How to control a voodoo doll. Voodoo doll - how to make it yourself at home. How to protect yourself from a voodoo doll

From this article you will learn:

    How is a Voodoo doll different from a Volt?

    How to make a classic Voodoo doll at home

    How to cast a love spell on a homemade Voodoo doll

    How to destroy an unwanted Voodoo doll

    Where to buy a ready-made Voodoo doll if you can’t make it yourself

If you decide to take up magic, then you are probably interested in how to make a Voodoo doll yourself. A Voodoo doll will help you make a spell or love spell of very high power. In order for your plot to really work, you need to follow all the rules for creating a Voodoo doll.

Who invented the Voodoo doll and why?

Black slaves who lived in South and Central America created a religious movement called “Voodoo”, the magical power of which is based on making sacrifices, which leads to moral and physical healing of a person. Voodoo magic can also be used to create protective talismans and amulets. Often, a Voodoo doll is used to carry out various rituals, which is the subject of this article.

A magician can use a Voodoo doll to directly influence a specific person. A Voodoo doll undergoes a special magical ritual, thanks to which it becomes a mediator between the magician and the object of influence, establishing a strong connection between them. How to establish this connection? The sorcerer only needs to have a lock of hair, a fingernail, a piece of clothing, and something else belonging to the object. Often a Voodoo doll will have the name and facial features of the person it is projected onto. Thus, a close energetic connection is created between the Voodoo doll and the person.

When this strong connection is established, the magician places a curse on the Voodoo doll, which also affects the person. First, the sorcerer strikes the doll, then reads out the text of the curse, and makes punctures with needles in the area of ​​the head, neck and heart. Part of the Voodoo can be burned. Fans of the Voodoo movement believe that injuries inflicted on a doll will be transmitted to a person in the form of either physical or energetic wounds. At the end of the ritual, the doll must be quietly placed on the victim, hidden in her apartment, house, or buried in the ground. Special pin needles are used to make punctures.

The Navi doll is a Voodoo-like magical product that the magician spends three days making, and all his thoughts during this time must be devoted to the object of magical influence. Such dolls are used by the Indian tribes of Peru, who dress the doll in the clothes of the victim, put curses on it and simulate killing it.

However, few people know that the Voodoo doll and, in general, the Voodoo tradition itself is a tool of not only black, but also white magic, so the negative opinion that has developed about the Voodoo doll is not objective.

It was the media, movies and books that created the negative image of the Voodoo doll. And people always believe what they are told and shown. However, we must still say honestly that more often the Voodoo doll takes the side of black magic, for which it received the name satanic.

However, voodooism as a religious and magical movement is not at all limited to dolls. Voodoo traditions allow you to create Voodoo amulets and talismans in the form of pendants, as well as in the form of bracelets - for example, there are bracelets to attract money and good luck, protective bracelets and a special type of amulets - Gri-Gri bags.

Do you need to make a voodoo doll or volt

Inexperienced sorcerers often call a Voodoo doll a volt. This is wrong, as these are two completely different things.

These two products differ from each other both in the process of creation and in the magical effect.

To make a Voodoo doll, a solid base of wood and other natural materials are used. Sometimes, in order to make a Voodoo doll, wax is also taken, but it is only an auxiliary material.

Volt, on the other hand, is made from soft wax, which is very malleable and suitable for creating a human form and appearance. You can also use biological parts of the victim, which gives the volt additional strength. However, most often only hair is used to create a volt, and nails and blood are used as the basis for a Voodoo doll.

However, these two products differ from each other in their energetic effects: the volt affects a person’s aura, changing it, as required by the sorcerer. And the Voodoo doll calls on the power of ancient spirits, who respond to the magician’s request. This ritual is much more powerful, but less safe.

How to make a Voodoo doll with your own hands: step-by-step instructions

We at Witch's Happiness do not support harmful witchcraft. Remember that hurting another person can affect you too. However, the technology itself for making a Voodoo doll remains the same, no matter for what purpose you make it. Therefore, we still provide a description of the process.

To make your own Voodoo doll, you need to do the following:

Step 1. Clean the materials from which we will make the Voodoo doll.

Before moving on to the actual creation of a Voodoo doll, you must energetically neutralize the materials you have, that is, clean them. Most of the raw materials, such as buttons, fabrics, glue, paints, beads, are not of natural origin, which means that before they fall into your hands, they have already absorbed the energy of many other people. You can clean the materials with salt, incense, sandalwood oil or ordinary earth.

Step 2. Create a doll.

Making a doll is not just collecting designer parts, but a real ritual that involves your thoughts, psycho-emotional state and energy. A doll bought in a store does not have the same power as a homemade product. When making a doll, you must think correctly and not mix your intentions with emotions.

For example, if you want your magical product to bring you wealth and good luck, while making the doll you must constantly think about finances, repaid debts, repaid loans and other transactions that will be resolved in a manner beneficial to you. If you want to make a powerful voodoo doll, you must pay attention to what you say, how loudly, with what force and intonation you say it. There is no need to be silent, but you also shouldn’t raise your voice too much, using curses and rude words, because you want to charge the doll with positive energy.

Step 3. We consecrate the created Voodoo doll.

