Cute alien drawing. How to draw O (alien-buva from the cartoon "House"). Was there contact with aliens or not

All of us in childhood dreamed of seeing an alien. And each in his imagination had a clear idea of ​​how he would look. People have always depicted aliens as creatures with huge heads. Why? We assume that they are smart enough and developed, therefore, should have a large brain and, therefore, a large head. How to draw an alien? The two tutorials below will help you with this.

First lesson

To understand how to draw an alien in stages, just follow the simple step-by-step instructions.

Step 1. Draw two crossed circles. Draw a line down from the left circle to outline the chin.

Step 2. Connect the two circles to make a huge alien head. Add small slanted eyes under the left circle, a nose line, and a closed mouth line. Also add an ear at the bottom of the right circle, connecting it to the neck.

Step 3. Give the final shape to the alien's head and draw lines down from the center of the eyes. Now draw in the torso, slightly stooped, and a thick tail extending from it.

Step 4. From the forearms, draw the lines of the crossed arms. Also draw the crossed legs from the bottom of the torso. You end up with a suspicious-looking and clearly disgruntled alien, but he's pretty cute, isn't he?

Step 5. On the hand that is visible, draw the fingers. Also add horizontal lines along the arms and draw circles for the joints.

Step 6. Add horns to his head to make him even more unusual, and two wings behind his back.

Step 7. This is exactly the kind of alien that would come to you from space. Color it however you wish.

Lesson two

Someone else's popular character among adolescent boys?

Start with an oval. It should be curved, like a ball of water in your hand. Add space for an open mouth. Agree that an alien looks more formidable and tough when his mouth is open and sharp teeth are visible, so do not forget about the formidable fangs. Draw the teeth carefully and in detail.

Add folds under the lower jaw. Make it powerful. Then move on to the neck.

Draw folds on the neck to convey movement. Darken some of the meta. Add highlights to show the moisture. After all, it may well be blood splatter (to make it worse).

When your sketch is ready, start tracing the drawing with a thin black gel pen or marker. After carefully drawing the small details, paint the part of the skull with black. Add of blue color to revive the Alien a bit.

Lesson three: how to draw an alien with a pencil

You can print the base construction lines or draw on tracing paper, or you can create the layout yourself by following these steps.

Mark the width and height of the picture. Draw lines for the basic proportions of the figure, and draw a center line across the middle of the alien's head. Draw the head and torso.

Mark where the arms and legs will be, and also draw the facial features.

Add eyes, fingers and a depression on the chest.

Outline the outline brighter, outline the outlines of the soil under his feet. Now you know how to draw an alien.

But how to draw an alien when you have no idea what he is? It's very simple - take a pencil, turn on your imagination, add a little humor and go ahead - embody your fantasies on paper! To facilitate your creative searches, Pustunchik has prepared schemes for inspiration for you.

How to draw an alien quickly and easily!

This funny green man seems to have just come from Mars. See how friendly he waves from the screen! And the flower in the hand emphatically hints - a real gentleman. Shall we draw it?

1. At the top of the sheet, draw an oval - the head of the alien. Let it be slightly sloppy - deliberate vagueness will only add "realism" to the image. Place two bulging eyes in the center of the oval.

2. Next in line are ears and an oblong mouth.

3. An integral part of the alien - funny antennas on the head.

Draw curves on the ears so that they take the shape of tubes.

4. The body and neck of the alien will be like a cone.

5. Draw the limbs just as primitively and easily. In one hand, the Martian will hold a flower, so the bent fingers should resemble three small ovals.

6. Draw a camomile, mark the neckline, sleeves and bottom of the T-shirt.

Fine! Paint the alien green, and the flower and T-shirt yellow. The cheerful alien is ready.

How to draw an alien from Toy Story?

The famous cartoon "Toy Story" gave fans of fantastic stories of cute, three-eyed aliens. You and I will draw one of these green beauties today.

Take a close look at the step-by-step diagram:

  • blue lines are body parts already drawn in the previous steps;
  • red - elements that need to be painted;
  • the gray color indicates the lines that need to be drawn barely noticeable so that they can be erased at the end of the work.

The drawing is ready, it remains only to color it.

How to draw an alien with a simple pencil?

