Start of pregnancy do's and don'ts. Early pregnancy: what is important to know? What is prohibited for pregnant women

Pregnancy is the most important moment in a girl's life. Responsibility falls on the shoulders already at the planning stage. And the goal of the expectant mother is the birth of a healthy child. In order for the pregnancy to be successful, it is recommended to steadily listen to the advice of doctors, read thematic literature and follow the recommendations of experienced mothers.

During pregnancy, it is recommended to eat right, appear more often in the fresh air, monitor your health, pay attention to sleep and rest, minimize physical activity and be patient. As a result, childbirth will be successful and less painful. In order for the unborn child to develop normally and appear healthy, you need to know what is possible for pregnant women. We will analyze this topic in the article, where we will answer 20 popular questions.

1. Drink coffee

Drinking coffee in reasonable amounts will not harm the child, and the expectant mother will invigorate and reward her with a great mood. Therefore, you can not refuse coffee. The main thing is that the daily dose does not exceed two cups of a weak drink.

However, some doctors claim that drinking coffee during pregnancy, even in small amounts, reduces the weight of the child. If you drink liters, the risk of stillbirth will increase. The drink contains a lot of caffeine, which increases blood pressure and excites the nervous system. Drinking it is advised taking into account the characteristics of the body.

2. Drink tea

Drinking tea during pregnancy is not prohibited, if we are talking about reasonable amounts. In position, the daily norm of weak tea is two cups. It is allowed to add honey or slices of lemon to the drink. The useful elements contained in such an amount of black tea are enough to protect and strengthen the teeth, increase the permeability of blood vessels.

As for biologically active additives in tea, handle them with care. Contrary to their naturalness, some of them tone the muscles of organs, including the uterus. With an unfortunate combination of circumstances, a miscarriage will occur. Therefore, it is better to refuse additives.

3. Drink beer

The frivolous use of alcoholic beverages will lead to the appearance of mental disorders and developmental abnormalities in the child. Overturning once again a small glass of beer, the mother will reward the baby with addiction. The abuse of beer and other alcohol-containing drinks leads to such terrible consequences.

It's not just the alcohol in beer that's dangerous. The composition of the drink includes phytoestrogen - a substance that resembles hormones in structure. The intake of "third-party" hormones into the body of a woman has a bad effect on the hormonal balance and is dangerous for the child.

4. Drink milk

There are no prohibitions regarding the use of milk during pregnancy. A woman in position is allowed to use liquid or powdered milk, and the choice of goat, cow, baked or fresh milk depends on preferences, usefulness and frequency of use.

If a rash, indigestion, or other negative reactions appear after a glass of milk, it is better to refuse the product. A worthy replacement would be homemade yogurt, cottage cheese or cheese. These products are rich in protein and calcium, they are able to take care of the health of the expectant mother and baby no worse than milk.

5. Get vaccinated

When deciding whether to get vaccinated, doctors are based on the benefit-to-harm ratio. Vaccination is carried out in the presence of an increased likelihood of contracting the disease. Pregnant women are advised not to travel to certain countries due to the need for certain vaccinations. In case of contact with the sick, vaccinations are welcome.

Vaccination is different from vaccination, and each of them can lead to complications. During pregnancy, vaccination with live viruses is unacceptable. As for vaccinations based on inactive viruses, in some cases they are allowed. In this case, the antibodies contained in the injection are transferred to the baby and provide protection.

6. Do inhalations

According to the unanimous opinion of doctors, inhalations are a necessary remedy for the treatment of pregnant women. They, unlike medicines, do not affect the functioning of organs. Coughing attacks in the mother bring discomfort to the baby, and with a runny nose, the placenta does not receive enough oxygen. Therefore, inhalation treatment is a safe solution.

Inhalation steam is useful in the early treatment of dry and hacking coughs. But if the disease is accompanied by a temperature, inhalation is prohibited. It is better to breathe essential oils. Doing inhalation during pregnancy is allowed an hour after eating.

7. Do fluorography

Fluorography is a low-dose research method. During pregnancy, the procedure is contraindicated. Women in the position are exempted from the planned passage of the study. Doctors resort to any X-ray research methods only in case of serious clinical indications.

In some cases, fluorography is done for girls in position, but on the condition that the benefit of the study for the expectant mother is higher than the risk for the child. In all other cases, research methods are used that do not provide for ionizing radiation.

8. Epilate

During pregnancy, it is allowed to use hair removal techniques that are performed at home and do not affect the woman's body. These include waxing and removing unwanted vegetation with an electric epilator. It is risky to resort to other methods during pregnancy. It is better to refuse them.

During pregnancy, it is recommended to fight hairs by shaving. Postpone more effective methods of depilation until the application is safe for the child.

9. Making shellac

Doctors disagreed on this issue. Some argue that the shellac manicure technique is safe, others see harm in it. Cautious masters believe that it is not worth doing shellac during pregnancy, since the reaction of the female body to chemistry is unpredictable.

Girls in position are very sensitive, capricious and have a heightened sense of smell. It is possible that as part of the procedure, a pregnant woman will develop severe toxicosis. It is better to exclude shellac for a while and think about the health of the child.