Buy a candle from the church that you will need to perform the ceremony of consecrating the Voodoo doll. Light it in front of you, burn dry sage, cedar needles or incense. Take the doll in your hands and hold it over the candle. Cast the spell:

“I consecrate you with the powers of Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Spirit. I conjure you to serve good, to obey my will and God. I urge you to be faithful to your master in this world, between worlds and in all worlds. Let it be so"

These words must be said seven times. When the ceremony is completed, the doll will go into your service, and you will be its only owner. Be careful, no one should know about your Voodoo doll, especially don’t let anyone look at or touch it. After the ceremony, you need to give the doll a name. This is how your doll will “come to life”. Name it after the person you associate it with. Thus, you will connect the Voodoo doll with the object of magical influence with invisible threads.

What material can you use to make a Voodoo doll at home?

If you want to make a Voodoo doll yourself, then first of all you must choose the appropriate material for this. Synthetics are strictly prohibited. Only natural materials can be used to make the doll.

Most often, the following materials are used to make a Voodoo doll:


  • Wool fibers.

    Cotton fabric.

You can make a Voodoo doll of any shape, but if you are making a doll for a person, then it would be advisable to give it the features of that person, that is, the doll should look like him in appearance. The doll must have legs, arms and a head.

What color to make a voodoo doll

Yellow color symbolizes success, mutual understanding, attractiveness, and trusting relationships.

White- a symbol of peace, care, purity, healthy spirit, healing, honesty, sincerity, deliverance from slander.

Red– a symbol of passion, power, power, energy, love, healthy spirit.

Violet symbolizes a rich spiritual world, healing from physical and moral ailments, power, wisdom, communication with spirits, the possibility of foresight, resistance to black magic.

Green symbolizes financial well-being, material wealth, prosperity, prosperity, fertility, success, health, nobility, rebirth.

Blue– Mary Laveau’s color, symbolizing strong sympathy.

Blue, indigo– sacred color that protects from dark forces

Pink symbolizes sympathy, affection, family comfort, nobility, selflessness, harmony, goodwill, happiness, success, friendship, morality.

Black- a sign of transformation, getting rid of bad habits, but also sadness, quarrels, confusion, the evil eye; a black doll is a companion to black magic rituals.

Brown- a sign of hesitation, timidity and timidity.

Grey– disunity, hopelessness of the situation.

Orange– victory, luck, cooperation, quick adaptation.

How to make a Voodoo doll yourself

How to make a Voodoo doll for a person

To make your own voodoo doll, first make a cross-shaped base using twigs and sticks. At the point where they cross, use a coarse, strong thread for tying. Branches and sticks for making a Voodoo doll should not be dried out.

When creating a voodoo doll's body, you build one layer after another using pieces of fabric or bendable straw. If you know where the victim's birthmarks or birthmarks are, then attach beads or beans to these places.

Tattoos and other acquired body changes are not important for a Voodoo doll, so they should not be marked.

To create a strong connection between the target of magical influence and the Voodoo doll, use hair, nails, blood or other biological parts of the victim.

Sometimes personal belongings and a photo of the victim are attached to the miniature image of the doll, but the most effective way is to add the blood of the person who is the prototype of the doll.

Think about the prototype of the doll all the time while you are making it.

How to make a Voodoo doll for love

A Voodoo doll can also help you in love affairs: sew a red heart on the left side of the Voodoo chest. Now you can make a love spell. To do this, use two black candles, which need to be placed on the sides of the table on which the ritual is performed.

Imagine a sleeping loved one before your eyes, mentally associating his image with a Voodoo doll. Once the object of your desire is connected to the puppet, you need to pierce your right thumb with a needle. As soon as you see blood, place your finger on the heart of the product. Wait until the blood is completely absorbed into the doll's tissue.

How to make a classic voodoo doll

The New Orleans Voodoo movement created the classic model of the Voodoo doll. To make such a doll, you will need:

    2 branches;

    rope or lace;


    2 beads or buttons;

    fragments of the victim's clothing or her hair, nails, etc.;

    Spanish moss.

The materials needed to create a Voodoo doll are very easy to obtain, making making the doll quite easy. The only thing that is difficult to find is Spanish moss, which grows on New Orleans soil. You can use cotton wool or straw instead.

Before you start making your own voodoo doll, please read these guidelines. First: no one should witness the process of making Voodoo. It is especially forbidden for strangers to observe the process. Second: follow the lunar cycles. The waxing Moon will give power to the “attracting” forces, and the “expelling” forces will be effective during the waning lunar cycle. Third: if you want to make a powerful doll, watch your thoughts, emotions, and words. Do not curse anyone, as negative thoughts will fill the product with anger and negativity. Last thing: all available materials, including moss, must be subjected to a ritual of cleansing from dirt, insects and other debris, which can provoke changes in the purpose of the Voodoo doll and disrupt the harmony of its actions.

There are many models of Voodoo dolls, but you can make a classic one as follows.

First, two branches are crossed, which are connected in the middle with a rope. To make the connection more durable, wax is used to rub the rope or cord. Then you should wrap the moss around the doll, moving from the middle to the top, and then from the middle to the bottom. To avoid tears, take whole pieces of material. Cut thin long strips of fabric that will be needed to wrap the doll's body. Pieces of material need to be attached to the doll using threads or glue. Next, the doll's face is given human features. Beads or buttons replace the eyes, the mouth is embroidered with thread. Now you need to fill the doll with the energy of the human object of influence. A tuft of the victim's hair is attached to the doll's head. In addition, the doll must be given maximum resemblance to that same person, that is, imitate his clothes, jewelry, face, etc., for which fragments of the victim’s clothing and blood are used. Now the product is ready, you can consecrate it and give it a name during the baptism process.

