Tighten your stomach at home quickly. Exercises for a strong press. How to tighten your stomach at home Is it possible to tighten your stomach if you never

Sagging skin on the abdomen is ugly and causes a lot of inconvenience to women. There are a large number of reasons that can lead to this phenomenon, but in any case, it is important to know how to tighten your stomach. There are many methods to do this. Let's analyze them in more detail.

Before you figure out how to quickly tighten your stomach, you need to understand what led to its sagging. The main causes are pregnancy and childbirth, significant and rapid weight loss, an inactive lifestyle, age-related changes, impaired metabolism and malnutrition. Let's consider them in more detail:

  • Pregnancy and childbirth. The main reason why this happens is the growing uterus, so the stomach can sag even in thin women in labor. This problem can go away with time itself - the uterus will shrink and the stomach will tighten. This process will be faster if the girl was engaged in physical activity before and during pregnancy. Also, during pregnancy, the abdominal muscles are stretched, and a fatty layer appears, which protects the baby from negative external influences. The skin is elastic in principle, and it eventually returns to its shape, but the speed of this process is different for everyone, and is determined by age, metabolism and other factors. The problem is aggravated if a caesarean section was performed.
  • Weight loss. When you gain weight due to increasing volumes, the skin stretches. If you lose weight quickly and extremely, the skin does not keep up with the loss of volume and sags. The most problematic areas in this case are the legs, arms, buttocks and, of course, the stomach.
  • Inactive lifestyle. If a person is regularly in a sitting position for a long time, and at the same time does not play sports, his muscles atrophy, and his skin becomes flabby. Due to the weakening of the abdominal muscles, the internal organs descend, which put pressure on the skin, causing it to stretch.
  • Age changes. Skin loses its elasticity over time. This is a natural process, but you can slow it down with exercise and beauty treatments.
  • Metabolic disorders. If there are no other reasons, but the skin sags a lot, it is recommended to consult an endocrinologist.
  • Wrong nutrition. The abuse of harmful products and overeating leads to the accumulation of fat in the abdomen and loss of skin elasticity.

Having dealt with the cause, you can start working on that and sideways. It is better to approach this issue in a complex way: perform exercises, adjust the diet, use cosmetic procedures. In particularly difficult cases, you can resort to the help of professionals.

How to tighten your stomach at home quickly: exercises

It is especially difficult to pull up. This is a problem area, but with regular work with it, you can improve its appearance. For her, it is recommended to perform the following exercises:

  • Lie on the floor, bend your legs. Raise your body at a right angle so that the shoulder blades come off the floor. Do two sets of thirty reps. The break between sets should be at least a minute.
  • Lie on your back. Raise your legs up. Hands can be left along the body or clasped over the head. Bend your legs, begin to tilt them to the left and right sides. Do two sets of at least 15 repetitions with a break of half a minute.
  • Lie on the floor, raise your legs to 45 degrees. Now draw any numbers or letters with them.

To tighten the upper abdomen, the following exercises are shown:

  • Lie on the floor, place your hands behind your head, bend your legs, put them on the floor or place them on a bench. Raise the body at a slow pace, and, having reached the top point, turn around, trying to reach the right knee with the elbow of your left hand. It is important not to tear your lower back off the floor. Do three sets of 15 reps.
  • Lying on your back, lift your legs up. Do two sets of 15 reps.
  • Lie on the floor, lift your legs up. Lower them down, lift them up, lower them to the right, then to the left.
  • Lying on the floor, stretch your arms behind your head. Perform simultaneous leg and torso raises.

How to tighten your stomach at home: nutrition

An important point in how to tighten the stomach after childbirth, cesarean section or weight loss is proper nutrition. It is proper nutrition, not diets - the latter in this case can only aggravate the situation. It should be based on the following rules:

  • Drink plenty of clean water - water balance largely determines the firmness and elasticity of the skin.
  • Limit the amount of salt in your diet.
  • The diet should be built on lean meat and fish, low-fat dairy products, fruits and vegetables, cereals.
  • Try to eat more often and in small portions.
  • Eliminate fast food, sweets, confectionery, fatty sauces from the diet.

If you plan to lose weight, do it slowly and correctly, because losing weight too quickly is one of the most popular causes of sagging skin on the abdomen.

