Tennis couples of stellar relatives and spouses. Tennis couples star relatives and spouses Mary Pierce biography tennis

Here we are talking about sisters, brothers or spouses who, having united in tennis pairs, played in tournaments, and at least one of them would have been the winner of the Grand Slam tournament in any category.

Sisters from England Lillian(1857-1918) and Maud (1864-1946) Watson(Lilian and Maud Watson) won the Irish Doubles Championship in 1885.

Lillian Watson- Finalist of "Wimbledon-1884". In the final she lost to her younger sister 8: 6; 3: 6; 3: 6.

- the first champion of the Wimbledon tournament (1884) and, who defended her title the following year. Champion of Ireland in 1884 and 1885 in singles and mixed ( approx. author Won both mixes with Williams Renshaw). In total, she has 17 singles titles. About her in 1984, the book "Maud Watson: First Wimbledon Lady Champion" was published by Alan Little.

Sisters of the Englishwoman Elaine(?) and Charlotte (1870-1966) Cooper(Elaine and Charlotte Cooper) paired up to win the Irish Championship in 1895 and 1990.
- 5-time winner of Wimbledon in 1895, 1896, 1898, 1901, 1908. Finalist of Wimbledon-1913 in doubles. Champion of the 1900 Olympic Games in singles and mixed.
(Author's note Elaine Cooper did not find any information about other performances. She often accompanied her sister, taking care of her life during tournaments.).

Brothers French André(1860-1950) and Marseilles (1864-1959) Vashero(Andre and Marcel Vacherot), jointly performing in doubles in 1901, won the French Championship (Championnat de France international), and in 1986 and 1903 were its finalists.

- Winner of the French Championship: in singles in 1894-1896 and 1901, in doubles in 1901.
Marcel Vashiro- Winner of the French Championship: singles in 1902, doubles in 1898 and 1901.

One of the first most famous married couples there were twin brothers Ernest(1861-1899) and Williams (1861-1904)Renshaw(Ernest and William Renshaw) from the resort town of Leamington Spa in the center of England. Williams (pictured left) became Wimbledon Champion 1881-86 and 1889. ( author's note Wimbledon's record, which was repeated by Pete Sampras in 2000.), and Ernest in 1888. Moreover, they played each other three times in the final and both times in a bitter struggle the younger won (by 15 minutes): in 1882 (6: 1; 2: 6; 4: 6; 6: 2; 6: 2), in 1883 (2: 6; 6: 3; 6: 3 ;, 4: 6; 6: 3) and in 1889 (6: 4; 6: 1; 3: 6; 6: 0). With the inclusion of the men's doubles in the program of the Wimbledon tournament, they became an invincible pair in 1884-86 and 1888-89. (this result, after a short time, was surpassed by the Docherty brothers). The Renshaw pair also won the Irish Championship - 1881, 1883-85. Also, they won the Oxford University Championship three times (1880-81, 1884) (during these years the tournament was open to everyone, not just students). Willie's 14 Wimbledon titles are still an unbeatable record. Their dominance in the British Isles lasted for about 10 years and was called "Renshaw Fever". The brothers were the first to master the attacking style of play - a powerful serve and access to the net (their tactics were facilitated by reducing the net height to 91.4 cm, which did not change anymore). The Renshaws were Wimbledon's Best Couple seven times from 1880 to 1889.

They became the first tennis players who began to professionally approach the improvement of their skills. In the off-season, they left for Cannes, where they continued their playing practice. It was there that they built the first clay courts.

The twins were flamboyant characters, their emotional and aggressive play excited the nerves of the fans. Their matches attracted so many spectators that the temporary stands of the central court of the All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club were replaced with stationary ones.

The last time the brothers appeared on the Wimbledon courts in 1893, where already in the first round they were supposed to meet each other (then the seeding of strong players was not used), but William withdrew in favor of his older brother. True, Ernest lost the next match to Irishman Harold Mahoney (6: 1; 5: 7; 1: 6; 6: 4; 3: 6). In the same year, Willie won his last victory: at the tournament in Exmouth, in the final, he with a score of 6: 2; 6: 4; 6: 3 beat Herbert Grove.