10. Get a tattoo

Tattooing during pregnancy is a popular procedure, as it facilitates self-care. After the tattoo, you do not need to put your eyebrows in order. There is no consensus on whether it can be done while in position.

One thing is for sure, that a master building a career in this area will not want to tattoo a girl in position, since there are many nuances that are impossible to predict. We are talking about painful sensations, a spoiled mood when the color does not match the wishes of the lady and other points.

11. Go to the cemetery

Church representatives argue that pregnant women should visit the cemetery and commemorate people who have passed away. God blesses people who remember their ancestors. It is only recommended that you do so if you wish. Do not forget about superstitions, according to which pregnant women should not visit the cemetery.

Once near the grave of a loved one, a woman can be overwhelmed by negative emotions and strong feelings, which will affect the health of the mother and baby. Stress is the main cause of ailments. Therefore, it is better to refuse to visit the cemetery.

12. Go to church

The answer of folk customs to this question is negative, but the church welcomes it. Let's figure it out. According to the church, the unborn child is God's blessing. Therefore, representatives of the church see no reason to refuse to visit the temple.

For many, pregnancy is associated with the menstrual cycle, within which it is forbidden to attend church, but it is incorrect to compare these conditions. According to the priests, the expectant mother should go to church and pray. It is also not forbidden to confess and receive communion.

13. Go to the bath

If everything is in order with the health of a pregnant woman, it is allowed to visit the bath after consulting a doctor. Remember that going to the bath in the early stages is contraindicated.

In all other cases, visiting the bath trains the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, strengthens the immune system. Bath procedures are an excellent prevention of colds. If a pregnant girl has not previously visited a steam room, it is not advised to start during pregnancy.

14. Go to a funeral

Funerals are a powerful source of stress that can lead to the loss of a child. If a pregnant girl is afraid of attending a funeral or is worried about comfort, it is better to stay at home. If a funeral of a loved one is held and there is a great desire to attend it, it is recommended to listen to the inner voice. When you are sure that everything will be fine, go.

There are often cases when there is no desire to attend a funeral for other reasons. In this situation, pregnancy can be argued for refusal, no one will condemn anyone. You can say goodbye to the one who left the world on a mental level.

15. Walk in heels

Sexy, beautiful and fashionable shoes are contraindicated for girls in the position for all three quarters. Heeled shoes are allowed to be worn in the first half of pregnancy, although do not forget about the state of health.

Even if you feel good, it is better to refuse to constantly wear heels, otherwise it helps to increase the tone of the uterus. If you can't imagine life without shoes, limit yourself to wearing such shoes for a few hours and, after enjoying yourself, give your feet a massage.

16. Go to the pool

Some future mothers consider regular swimming pool visits useful, while others are afraid of catching an infection. In any case, before visiting the pool, consult a gynecologist. In the absence of complications and objections from the doctor, visit the pool at the moment. I knowingly added the phrase "now". It is allowed to visit the pool after the formation of the mucous plug and until it exits.

17. Go to the solarium

Prolonged exposure to the sun is undesirable for a pregnant woman. Doctors recommend that pregnant women temporarily forget about artificial tanning and do not go to the solarium.

Under the influence of lamps, the hormonal background will change, which will lead to the appearance of age spots. During pregnancy, the skin is sensitive to external factors and the risk of burning is high.

18. Dye your hair

During pregnancy, the hormonal background of the body undergoes changes that affect the structure of the hair. An increase in progesterone levels helps to reduce hair loss, resulting in thicker hair.

The results of studies have shown that paints are safe for pregnant women. But do not forget that the body of a woman is individual. Representatives of medicine argue that the chemicals that are part of the paints adversely affect the scalp and the condition of the body. Therefore, before using hair dyes, consult a doctor.

19. Smoking while pregnant

In the second trimester, cigarettes negatively affect the child's condition and increase the likelihood of violations. Smoking often leads to disastrous consequences, including: premature birth, miscarriage, premature detachment of the placenta or bleeding from the uterus.

Quitting smoking is recommended before conception. At the same time, it is not necessary to fight the habit after learning about pregnancy. The body of a woman is used to receiving a dose of nicotine. It is better if in the first trimester you reduce the dose. As a result, the body will prepare to give up cigarettes.

20. Fly on an airplane

There is no unequivocal opinion about flying by plane during pregnancy. During the flight, the female body is exposed to loads, but they are dangerous for a pregnant woman only in some cases.

If the pregnancy is proceeding normally, there are no contraindications to the use of air transport. But if it is possible to get to the right place by another means of transportation, they are not advised to take risks. You can enjoy the comfort of air travel after the birth of your baby.

While waiting for the baby, the expectant mother is faced with many prohibitions regarding pregnancy. Pregnancy is divided into trimesters, “possible” and “not” for each of the three trimesters may vary somewhat. In this article, we will consider the most controversial taboos during pregnancy.

What not to do during pregnancy. Is it possible to have sex during pregnancy

Doctors are in solidarity: at the beginning of the first trimester, while the embryo is only implanted in the uterine wall, it is better to postpone sexual activity. However, the statement that sex during pregnancy should not be practiced is incorrect. In general, during pregnancy, a process that is not burdened by pathologies, intimate relationships are not contraindicated. Of course, you should not be too active, sexual intercourse should not bring pain or discomfort to the expectant mother.

