Walkthrough fairy tale adventure quest dead. Guides and walkthroughs. Simplified version of the game

Probably, some gamers still remember those times when role-playing games were simple, funny and maximally playable... It was then that the first part of the game Feary Tale saw the light of day. And now, in our time, the continuation of this game has come out. This is a classic RPG with modern graphics, digitized speech, good music. A convenient game interface and an isometric view, familiar to you from Diablo, will allow you to quickly figure out the controls and start destroying the evil that is too much. Players will also be pleased with the low requirements for hardware. You play as three hero brothers at once: Julian, Philip and Kevin. Your task is to save your native land from the terrible evil that lurks in the darkness of centuries. The game provides convenient control of the characters - you can control one, the rest will be controlled by the computer. Also in the game a huge number of different types of weapons, armor and, of course, magic. We are sure that the game is worthy of your attention and will take pride of place in your collection. Prehistory A long time ago, even before the advent of Time, man and even gods, in the Old Universe there were two foundations, two irreconcilable beginnings, eternal enemies - Order (named Saroth) and Chaos (named Throlis). The struggle lasted forever, and in the fire of battles Time was born. The era of the New Universe has begun. The universe that appeared had an orderly shape, and as a result, the blows of Order became more and more powerful. Once a mighty blow tore Chaos into millions of pieces. The Order itself was badly damaged and almost died. The epochs flew by, and Chaos was inactive, the forces returned to it too slowly. At this time, the New Universe was developing: stars appeared, planets were formed, life was born on the planets. Mortals were limited by finite understanding, but found to be endowed with faith. Love, ideas that never existed before flourished. Mighty wizards with the help of their spells learned to control the elements. And Good meets Evil. In the struggle, mortals gained souls. The unpredictable souls of mortals carried the particles of Chaos within them - this may have awakened Saroth. However, the tired Order could not compete with humans, so he decided to take on their form. In the new shell, the healing went faster. Though not as powerful as before, this new spirit, named Sarlioth, has begun to raise an army to unite the universe in Hard Order. It soon became clear that Sarlioth's old enemy, Throlis, was alive and had also taken the form of mortals. He was called Thorolis - the Spirit of Possibilities. To prepare a new blow, Sarlioth fled to the lands of Farr. Many people then went down there, wanting to join the Lord of Order, and not one came back. These domains were called the Halls of the Dead. Sarlioth found himself three assistants. Roska (Roska) - an evil sorcerer. He helped Sarlioth prepare the means to get Farr's energy. Kaidar (Kaidar) - dark elf, provided concealment and deceit. He convinced mortals of the need for Sarlioth. Irastikaan is a mighty Dragon. Brute force crushed the uprisings of mortals. Sarlioth, with the help of Roska, created eight stones of unprecedented magical power, each of which was placed in one of the kingdoms of the land of Farr. Three magical horses protected these lands. They fought blow after blow with Sarlioth, but one of the stones began to weaken them. The first stone created by Roska had a defect - a small crack. Taking advantage of this, the horses destroyed it, but they could not do anything else, they needed a lot of strength to defeat Sarlioth. And there was such a force - three hero brothers from another country had to decide the fate of this land. The horses themselves, having spent their last strength on carrying the brothers, froze like statues in the center of the village of Padavis. Game screen and controls If the first acquaintance with the game did not make you throw it away, if you like role-playing games and if you enjoyed Ultima, then this game is definitely for you. So let's get started. Most of the screen is occupied by a map, in the center of which are the heroes (three brothers), whom you have to manage. They are moved with the left mouse click (they are also selected). Point the arrow to the place, click the mouse, and the guys will go. To the right of the action screen is a rectangular window for managing heroes. So, click on the portrait of one of the brothers, for example, Kevin. The entire right side of the screen will be occupied by its characteristics. At the very top, to the right of Kevin's portrait, there is a window with a sun - this is an indicator of the health of this hero (the number on the left is the amount of health at the moment, on the right - how much health can be); the brighter the sun, the more health. Below are four squares. The upper squares determine the type of control of the brothers (who is active, i.e. who is controlled by the player, and who is passive, i.e. who is controlled by the computer); passive characters always follow the active, and in the event of a fight, they themselves fight well. The lower squares show whether the combat mode is on or off (sword) and the effectiveness of the armor worn (helmet). Next is Inventory (inventory), it contains things that the hero wears: weapons, armor, rings, amulets, bags (they contain the rest of the necessary items), there can also be life-giving drinks, and there can be several of them in one cell ( the same applies to things in bags). Below are three circles: the first shows a skull with three stripes: Spells, Skills, Ideas (see description below); the second shows the carry weight. Each item weighs something, and sooner or later you will be faced with the fact that you will have to choose which thing to take and which to throw out; the third is mass carried only in containers located in Inventory (not including mass in bags located inside). Well, at the very bottom is the status window and the amount of mana. The larger the circles and the closer the stars are to their center (the brighter the light), the more mana in general and at the moment in particular, respectively. Inventory Contains nine slots in which various items can be placed. With the help of Inventory, the process of dressing the character takes place. This is done as follows: put the thing in Inventory and double-click on it with the mouse - done. It should also be remembered that items can be combined: put on, for example, two different armor, while their properties are summed up. You can also put various containers in Inventory, thereby increasing the number of things you can carry, and other containers can be placed in these containers, but you still won’t carry more than your “health” allows. Spells The window you opened is somewhat reminiscent of the inside of a bag. So it is, only this “bag” is contained in the head of your hero, and spells are stored in it. At first, there is nothing here, but later, when reading scrolls with spells, knowledge about them will settle here. To use any spell, you just need to pick it up with the mouse and drop it either on the enemy (if the spell is attacking) or on yourself (if the spell is healing or protecting). Skills Skills. In total, seven skills are available to you, improving with training. Brawn (muscle strength) - is responsible for the amount of cargo that the hero can carry; Naturally, the more the better. Swordcraft (sword proficiency) - the higher the value, the better the hero wields this weapon. Agility (dexterity) - the higher the value, the faster the hero moves and strikes more often. Bludgeon (wielding a club) - shows the character's ability to handle clubs, hammers and clubs. Archery (Archery Proficiency) - A character with high Archery misses less when shooting with a bow. Shieldcraft (shield possession) - the ability of the hero to parry enemy blows with a shield. Spellcraft (Magic Abilities) - A player with a high Spellcraft skill has more mana and can cast more spells at the right time. All skills can be upgraded. More often this happens during skirmishes: what you use, you improve. When you have accumulated enough money, you can use the services of teachers. For a certain amount, they will raise your corresponding skill by one, but the higher your skill is developed, the more expensive the next increase will be. TeachersGalch May is an old magician from Bilton. Will improve your Spellcraft. Brolhogan is an experienced warrior from Bilton. Can help you in mastering Swordcraft and Shieldcraft. Valdene is a girl from the people of the elves. Lives near Ta-Taavan. Helps in mastering the art of Archery. Faa-Tavel is a great elven mage. Will improve your Spellcraft. Lives in Ta-Taavan. Rolias is an old sea dog from Maldavith. Trains your Swordcraft, Bludgeon, Archery. Trista is a warrior girl from Darnoc. Improves your Swordcraft and Archery. Sharneed is an old dwarven warrior. Will help you with Bludgeon. Lives near the dungeon north of the Amber Castle (the residence of a huge Dragon). Communication To communicate with others, use icons (just pick up the right one and throw it at the right person, similar to using spells) Greeting - greeting. In principle, to obtain a similar effect, simply click on the desired person (naturally, turning off the combat mode before that). Container - a container, a question about the contents of the opponent's bag. Magic Spell - A question about having Spells with spells. Here - the question "What's going on here?" and “Where am I?”. Work - the question "What do you do?" and “What can you do for me?”. Potion - a question about the presence of any potion or medicine. Gold - the question “Where can I get gold here? ". Weapon - the question "What kind of weapon do you have?". Shop - the question "Where is the store here?". Food - the question "What kind of food do you have?" or “Where can I get food?”. Magic Item - A question about magic items. Armor - the question "What kind of armor do you have?". Weapon Weapons in the game can be made from various materials, which directly affects their effectiveness. The best material is Adamantium (this metal is absent in Farr, and what is there is mined from a huge piece of stone that fell to the ground in ancient times), followed by Mithril, Steel, Potmetal and Bronze. However, there are times when weapons made from Adamantium are useless (for example, when fighting Frost Giant). But at the same time, some of your most powerful enemies (like Wraith) will simply not notice any other weapon. Against them, only a sword made of the above material, or a special magical sword, will do. Conventional WeaponsAll conventional weapons can be divided into two types: used in close combat and striking at a distance. Melee weapon Mace (mace), Maul (sledgehammer), Warhammer (war hammer), Club (club) - they all use and develop the Bludgeon skill. The weakest weapon of this type is Club, followed by Mace and Maul, and the best "skull breaker" is definitely Warhammer. Dagger (dagger) - the weakest bladed weapon. Useful only if nothing else is available, or when it is made of the best material. Swords (swords) - weapons of knights and heroes. Short (short) - great for starters. Long (long) - good and hits the enemy faster. Great (great) - what you need! There are three more swords: Sapphire (blue sword), Ruby (red sword), Jade (green sword), but other than the color and names, these swords do not stand out anymore. They are useful only if nothing else is available, or if they are made of the best material. Axes (axes) - we can say that this is the best weapon in the game. Unfortunately, there are no axes made from Adamantium. The above weapons use and evolve the Swordcraft skill. Weapons that hit from a distance The Vew Bow is a good bow. Shoots well. It can be obtained by killing a Pirate Archer. Bow - a bow that not only shoots well, but you can get it from almost any blacksmith. Composite Bow is the best bow, but it is not sold anywhere, and it is very difficult to find it. Magic weapon Magic staves Blizzard Wand (4 charges) – Very weak staff, uses weak offensive magic. Demon Dancer (4 charges) - Releases a bunch of fireballs. Bhimrao's Wand of Conflagration (3 charges) - Fires a burst of flame that expands into a ring of fire on impact. A very effective magic against large concentrations of enemies, but be careful: the fire, spreading, can hit you too. Aeromancer (8 charges) - Shoots cold air. Fireball Wand (10 charges) – Launches a fireball that explodes on impact. Sulfuric Sceptre (6 charges) - A magical staff that generates and fires Icicles magic. Ruragon's Winter Wand (3 charges) - a cold whirlwind created by your staff; flies forward with force, freezing everything it comes into contact with. Rod of the Sun (8 charges) - A stick charged with Sun Flash. Zap Stick (5 charges) - Shoots electric charges. Pyromancer (10 charges) - one of the best staffs, shoots, releasing a path of fire. Especially effective against multiple opponents. Magic weapon Venom is a black sword. Poisons the attacked enemy. Hell Razor - "Hell Razor". The name speaks for itself. Sword Brown. Tempest - "Storm". Yellow sword. Darksweeper is a black sword. Almost useless against normal enemies, but against the Specter is simply irreplaceable. Enchanted Ax - "Enchanted" axe. It has a high damaging ability and lethal force. Blaze is a great bow, deals heavy damage to ice creatures. Enchanted Warhammer - "Enchanted" hammer. It has a high damaging ability and lethal force. Shimmering Mace is a blue mace. Deals fast blows. Tekton Hammer - "Tekton's Hammer". He is the only one capable of breaking the ice containing the Tapstone of Mons. Deals a lot of damage to enemies. Cauldera - bladed sword orange color. Of all magical weapons, it is the first to hit the player. Deals heavy damage, has a high speed of striking. Amethyst Great Sword - an amethyst sword. Helps its owner to more successfully resist fire and heat. Fancy Long Sword - a sword created by a great magician, is present only in your imagination and in the imagination of the enemy, which does not prevent him from hitting hard. Sunbolt - yellow arrows. Upon hitting an enemy, the arrow creates a ring of fire that spreads out in all directions. Cyclone - blue arrows. Each such arrow contains the energy of a whirlwind, which is released when the arrow hits the enemy. Firebrand - red arrows. Deals heavy damage, similar to the effect of the Fireball spell. Frostbolt - Arrows white color. Created by the giants of the north, they are especially destructive to southern beings. ShieldsHide Shield is a leather shield. Made from the skin of a mighty buffalo, it absorbs shock well, but overall protection is weak. Wooden Shield - a wooden shield. Protects better than leather. It is made of strong wood, the local analogue of oak. Steel Shield - steel shield. You will use this shield for most of the game. It reflects enemy attacks well and is easy to get. Mithril Shield - A mithril shield. One of the best, but very hard to get. The legendary mithril is extracted from the water by the most advanced magicians. Adamantium Shield - A shield made from adamantium. The best. Armor There are a lot of armor in the game. There is not only body armor, but also protection for the hands and protection for the legs. And, as in life, armor worn on different parts of the body can be combined, that is, put on at the same time (protection parameters are summed up). The effectiveness of the armor (it can be viewed in the corresponding window on the right side of the screen) is characterized by three parameters: Absorb (absorption) - the number of points of damage that this armor absorbs, Reduce (decrease) - how many points the enemy's blows are reduced, Defense (protection) - armor class itself. We will indicate these three characteristics as three numbers separated by dots after the name of the armor. body armor Shirts are the simplest armor, but the existing magical options are very good. Soft Leather Shirt (1.1.0) - The weakest armor in the game, but still better than nothing. Hard Leather Shirt (2.1.5) - the same as the Soft Leather Shirt, only with better protection. Snow Parka (2.1.6) - parka. Protects from the cold. Woren Crass Jerkin (2.1.8) - the best of light armor, protects the wearer from poisoning (Poison) and from lightning strikes (Lighting). raincoats Raincoats have one remarkable feature - they can be worn not only with gloves and boots, but also with bibs or chain mail. Cloak (1.1.0) - just a cloak. Elves Cloak (0.1.15) – cloak of elves. Excellent thing. Cloak of Shadows (0.1.25) - cloak of shadows. The best. chain mail In the absence of breastplates, this is the best armor. Some species have increased protection against arrows. Steel Chain Shirt (3.2.0) - steel chain mail. Basically useless. Mithril Chain Shirt (3.2.0) - mithril chain mail. Has increased protection against arrows. Enchanted Chain Shirt (3.4.0) – “Enchanted” chain mail. Arrows usually don't even hit you. bibs The best armor in the game. Breastplates are widely used by all residents who have at least some relation to the martial arts, as well as monsters. Bronze Breast Plate (2.1.6) - yellow armor. Sapphire Breast Plate (4.1.20) - blue armor. One of the best in the game. Potmetal Breast Plate (3.1.8), Steel Breast Plate (4.1.10), Ruby Breast Plate (5.1.0) - magic breastplates. Adamantium Breast Plate (6.1.15) - gray armor. It has the magical property of protection from punches. Enchanted Breast Plate (6.1.15) - “Enchanted” armor. Excellent defense, it is difficult for the enemy to hit you. Glowing Breast Plate (7.1.35) - the best protection, no specific location, just luck. Helmets Mithril Helm (3.1.7) is an excellent mithril helmet. Snowdrift (0.1.6) - a helmet that, in addition to armor, also provides protection from the cold. Boots Soft Leather Boots (1.1.1) - light boots. Hard Leather Boots (1.1.2) - heavy boots, better than light ones. Steel Boots (1.1.4) - steel boots. Mithril Boots (2.1.5) - Mithril boots. Dragonskin Boots (3.1.4) - Gorgeous dragon skin boots. Among other things, they also protect against heat (Heat) and fire (Fire). Gloves Soft Leather Gloves (1.1.1) - light, weakly protective gloves. Hard Leather Gloves (1.1.2) - more durable forged gloves. Steel Gauntlets (0.1.3) - steel gauntlets. Mithril Gauntlets (0.1.4) - mithril gauntlets. PAGE TWO Items In addition to weapons, armor, bags, magic scrolls, and more, there are a number of items in the game. Potions (Light Dlue, Deep Blue, Silver) - Light blue, blue and silver drinks that restore health. Drinks of a different color can be dropped on the enemy - this will take away his health, if you drink yourself - you can die. Pliers - pliers; if you use them on Wire (wire), you get a cage. Cage - garden. It can catch Fire Wisp. Rod - metal rod; when combined with Crystal, you get a Crystal Rod. Scroll - in addition to scrolls with spells, there are also Scrolls in which you can read stories from the life of the people of this world, their letters, diaries, as well as records of various artifacts and secret places. Health Kick is a great thing. The hero who uses this little thing has an order of magnitude increased amount of health points. Sapphire Talisman - sapphire talisman, protection from the cold. Wooden Ring - wood ring, protection against poisoning. Jade Necklace - jade necklace, protection from poisoning. Gold Ring - a golden ring, protection from fire. Ruby Ring - ruby ​​​​ring, protection from heat. Sapphire Ring - sapphire ring, protection from the cold. Emerald Grown - A yellow crown that protects against mental attacks. Ruby Amulet - A hero wearing this amulet becomes immune to heat and fire. Webcutter is a magical staff that the player can assemble himself. Designed to destroy the web that closes the passage. Amethyst ring - creates a field that protects against acid. Golden apple - golden apple. There are three in total in the game. They open the way to the Halls of Dead. Tesseract key - blue key. Using it on the obelisks, you can open a portal to the Overworld. Chest - a chest, an excellent container for belongings. Allows you to carry a fairly large load. Magic red magic Battle Fever - "fighting fever", increases the damage inflicted by the hero. Clumsiness - clumsiness. Causes the opponent to take hits. Fireball - Shooting a ball of fire. Fire Shield - protection from heat. Heat Ward - protection from fire. Incinerate - incinerate (damages the enemy). Ironskin - "Iron Skin". Magma Bolt - Shot with a cloud of fire. Meteor Shower - A burst of fireballs. Panic - makes the enemy run away from fear. Paralysis - paralyzes the enemy. Terror - freezes the enemy. purple magic Acid Shield - Acid protection. Acid Spray - acid splashes. Caustic Rain - A cloud of small projectiles. Caustic Ward - acid protection. Better Acid Shield. Death Cloud - death cloud. Ego Flash - insight. Fire Walk - protection from fire and heat. Inner Balance - Increases agility. Mind Tap - hit the enemy with the power of thought. Searing Thought - mental explosion (damages the enemy). Spell Barrier - resistance to enemy spells. Surestrike - Increases the chance to hit an enemy. orange magic Arc Shield - Protection against lightning strikes. Electric Arc - a stream of charges in orange. Force Bolt - Fires a burst of energy rings. Force Ward - Protection against regular arrows. Lethargic Breeze - Causes paralysis. Lighting Bolt - Hit with a bunch of orange star balls. Lighting Storm - a lightning storm. Righteous Radiance - Radiance of Justice. Ring of Force - a ring of strength. Shocking Touch - an electric shock. yellow magic Bolt of Flame - A path of fire that burns the enemy's legs. Disintegration - the enemy disintegrates into atoms. Fire Storm - Strike with a fireball. Upon hitting the target, it turns into a ring of fire, which, spreading out, inflicts damage to everyone standing around. Flame Shield - protection from fire. Flaming Aura - An aura appears around the enemy, taking away his health. Flaming Orb - A fireball shot. Sunburst - flying yellow stars. Sun Flash - solar flare. Sun Ward - protection from magical projectiles. Vanquish Graveborn - Inflicts very strong damage to all living things. green magic Banish Weakness - Heals minor wounds. Bounty of the Earth - Creates food. Critical Healing - Heals critical wounds. Crisping Earth - slows down the movement of the enemy. Life Shield - protection from poisoning. Life Ward - protection in hand-to-hand combat. Major Healing - heals major wounds. Minor Healing - heals superficial wounds. Poison Cloud - A green poisonous cloud. Resurrection - rebirth. The most useful spell. Word of Harm - A green ring that appears on the enemy's TV screen. Does a lot of damage to him. blue magic Chill - A shot of cold air. Cold Shield - protection from the cold. Cold Wind - a blow with a cold wind. Freeze - paralyzes the enemy and takes away part of his life. Frost Bolt - Hits an enemy with a cold cloud. Icicles - ice dust. Ice Storm is a cold blue cloud that radiates into a ring. Ice Ward - Protection against cold attacks. Invisibility - invisibility. During the duration of this spell, no enemy will notice you, even if you attack him. Maelstrom is a cloud that diverges in different directions. Damages multiple enemies at once. Rejoin - transfers to the specified location two brothers controlled by the computer. Sea Walk - allows you to breathe underwater for a while. Spell Sellers For a more convenient search for the necessary spells (of course, if you have considerable amounts of money), I will list all spell sellers. Ulinurius. Lives in Padavis. Trades: Freeze, Chill, Major Healing, Shocking Touch, Terror, Meteor Shower, Battle Fervor, Acid Spray, Flaming Orb. Feldgar. You can find him in the village on the island. Trades: Ice Ward, Poison Cloud, Minor Healing, Force Ward, Clumsiness, Firewalk, Caustic Ward, Bolt of Flame, Sun Ward. Lisan. This wizard (or sorceress) lives in the southeast of Hatak. Trades: Seawalk, Cold Wind, Word of Harm, Lighting Storm, Rightning Radiance, Air of Constraint, Ring of Force, Arc Shield, Panic, Fire Shield, Surestrike, Inner Balance. Druiddnar. Mage of the city of Darnoc. Trades: Icicles, Banish Weakness, Bounty of the Earth, Electric Arc, Ironskin, Fire Shield, Acid Shield, Caustic Rain, Vanquish Graveborn. Cantrapunt. Between Padavis and Bilton there is an abandoned village, he lives there. Trades: Rejoin, Life Shield, Lethargic Breeze, Magma Bolt, Mind Tap, Fire Storm. Ice Lacer. In the very north, in the eternal snows, among the ice of Mons, you can find it. Trades: Ice Storm, Resurrection, Cushion of Air, Arc Shield, Fireball, Spell Barrier, Death Cloud, Sunburst, Sun Flash. Faa-Tavel and Saldonaa-ar. These two wizards are easy to find. They live nearby, in the elven city of Ta-Taavan. The first trades: Disintegration, Invisibility, Critical Healing, Force Bolt, Paralysis, Incinerate, Searing Thought, Flaming Aura. The second trades: Maelstrom, Cold Shield, Frost Bolt, Life Ward, Lighting Bolt, Heat Ward, Ego Flash, Flame Shield, Grasping Earth. Remember that each of these sellers of magic, for money, can become quite a tolerable teacher for you and pump up your magical skills. MonstersRock Giant - a huge man with unprecedented strength. Such a crack - it will not seem a little; try to kill him with magic or bows. Rock Spider - mountain spider; a huge insect with a large amount of poison, which should be feared due to infection. Orc - Orc, a large two-legged creature. Runs fast and hits hard, better attack each orc with all the heroes in turn on each orc. Ogr - ogre. Healthy cannibal. Merciless to all living things. Brigand is a bandit. An ordinary person, well armed, has not very much health. At the beginning of the game, it is dangerous due to the fact that they prefer to attack in a group in which there are archers. The use of magic is especially effective against them. Buzzard is a bird. Pretty weak enemy. If there are several of them, they can cause trouble. Goblin - a creature of small stature, weakly armed, low health. Dangerous at the beginning of the game, as it attacks with a group that always has archers. Goblins' short stature is compensated by fairly frequent blows to your head. Ooze is a flying blob that changes shape. Pretty weak. Try not to get surrounded by these creatures. Death Ooze is the same as Ooze, but much stronger and has a stupid habit of shooting magic. Skeleton Lord is a very strong armored skeleton warrior, one of the servants of the Dragon Irskistan. Especially dangerous because of the unwashed bones of the forelimbs. Serpent Man is a snake man. As a rule, they roam in heaps. Very dangerous. Don't let everyone close at once, shoot with magic, arrows... Hell Hound is a hellish dog. Shoots fireballs from a distance. The most unpleasant thing is that this creature can kill you in such a way that you will not even guess where death came from. Dragon Man is a dragon man. They walk in groups, usually accompanied by a Giant Spider. Very dangerous even for an advanced character. Their favorite pastime is to hang bitten heroes by their legs and perform their rituals on them. Giant Spider is a giant spider. The same as the spider, only slightly larger. Very dangerous. Blood Viper is a red snake. Not very dangerous due to a small amount of health, however, it can poison. Don't try to shoot her with a bow, use only magic or melee. Giant Spider is a giant spider. Same as a spider, just a little bigger. Very dangerous. Lizard Man is a lizard man. They attack in a group, they are very dangerous. Skeleton is a skeleton, not a weak opponent, but dangerous only at the beginning of the game. Pirate - a pirate, a lone bandit. Very weak. Dark Warrior is a dark warrior, an enhanced version of the Skeleton. Banshee is a green flying spirit. The only spirit that can be found on the surface. Very strong, has a large supply of health, uses magic. A strong and very dangerous opponent even for an advanced character. Hobgoblin is an enlarged version of the goblin. Strong enough, besides, it has an unpleasant ability to restore its health during the battle. Swamp Adder is a blue snake with small but very venomous glands. Shambling Muck is an earthy man with a goofy face who shoots magic. Dangerous only at a distance. Drethok Goblin is a small goblin, one of the weakest enemies in the game. Troll - a troll, a huge ugly creature. Heals during combat. Don't give them time to heal by hitting hard on the abdomen. Flame Giant is a fire giant, he is not affected by fire spells, which makes him a difficult opponent to kill. Fire Bat is a fiery bat. Very weak. Even the fact that they attack in groups does not save them. Night Hound - nocturnal dog, quite strong. It tears out pieces of your body at a short distance, and at the same time you cannot reach it. Dire Wolf - A dire wolf, has the same ability as Night Hound. Shadow Knight is a shadow knight. Very strong. They usually attack in groups. Restore their health during the battle, run fast. Their agility combined with their strength makes them almost invincible opponents. Imp - demon, shoots magic. Dwarfs are workers in the Aroblin mines. EnoughToo weak to resist. Wraith are the gray spirits of the Halls of Death. Very dangerous, evil opponents. Not all weapons take them. Shade - black perfume. They live in the Halls of Death. Use powerful spells and weapons made from Adamantium against them. Specter is the most dangerous spirit in the Halls of Death. You can only kill him with the Darksweeper sword or the Disintegration spell. Lava Golem is a lava golem, a good opponent, but for an advanced player it is dangerous only in a group of his associates. Wooden Golem - a wood golem, an analogue of a lava golem in the forest. Shoots magic. Frost Giant is an ice giant. Healthy man. Cold magic does not work against him. Strong nerves and health allow him to sleep on ice floes without a blanket. Dragon Hatching - rather weak dragon birds, servants of Irakistaana. Cave Viper - cave snake, can poison, and so - a weak opponent. The Wraith Spider is a strong spider that is difficult to kill, plus it can inject so much venom into you that you will remember it for a long time. Description of the mapThe world you are in is called Farr. It contains eight kingdoms. Wildevarr Sparsely populated land in the center of Farr. Compared to other kingdoms, the safest place. The monsters inhabiting it are relatively weak. Mostly goblins and bands of marauders. In the center of Wildevarr is the village of Padavis. In it you can find a blacksmith, a healer, a fence, a merchant, a spell seller. Pentere The land of the nobles - Pentere - used to be the center of culture, the center of knowledge. Now everything is forgotten. Hordes of orcs have filled these lands, and only Bilton - a huge castle - continues to hold back the onslaught of the hordes. Some of the noble families still live there, but there are rumors that monsters have filled the basements and dungeons of Bilton, and orcs have occupied the north tower. Mons Land of snows. None of the daredevils who went there have yet returned. It is said that many treasures lie in the dungeons of this land, but huge warrior giants guard them. Karminac The evil sorcerer Roska, one of Sarlioth's henchmen, keeps this land in subjection by the power of his magic. The city of Darnoc - the center of this land - is famous for its gunsmiths. Here you can buy quite rare weapons. Maldavith Pirates captured the city of the same name on the coast of the great sea. To the north of the city in the sea are the ruins of a flooded city, and even further away is an island. Once upon a time, they tried to populate it. Now only the miserable remnants of the pioneers live there. Hethrallin Land of the elves. They are still trying to hold back the onslaught of evil, but they are gradually losing the battle. Their dark brothers, led by Kaidar, Sarlioth's second henchman, gradually subjugate these lands. Hatak The southernmost land of Farr. The impenetrable jungle hides from the eyes of the heroes the ruins of Gleng'l Zur, the ancient city of a dead civilization. Aroblin Once the center of the great Dwarven Empire, a deadly place for an unseasoned man. People say that a huge animal - the Dragon - now lives in the Amber Castle. The mines of Aroblin contain vast amounts of wealth, but are very well guarded. Overworld This is a strange place that has been discussed by scientists more than once. Some say it is a myth, others believe that this realm is beyond time and space, and each step here can be equal to a hundred miles. Singers write legends about it, and heroes dream of getting there. Halls of Dead The Halls of Death is a gloomy underground land. Sarlioth rules here. Many mortals used to come here, now their souls guard this place. Beginning of the game Three brothers under your care end up with petrified horses in the middle of a village in an unknown country. To get started, wander around this settlement, talk to people, walk around the houses (you will find a lot of interesting things in them), collect everything that is idle (especially Potions, mana and spell scrolls). We advise you to read the scrolls to Kevin - he understands more about magic. After exploring the city, you can start traveling. Go to the nearest gate (better to those located on top) and forward along the road. At first, you should not run fast and go too far from Padavis (that's the name of the village in which you found yourself) - the probability of dying is too high. Yes, it’s best to walk in threes, even if at first it’s not very convenient, but it’s okay, get used to it. The monsters here (unlike in Diablo) are pretty cool, and you're going to have a hard time. Your primary task is to increase the health of the heroes to 70-80 points, as well as actively collect money and good weapons. The “coolness” of monsters increases as the distance from Padavis increases. Try to use the spells found in the village to the maximum. A well-developed Spellcraft skill and a large amount of mana will never hurt you. After wandering around the area, you will soon return to the village again. It is then that an unknown man will run up to you, begin to say something quickly, and after finishing his speech, he will die. If you didn’t understand anything from his words, then we popularly explain: his family was attacked by goblins who took his wife and child captive. You need to free them. PAGE THREE Well, if the health of your wards has exceeded 50, you have found a decent sword or heavy club, and stocked up on life-giving drinks, then go to the Goblin Village. It is located south of Padavis. To get to it, go to the lower gate, then - along the road, turning left on the turns. You will cross a small river, there the first ambush of goblins awaits you; go further to the end of the road. After reaching the Goblin Village, kill all the monsters and collect the scattered items and mana. Kill Krogatt, you will find Mithril Dagger on him. In the houses of the Village you will find the entrances to the basement, go down there. Under the ground, having killed all the Ooze and goblins, you will find two cells: in one there is a woman, in the other a child, these are the ones you needed to find. Unfortunately, they are already dead. This is how your first adventure ends sadly. However, do not despair: in one of the scrolls found in the Village, you will read about the mysterious Sorceror's Lair. This dungeon is located not far, east of the Goblin Village. Having reached its very bottom, you will run into a passage closed by two doors, and you will see a lever that opens these doors. There is one trick here: the lever, opening one door, closes another, so you should make sure that one brother pulls the lever, and the other two go on. Behind the doors you will find the evil mage Kram the Mad. Be careful, he shoots non-weak spells and can quickly send you to the next world. Try to kill him quickly, which, by the way, is quite easy to do, since his health is not enough. He will leave you an Adamantium Dagger. To the west of Padavis is the home of a huge orc named Gowin. Killing him, especially at first, will not be easy. He will try to meet you at the door and kill you one by one, so you need to break in quickly and at once with three of us. The winner will receive a Wooden Shield, Steel Short Sword, Steel Boots, Steel Gauntlets, Acid Beaker and some cash as a reward. Also in his house will be a jug of yellow liquid - acid. To the east of your home village is Jovans Castle. In this castle once lived a noble family, which, unfortunately, was killed by bandits. Now this place is the home of countless hordes of skeletons, as well as a real storehouse for a novice player. On the first floor, next to the hall, you will find two jugs with green and blue liquids. How to use them has already been said before. By the way, you can try to make a bomb. Her recipe: In a small pot, mix Blind Fish, Green Slime Poison, a B eaker of Yellow Acid (this can be found in the castle itself or run to Gowin). On the right side of the castle surrounded by servants, there is a skeleton named Bhimrao, killing which will give you the magic sword Cauldera plus Mithril Great Sword, Mithril Gauntlets. Yes, you will find a Health Kick in front of Bhimrao's room, and how to use it is up to you. Rising to the second floor and destroying all the skeletons there, in the rooms you will find many empty bottles, money, life-restoring drinks, and in the chest you will find a magical amulet. In general, Castle Jovans at the beginning of the game is a place where you can get good weapons and armor, as well as train your heroes well. Another place to look into is the Bandit Dungeon. It is located north of Padavis. Having reached the leader and, of course, killing him, you will get yourself a good Steel Breast Plate. You should also visit the dungeons west of the Orc House. There are only five of them. In general, make it a rule to explore all the dungeons that you find. It's full of useful stuff. Here is an example of how to start the game. Pumping Having trained the heroes to a decent, as you think, level, you can proceed to the main plot of the game. Let me remind you once again: because of the battle of two great principles - Order and Chaos, or rather, because of the consequences of this battle, ordinary inhabitants of the magical country Farr groan. Your task is to stop this confrontation, that is, either you defeat one of these forces, or you neutralize these forces. In order to stop the outrages of the two gods, you need to get to them. This is not easy to do. The horses that dragged you here knew the way to them, but, unfortunately, they turned to stone. It's okay: do you see three depressions on the pedestal at the feet of the horses? These are places for three golden apples. As you remember from the intro, Sarioth made eight tapstones with Roska's help and placed one of them in each of Farr's kingdoms. One stone, namely the Tapstone of Wildevarr, was destroyed by the horses, therefore, you need to get the other seven. So, your goal is to collect three golden apples, pass to the gods and collect seven magic stones. Tapstone of HethrallinThis is the place to start. Capturing a stone here will not be difficult, it is only important to have at least a steel weapon, steel armor, and preferably the armor of one of the lizards (we prefer blue armor), the magical Cauldera and a couple of well-developed helper spells. Spells will help you deal with the servants of Kaydar without big losses (they practically do not take him himself). Silver Potions and a couple of green and yellow poisons will also come in handy: drop them on Kaidar's head. Kaidar lives in a dungeon south of the ferryman's house in Hethralin. Get down from it down the road to the end, then take a little to the right. Did you find a cave? If yes, then you will immediately understand this - the bandits will immediately attack you. Destroy them and go to the dungeon! Wander through the dark damp corridors. Destroy enemies, collect things. Your task for now will be to find Rod, Crystal, and Wire. In no case do not touch the dark elves. They will not touch you, but if you decide to offend them, know that they are great magicians, and three brothers will not last long. After exploring the dungeon and finding everything you need, you will eventually stumble upon a door leading to someone's chambers. Don't rush to open it. Behind her is a pair of fire elementals. Give the heroes protection from fire and enter. Try to deal with Fire Wisp as soon as possible and quickly run further, as these friends have a bad habit of respawning. Don't forget to close the door behind you or Wisp will chase you all over the dungeon. Well, you ended up in a spacious room, from which there are only two exits, and one of them is covered with cobwebs. Well, go to the second one. After passing along the corridor, you will find yourself in a room, the only way out of which is also covered with cobwebs. Nothing wrong. See the book and the pliers? These are your keys. The book says how to make a Webcutter (web cutter). Now you will need those things that you collected earlier. So let's start connecting: Rod + Crystal = Crystal Rod, Pliers + Wire = Cage. Now go to the place where you saw the Fire Wisp, drop the Cage right on it. Now we have a fire elemental in a cage. Take it and drop it on the Crystal Rod - get a Webcutter. Go back and double-click on the Webcutter to cut the web. The path is clear, move on. Destroy spiders along the way. Soon you will enter a small room, in the center of which is a pedestal, and on it lies Sartion's Skull. Take it and move on. And finally, the long-awaited room with the Tapstone of Hethralin in the center, but here, in addition to the spiders, there is also an associate of Kaidar, the mighty mage Mordekai. Destroy everyone, including the mage. From him, you will be left with the magic sword HellRazor (it’s better for them to arm themselves right away). The long-awaited stone is in front of you. But here's the problem: the stone is not taken. Nothing, we throw the previously found Sartion's Skull on him. Kaydar himself will immediately appear, begin to swear and then attack. Work together to destroy it. As a reward for winning you will receive a golden apple, Tesseract Key, Webcutter. Tesseract Key will help you travel through the Overworld. To do this, go to the obelisk and use the key on it: a portal will open through which you will enter the Overworld. Now the stone is yours. Tapstone of Maldavith To be honest, getting this stone is very difficult, and the task itself, which must be completed for this, is one of the longest. Arriving in the center of the kingdom of Maldavith, in the city of the same name, you will immediately find one feature that distinguishes this city from the rest. You are constantly attacked by pirates in the city. Didn't understand anything? We are at the beginning too. The city is a maritime one, so go to the port. Talk to the owner of the ship. He will say that he will take you to Tamnath Ruins, where the second Tapstone is located, only when there are no pirates in the city. To rid the city of pirates, it is necessary to destroy their leader, who lives in a dungeon southwest of Maldavith. Follow the coast in this direction and you will find a cave. Be careful: there are spiders and strong skeleton warriors in the cave. Explore the cave. You will find many interesting things. What is worth only a chest full of weapons! At the end, you will run into a door. Keep in mind that the pirate is not alone there, he is guarded by skeleton warriors. If you're ready, come in, just be sure to lock the door behind you. Go to the pirate's table, he will talk to you, talk about his power, and then offer to join him. If you agree, then join the ranks of the skeleton warriors, if not, then a huge crowd of the dead, led by a pirate, will rush at you. After killing them, you can walk through the criminal's dwelling - you will find a lot of interesting things, including Emerald Grown and Ruby Amulet - they will be useful to you later. When leaving the dungeon, be on the alert: after the death of the pirate, the monsters here became much stronger, magicians and nasty flying amoebas (Ooze) also appeared, while spiders learned to shoot with powerful charges. You can exit the dungeon like this: take one of the brothers who has the Rejoin spell, and, having carefully studied the map, run out the shortest way, ignoring the attacks. After leaving the dungeon, simply teleport the remaining brothers in the cave to you. Return to the city and turn in the loot. Here, by the way, is the best of the buying shops, where you will be offered almost as much money for a thing as it costs from sellers (it is especially profitable to sell Gem Stones here, the rate is 40 coins per 1 stone). Having sold your clothes, run to the pier. The captain is now ready to take you to the Ruins. After landing in the Ruins, do not run headlong. Firstly, you can fall into the water and drown, and secondly, there are a lot of monsters here. After exploring the Sunken City, you will find two pools filled with water, and two houses, one of which will contain, in addition to monsters, three levers that drain water in the pools. In one of the pools, or rather, in the one closest to your landing site, there is a Tapstone. Press the two extreme levers, and you will hear the sound of merging leaving water. Now go to the pool and take the stone. Another Tapstone is yours. Tapstone of AroblinYou have already visited the dwelling of one of the main Sarioth's followers - Kaydar - it's time to go to another helper of the great Order - the Dragon named Irastakaan. Dealing with it will be more difficult, but still possible. The dragon lives in a dungeon located under Amber Castle. The castle itself is located north of the carrier. You will immediately recognize this building, it is very reminiscent of a circus. Entering it, you will find yourself in a room in the center of which there is a staircase leading to the second floor, on the right and left behind closed doors there are three teleports to the lower halls. Each of the doors opens by turning on a certain pair of levers on the second floor, we will not list their combinations, since there are only three of them, and at the far end of the room there is a corridor blocked by as many as three doors. In each of the halls where the teleports lead, you will find one key: Emerald Key, Sapphire Key, Bloodstone Key (there are also many useful items, in particular, diamonds). These keys open the doors of the corridor: Emerald Key - the first, Bloodstone Key - the second, Sapphire Key - the third. At the end of the corridor there is a teleport leading to the Dragon, but be on the lookout: before the Dragon, you will have to fight spiders, skeletons and flying amoebas. The Dragon itself shoots fire and is completely immune to any weapons other than those made from Adamantium. It follows from this that when going into battle with him, you must: put on some object that provides protection from fire and heat (for example, Ruby Amulet) or use the appropriate protective spell; if possible, take a weapon made from Adamantium, and if there is none, you should attack the Dragon with Fireball spells (he especially does not tolerate it) or SunFlash. After defeating the Dragon, examine the dead body: you will find a golden apple, Tesseract Key and a lair. There you will find many precious stones, as well as magical things, but you will not find a stone. In fact, it is located just north of the Castle, in a mine, which has now become a haven for a huge number of monsters. The stone is located on the fourth level of the mine (naturally, down). To move through the levels, you must press the levers, since each subsequent level is closed by a door that opens by pressing the corresponding lever at the opposite end of the dungeon. On the first and second levels, you will meet the former workers of this place - the gnomes (left after death, in addition to weapons, they also leave diamonds). On the second floor there will be a staircase leading down and not closed by a door. Be sure to go down it, get into the room where, after killing the spiders, you will find two pairs of Dragonskin Boots and six Firebrand Arrows. On the fourth level there is a huge lava lake with islands. On one of the islands is now your Tapstone. One detail: you can walk on this lake without losing a drop of health, for this you need to put on Dragonskin Boots. At the same level, almost at the very entrance, a man named Jagadis wanders, killing him, you will receive the Darksweeper sword. Tapstone of HatakThis stone will be very difficult to obtain, since the monsters guarding it are much stronger than you and have the ability to strike at a distance with magic. The Tapstone is in a pyramid located in the northernmost part of the Gleng'l Zur ruins, and the ruins are in the middle of the jungle, southwest of the ferryman. Of particular danger are Plant Man - green men who fight well and are fluent in magic. Having found the pyramid, rise to its very top and press the two buttons on the pillars. A ghost will appear, which can only be killed with weapons made from Adamantium, and a secret door will also open. Go down a floor and you will see her. In the opened room, you need to press another button. Another door will open leading to the floor below. There, in a small room, guarded by the shaman Frollo, lies a stone. Kill the shaman: he will leave you the magic sword Venom, but when taking the stone, be careful: the door through which you entered will close, and the door leading to the monsters will open. Kill them. Tapstone of Karminac This stone is located in the Roska Citadel north of the city of Darnoc (follow the road along the coast - don't miss it) and is guarded by Sarioth's last, third lieutenant, the great mage Roska. There are a lot of demons in this castle, they are weak by themselves (killed with one hit), but they shoot quite powerful magic. Find the stairs to the basement (located on the right side of the castle). You will have to go through the room in which there is an apparatus that generates attack spells (for some reason they fly at you all the time). Going down, you will see monsters locked in cages - the objects of Roska's experiments. Go further, you will find yourself in a room where the stone you need lies: it is the heart, the source of energy for the machine that fired at you on the floor above. Take the stone and you will hear the sound of the door opening. These are the monsters, who had previously been in cages, turned out to be free. Now, to get out, you have to fight them. But do not rush to leave: in the room with the stone there is a chest with money and things, also examine the killed monsters, some of them have something useful. However, your mission here is not over yet, now you need to kill Roska himself. Climb up to the roof for this. On the penultimate floor, there is a Bone Key in a red box, take it. On the roof you will see another descent down, fenced with bars with a locked door. The door is unlocked with the Bone Key. Climb down and you'll be at Roska's. In the fight against the magician, be very careful. Firstly, Adamantium Great Sword does not take it, and the rest do minor damage. Second, the spells he uses are the most powerful in the game. It is very difficult to kill him. Before fighting him, equip the brothers with all the magic swords you have and grab a lot of Silver Potion. Yes, to the west of Roska Citadel, on the seashore, there is a small village, which is often visited by Shadow Knights, and they usually have a lot of money and good weapons, and they give decent experience. Tapstone of PentereIn the northern part of Bilton, there is a tower that, when approached, begins to play disturbing music. That's right, it's full of ogres. You can’t get there from the outside, for this you have to go down into the cellars. The stairs leading down are in the neighboring house. Wander downstairs, fight with ogres and vampires - you will find a lot of useful things. At the end of the journey, find a door guarded by two ogres, Bluto and Pluto. After passing through the door, you will fall into the crypt where Mistress Esmeralda and King Kaiger rest. At the opposite end of the room is a closed door. Teleport two brothers for her, but be careful, there are, we repeat, a lot of ogres. Reach the end of this corridor and go up the stairs. You will find yourself in a wonderful garden, in the center of which is Tapstone: it is guarded by an ogre named Smash and a bunch of his minions. Kill them and take possession of the stone. Smash has Mithril Armor, Mithril Helm, Steel Boots, Steel Gauntlets, and an “Enchanted” War Hammer. Tapstone of MonsThe last stone is located in the very north of Farr, in the country eternal ice and snow. Going there, do not forget to put on something warmer (Snow Parka) or put on an appropriate amulet (ring). It is not recommended to use spells from the cold, as they last for a limited period of time and you are tormented to constantly cast them (especially on three heroes). Tapstone is located in one of the local dungeons, but you will have to visit two more. The first one contains a magic club and a bunch of diamonds, and it’s easier to find it (we will also look for the other two caves from it). The second contains the magical Tekton Hammer, which will be useful to you when mining Tapstone. So, the first dungeon is located to the west of the carrier. You should definitely go there. In addition to the things mentioned earlier, you will find quite a few useful spells there. The second is to the northeast of the first to the north of the carrier. And the third is to the north of the first. In this dungeon you will find a stone frozen in ice, the only way to break the ice is with a Tekton Hammer. Take the hammer and go! Halls of Dead So, you have seven stones and three golden apples. Return to the statue of three horses. Take the apples and put them in the three recesses on the pedestal: a passage to the Halls of Death will open in front of you. Before you run there, clarify the following things for yourself: the monsters of the Halls of Death (more precisely, the spirits of mortals that inhabit them) are only afraid of weapons made from Adamantium, and some are not even afraid of it. In this case, the magical Darksweeper will help you - it hits everyone with one blow, as well as the Disintegration (destruction) and Invisibility (invisibility) spells. By the way, when you are invisible, you can destroy monsters with complete impunity: they will not respond. Now, using the invisibility spell on yourself, go downstairs. Run to the right, ignoring the spirits, to a small building. If you have collected all the stones, its doors will not be locked. In the center of the room stands Rock of Despair (stone of despair), it must be broken. The Object of Hope amulet will appear from the destroyed stone, capture it. Return back to the stairs. From it, move up to the wall, and then along the wall to the left, to the gate. Go through them, don't forget to close them behind you. This is where you will meet the spirits of Specter: you can’t take them with anything other than Darksweeper or a destruction spell, but it’s best to run past them using an invisibility spell. Run now again to the left to the old ruined obelisk. Use Object of Hope on it and open the portal. Entering it will take you to the hideout of Thorolis (the mortal incarnation of Chaos). You don't need to kill him, talk to him. At the end of the conversation, get a Chaos Orb from him. Take it, it will come in handy. Go back through the portal and, following the northeast direction, go to Sarlioth's portal. The portal is located in the building behind a locked door, which can be opened by sequentially pressing the levers. The levers are here, behind closed doors in small rooms. The plan of this building is as follows: a long corridor from the entrance leads directly to a locked portal. This corridor is crossed by two more. In the nearest one there are four rooms - two on the left, two on the right, in the far one - only two, one on each side. Initially, only one room is open - at the first fork, turn left, the first door. By pulling the lever there, you will open the door of the room located at the very end of the same corridor, but only on the other side. Then run to the next fork, and there to the left, then return to the first corridor and to the right, the nearest door, now back to the end. The last lever remains, in the second corridor in the room on the right. By clicking on it, you will open the door leading to the portal. If you did everything right, feel free to enter it, but remember: there is no way back from Sarlioth's abode, either you win or die ingloriously. Once in the center of the cave, make your heroes invisible, otherwise the spirits will kill you in the end (monsters respawn very quickly here). Go left, a little down, and run into the house where Order lives. Go inside: the two doors leading to the main hall are closed, the first door leads to the reception room (it's full of Shadow Knights), the second door leads from the reception room to the hall. To open the first one, go to the right, into the room where the machine that releases the Wooden Golem is located, pull the two levers on the right there. The second door is opened by the levers of the room on the left, where the machine produces Lava Golem. Come into the hall and lay on the pi

