Halo 5 system requirements pc. Release and reception

Halo 5: Guardians bietet Ihnen ein grandioses Multiplayer-Erlebnis mit diversen Modi, umfangreichen Levelbau-Tools und einem neuen Kapitel in der Saga um den Master Chief. Mit der Xbox One X erleben die Spieler verbesserte Grafik und gestochen scharfe Bilder in 4K-Auflösung, mit der das Spiel so gut aussieht wie nie zuvor, wobei konstante 60 fps für ein flüssiges Gameplay sorgen. MONUMENTALE KAMPAGNE Die Fortsetzung des Master-Chief-Epos für bis zu 4 Spieler im Koop-Modus oder auch im Alleingang erstreckt sich über drei Welten. Eine unaufhaltbare Macht bedroht die Galaxie und die Spartans von Team Osiris und Team Blau müssen sich auf eine Reise begeben, die die Geschichte und Zukunft der Menschheit verändern wird. KRIEGSGEBIET-MULTIPLAYER Spielen Sie mit Freunden und treten Sie gegen Rivalen in drei neuen, massiven Multiplayer-Modi an - Kriegsgebiet, Kriegsgebiet-Angriff und Kriegsgebiet-Feuergefecht: - KRIEGSGEBIET-Feuergefecht: - KRIEGSGEBIET-Feuergefecht: - KRIEGSGEBIET-Feuerge-fecht: - KRIEGSGEBIET-Feuerge-fecht: - KRIEGSGEBIET-feuerge-fecht: - KRIEGSGEBIET-feuerge-fecht: - KRIEGSGEBIET-feuerge-fecht: -KRIEGSGEBIET KI kontrollierte Verbündete und Gegner das Kampfgeschehen interessant halten. - In KRIEGSGEBIET-ANGRIFF versuchen 12 angreifende Spieler strategische Ziele einzunehmen, während 12 Verteidiger alles daran setzen, dies zu verhindern. - KRIEGSGEBIET-FEUERGEFECHT ist ein ambitioniertes neues Multiplayer-Erlebnis, das Ihnen den größten Koop der Halo-Geschichte liefert. Bis zu acht Spieler arbeiten zusammen, um fünf Runden mit dynamischen, immer schwerer zu erfüllenden Zielen abzuschließen und gegen die Uhr zu kämpfen. ARENA-MULTIPLAYER Der Arena-Multiplayer von Halo 5 setzt die Tradition des unverfälschten, nur auf Können basierenden 4-gegen-4-Wettkampfs fort. Diverse Arena-Modi bieten unendliche Spiel- und Wettkampfmöglichkeiten, vom standardmäßigen Showdown und Kampf um die Flagge bis hin zu beliebten Modi wie Infektion, Grifball und dem brandneuen Super-Fiesta. SCHMIEDE Jahrelang konnten Halo-Fans im Schmiedemodus neue Karten und Spielmodi erstellen, die das Spielerlebnis von Halo beeinflusst haben. Laden Sie neue Level der Schmiede-Community für Windows (via "Halo 5: Forge" für Windows 10) oder Xbox One herunter. Bearbeiten Sie bestehende Karten oder fangen Sie bei null an. Sie können unzählige selbst erstellte Karten der Community durchstöbern, finden und bespielen. REQ-SYSTEM Neu bei Halo 5: Guardians ist das Requirierungssystem (REQ-System), das Benutzer für ihre Spielzeit im Multiplayer belohnt. Nach jeder Partie in Arena oder Kriegsgebiet erhalten Spieler REQ-Punkte, mit denen man REQ-Pakete erwerben kann, die wiederum verschiedene freischaltbare REQ-Gegenstände wie Waffen, Panzerungen. PHOTOSENSIBILITÄTSWARNUNG: Bestimmte visuelle Reize, wie aufblitzende Lichter und andere Muster in Videospielen, können bei einem kleinen Prozentsatz an Menschen zu Anfällen führen. Mehr Informationen dazu erhalten Sie auf Xbox.com.

The specificity of PC gaming is such that before proceeding with the passage, you must first familiarize yourself with its system requirements and correlate with the existing configuration.

To do this simple action, you do not need to know the exact technical characteristics of each model of processors, video cards, motherboards and other components of any personal computer. The usual comparison of the main lines of components will be enough.

For example, if the minimum system requirements for a game include a processor of at least Intel Core i5, then you should not expect it to run on an i3. However, comparing processors from different manufacturers is more difficult, which is why developers often indicate names from two major companies - Intel and AMD (processors), Nvidia and AMD (video cards).

Above are system requirements. It is worth noting that the division into minimum and recommended configurations is done for a reason. It is believed that meeting the minimum requirements is enough to get the game up and running from start to finish. However, to achieve the best performance, you usually need to lower the graphics settings.

Thus, thanks to an understanding of the basic principles of the classification of components, absolutely anyone can sensibly assess the possibility of launching and working correctly - and it is the system requirements that will help in this.

343 Industries has named the system requirements a PC must have to run Halo 5: Forge. They are not too surprising and do not stand out much against the background of the products produced recently.

