Monastic tea will relieve psoriasis at the cellular level. Monastic tea from psoriasis Rules for the use and preparation of the drink

Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease. It is not transmitted to healthy people, but the patient himself is bothered by itching and spoils the appearance with red plaques. Psoriatic elements appear on different parts of the body and even on the scalp. Get rid of them with the help of special body care products and folk remedies.

Recently, dermatologists began to offer patients “Monastic tea for psoriasis”.

What this product is, how effective it is in treating a skin disease, how to drink and how much to expect when buying - these questions are of interest to everyone who does not lose hope of getting rid of a recurrent disease.

Ingredients of Monastic Tea

Monastic tea is a unique product, the recipe of which was developed by Belarusian monks. It consists exclusively of natural ingredients that relieve inflammation, eliminate allergic manifestations and destroy bacteria.

Phyto collection is allowed to be combined with any medication against psoriasis, without fear of causing harm to health.

The full composition of the Monastic tea for psoriasis is represented by a dozen medicinal plants.

  • Nettle is a natural antiseptic and pain reliever. Contains a reasonable amount of formic acid and vitamins necessary for the human body.
  • Knotweed - a stabilizer of metabolic processes removes all toxic substances from the blood. The plant supports the activity of the kidneys and expels excess sodium and chlorine from the body, which helps to prevent development.
  • Motherwort - the herb has a calming effect. A patient with psoriasis needs it to eliminate neurosis and irritation.
  • Mint - a sedative aromatic component gives an antiseptic and diuretic effect. Refreshes the Monastic Elixir.
  • Cowberry is a regulator of metabolism and a stabilizer of the work of all parts of the nervous system. Helps the body fight bacteria that have penetrated the combed dermis.
  • Hawthorn is a storehouse of flavonoids, acids, trace elements. The combination of these substances lowers cholesterol levels and increases the amount of lecithin. Adjusting their balance is important in the treatment of psoriasis.
  • Dandelion root is a natural hepatoprotector. Interacting with other herbs, it improves liver function and skin regenerative processes.
  • Oregano is an antibiotic and anti-inflammatory component that is present in various preparations against various lesions of the dermis.
  • Celandine - raw materials accelerate the healing of irritated tissues and cleanse the body of psoriasis plaques.
  • Elecampane - the plant gives a sedative and antihelminthic effect. Its healing properties have been known to folk healers since ancient times. Decoctions and ointments with elecampane have established themselves as fast-acting drugs against various ailments.

The naturalness of the components of Monastic tea allows you to use it without fear for the development of allergic reactions. But experts remind: if you know for sure about your own intolerance to any herb, it is better to refrain from treatment with the elixir. Pregnant and lactating women should not drink this tea.

How to prepare Monastic tea for the treatment of psoriasis

If you found where to buy Monastic tea for psoriasis, but suddenly there was no instruction in the package (or it was damaged, lost), follow the following recommendations regarding the preparation of the drink. Since the bioactive substances and esters of plants are destroyed 3 hours after the brewing of raw materials, it is recommended to prepare the drink on the eve of consumption. Making phyto steam is very simple:

For therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, it is necessary to drink Monastic tea 2-3 cups a day. After brewing the drink, it is immediately consumed. It is recommended to allocate at least 3 weeks for the first treatment course. Then you can take a short break and evaluate the result of phytotherapy.

In order for the healing collection not to lose its aroma and usefulness, special storage conditions must be created for it. For example, tea can be poured out of the package into a jar with a tight lid and put into a dark, cool room where there is no dampness. Once opened, the product is recommended to be consumed within 90 days.

How well does Monastic Tea help with psoriasis? It is not worth considering it as an independent tool that is 100% effective. Regular intake of the elixir helps to alleviate the symptoms of skin disease and cleanse the body, but alone it does not relieve psoriasis. Therefore, it is better to include a phyto-drug in therapy as an additional remedy.

Taking Monastic tea is a great way to calm the nervous system. Most of the ingredients in the drink have sedative properties. In patients with psoriasis, the elixir increases stress resistance and prevents nervous breakdowns.

Monastic tea against psoriasis: where to buy, cost

Monastic Phyto Elixir - an innovation in the treatment of psoriasis. Despite this, some patients managed to encounter fakes. So that you later do not have to say that Monastic tea from psoriasis is a scam, we recommend ordering it only on the websites of official dealers, i.e. distributors. A certified product will not harm your body and will "work" for its intended purpose.

