lived in Odessa opposite the opera house. We had a luxurious room of 40 meters in a communal apartment. When I came to Raikin in 1962, I had nothing to wear: I came, ashamed to say, in a terrible suit and an old coat. When I came to Czechoslovakia on tour and they gave us daily allowance, I ran to buy a fashionable coat in a children's store. I was very thin, small. I wore a coat for 15 years - this is my first serious purchase abroad, I lowered all my daily allowances. I received 88 rubles from Raikin. Until they started driving around different countries, lived very hard. Like the damned, they gave forty concerts a month to earn 500. And when the "Iron Curtain" opened and the artists rushed on tour to Israel, Australia, America, Germany, they came to life. I built a house. All my life I will thank Raikin that he is with us Vitya Ilchenko took to him.

Veronica best friend considers mom. Photo:

11.06.2008 06:25

“The success of the performance“ Mixed Feelings ”was programmed,” wrote the Moscow press about one well-known play by Richard Baer, ​​which for some reason was called “indecent” in other newspapers. The play was a success on Broadway, and recently at the Anton Chekhov Theater in Moscow. Today she is eagerly awaited in Voronezh. The audience will meet with the stars - Gennady Khazanov and Inna Churikova.

“The success of the performance“ Mixed Feelings ”was programmed,” wrote the Moscow press about one well-known play by Richard Baer, ​​which for some reason was called “indecent” in other newspapers. And this is despite the fact that all the jokes and "permissiveness" of the comedy fit well into the framework of the genre, executed according to the laws of commercial art, but still art, which is declared today both "censored" and in demand.

The play by the American playwright was a success on Broadway, and recently at the Anton Chekhov Theater in Moscow. Today she is eagerly awaited in Voronezh.

But once, we remember, theatrical novelties could be seen only in Moscow and Leningrad. In order to attend the sensational performance, residents of other Russian cities often went on an unpredictable journey, pursued by the thought that they might not get a ticket. Now the capital itself has approached the province, and this has become possible thanks to the excellent initiatives of the recently created Voronezh Touring Agency, headed by Mikhail Nosyrev, who heads the Spartak Cinema OJSC.

I would like to give Voronezh residents the opportunity to be in the stream of the capital's theatrical life, - said Mikhail Mikhailovich. - We try to invite the best Russian actors on tour. And now the audience is waiting for a meeting with the stars - Gennady Khazanov and Inna Churikova.

These two celebrities of the Moscow theater world will come to Voronezh along the beaten path. The agency has existed for only six months, but for this a short time it presented to the audience a number of performances, which received the highest ratings from critics and the public. On the stage of the Opera and Ballet Theater, Voronezh residents have already seen Tsagareli's sparkling play, the famous Khanuma with Mikhail Derzhavin, Roksana Babayan, Yulia Rutberg and Olga Volkova, Bulgakov's White Guard, and more recently - Duck Hunt based on Vampilov's play. Ballet fans could also enjoy their favorite genre - at Ilze Liepa's evening.

To see what happened with the actors and director Leonid Trushkin, Richard Baer specially flew to Moscow. And I saw at the premiere that in the Russian version of the performance, the desire of the directors to go around sharp corners, soften the accents of the tabloid genre is noticeable, and they offer an intimate strawberry very moderately. The performance is constantly balancing on the verge between funny and sad. Moreover, it seems that "naivety" sets its main tone in the play: with a joke, and sometimes with irony, the characters only cover up their defenselessness and confusion.

Choosing actors for the main roles in this performance, Leonid Trushkin followed his rule: to rely on the stars. His performances, in which Lyudmila Gurchenko, Alexander Shirvindt, Oleg Basilashvili, and Gennady Khazanov, whom the director invited not for the first time, played, were staged with constant success. Each hero is a new image, but it is known that each actor, with all the art of reincarnation subject to him, nevertheless brings a particle and himself into his hero. Even Muscovites, who, it seems, cannot be surprised with anything, the star duet of Khazanov and Churikova still surprised. They revealed their "I" in "Mixed Feelings" clearly in a new way. From the actress "from Lenkom" Inna Churikova, for whom this performance was also her own benefit - she recently celebrated her anniversary, - they did not expect such a hit in the genre "from Broadway". And in Gennady Khazanov, this unsurpassed master of the pop genre, they did not expect to see such new sides of talent as the ability to be sincere, and sad, and suffering.

Baer's play is another version of a love story, but German (Khazanov) and Christina (Churikova), of course, have long since passed the age of Romeo and Juliet. For thirty years they have known each other, were friends with families, and now they are widowed. Both are lonely, but do not want to be lonely, both are afraid of their mixed feelings, but still dare in their seventh decade. The hero eventually offers his hand and heart to the heroine. The ending, though quite happy, is still not the traditional American “happy end”. In him, as in the entire play, there is no straightforwardness of feelings, but there is a mixture of them. These are mixed, but very subtle feelings.