The Faery Tale Adventure


In ancient times, during the life of golden dragons, witches and magical gnomes, there lived people, goblins and ogres in peace and tranquility. Two hundred years ago, after great war, in which various tribes of people, goblins and ogres united against the dark forces of the night. an alliance pact was signed between them.
These two hundred years have passed like one day, and today the dark forces of the night have risen again from the underworld. And once again, discord settled in the hearts of people and goblins. And the hordes of the dead rose from the earth, and the witches resurrected, and the goblins betrayed the people, taking the side of the forces of darkness. The rest of the people fled, in all directions: some into the forest, some into the mountains, and some into the great desert, where they died. Only a few have reached the sacred oases that protect people from evil spirits and the forces of darkness.
The same fate befell one of the villages called TAMBRY (full name: VILLAGE OF TAMBRY). The fact is that the forces of darkness cannot simply conquer the earth, because our earth is guarded by a sacred talisman (TALISMAN). Therefore, the forces of darkness sent a messenger from the underworld - a necromancer (NECROMANCER). The necromancer has stolen the talisman of TAMBRY village.
Now someone will have to destroy the necromancer in order to get a talisman that will destroy the forces of darkness. Three brothers from the village of TAMBRY volunteered to help the world. JULIAN is the oldest brother and the bravest. Second brother, PHILIP,
the smartest of the three brothers and the luckiest of the family. The third brother, GENTLE, is the most disadvantaged in the family, since, besides being the youngest, he is endowed with nothing else. So, let's go. As you noticed, you have three brothers at your disposal: JULIAN, PHILIP, GENTLE. In the game, three brothers play the role of the duration of your game: if one brother dies, then another one will take his place and continue the work begun. And the dead brother will turn into a ghost that will stand all the time at the eastern end of the TAMBRY village. If your character dies and you have one or two brothers left in stock, then you can approach the ghost brother, who will tell you that you need to collect the rest of the items needed to win.


Each of the three brothers has a number of characteristics: there are four in total. Any of the four characteristics can change during the game. Both you and the circumstances of the game can influence the change in all four characteristics (however, in the end, you still influence all the parameters).
B-bravery. At the beginning of the game, each brother has his own. It is added only when you destroy any enemy: for one killed enemy, bravery increases by one parameter. Courage in this game replaces the ability to wield weapons: the higher the courage, the less energy you will lose in battle.
L - life. A very important parameter in the game. If you no longer have lives left, then you die and turn into another ghost. But if they still exist, then after the death of your character at the hands of the enemy or from hunger, you are resurrected by a fairy who flies to you (and in order for her to fly to your hero and resurrect him, you have to wait about thirty seconds) from nowhere. Enemies can only kill you if they take your energy (if you are considered the hero of the game) completely. Then you either die completely, or 5 lives are taken from your total number.
K - happiness. This setting determines your character's luck. During the game, this parameter can be increased or decreased. It all depends on you. You can increase it with the help of the elders, giving them alms. In this case, the elders thank you and restore your luck to certain level. But the parameter can go down if you kill a civilian, for example, the owner of a tavern, the same old man, etc. Then the character's luck will decrease by three points.
V - energy. During the game, your hero has a certain amount of energy that determines his health. The less energy a character has, the more likely it is that he will die faster. This parameter is self-regenerating if your character is full and does not want to sleep. In addition, energy can be restored to the maximum that your character currently has using the HEALING ELIXIR (or GLASS VIAL). The restoration of the character's energy directly depends on luck: the higher the luck, the more energy the restoring elixir gives to your hero.
The energy of the character can also be increased, for example, in the crystal palace (CRYSTAL PALACE): the princess guardian of this palace lives there. If you approach it and activate the "up" keys on the joystick d-pad and the "talk to game character" option all the time, it will restore your hero's energy by five points to a certain level.

Money and shopping

All the money you have is shown in the lower right corner. At the beginning of the game, each brother is given: the first - 20 gold (golds), the middle one - 15 gold, the youngest - 10 gold. Sources of income are purses that are found everywhere, chests that usually lie near the road, and money given for the destruction of enemies. In wallets you will always find a large amount of money (up to one hundred gold) - this is the most stable, reliable source of income from the three above. Chests can contain gold, but in a small amount, and enemies give it (and even then not always), at best, up to ten gold. What can be done with the available money? First, you can donate them to the poor and destitute elders and some other characters in the game, such as the elder (MAYOR), etc. Don't try to bribe enemies: a message will pop up saying that the enemy is ignoring your money. For money, you can also buy the following things in the tavern (TAVERN):

Purchase Price
FOOD and DRINK........... 3 golds
TRAVEL RATIONS............... 8 golds
10 ARROWS............... 10 golds
HEALING ELIXIR................... 15 golds
MACE................................. 30 golds
SWORD.............................. 45 golds
BOW.................................. 75golds
BIRDTOTEM............... 20 golds
TRAVEL STONE.... 20 golds

FOOD and DRINK (food and drink): if your character is hungry, then this will surely come in handy. Food is not taken with you and is not marked in any way. To get enough, a hungry character only needs to buy food once. If you buy several times food and drink, then nothing will change, and the money will decrease.
TRAVEL RATIONS or APPLE ("dry" rations): you can buy as much as you like, as the supply of this ration is unlimited. The same as FOOD and DRINK, differs only in that a hungry character can get enough with such a ration on his own, satisfying his hunger no matter where he is.
10 ARROWS (ten arrows): it is clear why these arrows are needed. Via BOW(bow) you can shoot them.
HEALING ELIXIR or GLASS VIAL (repair elixir): a magical drink can restore your energy at any moment. You can buy epixir in unlimited quantities.
MACE (mace): club with a weighted end equipped with spikes and ribs. The mace is a medium power weapon in the game. It is long enough to kill the enemy before he gets to your character. At least the mace is longer than the knife given to your character at the start.
SWORD (sword): perhaps the most powerful weapon in the game (not counting the magic). If an enemy approaches you, this weapon in the hands of your character will quickly kill him, and he will hardly have time to inflict damage on you. The sword is shorter than the mace, but more powerful.
BOW (bow): allows you to kill the enemy before he reaches you: two or three arrows - and you're done! The power of the bow is quite large, however, the sword still hits the enemy more strongly.
BIRD TOTEM (flying totem or card): this item will allow you to see part big world- Earth. By the way, the game also provides for the fact that the Earth is round. So you can repeat the world tour of the great discoverers of the world.
TRAVEL STONE (travel stone): a magic stone will allow you to transfer from one ring of stones to another, which will save a lot of time. To move from one place to another, you need to activate the blue stone inside the ring of stones ( GREAT STONE RING), then you can move to the place you want. To do this, select the desired destination from the menu and fix it.

