Homemade cold-smoked raw sausage - the recipe for dry sausage is simply called: “Peasant”. Raw smoked sausage at home: cooking features, best recipes and reviews I eat sausages raw smoked sausage recipes

Features of this sausage product

Few people do not like such a meat product as raw smoked sausage. Its excellent taste cannot be confused with any other food product. How do raw smoked sausages differ from other meat products? The main difference between this product is the special smoking technology. Raw smoked sausage is not subjected to high-temperature processing. It is smoked with so-called “cold” smoke at a temperature of 20-25 ° C for a long time. During this processing, dehydration and fermentation of meat occurs. As a rule, the “ripening” of this type of product lasts about 30-40 days.

Harm and benefit of the product

Raw smoked sausage, the harm of which was previously associated with the presence of a large amount of spices and salt, may now contain other substances that can adversely affect human health. Thus, some manufacturers, to shorten the ripening process of the product (up to 20-25 days), add glucono-delta-lactone (E575) to it, an acid that affects the change in the pH of the product. These products are not recommended for people with inflammation of the stomach and duodenum, pancreatitis, nephritis and cholecystitis. Yeast microorganisms that feed on the sugar contained in this sausage are used as starting cultures. Due to the products of their vital activity, the fermentation process is carried out. Raw smoked sausage contains 15 - 30% protein and 27 - 56% fat. The calorie content of 100 g of product, depending on the variety, ranges from 340 to 580 kcal.

Product production technology

Raw smoked sausage has always had a higher cost than other types of meat products. This is due to the fact that the best varieties of meat and bacon are used for its production, as well as complex production technology. If you find cheap raw smoked sausage on the counter, this indicates a low-quality product. Since during the production of this type of sausage most of the moisture is removed, it is believed that to produce 60 kg of such a product it is necessary to use about 100 kg of raw materials. The following requirements apply to it: animal meat (pork, beef) under 5 years of age; Pork backfat must have a high melting point; spices must be dehydrated and sterilized; evaporated salt of special purification and premium grade; the protein shell should not be contaminated with microorganisms and must allow air to pass through well. In the process of making raw smoked sausage, special equipment is used: cutter (grinder of minced meat and bacon); syringe filler for heavy minced meat; climatic chamber responsible for dehydration of minced meat. After careful selection of raw materials, deboning, trimming, sorting of meat and preparation of bacon and spices are carried out. Then the loaves are formed, after which the raw smoked sausage undergoes the process of sedimentation (compacting the minced meat), dehydration and maturation. Ground pepper (black, white), nutmeg, fresh garlic, ground cumin and some other seasonings are used as spices. According to the recipe, high-quality cognac and granulated sugar are added to some types of sausage.

The most popular varieties of raw smoked sausages

Particularly popular among consumers are such varieties of this meat product as “Moskovskaya”, “Zernistaya”, “Nevskaya”, “Maikopskaya”, “Svinaya”, “Sovetskaya”, “Braunschweigskaya”, “Servelat”, “Stolichnaya”. “Tourist sausages” and “Sudzhuk” are in great demand. These varieties of sausages are produced in accordance with GOST 16131-86, but many enterprises also produce other varieties according to their own specifications.

Typically, intestines, esophaguses and bladders are used for sausage casings.

The intestines, under the influence of their contents, enzymes and gastric acids, quickly deteriorate, lose strength and elasticity. Therefore, they need to be processed immediately after cutting the carcass.

First of all, carefully remove the mesentery and fat from the intestines so as not to tear their walls, then cut them into several parts and, taking each part by the middle, quickly squeeze out the contents. Then the intestines are squeezed out several times and washed thoroughly in warm water (40-50 °C), after which they are turned out using a long round stick and soaked in warm water (40-45 °C) for 1 hour.

The softened shell is carefully scraped out with a blunt knife, constantly washing off the mucus with clean water. Then the intestines are sprinkled with salt and gently rubbed with your hands. To completely get rid of the smell, the intestines are rinsed in water and vinegar. Intestines prepared in this way can be stored for some time in clean cold water (up to 10 ° C) or suspended in bunches in a cold room.