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at the Variety Theater will give the audience a meeting with wonderful actors - Gennady Khazanov and Inna Churikova. This duet stars in a production by Leonid Trushkin based on a play by the popular playwright Richard Baer.

The play "Mixed Feelings" was successfully staged on Broadway and in many European theaters. This is a story about two elderly people, which unfolds in the genre of a sad comedy. Richard Baer, ​​an American playwright with Russian roots, came to Moscow in 2003 for the premiere of his play.

To the domestic audience, Richard Baer is familiar not only as the author of theatrical plays, but also as the creator of the popular television series - "All in the Family", "MES" and "Bewitched".

In there are old acquaintances - German (Gennady Khazanov) and Christina (Inna Churikova). They are both in their sixties and best years life is already behind. They lost their loved ones and now the heroes have memories and thirty years of close friendship behind them.

Herman came to make a marriage proposal to Christina. He is full of hopes for the future and rightly believes that it will be easier for two single people to endure life's difficulties together.

But Christina is afraid of memories of the past and Herman will have to use all his charm to prove that they can have a common future.

The conversation between Herman and Christina continues, and the audience the play "Mixed Feelings" there is more and more doubt that these adults will be able to give up their habits and established lifestyle in order to start

All from the beginning and be able to love each other.

Performance "Mixed Feelings" at the Variety Theater once again raises the topic of age, loneliness and the need to have a loved one next to you. Experienced theatergoers remember the solution to this topic in such powerful productions as "Further - Silence" at the Mossovet Theater and "Solo for Striking Hours" at the Moscow Art Theater.

The production of Leonid Trushkin, above all, stands out for the strong works of Inna Churikova and Gennady Khazanov. The dramatic talent of Inna Churikova is well known to the audience, and this role only confirms the high status of this wonderful actress.

V the play "Mixed Feelings" she plays a real, strong woman who is not afraid even at sixty new love, but at the same time remains strict with herself and others.

Gennady Khazanov does not change his pop style, and his hero makes funny faces, grimaces and speaks with a Jewish accent. But gradually Herman, performed by Khazanov, leaves his mask and turns into a defenseless and confused person who loses his last chance to love and be loved.

Performance "Mixed Feelings" is distinguished by beautiful scenography, created by the artist Boris Krasnov. During the action, the heroes fall from the home interior into a winter blizzard, and in the finale, the whole scene becomes the body of a trailer, in which the heroes leave for a hazy future.

Visitors to the BiletService website can right now order tickets for play "Mixed Feelings" at the Variety Theater and see the star duet of Inna Churikova and Gennady Khazanov in a sad and touching production by Leonid Trushkin.

Director: Roman SAMGIN

Artistic director of the performance:

The stage fantasy takes place in Naples, the city of millionaires. Naples in the most shameless way constantly invades the life of the Filumena and Domenico family, undermining its foundations, which are already not very strong. The fact is that before marriage, Filumena traded in the most ancient female profession.

"City of Millionaires" - stage fantasy based on a play by one of the greatest Italian playwrights - Eduardo De Filippo. As an actor and director, he managed to write more than forty theatrical plays, the most famous of which was "Filumena Marturano". Domestic viewers are familiar with this story from the film adaptation of Vittorio de Sica's "Marriage in Italian".

Staged by Roman Samgin "City of Millionaires" acquires the lines of dialogue and the whole plot, traditional for Lenkom. And yet this is one of the classic performances in the entire repertoire of the theater. Perhaps this is why viewers are snapping up so quickly. tickets on him.

The classic embodiment of this performance underlines the return to the stage of the sliding curtain, which is traditionally absent in Lenkom productions. The laconicism of the scenery characteristic of the theater is replaced by an abundance of antique furniture, utensils and heavy curtains.

But no matter how good the scenery is, you completely forget about them when you see the magnificent play of Inna Churikova and Gennady Khazanov. Inimitable dialogues filled with a seething cocktail of southern emotions spill out into the auditorium, so that no one can remain indifferent.

Despite the seeming simplicity, the images of Domenico Soriano and Filumena are filled with the finest psychologism. Behind everyday comic lies a whole kaleidoscope of marital problems that are topical for any historical era. That is why the play can be watched more than once (many viewers immediately acquire tickets for several views) and constantly find more and more new details in it.

"City of Millionaires"- a long-awaited appeal to the classics, which are less and less common in the repertoire of the capital's theaters. But it looks like Lenkom made an unusual move this time too. Hurry up to buy tickets!

Actors participating in the performance:

Soriano: Gennady KHAZANOV;

Children: Ilya KOROBKO, Ilya SOLOVIEV, Boris ALABIN, Kirill PALADICH.

The duration of the performance is 2 hours 30 minutes with one intermission.

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