How to tighten a sagging belly at home: cosmetic procedures

Non-surgical tummy tuck is possible if you approach this issue comprehensively and responsibly. Proper nutrition and lifting exercises are recommended to be supplemented with cosmetic procedures. One of the most popular and effective is wrapping. You can do it in the salon, and at home. One course, which includes 10-15 repetitions, will help to significantly tighten the skin. There are general rules that apply to all types of wraps:

  • To achieve visible results, it is important to complete the full course of wraps.
  • The skin needs to be prepared for the effects of active ingredients. To do this, take a warm shower to open your pores and use a scrub.
  • When you wrap yourself in foil, it is recommended to lie down under a warm blanket and spend time in a state of calm.
  • Wraps provoke the removal of fluid from the body, so it is important to replenish these reserves by drinking enough water.

Now several effective types of wraps for a tummy tuck:

  • Coffee-olive. Caffeine is able to remove excess fluid from the body, to tone the skin, so wraps for its tightening often include it. To prepare, you need to mix natural ground coffee with olive oil in equal proportions, then apply this mixture on your stomach.
  • Honey orange. Add four drops of orange oil to 3-4 tablespoons of honey.
  • Algae. Algae contains many valuable minerals, they help to remove excess fluid and contribute to the reduction of volumes. Algae powder should be diluted with water according to the instructions, and whole algae should be soaked in liquid and left to swell.
  • Clay milk. Mix an equal amount of milk and blue clay, apply on the stomach.
  • Mummy wrap. Grind two tablets of mummy and mix with a teaspoon of water. Add cream or body lotion, apply to abdomen and wrap with cling film.

Wraps have contraindications. Be sure to make sure that you are not allergic to the components of the composition.

Wraps are a great way to tighten your stomach in a month. The main thing is to do them in a course, regularly, and combine them with other measures. Then they will give excellent results.

Also a great way to make the stomach fit is massage. You can do it yourself. The sequence of actions in this case will be as follows:

  • First, put your hands on your stomach. Take a deep breath and exhale. Perform stroking movements.
  • With rotating movements of your fingers, draw from the lower abdomen to the ribs.
  • Put your right hand on your stomach, press on it with your left. Repeat the movement about 20 times.
  • Place both hands on your stomach, making circular movements, each time increasing the pressure.
  • Move the edges of your two palms up and down as if you were sawing through your belly.
  • Pinch a layer of fat between your fingers and roll it, moving towards the ribs.
  • Use your knuckles to rub the skin of your abdomen from left to right. Repeat seven times.
  • Use your knuckles to make circular motions around your stomach in a clockwise and counterclockwise direction.
  • Finish self-massage with light strokes.

What does cosmetology and medicine offer

If you need to tighten your stomach very quickly, or if other methods are powerless, cosmetic and surgical techniques can come to the rescue. Popular now neodymium lifting, which at the moment has no analogues. In this case, a special laser is used that stimulates collagen synthesis, thereby tightening the skin.

Other methods are lipolytic mesotherapy, ultrasonic liposuction, ozone therapy, which involve either the breakdown of fat cells or their reduction in size. Non-surgical tummy tuck with threads is also popular.

If the cause of sagging abdomen is not muscle weakness, but an excess of adipose tissue, then liposuction can come to the rescue. A method such as nanoliposuction simultaneously helps to tighten the skin of the abdomen and remove excess fat.

If we are talking about particularly difficult cases, the abdominoplasty procedure can be a salvation - abdominal plastic surgery, which involves the removal of excess skin. It can be effective after childbirth and strong weight loss. Please note that the operation is quite serious, and before you decide on it, you need to take into account all the advice of the doctor and the existing contraindications.

Most women want to tighten their skin after giving birth. Which procedures are shown for this is decided individually in each case. If a woman is young, and this is her first birth, a non-surgical facelift in the form of plastic massage and cosmetic products will be enough. If there have been several births, and the skin has stretched greatly, plastic surgeries may be required, the price of which will be determined by their complexity.

There are many ways to tighten the stomach. If you have chosen to deal with this problem on your own, you should not go in cycles in tightening your stomach in a week or other short period of time. It is important to approach this issue responsibly and tune in for a long fight.