How to make a Voodoo doll from threads

Now we’ll tell you how to make a Voodoo doll using thread and twine:

    three pieces of thick copper wire;

    thin threads;

    twine or thick threads for knitting;

    buttons or beads;

Manufacturing process:

Manufacturing process:

    Two pieces of wire must be connected in such a way that two pieces remain free, from which the legs will subsequently be made. You need to form a small loop on top to create a head. Perpendicular to the wire, you need to attach another piece of wire, from which you need to make the hands of a Voodoo doll.

    Take a thick thread to wrap the frame. You can also use twine, which will make the doll more dense. The Voodoo doll can be any color, but preferably the color of the chosen person's skin. Thread or twine needs to be wrapped around the wire until you get parts of the doll's body that resemble arms, legs and a head.

The doll should be proportional, but achieving 100% proportionality will be almost impossible, since the head always turns out to be too large.

How to fill a created Voodoo doll

Rice flour or cornstarch, cedar pine needles, galangal root or ginger root will attract wealth to you.

Patchouli will attract love and financial well-being.

Parsley- sympathy, children.

Ivy- spiritual patronage.

Rose– sympathy, success, talisman against negativity.

Rosemary– deliverance from evil forces, family well-being.

Chamomile– good luck in entrepreneurship and gambling, neutralization of negative influences.

Gold– luck, financial well-being.

Red coral– protection from evil curses, sympathy.

Flint– protection from risks and unforeseen situations, health.

Lapis lazuli– spiritual protection, health, sympathy.

How to destroy a created voodoo doll

If you made a Voodoo doll to harm the victim, and then decided to cancel its effect, then under no circumstances try to throw the doll somewhere and forget about its existence. The ritual of canceling a spell is as complex as creating a doll, so it is not so easy to neutralize it.

Method 1.

Wrap a white cloth around the puppet and sprinkle with sea salt. Go to the river or to the forest, don’t forget to take your doll with you. Make an offering to the water or forest spirits by placing fruits and coins on the ground or throwing them into the water. Ask the gods to cancel the negative action and modify the negative energy. Cast the spell freely, but be sure to thank the spirits. Bury the doll or throw it into the river. Go home, but don't look back. At home, light a white candle, run a bath, add sea salt and take a bath.

Method 2.

Wrap the doll in white cloth and leave the house. Move a long distance away, approach a single tree and dig a hole near its trunk. Place the doll wrapped in cloth in the hole and set it on fire. Sprinkle the burnt doll with holy water and cover it with earth. When you get home, light a white candle and give yourself a bath with sea salt. Only Saturday is suitable for this ceremony.

Where to buy a ready-made Voodoo doll

If you're wondering how to make a human voodoo doll yourself, but you know in advance that you won't be able to do it, don't worry! Just purchase it in our online store of esoteric goods “Witch’s Happiness”. Here you will find absolutely all the necessary elements for performing a wide variety of magical rituals and protecting yourself from dark forces.

  • Voodoo doll "Faceless".

Depending on who the object of the magical ritual is for you, its color is chosen. White color is a symbol of a person you don’t know or the person you wish to be healthy and not sick, yellow color is a symbol of a friend or, on the contrary, an enemy and an envious person. A pink doll represents someone you feel sympathy for, a red doll represents a lover or spouse. Green is a symbol of a wealthy and successful person, black is the color of your enemy.

  • Paired voodoo doll “To strengthen love.”

A paired Voodoo doll helps strengthen family relationships, establish mutual understanding, respect between spouses, and prevent conflict situations. To personalize the doll, it has a cutout where you can place any personal items.

  • Voodoo doll “From the boss”.

If your boss is furious at work, does not give way to his subordinates, constantly makes you nervous and causes stress and depression, buy a Voodoo doll “From the Boss”.

    Voodoo doll "To attract love."

    Voodoo doll juju "Black cat of luck".

Brings easy luck in gambling, lottery, business, investments. He is also the guardian of the house: he protects the house and property, protects them from negativity, prevents evil (the doll can be hung above the front door). Black Cat of Luck can lift your mood and energy levels.

Designed to protect against aggressive and hostile energy, from diseases and all evil, as well as to remove damage. Helps bind the forces of a person threatening you or spreading slander and gossip. Protects the house from any negative influences if hung above the front door.

    Voodoo doll "To eliminate enemies."

To eliminate an enemy, punish an offender, bind the forces of a slanderer, gossip or enemy, in order to prevent harm to oneself or others.

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"Witch's Happiness" - the magic begins here.

The Voodoo religion and Voodoo magic are a very ancient and very powerful method of influencing a person. The concept of Voodoo is very ancient, but under the influence of time and ever new formations it has undergone many changes, but has not lost its original power. And it became even more thoughtful, effective and thorough.

Today there are many followers of Voodoo on all continents and in many countries of the world. Although people's attitude towards this magic is ambiguous. She delights some, scares others, and still others consider her useful and pragmatic.

