What mattress to take. How to choose an orthopedic mattress: advice from an orthopedic doctor. Mattresses on springs

Kirill Sysoev

Calloused hands do not know boredom!


Before choosing a mattress, you need to decide on its rigidity, the size of the bed (children's, double, single), find out reviews about the manufacturer. It is important to take into account other selection criteria: filler, type of construction, the state of health of the buyer. A high-quality comfortable mattress will ensure the comfort of your sleep, excellent health and high spirits for the next day.

What are mattresses for beds

In many stores, quality mattresses are available in abundance. Knowing the differences between such products will help you not to get confused and buy the right product. All types of mattresses for beds differ in the following classification features:

  • spring and springless;
  • filling material: latex, coconut, wool, horse hair;
  • bilateral, unilateral;
  • orthopedic, anatomical.

Mattresses for a double bed

You can find out how to choose the right mattress for a double bed, focusing on the height of the tallest of the spouses, leaving up to 15 cm of margin. The maximum length of a double seat is 190-200 cm, the width is 160-200 cm, and the thickness depends on the filling. Modern double products come with blocks of springs dependent and independent of each other, they must be chosen taking into account the body weight of the spouses. There are mattresses without springs, filled with horsehair, latex or coir.

Striped cotton mattresses of Soviet times are a thing of the past, today mattresses with a natural layer are considered high-quality. A great option is combined models, with coconut fiber inside and a latex layer on top. There are three types of mattresses: soft, medium and hard. The latter are useful for children, people with pain in the spine. Soft types of mattresses for beds are suitable for older people, medium-hard ones are a universal option.

The upholstery should be well ventilated, absorb and evaporate moisture. For this purpose, jacquard is often used, which has a beautiful appearance, provides excellent ventilation due to perforation. Models with double-sided upholstery are in great demand, it provides warmth during sleep in the winter season and comfortable rest during the summer heat.

Types of orthopedic mattresses

All types of orthopedic mattresses are divided into spring and springless. The best are models with a block of springs that are independent of each other, where each of them is placed in an individual case, compressed separately from the others, which provides the product with exceptional orthopedic properties. Thanks to this quality, the product takes the shape of the body of the sleeping person. Models in which there are no springs have high orthopedic properties due to high-quality bedding: coir and latex.

Bed mattress brands

Research the best bed mattress brands before making a purchase to find the best value for money model. The following companies are considered brands among the manufacturers of such goods:

  • Ascona;
  • Ormatek;
  • Dormeo;
  • Dreamline;
  • Donson.

In the online stores of leading manufacturers, you will find an overview of the products offered, information about their cost, sales, discounts, you can see how the product looks, get advice and advice from a specialist, order delivery of goods by mail. Often in such stores promotions are held, during which you can buy a mattress at a price slightly higher than the purchase price.

What mattresses are considered the best

In specialized stores, a huge selection of products for the bed is provided, so it can be difficult to understand, for example, which mattress to buy. Based on the opinions of experts in this field, user reviews and to simplify the choice of the buyer, a rating of the best mattresses was compiled. The top five included the following models:

  • Ascona Victory;
  • Ascona Fitness Arena;
  • Askona Balans Smart;
  • Ormatec Optima Light Bonnel;
  • Dreamline Eco Strong.

Which mattress to choose - spring or springless

To help you choose a spring or springless mattress, you can compare the characteristics of such products with each other:

  1. Dust accumulates in spring-type goods, dust mites appear. In models without springs, filled with coconut fiber, they do not live with latex.
  2. The upholstery of springless models is perforated, the moisture from the mattress evaporates. Springs in other products rust over time from moisture.
  3. The period of use of spring products is up to 10 years, springless products - up to 15 years.

How firm should the mattress be?

Knowing the main characteristics of mattresses, you can easily choose an inexpensive suitable model for yourself. One of the important factors when buying such a product is the stiffness indicator. How to choose a mattress based on this criterion? The main thing you should rely on is your weight, age and the presence of problems with the spine. For children and adolescents under 18, it is better to choose a hard springless mattress filled with coconut fiber.

People with a large body weight or pain in the cervical vertebrae should also pay attention to products with increased rigidity. Buyers with pain in the thoracic spine and those who are in the middle weight range (60-90 kg) should prefer models of medium stiffness. Soft mattresses are more suitable for elderly and thin people.

The best mattresses for sleeping

It is believed that the best mattresses for sleeping are orthopedic. High quality in this category are springless models that have hair filler (horsehair), coir, latex, wool or cotton inside. The advantage of such products is also the absence of metal structures, which become unusable over the years, they are often chosen for a children's bed.

Anatomical products are almost no different from orthopedic ones. They follow the contours of the human body, help maintain the correct position of the spine. The only difference between them is the degree of rigidity, anatomical beds are softer and more comfortable. Their best representative is a water mattress, the service life of which can be short, because it is easy to perforate.