To preserve the intestines, they are salted and kept in the cold. If they freeze, they can be thawed in warm water. Before use, salted intestines are soaked in warm water for 2-3 hours, then cooled.

The bladder is slightly incised, everted, cleaned and washed several times with salt. Then it is carefully rubbed with soda and rinsed thoroughly. Large intestines and stomachs require just as much work.

Minced meat for homemade sausage

One of the main stages in preparing homemade sausages is preparing the minced meat.

To prepare minced meat, meat is separated from bones, cartilage, large tendons, films and fat, cut into pieces of 200-500 g and salted (salts take approximately 3% of the mass of meat). The meat is mixed well with salt and kept in a cold room (up to 10 ° C) for 1-2 days. Then the cold meat is passed through a meat grinder, spices, spices, and garlic crushed with salt are added. Lard and fat are passed through a coarse mesh meat grinder or cut into cubes of 3, 5 or 7 mm - it depends on the type of sausage.

If sausage is prepared from different meats - beef, pork, lamb - then each meat is ground separately and then mixed in the required proportions.

To bind the moisture contained in the minced meat and stabilize it, skim milk powder, wheat flour, mustard flour, starch, corn syrup, sugar, carbohydrates and some other products are usually added to the minced meat. All of the above components are mixed well with the minced meat. Then add chopped bacon (lard), and it is necessary to achieve uniform distribution of lard in the minced meat, without subjecting it to prolonged mixing.

The filling (minced meat) prepared in this way is placed in the intestinal membranes. For this operation there is a special syringe for stuffing sausages. When filling the syringe with minced meat, you must ensure that no air bubbles form in it, otherwise similar voids into which liquid will collect will end up in the sausage.

One end of the intestine is tied with a strong thread or twine, and the other is pulled onto the shank of the syringe. The filling is moved into the intestine by pressing the plunger of the syringe. It is not recommended to stuff the minced meat into the casing too tightly, as it may rupture due to the expansion of the minced meat during heat treatment. (Sausages that are subjected to smoking are stuffed more tightly, during which their volume decreases.) The casings filled with minced meat are tied, and then, pulled together in a circle, the ends are tied. Large diameter sausages (loaves) are best tied around the circumference with twine.

During heat treatment, air and vapors escape from the sausage, so the casing is carefully pricked in several places, without disturbing the integrity of the intestine, with a thin awl or needle.

The sausage loaves and circles are hung for some time in a clean, cold (about 0 °C), dry, ventilated room to settle. Sludge is the process of self-compaction of the contents of loaves and circles under the influence of their own weight and the elasticity of the shell. The settling time depends on the thickness of the loaves (the thicker the sausage, the longer the settling), as well as on the type of sausage. Fried and boiled sausages are aged for 2-3 hours, semi-smoked - up to 6 days, raw smoked - 7-20 days.

Making fried sausage at home

This sausage has many different names: fried, baked, homemade, Ukrainian, Belarusian homemade, etc. It is quite easy to prepare. This is how they prepare it. The meat is cut into pieces of 5-7 mm, salted (2.5% salt by weight of meat), black pepper, garlic are added, granulated sugar can be added (1 teaspoon per 10 kg of meat). You can also add a little starch (2 tablespoons per 10 kg of meat) and water (2 cups per 10 kg of meat). All components are thoroughly mixed, then cut into 3-5 mm cubes is added. lard and distribute it evenly.

The shell is filled with the meat mixture, tied and hung for 0.5-1 hour to settle. Before this, the shell must be pricked with a thin awl or needle.

Then the sausage is fried or baked in fat in frying pans or baking sheets in a Russian oven, oven or on the stove. You can cook sausage in water or steam. The processing process must be monitored so that there are no blisters, the casing does not tear, and the sausage does not burn and acquires an appetizing crispy crust. Readiness is determined by piercing the loaf with a sharp wooden stick: if light, transparent (without blood) juice flows out of the sausage, then it is ready.

In order for the sausage to “reach” - become saturated with fat and soften - it, while still hot, is placed in a wide saucepan with a lid and left to bake in a Russian oven or other not too hot place, where it gradually cools down.

