I dreamed of a doorbell ringing. Dream Interpretation: The doorbell rings. Dream Interpretation - Doorbell

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If in a dream you hear your doorbell ring, this is a sign that you will soon receive unexpected but comforting news. Unforeseen circumstances in business are also possible. This dream also foreshadows the illness of someone close to you, for whom you will have to diligently...

I had a dream “Ring”

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Hearing a phone call means good news or success in business awaits you. The phone call woke you up, but in reality it didn’t happen - dissatisfaction with yourself awaits you. A doorbell ringing can be a harbinger of a meeting with a very unpleasant or...

Call - see in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Hearing a call means unpleasant news.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about a call?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you dreamed that you heard a bell, then such a dream often means anxiety, unpleasant news. If you dreamed of a doorbell ringing, this is a sign that there is a possibility of meeting with an ill-wisher, a vile and unpleasant person. Therefore, such...

Dreaming of “Ring” in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Hearing a doorbell ring very clearly in a dream (by the way, everyone dreams of this dream very often) means an anxious state.

What does a dream mean in which there is a call?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Last call" - the last warning. Ring: “we hear a ringing, but we don’t know where it is” - uncertainty, ignorance, premonition. “bell” - publicity, gossip (idle talk), the end of things.

The meaning of a dream about a doorbell, telephone

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Deception. Expectations associated with the relationship will be in vain. Warning.

Dream Interpretation: why do you dream of a doorbell, telephone

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Deception; expectations associated with the relationship will be in vain; warning.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about a call?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Last call - last warning. Ringing: We hear a ringing, but we don’t know where it is - uncertainty, ignorance, premonition. A call means publicity, gossip (idle talk), the end of things.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about the doorbell ringing?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Indicates a persistent attempt by someone or a new situation to enter your life. Increased importance. This image does not warn of danger as such, the danger is that you will not pay attention to the message of life. Something may be lost forever. ...

Dream Interpretation: why do you dream about the Third Call? Number 3 (three)

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To be in a theater or cinema in a dream and hear the third bell means that you are overly concerned about your reputation and forget about the needs of loved ones. If you manage to enter the hall before the lights go out, then you...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about a call?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Hearing a bell in a dream (doorbell, telephone) is a joy. What about the alarm clock?!

Decoding and interpretation of sleep Call

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If in a dream you heard a doorbell ring in reality, you will learn unexpected news or some circumstances that will need to be responded to quickly.

If you dream of a Doorbell, what is it for?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Ringing someone's door or hearing yours ring - receiving some unexpected information, an urgent call or news of the illness of one of your close relatives

Why do you see a call in a dream?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Hearing the doorbell means that you will soon receive news that will prompt you to act quickly and decisively. To ring someone's doorbell yourself - in reality, turn to your friends for help and receive all possible help and the warmest emotional sympathy. If in …

Call (Seen in a dream)

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A dream in which you hear the doorbell ring symbolizes some news. If in a dream you are frightened by a sudden call, be careful, since your interests may be betrayed by those whom you considered your friends. If you dreamed that you were making a phone call...

Call - interpretation in the dream book

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

May symbolize personal customization. If the sound is clear, it may mean consonance with the well of life. If the sound is muffled or unclear, you may need to spend some time making personal adjustments. The bell can warn - “be on the lookout!” Bells ring during festivities.

Call - see in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

See sound. Reminder to “Stay Alert!” - Reflection of personal energy settings.

Dream - Call - what to expect?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Call - talk less; carelessly thrown words can have serious consequences. Ringing an unfamiliar door means turning to friends for help.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about a call?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Calling is a warning against excessive talkativeness; your words can have serious consequences. Ringing an unfamiliar door - ask your friends for help.

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Did you hear a doorbell ring in a dream? You will receive sad and unexpected news. There may be circumstances that you did not plan for. Such a dream suggests that perhaps someone close to you will get sick and he will need you.

the doorbell rings in a dream, what is it for?

You will receive news that will force you to take decisive action immediately. If you ring the doorbell yourself, then it is better for you to turn to your friends for support, help and understanding.

the doorbell rings in a dream, what is it for?

You are waiting for a meeting with a bad (mean) person; if in a dream you hear that your doorbell is ringing, you should be careful with strangers.

doorbell in a dream

If you call yourself, you will be very surprised by some news. If your doorbell rings, it means you will know information that will help you receive benefits.

the doorbell rings in a dream, what is it for?

If in a dream you clearly hear the doorbell ringing (which happens quite often), then most likely this indicates an imminent state of anxiety.

interpretation of the doorbell dream

It is good news to hear a bell ringing in a dream (doorbell or telephone).

People sometimes see strange dreams, the meaning of which can hardly be understood on their own. What do night dreams that involve a doorbell mean? The dream book will help you solve this riddle. A person must certainly remember the details, since the interpretation depends on them.

Modern combined door

What can you learn from this guide? What does the doorbell symbolize? The dream book predicts unexpected news for the sleeping person. There is a possibility that a person will learn about a serious illness of a relative and will be forced to visit him.

A person hears a bell, opens the door, and discovers that there is no one behind it? Such a plot predicts communication with suspicious individuals. The sleeper needs to be careful, as new acquaintances may try to deceive him.