How to choose a mattress for a double bed

The right choice of mattress for the bed will ensure a full, comfortable sleep. The most common model of such products is called Bonnel, it happens with dependent and independent spring blocks. The first type of design involves connecting the springs to each other, which makes the product strong and durable. And yes, they are relatively cheap.

The only negative is that they are not suitable for people whose weight is very different. The heavier spouse will tilt the product, and the one that is easier will roll towards the middle. How to choose a mattress for such a family? They can be advised products with independent springs, when one gets up or rolls over, the second will not feel anything. They are expensive, but will last for many years and provide a comfortable sleep.

How to choose an orthopedic mattress

The right choice of an orthopedic mattress will depend on the physique, health status and age of the buyer. Thin and elderly people should pay attention to soft mattress models that can easily follow the curves of the body. For people with average weight and pain in the lumbar region, models with independent springs and a combined filler are more suitable. For those who are overweight, people under 25 years old and those who suffer from pain in the spine, it is better to buy products with high rigidity, a block of springs that are independent of each other.

Which company to choose a mattress

When deciding which company to choose a mattress, start not only from the rating of well-known brands. Study reviews about the company, prices and warranty periods for the offered goods, read information about materials, production technology. Keep in mind that baby crib companies provide a larger range of products in this range. Having determined your needs and wishes, you will narrow down the circle of potential companies, and you can easily decide which mattress is better to buy.

Mattress price

The final price for mattresses is formed depending on the size, internal filling, upholstery material, quality of materials used in production, type of construction. It affects the cost of the product and the sales region, so the price in St. Petersburg and, for example, Lipetsk, may differ. In Moscow, the price of mattresses for beds is as follows:

Video: how to choose the right mattress

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Year after year, the Toris research center has created dozens of new mattress models to meet ever-increasing demands for sleeping comfort. Using world experience and own developments, Toris today offers a unique the method of selecting a mattress according to the individual characteristics of a person: weight, height, age, sex, etc. Now you can easily and simply find for yourself the optimal mattress model that meets your needs and wishes. In this area, this approach was applied for the first time and gave an amazing result: our customers are consistently satisfied.

People are so different, they differ from each other by sex, size, weight, age, habits and many, many more. That is why there are so many sizes and styles when choosing clothes and shoes. The mattress is considered to be something universal, “one cut”, equally suitable for everyone and everyone, that only the cost and quality of its fillers can determine how comfortable your sleep will be. It was until today. From now on, the mattress will be just ... yours, that is, selected according to your individual parameters: height, weight, age, gender, etc. He must "know" all your habits, serve as a proper support for the spine. A properly selected mattress will give you a wonderful sleep and an unforgettable rest, and as a result

  • You will look and feel better
  • You will feel a surge of energy and vitality
  • You will slow down the aging process of your body

In order for your sleep to be truly healthy and comfortable, the mattress must perform two main functions:

  1. Remove the load from the spine, evenly support it. In this case, normal metabolism is restored in the intervertebral discs, which play the role of shock absorbers. As a result, the risk of back pain and spinal diseases (especially osteochondrosis) is significantly reduced.
  2. Eliminate soft tissue compression that prevents the free circulation of blood and lymph.Such squeezing is the cause of frequent turning over and, as a result, inadequate sleep.

The implementation of the first function, namely, the prevention of spinal deformities and maintaining it in a physiologically correct state during sleep and rest is called the orthopedic effect, and the mattress itself is orthopedic. The more accurately the design of the mattress repeats the contours of your body and supports it more evenly, the better the orthopedic effect is manifested and the higher the class of the mattress. It is important to remember that the manifestation of the orthopedic effect is individual and is determined by a couple: specifically your body + mattress.

That is why it is so important to choose the right carrier system of the mattress, its core. The carrier system determines the orthopedic effect, which can be conditionally divided into the following levels: average, good, excellent, excellent.

Carrier systems are spring And springless. In the first case, the level of orthopedic effect directly depends on the number of springs per unit area. Such mattresses can be based on a block of independent or dependent springs.

Springless mattresses, in turn, are based on synthetic or natural materials.

So, the choice of the carrier system. The carrier system is selected in accordance with the main individual characteristics: height, weight, age, gender, physique, and even your favorite sleeping position. For the correct selection of its degree of rigidity (version), it is necessary to calculate your individual load index. Note that if the mattress is intended for two, the index is calculated for each person separately.

Load index = (Weight in kg / (Height in meters) 2) * K in * K p

Where K in- coefficient taking into account age

  • K in= 1.05 if under 20
  • K in= 1 if you are between 20 and 40 years old
  • K in= 0.95 if 40 to 50 years old
  • K in= 0.9 if you are between 50 and 60 years old
  • K in= 0.85 if you are over 60

The older the person, the softer the carrier system should be.

