Poklonnaya Hill is a monument to victory height. Victory Park. Signal systems and oscillation curve

In the west of Moscow there is a huge memorial complex dedicated to the victory in the Great Patriotic War - Victory Park on Poklonnaya Hill

The opening of Victory Park on May 9, 1995 was timed to coincide with the 50th anniversary of victory in the Great Patriotic War

Victory Park lies between Kutuzovsky Prospekt, Minskaya Street, Fonchenko Brothers Street and General Yermolov Street

The proposal to create a large-scale memorial to the national feat was put forward back in 1942, but, of course, it was not possible to implement this idea in wartime conditions.

But in order not to forget about this idea, on February 23, 1958, a memorial granite sign was installed on Poklonnaya Hill, the inscription on which informed everyone that "A monument to the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 will be erected here." Around the same time, trees were planted around this sign and Victory Park was laid. As a result of the fundraising carried out from 1970 to 1980, 194 million rubles were collected. A huge plot of 135 hectares was taken under the memorial complex, after which its construction finally began

The memorial complex includes the Victory Monument, the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War, the Church of St. George the Victorious, the Memorial Synagogue and the Holocaust Memorial Museum, the Chapel in memory of the Spanish volunteers, the Monument to the soldiers-internationalists, the Exhibition of military equipment and weapons in the open air, as well as the monument " To the Defenders of the Russian Land", a monument to "All the Fallen" and the memorial sign itself "A monument to the defenders of Moscow will be erected here." Let's take a closer look at them

In the very center of the square rises a 1000-ton obelisk made of high-strength steel, 141.8 meters high (10 centimeters for each day of the war), covered with bronze bas-reliefs - the Victory Monument. At a height of 122 meters, a 25-ton bronze figure of Nike, the goddess of victory, is attached to it. On a granite pedestal at the foot of the Victory Monument, George the Victorious strikes a snake with a spear - a symbol of evil

central alley Victory Park leads from Kutuzovsky Prospekt to Victory Square, at the end of which is the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War

It is in this museum that the very red banner that fluttered over the Berlin Reichstag on April 30, 1945 is stored, and in the showcases of the Hall of Memory there are 385 volumes of the Book of Memory, which contain the names of people who died during the war. The museum also has a Hall of Fame, 6 dioramas dedicated to various events of the war, as well as a collection of items and materials directly related to those troubled times.

The Church of St. George the Victorious, which is part of the memorial complex, was founded on Poklonnaya Hill on December 9, 1993

From this plaque you can learn a little about the history of the temple

The opening of the Church of St. George the Victorious was also timed to coincide with the 50th anniversary of the end of the Great Patriotic War

This Memorial Mosque was erected in memory of the Muslim heroes who fought for the Motherland and died during the war years

The opening of the mosque took place on the day of the 850th anniversary of Moscow; a community and a madrasah were also opened under it

The memorial synagogue was built on Poklonnaya Hill in memory of the victims of the Holocaust

The Memorial Synagogue reminds us of the more than 6 million Jews brutally murdered by the Nazis during the war

The memorial complex also includes a chapel erected in memory of the Spanish volunteers who died in the war.

Monument to soldiers-internationalists

Victory Park It also has a colossal collection of military equipment and engineering and fortifications deployed right in the open air. This collection includes more than 300 samples of military equipment from all countries that participated in the Great Patriotic War. Below are some samples of military equipment presented in Victory Park

The soaring Victory Monument on Poklonnaya Hill is an obelisk. He ascended over Pobediteley Square in the Victory Park of the memorial complex in Moscow. The nearest metro station is Park Pobedy.

The value of the monument

This is one of the most important monuments of Russia. It reminds humanity of the great Victory over fascism and the key role of the Soviet Union in the destruction of this world evil.

It is no coincidence that it is here, on Poklonnaya Hill, in Victory Park, on Pobediteley Square, that not only Russian citizens strive to get. Numerous groups of tourists from all over the world constantly come here.

History of the monument

The history of the monument goes back to the distant 1958. Then, by decision of the USSR authorities, a memorial granite sign was installed on Poklonnaya Hill. It indicated that it was here that a monument would be erected in honor of the Victory of our people over fascism in World War II.

However, the monument did not appear immediately. First, in 1958, a garden was laid on Poklonnaya Hill and trees were planted. Later, they began to raise funds for the construction of a memorial complex.

