What is needed for borscht. The secrets of cooking delicious borscht. For borscht you will need

When I collected recipes for the preparation of Ukrainian borscht known to me for this article, I was amazed at their variety. There are as many borschtas as there are Ukrainian regions and townships, even more. Of course, I will not tell about all of them, I will choose the best ones.

But most importantly, I will try to answer the question: what are the principles of cooking this surprisingly popular dish? Its secrets, rules and ingredients? Why does not every housewife get a real Ukrainian borscht - really tasty and "the same"? Legendary.

Ukrainian borscht recipe - what's included?

Bouillon, most often beef meat. But the broth can be made from any other meat - pork, lamb, rabbit, poultry, as well as offal, sausages and even canned meat. By the way, you can combine different types of meat, for example, fatty pork with goose and dietary beef brisket.

A 3-liter saucepan will take a pound of meat bones.

Delicious borscht is obtained from fish (unexpectedly?), Both sea and river, and even canned. And I assure you, it will not be an ear, but real Ukrainian borscht... Popular recipes for cooking borscht with mushroom and bean broth. But it's better not to talk about vegetarian recipes in the presence of gourmets, they are not nutritionists and may misunderstand you.

Leavened broth ... Do you know how Ukrainian borsch was prepared in the hetman's Ukraine? Real Ukrainian borscht was once cooked not in broth at all, but in kvass. Imagine: raw meat, beets and sautéed vegetables with roots are poured with kvass, salted and pepper, flavored with sugar and put on fire. This appetizing brew stands on the fire exactly until the moment it stops giving the foam (which, of course, needs to be removed). Then the kvass with the ingredients is sent to the oven (apparently, earlier in the oven?) And cooked over low heat for 4 hours. At the very end (15-20 minutes), add lard, crushed with garlic, and sour cream.

Vegetables. Recipes for cooking Ukrainian borscht include the following obligatory vegetables: beets (in Ukrainian "buryak"), potatoes, fresh white cabbage and, carrots, onions, tomatoes (tomatoes or pasta, sauce, juice), garlic. Less commonly used are beans, peppers (bitter and Bulgarian), leeks, green peas, eggplants, and zucchini.

Roots, fresh herbs : parsley, dill, less often celery, parsnips and dry herbs, popular in the family as spices. Herbs and condiments can be added as.

Seasonings. I know a Georgian family in which the hostess prepares Ukrainian borscht with Georgian spices: utskho suneli and cilantro. Another friend throws rosemary there. It turns out delicious. But this is exotic. Usually black pepper, rarely allspice and cloves are added. Bay leaf, of course.

Lard, bacon ... It is believed that lard should be old and "smelly", but more on that later.

How to choose and prepare meat for Ukrainian borscht

We choose

If you decide to cook Ukrainian meat borscht, buy bones with meat from the front and hind legs of the animal in a butcher's shop. Do you know how brain bones differ from sugar bones? Brain - those below the joint (visible in them Bone marrow), sugar - higher. Both types will do, but bone marrow is preferable.

An excellent choice is the brisket, which ideally combines meat, fat and bones, and the drumstick - with a high content of connective tissue that has gelatin. Bone broth made from this part of an animal has a very strong aroma and taste.

We prepare

In order to make the borscht tasty, the bones must be chopped up so that the bone marrow finds a "way out" and mixes with the broth. Moreover, no matter what kind of meat you make the broth from, the approach to bones for beef, pork, lamb or duck with turkey is the same.

How to get rich broth economically?

There is such an unpleasant feature of broths - foam. In all recipes, you can read the same thing: that it must be removed, removed and removed. Isn't there a more economical way? Fortunately, there is.

So, we boil water in a saucepan. Put the meat in a whole piece and boil over high heat again. When it boils again, we drain the water, and wash the meat thoroughly, after which we put it on the fire again, the bay is now cold water.