What else can a doorbell ring promise to a person? The dream book also considers the option when the sleeper himself tries to get into someone’s home. A person persistently calls, but no one is in a hurry to answer him? Or does the dreamer discover that the bell is out of order? Such stories warn him of possible deception. The people with whom he cooperates will refuse to fulfill their obligations. The sleeper will not be able to do anything about this.

Interpreter from A to Z

What information is contained in this guide to the world of dreams? What does it mean to hear a doorbell ring in a dream? Such dreams warn a person that he will soon have to act decisively and quickly. This will be connected with the news that the sleeper will receive.

Is the dreamer himself ringing someone's doorbell in his dreams? Such a plot means that he will soon find himself in an unpleasant situation and will not be able to get out of it on his own. The person will be forced to turn to friends, who, of course, will not refuse to help him.

Hearing a doorbell in a dream and finding out that it is a postman - what does this mean? Such dreams warn that uninvited guests may come to the sleeping person.

Hear it

Does a person just hear the doorbell ring? The dream book predicts news that will come from afar. It's hard to say whether he will receive bad or good news. It is also possible that the information received will cause him great surprise.

At the door, which was long and persistent? Such a plot warns that the sleeper has accumulated too many old things. For a long time he did not deal with his problems and hid his head in the sand. As a result, he had a lot of urgent matters. It is unlikely that the sleeper will be able to enjoy life before he finishes them.

It's time for a person to start getting rid of old "junk". He needs to complete things that have been waiting for a long time, call those to whom he promised. After this, the dreamer will feel surprisingly easy and pleasant.


Is a person frightened by a doorbell heard in a dream? This means that in real life his friends will give him a surprise. Close people are preparing something amazing. Don't try to figure out what it will be in advance.

Did the doorbell ringing in your night dreams please the dreamer? Such a plot means that pleasant events will happen in reality. A person will definitely have a reason to rejoice. There is a high probability that his cherished dream will come true. This event will bring about amazing changes.

There's no one behind the door

What else can a doorbell symbolize according to the dream book? Open the door and find that no one is there - what does this mean? Such a plot warns the dreamer that he is captive of dangerous illusions. A person refuses to live in the present, prefers to continue building castles in the air, dreaming of things that will never come true.

Of course, such a dream does not mean that the sleeper should stop believing in miracles. Just a sober look at things will make him stronger and give him confidence.

Call yourself

Ringing someone's doorbell in your night dreams - what does it mean? Such a plot indicates that in reality a person will acquire valuable information. Only one thing is required of him - the ability to manage it correctly and competently.

A sleeping person rings the doorbell, but no one is in a hurry to open it? This plot indicates that the person is in too much of a hurry. He risks "breaking the woods." Taking a wait-and-see attitude is the best thing the dreamer can do now. He needs to just observe what is happening for some time and draw his own conclusions. The right decision will definitely come to him.

Pressing the bell button with your own hands and running away - what do such night dreams warn about? This may mean that a person is immersed in a routine. He misses joy, adventure, and fun. It's time to allow yourself to rest.

Interpreter of the Wanderer

What can you dream about when the doorbell rings at night? The Wanderer's Dream Book also contains the answer to this question. Such a plot warns a person that his expectations are in vain. The plans of the sleeper will not come true, which will happen due to circumstances that do not depend on him.

Why do lovers dream of a doorbell? Such dreams can warn that a person does not know something about his chosen one. The discovery could be extremely unpleasant for him.

Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Does the sleeper press the bell button in his dreams? Such a plot means that in reality a person will receive good news. If a young girl sees such a dream, then it can predict a successful marriage for her.

What do night dreams in which someone rings the dreamer's doorbell mean? Such a plot predicts bad news for a person. He is most likely to hear about the illness of someone who plays an important role in his life. The person will spend a lot of time caring for the sick.

Hearing a bell, opening it and realizing that there is no one behind the door - why is that? Such dreams promise the dreamer a common cause with an unfamiliar person. For some time, the sleeper will become dependent on this person. He will suspect him of deception, but these assumptions may not be confirmed.


“I dreamed the doorbell rang and I woke up” is a situation that many representatives of the fair sex face. This means that the woman will experience joyful changes. First of all, this is relevant if the dreamer liked the sound of the bell and did not frighten her. The sleeping woman will soon receive news that will prompt her to take action. Life will begin to change for the better right before your eyes.

Does the person sleeping in her dreams press the doorbell herself for a long time and persistently? Such a plot is a sign that the woman will soon penetrate someone else's secret. The dreamer will be able to use the information received for her own purposes. It is possible that this information will help her advance her career and succeed in life.

Does the doorbell have a very beautiful sound? Such a plot is a sign that the sleeping woman has many talents. The woman herself is not yet aware of the existence of most of them. The dream means that it’s time for her to start self-development. Also, such dreams can warn that the sleeper is fixated on material wealth, forgetting about spiritual food.

To hear first the bell and then a man’s voice outside the door - what is this for? Such dreams promise the dreamer changes in her personal life. An important acquaintance awaits a lonely lady. She needs to stop focusing on work and get out into people more often. For a girl whose personal life is already arranged, such a dream predicts harmony in her relationship with her significant other.

Why does a woman dream of a doorbell if you can barely hear it? Such a plot predicts that she will receive distorted information. She will try to use this information and make a big mistake. This will negatively affect the dreamer’s reputation in society and the attitude of loved ones towards her. Every news that the sleeping woman receives in the near future must be carefully double-checked.