What kind of sex should not be done during pregnancy with a threat, for example, with uterine hypertonicity? Alas, none. In addition to the mechanical action of frictions, it is worth remembering that the uterus tenses up when aroused, and contracts during orgasm. Therefore, any form of sex and self-satisfaction with an already tense uterus should be banned.

In the third trimester with intimacy, it is also worth being more careful. Some doctors believe that sex in the last trimester is beneficial by preparing a woman's birth canal for the birth of a baby. Others say that intimacy in the later stages can provoke labor.

Is it possible to dye hair, straighten hair with the help of special compounds during pregnancy

The superstition has not found logical confirmation, which consists in the fact that the expectant mother cannot cut her hair, this procedure does not harm pregnancy and the baby at all. But the harm from hair coloring during pregnancy is quite real. Most dyes have an aggressive composition, the components of which, when the mixture is applied to the scalp, penetrate into the blood of a pregnant woman. Even products for permanent hair coloring often have a pungent unpleasant odor, which is not useful for a pregnant woman to inhale. Most hair straighteners contain formaldehyde, the vapors of which the pregnant woman inhales during the procedure.

The body of a pregnant woman can react unpredictably even to the usual means for staining: the result can be deplorable, an allergic reaction is possible.

In view of this, it is not recommended to dye your hair during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester. If a pregnant woman cannot refuse to dye her hair, then it is better to choose less aggressive dyes and use dyeing techniques in which the composition is not applied to the roots, the same ombre. Herbal henna and basma without chemical additives are ideal for pregnant women.

Before any painting, it is imperative to do an allergy test.

What not to do during pregnancy. What harms pregnant self-medication

The use of medicines without first consulting a doctor during pregnancy can be extremely dangerous. Habitual medicines can have a detrimental effect on the development of pregnancy, provoke an allergic reaction.

There is an opinion that it is impossible to use only traditional medicine preparations during pregnancy without a doctor's prescription. It is erroneous, alternative medicine can harm the fetus no less. For example, not everyone knows which herbs are not allowed during pregnancy. But the list of the latter is very impressive, it includes dozens of items.

In the first trimester, if possible, it is worth not resorting to drugs at all; in the following months, the doctor should evaluate the ratio “risk for the child - benefit for the mother”.

Why you shouldn't get vaccinated during pregnancy

Pregnant women are highly discouraged from getting vaccinated. Moreover, after the use of certain vaccines, a certain period of time is not allowed to become pregnant. If a woman plans to protect a developing baby from the severe consequences of diseases such as rubella, then this should be done in advance.

Expectant mothers are vaccinated only in emergency situations, using vaccines with killed cultures of pathogens or ready-made antibodies.

Why You Shouldn't Drink Alcohol During Pregnancy

Previously, there was an opinion that it was possible, even necessary, to regularly consume a little high-quality red wine for pregnant women. Like, raises hemoglobin. There is some truth in this statement. Indeed, recent studies show that occasional, small amounts of high-quality alcohol are beneficial to health. But pregnant women should not drink alcohol, as it can have a negative effect on the developing fetus. The laying of the organs of the unborn child occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Many future mothers, before the onset of a delay in menstruation, signaling pregnancy, allowed themselves to drink alcohol. Do not worry, in these few weeks the fetus does not yet eat substances from the mother's body, so a glass of wine drunk will not harm him in any way.

What not to do during pregnancy. Smoking during pregnancy: Don't quit smoking

Smoking during pregnancy is also shrouded in myths. There is a point of view that it is impossible to quit smoking during pregnancy. They say that quitting a bad habit has a more detrimental effect on the pregnancy of heavy smokers than smoking itself. This is not true.

Yes, doctors do not recommend quitting too abruptly, as the body will experience stress. But you still need to part with cigarettes and quickly. Due to smoking, the fetus develops oxygen starvation, which leads to mental retardation, prematurity, reduced birth weight and other health problems.

Why do not sleep on your back during pregnancy

In the first trimester, the expectant mother is free to sleep in any comfortable position. With an increase in the uterus, sleeping on the stomach becomes impossible. Why do doctors say that during pregnancy you can not sleep on your back? The reason for the prohibition is the enlarged pregnant uterus, which, when a woman is lying on her back, can compress the inferior vena cava and impair blood flow, put pressure on the ureters.

The result of resting in this position in late pregnancy may be exacerbation of hemorrhoids, back pain, lowering blood pressure with resulting headaches and dizziness.

For pregnant women with a noticeably rounded tummy, the position on the left side will be optimal for sleeping.

Cross-legged during pregnancy. P why not

It was forbidden to cross one leg during pregnancy for our ancestors. They believed that sitting a pregnant woman in a cross-legged position is fraught with crooked legs or even strabismus in a born baby. Of course, this has nothing to do with truth. However, this position is really undesirable for everyone, especially for expectant mothers. The fact is that while sitting cross-legged, there is a load on a large uterus. Also, there is a compression of the vein in the popliteal fossa, which is not good for the already increased risk of varicose veins in pregnant women. The blood circulation in the pelvic organs worsens. This is fraught with oxygen starvation of the baby.