The finished sausage is hung in a clean, cold, ventilated room or placed in glass or enamel containers. You can also pour hot fat over the sausage and store it in the refrigerator, periodically checking its quality: the sausage may spoil; therefore, this method is not intended for long-term storage of the product.

Making boiled sausage at home

Boiled sausages are a very tasty product, but cannot be stored for a long time. They are prepared like this. Meat for minced meat is cut into pieces of 100-200 g, salted (2.5% salt by weight of meat), mixed thoroughly and kept in a cold room for one or two days. Then the pieces of meat are passed through a meat grinder with a fine mesh several times until a homogeneous mass is obtained. The meat of different animals for minced meat and the minced meat itself are prepared separately.

To get 10 kg. minced meat you will need: 6 kg. minced beef, 3 kg. minced pork, 1 kg. lard, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar, 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper, a head of garlic mashed with salt, 1 cup starch, 2 cups water. All components are thoroughly mixed, then chopped into 3-5 mm pieces are added. lard

The syringe is tightly filled with minced meat, making sure that no air voids are formed; the intestinal membrane is put on the shank, tied with twine on the other side. It is better to syringe sausage loaves up to 50 cm long. Instead of a syringe, you can also use a meat grinder. To do this, you need to make a tip for it, on which the shell will be put, and cut several large holes in the grille. In this case, the cross-shaped knife is removed from the meat grinder.

The shells filled with minced meat are tied, then the ends are pulled together to form a ring. It is better not to bend thick loaves, but to tie them around the circumference with twine. The finished loaves are hung in a cold room to settle for 1-2 hours and pricked in several places with an awl or needle.

Then the loaves are placed in a large pan and boiled. But to obtain the best color and aroma, it is recommended to fry the sausage for 1.5-2 hours in smoke at a temperature of 60-80 ° C before cooking. The water temperature during cooking should be about 80 °C. The duration of processing depends on the size of the loaf: thick ones are cooked for up to 2 hours, thin ones - 40-60 minutes. Readiness is determined by piercing the product with a sharp wooden stick: the liquid that flows out should be clear or white (without blood).

The finished loaves are quickly cooled to a temperature below 10 ° C and stored for 2-3 days in a dry, cold room or in the refrigerator. Sausages become more flavorful and resistant to spoilage if, after cooking, they are smoked a little (about 1 hour).

Cooking semi-smoked sausage at home

Minced meat for semi-smoked sausages, as well as for boiled ones, is prepared from the meat of various animals. To get 10 kg. minced meat you will need: 4 kg. pork, 3 kg. beef, 3 kg. lard, 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar, 1/2 teaspoon of pepper, head of garlic, salt (up to 3% by weight of meat).

Loaves for semi-smoked sausages are stuffed more tightly than for boiled ones, tied up and hung in a cold room for 4-5 hours to settle, pricking the casing with a needle or awl.

Then the loaves are smoked in hot smoke (70-90 °C) for an hour and boiled for another hour at a temperature of 80 °C. The boiled sausage is smoked again for one hour at a temperature of about 40 °C.

After this, the loaves are dried for 4-6 days in a clean, dry, cold (up to 15 ° C) room. The resulting semi-smoked sausage can be stored for 1-1.5 months in a dry, cold room or in the refrigerator.

Making raw smoked sausage at home

Raw smoked sausages have excellent taste and a long shelf life, which more than pays for all the costs and difficulties of preparing them at home.

For such sausages, it is better to use meat from adult pigs and 5-7 year old bulls, taken from the back and shoulder parts of the carcass.

The meat must be thoroughly cleaned of veins, cut into pieces of 1-1.5 kg, salted (3.5% salt by weight of meat) and kept for 5-7 days in a cold place (0-3 ° C). Then the meat is passed through a meat grinder with a hole diameter of 4 mm in the nozzle.

To obtain 10 kg of minced meat you will need: 3.5 kg. beef, 3.5 kg. pork, 3 kg. lard, a head of garlic, 1/2 cup sugar, 30 g sodium nitrite solution, allspice and black pepper (for some types of sausage you need a glass of starch and a glass of Madeira or cognac).

