Where does Ladybug Hawkmoth live? Gabriel Agreste: complete information about the character. Skills in other forms

Gabriel Agreste is the main antagonist of the popular animated series Ladybug and Cat Noir. This seemingly ordinary character is fond of fashion, but in reality he harbors the most vile plans. Various information about this antihero is present in the article.

general information

It is known for certain about Gabriel Agreste that he is a good fashion designer and an excellent entrepreneur. The brand named after him is considered the most prestigious in Paris, which indicates successful decisions in this direction. His son Adrian says he has changed for the worse since his wife disappeared. The anti-hero takes the form of Hawk Moth with the help of the Moth Stone artifact and the captured kwami ​​Nuuru. In this form, he creates villains using a substance called Akum. One day he used its power on himself and turned into a villain named the Collector. He does not show his abilities in plain sight, because as Hawkmoth he is transformed, and no one can discern in him that same successful fashion designer.

Character appearance

Gabriel Agreste in his human form has white hair and dark blue eyes. He always wears a white jacket, which contrasts perfectly with his red trousers and tie. Black glasses are a permanent accessory. When a character becomes Hawkmoth, his appearance completely changes. His eyes turn purple, as does his shirt. A black vest with a pink butterfly on the neck, inside of which there is a button, contrasts perfectly with each other. The outfit is completed with black pants and matching gloves. Hawkmoth's face is always hidden under a dark mask with a pink outline, which appears when he controls the akuma's victim. This method creates a contract with a new villain. As the Collector, Gabriel Agreste wears a black jumpsuit and the same shoes, but with a white heel. His skin takes on a light purple hue, and his eyes become bright red. A character's appearance reflects his intentions and plans.

Abilities as Hawkmoth

When Gabriel Agreste tries on the image of Hawkmoth in the animated series “Lady Bug and Super Cat,” he is transformed not only in appearance: he gains one strong ability. It consists of subjugating people and empowering them. A man can create any warrior for his own selfish purposes, since the victim cannot resist. With the help of a butterfly, the akuma's will is subjugated, which was shown in various episodes. When creating this substance, a good purpose was pursued in the form of fulfilling various desires of people. Only the fact that evil intentions can also arise was not taken into account. Hawkmoth uses Akuma for precisely such purposes - creating a wide variety of villains and controlling them. He can also hold his own in close combat if he has to. There is always a sword in his cane, which he wields skillfully.

Skills in other forms

When Gabriel Agreste from Ladybug plays as the Collector, he uses his sketchbook as his main weapon. It has and always returns to its owner. Moreover, any touch of an object or person will make it disappear from the real world and appear on the pages of the notebook in the form of a detailed drawing.

It is known from the series that the Collector has power over things from the pages of his weapon. He can remove them, but it is unknown with what effect. The authors of the cartoon did not show whether a complete disappearance occurs or whether they return to the real world. Often the sketchbook acts as a defense if someone gets too close to the Collector. He simply opens it and holds it in front of him. At the same time, his parameters of agility, strength and speed of movements are overestimated. All villains who are created with the help of Akuma are endowed with this.

Character of the hero

In fanfiction, Gabriel Agreste, as in the main storyline, shows himself to be a strict and reserved person. The harsh upbringing of his son testifies to this. never left their home in his entire life. This character's behavior was greatly influenced by the disappearance of his wife. The moment he transforms into Hawk Moth, his character completely changes. The main features of this image are cunning, determination and cold calculation of all actions. He hunts for all the Miracle Stones to gain divine power to make his deepest desire come true.

Hawk Moth has an excellent quality of ingratiating himself with people, showing people that he cares about their experiences and problems. Using this method, he selects Akuma victims who, due to the action of the substance, will become supervillains. He convinces people that they can use the powers given to them for their own purposes, but in reality he is only interested in the Stones. After the contract is concluded, Hawkmoth begins to give orders, and the villains only obey.

Attitude towards other people

Abriel Agreste and his wife were a great couple until she disappeared, which became the reason for the metamorphosis in the behavior and character of the anti-hero. He has distanced himself significantly from his son, although he tries to show concern. He constantly sets a schedule for him and wants him to stick to it.

