A demon in female form. Sex with dark forces. Real stories of how succubi and incubi seduce sleepers. What happens to the victim

When we say the word woman, we mean something kind, gentle, affectionate. A woman is a mother, sister, friend. A woman is care, comfort, warmth. If we are talking about something evil, warlike or not friendly in general, but has a female appearance, then the image of a certain man in a skirt immediately appears, and it’s difficult to associate and call something like that a woman.
Ekaterina Yaresko, a certain Ukrainian volunteer who gains popularity points through unique publications and supposedly exclusive information, distributed on her page on Facebook a photograph of a militiaman who was captured at the Ukrainian checkpoint “Berezovoye” and subsequently turned out to be allegedly a Russian military man.

It is worth noting that the DPR does not know anything about any truck or missing militiamen; besides, even official Kyiv has not yet confirmed any information; all the “fuss” is happening in the vastness of the yellow press and the blogosphere. But if the bulk of the “couch generals” just continue to throw mud at each other, then volunteer Yaresko went much further.
She allegedly obtained unique information confirming that the captured serviceman is in fact a Russian military man, while providing some information about him, while the informants themselves in sector “M” and directly the ATO speakers, for some reason, do not know anything about this .
I propose to abstract ourselves from those absurd statements and just imagine for a second that that same woman, volunteer Ekaterina Yaresko, quite calmly publishes a photograph of a certain man on her page. His face, which had clearly been beaten, was covered with tape, there was blood and cuts on his hands, and in fragments of an earlier video, fresh traces of blood were clearly visible on his elbows, hands and on the floor in the room where the “impartial” interrogation took place. There are just obvious sadistic tendencies on his face. A volunteer, promoting himself by beating a stranger, advertises himself as a brave fighter for justice. But it still doesn’t fit in my head, how the one who should be a mother, absolutely calmly shows a tortured person on her page and probably enjoys this act.
Now let's get back to reality: Ukrainian specialists, fabricating this or that evidence, no longer know how to be sophisticated. It is very likely that some character was actually found and, for greater certainty, he was subjected to exquisite torture, which Yaresko watched with pleasure. Under those conditions, you admit that you killed Kennedy, and not just some fictitious serviceman of the Russian army.
But the fact itself is obvious: volunteer Yaresko does not disdain absolutely anything, just to once again promote his worthless nature and try to earn fame from anything. Obviously, if it was necessary to demonstrate the murdered children who were buried in dozens in the Donbass incinerated by the Ukrainian army, she would not have hesitated for a second, digging up the charred bodies, just to once again fabricate a deception and thereby appear in the media. Yaresko, this is not a woman, this is a patient of a psychiatric clinic, for some reason still walking freely. Although, why be surprised if they simply turn a blind eye to murders in “democratic Ukraine”, and bullying is just that, petty pranks, the main thing is to justify the fees of Western sponsors.

It happens that at night you feel that someone is lying on your bed, gently stroking you and you feel unprecedented excitement. Then something happens that people forget fear and look forward to their nightly lovers, despite the feeling of disgust. These stories are as old as time. In Russian beliefs, it was believed that the Evil One comes to the wives of soldiers or widows. And in foreign literature there is a clear classification. Succubi seduce men, incubi seduce women.

As a rule, they come when a person is in a drowsy state, and completely paralyze his body and will. The idea of ​​an incubate combines two ideas: the first of them is about the heaviness that immobilizes and suffocates a person at night; the second and probably secondary is about nocturnal sexual intercourse with some non-human creature (demon).

As long as the belief in succubi and incubi exists, the number of explanations for the nature of succubi is just as great. And researchers from different eras saw a wide variety of phenomena in succubi.

For early demonologists, apparently, succubi were a kind of dream demons, real beings of the non-human world. In the Middle Ages, their reality was not questioned, only the interpretation changed. Now these were either messengers of the devil, or he himself in female guise. Later, when it is noticed that the appearance of such mysterious lovers often occurs in a special “borderline” state of consciousness: between sleep and wakefulness, for example, skeptics will attribute succubi to various kinds of hallucinations and fantasies of a sexual nature, and occultists to the manifestation of the influence of astral light on a person.

These disgusting entities had the ability to take on a seductive bodily shell and appeared to people, as a rule, at night. An ethereal creature in the guise of a man was called an incubus (“lying on”). A demon in female guise - a succubus (“to lie under”) - appeared before men.

The incredible sexual attractiveness of these creatures was explained not only by their seductive appearance, but also by their ability to subtly sense the emotions and secret desires of a person. A luxurious woman or a young man full of strength - no matter what form the demons took - intercourse with them brought unearthly pleasure, which was accompanied by inexplicable fear and confusion.

The appearance of these insidious representatives of the dark world deserves special attention. A succubus is always a maiden of unearthly beauty and ideal build, generating unbridled desire in her lover-victim.

The situation is different with the appearance of the incubus. The shameless seducing demon could appear in the form of various animals, birds or snakes. The image of an incredibly handsome, full of strength man could be replaced by the devilish appearance of an ugly creature similar to a goat. It was believed that women were much more sinful than men, and had a wide variety of, often base and perverted, secret desires. For this reason, attractive appearance was not as important for an incubus as it was for a succubus. Often the tempters took the form of their victim's deceased lover.

Succubi and incubi embody unfulfilled desires. All fantasies, even the wildest ones. The stronger a person’s desire, the more energy the demon will receive, so everything is used - from an erotic appearance to the most secret fetishes and desires.

The nature of incubi and succubi

Who are they, the rulers of transcendental love? The most common explanation is given, as always, by the ubiquitous psychiatrists: this, they say, is a special form of self-hypnosis, when a person cannot realize the moment of transition of consciousness into a trance state. It is curious that the same psychiatrists, when their patients try to explain their “excessive” sensations with hypnosis, make a diagnosis: Kandinsky-Clerambault syndrome, or, more simply, delusion.