Where K p- coefficient taking into account the preferred position for sleeping

  • K p= 0.95 if you usually sleep on your side. You are recommended a softer support system that allows the shoulders and hips to sink deeper into the mattress, aligning the spine.
  • K p= 1.05 if you are used to sleeping on your back. You are recommended a more rigid carrier system. Sleeping in this position is more comfortable with more rigid support for the shoulders and hips.
  • K p= 1.1 if you sleep on your stomach more often. You will need the most rigid carrier system possible.
  • K p= 1 if you are comfortable in any position.

The result obtained determines the version of the carrier system



The degree of rigidity (option) of the carrier system

You then need to determine your preferred level of prosthetic effect and adjust the calculated degree of stiffness (option) of the carrier system to match. It is important to remember that the higher the level of orthopedic effect, the higher the cost of the mattress.

The level of orthopedic effect

Spring mattresses

Springless mattresses


The second main function of the mattress is to ensure the free circulation of blood and lymph in the soft tissues of your body, which is performed by the system of fillers. How soft or hard it should be depends on your individual preferences, and first of all on the most comfortable position for you during sleep and rest.

If you usually sleep on your side

As with the selection of the carrier system, if you usually sleep on your side, a softer padding system is recommended for you.

Let us illustrate this with the readings of the ErgoCheck test system. This sensor system allows you to take a three-dimensional "body snapshot" with color highlighting of zones of different pressure. Light green and green colors indicate low pressure zones, yellow - normal, red - acceptable, blue - unacceptable.

This is a "body shot" on a mattress with a rigid filling system. The presence of unacceptable pressure in the areas of the shoulders and hips prevents the free circulation of blood and lymph in the soft tissues. As a result - frequent involuntary turning over in a dream, the rest will not be complete.

This is a mattress with a softer filling system. This system allows you to avoid excessive compression in the shoulders and hips, evenly distributing the load on the surface of the mattress. Your sleep will be comfortable.

If you are used to sleeping on your back or stomach,

When selecting a filler system, it is also necessary to take into account the physiology of the human body, depending on the time of year. So, with the advent of cold weather and a reduction in daylight hours, the body's metabolism slows down, the overall energy decreases, the need for heat preservation increases, and sleep becomes longer. In this case, a softer system of fillers is recommended for a good rest. With the onset of heat and an increase in daylight hours, the reverse processes occur, the duration of sleep decreases, the human body needs enhanced air exchange to release excess heat. For this time of year, a more rigid filler system is recommended. With this task of creating all-season comfort successfully cope mattresses with different firmness sides.

In cases where it is difficult to determine the rigidity of the filler system unambiguously, it is recommended Expert series mattresses, providing the ability to independently select its rigidity, connecting fillers in an arbitrary combination.

Composition and properties of filler systems

Materials that can be used


Soft filling system

latex foam

Natural soft material. Produced from the sap of the hevea tree (rubber tree), it is considered the "perfect sleeping surface". Does not cause allergies, has excellent breathability and durability (service life up to 15-20 years!).

Viscoelastic shape memory foam

High-tech thermosensitive material. Smoothly takes the form of the sleeping person's body, sensitively reacting to its temperature and weight. Creates a special comfort - the so-called "weightlessness effect". After the load is removed, it gradually returns to its original shape. The anti-decubitus properties of this material are widely used in medicine. Durable and does not cause allergies.

Profiled polyurethane foam

Modern highly elastic material with a cellular surface structure. This structure provides a light massage effect and excellent ventilation in the surface layer of the mattress.

Semi-rigid filler system

Non-woven bulk material "struttofiber"

Modern environmentally friendly non-woven material. Its polyester fibers are arranged vertically - this provides increased elasticity, excellent recoverability, durability.

Combination of layers of latex foam and coconut fiber

A thin layer of coconut fiber makes the surface of the latex foam more rigid.

Rigid filler system

coconut fiber

Rigid, environmentally friendly, durable natural material. It is made from fibers of coconut palm nuts by thermal bonding and impregnation with latex. It has a unique combination of properties: strength, elasticity, resistance to any humidity, exceptional breathability, anti-allergenicity.

When everything is decided, you can think about the nuances. Toris offers a unique technology for enhancing comfort - a combination of several layers, each of which has its own unique properties. If you imagine that your mattress is a separate planet, then such a system is its “atmosphere”.