The load on the spine increases. With a growing belly, the musculoskeletal system of a pregnant woman already has a hard time, sitting in the wrong position further exacerbates the situation. Pain in the pubic area is another indicator that it is impossible to cross your legs in the weeks of pregnancy close to childbirth. Because of this posture, the baby's head is often positioned incorrectly, which causes pain.

Why pregnant women should not raise their hands up

Doctors have found a rationale for why you can not raise your hands during pregnancy. No, this has nothing to do with the risk of entwining the child with the umbilical cord.

When the hands are raised up, the body feels discomfort, the uterus tenses. Therefore, in the second half of pregnancy, you can not raise your hands up. This will not hurt much in early pregnancy, but in the later stages it can cause premature labor.

Raising your hands up suddenly can make a pregnant woman dizzy, which is not safe.
And with a long stay in this position, blood circulation in the uterus worsens.

What not to do during pregnancy. How stress affects the mother during pregnancy

Wishing future mothers not to be nervous is not a banal “duty” phrase. During pregnancy, you should not be nervous, stress can harm the baby.
Scientists have found a link between the nervousness of pregnant women and the development of problems with the cardiovascular and nervous systems in children, especially male children are susceptible to this.

It has also been experimentally proven that if a mother is regularly nervous during pregnancy, then the risk that her child will have sleep problems in the first year of life increases by 23 percent. Accordingly, all family members living with the child will have problems with sleep. And chronic lack of sleep of the mother negatively affects lactation


The expectant mother has a double responsibility for her health and the successful development of the baby during pregnancy. It is extremely important to know what can and cannot be done while waiting for the birth of a child.

Wondering what not to do during pregnancy? This question interests every woman, because the news that a new life will soon appear is not only joy, but also a reason for excitement. In the soul of every woman, a sense of responsibility for that little miracle that is yet to be born grows stronger. During this period, the lifestyle changes dramatically, you have to pay attention to those things that you did not even suspect existed before. In this article, we will try to cover the main aspects that cannot be done during an "interesting" position.

The right diet for the expectant mother

In fact, the food that a woman consumes is the key to the full development of the baby - after all, the necessary vitamins and microelements that the fetus needs so much get into the body. First of all, give up diets for weight loss - starving yourself is fraught with many consequences. If a woman adheres to any diet for health reasons, she should definitely consult a doctor. Also, do not allow dehydration of the body.


  • Try to avoid consumption of cinnamon, parsley or basil - they can have a negative effect on the digestive system;
  • Give up raw eggs (the exception is quail), your favorite sushi, shellfish, dried fish - the risk of contracting salmonellosis increases many times over, not to mention such an unpleasant problem as helminths;
  • Refuse smoked meats and undercooked meat, as bacteria are not completely destroyed in it.

    Give preference to dishes from boiled or stewed meat;

  • Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits, but you need to wash them especially carefully. If you are not sure about the origin of the products, it is best to douse them with boiling water before eating;
  • Some dairy products will also have to be eliminated from the diet - ayran, brie cheese, feta and other soft types that are made from unpasteurized milk. Only varieties of cheeses that are made from pasteurized milk are safe;
  • The consumption of alcohol and caffeine is strictly prohibited, the doctor may allow you to treat yourself to a cup of coffee, but very rarely. Such products can increase blood pressure, and this is not the most favorable thing for a pregnant woman, so we boldly replace coffee with chicory, and wine with freshly squeezed juice;
  • Do not get carried away with citrus fruits, chocolate, strawberries, nuts, exotic vegetables and fruits - they can cause allergies in a child in the future;
  • If possible, refuse products that contain dyes, stabilizers, thickeners, aroma and taste enhancers;
  • Forget about fast food - chips, hamburgers, croutons should be blacklisted.
  • In general, the diet of the expectant mother should contain all the vitamins and microelements vital and necessary for the health of the baby, such as iodine, iron, folic acid, calcium and many other substances. It is also important to enrich the body with antioxidants during pregnancy - they will serve to prevent complications and increase immunity. The best way to give yourself and your child everything you need and not miss anything is to take vitamin-mineral complexes with a balanced composition, such as Vitrum Prenatal Forte. This drug is approved by obstetrician-gynecologists as one of the most reliable and proven means for women who are expecting or just planning to have a baby.