Church professors believe that these are demons - messengers of the devil. It is in this exquisite way that they destroy human souls, that is, they lead them to eternal destruction. But who is the devil? Evil spirit - answers the church. What is spirit? Not a single religion has a qualitative definition for it - a definition of its essence, and not a description of its properties.

The most probable hypothesis still seems to be the existence of a special, intangible world. There is no space and time - in our understanding of these categories. But it is possible that that world intersects at some level with our world, and this makes it possible for “otherworldly” inhabitants to explore our lives and ourselves.

Of course, the actions of incubi and succubi and evil spirits in general can hardly be called research, since they are disgusting and cause a feeling of disgust. But let's look at ourselves: who can guarantee that mice and rabbits experience joy when we vivisect them?

Modern evidence of encounters with incubi and succubi

Rimma talks about sexual contacts with an incubus as follows:

“When Someone comes, a chill spreads down her back, and goosebumps appear. She feels footsteps, the bed squanders when he lies down next to her. No matter how she lies, Someone climbs up from behind, she does not see him. At these moments, she is overcome by numbness , she cannot, for example, turn over from her stomach, look at him. She says that only once she managed to overcome her fear and looked back when he was leaving the bed. She saw a whitish substance similar to a human silhouette. Everything was indistinct, but it was as if his eyes very beautiful, large and expressive.

“One day I saw his hand when he put it in front of me,” she recalled. - An ordinary male hand, sparse hair is clearly visible, the hand is cool. I tried to turn around, but he pressed on my shoulder, preventing me from looking. And he removed his hand."

Rimma says that sexual intercourse always occurs only in the position from the back. Feels the weight of a normal large man. Rimma actively objects to the assumption that she is dreaming all this, and that there is actually no physical presence, because all the accompanying sounds - the creaking of the bed, breathing, noise - all this persists. But such meetings did not take place with their husbands. Usually the creature came when her husband left for work early in the morning, and she had to get up later. Sexual intercourse always ended with orgasm, and Rimma noticed that she regulates the onset of orgasm herself and achieves it when she wants: either soon, or over time. It's as if the creature guesses or knows her physiology.

Rimma firmly states that she receives pleasure from alien beings much sharper and better than from earthly men. Although she does not refuse earthly ones and regrets that her marriages or courtships fall apart.

I.R. from Vyatka:

“It all started in 1986. We were sleeping with my husband. Or rather, he was sleeping, and I heard some noise from the side. Then a man’s voice started talking to me, someone was stroking me, as if with his hands, kissing me and generally having an affair with me connection, like a man with a woman. And something strange is happening to me: my arms and legs don’t obey me, as if I were completely petrified. And only my mind is on strike against this violence.

This happened to me many times afterwards. Sometimes I managed to drive him away, sometimes he took possession of me. Then I physically felt his strong, elastic body. He seemed handsome to me, and one day I mentally asked him: “Show me your face.” And what did I see! Such a freak - covered in thorns, his face is fiery, his eyes are burning. After this time, spots that looked like splayed fingers began to appear on my body frequently in the morning, but they quickly disappeared. And when I was pregnant, I told him not to pester me anymore. And he growls: “Don’t get your hopes up, the child was conceived not from my husband, but from me.” I’m afraid to tell my husband about this, but I don’t know what to do..."

Fortunately, the fears of I.R. were in vain, the child was born absolutely normal, without any abnormalities. Now he is already in his ninth year, he looks very much like his father (I.R.’s husband). Like all boys, he is mischievous, but he studies well. The night visitor sometimes still visits I.R., but since then it’s as if he’s taken too much water in his mouth.

Love demons did not bypass the stronger half of humanity. True, all demonologists are unanimously convinced that there are ten times fewer succubi than incubi. Perhaps this is true; cases of succubat are indeed less common. It used to happen that a succubus had the appearance of a beautiful woman. Lately, the invisible people have been acting more and more. Here is an excerpt from a letter from a Moscow artist:

“I experience all the actions of this force at night. I go to bed exactly at 23 o’clock. But then, after five to ten minutes, I begin to feel a slight but frequent vibration, shaking of my bed. Then something barely perceptible rolls under the blanket and as if elastic air envelops my body. The blanket begins to float above me... This is a “friend”, “bride”, and possibly “wife” (I live alone), mysterious, more refined in her feelings and desires, every day, without delay, at 11:10 p.m. she comes to see me on a date. She immediately, as if bored by the day's separation, begins to caress me with light, airy touches. The feeling of fear is long gone - caressed, accustomed to these "tendernesses", but still disgusting , unpleasant. But the most unpleasant thing for me is that after all the gentle touches I begin to feel the impact on the sexual center... I never allow myself to be brought to climax - I sharply throw up the blanket and say seven times: “Don’t touch!” stops, but after about an hour it starts again. And so three or four times a night you have to take up your shield and sword..."

“I’ve been living with succubi for a year now. I used to think that it was all fiction, but an incident from my life helped me realize that demons live among us. One girl came to live with me. At first it seemed okay. But then for some reason I I began to constantly see dreams in which I have sex with a girl who lives with me. This girl is my relative. After such dreams, you lose a lot of strength, it’s as if a hole opens in you (energetically sucking strength and giving in return to someone unknown negativity). After living for several months, I began to wonder why I was having dreams and feeling tired, and out of sinful will, I turned to a sorcerer. He advised me to move out; I was being tormented by a demoness (succubus). It was very strange to believe it."


The Abyssinians have a saying: “When a woman sleeps alone, the devil thinks about her.” What exactly he thinks, the proverb is silent about. Although you don’t need to be a genius to guess... It’s much more interesting that the devil sometimes not only thinks, but also acts. And quite successfully. According to the testimony of the French researcher J. Delassus, in Paris alone at the end of the last century there were several women's clubs in which the only activity of thrill-seekers was summoning demon lovers.

