exam statistics

, so it's time to talk about the results of the USE 2016. Russian graduates, in general, successfully completed the exams, demonstrating positive dynamics in all areas.

After the end of the examination campaign, its results were analyzed at Rosobrnadzor, in a situational information center (SIC) specially created for monitoring and analysis. Information for the press service of the department was provided by Sergey Kravtsov, head of the Federal Service for Supervision, and Dmitry Livanov, who at that time held the post of head of the ministry. Dmitry Livanov said that there were no serious violations during the exams, the level of organization of events was very decent, and this is due to an increase in the level of responsibility of both the organizers and the children themselves. The JIC also noted an increase in the interest of schoolchildren in passing exams in the natural sciences. The number of graduates who received the highest score in the exam has increased: if in 2015 there were 4,608 100-point students, then this year there are already 5,009 people. The number of students who received unsatisfactory grades also decreased. Compulsory exams, as before, remained the Russian language and mathematics.

USE 2016: specific subjects

Russian language.

The number of graduates who received high scores on the exam, above 81, amounted to 25.5% of the total number of passers. This is 6% more than the year before. Only 0.7% failed to pass the Russian language with a positive mark, in 2015 the number of such students exceeded 1.5%

To get the right to apply to the university, this year it was necessary to pass the exam for at least 36 points. 2.5% of children did not cope with this threshold, and even a year ago their number exceeded 4%.


At the basic level exam, 4.7% of graduates failed to cope with the tasks, a year earlier there were much more of them - 7.4%. The average score has also increased, it is calculated on a standard five-point scale. Last year it was 3.95, and this year it has grown to 4.14 points. According to experts, the number of random arithmetic errors and those shortcomings that are associated with a misunderstanding of the problem conditions have decreased. This probably means that the examinees have become more attentive. The results of the sections of the exam related to solving equations, planimetry and geometric tasks turned out to be much higher.

The profile exam in mathematics was also very successful. 15% of applicants did not cross the minimum threshold, and in 2015 one in five failed to cope with the tasks. There were also more students who received the highest scores in specialized mathematics. Ivan Yashchenko, head of the commission of developers of KIM in mathematics, believes that the students consciously chose the profile exam. Those who needed the exam in the future took it, and those who didn’t need mathematics went to the basic level of the exam.

Some statistics on the organization of the exam

In total, no less than 750 thousand people took part in the examination campaign, but this year's graduates included 640 thousand, the rest of the exam participants graduated from school earlier. was held in all subjects of the federation, and also in more than 50 countries.

5.7 thousand PES were opened, most of them had online video surveillance. If in 2015 the number of classes with webcams was just over 70%, then this year they were already 83%.

The number of supervisors also increased: 144 federal-level experts, more than a thousand federal-level observers, 7,000 regional-level observers, and 2,000 online observers took part in the work.

There were no high-profile scandals, no leaks of materials and related unpleasant consequences were found. Not a single case of the so-called "USE - tourism" was recorded, when a graduate moved to another region a few months before the exam, counting on relaxed requirements for the USE. As information security measures, CIM differentiation by time zone was used, as well as previously well-proven cell phone jammers and metal detectors.

All the technical innovations that were first tested in this examination campaign also worked successfully. First of all, this concerns the printing of exam materials and the scanning of forms. This innovation was used in about a third of the PE sites and worked well.

For violations of the rules of the exam, a total of about 1 thousand students were removed, this figure is at the same level as last year.

EGE by choice, results of 2016

Foreign language. This exam was passed by those graduates who entered the faculties with a foreign subject as a profile, or if such an exam was declared by the university as an additional entrance exam.

About 80,000 graduates took a foreign language, with 77,000 taking English, and the remaining 3,000 taking German, French and Spanish, respectively. The USE in a foreign language turned out to be the most successful exam campaign of 2016 (among elective exams). Only 1.9% of students failed to pass it.