All components are thoroughly mixed (starch, Madeira or cognac are added if necessary), then cut into pieces of 3-5 mm, cooled to 0 ° C, fat-containing raw materials (lard, beef fat, fatty pork) are placed and carefully evenly distributed over minced meat. The resulting minced meat is laid out in an enamel bowl in a layer 20-25 cm thick and kept for a day at a temperature of about 0 °C.

Then, using a syringe, the minced meat is tightly stuffed into the intestinal membranes, tied with twine and in some places pricked with a needle or awl. The finished loaves are hung in a dry, cold (0-3 °C) room for precipitation for 5-7 days.

After this, the loaves are 2-3 days (about 20 ° C) with dry smoke (relative humidity 75-80%).

Smoked sausage is dried for a month in a clean, dark, ventilated room at a temperature of about 10 ° C. The moisture content in raw smoked sausage should not exceed 30%, otherwise it will quickly deteriorate. During drying, a white dry coating may appear on the surface of the sausages, which is not a drawback.

The shelf life of raw smoked sausages in a dry room at a temperature of 10 °C is 4 months. If the temperature is lower, the storage duration increases.

Making fermented sausages at home

When preparing such sausages, lactic acid starter is specially added to the minced meat. At home, they use yogurt for this (preferably factory-made). Enzymes formed during the fermentation of sugars by curdled milk microorganisms affect meat products, giving them a sour taste and a peculiar aroma.

Bon appetit!

Dry-cured and uncooked smoked sausage is a traditional holiday table appetizer. Today it has become so popular that not only a holiday, but also a regular breakfast or snack at work cannot be done without it. Tasty, raw smoked sausage, made from natural high-quality meat, is revered by many. However, we sometimes have no idea that we can make this favorite product with our own hands. Therefore, read how to make raw smoked sausage, make it at home and enjoy the taste. We offer several of the most popular sausage recipes.

Perhaps the most famous type of sausage since Soviet times is servelat. Its homeland is Switzerland, but only in the USSR did it gain fantastic popularity. Like all raw smoked sausages, its calorie content is quite high. After all, any raw smoked sausage contains practically no carbohydrates, but there is an abundance of protein and, to an even greater extent, fat.

In the Soviet GOST, the following ratio of components was provided for servelat: 25% each of lean pork and beef, 50% pork belly or fatty pork, salt, sugar, sodium nitrite, spices (nutmeg and cardamom). But the method of smoking could be different - they sold half-smoked sausage, boiled-smoked sausage, and, finally, raw smoked cervelat. We suggest you prepare the latter.

True, it is difficult to achieve real smoking at home; this requires a special chamber. Therefore, you can limit yourself to the same technology for preparing minced meat, but make the sausage dry-cured.

Let's prepare the products:

  • 500 g fresh beef tenderloin;
  • 1 kg pork loin;
  • 1.5 kg of fatty brisket;
  • 70 g of nitrite salt (this is a ready-made mixture of regular salt and sodium nitrite, added to preserve the bright color of the meat and give the product a special ham taste);
  • white pepper and nutmeg - half a tablespoon each;
  • dried garlic - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • washed beef casings.

Important! All products must be refrigerated. Increasing the minced meat temperature by more than 12 degrees is unacceptable.


  1. Fill the meat grinder with a grid with large holes and pass all the meat through.
  2. Add spices.
  3. Place the minced meat in the refrigerator overnight.
  4. Change the grill to a finer one and pass the minced meat through again.
  5. Rinse the casings and let the water drain. Stuff them as tightly as possible with minced meat. Form sausages, tie the ends with thread.
  6. Place in the refrigerator overnight.
  7. Hang the semi-finished product for 10 hours at room temperature.
  8. Take to a cool place and dry at a temperature no higher than 15 degrees for 30 days. A white coating may form, which is not dangerous. It can be easily removed by wiping with a damp cloth or vegetable oil.

The finished sausage has become hard, it is pleasant to cut and smells very tasty.

“Moskovskaya” from ground beef

The “Moscow” sausage is distinguished by its composition, in which 75 percent is high-quality beef, and 25 percent is coarsely chopped pork lard. In addition, the meat is pre-salted.

