Ionic calcium. Which calcium is best absorbed? Indications for a laboratory test

Ionized calcium (Ca ++) in the blood is the part of calcium that is not associated with proteins, which is found in the blood serum and represents its active form. The main indications for use: violations of the general calcium metabolism in various diseases (renal failure, dysfunction of the thyroid and parathyroid glands, vitamin D deficiency, gastritis, neoplasms of various localizations).

Calcium in the blood exists in three main forms. Approximately 40% of calcium is bound to proteins, about 15% is bound to complexes with phosphate and citrate, the rest is in an unbound form (free, active) in the form of ions (Ca2++).

Ca2++ ions play a central role in the regulation of many cellular functions. A change in the concentration of intracellular free calcium is a signal for the activation or inhibition of enzymes, which in turn regulate metabolism, contractile and secretory activity, adhesion and cell growth.

It is believed that the content of ionized calcium (active) better reflects the metabolism of calcium in the human body than the content of total calcium. It is this part of calcium that implements its numerous effects: transmission of a nerve impulse, muscle contractions, blood clotting, and many others.

When interpreting the data obtained, it should be taken into account that, for example, with hypoalbuminemia, there is a decrease in the concentration of total calcium due to a decrease in calcium-binding proteins, however, the content of ionized calcium does not depend on the degree of decrease in blood albumin, therefore, the expected clinical signs are absent.

Why is it important to do

Calcium in the blood is a source of extracellular calcium that is able to interact with cells. Calcium in the blood is in several forms: bound (or in a complex) and free (or ionized).

The physiological significance of calcium is to reduce the ability of tissue colloids to bind water, reduce the permeability of tissue membranes, participate in the construction of the skeleton and the hemostasis system, as well as in neuromuscular activity. It has the ability to accumulate in places of tissue damage by various pathological processes. Approximately 99% of calcium is in the bones, the rest is mainly in the extracellular fluid (almost exclusively in the blood serum). Approximately half of serum calcium circulates in an ionized (free) form, the other half - in a complex, mainly with albumin (40%) and in the form of salts - phosphates, citrate (9%). Changes in the content of albumin in the blood serum, especially hypoalbuminemia, affect the total concentration of calcium, without affecting the clinically more important indicator - the concentration of ionized calcium.

What are the symptoms for

The determination of ionized calcium (Ca2+) is used in the diagnosis of "physiological activity" or the level of free calcium in patients with protein disorders (chronic renal failure, nephrotic syndrome, malabsorption, multiple myeloma) and in disorders of acid-base metabolism.

How does it go

Blood sampling is carried out in a vacuum system without an anticoagulant or with a coagulation activator (under anaerobic conditions). It is recommended to use tubes with gel filling. Whole blood should be delivered to the laboratory within 2 hours at 2-8°C.

How to prepare for delivery

The material is taken in the morning on an empty stomach.

Delivery material

Serum - 1 ml.

Period of execution

What are the normal indicators (decoding)

1.13-1.32 mmol / l.

Increases in the norm are observed in the following diseases

Increase in the level of ionized calcium: primary hyperparathyroidism, tumors (an increase can be observed even with normal values ​​of total calcium).

Decreases in the norm are observed in the following diseases

The level of ionized calcium better reflects the metabolism of calcium, compared with the level of total calcium. A significant decrease in ionized calcium, regardless of the level of total calcium, can lead to an increase in neuromuscular excitability.

Decrease in the level of ionized calcium: primary hypoparathyroidism (both fractions of calcium), pseudohypoparathyroidism, deficiency of magnesium, vitamin D; transfusion of citrated blood, after major trauma, surgery, sepsis, burns, pancreatitis, multiple organ failure, after hemodialysis using dialysate containing a low concentration of calcium, alkemia, or an increase in ionic strength (for example, an increase in sodium).

Calcium, obtained by our body naturally from food, is extremely beneficial, but due to the deterioration in the quality of food, we do not receive even half of the daily allowance, which can lead to more than 150 different diseases.

Calcium is not only about the health of our bones, teeth, hair and nails. 1% of calcium is found in the blood and is involved in various processes that allow our body to function properly. If calcium is not enough, our body begins to malfunction and often quite serious. Since the majority of people do not get the proper amount of calcium from food, we come to the understanding that it is necessary to add it to your diet. So, let's look at the various forms of calcium, their advantages and disadvantages, and finally choose the best for ourselves.

Forms of calcium

This form of calcium has the lowest percentage of absorption - about 3% and has a number of contraindications and side effects. Calcium gluconate preparations are produced without the addition of vitamin D3, which practically reduces the degree of its absorption to zero. One of the worst effects of prolonged use of this form of calcium is the formation of kidney and gallbladder stones.

Should be the only advantage of calcium gluconate is its low price, but due to the extremely low degree of absorption and the large number of negative consequences from its use, even a low price is not able to attract a knowledgeable client.

Calcium Carbonate (Calcium Carbonate)

This is a much more attractive form of calcium than the previous one. Such calcium is assimilated by the body by 17-22% with normal acidity of gastric juice, while with reduced acidity, the degree of its absorption drops so much that it is practically equal to zero. You should not get carried away with preparations based on calcium carbonate, because. it is also fraught with the formation of calcium stones in the kidneys. A large amount of this type of calcium taken at a time can significantly reduce the acidity of gastric juice and cause such side effects like flatulence, constipation, nausea, allergic reactions and abdominal pain.

This form of calcium is quite widespread and is in great demand due to its greater bioavailability than calcium gluconate. However, there is a more interesting variation on the form of calcium, which we'll look at below.

Calcium citrate (Calcium citrate)

This form of calcium is absorbed by the body 2.5 times better than calcium carbonate, naturally in combination with vitamin D3. The degree of absorption of calcium citrate is 44%. Due to the fact that hydrochloric acid of gastric juice is not required for its absorption, preparations based on calcium citrate can be taken on an empty stomach. The use of calcium citrate does not cause deposits in the kidneys in the form of stones, therefore given form calcium is safe for health. People with low stomach acidity and those who are already over 50 should stop at calcium citrate, because the degree of absorption in this case will be 11 times higher than calcium carbonate.

Calcium citrate is good for diseases of the urinary tract. It shifts the pH of urine to the alkaline side, thereby creating an unfavorable environment for the development of genital infections and inflammation.

Calcium amino acid chelates are by far the best form of calcium products on the market today. Often this form of calcium can still be found under the name "Ionic calcium". Although its price is really high, this is justified by the high degree of absorption and the absence of side effects, in particular, it does not allow the formation of kidney stones and gallbladder. Calcium chelates are able to be absorbed by 90 - 98%, while there is no need to add vitamin D3 to preparations of this type.

Calcium amino acid chelates do not irritate the gastrointestinal tract and do not require stomach acid for absorption. They are 100% soluble in water, which is 400 times higher than the dissolution of calcium carbonate. Another advantage of calcium chelate is the ability to quickly release calcium ions, which prevents calcium supersaturation of the blood, thereby eliminating the possibility of its increased clotting, which is fraught with the formation of blood clots. One of the best calcium products of this form is Forever Calcium, USA.

So let's sum it up

Of the many forms of calcium on the world market, Calcium Citrate and Calcium Chelate proved to be the best in terms of absorption and lack of side effects. The latter has twice the percentage of digestibility compared to calcium citrate. But due to the fact that the price of calcium chelate is usually three times higher than the price of calcium citrate, not everyone can afford it. After a brief review, the question of which calcium is better to answer is still up to you.


The calcium ion is absolutely necessary for the normal process of myocardial contraction. This was established over 100 years ago by Ringer and thoroughly studied by McLean and Hastings in 1934 when they showed that calcium increased the contractility of the isolated amphibian heart. In the clinic, the use of calcium supplements is widespread: Massachusetts General Hospital uses more than 30,000 doses of calcium, equivalent to one ampoule, annually. Calcium salts have a positive inotropic effect, and also affect the tone of vascular smooth muscle. Due to the fact that the calcium ion is necessary for the contraction of vascular smooth muscles, it is involved in the regulation of blood pressure by acting on peripheral vessels, which determines both beneficial and harmful aspects of the use of calcium. This can be very important if the patient has hyperkalemia and hypercalcemia.
The purpose of this publication is to provide an overview of current views on ionized blood calcium, its measurements and their interpretation, the effect of calcium on the heart and peripheral vessels, as well as the limitations and applications of calcium in therapy. Although calcium channel blockers in this moment are closely studied due to their important pharmacodynamic effects in the treatment of many cardiovascular diseases, this problem is not the subject of this review.