He is impatient with his assistant Natalie, constantly dissatisfied with the fact that she gets confused in her affairs, but trusts her completely. Only she knows that Gabriel is turning into Hawkmoth.

He treated a guy named Nino extremely cruelly, because he considered his influence on his son inappropriate. After several quarrels, he akumatized him and made him his puppet to achieve his goals.

Agreste is such a multifaceted character that he can behave differently in different situations, but he always has his own motives in mind, which is what the audience liked.

The animated series "Lady Bug and Super-Cat" keeps a lot of secrets. One of them is who is hiding behind Hawkmoth's mask?
All episodes of the first season have not yet been released in Russian dubbing, but in any case, in the first season, the identity of Hawkmoth was never revealed. Although viewers in some countries could already see some interesting hints.

We would like to talk about them now, so if you want these hints to remain a surprise for you, it is better to skip this article.
First of all, we will talk about the series “Origin part 1”, which shows how Marinette and Adrian received their miracle stones and became Lady Bug and Super-Cat.
At the beginning of this episode, we are shown how Hawkmoth first met his Kwami. Nuru tells the man, whose figure is greatly obscured, about the miracle stones and their power. He also mentions that the miracle stones of Lady Bug and Super Cat give their owner divine power.

And then we are shown a medallion in the hand of a stranger, in which there is a portrait of Adrian’s mother and Gabriel Agreste’s wife.

When he closes the medallion, we can see a silver ring on his hand.

Gabriel Agreste himself, Adrian's father, wears the same ring.

Closing the medallion, the future Hawkmoth tells Nur that he needs this divine power. Those. can we conclude that he needs divine power for the sake of Adrian’s mother? Perhaps he wants to bring her back using the power of miracle stones?
Is it possible that Hawkmoth is Gabriel Agreste? After all, there are many negative characters who take the path of evil precisely because of lost love? There is such a possibility, but it is not one hundred percent yet. The creators of the series will tell us the truth in one of the future seasons, but now we can only speculate.

Many have already paid attention to some similarities in the shape of Hawk Moth’s face and Adrian’s father.

As for the footage from the beginning of the "Origins" series, one of the fans of the animated series under the nickname Adrien Agreste took a darkened frame with Hawkmoth, manipulated the settings a little in the image processing program and this is what he came up with:

It is not possible to see the full face, but the clothes are very reminiscent of what Gabriel Agreste wears. Again, their face shape is also very similar.

The presence of a miracle stone in the shape of a peacock in Gabriel Agreste’s safe, standing next to a portrait of his wife, also adds to the questions.

On the Internet there are already both supporters and opponents of the theory that Gabriel Agreste could be Hawkmoth.
One of the tweets from the creators of the animated series slightly shook this theory, but did not completely refute it.
The fact is that in the published photograph you can see concept art of all the main characters. And in the picture the proportions in terms of height are observed.

The characters on the far left are Hawk Moth and Gabriel Agreste, as you can see Gabriel Agreste is shorter.

However, he is still located next to Hawkmoth, like Adrian is next to Super-Cat and Marinet is next to Ladybug.
Some people think that Gabriel cannot be Hawkmoth because he is shorter. But still, we must not forget that kwami ​​can change the appearance of the keepers of miracle stones and we are dealing with, so to speak, magical powers, so anything is possible.
Theoretically, everything could turn out to be much more complicated and confusing. As, for example, in one of the alternative theories of fans of the cartoon, according to which Hawk Moth is the twin brother of Gabriel Agreste, who is also experiencing the loss of Adrian’s mother. And Gabriel Agreste is the keeper of the stone of miracles in the form of a peacock. As we have already written, there are a lot of theories, according to another of them, Adrian’s mother could have been the keeper of the stone of miracles in the shape of a peacock’s tail. In general, the animated series has a lot of unsolved mysteries, and this is what makes it so interesting.
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Here you will learn everything about Ladybug, or rather, her story.

Let's start with the main thing - who are kwami, who is Tikki and who is Plagg?

Who are kwami?

And here next to the super heroes are their kwami.

Kwami are magical creatures that help super heroes transform; without kwami ​​there are no super heroes themselves.

