For which God takes away the mind. Does the Lord punish a person by taking away his mind? Or maybe voices are not subpersonalities

Hello dear visitors to our Orthodox islet!

There is an opinion that the Lord, as a punishment, can take away a person's mind. Is it so?

Let's take a look at the answer to this question of Hieromonk Job (Gumerov).

- The thought given in the letter belongs to the area of ​​Hellenic pagan wisdom. It is first encountered in a fragment of the tragedy of an unknown ancient Greek author that has come down to us: "When the Divine prepares a person for misfortune, then first of all it takes away the mind with which he reasoned." There is a Latin version: "Quos Deus perdere vult dementat prius" (Whoever God wants to destroy, he first deprives him of reason).

The words of an unknown Greek poet, quoted by the Athenian orator Lycurgus (390-324 BC) in his speech against Leocrates, help to understand correctly the thought contained in this aphorism: common sense and gives the wrong direction to his thoughts, so that he does not recognize his mistakes. " As you can see, there is no reason to apply this dictum to any mental or mental illness. The punishment lies not in the very fact of deprivation of reason, but in the fact that, having lost his reason, a person can take some wrong step leading to his death. ... The God-revealed New Testament religion sets the yardstick for everything not by reason, but by holiness, which is available to everyone: sick and healthy, reasonable and unwise. The Holy Scriptures clearly and definitely distinguish the state of absence (or weakening) of reason as illness and insanity as a blind and reckless denial of God. The text of the 13th and 52nd psalms convinces that the Word of God is identified with insanity with atheism: The speech is insane in its heart: there is no God (Psalm 52: 1). This state, in which most people live, is truly tragic. The mental or mental illness that befell a person who lives with faith is not a tragedy, but a cross. It is especially difficult for the people closest to him. It is necessary to treat this with full confidence in the Divine will, unshakably believing that it leads to the salvation of both the patient himself and his relatives, who show an active Christian love... Hidden from us in the Wisdom of God is that which is known only to the Lord. Relatives should realize that the illness of a loved one is a test of their Christian virtues and a spiritual school, without which it is difficult to be saved.

It is necessary for such a person to receive communion on a regular basis, take him to church, and help him in his prayer life. Let the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God and the patience of Christ (2 Thess. 3: 5)

Discussion: 2 comments

    Hello, here they write here that society alcoholics anonymous it’s bad that a person is moving away from Christ even more, but what can he do, live on his own, embittered and hate their sober life, relatives do not care, if you don’t drink to them, I don’t drink for a year, but what’s the point, my husband is the same drinks, I am alone in the shower, sometimes you read sites about the same lonely, who will you turn to, at least people are together in society, and you have to smile sweetly with a forced sober smile after the strong coding of my husband and I, now he does not drink, but no joy from this How to help yourself, hell is around me


    1. Hello, Tatyana!
      Real joy is only in God. I advise you to read the akathist Mother of God, to the Inexhaustible Chalice icon, and pray for your husband and for yourself, so that your husband doesn't drink, and you don't drink more. Even sincere repentance, the communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ, gives a person joy, consolation, hope, strength, and salvation. Partake of the Holy Communion as often as possible. Pray at home, more often prayerfully call on God, and the Lord will help you, and heal your husband from this ailment, and you will have joy in life. I also advise you to read the Gospel more often.
      Peace be upon you and God's blessing!


And the Lord does not punish anyone. The word "Punishment" has the following meaning. For example, parents instruct their children to obey, behave morally - do not smoke, do not swear, do not use foul language, do not get drunk, make friends with good friends, and respect their elders. If a child obeys the parents and FULFILLS - the parents' order, then everything will be successful for him in life. And if he DOES NOT FULFILL the order of his parents, he punishes himself. He got into a fight - a case is brought up against him in the police. Stole something - the same thing. That is, a person punishes himself.

About nervousness.

How to get rid of nervousness?

We have already said that during confession the Lord gives the Graceful power to fight against sins. Why is a person nervous? This is not because of nerves, but because of sinful reasons. When a person repents of all sins, then he is reconciled - with God, and after confession he HAS - peace of mind and peace. And we must try to recruit grace through prayers, good deeds, reading holy books.

If someone has offended us, offended, then we MUST - thank God and think internally about people - only GOOD, try to JUSTIFY them. Then we WILL APPEAR - inner strength, confidence, peace, and we WILL NOT - freak out. So we will quickly get rid of this bad passion.