Only 37 years later, in 1995, on the eve of the 50th anniversary of the end of the Great Patriotic War, a monument was opened in Victory Park on Poklonnaya Hill - the Victory Monument.

The authors of the monument

Architects L.V.Vavakin, V.M.Budaev, sculptor Z.K.Tsereteli.

Opening of the monument

The monument was solemnly opened on May 9, 1995 as part of the Victory Memorial Complex.

Description of the monument

The Victory Monument is an obelisk 141.8 meters high (1 decimeter for each day of the war, which lasted exactly 1418 days. Each decimeter symbolizes those tragic and heroic days that our people not only experienced. They defended their freedom and independence, defeating the terrible and a cruel enemy.

This is the highest monument in Russia. It has the shape of a trihedral bayonet, the edges of which are covered with bronze bas-reliefs. The bas-reliefs contain images of warriors and reflect the main episodes of battles and military victories in this terrible bloody war. It claimed the lives of at least 27 million Soviet citizens. Among them - Stalingrad, Kursk, Belorussian, other operations, battles and battles.

About the sculpture of the goddess of Victory Nike

It is noteworthy that at a height of 104 meters, a 25-ton bronze sculptural group was attached to the bayonet of the obelisk. In the center of it is the goddess of Victory Nike, carrying a crown, and on the sides are two cupids trumpeting victory.

Under the ground, inside the hill on which the monument was erected, there is a special service room. It is designed for continuous monitoring of the state of a multi-ton and complex structure from an engineering point of view.

A few meters from the Monument there is the Eternal Flame, next to it is the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

The Victory Monument and the Memorial Complex on Poklonnaya Hill as a whole are especially popular among Muscovites and numerous guests of the capital.

Photo of the Victory Monument:

The huge and majestic Victory Monument in Moscow is located on Poklonnaya Hill. This one is dedicated to the victory in the war of 1941-1945. He appeared not so long ago. It was opened on May 9, 1995, when they celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Second World War. The article proposes to learn about the hill on which the memorial is located, about the monument itself, as well as some information about the ensemble.

Mountain of bows

The Victory Monument is located on Poklonnaya Hill. Once this place was not included in the territory of the city. Moscow is the capital of Russia, which is growing and developing together with our state. Today this hill is located in the historical center of Zlatoglavaya. Poklonnaya Gora was surrounded by two rivers under the fancy names Filka and Setun.

In ancient times, when the mountain was outside the city, travelers very often made a stop at this place, since a beautiful view opened up to the guests of the city from the top. The guests of the capital got out of their carts, examined the city from a height, then bowed low to the ground. This is how the mountain got its name.

Historical facts

For the first time this hill was mentioned in the papers of the XVI century. Then its name was a little longer. The name of the tract on which it is located was added to Poklonnaya Hill. In the end, this name looked like this: "Poklonnaya Gora on the Smolensk road."

Surprisingly, 200 years ago, Napoleon stood on this mountain. But not to bow. The French commander in 1812 was waiting for the keys to the capital.

M. I. Kutuzov once climbed here after the battle of Borodino. And after another 50 years, during the Great Patriotic War, our army advanced to the front through this place to defend the country's borders and fight the fascist army. In other words, the Victory Monument on the mountain symbolizes the valiant feat of our people.

What's up on the hill today?

Today, Poklonnaya Gora is a huge architectural monument, and it is crowded there not only on holidays. Walks near the memorial are made not only by Muscovites, but also by guests of the city. At the moment, the area of ​​the park is 135 hectares. Of these, 20 hectares are occupied by the ensemble of the monument.

Already in 1942, it was decided that the Victory Monument would be located on this very spot.

Later, in 1958, the builders of the city erected a memorial sign on which it was written that a monument would be erected here in honor of the victory of the Soviet people over the Nazis.

Part of the funds for the construction of the memorial was allocated by the city treasury, and the second amount was donations from the townspeople and guests of the city. The Victory Monument is surrounded by a museum dedicated to the Great Patriotic War, three churches, an obelisk (the highest in Russia), and an exhibition of military equipment.