One of the most effective tools of Voodoo magic is the Voodoo doll. However, in Voodoo magic there are also more powerful tools, but thanks to Hollywood cinema, it was the Voodoo doll that became a symbol of this powerful magic. However, not everyone knows that depending on how you use the Voodoo doll, the final result will depend. After all, this attribute of Voodoo magic can be used not only to harm a person in some way, but also to do a good deed for a person, even if he does not suspect it.

Voodoo in the image of Hollywood films is something very scary and negative, instilling superstitious horror in an ordinary person. Scary dolls, with the help of which people are turned practically into zombies or simply driven into a grave - this is the image of Voodoo, which is imposed on people by various films, horror stories on the Internet and ordinary gossip.

However, people who know well what Voodoo magic is understand perfectly well that, first of all, this magic is not aimed at causing any harm, but at healing a person, changing the course of his life for the better, or attracting material well-being to him. The healing power of this magic is much stronger and more valuable than black magic aimed at harming people. In addition, like any magic, Voodoo is a universal system and combines both elements of black and white magic. Voodoo magic has both positive and negative factors.

Using Voodoo magic, a person can be destroyed or healed, bewitched or made to fall in love, made successful or unsuccessful, avenged for infidelity, or returned to love. And the Voodoo doll can play a decisive role here. The main thing is to know how to use a Voodoo doll in a given situation. Cause harm to a person, or save him from certain problems. In a ritual, the main thing is to follow the sequence of actions in relation to a particular situation. If the sequence of actions is broken or something in the ritual is performed incorrectly, the result will also be. But such a result is unlikely to please you; it will be completely opposite to what you expected and will most likely turn out negative for you in the form of misfortunes and troubles.

People who do not know all the intricacies of magic should not perform magical rituals on their own. In addition, you need to not only know how to perform rituals correctly, but also intuitively feel the whole process, and this is only available to professionals. Therefore, it is not difficult to understand how to control a Voodoo doll; to do this, you need to strictly follow the rules and conditions of the ritual, and the tools for controlling the doll can be, for example, needles. An example would be a love spell ritual using a Voodoo doll.

This ritual is performed on the full moon just after midnight. You need to light a candle and heat the needles on its flame, and then stick them into the doll in the places where the third eye, heart and genitals are located. When plunging the needle into the doll’s body, you must say the following spell: “As my needle is sharp, so let your thoughts about me be sharp, your feelings for me should be hot like this needle, just as this needle is strong, so let your love for me be strong.” . I don’t stick a needle, but I kindle a fire, I awaken love, and I don’t cause pain.”

Next, the candle flame should be extinguished and the candle stub along with the doll should be wrapped in a fabric prepared in advance. Next, this fabric must be tied with thread three times and hidden from prying eyes. Soon the results of the love spell will begin to appear.

How to get rid of a voodoo doll

In the event that you created a Voodoo doll and performed a magical ritual on it, but then realized that you had made a mistake and want to interrupt the effect of your magic on the object. The question quite naturally arises - how to get rid of a Voodoo doll? You can’t just leave a doll in some secluded place where it will gather dust. To neutralize your negative action towards the victim, you will have to perform the same complex ritual as when making and conjuring a Voodoo doll.

Method 1

The doll must be wrapped in white cloth and left the house. Next, move as far away from your home as possible and find a lonely tree, preferably aspen or poplar, and then dig a hole next to it. Then place the doll in the hole without unrolling the fabric and set it on fire. Pour the remaining ashes from the doll generously with holy water, and then bury the hole. Upon returning home, you need to light a white candle and take a cleansing bath, adding sea salt, + 3 teaspoons of anise seeds, and 3 cups of milk. This ritual should be performed only on Saturday.

Method 2

Wrap the doll in white cloth and then sprinkle it with sea salt. Then take the doll and go out to the river bank or go deeper into the forest. You need to throw several fruits into the river (apples, plums, peaches, etc.) or put them on the ground in the forest. Then ask the spirits of the forest or the spirits of the river to take away all the harmful energy and transform it with the forces of earth or water into light energy. You can choose any words for your request. After your request, thank the spirits for their help. Then bury the doll in the ground or throw it into the river and, without looking back, return to your home. Also light a white candle and take a cleansing bath, adding sea salt, milk and anise seeds in the same proportions as in the first method.

Method 3

On the night of the waning moon, retire to a separate room and perform the following ritual. Fill a bowl with holy water and place the Voodoo doll in it. Light a thin church candle and read the Lord's Prayer until the candle burns out completely. Next, wrap the doll in a piece of material, the color does not matter, and go to a secluded place where no one can see you. Dig a hole and put the doll there and say:

“I forgive you, I break the connection, I atone for my sin. Amen!"

Next, dig a hole and level it to the ground so that the mound is not visible. Then go home and take a cleansing bath with pine needle extract. When you wake up in the morning, the first thing you do is wash your face and hands with holy water.

But in order to avoid such procedures, it is best not to resort to Voodoo magic and not to harm anyone, even if the person deserves it, sooner or later the Higher powers will punish him, but you will not have to take the sin on your soul.

In the Elena Svetlaya Success Center, custom-made rituals and ceremonies of any direction will be performed for you. Contact professionals if you want to be sure of the result!

