Kim Chen In. Kim Jong-un is the leader of North Korea. What kind of person is the leader of the DPRK, Kim Jong-un? myths and facts Kim Jong-un. Prohibited biography

Kim Jong-un is the third member of a dynasty of dictators that has ruled North Korea for more than 70 years. The young politician came to power, becoming the successor to his father Kim Jong Il, who, in turn, inherited the ruler's chair from the Great Leader Kim Il Sung. As a conductor of the revolutionary popular ideas of Juche, Kim is distinguished by greater adherence to principles in matters of foreign policy.

Childhood and family

The official date of birth of the leader of the North Korean nuclear power is carefully hidden. The fact that Comrade Kim was born on January 8 became known in 2014, when basketball player Dennis Rodman was invited to Pyongyang for a game organized on the occasion of the birthday of the DPRK leader. Some sources give Kim's birth year as 1982, but South Korean intelligence agents say he was born two years later.

The son of Kim Jong Il, according to unofficial data, was born from a dancer of Japanese-Korean origin Ko Yong Hee. For a long time, the name of the third chosen one of the Great Kim was classified due to the insufficient purity of blood and low origin for her position. In the press, the woman was called the Great Mother, the Pious Wife and other indirect and very poetic titles, but after her death in 2004, the information became public. The cause of the death of a fairly young woman remains unknown; all that can be said for sure is that Kim Jong Il’s ex-girlfriend and mother of his three children died in 2004 or 2005 in Paris, where she lived after the end of her relationship with the Korean dictator.

The young man received his education in Switzerland. Together with servants and bodyguards, he lived not far from an elite school under a different name, and teachers came to his house. Returning to his homeland in 2002, the future politician graduated in absentia from the university named after his grandfather, “the great leader of the Juche ideas,” and received a degree in physics. From 2002 to 2005, Chen Eun also studied at the Military Academy, also named after his grandfather, where the young man was awarded his first military rank.

During the lifetime of his father, who officially bore the titles of Great Leader, Father of the People, Bright Star of Paektusan and Pledge of the Unification of the Nation, Kim Jr. received the title of Brilliant Comrade and headed the state security service. Rumors that Jong Un would succeed his father as the country's top leader were confirmed in 2009, when the Yonhap news agency published a directive from Kim Jong Il that he issued to the leaders of the Workers' Party.

At the beginning of 2010, the young man was awarded the rank of General, and in September of the same year, a photograph of Jong-un first graced the front page of the country's main newspaper, Nodong Sinmun: the politician stood next to his parent at the Labor Party congress.

For a year, the young general and Brilliant Comrade Kim accompanied his father to all public events, speeches, military parades and exercises, and on official visits.

On December 17, 2011, the country's leader died of a heart attack. It is known that the Great Leader suffered from a number of vascular and immune diseases and complications associated with them, as well as diseases of the musculoskeletal system, but he smoked a lot, preferring strong cigarettes and cigars, loved to drink a glass or two of cognac, did not take care of himself at all and did not follow doctors' orders.

The life of Kim Jong-un and his wife

Press reports about the death of the Great Leader appeared only two days later, and at the same time the name of the new leader, the successor to the revolutionary popular ideas of Juche, was announced. At the end of December, the country's central agency published a photograph of Jong-un, with great pride calling him a Great Person, born for the common good in heaven, which became the third time in history that this highest title was awarded; For the first time, the Great Leader Kim (Il Sung) was so named; after his death, the title and control of the country were inherited by the Supreme Leader Kim (Chen Ying).

The history of the origin of the titles of the first person of the state begins during the reign of Kim the Grandfather, the Great Leader. Praising the virtues of a national leader through titles reached its peak in the 1980s, when titles began to be highlighted in bold type in publications.

After officially taking office as leader of the country on December 29, 2011, Kim received a title that reflects all the positions he held, but in the press he is most often called Senior Comrade, as well as Beloved and Respected Comrade Kim.

As a senior leader

In the first year of the reign of the third Kim, the country officially entered the list of space powers, which was a violation of UN resolutions and caused a negative reaction from the European community. The nuclear tests carried out at the end of 2012 and the beginning of 2013 became the reason for tightening sanctions against the country, introduced under Kim Sr.

The foreign policy pursued by the young leader does not contradict the line initiated by the founder of the dynasty, but, according to political scientists and historians, it is more rigid and uncompromising. After the launch of the Gwangmyongsong satellite, the leader of the state made a speech, replicated by Western media, in which he declared the right to explore outer space in the interests of the development of North Korean science and economy.

At the end of 2015, it became known that North Korea had a hydrogen bomb; the information was later officially confirmed. In 2016 and 2017, the Koreans conducted three more tests of ballistic missiles, after which the Great Leader issued a statement that the tests showed successful results and Korean scientists had achieved the required level of the latest weapons, which has no equal in any other country in the world. At the end of 2017, the nuclear test site was closed, but official sources report that measures to keep nuclear weapons operational will continue to be carried out in the future.