The exam is considered one of the most popular, but at the same time the most difficult. 159 thousand applicants were admitted to the exam. The minimum threshold was 32 points out of 100 possible. For the first time this year, a new written section was included in the exam - an essay or mini-essay on a historical topic. The essay was required not to describe historical events, but to analyze and identify dependencies and relationships. The exam was difficult. 15.0% of participants received unsatisfactory grades, a year earlier there were 16.5% of “failures”

Social science.

The popularity of the exam has been at the highest level for several years, almost half of the participants passed it - 358 thousand people. The minimum positive score had to exceed 42 points. 18% of graduates did not cope with the tasks, but more than 30% scored a high score - from 61 to 100 points, respectively.


Computer science.

More than 66,000 participants took part in the Informatics and ICT exam. With a threshold of 40 points, more than 87.5% successfully passed it. Last year, this subject did not enjoy such popularity. Only 50 thousand applicants handed it over, and the percentage of those who failed was much higher - 16.1%


The exam is rarely chosen as an elective exam. So this year, only 17 thousand came to take it.

On the other hand, 6,000 more graduates turned in literature than last year - a total of 49,500 people. Moreover, the number of those who did not pass was only 4.3%. Experts believe that such positive results are a consequence of the appearance in the school curriculum of the 11th grade of a compulsory composition.

Biology is in 4th place in popularity among elective exams. This year, 149,000 people took it, almost all those who took it coped with the minimum threshold, which was 36 points out of 100 possible.

The chemistry exam was taken by 85,000 graduates, which is 1.6% more than the number of participants in the exam last year. The minimum score for a positive assessment was 36.

The topic continues to be relevant in society. Although, this is just a form of the final exam at school. It must be admitted that in the WORLD at the moment there is no perfect form of taking the exam. Firstly, the USE is a written exam, which makes it more objective and gives the right to appeal. Secondly, we have gone through a large number of difficulties and mistakes since the introduction of the USE, and now the tasks are completely different and more variable, there are profile and basic levels. Thirdly, you need to upset the critics of the "test tasks" of the USE and ask them to go to the official FIPI website to make sure that tasks like "guessing games" from several options have been removed almost everywhere.

The exam is an important stage in the life of graduates. This is a pass to the world of adulthood, the first serious step towards obtaining a profession. The USE has two functions: it serves as a final test at school and allows you to assess the ability of an applicant to enter a higher educational institution.

The results of the 2016 exam showed that the attitude towards preparation on the part of students has become more serious. This is evidenced by the results, which this year are much better than last year. The number of high-scorers slightly increased and the number of those who did not cross the minimum threshold significantly decreased. This was also noted by Dmitry Livanov, the Minister of Education and Science of Russia.

In total, about 750,000 people took part in the process, including 640,000 graduates of 2016. Compulsory exams this year, as in the previous ones, were Russian and mathematics. But besides them, there are a number of other disciplines: the popularity of some this year has increased significantly.

Popular Items

Natural science subjects this year have become much more popular than in the past. Chemistry, physics and biology were increasingly chosen by high school graduates. Moreover, physics pleased with the results: the number of students who did not reach the minimum required grade decreased.

Less positive news was brought by exams in chemistry and biology. In these areas, there were more students who did not overcome the barrier - by 4%.

Number of applicants, statistics

The USE in 2016 showed an increase in the level of training in compulsory disciplines. The number of students who failed to pass the minimum threshold for obtaining a certificate has decreased by half. The results of the Unified State Examination in mathematics at the basic level were a clear indicator of this moment. Only 4.7% of students received insufficient points. In 2015, this figure was 7.4%. The exam in this direction is evaluated on a five-point system, the average score was 4.14. This is a very good indicator, since last year this score was five hundredths of a point below the four.

In physics, 6.11% of schoolchildren did not overcome the minimum threshold for passing the exam. This is 0.4% less than last year. Positive trends are also observed in the delivery of a number of other subjects. 84.1% of students reached an acceptable grade in history, 87% in geography, and 87.6% in computer science. Very good performance in English: in 2016, 98.1% passed the exam successfully. The number of those taking a foreign language is not yet very large, but the possibility is being considered over the next few years to make this test mandatory.