The kwami ​​themselves also have names, Marinette's kwami ​​(that's Ladybug's name in real life) is called Tikki, and you can find her in one of the pictures in the catalog (she is red, with black spots and with antennae on her head), and Adrin or Adrian's kwami , (that’s the name of Super Cat in real life) as you like. Plagg is completely black, has green eyes, and has a tail. Plagg loves cheese with... Camembert.

What are talismans and super powers?

During the battle.

Every superhero has talismans, Ladybug has earrings, Super Cat has a ring.

As soon as any person puts on these talismans and says “Transformation!”, he will turn into either Ladybug (in her costume) or Super Cat (depending on the mascot). As soon as the word “Transformation!” is heard, the kwami ​​seems to disappear and goes into the talisman, which is why the transformation occurs. If the kwami ​​gets tired (and he gets tired only after using a super ability), then the super hero will have five minutes left before he turns back into an ordinary person. The main thing is that no one knows who the legendary Ladybug and her partner Super Cat (or Cat Noir) are, therefore, as soon as their time for transformation ends, they disappear from view as soon as possible (their time, by the way, ends only after their super abilities).

Each super hero has his own super ability - Ladybug has such a super ability - as soon as she says “Talisman of good luck!”, she will have something in the color of a ladybug, with the help of which she will defeat the next villain. But things can be very different - overalls, a box, a Ladybug toy set, etc.

And the super cat has this super ability: as soon as he says “Cataclysm!”, everything he touches will be destroyed, but the truth is that his super ability only works once while he is a super hero. And only one thing can break at his touch, and then everything is as usual.

How many minutes they have left until the end of the transformation is shown on their talismans, Ladybug’s black circles on her earrings begin to disappear, and Super Cat has green fingerprints (only from them!) begin to disappear.

Each super hero has his own “weapon”: Ladybug has an infinite yo-yo, and Super Cat has an iron stick that can extend infinitely.

Now a little about their main villain – Hawkmoth.



It is Hawkmoth who creates villains out of people, who are then defeated by Ladybug and Super Cat. But he cannot make a villain out of every person in the city, therefore Hawkmoth can only make villains out of offended, embittered people at the moment.

This is how he makes villains out of them - he sends an akuma to a given person (an akuma is a black moth that inhabits an object that this person was holding in his hands), and makes him evil, as soon as the akuma inhabits the object - Hawkmoth begins to talk to this person , and after that the person is reincarnated and becomes a super villain.

To save this unfortunate person, Ladybug must find the exact object in which the akuma is hiding, then break it so that the akuma flies out of this object. After which Ladybug must catch the akuma V her yo-yo, and then make an ordinary butterfly out of her, that is, remove Hawk Moth’s black magic from her, and then she releases her. As soon as the butterfly ceases to be an akuma, the villain becomes back to an ordinary person, but at the same time he does not remember what happened to him, and why, for example, he ended up on the Eiffel Tower.

To fix everything that was broken by the villain and the object that Ladybug broke, she says “Wonderful Ladybug!”, and everything becomes the same as it was before the next villain appeared.

The super cat cannot catch Akuma and remove the dark forces from it, so without Ladybug he cannot turn the villains back into ordinary people.

Why would Hawk Moth make villains?


Hawkmoth creates villains in order to take possession of their talismans and become omnipotent. Therefore, as soon as he makes a villain out of a person, he talks to him precisely about the fact that he will do for this person everything that he needs, or rather, give him the necessary power, and in return he must get him the Ladybug and Super Cat talismans .

Therefore, each villain fights Ladybug and Super Cat and tries to steal their talismans.

Also, Hawkmoth can establish contact with the villain at any time and start talking to him. Often villains forget that they must get talismans, and not take revenge on the person who offended them, and it is precisely for this that Hawkmoth establishes contact with them and reminds them that he will take away their powers if they do not bring him the talismans.

Who is Hawkmoth?

In fact, Hawk Moth also has his own kwami ​​and talisman, and his talisman is a purple stone (like a pendant). In fact, Hawkmoth is also a super hero, and his power should not be used in the name of evil, but vice versa, but the talisman fell into the wrong hands... Unfortunately, we don’t know who is hiding under the mask of Hawkmoth, what is this person’s name and who is he in real life...


Marinette and Adrien.