If a monthly course of tea treatment does not bring the expected result, stop drinking for 7 to 14 days and try taking the drink again. In general, phyto collection has a lot of advantages over other similar means, and the main ones are:

We add that the price for Monastic tea for psoriasis is acceptable. Residents of Russia pay only 990 rubles when ordering a unique herbal preparation via the Internet. For a relatively small price, consumers get the opportunity to effectively combat itching, stimulate blood circulation and increase the body's resistance.

You can get a stable therapeutic effect from taking tea by drinking 2 cups of the drink a day. The course of treatment is 2-4 weeks. The manufacturer promises an improvement in 5 days from the start of use. Psoriatic elements resolve, inflammation subsides, the skin becomes healthy.

Doctors' opinion

Alla Leonidovna, dermatologist, 25 years of experience:

“Psoriasis is an insidious ailment that cannot be completely defeated despite any tricks. The traditional drug course often consists of hormonal drugs and immunosuppressants, which does not have the best effect on the body.

Yes, and the disease lurks for a short time. To improve the condition of a suffering organism, I prescribe Monastic tea to my patients - if it does not completely save from psoriasis, then it certainly does not harm health. I recommend drinking the elixir at all stages of the disease.

Sergey Nikolaevich, dermatologist with 30 years of experience:

Dmitry Stanislavovich, practicing Moscow dermatologist with 15 years of experience:

“Having read the reviews of experienced doctors about Monastic tea, which saves from psoriasis, I decided to include a phyto product in my practice. I don’t see anything dangerous in the drink, because it is made from vegetable raw materials. The only thing I once again draw the attention of patients to is the likelihood of individual intolerance to the drink.

Video: the doctor talks about remedies for psoriasis (, ointment "King of the Skin", Monastic tea).

This story was sent to us by Tatyana. She is 27 years old and suffered from psoriasis for about 4 years until she tried monastic tea for psoriasis. Our heroine told how the miracle tea helped her recover from the disease once and for all. Find out first hand, is it true or a scam, that the herbal collection helps to recover, where to buy the original, what is included in the composition and what results our heroine has achieved.

Hello, my name is Tatyana, I am 27 years old. I have been suffering from psoriasis for about four years. At first, I didn’t even pay attention to the fact that red spots and peeling appeared, and then they grew to such a size that it became unpleasant to look at myself. Worried, I went to the doctor. Sadly, the diagnosis was confirmed: psoriasis. I was prescribed some ointments, a diet. The effect was, but not too noticeable. I had to take vitamins, they alleviated the problem. The skin flaked a little less, but life did not become easier from this. It was hard to be in society with psoriasis: I constantly felt uncomfortable, I wanted to put on as many clothes as possible so that no one could see anything. Grandmother advised to use birch tar for treatment. He also tried it, but he did not completely cure the disease.

Monastic tea for psoriasis

Truth or Divorce

I concluded for myself that monastic tea from psoriasis really helps. Many people suffer from this unpleasant peeling that interferes with life, they try different means, but nothing helps them. Like me before.

Personally, I can say with confidence that tea does not cause complications, does not cause allergies, is inexpensive and has an effect not only on an external problem, but also on an internal one - the cause of occurrence.

Studies conducted in the laboratory also showed that most patients (about 93 percent) get better after five days of drinking monastic tea for psoriasis. And after a month, the disease may completely recede. Isn't this proof that tea really effectively fights against an ailment that interferes with life.

The composition of the monastery tea for psoriasis

I can say for sure that the composition of healing tea is absolutely natural, and it is unlikely that they will harm the body. I found out that it turns out that the collection contains 10 fairly rare herbs that help cure the disease. Herbs in tea are mixed in such a proportion that they help in the fight against severe skin flaking. The plant components included in the composition will help to cope with such ailments as allergies, harmful bacteria that cause the disease. Also, collecting herbs improves blood circulation.

From personal experience I can say that the effect of the herbal collection extends not only to the external improvement of the skin, but also to the internal causes of the disease.

By the way, you can even drink monastic tea from psoriasis with honey. I added a spoon for taste).

Where to buy (price)

There have been too many pseudo-sellers of monastery tea against psoriasis lately. It is best to order on the official website to protect yourself from fake. The price is very small, especially when compared with a variety of ointments, tablets and other means.

I think that those negative reviews that can be found on the Internet about tea treatment are just related to the fact that people did not buy the original, but a fake.

  • Order monastery tea for psoriasis on the official website

I decided, nevertheless, to buy tea, since all means had already been tried. Ordered - came quickly, no one deceived me. I brewed and drank it like regular tea: 2-3 mugs a day, instructions for preparation are in the package.