From this moment all "written" recipes begin. And we continue to cook Ukrainian borsch, saving ourselves from the need to "bother" with foam. At the same time, the meat was not cooked, the internal juice is still in it, and now we have access to it without unnecessary "garbage" and aftertaste.

The fact that the water is cold is a matter of principle. And there is no need to be afraid of salt. Both conditions are for a rich broth.

Note. Regarding when it is better to salt the broth, the spears break for a long time. The main thing: salt promotes the release of juices (therefore we recommend doing this at the beginning), but slows down the cooking (boiling) time of the product, which is why many are salted before removing from the heat. Choose: if you need an excellent broth - salt at the beginning, if you prefer tasty tender meat, then at the end.

When the broth boils again, again, for the last time, remove the foam. Now we add 2 whole peppers to the broth - a bitter pod and sweet Bulgarian, a whole onion (peeled or with it, you can "in a stocking") - then we will discard the onion and the pepper. * At this stage (and not at the end) our recipe for cooking Ukrainian borscht instructs to throw Bay leaf hic. Then close the lid and leave for 2-3 hours over low heat.

When the meat is cooked, take it out and cut it into pieces. Throw away the onion, peppers. And we will add prepared vegetables to the broth.

* Instead of live peppers, you can have a few sweet peas.

  • More about the tricks of the preparation of this dish and its properties:.

Real Ukrainian borscht is cooked thick, not empty!

Real Ukrainian borscht is thick borscht. Gushchina can be achieved in different ways.

Method 1. For example, potatoes. To do this, put it in the borscht twice: first, finely chopped (2 pieces), so that it boils, giving the broth the very thick, and then larger, so that it remains already "in the form of potatoes." Everything about everything will take 4-5 pieces, depending on the size.

Method 2. Another way to achieve the desired thickening for borscht is to add a little sautéed flour to it. Flour or semolina is fried with ghee / vegetable oil and poured into the broth, usually at the very end, before adding the crushed bacon.

How to prepare beets for Ukrainian borscht

Beets are prepared in many different ways. But there are also general points, they are just the most important. First of all - adding vinegar or citric acid to it. Firstly, it will preserve the vegetable's bright pristine color, and the borsch will never look “faded”. Secondly, the vinegar will add a pleasant sourness to the dish. Thirdly, it will create an interesting effect - it caramelizes the beets: having become soft on the inside, they will remain firm on the outside. Very cute and delicious effect.

So, we added vinegar, salt and sugar to taste, and now we will fry (save) the beets in a saucepan, then add some pure broth there and simmer. Beets for a bright red, real Ukrainian borscht are ready. Just remember to give up the line to the potatoes.

Note. You can add a couple of dried prunes to the beets. Or you can ferment the beets first.

How to cook sauerkraut. The beets are peeled, cut into thin slices and placed in a glass jar. Then all this should be poured with cold boiled water, close the jar with a lid and leave for a couple of days in the refrigerator.

Sauerkraut is used in borscht along with juice. Fresh or previously (2 days) kept in cold water is added to it in an amount of 1: 1. This is so tricky, but it turns out very tasty.

More about beet kvass and its preparation. And about how to cook beets properly -

Vegetables for Ukrainian borscht - further down the list

Pass carrots, onions, tomatoes separately!

Carrot up to an orange-golden color, it is possible together with roots, onions - up to a golden brown. It is best to sauté in ghee. If you are cooking dietary or vegetarian borscht, use vegetable borsch.

Tomatoes. If they are fresh tomatoes, pour boiling water over them, remove the skin and pass through a meat grinder. Ideal is to remove seeds from the tomatoes and then send them to the skillet. If tomato paste, then save it right away by adding a little broth.

Fresh cabbage can be kneaded with a rolling pin, and pickled hold for a couple of minutes in a hot frying pan, stirring occasionally. Then she will lose all her firmness.