Does the call sound loud, then suddenly stop? Such dreams warn that the dreamer has a bad habit of quitting things halfway. She is unlikely to succeed in life if she continues in the same spirit.

For men

What does a doorbell promise for men? The dream book contains both positive and negative predictions. If the sound is shrill and unpleasant, then the person should be wary. It is possible that the sleeper is too focused on his career and practically does not devote time to his family. He needs to leave the race for material wealth for a while, take a vacation and spend it in the company of his household.

The doorbell rings from a girl whom the man finds very attractive? Such a plot predicts changes in the sleeper’s personal life. It is possible that his advances will finally be answered by the one whose attention the dreamer has been seeking for a long time.

Is the sound clear and beautiful? Such a doorbell can be dreamed of by someone who in reality is very pleased with himself and his life. The man has no desire to change anything; he is completely satisfied with everything. Is one of the parents of the sleeping person pressing the bell button? This means that the dreamer can always count on the support of friends and loved ones. He should not try to get out of a difficult situation on his own. It is better to seek help immediately.

What does a fuzzy doorbell symbolize? This sign can be called neutral. A man devotes too much time to the pursuit of material wealth. He needs to devote more time to the spiritual sphere.

Most often it means that in real life someone wants to tell you important information or is trying to get your attention.

Dream Interpretation - calling your ex on your mobile phone

A dream in which you make a phone call to your ex-boyfriend or he calls you indicates that in real life you would not want to completely break off your relationship.

Free online interpretation of dreams - to get results, enter the dream and click on the search button with a magnifying glass

It is quite possible that you will forget the grievances and start dating again.

Someone calls you on your mobile phone

In reality, you are about to receive an important message.

This ritual is performed during the warm summer months. Early in the morning, when dew is accumulating on the grass, go outside, grab a bunch of greenery with your hand and tear it off the roots.

Go to your lover’s house and, near his threshold, spread the plucked grass with a free movement and say:

“The Servant of the Lord Alexey (insert the desired name) walks the earth, wears a white body, does not bow his wild head, does not remember me, the Servant of the Lord Irina (substitute) and does not miss my lips. As soon as he steps on an ant-grass, dope will cover his violent head.

Just as the grass dries up under the red sun, so my loved one will begin to dry up. My speeches are strong and molded, no one can talk them down.”

— Charmed dew grass

Why do you dream about a phone call and a conversation with a loved one?

In this case, it is said that it is worth paying attention to a loved one, and not answering the phone call - this means a break in the relationship or misunderstanding.

A dream in which a guy you like called you means that you have a connection with him on a telepathic level in real life.

Definition of magical abilities

Choose the description that suits you best and find out what your hidden magical abilities are.

Pronounced telepathy - you can read and transmit thoughts at a distance, but it takes a lot of work to achieve your goal and believe in your hidden capabilities.

Remember that the lack of a mentor and control of abilities will turn good into harm, and no one knows how destructive the consequences of the devil's influence can be.

All signs of clairvoyance. With some effort and the support of higher powers, you can develop the gift of recognizing the future and seeing the past.

If the forces are not controlled by a mentor who can help cope with them, ruptures in temporary space are possible and evil will begin to seep into our world, gradually absorbing it with dark energy.

Be careful with your gift.

By all indications, he is a medium. It's about being able to connect with spirits and even control the passage of time, but it takes years of practice and the right mentor.

If the balance of power is upset, then darkness will begin to absorb the remnants of good and power that could serve for good, I will move to another hypostasis and darkness will reign.

By all accounts, it’s witchcraft. You can study and cast damage, the evil eye, you can do love spells and divination will not be an overwhelming task.

But everything must be used exclusively for the good and done so that others do not suffer, in their innocence, from your superpowers bestowed from above.

Developing inner strength requires at least 5 years of practice and the right mentor.

What is most characteristic of you is telekinesis. With the right concentration and effort, which can be compressed into a spherical force, you will be able to move small and, over time, larger objects with the power of thought.

By choosing a mentor who has more power, you have a bright future, which can be darkened by a transition to the dark side if you are not strong enough to keep yourself from the temptations of Satan.

You are a healer. Practical magic, incantations, spells and everything connected with it are not just words, but your life choice and power, which is given by the higher mind and this is not just like that, but for a sacred purpose that you will soon learn.

It will be like a vision, like a prophetic dream that you can never forget.

Remember that this power must be used only for good, otherwise you will be swallowed up by darkness and this will be the beginning of the end.

Dream Interpretation - a phone call from a deceased person or a rival

To dream of a call “from the other world” from a person who has passed away means that you have not let him go from you. This is bad for both you and the deceased.

In this dream, it is very important to remember what the caller wanted to say and carry out his will.

Collection of dream books

Why do you dream about a call in a dream according to 12 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Call” symbol from 12 online dream books. If you do not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all dream books on our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of your dream by an expert.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why did you see the bell in a dream?

Hearing a phone call in a dream- means that good news or success in business awaits you.

If a phone call woke you up, but it didn't actually happen- then dissatisfaction with yourself awaits you.

The doorbell you dreamed about- may be a harbinger of a meeting with a very unpleasant or vile person, a call for caution in dealing with little-known people.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Ringing - can symbolize personal attunement.

If the sound is clear- this may mean consonance with the well of life.

If the sound is muffled or unclear- You may need to spend some time personalizing it.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Hearing a doorbell very clearly in a dream- to an anxious state.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Hear a bell in a dream- to anxiety.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Hear a bell in a dream- to unpleasant news.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why see a bell in a dream?