And this alien is no longer as funny as the previous ones, and even a little scary! But if this is nothing for you, go ahead - draw a mysterious inhabitant of distant worlds. Don't worry if you can't reproduce the circuit exactly. It's an alien. Nobody knows what it should look like.

1. Draw the head of a green man on top of the sheet. It should look like an inverted egg.

2. Mark the face with perpendicular lines.

Important! The horizontal line indicating the position of the eyes should be below the visual center of the head, because the alien's forehead will be well defined, and the chin- very small.

Draw the alien's body with schematic lines. It is proportionally much less than.

3. Draw a bulging belly. With the help of curved cylinders and circles at the joints, depict limbs. The feet of the alien will be two-toed, like those of.

4. Detail the face. Draw big eyes and a mean smile. The alien's mouth resembles an inverted T, as if she was tired and lay down to rest.

5. Well done! Now erase the extra lines and add a few strokes around the chest, eyes and lips. Draw the outlines of the head and body clearly.

6. Shade the places where the shadow falls - the back of the head, neck, armpit, back of the head and legs.

Good day! Today you will have a new step-by-step drawing lesson - we tried to make it both simple and look like a completed work. We decided to draw an alien, and it was in the classical representation. True, let's make a reservation - in our lesson he looks friendly and charming, while stereotypical aliens are more likely to scare. But in our today's lesson there will be just a funny alien - let's find out how to draw it!

Step 1

First, sketch out an oval shape, exactly like an inverted chicken egg. Often when we draw portraits, for example, as in the lesson on how to draw an anime face, we say that "the head is roughly shaped like a chicken egg." So, the alien, whom we began to draw today, has a head not only like an egg, it is, in shape, an egg. We draw, as in our sample:

Step 2

Let's mark the face with a couple of lines, one of which, horizontal, will show the position of the eyes, and the second, vertical, will draw a line of facial symmetry. Note that the eye line is below the visual center of the head - it is much closer to the chin than to the forehead.

At the same stage, we will draw a conventional "stickman", however, without touching the contours of the head - we marked them already in the last stage. Please note that the body is proportionally much smaller than the body compared to the head - here it is huge, in size it is barely inferior to the body.

Step 3

Now let's make a figure out of the alien stickman. Let's circle the arms with cylinders, denote the joints with rounded shapes. Under the head we outline the neck (somewhat longer than that of people), under it we draw the body - it expands slightly downward. Please note that at the junction of the leg and torso, the torso itself forms an angle, one of the sides of which is a line adjacent to the leg.

We draw the legs - they consist of cylindrical shapes, the part from the hip to the knee tapers slightly from top to bottom. The bending of the calf muscles is very weak due to the generally undeveloped muscles. Feet are two-fingered, very much like limbs.

Step 4

We usually do close-ups on our faces. Either very simple lessons or animal drawing lessons can do without them (a good example of both is a lesson about). Today we are drawing an alien in a very simple style, therefore, there should not be any special problems with facial features, especially considering that there are very few of them, that is, facial features - only eyes and mouth.

Actually, at this stage we will draw the eyes - this shape of the eyes is usually called almond-shaped and the mouth in the shape of the letter "T", only slightly smiling. We draw your attention to the large size of the eyes.

Step 5

Erase the extra lines from the previous steps. We outline a couple of short strokes under the eyes and one line just below the mouth. Let's also denote the chest with a couple of lines. With one more stroke, we outline the location knee joint on the left leg. Let's clean up the whole drawing as a whole, we will circle the contours to get something like this:

Step 6

Our lesson on this is coming to an end. To give it a finished look, add light shadows. The light falls on our hero clearly from the front, which means that you need to shade what is on the back side - the back of the head, the back of the body and legs.

We will also apply a light shadow on the neck and inner part right foot from us. Shadows are applied with regular cross-hatching, not intensely and with a little pressure on the pencil.

Such is the alien turned out. This inhabitant of distant worlds looks less impressive than, for example, but most of us imagine aliens just like that. Well, or almost the same, with similar proportions, only more frightening.

And we, artists, say goodbye to you and invite you to visit our site more often, as well as to look at our VK page. All the best, all health and success in your work!

If you don’t want to draw a postcard with typical images on Cosmonautics Day, or, in today's master class, we suggest you dream up a little and learn how to draw an alien in full growth. This green creature can look cute with some details like long shorts and red summer shoes. This is how we get an unusual alien. 🙂

Necessary materials:

  • colour pencils;
  • a simple pencil for sketching;
  • landscape sheet of paper;
  • eraser.