Note: You can cut vegetables, of course, as you like, even into rings, even into logs. But it is best to cut potatoes into cubes, beets on a coarse grater, and all other vegetables into thin strips. Tested, so somehow tastier.

Mushrooms. In the given recipe for making Ukrainian borscht, there are no mushrooms or beans. However, if you like borscht in mushroom broth or simply added dry mushrooms to it, soak them for 3-4 hours beforehand.

Beans it is better to soak for the whole night. And cook separately from all other vegetables as it takes a long time.

The procedure for adding products when cooking Ukrainian borsch

Let's make a reminder so that we don't confuse anything.

So, the first will go to potatoes, 5 minutes later after him White cabbage if the heads of cabbage are "old". If the recipe contains fresh or sauerkraut, it must be added along with the beets, not earlier.

Note: the potatoes are placed before the acid is added (tomatoes such as vinegar or sauerkraut). The fact is that it "thickens" our starchy vegetable and makes it rough and tasteless.

When the potatoes and cabbage are cooked, add the rest of the vegetables and roots. If the recipe for making Ukrainian borscht contains fried flour, then it is hers. We keep on fire for another 5-7-10 minutes.

Finally, finishing touch - lard crushed in a mortar with garlic, dill, parsley, green peas and salt. Necessarily old yellow lard, which evokes unkind aesthetic feelings.

In some recipes for the preparation of Ukrainian borscht, preference is given to bacon. Well, well, it's a matter of taste.

We put the lard in the almost ready-made borscht, increase the heat. As soon as it boils, turn it off immediately.

Leave the borscht to infuse for half an hour. Then we try and correct:

add sugar, salt, spices (black pepper, cloves, sweet peas), other dry herbs, vinegar - all that we are missing (if not enough). Then we insist. Pour into bowls with sour cream and chopped herbs. Serve donuts with borscht.

Cooking donuts for real borscht

Pampushki are round yeast dough buns doused with garlic gravy.

Prepare the dough from flour, warm yeast and butter mixed with sugar. We make small buns no more than 10 cm, bake in the oven.

For the garlic gravy: Pestle crushed garlic, salt, water, or vegetable oil.

That, in fact, is all. We cooked Ukrainian borsch with donuts. Bon Appetit!

Other national dishes:

The recipe for the dish with a photo, see below.

Today we have on the menu a classic dish of Russian and Ukrainian cuisines - rich red borscht with beets. Yummy that still! Each housewife has her own cooking secrets delicious borscht... So, I am revealing my secrets. I described all the subtleties of the borscht preparation process, so the post turned out to be very voluminous. But my lyrical digressions and step-by-step photographs should brighten up the reading process.

Tasty borscht recipe quite simple, but it has its own subtleties, without which, of course, it will turn out to be quite edible, but not so tasty! Although the recipe for borscht is simple, the cooking process itself is quite time consuming. It is better if they help you in the kitchen - beloved husband or children, sister, brother, girlfriend or friend

Yes, you can cook borscht on different broth bases - pork or beef ribs, chicken, any soup set. But I prefer to cook borscht from soup chicken ( not to be confused with broiler chicken!) Usually soup chickens are much less meaty than broiler chickens, but the broth from such chickens is excellent! I will describe the subtleties of cooking broth below. And here is a set of products necessary for borscht:

  • ½ chicken soup (this is chicken, not broiler chicken) or pre-cooked broth;
  • white cabbage, about a third of a medium head of cabbage;
  • potatoes, 3-5 medium pieces;
  • onion 1 head;
  • 1 medium-sized carrot and beetroot;
  • a couple of tomatoes or tomato paste (2 tablespoons);
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic, salt and spices to taste.