To prepare homemade raw smoked sausage, we will prepare the following products:

  • 750 g lean beef;
  • 250 g unsalted lard;
  • 35 g of ready-made nitrite salt;
  • 2 g sugar;
  • black ground and crushed pepper 1.5 g;
  • 0.25 g nutmeg.


  1. Cut the meat into pieces and salt in sugar and nitrite salt.
  2. Place the meat in the refrigerator and salt it for a week.
  3. Frozen bacon is finely chopped.
  4. The meat is passed through a small grinder, mixed with spices and kneaded well again.
  5. Add bacon to the meat and mix until evenly distributed.
  6. The minced meat is kept in the refrigerator for a day and matures.
  7. Minced meat is placed in a collagen casing. You can do this by hand, but it is more convenient to use a meat grinder without a screw or a special sausage stuffer.
  8. Having stuffed it as tightly as possible, put it in the refrigerator for a week - the minced meat in the sausages will give a sediment.
  9. If there is a smoking chamber, the sausage is smoked in it with smoke at a temperature of +18 degrees for five days, after which it is dried for 25 days. If there is no such camera, you can simply hang it at 30-40 degrees for a month. Shrinkage should occur to 40 percent of the initial weight.

Cooking with cognac

Delicious, aromatic sausage is obtained with the addition of cognac.

It will require:

  • half a kilo of pork and beef;
  • 250 g unsalted pork fat;
  • salt - 40 g;
  • spices and spices - ground bay leaf, nutmeg, pepper, everything is added to taste;
  • cognac - a tablespoon;
  • sugar - 2 g.

This is how the sausage is prepared.

  1. Remove films from meat.
  2. Cut into small pieces and add salt. Let sit in the refrigerator for 2 days to cure. During this time, the meat is turned over several times and the liquid is drained from it.
  3. Finely chop the bacon and add salt.
  4. Grind the meat through a meat grinder, add spices, sugar, lard, pour in cognac, mix everything. The mass will be viscous.
  5. Place the minced meat in a flat dish in a thin layer and refrigerate for a couple of days.
  6. Stuff the intestines, making loaves 40 cm long. Hang the resulting sausages in a dark place for 3 days. The room should be cool.
  7. Sausages are cold smoked at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees. The sausage will be ready after aging at 10-15 degrees for a month.

Brunswick smoked sausage recipe

Just like Moscow Brunswick sausage belongs to the category of elite gourmet sausages. It is also made from pre-salted meat.

For cooking you will need the following amount of food (given per 10 kg, the amount must be reduced proportionally):

  • beef - 4.5 kg;
  • bacon - 3 kg;
  • 2.5 kg lean pork;
  • 350 g salt;
  • 20 g sugar;
  • spices (cardamom or nutmeg 3 g, ground pepper 10 g).

Next, everything is done in the same way as when preparing Moscow sausage. That is, the meat is first salted, kept at a cool temperature in the cellar or refrigerator, and then turned through a meat grinder. Next, add spices, chopped bacon, and minced meat. Knead for a long time, about half an hour, so that everything is well mixed. Next, it is placed in a thin layer in baths or trays. They are left to ripen in the refrigerator for a couple of days, after which they stuff the calves with minced meat and leave to firm up for 5-7 days. Then they are sent to be smoked for 2-3 days at a temperature of 20 degrees. Then the sausage is transferred to the cellar, where it matures for 40 days.

How to make rolled sausage

Sausage sprinkled with spices and spices looks very elegant. You can decorate any type of sausage this way. To do this, buy ready-made coating (it is sold in stores and can be of different types), the drug Aspik (especially strong gelatin that will hold the coating on the sausage). Aspic should be diluted with hot (80 degrees) water in a ratio of one to four water. In this mixture, wet the finished homemade sausage without the casing (remove the casing!) and immediately roll it in the sprinkles. Let dry and cut into beautiful rings.

Simple raw smoked sausage

This rustic method of preparing dry-cured and raw smoked sausage is simple and ingenious at the same time: ascorbic acid is added to the meat as a preservative. It kills various unwanted microorganisms, but does not cause harm to health.