William Renshaw was the first president of the Lawn Tennis Association (founded in January 1888 in London) and held this post until his death. His brother became a participant in the first female-male tennis match, sensationally losing to Charlotte Dod in 1890. This defeat became fatal for him and he could no longer win a single match. Ernest died tragically at the age of 38 from poisoning with a large dose of phenol (an antiseptic used in medicine). Whether this happened by accident or deliberately has not been established. It is possible that it was a suicide due to the mental trauma received from his failed bride Lottie Dod.

Only after a hundred years of their performances in 1983, the Renshaw brothers were awarded a place in the International Tennis Hall of Fame.

The performances of other British brothers and also twins were no less successful. Wilfred(1872-1929) and Herbert (1872-1931) Baddeley(Wilfred and Herbert Baddeley) - they won the title of the best pair of Wimbledon four times (1891, 1894-96). In addition, the eldest of them, Wilfred became the winner of Wimbledon in singles three times (1891-92 and 1895). The brothers won the Irish Doubles Championship twice (1896-97).

In 1897, for the only time in the history of tennis, two pairs of brothers met in the final - the Baddeleys played against Reginald and Lawrence Doherty (Doherty). It was the last final at Wimbledon for Herbert and Wilfred, in which they failed (4: 6; 6: 4; 6: 8; 4: 6,) and the first for the upward star couple Docherty.

Another brothers from Great Britain Reginald(1872-1910) and his younger brother Lawrence (1875-1919) Docherty(Reginald and Lawrence Doherty) were the best in the tennis world for a decade, from 1897 to 1906. During his career, Reggie (pictured on the right) won the Wimbledon singles final four times in a row (1897-1900), and Laurie was invincible five times (1902-1906). In 1898, in the final, Regenald confirmed his seniority on the court, preventing Lawrence from beating himself (6: 3; 6: 3; 2: 6: 5: 7: 6: 1). Eight times at Wimbledon they won as a family duo in doubles (1897-91 and 1893-95). Their pair from 1897 to 1903 was invincible, and in other tournaments held in the British Isles: the championships of Ireland and Scotland, the championships of England on indoor courts.

At the III Olympic Games in Paris (1900), Lawrence, nicknamed "Little Do" (he was younger and a cut lower than his older brother), won gold in singles and doubles. The constant partner in the pair was his brother. An interesting fact is that during a single tournament, the brothers in the semifinals had to meet each other. The brothers decided to conserve energy for the final matches in singles and doubles, and Reggie refused.

In 1902, both Docherty traveled to the Americas as part of the British team for the International Lawn Tennis Challenge ( author's note That was the name of the Davis Cup back then) and defeated the American pair of Dwight Davis (the founder of the tournament) and Holcomb Ward (3: 6; 10: 8; 6: 3; 6: 4). But the teams' match with a score of 3: 2 was won by representatives of “Novy Svet”. But the next 4 years Docherty in singles and doubles brought success to his team in this tournament.

In 1902, they once again visited the States - at the national championship in Newport. And again, the tournament grid brought them together in the semifinals. And Lorenz repaid his Olympics debt. Reginald won the final bout for the right to fight last year's winner. However, American Bill Larned then defended his title in the super-final (4: 6; 6: 2; 6: 4; 8: 6). But the next year, Lorenz got even for his brother and left no chance for Larden to become the champion for the third time (6: 0; 6: 3; 10; 8). This time the fate of the brothers brought together in the quarterfinals, in which Reggie did not participate.

In the same two years, they showed their superiority over the Americans in the pairs championship.

Brothers "Do" were the first to introduce the practice of doubles play, reaching the net of the player receiving the serve.

In 1906, their tennis duo was last seen on Wimbledon lawn, where they defended their title in a challenge match (last year's champion played only in the final with an opponent who sought this right through all the circles of the tournament bracket) against Frank Risely and Sidney Smith. Due to heart disease, Reginald was unable to play at full strength and mainly played the balls with short candles and allowed opponents what Ernest Meers (winner of the British Indoor Courts Championship 1892) called “ lunch at the net ”. Lawrence tried to play for two, the notes of strength were not enough to win (8: 6; 4: 6; 7: 5; 3: 6; 3: 6). After this defeat, Reginald occasionally took part in individual tournaments (mainly on the continent, on clay courts, which he always preferred to grass), in which the regulations provided for matches of 3 sets.