But this phenomenon began much earlier. At the beginning of the second millennium of the current era, an “epidemic” of witchcraft, unprecedented in history, began in Western Europe. It was so powerful that in 1229 Pope Gregory IX was forced to introduce inquisitorial courts. It was then that sexual relations with evil spirits were studied and classified.

A witch (or witcher) was considered a person who consciously entered into a transaction and practical relationship with evil spirits. Sometimes such relationships included carnal relations.

Medieval church demonologists even developed a special terminology: demons who appeared to women in the guise of a man were called incubi, and demonesses who visited men were called succubi. Intimate intimacy with these creatures among witches, according to the famous Dominican inquisitors J. Sprenger and G. Institoris, occurred as follows:

“For a witch, the incubus demon always acts visibly, since, due to the agreement concluded between them, he does not need to approach her invisible. As for those around them, many often saw how witches lay on their backs, bare below the navel, and, giving their legs a position corresponding to lewdness, moved their hips and legs, while the incubus demons acted invisible to others, although at the end of the act from the witch completely black steam rose into the air, but this happened very rarely..."

At the instigation of witches or of their own free will, prodigal demons can attack ordinary people who have never practiced witchcraft. Sometimes, for this purpose, they first possess someone, and then force the possessed person to commit violence.

But much more often, incubi and succubi act without intermediaries. One of the signs of an incubus attack is that all possible witnesses nearby fall into a deep sleep. In addition, rapist incubi almost never show their appearance. And they act wisely, because they look pretty disgusting. It happens that after night vigils with such a “visitor”, reddish marks remain on a woman’s body, as if after a slight burn, resembling the prints of hands, cat or dog paws and, occasionally, letters and numbers.

The nature of incubi and succubi

Who are they, the rulers of transcendental love? The most common explanation is given, as always, by the ubiquitous psychiatrists: this, they say, is a special form of self-hypnosis, when a person cannot realize the moment of transition of consciousness into a trance state. It is curious that the same psychiatrists, when their patients try to explain their “excessive” sensations with hypnosis, make a diagnosis: Kandinsky-Clerambault syndrome, or, more simply, delusion.

Church professors believe that these are demons - messengers of the devil. It is in this exquisite way that they destroy human souls, that is, they lead them to eternal destruction. But who is the devil? Evil spirit - answers the church. What is spirit? Not a single religion has a qualitative definition for it - a definition of its essence, and not a description of its properties.

The most probable hypothesis still seems to be the existence of a special, intangible world. There is no space and time - in our understanding of these categories. But it is possible that that world intersects at some level with our world, and this makes it possible for “otherworldly” inhabitants to explore our lives and ourselves.

Of course, the actions of incubi and succubi and evil spirits in general can hardly be called research, since they are disgusting and cause a feeling of disgust. But let's look at ourselves: who can guarantee that mice and rabbits experience joy when we vivisect them?

Is it possible to give birth to an incubus?

As for pregnancy, after intercourse with an incubus it is most often false. However, the real one is quite likely. In fact, if a poltergeist can transport various objects, substances, including liquids, why not assume that an incubus is in the same way capable of transporting male seed expelled, say, during a wet dream? And if medicine has been practicing artificial conception for many years, isn’t this within the capabilities of a being whose capabilities are many orders of magnitude greater than any doctor’s? The answers seem to be contained in the questions themselves.

In the old days, all those who had some kind of atavism were considered children born from incubi. We have even received fantastic reports about half-animal babies with the head of a wolf or, say, the legs of a goat. It was also believed that the offspring of demons could have a normal human appearance. But all the same, at least something definitely distinguishes them from ordinary children: either too much weight, or an incredible appetite, which, however, does not lead to obesity.

Modern evidence of encounters with incubi and succubi

The same thing happens today. As, for example, with I.R. from Vyatka.

“It all started in 1986,” she said in her letter. - I sleep with my husband. Or rather, he is sleeping, and I hear some noise from the side. Then a man’s voice begins to talk to me, someone strokes me, as if with his hands, kisses me and generally has a connection with me, like a man with a woman. Moreover, something strange is happening to me: my arms and legs don’t obey me, as if I were completely petrified. And only my mind goes on strike against this violence.

This happened to me many times afterwards. Sometimes I managed to drive him away, sometimes he took possession of me. Then I physically felt his strong, elastic body. He seemed handsome to me, and one day I mentally asked him: “Show me your face.” And what did I see! Such a freak - covered in thorns, his face is fiery, his eyes are burning. After this time, spots that looked like splayed fingers began to appear on my body frequently in the morning, but they quickly disappeared. And when I was pregnant, I told him not to pester me anymore. And he growls: “Don’t get your hopes up, the child was conceived not from my husband, but from me.” I’m afraid to tell my husband about this, but I don’t know what to do...”

Fortunately, the fears of I.R. turned out to be in vain. A few months later, she again sent a letter in which she said that the child was born absolutely normal, without any abnormalities. Now he is already in his ninth year, he looks very much like his father (I.R.’s husband). Like all boys, he is mischievous, but he studies well. The night visitor sometimes still visits I.R., but since then it’s as if his mouth has taken on water.

Well, it couldn’t have been any other way: the injured party had nothing to do with the witches and did not enter into an agreement with the unclean spirit. In such cases, the incubus cannot exercise undivided power over its offspring, and it is simply unprofitable for it to spend “vital energy”, precious for spiritual beings, on this.

But as soon as a woman allows even a slight compromise, everything can turn out differently, as it happened with N.B. from Ufa:

“I’m twenty-three years old... I’ve never been involved in spiritualism, but then on Christmas my sister persuaded me. Among others, we summoned the spirit of my loved one, who committed suicide some time ago... I became interested, and then I repeatedly communicated with him on my own, when no one was at home, using a magic pendulum and alphabet.

At the end of February, after another communication session, the spirit did not leave, as usual, but remained with me. Something clicked in my head, then a “voice” appeared and began to talk to me. The voice was alien, not the same as my beloved.