Halo 5: Forge System Requirements


  • Processor: Intel Core i5 2.3 GHz or AMD equivalent;
  • Video card: Nvidia GeForce GTX 650 Ti (2 GB);
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM;
  • DirectX: DirectX 12;
  • Disk space: 40 GB;

Optimum (1080p i 60 kl./s.)

  • Processor: Intel Core i5-3570k 3.4 GHz or AMD equivalent;
  • Video card: Nvidia GeForce GTX 970 (4 GB);
  • RAM: 12 GB RAM;
  • DirectX: DirectX 12;
  • Disk space: 40 GB;
  • Operating system: Windows 10 Anniversary Edition.

Ultra (4K i 60 kl./s.)

  • Processor: Intel Core i7-4770k 3.4 GHz or AMD equivalent;
  • Video card: Nvidia GeForce GTX 980 Ti (6 GB);
  • RAM: 16 GB RAM;
  • DirectX: DirectX 12;
  • Disk space: 40 GB;
  • Operating system: Windows 10 Anniversary Edition.

It is also worth recalling that Halo 5: Forge is a PC editor for a popular game Halo 5: Guardians, which is available exclusively on Xbox 360 consoles. The program will be distributed free of charge through the Windows Store and will allow you to create arenas for multiplayer modes. You can test the created levels on computers, but you can still play them only on the Xbox 360. For testing, the program will support a mouse and keyboard, as well as a screen resolution in 4k format.

On the day of the premiere Halo 5: Forge on PC, console owners will receive Anvil's Legacy- another addition to the game Halo 5: Guardians... One of its attractions is the Forge Content Browser, an editor that makes it easy to find and install third-party mods and projects created in Halo 5: Forge. In addition, there will be two new maps - Mercy and Temple, as well as minor additions in the form of new weapons, skins, etc.

Halo 5: Guardians is a first-person shooter set in two teams of human super soldiers. Blue Team, led by the Master Chief, deserts to hunt down the artificial intelligence Cortana. Jameson Locke and Team Osiris go after the Master Chief.

Microsoft announced the game at E3 2013. According to the company, Halo 5: Guardians brought in more than $ 400 million in its first 24 hours of release, and $ 500 million in its first week, double its Halo 4 ... Critics liked the game's multiplayer and gameplay, and the story generated more controversy. After release, 343 is supporting the game with additional content.


Halo 5: Guardians is a first-person shooter. In some gameplay and plot points, there is a switch to 3rd person view. The game retains many of the key features of the franchise. The player puts on the reinforced armor "MJOLNIR" (Mjolnir). The armor provides reflective rechargeable shields. The hero can only carry 2 long-range weapons at the same time. He also knows how to throw grenades and hit the enemy with weapons. If a player sees a car, he can always climb into it without any pauses on loading screens or mechanics settings.

New to the series are "Spartan Abilities", which replaced the Armor Abilities from previous games. MJOLNIR can be equipped with various devices that increase the character's mobility in all three axes. The devices are also context sensitive: in certain situations, they can be used to dodge and to attack.

While there have been segments in previous games where the protagonist was assisted by United Nations Space Command paratroopers and sometimes even other "Spartans", Halo 5 has advanced in this regard. The player received constant fire support in the person of non-player characters, Spartans. The player can issue orders to the Spartans using an Xbox controller. If any Spartan (controlled by the player or not) takes too much damage, he goes into a kind of knockout, and then an ally must revive him.

Unlike previous FPS in the series Halo Halo 5: Guardians does not contain any offline features, including the split-screen co-op campaign and local multiplayer modes.

Setting and characters

The action takes place in 2558, just 8 months after the events Halo 4 ... The plot is related to the Blue Team and the Osiris Team. The Blue Team is led by the Master Chief, or John-117. The team consists of his allies in the Spartan II program, known from the times before Halo: CombatEvolved: elite sniper Linda-058; the incredibly agile scout Kelly-087, John's closest friend; Frederick-104, formally BLU's highest ranking officer, but reporting to Master Chief. All Blue Team members are Spartans II: reinforced super soldiers who were kidnapped and trained as children. They are one of the last living Spartans-II.

Team Osiris, led by former Military Intelligence Service (SVR) agent and skilled hunter Jameson Locke, includes: Holly Tanaka, survivor of the Covenant assault on her world; Olympia Weil, who can speak many Covenant dialects; Edward Buck, the protagonist of the game Halo 3: ODST.

Supporting characters include the commanding officer of the Infinity ship, Captain Thomas Lasky, worried about the Chief's sudden desertion; Commander Sarah Palmer, who directs the operations of all Spartan-IV teams aboard Infinity; Dr. Catherine Elizabeth Halsey, helping the Osiris team find the Blue Team; artificial intelligence Infinity Roland.

Arbiter Tel "Vadam now leads the Sangheili race against the remnants of the Covenant. He assists the Osiris fighters on their journey to Sanghelios.

Artificial intelligence Cortana, a former ally of John, is returned to the game as the main antagonist. She is helped by Prometheus the Eternal Guardian, who is obliged to find keepers.