Hearing a doorbell in a dream- means that you will soon receive news that will prompt you to act quickly and decisively.

Ringing someone's doorbell yourself- in reality, turn to your friends for help and receive all possible help and the warmest sincere sympathy.

If the postman rings the doorbell- this is for an unexpected visit.

Hearing a phone ringing in a dream- a sign of unforeseen circumstances in business.

If you heard an alarm clock that fit into the outline of your dream- perhaps someone close to you who you will have to care for is unwell.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Interpretation of a dream: Calling from a dream book?

Doorbell, telephone- deception; expectations associated with the relationship will be in vain; warning.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Phone call heard in a dream- portends important news that will require you to react extremely quickly.

If you heard in a dream that someone is ringing your doorbell- unexpected and not very pleasant news awaits you.

Esoteric dream book

Meaning of sleep: Call from a dream book?

The doorbell rings - they will deceive you, distort information.

Video: Why do you dream about a call?

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Did you dream of a Ring, but the required interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream about a bell in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    I dreamed that my ex called on Skype, we started talking (I don’t remember what, but I know that strong old feelings arose), then I wondered what to say to the girl as an excuse, but I didn’t want to leave. My ex called, we wanted to talk all night in Skype, I wanted to lie to the girl that I was busy today and then I woke up from the breathing of my sleeping girlfriend... the dream bothers me, because I don’t want to leave her anywhere. Why the dream? Thank you.

    hello, today I dreamed that my dead mother called me on the phone. I don’t remember what she said, but I didn’t believe it was her. then I woke up in the middle of the night. Mom died 2 months ago.

    the mobile phone was lying on the table. I saw her calling.
    it was a call from someone I really like.
    I didn’t have time to lift it or couldn’t. Then I just regretted not answering.

    I had this dream during the day. The phone rings, I pick up the phone, say hello, and my grandmother’s voice comes out of the receiver. Hello Lena, I say hello grandma. And then I understand how she can call if we buried her a year ago, June 3rd will be the anniversary. I ask her grandma, where are you? And she says in response. My mother wishes you a safe journey. I ask where, but the dream ended and I woke up in a cold sweat. What does this dream mean?

    Hello Tatiana. Here’s my dream - “I unexpectedly, rather automatically, realized that I was calling my husband’s uncle (now he is very sick, but he always helped us like a father), he answered very calmly, I told him that my husband received a call about work, he I said nothing, and then I realized that I apologized very late and hung up. The clock showed 2 am.

    I woke up to a call on my landline phone, and my dad answered. As it turned out, a person with whom I have not communicated for a long time called. But before that, there were phone calls from this man, only he was silent on the phone the whole time. The man asked my dad how I live and study. My father knew him from somewhere.

    Hello! I dreamed of a phone call! When I answered the phone, they told me that it was from the hospital... I asked with fear: “What, dad died?” (the fact is that he is now in the hospital in serious condition, and I am very I’m worried). And they told me that no, he is alive, but only to be baptized...

    The phone rang. Mom answered the phone and they said that grandma (father’s mother) had died. After that, the father cried blood. This is the second dream in which a phone call informs about the death of a grandmother.

    I dreamed that I was at the dacha and we were hiding from a bunch of wolves in the house, although there are no wolves anywhere near our dacha village. Then I got a call from a boy who I’ve liked for a long time, but apparently these feelings are not mutual, but in my dream he called me for a walk, and then I didn’t see the dream, I woke up from the alarm clock

    I am renting an apartment with my family. I had a dream that they were ringing the doorbell on the first call. I didn’t respond to the second one. I got up and went to open the door, but I was already opening it. I woke up and the owner’s name said that she was ringing the doorbell, Natalya Anatolyevna.

    they called me on my cell phone and the name of my ex-boyfriend was displayed there, I picked up the phone and he started saying my name, said something and that’s when I woke up. I didn’t think about him before going to bed, I took a nap during the day. thank you in advance.

    So, I was standing in my parents’ bedroom with the guy I’m dating at the moment and my phone rang, I picked up the phone (my ex-boyfriend was there), we said hello, he asked if I wanted to return to him and why I left him, then my boyfriend took the phone and hung up... I didn’t answer my ex’s question... after that I woke up.

    I dreamed that the guy I love called to meet. This call was very long-awaited, but something constantly interfered with our meeting, as if on purpose. As a result, the meeting did not take place. What does this dream mean?

    I dreamed that it was as if doctors were chasing me... they weren’t grabbing me by force, but they were chasing me. I manage to get away from them. I call my ex-boyfriend and tell him that I am being stalked. He asks where you are, what’s there, expresses interest, seems ready to help, but the call ends. Then I find myself with someone else (I think it’s a woman) in some establishment and we rob him. We were all happy to loot, but then the light behind the door turns on and I understand that the cops are chasing us. But I again find a way to escape, it turns out to be a door, I open it and, to my surprise, there is no ambush there, and we run away... we run away, as it were, into the city, we run up the stairs. A man and a girl are walking, I grab the girl’s hand to avert my eyes, as if I were walking there. Then we jumped on the tram and took a rest. And I still think that although we weren’t caught, our fingerprints remained. ..again, there is nothing stolen with us. I thought about this too, how good it would be. This is the dream and the sensations in the dream. At the end of it all, I’m thinking, how can I tell Dan (my ex) that I’m either in a mental hospital or being caught for robbery))))) with worries)
    Thank you)

    I had a dream today, I dreamed about my great sister, who died more than 10 years ago, I dreamed as if she was alive, the dream was very pleasant. She took me to our childhood places. Also that night I was woken up by an obvious doorbell, but I didn’t go to the door, they suspected that I had dreamed it. Then I settled down, I don’t remember what happened in order, the sister or the call.