In the internal policy of the state, changes affected mainly socio-economic development, namely construction, information technology and agriculture. The amount of foreign investment attracted to the DPRK has increased significantly since 2012, which has accelerated the growth of the number of enterprises in various segments of small and medium-sized private businesses and has a positive impact on the standard of living of citizens.

Some reforms concerning the personal and cultural life of citizens led to an increase in the popularity of the Korean leader, especially among women. Until 2013, ladies did not have the right to appear in public places in jeans and trousers; By special decree, Comrade Kim lifted the ban on wearing trousers, as well as colored tights and shoes with heels. Also, the female population of the DPRK was allowed to ride bicycles.

Personal life of Kim Jong-un

The young charismatic leader of the DPRK is married, his wife is a graduate of the vocal department of the Pyongyang University named after Kim Sr. Li Sol-ju. The details of her biography are also kept secret; all that is known is that the girl was born between 1985 and 1989 and comes from an intelligent family.

One of the South Korean newspapers wrote that in 2010, Comrade Kim saw a girl on TV, then she was a singer and performed with the Eunhasu orchestra. The media first mentioned the wedding of Comrade Kim and Lee Sol-jun in 2012, but exactly when the celebration took place is unknown.

The first child in the family of the heir to the Juche ideas appeared in 2010 or 2011, the second in 2012 or 2013. According to Western media, in February 2017, the North Korean leader became a father for the third time.

The health of Comrade Kim is almost the main topic in the media, talking in different tones about the illnesses of the Korean leader. It is known that Jong-un inherited diabetes and joint problems from his father, which is why he is forced to constantly wear orthopedic shoes and adhere to a diet. However, Jong-un also inherited his stubborn character from his parent; although he wears orthopedic shoes, he smokes and can afford a glass of cognac and does not want to normalize his weight, which in 2018 was more than 120 kilograms with a height of 162 cm (“official “The height of the head of the DPRK is 175 cm, but in May 2018, journalists found out that he wears shoes with special insoles that increase his height by 13 cm).

Comrade Kim is interested in pop culture, loves music and enjoys following events in the world of sports.

Kim Jong-un now

The leader of the DPRK devotes a lot of effort to improving relations with his closest neighbor: the heads of North and South Korea hold meetings, the first of which took place in the spring of 2018.

In the spring of 2018, Kim made a speech at the next congress of the Labor Party, in which he announced his intention to make a breakthrough in the economy, to carry out a set of “highly technical measures for Jucheization, modernization and increasing knowledge intensity,” which, in his opinion, will lead to an even greater increase in the well-being of citizens .

In June 2018, a historic meeting between Comrade Kim and the President of the United States took place, during which preliminary agreements were reached on the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, but the second meeting of the heads of state in February 2019 was unsuccessful and no documents were signed.

Kim Chen In- North Korean Supreme Leader, leader of the party, army and people of the DPRK, chairman of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK), first chairman of the State Defense Committee of the DPRK. Kim Jong-un - Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Korean People's Army, Marshal of the DPRK, Deputy of the Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK.

Kim Jong-un's childhood and education

It is believed that the biography of Kim Jong-un is shrouded in mystery. From publicly available official materials it is known that Kim Jong-un was born on January 8, 1982 in Pyongyang. But there are other opinions. For example, intelligence sources report that the Korean leader was born no earlier than 1984. Kim Jong Un's Wikipedia biography states that "discrepancies in the date of birth are explained by the leader's desire to look older" and that North Korean officials initially claimed that Kim Jong Un was born on January 8, 1983.

Father - Kim Jong Il(1941−2011) - former head of North Korea (1994−2011).

Mother - Korean ballerina Ko Young Hee- favorite of Kim Jong Il.

Grandfather - Kim Il Sung(1912−1994) - founder of the North Korean state and its first de facto leader (1948−1994).

Kim Jong Un is said to have been educated at home and does not have a diploma. Although South Korean intelligence services reported that Kim Jong-un studied at the Swiss international school in Bern under the name Eun Park. However, now the school management denies this fact. Then, from 2002, Kim Jong-un individually studied at the Kim Il Sung University and the Kim Il Sung Military University in the DPRK.

In 2013, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un was awarded an honorary doctorate in economics from HELP University, a private Malaysian educational institution.

Political career of Kim Jong-un

People started talking about Kim Jong-un when rumors appeared about the fatal illness of his father, Kim Jong-il. The mother was able to convince the leadership of the republic that Kim Jong-un is Jong Il’s beloved son and should be his only successor.

During the lifetime of his father, Kim Jong Il, Kim Jong-un received the title “Brilliant Comrade” and was appointed head of the North Korean State Security Service.

On December 17, 2011, Kim Jong Il died of a heart attack, and on December 24, in the central printed organ of the WPK, the Nodong Sinmun newspaper, Kim Jong Un was first named Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Korean People's Army. But Kim Jong-un appeared before the people of Korea in 2012 during a parade dedicated to the centenary of his grandfather Kim Il Sung. And in the same year, Kim Jong-un was recognized as Person of the Year (2012).