Other subjects

(marked in the function table)

The game has the following items: weapons, keys, blue stone, green stone, map, horse skull, crystal sphere, golden ring, elixir, sea shell.

sword (SWORD); mace (MACE); bow (BOW); knife (KNIFE); magic wand (MAGIC WAND). The wand is received by the hero when he slays the dragon in the cave. For some reason, several identical magic wands are scattered in different places in the cave. Only a magic wand can destroy a necromancer.

keys come in six colors: GOLDEN KEY (gold key), BLUE KEY (blue key), GRAY KEY (gray key). RED KEY (red key), GREEN KEY (green key). WHITE KEY (white key). Keys of different colors open different doors. For example, the doors of the blue crystal palace are opened with a blue key (BLUE KEY), and the doors of the MARHEIM palace with a white key (WHITE KEY).
Blue stone (BLUE STONE): same as TRAVEL STONE.
Green stone, or emerald (GREEN JEWEL): has magical properties - on a very dark night, it illuminates the path for your character. If you activate the green stone at night, then the view is as if you are looking through red glass.
Horse Skull (JADE SKULL): A magical item with an intimidating name. In addition to the frightening name, it has magical properties: when this item is activated, when enemies attack you, all enemies are destroyed. The item does not work on a witch (WITCH), a dragon and a necromancer, as well as on civilians.
Crystal Orb (CRYSTAL ORB): A magical sphere made of crystal. Allows you to detect invisible doors in thin walls. Doors discovered by such a sphere are opened by a red key (RED KEY).
GOLD RING: A precious item. Application is uncertain. Perhaps such things are collected as points per game.
Elixir (HEALING ELIXIR or GLASS VIAL): a drink that restores energy.
Seashell (SEA SHELL): A magical item that allows you to summon one of your turtle friends (TURTLE).

Items not marked in the functional table
Golden Lasso (GOLDEN LASSO): an item that allows you to fly on one of your friends - a golden swan. You get the lasso when you kill the witch. The swan is able to carry you through any obstacle.
Sun Stone (Stone of Power) (SUN STONE or POWER STONE): you will receive it in the church guarded by the knight of dreams (KNIGHT OF DREAMS). When you kill the knight, you will gain access to the church, where you will find a stone of power, which, with its glow, paralyzes the protection of the witch guarding the golden lasso.
GOLDEN STATUE: Not Uncommon magic item and represents only material value. If you collect all five figurines, then a lost city will appear in the desert.
Rose (ROSE): A flower whose purpose remains a mystery. The rose can be found in the lost city.
BONE: An item found in the EAST BURNING labyrinth in TOMBS OF HEMSATH. The bone is needed for the exchange at the graveyard (GRAVEYARD) at midnight.
CRYSTAL SHARD: An item that can be exchanged for a bone with the spirit (SPECTRE) in the graveyard at midnight.
Apple (APPLE): An apple will restore the strength of a hungry hero. The character automatically eats it when hungry.

Actions and functions of the character in the game

To control the game, there is a special menu with options:
1 - a list of items that this character has. There is a place for all the items in the game. Moreover, it should be noted that the number of arrows, keys, apples, crystal spheres, golden rings and stones is not limited.
2 - pause in the game.
3 - option to take this item into the hands of your character. With its help, you can search houses, chests, dead enemies; you can take wallets and scrolls with hints about the game.
4 - option allows you to look around your character around him. It is completely useless, since your request always displays information that your hero has not found anything. So don't look for anything anywhere - it's useless.
5 - option to turn off music that may bother you during the game.
6 - an unknown option, without which you can safely play.
7 - option to transfer money to someone. For example, in order to buy something in a tavern (TAVERN), use it. Or if you want to pay a beggar old man for information, then you must also enable this option, then you will pay him 3 gold.
8 - the option to talk with any character in the game, whether it be an enemy, or the same old man, or the owner of a tavern. Enemies usually scold people: "People must die" and stuff like that. Tavern owner
offer you something to eat or drink. And the elders usually give information that will help you not get confused in the game. At the beginning of the game, in order to speak with the elder of the TAMBRY village, you need to use this particular function.
9 - current game code. If you want to save this game situation, activate this option and you can write down the game code (START GAME). This option does not work when there are enemies.
10 - if you want to start the game from a certain position, which you have written in the form of a code, then activate this option and enter the code. Also, this option does not work in the presence of enemies. Activate it if there are no enemies nearby and enter your code (RESTART GAME).


Buttons START, X, Y, Z- not involved.
Button A: Exits the function menu.
Button V: Move from one function menu to another (there are two in total). It also serves as a cancellation in some cases of using an item. For example, when equipping this type of weapon, if you took the weapon you need, and it suits you, then by pressing the button V you exit the option: weapon. If you used an item that is in the second functional menu (or information was displayed that this item cannot be used), then by pressing the button V you will be able to exit the option of this item.
Button WITH activates one or another item located in the second functional menu, or to select one or another weapon. Hover over the item and click the button WITH, then the item will be ready for use, or a message will be displayed stating that it cannot be used in this place. In the first function menu, the operation is the same: move the cursor to a certain option and press the button WITH; if you want to move the cursor to another option, then press the button V and do the above operation.


During the game, you can be attacked by all kinds of enemies in huge numbers. Below is a list of them:

Weapons carried by this enemy
name of the enemy
Enemy special abilities

CLATTERING OF BONES (looks like a skeleton)
Perhaps the only difference of this enemy is that he has the smallest defense among all the enemies in the game.
knife, mace, sword

OGRE (ogp)
does not have
(the number of arrows is not limited)

GOBLIN MAN (goblin)
Shoots the bow very fast, so don't let him use his bow or he'll shoot so many arrows you'll be dead before you know it.
does not have

DOOM (death): looks like a smashing druid
Death does not need a weapon. She attacks up close and with magic. Death can pass through any obstacle.
does not have

SPIDER (Spider)
Attacks up close.
does not have

SNAKE (snake)
The snake moves through the marshy swamp, as on land: with the same speed. Attacks up close.
does not have

WITCH (witch)
It has a force field that cannot be penetrated by any weapon (destroyed by SUN STONE) and magic.
does not have

GOLD DRAGON (dragon)
Can spew laser beams from its mouth. Has the ability to resurrect after death.

MAGICWAND (Magic Wand)

NECROMANCER (necromancer)
A necromancer can only be destroyed with a magic wand.
does not have

KNIGHT DREAMS (dream knight)
The knight cannot be touched, as this will take away the energy of your hero.

Description of the area

Forest: such terrain can slow down the movement of the enemy or your character. Forest does not affect death movement (DOOM).
Swamp: a view of the swamp blocking the path to the witch (WITCH) in GRINWOOD "e. The swamp looks like small circles spread out in a clearing surrounded by large trees. If the character falls into the GRINWOOD "a swamp, then he falls into the tunnels inside the large trees, from which he will have to get out.
big trees: this kind of trees are found only in GRINWOOD "e. Large trees differ from an ordinary forest only in that they are an impenetrable wall in this terrible forest.
Swamp, water: bodies of water that delay your movement. In addition, if you stay in the water for a long time (without a sea turtle), you can easily drown.
Lava: moving along it takes away the energy of the character.
The mountains: mountains exist as insurmountable walls that cannot be crossed in any way, except in a special case (specified below).
Steppe, desert, plain: terrain that does not affect the character's movement.


In total, there are two useful friends in the game: a sea turtle and a golden swan. If you need to cross a water obstacle, then use the sea shell (SEA SHELL), and the turtle will swim to you. The turtle can also be called in front of the necromancer to get over the lava. In order to fly a swan, you must have a GOLD LASSO. To use the golden lasso, you must touch the swan, and to lower yourself to the ground, press the button A.


The passage of the game is divided into two scenarios: simplified and, accordingly, complicated options for passing the game.

Complicated version

At the start of the game, you will spawn in the middle of the TAMBRY village. The instructions given to your character say that you must go to the elder of the village, who will explain to you that you need to return the talisman in order to save the world from the dark forces of the night. The elder is in his room (see the plan of the TAMBRY village).
The elder tells you that your character needs to go to the city of MARHEIM to the king, who is in the city's castle (see the City of MARHEIM plan). Go east of the village to a fork, then down and do not turn off the road. Along the way, you may meet enemies: you can avoid meeting them by running away from them - so they will not catch up with you. As time passes, you will come across several forks: at the first fork, go down, and down at the second. Along the way, you can meet an old man and pass by a cemetery (GRAVEYARD).
After the second fork, you will descend into the city. The castle in the city is on the left side. The king in the castle will tell you what to do to save the world. He will tell you that he was defeated in the fight for the talisman (TALISMAN), and his army fled. It turns out that the salvation of the world is in your hands. Next, exit the city and go down the road. After passing by two buildings on your way, go up. At the end of the road there will be a house from which go up. On the map you will see that you are going up some cape. At the end of the cape is a house where you will find a sea shell (SEA SHELL).
Then return to TAMBRY village and head east to find a GREAT STONE RING. Activate the blue stone (BLUE STONE) and select the line: SOUTHERN RIVERS - teleport there. You will move to an area where in the east there will be mountains surrounding two buildings. Head east to these mountains and enter a kind of courtyard made of mountains. There will be a church in this courtyard: (SHRINE). She is guarded by a knight of dreams (KNIGHTOF DREAMS). Kill him. Upon entering the church, you will find a sun stone (or power stone) (SUN STONE or POWER STONE).
Next, return to the circle of stones: activate the blue stone and move to the BURNING WASTLE area. Then go up to the desert and then east until you see a road. Climb down it and you will reach the TOMBS OF HEMSATH dungeon (see map TOMBS OF HEMSATH). In the dungeon, find a golden statuette and a bone (GOLDEN STATUE and BONE)
Exit the dungeon and head west through the desert. Then go down to the ring of stones. Use the blue stone and teleport to MOUNTAINS OF FROST There. next to the ring of stones, there will be a ranger (RANGER), who will tell you that the cave of the golden dragon is located in the east. (There is also a ranger in the east of MOUNTAINS OF FROST, saying that the cave of the golden dragon is in the west.). Head east using the map (BIRD TOTEM) and you'll find this cave (marked with a dot on the map). In the cave you will have to kill the golden dragon (This magic weapon is located in two places. The golden dragon has the ability to revive, so do not be surprised that on the way back, when you exit the cave, you will meet him again. As soon as you exit caves, go west to the ring of stones: use the stone of travel and move to the GRINWOOD forest (WESTOF GRINWOOD).
Further iditol to the West, and you will fall into the forest (use the map (BIRD TOTEM); you will enter and see her, SUN STONE will automatically apply and the witch's defense will be destroyed.After that, you can kill her with any weapon.When you destroy the witch, she will leave a GOLD LASSO for you.Exit the building, go through the tunnel in large trees and find another golden figurine. Then return to the west of GRINWOOD "a.
Find the stone ring and move to the BURNING WASTLE area. After teleporting to BURNING WASTLE, go down until you see black mountains. Further, using the BIRD TOTEM card, go down lower and lower, find the island on the western side (in the sea). After finding the desired island, call the sea turtle and cross to it. On this island (in the middle) a golden swan will be waiting for you.
Approach the golden swan and sit on it. After that, fly to the cemetery (GRAVEYARD). After waiting for midnight (MIDNIGHT), enter the building located inside the cemetery fence. There, a spirit (SPECTRE) will be waiting for you, who will take a bone (BONE) from you and give you a CRYSTAL SHARD.
Then again sit on the swan and fly to the building located near the house with the power stone (SHRINE). This building is called FORBIDDEN KEEP. There will be a girl who will give you a scroll (entrance to the building on the roof). Then again sit on the golden swan and fly to the CITY OF MARHEIM to the old man, who restores the energy of your character. This old man will give you another golden figurine. When you enter FORBIDDEN KEEP and talk to the princess of MARHEIM castle (the girl in the building is a princess), you will be transported to MARHEIM castle. The last statuette is on top of this huge mainland in a castle near the road. Take this figurine, use the swan to fly to the bridge, cross it, and you will come out onto the road.
After collecting all five golden figurines in the desert, the lost city (CITY OF AZAL) will open. Fly there on a golden swan and take a rose flower (ROSE) from one of the buildings in the city. Next, go to your home village (VILLAGE OF TAMBRY) and talk to the elder. He will tell you that you need to kill the necromancer (NECROMANCER) and take a talisman from him, then you will save the world from the forces of night and darkness. Get to the nearest circle of stones and teleport to a place called BURNING WASTLE. Then go down until you see the mountains (the mountains are in the east, so use the BIRD TOTEM card). When you see the mountains, go to their northern end, where there should be a passage inward. Beware of lava. After you have entered inside the mountains, go down. When you reach a dead end, go right and down, then left. You have arrived at the CITADEL OF DOOM. The entrance to the citadel is blocked by lava. Approach the lava and use the sea shell to summon the sea turtle (if it doesn't work right away, try to summon it again). When the turtle appears, ride it across the lava to the entrance to CITADEL OF DOOM. In this castle you will meet a necromancer.
In addition to him, other dangerous creatures live here, and the floor on which you slide is also dangerous - it really interferes with you (to slow down, press the direction opposite to sliding). Next, there will be a black floor (do not confuse the black floor with the abyss), on which the controls are mixed up: press left - go right, press down - go up.
If you fall into the abyss, you will immediately die. The necromancer moves just like you and can shoot just like you because he has the same weapons as you. and the only way to kill him is with this weapon. Having received enough wounds, he will drop the talisman, but will not die (he is immortal). Take the talisman and you will save the whole world from all this evil - the game is over!

Simplified version of the game

Its essence lies in the fact that in order to complete the game it is not necessary to take the following things: all five golden figurines, a golden lasso, a rose, a sun stone and a scroll that the princess gives you in FORBIDDEN KEEP. You just need to take: a) sea ​​shell; b) a bone to exchange it for a CRYSTAL SHARD, v) magic wand.

Some additional explanations for the game

Messages about your character's actions and desires may appear in the game.
When a character wants to sleep, you need to quickly look for lodging for the night: go to a tavern or a house where there is a carpet or a bed. Stand on the carpet or on the bed and wait for the message: if your hero does not want to sleep, then you can move on, continuing your journey; if your hero wants to sleep, then he will lie down on the bed or on the carpet, respectively, and sleep for a while.
When your character is hungry, you must solve this problem, otherwise, after a long journey with an empty stomach, your character will begin to walk at random, and his energy will begin to decrease. - that's what it means to die of hunger! Messages may also appear about how you heroically killed enemies with magic (JADE SKULL), or with your normal weapons. In addition to all messages, there is information: about the time of day; about whether it is possible to apply this item in a given place; about what you found.

Probably, some gamers still remember those times when role-playing games were simple, funny and maximally playable... It was then that the first part of the game Feary Tale saw the light of day. And now, in our time, the continuation of this game has come out. This is classic

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Probably, some gamers still remember those times when role-playing games were simple, funny and maximally playable... It was then that the first part of the game Feary Tale saw the light of day. And now, in our time, the continuation of this game has come out. This is a classic RPG with modern graphics, digitized speech, good music. A convenient game interface and an isometric view, familiar to you from Diablo, will allow you to quickly figure out the controls and start destroying the evil that is too much. Players will also be pleased with the low requirements for hardware.

You play as three hero brothers at once: Julian, Philip and Kevin. Your task is to save your native land from the terrible evil that lurks in the darkness of centuries. The game provides convenient control of the characters - you can control one, the rest will be controlled by the computer. Also in the game a huge number of different types of weapons, armor and, of course, magic. We are sure that the game is worthy of your attention and will take pride of place in your collection.


A long time ago, even before the advent of Time, man and even gods, in the Old Universe there were two foundations, two irreconcilable beginnings, eternal enemies - Order (named Saroth) and Chaos (named Throlis). The struggle lasted forever, and in the fire of battles Time was born. The era of the New Universe has begun.

The universe that appeared had an orderly shape, and as a result, the blows of Order became more and more powerful. Once a mighty blow tore Chaos into millions of pieces. The Order itself was badly damaged and almost died.

The epochs flew by, and Chaos was inactive, the forces returned to it too slowly. At this time, the New Universe was developing: stars appeared, planets were formed, life was born on the planets.

Mortals were limited by finite understanding, but found to be endowed with faith. Love, ideas that never existed before flourished. Mighty wizards with the help of their spells learned to control the elements. And Good meets Evil. In the struggle, mortals gained souls.

The unpredictable souls of mortals carried the particles of Chaos within them - this may have awakened Saroth. However, the tired Order could not compete with humans, so he decided to take on their form. In the new shell, the healing went faster. Though not as powerful as before, this new spirit, named Sarlioth, has begun to raise an army to unite the universe in Hard Order.

It soon became clear that Sarlioth's old enemy, Throlis, was alive and had also taken the form of mortals. He was called Thorolis - the Spirit of Possibilities.

To prepare a new blow, Sarlioth fled to the lands of Farr. Many people then went down there, wanting to join the Lord of Order, and not one came back. These domains were called the Halls of the Dead.

Sarlioth found himself three assistants.

Roska (Roska) - an evil sorcerer. He helped Sarlioth prepare the means to get Farr's energy.

Kaidar (Kaidar) - dark elf, provided concealment and deceit. He convinced mortals of the need for Sarlioth.

Irastikaan is a mighty Dragon. Brute force crushed the uprisings of mortals.

Sarlioth, with the help of Roska, created eight stones of unprecedented magical power, each of which was placed in one of the kingdoms of the land of Farr. Three magical horses protected these lands. They fought blow after blow with Sarlioth, but one of the stones began to weaken them.

The first stone created by Roska had a defect - a small crack. Taking advantage of this, the horses destroyed it, but they could not do anything else, they needed a lot of strength to defeat Sarlioth. And there was such a force - three hero brothers from another country had to decide the fate of this land. The horses themselves, having spent their last strength on carrying the brothers, froze like statues in the center of the village of Padavis.

Game screen and controls

If the first acquaintance with the game did not make you throw it away, if you like role-playing games and if you enjoyed Ultima, then this game is definitely for you. So let's get started.

Most of the screen is occupied by a map, in the center of which are the heroes (three brothers), whom you have to manage. They are moved with the left mouse click (they are also selected). Point the arrow to the place, click the mouse, and the guys will go.

To the right of the action screen is a rectangular window for managing heroes. So, click on the portrait of one of the brothers, for example, Kevin. The entire right side of the screen will be occupied by its characteristics.

At the very top, to the right of Kevin's portrait, there is a window with a sun - this is an indicator of the health of this hero (the number on the left is the amount of health at the moment, on the right - how much health can be); the brighter the sun, the more health.

Below are four squares. The upper squares determine the type of control of the brothers (who is active, i.e. who is controlled by the player, and who is passive, i.e. who is controlled by the computer); passive characters always follow the active, and in the event of a fight, they themselves fight well. The lower squares show whether the combat mode is on or off (sword) and the effectiveness of the armor worn (helmet).

Next is Inventory (inventory), it contains things that the hero wears: weapons, armor, rings, amulets, bags (they contain the rest of the necessary items), there can also be life-giving drinks, and there can be several of them in one cell ( the same applies to things in bags).

Below are three circles:

the first shows a skull with three stripes: Spells, Skills, Ideas (see description below);

the second shows the carry weight. Each item weighs something, and sooner or later you will be faced with the fact that you will have to choose which thing to take and which to throw out;

the third is mass carried only in containers located in Inventory (not including mass in bags located inside).

Well, at the very bottom is the status window and the amount of mana. The larger the circles and the closer the stars are to their center (the brighter the light), the more mana in general and at the moment in particular, respectively.


Contains nine slots in which various items can be placed. With the help of Inventory, the process of dressing the character takes place. This is done as follows: put the thing in Inventory and double-click on it with the mouse - done. It should also be remembered that items can be combined: put on, for example, two different armor, while their properties are summed up. You can also put various containers in Inventory, thereby increasing the number of things you can carry, and other containers can be placed in these containers, but you still won’t carry more than your “health” allows.

The window you opened is somewhat reminiscent of the inside of a bag. So it is, only this “bag” is contained in the head of your hero, and spells are stored in it. At first, there is nothing here, but later, when reading scrolls with spells, knowledge about them will settle here.

To use any spell, you just need to pick it up with the mouse and drop it either on the enemy (if the spell is attacking) or on yourself (if the spell is healing or protecting).

Skills. In total, seven skills are available to you, improving with training.

Brawn (muscle strength) - is responsible for the amount of cargo that the hero can carry; Naturally, the more the better.

Swordcraft (sword proficiency) - the higher the value, the better the hero wields this weapon.

Agility (dexterity) - the higher the value, the faster the hero moves and strikes more often. Bludgeon (wielding a club) - shows the character's ability to handle clubs, hammers and clubs.

Archery (Archery Proficiency) - A character with high Archery misses less when shooting with a bow.

Shieldcraft (shield possession) - the ability of the hero to parry enemy blows with a shield.

Spellcraft (Magic Abilities) - A player with a high Spellcraft skill has more mana and can cast more spells at the right time.

All skills can be upgraded. More often this happens during skirmishes: what you use, you improve. When you have accumulated enough money, you can use the services of teachers. For a certain amount, they will raise your corresponding skill by one, but the higher your skill is developed, the more expensive the next increase will be.


Galch May is an old magician from Bilton. Will improve your Spellcraft.

Brolhogan is an experienced warrior from Bilton. Can help you in mastering Swordcraft and Shieldcraft.

Valdene is a girl from the people of the elves. Lives near Ta-Taavan. Helps in mastering the art of Archery.

Faa-Tavel is a great elven mage. Will improve your Spellcraft. Lives in Ta-Taavan.

Rolias is an old sea dog from Maldavith. Trains your Swordcraft, Bludgeon, Archery.

Trista is a warrior girl from Darnoc. Improves your Swordcraft and Archery.

Sharneed is an old dwarven warrior. Will help you with Bludgeon. Lives near the dungeon north of the Amber Castle (the residence of a huge Dragon).


To communicate with others, use icons (just pick up the right one and throw it at the right person, similar to using spells)

Greeting - greeting. In principle, to obtain a similar effect, simply click on the desired person (naturally, turning off the combat mode before that).

Container - a container, a question about the contents of the opponent's bag.

Magic Spell - A question about having Spells with spells.

Here - the question "What's going on here?" and “Where am I?”.

Work - the question "What do you do?" and “What can you do for me?”.

Potion - a question about the presence of any potion or medicine.

Gold - the question "Where can I get gold here?".

Weapon - the question "What kind of weapon do you have?".

Shop - the question "Where is the store here?".

Food - the question "What kind of food do you have?" or “Where can I get food?”.

Magic Item - A question about magic items.

Armor - the question "What kind of armor do you have?".


Weapons in the game can be made from various materials, which directly affects their effectiveness. The best material is Adamantium (this metal is absent in Farr, and what is there is mined from a huge piece of stone that fell to the ground in ancient times), followed by Mithril, Steel, Potmetal and Bronze. However, there are times when weapons made from Adamantium are useless (for example, when fighting Frost Giant). But at the same time, some of your most powerful enemies (like Wraith) will simply not notice any other weapon. Against them, only a sword made of the above material, or a special magical sword, will do.

conventional weapons

All conventional weapons can be divided into two types: used in close combat and striking at a distance.

Melee weapon

Mace (mace), Maul (sledgehammer), Warhammer (war hammer), Club (club) - they all use and develop the Bludgeon skill. The weakest weapon of this type is Club, followed by Mace and Maul, and the best "skull breaker" is definitely Warhammer.

Dagger (dagger) - the weakest bladed weapon. Useful only if nothing else is available, or when it is made of the best material.

Swords (swords) - weapons of knights and heroes. Short (short) - great for starters. Long (long) - good and hits the enemy faster. Great (great) - what you need! There are three more swords: Sapphire (blue sword), Ruby (red sword), Jade (green sword), but other than the color and names, these swords do not stand out anymore. They are useful only if nothing else is available, or if they are made of the best material.

Axes (axes) - we can say that this is the best weapon in the game. Unfortunately, there are no axes made from Adamantium.

The above weapons use and evolve the Swordcraft skill.

Weapons that hit from a distance

The Vew Bow is a good bow. Shoots well. It can be obtained by killing a Pirate Archer.

Bow - a bow that not only shoots well, but you can get it from almost any blacksmith.

Composite Bow is the best bow, but it is not sold anywhere, and it is very difficult to find it.

Magic weapon

Magic staves

Blizzard Wand (4 charges) – Very weak staff, uses weak offensive magic.

Demon Dancer (4 charges) - Releases a bunch of fireballs.

Bhimrao's Wand of Conflagration (3 charges) - Fires a burst of flame that expands into a ring of fire on impact. A very effective magic against large concentrations of enemies, but be careful: the fire, spreading, can hit you too.

Aeromancer (8 charges) - Shoots cold air.

Fireball Wand (10 charges) – Launches a fireball that explodes on impact.

Sulfuric Sceptre (6 charges) - A magical staff that generates and fires Icicles magic.

Ruragon's Winter Wand (3 charges) - a cold whirlwind created by your staff; flies forward with force, freezing everything it comes into contact with.

Rod of the Sun (8 charges) - A stick charged with Sun Flash.

Zap Stick (5 charges) - Shoots electric charges.

Pyromancer (10 charges) - one of the best staffs, shoots, releasing a path of fire. Especially effective against multiple opponents.

magic weapon

Venom is a black sword. Poisons the attacked enemy.

Hell Razor - "Hell Razor". The name speaks for itself. Brown sword.

Tempest - "Storm". Yellow sword.

Darksweeper is a black sword. Almost useless against normal enemies, but against the Specter is simply irreplaceable.

Enchanted Ax - "Enchanted" axe. It has a high damaging ability and lethal force.

Blaze is a great bow, deals heavy damage to ice creatures.

Enchanted Warhammer - "Enchanted" hammer. It has a high damaging ability and lethal force.

Shimmering Mace is a blue mace. Deals fast blows.

Tekton Hammer - "Tekton's Hammer". He is the only one capable of breaking the ice containing the Tapstone of Mons. Deals a lot of damage to enemies.

Cauldera is a sword with an orange blade. Of all magical weapons, it is the first to hit the player. Deals heavy damage, has a high speed of striking.

Amethyst Great Sword - an amethyst sword. Helps its owner to more successfully resist fire and heat.

Fancy Long Sword - a sword created by a great magician, is present only in your imagination and in the imagination of the enemy, which does not prevent him from hitting hard.

Sunbolt - yellow arrows. Upon hitting an enemy, the arrow creates a ring of fire that spreads out in all directions.

Cyclone - blue arrows. Each such arrow contains the energy of a whirlwind, which is released when the arrow hits the enemy.

Firebrand - red arrows. Deals heavy damage, similar to the effect of the Fireball spell.