After drinking for two weeks, I noticed that the skin began to peel off much less, which could not but please me! So I ordered another pack of tea.

It may be unexpected, but an ordinary collection of herbs helped me recover from a disease that is called incurable! I am grateful to the person who mentioned this remedy, I don’t even remember on which site, without him, perhaps, I would have suffered very much even now.

Doctor's opinion

Andronnikov N.V., Dermatologist

Monastic tea for psoriasis is a unique remedy. It would seem that there is nothing supernatural in the composition of tea, but what an effect lies in it! Its benefits have been proven by many people. Almost everyone who drank it became healthier and happier. The natural composition is safe for health. The patient will not experience complications, allergies. What is interesting is that you can drink tea without consulting a doctor and you will definitely say goodbye to unpleasant peeling, redness, plaques.

Psoriasis is a pathological skin disease that is chronic and complex in nature. To date, scientists do not know the true causes of this disease. Psoriasis can appear unexpectedly and affects people of any age and gender. The disease can affect fairly large areas of skin on the human body (foci of inflammation tend to grow). People who suffer from such a disease suffer from inflammation, constant rashes and itching on the body.

The most effective and affordable remedy, which combines the latest developments and folk traditions, is monastic tea for psoriasis, the composition of which has no analogues. The remedy for psoriasis is natural, it is certified and has passed several clinical trials. The experiment showed the exceptionally high usefulness and effectiveness of tea. The first week after taking the tea: more than 93% of the subjects showed a significant reduction in the manifestations of the disease. A month of regular tea consumption (2 cups a day) allowed 9 out of 10 patients to completely cure the disease. Side effects or other complications have not been identified. Incredible results after the use of monastery tea are achieved thanks to the professional selection of rare medicinal herbs and plants.

Monastic tea for psoriasis composition:

  1. Knotweed - cleanses the blood of toxins and normalizes metabolic processes. This plant helps to remove excess chlorine and sodium from the human body, and also improves kidney filtration, these features prevent the development of psoriatic arthritis.
  2. Mint - improves the aroma and taste of tea, also has a sedative, diuretic, sedative, antiseptic effect.
  3. Nettle - the plant has many useful properties. Nettle is used as a natural pain reliever in the monastery collection.
  4. Dandelion - restores the functions of the liver, and together with other herbs, activates the processes of tissue regeneration of the patient.
  5. Cowberry - strengthens the body's immunity and improves its metabolic processes.
  6. Motherwort - is a soothing plant for relieving neuralgia and neuroses.
  7. Hawthorn - a plant with a high content of acids, flavonoids and trace elements, also increases the level of lecithin, lowers cholesterol, which is indispensable in the treatment of psoriasis.
  8. Celandine - a decoction of this plant activates the regeneration of lost skin cells.
  9. Elecampane - used to treat psoriasis, is a sedative and sedative.
  10. Oregano - has an anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antimicrobial effect.
  11. Dried rose hips are a huge source of vitamins in the plant kingdom, which increases resistance to infectious diseases, as well as anesthetizes and helps to eliminate skin spots.

All of the listed components of the monastery tea for psoriasis carefully interact and act synergistically (they complement each other, thereby enhancing the effect several times).

The recipe for making monastery tea at home

Tea is prepared in the morning for the whole day. First you need to take 2 tbsp of all the main herbs and 2 tsp of good regular black tea, for about 1 liter of water. It is necessary to pour boiling water over rose hips and elecampane roots and leave them to infuse on low heat, exactly for 20 minutes, then add St. Then the already prepared tea must be filtered and further used as tea leaves, it must be diluted with hot water. Reception: drinking monastery tea is best 2 cups a day, you can also add lemon or honey to taste. Fresh tea should be brewed daily.

It is not recommended to prepare tea on your own because it is unrealistic to make the desired composition with the correct gramming at home, this requires certain knowledge in the field of herbal medicine. Therefore, it is easier and more profitable to order natural monastic tea in well-established, proven places. Your budget will not suffer at all when compared with treatment with expensive synthetic drugs. The benefits and unique healing effect of tea have already been appreciated by hundreds of psoriasis patients who got rid of a serious illness and restored their health thanks to a balanced recipe for monastic tea for psoriasis.

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Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease. This disease affects people of all ages. Despite many years of studying the problem by scientists, the nature of the onset of the disease has not yet been established. Only neurogenic, viral, hereditary and endocrine theory is mentioned. Symptoms of the disease appear suddenly and remain for life. It is impossible to completely cure the disease, the treatment consists in improving the quality of life and eliminating painful symptoms: inflammatory manifestations on the skin and itching. Doctors prescribe drug therapy, and alternative medicine offers treatment with folk remedies. Recently, more and more often you can hear about tea from psoriasis. already tried by many patients suffering from this disease.