Now I understand that some demon was attached to me, but then for some reason I didn’t realize it. The demon began to force me to cohabitate. When I went to bed and closed my eyes, he persuaded me, “drew” pleasant erotic pictures, and sometimes scared me with scary faces. And I gave in to his temptation...

One day I realized that I was pregnant. Don’t think I’m crazy, but for the last year and a half before this, I hadn’t had intimacy with men... That’s when it dawned on me what kind of mess I’d gotten myself into.

The demon began to take care of me in everything, and I increasingly thought about abortion. But I didn't want to be a child killer. And then I prayed to God: if this fruit was sent to me by evil spirits, let me have a miscarriage.

Amazingly, after an hour I had the first discharge, and by the end of the next day everything happened as I asked...”

Spiritualism, like any other method of summoning spirits, is precisely a witchcraft procedure. In addition, this woman, without realizing it, entered into a deal with one of the demons: she gave herself to him in exchange for satisfying her own curiosity or even receiving pleasure. Although, judging by numerous descriptions, the pleasures of such sex are very doubtful: instead of them, very often women experience pain, since the incubus’s genital organ seems very hard (“like steel”), sharp (“like a knife”) and cold (“like ice”) "), and sometimes “horns” also grow on it.

As already mentioned, love demons did not bypass the stronger half of humanity. True, all demonologists are unanimously convinced that there are ten times fewer succubi than incubi. Perhaps this is true; cases of succubat are indeed less common. It used to happen that a succubus had the appearance of a beautiful woman. Lately, the invisible people have been acting more and more. Here is an excerpt from a letter from a Moscow artist:

“I experience all the actions of this force at night. I go to bed exactly at 23 o'clock. But then, after five to ten minutes, I begin to feel a slight but frequent vibration, shaking of my bed. Then, barely perceptibly, something rolls under the blanket and, like elastic air, envelops my body. The blanket begins to float above me... This is a “friend”, “bride”, and possibly “wife” (I live alone), mysterious, more refined in her feelings and desires, every day, without delay, at 23:10 minutes comes to see me on a date. She immediately, as if bored by the day’s separation, begins to caress me with light, airy touches. The feeling of fear has long been gone - I’ve been treated kindly, I’ve gotten used to these “tendernesses”, but it’s still disgusting, unpleasant. But the most unpleasant thing for me is that after all the gentle touches I begin to feel the impact on the sexual center... I never allow myself to be brought to climax - I sharply throw up the blanket and say seven times: “Don’t touch!” Everything stops, but after about an hour it starts again. And so three or four times a night you have to take up your shield and sword..."

Here are several modern cases told by ufologist from the city of Volzhsky G. Belimov:

“After the publication of my book “In touch - other worlds,” which described in detail the unusual contacts, including sexual ones, that took place with Tatyana Anatolyevna V., a resident of the city of Volzhsky contacted me and asked to meet with her daughter, where a similar story is happening. At that time, my daughter was 34 years old, she had four unsuccessful marriages, she had a 13-year-old son, but in general her personal life was not going well. The mother believes it is because of the creature who will not leave her daughter as a sexual partner. Since then, for several years, I have been keeping abreast of events with Rimma - let's call this young woman that way.

It turned out that Rimma first felt an outside presence at the age of 17, shortly after she began dating men. She was and to this day remains a rather interesting and sociable woman, and knows how to please men.

But first, it should be noted that from childhood, Rimma possessed some special qualities: she often and with pleasure flew in her dreams. Moreover, the flight dreams were varied, sometimes in completely unfamiliar places, as if on another planet, and most often over water spaces. Often flights were provoked by chases that preceded them - she would escape from some terrible creatures, and then fly. The nightmares recurred quite often. But she liked the flights themselves so much that she “wanted to cry with happiness.”

Another feature was that sometimes in these dreams she ended up in... well, let's say, in the afterlife. I mainly saw my deceased grandmother and some other relatives, but not only. As soon as someone died somewhere, that dead person could appear in her dreams. So Viktor Tsoi, Talkov, Vysotsky, her friend’s deceased fiancé and other people, sometimes previously unknown to her, came to her. Rimma communicates often with her deceased grandmother. She talks to her, shows her her house, a two-story cottage, beautiful trees nearby. One day I flew past and saw my grandmother dancing in her garden and singing songs. That is, “there” she is completely happy.

Rimma talks about sexual contacts with an alien being:

When Someone comes, a chill runs down her spine and she gets goosebumps. She feels footsteps, the bed squanders as he lies down next to her. No matter how she lies, Someone climbs up from behind, she doesn’t see him. At these moments she is overcome by numbness; she cannot, for example, turn over from her stomach or look at him. She says that only once was she able to overcome her fear and looked back when he was leaving the bed. I saw a whitish substance similar to a human silhouette. Everything is indistinct, but the eyes seem to be very beautiful, large and expressive.

“One day I saw his hand when he put it in front of me,” she recalled. – An ordinary man’s hand, sparse hair is clearly visible, the hand is cool. I tried to turn around, but he pressed on my shoulder, preventing me from looking. And he removed his hand.”

Sexual intercourse always occurs only in the position from the back. Feels the weight of a normal large man. Rimma actively objects to the assumption that she is dreaming all this, and that there is actually no physical presence, because all the accompanying sounds - the creaking of the bed, breathing, noise - all this persists. But such meetings did not take place with their husbands. Usually the creature came when her husband left for work early in the morning, and she had to get up later. Sexual intercourse always ended with orgasm, and Rimma noticed that she regulates the onset of orgasm herself and achieves it when she wants: either soon, or over time. It's as if the creature guesses or knows her physiology.

Rimma firmly states that she receives pleasure from alien beings much sharper and better than from earthly men. Although she does not refuse earthly ones and regrets that her marriages or courtships fall apart.