Despite the sanctions that constantly haunt North Korea and its leader, Kim Jong-un was ranked first among millennials (young people born between 1981 and 2000) by The Guardian.

Foreign Policy of Kim Jong-un

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un ensured that North Korea entered the club of space powers. Kim Jong-un was not concerned that his country thereby violated two UN Security Council resolutions (2006 and 2009). Of course, this caused outrage in the international community. And when the DPRK successfully conducted the third nuclear test in its history in February 2013, the indignation of the Western powers and the United States reached its climax. North Korea has been declared a "world evil". Sanctions rained down on her from all sides, which became tougher every year.

On July 4, 2017, North Korea launched an intercontinental ballistic missile towards the Sea of ​​Japan. The flight lasted 40 minutes, the rocket crashed in Japan's exclusive economic zone. It was noted that the rocket managed to rise significantly above the 2.5 km mark. Secretary General of the Government of Japan Yoshihide Suga called the missile launch from North Korea a provocation that violates UN Security Council resolutions.

Kim Jong-un said that the Hwangsong-14 intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) is capable of carrying a large and heavy nuclear warhead.

The head of the White House commented on the new missile launch of Kim Jong-un Donald Trump, emphasizing that the United States, as well as countries in this region, will no longer tolerate North Korea’s tests.

Kim Jong-un was not afraid, but on the contrary, he himself began to threaten a possible preventive nuclear strike on the United States. Then the DPRK followed with the annulment of the non-aggression treaty with South Korea, which was signed in 1953. However, at the Seventh Congress of the Workers' Party, Kim Jong-un said that North Korea would use nuclear weapons only as a means of defense.

Earlier, at a meeting of the UN Security Council, Russia and China made a proposal according to which Pyongyang should stop testing its ballistic missiles, and other countries should not conduct military exercises off the coast of the DPRK. But Kim Jong Un instructed his scientists to continue working on ballistic missiles and said Pyongyang intends to continue testing them until “the United States and its vassals make the right choice.”

On September 3, North Korea conducted another nuclear test. This happened just a few hours after Pyongyang announced the creation of a hydrogen bomb. The South Korean General Staff estimated the power of the explosion at 100 kilotons, and the Japanese authorities at 70 kilotons. According to various sources, the explosion caused an earthquake measuring from 5.7 to 6.3 on the Richter scale (previous tests caused a maximum of 5.3).

After the incident, American President Donald Trump said that he was ready to use nuclear weapons to defend his country.

A possible conflict between North Korea and the United States became an important news trend in 2017. Donald Trump spent the whole year practicing insults for Kim Jong-un, calling him a madman with nuclear weapons, a “short guy with a missile” and a psycho. In September, Trump coined a new nickname for Kim Jong Un, calling him "Rocket Man." A little later, Kim Jong-un said that the United States would pay dearly for the speech of its president. He also called Trump's remarks "eccentric expressions" that insult him and his country. “Why did Kim Jong-un insult me ​​by calling me “old,” but I never call him “small and fat.” Well, I'm trying hard to remain his friend - and maybe someday it will happen!” Trump tweeted in response.

At the same time, in August, Donald Trump positively assessed Kim Jong-un’s decision to refrain from launching missiles into the area of ​​​​the island of Guam, which is under US jurisdiction. “Kim Jong-un of North Korea made a very smart and balanced decision,” Trump said. “The alternative would be catastrophic and unacceptable!”

Free Press reported that the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry Sergey Lavrov compared the behavior of the leaders of the United States and North Korea to a conflict between children in kindergarten.

Kim Jong-un's domestic economic policy

Having become the head of state, Kim Jong-un not only threatens the United States and the world with nuclear war, but also tries to carry out economic reforms.

Agrarian reform was one of the first to be carried out. Kim Jong-un introduced the so-called “link” row. The “small link” - this is one family and two families living nearby - received land for cultivation, and a significant part of the resulting harvest remained for the “link” itself. This reform led to a record grain harvest already in the first year of its implementation (2013).

In industry, state-owned enterprises were actually transferred to self-financing.

Kim Jong-un's actions were seen to be more loyal to private business. A network of special economic zones was created to attract foreign investment. But in connection with the application of sanctions to the DPRK, Kim Jong-un began to pay more attention to the development of national production.

In photographs appearing in the press, Kim Jong-un can often be seen at North Korean defense factories and at missile tests, but he also periodically visits various enterprises producing civilian products. The world media published a photo of Kim Jong-un's visit to the perfume factory. The DPRK is actively developing its own perfume industry and creating its own brands, such as “Bomhyanggi” and “Unhasu”.

Information technology has begun to spread rapidly in North Korea. So in 2014, China imported smartphones and mobile phones worth 82 million 840 thousand dollars.

In 2013, the news reported that North Korean engineers had developed their own smartphone, Arirang. North Korean leader Kim Jong-un was pleased with the work of the scientists: he appreciated the lightness, appearance and functions of the smartphone, high-quality display and megapixel camera.