The system consists of several layers connected by deep stitch technology.

inner layers responsible for comfort at one time or another of the year. They keep you warm in winter, cool in summer, keep your bed soft and protect it from allergens.

outer layers are high quality textiles. They also differ in their characteristics and have thermoregulatory, antibacterial, antistatic, water-repellent and even healing properties.

inner layers

Side "Winter" - it is stored heat, much needed with the onset of cold weather. The “WINTER” side contains natural wool, which takes care of all the inconveniences of the winter period. Wool has a low coefficient of thermal conductivity and that is why wool products are the warmest. Wool absorbs moisture, allowing the body to breathe. Wool removes static electricity, helping to get rid of muscle and nervous tension.
Due to possible allergic reactions to wool, an alternative for comfort to the Winter side are the Balance and Lux ​​sides.
In mattresses with sides of different firmness, the “Winter” side is on the softer side.

Side "Summer"- this is a sound and healthy sleep even on the hottest days. The "Summer" side contains 100% cotton. The most valuable properties of cotton are its:

  • hygroscopicity - the ability to absorb moisture and evaporation of the human body;
  • high breathability - cotton perfectly cools, passes air;
  • antiallergenicity

In mattresses with sides of different firmness, the “Summer” side is on the harder side.

Side "Balance" - guarantees the preservation of heat in the cold season. The "Balance" side contains synthetic winterizer - hypoallergenic material, creates optimal microclimatic conditions for sleep. If you have an allergic reaction to wool, the Balance side is a comfortable alternative to the Winter side.

Side "Lux"- this is an exceptional feeling of comfort at any time of the year: excellent thermoregulation, breathability and hygroscopicity. The “LUX” side is made of high-quality, modern materials of the latest generation, which make the top layer of the mattress extremely soft and voluminous, improving the orthopedic effect of the entire mattress. In addition, the "Lux" side is unique for its exceptional anti-allergic properties.

Depending on individual needs, the following combinations of sides can be:

  • "Balance/Summer"
  • "Balance/Balance"
  • "Balance/Winter"
  • "Balance/Suite"
  • "Winter summer"
  • "Winter / winter"
  • "Summer/summer" (standard version for most mattresses).
  • "Suite/Winter"
  • "Suite/Summer"
  • "Suite/Suite"

Outer layers (fabric covers)

The standard covering for most mattresses is jacquard fabric. "Classic", which has a high density of weaving, is very durable and wear-resistant.

However, you can always choose something special based on your individual preferences. And rest assured, Toris offers only the very best.

Comfort and freshness for active people

Since ancient times, linen fabrics have been highly valued, because even in hot weather they give a feeling of freshness and comfort. Even cotton does not have such amazing properties. Linen is a proven fabric and will never let you down, because it

  • absorbs and quickly evaporates moisture;
  • does not form an electrostatic charge;
  • durable and wear resistant.

Thanks to linen fibers, the feeling of freshness will not leave you either at night or in the morning. It is important to note that the Actiguard system ideally protects the bed from all kinds of allergens invisible to the eye: household dust mites, mold, bacteria, etc.

Linen and Actiguard protect your sleep!

living silver

You're buying a mattress to last for many years, which is why it's so important that it's covered with a durable fabric that will protect your bed from germs and static.
Silver fabric with unique silver threads embodies all the useful properties of this metal. Your bed is absolutely hygienic: the ability of silver to reliably protect us from harmful microorganisms has been known for many centuries.
Silver also solves another important problem. Static electricity accumulates on the human body, on pajamas, bedding and on the mattress itself. It is this that causes those unpleasant clicks and sparks that are familiar to each of us. Silver will save you from this problem once and for all: unique silver threads, having high electrical conductivity, instantly remove static electricity. In a dream there is no place for tension: with Silver you will have a real vacation!

Thus, unlike conventional fabrics, Silver fabric provides a double effect:

  • Antimicrobial action: the material inhibits the activity of bacteria and in less than an hour destroys them by 99.9%.
  • Anti-static: The coating relieves static electricity and relieves your body of stress when you sleep.
  • Catalyzation: The more humidity and heat in the room, the more efficient Silver becomes.

Silver. Your silver bed

health plant

Aloe Vera is a unique plant that has long been widely used in medicine. It accelerates healing processes, has a beneficial effect on attention and memory, makes sleep healthy and strong, and awakening pleasant.

That is why the use of Aloe Vera in the manufacture of mattress fabrics is a logical step forward. The unique texture of the material, created using a special technology, is impregnated with aloe extract - it takes excellent care of your skin and the health of the whole organism as a whole.

Fabric with Aloe Vera

  • slows down the aging process;
  • increases the body's resistance and immunity;
  • has anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effect,
  • accelerates regeneration processes;
  • suitable for sensitive skin.

Aloe Vera is always on guard for your beauty and well-being.

Life in balance

Until recently, no one could have imagined that tissues can affect human health, but now the innovative Shenergy system proves it. It creates around you almost the same atmosphere that reigns on the sea coast or next to a waterfall. It is in these natural areas that the level of negatively charged ions is especially high, which is good, because these particles neutralize the positive electrical charge of the human body, which is the cause of many serious diseases.