You know, when bare wires touch each other under voltage, then there is a short circuit. And after a short circuit, mind you, there is often a fire! Sparks fly ... We've got nerves from constant sins. One has bare nerves, the other ... We live together and during a nervous conversation we begin to spark. A spiritual fire begins, because one has no humility, the other ... From this we burn with you - we prepare the soul for hell. You need to isolate your nerves - learn to humble yourself.

Prayer, repentance, good deeds, patience - this is the basis for peace of mind and joy. Do not forget to forgive - your neighbor, even before he asks you for forgiveness, you need to forgive him not only for his peace of mind; the forgiveness of his sins before you NEEDS - you yourself. He who forgives others, God forgives him. This is how we will make isolation.

How to get rid of diseases of the nervous system?

Be humble, humble yourself with everything that befalls you. Many people say: "I have all diseases on the basis of nerves." Know that it is not on the basis of nerves, but on sinful grounds. We just give freedom to our passions and evil language. Some have nerves so loose that they can be compared to bare, uninsulated wires. If one person is naked, the other is naked, then during a collision a kind of closure occurs - scandals, disputes, irritation at each other. That's when the nervous system suffers.

About unbelievers.

How to live with unbelievers? There is not enough patience for them.

We constantly have to communicate with people who have not yet come to God. Those who have already cognized God, His holy commandments, may have been like this before. Remember yourself!

It is necessary to kindly - TOUCH your neighbors and not to irritate, not to anger - non-church people, because faith is a gift from God. And if YOU WILL - take offense at unbelievers and think badly about them - then you can LOSE your faith - the Lord can deprive you of his gift.

The Lord says: "No one can come to Me, unless the Father who sent me draws him" (Jn 6.44).

Therefore, it must be understood that if a person does not BELIEVE in God, this means that the Lord has NOT CALLED him to himself yet, he doesn’t favor, this person is still PUNISHED for some personal sins or even for the sins of his parents, and therefore does not believe in God. After all, faith is the greatest mercy of God to people! Therefore, we must RETURN - unbelieving people and ask God that the Lord - forgive them and give them faith! After all, if a person believes that there is no God, this is a disease of the mind. And when people are at enmity, they are not afraid of God, they destroy churches and monasteries, publish newspapers against the Church, this also speaks of their grave sinful illness ...

How is the presence of unbelieving relatives reflected on believing family members?

Of course, everything is interconnected. It is said that "Faith is from hearing, and hearing is from the word of God." If in the family one goes to church, prays, confesses, fulfills the rule given to him by his confessor, and the other contradicts him, then there is clearly an evil spirit - HINDERS the believer. But for some reason the Lord allows it. He gives all of us what we can and, if he allows temptations, then he knows that we are able to overcome them.

One unbelieving wife herself told me how she interfered with her husband: - The time will come for him to pray, to read the rule, I will turn on the TV and say: "Never mind, you will have time to pray again." And he, poor thing, is sitting waiting for me to watch all the programs. I'll take a look, go to bed, and he begins to read his prayer book. "But her husband endures her. He also bears a feat for the sake of love for his neighbor, even if he is an unbeliever.

About multi-care.

What is the sin of being "multi-concerned"?

The Lord told us: "Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all earthly things will be added to you" (Matthew b, 33). There is such a kind of people - everyone is fussing about something, a lot, in vain, always busy with numerous affairs and troubles. There is no sense in fuss. The salvation of the soul should be put in the first place, and the Lord will give everything in abundance.

If we remain in prayer, then all these worries will disappear. I know from experience: pilgrims from other cities come to our monastery, and they have a lot of travel temptations. If they drive with their own car, then something constantly happens: first one wheel becomes unusable, then another ... It will throw them aside. There are always troubles. There are also temptations on the train. A man drives, prepares a lot of questions to ask, to find out. And when he arrives, all questions recede into the background. A person even forgets what questions he was traveling with. Says: "Yes, there is nothing to ask - everything was somehow resolved by itself." It turns out that we don't need anything.

The enemy can do this to us - to twist our brains, so much - will GIVE worries, earthly vanity, if only to distract - from God, from prayer, from good deeds. In the first place, remember, there must be the salvation of the soul! The Lord and eternal future blissful life should be constantly before our eyes.