Personal life, hobbies and health of Kim Jong-un

North Korean news and state television reported on July 25, 2012 that Kim Jong-un was married. Photos of Kim Jong-un and his wife appeared in the media a few weeks earlier. His wife - Lee Seol-ju- graduate of the University. Kim Il Sung in Pyongyang. Kim Jong-un's wife's father is a teacher, and her mother is a doctor. It is believed that Kim Jong-un got married in 2009.

News also reported that the North Korean leader has two children. The biography of Kim Jong-un on Wikipedia states that the first child was born in the fall-winter of 2010 or winter of 2011, the second at the end of December 2012.

Kim Jong-un is fond of basketball and loves pop culture. As the Daily Mail reported, Kim Jong-un is a big fan of the English football club Manchester United.

On the health front, back in 2009, it was reported in the news that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un suffered from diabetes and hypertension. However, he is a heavy smoker.

Photos of Kim Jong-un from public events were not published in September and October 2014, and DPRK state media news reported that he was suffering from an “uncomfortable physical condition.” When Kim Jong-un appeared in public again, the DPRK leader could be seen in the photo leaning on a cane.

In 2015, Kim Jong-un began to weigh 130 kg, having gained about 30 kg in 5 years.

At the same time, in April 2015, the country's official information bureau distributed a photo in which Kim Jong-un stands on the top of Mount Paektusan in a fairly light coat and shoes. Internet users, followed by Western media, laughed at the North Korean leader, who conquered the most difficult peak in North Korea without serious equipment, RIA Novosti reported.

In the summer of 2017, American doctors came to the conclusion that the head of the DPRK, Kim Jong-un, was taking steroids, which later caused him to become aggressive. Doctor Rock Positano from the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York noted that according to their data, Kim Jong-un suffers from gout, the news said.

Scandals with Kim Jong-un

Kim Jong-un has been repeatedly accused of brutally persecuting rivals in the struggle for power. In December 2013, the 67-year-old Jang Song Taek, the politician’s uncle, who for a long time headed the “regency council” under the young Kim Jong-un and was considered the “second man” in the state, was executed by court verdict for attempting to overthrow the government. Later it became known that the wife of the executed Kim Kyung Hee, is in a coma - the woman underwent surgery to remove a brain tumor. It was reported that she could have died of a heart attack or committed suicide.

Almost all the relatives of Jang Song Tek, the executed uncle of the DPRK leader, were sentenced to capital punishment, the Yonhap news agency (South Korea) reported.

The news also reported that about a dozen popular artists in the country were shot in North Korea. All of them were found guilty of producing and distributing pornography. One of the victims was a singer Hyun Sung Wol, considered a former girlfriend of the North Korean leader, with whom Kim Jong-un broke up about 10 years ago at the insistence of Kim Jong-il's father.

According to a deputy from the ruling Saenuri Party of South Korea, on the orders of the DPRK leader, four musicians of the national orchestra "Unhasu" were executed; they were accused of espionage for issuing information about the life of Kim Jong-un's family.

However, news from South Korea about the executions of Kim Jong-un is not always confirmed. On May 13, 2015, a number of media reported, citing the South Korean news agency Kyodo, that the Minister of the Armed Forces was shot in North Korea for falling asleep at an important military event. But the minister Hyun Young-chul appeared on television after the news of his execution.

But Kim Jong-un’s half-brother, 45, will no longer appear on air Kim Jong Nam, who was killed on February 14, 2017 with VX while walking through Terminal 2 at Kuala Lumpur International Airport. He was also reported to have been attacked by two women with “poisoned needles.” Foreign news, citing the police, reported that the DPRK authorities were involved in the death.

According to KCNA, in May 2017, a group of terrorists who infiltrated the DPRK on orders from the US CIA and South Korean intelligence with the aim of committing a terrorist attack against Kim Jong-un was discovered and captured.

According to The Korea Times, in 2014, North Korean men were required to sport a hairstyle like Kim Jong Un's, whereas previously they could choose from 10 state-approved men's hairstyles. Kim Jong-un also banned officials from smoking foreign cigarettes.

The entire biography of Kim Jong-un has not been officially confirmed. The reign of Kim Jong-un is marked by the continued development of missile and nuclear weapons, economic reforms, and deterioration of relations with South Korea and Western countries.

On August 29, the Yonhap agency, citing South Korean intelligence, reported a new addition to the family of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. The day before, representatives of the National Intelligence Service of South Korea announced the birth of a child, whose gender and name are unknown. According to them, the child was born in February.

According to media reports, this is the third heir to Kim Jong-un. It was reported that his two oldest children were born in 2010 and 2013. But there is no official confirmation of this information.

Little is known about the family of the North Korean leader and his close and distant relatives. The Kim Dynasty - in the RBC photo gallery.

Kim Il-sung (1912–1994)

Eternal President and Founder of the DPRK. Generalissimo. Grandfather of the current head of North Korea, Kim Jong-un.

The founder of the Juche ideology (Marxism based on national traditions).

He spent his childhood with his family in China, where he joined a Marxist circle, for which he was imprisoned at the age of 17. In 1945, he became chairman of the North Korean organizing bureau of the Communist Party of Korea (1945-1946). In 1948 he led the country. In 1998, he was declared the eternal president of the DPRK.