Total calcium concentration and ionized calcium concentration.

Calcium in the blood is a source of extracellular calcium that is able to interact with cells. Calcium in the blood is in several forms: bound (or in a complex) and free (or ionized). This division is of particular physiological interest, since only the ionized form is physiologically active, as first shown by McLean and Hustings in 1934. These authors concluded that ionized calcium is required for the rhythmic mechanical activity of the isolated, perfused frog heart. Four decades later, this was confirmed in an isolated dog heart when it was shown that although the simultaneous infusion of calcium gluconate and sodium citrate increased total serum calcium concentration, the level of ionized calcium and myocardial contractility decreased in parallel.
This work also resulted in the nomogram, which has become a cornerstone in the clinical evaluation of serum ionized calcium concentrations. This nomogram provides ionized calcium concentrations at known total calcium and total protein concentrations, assuming a pH of 7.35 and an albumin/globulin ratio of 1.8. Currently, due to the fact that direct measurement of the concentration of calcium ions is not available everywhere, such or similar nomograms can help assess the concentration of ionized calcium in both therapeutic and surgical patients. This technique is still used to assess calcium homeostasis. However, due to possible deviations in calcium balance, inaccuracies are possible. Measurement of ionized calcium concentrations is essential to understand the hemodynamic effects of hyper- or hypocalcemia.

Clinical determination of ionized calcium in the blood

Plasma ionized calcium can be determined in two ways: indirectly, as a correlation either with total calcium concentration using a nomogram, or with the duration of the ECG P-Q interval, or directly, using a selective electrode system.
Indirect methods give very approximate results, which may or may not correctly reflect the amount of calcium ions in this particular patient. When using nomograms, the correlation between ionized and non-ionized forms of calcium in the body is taken into account. However, in several groups of patients, it has been proven that these indicators can change independently of each other, which determines the difference between the results of calcium calculation by nomograms and the result of its direct measurement. Although for decades the correlation between the duration of the ECG ST segment and the concentration of calcium in the patient's blood has been confirmed in examinations of patients with chronic disorders of calcium metabolism, acute changes in the concentration of calcium in the blood of patients cannot be accurately determined by changes Q-T interval, as proven in the clinic and in the experiment. Only direct measurement of the concentration of calcium ions can provide a picture of the ionic status of the patient, which is very often necessary in the treatment of the patient.

Calcium electrode system

As with other electrolytes frequently tested (sodium, potassium, and hydrogen ions), calcium ion activity in whole blood, plasma, serum, and aqueous solutions can be measured using an electrode system that is highly specific and sensitive to that ion. A detailed description of ion-selective electrodes is beyond the scope of this review, but general issues of electrode design and their function will be discussed here.
The calcium ion-selective electrode system consists of an ion-selective membrane and an external standard electrode, both connected to a high-impedance scaled voltmeter. Since both electrodes are also in contact with a solution containing electrolytes, the system is an electrical circuit.
Any ion-selective membrane generates a membrane potential. The diffusion potential, which is formed by unequal diffusion rates of charged electrolyte particles, was described more than a hundred years ago. The electrochemical properties of membranes were discovered in 1890, using the concept of a semi-permeable membrane, that is, a membrane that is permeable to a certain type of ion and not to any other. The membrane theory of electrochemistry of cells and tissues was developed at the beginning of the century, and it still remains the basis of the concept of bioelectric potentials. Research into compact solid membranes led to the invention of hydrogen ion selective glass and the invention of the hydrogen electrode in the 1920s. At present, the theoretical aspects of the application of this electrode and its practical use well researched and developed. The calcium electrode was invented in 1898, and several other types of electrodes have been developed over the past fifty years. These electrodes are practically not used due to their low selectivity and low stability in protein-containing solutions. The calcium electrode suitable for biomedical research was invented in 1967.
The mechanism of action of the calcium electrode is the same as that of the electrode for measuring pH - it is an ion exchange mechanism, which includes the passage of a free fraction of ions through the membrane into the washing solution.
The calcium selective membrane separates two inorganic solutions containing calcium: one of them, a calcium chloride solution of known and constant composition, is called the internal filling solution, in which a silver-plated silver chloride electrode (internal calibration element) is immersed, and the other solution is a sample, in which it is necessary to measure the activity of a calcium ion in the presence of other ions. The calcium electrode was invented in 1967 and is well suited for the clinical examination of various liquids, that is, the calcium selective membrane is suitable for the examination of viscous organic liquids. Organic liquids containing calcium are dissolved in a special organic solvent. Other organic derivatives of calcium with high molecular weight dissolve in the polyvinyl matrix, which significantly increases the sensitivity of the electrodes. The design of the electrodes has also been improved.
Within each phase, aqueous solution and membranes, there is electrical neutrality, that is, the same number of positively and negatively charged particles. In contrast, in the presence of an organic membrane and an inorganic electrolyte solution, the charge equation shifts, since calcium ions on the membrane and calcium ions in the aqueous phase of the medium can freely exchange, organophilic phosphate ions have an affinity for the membrane, since they are insoluble and immobile in water. The thickness of the membrane is of particular importance, since it is on it that the boundary between the two media will depend, and the transport of calcium ions from the aqueous phase to the membrane, where calcium ions lose their hydrophilic shell and form complexes with organic phosphates. However, the total amount of transported calcium ions depends on the amount even in the most dilute solution. Calcium ions form a complex with organophosphorus compounds of the membrane and form a concentration gradient between external and internal solutions, as a result of which a potential difference is formed on the membrane and an electric current arises. The movement of complexes of calcium ions through the membrane occurs until there is not a single free organophosphorus compound available for calcium ions on the membrane. As a result of this process, irreversible changes occur in the electrode and it must be replaced.
Although it is the calcium-selective membrane in the electrode that determines the potential difference, this potential difference cannot be measured without an external calibration electrode. It is mercury-chloride coated with mercury and placed in a highly concentrated solution of calcium chloride, after which it begins to generate a potential. As a result, it becomes possible to register the potential of the measuring electrode.

Ionic selectivity

Ideally, the calcium electrode should respond only to the activity of calcium ions in the sample, that is, this electrode should be calcium-specific. However, the presence of other cations in the solution limits the sensitivity of the electrode to calcium ions. This problem arises when testing blood, which is a mixed electrolyte solution that also contains proteins and sodium ions, which are about 150 times more active than calcium ions. The selectivity of an electrode is determined by the selectivity constant. When the selectivity of the electrode with respect to other cations is high, then the response of the electrode to these cations is minimal. The main problem in this case is the presence of sodium ions in the analyzed solution.
Hydrogen ions only create problems if the pH of the analyzed solution is less than 5.5 or less than 6.0, however, these pH values ​​are almost never encountered in the analysis of biological substrates in the clinic. However, even when physiological values Its change in pH also causes a change in the concentration of calcium ions, possibly due to the fact that when the pH changes, the affinity of calcium ions to protein structures changes. Therefore, ideally, calcium ion measurements should be made in such a way that carbon dioxide does not escape from the analyzed solution, since this can lead to secondary changes in pH. The influence of changes in the concentration of magnesium ions on the concentration of calcium ions is practically reduced to zero, since the specificity of electrodes today is quite high and the concentration of these ions in the solution is low.