Composition of monastery tea

Monastic tea is a herbal tea. Each plant is a storehouse of healing substances that help to cope with the symptoms of psoriasis. All herbs are professionally selected to achieve maximum effect.

Dandelion root. It stimulates the process of skin regeneration. It has a powerful wound healing property.

Motherwort. Reduces nervous excitability, calms, normalizes the nervous system.

Oregano. It has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antiseptic properties. Promotes tissue healing, is used in the treatment of skin diseases.

Hawthorn. The plant has a lot of flavonoids, organic acids, minerals, vitamins, they calm the nerves, have a positive effect on the entire body.

Celandine. This plant helps to cleanse the skin from psoriasis eruptions. It has bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties.

Mint. Well calms the nervous system. It has antibacterial, sedative, diuretic properties. Prevents the development of complications.

Series. Improves metabolic processes. It has anti-inflammatory and sedative effects.

Hop. Calms the nervous system, affects the functioning of the kidneys, reduces inflammation.

Birch leaves. Birch leaves contain essential oils, organic acids and vitamins. They have a blood-purifying, anti-inflammatory, wound-healing effect. Improve metabolic processes.

Cowberry. Increases immunity, accelerates metabolism. Affects the functioning of the endocrine system.

Nettle. Trace elements and beneficial vitamins contained in this burning herb have an antiseptic effect. Promotes the elimination of toxins, accelerates metabolic processes.

Knotweed. This is an excellent antidote, it normalizes metabolism, removes excess sodium and chlorine from the body, cleanses the blood of toxins.

All plant components complement and enhance the properties of each other. The complex action restores the normal functioning of all organs and systems of a person, heals the skin, eliminates nervous disorders, eliminates the failure of the endocrine system, which can provoke the development of the disease. The composition of monastery tea produced by different manufacturers may vary. Before use, it is better to familiarize yourself with the composition, study the properties of each plant and possible contraindications.

How monastery tea works for psoriasis

With the regular use of monastic tea, positive dynamics can be observed:

  • allergic manifestations decrease, the amount of rash decreases;
  • there is a healing effect;
  • the inflammatory process is stopped;
  • skin itching is eliminated;
  • relieves dryness, irritation and redness of the skin;
  • has an antiseptic and antibacterial effect.

Monastic tea is used together with drug therapy. This makes the healing process faster. You can use this herbal tea as a prophylactic.

The Benefits of Monastic Tea

Monastic tea is an environmentally friendly preparation, there are no harmful chemicals in the composition of herbs. Phytocollection can be used at home, it is not difficult to prepare it, you can drink a tea drink instead of regular tea. Having studied numerous patient reviews, we can say that monastic tea really alleviates the condition during an exacerbation of psoriasis, improves the quality of life and overall well-being, even with a severe form of the disease.

It is necessary to consult a doctor, and not self-medicate. Using tea, you do not need to wait for complete healing. After the first dose, there will be no result, the course of treatment should be long. Herbal drink normalizes the state of the nervous system, it is very important for patients with psoriasis, who often suffer from stress.

Manufacturers of monastery tea say that there are no contraindications to taking it, but it must be borne in mind that any plant can cause an allergic reaction if there is an individual intolerance. If you are prone to allergies, a consultation with a doctor is required.

How to use monastery tea

Monastic tea is sold in a pharmacy ready-made, so you should read the instructions for making tea. Tea from psoriasis monastic is prepared as follows:

In the kettle you need to fill 1 tbsp. l. herbal collection, pour a glass of boiling water. The drink should be infused for 15 minutes. A new portion must be brewed before each dose. Drink tea is hot 2 cups a day. The course is for four weeks. Then you can take a week break and repeat the course. Do not interrupt treatment when there is an improvement in health.

Tea is intended for external use. You can moisten a sterile bandage in a cool infusion of tea and apply it to the affected areas of the skin.

Storage of monastery tea

It is necessary to properly store monastic tea, so it will retain all the useful substances. Opened packaging must be used up within three months. Tea should not be stored near strong-smelling foods. You can put it in a container that closes well with a lid. It is better to store the container with tea in a cool, dark place.

Psoriasis is a skin disease that is not infectious. The disease has come to us since the nineteenth century. Neither our ancestors nor modern medicine today can find an explanation for the appearance of the disease and its spread.

