The surname of the Matafons. The origin of the surname of the Matafons Biography of the Matafons

Kostorch: a man born under the constellation of sound recording and named by fate a speaking surname, which became a prophecy of his future and forever determined the direction, following which he became an absolute master of the great art - the art of preserving music.

Konstantin Matafonov, and as many call him, associating with the profession - Magnitofonov, over the past 5 years has become one of the most famous and demanded sound engineers among professional musicians. His track record is replete with popular surnames and group names, but most of him are still known for his long work with Timati's music label - Black Star inc ..

As a small child, Kostorch collected old sound-reproducing devices and electronics, constructing a magic corner at home: as he believed in those years - the prototype of the future studio. But his parents every Friday collected his entire "miracle shop" in big bags and threw it away. And by next Friday everything was in place again. Stubbornness, perseverance and striving to achieve one's goal no matter what are the 3 main rules of Kostorch’s work to this day.

At the age of 14, Konstantin built the first home studio with soldered Soviet tape recorders and a shovel remote control. At that time, he was mainly engaged in cleaning the children from the yard of their songs, recorded with a guitar on a compact cassette from the noise. In addition, he made compilations and mixes of house music, which spread as quickly as rumors about a young genius of sound engineering doing wonders in a small room surrounded by fancy homemade equipment.

In the late nineties, Kostorch became interested in electronic music and started playing in clubs, but quickly realized that his vocation was still recording, not performing and writing music.

After graduating from the Moscow University of Communications with a degree in Digital Television and Radio Broadcasting, Konstantin independently mastered solfeggio and musical literature. It was then that the rapid path of his formation began as a professional sound engineer with a unique flair and a unique sense of musical style. Then he realized that he was not a warrior alone in the field, and got a team of like-minded people: Alexander Ovchinnikov, the now famous house musician under the nickname Billione, who is engaged in music correction, rhythm and note editing, Alexander Kamensky, who fine-tunes arrangements and records vocals and instruments, Jahkarta, a sound producer and composer with a unique flair for hits, and Nikita Kamensky, focused on recording hard rock.

Konstantin acquired his nickname - Kostorch - thanks to the joke of Dj Dlee, who untimely left this world several years ago, who associated him with the legendary American sound producer Scott Storch. “They have their own Storch, and we will have our own,” said Dlee and gave the young sound engineer a new name, under which Kostorch became known throughout the country and far beyond its borders.

Shortly after this event, Kostorch met his prototype - Scott Storch - in person. After that he got acquainted with Busta Rhymes, and with Mario Whinans, and with P. Diddy ... and with many other world stars, with whom he not only communicated, but also touched the holy of holies - recording and preserving their voices.

He knows no boundaries in creativity, he is an absolute perfectionist, therefore, his main task is to find a method of work that suits his ideas about sound engineering and matches the needs of key clients. He dreams of showing the world a really interesting Russian sound, and, by the way, has already come very close to this bar - the tracks recorded with his light hand are already acquiring the stamps of world standards.

Today the name Kostorch has become a household name in show business - now it symbolizes the unsurpassed sound quality and the indisputable success of any composition that came out of the stroke of his musical pen. At the moment, Kostorch is taking part in the creation of an interesting musical project, which bears the long name La La by Babes.
“Music is a subjective thing, and a person dealing with a subjective substance cannot be a priori right,” Kostorch himself speaks of his work just this way and in no other way.