Stages of drawing an alien:

  1. Let's define the general outline of the alien's head. Let's depict it in the form of a slightly asymmetrical oval.

  2. Now we will draw a thin neck and torso with arms to the head. All elements will be thin and fragile.

  3. We finish drawing the legs, which will be half hidden in the shorts. Also, these limbs will be dressed in slippers.

  4. We draw in the middle of the oval the outline of the head of the alien guest: the top is wide, the chin is narrowed. Define the outlines of the face with the lines on the head. Eyes will be located approximately in the middle. So let's draw a horizontal line. Then add a vertical head from the top point. Divide the distance from the line of the eyes to the chin into two equal parts and mark in this place in the form of a short line. This will be the mouth. A little higher, we define the place of the tip of the nose.

  5. We draw all the facial features of the alien. Main feature his eyes will become big. Remove the extra lines around the head contour. Draw the details again.

  6. We draw in detail a thin neck and shoulders. We supplement the drawing with small details.

  7. We begin to paint the alien with the skin, which will have a green color. We take a light green pencil as a base color and completely paint over the head, torso with arms and legs.

  8. With a darker shade of green pencil, we give the alien's skin a richer and deeper tone.

The topic of its unexplored expanses was touched upon more than once. Someone is sure that in the black haze there is another life, others are not. I am inclined to the first thought, because it’s even scary to think that on such a huge territory we are on our own. Today we will imagine what extraterrestrial life might look like and find out how to draw an alien There have been so many films made about how little green men attack the Earth and want to destroy it along with all living things. The human brain can no longer perceive aliens as not a threat, all the time these thoughts about abductions, mass destruction, the capture of the planet. But there is some logic in this. We are absolutely unprotected from the attack of another, more advanced race. The scriptwriters and authors of the books managed to assure us that there is always a way out - either the aliens are afraid of music, or the air, or the Tea group together. What then is this developed race that travels between galaxies and worlds, destroys planets and takes resources, and then suddenly stopped, because he is afraid of the air.

There are also moments in fantasies that alien races are friendly to humans. Such a development of events is more adequate, since if they wanted to destroy us, it would have been done long ago without noise. This means that we are needed for something, or simply interesting, or there is an intergalactic code that prohibits the destruction of intelligent life for no apparent reason.

A few facts about contacts with extraterrestrial civilization:

  • The first idea to communicate with green men came from the German mathematician Karl Gauss. The idea was to cut a neat triangle in the Siberian forest and sow it with wheat. In this way, he wanted to let them know that intelligent beings live here. True, it is hard to argue about reason in such a situation.
  • These are now all skeptics, and in the 19th century. everyone was convinced of the existence of civilizations from distant galaxies. The Paris Academy of Sciences even allocated a fee to the person who first came into contact with the aliens.
  • Our Russians always want to be the first in everything. The first message to space was also ours, it was simple and unobtrusive, with only three words Peace. Lenin. THE USSR. In this way, they wanted to let know about the most important things in the world. True, of all, only Mir remained, and it was not that he really wanted to linger.

Now we will draw the image of an already invented alien - the Predator, the offspring of John McTiernan. Go.

How to draw an alien with a pencil step by step

Step one. On a blank sheet of paper, add a sketch of a sedentary predator. The alien has a body similar to a human, from above we draw a head with a polygon, further down with figures other parts of the body. Behind him is a weapon that looks like a shovel for now.
Step two. We carefully outline the entire extraterrestrial body, highlight the contours of the arms and legs. On the head is a mask with quirks. Behind the back is no longer a shovel, but a kind of alien harpoon.
Step three. In the film, the predator moves deftly, but, nevertheless, he has some kind of armor. Draw shields on the legs with a thick line, on the arms, near the beginning of the hand - a compartment with small missiles. The main thing is to sketch the mask well, this is the main point.
Step four. We completely remove all unnecessary lines, except for the shovel behind his back, it will still come in handy for him.
Step five. Here the shovel will turn into a real weapon if you draw it well. In those places where there is no suit, draw skin with spots, add shadows to the already drawn elements of clothing and on the body with light shading. And until the end of the world, aliens took over the world,

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