For 3.5 kg of beef fillet, take the same amount of lean pork, 3 kg of salted bacon, a couple of teaspoons of sugar and a glass or a little more salt. Seasonings - ground allspice and black pepper (a teaspoon each) and 30 g of ascorbic acid powder.

Ascorbic acid prevents meat from turning gray and retains its attractive appearance. All manipulations with meat and other ingredients are done in the same way as when preparing any other of the sausages described above.

The shelf life of raw smoked sausage is longer than that of similar products, but it is not infinite. Therefore, it can be stored in the refrigerator for 4 months, in the freezer for 9 months. Under normal conditions, such sausage is stored in a ventilated area at a temperature of plus 15 degrees for 2 months. Of course, we are talking about storing the sausage in an intact casing. If the sausage is cut from a piece, it should be eaten within 3 weeks and stored in the refrigerator without plastic wrap.

Cooking secrets

  1. The meat must be fresh, preferably freshly slaughtered, not frozen.
  2. It is not advisable to wash the meat; just wipe it off and remove tendons and films.

For a more beautiful pattern on the cut, you can grind the pork on a finer grid, and the beef on a coarse one. And if possible, do not use a meat grinder to stuff the intestines. It is better to have a special syringe.

Homemade raw smoked sausage turns out no worse than boiled sausage. It is prepared from pork, lamb, beef and other types of meat. Let's reveal the secrets of preparing this meat delicacy.

Homemade raw smoked sausage is made from minced pork and beef


Salt 3 tbsp. Sugar 2 tbsp. Vodka 4 tbsp. Pork lard 1 kg Veal 1 kg

  • Number of servings: 8
  • Preparation time: 24 minutes
  • Cooking time: 240 minutes

Homemade raw smoked sausage recipe

A homemade delicacy with a spicy aroma and taste. During cooking, the main thing is not to overdo it with salt and pepper, otherwise the taste will be too rich.

For sausage, beef and pork are chosen immediately after slaughter.


  1. Cut the meat into 2 cm thick slices.
  2. Add 1 tbsp. l. salt, pepper, sugar and vodka. Place the meat in the refrigerator for 24 hours.
  3. Prepare the minced meat.
  4. Season the salted lard with garlic and cool to 0°C.
  5. Take it out of the freezer and chop it finely.
  6. Add lard to the minced meat. Add the remaining salt, sugar and spices, pour in the vodka.
  7. Stuff the intestines with minced meat. Form sausages and rub them with liquid smoke.
  8. Wrap in foil or gauze and place in a cool, ventilated place.

After 10 days the delicacy is ready to eat.

Uncooked smoked sausage according to an easy recipe at home

According to the proposed recipe, the meat delicacy is obtained as per GOST.


  • 2 kg pork;
  • 2 kg beef;
  • 1.7 kg of lard;
  • 7 tbsp. l. cognac;
  • 20 g ascorbic acid;
  • 8 tbsp. l. starch;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 150 g salt;
  • 1 tsp. ground pepper;
  • liquid smoke.

The sausage turns out moderately dry and not greasy. The delicacy is smoked in a smokehouse. The temperature is maintained at 20-25 ˚С, air humidity – 80%.


  1. Remove tendons and fat from meat.
  2. Cut the pulp into 300 g bushes and rub them with salt. Place in the refrigerator for 5 days.
  3. Cut the lard into pieces 5 mm thick and cool it to 0 °C.
  4. Twist the meat.
  5. Add lard, spices and starch. Stir
  6. Pour in the cognac.
  7. Stir so that the lard is distributed evenly throughout the minced meat.
  8. Spread the mixture in enamel bowls in a layer of 20-25 cm. Store for 24 hours at 0 °C.
  9. Fill the intestines with minced meat, and then pierce the shell in several places to release the air.
  10. Hang in a cool, dry place for a week. The air temperature should be 0-3 ˚С.
  11. Smoke for 2-3 days.

Dry the finished sausage for a month at 10˚C. Ventilate the room periodically.

Sausage can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 4 months.