Symbolic obelisk

The Victory Monument is strict and majestic. Moscow is a record holder for high-rise monuments. The obelisk stands on the Victory Square. It is considered its height is symbolic - 141.8 meters. This is a kind of reference to the war, because the Second World War lasted 1,418 days. The stele is the main part of the monument. It was made from high strength metal. To mount the structure, I had to resort to the help of telescopic aerial platforms. At the base of the obelisk are control rooms that control the lighting and ventilation of the monument. At the foot of the stele, there is a statue of St. George the Victorious on granite, who dealt with the serpent - a symbol of evil. The weight of this whole structure is about 1000 tons!

The foundation of Russia's tallest statue required 2,000 cubic meters of concrete. At a height of 100 meters, the obelisk is crowned with a statue of the goddess of Victory Nike with small cupids. Their weight is 25 tons. The obelisk got its name - "Bayonet", as it symbolizes this melee weapon.

From the base to the mark of 100 meters, where Nika is located, three main stages of the war are depicted:

  • Stalingrad battle.
  • Battle of Kursk
  • Belarusian operation.

To serve such a stele, the city authorities had to install an elevator, which was ordered in Sweden. He raises the masters to a height of 87 meters. How long do you think it took to build the obelisk? Surprisingly, it was built in record time - 9 months. The architect of two sculptures (“Bayonet” and “George the Victorious”) is Zurab Tsereteli.

Opposition and hesitation

Be that as it may, but such a massive and tall statue without special devices should not have survived. Project engineers S. S. Karmilov, B. V. Ostroumov and S. P. Murinov provided for this. They equipped the obelisk with devices that dampen vibrations, because, according to all the laws of aerodynamics, it has an unstable shape. Engineers hid 19 vibration dampers in it. The main one was hidden behind Nika's shoulders; it dampens vibrations weighing 10 tons!

If you are ever in Moscow, be sure to visit the Victory Monument. Moscow is allegedly guarded by standing three warriors from various centuries of our state:

  • Slavic warriors;
  • soldiers of the battle of Borodino;
  • Soviet fighters-winners of 1945.

The monument is famous far beyond the borders of the country. Glorious is the feat of the people, as is the monument to Victory. A photo must be taken and shown to your children so that they know the history and remember the feat of their ancestors!

In the list of the tallest monuments in the world, the Victory Monument is in second place, after the "Washington Monument". The height of the monument to the first president of the United States, George Washington, reaches 169 meters, and before the construction of the Eiffel Tower (324 meters), it was the tallest building on Earth.

It is noteworthy that the completion of the construction of the two tallest structures on the planet (until recently) took place at the end of the 19th century. The Americans built the monument for a little over 40 years, and by 1885 the majestic giant was finally completed. The enterprising French, on the other hand, took a little more than 2 years to build their main attraction, and by the spring of 1889, the beautiful iron tower began to bring fabulous profits to its investors.

It is impossible not to mention another giant monument, which was also erected at the same time. In 1886, on Liberty Island, about 3 km southwest of the southern tip of Manhattan Island, the torch of the Statue of Liberty, which was 93 meters high, “lit up”. It is noteworthy that the frame and pedestal of this monument was designed by the brilliant engineer Gustave Eiffel.

The very word monument came to us from Latin (monumentum "remembrance; monument", from Ch. monere "to remind"). It has been customary to build monuments or monuments (which are essentially the same) in honor of some great person or significant event since ancient times. But most of the monuments or monuments on the planet are connected in a strange way with peace and war, with life and death. The Statue of Liberty was designed to mark the centenary of American independence. Eiffel Tower for the centenary of the French Revolution.

By the way, did you know that instead of the main French attraction on the Champ de Mars, the project of a “giant guillotine” was considered, which was supposed to remind of the Great French Revolution? As is known from the history books, during the years of the revolution, a giant guillotine was installed on the “Place de la Concorde”, replacing the statue of the king, and to the jubilation of the crowd in the square, King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette were beheaded, later Danton and Robespierre ...

In Russia, the highest monument, symbolizing life and death, the terrible years of war and unconditional victory, the valor and heroism of fathers, grandfathers, great-grandfathers and the entire Soviet people, is the Victory Monument on Poklonnaya Hill. The tallest monument in Russia, included in the "Russian Book of Records", was erected only in 1995, and not in the planned post-war period ...

The monument and Victory Park began to be designed even before the end of the war. But in peacetime after the war, the priority was to restore the destroyed country as soon as possible. In addition, the USSR faced a new threat in the face of America armed with nuclear weapons. In addition, a sharp struggle unfolded between the two powers in the space industry. In addition to external threats, there were also problems within the country - the death of Stalin, who left no successor, and the struggle for power in the party did not fade away for many years ...