He believes that his first marriage did not break up due to a connection with another being. And the following - yes, perhaps that’s why: I felt discomfort, dissatisfaction when I involuntarily compared partners. True, men, in a strange way, did not stay near her.

For example, over the years, several meetings were interrupted due to some force majeure circumstances occurring with her partners. Either someone’s job and earnings went to hell, then someone’s apartment was robbed, then he suffered some serious illness, then he was arrested and had to sort things out with the police. Someone was drinking...

The stories did not repeat themselves, but they no longer seemed random. She and her mother visited healers and witches, they identified Rimma’s “crown of celibacy”, assured that they would remove it or have removed it, but despite the costs, Rimma still remains alone.

It is also curious that dogs, which she loves madly, do not live in Rimma’s family for a long time. They all died under different circumstances. And then everyone comes to her in dreams. Therefore, she believes that dogs also have souls. And her beloved puppy not only dreams, but sometimes comes to her at night and lies at her feet as he did during life. She feels the dog’s heaviness, his breathing...

All of a sudden, her first dog's bones began to deteriorate. He was crumbling all over and couldn’t get up. The second dog was handsome, but with a defect, he could not perform at exhibitions. He disappeared somewhere, but judging by the fact that he appears in dreams, he apparently died. The third dog was hit by a car as an adult. Rimma does not rule out that the dogs are eliminated by a creature from another world. Why? “He sees that I’m shaking over the dog, I love him - that means he needs to be removed.” Now she doesn’t get dogs out of pity for animals.

After conversations with me and at my request, Rimma tried to enter into a verbal conversation with the creature, although, as a rule, she did not succeed. When he came one day in the morning, she woke up as if with a jolt. Mentally asked “Why are you coming?” She repeated it twice. I heard him approach the bed, take a bottle of juice from the floor, and finish it. Then he left. She heard the knock of the bottle, in the morning she saw that it was empty, through her eyelids she saw a dark silhouette in the twilight of the room. He didn't seem to like her curiosity.

He came to her again only a few days later, even lay down on the bed, but did not engage in sexual contact. One day she heard his quiet, hissing words, as if through force: “I’m protecting you. It's not for long". What it protects from, and how to understand “for a short time”, if all this has been going on for 19 years, cannot be answered. Communicates in Russian. Sometimes during intercourse he hisses and whispers in her ear: “Rimma, Rimmulya...” If he happens to kiss her ear, then it seems to freeze, temporarily loses sensitivity, although his body itself is not cold and does not cause any discomfort.

She answered my questions about some of the features of these contacts frankly, as far as the situation allowed us to talk “eye to eye.”

For example, she doesn’t have to undress, because since childhood she sleeps in only a nightgown, and in the summer she’s completely naked. Usually sleeps on his stomach. She is not afraid of getting pregnant, since she uses an IUD, but if she were to become pregnant, she would like to see who she would give birth to from this creature, because it is “interesting.” The partner does not feel the seminal fluid, although there may still be some slight discharge. She confidently speaks about the materiality of the hand, which she herself saw, but she doesn’t know whether it will all materialize. Can't turn around when he leaves. She is immediately taken over by sleep. However, it loses energy, and a lot. After the night she gets up weak and sleep deprived. The creature understands the problem of “critical days” and does not come on these days. The frequency of contacts fluctuates. It happens once a month, and sometimes several times a week. Once, after her devout brother had been visiting her for a month, he did not come for two or three months, but then he appeared, and everything continues to this day.

Interestingly, moving from the north, where their family previously lived, did not affect their relationship. They did not interrupt, the creature did not disappear anywhere, as if accompanies her wherever she went. But the initiative - to come or not to come - comes only from him. Her desires, including sexual ones, are hardly taken into account.

Rimma was advised to contact me by her mother, Galina Alekseevna. In addition to her daughter’s celibacy, she is also concerned about her daughter’s health. Rimma got gastritis from a young age, which developed into an ulcer. There is a fear that a cancerous tumor may form or further deterioration of health. I suggested that Rimma meet and undergo treatment with Volgograd healers who practice treatment according to the method of MAI Academician V.M. Privalova (rehabilitation of post-contact situations). However, Rimma refused for two reasons: she is not baptized and does not believe in God, and she did not want to be baptized for treatment. The second reason: she does not want to break off the connection with a foreign being, because she is used to it and she likes sexual relations with him. They, according to her, are better and brighter than with men. There seems to be no exacerbation of the ulcer now, but a severe allergy has emerged from new sores. A possible reason is loss of energy, but in principle for our city of “Big Chemistry” allergic diseases are not surprising.

I still remain aware of this situation, but it is not possible to extract much information, say, by talking with the help of a woman to that creature. Rimma still cannot overcome her numbness and inhibition in her relationship with him. Where the creature comes from - from another, parallel world or, say, from the other world - remains unclear. However, in connection with her “astral travel,” it can be assumed that her partner is a being from the astral world, which we, researchers, know very, very roughly.

From the archive of Valentin Golts, an expert of the Anomaly newspaper, I learned about a similar one-time incident with a certain Galina Andreevna (according to the original recording - Galina Andreevna Borzova - M.G.) from St. Petersburg. A similar story happened to her in March 1982.