Frostbolt - white arrows. Created by the giants of the north, they are especially destructive to southern beings.


Hide Shield - leather shield. Made from the skin of a mighty buffalo, it absorbs shock well, but overall protection is weak.

Wooden Shield - a wooden shield. Protects better than leather. It is made of strong wood, the local analogue of oak.

Steel Shield - steel shield. You will use this shield for most of the game. It reflects enemy attacks well and is easy to get.

Mithril Shield - A mithril shield. One of the best, but very hard to get. The legendary mithril is extracted from the water by the most advanced magicians.

Adamantium Shield - A shield made from adamantium. The best.


There are a lot of armor in the game. There is not only body armor, but also protection for the hands and protection for the legs. And, as in life, armor worn on different parts of the body can be combined, that is, put on at the same time (protection parameters are summed up).

The effectiveness of the armor (it can be viewed in the corresponding window on the right side of the screen) is characterized by three parameters: Absorb (absorption) - the number of points of damage that this armor absorbs, Reduce (decrease) - how many points the enemy's blows are reduced, Defense (protection) - armor class itself. We will indicate these three characteristics as three numbers separated by dots after the name of the armor.

body armor

Shirts are the simplest armor, but the existing magical options are very good.

Soft Leather Shirt (1.1.0) - The weakest armor in the game, but still better than nothing.

Hard Leather Shirt (2.1.5) - the same as the Soft Leather Shirt, only with better protection.

Snow Parka (2.1.6) - parka. Protects from the cold.

Woren Crass Jerkin (2.1.8) - the best of light armor, protects the wearer from poisoning (Poison) and from lightning strikes (Lighting).


Raincoats have one remarkable feature - they can be worn not only with gloves and boots, but also with bibs or chain mail.

Cloak (1.1.0) - just a cloak.

Elves Cloak (0.1.15) – cloak of elves. Excellent thing.

Cloak of Shadows (0.1.25) - cloak of shadows. The best.

chain mail

In the absence of breastplates, this is the best armor. Some species have increased protection against arrows.

Steel Chain Shirt (3.2.0) - steel chain mail. Basically useless.

Mithril Chain Shirt (3.2.0) - mithril chain mail. Has increased protection against arrows.

Enchanted Chain Shirt (3.4.0) – “Enchanted” chain mail. Arrows usually don't even hit you.


The best armor in the game. Breastplates are widely used by all residents who have at least some relation to the martial arts, as well as monsters.

Bronze Breast Plate (2.1.6) - yellow armor.

Sapphire Breast Plate (4.1.20) - blue armor. One of the best in the game.

Potmetal Breast Plate (3.1.8), Steel Breast Plate (4.1.10), Ruby Breast Plate (5.1.0) - magic breastplates.

Adamantium Breast Plate (6.1.15) - gray armor. It has the magical property of protection from punches.

Enchanted Breast Plate (6.1.15) - “Enchanted” armor. Excellent defense, it is difficult for the enemy to hit you.

Glowing Breast Plate (7.1.35) - the best protection, no specific location, just luck.


Mithril Helm (3.1.7) is an excellent mithril helmet.

Snowdrift (0.1.6) - a helmet that, in addition to armor, also provides protection from the cold.


Soft Leather Boots (1.1.1) - light boots.

Hard Leather Boots (1.1.2) - heavy boots, better than light ones.

Steel Boots (1.1.4) - steel boots.

Mithril Boots (2.1.5) - Mithril boots.

Dragonskin Boots (3.1.4) - Gorgeous dragon skin boots. Among other things, they also protect against heat (Heat) and fire (Fire).


Soft Leather Gloves (1.1.1) - light, weakly protective gloves.

Hard Leather Gloves (1.1.2) - more durable forged gloves.

Steel Gauntlets (0.1.3) - steel gauntlets.

Mithril Gauntlets (0.1.4) - mithril gauntlets.



In addition to weapons, armor, bags, magic scrolls and other things, there are a number of items in the game.

Potions (Light Dlue, Deep Blue, Silver) - Light blue, blue and silver drinks that restore health. Drinks of a different color can be dropped on the enemy - this will take away his health, if you drink yourself - you can die.

Pliers - pliers; if you use them on Wire (wire), you get a cage.

Cage - garden. It can catch Fire Wisp.

Rod - metal rod; when combined with Crystal, you get a Crystal Rod.

Scroll - in addition to scrolls with spells, there are also Scrolls in which you can read stories from the life of the people of this world, their letters, diaries, as well as records of various artifacts and secret places.

Health Kick is a great thing. The hero who uses this little thing has an order of magnitude increased amount of health points.

Sapphire Talisman - sapphire talisman, protection from the cold.

Wooden Ring - wood ring, protection against poisoning.

Jade Necklace - jade necklace, protection from poisoning.

Gold Ring - a golden ring, protection from fire.

Ruby Ring - ruby ​​​​ring, protection from heat.

Sapphire Ring - sapphire ring, protection from the cold.

Emerald Grown - A yellow crown that protects against mental attacks.

Ruby Amulet - A hero wearing this amulet becomes immune to heat and fire.

Webcutter is a magical staff that the player can assemble himself. Designed to destroy the web that closes the passage.

Amethyst ring - creates a field that protects against acid.

Golden apple - golden apple. There are three in total in the game. They open the way to the Halls of Dead.

Tesseract key - blue key. Using it on the obelisks, you can open a portal to the Overworld.

Chest - a chest, an excellent container for belongings. Allows you to carry a fairly large load.


red magic

Battle Fever - "fighting fever", increases the damage inflicted by the hero.

Clumsiness - clumsiness. Causes the opponent to take hits.

Fireball - Shooting a ball of fire.

Fire Shield - protection from heat.

Heat Ward - protection from fire.

Incinerate - incinerate (damages the enemy).

Ironskin - "Iron Skin".

Magma Bolt - Shot with a cloud of fire.

Meteor Shower - A burst of fireballs.

Panic - makes the enemy run away from fear.

Paralysis - paralyzes the enemy.

Terror - freezes the enemy.

purple magic

Acid Shield - Acid protection.

Acid Spray - acid splashes.

Caustic Rain - A cloud of small projectiles.

Caustic Ward - acid protection. Better Acid Shield.

Death Cloud - death cloud.

Ego Flash - insight.

Fire Walk - protection from fire and heat.

Inner Balance - Increases agility.

Mind Tap - hit the enemy with the power of thought.

Searing Thought - mental explosion (damages the enemy).

Spell Barrier - resistance to enemy spells.

Surestrike - Increases the chance to hit an enemy.

orange magic

Arc Shield - Protection against lightning strikes.

Electric Arc - a stream of charges in orange.

Force Bolt - Fires a burst of energy rings.

Force Ward - Protection against regular arrows.

Lethargic Breeze - Causes paralysis.

Lighting Bolt - Hit with a bunch of orange star balls.

Lighting Storm - a lightning storm.

Righteous Radiance - Radiance of Justice.

Ring of Force - a ring of strength.

Shocking Touch - an electric shock.

yellow magic

Bolt of Flame - A path of fire that burns the enemy's legs.

Disintegration - the enemy disintegrates into atoms.

Fire Storm - Strike with a fireball. Upon hitting the target, it turns into a ring of fire, which, spreading out, inflicts damage to everyone standing around.

Flame Shield - protection from fire.

Flaming Aura - An aura appears around the enemy, taking away his health.

Flaming Orb - A fireball shot.

Sunburst - flying yellow stars.

Sun Flash - solar flare.

Sun Ward - protection from magical projectiles.

Vanquish Graveborn - Inflicts very strong damage to all living things.

green magic

Banish Weakness - Heals minor wounds.

Bounty of the Earth - Creates food.

Critical Healing - Heals critical wounds.

Crisping Earth - slows down the movement of the enemy.

Life Shield - protection from poisoning.

Life Ward - protection in hand-to-hand combat.

Major Healing - heals major wounds.

Minor Healing - heals superficial wounds.

Poison Cloud - A green poisonous cloud.

Resurrection - rebirth. The most useful spell.

Word of Harm - A green ring that appears on the enemy's TV screen. Does a lot of damage to him.

blue magic

Chill - A shot of cold air.

Cold Shield - protection from the cold.

Cold Wind - a blow with a cold wind.

Freeze - paralyzes the enemy and takes away part of his life.

Frost Bolt - Hits an enemy with a cold cloud.

Icicles - ice dust.

Ice Storm is a cold blue cloud that radiates into a ring.

Ice Ward - Protection against cold attacks.

Invisibility - invisibility. During the duration of this spell, no enemy will notice you, even if you attack him.

Maelstrom is a cloud that diverges in different directions. Damages multiple enemies at once.

Rejoin - transfers to the specified location two brothers controlled by the computer.

Sea Walk - allows you to breathe underwater for a while.

Spell Sellers

For a more convenient search for the necessary spells (of course, if there are considerable amounts of money), I will provide a list of all spell sellers.

Ulinurius. Lives in Padavis. Trades: Freeze, Chill, Major Healing, Shocking Touch, Terror, Meteor Shower, Battle Fervor, Acid Spray, Flaming Orb.

Feldgar. You can find him in the village on the island. Trades: Ice Ward, Poison Cloud, Minor Healing, Force Ward, Clumsiness, Firewalk, Caustic Ward, Bolt of Flame, Sun Ward.

Lisan. This wizard (or sorceress) lives in the southeast of Hatak. Trades: Seawalk, Cold Wind, Word of Harm, Lighting Storm, Rightning Radiance, Air of Constraint, Ring of Force, Arc Shield, Panic, Fire Shield, Surestrike, Inner Balance.

Druiddnar. Mage of the city of Darnoc. Trades: Icicles, Banish Weakness, Bounty of the Earth, Electric Arc, Ironskin, Fire Shield, Acid Shield, Caustic Rain, Vanquish Graveborn.

Cantrapunt. Between Padavis and Bilton there is an abandoned village, he lives there. Trades: Rejoin, Life Shield, Lethargic Breeze, Magma Bolt, Mind Tap, Fire Storm.

Ice Lacer. In the very north, in the eternal snows, among the ice of Mons, you can find it. Trades: Ice Storm, Resurrection, Cushion of Air, Arc Shield, Fireball, Spell Barrier, Death Cloud, Sunburst, Sun Flash.

Faa-Tavel and Saldonaa-ar. These two wizards are easy to find. They live nearby, in the elven city of Ta-Taavan. The first trades: Disintegration, Invisibility, Critical Healing, Force Bolt, Paralysis, Incinerate, Searing Thought, Flaming Aura. The second trades: Maelstrom, Cold Shield, Frost Bolt, Life Ward, Lighting Bolt, Heat Ward, Ego Flash, Flame Shield, Grasping Earth.

Remember that each of these sellers of magic, for money, can become quite a tolerable teacher for you and pump up your magical skills.


Rock Giant is a huge man with unprecedented strength. Such a crack - it will not seem a little; try to kill him with magic or bows.

Rock Spider - mountain spider; a huge insect with a large amount of poison, which should be feared due to infection.

Orc - Orc, a large two-legged creature. Runs fast and hits hard, better attack each orc with all the heroes in turn on each orc.

Ogr - ogre. Healthy cannibal. Merciless to all living things.

Brigand is a bandit. An ordinary person, well armed, has not very much health. At the beginning of the game, it is dangerous due to the fact that they prefer to attack in a group in which there are archers. The use of magic is especially effective against them.

Buzzard is a bird. Pretty weak enemy. If there are several of them, they can cause trouble.

Goblin - a creature of small stature, weakly armed, low health. Dangerous at the beginning of the game, as it attacks with a group that always has archers. Goblins' short stature is compensated by fairly frequent blows to your head.

Ooze is a flying blob that changes shape. Pretty weak. Try not to get surrounded by these creatures.

Death Ooze is the same as Ooze, but much stronger and has a stupid habit of shooting magic.

Skeleton Lord is a very strong armored skeleton warrior, one of the servants of the Dragon Irskistan. Especially dangerous because of the unwashed bones of the forelimbs.

Serpent Man is a snake man. As a rule, they roam in heaps. Very dangerous. Don't let everyone close at once, shoot with magic, arrows...

Hell Hound is a hellish dog. Shoots fireballs from a distance. The most unpleasant thing is that this creature can kill you in such a way that you will not even guess where death came from.

Dragon Man is a dragon man. They walk in groups, usually accompanied by a Giant Spider. Very dangerous even for an advanced character. Their favorite pastime is to hang bitten heroes by their legs and perform their rituals on them.

Giant Spider is a giant spider. The same as the spider, only slightly larger. Very dangerous.

Blood Viper is a red snake. Not very dangerous due to a small amount of health, however, it can poison. Don't try to shoot her with a bow, use only magic or melee.

Giant Spider is a giant spider. Same as a spider, just a little bigger. Very dangerous.

Lizard Man is a lizard man. They attack in a group, they are very dangerous.

Skeleton is a skeleton, not a weak opponent, but dangerous only at the beginning of the game.

Pirate - a pirate, a lone bandit. Very weak.

Dark Warrior is a dark warrior, an enhanced version of the Skeleton.

Banshee is a green flying spirit. The only spirit that can be found on the surface. Very strong, has a large supply of health, uses magic. A strong and very dangerous opponent even for an advanced character.

Hobgoblin is an enlarged version of the goblin. Strong enough, besides, it has an unpleasant ability to restore its health during the battle.

Swamp Adder is a blue snake with small but very venomous glands.

Shambling Muck is an earthy man with a goofy face who shoots magic. Dangerous only at a distance.

Drethok Goblin is a small goblin, one of the weakest enemies in the game.

Troll - a troll, a huge ugly creature. Heals during combat. Don't give them time to heal by hitting hard on the abdomen.

Flame Giant is a fire giant, he is not affected by fire spells, which makes him a difficult opponent to kill.

Fire Bat is a fiery bat. Very weak. Even the fact that they attack in groups does not save them.

Night Hound - nocturnal dog, quite strong. It tears out pieces of your body at a short distance, and at the same time you cannot reach it.

Dire Wolf - A dire wolf, has the same ability as Night Hound.

Shadow Knight is a shadow knight. Very strong. They usually attack in groups. Restore their health during the battle, run fast. Their agility combined with their strength makes them almost invincible opponents.

Imp - demon, shoots magic.

Dwarfs are workers in the Aroblin mines. EnoughToo weak to resist.

Wraith are the gray spirits of the Halls of Death. Very dangerous, evil opponents. Not all weapons take them.

Shade - black perfume. They live in the Halls of Death. Use powerful spells and weapons made from Adamantium against them.

Specter is the most dangerous spirit in the Halls of Death. You can only kill him with the Darksweeper sword or the Disintegration spell.

Lava Golem is a lava golem, a good opponent, but for an advanced player it is dangerous only in a group of his associates.

Wooden Golem - a wood golem, an analogue of a lava golem in the forest. Shoots magic.

Frost Giant is an ice giant. Healthy man. Cold magic does not work against him. Strong nerves and health allow him to sleep on ice floes without a blanket.

Dragon Hatching - rather weak dragon birds, servants of Irakistaana.

Cave Viper - cave snake, can poison, and so - a weak opponent.

The Wraith Spider is a strong spider that is difficult to kill, plus it can inject so much venom into you that you will remember it for a long time.

Map Description

The world you are in is called Farr. It contains eight kingdoms.


Sparsely populated land in the center of Farr. Compared to other kingdoms, the safest place. The monsters inhabiting it are relatively weak. Mostly goblins and bands of marauders. In the center of Wildevarr is the village of Padavis. In it you can find a blacksmith, a healer, a fence, a merchant, a spell seller.

The land of the nobles - Pentere - used to be the center of culture, the center of knowledge. Now everything is forgotten. Hordes of orcs have filled these lands, and only Bilton - a huge castle - continues to hold back the onslaught of the hordes. Some of the noble families still live there, but there are rumors that monsters have filled the basements and dungeons of Bilton, and orcs have occupied the north tower.

Land of snows. None of the daredevils who went there have yet returned. It is said that many treasures lie in the dungeons of this land, but huge warrior giants guard them.


The evil sorcerer Roska, one of Sarlioth's henchmen, keeps this land in subjection by the power of his magic. The city of Darnoc - the center of this land - is famous for its gunsmiths. Here you can buy quite rare weapons.


Pirates captured the city of the same name on the coast of the great sea. To the north of the city in the sea are the ruins of a flooded city, and even further away is an island. Once upon a time, they tried to populate it. Now only the miserable remnants of the pioneers live there.


Land of the elves. They are still trying to hold back the onslaught of evil, but they are gradually losing the battle. Their dark brothers, led by Kaidar, Sarlioth's second henchman, gradually subjugate these lands.

The southernmost land of Farr. The impenetrable jungle hides from the eyes of the heroes the ruins of Gleng'l Zur, the ancient city of a dead civilization.

Once the center of the great Dwarven Empire, a deadly place for an unseasoned man. People say that a huge animal - the Dragon - now lives in the Amber Castle. The mines of Aroblin contain vast amounts of wealth, but are very well guarded.


This is a strange place that has been discussed by scientists more than once. Some say it is a myth, others believe that this realm is beyond time and space, and each step here can be equal to a hundred miles. Singers write legends about it, and heroes dream of getting there.

Halls of Dead

The Halls of Death is a gloomy underground land. Sarlioth rules here. Many mortals used to come here, now their souls guard this place.

Beginning of the game

Three brothers under your care end up with petrified horses in the middle of a village in an unknown country. To get started, wander around this settlement, talk to people, walk around the houses (you will find a lot of interesting things in them), collect everything that is idle (especially Potions, mana and spell scrolls). We advise you to read the scrolls to Kevin - he understands more about magic.

After exploring the city, you can start traveling. Go to the nearest gate (better to those located on top) and forward along the road. At first, you should not run fast and go too far from Padavis (that's the name of the village in which you found yourself) - the probability of dying is too high. Yes, it’s best to walk in threes, even if at first it’s not very convenient, but it’s okay, get used to it. The monsters here (unlike in Diablo) are pretty cool, and you're going to have a hard time.

Your primary task is to increase the health of the heroes to 70-80 points, as well as actively collect money and good weapons. The “coolness” of monsters increases as the distance from Padavis increases. Try to use the spells found in the village to the maximum. A well-developed Spellcraft skill and a large amount of mana will never hurt you.

After wandering around the area, you will soon return to the village again. It is then that an unknown man will run up to you, begin to say something quickly, and after finishing his speech, he will die. If you didn’t understand anything from his words, then we popularly explain: his family was attacked by goblins who took his wife and child captive. You need to free them.


Well, if the health of your wards has exceeded 50, you have found a decent sword or heavy club, and stocked up on life-giving drinks, then go to the Goblin Village. It is located south of Padavis. To get to it, go to the lower gate, then - along the road, turning left on the turns. You will cross a small river, there the first ambush of goblins awaits you; go further to the end of the road.

After reaching the Goblin Village, kill all the monsters and collect the scattered items and mana. Kill Krogatt, you will find Mithril Dagger on him. In the houses of the Village you will find the entrances to the basement, go down there. Under the ground, having killed all the Ooze and goblins, you will find two cells: in one there is a woman, in the other a child, these are the ones you needed to find. Unfortunately, they are already dead. This is how your first adventure ends sadly.

However, do not despair: in one of the scrolls found in the Village, you will read about the mysterious Sorceror's Lair. This dungeon is located not far, east of the Goblin Village. Having reached its very bottom, you will run into a passage closed by two doors, and you will see a lever that opens these doors. There is one trick here: the lever, opening one door, closes another, so you should make sure that one brother pulls the lever, and the other two go on.

Behind the doors you will find the evil mage Kram the Mad. Be careful, he shoots non-weak spells and can quickly send you to the next world. Try to kill him quickly, which, by the way, is quite easy to do, since his health is not enough. He will leave you an Adamantium Dagger.

To the west of Padavis is the home of a huge orc named Gowin. Killing him, especially at first, will not be easy. He will try to meet you at the door and kill you one by one, so you need to break in quickly and at once with three of us. The winner will receive a Wooden Shield, Steel Short Sword, Steel Boots, Steel Gauntlets, Acid Beaker and some cash as a reward. Also in his house will be a jug of yellow liquid - acid.

To the east of your home village is Jovans Castle. In this castle once lived a noble family, which, unfortunately, was killed by bandits. Now this place is the home of countless hordes of skeletons, as well as a real storehouse for a novice player. On the first floor, next to the hall, you will find two jugs with green and blue liquids. How to use them has already been said before. By the way, you can try to make a bomb. Her recipe: In a small pot, mix Blind Fish, Green Slime Poison, a B eaker of Yellow Acid (this can be found in the castle itself or run to Gowin).

On the right side of the castle surrounded by servants, there is a skeleton named Bhimrao, killing which will give you the magic sword Cauldera plus Mithril Great Sword, Mithril Gauntlets. Yes, you will find a Health Kick in front of Bhimrao's room, and how to use it is up to you. Rising to the second floor and destroying all the skeletons there, in the rooms you will find many empty bottles, money, life-restoring drinks, and in the chest you will find a magical amulet. In general, Castle Jovans at the beginning of the game is a place where you can get good weapons and armor, as well as train your heroes well.

Another place to look into is the Bandit Dungeon. It is located north of Padavis. Having reached the leader and, of course, killing him, you will get yourself a good Steel Breast Plate.

You should also visit the dungeons west of the Orc House. There are only five of them. In general, make it a rule to explore all the dungeons that you find. It's full of useful stuff.

Here is an example of how to start the game. Pumping Having trained the heroes to a decent, as you think, level, you can proceed to the main plot of the game.


Let me remind you once again: because of the battle of two great principles - Order and Chaos, or rather, because of the consequences of this battle, the ordinary inhabitants of the magical land of Farr groan. Your task is to stop this confrontation, that is, either you defeat one of these forces, or you neutralize these forces.

In order to stop the outrages of the two gods, you need to get to them. This is not easy to do. The horses that dragged you here knew the way to them, but, unfortunately, they turned to stone. It's okay: do you see three depressions on the pedestal at the feet of the horses? These are places for three golden apples. As you remember from the intro, Sarioth made eight tapstones with Roska's help and placed one of them in each of Farr's kingdoms. One stone, namely the Tapstone of Wildevarr, was destroyed by the horses, therefore, you need to get the other seven.

So, your goal is to collect three golden apples, pass to the gods and collect seven magic stones.

Tapstone of Hethrallin

For starters, you should go here. Capturing a stone here will not be difficult, it is only important to have at least a steel weapon, steel armor, and preferably the armor of one of the lizards (we prefer blue armor), the magical Cauldera and a couple of well-developed helper spells. Spells will help you deal with the servants of Kaydar without big losses (they practically do not take him himself). Silver Potions and a couple of green and yellow poisons will also come in handy: drop them on Kaidar's head.

Kaidar lives in a dungeon south of the ferryman's house in Hethralin. Get down from it down the road to the end, then take a little to the right. Did you find a cave? If yes, then you will immediately understand this - the bandits will immediately attack you. Destroy them and go to the dungeon!

Wander through the dark damp corridors. Destroy enemies, collect things. Your task for now will be to find Rod, Crystal, and Wire.

In no case do not touch the dark elves. They will not touch you, but if you decide to offend them, know that they are great magicians, and three brothers will not last long.

After exploring the dungeon and finding everything you need, you will eventually stumble upon a door leading to someone's chambers. Don't rush to open it. Behind her is a pair of fire elementals. Give the heroes protection from fire and enter. Try to deal with Fire Wisp as soon as possible and quickly run further, as these friends have a bad habit of respawning. Don't forget to close the door behind you or Wisp will chase you all over the dungeon.

Well, you ended up in a spacious room, from which there are only two exits, and one of them is covered with cobwebs. Well, go to the second one. After passing along the corridor, you will find yourself in a room, the only way out of which is also covered with cobwebs. Nothing wrong. See the book and the pliers? These are your keys. The book says how to make a Webcutter (web cutter). Now you will need those things that you collected earlier.

So let's start connecting: Rod + Crystal = Crystal Rod, Pliers + Wire = Cage. Now go to the place where you saw the Fire Wisp, drop the Cage right on it. Now we have a fire elemental in a cage. Take it and drop it on the Crystal Rod - get a Webcutter.

Go back and double-click on the Webcutter to cut the web. The path is clear, move on. Destroy spiders along the way.

Soon you will enter a small room, in the center of which is a pedestal, and on it lies Sartion's Skull. Take it and move on.

And finally, the long-awaited room with the Tapstone of Hethralin in the center, but here, in addition to the spiders, there is also an associate of Kaidar, the mighty mage Mordekai. Destroy everyone, including the mage. From him, you will be left with the magic sword HellRazor (it’s better for them to arm themselves right away).

The long-awaited stone is in front of you. But here's the problem: the stone is not taken. Nothing, we throw the previously found Sartion's Skull on him. Kaydar himself will immediately appear, begin to swear and then attack. Work together to destroy it. As a reward for winning you will receive a golden apple, Tesseract Key, Webcutter.

Tesseract Key will help you travel through the Overworld. To do this, go to the obelisk and use the key on it: a portal will open through which you will enter the Overworld. Now the stone is yours.

Tapstone of Maldavith

To be honest, getting this stone is very difficult, and the task itself, which must be completed for this, is one of the longest.

Arriving in the center of the kingdom of Maldavith, in the city of the same name, you will immediately find one feature that distinguishes this city from the rest. You are constantly attacked by pirates in the city. Didn't understand anything? We are at the beginning too. The city is a maritime one, so go to the port. Talk to the owner of the ship. He will say that he will take you to Tamnath Ruins, where the second Tapstone is located, only when there are no pirates in the city.

To rid the city of pirates, it is necessary to destroy their leader, who lives in a dungeon southwest of Maldavith. Follow the coast in this direction and you will find a cave. Be careful: there are spiders and strong skeleton warriors in the cave. Explore the cave. You will find many interesting things. What is worth only a chest full of weapons! At the end, you will run into a door. Keep in mind that the pirate is not alone there, he is guarded by skeleton warriors. If you're ready, come in, just be sure to lock the door behind you.

Go to the pirate's table, he will talk to you, talk about his power, and then offer to join him. If you agree, then join the ranks of the skeleton warriors, if not, then a huge crowd of the dead, led by a pirate, will rush at you. After killing them, you can walk through the criminal's dwelling - you will find a lot of interesting things, including Emerald Grown and Ruby Amulet - they will be useful to you later.

When leaving the dungeon, be on the alert: after the death of the pirate, the monsters here became much stronger, magicians and nasty flying amoebas (Ooze) also appeared, while spiders learned to shoot with powerful charges. You can exit the dungeon like this: take one of the brothers who has the Rejoin spell, and, having carefully studied the map, run out the shortest way, ignoring the attacks. After leaving the dungeon, simply teleport the remaining brothers in the cave to you.

Return to the city and turn in the loot. Here, by the way, is the best of the buying shops, where you will be offered almost as much money for a thing as it costs from sellers (it is especially profitable to sell Gem Stones here, the rate is 40 coins per 1 stone).

Having sold your clothes, run to the pier. The captain is now ready to take you to the Ruins. After landing in the Ruins, do not run headlong. Firstly, you can fall into the water and drown, and secondly, there are a lot of monsters here.