Activity and concentration

Ions in very dilute solutions should be considered as gas molecules, but at higher concentrations this rule is not valid, since inter-ionic electrostatic interactions limit their mobility. Determination of liquid vapor pressure, conductivity and freezing point confirmed the idea that a certain number of free ions (activity) in solutions is less than that determined from theoretical calculations of molar concentration, if we consider the dissociation of salts to be complete. The exact amount of unbound ions is defined as ionic activity, which is related to concentration by the following formula:

where A is the activity, y is the activity coefficient and C is the molar concentration.
Ion-selective electrodes depend more on the activity of the ion than on its concentration. Therefore, certain activity standards must be adopted to calibrate the electrodes. The development of such standards requires knowledge of the activity coefficient of the calcium ion in solution. However, there are two serious problems in this area. First, the activity of a single ion in solution cannot be determined in the absence of the corresponding anion. Calcium ion activity is usually calculated by analyzing a calcium chloride solution. Second, the activity of an ion is largely affected by the ionic strength of the solution. Usually, a sodium chloride solution is added to the calibration solution in order to equalize the ionic strength of the calibration solution with the ionic strength of the blood plasma, but the intrinsic activity of sodium ions and its influence on the ionic composition of the solution cannot be ruled out. Therefore, calibration solutions are prepared from highly purified crystalline calcium chloride in distilled water. The concentration of calcium in these solutions is expressed in millimoles.
In the analytical cycle of the calcium electrode system, the standard solution and the analyzed blood plasma move through the electrode, after which the concentration of calcium ions in these solutions is equalized. Adjusting the ionic strength of the calibration solution to match the ionic strength of the blood plasma using sodium chloride solution results in an additional potential of unknown power and distorts the results of the study. In this regard, calcium cannot be determined in urine using this electrode system.
Changes in the ionic strength of the solution in different plasma samples are practically insignificant, with the exception of the rather rare severe hypernatremia and hyponatremia.

Use of calcium electrodes in the laboratory.

In the clinical laboratory, the electrode is calibrated with different solutions with different calcium ion concentrations. When examining samples, the electrode generates a potential, which is then converted to a result in millimoles using a calibration curve. This method is quite accurate and allows you to determine even the minimum values ​​of the concentration of calcium ions in solution.

Interpretation of the obtained results.

In order to interpret the results, you need to know the average fluctuations in calcium concentration in humans. However, this value is quite variable (the average value, according to various sources, is from 0.96 to 1.27 mmol). Such a wide spread can lead to erroneous interpretation of the results.
Recent studies suggest that more attention should be paid to the details of the calcium measurement process and process standardization.
When assessing calcium concentrations in the blood of patients, some details of the measurement process itself must be borne in mind, since they may slightly change the analytical results. An important factor is the electrode system itself for measuring the calcium concentration. Although the technology for manufacturing electrodes is almost the same everywhere, a significant difference in results was noted when using instruments from two different manufacturers. According to various researchers, there is usually a difference of up to 15% between instruments from different manufacturers.
Another factor that determines the result is pH. Because pH shifts cause changes in protein-containing solutions, it is imperative that calcium analyzes be performed under anaerobic conditions to prevent loss of carbon dioxide and secondary pH changes. Changes can also be caused by competition between calcium ions and hydrogen ions for a place of attachment to blood plasma proteins.
Thirdly, plasma protein concentration is very important, since plasma proteins are the main site of fixation of calcium ions. The difference between the total calcium concentration and the concentration of ionized calcium is primarily due to the association of calcium with proteins. The clinical significance of protein affinity for blood plasma is illustrated by the fact that in recipients who are rapidly injected with albumin solutions, a transient decrease in the level of ionized calcium is observed.
Heparin, which can reduce the calcium concentration either by adding a calcium ion to the heparin molecule or by diluting the sample with a heparin solution, can in principle be ignored if its concentration is below 10 units per milliliter of whole blood. So, the measurement of calcium concentration can be performed in serum, plasma and whole blood. The place of blood sampling (artery or vein) in principle does not matter, since the difference in calcium concentration in different vessels is practically very insignificant in order to pay attention to it in the clinic.

calcium and the heart

Activity of pacemaker cells

All heart cells have a phospholipid membrane that separates the cytoplasm from the intercellular environment. According to modern concepts, the membrane contains specific protein complexes that function as ion-selective channels. Each channel with varying specificity controls the passage of sodium, potassium and calcium ions. Thus, the distribution of ions inside and outside the cell is controlled. This results in a potential difference, which is measured as a membrane potential between the cytoplasm and the extracellular fluid. The cycle of opening and closing of ion-selective channels leads to the movement of ions relative to the cell membrane, which ends with depolarization and electrical activation. The movement of ions into and out of the cell, including the release of sodium from the cell, returns the membrane potential to its original level. The characteristics of the transmembrane ion current are: direction (into or out of the cell) and transported ion (sodium, potassium, calcium, or chloride ions). Electrically dependent changes in transmembrane transport occur during membrane depolarization and repolarization and can be recorded as action potentials of the heart, which differ depending on the region of the heart where the recording was made. Therefore, their shape, amplitude and duration differ in different parts of the heart. For example, in the sinoatrial and atrioventricular regions, the action potential appears as a flat low-amplitude curve with a plateau that is primarily dependent on calcium (slow calcium channels). Thus, the calcium ion is absolutely necessary to maintain the automatism of the heart. In Purkinje fibers and myocardial fibers, the general characteristics of the action potential are as follows: rapid depolarization, which is accompanied by a long plateau. This plateau is the result of a slow back and forth of potassium, which determines the depolarization.
There are two hypotheses explaining the different form of potential in different parts of the heart. The first is the rapid current hypothesis, in which sodium is rapidly expelled from the cell and this causes the appearance of an initial spike in the action potential. The second is the hypothesis of a slow current of ions into the cell, which is fundamentally characterized by a slow current into the cell of calcium during the plateau phase of the action potential. So, the calcium ion is necessary for excitation and contraction of the heart muscle. If the level of extracellular calcium drops to zero, then the phase of slow repolarization will be carried out at the expense of sodium ions. The release of calcium from the cell is accompanied by two fundamental mechanisms: the exchange of calcium for sodium and the operation of the calcium pump. Both mechanisms are energy dependent and require ATP in order to conduct the calcium ion against a 10,000-fold transmembrane gradient.

Conjugation of excitation and contraction

The entry of calcium ions during the plateau phase is a phase moment in the process of conjugation of the processes of excitation and contraction in the cells of the working myocardium. So, the calcium ion is an important link between events such as what happens on the surface of the cell (depolarization) and what happens inside (the work of the contractile apparatus). The conjugation of excitation and contraction in the heart muscle depends on a rapidly replacing pool of intracellular calcium, and therefore the contraction of cardiomyocyte fibers is absolutely dependent on extracellular calcium. This phenomenon was first described by Ringer, who found that the contractions of an isolated frog heart ceased a few minutes after the start of its perfusion with a solution without calcium ions.
Calcium is a universal factor that ensures the process of conjugation of excitation and response to it in various types cells. Thus, calcium is a key factor in the links between membrane depolarization, for example, and the synthesis and excretion of second messengers and cellular hormones and enzymes. The secretion and release of insulin, aldosterone, vasopressin, prostaglandins, renin and neurotransmitters is thus regulated. A decrease in the amount of calcium in the blood, for example, leads to a slowdown in the synthesis of insulin. Calcium also activates enzymes in the blood coagulation cascade, and plays a central role in the mechanism of action of hormones and many drugs.

Intracellular interactions of calcium and proteins

There are four main groups of proteins involved in muscle contraction: the contractile proteins actin and myosin and the regulatory proteins troponin and tropomyosin. Troponin consists of three subunits: troponin T, troponin I, and troponin C. According to the model of calcium interaction with the contractile apparatus, calcium attaches to troponin C, which is a receptor protein for calcium on myofibrils, and the point of attachment of myosin to actin opens. Using the energy of ATP hydrolysis, actin leaves the myosin filament and the sarcomere contracts or tightens.
The amount of calcium in the cytoplasm is the main determinant of the adequacy of the delivery of calcium ions to contractile proteins, this factor also determines the rate of tension of muscle fibers. This relationship was also proven for cardiac myofibrils in which the sarcolemma was removed, so that the sarcoplasmic reticulum remained intact and thus exposed to direct action of calcium ions entering from outside. In such a preparation, contraction did not occur, that is, there was no connection between actin and myosin at a calcium ion concentration of 10 to the minus seventh power, and the maximum fiber tension occurred at a calcium ion concentration of 10 to the minus fifth power. However, the concentration of calcium in the blood (and, accordingly, in the interstitial fluid) is approximately 10 to the minus third power. Thus, it was found that the transmembrane gradient of calcium ranges from 100 to 10,000, depending on the stage of electrical activation.
The calcium concentration in the cytosol necessary to stimulate the contractile apparatus and its rise is provided by three main mechanisms: the introduction of calcium ions from extracellular sources during the action potential plateau phase, the release of calcium from intracellular calcium stores, and the exchange of calcium and sodium.
Of all these mechanisms, the release of calcium from intracellular stores is the most important, since the transmembrane current during contraction is too small to provide a full contraction. The transmembrane current is necessary for the constant replenishment of intracellular reserves, which are located mainly in the cisterns of the sarcoplasmic reticulum.