Upon contact with the body, the Shenergy complex

  • increases vitality;
  • improves oxygen circulation;
  • eliminates the causes of stress and insomnia;
  • serves as a prevention of arthritis and other common ailments.

From this article you will learn:

    What criteria to choose a mattress

    Which type of mattress is better to choose: spring or springless

    How firm should the mattress be?

    Which mattress is suitable for a comfortable sleep

A person sleeps a third of his life, and that is why his sleep should be as comfortable as possible. In this regard, it is important to choose the right mattress, taking into account individual characteristics and wishes. Today, there is a wide range of these products on the market, and the choice, as a rule, confuses the buyer. Let's talk about which mattress is better to choose and what to look for when buying it.

What you need to know to understand which mattress is better to choose

Now manufacturing companies produce different mattresses with different fillers. Which mattress is better to choose? To begin with, determine for yourself its desired parameters: the degree of rigidity, dimensions (depending on which bed it is needed for - children's, single, double), and also read customer reviews about mattresses from different manufacturers.

Decide which filler is most preferable for you, what design and, of course, be sure to consider your state of health when choosing. Thanks to a high-quality and comfortable mattress, you will sleep well, feel great and be in a great mood all day long.

In order to better navigate the huge variety and understand which mattress is best for sleeping, it is useful to know the criteria for classifying these products. They are:

    spring and springless;

    depending on the filling material: with coconut, latex, wool, horsehair;

    bilateral and unilateral;

    anatomical and orthopedic.

Which springless mattress is better to choose

The simplest type of springless mattresses are old models made of cotton wool, which were common back in the days of the USSR. Unfortunately, they cannot provide a comfortable sleep, because they do not support the body. Over time, cotton turns into lumps. Sleeping on this mattress is very uncomfortable.

For the manufacture of modern springless mattresses, elastic foam is used that takes the shape of the body. Thanks to this, a person sleeps comfortably and relaxed.

Many need double mattresses. Which is better to choose? The best option today are considered models of polyurethane foam or foam rubber.

If you find it more comfortable to sleep on a hard base, your option is orthopedic mattresses. Which is better to choose? Foam filled product. Distinctive characteristics of such a model are lightness, strength and a rigid non-burning surface. Strength is determined by the thickness of the filler layer (it can be from 5 to 15 cm). The density of a high quality mattress is 2.25 kg/30 cm³.

At the base of the spring mattress there are springs that provide its elasticity. Cheap models do not have anatomical properties because they use dependent blocks. All springs are combined into a common grid, and if pressure is applied to one zone, then the entire structure is deformed.

Dependent blocks have a number of disadvantages, the main of which is a short period of operation. In just a few years, these mattresses lose their shape or even creak.

If you prefer soft beds to hard surfaces, then it is better to choose a spring mattress of the Bonell system. In it, the springs are united by stiffeners. The quality of such a product is determined by the number of springs per unit area. The structure is springy. When pressing on one spring, waves begin to go throughout the mattress.

The downside of such products is that the springs quickly lose their elasticity, the surface is pressed through, and the person has the feeling that he is sleeping in a hammock, sliding into the middle of the bed. Therefore, if you are thinking about which mattress is better to choose for a double bed, this option is definitely not worth considering. It is better to purchase designs with a dependent spring for a single bed or for a short time.

Thanks to the latest technology, mattresses today use independent spring units. Each spring is in a separate case. At the moment, this is the best type of spring mattresses due to the even distribution of the load and, as a result, ease of use. This design solution significantly improves their anatomical properties and operational period.

If the design has independent spring blocks, then such a mattress can be safely called comfortable and practical. The springs, each in a spunbod case, function independently. When compressed, they evenly distribute the load throughout the mattress, support the spine, allowing it to be in the correct position. The service life of such products is long. Even after a few years, they do not break through and do not lose their aesthetic appearance. It is also worth noting the optimal ratio of price and quality - the high cost of products justifies itself.

Which mattress is better to choose: spring or springless

Which mattress is better to choose - with springs or without? Let's try to understand and compare these two types:

    A spring mattress accumulates a huge amount of dust inside itself, since the springs are empty. Over time, dust mites can get into the product because of this. Springless mattresses do not have this disadvantage. These insects will not appear in latex and coir.

    Spring mattresses contain static electricity due to the metal. As you know, there is no benefit from it for adults, and especially for children. There is no static electricity in latex and coir. It is very important to choose a mattress cover made of natural material, since synthetics are also electrified.

    If moisture gets into the spring mattress, corrosion will form. The springs creak and slowly collapse. This applies in particular to the bonnel blocks. In a springless mattress, moisture evaporates, especially since latex products often have perforations.