After exploring the Sunken City, you will find two pools filled with water, and two houses, one of which will contain, in addition to monsters, three levers that drain water in the pools. In one of the pools, or rather, in the one closest to your landing site, there is a Tapstone. Press the two extreme levers, and you will hear the sound of merging leaving water. Now go to the pool and take the stone. Another Tapstone is yours.

Tapstone of Aroblin

You have already visited the dwelling of one of the main associates of Sarioth - Kaydar - it is time to go to another assistant of the great Order - the Dragon named Irastakaan. Dealing with it will be more difficult, but still possible.

The dragon lives in a dungeon located under Amber Castle. The castle itself is located north of the carrier. You will immediately recognize this building, it is very reminiscent of a circus. Entering it, you will find yourself in a room in the center of which there is a staircase leading to the second floor, on the right and left behind closed doors there are three teleports to the lower halls. Each of the doors opens by turning on a certain pair of levers on the second floor, we will not list their combinations, since there are only three of them, and at the far end of the room there is a corridor blocked by as many as three doors.

In each of the halls where the teleports lead, you will find one key: Emerald Key, Sapphire Key, Bloodstone Key (there are also many useful items, in particular, diamonds). These keys open the doors of the corridor: Emerald Key - the first, Bloodstone Key - the second, Sapphire Key - the third.

At the end of the corridor there is a teleport leading to the Dragon, but be on the lookout: before the Dragon, you will have to fight spiders, skeletons and flying amoebas. The Dragon itself shoots fire and is completely immune to any weapons other than those made from Adamantium. It follows from this that when going into battle with him, you must: put on some object that provides protection from fire and heat (for example, Ruby Amulet) or use the appropriate protective spell; if possible, take a weapon made from Adamantium, and if there is none, you should attack the Dragon with Fireball spells (he especially does not tolerate it) or SunFlash.

After defeating the Dragon, examine the dead body: you will find a golden apple, Tesseract Key and a lair. There you will find many gems, as well as magical things, but you will not find a stone. In fact, it is located just north of the Castle, in a mine, which has now become a haven for a huge number of monsters.

The stone is located on the fourth level of the mine (naturally, down). To move through the levels, you must press the levers, since each subsequent level is closed by a door that opens by pressing the corresponding lever at the opposite end of the dungeon.

On the first and second levels, you will meet the former workers of this place - the gnomes (left after death, in addition to weapons, they also leave diamonds). On the second floor there will be a staircase leading down and not closed by a door. Be sure to go down it, get into the room where, after killing the spiders, you will find two pairs of Dragonskin Boots and six Firebrand Arrows.

On the fourth level there is a huge lava lake with islands. On one of the islands is now your Tapstone. One detail: you can walk on this lake without losing a drop of health, for this you need to put on Dragonskin Boots. At the same level, almost at the very entrance, a man named Jagadis wanders, killing him, you will receive the Darksweeper sword.

Tapstone of Hatak

It will be very difficult to get this stone, since the monsters guarding it are much stronger than you and have the ability to strike at a distance with magic.

The Tapstone is in a pyramid located in the northernmost part of the Gleng'l Zur ruins, and the ruins are in the middle of the jungle, southwest of the ferryman. Of particular danger are Plant Man - green men who fight well and are fluent in magic.

Having found the pyramid, rise to its very top and press the two buttons on the pillars. A ghost will appear, which can only be killed with weapons made from Adamantium, and a secret door will also open. Go down a floor and you will see her. In the opened room, you need to press another button. Another door will open leading to the floor below. There, in a small room, guarded by the shaman Frollo, lies a stone. Kill the shaman: he will leave you the magic sword Venom, but when taking the stone, be careful: the door through which you entered will close, and the door leading to the monsters will open. Kill them.

Tapstone of Karminac

This stone is located in the Roska Citadel north of the city of Darnoc (follow the road along the coast - don't miss it) and is guarded by the last - the third assistant of Sarioth - the great mage Roska.

There are a lot of demons in this castle, they are weak by themselves (killed with one hit), but they shoot quite powerful magic.

Find the stairs to the basement (located on the right side of the castle). You will have to go through the room in which there is an apparatus that generates attack spells (for some reason they fly at you all the time). Going down, you will see monsters locked in cages - the objects of Roska's experiments. Go further, you will find yourself in a room where the stone you need lies: it is the heart, the source of energy for the machine that fired at you on the floor above. Take the stone and you will hear the sound of the door opening. These are the monsters, who had previously been in cages, turned out to be free. Now, to get out, you have to fight them.

But do not rush to leave: in the room with the stone there is a chest with money and things, also examine the killed monsters, some of them have something useful.

However, your mission here is not over yet, now you need to kill Roska himself. Climb up to the roof for this. On the penultimate floor, there is a Bone Key in a red box, take it. On the roof you will see another descent down, fenced with bars with a locked door. The door is unlocked with the Bone Key. Climb down and you'll be at Roska's.

In the fight against the magician, be very careful. Firstly, Adamantium Great Sword does not take it, and the rest do minor damage. Second, the spells he uses are the most powerful in the game. It is very difficult to kill him. Before fighting him, equip the brothers with all the magic swords you have and grab a lot of Silver Potion. Yes, to the west of Roska Citadel, on the seashore, there is a small village, which is often visited by Shadow Knights, and they usually have a lot of money and good weapons, and they give decent experience.

Tapstone of Pentere

In the northern part of the city of Bilton there is a tower, upon approaching which disturbing music begins to play. That's right, it's full of ogres. You can’t get there from the outside, for this you have to go down into the cellars. The stairs leading down are in the neighboring house.

Wander downstairs, fight with ogres and vampires - you will find a lot of useful things. At the end of the journey, find a door guarded by two ogres, Bluto and Pluto. After passing through the door, you will fall into the crypt where Mistress Esmeralda and King Kaiger rest. At the opposite end of the room is a closed door.

Teleport two brothers for her, but be careful, there are, we repeat, a lot of ogres. Reach the end of this corridor and go up the stairs. You will find yourself in a wonderful garden, in the center of which is Tapstone: it is guarded by an ogre named Smash and a bunch of his minions. Kill them and take possession of the stone. Smash has Mithril Armor, Mithril Helm, Steel Boots, Steel Gauntlets, and an “Enchanted” War Hammer.

Tapstone of Mons

The last stone is located in the very north of Farr, in the land of eternal ice and snow. Going there, do not forget to put on something warmer (Snow Parka) or put on an appropriate amulet (ring). It is not recommended to use spells from the cold, as they last for a limited period of time and you are tormented to constantly cast them (especially on three heroes).

Tapstone is located in one of the local dungeons, but you will have to visit two more. The first one contains a magic club and a bunch of diamonds, and it’s easier to find it (we will also look for the other two caves from it). The second contains the magical Tekton Hammer, which will be useful to you when mining Tapstone.

So, the first dungeon is located to the west of the carrier. You should definitely go there. In addition to the things mentioned earlier, you will find quite a few useful spells there. The second is to the northeast of the first to the north of the carrier. And the third is to the north of the first. In this dungeon you will find a stone frozen in ice, the only way to break the ice is with a Tekton Hammer. Take the hammer and go!

Halls of Dead

So, you have seven stones and three golden apples.

Return to the statue of three horses. Take the apples and put them in the three recesses on the pedestal: a passage to the Halls of Death will open in front of you. Before you run there, clarify the following things for yourself: the monsters of the Halls of Death (more precisely, the spirits of mortals that inhabit them) are only afraid of weapons made from Adamantium, and some are not even afraid of it. In this case, the magical Darksweeper will help you - it hits everyone with one blow, as well as the Disintegration (destruction) and Invisibility (invisibility) spells. By the way, when you are invisible, you can destroy monsters with complete impunity: they will not respond.

Now, using the invisibility spell on yourself, go downstairs. Run to the right, ignoring the spirits, to a small building. If you have collected all the stones, its doors will not be locked.

In the center of the room stands Rock of Despair (stone of despair), it must be broken. The Object of Hope amulet will appear from the destroyed stone, capture it. Return back to the stairs. From it, move up to the wall, and then along the wall to the left, to the gate. Go through them, don't forget to close them behind you.

This is where you will meet the spirits of Specter: you can’t take them with anything other than Darksweeper or a destruction spell, but it’s best to run past them using an invisibility spell.

Run now again to the left to the old ruined obelisk. Use Object of Hope on it and open the portal. Entering it will take you to the hideout of Thorolis (the mortal incarnation of Chaos). You don't need to kill him, talk to him. At the end of the conversation, get a Chaos Orb from him. Take it, it will come in handy.

Go back through the portal and, following the northeast direction, go to Sarlioth's portal. The portal is located in the building behind a locked door, which can be opened by sequentially pressing the levers. The levers are here, behind closed doors in small rooms.

The plan of this building is as follows: a long corridor from the entrance leads directly to a locked portal. This corridor is crossed by two more. In the nearest one there are four rooms - two on the left, two on the right, in the far one - only two, one on each side. Initially, only one room is open - at the first fork, turn left, the first door. By pulling the lever there, you will open the door of the room located at the very end of the same corridor, but only on the other side. Then run to the next fork, and there to the left, then return to the first corridor and to the right, the nearest door, now back to the end. The last lever remains, in the second corridor in the room on the right. By clicking on it, you will open the door leading to the portal. If you did everything right, feel free to enter it, but remember: there is no way back from Sarlioth's abode, either you win or die ingloriously.

Once in the center of the cave, make your heroes invisible, otherwise the spirits will kill you in the end (monsters respawn very quickly here). Go left, a little down, and run into the house where Order lives. Go inside: the two doors leading to the main hall are closed, the first door leads to the reception room (it's full of Shadow Knights), the second door leads from the reception room to the hall. To open the first one, go to the right, into the room where the machine that releases the Wooden Golem is located, pull the two levers on the right there. The second door is opened by the levers of the room on the left, where the machine produces Lava Golem. Come into the hall and lay on the pi

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Evil LaugH

Evgeny Kondyurin

Probably, some gamers still remember those times when role-playing games were simple, funny and maximally playable... It was then that the first part of the game Feary Tale saw the light of day. And now, in our time, the continuation of this game has come out. This is a classic RPG with modern graphics, digitized speech, good music. A convenient game interface and an isometric view, familiar to you from Diablo, will allow you to quickly figure out the controls and start destroying the evil that is too much. Players will also be pleased with the low requirements for hardware.

You play as three hero brothers at once: Julian, Philip and Kevin. Your task is to save your native land from the terrible evil that lurks in the darkness of centuries. The game provides convenient control of the characters - you can control one, the rest will be controlled by the computer. Also in the game a huge number of different types of weapons, armor and, of course, magic. We are sure that the game is worthy of your attention and will take pride of place in your collection.


A long time ago, even before the advent of Time, man and even gods, in the Old Universe there were two foundations, two irreconcilable beginnings, eternal enemies - Order (named Saroth) and Chaos (named Throlis). The struggle lasted forever, and in the fire of battles Time was born. The era of the New Universe has begun.

The universe that appeared had an orderly shape, and as a result, the blows of Order became more and more powerful. Once a mighty blow tore Chaos into millions of pieces. The Order itself was badly damaged and almost died.

The epochs flew by, and Chaos was inactive, the forces returned to it too slowly. At this time, the New Universe was developing: stars appeared, planets were formed, life was born on the planets.

Mortals were limited by finite understanding, but found to be endowed with faith. Love, ideas that never existed before flourished. Mighty wizards with the help of their spells learned to control the elements. And Good meets Evil. In the struggle, mortals gained souls.

The unpredictable souls of mortals carried particles of Chaos in themselves - this may have awakened Saroth "a. However, the tired Order could not compete with people, so I decided to take their form. In the new shell, the recovery went faster. Although not as powerful as before, this new a spirit named Sarlioth began to raise an army to unite the universe in Hard Order.

It soon became clear that Sarlioth's old enemy - Throlis - was alive and also took the form of mortals. He was called Thorolis - the Spirit of Opportunity.

To prepare a new blow, Sarlioth fled to the lands of Farr. Many people then went down there, wanting to join the Lord of Order, and not one came back. These domains were called the Halls of the Dead.

Sarlioth found himself three assistants.

Roska (Roska) - an evil sorcerer. He helped Sarlioth prepare funds for Farr's energy.

Kaidar (Kaidar) - dark elf, provided concealment and deceit. He convinced mortals of the need for Sarlioth "a.

Irastikaan is a mighty Dragon. Brute force crushed the uprisings of mortals.

Sarlioth, with the help of Roska, created eight stones of unprecedented magical power, each of which was placed in one of the kingdoms of the land of Farr. Three magical horses protected these lands. They fought blow after blow with Sarlioth, but one of the stones began to weaken them.

The first stone created by Roska had a defect - a small crack. Taking advantage of this, the horses destroyed it, but they couldn’t do anything else, they needed great strength to defeat Sarlioth "a. And there was such strength - three hero brothers from another country had to decide the fate of this land. The horses themselves, having spent on carrying brothers the last strength, frozen statues in the center of the village of Padavis.

Game screen and controls

If the first acquaintance with the game did not make you throw it away, if you like role-playing games and if you enjoyed Ultima, then this game is definitely for you. So let's get started.

Most of the screen is occupied by a map, in the center of which are the heroes (three brothers), whom you have to manage. They are moved with the left mouse click (they are also selected). Point the arrow to the place, click the mouse, and the guys will go.

To the right of the action screen is a rectangular window for managing heroes. So, click on the portrait of one of the brothers, for example, Kevin. The entire right side of the screen will be occupied by its characteristics.

At the very top, to the right of Kevin's portrait, there is a window with a sun - this is an indicator of the health of this hero (the number on the left is the amount of health at the moment, on the right - how much health can be); the brighter the sun, the more health.

Below are four squares. The upper squares determine the type of control of the brothers (who is active, i.e. who is controlled by the player, and who is passive, i.e. who is controlled by the computer); passive characters always follow the active, and in the event of a fight, they themselves fight well. The lower squares show whether the combat mode is on or off (sword) and the effectiveness of the armor worn (helmet).

Next is Inventory (inventory), it contains things that the hero wears: weapons, armor, rings, amulets, bags (they contain the rest of the necessary items), there can also be life-giving drinks, and there can be several of them in one cell ( the same applies to things in bags).

Below are three circles:

the first shows a skull with three stripes: Spells, Skills, Ideas (see description below);

the second shows the carry weight. Each item weighs something, and sooner or later you will be faced with the fact that you will have to choose which thing to take and which to throw out;

the third is mass carried only in containers located in Inventory (not including mass in bags located inside).

Well, at the very bottom is the status window and the amount of mana. The larger the circles and the closer the stars are to their center (the brighter the light), the more mana in general and at the moment in particular, respectively.


Contains nine slots in which various items can be placed. With the help of Inventory, the process of dressing the character takes place. This is done as follows: put the thing in Inventory and double-click on it with the mouse - done. It should also be remembered that items can be combined: put on, for example, two different armor, while their properties are summed up. You can also put various containers in Inventory, thereby increasing the number of things you can carry, and other containers can be placed in these containers, but you still won’t carry more than your “health” allows.

The window you opened is somewhat reminiscent of the inside of a bag. So it is, only this "bag" is contained in the head of your hero, and spells are stored in it. At first, there is nothing here, but later, when reading scrolls with spells, knowledge about them will settle here.

To use any spell, you just need to pick it up with the mouse and drop it either on the enemy (if the spell is attacking) or on yourself (if the spell is healing or protecting).

Skills. In total, seven skills are available to you, improving with training.

Brawn (muscle strength) - is responsible for the amount of cargo that the hero can carry; Naturally, the more the better.

Swordcraft (sword proficiency) - the higher the value, the better the hero wields this weapon.

Agility (dexterity) - the higher the value, the faster the hero moves and strikes more often. Bludgeon (wielding a club) - shows the character's ability to handle clubs, hammers and clubs.

Archery (Archery Proficiency) - A character with high Archery misses less when shooting with a bow.

Shieldcraft (shield possession) - the ability of the hero to parry enemy blows with a shield.

Spellcraft (Magic Abilities) - A player with a high Spellcraft skill has more mana and can cast more spells at the right time.

All skills can be upgraded. More often this happens during skirmishes: what you use, you improve. When you have accumulated enough money, you can use the services of teachers. For a certain amount, they will raise your corresponding skill by one, but the higher your skill is developed, the more expensive the next increase will be.


Galch May is an old magician from Bilton. Will improve your Spellcraft.

Brolhogan is an experienced warrior from Bilton. Can help you master Swordcraft and Shieldcraft.

Valdene is a girl from the people of the elves. Lives near Ta-Taavan. Helps in mastering the art of Archery.

Faa-Tavel is a great elven mage. Will improve your Spellcraft. Lives in Ta-Taavan.

Rolias is an old sea dog from Maldavith. Trains your Swordcraft, Bludgeon, Archery.

Trista is a warrior girl from Darnoc. Improves your Swordcraft and Archery.

Sharneed is an old dwarven warrior. Will help you with Bludgeon. Lives near the dungeon north of the Amber Castle (the residence of a huge Dragon).


To communicate with others, use icons (just pick up the right one and throw it at the right person, similar to using spells)

Greeting - greeting. In principle, to obtain a similar effect, simply click on the desired person (naturally, turning off the combat mode before that).

Container - a container, a question about the contents of the opponent's bag.

Magic Spell - A question about having Spells with spells.

Here - the question "What's going on here?" and "Where am I?"

Work - the question "What do you do?" and “What can you do for me?”.

Potion - a question about the presence of any potion or medicine.

Gold - the question "Where can I get gold here?".

Weapon - the question "What kind of weapon do you have?".

Shop - the question "Where is the store here?".

Food - the question "What kind of food do you have?" or “Where can I get food?”.

Magic Item - A question about magic items.

Armor - the question "What kind of armor do you have?".


Weapons in the game can be made from various materials, which directly affects their effectiveness. The best material is Adamantium (this metal is absent in Farr, and what is there is mined from a huge piece of stone that fell to the ground in ancient times), followed by Mithril, Steel, Potmetal and Bronze. However, there are times when a weapon made from Adamantium is useless (for example, when fighting a Frost Giant). But at the same time, some of your most powerful enemies (for example, Wraith) will simply not notice any other weapon. Against them, only a sword made of the above material, or a special magical sword, will do.

conventional weapons

All conventional weapons can be divided into two types: used in close combat and striking at a distance.

Melee weapon

Mace (mace), Maul (sledgehammer), Warhammer (war hammer), Club (club) - they all use and develop the Bludgeon skill. The weakest weapon of this type is Club, followed by Mace and Maul, and the best "skull breaker" is certainly Warhammer.

Dagger (dagger) - the weakest bladed weapon. Useful only if nothing else is available, or when it is made of the best material.

Swords (swords) - weapons of knights and heroes. Short (short) - great for starters. Long (long) - good and hits the enemy faster. Great (great) - what you need! There are three more swords: Sapphire (blue sword), Ruby (red sword), Jade (green sword), but other than the color and names, these swords do not stand out anymore. They are useful only if nothing else is available, or if they are made of the best material.

Axes (axes) - we can say that this is the best weapon in the game. Unfortunately, there are no axes made from Adamantium.

The above weapons use and evolve the Swordcraft skill.

Weapons that hit from a distance

The Vew Bow is a good bow. Shoots well. It can be obtained by killing a Pirate Archer.

Bow - a bow that not only shoots well, but you can get it from almost any blacksmith.

Composite Bow is the best bow, but it is not sold anywhere, and it is very difficult to find it.

Magic weapon

Magic staves

Blizzard Wand (4 charges) – Very weak staff, uses weak offensive magic.

Demon Dancer (4 charges) - Releases a bunch of fireballs.

Bhimrao's Wand of Conflagration (3 charges) - shoots a clot of flame that, when it hits the target, spreads out into a ring of fire. Very effective magic against large clusters of enemies, but be careful: the fire, spreading, can hit you.

Aeromancer (8 charges) - Shoots cold air.

Fireball Wand (10 charges) – Launches a fireball that explodes on impact.

Sulfuric Sceptre (6 charges) - A magical staff that generates and fires Icicles magic.

Ruragon's Winter Wand (3 charges) - A cold whirlwind created by your staff; flies forward with force, freezing everything it comes into contact with.

Rod of the Sun (8 charges) - A stick charged with Sun Flash.

Zap Stick (5 charges) - Shoots electric charges.

Pyromancer (10 charges) - one of the best staffs, shoots, releasing a path of fire. Especially effective against multiple opponents.

magic weapon

Venom is a black sword. Poisons the attacked enemy.

Hell Razor - "Hell's Razor". The name speaks for itself. Brown sword.

Tempest - "Storm". Yellow sword.

Darksweeper is a black sword. Almost useless against normal enemies, but against the Specter is simply irreplaceable.

Enchanted Ax - "Enchanted" ax. It has a high damaging ability and lethal force.

Blaze is a great bow, deals heavy damage to ice creatures.

Enchanted Warhammer - "Enchanted" hammer. It has a high damaging ability and lethal force.

Shimmering Mace is a blue mace. Deals fast blows.

Tekton Hammer - "Hammer of Tekton". He is the only one capable of breaking the ice containing the Tapstone of Mons. Deals a lot of damage to enemies.

Cauldera is a sword with an orange blade. Of all magical weapons, it is the first to hit the player. Deals heavy damage, has a high speed of striking.

Amethyst Great Sword - an amethyst sword. Helps its owner to more successfully resist fire and heat.

Fancy Long Sword - a sword created by a great magician, is present only in your imagination and in the imagination of the enemy, which does not prevent him from hitting hard.

Sunbolt - yellow arrows. Upon hitting an enemy, the arrow creates a ring of fire that spreads out in all directions.

Cyclone - blue arrows. Each such arrow contains the energy of a whirlwind, which is released when the arrow hits the enemy.

Firebrand - red arrows. Deals heavy damage, similar to the effect of the Fireball spell.

Frostbolt - white arrows. Created by the giants of the north, they are especially destructive to southern beings.


Hide Shield - leather shield. Made from the skin of a mighty buffalo, it absorbs shock well, but overall protection is weak.

Wooden Shield - a wooden shield. Protects better than leather. It is made of strong wood, the local analogue of oak.

Steel Shield - steel shield. You will use this shield for most of the game. It reflects enemy attacks well and is easy to get.

Mithril Shield - A mithril shield. One of the best, but very hard to get. The legendary mithril is extracted from the water by the most advanced magicians.

Adamantium Shield - A shield made from adamantium. The best.


There are a lot of armor in the game. There is not only body armor, but also protection for the hands and protection for the legs. And, as in life, armor worn on different parts of the body can be combined, that is, put on at the same time (protection parameters are summed up).

The effectiveness of the armor (it can be viewed in the corresponding window on the right side of the screen) is characterized by three parameters: Absorb (absorption) - the number of points of damage that this armor absorbs, Reduce (decrease) - how many points the enemy's blows are reduced, Defense (protection) - armor class itself. We will indicate these three characteristics as three numbers separated by dots after the name of the armor.

body armor

Shirts are the simplest armor, but the existing magical options are very good.

Soft Leather Shirt (1.1.0) - The weakest armor in the game, but still better than nothing.

Hard Leather Shirt (2.1.5) - the same as the Soft Leather Shirt, only with better protection.

Snow Parka (2.1.6) - parka. Protects from the cold.

Woren Crass Jerkin (2.1.8) - the best of light armor, protects the wearer from poisoning (Poison) and from lightning strikes (Lighting).


Raincoats have one remarkable feature - they can be worn not only with gloves and boots, but also with bibs or chain mail.

Cloak (1.1.0) - just a cloak.

Elves Cloak (0.1.15) – cloak of elves. Excellent thing.

Cloak of Shadows (0.1.25) - cloak of shadows. The best.

chain mail

In the absence of breastplates, this is the best armor. Some species have increased protection against arrows.

Steel Chain Shirt (3.2.0) - steel chain mail. Basically useless.

Mithril Chain Shirt (3.2.0) - mithril chain mail. Has increased protection against arrows.

Enchanted Chain Shirt (3.4.0) - "Enchanted" chain mail. Arrows usually don't even hit you.


The best armor in the game. Breastplates are widely used by all residents who have at least some relation to the martial arts, as well as monsters.

Bronze Breast Plate (2.1.6) - yellow armor.

Sapphire Breast Plate (4.1.20) - blue armor. One of the best in the game.

Potmetal Breast Plate (3.1.8), Steel Breast Plate (4.1.10), Ruby Breast Plate (5.1.0) - magic breastplates.

Adamantium Breast Plate (6.1.15) - gray armor. It has the magical property of protection from punches.

Enchanted Breast Plate (6.1.15) - "Enchanted" armor. Excellent defense, it is difficult for the enemy to hit you.

Glowing Breast Plate (7.1.35) - the best protection, no specific location, just luck.


Mithril Helm (3.1.7) is an excellent mithril helmet.

Snowdrift (0.1.6) - a helmet that, in addition to armor, also provides protection from the cold.


Soft Leather Boots (1.1.1) - light boots.

Hard Leather Boots (1.1.2) - heavy boots, better than light ones.

Steel Boots (1.1.4) - steel boots.

Mithril Boots (2.1.5) - Mithril boots.

Dragonskin Boots (3.1.4) - Gorgeous dragon skin boots. Among other things, they also protect against heat (Heat) and fire (Fire).


Soft Leather Gloves (1.1.1) - light, weakly protective gloves.

Hard Leather Gloves (1.1.2) - more durable forged gloves.

Steel Gauntlets (0.1.3) - steel gauntlets.

Mithril Gauntlets (0.1.4) - mithril gauntlets.



In addition to weapons, armor, bags, magic scrolls and other things, there are a number of items in the game.

Potions (Light Dlue, Deep Blue, Silver) - Light blue, blue and silver drinks that restore health. Drinks of a different color can be dropped on the enemy - this will take away his health, if you drink yourself - you can die.

Pliers - pliers; if you use them on Wire (wire), you get a cage.

Cage - garden. It can catch Fire Wisp.

Rod - metal rod; when combined with Crystal, you get a Crystal Rod.

Scroll - in addition to scrolls with spells, there are also Scrolls in which you can read stories from the life of the people of this world, their letters, diaries, as well as records of various artifacts and secret places.

Health Kick is a great thing. The hero who uses this little thing has an order of magnitude increased amount of health points.

Sapphire Talisman - sapphire talisman, protection from the cold.

Wooden Ring - wood ring, protection against poisoning.

Jade Necklace - jade necklace, protection from poisoning.

Gold Ring - a golden ring, protection from fire.

Ruby Ring - ruby ​​​​ring, protection from heat.

Sapphire Ring - sapphire ring, protection from the cold.

Emerald Grown - A yellow crown that protects against mental attacks.

Ruby Amulet - A hero wearing this amulet becomes immune to heat and fire.

Webcutter is a magical staff that the player can assemble himself. Designed to destroy the web that closes the passage.

Amethyst ring - creates a field that protects against acid.

Golden apple - golden apple. There are three in total in the game. They open the way to the Halls of Dead.

Tesseract key - blue key. Using it on the obelisks, you can open a portal to the Overworld.

Chest - a chest, an excellent container for belongings. Allows you to carry a fairly large load.


red magic

Battle Fever - "fighting fever", increases the damage inflicted by the hero.