Dynamics of USE participants who did not overcome the minimum limit

This year, the number of students who passed the exams by 100 points also increased. The number of excellent students increased by 401 people. In 2015, there were 4608 examinees in the list of the best, and this year - 5009.

How did the graduates pass the USE-2016 in mathematics (profile level)?

The results of the exam in specialized mathematics are needed in order to enter technical universities, as well as for specialties related to economics. Unlike the mandatory basic level, this version of the USE is chosen by graduates. This year , about 439,000 students took the profile - level mathematics exam .

Mathematics of the profile level showed significant results in the direction of improvement. This year, 15.3% of students did not pass the USE-2016 in specialized mathematics. Last year's figure was just over twenty-one percent. Considering the complexity of the subject, this is indeed a remarkable result.

Also, some teachers and many parents noted that the exam was really difficult, but the difficulty lay precisely in the volume of tasks. For a number of tasks, solutions were required on several sheets. The question is still open, but one cannot but take into account significant improvements in the delivery of this subject.

How did the graduates pass the USE-2016 in the Russian language?

Russian is also a compulsory exam, it is required to obtain a certificate of general secondary education. In 2016, the test results improved significantly, although last year the results were quite positive. In total, 0.7% of students did not pass the USE-2016 in the Russian language and did not cross the border to receive a certificate. In 2015, there were one and a half percent of such graduates. For admission to universities, as in the past year, a barrier of 36 points has been set. Two and a half percent of students could not cross this threshold. This is also less than in 2015 - then four percent of potential applicants missed the chance to enter a higher educational institution.

Good indicators are also among those who passed the Russian language exam with a high score. This is considered any result that is in the range from 81 to 100. More than a quarter of the students (25.5%) were pleased with such indicators. This is as much as 5.6% higher than the results of the previous USE.

How many students did not pass the USE-2016?

Last year's figures do not look so daunting. In total, 1.5% of students did not pass the exam in 2015 - this is how the preliminary and final data looked like in general for tests. But in 2016, that figure is much better. According to experts involved in statistics, the figures for 2016 are less than twice. That is, we can say that the number of graduates who have not passed the test and will not receive a certificate is approximately 0.7%.

What awaits graduates next year?

The 2017 trials may be subject to some changes. So, one of the changes may affect exams in chemistry, physics and biology - the test part will be removed from the tasks. Thus, the tests will disappear in almost all subjects. The task was set to develop and test the oral section of the exam in the Russian language, and the creative part of the exam in literature will also be worked out. Weak schools will be taken under control. Comprehensive preparation work will help students get more chances for a decent graduation test. It is also planned to develop a unified system for assessing the quality of education, which will be as objective and convenient as possible. Some of these changes will come into effect as early as 2017, others may come into effect later.

No other particularly serious changes are planned in this area, but experts note that much attention will continue to be paid to the technical preparation of the process. Qualified control, comfortable conditions, honest scoring systems - all this will be a priority in 2017 as well.

Future graduates should not be afraid of the upcoming exams next year. You need to believe in yourself, show a little perseverance and responsibility in preparing - and the dream of high scores on the exam will become quite real. Practice shows that the percentage of successful delivery is very high and increases every year. Especially now, without any problems, you can find many opportunities for additional preparation for the exam. This allows you to successfully prepare for exams and “bring up” your knowledge even for lagging students who find it difficult to study a particular subject. So, now online courses for preparing for the exam are becoming more and more popular. They allow future graduates to improve their skills with maximum convenience, without taking extra time from basic studies and other activities.

Those who wish to pass mathematics and physics well should familiarize themselves. Also, in the near future, it is planned to launch a program to prepare for the Unified State Examination in the Russian language. Our service offers distance learning online. Each student who puts in the effort and correctly allocates his time will be able to get decent points. Getting a certificate and entering a higher educational institution is not as difficult as it might seem at first. Every year, a significant number of students receive not just good, but the best scores. If this opportunity is available to one graduate, then the other will be able to cope with the tasks, if not one hundred percent, then very close to such a result.