    Sleeping on a spring mattress (especially on a dependent one) cannot be called absolutely comfortable, since such a product has reinforced edges. If a spring mattress like a "bonnel" is designed for two, then in the process of sleeping people roll towards the center, which is very inconvenient. In a springless product, the entire surface is involved.

    Still, it is more pleasant to lie on a structure with springs - such mattresses are softer. But “rocking” is harmful to the spine of any person, especially a child. At the same time, not everyone will appreciate the quality of sleep, for example, on a solid coconut filler.

    A high-quality spring mattress will serve you for 10 years. Springless - about 15.

What firmness mattress is better to choose

Knowing the key characteristics of different models will allow you to understand which mattress is better to choose and which model has the best value for money. When purchasing a mattress, first of all, evaluate the rigidity. So, which firmness mattress is better to choose? It all depends on your age, weight and the presence of problems with the spine.

When choosing a mattress of optimal stiffness for yourself, remember that this parameter depends on the filler.

In a spring mattress, the filler is located between the upholstery and the spring block. In springless products, the filler is the main material. It is designed to solve several problems at once: it provides a certain level of rigidity and thermal conductivity, redistributes the load, and absorbs moisture.

Here are the most common fillers today:

    Felt- layers of cotton material that are connected by latex. Such fillers are environmentally friendly and durable. Among the shortcomings can be noted the high cost of really high-quality raw materials. Low-quality heat-pressed felt falls off very quickly.

    Batting. This material is a non-woven mixture of natural fibers and synthetics. The advantages of batting fillers are that they are environmentally friendly and inexpensive. The disadvantage is a short service life (the material quickly crumples).

    Horsehair fillers from manes and tails. As a rule, the material is impregnated with latex. Such fillers are elastic, pass air well, and are durable. Of the minuses, high allergenicity can be noted.

    Cotton (from loosened cotton fibers). Fillers for mattresses made of this material are hypoallergenic, perfectly breathable, retain heat, and are hygroscopic. The disadvantage is that lumps may form during use.

    Woolen (from wool of a sheep or a camel). They retain heat, let air through, and have a healing effect. The disadvantage is that they can cause allergies.

    Dried and woven seaweed fillers. Benefits: provide a person with a pleasant and relaxed sleep, release iodine vapor, moderately hard. Cons: Expensive and smelly.

    coconut. Fillers are made from the fibers of the outer part of the coconut. The material is natural, natural, has a sufficient level of rigidity, so that it can be used in children's mattresses, since the spine is still being formed in children.

Other advantages include long service life and moisture resistance (quick drying). In addition, the material almost never causes allergies. Disadvantages - high cost. Someone on a mattress with such a filler will sleep hard.

    Natural latex fillers(foamed juice of hevea, or rubber tree). The more this juice is contained in the material (from 1/5 to 9/10), the better the quality of the product. Natural latex has many advantages: softness, elasticity. Dust mites never appear in natural latex mattresses due to the antimicrobial effect.

There are two types of natural latex: Dunlop - dense, heavy and light; Talalay latex is soft and fluid. Mattresses suitable for children's beds are made from it. It adapts well to the shape of the body, is resistant to sagging and punching.

Latex mattresses are elastic, resilient, anatomical, resistant to heavy loads, perfectly retain their shape, and are durable. The disadvantage is the high price.

    Artificial latex fillers(foamed polymer). The properties of synthetic latex are comparable to the characteristics of natural material, but its price is much lower. Synthetic latex mattresses are easy to roll and easy to transport, but at the moment this is not the best option available. They have the same advantages as natural latex mattresses, plus a low price. The disadvantage is that the products smell very specific.

    Polyurethane fillers (from porous synthetic non-woven material). Such mattresses are moderately hard, practically do not cause allergies, are durable, moisture resistant, and inexpensive. Disadvantages: if the material is of poor quality, then the product will not last long.

    MemoryFoam- one of the types of polyurethane foam that can "remember" the shape of the human body. That is, the mattress adjusts and saves it.

Benefits: Prevents bedsores, allows blood to circulate normally, relaxes muscles.

Cons: Expensive.

In addition, it takes time to get used to the mattress. Note that many Europeans began to refuse such products, because in the process of their use they have signs of allergies, nausea, shortness of breath, headaches.

    Struttofiber fillers- a modern analogue of foam rubber. There are three layers in the mattress: carrier and two reinforcing.

Advantages: products are inexpensive and retain heat well.

Disadvantage: fragility (rapid deformation).

    Ormafoam- is a natural material that does not cause allergic reactions. Due to the porous structure, it perfectly passes air, due to which it retains humidity at the proper level. The material is moderately hard, but comfortable to use.

    Hallcon fillers. For the manufacture of this material using a unique technology. Such fillers do not cause allergies, do not smell and restore shape much faster and more efficiently than others.