Perhaps it is the simplicity of what happened that confuses you, said my friend.
- Well, what nonsense you deign to say! - answered the prefect, laughing heartily.
“Perhaps the secret is a little too transparent,” said Dupin.
-- My God! What's an idea!
- A little too obvious.
- Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha! Ho ho ho! - thundered our guest, who was extremely amused by these words ...

Edgar Allan Poe
"The Stolen Letter"

If God wants to punish a person, he deprives him of his reason

If God wants to punish a person, he deprives him of his reason. Anyone who creates systems whose purpose is to confuse others, sooner or later becomes entangled in them. If things go too far, the person develops severe psychosis, with hallucinations, delusions, memory impairments and other symptoms.

Psychiatric hospitals are called "madhouses" because they deal mostly not so much with mental illness as with human foolishness in all its diversity of manifestations.

In the case of bad schizophrenia, one could say that there is no illness, but there is an unbridled nonsense. It is believed, however, that patients need to be helped, because the transcendental nonsense is often justified by the diagnosis. It's like alcoholism. It seems like a disease, but for some reason it can only be treated with a stick, cruel and systematic.

The use of a disguised stick (painful therapies) is usually the basis for modern "treatment" of ailments of this kind. Moreover, doctors make it clear to patients that palcotherapy is used precisely as a punishment - they break the sick and, naturally, do not hide it from them. They hide, however, the essence of what they are doing from the public.

To the diagnosis of "schizophrenia", to clinical manifestations of nonsense leads rarely. In cases of moderate severity, they speak of bad temper... In mild cases, the person is perceived to be normal in all respects. However, all the same, he has an unnatural communication, a decrease in abilities. In our time, however, both unnatural communication and a decrease in abilities have become completely habitual. The same thing that is the norm is perceived by contemporaries as charisma and superpowers.

Where do glitches come from?

Conflict relations between different sides of a person's soul (subpersonalities, beingness) reflect his conflicts in outside world are their continuation. Likewise, external conflicts are a continuation of internal ones. The same techniques are used in both external and internal disassembly. We can say that the conflict does not know borders and freely passes from inner peace to the external and back.

Lying in the outside world helps a person to lead his destructive line, remaining out of control from the outside. Lying helps subpersonalities to carry out their destructive line in the soul of a person, remaining out of control from the side of constructive consciousness. In the end, destructive subpersonalities can completely disappear into the shadows, into the unconscious. According to this scenario, a bad splitting of the personality occurs (loss of a sense of oneself, violation of constructive rapport with one's own inner essences).

Subpersonalities that have acquired an independent existence can be perceived as “voices”. They often have tremendous power over a person, because they know his weaknesses and know the techniques of inducing trance (like Erickson's), they inspire, subjugate, confuse, but present themselves as friends, lovers, allies ... They know how to build rapport, but completely not constructive ...

Their goals are usually unkind ... It was unkind goals that forced them at one time to hide in the shadows, in the unconscious, to go underground.

Everything that a person does in a state of bad schizophrenia may seem illogical, but in fact, it always has its own internal logic. Everything that is done in this state is aimed at the implementation of latent aggression and at the subordination of the environment. Delirium in this sense is also "logical" - it justifies actions hostile to the environment.

Or maybe the voices are not subpersonalities?

It is most natural to come to the conclusion that the voices are subpersonalities that a person does not perceive as part of his Self. Another assumption leads to mysticism. After all, it can be assumed that the voices belong to entities external to a person with their own goals and concepts. It is not known, however, to what extent the opposition of the external and the internal is generally legitimate in this case - it is not clear whether the guests come from that world, which is called the personal unconscious, or from the world described by Jung, which is called the collective unconscious.

But the disease lies not in the fact that there are voices, but in the fact that a person cannot (that is, does not want) to communicate with them with dignity, is not able to see their flattery as flattery, a lie as a lie, gross manipulation as gross manipulation, hypnosis like hypnosis. If they come from the outside, they choose as a sacrifice those who are easily disoriented, who have already disoriented themselves.

The problem is not in the presence of glitches, but in the fact that the critical attitude towards them is turned off. Critical remarks from neighbors are also discarded - those who call for criticism are met with hostility and aggression. Insanity is what you have to deal with.