Cook golden broth

First of all, you need to boil the broth. Since we will cook it from soup chicken, and it is known to be the owner of rather tough meat, we will cook it until the meat softens. About 1.5 hours. Rinse frozen or chilled chicken under the tap. Put half the chicken in a 4.5 liter saucepan and fill it with cold water. We put on fire. As soon as the water in the pot has boiled for 5 minutes, turn off the heat. Remove the pan from the stove and lay out the chicken. And now, attention, the first secret of delicious borscht: Pour water from the pan, we will no longer need it. Rinse the chicken a second time and put it in a saucepan.

Fill again with cold water and set on maximum heat. When the water boils again, the fire can be turned down. Now it remains to cook our chicken for about an hour over low heat. After an hour, turn off the fire. We catch the chicken and put it in a separate plate. When it cools a little, the meat must be separated from the bones and cut into pieces. Filter the finished broth through a fine sieve. Do not be alarmed that the process of cooking the broth is so long. The result will delight you! Golden and rich broth! In this way, you can cook broth from any meat.

Preparing vegetables

Now that the broth is ready, you can start with the vegetables. And here you will need the help of your beloved assistants. Decide for yourself to whom to delegate the responsible mission of shredding cabbage and peeling potatoes Then we cut the potatoes into large pieces. First, put the cabbage in the broth and set the pan on maximum heat.

When my mother prepares borsch, she first puts in the potatoes, and only then the cabbage. I know that many people do this. This is as you like. I like borscht so that the potatoes are not too boiled, and the cabbage, on the contrary, is softer. See for yourself which will put first, potatoes or cabbage

As soon as the broth with cabbage boils, reduce the heat to medium and add the chopped potatoes.

Cooking frying for delicious borscht

Finely chop the onions by ourselves or by the hands of indefatigable assistants. We put a frying pan with vegetable oil on a low heat, put onions. While the onions are fried until they are pleasantly golden, let's turn to the carrots. It needs to be peeled and grated on a coarse grater. Add to the slightly golden onion.

Beets, like carrots, get rid of the skin and crushed. You can grate the beets or cut into thin strips. As you like it Add beets to carrots and onions.

One of the main components of delicious borscht is tomato paste or tomatoes... If it's summer, then it's a sin not to use fresh tomatoes. When it is far from summer outside the window, I prefer to put natural tomato paste in the borscht (without starch and other chemical additives, made in accordance with GOST). Add a couple of tablespoons to the pan to the fried vegetables tomato paste.

And now, attention, the second secret of delicious borscht: to make the borscht a bright red color, you need to add a teaspoon of 6% acetic acid or a tablespoon of lemon juice to the pan with beets and other vegetables. The acid will keep the red pigments in beets and tomatoes from breaking down from the heat.

The last stage of cooking delicious borscht

Add our frying from a frying pan and chopped chicken meat (which was separated from the chicken after cooking the broth) to the vegetables that are slowly boiling in a saucepan.

Let all the components of the borscht boil together for five minutes and turn off the fire. Now you can salt our borscht and add spices to taste. I usually put a mixture of dry ground peppers - white, allspice and paprika. And now, attention, the third secret of delicious borscht: add finely chopped garlic at the very end of the borscht cooking process. Mix, remove the sample and close the lid.

I usually let the borscht rest and soak in the garlic aroma for 20-30 minutes under a closed lid. After this time limit has passed, you can set the table and call the family helpers for dinner or lunch. Serve delicious borscht with fresh country sour cream! Delicious rich red borscht will not leave anyone indifferent! Bon appetit, dear readers

And if your appetite is not satisfied with borscht alone, then for the second I suggest great dish classic Russian cuisine -

Borscht is one of the most famous and popular soups in our country, which is loved by both adults and children alike. Even for foreigners, Russian cuisine is often associated with the word "borsch". It would seem, what is so special about this soup? A standard set of inexpensive vegetables plus beets, which not everyone likes. My daughter, for example, hates beets and dishes with them, but for some reason she is eating borscht by both cheeks. Probably, the secret lies in some kind of incomprehensible harmony of the combination of these vegetables, thanks to which this soup acquires its unique excellent taste - a little sweet, a little spicy, very rich and so attractive.