Quite popular today are mattresses in which the elasticity of latex is combined with the rigidity of coir. In the context of such products, they resemble a chocolate cake with light cream - this is exactly what the layers of coconut fiber and latex look like.

Which mattress is better to choose for a wide bed? We do not recommend staying on a springless mattress filled with latex-bonded coconut. Such products are able to withstand a load of only 90-100 kg. Under increased loads, they wear out very quickly.

The compromise in this case is a springless double-sided orthopedic mattress with different levels of side rigidity. Also quite comfortable are the “winter-summer” options with wool on one side and cotton on the other.

Which mattress is best for children or teenagers under 18? The best option is a hard springless mattress with coconut fiber. People who are overweight or suffering from neck pain should also consider very firm mattresses.

If a person periodically suffers from pain in the thoracic spine, it is better for him to choose a mattress of medium hardness. The same recommendation can be given to people with an average weight (60-90 kg). For an elderly and thin person, a soft mattress is best.

Which mattress is better to choose for a comfortable sleep

A lot of buyers love orthopedic mattresses. Which is better to choose? The highest quality products in this category are models without springs with internal hair filling (horsehair), coir, latex, cotton or wool.

The advantage is that they do not have metal structures, which wear out more and more every year. Often these mattresses are bought for children.

The properties of anatomical mattresses are almost the same as those of orthopedic ones. They perfectly adapt to the human body, taking its shape, maintaining the posture in the correct position. The only thing they differ from each other is rigidity. It is softer and more comfortable to lie on anatomical products. The brightest representative of this category is a water mattress. Its service life is very short, because it is easy to pierce.

Let's say you are interested in a mattress for a newborn. Which is better to choose - with or without springs? Remember, a small child is just developing a posture, and this is very important. If the springs in the structure oscillate, the spine may not form properly. If the child is from 1 to 12 years old, do not risk it - purchase a product filled with coconut or latex. This is the best mattress for kids. Which is better to choose, the orthopedist will tell you.

What is the best mattress for adults? If there are no health problems, absolutely any product will do. Here it is better to focus only on individual feelings. As for people with heart disease or diseases of the respiratory system, only mattresses without springs are suitable for them.

Which mattress is better for a thin person? A product made of latex or a soft spring model without interlayers that increase rigidity.

For a person of average build, a mattress with independent springs or latex and coir filler is best suited.

If you do not like to sleep on a hard one, then it is better to choose a mattress with a spring independent block. But keep in mind: the more small springs in such a block, the better. And be sure to tell your children not to jump on the bed - otherwise the springs will break.

When deciding which mattress is better for a person with spinal problems, remember that it is strictly forbidden for him to sleep on a very hard surface. Therefore, before choosing a mattress, you should consult with an orthopedic doctor. The specialist will recommend the optimal product in this case - not very rigid, without springs or with springs.

If there is not much money to buy a mattress, you can choose a springless model. But be careful. According to manufacturers, foam rubber (polyurethane foam) is in no way inferior to latex in its properties, but this is not true. Such a mattress can cause an allergic reaction, especially if it is produced by a dubious manufacturer. Therefore, if you are going to buy a springless product, then it is better, of course, to choose a natural one - with latex, coir filler.

For girls and boys, a mattress without springs is best.

When thinking about which mattress is better to choose for a child, consider a product with a coconut filler that passes air well. For older children and teenagers, it is better to choose a medium-hard mattress with natural or artificial latex filler.

Elderly people should choose a soft or medium firm mattress.

Manufacturers indicate the maximum weight the products are designed for. We recommend that you choose a model with a margin of weight.

Which mattress is better for people with problems with the musculoskeletal system?

    for back pain, you should choose a mattress that takes the shape of the body;

    in diseases of the thoracic spine, it is better to give preference to a rigid structure;

    mattresses with independent springs and springless models with latex filler with a thickness of at least 17 cm provide the maximum orthopedic effect, which is exactly what is required by those suffering from osteochondrosis;

    it is better not to buy a product of increased rigidity without consulting a doctor - such a mattress does not allow posture to be in a natural position and presses on certain zones, which disrupts blood circulation in soft tissues.

When choosing a mattress, be sure to test it: lie down, evaluate how hard and elastic it is, whether it is comfortable for you. Also, pre-measure the size of the bed, so as not to be mistaken. The bed should be a maximum of 2-3 cm larger than the mattress. The length of the mattress should exceed the height of a person by 15 cm.

You can understand which mattress is better to choose for a double bed, taking into account the height of the tallest person from those who sleep in this bed. Also, do not forget about the margin of 15 cm. The maximum length of the bed can be from 190 to 200 cm, in width - 160-200 cm. The thickness depends on the content. Today on the market are mattresses with blocks of both dependent and independent springs. Which model is better to choose? The total weight of the spouses should be taken into account.