Clumsiness - clumsiness. Causes the opponent to take hits.

Fireball - Shooting a ball of fire.

Fire Shield - protection from heat.

Heat Ward - protection from fire.

Incinerate - incinerate (damages the enemy).

Ironskin - "Iron Skin".

Magma Bolt - Shot with a cloud of fire.

Meteor Shower - A burst of fireballs.

Panic - makes the enemy run away from fear.

Paralysis - paralyzes the enemy.

Terror - freezes the enemy.

purple magic

Acid Shield - Acid protection.

Acid Spray - acid splashes.

Caustic Rain - A cloud of small projectiles.

Caustic Ward - acid protection. Better Acid Shield.

Death Cloud - death cloud.

Ego Flash - insight.

Fire Walk - protection from fire and heat.

Inner Balance - Increases agility.

Mind Tap - hit the enemy with the power of thought.

Searing Thought - mental explosion (damages the enemy).

Spell Barrier - resistance to enemy spells.

Surestrike - Increases the chance to hit an enemy.

orange magic

Arc Shield - Protection against lightning strikes.

Electric Arc - a stream of charges in orange.

Force Bolt - Fires a burst of energy rings.

Force Ward - Protection against regular arrows.

Lethargic Breeze - Causes paralysis.

Lighting Bolt - Hit with a bunch of orange star balls.

Lighting Storm - a lightning storm.

Righteous Radiance - Radiance of Justice.

Ring of Force - a ring of strength.

Shocking Touch - an electric shock.

yellow magic

Bolt of Flame - A path of fire that burns the enemy's legs.

Disintegration - the enemy disintegrates into atoms.

Fire Storm - Strike with a fireball. Upon hitting the target, it turns into a ring of fire, which, spreading out, inflicts damage to everyone standing around.

Flame Shield - protection from fire.

Flaming Aura - An aura appears around the enemy, taking away his health.

Flaming Orb - A fireball shot.

Sunburst - flying yellow stars.

Sun Flash - solar flare.

Sun Ward - protection from magical projectiles.

Vanquish Graveborn - Inflicts very strong damage to all living things.

green magic

Banish Weakness - Heals minor wounds.

Bounty of the Earth - Creates food.

Critical Healing - Heals critical wounds.

Crisping Earth - slows down the movement of the enemy.

Life Shield - protection from poisoning.

Life Ward - protection in hand-to-hand combat.

Major Healing - heals major wounds.

Minor Healing - heals superficial wounds.

Poison Cloud - A green poisonous cloud.

Resurrection - rebirth. The most useful spell.

Word of Harm - A green ring that appears on the enemy's TV screen. Does a lot of damage to him.

blue magic

Chill - A shot of cold air.

Cold Shield - protection from the cold.

Cold Wind - a blow with a cold wind.

Freeze - paralyzes the enemy and takes away part of his life.

Frost Bolt - Hits an enemy with a cold cloud.

Icicles - ice dust.

Ice Storm is a cold blue cloud that radiates into a ring.

Ice Ward - Protection against cold attacks.

Invisibility - invisibility. During the duration of this spell, no enemy will notice you, even if you attack him.

Maelstrom is a cloud that diverges in different directions. Damages multiple enemies at once.

Rejoin - transfers to the specified location two brothers controlled by the computer.

Sea Walk - allows you to breathe underwater for a while.

Spell Sellers

For a more convenient search for the necessary spells (of course, if there are considerable amounts of money), I will provide a list of all spell sellers.

Ulinurius. Lives in Padavis. Trades: Freeze, Chill, Major Healing, Shocking Touch, Terror, Meteor Shower, Battle Fervor, Acid Spray, Flaming Orb.

Feldgar. You can find him in the village on the island. Trades: Ice Ward, Poison Cloud, Minor Healing, Force Ward, Clumsiness, Firewalk, Caustic Ward, Bolt of Flame, Sun Ward.

Lisan. This wizard (or sorceress) lives in the southeast of Hatak. Trades: Seawalk, Cold Wind, Word of Harm, Lighting Storm, Rightning Radiance, Air of Constraint, Ring of Force, Arc Shield, Panic, Fire Shield, Surestrike, Inner Balance.

Druiddnar. Mage of the city of Darnoc. Trades: Icicles, Banish Weakness, Bounty of the Earth, Electric Arc, Ironskin, Fire Shield, Acid Shield, Caustic Rain, Vanquish Graveborn.

Cantrapunt. Between Padavis and Bilton there is an abandoned village, he lives there. Trades: Rejoin, Life Shield, Lethargic Breeze, Magma Bolt, Mind Tap, Fire Storm.

Ice Lacer. In the very north, in the eternal snows, among the ice of Mons, you can find it. Trades: Ice Storm, Resurrection, Cushion of Air, Arc Shield, Fireball, Spell Barrier, Death Cloud, Sunburst, Sun Flash.

Faa-Tavel and Saldonaa-ar. These two wizards are easy to find. They live nearby, in the elven city of Ta-Taavan. The first trades: Disintegration, Invisibility, Critical Healing, Force Bolt, Paralysis, Incinerate, Searing Thought, Flaming Aura. The second trades: Maelstrom, Cold Shield, Frost Bolt, Life Ward, Lighting Bolt, Heat Ward, Ego Flash, Flame Shield, Grasping Earth.

Remember that each of these sellers of magic, for money, can become quite a tolerable teacher for you and pump up your magical skills.


Rock Giant is a huge man with unprecedented strength. Such a crack - it will not seem a little; try to kill him with magic or bows.

Rock Spider - mountain spider; a huge insect with a large amount of poison, which should be feared due to infection.

Orc - Orc, a large two-legged creature. Runs fast and hits hard, better attack each orc with all the heroes in turn on each orc.

Ogr - ogre. Healthy cannibal. Merciless to all living things.

Brigand is a bandit. An ordinary person, well armed, has not very much health. At the beginning of the game, it is dangerous due to the fact that they prefer to attack in a group in which there are archers. The use of magic is especially effective against them.

Buzzard is a bird. Pretty weak enemy. If there are several of them, they can cause trouble.

Goblin - a creature of small stature, weakly armed, low health. Dangerous at the beginning of the game, as it attacks with a group that always has archers. Goblins' short stature is compensated by fairly frequent blows to your head.

Ooze is a flying blob that changes shape. Pretty weak. Try not to get surrounded by these creatures.

Death Ooze is the same as Ooze, but much stronger and has a stupid habit of shooting magic.

Skeleton Lord is a very strong armored skeleton warrior, one of the servants of the Dragon Irskistan. Especially dangerous because of the unwashed bones of the forelimbs.

Serpent Man is a snake man. As a rule, they roam in heaps. Very dangerous. Don't let everyone close at once, shoot with magic, arrows...

Hell Hound is a hellish dog. Shoots fireballs from a distance. The most unpleasant thing is that this creature can kill you in such a way that you will not even guess where death came from.

Dragon Man is a dragon man. They walk in groups, usually accompanied by a Giant Spider. Very dangerous even for an advanced character. Their favorite pastime is to hang bitten heroes by their legs and perform their rituals on them.

Giant Spider is a giant spider. The same as the spider, only slightly larger. Very dangerous.

Blood Viper is a red snake. Not very dangerous due to a small amount of health, however, it can poison. Don't try to shoot her with a bow, use only magic or melee.

Giant Spider is a giant spider. Same as a spider, just a little bigger. Very dangerous.

Lizard Man is a lizard man. They attack in a group, they are very dangerous.

Skeleton is a skeleton, not a weak opponent, but dangerous only at the beginning of the game.

Pirate - a pirate, a lone bandit. Very weak.

Dark Warrior - a dark warrior, a reinforced version of Skeleton "a.

Banshee is a green flying spirit. The only spirit that can be found on the surface. Very strong, has a large supply of health, uses magic. A strong and very dangerous opponent even for an advanced character.

Hobgoblin is an enlarged version of the goblin. Strong enough, besides, it has an unpleasant ability to restore its health during the battle.

Swamp Adder is a blue snake with small but very venomous glands.

Shambling Muck is an earthy man with a goofy face who shoots magic. Dangerous only at a distance.

Drethok Goblin is a small goblin, one of the weakest enemies in the game.

Troll - a troll, a huge ugly creature. Heals during combat. Don't give them time to heal by hitting hard on the abdomen.

Flame Giant is a fire giant, he is not affected by fire spells, which makes him a difficult opponent to kill.

Fire Bat is a fiery bat. Very weak. Even the fact that they attack in groups does not save them.

Night Hound - nocturnal dog, quite strong. It tears out pieces of your body at a short distance, and at the same time you cannot reach it.

Dire Wolf - A dire wolf, has the same ability as Night Hound.

Shadow Knight is a shadow knight. Very strong. They usually attack in groups. Restore their health during the battle, run fast. Their agility combined with their strength makes them almost invincible opponents.

Imp - demon, shoots magic.

Dwarfs are workers in the Aroblin mines. EnoughToo weak to resist.

Wraith are the gray spirits of the Halls of Death. Very dangerous, evil opponents. Not all weapons take them.

Shade - black perfume. They live in the Halls of Death. Use powerful spells and weapons made from Adamantium against them.

Specter is the most dangerous spirit in the Halls of Death. You can only kill him with the Darksweeper sword or the Disintegration spell.

Lava Golem is a lava golem, a good opponent, but for an advanced player it is dangerous only in a group of his associates.

Wooden Golem - a wood golem, an analogue of a lava golem in the forest. Shoots magic.

Frost Giant is an ice giant. Healthy man. Cold magic does not work against him. Strong nerves and health allow him to sleep on ice floes without a blanket.

Dragon Hatching - rather weak dragon birds, servants of Irakistaana.

Cave Viper - cave snake, can poison, and so - a weak opponent.

The Wraith Spider is a strong spider that is difficult to kill, plus it can inject so much venom into you that you will remember it for a long time.

Map Description

The world you are in is called Farr. It contains eight kingdoms.


Sparsely populated land in the center of Farr. Compared to other kingdoms, the safest place. The monsters inhabiting it are relatively weak. Mostly goblins and bands of marauders. In the center of Wildevarr is the village of Padavis. In it you can find a blacksmith, a healer, a fence, a merchant, a spell seller.

The land of the nobles - Pentere - used to be the center of culture, the center of knowledge. Now everything is forgotten. Hordes of orcs have filled these lands, and only Bilton - a huge castle - continues to hold back the onslaught of the hordes. Some of the noble families still live there, but there are rumors that monsters have filled the basements and dungeons of Bilton, and orcs have occupied the north tower.

Land of snows. None of the daredevils who went there have yet returned. It is said that many treasures lie in the dungeons of this land, but huge warrior giants guard them.


The evil sorcerer Roska, one of Sarlioth's henchmen, keeps this land in subjection by the power of his magic. The city of Darnoc - the center of this land - is famous for its gunsmiths. Here you can buy quite rare weapons.


Pirates captured the city of the same name on the coast of the great sea. To the north of the city in the sea are the ruins of a flooded city, and even further away is an island. Once upon a time, they tried to populate it. Now only the miserable remnants of the pioneers live there.


Land of the elves. They are still trying to hold back the onslaught of evil, but they are gradually losing the battle. Their dark brothers, led by Kaidar, Sarlioth's second assistant, gradually subjugate these lands.

The southernmost land of Farr. The impenetrable jungle hides from the eyes of the heroes the ruins of Gleng "l Zur - the ancient city of a dead civilization.

Once the center of the great Dwarven Empire, a deadly place for an unseasoned man. People say that a huge animal - the Dragon - now lives in the Amber Castle. The mines of Aroblin contain vast amounts of wealth, but are very well guarded.


This is a strange place that has been discussed by scientists more than once. Some say it is a myth, others believe that this realm is beyond time and space, and each step here can be equal to a hundred miles. Singers write legends about it, and heroes dream of getting there.

Halls of Dead

The Halls of Death is a gloomy underground land. Sarlioth rules here. Many mortals used to come here, now their souls guard this place.

Beginning of the game

Three brothers under your care end up with petrified horses in the middle of a village in an unknown country. To get started, wander around this settlement, talk to people, walk around the houses (you will find a lot of interesting things in them), collect everything that is idle (especially Potions, mana and spell scrolls). We advise you to read the scrolls to Kevin - he understands more about magic.

After exploring the city, you can start traveling. Go to the nearest gate (better to those located on top) and forward along the road. At first, you should not run fast and go too far from Padavis (that's the name of the village in which you found yourself) - the probability of dying is too high. Yes, it’s best to walk in threes, even if at first it’s not very convenient, but it’s okay, get used to it. The monsters here (unlike in Diablo) are pretty cool, and you're going to have a hard time.

Your primary task is to increase the health of the heroes to 70-80 points, as well as actively collect money and good weapons. The "coolness" of monsters increases as the distance from Padavis increases. Try to use the spells found in the village to the maximum. A well-developed Spellcraft skill and a large amount of mana will never hurt you.

After wandering around the area, you will soon return to the village again. It is then that an unknown man will run up to you, begin to say something quickly, and after finishing his speech, he will die. If you didn’t understand anything from his words, then we popularly explain: his family was attacked by goblins who took his wife and child captive. You need to free them.


Well, if the health of your wards has exceeded 50, you have found a decent sword or heavy club, and stocked up on life-giving drinks, then go to the Goblin Village. It is located south of Padavis. To get to it, go to the lower gate, then - along the road, turning left on the turns. You will cross a small river, there the first ambush of goblins awaits you; go further to the end of the road.

After reaching the Goblin Village, kill all the monsters and collect the scattered items and mana. Kill Krogatt, you will find Mithril Dagger on him. In the houses of the Village you will find the entrances to the basement, go down there. Under the ground, having killed all the Ooze and goblins, you will find two cells: in one there is a woman, in the other a child, these are the ones you needed to find. Unfortunately, they are already dead. This is how your first adventure ends sadly.

However, do not despair: in one of the scrolls found in the Village, you will read about the mysterious Sorceror's Lair. This dungeon is located not far, east of the Goblin Village. Having reached its very bottom, you will run into a passage closed by two doors, and you will see the lever that opens these doors.There is one trick here: the lever, opening one door, closes another, so you should make sure that one brother pulls the lever, and the other two go on.

Behind the doors you will find the evil mage Kram the Mad. Be careful, he shoots non-weak spells and can quickly send you to the next world. Try to kill him quickly, which, by the way, is quite easy to do, since his health is not enough. He will leave you an Adamantium Dagger.

To the west of Padavis is the home of a huge orc named Gowin. Killing him, especially at first, will not be easy. He will try to meet you at the door and kill you one by one, so you need to break in quickly and at once with three of us. The winner will receive a Wooden Shield, Steel Short Sword, Steel Boots, Steel Gauntlets, Acid Beaker and some cash as a reward. Also in his house will be a jug of yellow liquid - acid.

To the east of your home village is Jovans Castle. In this castle once lived a noble family, which, unfortunately, was killed by bandits. Now this place is the home of countless hordes of skeletons, as well as a real storehouse for a novice player. On the first floor, next to the hall, you will find two jugs with green and blue liquids. How to use them has already been said before. By the way, you can try to make a bomb. Her recipe: In a small pot, mix Blind Fish, Green Slime Poison, a B eaker of Yellow Acid (this can be found in the castle itself or run to Gowin).

On the right side of the castle surrounded by servants, there is a skeleton named Bhimrao, killing which will give you the magic sword Cauldera plus Mithril Great Sword, Mithril Gauntlets. Yes, you will find a Health Kick in front of Bhimrao's room, and how to use it is up to you. Rising to the second floor and destroying all the skeletons there, in the rooms you will find many empty bottles, money, life-restoring drinks, and in the chest you will find a magical amulet. In general, Castle Jovans at the beginning of the game is a place where you can get good weapons and armor, as well as train your heroes well.

Another place to look into is the Bandit Dungeon. It is located north of Padavis. Having reached the leader and, of course, killing him, you will get yourself a good Steel Breast Plate.

You should also visit the dungeons west of the Orc House. There are only five of them. In general, make it a rule to explore all the dungeons that you find. It's full of useful stuff.

Here is an example of how to start the game. Pumping Having trained the heroes to a decent, as you think, level, you can proceed to the main plot of the game.


Let me remind you once again: because of the battle of two great principles - Order and Chaos, or rather, because of the consequences of this battle, the ordinary inhabitants of the magical land of Farr groan. Your task is to stop this confrontation, that is, either you defeat one of these forces, or you neutralize these forces.

In order to stop the outrages of the two gods, you need to get to them. This is not easy to do. The horses that dragged you here knew the way to them, but, unfortunately, they turned to stone. It's okay: do you see three depressions on the pedestal at the feet of the horses? These are places for three golden apples. As you remember from the intro, Sarioth made eight tapstones with Roska's help and placed one of them in each of Farr's kingdoms. One stone, namely the Tapstone of Wildevarr, was destroyed by the horses, therefore, you need to get the other seven.

So, your goal is to collect three golden apples, pass to the gods and collect seven magic stones.

Tapstone of Hethrallin

For starters, you should go here. Capturing a stone here will not be difficult, it is only important to have at least a steel weapon, steel armor, and preferably the armor of one of the lizards (we prefer blue armor), the magical Cauldera and a couple of well-developed helper spells. Spells will help you deal with the servants of Kaydar without big losses (they practically do not take him himself). Silver Potions and a couple of green and yellow poisons will also come in handy: drop them on Kaidar's head.

Kaidar lives in a dungeon south of the ferryman's house in Hethralin. Get down from it down the road to the end, then take a little to the right. Did you find a cave? If yes, then you will immediately understand this - the bandits will immediately attack you. Destroy them and go to the dungeon!

Wander through the dark damp corridors. Destroy enemies, collect things. Your task for now will be to find Rod, Crystal, and Wire.

In no case do not touch the dark elves. They will not touch you, but if you decide to offend them, know that they are great magicians, and three brothers will not last long.

After exploring the dungeon and finding everything you need, you will eventually stumble upon a door leading to someone's chambers. Don't rush to open it. Behind her is a pair of fire elementals. Give the heroes protection from fire and enter. Try to deal with Fire Wisp as soon as possible and quickly run further, as these friends have a bad habit of respawning. Don't forget to close the door behind you or Wisp will chase you all over the dungeon.

Well, you ended up in a spacious room, from which there are only two exits, and one of them is covered with cobwebs. Well, go to the second one. After passing along the corridor, you will find yourself in a room, the only way out of which is also covered with cobwebs. Nothing wrong. See the book and the pliers? These are your keys. The book says how to make a Webcutter (web cutter). Now you will need those things that you collected earlier.

So let's start connecting: Rod + Crystal = Crystal Rod, Pliers + Wire = Cage. Now go to the place where you saw the Fire Wisp, drop the Cage right on it. Now we have a fire elemental in a cage. Take it and drop it on the Crystal Rod - get a Webcutter.

Go back and, by double-clicking on the Webcutter, cut the web. The path is clear, move on. Destroy the spiders along the way.

Soon you will go into a small room, in the center of which there is a pedestal, and Sartion's Skull lies on it. Take it and move on.

And finally, the long-awaited room with the Tapstone of Hethralin in the center, but here, in addition to the spiders, there is also an associate of Kaidar, the mighty mage Mordekai. Destroy everyone, including the mage. From him, you will be left with the magic sword HellRazor (it’s better for them to arm themselves right away).

The long-awaited stone is in front of you. But here's the problem: the stone is not taken. Nothing, we throw the previously found Sartion's Skull at him. Kaydar himself will immediately appear, begin to swear and then attack. Destroy him with joint efforts. As a reward for victory, you will receive a golden apple, Tesseract Key, Webcutter.

Tesseract Key will help you travel through the Overworld. To do this, go to the obelisk and use the key on it: a portal will open through which you will enter the Overworld. Now the stone is yours.

Tapstone of Maldavith

To be honest, getting this stone is very difficult, and the task itself, which must be completed for this, is one of the longest.

Arriving in the center of the kingdom of Maldavith, in the city of the same name, you will immediately find one feature that distinguishes this city from the rest. You are constantly attacked by pirates in the city. Didn't understand anything? We are at the beginning too. The city is a maritime one, so go to the port. Talk to the owner of the ship. He will say that he will take you to Tamnath Ruins, where the second Tapstone is located, only when there are no pirates in the city.

To rid the city of pirates, you need to destroy their leader, who lives in a dungeon southwest of Maldavith. Follow the coast in this direction and you will find a cave. Be careful: there are spiders and strong skeleton warriors in the cave. Explore the cave. You will find a lot of interesting things.What is worth only a chest full of weapons!At the end you will run into the door.Keep in mind that there is not one pirate there, he is guarded by skeleton warriors.If you are ready, go in, just be sure to lock the door behind you.

Go to the pirate's table, he will talk to you, talk about his power, and then offer to join him. If you agree, then join the ranks of the skeleton warriors, if not, then a huge crowd of the dead, led by a pirate, will rush at you. After killing them, you can walk through the criminal's dwelling - you will find a lot of interesting things, including Emerald Grown and Ruby Amulet - they will be useful to you later.

When leaving the dungeon, be on the alert: after the death of the pirate, the monsters here became much stronger, magicians and nasty flying amoebas (Ooze) also appeared, while spiders learned to shoot with powerful charges. You can exit the dungeon like this: take one of the brothers who has the Rejoin spell, and, having carefully studied the map, run out the shortest way, ignoring the attacks. After leaving the dungeon, simply teleport the remaining brothers in the cave to you.

Return to the city and turn in the loot. Here, by the way, is the best of the buying shops, where you will be offered almost as much money for a thing as it costs from sellers (it is especially profitable to sell Gem Stones here, the rate is 40 coins per 1 stone).

Having sold your clothes, run to the pier. The captain is now ready to take you to the Ruins. After landing in the Ruins, do not run headlong. Firstly, you can fall into the water and drown, and secondly, there are a lot of monsters here.

After exploring the Sunken City, you will find two pools filled with water, and two houses, one of which will contain, in addition to monsters, three levers that drain water in the pools. In one of the pools, or rather, in the one closest to your landing site, there is a Tapstone. Press the two extreme levers, and you will hear the sound of merging leaving water. Now go to the pool and take the stone. Another Tapstone is yours.

Tapstone of Aroblin

You have already visited the dwelling of one of the main associates of Sarioth "a - Kaydar - it's time to go to another assistant of the great Order - the Dragon named Irastakaan. It will be more difficult to deal with him, but still possible.

The dragon lives in a dungeon located under Amber Castle. The castle itself is located north of the carrier. You will immediately recognize this building, it is very reminiscent of a circus. Entering it, you will find yourself in a room in the center of which there is a staircase leading to the second floor, on the right and left behind closed doors there are three teleports to the lower halls. Each of the doors opens by turning on a certain pair of levers on the second floor, we will not list their combinations, since there are only three of them, and at the far end of the room there is a corridor blocked by as many as three doors.

In each of the halls where the teleports lead, you will find one key: Emerald Key, Sapphire Key, Bloodstone Key (there are also many useful items, in particular, diamonds). These keys open the doors of the corridor: Emerald Key - the first, Bloodstone Key - the second, Sapphire Key - the third.

At the end of the corridor there is a teleport leading to the Dragon, but be on the lookout: before the Dragon, you will have to fight spiders, skeletons and flying amoebas. The Dragon itself shoots with fire and is absolutely immune to any weapons other than those made of Adamantium. It follows that when going into battle with him, you must: put on some object that provides protection from fire and heat (for example, Ruby Amulet) or use the appropriate protective spell; if possible, take a weapon made from Adamantium, and if there is none, you should attack the Dragon with Fireball spells (he especially does not tolerate it) or SunFlash.

After defeating the Dragon, examine the dead body: you will find a golden apple, Tesseract Key and a lair. There you will find many gems, as well as magical things, but you will not find a stone. In fact, it is located just north of the Castle, in a mine, which has now become a haven for a huge number of monsters.

The stone is located on the fourth level of the mine (naturally, down). To move through the levels, you must press the levers, since each subsequent level is closed by a door that opens by pressing the corresponding lever at the opposite end of the dungeon.

On the first and second levels, you will meet the former workers of this place - the gnomes (left after death, in addition to weapons, they also leave diamonds). On the second floor there will be a staircase leading down and not closed by a door. Be sure to go down it, get into the room where, after killing the spiders, you will find two pairs of Dragonskin Boots and six Firebrand Arrows.

On the fourth level there is a huge lava lake with islands. On one of the islands is now your Tapstone. One detail: you can walk on this lake without losing a drop of health, for this you need to put on Dragonskin Boots. At the same level, almost at the very entrance, a man named Jagadis wanders, killing him, you will receive the Darksweeper sword.

Tapstone of Hatak

It will be very difficult to get this stone, since the monsters guarding it are much stronger than you and have the ability to strike at a distance with magic.

Tapstone is located in a pyramid located in the northernmost part of the Gleng "l Zur ruins, and the ruins are located in the center of the jungle, southwest of the carrier. Plant Man is a particular danger - green men who fight well and are excellent at magic.

Having found the pyramid, rise to its very top and press the two buttons on the pillars. A ghost will appear, which can only be killed with weapons made from Adamantium "and a secret door will also open. Go down the floor and you will see it. In the room that opens, you need to press another button. Another door will open leading to the floor below. There in a small room, guarded by the shaman Frollo, there is a stone.Kill the shaman: he will leave you the magic sword Venom, but when taking the stone, be careful: the door through which you entered will close, and the door leading to the monsters will open. Kill them.

Tapstone of Karminac

This stone is located in Roska Citadel north of the city of Darnoc (follow the road along the coast - don't miss it) and is guarded by its last - the third assistant of Sarioth "a - the great magician Roska.

There are a lot of demons in this castle, they are weak by themselves (killed with one hit), but they shoot quite powerful magic.

Find the stairs to the basement (located on the right side of the castle). You will have to go through the room in which there is an apparatus that generates attack spells (for some reason they fly at you all the time). Going down, you will see monsters locked in cages - the objects of Roska's experiments. Go further, you will find yourself in a room where the stone you need lies: it is the heart, the source of energy for the machine that fired at you on the floor above. Take the stone and you will hear the sound of the door opening. These are the monsters, who had previously been in cages, turned out to be free. Now, to get out, you have to fight them.

But do not rush to leave: in the room with the stone there is a chest with money and things, also examine the killed monsters, some of them have something useful.

However, your mission here is not over yet, now you need to kill Roska himself. Climb up to the roof for this. On the penultimate floor, there is a Bone Key in a red box, take it. On the roof you will see another descent down, fenced with bars with a locked door. The door is unlocked with the Bone Key. Climb down and you'll be at Roska's.

In the fight against the magician, be very careful. Firstly, Adamantium Great Sword does not take it, and the rest do minor damage. Second, the spells he uses are the most powerful in the game. It is very difficult to kill him. Before fighting him, equip the brothers with all the magic swords you have and grab a lot of Silver Potion. Yes, to the west of Roska Citadel, on the seashore, there is a small village, which is often visited by Shadow Knights, and they usually have a lot of money and good weapons, and they give decent experience.

Tapstone of Pentere

In the northern part of the city of Bilton there is a tower, upon approaching which disturbing music begins to play. That's right, it's full of ogres. You can’t get there from the outside, for this you have to go down into the cellars. The stairs leading down are in the neighboring house.