Was married twice. The first wife died shortly after the birth of their son. The second wife was Kim Song Ae, who is believed to have previously been the secretary of the head of the personal security of Kim Il Sung.

Since the mid-1950s, the regime began to tighten in the DPRK. All North Korean students were required to return from Europe and undergo ideological retraining. It was under Kim Il Sung that the entire economy of the country switched to strict central planning. Market trade was declared a bourgeois-feudal relic and liquidated.

Kim Jong-suk (1919–1949)

Mother of Kim Jong Il, wife of Kim Il Sung, grandmother of Kim Jong Un.

Kim Jong Suk became known only a few years after her death. In 1972, she was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the DPRK, and then the titles of “heroine of the anti-Japanese war” and “great mother of the revolution.” In addition, if the DPRK talks about “three commanders,” then everyone knows that we are talking about Kim Il Sung, Kim Jong Il and Kim Jong Suk.

Kim Jong Il (1941 (1942?) - 2011)

Great Leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Generalissimo (posthumously). Eldest son of Kim Il Sung. Father of Kim Jong-un.

Kim Jong Il was born in 1941, although, as is customary in the DPRK, the official biography reduces the ruler's age by a year. Like his father, he studied in China. Returning to his homeland, he began working in the party, initially being considered the successor to Kim Il Sung.

After the death of his father, he led the country de facto for three years, without officially holding senior leadership positions in the country. Thus, traditional Korean norms were observed, in particular the Confucian principle of filial piety, which prescribes three years of mourning.

After Russia stopped cooperating with North Korea in the 1990s, the country was forced to look for new allies. In May 1999, Kim Jong Il traveled to China, and in 2000, there was a historic meeting between the leaders of the warring south and north of Korea. In October 2000, then-US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright flew to Pyongyang, after which preparations began for US President Bill Clinton's visit to North Korea at the end of 2000. However, it never took place, and the new US President George W. Bush was in no hurry to restore relations with the DPRK.

Kim Jong Il died on December 17, 2011. The funeral took place on December 28. According to the South Korean newspaper The Chosun Ilbo, they cost $40 million.

Ko Young-hee (1953–2004)

Kim Jong-un's mother.

Ko Yong Hee is one of Kim Jong Il's wives and the mother of his youngest son, Kim Jong Un. Before meeting Kim Jong Il, she was a dancer. She died in 2004 in Paris from breast cancer. In the last years before her death in the DPRK, she was called nothing more than “respected mother.” ​

Kim Chen In

The youngest of Kim Jong Il's three sons, Kim Il Sung's grandson.

In January 2009, the South Korean news agency Yonhap reported that, fearing for his health, Kim Jong Il had appointed his youngest son, Kim Jong Un, as his successor. He was educated in Bern (Switzerland), then studied at the military academy in Pyongyang. In 2010, he was elected to the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea and became deputy chairman of the party's Central Military Committee.

After his father's death in 2011, Kim Jong-un was declared the supreme leader of the party, army and people of the DPRK.

Very little is known about Kim Jong-un, and almost everything is from a book that was published in Tokyo in 2003. Its author was allegedly the chef Kim Jong Il. From the book, in particular, it became known that Kim Jong-un’s mother was one of Kim Jong-il’s wives, actress Ko Yong-hee.

Under Kim Jong-un, North Korea is committed to developing its economy in parallel with strengthening its nuclear arsenals. Several nuclear tests were carried out, an artificial earth satellite was launched.

Since 2016, Kim Jong-un has been subject to unilateral US sanctions imposed due to human rights violations in the country.

In 2012, it was announced that Kim Jong-un was married to Ri Sol-ju. According to various sources, from 2010 to 2013, the couple had a daughter, Kim Joo E.

Fourth wife of Kim Jong Il, stepmother of Kim Jong Un.

For the last, fourth time, Kim Jong Il got married in 2006. His wife was his former personal secretary, Kim Ok. South Korean media reported that Kim Ok studied piano at the Pyongyang University of Music and Dance, and became the personal secretary of the DPRK leader in the early 1980s.

Lee Seol-ju

First Lady of the DPRK. Kim Jong-un's wife.

On July 25, 2012, the Central Telegraph Agency reported on the opening ceremony of the Rungna People's Amusement Park, where Kim Jong-un came with his wife, Ri Sol-ju. This was the first mention of the first lady as the wife of the leader of the DPRK.

Until now, almost nothing is known about her and her acquaintance with Kim Jong-un. Many observers note that her name and appearance indicate a resemblance to the young singer who performed in 2010 at one of the gala New Year's concerts in Pyongyang.

According to one of the versions expressed in the South Korean media, Ri Sol Ju graduated from Pyongyang Kim Il Sung University and studied natural sciences. Her father is a professor at the same university, and her mother is an administrator at a large Pyongyang clinic.

According to another version, Lee Sol-ju did not study at the university, but received a musical education in Beijing.