She says that she was visiting a friend and went to bed at two in the morning. I woke up from a strange sound, as if something metal was being drawn across the glass. “Suddenly I felt,” I quote, “that, starting from my feet, something heavy began to fall on me, pressing down. On the wall, against the background of the carpet, I saw a loose shadow appear, and on my back lay a figure with a large head and a wide back. And suddenly the act began. My fear suddenly passed, since you are doing this, then be kind... The feeling was wonderful. Much better than with an earthly creature. Then there was a feeling that I was wrapped in warmth, bliss and affection. Then the shadow and heaviness began to evaporate, as it were, from the sides to the middle of the back. The stiffness of the neck, head, and arms disappeared. No fear, no constraint. I sat up on the bed, stunned, wondering whether I was dreaming or not. But the feeling was very real, still not a dream. The friend next to me was sleeping deeply and didn’t even move. I've never had erotic dreams before. Then I told my mom. She said that this happened to her twice in her youth.” (“Anomaly” No. 20, 1997)

We see that, without saying a word, both women talk about approximately the same sensations when contacting unknown creatures. According to other testimonies of victims, an identical picture emerges. If we recall ancient legends, prayers for protection from sexual aggression of certain spirits, descriptions of succubi and incubi, we can conclude that representatives of some other world often undertook and continue to carry out sexual contacts with earthlings. These creatures are humanoid and most likely have functionally similar methods of reproduction and sexual relations. Without being able to describe these creatures, I at least state their presence, which means I also state evidence of the presence of other worlds and other intelligent life.

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Incubi and succubi in medieval demonology ( A.E. Makhov)
Succubi and incubi: history of study
Stories from life about meetings with succubi and incubi. Part 1
The tragedy of the forest wilderness. How the forest undead defeated me ( Vladimir Korolenko)
Succubi and incubi in the views of occultists

Most often mention of succubi And incubi causes an ambiguous grin due to associations with some kind of forbidden sexual games. But not everything is so harmless. Incubi and succubi are demonic entities that feed on a person’s sexual energy by engaging in sexual contact with them.

As a rule, they come when a person is in a drowsy state, and completely paralyze his body and will. During sexual intercourse, the victim of an attack experiences the highest degree of pleasure, but this does not prevent her from simultaneously experiencing fear and confusion.


Sexual energy is the most powerful source of nutrition for energy vampires. It was they who came to people from ancient times under the guise of succubi and incubi in order to have sexual intercourse with them. So who are they, these sleep demons?

Incubi in medieval Europe were called dissolute demons who visited women at night and seduced them in their sleep. The word "incubus" comes from the Latin "incubare", which means "to lie on". The most delicious prey for incubi were nuns. A succubus (from Latin succuba, concubine) is a demoness in medieval legends who visits young men at night and causes them to have voluptuous dreams.

However, another Latin word was used to designate this creature - succubus ("to lie under"), which is masculine. This is probably due to the fact that, according to demonologists, a succubus is a devil in female form. Succubi preferred to seduce hermits and priests, not disdaining, however, the sinful male population.

It is difficult to say what succubi and incubi look like, since they can take on different forms. Most often, the incubus is described as a disgusting creature resembling a goat, although this description fits most demons of the Middle Ages. The Compendium Maleficarum, an occult book published in 1608, says: “The incubus can take on both male and female forms, sometimes it appears as a man in the prime of life, sometimes as a satyr; in front of a woman who is known as a witch, he usually takes the form of a lustful goat.”

In addition, a demon can appear to a person in the form of a dog, cat, deer, bull, raven, stork, or snake. However, you must admit that not all of these images are acceptable for a sexual relationship with a woman, so in the Middle Ages it was believed that demons could acquire a bodily shell by possessing another person, or using the bodies of recently hanged people for contact. And sometimes they force you to come up with an image of a partner and then appear in this image.

As for succubi, they visit men in the form of beautiful demonesses with clawed feet and webbed wings.


Researchers from different eras have several opinions about the nature of the appearance of succubi and incubi. Early demonologists believed that these were a kind of dream demons, real creatures of another, parallel world. There is no space and time in our understanding. But it is possible that that world intersects at some level with our world, and this provides an opportunity for otherworldly inhabitants to explore our lives and ourselves.

In the Middle Ages, demonologists began to believe that these entities were messengers of the devil or himself, in person. It is in this exquisite way that demons destroy human souls, that is, they lead them to eternal destruction. Another interesting version is that succubi and incubi are the children of Lilith, Adam’s first wife.

And someone saw them as spirits of nature. For example, in 1801, Francis Barrett's The Magus said: “When the forest nymphs and fauns saw that they were superior in beauty to other spirits, they began to produce offspring and began to marry men, imagining that by such intercourse they would gain immortality. soul for yourself and your descendants." It is interesting that in the pre-Christian era, kinship with any spirit was a source of pride for the family.

Scientists also have their own opinion on this matter. They believe that the appearance of these entities is associated with erotic experiences against the background of prolonged abstinence, flowing into erotic dreams. This version can be confirmed by the fact that most often monks appear in various stories about encounters with succubi. Perhaps their psyche is in this way trying to compensate for the deprivations of an ascetic lifestyle.

Perhaps the most interesting is the story of Pope Sylvester II (999-1003), described by Walter Mapes in De Nugis Curialium (c. 1185). According to her, the future dad once met a girl of amazing beauty named Meridiana, who promised the young man wealth and her magical services if he agreed to be with her. The young man agreed. Every night he enjoyed the company of his mysterious lover. And it was she who helped his rapid ascent in the Catholic hierarchy.


If succubi and incubi are unreal creatures, then the question arises about the origin of their seed. In the Middle Ages, most experts were inclined to believe that succubi stole male semen and either passed it on to incubi, or turned into them themselves in order to spend the night with a woman and conceive another devil's offspring. This is, for example, mentioned in the treatise “The Witches Hammer”.

All stories about the sexual exploits of these demons talk about the cold seed of the incubi. At the same time, it is emphasized that the demon, although he tries to warm him up, cannot overcome this lack of his sexual nature.

The Holy Inquisition collected a lot of information about sexual contacts with the devil. Thus, in 1660, the witch Isabel Gowdy testified: “The devil was as cold as spring water within me.” Another “victim,” Zhanna Abadie, admitted to the demonologist that the devil’s seed was unusually cold, so she could not become pregnant from him.

A logical question arises: if the seed is cold, that is, no longer suitable for conception, then why do the partners of incubi still become pregnant? Demonologists puzzled over the answer for a long time, until they finally came to the conclusion that demons have the ability to move so quickly that the stolen seed does not have time to lose its viability.