Preparation courses for the exam in mathematics and physics from the site

  1. USE results: Graduates of 2016 did better in exams than their predecessors, Official Information Portal of the Unified State Examination (USE 2016), http://ege.edu.ru/;

The collection of articles aimed at members of the club who have children - graduates of schools and. Although this article may be of interest to those who do not have children, there is a sharply negative attitude towards the exam.

In short, in general, this year's graduates approached the preparation for the exam somewhat better than last year's graduates and, accordingly, they also passed better. This is expressed not only in the fact that the USE statistics in 2016 are better in certain subjects than last year, but also in the fact that the number of graduates who did not score the minimum score has noticeably decreased.

If we talk about which subjects were taken more this year, it should be noted that in 2016 the number of graduates who took natural science subjects increased slightly - these are biology, physics and chemistry.

It should also be noted that there were no leaks of USE assignments, video surveillance systems worked flawlessly, the number of classrooms equipped with video surveillance systems in 2016 was 83%, which helped control the process of passing exams. The number of graduates removed from the exams amounted to about a thousand, they were removed for violations, the use of mobile phones and cheat sheets.

The results of passing the exam in 2016 in detail

Let's start looking at the results with the required subjects. And the first, of course, will be the queen of sciences - mathematics. As you know, mathematics is given at a basic or profile level.

Mathematics, basic level. The number of graduates who did not score the minimum score this year was 4.7% of those who passed, which is significantly lower than in 2015, when 7.4% did not pass the exam. The average score on a 5-point scale also increased from 3.95 in 2015 to 4.14 points in 2016. The number of graduates who scored 5 points increased significantly compared to last year - from 31.2% to 39.4%.

Mathematics, profile level. Here the picture is not as rosy as in the case of basic mathematics, but there is a positive trend. The number of graduates who did not pass the minimum threshold was 15.3%, which is significantly less than 21.1% in 2015, but still too much, in my opinion, although this is just my opinion.

Russian language. The number of graduates who failed the exam decreased from 1.5% in 2015 to 0.7% in 2016. Also increased the number of those who wrote the exam for more than 81 points, this year the number of "high marks" increased from 19.5% to 25.5%.

As for biology and chemistry, which have gained popularity, the statistics for passing the exam in 2016 are inferior to 2015. In biology, there was an increase in those who did not pass from 15% to 18.4%, in chemistry from 11.54% to 16.29%.

As for the rest of the subjects, it should be noted that this year, on average, the results of passing the exam in 2016 are better than in 2015. This applies both to an increase in the average score and a decrease in the number of graduates who failed to overcome the minimum barrier.

In conclusion, I would like to say that in 2016 the number of those who scored 100 points for the exam increased from 4.6 thousand people to 5 thousand.

The unified state exam in mathematics in our country is required to be taken by every student graduating from a secondary school course. We will not go into details of possible changes in the form of the exam and those exceptional cases when a graduate, being the winner, for example, of the All-Russian Olympiad, automatically receives 100 points for the exam.

Let us consider the results of the Unified State Examination in Mathematics in previous years, when it contained both very simple tasks, and complicated ones, but solved by graduates of ordinary schools, and very complex ones, requiring special training. Based on the statistics published on the Official Information Portal of the Unified State Exam ( http://ege.edu.ru/ru/main/satistics-ege/), the picture is as follows:

Results of a recent exam in mathematics

In fact, the entire 11th grade (and sometimes even longer) is preparing for the final exam, which for some of them is also an entrance exam. And what's the bottom line? The majority of graduates wrote the Unified State Exam with 51-60 points (26%), the percentage of “twos” is very noticeable (up to 20 points, this is about 6.2% or almost 50,000 people!), And only 0.7% of all students were able to pass the Unified State Examination by 91-100 points! And in general, only 8% of all children who graduated from 11 grades of secondary school were able to pass on worthy scores (more than 70), which are necessary for admission to the leading universities of the country.