work -
Timati - Blackstar CD / recording, editing
Timati - The Boss CD / recording, editing (feat Mario Winnans, La Fouine, J. Sissoko, Exhibit, Scott Storch, Nox, Dirty Money ..)
Tom & Jerry - recording, editing, mixing
Anton Zatsepin - recording, editing, mixing
Sergey Lazarev - recording, editing, mixing
Vlad Topalov - recording, editing, mixing
Tim Rocks - mixing
Jmina Play - recording, editing, mixing
Jahkarta - recording, editing, mixing
BLOND - recording, editing, mixing
CherryCola - recording, editing, mixing
Alee - recording, editing, mixing
Knara - recording, editing, mixing
Karina Koks (Cream) - recording, editing, mixing
Nikas & B-Key - recording, editing, mixing
Laura - recording, editing, mixing
Sivara - mixing
Lilya Soul - recording, editing, mixing
Moscow Virtuosi - Servant of the Gosudarev OST - recording, editing
Mr. Bruce (Jumangee) - recording, editing
Nastya Kochetkova - recording, editing, mixing
Alon Gutman (Israel) - recording, editing, mixing
SD Family - recording, editing, mixing
Venger Collective - recording, editing, mixing
DJ Smash - recording, editing
Maria Koltsova - recording, editing, mixing
Jivan Gasparyan - recording
F.P.S. - recording, editing
N. Baskov - recording, editing
Sur / Faces - recording, editing, mixing
Bit-Romance - recording, editing, mixing
Zemfira, Deema, Geegun, MC Walter, Y. Beretta, Elena Terleeva, Lil Archi, Nikolay Baskov, Grigory Leps, Xzibit, Scott Storch, Mario Winnans, D. Gasparyan, B.K., Music Hayk, Ratmir, Elena Terleeva
Videos for: Sberbank, Nescafe, Zolotaya Bochka, Renaissance Insurance, Chocolate Factory Russia, Visa Aeroflot, SportMaster, MasterCard
Timati track mix (first hand)

Interview Series and School -

interview -

music business - theme - mixing -

music business - theme - mixing -

1973 - September 2, 1986 Predecessor: Alexander Ivanovich Smirnov Successor: Nikolay Ivanovich Malkov Birth: December 28th(1928-12-28 )
with. Aliya, Baleisky District, Far Eastern Territory, RSFSR, USSR (now - Transbaikal Territory, Russian Federation) Death: January 16(2012-01-16 ) (83 years old)
Chita, Russian Federation The consignment: The Communist Party Awards:

Mikhail Ivanovich Matafonov(December 28, 1928, Alia village, Baleisky district, Far Eastern Territory, RSFSR - January 16, 2012, Chita, Russian Federation) - Soviet party, statesman, first secretary of the Chita regional committee of the CPSU (1986-90).


He graduated from the Baleisk Pedagogical School, in 1954 - the Chita State Pedagogical Institute, in the same year - the Higher Komsomol School of the Central Committee of the Komsomol.

He began his career in 1950. Was in the Komsomol work:

  • 1950-1958 - second and first secretary of the Central District Committee of the Komsomol of Chita, head of the department of the newspaper "Komsomolets Zabaikalya", secretary of the regional committee of the Komsomol,
  • 1958-1964 - First secretary of the Chita RK CPSU, party organizer and secretary of the party committee in the collective farm and state farm administration,
  • 1964-1971 - Secretary,
  • 1971-1973 - second secretary,
  • 1973-1986 - First Secretary of the Chita Regional Committee of the CPSU,
  • since 2004 - deputy of the Chita Regional Duma, was a member of the Communist Party faction.

Candidate member of the CPSU Central Committee (1976-1989); Deputy of the Council of the Union of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of 9-11 convocations (1974-1989) from the Chita region.

Awards and titles

He was awarded the Orders of Lenin (12/27/1978), the October Revolution (1973), the Red Banner of Labor (1971, 1985), the Badge of Honor (1966), medals, including the Order of Service to the Chita Region (1997). Honorary Citizen of the Chita Region (2003).

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An excerpt characterizing Matafonov, Mikhail Ivanovich

[Since our brilliant successes in Austerlitz, you know, my dear prince, that I have not left my more important apartments. I have decidedly got a taste of war, and am very pleased with it; what I've seen these three months is incredible.
“I start ab ovo. The enemy of the human race, you know, is attacking the Prussians. The Prussians are our loyal allies who have deceived us only three times in three years. We stand up for them. But it turns out that the enemy of the human race does not pay any attention to our lovely speeches, and with his impolite and wild manner rushes at the Prussians, not giving them time to finish their started parade, smashes them to smithereens and settles in the Potsdam palace.
“I very much wish,” writes the Prussian king to Bonaparte, that your Majesty would be received in my palace in the most pleasant way for you, and with particular care I made all the necessary orders for this, as far as circumstances allowed. I very much wish me to reach my goal. " Prussian generals flaunt courtesy to the French and surrender on demand. The head of the garrison Glogau, with ten thousand, asks the Prussian king what to do if he has to surrender. All of this is positively true. In a word, we thought to instill fear in them only by the position of our military forces, but it ends with the fact that we are involved in the war, on our own border and, most importantly, for the Prussian king and at the same time with him. We have everything in abundance, only a little thing is missing, namely the commander-in-chief. Since it turned out that Austerlitz's successes could have been more positive if the commander-in-chief were not so young, a survey of eighty-year-old generals is made, and the latter is chosen between Prozorovsky and Kamensky. The general comes to us in a wagon in Suvorovski style, and he is received with joyful and solemn exclamations.
On the 4th, the first courier arrives from St. Petersburg. They bring suitcases to the office of the field marshal, who loves to do everything himself. My name is to help sort out the letters and take the ones assigned to us. The Field Marshal, giving us this occupation, is waiting for the envelopes addressed to him. We are looking for - but they are not. The field marshal begins to worry, he gets to work and finds letters from the sovereign to Count T., Prince V. and others. He becomes very angry, loses his temper, takes the letters, prints them out and reads the Emperor's letters addressed to others ... Then he writes the famous daily order to General Bennigsen.
The field marshal is angry with the sovereign, and punishes all of us: is it not logical!
Here's the first step. With the following, interest and amusement increase, of course. After the departure of the field marshal, it turns out that we are in view of the enemy, and it is necessary to fight. Buxgewden, commander-in-chief by seniority, but General Bennigsen is not at all of the same opinion, especially since he and his corps are in sight of the enemy, and wants to take the opportunity to fight on their own. He gives it.