Wander downstairs, fight with ogres and vampires - you will find a lot of useful things. At the end of the journey, find a door guarded by two ogres, Bluto and Pluto. After passing through the door, you will fall into the crypt where Mistress Esmeralda and King Kaiger rest. At the opposite end of the room is a closed door.

Teleport two brothers for her, but be careful, there are, we repeat, a lot of ogres. Reach the end of this corridor and go up the stairs. You will find yourself in a wonderful garden, in the center of which is Tapstone: it is guarded by an ogre named Smash and a bunch of his minions. Kill them and take possession of the stone. Smash has Mithril Armor, Mithril Helm, Steel Boots, Steel Gauntlets, and an "Enchanted" War Hammer.

Tapstone of Mons

The last stone is located in the very north of Farr, in the land of eternal ice and snow. Going there, do not forget to put on something warmer (Snow Parka) or put on an appropriate amulet (ring). It is not recommended to use spells from the cold, as they last for a limited period of time and you are tormented to constantly cast them (especially on three heroes).

Tapstone is located in one of the local dungeons, but you will have to visit two more. The first one contains a magic club and a bunch of diamonds, and it’s easier to find it (we will also look for the other two caves from it). The second contains the magical Tekton Hammer, which will be useful to you when mining Tapstone.

So, the first dungeon is located to the west of the carrier. You should definitely go there. In addition to the things mentioned earlier, you will find quite a few useful spells there. The second is to the northeast of the first to the north of the carrier. And the third is to the north of the first. In this dungeon you will find a stone frozen in ice, the only way to break the ice is with a Tekton Hammer. Take the hammer and go!

Halls of Dead

So, you have seven stones and three golden apples.

Return to the statue of three horses. Take the apples and put them in the three recesses on the pedestal: a passage to the Halls of Death will open in front of you. Before you run there, clarify the following things for yourself: the monsters of the Halls of Death (more precisely, the spirits of mortals that inhabit them) are only afraid of weapons made from Adamantium, and some are not even afraid of it. In this case, the magical Darksweeper will help you - beats all with one hit, as well as spells Disintegration (destruction) and Invisibility (invisibility).By the way, when you are invisible, you can destroy monsters with complete impunity: they will not respond.

Now, using the invisibility spell on yourself, go downstairs. Run to the right, ignoring the spirits, to a small building. If you have collected all the stones, its doors will not be locked.

In the center of the room stands Rock of Despair (stone of despair), it must be broken. The Object of Hope amulet will appear from the destroyed stone, capture it. Return back to the stairs. From it, move up to the wall, and then along the wall to the left, to the gate. Go through them, don't forget to close them behind you.

This is where you will meet the spirits of Specter: you can’t take them with anything other than Darksweeper or a destruction spell, but it’s best to run past them using an invisibility spell.

Run now again to the left to the old ruined obelisk. Use Object of Hope on it and open the portal. Entering it will take you to the hideout of Thorolis (the mortal incarnation of Chaos). You don't need to kill him, talk to him. At the end of the conversation, get a Chaos Orb from him. Take it, it will come in handy.

Go back through the portal and, adhering to the northeast direction, go to Sarlioth's portal. The portal is located in the building behind a locked door, which you can open by successively pressing the levers. The levers are located here, behind closed doors in small rooms.

The plan of this building is as follows: a long corridor from the entrance leads directly to a locked portal. This corridor is crossed by two more. In the nearest one there are four rooms - two on the left, two on the right, in the far one - only two, one on each side. Initially, only one room is open - at the first fork, turn left, the first door. By pulling the lever there, you will open the door of the room located at the very end of the same corridor, but only on the other side. Then run to the next fork, and there to the left, then return to the first corridor and to the right, the nearest door, now back to the end. The last lever remains, in the second corridor in the room on the right. By clicking on it, you will open the door leading to the portal. If you did everything right, feel free to enter it, but remember: from the monastery of Sarlioth "and there is no way back, either you will win or die ingloriously.

Once in the center of the cave, make your heroes invisible, otherwise the spirits will kill you in the end (monsters respawn very quickly here). Go left, a little down, and run into the house where Order lives. Go inside: the two doors leading to the main hall are closed, the first door leads to the reception room (it's full of Shadow Knights), the second door leads from the reception room to the hall. To open the first one, go to the right, into the room where the machine that releases the Wooden Golem is located, pull the two levers on the right there. The second door is opened by the levers of the room on the left, where the machine produces Lava Golem. Enter the hall and place the stones on the pedestals. Sarlioth will appear. What to do next, decide for yourself. It will be easy to imagine. If we describe this as well, then, I'm afraid, you will simply not be interested in playing.


In addition to the huge continent on which all the action of the game takes place, there is a rather large island on the map, located on the top left. The only way to get there is through the Overworld. To do this, go to the obelisk southwest of Maldavith, use the Tesseract Key on it, enter the portal. In the Overworld, go to the topmost obelisk and exit through it. There are several dungeons on the island, a village where a spell seller and doctor And in the southwest there is a lighthouse, under it there is a cave - be sure to look there.

Little tricks

For those who are having a very hard time at the beginning of the game, these two not very fair tricks are written. First, you can revive a dead brother without resorting to a revive spell. To do this, put mushrooms (Mushrooms) in the bag of the deceased, after one of the living hero brothers, search the corpse of the deceased, open the bag and eat the mushrooms without pulling them out. With a very low number of health, the guy will come to life. Similarly, an eternal restoring bottle is made. To do this, drink the contents of a bottle of Light Blue Potion from the bag of a dead hero (necessarily one of your brothers). After that, revive the dead with mushrooms. Now this "empty bottle" can be used forever, it will continue to restore health and will never end.

Probably, some gamers still remember those times when role-playing games were simple, funny and maximally playable... It was then that the first part of the game Feary Tale saw the light of day. And now, in our time, the continuation of this game has come out. This is a classic RPG with modern graphics, digitized speech, good music. A convenient game interface and an isometric view, familiar to you from Diablo, will allow you to quickly figure out the controls and start destroying the evil that is too much. Players will also be pleased with the low requirements for hardware.

You play as three hero brothers at once: Julian, Philip and Kevin. Your task is to save your native land from the terrible evil that lurks in the darkness of centuries. The game provides convenient control of the characters - you can control one, the rest will be controlled by the computer. Also in the game a huge number of different types of weapons, armor and, of course, magic. We are sure that the game is worthy of your attention and will take pride of place in your collection.


A long time ago, even before the advent of Time, man and even gods, in the Old Universe there were two foundations, two irreconcilable beginnings, eternal enemies - Order (named Saroth) and Chaos (named Throlis). The struggle lasted forever, and in the fire of battles Time was born. The era of the New Universe has begun.

The universe that appeared had an orderly shape, and as a result, the blows of Order became more and more powerful. Once a mighty blow tore Chaos into millions of pieces. The Order itself was badly damaged and almost died.

The epochs flew by, and Chaos was inactive, the forces returned to it too slowly. At this time, the New Universe was developing: stars appeared, planets were formed, life was born on the planets.

Mortals were limited by finite understanding, but found to be endowed with faith. Love, ideas that never existed before flourished. Mighty wizards with the help of their spells learned to control the elements. And Good meets Evil. In the struggle, mortals gained souls.

The unpredictable souls of mortals carried the particles of Chaos within them - this may have awakened Saroth. However, the tired Order could not compete with humans, so he decided to take on their form. In the new shell, the healing went faster. Though not as powerful as before, this new spirit, named Sarlioth, has begun to raise an army to unite the universe in Hard Order.

It soon became clear that Sarlioth's old enemy, Throlis, was alive and had also taken the form of mortals. He was called Thorolis - the Spirit of Possibilities.

To prepare a new blow, Sarlioth fled to the lands of Farr. Many people then went down there, wanting to join the Lord of Order, and not one came back. These domains were called the Halls of the Dead.

Sarlioth found himself three assistants.

Roska (Roska) - an evil sorcerer. He helped Sarlioth prepare the means to get Farr's energy.

Kaidar (Kaidar) - dark elf, provided concealment and deceit. He convinced mortals of the need for Sarlioth.

Irastikaan is a mighty Dragon. Brute force crushed the uprisings of mortals.

Sarlioth, with the help of Roska, created eight stones of unprecedented magical power, each of which was placed in one of the kingdoms of the land of Farr. Three magical horses protected these lands. They fought blow after blow with Sarlioth, but one of the stones began to weaken them.

The first stone created by Roska had a defect - a small crack. Taking advantage of this, the horses destroyed it, but they could not do anything else, they needed a lot of strength to defeat Sarlioth. And there was such a force - three hero brothers from another country had to decide the fate of this land. The horses themselves, having spent their last strength on carrying the brothers, froze like statues in the center of the village of Padavis.

Game screen and controls

If the first acquaintance with the game did not make you throw it away, if you like role-playing games and if you enjoyed Ultima, then this game is definitely for you. So let's get started.

Most of the screen is occupied by a map, in the center of which are the heroes (three brothers), whom you have to manage. They are moved with the left mouse click (they are also selected). Point the arrow to the place, click the mouse, and the guys will go.

To the right of the action screen is a rectangular window for managing heroes. So, click on the portrait of one of the brothers, for example, Kevin. The entire right side of the screen will be occupied by its characteristics.

At the very top, to the right of Kevin's portrait, there is a window with a sun - this is an indicator of the health of this hero (the number on the left is the amount of health at the moment, on the right - how much health can be); the brighter the sun, the more health.

Below are four squares. The upper squares determine the type of control of the brothers (who is active, i.e. who is controlled by the player, and who is passive, i.e. who is controlled by the computer); passive characters always follow the active, and in the event of a fight, they themselves fight well. The lower squares show whether the combat mode is on or off (sword) and the effectiveness of the armor worn (helmet).

Next is Inventory (inventory), it contains things that the hero wears: weapons, armor, rings, amulets, bags (they contain the rest of the necessary items), there can also be life-giving drinks, and there can be several of them in one cell ( the same applies to things in bags).

Below are three circles:

the first shows a skull with three stripes: Spells, Skills, Ideas (see description below);

the second shows the carry weight. Each item weighs something, and sooner or later you will be faced with the fact that you will have to choose which thing to take and which to throw out;

the third is mass carried only in containers located in Inventory (not including mass in bags located inside).

Well, at the very bottom is the status window and the amount of mana. The larger the circles and the closer the stars are to their center (the brighter the light), the more mana in general and at the moment in particular, respectively.


Contains nine slots in which various items can be placed. With the help of Inventory, the process of dressing the character takes place. This is done as follows: put the thing in Inventory and double-click on it with the mouse - done. It should also be remembered that items can be combined: put on, for example, two different armor, while their properties are summed up. You can also put various containers in Inventory, thereby increasing the number of things you can carry, and other containers can be placed in these containers, but you still won’t carry more than your “health” allows.

The window you opened is somewhat reminiscent of the inside of a bag. So it is, only this “bag” is contained in the head of your hero, and spells are stored in it. At first, there is nothing here, but later, when reading scrolls with spells, knowledge about them will settle here.

To use any spell, you just need to pick it up with the mouse and drop it either on the enemy (if the spell is attacking) or on yourself (if the spell is healing or protecting).

Skills. In total, seven skills are available to you, improving with training.

Brawn (muscle strength) - is responsible for the amount of cargo that the hero can carry; Naturally, the more the better.

Swordcraft (sword proficiency) - the higher the value, the better the hero wields this weapon.

Agility (dexterity) - the higher the value, the faster the hero moves and strikes more often. Bludgeon (wielding a club) - shows the character's ability to handle clubs, hammers and clubs.

Archery (Archery Proficiency) - A character with high Archery misses less when shooting with a bow.

Shieldcraft (shield possession) - the ability of the hero to parry enemy blows with a shield.

Spellcraft (Magic Abilities) - A player with a high Spellcraft skill has more mana and can cast more spells at the right time.

All skills can be upgraded. More often this happens during skirmishes: what you use, you improve. When you have accumulated enough money, you can use the services of teachers. For a certain amount, they will raise your corresponding skill by one, but the higher your skill is developed, the more expensive the next increase will be.


Galch May is an old magician from Bilton. Will improve your Spellcraft.

Brolhogan is an experienced warrior from Bilton. Can help you in mastering Swordcraft and Shieldcraft.

Valdene is a girl from the people of the elves. Lives near Ta-Taavan. Helps in mastering the art of Archery.

Faa-Tavel is a great elven mage. Will improve your Spellcraft. Lives in Ta-Taavan.

Rolias is an old sea dog from Maldavith. Trains your Swordcraft, Bludgeon, Archery.

Trista is a warrior girl from Darnoc. Improves your Swordcraft and Archery.

Sharneed is an old dwarven warrior. Will help you with Bludgeon. Lives near the dungeon north of the Amber Castle (the residence of a huge Dragon).


To communicate with others, use icons (just pick up the right one and throw it at the right person, similar to using spells)

Greeting - greeting. In principle, to obtain a similar effect, simply click on the desired person (naturally, turning off the combat mode before that).

Container - a container, a question about the contents of the opponent's bag.

Magic Spell - A question about having Spells with spells.

Here - the question "What's going on here?" and “Where am I?”.

Work - the question "What do you do?" and “What can you do for me?”.

Potion - a question about the presence of any potion or medicine.

Gold - the question "Where can I get gold here?".

Weapon - the question "What kind of weapon do you have?".

Shop - the question "Where is the store here?".

Food - the question "What kind of food do you have?" or “Where can I get food?”.

Magic Item - A question about magic items.

Armor - the question "What kind of armor do you have?".


Weapons in the game can be made from various materials, which directly affects their effectiveness. The best material is Adamantium (this metal is absent in Farr, and what is there is mined from a huge piece of stone that fell to the ground in ancient times), followed by Mithril, Steel, Potmetal and Bronze. However, there are times when weapons made from Adamantium are useless (for example, when fighting Frost Giant). But at the same time, some of your most powerful enemies (like Wraith) will simply not notice any other weapon. Against them, only a sword made of the above material, or a special magical sword, will do.

conventional weapons

All conventional weapons can be divided into two types: used in close combat and striking at a distance.

Melee weapon

Mace (mace), Maul (sledgehammer), Warhammer (war hammer), Club (club) - they all use and develop the Bludgeon skill. The weakest weapon of this type is Club, followed by Mace and Maul, and the best "skull breaker" is definitely Warhammer.

Dagger (dagger) - the weakest bladed weapon. Useful only if nothing else is available, or when it is made of the best material.

Swords (swords) - weapons of knights and heroes. Short (short) - great for starters. Long (long) - good and hits the enemy faster. Great (great) - what you need! There are three more swords: Sapphire (blue sword), Ruby (red sword), Jade (green sword), but other than the color and names, these swords do not stand out anymore. They are useful only if nothing else is available, or if they are made of the best material.

Axes (axes) - we can say that this is the best weapon in the game. Unfortunately, there are no axes made from Adamantium.

The above weapons use and evolve the Swordcraft skill.

Weapons that hit from a distance

The Vew Bow is a good bow. Shoots well. It can be obtained by killing a Pirate Archer.

Bow - a bow that not only shoots well, but you can get it from almost any blacksmith.

Composite Bow is the best bow, but it is not sold anywhere, and it is very difficult to find it.

Magic weapon

Magic staves

Blizzard Wand (4 charges) – Very weak staff, uses weak offensive magic.

Demon Dancer (4 charges) - Releases a bunch of fireballs.

Bhimrao's Wand of Conflagration (3 charges) - Fires a burst of flame that expands into a ring of fire on impact. A very effective magic against large concentrations of enemies, but be careful: the fire, spreading, can hit you too.

Aeromancer (8 charges) - Shoots cold air.

Fireball Wand (10 charges) – Launches a fireball that explodes on impact.

Sulfuric Sceptre (6 charges) - A magical staff that generates and fires Icicles magic.

Ruragon's Winter Wand (3 charges) - a cold whirlwind created by your staff; flies forward with force, freezing everything it comes into contact with.

Rod of the Sun (8 charges) - A stick charged with Sun Flash.

Zap Stick (5 charges) - Shoots electric charges.

Pyromancer (10 charges) - one of the best staffs, shoots, releasing a path of fire. Especially effective against multiple opponents.

magic weapon

Venom is a black sword. Poisons the attacked enemy.

Hell Razor - "Hell Razor". The name speaks for itself. Brown sword.

Tempest - "Storm". Yellow sword.

Darksweeper is a black sword. Almost useless against normal enemies, but against the Specter is simply irreplaceable.

Enchanted Ax - "Enchanted" axe. It has a high damaging ability and lethal force.

Blaze is a great bow, deals heavy damage to ice creatures.

Enchanted Warhammer - "Enchanted" hammer. It has a high damaging ability and lethal force.

Shimmering Mace is a blue mace. Deals fast blows.

Tekton Hammer - "Tekton's Hammer". He is the only one capable of breaking the ice containing the Tapstone of Mons. Deals a lot of damage to enemies.

Cauldera is a sword with an orange blade. Of all magical weapons, it is the first to hit the player. Deals heavy damage, has a high speed of striking.

Amethyst Great Sword - an amethyst sword. Helps its owner to more successfully resist fire and heat.

Fancy Long Sword - a sword created by a great magician, is present only in your imagination and in the imagination of the enemy, which does not prevent him from hitting hard.

Sunbolt - yellow arrows. Upon hitting an enemy, the arrow creates a ring of fire that spreads out in all directions.

Cyclone - blue arrows. Each such arrow contains the energy of a whirlwind, which is released when the arrow hits the enemy.

Firebrand - red arrows. Deals heavy damage, similar to the effect of the Fireball spell.

Frostbolt - white arrows. Created by the giants of the north, they are especially destructive to southern beings.


Hide Shield - leather shield. Made from the skin of a mighty buffalo, it absorbs shock well, but overall protection is weak.

Wooden Shield - a wooden shield. Protects better than leather. It is made of strong wood, the local analogue of oak.

Steel Shield - steel shield. You will use this shield for most of the game. It reflects enemy attacks well and is easy to get.

Mithril Shield - A mithril shield. One of the best, but very hard to get. The legendary mithril is extracted from the water by the most advanced magicians.

Adamantium Shield - A shield made from adamantium. The best.


There are a lot of armor in the game. There is not only body armor, but also protection for the hands and protection for the legs. And, as in life, armor worn on different parts of the body can be combined, that is, put on at the same time (protection parameters are summed up).

The effectiveness of the armor (it can be viewed in the corresponding window on the right side of the screen) is characterized by three parameters: Absorb (absorption) - the number of points of damage that this armor absorbs, Reduce (decrease) - how many points the enemy's blows are reduced, Defense (protection) - armor class itself. We will indicate these three characteristics as three numbers separated by dots after the name of the armor.

body armor

Shirts are the simplest armor, but the existing magical options are very good.

Soft Leather Shirt (1.1.0) - The weakest armor in the game, but still better than nothing.

Hard Leather Shirt (2.1.5) - the same as the Soft Leather Shirt, only with better protection.

Snow Parka (2.1.6) - parka. Protects from the cold.

Woren Crass Jerkin (2.1.8) - the best of light armor, protects the wearer from poisoning (Poison) and from lightning strikes (Lighting).


Raincoats have one remarkable feature - they can be worn not only with gloves and boots, but also with bibs or chain mail.

Cloak (1.1.0) - just a cloak.

Elves Cloak (0.1.15) – cloak of elves. Excellent thing.

Cloak of Shadows (0.1.25) - cloak of shadows. The best.

chain mail

In the absence of breastplates, this is the best armor. Some species have increased protection against arrows.

Steel Chain Shirt (3.2.0) - steel chain mail. Basically useless.

Mithril Chain Shirt (3.2.0) - mithril chain mail. Has increased protection against arrows.

Enchanted Chain Shirt (3.4.0) – “Enchanted” chain mail. Arrows usually don't even hit you.


The best armor in the game. Breastplates are widely used by all residents who have at least some relation to the martial arts, as well as monsters.

Bronze Breast Plate (2.1.6) - yellow armor.

Sapphire Breast Plate (4.1.20) - blue armor. One of the best in the game.

Potmetal Breast Plate (3.1.8), Steel Breast Plate (4.1.10), Ruby Breast Plate (5.1.0) - magic breastplates.

Adamantium Breast Plate (6.1.15) - gray armor. It has the magical property of protection from punches.

Enchanted Breast Plate (6.1.15) - “Enchanted” armor. Excellent defense, it is difficult for the enemy to hit you.

Glowing Breast Plate (7.1.35) - the best protection, no specific location, just luck.


Mithril Helm (3.1.7) is an excellent mithril helmet.

Snowdrift (0.1.6) - a helmet that, in addition to armor, also provides protection from the cold.


Soft Leather Boots (1.1.1) - light boots.

Hard Leather Boots (1.1.2) - heavy boots, better than light ones.

Steel Boots (1.1.4) - steel boots.

Mithril Boots (2.1.5) - Mithril boots.

Dragonskin Boots (3.1.4) - Gorgeous dragon skin boots. Among other things, they also protect against heat (Heat) and fire (Fire).


Soft Leather Gloves (1.1.1) - light, weakly protective gloves.

Hard Leather Gloves (1.1.2) - more durable forged gloves.

Steel Gauntlets (0.1.3) - steel gauntlets.

Mithril Gauntlets (0.1.4) - mithril gauntlets.



In addition to weapons, armor, bags, magic scrolls and other things, there are a number of items in the game.

Potions (Light Dlue, Deep Blue, Silver) - Light blue, blue and silver drinks that restore health. Drinks of a different color can be dropped on the enemy - this will take away his health, if you drink yourself - you can die.

Pliers - pliers; if you use them on Wire (wire), you get a cage.

Cage - garden. It can catch Fire Wisp.

Rod - metal rod; when combined with Crystal, you get a Crystal Rod.

Scroll - in addition to scrolls with spells, there are also Scrolls in which you can read stories from the life of the people of this world, their letters, diaries, as well as records of various artifacts and secret places.

Health Kick is a great thing. The hero who uses this little thing has an order of magnitude increased amount of health points.

Sapphire Talisman - sapphire talisman, protection from the cold.

Wooden Ring - wood ring, protection against poisoning.

Jade Necklace - jade necklace, protection from poisoning.

Gold Ring - a golden ring, protection from fire.

Ruby Ring - ruby ​​​​ring, protection from heat.

Sapphire Ring - sapphire ring, protection from the cold.

Emerald Grown - A yellow crown that protects against mental attacks.

Ruby Amulet - A hero wearing this amulet becomes immune to heat and fire.

Webcutter is a magical staff that the player can assemble himself. Designed to destroy the web that closes the passage.

Amethyst ring - creates a field that protects against acid.

Golden apple - golden apple. There are three in total in the game. They open the way to the Halls of Dead.

Tesseract key - blue key. Using it on the obelisks, you can open a portal to the Overworld.

Chest - a chest, an excellent container for belongings. Allows you to carry a fairly large load.


red magic

Battle Fever - "fighting fever", increases the damage inflicted by the hero.

Clumsiness - clumsiness. Causes the opponent to take hits.

Fireball - Shooting a ball of fire.

Fire Shield - protection from heat.

Heat Ward - protection from fire.

Incinerate - incinerate (damages the enemy).

Ironskin - "Iron Skin".

Magma Bolt - Shot with a cloud of fire.

Meteor Shower - A burst of fireballs.

Panic - makes the enemy run away from fear.

Paralysis - paralyzes the enemy.

Terror - freezes the enemy.

purple magic

Acid Shield - Acid protection.

Acid Spray - acid splashes.

Caustic Rain - A cloud of small projectiles.

Caustic Ward - acid protection. Better Acid Shield.

Death Cloud - death cloud.

Ego Flash - insight.

Fire Walk - protection from fire and heat.

Inner Balance - Increases agility.

Mind Tap - hit the enemy with the power of thought.

Searing Thought - mental explosion (damages the enemy).

Spell Barrier - resistance to enemy spells.

Surestrike - Increases the chance to hit an enemy.

orange magic

Arc Shield - Protection against lightning strikes.

Electric Arc - a stream of charges in orange.

Force Bolt - Fires a burst of energy rings.

Force Ward - Protection against regular arrows.

Lethargic Breeze - Causes paralysis.

Lighting Bolt - Hit with a bunch of orange star balls.

Lighting Storm - a lightning storm.

Righteous Radiance - Radiance of Justice.

Ring of Force - a ring of strength.

Shocking Touch - an electric shock.

yellow magic

Bolt of Flame - A path of fire that burns the enemy's legs.

Disintegration - the enemy disintegrates into atoms.

Fire Storm - Strike with a fireball. Upon hitting the target, it turns into a ring of fire, which, spreading out, inflicts damage to everyone standing around.

Flame Shield - protection from fire.

Flaming Aura - An aura appears around the enemy, taking away his health.

Flaming Orb - A fireball shot.

Sunburst - flying yellow stars.

Sun Flash - solar flare.

Sun Ward - protection from magical projectiles.

Vanquish Graveborn - Inflicts very strong damage to all living things.

green magic

Banish Weakness - Heals minor wounds.

Bounty of the Earth - Creates food.

Critical Healing - Heals critical wounds.

Crisping Earth - slows down the movement of the enemy.

Life Shield - protection from poisoning.

Life Ward - protection in hand-to-hand combat.

Major Healing - heals major wounds.

Minor Healing - heals superficial wounds.

Poison Cloud - A green poisonous cloud.

Resurrection - rebirth. The most useful spell.

Word of Harm - A green ring that appears on the enemy's TV screen. Does a lot of damage to him.

blue magic

Chill - A shot of cold air.

Cold Shield - protection from the cold.

Cold Wind - a blow with a cold wind.

Freeze - paralyzes the enemy and takes away part of his life.

Frost Bolt - Hits an enemy with a cold cloud.

Icicles - ice dust.

Ice Storm is a cold blue cloud that radiates into a ring.

Ice Ward - Protection against cold attacks.

Invisibility - invisibility. During the duration of this spell, no enemy will notice you, even if you attack him.

Maelstrom is a cloud that diverges in different directions. Damages multiple enemies at once.

Rejoin - transfers to the specified location two brothers controlled by the computer.

Sea Walk - allows you to breathe underwater for a while.

Spell Sellers

For a more convenient search for the necessary spells (of course, if there are considerable amounts of money), I will provide a list of all spell sellers.

Ulinurius. Lives in Padavis. Trades: Freeze, Chill, Major Healing, Shocking Touch, Terror, Meteor Shower, Battle Fervor, Acid Spray, Flaming Orb.

Feldgar. You can find him in the village on the island. Trades: Ice Ward, Poison Cloud, Minor Healing, Force Ward, Clumsiness, Firewalk, Caustic Ward, Bolt of Flame, Sun Ward.

Lisan. This wizard (or sorceress) lives in the southeast of Hatak. Trades: Seawalk, Cold Wind, Word of Harm, Lighting Storm, Rightning Radiance, Air of Constraint, Ring of Force, Arc Shield, Panic, Fire Shield, Surestrike, Inner Balance.

Druiddnar. Mage of the city of Darnoc. Trades: Icicles, Banish Weakness, Bounty of the Earth, Electric Arc, Ironskin, Fire Shield, Acid Shield, Caustic Rain, Vanquish Graveborn.