If you decide to carry out the darkest and most mysterious ritual of magic, then you will definitely be faced with the question of how to make a voodoo doll with your own hands at home. With its help, you can perform various conspiracies and love spells that will have great power. But to do this, you should adhere to all established recommendations, first of all, regarding the creation of a doll.

If the voodoo doll is created correctly, you will get the image and likeness of a specific person. With its help, it is enough to simply gain the necessary access to the consciousness, thoughts and feelings of a particular person, completely subordinating him to your will.

What is a volt

Often, beginners and inexperienced magicians confuse two concepts: a voodoo doll and a volt. They are often identified, which is fundamentally wrong.

The differences between these two things are visible both in the manufacturing process and in the magical features.

A voodoo doll is made from available materials only of natural origin and always has a solid, most often wooden, base.

Such a craft may also contain wax, but is never made entirely from it alone.

A voodoo doll

But a volt is a piece of softened wax, which is given the shape and appearance of the desired person. In both cases, it is possible to use biological material, which significantly enhances the ritual itself. But if blood, hair and nails can be used in making a doll, then volt most often receives only hair, which is laid in the base of the doll.

But the most important difference between them lies in the energy sector: Volt works only directly with the human aura itself, introducing the required changes into it. Voodoo magic is more complex; ancient forces and spirits are involved, and they fulfill your request. This effect is an order of magnitude stronger, but also more dangerous.

Preparing to create a doll

Before you begin the actual process of making a doll, you need to carefully prepare. To do this you will have to go through several steps:

  • Cleaning stage. The first thing you need to do is clean up all the materials you have prepared for creating a voodoo doll, especially if you took them or bought them from other people. There remains extraneous energy on any object, which will only disturb you. To remove such factors, use objects that can absorb any extraneous magic: salt, earth, sandalwood oil or incense.
  • Creation stage. When making a voodoo doll, do not forget that it is not how you do it that matters, but what feelings you put into the process. Your head should be occupied exclusively with thoughts about what you want: think how you will achieve it and what feelings you will experience. When creating a likeness of a person, you need to mentally imagine him.
  • Stage of lighting and baptism of the doll. After you finish making the doll, it must be blessed. To do this, light a wax candle purchased in church and burn a little incense in its flame. Smoking the finished doll in the smoke, say the following words:

“I consecrate you with the powers of Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Spirit. I conjure you to serve good, to obey my will and God. I urge you to be faithful to your master in this world, between worlds and in all worlds. Let it be so".

This phrase must be said at least seven times in a row, after which your doll is ready for use.

It must be kept in a cache where no one will know about it, much less touch it. There is also no need to dedicate anyone to the details of its existence or use.

Materials for making a doll

If you are faced with the question of how to make a voodoo doll at home with your own hands, the first thing you need to do is choose the right material for its manufacture. It is not allowed to use any synthetic materials: you must be sure that you use only natural items.

The following materials are most often used as a base:

  • Tree.
  • Straw.
  • Wax.
  • Wool.
  • Cotton.

A voodoo doll can have any shape, but for correct and easier identification with a specific person, it is necessary that it also resembles him in appearance. That is, she had a head, arms and legs.

Creation method

To make it look similar, most often the base of the doll is created in advance: two wooden branches are fastened together in the shape of a cross. For the strongest grip, thick threads are used, with which the sticks are tied crosswise.

Such branches must be cut off yourself a few days ago. It is important that they are no longer fresh, but completely dry ones are not suitable either: the tree must be half alive, half dead.

In order for the doll to gain further volume, it is additionally tied with scraps of fabric or dry grass. It can be used to decorate items such as bird feathers or legume grains. With their help, you should designate the eyes and distinctive features of a person, such as moles, for example.

We fasten the straw in the shape of a cross We tie it with shreds

It is not necessary to draw tattoos on the doll that are similar to the victim’s tattoos: these are not innate symbols of a person’s distinction and do not carry additional information about him for voodoo magic.

Experienced magicians, to strengthen the energetic connection with the victim, can additionally use human biological material: his blood, hair and nails. The blood of the victim is especially effective in this case, since it is it that carries the most accurate imprint of the person himself. In addition, it is permissible to use parts of the victim’s personal belongings, also placing them on the doll, or tying them into the base. This is a very powerful technique, but you should use it carefully and only if you are confident in your abilities.

The finished doll must be named correctly, its name must coincide with the name of the object of the conspiracy. To do this, say the following words:

“From now on your name is “Name of Man”, you are one with this doll, What is with the doll is with you. Let it be so! Ago, Ago, Ago!”

In the process of creating a doll, what matters is not how you make it, but what thoughts and feelings you put into it. You must know exactly what you want and fill your entire consciousness with this desire. Think about the person whose prototype you want to transfer to the voodoo doll, show a little creativity. Only in this case will you succeed.

How to destroy an unnecessary doll

If the question of how to make a voodoo doll at home with your own hands is no longer before you, then you should study how to properly get rid of it. But simply burning it, or even throwing it away, is strictly prohibited. The spirits you have called to help may misunderstand this action and greatly harm the person whom the doll represents.

To avoid such disastrous consequences, you need to perform simple rituals that will help make the spirits understand that their work is over and send the doll to rest.

The steps are quite simple, but you need to take them seriously. They must be performed in nature, near running water. With you from home, in addition to the doll itself, you need to take a white cloth, the size of which should be enough to wrap it several times.