I will quote here classic recipe borscht in beef broth with beets and fresh cabbage, which is prepared from the simplest and most accessible products. There are no particular difficulties in preparing delicious homemade borscht, but this process takes quite a lot of time and effort. You will have to clean, cut, rub numerous ingredients, as well as stain a large number of dishes. But as a result, you will get one of the best soups in the world with a traditional, bright and deep taste familiar from childhood and loved by everyone. I am sure that the classic borscht prepared according to this simple recipe will become your family's favorite first dish!

Useful information

How to cook borscht with beets and fresh cabbage - a classic recipe with step by step photos


  • 500 g beef brisket on the bone
  • 3 l of water
  • 1 large beet
  • 1 large onion
  • 1 large carrot
  • 2 large potatoes
  • 200 g white cabbage
  • 2 tooth. garlic
  • 1 tbsp. l. tomato paste
  • 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
  • 1 tbsp. l. vinegar
  • 2 tsp Sahara
  • 1 tbsp. l. without a hill of salt
  • 5 - 6 black peppercorns
  • 2 bay leaves


1. Let's start cooking classic borsch with meat broth. To do this, rinse the beef brisket with running water, put in a deep saucepan, pour cold water to the top and put on high heat.

2. Bring to a boil, remove the foam and cook the broth over low heat with a low boil for 2 hours.

When cooking broth, you can put peeled roots in a saucepan - whole onions, carrots, parsley and celery root. This broth will turn out to be very aromatic and tasty in its pure form. However, when cooking soup, I usually do not add roots, since a large number of various vegetables are then put into it.

3. Remove the meat from the broth and cut into small pieces.

4. Peel and grate beets or cut into thin strips. Sprinkle it with sugar and drizzle with vinegar. This is done so that the beets do not lose their rich red color when boiled in borscht, and the soup, as a result, looks especially beautiful and appetizing.

5. Put the beets in a frying pan, add a little water or broth and simmer over low heat for 30 - 40 minutes, adding water if necessary.

6. Peel the onions and chop finely.

7. Peel and grate the carrots.

8. Fry vegetables in vegetable oil over medium heat for 8 - 10 minutes, add tomato paste and simmer for another 5 minutes. Instead of tomato paste, you can take 3 tbsp. l. ketchup or any tomato sauce with a neutral taste. Vegetable frying for borscht is ready!

10. Peel the potatoes and cut into small slices.

11. Bring the meat broth to a boil and put the potatoes in it.

12. Wait until it boils again and add the chopped cabbage. Cook at a low boil for 15 minutes.

13. Put vegetable frying and stewed beets in the soup, cook for 7 - 8 minutes.

14. Add salt, peppercorns, bay leaf and crushed garlic, turn off the heat after a minute. Cover the soup with a lid and let it brew for 15 minutes.

Before serving, put pieces of boiled beef and fresh sour cream to taste in each plate. You can offer fresh garlic buns or donuts to borscht. Delicious, aromatic and rich classic borscht is ready!

Admit it, you love borscht. Take a look around, make sure that there are no friends and nutritionists nearby, and admit that no matter how much you want to lose weight, it is simply impossible to deny yourself a plate of fiery red, hot, exuding breathtaking aromas of borscht. Sprinkled with finely chopped herbs and garlic, seasoned with a spoonful of fat sour cream, served with fresh, hot donuts, borscht was and remains one of the most beloved first hot dishes in almost the entire territory of the former Soviet Union.

Despite many disagreements, the merit of the invention of this dish should be given to the Ukrainians, if only because it is in the Ukrainian cuisine that there is probably the greatest variety of recipes for cooking borscht. In every Ukrainian region, and sometimes in every family, borscht is prepared in its own way. And, as is the case with most other dishes of folk cuisine, a significant role in the variety of recipes for cooking borscht is played by the variety of tastes and the flight of imagination of the hostesses who prepare it.