Thus, some myths claim that the father of the legendary sorcerer Merlin was the incubus who seduced the nun. The same treatise says that the children of incubi and earthly women are stronger and more capable than ordinary offspring, since “demons can know the power of the spilled seed” and choose the most suitable partner for procreation, and even at the most favorable time. Paradoxically, it turns out that they contribute to the improvement of the human race.

An example of the offspring of incubi is Gilles de Laval de Retz, commonly known as Bluebeard. A comrade-in-arms of Joan of Arc, he was already a marshal of France at the age of 25. This notorious scoundrel has 800 tortured and killed children. However, shortly before the execution to which the court sentenced him, he repented and even received absolution.

From this we can conclude that the offspring of demons can count on the salvation of their souls, unlike their parents. Perhaps this is why the incubi, jealous of the immortality of the human soul, through an alliance with people, strive to give the same soul to their children.


Encounters with succubi and incubi still occur today. Ufologist G. Belimov, who lives in the city of Volzhsky, spoke about one of these cases. One day the mother of a 34-year-old woman approached him. She was worried that, despite her youth, her daughter had already been married four times.

She believed that her daughter's personal life was not working out because of some entity visiting her and having sexual contact with her. The daughter's first meeting with the incubus took place when the girl turned 17 and men began to appear in her life.

The young woman said that at night she felt cold, heard footsteps and felt that someone was lying down next to her. Moreover, no matter what position she lay in, he always approached from behind, so she could not see the demon. Since the victims of incubi always fall into a stupor, there was no way to turn and look at the sensualist: “Once I saw his hand when he put it in front of me.

An ordinary man's hand, sparse hair is clearly visible, the hand is cool. I tried to turn around, but he pressed on my shoulder, preventing me from looking. And he removed his hand. Sexual intercourse always occurs only in the position from the back. You feel the weight of a normal large man.” One could attribute everything to a dream, but she clearly heard the creaking of the bed, his breathing and other accompanying noises.

It must be said that the demon did not appear in the presence of her husband. He came only when the woman was alone. Moreover, sexual intercourse always ended with an orgasm, which she received whenever she wanted. The woman noted that the sensations were much sharper than with an ordinary man. She suggests that her marriages failed because she unwittingly compared partners.

In addition, her relationships with men ended due to strange force majeure circumstances that occurred with her partners. Either problems with work, then moving, then illness, then arrest, then alcohol. There was always something new, but it happened too naturally to be mistaken for random coincidences.

At Belimov’s request, she tried to talk with the guest, but the dialogue did not work. When the woman began to persistently ask him the question: “Why are you coming?”, the demon left and returned only a few days later, and for some time did not have sexual contact with her. She noted that although she felt that his body was cold, it did not cause discomfort.

She did not feel her partner's seed. After he left, she immediately fell into a deep sleep. Nevertheless, after each night of love, the woman felt weak and sleep-deprived. The demon appeared spontaneously, he could come several times a week, but it happened that only once a month, that is, the initiative came exclusively from him. But he never appeared on “critical days.”

The newspaper “Anomaly” once told a story that happened to a woman from St. Petersburg in March 1982. One day, while spending the night with a friend, she woke up from an unpleasant sound - iron grinding on glass:

“Suddenly I felt that, starting from my legs, something heavy began to fall on me, pressing down. On the wall, against the background of the carpet, I saw a loose shadow appear, and on my back lay a figure with a large head and a wide back. And suddenly the act began. My fear suddenly passed, since you are doing this, then be kind... The feeling was wonderful. Much better than with an earthly creature. Then there was a feeling that I was wrapped in warmth, bliss and affection. Then the shadow and heaviness began to evaporate from the sides to the middle of the back.

The stiffness of the neck, head, and arms disappeared. No fear, no constraint. I sat up on the bed, stunned, wondering whether I was dreaming or not. But the feeling was very real, still not a dream. The friend next to me was sleeping deeply, she didn’t even move. I had never had erotic dreams before. She told her mother about what happened. She replied that this happened to her twice in her youth.”

It turns out that both women describe the same sensations from contact with an incubus, which means this cannot be fiction.

Dissolute demons visit not only women, they also come to men, although much less often. Demonologists believe that there are ten times fewer succubi than incubi. And if earlier, seducing a man, they came to him in the form of a captivating beauty, but nowadays they are invisible.

A certain Moscow artist talks about his encounters with a succubus:

“I experience all the actions of this force at night. I go to bed exactly at 23 o'clock. But then, after five to ten minutes, I begin to feel a slight but frequent vibration and shaking of my bed.

Then, barely perceptibly, something rolls under the blanket and, like elastic air, envelops my body. The blanket begins to float above me... This is a “friend”, “bride”, and possibly “wife” (I live alone), mysterious, more refined in her feelings and desires, every day, without delay, at 23:10 minutes comes to see me on a date. She immediately, as if bored by the day’s separation, begins to caress me with light, airy touches.

The feeling of fear has long been gone - I’ve been treated kindly, I’ve gotten used to these “tendernesses”, but it’s still disgusting, unpleasant. But the most unpleasant thing for me is that after all the gentle touches I begin to feel the impact on the sexual center... I never allow myself to be brought to climax - I sharply throw up the blanket and say seven times: “Don’t touch!” Everything stops, but after about an hour it starts again. And so three or four times a night you have to take up your shield and sword..."


At all times, a relationship with an incubus has been equated to bestiality, and with a succubus - to sodomy, since a succubus is the same devil, only in a female form. Essentially speaking, an attack by an incubus or succubus is rape, because most often sexual intercourse is performed without the consent of the victim. And the state of a person after such a visit is very reminiscent of the state of a person raped: a feeling of weakness, devastation, the body aches, you don’t want to live.

It is difficult to resist the harassment of demons; it requires willpower and the ability to switch your thoughts to other topics without returning to the sexual topic.