Secrets of a tightened belly on video

To eliminate sagging skin in girls and guys after a diet, losing weight, simple exercises for tightening the abdomen and body at home will help. You need to perform them every day 2-3 times, combining with proper nutrition. The main thing in this matter is an integrated approach and regularity, then the figure will acquire the desired relief, and the body will become beautiful and fit.

How to tighten the skin on the stomach

For those who are interested in how to tighten a sagging belly, there are some simple but effective tips. It is easy to perform them, the main thing is systematically and in combination with a diet. Here are the main steps towards a flat, firm tummy:

  1. To begin with, review your diet, balance the amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates consumed per day in it. Eat more fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs, dairy products - they have a positive effect on the whole body as a whole, saturating it with essential vitamins and minerals.
  2. Watch for hydrobalance - lack of fluid leads to dryness of the dermis, it loses its elasticity and firmness. Drink during the day at least two liters of water, green tea, compote, juice. If possible, give up coffee, which contributes to the accelerated removal of fluid from the body.
  3. Alcoholic drinks, nicotine negatively affect the health and condition of the skin, causing premature aging, so the next step is to give up bad habits.
  4. Increase physical activity, do gymnastics and tummy tuck exercises at home - this helps to strengthen the muscles of the press, tighten the skin.
  5. Take a contrast shower, visit a bathhouse, a sauna - water procedures with a temperature difference stimulate blood circulation, increase skin tone.
  6. Use body moisturizers after showering.

Causes of sagging

There are many factors that lead to sagging, sagging skin in the abdomen. The following common causes of stretching of the dermis are distinguished:

  1. Changes associated with age. The older the person, the less elastic the skin becomes.
  2. Rapid weight loss. The skin covers are reduced many times slower compared to the splitting of the fat layer.
  3. Pregnancy. With an increase in the abdomen, the dermis is stretched, after which its recovery, tightening occurs very slowly.
  4. Violation of metabolic processes, malnutrition, sedentary lifestyle.
  5. Failure of lipid, carbohydrate metabolism.

How to tighten skin after childbirth

Newly made mothers should consult a doctor before starting to do exercises for the abdomen after childbirth. For a fragile body in the postpartum period, such loads are contraindicated, so training can be started no earlier than after 6-8 weeks. If the doctor does not mind, proceed to a set of measures to strengthen muscles and tighten the skin. Diets are forbidden for nursing mothers, so you just need to make sure that the food is not very high-calorie, eat fractionally at least 4-5 times a day.

Start body-lifting exercises with gymnastics, simple exercises: a bicycle, a plank, raising the pelvis from a supine position with legs bent at the knees. Even on a walk with a baby, you can do a tummy tuck by tensing and relaxing the muscles. No one will notice this, and the press will be formed. Do not forget about creams, skin masks containing vitamins A, E. They help moisturize the dermis, make it supple and elastic.

A set of exercises for the abdomen

Women who are looking for options on how to tighten their abdominal muscles do not have to go to the gym - many exercises can be done at home. This requires desire, patience, a little time and determination. Before starting training, it is imperative to warm up to warm up the muscles: simple gymnastics, jumping, squats, lunges. Do not expect that after 2 days of doing the exercises there will be a tummy tuck, press cubes will appear. Spend a set of classes in conjunction with proper nutrition, and in time you will achieve your goal.


Regular visitors to the gym know how to quickly tighten the stomach and strengthen the press helps exercise "scissors". Starting position - lying on the floor, arms parallel to the body, palms to the floor. Raise your legs, forming an angle of about 45 degrees between the body and the floor surface, stretch your socks and start “cutting” the air, imitating the work of scissors. At the same time, the lower back cannot be torn off the floor. Do 3 sets of 10 reps with each leg.


This exercise is aimed at tightening the abdomen by strengthening the rectus, oblique muscles of the press. Lie on your back, hands in the lock at the back of the head, legs raised parallel to the floor and bent at the knees. Tear off your shoulder blades and start “cycling”: while exhaling, pull your right elbow to the opposite knee, straightening your right leg, while inhaling, return to the starting position, repeat the same with the other elbow and knee. By doing 1 twist to each leg, you will do one repetition, and they need at least 10 and 3-5 sets.


This exercise is designed not only to tighten the abdomen, but the whole body, you need to perform it at least once a day. Stand in a push-up position: arms and back are straight, the body is parallel to the floor, do not arch, do not raise the buttocks. Hold the bar for 15-20 seconds, tensing all muscle groups. Gradually increase the duration of the exercise by 3-5 seconds. For convenience, you can download the application of the same name on your smartphone, which helps to control the rest time, the number of approaches.