Destructive arguments reinforce insanity

Local insanity is the most common phenomenon in our time. It is behind many of the irrationalities of behavior. Disputes usually take a special place in the formation of clinical insanity. Disputes in which the fool claims to be untrue. The stronger and more obvious the arguments of his opponent become, the more powerful the fool's ability not to see the obvious becomes. If such conversations go on from month to month, from year to year, the one who asserts the truth develops his ability to reason, and the one who asserts a lie develops his insanity and goes into psychosis. Those to whom such conversations are especially contraindicated are ready to lead them endlessly to their own destruction.

It is especially bad if the controversy revolves around something related to trauma and guilt, for example, around abortion.

Insanity, however, often begins in early childhood. When children do what their parents forbid, and learn not to pay attention to the words of their parents.

Nicotine, coffee and other psychedelics

The use of psychedelics is also important. When glitches are on the way, they tune the person into the behavior that provides biochemical shifts. Smoking outside of any measure, coffee in incredible doses, reduced sleep, reduced nutrition ... Psychedelia plus continuous hard work of thought to assert lies, "work" to develop the ability not to understand opponents - all this leads to the formation of bad psychosis.

Why do people go crazy?

Freud introduced the concepts of primary and secondary benefit from neurosis. In the case of primary benefit, a person gets rid of psychological stress with the help of irrational behavior. For example, a person may have an obsessive need to wash their hands if they want to somehow wash away the dirt from communicating with bad people... Fear of the dark can reflect fear of a world that is difficult to make sense of. In this case, defending his unwillingness to enter the darkness, a person irrationally defends his right not to enter a world in which he cannot understand. From the moment a neurotic symptom is recognized as an irrational striving for primary benefit, a person is freed from the symptom.

But there is also a secondary benefit from the disease (whether neurosis, psychosis, or somatic illness). Adler gave her where greater importance than Freud. The disease gives a person considerable privileges - the ability not to adjust himself, the right to demand adjustment from others. Plus dismissal from work, sanatoriums, and so on ... In the case of primary gain, the person himself suffers from his irrational behavior. In the case of a secondary benefit, others suffer from his irrational behavior. Therefore, the awareness of a symptom as a campaign for a secondary benefit does not always lead to its elimination. Therefore, resistance to rational thinking, which shows a symptom as a kind of theft, is especially harsh and aggressive.

It should be noted that secondary benefit is not always the driving force behind the disorder. But bad schizophrenia is very much a quest for secondary benefits.

Bad schiz and her disguise as alcoholism or religiosity

Shiza is often disguised as alcoholism and other types of drug addiction. In this case, the "patient" behaves completely inadequately only after he drinks or shoots. And naive relatives believe that he is good, and that vodka is to blame. They think he is making a fool because he drinks. In fact, he drinks, because psychosis (unbelievable nonsense) requires it to show itself. If such an alcoholic does not have the opportunity to drink, his psychosis will still manifest itself - he will find a way.

Psychosis is often disguised as fanatical religiosity ... Bad religiosity, alcoholism and schizophrenia are the three most popular ways of bad lawlessness.

Bad neuroses and bad psychoses are completely incompatible with the understanding of foolishness. Therefore, understanding means the cessation of the disease, therefore the disease fights against understanding, does not allow it. With those who have not embarked on the path of lies, this trouble will never happen.

From the editorial board of "Russia Forever": In the photo: The ceremonial reburial of the remains of SS men in the village of Gologory, Lviv region, 2013 ()

When God wants to punish a person, then he deprives him of his reason. This most terrible punishment has befallen Ukraine now. If at the beginning of the terrible disaster I wanted to shout “why, for what?”, Now the answer is unequivocal - for grave sins, for hatred and innocent blood shed, for the lies and hypocrisy of the Kiev and Dnepropetrovsk junta, for the brutality of the Bandera offspring. It is not human children who shoot at their Slavic brothers, but witches. These are not wives, not mothers praying for their husbands, sons - these are witches shouting: give our ghouls tanks, bulletproof vests ... How can a mother wish death to other people's children if she loves her own ?! Truly, God has made a whole people mad. People ceased to be people, they became deaf, blind, and their hearts turned to stone.

Bitch children jumped on the Maidans, their fate, their country. Rivers of blood flow, but there is no insight and repentance. Who and in what centuries, in how many generations will heal these crimes and cleanse the soul from the terrible fall ?!

Russian people, do not believe Bandera's promises to the world! They are Jesuits! Better to put them on the same train and send them to Europe and America, so beloved by them, so that their spirit does not stink on the Russian land !!!