    your habits

    • Expectant mothers should refrain from taking hot baths or saunas. Excess heat above 39 degrees can affect the formation of the fetus, and in some cases cause a miscarriage;
    • Take a closer look at your cosmetics: creams, shampoos, mascaras should not contain toxic substances. But hair coloring should be abandoned for a while, since hormonal processes go through a woman's body, which can be affected by artificial dyes that penetrate the scalp. To strengthen the hair, use natural remedies - decoctions of medicinal herbs, henna, masks, and so on;
    • For a while, give up repellents, self-tanning products and other substances, since some of them may contain more harmful substances that affect the development of the fetal nervous system;
    • Medicines can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor - even tetracycline or paracetamol, which is familiar to many, can cause serious complications in the fetus;
    • Don't lift weights, jump, walk fast, or exercise hard. Slow yoga will be a good substitute, and it is better to take a break from vigorous activity. The maximum weight that can be lifted is 5 kilograms, and in recent months - 3, because the expectant mother already has a hard time;
    • Quit smoking, remember that even passive smoking is harmful, so stay away from smoking areas;
    • When cleaning your home, ask your household members to help you, as many detergents and household chemicals contain toxins. For a while, replace them with regular soap or a hypoallergenic product. Also, pregnant women are not recommended to take part in the repair, even if you really want to equip the children's room on your own, entrust it to your family. Volatile compounds of paints, glues and other substances are a serious hazard;
    • If you have a cat in your house, ask someone from the household to take care of her for a while. Cats are carriers of toxoplasmosis, a virus that is dangerous to the fetus.

    Change your lifestyle. You are not allowed:

    • Give up high heels for a while - you create an additional load on the spine, it is negligence during this period that causes postpartum back pain;
    • Choose loose clothing made from natural materials, refrain from tight and uncomfortable things;
    • In the first trimester, the mother should absolutely not take an x-ray - only on the testimony of a doctor, and no vaccinations should be given, especially against smallpox or malaria - they can cause malformations in the fetus;
    • Try to worry less and not overwork, because this state of the mother is transmitted to the baby;
    • Limit the time spent at the computer or with a mobile phone - the harm of radiation has not yet been proven, but it's still better to play it safe. If you have electric mattresses and blankets in your home, it is better to give them up for a while;
    • Try to avoid long trips. Many women during this period are contraindicated to drive a car and fly an airplane. This is especially true for those who suffer from bleeding, hypertension and other diseases;
    • Try to avoid very crowded places as your body is now very sensitive to all infections. It is also likely that in a crowd a woman in position may be accidentally pushed or hurt her stomach;
    • Do not ignore your ailments - not only health, but also the life of your baby may depend on your delay, so if you have alarming symptoms, immediately consult a doctor.

A woman in a position changes culinary preferences, lifestyle, attitude towards others. The mother-to-be consciously tries to limit herself from everything that can harm her child. This applies to diet, actions, bad habits. Knowing what is impossible for pregnant women at an early stage is necessary not only for newly-made parents, but also for relatives who also want to ensure a favorable pregnancy.

What not to do during pregnancy

There are many myths and facts about this period of a woman's life: some believe that she cannot cut her hair, paint her nails, move actively, etc. You should look into this more carefully. Due to the change in the hormonal background, it is better to refrain from perming and hair coloring procedures, as a result of which their condition may worsen. If you belong to the category of women who dye their hair all the time, opt for sparing options. The expectant mother is also forbidden to wear synthetic underwear. During pregnancy, you can not:

  • take baths (hot);
  • visit the sauna and solarium;
  • take medication without consulting a doctor;
  • vaccinate against rubella, tuberculosis, mumps;
  • perform X-ray or fluorography;
  • clean the cat's toilet (the cat is a carrier of a disease such as toxoplasmosis).

What not to eat when pregnant

A conscious woman during pregnancy reviews her diet with special care, some even hang a list of prohibited dishes in the kitchen. During this period, food addictions or aversion to certain foods are formed. It may turn out that you are not drawn to healthy food, but you want to eat more of what you can’t, so it’s important to study the list of foods that are dangerous to the health of the developing organism.

Action on the body


Fatty, fried, peppery, spicy

They affect the liver, kidneys and gallbladder, which are already displaced during pregnancy.

French fries, salo, steak, chili, Korean salads, adjika

They have a detrimental effect on the entire human body, for example, the carcinogenic additive E211 can contribute to the development of cancer.

Chewing gum, sweets, confectionery, chips, croutons, seasoning, sauce

canned food

Influence the synthesis of proteins, which are the main building material of a developing organism

Canned fish

Some seafood

Tuna, mackerel, shark, crab, shrimp, swordfish.

raw eggs

May cause salmonella infection

In the early stages

The development and health of the baby depends on how the first trimester of pregnancy goes, so the expectant mother should scrupulously approach the issue of her nutrition. It is advisable to give preference only to natural products prepared in compliance with all sanitary standards. At this time, there are no significant changes in the woman's condition, but you still need to limit or exclude the following products:

  • Sweets and flour products. They contribute to rapid weight gain, so in the early stages it is important to adjust your diet in order to feel good at the end of pregnancy and not suffer from edema. This category includes all kinds of confectionery and refined sugar, which do not contain vitamins, but are full of carbohydrates.
  • Products that can cause allergies, which can result in improper development of the child or even miscarriage. These include red vegetables, fruits, citrus fruits, honey.
  • Beans, beans, peas can cause increased gas formation, which will result in increased tone.
  • Chocolate, being a powerful stimulant, has a detrimental effect on the mental and nervous system of the little man. The measure is important here, a couple of pieces will not hurt anyone, so you are allowed to allow yourself such a treat once a week.