Before the farewell ritual itself, make a small raft from available materials with your own hands - grass and wood. Moisten the brought cloth with water from the river and wrap the raft on which the doll lies in it.

Now you can safely send the entire constructed structure downstream. As soon as it floats away from your eyes, consider that the spirits have been released and you and the prototype of the doll are no longer in danger.

Probably only lazy people have never heard of the Voodoo religion. Bloody sacrifices, dark rituals stained with the blood of people and animals, black candles and a Voodoo doll pierced with needles on the magician’s table - all this, according to the ideas of modern people, is a complete list of why such magic is practiced.

Modern pop culture has indoctrinated the majority of the world's population with the idea that the witchcraft rituals of the African continent are capable of only evil and are used for enslavement, harm and revenge.

History of the Voodoo cult

It is known that Voodoo is one of the youngest religious movements on our planet. According to experts, it is a little over 1000 years old.

This cult originated in Africa and, before the arrival of white colonialists, served exclusively goodness and prosperity. Only with the arrival of Europeans did spells that harm people appear in Voodoo rituals.

The spread of this “religion of slaves,” as slave owners once called it, occurred during the period when the indigenous dark-skinned population of Africa began to be massively exported for sale in slave markets in various countries of the world.

Currently, the Voodoo religion has more than 30,000,000 followers. It is common in the USA, Africa, Asian and European countries. It, as before, is characterized by dark and light rituals, the creation of a Voodoo doll, spells and dances around bonfires and kindled fires.

The most powerful sorcerers who know how to make a Voodoo doll are still considered dark-skinned experts in this magical art.

Why do you need a doll?

What is this Voodoo doll and who creates it and why? Currently, the production of such human prototypes is quite widespread and is practiced by various specialists.

Such a magical attribute is made both in the name of good and to strike back at the enemy.

With the help of such a magical doll, which in more classical and familiar magic for Europeans is associated with volts, you can cure a person of a serious illness, make him successful in business and wealthy in life, attract love and strong family relationships.

If the doll is created with the help of black magic, then it will subsequently be able to send illness, bad luck, force the victim to carry his life through all the circles of hell before his deadline, and even kill the object.

African shamans and sorcerers created ancient magical human figurines only from natural materials.

When making a real Voodoo doll in ancient times they used:

  • branches;
  • wax;
  • coarse twine;
  • scraps of fabric.

To breathe life into an inanimate object, the victim's genetic material was placed into it: hair and nails.

It was considered an excellent addition when it was possible to obtain the victim's used clothes. Then the magical prototype of a person also turned into flaps from it.

After everything, the doll was wetted in the object’s secretions: saliva, sperm or blood. To enhance the effect of the influence, the shamans did not disdain the feces of the required person.

Next, the doll needed to be brought to life. To do this, the sorcerer called into the body of the created figurine one of the spirits of Loa, who was usually located nearby and, unlike the supreme deity Bondi, who is the main one in the African religion, always came to the shaman’s call.

By pronouncing certain words and performing magical manipulations, the sorcerer drove the spirit into the doll’s body and locked it there. After which, the witchcraft prototype of a person was named after the victim and the spirit was locked there until it completed the task or forever, if the figurine was created for the personal purposes of the shaman himself.

African magic of modern times

Modern Voodoo dolls are no different in their creation techniques from their ancient predecessors. True, the sorcerers of our time have more available means for witchcraft practice.

You can make a Voodoo doll from:

  • fabrics;
  • wax;
  • wood;
  • plasticine;
  • paper.

Modern craftsmen create dolls for various purposes. They, like 1000 years ago, are used both in rituals of white magic and serve dark intentions and purposes.

With the help of such a prototype of a person, wealth, love, luck, and happiness are attracted. You can make a Voodoo doll in order to take revenge on an offender or to nullify the life of an enemy. In this case, a ritual figurine in which the spirit of Loa will settle can cause a lot of trouble.

How to make a voodoo doll

Voodoo magical rituals involve creating a doll as follows.

For this you will need:

  • 2 wooden sticks;
  • filler;
  • textile;
  • threads;
  • wax;
  • buttons;
  • pencil or marker;
  • genetic material of the victim.

Now you need to tune in to the right mood and disconnect from everything worldly.

If the ritual is aimed at evil, then the candles are chosen black, but if it is for creation, then it is necessary to take 1-2 white or church candles. Objects can be laid out in such a way that they are visible and their search does not distract from the witchcraft action.

When creating a doll, you need to clearly imagine the victim and think about the person for whom it is being created.

If a person decides to create a figurine of himself for his personal use, then, in this case, it is recommended to imagine his own wealth or a happy life. It all depends on the purpose of the ritual.

Having set up properly, you need to tie the 2 existing sticks in an even cross using threads. In order for them to last a long time, it is recommended to fill the bonding area with wax.

An important nuance is that for the doll to work effectively, it is necessary to use the so-called “medium wood”, one that is no longer damp, but has not yet dried completely.

Making a doll

Now you can begin to create the covers of the future figurine, namely, wrap the resulting wooden cross with the prepared filler.

It could be:

  • hay;
  • cotton wool;
  • padding polyester;
  • sawdust.

This is done from the middle up and then from the middle down. At this stage, nails, blood, saliva and sperm of the person who will then be affected by the doll are added to the filler.