Cantrapunt. Between Padavis and Bilton there is an abandoned village, he lives there. Trades: Rejoin, Life Shield, Lethargic Breeze, Magma Bolt, Mind Tap, Fire Storm.

Ice Lacer. In the very north, in the eternal snows, among the ice of Mons, you can find it. Trades: Ice Storm, Resurrection, Cushion of Air, Arc Shield, Fireball, Spell Barrier, Death Cloud, Sunburst, Sun Flash.

Faa-Tavel and Saldonaa-ar. These two wizards are easy to find. They live nearby, in the elven city of Ta-Taavan. The first trades: Disintegration, Invisibility, Critical Healing, Force Bolt, Paralysis, Incinerate, Searing Thought, Flaming Aura. The second trades: Maelstrom, Cold Shield, Frost Bolt, Life Ward, Lighting Bolt, Heat Ward, Ego Flash, Flame Shield, Grasping Earth.

Remember that each of these sellers of magic, for money, can become quite a tolerable teacher for you and pump up your magical skills.


Rock Giant is a huge man with unprecedented strength. Such a crack - it will not seem a little; try to kill him with magic or bows.

Rock Spider - mountain spider; a huge insect with a large amount of poison, which should be feared due to infection.

Orc - Orc, a large two-legged creature. Runs fast and hits hard, better attack each orc with all the heroes in turn on each orc.

Ogr - ogre. Healthy cannibal. Merciless to all living things.

Brigand is a bandit. An ordinary person, well armed, has not very much health. At the beginning of the game, it is dangerous due to the fact that they prefer to attack in a group in which there are archers. The use of magic is especially effective against them.

Buzzard is a bird. Pretty weak enemy. If there are several of them, they can cause trouble.

Goblin - a creature of small stature, weakly armed, low health. Dangerous at the beginning of the game, as it attacks with a group that always has archers. Goblins' short stature is compensated by fairly frequent blows to your head.

Ooze is a flying blob that changes shape. Pretty weak. Try not to get surrounded by these creatures.

Death Ooze is the same as Ooze, but much stronger and has a stupid habit of shooting magic.

Skeleton Lord is a very strong armored skeleton warrior, one of the servants of the Dragon Irskistan. Especially dangerous because of the unwashed bones of the forelimbs.

Serpent Man is a snake man. As a rule, they roam in heaps. Very dangerous. Don't let everyone close at once, shoot with magic, arrows...

Hell Hound is a hellish dog. Shoots fireballs from a distance. The most unpleasant thing is that this creature can kill you in such a way that you will not even guess where death came from.

Dragon Man is a dragon man. They walk in groups, usually accompanied by a Giant Spider. Very dangerous even for an advanced character. Their favorite pastime is to hang bitten heroes by their legs and perform their rituals on them.

Giant Spider is a giant spider. The same as the spider, only slightly larger. Very dangerous.

Blood Viper is a red snake. Not very dangerous due to a small amount of health, however, it can poison. Don't try to shoot her with a bow, use only magic or melee.

Giant Spider is a giant spider. Same as a spider, just a little bigger. Very dangerous.

Lizard Man is a lizard man. They attack in a group, they are very dangerous.

Skeleton is a skeleton, not a weak opponent, but dangerous only at the beginning of the game.

Pirate - a pirate, a lone bandit. Very weak.

Dark Warrior is a dark warrior, an enhanced version of the Skeleton.

Banshee is a green flying spirit. The only spirit that can be found on the surface. Very strong, has a large supply of health, uses magic. A strong and very dangerous opponent even for an advanced character.

Hobgoblin is an enlarged version of the goblin. Strong enough, besides, it has an unpleasant ability to restore its health during the battle.

Swamp Adder is a blue snake with small but very venomous glands.

Shambling Muck is an earthy man with a goofy face who shoots magic. Dangerous only at a distance.

Drethok Goblin is a small goblin, one of the weakest enemies in the game.

Troll - a troll, a huge ugly creature. Heals during combat. Don't give them time to heal by hitting hard on the abdomen.

Flame Giant is a fire giant, he is not affected by fire spells, which makes him a difficult opponent to kill.

Fire Bat is a fiery bat. Very weak. Even the fact that they attack in groups does not save them.

Night Hound - nocturnal dog, quite strong. It tears out pieces of your body at a short distance, and at the same time you cannot reach it.

Dire Wolf - A dire wolf, has the same ability as Night Hound.

Shadow Knight is a shadow knight. Very strong. They usually attack in groups. Restore their health during the battle, run fast. Their agility combined with their strength makes them almost invincible opponents.

Imp - demon, shoots magic.

Dwarfs are workers in the Aroblin mines. EnoughToo weak to resist.

Wraith are the gray spirits of the Halls of Death. Very dangerous, evil opponents. Not all weapons take them.

Shade - black perfume. They live in the Halls of Death. Use powerful spells and weapons made from Adamantium against them.

Specter is the most dangerous spirit in the Halls of Death. You can only kill him with the Darksweeper sword or the Disintegration spell.

Lava Golem is a lava golem, a good opponent, but for an advanced player it is dangerous only in a group of his associates.

Wooden Golem - a wood golem, an analogue of a lava golem in the forest. Shoots magic.

Frost Giant is an ice giant. Healthy man. Cold magic does not work against him. Strong nerves and health allow him to sleep on ice floes without a blanket.

Dragon Hatching - rather weak dragon birds, servants of Irakistaana.

Cave Viper - cave snake, can poison, and so - a weak opponent.

The Wraith Spider is a strong spider that is difficult to kill, plus it can inject so much venom into you that you will remember it for a long time.

Map Description

The world you are in is called Farr. It contains eight kingdoms.


Sparsely populated land in the center of Farr. Compared to other kingdoms, the safest place. The monsters inhabiting it are relatively weak. Mostly goblins and bands of marauders. In the center of Wildevarr is the village of Padavis. In it you can find a blacksmith, a healer, a fence, a merchant, a spell seller.

The land of the nobles - Pentere - used to be the center of culture, the center of knowledge. Now everything is forgotten. Hordes of orcs have filled these lands, and only Bilton - a huge castle - continues to hold back the onslaught of the hordes. Some of the noble families still live there, but there are rumors that monsters have filled the basements and dungeons of Bilton, and orcs have occupied the north tower.

Land of snows. None of the daredevils who went there have yet returned. It is said that many treasures lie in the dungeons of this land, but huge warrior giants guard them.


The evil sorcerer Roska, one of Sarlioth's henchmen, keeps this land in subjection by the power of his magic. The city of Darnoc - the center of this land - is famous for its gunsmiths. Here you can buy quite rare weapons.


Pirates captured the city of the same name on the coast of the great sea. To the north of the city in the sea are the ruins of a flooded city, and even further away is an island. Once upon a time, they tried to populate it. Now only the miserable remnants of the pioneers live there.


Land of the elves. They are still trying to hold back the onslaught of evil, but they are gradually losing the battle. Their dark brothers, led by Kaidar, Sarlioth's second henchman, gradually subjugate these lands.

The southernmost land of Farr. The impenetrable jungle hides from the eyes of the heroes the ruins of Gleng'l Zur, the ancient city of a dead civilization.

Once the center of the great Dwarven Empire, a deadly place for an unseasoned man. People say that a huge animal - the Dragon - now lives in the Amber Castle. The mines of Aroblin contain vast amounts of wealth, but are very well guarded.


This is a strange place that has been discussed by scientists more than once. Some say it is a myth, others believe that this realm is beyond time and space, and each step here can be equal to a hundred miles. Singers write legends about it, and heroes dream of getting there.

Halls of Dead

The Halls of Death is a gloomy underground land. Sarlioth rules here. Many mortals used to come here, now their souls guard this place.

Beginning of the game

Three brothers under your care end up with petrified horses in the middle of a village in an unknown country. To get started, wander around this settlement, talk to people, walk around the houses (you will find a lot of interesting things in them), collect everything that is idle (especially Potions, mana and spell scrolls). We advise you to read the scrolls to Kevin - he understands more about magic.

After exploring the city, you can start traveling. Go to the nearest gate (better to those located on top) and forward along the road. At first, you should not run fast and go too far from Padavis (that's the name of the village in which you found yourself) - the probability of dying is too high. Yes, it’s best to walk in threes, even if at first it’s not very convenient, but it’s okay, get used to it. The monsters here (unlike in Diablo) are pretty cool, and you're going to have a hard time.

Your primary task is to increase the health of the heroes to 70-80 points, as well as actively collect money and good weapons. The “coolness” of monsters increases as the distance from Padavis increases. Try to use the spells found in the village to the maximum. A well-developed Spellcraft skill and a large amount of mana will never hurt you.

After wandering around the area, you will soon return to the village again. It is then that an unknown man will run up to you, begin to say something quickly, and after finishing his speech, he will die. If you didn’t understand anything from his words, then we popularly explain: his family was attacked by goblins who took his wife and child captive. You need to free them.


Well, if the health of your wards has exceeded 50, you have found a decent sword or heavy club, and stocked up on life-giving drinks, then go to the Goblin Village. It is located south of Padavis. To get to it, go to the lower gate, then - along the road, turning left on the turns. You will cross a small river, there the first ambush of goblins awaits you; go further to the end of the road.

After reaching the Goblin Village, kill all the monsters and collect the scattered items and mana. Kill Krogatt, you will find Mithril Dagger on him. In the houses of the Village you will find the entrances to the basement, go down there. Under the ground, having killed all the Ooze and goblins, you will find two cells: in one there is a woman, in the other a child, these are the ones you needed to find. Unfortunately, they are already dead. This is how your first adventure ends sadly.

However, do not despair: in one of the scrolls found in the Village, you will read about the mysterious Sorceror's Lair. This dungeon is located not far, east of the Goblin Village. Having reached its very bottom, you will run into a passage closed by two doors, and you will see a lever that opens these doors. There is one trick here: the lever, opening one door, closes another, so you should make sure that one brother pulls the lever, and the other two go on.

Behind the doors you will find the evil mage Kram the Mad. Be careful, he shoots non-weak spells and can quickly send you to the next world. Try to kill him quickly, which, by the way, is quite easy to do, since his health is not enough. He will leave you an Adamantium Dagger.

To the west of Padavis is the home of a huge orc named Gowin. Killing him, especially at first, will not be easy. He will try to meet you at the door and kill you one by one, so you need to break in quickly and at once with three of us. The winner will receive a Wooden Shield, Steel Short Sword, Steel Boots, Steel Gauntlets, Acid Beaker and some cash as a reward. Also in his house will be a jug of yellow liquid - acid.

To the east of your home village is Jovans Castle. In this castle once lived a noble family, which, unfortunately, was killed by bandits. Now this place is the home of countless hordes of skeletons, as well as a real storehouse for a novice player. On the first floor, next to the hall, you will find two jugs with green and blue liquids. How to use them has already been said before. By the way, you can try to make a bomb. Her recipe: In a small pot, mix Blind Fish, Green Slime Poison, a B eaker of Yellow Acid (this can be found in the castle itself or run to Gowin).

On the right side of the castle surrounded by servants, there is a skeleton named Bhimrao, killing which will give you the magic sword Cauldera plus Mithril Great Sword, Mithril Gauntlets. Yes, you will find a Health Kick in front of Bhimrao's room, and how to use it is up to you. Rising to the second floor and destroying all the skeletons there, in the rooms you will find many empty bottles, money, life-restoring drinks, and in the chest you will find a magical amulet. In general, Castle Jovans at the beginning of the game is a place where you can get good weapons and armor, as well as train your heroes well.

Another place to look into is the Bandit Dungeon. It is located north of Padavis. Having reached the leader and, of course, killing him, you will get yourself a good Steel Breast Plate.

You should also visit the dungeons west of the Orc House. There are only five of them. In general, make it a rule to explore all the dungeons that you find. It's full of useful stuff.

Here is an example of how to start the game. Pumping Having trained the heroes to a decent, as you think, level, you can proceed to the main plot of the game.


Let me remind you once again: because of the battle of two great principles - Order and Chaos, or rather, because of the consequences of this battle, the ordinary inhabitants of the magical land of Farr groan. Your task is to stop this confrontation, that is, either you defeat one of these forces, or you neutralize these forces.

In order to stop the outrages of the two gods, you need to get to them. This is not easy to do. The horses that dragged you here knew the way to them, but, unfortunately, they turned to stone. It's okay: do you see three depressions on the pedestal at the feet of the horses? These are places for three golden apples. As you remember from the intro, Sarioth made eight tapstones with Roska's help and placed one of them in each of Farr's kingdoms. One stone, namely the Tapstone of Wildevarr, was destroyed by the horses, therefore, you need to get the other seven.

So, your goal is to collect three golden apples, pass to the gods and collect seven magic stones.

Tapstone of Hethrallin

For starters, you should go here. Capturing a stone here will not be difficult, it is only important to have at least a steel weapon, steel armor, and preferably the armor of one of the lizards (we prefer blue armor), the magical Cauldera and a couple of well-developed helper spells. Spells will help you deal with the servants of Kaydar without big losses (they practically do not take him himself). Silver Potions and a couple of green and yellow poisons will also come in handy: drop them on Kaidar's head.

Kaidar lives in a dungeon south of the ferryman's house in Hethralin. Get down from it down the road to the end, then take a little to the right. Did you find a cave? If yes, then you will immediately understand this - the bandits will immediately attack you. Destroy them and go to the dungeon!

Wander through the dark damp corridors. Destroy enemies, collect things. Your task for now will be to find Rod, Crystal, and Wire.

In no case do not touch the dark elves. They will not touch you, but if you decide to offend them, know that they are great magicians, and three brothers will not last long.

After exploring the dungeon and finding everything you need, you will eventually stumble upon a door leading to someone's chambers. Don't rush to open it. Behind her is a pair of fire elementals. Give the heroes protection from fire and enter. Try to deal with Fire Wisp as soon as possible and quickly run further, as these friends have a bad habit of respawning. Don't forget to close the door behind you or Wisp will chase you all over the dungeon.

Well, you ended up in a spacious room, from which there are only two exits, and one of them is covered with cobwebs. Well, go to the second one. After passing along the corridor, you will find yourself in a room, the only way out of which is also covered with cobwebs. Nothing wrong. See the book and the pliers? These are your keys. The book says how to make a Webcutter (web cutter). Now you will need those things that you collected earlier.

So let's start connecting: Rod + Crystal = Crystal Rod, Pliers + Wire = Cage. Now go to the place where you saw the Fire Wisp, drop the Cage right on it. Now we have a fire elemental in a cage. Take it and drop it on the Crystal Rod - get a Webcutter.

Go back and double-click on the Webcutter to cut the web. The path is clear, move on. Destroy spiders along the way.

Soon you will enter a small room, in the center of which is a pedestal, and on it lies Sartion's Skull. Take it and move on.

And finally, the long-awaited room with the Tapstone of Hethralin in the center, but here, in addition to the spiders, there is also an associate of Kaidar, the mighty mage Mordekai. Destroy everyone, including the mage. From him, you will be left with the magic sword HellRazor (it’s better for them to arm themselves right away).

The long-awaited stone is in front of you. But here's the problem: the stone is not taken. Nothing, we throw the previously found Sartion's Skull on him. Kaydar himself will immediately appear, begin to swear and then attack. Work together to destroy it. As a reward for winning you will receive a golden apple, Tesseract Key, Webcutter.

Tesseract Key will help you travel through the Overworld. To do this, go to the obelisk and use the key on it: a portal will open through which you will enter the Overworld. Now the stone is yours.

Tapstone of Maldavith

To be honest, getting this stone is very difficult, and the task itself, which must be completed for this, is one of the longest.

Arriving in the center of the kingdom of Maldavith, in the city of the same name, you will immediately find one feature that distinguishes this city from the rest. You are constantly attacked by pirates in the city. Didn't understand anything? We are at the beginning too. The city is a maritime one, so go to the port. Talk to the owner of the ship. He will say that he will take you to Tamnath Ruins, where the second Tapstone is located, only when there are no pirates in the city.

To rid the city of pirates, it is necessary to destroy their leader, who lives in a dungeon southwest of Maldavith. Follow the coast in this direction and you will find a cave. Be careful: there are spiders and strong skeleton warriors in the cave. Explore the cave. You will find many interesting things. What is worth only a chest full of weapons! At the end, you will run into a door. Keep in mind that the pirate is not alone there, he is guarded by skeleton warriors. If you're ready, come in, just be sure to lock the door behind you.

Go to the pirate's table, he will talk to you, talk about his power, and then offer to join him. If you agree, then join the ranks of the skeleton warriors, if not, then a huge crowd of the dead, led by a pirate, will rush at you. After killing them, you can walk through the criminal's dwelling - you will find a lot of interesting things, including Emerald Grown and Ruby Amulet - they will be useful to you later.

When leaving the dungeon, be on the alert: after the death of the pirate, the monsters here became much stronger, magicians and nasty flying amoebas (Ooze) also appeared, while spiders learned to shoot with powerful charges. You can exit the dungeon like this: take one of the brothers who has the Rejoin spell, and, having carefully studied the map, run out the shortest way, ignoring the attacks. After leaving the dungeon, simply teleport the remaining brothers in the cave to you.

Return to the city and turn in the loot. Here, by the way, is the best of the buying shops, where you will be offered almost as much money for a thing as it costs from sellers (it is especially profitable to sell Gem Stones here, the rate is 40 coins per 1 stone).

Having sold your clothes, run to the pier. The captain is now ready to take you to the Ruins. After landing in the Ruins, do not run headlong. Firstly, you can fall into the water and drown, and secondly, there are a lot of monsters here.

After exploring the Sunken City, you will find two pools filled with water, and two houses, one of which will contain, in addition to monsters, three levers that drain water in the pools. In one of the pools, or rather, in the one closest to your landing site, there is a Tapstone. Press the two extreme levers, and you will hear the sound of merging leaving water. Now go to the pool and take the stone. Another Tapstone is yours.

Tapstone of Aroblin

You have already visited the dwelling of one of the main associates of Sarioth - Kaydar - it is time to go to another assistant of the great Order - the Dragon named Irastakaan. Dealing with it will be more difficult, but still possible.

The dragon lives in a dungeon located under Amber Castle. The castle itself is located north of the carrier. You will immediately recognize this building, it is very reminiscent of a circus. Entering it, you will find yourself in a room in the center of which there is a staircase leading to the second floor, on the right and left behind closed doors there are three teleports to the lower halls. Each of the doors opens by turning on a certain pair of levers on the second floor, we will not list their combinations, since there are only three of them, and at the far end of the room there is a corridor blocked by as many as three doors.

In each of the halls where the teleports lead, you will find one key: Emerald Key, Sapphire Key, Bloodstone Key (there are also many useful items, in particular, diamonds). These keys open the doors of the corridor: Emerald Key - the first, Bloodstone Key - the second, Sapphire Key - the third.

At the end of the corridor there is a teleport leading to the Dragon, but be on the lookout: before the Dragon, you will have to fight spiders, skeletons and flying amoebas. The Dragon itself shoots fire and is completely immune to any weapons other than those made from Adamantium. It follows from this that when going into battle with him, you must: put on some object that provides protection from fire and heat (for example, Ruby Amulet) or use the appropriate protective spell; if possible, take a weapon made from Adamantium, and if there is none, you should attack the Dragon with Fireball spells (he especially does not tolerate it) or SunFlash.

After defeating the Dragon, examine the dead body: you will find a golden apple, Tesseract Key and a lair. There you will find many gems, as well as magical things, but you will not find a stone. In fact, it is located just north of the Castle, in a mine, which has now become a haven for a huge number of monsters.

The stone is located on the fourth level of the mine (naturally, down). To move through the levels, you must press the levers, since each subsequent level is closed by a door that opens by pressing the corresponding lever at the opposite end of the dungeon.

On the first and second levels, you will meet the former workers of this place - the gnomes (left after death, in addition to weapons, they also leave diamonds). On the second floor there will be a staircase leading down and not closed by a door. Be sure to go down it, get into the room where, after killing the spiders, you will find two pairs of Dragonskin Boots and six Firebrand Arrows.

On the fourth level there is a huge lava lake with islands. On one of the islands is now your Tapstone. One detail: you can walk on this lake without losing a drop of health, for this you need to put on Dragonskin Boots. At the same level, almost at the very entrance, a man named Jagadis wanders, killing him, you will receive the Darksweeper sword.

Tapstone of Hatak

It will be very difficult to get this stone, since the monsters guarding it are much stronger than you and have the ability to strike at a distance with magic.

The Tapstone is in a pyramid located in the northernmost part of the Gleng'l Zur ruins, and the ruins are in the middle of the jungle, southwest of the ferryman. Of particular danger are Plant Man - green men who fight well and are fluent in magic.

Having found the pyramid, rise to its very top and press the two buttons on the pillars. A ghost will appear, which can only be killed with weapons made from Adamantium, and a secret door will also open. Go down a floor and you will see her. In the opened room, you need to press another button. Another door will open leading to the floor below. There, in a small room, guarded by the shaman Frollo, lies a stone. Kill the shaman: he will leave you the magic sword Venom, but when taking the stone, be careful: the door through which you entered will close, and the door leading to the monsters will open. Kill them.

Tapstone of Karminac

This stone is located in the Roska Citadel north of the city of Darnoc (follow the road along the coast - don't miss it) and is guarded by the last - the third assistant of Sarioth - the great mage Roska.

There are a lot of demons in this castle, they are weak by themselves (killed with one hit), but they shoot quite powerful magic.

Find the stairs to the basement (located on the right side of the castle). You will have to go through the room in which there is an apparatus that generates attack spells (for some reason they fly at you all the time). Going down, you will see monsters locked in cages - the objects of Roska's experiments. Go further, you will find yourself in a room where the stone you need lies: it is the heart, the source of energy for the machine that fired at you on the floor above. Take the stone and you will hear the sound of the door opening. These are the monsters, who had previously been in cages, turned out to be free. Now, to get out, you have to fight them.

But do not rush to leave: in the room with the stone there is a chest with money and things, also examine the killed monsters, some of them have something useful.

However, your mission here is not over yet, now you need to kill Roska himself. Climb up to the roof for this. On the penultimate floor, there is a Bone Key in a red box, take it. On the roof you will see another descent down, fenced with bars with a locked door. The door is unlocked with the Bone Key. Climb down and you'll be at Roska's.

In the fight against the magician, be very careful. Firstly, Adamantium Great Sword does not take it, and the rest do minor damage. Second, the spells he uses are the most powerful in the game. It is very difficult to kill him. Before fighting him, equip the brothers with all the magic swords you have and grab a lot of Silver Potion. Yes, to the west of Roska Citadel, on the seashore, there is a small village, which is often visited by Shadow Knights, and they usually have a lot of money and good weapons, and they give decent experience.

Tapstone of Pentere

In the northern part of the city of Bilton there is a tower, upon approaching which disturbing music begins to play. That's right, it's full of ogres. You can’t get there from the outside, for this you have to go down into the cellars. The stairs leading down are in the neighboring house.

Wander downstairs, fight with ogres and vampires - you will find a lot of useful things. At the end of the journey, find a door guarded by two ogres, Bluto and Pluto. After passing through the door, you will fall into the crypt where Mistress Esmeralda and King Kaiger rest. At the opposite end of the room is a closed door.

Teleport two brothers for her, but be careful, there are, we repeat, a lot of ogres. Reach the end of this corridor and go up the stairs. You will find yourself in a wonderful garden, in the center of which is Tapstone: it is guarded by an ogre named Smash and a bunch of his minions. Kill them and take possession of the stone. Smash has Mithril Armor, Mithril Helm, Steel Boots, Steel Gauntlets, and an “Enchanted” War Hammer.

Tapstone of Mons

The last stone is located in the very north of Farr, in the land of eternal ice and snow. Going there, do not forget to put on something warmer (Snow Parka) or put on an appropriate amulet (ring). It is not recommended to use spells from the cold, as they last for a limited period of time and you are tormented to constantly cast them (especially on three heroes).

Tapstone is located in one of the local dungeons, but you will have to visit two more. The first one contains a magic club and a bunch of diamonds, and it’s easier to find it (we will also look for the other two caves from it). The second contains the magical Tekton Hammer, which will be useful to you when mining Tapstone.

So, the first dungeon is located to the west of the carrier. You should definitely go there. In addition to the things mentioned earlier, you will find quite a few useful spells there. The second is to the northeast of the first to the north of the carrier. And the third is to the north of the first. In this dungeon you will find a stone frozen in ice, the only way to break the ice is with a Tekton Hammer. Take the hammer and go!

Halls of Dead

So, you have seven stones and three golden apples.

Return to the statue of three horses. Take the apples and put them in the three recesses on the pedestal: a passage to the Halls of Death will open in front of you. Before you run there, clarify the following things for yourself: the monsters of the Halls of Death (more precisely, the spirits of mortals that inhabit them) are only afraid of weapons made from Adamantium, and some are not even afraid of it. In this case, the magical Darksweeper will help you - it hits everyone with one blow, as well as the Disintegration (destruction) and Invisibility (invisibility) spells. By the way, when you are invisible, you can destroy monsters with complete impunity: they will not respond.

Now, using the invisibility spell on yourself, go downstairs. Run to the right, ignoring the spirits, to a small building. If you have collected all the stones, its doors will not be locked.

In the center of the room stands Rock of Despair (stone of despair), it must be broken. The Object of Hope amulet will appear from the destroyed stone, capture it. Return back to the stairs. From it, move up to the wall, and then along the wall to the left, to the gate. Go through them, don't forget to close them behind you.

This is where you will meet the spirits of Specter: you can’t take them with anything other than Darksweeper or a destruction spell, but it’s best to run past them using an invisibility spell.

Run now again to the left to the old ruined obelisk. Use Object of Hope on it and open the portal. Entering it will take you to the hideout of Thorolis (the mortal incarnation of Chaos). You don't need to kill him, talk to him. At the end of the conversation, get a Chaos Orb from him. Take it, it will come in handy.

Go back through the portal and, following the northeast direction, go to Sarlioth's portal. The portal is located in the building behind a locked door, which can be opened by sequentially pressing the levers. The levers are here, behind closed doors in small rooms.

The plan of this building is as follows: a long corridor from the entrance leads directly to a locked portal. This corridor is crossed by two more. In the nearest one there are four rooms - two on the left, two on the right, in the far one - only two, one on each side. Initially, only one room is open - at the first fork, turn left, the first door. By pulling the lever there, you will open the door of the room located at the very end of the same corridor, but only on the other side. Then run to the next fork, and there to the left, then return to the first corridor and to the right, the nearest door, now back to the end. The last lever remains, in the second corridor in the room on the right. By clicking on it, you will open the door leading to the portal. If you did everything right, feel free to enter it, but remember: there is no way back from Sarlioth's abode, either you win or die ingloriously.

Once in the center of the cave, make your heroes invisible, otherwise the spirits will kill you in the end (monsters respawn very quickly here). Go left, a little down, and run into the house where Order lives. Go inside: the two doors leading to the main hall are closed, the first door leads to the reception room (it's full of Shadow Knights), the second door leads from the reception room to the hall. To open the first one, go to the right, into the room where the machine that releases the Wooden Golem is located, pull the two levers on the right there. The second door is opened by the levers of the room on the left, where the machine produces Lava Golem. Come into the hall and lay on the pi

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