What should not be eaten by pregnant women

The diet of the expectant mother should not harm the developing organism. Some dishes can be limited during this important period of life, their single use will not lead to negative consequences. However, there are foods that need to be blacklisted for the period of bearing a child and breastfeeding. Pregnant women should not eat:

What is better not to drink

If a cup of morning coffee has become a daily ritual for you, you should give up this pleasure for the sake of the health of your unborn child. This drink has an adverse effect: it increases blood pressure, provokes a threat of miscarriage, causes insomnia, removes vitamins and microelements from the body. You also need to remove caffeinated foods from your menu, do not drink energy drinks and cola.

It is permissible for black tea lovers to occasionally consume this drink, which should not be strong. The reason for this is all the same caffeine, which, penetrating the placenta, can harm the baby. Carbonated water must be discarded due to the content of chemicals and dyes.

Any drinks containing alcohol put a strain on the kidneys, which already work during pregnancy in an enhanced mode. Even if you decide to treat yourself to a glass of beer, this can negatively affect the intellectual abilities and the formation of the unborn baby, especially in the first trimester. Therefore, drinking alcohol is prohibited. Kvass is also better not to drink at this time. These tips for pregnant women in the early stages will help to avoid many unpleasant moments.

What not to do when pregnant

In this special period of life, new habits, rules appear and the perception of the world around us changes. Sometimes a woman thinks she can turn the world around, and sometimes she doesn't even have the strength to brush her teeth. It is important to treat this condescendingly and follow a set of measures that will ensure your safety. According to these rules, it is prohibited:

  • Carry out general cleaning with household chemicals. In extreme cases, you need to protect yourself as much as possible by wearing gloves and ventilating the room.
  • Sitting still at a computer or favorite job. When doing embroidery or other creative process, do not forget to do active physical 15 minutes.
  • Walk in high heels (more than 4 cm). If you don't want varicose veins or flat feet, you can't do that.
  • Sit with your legs crossed. In this position, the veins located in the popliteal fossa are clamped, and blood circulation in the pelvic organs slows down. The result may be fetal hypoxia.
  • smoke. This leads to poor blood supply to the placenta due to its vasoconstrictive action. There is a chance that the baby will be born prematurely or with a small weight.
  • Forget about parties and discos. The smell of cigarette smoke, alcohol and loud music do not contribute to the beneficial course of pregnancy.
  • Hold off on extreme sports. Adrenaline negatively affects the mental activity of the baby, so you should avoid stress, worries and be less nervous. The expectant mother should provide herself with a calm and positive environment.

In the early stages

Sleeping on your stomach is not recommended during the first trimester. This position puts pressure on the uterus, which can damage the embryo. You can be in this position in rare cases, but by no means make it a habit. However, when the tummy has already noticeably increased, it is advisable to listen to the recommendations of doctors and exclude rest on the back. Blood circulation may be disturbed due to the fact that the grown belly will put a load on the deep veins.

In the first trimester, the girl's hormonal background changes, which results in mood swings and emotional outbursts. During this period, for some, intimate relationships are a necessity, while for others they are undesirable. According to doctors, a pregnant woman is allowed to have sex, moreover, it also has a positive result, since endorphins are produced. A nice bonus is the training of the pelvic muscles.

However, there are contraindications in cases where the tone of the uterus is increased, there is a risk of miscarriage or an infection in the partner. It is better to refuse intimate relationships so that there is no abortion. In other cases, the expectant mother is allowed to have sex throughout the entire pregnancy, the main thing is to avoid deep penetration, pressure on the stomach and too long intercourse.

What movements can not be done during pregnancy

While waiting for the baby, a woman should exclude work that involves lifting heavy objects (more than 3 kg). The permissible weight, in exceptional cases, is 5 kg. It is also contraindicated for pregnant women in the early stages to rearrange furniture in the apartment, make sharp and jerky movements. This can lead to premature birth. You can not do repairs and heavy physical work. Leave the painting of the walls, beating the carpets, washing the windows to someone else or postpone for a certain time.


What can and cannot be done to women during pregnancy? What habits should they get rid of as soon as possible so as not to harm the health of the unborn baby? How should their diet change while carrying a baby? What can not be done to women "in position" according to popular beliefs? What sports are good for the health of a young mother, and which ones can provoke a miscarriage or cause premature birth? The answers to all these questions can be found in this article.

What should not be done during early pregnancy?

The first and most important thing that future mothers should give up is the use of alcoholic beverages and cigarettes. Starting from 3-4 weeks and ending at 12-13, the formation of the internal organs of the baby takes place. It is at this time that it is especially important to try to limit the ingress of harmful substances into the mother's body in order to preserve the health, and sometimes the life of the crumbs.

Smoking and drinking "fun" drinks in the early stages can lead to early toxicosis, a difficult pregnancy. In addition, these habits can cause a child to be born with a heart defect and other health problems. So, a baby can be born with the wrong proportions of the body. Smoking and alcohol consumed by the mother in the first trimester can cause strabismus, and as well as eyelid prolapse in the baby. Children whose mothers drank or smoked, as a rule, are born with low immunity and poor memory. They are usually far behind their peers in development.

Additionally Women who are carrying a baby should give up sports training. They can cause spontaneous miscarriage.

Expectant mothers are contraindicated to be nervous. They need to look at all the hardships of life with a smile. Don't worry about trifles. If something serious happened, then you should try not to think about it, or, as psychologists advise, try to find something good in what happened.