Now, to secure the material, the resulting figures are wrapped with threads or scraps. Afterwards, for a magical copy of a person, it is necessary to create a body, that is, cover the resulting doll with cloth or wool.

To do this, you need to prepare pieces of cloth in advance, preferably from the victim’s dirty clothes. If the magician does not have sufficient talent in cutting and sewing, then from the fabric you can simply cut out two identical halves with a head, two arms and legs.

Putting the wrapped cross inside and adding cotton wool or other filler to the contents to create a three-dimensional human body that resembles it. Now the figurine can be sewn up with natural thread of any color using regular stitches.

The final stage

After the ritual prototype is ready, external transformations begin. The victim's hair, if any, is inserted into the doll's head using a needle. After which, to make it even more similar to the object, eyes and a face are sewn on or drawn on the doll.

For the eyes, you can take buttons, beads, or simply cross-stitch them in the right place. The nose and mouth are usually drawn, but it is also possible to do this with a thread and a needle.

Experienced sorcerers also recommend applying the victim’s birthplaces to the doll’s body, which will give it a greater resemblance. If an object has undergone several plastic or other operations, then this should not be displayed on its magical prototype.

Tattoos and other distinctive marks on the skin, applied artificially, are also not applied to the doll.

Bringing a doll to life

When the figurine is ready, it’s time to bring it to life.

To do this, you need to cast a spell and give her a name. Remember that a doll that is not named or baptized in this way will not work.

To magically revive the figurine, the following words are pronounced: “I name you (say the name of the victim). Now (name of the victim), you are one with this doll. As with the doll, so with you. Let it be so! Ago, Ago, Ago!”

Now the figurine will completely obey its creator. In the future, the magical attribute must be stored in a secluded place and not shown to anyone, since during the ritual part of your vital energy passes into a rag copy of the person.

What the magician does with the rag body will also be felt by the person energetically attached to it.

Figurine for darkness

All rituals of Voodoo magic must be taken very seriously and are best done in the appropriate mood and state. The use of any stimulating or stimulating substances during manufacturing is strictly contraindicated for novice sorcerers.

Ideally, the creation of a doll should be done by an experienced sorcerer who has been familiar with the other world for several years.

If the doll was created for dark witchcraft and the sorcerer’s goal is to harm a person, then the figurine is necessarily moistened with the blood of the victim. The numbers 13 or 666 are drawn on the back of the rag body, and sharp needles are stuck into the necessary parts of the body.

It is noted that if a magician simply wants to harm a person, then, thinking about him over his prototype, he sticks needles into the arms and legs.

If the goal is to bring the victim to the point of committing suicide, then the points are located in the head and chest area.

Attracting love

African magical figurines also help in light matters. With their help, a person can attract love, wealth, health and luck.

In this case, it is better to make a Voodoo doll from soft materials, without using sharp parts. When creating it, you need to think about how your life will change and what positive changes will happen to you.

You can imagine anything:

  • wealth;
  • Own business;
  • health;
  • trips;
  • fame.

If there is little love in life, then you can use love spells. In this case, the doll is made soft and attractive. The creation process is no different from that described above, but you need to depict a smile on the face of the prototype and sew or embroider a red heart on the left chest.

During production, it is necessary to light a candle, preferably white. If the object of tender feelings already exists, then in the process it is continuously necessary to think about this person and name the figurine by his name. In this case, genetic samples of the chosen one are sewn into the doll.

And if there is no young man, then you can safely imagine your betrothed with all the necessary qualities. In this case, the girl puts her hair into the figurine and, to enhance the effect, can use part of her secretions.

Having sewn the heart to the chest, you need to moisten it with your blood. To do this, lightly prick the thumb of the right hand and apply it to the red patch on the doll so that the droplet is completely absorbed into it.

After which the figurine is either put away in the closet or constantly carried with you so that your betrothed will find you faster.

Ritual of neutralization

After the doll has fulfilled its purpose, it must be destroyed.

To do this, first they rid it of its name, and then burn it or bury it.

To release the spirit that helped the magician, you should sprinkle it with holy water and say: “I cleanse you with holy water, I deprive you of your given name. You no longer have power over (say name)! Exactly".

Often, in black magic, Voodoo dolls made of wax are used to destroy the enemy. To do this, a prototype of the body of a man or woman is created from molten wax, depending on the need.

For light rituals, cloth, straw or cotton wool are used. Less commonly, Voodoo dolls are created from paper and plasticine, but the use of such materials is highly undesirable.

When resorting to any magic, it is necessary to remember that rituals for creation are carried out during the waxing Moon, and for deliverance - during the waning Moon.

You shouldn’t resort to witchcraft over trifles, and serious rituals should only be carried out by experienced magicians, otherwise irreparable things can happen.

In order to avoid witchcraft influence, it is necessary to have special amulets with you, which can be both enchanted objects and symbols of faith.

The Voodoo doll belongs to ancient African magic. This magical tool is used to achieve good and bad goals. A doll can be a talisman, a means of causing harm or attracting benefit. This is a dangerous tool and must be used very carefully. Before creating such a doll, you need to assess your risks.

Rules for making a doll

It is important to remember that harming a person can come back like a boomerang. The spirits that are addressed in the process of witchcraft will certainly take their payment. This could be various illnesses or the death of someone close. Only experienced practitioners can buy them off.