Raw smoked sausage, prepared at home, does not contain preservatives or dyes. This delicacy is not harmful to health. It is suitable for preparing appetizers, salads, sandwiches and first courses.

Manufacturers of meat products are constantly updating their range of sausages, which are expensive and include various preservatives. Raw smoked sausage is prepared at home from natural ingredients with the addition of natural spices. Use any pulp of horse meat, pork, beef and lamb or a mix.

The process of smoking the product is preceded by marinating. There are two methods:

The dry method requires 3 weeks of marinating. To do this you need (per 1 kg of salt):

  • cloves - 5 g;
  • peppercorns - 5 g;
  • granulated sugar - 25 g.

Rub the resulting mixture into evenly chopped pieces of pulp, then place in a bowl and place a weight. After 5 days, the meat will settle and you need to fill it with brine: 200 g of table salt per 1 liter of liquid. Put the oppression on for 2 weeks.

For the wet method, you need to mix 270 g of salt and 1 liter of hot liquid, add spices and seasonings to taste, boil the solution, cool and pour into the container with the pulp. After 5 days, you should check the meat - it should acquire a uniform color.

Making your own sausage in a smokehouse

The shell should be filled tightly with minced meat, since the product loses volume during the manufacturing process. Then the sausage product must be dried for 5-7 days.

The sausage is smoked in a suspended position on wooden slats, as the lattice spoils the appearance. The cold processing method provides for a smoking temperature of up to 20, maximum 25 degrees. When processing hot, a temperature of 60-80 degrees is used. In this case, pine needles and birch are not used, but chips from fruit and berry trees and juniper are the best option.

To prepare raw smoked meat you will need the following products:

  • 3 kg pulp;
  • 1 kg of bacon;
  • 250 g table salt;
  • 2 tbsp. l. ground allspice.

For brine you need for 4 liters of water:

  • 2 tsp. Sahara;
  • 0.5 kg table salt;
  • 0.7 kg of food nitrate;
  • 15 g juniper fruits;
  • 3 pcs. bay leaves;
  • 10 black peppercorns.


  • 0.5 l of red wine;
  • 0.5 tsp. nutmeg;
  • 2 pcs. bay leaves;
  • 6 pcs. cloves;
  • 1 tbsp. l. thyme.

Mix all products with wine. Keep in a hermetically sealed container for 2 days.

How to make raw smoked sausage at home:

  1. Prepare the minced meat, add 200 ml of tincture, salt and spices, stir well. Place in the refrigerator for 24 hours. Then pour in the rest of the filtered tincture and add chopped bacon. Fill the intestines with this mixture, tying them at a distance of 15 cm with thread.
  2. Cook the prepared marinade for 5-10 minutes. When cool, add the sausages and place them in the refrigerator for 2 days. Then hang the sausage to dry in a cold place for a week. At the end of the period, the sausage product is cold smoked for 3 weeks at a temperature of 20-25 degrees.

Raw smoked hot smoked sausage

To make raw smoked sausage at home, no pre-cooking is required. The meat is chopped, salted, and marinated with spices for 7 days. The shell is filled with minced meat and aged for 5 days in the refrigerator.


  1. Prepare a smoking device, put alder, hazel, and juniper chips on the bottom. During the process, it should smolder, not burn.
  2. Place the sausages at a distance from each other on a wire rack, which has been previously coated with vegetable oil, and close the smokehouse.
  3. After smoke appears from the hole, you need to note the time. Smoke at a temperature of 60-80 degrees. The sausages will be ready in approximately 30-40 minutes.
  4. Remove from heat and let cool in smoker for 20 minutes. Then open it and take out the meat products.

Sausage in guts without smoking

Sausage can be made in the oven with liquid smoke. To do this you will need:

  • 60-70 g table salt;
  • 40-50 g granulated sugar;
  • 50-60 g of vodka;
  • 1 kg of any pulp;
  • 0.3 kg of lard.
  1. Finely chop the pulp into cubes, add a small amount of salt, sugar, pepper and vodka. Mix the composition well and put it in the refrigerator, keep it for no more than a day.
  2. Stuff the lard with garlic and place in the freezer. Take it out after an hour, chop it, combine it with the minced meat, add the rest of the sugar, salt and vodka.
  3. Stuff the shell with meat mixture and spread with liquid smoke. Wrap the sausage in a bandage and hang it for 10-14 days in a well-ventilated and cool place.