    I dreamed that the phone was ringing, I picked it up, and it was unusual - without numbers, with blue and red stripes. I shout hello, hello, and in response there is silence. And it feels like my late mother is calling from the city in which she lived, in which I spent my childhood.

    I live in a private house. I dream that I am in the house and the bell is ringing (I note that this bell broke two years ago, and I didn’t install a new one, so the old one is still standing). I go to open it through the yard and know that it is Igor who has come - my beloved man. I walk and think, what if it’s not him, but the electricity, gas or water inspectors? Open or not? I went up to the gate and that was it, the end of the dream.

    I had a dream where an unfamiliar number called me and told me not to call again! Then I sat with friends and discussed it, who could it be? A friend’s wife asked: “maybe it’s Katya?”
    Me: “I don’t think so! If she is, then why?”
    -Maybe things became normal between him and Dima and that’s all!
    -I rarely called her, but she didn’t dial me!

    I dreamed that I was raising my half-brother, whom for some reason everyone thought was dead, after which I saw my stepfather, who had not lived with us for a long time, after I heard groans and screams, I looked out the window, it was night there and I saw a woman hanging from a light pole, then I ran into the room and screamed. I want to call my stepfather on the phone, while I call the emergency number myself and tell the girl my address where I urgently need to come. Then I woke up.

    I dreamed of tangerines that I bought them and brought them home.. from Friday to Saturday... and I dreamed of a call from a loved one, we were having a terrible quarrel at the moment... and in the dream he said to call back in 15 minutes.. and then I dreamed that he showered me with snow

    My ex-boyfriend called me and asked me to repeat the words that I really told him on the day of separation, that I love him very much. I told him that now it’s not important and doesn’t matter and hung up.

    Today I had a dream where the mother of my friend but my beloved person called me on the phone..... I remember our short conversation with her.... at first I didn’t recognize her, but then I realized that it was her after all.... she kindly told me “Hello, this is mom….then I interrupted her conversation and in response I said…mom (pronounced her son’s name) with a smile. At this point the dream stopped.

    I was at school at some event. I don’t know why, but I went to the store. On the way my phone rang. I answered the phone.
    -Hello! How are you?
    -And who is this?
    -This is your mother!
    And I quickly turned off the phone, because I was very scared, because my mother died 6 years ago. and I’m very afraid, the ancient Russian dream book says that seeing a dead person means trouble. Thank you in advance!
    Nastya. 13 years old.

    I dreamed that I was sleeping and wanted to wake up to ask my husband to leave the room we are in (this room is real and we actually fell asleep in it), but I can’t wake up, I feel a very strong cold on my back, I think that maybe I’m sleeping with my back to the wall because and it’s cold. I hear my son crying in the other room, then he starts laughing and later comes to us, then I dream that I wake up and go to the kitchen to smoke, I hear the phone ringing, it’s lying in my panties as if behind an elastic band!!! I take it out and there the deceased is sitting on a chair and smoking, before I saw this picture, there were some words but not in her voice and I couldn’t make out what they said. After what I saw, I got scared and woke up

    Well, in short, I’m sitting at home in a dream, my phone is ringing, I look at the hidden number, I take it and there’s a girl’s voice and she says hi to me, then if you remember, you’ll call me back, if not, then I forgot why I can’t understand yours

    I dreamed that I went to my neighborhood and found a tick on my right hand and 2 on my left, in a panic, let’s call my mother (who has been dead for a long time). I tell her that I need to go to the hospital to remove the ticks, and my mother says that while in the area, go to the ambulance and have them remove you. And I clearly see that I’m in the hospital in the district, I went up to the paramedic, showed him, and woke up

    Hello. I dreamed that my dead mother rang at my door, I opened it and told her that she died and lost consciousness from fear (in a dream). Then I feel like she’s trying to wake me up and runs her nails along my arm. and I imagine it’s as if my nails have grown in the grave and this makes me feel great fear

    Evening. I was walking with my aunt along the street to the appointed place, suddenly a handsome guy runs out of the door of the house (In real life, we don’t know each other, but I saw him several times. He studied at my school). He comes up to me, says something and gives me some kind of plant with small white flowers, I look at him with incomprehension. He smiles, throws the plant away and gives me a small bouquet of red roses, then runs back into the house. I stand in shock. Aunt and I turn around and go back. Suddenly my phone rings, I want to answer, but I don’t have time. He immediately calls back again and I answer (A guy I was hanging out with in real life calls me. I like him, but the guy himself doesn’t pay attention to me). He calls me and starts judging me for taking these flowers, and I start arguing with him, saying it’s none of your business. Then he started telling me something and the call was disconnected. I woke up.