Kim Jong-nam (1971–2017)

The eldest son of the Great Leader of the DPRK Kim Jong Il and the brother (on his father’s side) of the Chairman of the State Council of the DPRK Kim Jong Un.

Even less is known about the eldest son of Kim Jong Il than about the current head of the DPRK. His mother was actress Song Hye Rim. The media reported that as a child, like his brother, Kim Jong Nam studied in Switzerland. There is no official confirmation of this information.

In 2001, Kim Jong Nam was detained while trying to enter Japan using a fake passport to visit Tokyo Disneyland. He was deported to China, where he lived until his death. On February 14, 2017, the South Korean Yonhap agency cited a source about the assassination of Kim Jong Nam at the Malaysian airport.

Kim Jong Chul

Kim Jong-un's older brother.

Born in 1981. The media wrote that Kim Jong Chol, like his brother, studied at a Swiss school. For some time (from 2003 to 2009), it was believed that he could succeed his father as leader of the DPRK. In 2007, Kim Jong Chol was appointed to a position in the Workers' Party of Korea.

He is known as a big fan of the work of guitarist and singer Eric Clapton: media reported that he was seen at the latter’s concerts in 2006, 2011 and 2015.

Kim Kyung Hee

Daughter of Kim Il Sung, younger sister of Kim Jong Il, aunt of Kim Jong Un.

In 2010, together with her husband Jang Song-thaek, she was appointed executor of her brother and, in the event of his death, was to become Kim Jong-un's guardian. In the government, Kim Jong Il led the DPRK's light industry, and her husband was Kim Jong Il's deputy in the State Defense Committee. In 2013, Jang Song Thaek was accused of treason and executed. The death of Kim Kyung Hee has not been confirmed.

Jang Song-taek (1946–2013)

Uncle of Kim Jong-un.

In 2013, Jang Song Thaek was accused of trying to seize supreme power in the party and state, as well as selling national resources to foreigners at unreasonably low prices, and was executed. Before that, he was deputy head of the State Defense Committee, was a member of the Politburo and headed the organizational department of the Central Committee, which was in charge of personnel selection and supervised the intelligence services. Many experts called him an eminence grise, the right hand and mentor of Kim Jong-un.

Kim Yo Jong

Younger sister of Kim Jong-un.

Born in 1987. She studied at an international school in Bern, Switzerland in 1996-2001 with her brother, Kim Jong-un. Possibly also studied at the military academy in Pyongyang after returning.

In 2014, Kim Yo Jong was appointed deputy department head of the WPK Central Committee. Kim Yo Jong is the only relative of the DPRK leader who holds an officially confirmed post in the country. According to South Korean sources, she is responsible for personnel appointments, as well as propaganda.

Name: Kim Jong-un

Age: 35 years

Height: 175

Activity: North Korean statesman, military and political figure, head of the DPRK

Family status: Married

Kim Jong-un: biography

Kim Jong-un is one of the bloodiest dictators in the world, who poses a number of geopolitical threats to the planet. The name Kim Jong-un is associated with pompous military parades, statues of leaders, missile launches, weapons of mass destruction and Asian “Stalinism”, which horrifies world leaders.

The main business of the life of the leader of the DPRK was the creation of powerful nuclear weapons, with the help of which Kim Jong-un intends to turn his enemies into radioactive ash. At the same time, in his native country, the leader is considered a “great reformer” who changed people’s lives for the better by providing the people with rights and freedoms that Koreans had never even dreamed of before.

Kim Jong-un's uncompromising nature and abundance of threats and statements have made the North Korean leader the butt of jokes in other countries. The Internet is filled with memes with Kim Jong-un, the residents of the Comedy Club wrote a number about the meeting of the North Korean dictator with and, and starred in the action comedy “The Interview”, where Kim Jong-un is declared the main villain.

The biography of Kim Jong-un consists of complete mystery. According to official information, the leader of the DPRK was born on January 8, 1982 in Pyongyang, but intelligence sources claim that Jong-un is a couple of years younger and was born no earlier than 1984. The parents of the future politician were the North Korean leader and the ruler’s favorite, ballerina Ko Yong-hee. Jong-un became the second potential heir to his father - Jong-il's first-born was Jong-nam, who was born to the head of the DPRK by actress Song Hye-rim, like Jong-un's mother, who was not officially married to the leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

Kim Jong-un's education, like his childhood life, is reliably hidden from society. It is known that Jong-un studied at the Swiss international school in Bern, but the leadership of the educational institution assures that the DPRK leader did not cross the threshold of this school. According to North Korean intelligence services, Jong-un received his knowledge individually at home and did not receive a single diploma from European universities.

Kim Jong-un appeared on the political horizon of the DPRK in 2008, when rumors began to circulate about the fatal illness of his father Jong Il, who led the country at that time. Then the North Korean throne was prophesied to the adviser to the North Korean leader, Chas Song Thaek, who at that time actually held the governing apparatus of the DPRK in his hands and was Kim Jong Il’s brother-in-law. But the “cards” lay out differently - thanks to his mother, who back in 2003 convinced the entire leadership of the republic that Jong-un was his father’s favorite son and his only successor, in 2009 it was he who became the leader of the race for the post of leader of the DPRK.