This tummy tuck exercise trains the oblique abdominal muscles. Lie on your back, lock your hands at the back of your head, put your feet on the floor, bending your legs at the knee joints. Raise your torso, touching your left knee with your right elbow, and then vice versa, return to the starting position. Keep your shoulders straight, try to do up to 10 repetitions in one set. Every day increase the number of repetitions by 1-2 times.

Vacuum exercises for the press

Such exercises, in addition to a tummy tuck, help to contract the uterus after childbirth. Perform them anywhere, at any time convenient for you. There is no starting position, you can do the "vacuum" while sitting, lying down, standing, etc. The exercise consists in the following: exhale all the air from the lungs with an effort and draw in the stomach as much as possible, tensing the abdominal muscles. Hold this position for a few seconds and then take a deep breath. Repeat the procedure 8-10 times.

Video: 10 minute workout for a flat stomach

Almost every girl on the planet dreams of having a flat seductive tummy. Excess fat deposits in the abdomen and sides, a problem that excites, without exception, all female representatives. Moreover, the presence of such deposits does not necessarily indicate that the girl has weight problems. A protruding tummy is very often found in thin women.

Balanced proper nutrition and exercises for tightening the abdomen will help to overcome these shortcomings.

There are four basic rules for dealing with a bulging belly:

1) Regular physical activity. It is necessary to perform physical exercises, while not forgetting about the regularity and technique of their execution.

2) You need to be able to relax. Stress has a great negative impact on the female body. Cortisol contributes to the appearance of fatty deposits on the female body. Therefore, being able to relax is very important. Below are ways to relax:

  • - breathing exercises. First, inhale, counting to 8, exhale.
  • - dream
  • - doing what you love
  • - negative thoughts are recommended to be transferred to paper, so the head is freed from bad emotions

3) Unloading days. These days are very often practiced by people leading a healthy lifestyle. If you do not have lactose intolerance, then it is recommended to arrange a fasting day on kefir.

4) Avoid uncomfortable clothing. Clothing that tightens the body leads to impaired blood circulation, which will adversely affect women's health.

In order to remove this drawback, there is no need to purchase expensive exercise equipment, you just need to regularly perform a set of available exercises that you can do even without leaving your home.

In the early stages, the duration of the workout should not exceed 8 minutes. Further, when the muscles begin to get used to the load provided, the training time should be increased to 10–12 minutes a day, and so on, up to 20 minutes. In order to avoid addiction, it is necessary to change the set of exercises, the pace of execution and the load at least once every 3 days. To perform a set of exercises, there is contraindications such as gynecological inflammation , general fatigue and knee injuries.

A set of exercises for tightening the abdomen

Experts offer the following set of exercises in the fight for a flat stomach:

Exercise #1

It is necessary to lie on the floor, on your stomach, stretch your legs and arms. Hands are directed with palms to the floor, and the heels of the feet look at the ceiling. It is necessary to tear off the legs and arms from the floor at the same time, while stretching the arms forward and legs back. You need to be in this position for about 20 seconds, then lower yourself to the floor and rest for the same amount. Next, start over, a total of 4 approaches should turn out. It is very important to pay attention to the execution technique, the back should not be overstrained.

Exercise #2

In common parlance, this exercise is called "Scissors". It is quite simple, but effective for the abdominal muscles. There are several options for this exercise. Consider the first option: lie on your stomach, stretch your arms forward, legs back. Raise the limbs low above the floor and at the same time begin to cross, hands between each other and legs in the same way. The second option looks like this. It is necessary to lie on your back, raise your legs above the floor. The higher the legs are raised, the less the load on the press. Therefore, for that , to get the maximum effect, the legs should be raised by 45 degrees., while the arms are crossed on the chest or lie on the floor. The legs perform the same crossings as in the first variant (we spread apart, and then connect crosson the-cross). The positive effect of the exercise extends to the inner thighs.

How to tighten your stomach at home

1. Eat at the same time

Each of us loves to eat. But make it a habit to do it at the same time - between 15 and 16 o'clock in the afternoon. Your snack should be rich in protein (read about snack recipes for weight loss), that is, it can be an apple, a handful of almonds, or a slice of low-fat cheese.