    I dreamed of a call from my late grandmother (I didn’t see her), but I heard her voice, and she asked, “Do you have 5 minutes of attention?” I answered, “Yes, there is time,” and her voice disappeared. Tell me, what is this dream for? Thank you!

    hello, I didn’t see anything, but I heard a call to the apartment and I immediately woke up and everything on January 27 to 28 I saw a dream, like my neighbor who died says Dus, I’ll write the house off to you, he says it’s not important, but you can live with me, I still can’t forget this dream and I keep thinking, why would this be and today the doorbell rings, please explain why?

    Hello, my name is Alexandra! 2 years ago my beloved grandmother died, since then I dream of her constantly, she tells me everything! And last night I dreamed that she called me on the phone, but I didn’t have time to answer. When I saw the number, it was her number during her life.

    they called me on a black landline phone and I couldn’t understand what they were talking about and then the music was loud on the phone. and then I hung up. the elder brother squatted. son and father. the father said that he had gone somewhere and would come at 5 am. and there was also the number 26 in front of my eyes, and I was wondering in my sleep what this number meant.

    Once the doorbell rang very loudly, I woke up from it and waited for them to call again, but there was no more call. We rent an apartment and their bell is very weak, not like the one I dreamed about

    Hello. I had a dream, a man I know calls and I see his number on the phone. He says hello, how are you? I answer him, everything is fine, what did you want? I asked again several times, he didn’t answer and I hung up and woke up. What does this mean?

    I dreamed about my ex a year ago, they broke up, as if he called and came to visit, we talked, I asked him everything, he asked me about some children's things, then she looked after me for a long time, at the end I saw a half-naked woman and some children nearby and they left

    I dreamed of a call from a cell phone from my deceased husband, and he called our son, but I didn’t have time to answer and the call remained missed and so on 2-3 times, then I decided to call him myself, but I couldn’t, I dialed the number incorrectly, then I can’t find him in the phone book, in the end I couldn’t get through, but he called himself and literally hung up when I wanted to answer

    I dreamed of my dad (who died 9 months ago) he called me on my cell phone and asked (my daughter, how are we doing at home? I answered that everything was fine. And when I asked him (where is he? and how is he?) although I understood that he died. He didn’t answer, he just said, okay, okay. And he hung up. I rushed to call back the number from which he called, but the number was invisible.

    In a dream, the guy I love called me. It was very unexpected. He is now in the army and in a dream when he called me he said that he would come on vacation tomorrow. He said that I was the first person he told about this and said that he knew that it was very important to me.

    I dreamed that I was in my mother’s apartment, the doorbell rang and I went to open it, but for some reason I knew that there was no one behind the door. I opened the door, but there was no one. I closed the door, but they began to open it from the outside with a key; I was holding the clasp from the inside. Then the door opened and my dead grandmother came in and said, “Why aren’t you letting me in?” And I woke up.

    The son left the apartment and that he was gone for a long time, then it was as if he was calling on the phone and in a crying, drawn-out voice said the word: mom and fell silent and the dream was interrupted. At the moment, my son is in prison.

    Today, for example, I dreamed of a deceased common-law husband, although this is the second time in 6 years that he has dreamed that I am in the apartment that I sold and suddenly the doorbell rings in the house that we bought for a year, we have been living in it and I suddenly wake up, I sit on the bed with fright and think, I went to the door then I see it’s dark on the street, she turned on the light and it’s 3 o’clock in the morning. I went to the toilet and went back to sleep, but for a long time I couldn’t sleep, I kept wondering why I had such a dream a month ago, I also dreamed of a bell. Mom figured out the kingdom of heaven in dreams. If you dream of a knock on the door, don’t open it when you wake up You’ll let her misfortune into the house and don’t tell anyone until lunch. I’m worried about this call, I can’t get it out of my head, maybe this is some kind of warning?

    Hello! I saw in a dream how there were crowds of people around, as if I were at some kind of embassy, ​​and suddenly they called me to the phone. My son called and said that
    will come home soon What does this dream mean?

    I dream that they are calling on a mobile phone, there are actually three of them in the family, I can’t figure out which one it was. The first time they call for a long time, then there is a pause, then they call again. I woke up, it was 6:36 am, and in reality no one had any missed calls.

    Hello Tatiana! Today I had a dream about an ex-boyfriend, where at first he wrote all sorts of nice things to me on VKontakte, as if everything was the same as always and we had never parted. Then he called and invited me to go for a walk, but I didn’t go, he then said: “We’ll call you,” and I woke up.

    in my dream there were a lot of dreams, I dreamed of my house, where you come on weekends, I used to live there, in my dream dogs and birds ran into the fence, we scared them away, I dreamed of some kind of shootout, there was not enough ammunition all the time, then I dreamed of this phone the dream interests me, I dreamed about the phone, a girl called me who is now away, there was a call on vibration, I picked up the phone and she said something, I said let’s write better, I say roaming with us, and the whole conversation ended, and the dream with him and I woke up

    I’m far from home and I’m going to take a ticket home, I’m in some hotel. I stood in line, took out money for a ticket, and had difficulty finding it. They told me the departure time of the bus, where else I had to get to - it was 17 minutes. And for some reason I decided that my late mother should take the ticket and decided to call her. I went outside and couldn’t find her phone number. I saw my niece, she said that my mother was calling her and asking if she knew what I had? It was hard to hear and I took the phone from her, but I couldn’t talk, first there was some noise, and then music. What could it be?