Muscle relaxation.

The attachment of calcium to troponin C is reversible, so muscle relaxation occurs when the troponin-C-calcium complex dissociates. This dissociation occurs when the concentration of calcium in the cell decreases due to external losses and closing of channels in the cisterns. The removal of calcium from its attachment points is an energy-dependent process and requires the presence of ATP. With ATP deficiency, the process of muscle relaxation worsens.

The role of cyclic adenosine monophosphate in conjugation of excitation and contraction processes.

In addition to calcium ions, cyclic nucleotide adenosine 3-5 monophosphate (cAMP) is required to couple the processes of excitation and contraction. It is a secondary messenger in the reduction process. Calcium and cAMP are related to each other. Calcium regulates the rate of cAMP synthesis and decay, while cAMP controls the entry of calcium ions into the cell. cAMP also controls the intracellular processes of calcium binding and release of stored calcium, and thus cAMP is a regulator of the muscle contraction and relaxation cycle.
Current research suggests that the heart muscle contracts and that this contraction requires oxidative phosphorylation to ensure the activation of slow calcium channels and calcium flow. Then, through a phosphorylation process involving several cell organelles, calcium provides the contraction process. These processes are also regulated by substances such as adenylate cyclase, cAMP and protein kinases. Inhibition of the activity of slow calcium channels due to insufficient energy supply may explain why myocardial contractility decreases not only due to ischemia due to blockage of the coronary artery, but also due to a lack of calcium.

Calcium as a mediator of the action of drugs and hormones

The very important role of calcium in ensuring the rhythmic contractile activity of the heart muscle and smooth muscles becomes clear when hypocalcemia decreases the contractility of both the myocardium and peripheral smooth muscles. In contrast, slow calcium channel blockers slow down calcium flow during the plateau phase and thereby reduce the tension and strength of fiber tension, resulting in a decrease in myocardial oxygen demand. For example, nifedipine reduces myocardial and vascular smooth muscle contractility, while a decrease in myocardial contractility is very difficult to maintain with lidoflazin at therapeutic doses.
Other drugs, the action of which depends on the flow of calcium are very diverse: these are cardiac glycosides of the digitalis group, sympathomimetic amines and anesthetics. The modern concept of the mechanism of action of digitalis connects its action either with an enzyme necessary for the operation of the sodium pump, or with a decrease in the release of calcium from the cell as a result of this process, or with a change in sodium-calcium homeostasis in the cell. Both mechanisms lead to an increase in the intracellular calcium pool and an improvement in the interaction of calcium with contractile elements. Beta-agonists increase the number of functioning calcium channels. Alpha - agonists (for example, norepinephrine) cause peripheral vasoconstriction due to the fact that more calcium enters the vascular smooth muscle cells and the mobilization of calcium from the endoplasmic reticulum cisterns also increases. Inhalation anesthetics depress the myocardium. For example, halothane inhibits the pumping function of the left ventricle, therefore, the cardiac index decreases at any end-diastolic pressure. Similar effects have been observed with enflurane, methoxyflurane, and nitrous oxide.
Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain why halothane depresses the myocardium. First, halothane at clinically used concentrations reduces calcium current by inhibiting calcium transport through slow calcium channels. Secondly, halothane can also affect the release of calcium from the cisterns of the cytoplasmic reticulum, its excess can also affect the level of ATP inside the cell. Both of these mechanisms affect the delivery of calcium to the contractile elements. Consistent with the idea that anesthetics interact with calcium delivery to contractile proteins, there is the following observation: bolus administration of calcium, which increases the level of extracellular calcium, removes the inhibitory effects of anesthetics on the contractile apparatus. This has a certain clinical significance, since the use of powerful inhalation anesthetics depresses the myocardium, and therefore it is possible to neutralize or weaken this effect by administering calcium preparations.

Calcium ions and heart function.

The use of calcium salts in anesthesiology is quite wide. Here we show statistics from the Massachusetts General Hospital where approximately 7,500 ampoules of calcium (a mixture of calcium chloride and calcium gluconate) were used during surgery in one year, of which approximately 2,500 were prescribed to patients during cardiac surgery (of which approximately 1,200 are performed each year) and 5,000 patients undergoing other surgeries (about 20,000 are performed each year).
Although the general limitations of extrapolating experimental data to humans must be considered, calcium-induced changes in hemodynamics and cardiac activity in dogs are in fairly good agreement with those obtained in humans.
It has long been known that bolus administration of calcium is accompanied by an increase in myocardial contractility. However, the clinical use of this finding is limited for two reasons: firstly, in humans, the contractility of the myocardium cannot be directly assessed by a direct method. In contrast, the pumping function of the heart, that is, the aspect of cardiac activity directly related to cardiac output, and thus perfusion of vital organs, can be assessed in almost all patients using a special balloon catheter placed in the pulmonary artery. In the operating room and intensive care unit, left ventricular pumping function is assessed by determining cardiac output in relation to end-diastolic pressure in the left ventricle. The second derivative of the ventricular wall oscillation values ​​is an indicator of myocardial contractility in terms of the rate of myocardial fiber contraction in the isovolemic phase of systole. Changes in the peak of this value may indicate a change in the pumping function of the heart, especially if it is evaluated together with the ejection fraction. For example, when using inotropic supports (i.e. catecholamines), and when a situation arises when a negative inotropic effect prevails (for example, in myocardial infarction), there is a disproportion between the speed and force of muscle fiber contraction. Such a disproportion can also occur with the introduction of calcium. However, in the clinic, such an increase in the work of the heart in a patient with ischemic disease fraught with a sharp increase in myocardial oxygen demand and decompensation.
It is now clear that both the heart and the smooth muscles of the peripheral vessels respond with changes in hemodynamics to both hypercalcemia and hypocalcemia. In an intact circulatory system, if calcium administration increases cardiac output, then a vascular response to calcium administration may not develop. Conversely, if cardiac output does not change, calcium administration may increase peripheral vascular resistance. This is necessary to know in order to understand the conflicting hemodynamic effects of hypocalcemia and hypercalcemia.


In the operating room, acute hypocalcemia may occur in patients with hyperfunction of the parathyroid glands and with rapid intravenous administration of calcium. It is this form of hypercalcemia that is the subject of further discussion.

Kinetics of calcium ions during bolus administration of solutions of calcium salts.