The health and life of the baby depends on the state of mind of the expectant mother. She should remember that all the neuroses and stresses that she experiences in the early stages are transmitted to him. Due to the frequent experiences of a woman during pregnancy, her baby may at best be born weakened and nervous. At worst, she can "lose" the child during the period of its bearing.

We need to change our daily routine. If a young woman slept less than 6 hours a day before pregnancy, then it is time to change that. During the bearing of the crumbs, the expectant mother needs to rest as much as possible and should not be overworked. She should sleep at least 9 hours a day.

A girl "in position" should refuse to use all kinds of drugs, unless, of course, her life does not depend on them. We are talking about those cases when a pregnant woman has a serious illness, in which the maintenance of her health depends on the intake of certain medications. About how to continue to use them correctly so that the harm from them to the baby is minimal, you should check with your doctor.

Information With a cold, expectant mothers are prohibited from using vasodilating drops to facilitate breathing. They can't use antibiotics. Treatment of any disease should be prescribed only by a doctor. In no case should pregnant girls self-medicate.

Also, expectant mothers should. Now it should be exceptionally correct. No fast food, soda or chips. From now on, only healthy food.


  • A pregnant girl should not lie in a hot bath, as well as go to the bath or sauna.
  • Pregnant girls should not be engaged in repairs in the apartment or anywhere else. They should shift this responsibility to someone else.
  • The same can be said about general cleaning. It can only be carried out together with someone, while a woman carrying a baby should try to do only some simple work. It shouldn't require much effort from her.

If you need to clean up, but there is no one to help, then you need to take the following measures. First, choose a detergent with a mild odor. Secondly, during its use, be sure to wear rubber gloves on your hands. And thirdly, in no case do not forget to periodically ventilate the cleaned room.

  • It is forbidden for expectant mothers to beat carpets. This action requires them to make sharp and jerky movements, and this is by no means useful for pregnant girls, it can even be said, on the contrary, is harmful.
  • Do not climb high surfaces. For example, it is not recommended to climb on a chair. A girl carrying a child may feel dizzy, because of which she may lose her balance, lose her balance and fall. The consequences can be tragic. Therefore, painting floors, walls, ceilings, as well as washing windows, she should be entrusted to someone else.
  • Under no circumstances are you allowed to lift weights. The weight of a bag or any other item that a pregnant woman lifts should not exceed 2-3 kg.

The rearrangement of furniture in the house should be done by a husband, friend, father-in-law, but not a future mother. It's too much of a burden for her. This type of activity can cause her to bleed associated with abruption of the placenta, which in the future or premature birth.

  • Pregnant women are not allowed to sit still for a long time. This happens, for example, when a woman sews or knits. These activities are undoubtedly very exciting, however, because of them, her body is constantly in tension. The joints become numb, the back (most often the lumbar region) begins to hurt badly. Because of this, blood circulation worsens, the amount of oxygen supplied to the body of a woman, and then the baby, decreases. Because of this, fetal hypoxia may occur, and the woman will have to undergo treatment in a hospital. To prevent this from happening, expectant mothers during such classes should observe the following conditions:
  1. while knitting or sewing, sit straight, while leaning on the back of a chair or armchair;
  2. in no case do not cross your legs;
  3. get up every 40 minutes and do a warm-up for about 5-10 minutes or just walk around the room.

What not to do in the first trimester (weeks 1-13)

What not to do pregnant in the second semester (14-26 weeks)

What not to do during the third semester (weeks 27-40)

Drink "fun" drinks, smoke cigarettes or weed, use drugs.

Wear uncomfortable and tight clothing.

Lie on your back.

Dye your hair with poor quality paint. The same can be said for painting nails with cheap varnish.

There is flour, sweet and fried. If you really want them, then you need to use them in very small quantities.

Fly on a plane.

Eat poorly processed foods, as well as dirty vegetables or fruits.

Carry heavy bags.

Be nervous or panic.

Take medication.

Do heavy physical exercise.

Drink lots of fluids.

Stay in rooms with patients with measles or rubella, if the pregnant woman has not had them before.

Eat high calorie foods.

Do physical exercises.

Take a hot bath.

Drink herbal teas and herbal teas.

Drinking, smoking, or being in the same room as smokers.

Have unprotected sex with different partners. In some cases, intimate relations with a permanent partner may be prohibited. This happens if there is a threat of miscarriage.

Lie in a hot bath, especially with the use of essential oils in it. Also, you can not go to the bath, solarium and sauna.

Take medication without a doctor's prescription.

Pregnant women are not allowed to be nervous.

Experience stress.

Walk in high heels.

Lift weights.

Make love if the pregnancy is complicated.

It is contraindicated for pregnant women to lift weights.

Clean up the toilet after the cats.

Also avoid contact with sick people.

Wear uncomfortable clothes.

Do x-rays or x-rays.

Listen to loud music.

Eat badly.

What should pregnant women not eat?

“Eat whatever you want. Since the body requires some kind of product or drink, it means that it needs it, so you can eat everything without restrictions! is an extremely false statement. Women "in position" just need to strictly monitor what they use, otherwise they can greatly harm the health of the baby. So, consider what you can not eat during pregnancy, as well as what you can, but in moderation.