It would seem difficult to tell something new about the dish, which is prepared at least sometimes in every family. Almost every housewife, every cook, every cook knows how to cook borscht. But even in the preparation of such a common dish, there are always small tricks and secrets that you might accidentally overlook. And today "Culinary Eden" tried to collect for you the most important and interesting tips that will help you cook a truly delicious and aromatic borscht.

1. How to cook borscht? The basis of any borscht is a properly prepared broth. The best broth for borscht is considered to be a broth of beef and pork belly, laid in a 2: 1 ratio. However, borscht can be cooked with other broths as well. For example, for Kiev borscht you need beef and lamb, and for Poltava or Odessa borscht you need goose or duck broth. Let's try to cook a broth for a simple Ukrainian borscht. Rinse thoroughly and chop 500 g beef and 300 g pork belly into not too large pieces. Place the meat in a saucepan and pour cold water in such a way that it is twice as much as the broth is supposed to be. Place the pot on a fire and let the water boil. Try to remove the foam as thoroughly as possible. Once the water boils, reduce heat to low, cover the pot with a lid, and simmer your broth over the lowest heat for 2-2.5 hours. The less your broth boils, the longer the meat simmer in weakly boiling water, the tastier and richer the broth for borscht will turn out as a result.

2. The second important feature of borscht preparation is preliminary separate preparation of vegetables before placing them in broth. Beets should be stewed in advance, separately from other vegetables. To preserve the bright red color of the beets, sprinkle with a little vinegar or lemon juice. Stew the beets, cut into small cubes or into strips, placing them in well-heated pork fat or butter. In some cases, the beets can be boiled or baked whole in their skins, and then peeled, chopped and placed in the broth. It is extremely important when cooking borscht and the sequence of laying vegetables. According to V. Pokhlebkin, the order of laying vegetables is as follows: “Potatoes are laid in 30 minutes before the borsch is ready, cabbage - in 20 minutes, beets in prepared stew - in 15 minutes. Sauteed vegetables (onions, carrots, parsley) - 15 minutes. Spices - 5-8 minutes, garlic (separately from other spices) - 2 minutes before the end of cooking. "

3. To add a special aroma to borscht, you can use almost any of your favorite spices. However, the key spices are the root and greens of parsley (fresh or dried), black pepper (ground or whole peas), bay leaves. You can also experiment by adding the root and greens of celery, dill, coriander. Of course, garlic should not be forgotten either. Garlic is best added at the very end of cooking. It should first be finely chopped and ground in a mortar or simply kneaded with the flat side of the knife blade. A classic Ukrainian spicy dressing for borscht can be called a dressing based on lard. Chop into small pieces 200 g. mildly lard, 3 - 4 cloves of garlic and a few sprigs of parsley. Mix everything together and grind in a mortar or blender until smooth, smooth. Add the resulting seasoning to your borscht 2-3 minutes until cooked.

4. To give your borsch a special sour taste and bright color, you can add sauer beet juice, beet sourdough or just fresh beet juice to the broth. You can also prepare a special beetroot dressing in advance, which can then be added to the borscht. Rinse one kilogram of beets thoroughly, peel and grate on a coarse grater. Finely chop 1 kg of onions and 1 kg of sweet bell pepper... Place vegetables in a saucepan, add ½ liter of vegetable oil, ½ liter of tomato sauce, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of salt, 1 glass of vinegar and 1 glass of sugar. Simmer everything together over low heat for 40 minutes, stirring frequently. Make sure that the gas station does not burn! Put the prepared dressing in jars and store in the refrigerator.