Never forget to snack at the same time every day. This is really important for the body. Eating regularly stabilizes blood sugar levels and improves metabolism.

2. Work out with a fitness ball

Do exercises with a fitness ball at least three times a week. The basic exercise is very simple: lie on your back, straighten your legs, and hold the ball in your arms extended above your head (and lying on the floor).

Lifting the body off the floor, lift the ball up, and then place it in outstretched arms at chest level. At the same time, raise your legs, trying to touch the ball with them. Remember to keep your legs straight. Return to starting position. Repeat the exercise 20 times. Read more about Pilates and fitness balls.

3. Chew thoroughly with meals

“Chew your food well is the number one piece of advice I give to my patients,” says American nutritionist Don Blatner, author of The Comfortable Diet.

“Don't pounce on food like hungry animals, and don't be afraid to take the time to chew. Digestion does not begin in the stomach, but right in your mouth. If you follow my advice, you will permanently get rid of the after-dinner heaviness in the stomach and bloating. And you don’t have to hide your belly under a hoodie after a business lunch either. ”

How to lose belly fat: don't eat sugar

4. Ignore Sugar

Try reducing your sugar intake to a minimum, or even avoid it altogether. Sugar is bad for many reasons. Firstly, its unstable content in the blood often leads to fatigue, and regular headaches. Secondly, sugar increases the risk of obesity and diabetes.

In addition, sugar consumption negatively affects the most obvious indicator of age - the skin. A certain part of the sugar molecules, after entering the blood stream, combines with proteins. This process is called glycolysis. New molecular structures weaken the elasticity of body tissues - from the skin to the tissues of organs and arteries. The higher the blood sugar content, the faster aging occurs.

5. Don't overdo your abs

“If you think that a hundred daily exercises for the press will help you get a flat stomach, you are deeply mistaken,” says nutritionist Matt Murphy. - To lose weight, you need a well-designed program. Personally, I advise you to put a diet with which you should be helped by a doctor in the first place, cardio training in the second, strength exercises in the third, and exercises for the press only in the fourth.

“Eat right and exercise at the same time: five times a week, do a 30-minute jog and three times a week do dumbbells (15 minutes) and pump the press (5 minutes). The result will not keep you waiting!”

Harm of salt when losing weight

6. Switch to sea salt

Bloating and excess weight may be the result of your love of salty foods. The way out here is to switch to sea or dietary salt. The main difference between dietary salt and regular salt is that it has a reduced content of sodium ions, the main “retainer” of water in the body. In addition, dietary salt is enriched with magnesium and potassium ions, which are very beneficial for the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

Also avoid eating soy sauce often - even the best quality soy sauce is too high in sodium. Much healthier than cayenne pepper, which increases metabolism.

Whole grain bread for a toned belly

7. Eat Whole Grain Bread

Whole grains are great for digestion. Bread made from this type of flour does not add excess weight, but rather contributes to its normalization, improves metabolism and strengthens the body's immune system.

Why is whole grain bread healthier than regular bread? The fact is that in the production of flour of the highest grades, all components with a high content of trace elements are eliminated and go to waste, although this is the most useful thing that is contained in whole grains. Research by nutritionists has long proven that a diet that includes whole grains, vegetables, and fruits is the key to a healthy heart.

Reading time: 29 min

Do you dream of losing weight in your stomach, getting rid of your sides and reducing your waist? Start doing exercises for a flat stomach at home today! To train the press, you will need minimal equipment and some free space in the room.

We are offering to you a selection of high-quality exercises for the abdominal muscles, which is guaranteed to help you tighten your abs and get rid of fat in the waist area.

Exercises for the abdomen: what is important to know

Before moving on to a selection of exercises for the abdomen at home, it is worth emphasizing that weight loss occurs only when you consume food less than the body is able to spend on energy. (meaning you are in a calorie deficit). If you do not follow dietary restrictions, then the fat layer will not decrease even with daily exercise on the abdominal muscles.