Team Osiris lands on the Covenant-controlled planet Kamchatka. She must find Dr. Catherine Elizabeth Halsey, who allegedly has information about a series of devastating attacks on several human worlds. When the team locates Halsey and assassinates Covenant leader Jul "Mdama, Halsey announces a new threat is imminent."

Meanwhile, Master Chief, still grieving the loss of Cortana, leads the Blue Team on a mission to guard the abandoned Silver Moon Research Station, owned by the SVR. Unable to defend the base, the team decides to defect. During the sabotage, the Chief receives a mysterious message from Cortana, according to which he needs to arrive on the planet Meridian. John receives the order: after the destruction of the Silver Moon, return to Infinity, but ignores it and forces Lasky to mark the escaped Spartans as deserters. A daze reigns aboard the Infinity. Halsey believes that Cortana has become unpredictable after surviving Forerunner technology.

Lasky instructs Team Osiris to find and capture the Blue Team. Osiris arrives at Meridian to pursue his pursuit and discovers a human colony under attack from Promethean forces. During the pursuit, the team encounters the Eternal Guardian Prometheus, Cortana's enforcer. After temporarily defeating the Guardian, Osiris catches up with the BLU Team and orders them to return to Infinity. Blue team, instead, steps aboard one of the "guirdans" after whom the games are named. Guardians are large Forerunner constructs capable of destroying colonies. Osiris barely escapes when the Guardian activates, causes the colony to collapse and disappears. The Guardian appears on Genesis, the planet of the Forerunners. There, John and Cortana are reunited. Cortana says that the same Forerunner technology that saved her got rid of her insanity. Since the time of the insanity, there has been a form of insanity caused by an increase in self-awareness; most often, artificial intelligence destroys itself within 10 years. Cortana is now practically immortal.

With the help of data from Meridian, Osiris enters Sanghelios, the homeworld of the Sangheili race. Here is the dormant Guardian, which can be used to reach the location of the BLU team. However, the planet is still plunged into civil war. The Covenant holds its last line of defense here. To expedite his mission, Osiris teams up with the Arbiter and helps him carry out a key strike against the Covenant forces. The arbiter ensures victory for his troops, and Osiris mounts the Guardian with the help of the commander Sarah Palmer.

Reaching Genesis, Osiris meets the planet's guardian - the artificial intelligence "031 Wild Witness"; She teams up with the team to stop Cortana. Osiris again catches up with the Blue Team, which already knows about the unpredictable nature of Cortana. It is revealed that Cortana plans to use the Guardians to reach the galactic peace; she wants compulsory disarmament, to the point that all those who resist this initiative will be killed. The Master Chief tries to dissuade Cortana from the plan. Cortana sadly traps the Blue Team in Kryptum, from where they cannot interfere with their plans. However, Osiris manages to steal the Cryptum from her.

The galaxy's artificial intelligences swear allegiance to Cortana, and the Guardians emit powerful electromagnetic pulses that shut down Earth and other galactic colonies. Weasels with his loyal intellect, Roland, lead Infinity through random hyper-jumps to avoid capture until a plan is in place to fight the Guardians. The Blue Team is released, Osiris returns to Sanghelios, the Spartans II reunite with the wounded Palmer, the Arbiter and Dr. Halsey. If the player completes the game on Legendary difficulty, an additional cutscene with an unknown installation appears.

Development of

At E3 2013, Microsoft announced a still unnamed sequel to the series Halo and presented a trailer with the new Master Chief. After E3, corporate vice president Phil Spencer said the Restorer Trilogy would be expanded as the developers did not want to limit the history of the Restorer. 343 Industries General Manager Bonnie Ross confirmed via a blog in May 2014 that the game will be released in 2015.

Talking about the transition from Xbox 360 to Xbox One, Ross said the new platform will increase the scale of the game by leveraging the console's dedicated server support for matchmaking and online co-op campaigns. Franchise Development Director Frank O "Connor explained that Halo 4 pushed the engine to its limits, so the transition to the Xbox One requires the development of a new engine. Producer Josh Holmes noted that the Halo 5: Guardians‍ engine uses “ a new progressive resolution system that allows you to dynamically change the resolution in which the game is displayed"; thus, by lowering the resolution during intense gameplay, a stable frame rate of 60 frames per second is guaranteed.

Release and reception

In the first week, total Halo 5 software and hardware sales surpassed $ 400 million; this is the highest number among Xbox One exclusives. The game has the best sales figure in Xbox history, and the best digital release sales figure.

On Metacritic, the game scored 85% (83 reviews) and 6.6 (1432 player ratings). Critics loved the graphics, gameplay, audio, competitive multiplayer, and the new Warzone mode. Some criticism was caused by the incoherent plot of the campaign. Despite criticism of the lack of split-screen functionality, the online co-op campaign was well received.

Play sports

Previous games Halo were included in tournaments from Major League Gaming and other organizations. Halo 3 considered the best competitive game for its gameplay and balance.

In 2014, Microsoft announced its own Halo Championship Series. Prior to the release of Halo 5: Guardians‍, the company announced a $ 1 million prize pool competition. Microsoft also noted that the development of Halo 5: Guardians‍ is carried out taking into account online competitions.

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