Shortly before his father's death, Kim Jong-un received the title "Brilliant Comrade" and was appointed head of the North Korean State Security Service. On November 24, 2011, he was officially proclaimed the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Korean People's Army, and a few days later he was elected chairman of the Central Committee of the country's ruling Labor Army. The first time after his appointment as the leader of the DPRK, Kim Jong-un appeared in public only in April 2012 during the Parade dedicated to the centenary of his grandfather.


The policies of the youngest North Korean leader, who came to power at the age of 26, are filled with sheer uncompromisingness and audacity.

Kim Jong-un is not particularly humane in the internal politics of the DPRK. During his reign, he executed more than 70 people, which became a record among all the rulers of the country. The leader of the country likes to organize public executions of officials who, in his opinion, are carrying out activities against him.

Accusations of corruption were also a frequent reason for executions. Some foreign media even admire Kim Jong-un’s policies, calling on the authorities of their own countries to fight corruption just as effectively.

At the same time, Kim Jong-un is actively engaged in reforms in the DPRK, in which he has achieved considerable success. His reform achievements include the closure of camps for political prisoners, changes in the so-called “serfdom”, as a result of which people had the opportunity to create agricultural production units from several families, and not from entire collective farms, and to give the leader only part of their harvest, and not the whole , as it was before.

Kim Jong-un also decentralized industry in the DPRK, transferring “many” powers to enterprise directors. From now on, managers can hire staff themselves, set their salaries and choose the direction for marketing their products. In addition, the North Korean leader managed to maintain “friendship” with his practically only strategic partner – China, which is North Korea’s main trading partner.

As a result of Kim Jong-un's reforms, the standard of living of citizens increased, the introduction of new technologies and the development of the country's economy began.

Personal life

The personal life of Kim Jong-un, like his entire biography, has no officially confirmed data. According to media reports, the DPRK leader has been married to dancer Ri Sol Ju since 2009. Sources also claim that the wife gave the North Korean leader two children, the first of whom was allegedly born in 2010, and the second in 2012.

It is known that Jong-un has health problems that are caused by his excess weight. Among the North Korean leader's chronic diseases, the medical card lists diabetes and hypertension, which have been tormenting him for several years.

In addition to “geopolitical games,” nuclear weapons and the internal politics of North Korea, the young ruler is interested in Western pop culture and basketball. During his leisure time, Kim Jong-un can devote time to watching American films with participation, and also likes to organize large-scale entertainment events.

Nuclear program

Kim Jong-un regularly poses a loud challenge to the whole world, proving his power with the “forbidden” nuclear method. Bypassing all UN Security Council resolutions, Jong-un continues his father’s work and develops the country’s nuclear potential, threatening to destroy anyone who tries to stand in his way.

His most high-profile actions during his reign were the DPRK’s entry into the “club of space powers” ​​in 2012, the third nuclear test in North Korean history in 2013, and the release of an artificial satellite into Earth orbit, which, as the North Korean leader promises, Kim Jong-un will do all of The world has been brought to the brink of nuclear war.

Kim Jong-un regularly conducts horrific tests that are not regulated by international law, and prioritizes the development of North Korean “nuclear weapons” of mass destruction, despite the harsh sanctions imposed on the DPRK by all the leading countries of the world.

According to the North Korean leader, the nuclear program is the only way for a small country like North Korea, which also does not develop vast reserves of expensive minerals, to achieve recognition of its own interests on the world stage.

North Korea's nuclear program, although it has become the butt of jokes, has already begun to raise concerns among other nuclear powers. Kim Jong Un said North Korea has developed warheads that can reach distant targets using long-range missiles.

Experts in the United States believe that this statement may already be true, although the press does not have reliable information about the new tests. Western experts also believe that Pyongyang’s statement that the country has already created missiles capable of reaching the continental United States is true.

Kim Jong-un now

On February 13, 2017, Kim Jong Un's exiled half-brother Kim Jong Nam was VX at Terminal 2 at Kuala Lumpur International Airport.

In May of the same year, North Korea announced an assassination attempt on its leader. The CIA and the South Korean National Intelligence Service hired a North Korean logger working in Russia to kill Kim Jong-un with a “biochemical weapon,” the Koreans say. This weapon is described as both radioactive and poisonous at the same time.

Since September 2017, North Korea has not started new ballistic missile tests, explaining this by health problems of the leader. In addition, in 2014 the leader is already six weeks. A number of publications have put forward theories about the seriousness of Kim Jong-un's illness and even suggested that he was dying due to an unknown “biochemical weapon” that was reported in May.

In November 2017, the US President wrote a series of tweets following his participation in the APEC summit in Vietnam dedicated to Kim Jong-un. Trump complained that at the meeting the North Korean leader called his American colleague names, calling him old, although Trump himself did not allow himself insults, although he could have called the Korean small and fat (remember, Kim Jong-un’s height is 175 cm). At the same time, the media recalled that Trump had repeatedly insulted Kim Jong-un, calling him crazy and a suicidal astronaut.