The study of the history of the emergence of the surname Matafonov opens the forgotten pages of the life and culture of our ancestors and can tell a lot of interesting things about the distant past.

The surname Matafonov refers to a common type of generic names derived from worldly names and nicknames.

The tradition of giving a person, in addition to the name received during baptism, a nickname that reflected some of his individual characteristics, existed in Russia from ancient times and persisted until the 17th century. This is due to the fact that out of the thousands of canonical names recorded in the calendar and monthly calendar, in practice, just over two hundred church names were used, which, as a result, were often repeated. But there was an inexhaustible supply of nicknames that made it easy to distinguish a person from his namesakes.

There are several versions of the origin of the investigated surname. According to the first of them, the surname Matafonov comes from the word "matafan", which is used in the Arkhangelsk dialect, which, according to the dictionary of Vladimir Dahl, means "float with a cross on a smooth net", that is, "float of a seine". It can be assumed that a fisherman, a craftsman who weaved fishing nets, or a person as mobile and fussy as a float could have been given a nickname with such a meaning.

There is also in the Vologda and Perm dialects the verb "matasitsya" - "dangle, swing", "break, grimace, jump in different ways." It is possible that the nickname Matafon was formed precisely from this verb. In this case, the naming Matafon was given to a restless child.

According to another version, this generic name belongs to the number of surnames formed from toponyms - the names of rivers, cities, villages and villages. Such family names were originally nicknames that spoke about the area where the person was from, about the areas where he lived and served before. Immigrants, immigrants, for example, from the Croatian city of Matavon could get a consonant nickname.

The first surnames, which began to emerge only in the XV-XVI centuries, initially indicated a patronymic, belonging, which was transmitted using certain suffixes. Names and nicknames ending in -o, -y or a solid consonant, according to tradition, acquired the suffix -ov, and naming in -а or -я - the suffix -in. Thus, the descendants of a man nicknamed Matafon (Matavon) could receive the inherited surname Matafonov. The letter "f" was originally used only to convey the sound [f] in borrowed words, being used more or less equally with the letter "fita"; later, with the beginning of the transition in the pronunciation of the sound [in] in some positions in [f], it began to occur in the Slavic words proper, replacing, according to the pronunciation, "in" or "hv".

Ancient documents mention a certain Porfiry Matafonov, a student of the Tobolsk gymnasium, author of "Speech for the Nativity of Christ" (1824).

It is difficult to talk about the exact place and time of the origin of the surname Matafonov at the moment, since this requires deep genealogical research. However, it can be argued that this family name is a wonderful monument of Slavic writing and culture.

Sources: Dictionary of modern Russian surnames (Ganzhina I.M.), Russian surnames: popular etymological dictionary (Fedosyuk Y.A.), Russian surnames (Unbegaun B.-O.), Explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language (Dal V.I. ), Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language (Max Fasmer), Big Biographical Encyclopedia.

19.12.2017 16:33

On December 15, in the Legislative Assembly of the Trans-Baikal Territory, a presentation of Elvira Palamova's book "The Main Road of Life" about Mikhail Ivanovich Matafonov, the first secretary of the Chita Regional Committee of the CPSU, took place.