Information In no case should you eat stale and expired foods, dirty vegetables or fruits, as well as meat and fish that have not undergone proper heat treatment.

What can you eat during pregnancy, but be careful?

  1. Chocolate (no more than 20-30 grams per day).
  2. Butter.
  3. Coffee (1 cup per day) or tea (2 cups per day).
  4. Fatty fish (no more than 300 grams in 7 days).
  5. Cod liver (once a week you can eat a small piece).
  6. Salt (4-6 grams per day).
  7. Seafood.
  8. Fat meat.
  9. Fast food (1 time per month).
  10. Mayonnaise, mustard, ketchup and horseradish.

Women during pregnancy are prohibited from engaging in any active sports. So, they can’t play football, volleyball or basketball, skate or roller skate. Swimming is considered the only sport that is not prohibited for pregnant women. Although there are some limitations here.

During pregnancy, you can not stretch the abdominal muscles, otherwise the tone of the uterus may occur or a miscarriage or premature birth may occur. Therefore, women "in position" are forbidden to do any exercises during which the abdominal muscles tense. Let us consider in more detail which of them pregnant women should refuse:

  • squats;
  • lifting dumbbells;
  • hand presses;
  • any exercises on the press;
  • twisting;
  • jumping;
  • lunges;
  • exercises performed lying on your back;
  • weight lifting.

Additionally It is not recommended to exercise during pregnancy in the first trimester! Only starting from the second, you can already think about doing any exercises, but still, before you start doing them, you should consult your doctor. He will tell you exactly what a woman “in position” can and cannot do. If the pregnancy is difficult, then he can prohibit any kind of training and prescribe a girl who is carrying a baby, complete rest.

What can not be done after conception according to folk signs?

There are many signs that can somehow change fate. For example, it is believed that if a person accidentally breaks a mirror, then now only misfortunes will meet on his way. One more thing: if a girl looks like a dad and not a mom, then she will live a happy life.

Signs were invented a long time ago, no one knows what caused them, however, many still continue to believe them. So, let's consider what, according to popular signs, women are not allowed to do "in position":

  • look at ugliness, otherwise the child will be ugly;
  • buy things for the baby before he is born, as evil spirits may want to take them away. To achieve their goal, they can try in every possible way to get rid of the crumbs that are still in the womb;
  • stand or sit on the threshold. According to our ancestors, the threshold is the boundary between the outer world and the inner world. Sitting or standing on it, you can get a curse from otherworldly spirits;
  • You shouldn't play with cats during pregnancy. In ancient times, it was believed that because of such games, the baby would later have enemies who would deceive him in every possible way with the help of cunning. Also, our ancestors believed that because of playing with cats, a baby could grow subcutaneous hair, which would subsequently interfere with his sleep;
  • tell others about your pregnancy in the early stages;
  • look at carrion, and also spit on it, otherwise an unpleasant odor will come from the crumbs from the mouth;
  • in a sitting position, cross your legs. This can cause bow-legged or clubfoot in the crumbs;
  • step over brooms and logs. It is believed that because of this, the brownie may be offended by a pregnant girl and send misfortunes to her;
  • according to popular beliefs, a pregnant girl should not eat red berries. Ancient people believed that because of them, a child could develop scrofula;
  • cut hair;
  • beat animals, otherwise the child will be born nervous;
  • blow on fire, otherwise it will be difficult for the baby to breathe during childbirth;
  • brush your hair on Fridays. According to the ancients, because of this, childbirth will be difficult;
  • attend a funeral, go to a cemetery. This sign is explained by the fact that as long as the baby is in the mother's stomach, he does not have a guardian angel, and therefore evil spirits may try to take his soul for themselves;
  • eat fish. As our ancestors claimed, because of her, a baby can be born dumb;
  • knit, because because of this, the child can get tangled in the umbilical cord. Any knot tied by a pregnant woman can block the baby's path to the world of the living.

What is contraindicated for pregnant women on Easter?

  • Firstly, pregnant women should not go to the cemetery. There is a memorial week for this.
  • Secondly, do any housework. So, it is forbidden to sew, wash, cook, clean, wash, vacuum, plant anything. Swimming is not allowed on this holiday.
  • Thirdly, to indulge in love pleasures with a husband or any other man.

What should pregnant women not do on Good Friday?

On Good Friday, it is not allowed to sing, dance, have fun and shout, swear, drink alcohol, and also make love with a partner. On this day, instead of all of the above, you need to think about your life, as well as what Jesus Christ did for people.

As well as on Easter, in no case should pregnant women do housework, it is forbidden to swim. On this day, girls who are carrying a baby should spend time with their families reading the Bible and praying.

Ordinary people are forbidden to eat and drink until the service of Vespers. Only after the shroud is taken out are they allowed to eat some bread and drink water. This is due to the fact that Good Friday is considered the strictest day during the entire Great Lent. Pregnant women do not need to “mock” their body like that. Some people believe that not only can they fast, but they can’t even go to the temple. However, these are all prejudices of the elderly. If the future mother wants, then she can go to the service.

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