Clinically used and recommended doses of calcium chloride for bolus injection are expressed in milligrams of calcium salt rather than pure calcium and range from 3 to 15 mg per kg per minute, which is quite a wide range. In adults, intravenous administration of calcium chloride at a dose of 5-7 mg / kg increases the concentration of ionized calcium in the blood by 0.1-0.2 mmol for about 3-15 minutes, followed by a decrease, but not to the initial level. The fact that the concentration of calcium in the blood after intravenous bolus administration increases only for a short time is of great clinical importance, especially with the rapid exchange of calcium on the membrane of the contractile elements of the cell, the reactions of the heart and blood vessels in this case are also of a short-term nature, as shown in the experiment and in the clinic. At a dose of calcium chloride of 15 mg/kg, the peak concentration of calcium in the blood is observed after two minutes, but its concentration in this case will also fall faster.
The rates of increase and decrease in the concentration of calcium ions in plasma are influenced by several factors. Firstly, the level of bioavailability of calcium ions (and hence the ionization of the calcium salt) in the formulation, together with the dose and time over which it was administered, are the most important determinants. Both chloride and calcium gluconate are 10% solutions of the corresponding salts, produced in 10 ml ampoules. However, despite the same concentration of salt solutions and the same volume, there will be more calcium in chloride than in gluconate, since the elemental calcium content in chloride is 27%, and in gluconate - 9%. In addition, calcium chloride in solution is completely ionized. So, the reaction to the introduction of the same amount of such solutions will be different due to the unequal content of calcium in them. With the exception of varying amounts of calcium in these salts and the slightly acidic properties of calcium chloride, no advantage of one salt over another has been recorded. However, accurate comparative information about these two calcium salts has not yet been published.
The second determinant of the increase in the concentration of calcium ions in plasma after intravenous administration of calcium preparations is the rate of its distribution, redistribution and collection from the blood. Although we do not have data on the distribution of calcium in the body after its intravenous administration, we believe that low cardiac output (which leads to a decrease in the distribution rate) in clinical practice should be used low doses of calcium supplements in order to avoid too high a rise in concentration calcium, so as not to disturb the heart rhythm and conduction, especially in the presence of therapeutic doses of digitalis.

Action on the heart.

In the absence of ischemia, left ventricular function curves recorded at different levels hypercalcemia, practically do not differ from normal. Even if the concentration of calcium ions is 1.7 mmol / l, which is the upper limit of the calcium concentration measured in the clinic, there are no significant changes in the pumping function of the heart. Thus, at doses of calcium commonly used in the clinic, there are no significant changes in the pumping function of the left ventricle.
In the presence of myocardial ischemia, an increase in the concentration of calcium ions in the blood to 1.7 mmol improves the function of the heart as a whole, as indicated by a 20% increase in shock work at a given end-diastolic pressure. Although the calcium-induced improvement in ischemic heart function is associated not only with an increase in the level of calcium itself, but also with interactions between different parts of the heart (that is, with changes in the geometry of the left ventricle), regional mechanical function improves precisely due to hypercalcemia as in normal, and in ischemic areas. When the stroke volume, heart rate and mean arterial pressure remain constant, hypercalcemia will be combined with a decrease in the end-diastolic and end-systolic length of the muscle fiber both in the control and in the ischemic zone and systolic dissociation, which characterizes segmental myocardial dysfunction much less expressed with hypercalcemia than with normocalcemia. Regional systolic shortening increases, and therefore the work of the heart increases.
The disadvantage of calcium infusion is an increase in myocardial oxygen demand without an increase in coronary blood flow, despite an increase in contractility. Despite this, the improvement in left ventricular function with the introduction of calcium allows the use of calcium preparations in patients with coronary heart disease, although it is necessary to take into account the impossibility of direct extrapolation of experimental data to the clinic, especially when the circulatory system is intact and the response of blood pressure and heart to intravenous administration of calcium preparations are very diverse. It must be remembered that the administration of calcium preparations has its drawbacks, but in principle, the same problems are inevitable when using other inotropic supports. In deciding whether or not to use calcium to stimulate the heart, consideration must be given to the rate and nature of the development of its effect on the heart (especially pronounced when the initial level of calcium is low, as discussed below), extracardiac effects and the disadvantages of calcium administration mentioned above. Thus, it is necessary to evaluate what outweighs: benefit or harm, as well as evaluate the prospect of using other inotropic supports. For example, comparative data (calcium chloride and catecholamines) obtained in an experiment on dogs under controlled hemodynamic conditions showed that with the same increase in the pumping function of the left ventricle, the increase in myocardial oxygen demand due to the use of isoproterenol exceeds that with the use of calcium by about three times.


Although the term "hypocalcemia" is generally defined as a total decrease in the total concentration of calcium in the blood, severe disturbances in ionized calcium homeostasis can occur in the absence of serious changes in the total concentration of calcium. This proves the need for direct measurement of the concentration of calcium ions in plasma in the clinical setting, when hypocalcemia is expected and the need for replacement therapy. In the operating room, hypocalcemia may occur after transfusion of freshly citrated blood, or from transfusion of factory-made albumin solutions after completion of cardiopulmonary bypass. In the intensive care unit, hypocalcemia can be observed in patients with pancreatitis, sepsis, during conditions accompanied by prolonged low cardiac output, after x-ray studies using intravenous contrast agents, and in those patients who require hemodialysis.

Kinetics of calcium ions during citrate infusions.

When a patient is transfused with blood stabilized with sodium citrate, changes in the concentration of calcium ions in the blood and hemodynamics are minimal. However, rapid transfusions at a rate of 1.5 ml/kg/min can cause already recorded, but transient degrees of hypocalcemia and hemodynamic disturbances.

Action on the heart.

With a decrease in the concentration of calcium ions in the serum to 50% of the original, the shock work of the heart deteriorates sharply at any final diastolic pressure, with a final diastolic pressure in the left ventricle of 10 mm Hg. Art. this reduction is about 55%.
In regional ischemia, hypocalcemia-induced inhibition seems to be more easily induced than in non-ischemic myocardium, while in non-ischemic myocardium, compensation is maintained until the concentration of calcium ions in the blood drops to 50% of the initial level, and in the presence of regional ischemia, compensation persists only with a decrease in the concentration of calcium ions in the blood to 70% of the original. The curves of the work of the left ventricle are shifted to the left, which is characterized by the level of oppression of its work. With hypocalcemia, both in normal and ischemic myocardium, all functions are sharply inhibited: both the end-systolic and end-diastolic length of myocardial fibers increase, systolic dissociation is observed in the left ventricle, systolic shortening decreases, and the curves of regional functions mix to the right and down. Hypocalcemia is also accompanied by dilatation of the coronary arteries.
Changes in cardiac function caused by severe hypocalcemia (decrease in calcium levels by 30-50% from baseline), as shown in the experiment, confirm the need for the use of calcium supplements for the treatment of patients with myocardial ischemia and moderate or severe hypocalcemia. This situation may occur immediately after the end of cardiopulmonary bypass and the use of calcium under these conditions is discussed below, but this tactic is not used in all hospitals.
It should also be taken into account that the repeated use of calcium develops resistance, these observations were made for the first time 50 years ago. However, the true mechanism of this phenomenon has not yet been elucidated.

Controversial aspects of the reaction of the heart to hypocalcemia and hypercalcemia.


There have been several reports of calcium infusions at clinically used doses discussing the need to use calcium supplements when cardiac output cannot be measured. We will try to explain the reason for their appearance. One study did not provide comparative statistics of left ventricular function in hypocalcemia (i.e., before calcium supplementation) and after calcium infusion. In another study, cardiac output and blood pressure increased within one minute of calcium infusion, consistent with the transient effects of a bolus calcium infusion. If the concentration of calcium ions before the infusion of the calcium preparation was normal, then changes in cardiac output are less pronounced than with an initially low calcium concentration. Many studies incorrectly assessed the concentration of calcium ions in the blood plasma, or an incomplete assessment of the hemodynamic profile. The effect of calcium in the presence of powerful inhalational anesthetics is strikingly different from the results that have been obtained in patients with neuroleptoanalgesia. Finally, clinical data suggest that the presence of prior cardiac depression due to coronary artery pathology with calcium administration results in an increase in cardiac output, while in patients without cardiac pathology, calcium infusion is associated with an increase in peripheral systemic vascular resistance.


Approximately thirty years ago, the development of methods for measuring cardiac output during citrate infusion began and the term "citrate intoxication" was coined. Numerous experimental and clinical studies have been conducted that support the idea that citrate administration causes hypocalcemia and depression. of cardio-vascular system. Although the intensity of citrate intoxication has been discussed, the occurrence of severe, albeit transient, hypocalcemia with rapid infusion of freshly citrated blood has not been discussed anywhere.
Some investigators suggest that changes in blood pressure and heart function due to citrated blood infusion are minimal and not clinically important. To explain this point of view, the determining factor in this problem should be considered not the total amount of blood transfused, but the rate of infusion. Also, hypocalcemia inhibits cardiac function, and this occurs much faster in the presence of other inhibitory factors, for example, when taking beta-blockers, myocardial ischemia, cardiac denervation, or in the presence of hypovolemia before citrate administration. Nothing is known about inhalation anesthetics in this regard.
Although citrate-induced hypocalcemia was at one time prevented by infusion of dextrose acid phosphate-stabilized blood, its hemodynamic effects were negative and more severe than sodium citrate-stabilized blood.