  • 2009 - Brilliant Comrade
  • 2011 - Supreme leader of the DPRK, leader of the party, army and people
  • 2012 - “Genius among geniuses” in military strategy
  • 2012 - Marshal of the DPRK

The leader of the DPRK in 1994-2011, Kim Jong Il, was born, according to North Korean historiography, on February 16, 1942 in a partisan camp on Mount Paektusan in Samjien County in northern Korea.

According to unofficial sources, Kim Jong Il was born on February 16, 1941 in the village of Vyatskoye, Khabarovsk Territory, where the 88th separate brigade of the Soviet army was located, the battalion of which was commanded by his father, the future President of the DPRK Kim Il Sung. At birth, Kim Jong Il was recorded as Yuri Irsenovich Kim. The Kim Il Sung family returned to Korea in the fall of 1945.

According to the official biography, in 1950-1960, Kim Jong Il received a complete secondary education at a school in Pyongyang. According to some researchers, in 1950-1953, during the Korean War, he was in China, where he studied in elementary school.

In 1964, he graduated from the Department of Political Economy, Faculty of Economics, Pyongyang Kim Il Sung State University.

In 1961, Kim Jong Il joined the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK).

From June 1964 to September 1973, he worked in the apparatus of the central committee of the TPK, first as an instructor, then as a sector head, deputy department head, and department head. At the same time he directed the cinema of the DPRK.

In September 1973, Kim Jong Il was elected Secretary of the Party Central Committee, and in 1974 - a member of the Political Committee (Politburo) of the WPK Central Committee. His powers included propaganda and agitation, in particular control over the media. He also oversaw art, culture and cinema. Kim

Chen Il took part in planning work in several sectors of the economy. From that time on, his status as Kim Il Sung's successor was established.

In 1980, Kim Jong Il was a member of the Presidium of the Politburo of the WPK Central Committee, Secretary of the Central Committee, and a member of the Party's Central Military Committee.

From February 1982 to September 2003, Kim Jong Il was a deputy of the Supreme People's Assembly (SPA) of the DPRK of the 7th-11th convocations.

In December 1991, he became the Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army. In April 1992, he was awarded the rank of marshal.

In 1993, Kim Jong Il headed the DPRK Defense Committee. The powers of the head of this committee provide for the management of all political, military, and economic resources of the country.

After the death of Kim Il Sung in July 1994, at a closed plenum of the Central Committee of the WPK, it was decided to transfer all power in the country to Kim Jong Il. He was elected to the post of General Secretary of the WPK in 1997, after the end of three years of mourning.

Kim Jong Il did not take up the post of president of the DPRK, declaring his father “eternal president.”

In 1998, 2003 and 2009, he was re-elected chairman of the DPRK Defense Committee.

On September 28, 2010, at the first party conference since 1966, Kim Jong Il was again the general secretary of the country's ruling Workers' Party of Korea (WPK).

The leader of the DPRK rarely spoke, usually only to the military. Until 2000, he did not travel abroad and did not hold meetings with heads of foreign states. He made his first, unofficial, visit on May 29-31, 2000 to China.

Three times, in 2001, 2002 and 2011. The first official visit at the invitation of President Vladimir Putin lasted 24 days, from July 26 to August 18, 2001. Kim Jong Il spent most of his visit on a train crossing Russia along the Trans-Siberian Railway. During his last visit to Russia, Kim Jong Il visited the Amur region, then arrived in Buryatia, where he met with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev in a closed military town.

The leader of the DPRK died on December 17, 2011, but the media reported this only on December 19. According to the Korean Central News Agency, Kim Jong Il died on a train while traveling around the country from overwork. As foreign media reported, the North Korean leader suffered from diabetes and heart problems.

Kim Jong Il was , the former presidential palace in Pyongyang, where his father Kim Il Sung rests.

- four times hero of the DPRK (1975, 1982, 1992, 2012 - posthumously), was awarded many orders and medals of the DPRK, including three orders of Kim Il Sung, had a large number of awards and titles from around the world.

There is no open information about Kim Jong Il’s family and children. Media reported that the North Korean leader has three sons and two daughters.

After the death of Kim Jong Il, the late leader of the DPRK officially became the “Great Heir”. Kim Jong Il's birthday, February 16, remained a public holiday - "Day of the Guiding Star" - even after his death.

In February 2012, the DPRK authorities posthumously awarded Kim Jong Il the military title of generalissimo, and in April of the same year he was elected eternal General Secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK), as well as eternal chairman of the State Defense Committee (GKO) - the government of the country.

In 2012, for Kim Jong Il's seventieth birthday, there was a sign on Seokda Rock in Pyongan Province in the northwestern Korean Peninsula that read "Indispensable patriot, General Kim Jong Il. February 16, 101 Juche." The length of the entire inscription is 120 meters.

In April 2012, in Pyongyang, near the Museum of the Korean Revolution. A bronze pedestal about 25 meters high is installed near the statue of his father, the first leader of the DPRK Kim Il Sung.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

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