In fact, Marinette was not a super hero before and had no idea that she would become one, and neither did Adrien. But one day, an old man, who is called a healer, who keeps all the talismans (only he had long since lost the talisman, which was found by the man who became Hawkmoth) realized that he could no longer be a super hero, because he was already 186 years! He can’t even reincarnate... And the healer himself decided to reincarnate only after his kwami ​​said that she felt the strong negative energy of that lost talisman.

The healer realized that he needed to defeat this villain and take away the talisman from him, but he failed to reincarnate and he began to look for other, younger people who would be well suited for the role of super heroes, and just after school, Marinette found a box with a talisman, and Adrien too, that's how it all started...

The healer chose them because he sort of carried out a test, first he fell, then something else... And Marinette helped him first, and then he fell on purpose (or maybe not, I don’t know) and his cane, with which he walked, rolled away a little, and then Adrian arrived in time. How Marinette and Adrien first saved Paris and met the kwami ​​is a different story...

The animated series "Lady Bug and Super-Cat" keeps a lot of secrets. One of them is who is hiding behind Hawkmoth's mask?
All episodes of the first season have not yet been released in Russian dubbing, but in any case, in the first season, the identity of Hawkmoth was never revealed. Although viewers in some countries could already see some interesting hints.

We would like to talk about them now, so if you want these hints to remain a surprise for you, it is better to skip this article.
First of all, we will talk about the series “Origin part 1”, which shows how Marinette and Adrian received their miracle stones and became Lady Bug and Super-Cat.
At the beginning of this episode, we are shown how Hawkmoth first met his Kwami. Nuru tells the man, whose figure is greatly obscured, about the miracle stones and their power. He also mentions that the miracle stones of Lady Bug and Super Cat give their owner divine power.

And then we are shown a medallion in the hand of a stranger, in which there is a portrait of Adrian’s mother and Gabriel Agreste’s wife.

When he closes the medallion, we can see a silver ring on his hand.

Gabriel Agreste himself, Adrian's father, wears the same ring.

Closing the medallion, the future Hawkmoth tells Nur that he needs this divine power. Those. can we conclude that he needs divine power for the sake of Adrian’s mother? Perhaps he wants to bring her back using the power of miracle stones?
Is it possible that Hawkmoth is Gabriel Agreste? After all, there are many negative characters who take the path of evil precisely because of lost love? There is such a possibility, but it is not one hundred percent yet. The creators of the series will tell us the truth in one of the future seasons, but now we can only speculate.

Many have already paid attention to some similarities in the shape of Hawk Moth’s face and Adrian’s father.

As for the footage from the beginning of the "Origins" series, one of the fans of the animated series under the nickname Adrien Agreste took a darkened frame with Hawkmoth, manipulated the settings a little in the image processing program and this is what he came up with:

It is not possible to see the full face, but the clothes are very reminiscent of what Gabriel Agreste wears. Again, their face shape is also very similar.

The presence of a miracle stone in the shape of a peacock in Gabriel Agreste’s safe, standing next to a portrait of his wife, also adds to the questions.

On the Internet there are already both supporters and opponents of the theory that Gabriel Agreste could be Hawkmoth.
One of the tweets from the creators of the animated series slightly shook this theory, but did not completely refute it.
The fact is that in the published photograph you can see concept art of all the main characters. And in the picture the proportions in terms of height are observed.

The characters on the far left are Hawk Moth and Gabriel Agreste, as you can see Gabriel Agreste is shorter.

However, he is still located next to Hawkmoth, like Adrian is next to Super-Cat and Marinet is next to Ladybug.
Some people think that Gabriel cannot be Hawkmoth because he is shorter. But still, we must not forget that kwami ​​can change the appearance of the keepers of miracle stones and we are dealing with, so to speak, magical powers, so anything is possible.
Theoretically, everything could turn out to be much more complicated and confusing. As, for example, in one of the alternative theories of fans of the cartoon, according to which Hawk Moth is the twin brother of Gabriel Agreste, who is also experiencing the loss of Adrian’s mother. And Gabriel Agreste is the keeper of the stone of miracles in the form of a peacock. As we have already written, there are a lot of theories, according to another of them, Adrian’s mother could have been the keeper of the stone of miracles in the shape of a peacock’s tail. In general, the animated series has a lot of unsolved mysteries, and this is what makes it so interesting.
We hope you liked our article.

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