The event was attended by deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Trans-Baikal Territory, secretaries of the regional committee of the Communist Party, relatives of Mikhail Ivanovich, as well as associates and colleagues.

The event was opened by Sergei Vasilyevich Suturin, a deputy of the Legislative Assembly from the Communist Party faction, who told a short biography of Mikhail Ivanovich.

Mikhail Ivanovich was the first and second secretary of the Central District Committee of the Komsomol of the city of Chita, the head of the department of the newspaper "Komsomolets Zabaikalya", the secretary of the regional committee of the Komsomol.

In 1958 - secretary of the Chita district committee of the CPSU party, party organizer of the Chita collective farm and state farm administration of the regional committee of the CPSU. In December 1964, he was elected secretary of the regional committee of the CPSU. From July 1973 to September 1986 - the first secretary of the regional committee of the CPSU.

Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR IX-XI convocations, RSFSR 1st convocation, member of the Central Committee of the CPSU, delegate to four congresses of the CPSU (XXIV-XXVII), deputy of the Regional Council of People's Deputies, Chita Regional Duma of the IVth convocation (2004-2008), Legislative Assembly Trans-Baikal Territory.

He was awarded the Orders of Lenin (1978), the October Revolution (1973), the Red Banner of Labor (1971, 1985), the Badge of Honor (1966), medals, including the Order of Merit for the Chita Region (1997), gold and silver medals VDNKh (1974, 1982), "For the development of virgin lands" (1957), "For the construction of the Baikal-Amur Mainline" (1984). Honorary Citizen of the Chita Region (2003). A memorial plaque was erected in Chita in honor of Mikhail Ivanovich Matafonov.

Then the floor was given to the author of the project, Ravil Faritovich Geniatulin, who noted that this is a historical and biographical format. In this book, I wanted to tell not only about a specific person, but also about the people who were with Mikhail Ivanovich at that time, especially since the book was published in the jubilee year of the 100th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution.

The next speaker was Elvira Palamova, the author of the book. Elvira Nikolaevna shared her impressions of the work on the book, and expressed the hope that the series of books entitled “Life Devoted to Transbaikalia” will definitely be continued. The idea of ​​this series is interesting, there are many people in our Trans-Baikal Territory, whose stories of life and work can be immortalized in the book.

Then the floor was given to Anatoly Vasilyevich Makurov. Together with Mikhail Ivanovich, they worked for 15 years. Anatoly Vasilyevich headed the State Archival Service. Anatoly Vasilyevich spoke with words of gratitude to the organizers of the presentation and the authors of the book, noted the well-chosen title of the book. “Indeed, the road of Mikhail Ivanovich was very difficult, difficult. I would like to note his personal qualities, he was able to see, pose and achieve a solution to the problem. It is no coincidence that during the period of its work, our region received a strong rise in production potential, and this was followed by an improvement in the life of all Transbaikal residents. His distinguishing quality was that he tried to put himself on an equal footing with the one with whom he was talking. It was very easy to communicate with him, ”said Anatoly Vasilyevich.

Anna Panteleimonovna Budko, wife of Mikhail Ivanovich, expressed her gratitude to the authors of the project and everyone who took part in the creation of the book. Anna Panteleimonovna noted that the author traces the hard work of Mikhail Ivanovich in the book and how he was faithful to the idea that he carried through his whole life.

The floor was given to the first secretary of the Trans-Baikal Regional Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Yuri Nikolayevich Gaiduk. In his speech, Yuri Nikolaevich noted that it is very symbolic that the presentation of the book takes place in the Legislative Assembly, where Mikhail Ivanovich spent most of his life. “It was hard to observe how Mikhail Ivanovich was worried when what he had been creating for many years was falling apart before his eyes. I would like this book to be a desktop book for those who are in power today. So that they, after reading this book, draw a conclusion for themselves. So that those iconic figures who built and revived our land become an example for all of us in our work and we, when making decisions, think about how Mikhail Ivanovich would act in this situation, ”Yuri Nikolayevich concluded his speech.

All the speakers shared their memories of Mikhail Ivanovich Matafonov - Yuri Illarionovich Lyakhov, Mikhail Petrovich Radchenko, Korotkov Nikolai Alekseevich, Likhanov Igor Dmitrievich and Mikhail Ivanovich's relatives. All those present expressed their gratitude to the authors of the project and the organizers of the event.

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