I cannot and do not want to call the Ukrainians-Mazepians sisters and brothers, because they have forgotten that they are Russians, Slavs. They betrayed themselves, became mankurt, Cain. I appeal to that small part of the Ukrainian people who, in the terrible conditions of the Bandera occupation, preserved their Russian soul, with a request to pray for the people of Ukraine, to ask God to save the young generation from the Bandera fascist ideology.

Lord, save and have mercy on pure souls!

I curse the war, those who kindled this terrible black fire, and with all the forces of my heart I attack the field of war!

May love prevail, may there be peace throughout the earth!

  • Olga Shevchenko
  • 5.09.2014


If God wants to punish a man, then he will be taken away from her. Tsia Nastrashnіsha Kara Spitkala Christmas Ukraine. If you wanted to shout on the cob of a terrible blessing - "why, for what?" It’s not human children who shoot in their brothers-words “yang, but they’re not. It’s not women, not mothers to pray for their own people, blue to cry out: give our children tanks, bulletproof vests ... Truly, God has wished the whole people a heart. People have ceased to be people, they have become deaf and dazzled, but their hearts have become dull.

Such children rode their share, their power on the Maidans. Riks of blood are flowing, but insight and kayattya are not visible. Whoa, for every century, for a few moments, to pray for evil and to cleanse the soul from a terrible fall ?!

Russian people, do not tell Bandera obitsyanam about the world! Stink єzuyiti! It is more beautiful to put them in one trip and send them to my love in Europe and America, but in spirit it is not stinking on the Russian land !!! I can’t and I don’t want to call Ukrainians-Mazepians sisters and brothers, because the stench is stifled, but the stench is the Russian people, the words are. The stench hurt themselves, became mankurt, kain. I am turning to that small part of the Ukrainian people, as in the terrible minds of the Bandera occupation I saved my Rus' soul, pray for the people of Ukraine for good times, ask God to help the young generation from the Bandera fascist deities.

Lord, save and have mercy on a pure soul!

I curse vіyna, quietly, who burst out a terrible black fire, and with all my heart I attack the field of vіyny!

How can you overcome love, how can peace be on the whole earth!

  • Olga Shevchenko
  • 5.09.2014

The village of Chervone, Zolochiv district, Lviv region. The ceremonial reburial of 13 Ukrainian SS men from the SS Galicia division, defeated in battles with the Red Army in the Brody cauldron ()

July 28, 2013 in the village of Gologory, Zolochiv district, Lviv region. Solemn ceremony of reburial of the remains of 16 SS men from the Waffen SS "Galicia" division, which "became famous" in Volyn. It turned out that some of the "soldiers" who took part in the ceremony were not even dressed in the uniform of the national SS unit, but in the uniform of the Adolf Hitler life standard of these punitive troops.

Bandera "monument" on the site of the Brody boiler ()

Protests in Western Ukraine against mobilization. Photo: Vasily Vankov

    Wed At this point, no one tried to persuade me: whoever the Lord wants to punish the mind will take away, he will send blindness to the soul! ... P.I. Melnikov. Krasilnikovs. 2. Wed Truly, if God wants to punish, he will take away the mind first. Gogol. Auditor. 5, 8. Governor. ... ...

    The devil walked behind the clouds, but broke off. Wed Do not be lifted up with pride. Satan sat in heaven, but became proud, where did he fall? Melnikov. In forests. 2, 5. Cf. Hochmuth kommt vor dem Fall. Wed Pride goes before and shame follows after. Wed L orgueil ... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

    See Whom God wants to punish, his mind takes away ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    See Whom God wants to punish, his mind takes away ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    See Whom God wants to punish, his mind takes away ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    The devil was proud, but fell off the sky. The devil walked behind the clouds, but broke off. Wed Do not be lifted up with pride. Satan is sitting in heaven, but he is proud, where did he fall? Melnikov. In lѣsakh. 2, 5. Cf. Hochmuth kommt vor dem Fall. Wed Pride goes before ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    JOHN DUNS CATTLE- [lat. Ioannes (Johannes) Duns Scotus] († 8.11.1308, Cologne), medieval. philosopher and theologian, Catholic. priest, member of the Franciscan monastic order; in catholic. Church glorified in the face of the blessed (commemoration of the West. Nov. 8). A life. John Duns Scott. 1473 ... ... Orthodox encyclopedia

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