Calcium and smooth muscles of peripheral vessels.

Although the role of calcium in the regulation of peripheral vascular smooth muscle function has been studied decades ago, it has not been discussed in reports on the hemodynamic effects of calcium. The calcium ion is necessary for the process of conjugation of excitation and contraction in the smooth muscles of the peripheral vessels, and therefore the peripheral blood vessels respond to changes in the concentration of calcium ions in the blood.

Peripheral vascular response to acute hypo- and hypercalcemia.

Since an increase in the concentration of calcium ions in the blood is associated with an increase in smooth muscle contractility, hypercalcemia leads to an increase in resistance to blood flow in peripheral arteries, renal, coronary and cerebral vessels. Such a reaction was not recorded in the vessels of the small circle. Hypocalcemia is associated with a decrease in peripheral vascular resistance, which is an important pathogenetic factor in the development of hypotension in hypocalcemia.
Two major mechanisms are involved in creating a vascular response to calcium administration. First: this is the direct effect of calcium preparations on vascular smooth muscles and their tone. This is supported by the observation that peripheral vascular tone decreases with calcium channel blockers.
Secondly, there is an effect produced through the sympathetic nervous system, through the release of catecholamines or stimulation of adrenergic receptors. The release of catecholamines in connection with the introduction of calcium occurs because the calcium ion is associated with the conjugation of the processes of excitation and secretion. Hypercalcemia acts as a stimulus for the release of catecholamines from both the adrenal medulla and peripheral autonomic nerve endings. Recent experiments in dogs, for example, have shown that the calcium-induced increase in peripheral vascular resistance decreases dramatically after adrenalectomy. Experimental data suggest that hypercalcemia may also stimulate alpha and beta adrenoreceptors. After the use of beta-blockers, the increase in OPSS is more pronounced than under normal conditions. When alpha- and beta-blockers are used simultaneously, changes in peripheral vascular resistance during hypercalcemia vary. These findings may explain the differential response of the cardiovascular system to hypercalcemia under different circumstances.

Controversial aspects of peripheral vascular smooth muscle response to hyper- and hypocalcemia.


Since hypercalcemia may increase the contractility of the heart and smooth muscles of peripheral vessels, an increase in blood pressure is most often observed after the administration of calcium supplements. However, there is mention in the text of an unpublished observation of a reduction in blood pressure with calcium supplementation. While some experimental and clinical data have shown that TPVR increases with calcium infusion, others have shown that it, on the contrary, decreases. It is clear that calcium can cause changes in both the heart and blood vessels. What happens when calcium is administered depends on the initial concentration of calcium ions in the blood, myocardial contractility and the initial activity of the sympathetic nervous system. Moreover, paying attention to the detail - the recording of different hemodynamic parameters in different studies, it becomes clear why such mixed results are obtained. Finally, the state of the adrenergic system affects the hemodynamic response to calcium, as discussed above.


A decrease in blood pressure has been reported during hypocalcemia in patients over twenty years ago. However, the important role of the great vessels in the development of hypocalcemic hypotension has been documented but not recognized. These researchers recorded a sharp decrease in cardiac output and work of the heart, as well as a decrease in blood pressure, but they did not indicate that the decrease in systemic arterial pressure could be associated with a decrease in the tone of the great vessels. Since blood pressure is included as one of the variables in the equation for calculating the work of the heart, the work of the heart decreased. Thus, it is impossible to consider the work of the heart in conditions of hypotension as an accurate indicator of cardiac output, moreover, the interpretation of the role of the function of the heart and the function of peripheral vessels during hypocalcemic hypotension is impossible if the pumping function of the left ventricle and its most important determinants are not measured, or if the patient also has hypovolemia (the main indication for blood transfusion) and hypocalcemia combined.

Therapeutic use of calcium.

In the operating room and intensive care unit, hemodynamic support is carried out with the help of catecholamines and calcium salts. Sympathomimetic amines with a very short lifetime are administered by long-term infusions, that is, the rate of their administration can be selected for each individual patient individually to maintain stable hemodynamics. In contrast, calcium salts are commonly used as bolus injections. They are not administered by continuous infusions, as this would require a system to determine the concentration of calcium ions in the blood right at the patient's bed - so often this would have to be done, because if the rate of calcium infusion is constant and cardiac output for some reason does not respond to the introduction of calcium, dangerously high concentrations of calcium ions in the blood can occur, which will lead to serious heart rhythm disturbances.

Indications and doses


Since hypocalcemia during infusion of citrate blood in different patients varies, usually small and quickly disappears, there is no need for calcium administration with conventional blood transfusion. However, when transfusion is rapid over a long period of time (i.e. 1.5 ml/kg/min over 5 minutes or more), intravenous calcium should be given. The inhibition of myocardial contractility in the combination of hypocalcemia and the use of beta-blockers is stronger than in the presence of only hypocalcemia, therefore, the use of calcium is also justified in blood transfusions at a moderate pace in patients taking beta-blockers. The dose of calcium depends on the degree of hypocalcemia, usually the initial dose is 5-7 mg / kg of calcium chloride, which is repeated after a few minutes, if necessary, confirmed by measuring the concentration of calcium ion in the blood.
If citrated blood is used to fill the AIK oxygenator, then calcium chloride (at a dose of approximately 500 mg/l) can be added to the solution in order to reduce hemodynamic disturbances due to hypocalcemia at the beginning of cardiopulmonary bypass. In this case, heparin is also required.
In some medical centers calcium chloride is used in patients with cardiac surgery after the end of cardiopulmonary bypass. The approximate dose in this case varies from 7 to 15 mg / kg for 30-60 seconds, and then it is repeated if necessary. We believe that in this case it is necessary to monitor the concentration of calcium ions in the blood in order to organize a rational therapeutic use of calcium. Calcium chloride is also commonly used in patients with asystole or cardiac arrest at a dose of 5 to 12 mg/kg. Although we do not have comparative data, the dose of calcium gluconate should be 2.5-3 times the dose of calcium chloride in order to increase the concentration of calcium ions in the blood equally.

Newborns and children.

According to international agreement, only calcium gluconate is used in pediatric practice, since it is safer than calcium chloride in terms of provoking cardiac arrhythmias. However, the safety of administering a calcium preparation depends on its amount and rate of administration, on the bioavailability of the calcium ion in this preparation and on the volume of its initial distribution. The second reason for the use of calcium gluconate alone in pediatric practice is that there is less acid-base disturbance with its administration than with the administration of calcium chloride, but this is not a problem with short-term use of calcium preparations.
The use of calcium preparations is indicated for extensive surgical interventions in children with large blood loss when blood loss and replacement volume are estimated as an approximate BCC in this child. The dose of calcium gluconate is approximately 100 mg for every 100 ml of infused blood, however, frequent determinations of the concentration of calcium ions in the blood are necessary, since hypocalcemia is possible at this rate of calcium administration. So, the dose and preferred time of administration of the calcium preparation need to be strictly determined.
Calcium is also used in exchange transfusions in newborns. Although the recommended dose is 100 mg of calcium gluconate per 100-150 ml of infused blood, it may not be sufficient to prevent hypocalcemia. Therefore, again, careful monitoring of the concentration of calcium ions in the blood of the newborn is necessary. In hypocalcemia in a newborn, calcium gluconate at a dose of 200 mg / kg is recommended only when tetany or convulsions occur due to a sharp decrease in the level of calcium in the blood. In cardiac arrest in a child, calcium gluconate is used at a dose of 10 mg / kg.