5. The most widespread borscht recipe is the Ukrainian simple borscht recipe. Let's try to cook it the way V. Pokhlebkin recommends. Cook a strong broth from 500 g of beef brisket. One large beets peel, cut into cubes and sauté in pork fat, adding 1 tbsp. l. vinegar, 2 tbsp. l. sugar and ½ cup tomato paste. Cut two onions, one carrot and one parsley root into strips and fry in butter... Chop ¼ head of cabbage, cut 4 potatoes into cubes. Omit potatoes and cabbage in broth and cook for 15 minutes. Then add the stewed beets and sauteed vegetables to them and cook for another 10 minutes. At the end of cooking, add your favorite spices, herbs and lard, garlic and parsley dressing. Cook for a couple more minutes and remove from heat. Season your borsch with sour cream before serving.

6. Kiev borscht is rightfully considered even more tasty and aromatic. It is cooked in beef and lamb broth, which gives it its characteristic taste and aroma. Cook a strong broth from 250 grams of beef, adding ½ liter of beet kvass or sauerkraut juice to the water. Peel and coarsely grate one large beetroot and simmer it along with 250 gr. lamb brisket, cut into small pieces. Stew three tomatoes in 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil. Cut the onion, carrot and parsley root into strips and fry in butter. Chop ¼ head of cabbage, cut 4 potatoes into cubes. Dip the cabbage and potatoes in the boiling broth and cook for 15 minutes, then add all the stewed and fried vegetables and lamb and cook for another 10 minutes. Add three bay leaves, 3 allspice peas and ¼ teaspoon ground red pepper. Season the borsch with two tbsp. spoons of boiled beans and cook everything together for another 10 minutes. At the very end of cooking, season the borsch with lard with garlic and parsley. Serve hot with sour cream.

7. The Poltava borscht cooked in poultry broth turns out to be very tasty. In addition to broth, Poltava borscht is also distinguished by the fact that it is seasoned not only with vegetables, but also with dumplings. Cook borscht according to the recipe of simply Ukrainian borscht in a broth made from 600 grams of goose or duck. Prepare in advance dumplings. To do this, dilute 1 tbsp. a spoonful of flour in ¼ cup boiling water. Pound thoroughly and refrigerate. Add one egg and ½ cup buckwheat or wheat flour... Knead the dough. The consistency of the dough should not resemble too thick sour cream. Take the finished dough with a teaspoon and dip in boiling, salted water. Cook the dumplings until they float, then fold in a colander. Add ready-made dumplings to your borscht 5 minutes before the end of cooking. Serve Poltava borsch with sour cream and finely chopped parsley.

8. Fans of fish dishes can be recommended to try to cook borscht in fish broth. Boil 500 g of fish fillets in 6 glasses of strong fish broth made from heads and fins. Cut one medium-sized beet, one onion, parsley and celery root into strips and fry in butter. Add ½ cup broth to vegetables and simmer all together for 10-15 minutes. Cut into strips 50 g each of sorrel and spinach. Put 4 sliced ​​potatoes in boiling broth and cook for 10 minutes, then add green vegetables and cook for another 10 minutes. Add the stewed vegetables, salt and season to taste and cook together for 5 minutes. Serving to the table, put a piece of fish fillet in each plate with borscht. Season the borsch with finely chopped boiled eggs and sour cream, sprinkle with fresh herbs.

9. Vegetarians did not remain without their own recipe for borscht. Boil 1.5 liters of water or mushroom broth. Put the peeled whole beets in it and cook until tender. Cut the onion head and one carrot into strips and simmer in butter. Remove the finished beets from the broth, and put two diced potatoes and a glass of finely chopped cabbage into the broth. Cook everything together for 10-15 minutes, then add the stewed vegetables and grated grater boiled beets. Cook for another 10 minutes, then add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of tomato paste, salt, sugar and spices to taste. Cook everything together for another 5 minutes and remove from heat. Serve with sour cream and fresh herbs.