Herbal tea can help fight psoriasis

tea properties

Many university teachers in lectures talk a lot about the disease of general information, and when it comes to the origin, they say without hiding that the cause has remained a mystery. But nevertheless, for many centuries, clear symptoms of the disease were determined, and results were found from getting rid of it. Previously, it was believed that psoriasis is an incurable disease, but still practice shows that this is not so, many cases confirm the opposite. Psoriasis can be treated with medications and traditional medicine methods. Recently, information has appeared on the Internet that if you drink special green tea for psoriasis, then you can forget about the disease forever.

Monastic tea for psoriasis is a natural product based on medicinal herbs, it fights the cause of psoriasis and gets rid of it forever.

The recipe came to us from the ancestors of the monks, who have been practicing traditional medicine for many centuries. Of course, tea was invented quite by accident, as the priests have always used the collected herbs to support the moral and physical condition. After some time, it became clear that tea tends to treat many diseases, the list of which included psoriasis. In such an easy way, Belarusian monastery tea has become very popular. At first, the monks treated the parishioners of neighboring villages to tea, then information about tea spread beyond the borders of the villages and even the country. Today, the whole world knows about tea, which can cure an incurable disease.

Tea has several actions on the human body at the same time:

  • relieves the inflammatory process;
  • taking tea, itching and peeling disappear;
  • contributes to the suppression of infection;
  • cleanses the body;
  • improves the processes of the endocrine system;
  • calms and has a positive effect on the nervous system;
  • improves metabolism;
  • effectively improves well-being.

The main advantage of the drink is that it can be taken in combination with medication and alternative methods of treatment.

Monastic tea for psoriasis consists entirely of natural herbs


Monastic tea for psoriasis combines the components of ten medicinal plants that will help eliminate the symptoms and the disease itself forever. Drink ingredients may vary.

  • Knotweed - has a great effect on metabolism in the body. It has the ability to remove toxins from the blood. Supports kidney function, and removes excess sodium and chlorine from the body.
  • Nettle is an antiseptic given to us by nature. This is a plant that relieves pain. The content contains the right amount of formic acid and vitamins.
  • Motherwort - soothes. This is necessary for those suffering from psoriasis to support the normal nervous system.
  • Mint - gives the drink freshness and aroma. It has an antiseptic and diuretic effect.
  • Lingonberry - fights bacteria in the human body. Regulates metabolic processes. Stabilizes the entire nervous system.
  • Dandelion - Improves liver function when combined with other herbs.
  • Hawthorn - regulates the balance of cholesterol and lecithin.
  • Celandine - affects the healing of wounds, cleanses the body of plaques.
  • Oregano is an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agent. Eliminates the feeling of pain.
  • Elecampane has been used to treat psoriasis for a long time. Gives a sedative and antihelminthic effect.

The composition of the herbal drink may vary and include other plants. According to dermatologists, they all help in the fight against the disease. One herbal tea can treat skin problems of the disease, it should be taken for psoriasis, another treats the vascular system. There is a monastery tea that helps in the fight against smoking and alcoholism. Another one is to shed those extra pounds. Therefore, carefully read the composition of the herbal collection and the purpose of the tea when buying.

As part of the monastery tea for psoriasis, you can find birch leaves, St. John's wort, hop cones, large burdock, poplar buds.

The natural composition does not cause allergic reactions. But experts still recommend that those who have their own intolerance to some kind of herb, it is better not to take tea. It is contraindicated to drink monastic tea from psoriasis for pregnant and lactating women.

Lingonberry in the composition of the Monastic tea destroys pathogens

Proper preparation of tea

If you purchased tea, and the package did not contain instructions for use, or if you tore it, lost it, threw it away, do not be discouraged. The tea drink is prepared quickly and has no difficulties in preparation. But do not forget that herbal teas lose nutrients after two hours, so tea should be brewed before drinking. Do not brew tea once for the whole day, it will not bring benefits, and it can also harm your health. You can prepare tea as follows:

  • pour a teaspoon of grass with a glass of water 95-100 degrees;
  • cover the tea leaves with a lid and leave for fifteen minutes;
  • strain the broth through a sieve;
  • add boiling water so that there is at least 200 milligrams of tea.

You can dilute the infusion with plenty of water, but they advise no more than 350 milligrams so that the decoction does not lose its healing functions.

Monastic tea for psoriasis is taken for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, two or three cups a day. The minimum course of treatment is three weeks, after which it is recommended to take a break.

To store tea to preserve the aroma and nutrients, it should be with a special approach. Pour the tea from the package into a glass container and close the lid. Put the collection in a dark place without dampness, with a cool temperature. Use herbs within 90 days after opening the box.

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