Sausage with nitrite salt


  • beef pulp - 1.5 kg;
  • boneless brisket - 1.5 kg;
  • lard - 0.5 kg;
  • table salt - 70 g,
  • granulated sugar - 1 tsp;
  • nitrite salt - 75 g;
  • spices - 20 g;
  • culture - 1.5 g
  • pepper - 3 g.
  1. Cut the brisket into small pieces, add nitrite salt and spices, as well as cultures. Mix the meat mixture and fill the intestines tightly using a sausage attachment for a meat grinder.
  2. Then place the products in a polyethylene bag and keep them indoors for 48 hours and in a refrigeration unit for 24 hours.
  3. This is followed by a cold smoking method for two weeks at a temperature of 20 degrees.
  4. It is recommended to dry the sausage for up to 30 days in a cool place.

Dried sausage recipes

You don't have to use a smoker to get a delicious sausage product. You can prepare a simpler option - dry-cured sausage. It is not processed with smoke, so it is easier to prepare, but it will require more time before it is used for food.

Beef jerky

Here is a consistent recipe on how to make dry-cured sausage at home from beef. Products needed:

  • 1.5 kg of meat;
  • 0.5-0.6 kg of lard;
  • 5 cloves of garlic;
  • 50 g cognac;
  • 20-25 g granulated sugar;
  • 60-70 g table salt;
  • a little black pepper.
  1. Grind the lard into squares and add salt. Place under pressure and put in the refrigerator for 12 hours.
  2. Rub the meat with salt, pepper and cognac, then also put it in the refrigeration unit, keep it for no more than a day.
  3. Then cut the pulp and twist through a meat grinder, combine with chopped lard.
  4. Stuff the shell with the meat mixture and hang it to dry for about a month at a temperature of no more than 15 degrees.

It is important to know how to store the finished product without refrigeration. The terms and conditions can be found in the article on).

Recipe without guts

If there is no intestine, then the meat must be marinated. Cut the flesh of fresh beef weighing 1.5 kg along the fibers to a thickness of no more than 1 cm. Then process a little with a culinary hammer.

Prepare the marinade:

  • table salt - 30 g;
  • granulated sugar - 10 g;
  • pepper - 10 g;
  • cilantro seeds - 30 g.

Recipe without smoking:

  1. Mix the dry composition. Lightly sprinkle the strips of pulp with wine vinegar and sprinkle with the dry mixture.
  2. Place the meat in a bowl and immerse it in pressure, put it in the refrigeration unit for 12 hours.
  3. Then you need to twist the pulp through the middle grid in a meat grinder.
  4. Cut the salted lard into small squares. Before this, it is better to freeze the product. Mix with meat in the following proportion: 1 part lard to 5 parts meat.
  5. Wrap a bamboo mat for rolls in 4 layers of special film. Place minced meat on it and form sausages.
  6. When the bars are made, place them on a stainless steel dish to dry for three days in a cold room.
  7. After the formation of the crust, the process of drying in a suspended position occurs. The ripening time depends on the thickness of the sausages, usually 2-4 days.

Recipe with nitrite salt

To prepare dry-cured sausage at home from chicken, you will need the following products:

  • breast 2-3 pcs.;
  • shell - 1-2 pcs.;
  • chopped garlic - 1 tsp;
  • cilantro seeds - 1 tsp;
  • ground pepper - 0.5 tsp;
  • nitrite salt - 4 g.
  1. Grind the frozen fillet into slices and add spices.
  2. Mix the composition and stuff the shell, the ends of which are tied with thread.
  3. Roll the sausage into a ring, put it under a press, and place it in the refrigerator for 2 days.
  4. Remove the sausage and air dry it for 3 days, and put it in the refrigerator at night.
  5. Then hang to dry for 2 weeks.

That's all the simple recipes for smoked meats and dried sausages. Bon appetit!

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