    Hello, I had a dream that I was calling an ex-boyfriend whom I haven’t met for 5 years, (and I don’t remember) first I dial the number but it’s not correct, I dial the number again and can’t hear it (I forgot the number) then I dial the number and I call, I hear his voice, we talk, in a dream I ask where he is, and the conversation is quite calm and sweet, but in my soul I have thoughts that he will not return and will live with another girl, in the end we talked and I woke up with thoughts about knowing that he already has a legal wife, and I have a boyfriend, and we have not seen each other in life for more than 5 years..... Why did I have a dream?

    In my old apartment I often dreamed that the doorbell was ringing. I woke up from this. About 3 years ago we moved to a new apartment and yesterday I woke up again at about 6 am and heard the doorbell ring twice. What is this for?

    I dreamed that I was sleeping in a dream and my phone was ringing, I woke up from the ringing, I looked and the name of my late friend was displayed there. At first I didn’t want to answer, but then I answered, I felt uneasy and scared. I answer Hello - It was hard to hear her voice, but how as if it sounded from below, but her voice was definitely recognizable to me... I told her Vika, I could hardly hear you, she started screaming, angry that she was hard to hear, the only thing I remembered was her words, “tell my parents that this is not allowed,” she screamed something else, but I didn’t I could make out what .. then I woke up in my own dream and asked my daughter, Did I talk in my dream? She said no, I got up and asked my mother the same thing .. Then I found myself on the street, like my mother and I were going home and I’m starting to get hysterical, why did she call me, how did she die, that means I’m going to die soon (I spoke to myself and cried) I don’t remember further.
    In real life, she has a daughter, she is seven years old. Before this dream, we had not seen each other for four years... I didn’t even know that she was in the hospital and died of brain cancer.
    I saw a dream before lunch in the morning at 8:30, went to bed again until 10:00 during this period and dreamed this Monday morning..

    I had a dream that my husband was calling on the phone, but I picked up the phone and heard a woman’s voice say, “I’ll come to your work.” Then I see that he forgot the phone or left it at home on purpose! I wake up and the phone is actually at home and my husband is not there.

    In a dream, an ex-boyfriend calls me, he had a habit of calling me by my last name, and in a dream he also called me by my last name, as always, in a good mood, he’ll say hello, we haven’t talked to him for 2 months

    in the dream I answered phone calls many times, had a conversation about changing my job to a better paying one, I was offered to be photographed, I already agreed and fixed my hair, but didn’t have time to take a photo, I had to run somewhere (probably important, at work I fulfill a duty for distribution of calls in the organization

    Hello. I broke up with my girlfriend a week ago and my soul is not at peace and after that I started having dreams.
    I had three dreams during the night.
    1-I was standing looking at my car and they crashed into it once. Then they crashed a second time and a third time. What could it be???
    2-I had a dream that I started calling my sister’s husband (son-in-law) on the phone, what could this be???

    In a dream, my aunt (my mother’s sister) called me on her cell phone and said on the phone that Grandma Olya was alive and she had wallpapered the house, come take a look! I called my sister in a dream and we went to Pozhnya, where my grandmother used to live, but while my sister was walking around the house and commenting on the fact that she didn’t like how our grandmother put up the wallpaper and would need to change it, and at that time I decided to look in in the dashboard (where the electricity meter readings were) I decided to look and there were numbers 120222 or 220212 (now I’m confusing the last numbers, 22 or 12), then without going into the house, I decided to see how my grandmother hung wallpaper through the window (for some reason I was I’m scared to go into this house) - the wallpaper was put up hastily (there were bubbles), but the wallpaper was very beautiful - bright and in short, I liked it! And in a dream, I knew that my grandmother died before I was even conceived, and my grandmother died of cancer!

    Closer to the morning, when the alarm clock rings or another person calls, I see in a dream that my mother is calling me. And once it happened that the dream was repeated in a row, i.e. It was as if I was watching a video that was endlessly repeating itself. But the problem is that I answered and then woke up. I'm eagerly awaiting your response. Tatiana Miller.:)

    there is a holiday - my father's birthday (he turned 85) there are a lot of people, music, noise, crowd, cars, flowers, fun, I hear someone calling on the phone, I answer, my housemate from the village says that my father's deceased wife wants to talk, I talk to her calmly and she also asks me to congratulate my father on his birthday. happy birthday everyone

    My girlfriend dreamed that I woke her up with a phone call and we talked. In my dreams, this call from me was at 6:30 in the morning. And they called Java at 7:45 in the morning. I had to wake her up at 8:00. In my dream, she reproached me for waking me up at 6:30.

    I am now in a quarrel with my loved one. Yesterday I dreamed that he called me and said that he missed me and would come at 8:30 the next morning. I laughed so much in my dream and I felt so good that he himself took the first step. Well, then that's it.

    I often dream about my ex-boyfriend, and several times I talked to him on the phone and it was his voice! We don’t communicate with him now, only when we meet we’ll say hello, he and I have a relationship and I don’t even think about him!