10. Any borscht will seem even more delicious to you if you serve it not with plain bread, but with fresh, hot donuts - yeast dough buns with garlic sauce. Cooking them is not at all difficult. Dilute a teaspoon of dry yeast in a small amount warm water with a pinch of sugar. Let stand for 10-15 minutes. Pour the matching yeast into a bowl, add a glass of warm milk, a teaspoon of salt, a tablespoon of sugar and 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil. Gradually add 3 cups flour and knead the dough. Knead it thoroughly, brush with vegetable oil and leave warm for one hour. The dough should double in size. Pound the matched dough and cut into small round buns. Put the buns on a baking sheet, let them come up for 15 minutes, brush with a beaten egg and bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 20-25 minutes. While the buns are baking, prepare the garlic sauce. Pound six cloves of garlic with a teaspoon of salt, add a tablespoon of vegetable oil and stir thoroughly. Then add a tablespoon of water and stir until smooth. Remove the buns from the oven and dip them hot in the garlic sauce. Serve immediately with a plate of hot, aromatic borscht.

We sincerely hope that our advice will help you more than once to please your friends and loved ones with real, delicious and excitingly fragrant borscht. And "Culinary Eden" on its pages is always ready to offer you many new and interesting ideas and recipes on how to cook borscht, this is a favorite, delicious and satisfying dish.

Everyone loves delicious homemade food. Traditional cuisine is always very tasty, satisfying and beautiful. Today I will teach you how to cook classic homemade borscht, and you will understand that everyone can make it.

For a medium saucepan, about four liters, you will need:
- beef bones with meat;
- four large beets;
- eight medium potatoes;
- two carrots;
- two large onions;
- 3 tablespoons of tomato paste and two tablespoons of vinegar;
- 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
- favorite herbs and spices.

The first step is to boil a rich broth from fleshy bones. When the meat from the bone begins to lag behind, we send potatoes to the broth. We cut it into large slices.

While the potatoes are cooking, prepare the rest of the vegetables. It is better to cut the carrots, and not grate them, then they will give more taste.

Cut the beets into large cubes.

We begin to prepare the fry. In order for the vegetables to be saturated with spices and acquire a pleasant taste and aroma, all your favorite spices must be poured into the oil first.

After frying the spices a little, put the onion into the pan.

Fry the onions until slightly golden, and only then add the carrots.

Combine vegetables in a skillet, add a little more salt and cover. When the carrots change color a little, you can add beets.

Fry everything under the lid. To make the borscht a little sour, and the beets do not lose their rich color later, add a little tomato paste and vinegar to the frying. We mix everything in a separate bowl.

Stir well and pour into the fry.

Cover and fry for ten minutes.
When the broth with potatoes boils, add salt to it to taste and pour out all the cabbage. To make it soft, it is important to add it to the broth at this stage.

At the moment when the potatoes become easy to break with a spoon, you can add frying to the broth.

As soon as you start adding it, the color of the broth will immediately begin to change. It is necessary to mix the entire contents of the pan and all its contents will immediately turn into a beautiful red color.

Cover with a lid and leave to cook for another 15-20 minutes. After that, add any finely chopped greens, turn off the gas and leave the borscht under the lid to brew.

Bon Appetit!

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Malachite box (Bazhov) Bazhov's tale malachite box read the summary
The collection of stories "Malachite Box" was written by Pavel Bazhov, who created it on the basis of the stories of the Ural Mining Folklore. The miner's storyteller Vasily Khmelinin loved to pamper his listeners with them. "Uralskie skazy", as they are otherwise called
The most dangerous and safest countries to travel to
When they say “the safest country in the world,” they mean that its inhabitants feel calm, cozy and comfortable. They are not afraid of becoming victims of a murderer or robber on the street, they are confident in the future, financially and socially protected.
Finding the best place to live in Russia - the most comfortable and favorable cities The most favorable city for life
The research organization Economist Intelligence Unit, which is part of the Economist Group, annually conducts reports and compiles ratings on the economy, employment, living standards, etc. in different countries. This year she presented an ocher