According to believers, during the period of exorcism of the demon it is strictly forbidden to eat meat and drink alcoholic beverages. Every day from 11 pm to 2 am a lamp should burn in front of the image of Jesus Christ.

Before going to bed, the bedroom should be ventilated and fumigated with incense. On the eastern side an image of the Most Holy Theotokos is placed, in front of which a pure wax candle is lit. The Lord's Prayer and other prayers are read to help get rid of uninvited guests.


Enslaving. Then they believed in its reality. Today, there are also dreamers who want to communicate with this entity. Is it possible? What is a succubus? Is it dangerous or not? Let's figure it out.

The devil in female form

In the Middle Ages, a lot of attention in society was paid to the observance of religious traditions and purity of the soul. This led to some distortions. It is difficult to get people to voluntarily subject themselves to restrictions. A man goes to a monastery, for example. He has to give up his natural desires and needs all his life. You will inevitably have erotic dreams. As a rule, a succubus appears in them. This is a beautiful naked woman with wings behind her back. This is, in any case, how the demon is described in But he only looks like a woman. But in fact, a succubus is the embodiment of the devil. His goal is to capture the life energy of the one to whom he appears. It is quite appropriate to use any pronoun here. After all, the devil is sexless. Or rather, he can become both a man and a woman at will. The devil came to the monks in a female form, as it is written in ancient books. He visited their sisters in faith in the form of a beautiful man.

How does a succubus work?

It is only in legends that everything ends with the victory of good over evil. In real life (especially medieval life) everything was much worse. The demon succubus comes when a man has no strength to resist, he is weakened by his own passions. From legends it is known that this creature appears in the silence and solitude of the night. And this is the time of secret passions and hot dreams. The dissolute demons of medieval legends are said to read the fantasies of their victims. They take on the most pleasant appearance for this person, becoming the embodiment of his secret, sometimes unknown, unconscious desires. The essence acts very subtly. She copies behavior and manners that are pleasing to the victim, not just her appearance. This is a very dangerous seductress. Few people manage to escape the demon's clutches. After all, you have to fight your own thirst for spirit and body.

What is the power of a demon?

In fact, when a demoness of lust appears, it is not yet a danger. She receives strength only after sexual contact. While the process of seduction is underway, she can still be defeated. And this, as described by medieval authors, was achieved by some worthy representatives of the male race. It is believed that you need to have true faith in God, willpower and perseverance in order not to succumb to temptation. There are probably few such people nowadays. After all, we live in a world where people are allowed much more, and the concept of sin is blurred. A succubus seduces its victim. For this, the entity spares no effort. It is important for her to get the first contact. Afterwards, the victim becomes completely dependent on the demoness. A person loses his will. He is completely subservient to the devilish essence. If you look at his aura, it turns out that it is all affected by dark spots corresponding to diseases and troubles. And the size of the field is constantly shrinking. Although the victim will not die immediately. The demoness will support her strength until she fully realizes her own goals. It is worth noting here that a succubus may well begin to seduce a woman. There are no prohibitions in our world. Consequently, the other side of the world is also devoid of them.

Is this bad?

Someone will say that many lovers are no different from the victims of a succubus. This is not true. It is one thing to fear the loss of a loved one, and another to be enslaved by a demon. This creature is devoid of our usual logic, kindness or compassion. He has completely different goals and objectives. It squeezes the victim's soul to the very last drop. You know that a person has several bodies. We perceive and see only the physical. This is precisely what the succubus is not interested in. It is important for him to take possession of all the others, called the soul. An immortal part of our personality, according to Holy Scripture. This leads to the complete destruction of man. They used to believe that even death was better than such punishment. Now people have a different attitude towards themselves, and towards the soul, and towards immortality too.

Is it worth calling a demoness?

How to meet a magical dream (this is how some people imagine a succubus)? There are special methods described in ancient treatises. We won't touch them. After all, instead of a complex ritual, you can take just a few simple steps. Imagine the conditions in which people lived before. The dissolute demons from medieval legends did not come to everyone. They chose a victim, consumed by passions, overwhelmed by secret, lustful desires. They satisfied them. To meet a demoness, just create the same conditions for yourself. She will certainly burst into your dreams first, and then into your life. But is it worth doing? Decide for yourself, armed with the idea that you may lose more at the end of history than you realize now.

What happens to the victim

Surely the reasoning that the demon takes out the soul is not taken very seriously by the reader. After all, not everyone understands what we are talking about. Well, there's some soul there. Who saw her? Fiction, and that's all. Those who happened to fall under the influence of the demoness will not agree with such reasoning. They describe that a person becomes a real madman. He ceases to be interested in ordinary human joys. It’s especially scary when a guy in love finds himself in such a situation. The poison of a succubus is worse than damage or a curse. It changes the worldview, thoughts, kills feelings. The victim becomes selfish and greedy. She has only one obsessive desire - to be close to her enslaver again. He becomes rude, inattentive, and cruel. Communicating with such a person is a real punishment. And you won’t envy him either. After all, the demon amuses his body for a reason. The succubus forces him to do many disgusting things, even crimes. At the same time, the victim herself understands that she is plunging deeper into sin, but is unable to resist.

Why are demons getting stronger?

Probably those prophets who spoke about the “end times” were right. Our world is darker than the medieval one, although we don’t notice it. Take, for example, the book Dreams of a Succubus. A wonderful work written in a fantasy style. But it only looks like entertaining reading. His goal is to push everyone who comes into contact with his passions. After watching the film based on the book, young people begin to dream of their own demoness, not realizing the riskiness of this fantasy. This is another front of the great war of light and darkness that is going on on the planet. And, by the way, there are more and more supporters of the devil. He is cunning and dangerous. Luring weak people with their own dreams. But to give in to it is to lose the only opportunity to get real happiness on earth! Although there are people who choose an artificial, fictional world. Should we condemn them?

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