Finally, in 1957, the place for the future memorial was finally determined - Poklonnaya Hill. Why on Poklonnaya Hill?

For centuries, the main route from Europe to the ancient capital of Russia passed along Poklonnaya Gora. The Orthodox stopped at this place and, according to tradition, “bowed” to the churches and monasteries of Moscow. At this place M.I. Kutuzov decided the fate of the city. Here Napoleon waited in vain for the keys to Moscow. From here, in 1941, Soviet troops went west along the Mozhaisk highway.

In 1958, an open all-Union competition for the best design of the memorial was held, but its results were not implemented. Nevertheless, on February 23, 1958, a commemorative granite sign was erected on Poklonnaya Hill with the inscription:

"A monument to the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 will be erected here."

Foundation stone on Poklonnaya Hill. Family archive.

In 1961, trees were planted around the stone with the inscription, and a park was laid, which was named after the Victory. For many years, the park fulfilled its natural purpose - here Muscovites went in for sports and walked with their children. It was only in the early 1980s that earthworks, the laying of communications, and roads began. For some time, the construction site was called "Shock Komsomol" - according to the number of declared volunteers and students.

In modern sources, the construction of the Victory Memorial is attributed exclusively to the merits of the Moscow Mayor's Office and the then mayor Yu. 194 million rubles. And of course, such an impressive amount was not enough. The project was frozen for more than 10 years.

In 1992, the government of Moscow started talking about long-term construction, and 3 years later, on May 9, 1995, the year of the 50th anniversary of the Great Victory, the Memorial Complex was officially opened. Since then, it has continued its development and the most recent object of the Memorial was the monument to the Heroes of the First World War, opened in 2014.

Victory Monument

The Victory Monument on Poklonnaya Hill is the tallest monument in Russia. Photo source: Wikipedia

The obelisk was originally supposed to look like a monument, where soldiers rose on a high pedestal under the victorious Red banner with the image of Lenin. But in connection with the death of the author of the project, architect A.T. Polyansky, this creatively complex idea remained only on paper. And over time, the image of Lenin ceased to personify the history of the winners. And this is good news. The benefit of the sober minds of modern architects and sculptors immortalized the victory of the Soviet people , and not leaders and revolutionary figures ...

So, the project was headed by a well-known monumental sculptor, at that time vice-president of the Russian Academy of Arts Zurab Tsereteli. He owns the authorship of the main Victory Monument.

The height of the Obelisk is 141.8 meters - according to the number of days of the war (1418).

Its shape is in the form of a trihedral bayonet. Stela "Bayonet" weighing 1000 tons is made of extra strong steel and lined with stone. It was built in record time - just 9 months!

Most of the monument is covered with bronze bas-reliefs, with the most important battles: the battles of Stalingrad and Kursk, as well as the Belarusian operation, and all the cities where fierce battles took place up to Berlin.

Bas-relief of the victory monument. Source: loveopium.ru

At a height of 104 meters, a 25-ton bronze sculptural group is attached to the stele, which includes the goddess of victory Nike, carrying a crown, and two cupids trumpeting victory.

Nike with cupids. Obelisk of Victory. Author: Evgeny Chesnokov

To maintain the balance of the statue, special counterweights were placed at its “legs”.

The statue of the goddess Nike increased the instability of the monument, its windage, therefore, during the construction of the foundation, it was also necessary to pour an additional 2,000 cubic meters of concrete. To service the stele, an elevator was installed (it was ordered in Sweden), which rises 87 meters.

Inside the hill on which the Monument stands, there are service premises, which are equipped with a monitoring station for the condition of the structure, control rooms, lighting and ventilation equipment, signaling devices, etc.

At the foot of the obelisk is a statue of George the Victorious, the defender of Moscow, who strikes a snake with his spear, which is a symbol of evil. In this case, fascism.

George the Victorious Victory Park.

Victory Park in Moscow - a memorial complex of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. in the west of Moscow. The memorial complex was opened on May 9, 1995 on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Great Victory.

As part of this post, I tried to combine all the photos of the complex I have by adding a map with the location of the structures.

Poklonnaya Gora is a gentle hill in the west of Moscow, between the Setun and Filka rivers. Once upon a time, Poklonnaya Hill was located far outside of Moscow, and from its top a panorama of the city opened up. Travelers often stopped here to look at Moscow and bow to it - hence the name of the mountain.