Therefore, for effective weight loss in the abdomen, three factors are important:

  • Calorie deficit and proper nutrition
  • Workouts to tone the abdominal muscles
  • Fat Burning Cardio Workouts

Rules for training for the abdomen at home:

  1. If you want to achieve a flat stomach in a short time, then your workout should include fat burning cardio exercises And exercises to tone the abdominal muscles. Therefore, the training plan for a flat stomach can be divided into two parts: cardio training (15-20 minutes) and exercises for the entire muscle corset (15-20 minutes). The second part includes exercises for the abdomen on the back, standing, in the plank - at your discretion. It is desirable that the exercise program be as diverse as possible.
  2. The total time of such a set of exercises for the abdomen is 30-40 minutes, you need to do it 2-3 times a week. Of course, you can train more or less depending on your goals and problem areas.
  3. Before training the abdomen, it is advisable to perform, after training - perform.
  4. If you want to lose belly fat faster, it is always better to focus on cardio workouts. This is always more effective for burning fat than just pumping the press. Be sure to check out ours.
  5. For more effective burning of belly fat, it is also desirable to increase daily activity: walk more, take regular walks, use transport less, choose outdoor activities on weekends. Popular modern gadgets that track activity throughout the day can be your good assistant in this matter. For example, .
  6. For some abdominal exercises, you may need dumbbells. If desired, they can be replaced with plastic bottles of water or sand. Among the useful fitness equipment for losing weight in the abdomen, also pay attention to fitball and kettlebell.
  7. Contrary to popular misconception, training in food films will not help you lose weight faster in the abdomen. In addition, this practice puts a strain on the heart, while the film does not affect the reduction of the fat layer at all.

If you want to work not only on the abdominal muscles, but also on the whole body, then check out our other collections of effective exercises:

  • Top 50 most effective leg exercises at home
  • Top 20 Hand Exercises at Home for Women

Exercise plan for a flat stomach

Exercises are taken from the list below. You can alternate exercises, swap them or add new ones.

  • Cardio exercises(15-20 minutes): 5 exercises according to the scheme 30 seconds work - 30 seconds rest or 45 seconds work - 15 seconds rest, repeat the exercises in 3 circles, between circles 1-2 minutes of rest.
  • Standing exercises + back exercises or
  • Planks + exercises lying on your stomach(10-12 minutes): 8-10 exercises according to the scheme 40 seconds work - 20 seconds rest or 50 seconds work - 10 seconds rest. After every fourth or fifth exercise, you can take a short break.

Cardio exercises for the abdomen

Abdominal cardio exercises will help you burn more calories, boost your metabolism, start fat burning processes and strengthen your abdominal muscles. Cardio exercises are best done in interval mode, for example, 30 seconds of intense work + 30 seconds of rest (or tabata mode), this will help to train much more efficiently.

If you have health contraindications, just do the exercises without jumping and running, while trying to maintain a high speed.. For example, instead of exercise just pull your knees up to your chest in a plank position. The most important thing in cardio training is to keep the pulse in the fat burning zone, and not to perform shock exercises.

8. Burpee (can be done without push-ups)

Exercises for the abdominal muscles on the back

The most common exercises for a flat stomach are considered to be exercises lying on your back - twisting options, leg raises, pulling your knees to your chest, etc. The advantage of such exercises is that they help to pump the targeted abdominal muscles (straight and oblique), and therefore make your stomach flat and toned. During the exercise on your back, your stomach should be tucked up and your back pressed to the floor. You can not arch your back, tear your lower back off the floor and make jerky movements, otherwise there is a risk of injury. Try to pull the navel towards the spine and do the exercises gently and thoughtfully.

Also note that such exercises for a flat stomach should be treated with extreme caution if you have problems with the spine. Various types of crunches put stress on the back and lower back, so these abdominal exercises can cause pain or discomfort in this area of ​​the body. If you experience pain during the exercise for the abdomen on the back, then it is better not to practice them temporarily. Replace them with standing abdominal exercises and planks (which will be discussed below). After strengthening the muscle corset, you can return to these exercises.

2. Twisting with foot touching the floor

5. Oblique twists to the leg

9. Bicycle with outstretched legs

Exercises for the abdominal muscles in the plank


Standing Abdominal Exercises

A great alternative to more traditional abdominal exercises on the floor are exercises that are performed in a standing position. During the performance of such exercises, there is less likelihood of an incorrect position of the back, which means a lower risk of injury and exacerbations. To begin with, it is not necessary to perform exercises with dumbbells, you can start training without additional equipment.

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