    My husband and I were sleeping. Someone persistently started ringing the doorbell (6-7 times) - the last 3 rings were very loud, sharp and persistent. Then it became obvious to me that someone had gotten into the apartment... I told my husband about this, but we couldn’t get up (as if we had fallen asleep), and in the morning in a dream it turned out that we had been robbed

    Hello. My husband had a dream today. He went to the gardens on a motorized scooter, late in the evening (he does this often lately) his phone rang (he sees it and feels it as if it were real), the number is strange, he answers and then his grandmother tells him, who died for 2 years ZENYA EXPECT TROUBLE, and that's when he woke up

    Smoke enveloping the street, rising up in white streams from behind the neighboring houses, I look around, calling my son, who is somewhere behind me, trying to get home as soon as possible... I hear the sound of a key in the door lock twice, as if someone wants to open the door, a loud cry from afar (by my name, twice) of my late mother, as if trying to wake me up, then the doorbell rings, I sleep as if I’m not in my own room, in a dream I try for a long time to get out of bed to go to the door, the door turns out to be large and wooden, it suddenly opens on its own and on the threshold on my knees, the late aunt, my mother’s sister with an expression of fear on her face, as if asking for help from me, from behind Her husband stabs something into her neck (he is still alive), but both of them look white, colorless, like ghosts...

    It’s like I’m at work. There are a lot of people around me. It’s like a school or a dormitory. My cell phone is charging. One girl tells me that they’re calling me. I take my cell phone and there is my beloved and is silent, as if he can’t talk. I asked What, you can’t talk? He said uh huh
    But he died 31 days ago

    I dreamed of a doorbell ringing. Crisp, loud and clear. Jumped up and checked, no one was there. Before that, I asked my late grandmother to give some kind of sign. It looks like he is. Moreover, yesterday the cat behaved strangely. I never asked to go to the balcony like that. Even before the bell, in the evening. And the call was at 6:46 am.

    Hello, it started when my mother warned me that if someone suddenly calls and asks if I (my mother) are at home, answer that I’m out on business! at night I dreamed that my grandmother called my home phone, we talked to her and she suddenly appeared at my house, then another call came, it was some woman, I didn’t have time to run and pick up the phone because I was in another room , my grandmother answered the phone and I heard what she was saying, the woman said: “Turn around, I’m behind you!” I looked out the window and there was a woman with a package in her hands and asked: “So mom is not at home?” Grandmother answered: “No, not at home!” And the woman ran towards my entrance. The doorbell rang, I looked through the peephole, there was that woman. She started opening the lock, and I was closing it, she took a grinder and started cutting the lock and I woke up in horror from the dream.

    A boy I like called me, but I have nothing with him. At first I couldn’t speak, I was busy, I said wait and didn’t switch off. Then she began to speak, but he was already silent. Then he called back again and was just as silent.

    at first
    I'm on a tram
    he doesn't stop at the bus stop
    the door opens
    I'm being kicked out
    then I go into the house
    where Masha sits with her sister
    then some shit started
    I want to talk to her
    She does not want
    then I picked her up and carried her away
    that's when it was fucked
    then some bandits saw us in this house
    I started packing my things
    I'm walking around the house like this
    fuck he's big
    I see a guy with machine guns
    they started shooting at other people who were there
    then the number rings
    this is a fucking friend
    why did he run away?
    then we went to talk again
    but don't bother us
    then I went somewhere
    then some guy drove us back
    hooked some kind of hook to my jacket
    we went for beer
    he stayed in the car and drove off
    and the car pulled me along
    then he was like I was joking
    and gets it
    some important key
    I don’t remember the next moment
    I remember again in that house
    I see the phone
    7 missed
    from Masha
    and then the call
    they tell me something
    I no no
    and everyone woke up

    I woke up sharply at 5 in the morning from what seemed to be a doorbell ringing a couple of times, but quite quietly, indistinctly, I woke up and after a couple of minutes fell asleep again, today I feel broken all day, I can’t wake up, but at the same time my mood good, why such dreams?

    Hello. I dreamed that I was calling a person I liked on the phone and he picked up the phone and I heard his sleepy voice “Hello”, then I asked “Did I wake you up?” he says yes. That's it, this is where the dream ends

    I dreamed that my phone rang and my brother was visiting. He asked who was calling, but the number was unfamiliar. When I answered the call, they told me to quickly get ready, but I hung up. But when he called again, I woke up.

    A stranger called me on my mobile phone in a dream and spoke English. the number was not hidden as if this person was in my contacts. I seemed to understand what he wanted to say, I got scared and turned it off. then they continued to call, but the strange thing is that I wasn’t scared, and I also tried to change the ringtone because I didn’t like it.
    I hope for your help thank you

    Last night I dreamed that a parcel delivery car drove up to the house and the doorbell rang and a parcel was delivered. The call was clear and obvious, after praying I continued to sleep. Why this dream?!

    I see that they are calling me on my phone, I pick up the phone and ask: who is calling? They answer me: Hello, this is Anton (Anton is my classmate and I am not indifferent to him). We talk, and there is trembling and uncertainty in his voice. I really enjoy talking to him. In reality, he never called me.

    My ex called and said that he just wanted to talk to me like before, asking how I was, I was very pleased. I asked him why everyone thinks that I am dating someone else, to which he answered me that I am the one or the same. The dream was like reality, I didn’t want to wake up. 6 months have passed and I can’t let him go.

    I dreamed that my late dad was calling in a dream. I said hello and heard his voice, I didn’t believe it and asked who it was. He told me. I’d like to call your mom (mom is alive), I got scared in the dream and woke up. Before the call there was a child, I don’t remember my or another and he, like a soul, began to fly up

    Hello, I dreamed that a person was calling on a video call (to whom I am partial), but I didn’t have time to pick up the phone and for some reason I didn’t try to get through, I just wrote to call him back. And I clearly saw that he was wearing a shirt and was a little puzzled by something, but he was smiling.

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