For the first time Poklonnaya Gora is mentioned in the documents of the 16th century. At that time it was called a little differently - Poklonnaya Gora on the Smolensk road. It was on Poklonnaya Hill that Napoleon in 1812 waited in vain for the keys to Moscow, through which, during the Great Patriotic War, soldiers went to the front to defend their homeland.

The first draft of the Victory Memorial on Poklonnaya Hill was proposed as early as 1942, but then, of course, it was impossible to implement it.

A memorial sign with the inscription "A monument to the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 will be erected here" was installed on Poklonnaya Hill on February 23, 1958. The Victory Park was built around the sign.

The design and construction of the memorial complex on Poklonnaya Hill dragged on for many years. Its grand opening, timed to coincide with the 50th anniversary of the victory over fascism, took place on May 9, 1995.

The memorial complex, located on 135 hectares, includes the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War, the Victory Monument and three temples of three confessions built in memory of those who died in the war. Church of St. George the Victorious was built in 1995, the Memorial Mosque was built in 1997, and the Memorial Synagogue - in 1998.

The Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War is located on the round Pobediteley Square, to which the central alley of Victory Park leads from Kutuzovsky Prospekt. The museum, founded in 1986, contains about 50 thousand exhibits on military history. In special showcases there are Books of Memory - 385 volumes, in which the names of people who died in the war are inscribed. The museum, among other exhibits, contains the Banner of Victory - a red flag hoisted on April 30, 1945 over the Reichstag building in Berlin. Next to the museum there is a permanent exhibition of military equipment.

Architectural ensemble of the Victory Park and Poklonnaya Hill

1. Victory Monument
2. Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945
3. Church of the Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious (architect A. Polyansky) (1995)
4. Memorial Mosque (architect I. Stazhnev) (1997)
5. Memorial synagogue and memorial museum of the Holocaust (architect M. Zarhi) (1998)
6. Chapel erected in memory of the Spanish volunteers (2003)
7. Monument to the Defenders of the Russian Land (sculptor A. Bichugov)
8. Monument to the "Missing" (2005)

9. Monument to the soldiers of the countries participating in the anti-Hitler coalition (2005)
10. Monument to prisoners of Nazi concentration camps
11. Monument to soldiers-internationalists (2004)

12. Exhibition of military equipment and weapons in the open air
13. Exhibition of military equipment of the Navy

"This cross was erected on the night of June 22, 1991, on the fiftieth anniversary of the start of the Great Patriotic War, in memory of those who died and to the glory of God." It stands on a hill at the beginning of the square, to the left of the alleys leading to the main building.

General view of the memorial complex

Victory Monument

In the middle of Pobediteley Square stands an obelisk 141.8 meters high. It symbolizes 1418 days and nights of the Great Patriotic War. At the hundred-meter mark, a bronze figure of the goddess of Victory, Nike, is fixed. At the foot of the obelisk, on a granite podium, there is a statue of St. George the Victorious, who strikes a snake with a spear - a symbol of evil. Both sculptures were made by Z. Tsereteli.

Goddess of Victory Nike

Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945

Church of the Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious (architect A. Polyansky) (1995)

Memorial Mosque (architect I. Stazhnev) (1997)

Memorial Synagogue and Holocaust Memorial Museum (architect M. Zarhi) (1998)

Chapel erected in memory of the Spanish volunteers (2003)
In 2003, a chapel was opened on the territory of the Memorial, erected in memory of the Spanish volunteers who died in the Great Patriotic War.

Monument to the Defenders of the Russian Land (sculptor A. Bichugov)

Monument to the Missing

Monument to the soldiers of the countries participating in the anti-Hitler coalition.
It was opened on May 7, 2005 on the Alley of Partisans.

Monument to prisoners of Nazi concentration camps.
Author Zurab Tsereteli. The height of the monument is 8 meters.

Monument to soldiers-internationalists (2004)

Exhibition of military equipment and weapons in the open air
Here I selectively selected several photographs from different exposures. In total, it contains several hundred exhibits of armored and automotive equipment, railway troops, aviation (airplanes and helicopters) and the Navy (boats and submarine cabins). Each exhibit is accompanied by a detailed description, so I did not give them here either.
The exposition is open until 21:00. Entrance - 50 rubles.

Field fortifications

Auto and armored vehicles

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