To make a Voodoo doll with your own hands, you use wood, straw, wax, wool, and cotton fabric. The appearance of the doll can be anything, as long as it does not belong to a specific person. Otherwise there must be a resemblance to the victim. The color of the doll also depends on the purpose.

  • Yellow – success;
  • white – sincerity, honesty, peace;
  • red – passion, love relationships, energy;
  • purple – healing, wisdom, protection;
  • green – prosperity, health;
  • blue - sympathy;
  • blue – protection from evil;
  • pink – well-being, friendliness, harmony;
  • black - change in habits, damage;
  • brown – timidity, doubt;
  • gray – hopelessness;
  • orange – triumph, addiction.

When making a doll, it is important to focus on achieving your goal. For example, if a doll is created to attract material well-being, then you need to think about favorable solutions to money issues. You must talk to the doll without cursing.

The Voodoo doll should be made alone at night: for luring - when the moon is waxing, and for deliverance - when the moon is waning.

How to make a classic Voodoo doll at home?

Prepare materials:

  • two branches,
  • rope,
  • textile,
  • glue,
  • beads,
  • a piece of the victim (for example, hair or scraps of clothing),
  • Spanish moss (analogues: cotton wool and straw).

Cleanse materials from foreign energy using salt, incense, or earth. Fold two small branches crosswise, fasten with wax and lace. Wrap the base with moss, starting from the middle, first up, then down. Wrap the workpiece with thin strips of fabric of the desired color. Decorate the doll's face: sew on the eyes, embroider the mouth. Attach the hair of the hidden person to the head and give the doll a resemblance to him.

The finished doll should be blessed with fire. To do this, light a candle and fumigate the room with the aroma of incense or sage. Then hold the doll over the candle fire and say a spell seven times calling the instrument to serve.

“Zamr kor opr ​​vukmel, opos karm (doll’s name) smart shorp.”

The doll should be named after the victim. If it is applied to such a doll, then it will also affect a person. After this, the doll must be discreetly placed in the victim's house.

How to take away health using a doll?

African Voodoo magic belongs to the section of black magic. It is no secret that with the help of a doll, they mainly try to harass a person or “dry” him.

There are many techniques for working with a doll to worsen the victim’s health or even death. An example is the following, simple but effective ritual.

  • Make a doll from scraps of black fabric. Write the name of the offender on her figurine.
  • As a tool of influence, take seven new needles of the same length. They should be purchased on the waning moon.
  • With the first needle, pierce the head of the victim’s doll through and slowly pronounce the curse: “I (your name), pierce you (name of the victim), bind your body tightly (name of the victim), as I pierce, bind tightly the body of this doll.”
  • With the second needle, pierce the area of ​​the offender’s heart and say: “Take my oath (name of the victim), in the name of Loa, that from now on you will not know peace!”
  • Insert the third needle into the stomach area, saying: “Take my oath (name of the victim) that by the powers of the Loa, all life will flow out of you.”
  • Insert the fourth and fifth needles into the doll’s hips with the words: “From now on, you are in my power.”
  • Secure the sixth and seventh needles in the area of ​​the doll’s feet, completing the spell with the words: “You are forever bound by the forces of my curse, and only I can save you.”

From this moment on, your enemy is doomed. He will quickly lose vital energy, acquire illnesses and soon leave his physical shell. The doll needs to be hidden in a secluded place so that no one can pick it up. If you wish to spare your enemy, then you need to carefully separate the needles from the doll, disassemble it into its component parts and burn it.

By the way, treat random needles with great caution. , perhaps this is a magical lining.

Love spell using a voodoo doll

A Voodoo doll is often used for love purposes, as it can easily bewitch a person for the rest of his life.

This ritual is performed during the full moon phase after midnight.

  • Take a doll made from red scraps with the name of your love object written on it.
  • Light a candle and heat three needles in its flame.
  • Pierce the heart area, third eye area and genitals with needles, reciting the following spell:

“As my needles are sharp, so let your (name of the victim’s) thoughts about me (your name) be sharp. From now on, your feelings will be warm towards me, like these needles and also strong forever. I don’t stick needles, but I kindle a fire, I awaken love, and I don’t cause pain.”

Destroying a Voodoo Doll

There are three ways to destroy an unwanted or broken doll:

1.Wrap the doll in white cloth and sprinkle with salt taken from the sea. You should contact the spirit of the forest or river. To do this, you need to bring gifts to the chosen spirit in the form of coins and fruits. And after that ask the spirits to cancel the evil action. After thanking them, you need to bury the doll in the forest ground or throw it into the river. After getting rid of the tool, without turning around, return to the house and take a cleansing bath with sea salt in the light of a white candle.

2.Wrap the doll in white cloth and go outside. You need to move as far as possible from your house and dig a small hole at the foot of some lonely tree. You need to burn the doll in this pit. Then sprinkle the remains of the fire with blessed water and fill the hole. At home, take a bath with sea salt by the light of a white candle. This ritual can only be performed on Saturday.

3. Disassemble it into its component parts, remove all the needles, and burn the doll.

A Voodoo doll is a powerful tool that requires the right approach even at the stage of preparation for creation. You shouldn't make a doll just for curiosity's sake. Also, you should not damage another person under the influence of a surge of emotions. This magic should be taken seriously.

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