It is interesting to compare the results of the USE in mathematics with the results of the USE in the Russian language.

USE results in mathematics and Russian language

We see that it was incomparably easier to successfully pass the Russian language. The break in points occurs in the region of 60. This is also shown by the average score: in Russian - 63.4, in mathematics - 48.7.

At the same time, the paper was written for 100 points: in the Russian language - 2559 people, and in mathematics - 538 (i.e., almost five times less), which is less than 0.07% of all results.

It is in mathematics that the lowest percentage of maximum results among all subjects taken in the form of the Unified State Examination! And this is still an “optimistic” statistic! Not so long ago, after a series of scandals around the Unified State Examination, high results were carefully rechecked, and as a result, only 64 people received the maximum score in mathematics - 8.4 times less than the year before! As a result of inspections, the share of graduates who passed more than 80 points also decreased.

Now let's look at the results of graduates of the same year who were trained at Mathematushka. More than 70 points were scored by 32 people, of which: 71-80 - 19 people, 81-90 - 9 people, 91-100 - 4 people.

Now they are students of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, National Research Institute "Higher School of Economics", Russian University of Economics. G.V. Plekhanov, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO), Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman, Federal University under the Government of the Russian Federation and other prestigious universities of our capital.

Among the graduates of "Matematushka" there is also a 100-point result for the Unified State Examination. Ivan Pavlov received it in the year when only 157 people from 43 regions of Russia passed the exam for the maximum score. It is logical that among all the faculties Ivan chose the Mechanics and Mathematics Department of Moscow State University. Very close to this result was Konstantin Slavnov, who entered the faculty of the VMIK of Moscow State University. He passed the Unified State Examination by 98% (then 214 people passed 100 points in the Unified State Examination in mathematics, which accounted for 0.03% of all graduates).

Thus, "Matematushka" carefully prepares its graduates, and they successfully pass the Unified State Exam not only for high, but even for maximum scores! Which, as could be seen from the USE statistics, is a very, very rare result.

More than 53 thousand graduates of Moscow schools will take the unified state exam in 2016, ITAR-TASS reports with reference to Gayar Alimov, deputy head of the Moscow Department of Education.

“This year, 53,614 graduates are participating in the Unified State Examination,” Alimov said.

According to him, there has been an increase in the number of people wishing to take an exam in mathematics at a basic level.

“If last year 65% of students chose this subject, then this year there are more than 87% of them. Profile mathematics remained at the same level as last year - about 70%,” Alimov added.

The Deputy Head of the Department noted that in 2015, 23,000 graduates passed both levels of mathematics, and in 2016 - 31,000.

Of the elective subjects, social studies became the most popular (57%). Of the foreign languages, the majority of graduates chose English (more than 32%).

Since 2015, the USE in mathematics has been divided into two levels - basic and specialized. The basic exam is taken by graduates who go to specialties where mathematics is not a core subject or do not plan to enter universities. The profile exam is intended for those graduates for whom mathematics is one of the university entrance exams.

The basic USE includes 20 tasks and is evaluated on a five-point scale.

The profile exam consists of two parts and contains 21 tasks. Of these, nine are basic level, the rest are advanced and high. At the same time, 14 tasks require a short form from the student in the form of a number, fraction, and so on, in seven, a detailed solution is required. To pass the exam, you must score at least 27 points out of 100. Four hours are allotted to complete the tasks.

At the end of July, the press center of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science reported that the Scientific and Methodological Council for Mathematics, established at the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements, recognized the effective division of the unified state exam in mathematics into basic and specialized levels.

In total, more than 500 thousand people took the exam in mathematics this year.

Successful passing of the basic level exam allows participants to apply to those universities where mathematics is not in the list of entrance examinations, and the profile level - to universities where mathematics is included in the list.

In Russia, the Unified State Examination serves simultaneously as a final exam at school and an entrance exam to a university. The USE in Russian language and mathematics are mandatory for obtaining a certificate of graduation from a Russian school, and from 2022 it is also planned to introduce a foreign language into the number of compulsory subjects for graduates.

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