Complications of calcium use

The most dramatic description of the complications of calcium infusion was published 60 years ago. The author of this report was given a bolus dose of calcium chloride and experienced nausea, discomfort, convulsions, syncope, and respiratory failure. There are no exact details in the report, but the ECG shows sinoatrial blockade and marked bradycardia. Massage of the heart through the abdominal wall was effective (the experiment was carried out on a volunteer).
Even if hypocalcemia is fixed, the administration of calcium in therapeutic doses can lead to serious disorders: sinus arrhythmia, bradycardia, A-B dissociation and the appearance of ectopic foci. The potential risk of calcium bolus administration is also present in patients treated with digitalis, as discussed above.
A complication of calcium administration, which is not life-threatening, but unpleasant for the patient, is irritation of the vessel wall and necrosis of the subcutaneous tissue in case of accidental administration of calcium chloride or calcium gluconate past the vein. Therefore, calcium preparations are injected into veins of the largest possible diameter, carefully fixing the needle. Is it safe to inject calcium into the aorta in newborns? This issue needs further discussion.

Anesthesia and analgesia
1985,64, 432-51
Lambertus J. Drop, MD, PhD

The level of calcium ions in the blood plasma reflects the processes of mineral metabolism in the body.

If ionized calcium is normal, then there are no disturbances in calcium metabolism.

Its indicator is more informative than the level of total blood calcium, and it is this fraction that has life-supporting functions.

Ionized (free, unbound) calcium is called independently circulating ions of this mineral, not associated with proteins or other trace elements. The time of day affects the indicators of blood saturation with free calcium: it reaches its peak in the morning, and decreases in the evening.

The level of active calcium in blood plasma is maintained by:

  • thyroid hormone calcitonin - a modern oncomarker, reduces blood calcium saturation, facilitating the movement of ions into bone tissue;
  • parathyroid hormone (PTH) of the parathyroid glands - an antagonist of calcitonin, increases blood calcium saturation, pulling it out of the bones;
  • calcitriol, the active fraction of vitamin D, is produced in the kidneys, is involved in the creation of proteins that can deliver calcium to tissues and affects the formation of parathyroid hormone.

The production of these active substances, in turn, is subject to the level of unbound calcium. In addition, its concentration is affected by acid-base balance, glucocorticoids, magnesium, sex hormones and some albumins.

An unbound element is directly involved in the formation and propagation of a nerve impulse, in the processes of blood coagulation, determines the saturation of the blood with enzymes and the contractility of the muscles of the skeleton and the muscles of the heart.

Indications for determining the level of free calcium is the diagnosis of dysfunctions of the endocrine, digestive, urinary, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal systems; hypovitaminosis of vitamin D; oncological diseases; convulsive syndrome; magnesium metabolism disorders.

Calcium and Calcium Ionized: What's the Difference?

There is about a kilogram of calcium in a person, and almost all of it is concentrated in bone tissue skeleton and teeth, and only one percent circulates in blood plasma and other body fluids.

In blood plasma, calcium is present in two approximately equal proportions: in the bound and in the free state.

The non-free element is represented by two types: associated with proteins and forming phosphates, carbonates, salts of lactic and citric acids. It is used by the body only as a buffer system that keeps the concentration of total calcium within the physiological range of 2.2-2.6 mmol/L.

The active, free form of the trace element is represented by a freely circulating cation ionized by calcium. For physiological needs, only this form of calcium can be used by the body.

An overview of the cost of a bone densitometry procedure is presented.


The degree of saturation of blood serum with ionized calcium is due to age.

During childbearing, there is a decrease in total calcium due to a decrease in protein content, and active calcium should remain within the physiological range.

A decrease in ionized calcium to 0.8 mmol / l provokes tetany (convulsive readiness of the muscles) and convulsions. A threat to life is a drop in its level to 0.5-0.7 mmol / l.

Deviation from the norm

To determine the level of unbound calcium, a sample of venous blood is studied.

To get correct results, it is necessary to properly prepare for the study: take a blood test in the morning no later than 10-11 hours, on an empty stomach (at least 12 hours after eating should pass).

Fatty, spicy, smoked foods, alcohol, preparations containing calcium and vitamin D should be excluded two days before the study. 40 minutes before blood sampling, exclude physical and emotional stress, do not smoke.

The use of oral contraceptives helps to reduce the content of ionized calcium, and the use of injectable contraceptives - to increase it.

There is also a laboratory error, for example, if a test tube with blood has been in contact with air for a long time, the result will be overestimated. In different biochemical laboratories, the indicators may vary slightly.

Causes contributing to the increase in the content of ionized calcium in the blood

  • An excess of vitamin D increases the level of both active and total calcium.
  • Neoplasms, primary or metastasizing to bone tissue: destroying it, they contribute to the release of the substance. An increase in active calcium may be against the background of normal values ​​of total calcium and PTH.
  • Excessive acidification of the body (acidosis) disrupts the ability of calcium to bind to plasma proteins, thereby increasing the amount of its free form.
  • Burnett's milk-alkaline syndrome, which occurs with excessive consumption of milk (more than 2 liters per day) or certain heartburn remedies (baking soda, burnt magnesia, Rennie, Vikair) and increases calcium reabsorption in the kidneys. In this case, hypercalcemia is reversible.
  • Primary hyperparathyroidism, characterized by the occurrence of a tumor process in the parathyroid glands, stimulates the production of parathyroid hormone. In such cases, an increase in active calcium in the blood is accompanied by an increase in the level of PTH.
  • Neuroendocrine tumors are small tumors that produce amino acids similar to parathyroid hormone. They are able to "deceive" the body and increase the level of active calcium. In this case, the level of PTH remains within the acceptable range, since the amino acid chains are only partly similar to it.
  • Diseases endocrine system contributing to the destruction of bone tissue: thyrotoxicosis, hypocorticism, acromegaly, etc.
  • Granulomatous diseases, in which there is an increased absorption of calcium in the intestine: sarcoidosis, tuberculosis (mainly extrapulmonary form), berylliosis, etc.
  • The intake of certain drugs affects the indicators of free calcium: long-term use of diuretics of the thiazide group, androgens, thyroxine, large doses of vitamin A, calcium and lithium salts. As a rule, the level of both active and total calcium increases.
  • Prolonged immobilization, such as in complex fractures or in the postoperative period, promotes the movement of calcium from the bones into the bloodstream, thereby increasing the level of free calcium.

A significant excess of the level of ionized calcium affects the work of the brain and cardiac activity, is manifested by emotional lability, confusion, hallucinations, delirium, weakness, arrhythmias and can lead to coma.

Long-term excess of the level of ionized calcium (chronic hypercalcemia) is characterized by the gradual deposition of excess calcium, mainly in the kidneys, proceeds without severe symptoms, is detected by chance in a blood test.

With advanced hypercalcemia, pain in the lumbar region, swelling, fluid retention in the body appear against the background of cerebral and coronary manifestations.

Causes contributing to a decrease in the concentration of ionized calcium

Reduced ionized calcium is observed under the following conditions:

  • Lack of intake of a macronutrient with food, for example, with excessive passion for diets for weight loss.
  • Deficiency in the body of vitamin D, occurs mainly in children.
  • Disease or resection of the parathyroid glands.
  • Primary hypoparathyroidism and pseudohypoparathyroidism, characterized by insufficient production of parathyroid hormone.
  • Excessive alkalinization of the body (alkalosis) stimulates the ability of calcium to bind to albumin, thereby reducing the proportion of the free element.
  • The postmenopausal period is accompanied by a decrease in the level of the element due to the involutive processes of the female body and a violation of the hormonal balance.
  • Extensive injuries with massive damage to skeletal muscles, burn disease, septic blood poisoning.
  • Acute inflammation of the pancreas.
  • Medicinal hypocalcemia can occur when taking certain antitumor, anticonvulsant (phenobarbital, phenytoin) drugs, corticosteroids, furosemide, substances that can bind calcium (heparin, oxalates, citrates, rifampin).
  • Increased sweating.
  • Aggravated liver damage in case of poisoning with salts of heavy metals or surrogate alcohol.

Long-term low content of ionized calcium leads to brittle nails and hair, tooth decay, reduced blood clotting, arrhythmias, memory impairment, pain in muscles and bones, and convulsive readiness of muscles.