When thinking about which company's mattresses are better to choose, rely not only on the popularity of manufacturers. Be sure to read the reviews of real customers, compare the cost of products, find out what warranty period a particular manufacturer provides. It is also important to find out what material is used to make mattresses, what technologies.

Remember that baby cot companies offer a wide range of different products in this area. Once you clearly understand what you want and what you need, you will narrow the circle of manufacturers and be able to quickly choose the best option for yourself.

Which mattress cover is better to choose

Mattress covers perform an important functional task: they retain an attractive appearance of the product and extend its service life. Today, many manufacturers offer a wide range of them. Which case is better to choose?

There are three types of mattress accessories: mattress topper, mattress topper and cover. As you know, covers cover these products from all sides. As for the mattress pad and mattress pad, they, as the name implies, protect the mattress from above and below.

Case materials

Covers are made from both cotton and synthetics. However, there are other options you can also choose from:

    Jacquard. A blend of 20% synthetic and 80% cotton. This combination is very favorable, as the fabric is resistant to any impact.

    Protective covers are often made from satin and calico. Such products do not form stains and dust. In addition, in the hot season, they make you feel comfortable.

    Polyester commonly used to make zippered mattresses. This synthetic fiber has a beautiful appearance, but bedding slips on it very often, which is inconvenient. In addition, due to the fact that the material is not natural, it is not sufficiently ventilated. As a result, the body does not “breathe” well.

    Allergy sufferers should choose a special hypoallergenic cover fabric that does not irritate the skin. You need to wash such a cover in very hot water to destroy all germs.

    If it is cool in your house, apartment or country house, it is better to choose a removable woolen case. Natural wool products are also a great solution for the elderly. You can use these covers in winter and replace them with other, lighter materials in summer.

    Polycotton covers are also very common now. Among the minuses, an insignificant percentage of cotton in the composition can be noted, which significantly reduces their hygroscopicity and air permeability. But polycotton also has obvious advantages: it is durable, does not shrink, and bright colors on it remain intact for a long time.

Types of mattress toppers by type of fixation

It is best if the mattress is fixed with the help of sidewalls, as they completely cover it from the sides and ends. The sidewalls can be tucked up and pulled off in no time. To do this, a thin elastic band is sewn into the product.

To fix the mattress pad at the corners of the mattress, manufacturers sometimes provide rubber bands so that it does not slip off. In stores, typical mattress covers with an elastic band of 160x200 cm are usually presented for mattresses of a standard average height of 30 cm. If your mattress has other dimensions, then it is better to choose a mattress cover specifically for them.

A mattress pad with sidewalls has a significant plus - the mattress is not visible from under it. Minus: over time, the gum inevitably stretches.

Choosing a mattress cover

On a non-removable cover, additional elements are often provided in the form of a convenient carrying handle, viewing zipper, aerator and welt. Thanks to the viewing zipper, you can check and make sure that the product is made from the materials declared by the manufacturer.

Most non-removable covers are sewn to the mattress and cannot be removed before washing. The presence of such a coating, tightly fitting the mattress, provides a full and comfortable sleep. There is only one drawback: stains on products can only be removed by a dry cleaning specialist, which is quite expensive.

Over time, the removable cover can become loose and difficult to remove on your own. It is better to dry-clean the jacquard coating - it is undesirable to wash it with your own hands. Self-washing is only allowed if the cover is made of other materials. This is the main advantage of removable products.

A separate mattress pad is a more profitable and simple solution. It can be put on and taken off in no time to clean or wash. Its additional advantage is a significant time saving.

Another type - covers on the castle. They are made in such a way that without them the mattress cannot be a separate thing. When removing such a product, thin protective mattress layers are visible. A distinctive feature of the models is their autonomy, despite the fact that, in fact, they are parts of the product. These covers can be easily removed, washed and cleaned.

In addition to protecting the mattress with a zipper, it can act as a decor item in the bedroom if you match it to the color of curtains, furniture, wallpaper.

The lock must be very reliable and located on the sides on three sides.

Health impact

The popularity of orthopedic mattresses is constantly growing, and thanks to the cover, their positive impact can even increase. Mattress covers solve a very necessary and useful task - thanks to them, the mattress does not collapse.

A mattress topper that can adjust the degree of rigidity depending on your needs also has a positive effect. You can choose a product with which you can easily and conveniently adjust the degree of rigidity.

A special category of mattress covers are waterproof models made of a special material that keeps the product clean and dry. They are best chosen for cribs or for families with elderly people. Mattress covers of this type protect against accidentally spilled liquids.

Many cover manufacturers use cutting-edge fabrics with a high level of hypoallergenicity and hygiene.

This accessory is intended mainly to provide the mattress with a long service life, protecting it from mechanical damage and dirt. That is why we advise you to be very careful when choosing a cover.

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