The doctor interprets the result of the study, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient and his anamnesis.

In some cases, it is preferable to take a second analysis for ionized calcium, approaching the study responsibly and without fail observing all the conditions for preparing for it.

A high level of the substance is a direct indication for an extended examination and consultation with an endocrinologist.

First you need to conduct a blood test for the level of phosphorus, calcitonin and parathyroid hormone (PTH).

Only a doctor can correct the content of free calcium in the blood, having previously identified the cause that led to an increase or decrease in the level of the microelement.

During therapy, in addition to drugs for the treatment of the underlying disease, a special drinking regimen is prescribed to flush out its excess content through the kidneys. Some cases require parenteral (intravenous) administration of solutions. Drugs that prevent destructive changes in bone tissue are also used.

A low level of the element requires, in addition to the treatment of the underlying disease, adherence to a special diet and the use of vitamins and microelements that improve the absorption of the element. In some cases, additional calcium supplements are prescribed.

A blood test for the degree of saturation with ionized calcium is a diagnostic and preventive measure that allows you to timely identify the abnormal content of the trace element and prevent the development of pathologies.

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Violation of mineral metabolism is a dangerous disorder, against which diseases of the heart, blood vessels, bone tissue, tumors develop, problems with nervous regulation and muscle condition appear. An important indicator is the level of ionized calcium in the blood.

If there are signs of a tumor process and mineral imbalance, the patient must be tested to clarify the concentration of free (active) Ca. Based on the results of the study, the doctor corrects the diet, prescribes hormonal therapy, or recommends surgical treatment if a tumor process is detected.

What it is

Blood calcium is an important mineral component, with a deficiency or excess of which the work of the heart, neuromuscular conduction is disrupted, and a tendency to form tumors appears. Tetany and convulsions are the result of insufficient Ca concentration. Salt deposits in the vessels and heart muscle, insufficient elasticity of the elements of the circulatory system, osteoporosis - a consequence of a critical increase in the level of the mineral.

Calcium in the blood has two forms:

  • bound- 55%. about 15% Ca has a bond with citrate or phosphorus, more than 40% with protein molecules;
  • free(ionized, active) - 45%. It is this form that affects the muscles, nervous regulation, heart, circulatory system.

Bound calcium (the state of the mineral during transportation) has a weaker effect on the body, a violation of the concentration of this form of the mineral does not always indicate serious problems with mineral metabolism. In most cases, with an increase in total calcium, the concentration of the ionized form increases.

Why analysis is needed

Conducting a study allows you to determine whether calcium metabolism in the body is normal. To clarify the nature of the process, one analysis is sufficient ( total score) to see if there are abnormal free calcium levels.

The study of the level of ionized Ca is more complex, not all laboratories have the equipment to determine the exact values. Diagnostic errors can adversely affect the patient's condition: an increased level of the mineral indicates problems with the parathyroid gland, the development of a tumor process in the body.

Often, high Ca levels are a consequence of hormonal imbalance during the formation of an active malignant formation. Problems with mineral metabolism negatively affect bone density, transmission of nerve impulses, metabolic processes, blood clotting, muscle contraction.

Limits of the norm

The rate of ionizing calcium in the blood changes with age:

  • after birth, the Ca level ranges from 1.03 to 1.37 mmol/l;
  • during the period of active growth and formation of the skeleton, the body needs more mineral, the indicators increase. For children and adolescents under 16 years of age, the permissible values ​​\u200b\u200bare from 1.29 to 1.31 mmol / l;
  • in adults, the optimal calcium levels are from 1.17 to 1.29 mmol / l.

A significant deviation from the norm indicates pathological processes or a violation of calcium metabolism against the background of malnutrition with excessive intake of Ca or a significant deficiency of the microelement.

Note! Women should be aware that the concentration of calcium changes not only with age, but also during pregnancy, while taking oral contraceptives, during breastfeeding.

Indications for passing the analysis

Refinement of indicators of ionized calcium is prescribed in the following cases:

  • before appointment medicines affecting the level of Ca. The study is carried out before taking barbiturates, calcium preparations, magnesia, heparin;
  • severe kidney damage or extensive intoxication of the body has been detected, hemodialysis is required;
  • in the process of complex diagnostics of oncopathologies and (excessive secretion of thyroid hormones);
  • in the postoperative period, during the treatment of extensive burns, severe injuries, after transferring the patient from intensive care to a standard ward.

How to donate blood to the level of free calcium

  • during the day do not eat fatty, spicy, heavy food for the stomach, exclude alcohol;
  • for two to three days you can not change the diet (eat more or less foods with calcium);
  • before the study, you can eat in the evening, 8-10 hours before the blood test;
  • it is necessary to take biomaterial from a vein on an empty stomach, in a calm state;
  • be sure to visit the laboratory to determine the level of calcium in the morning (8-11 hours).

Causes and symptoms of deviations

Does the decoding of the biochemical analysis show low or high values ​​of free calcium? Be sure to contact to determine the range of possible diseases. Most often, deviations in the analysis are a consequence of the tumor process and.

For greater information content of the next appointment, the patient can immediately pass the biomaterial to determine the concentration of the hormone, and the level of phosphorus. With a minimum list of finished results, you can sign up for a second appointment. Further, the doctor prescribes parathyroid glands, a blood test for tumor markers and other types of diagnostics.

On the page, read about how to treat breast mastopathy with medications.

Ca level is elevated

Excessive circulation of ionized calcium in the blood is a signal for an in-depth examination of the body. It is impossible to neglect the identification of deviations: high rates are a consequence of dangerous pathological processes, including malignant ones.

The main reasons for high levels of free calcium:

  • acidosis (low blood acidity);
  • primary hyperparathyroidism, against which the level of Ca and parathyroid hormone is increased;
  • excessive consumption of foods and vitamin-mineral complexes with vitamin D;
  • destruction of bone tissue with the release of calcium ions against the background of the process of metastasis during the growth of a malignant tumor. The parameters of parathyroid hormone are normal, but the concentration of Ca is above the permissible values;
  • tumor process in the parathyroid glands;
  • preparations based on lithium and calcium salts, thiazide diuretics, thyroxine;
  • formation of neuroendocrine neoplasms producing PTH-like peptides. The main area of ​​localization is the lungs, the size of the tumors is 4 mm - 2 cm.

With an increased level of ionized calcium, it is imperative to examine, donate blood for tumor markers and parathyroid hormone levels, and conduct a puncture tissue biopsy. It is important to recognize the tumor process in time, to remove the neoplasm that produces hormones. After the operation, the patient should receive hormonal preparations to restore the functions of the parathyroid glands, reduce the risk of secondary. HRT often lasts a lifetime.

Reduced rates

Violation of the concentration of the mineral develops against the background of diseases:

  • hypofunction of the parathyroid glands (hypoparathyroidism);
  • multiple organ failure;
  • severe burns;
  • pseudohypoparathyroidism;
  • and other hyperosmolar pathologies;
  • increased acidity of the blood (alkalosis).

Other factors that reduce the level of free calcium:

  • transfusion of citrated blood;
  • postoperative period;
  • trauma with blood loss;
  • active inflammatory process, development of sepsis.

To increase calcium levels to optimal values, you need to revise the diet, use more hard cheese, dairy products, sesame. Do not exceed the daily norm of the mineral in order to avoid excessive accumulation of calcifications in the bones and blood vessels. Vitamin complexes and dietary supplements with calcium are a useful addition to the diet. The best option- receive preparations enriched not only with Ca, but also with vitamin D, for example, Calcium D3 Nycomed. It is important to use all dietary supplements and mineral compositions strictly according to the instructions.

In the direction of the endocrinologist, the patient takes an analysis to determine the total and free calcium fraction. It is necessary to understand why the mineral metabolism is disturbed, what is the nature of the tumor process in the lungs or parathyroid glands, why the bone density is disturbed. The frequent occurrence of seizures also requires an analysis of the level of unbound (ionized) calcium. On the recommendation of a doctor, it is imperative to correct the diet in order to normalize the intake of vitamin D and Ca with food.

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