In March 1908, the brothers played their last doubles match. This happened at the Championship of the South of France in Nice and lost to Josia Ritchie and Anthony Wilding ( Author's note New Zealander Wilding 11-time winner of the Grand Slam tournaments in singles and doubles, bronze medalist of the 1912 Olympics, 4-time Davis Cup winner at the age of 32 died in 1915. in France in the First World War by the captain of the British Marine Corps).

In 1980 the names of Reginald and Lawrence Docherty are listed in the International Hall tennis glory... Notice earlier than the Renshaw brothers.

French people Françoise and Willie Masson(Francoise and Willy Masson) - sister and brother. They played together in 1902 at the French Championship - the first tournament of mixed pairs. They took 2nd place out of 4 pairs.

Françoise (Adin) Masson won the French Championship in 1897, 1898, 1899, 1902 and 1903. In 1904 she was a finalist.

Willie Masson- did not have tennis titles.

Their father, Armand Masson, was a successful businessman and organizer of the French Indoor Championships, where Françoise was the winner from 1895 to 1897 ( author's note - The Tennis Club de Paris was the first in France in 1895. built 2 indoor wooden courts).

French married couple Max(1882-1978) and Mary(1884-1969) Decuzhi(Max and Marie Decugis) sometimes teamed up in a tennis pair. Their most famous achievements are gold at the 1906 Olympics in Athens, where they defeated in the final (6: 3; 7: 5) the Greek couple Georgios Simiriotis and Sofia Marinou, as well as the final of the VII All-Russian competitions (1913) in St. Petersburg, in which they lost (0: 6; 7: 5; 6: 4) to Mikhail Sumarokov-Elston and Lyudmila Iznar.

- one of the most prominent tennis players in France. He has victories to his credit:

Singles at the French National Championships (1903, 1904, 1907-1909, 1912-1914); in doubles (1902-1914, 1920) and mixed (1904-1906, 1908, 1909, 1914, 1920);
at Wimbledon in doubles (1911);
at the Olympic Games:
1900 (Paris) silver paired (with American Basil de Garmendia lost to the Docherty brothers);
1906 (Athens) absolute champion in all three categories ( author's note These were extraordinary Games, they are not recognized by the IOC and are considered unofficial);
1920 (Antwerp) - gold mixed (with Suzanne Lenglen) and bronze paired (with Pierre Albarrand).

She had no special achievements, except for those in which she performed together with her husband.

Brothers from Birmingham (England) Gordon (1884-1972) and Arthur (1886-1958) Lowe (Gordon and Arthur Lowe) teamed up to play in the 1913 Wimbledon semi-finals, 1921 Wimbledon final and the 1912 Olympics indoor quarterfinals. Both entered in 1914 ( note author 1915-1920 Top 10 not defined) in the top ten strongest players in the world. At various times they were involved in the Davis Cup team, but did not play together.

- Winner of the 1915 Australasian Championship in Brisbane ( Author's note The Australian and New Zealand Championships have been held separately since 1927.), World Indoor Courts Championship (WCCC) 1920. in London, the tournament in Monte Carlo in 1921, 1922, 1924 (finalist in 1914), Championship of South England in 1910, finalist of the Championship of North England in 1909-10, and in doubles Championship of Australasia in 1912, 1915 ... and Wimbledon 1921. He finished performing in 1936.

- Winner of the Royal Club Championship in London in 1913-14 and 1925, finalist of the French Indoor Championship in 1909-10, the Championship of Southern England in 1910, and in the doubles finalist at Wimbledon in 1914 and 1921 and the Australasian Championship in 1919 year. He graduated from performances in 1929.

Austrian Count (Ludwig von Salm-Hoogstraeten) (1885-1944) and his younger brother Otto(1886-1941) played one Davis Cup match internationally against Switzerland in 1924 and lost.

Ludwig in 1914 he became a finalist: in singles and mixed at the World Championships on clay courts in Paris and in doubles at the French Championships. Unchanged member of the Davis Cup national team from 1924-1928. He played actively until 1930, and in 1931 reached the Roland Garros veteran final.
Despite his origins, he often did not behave like a gentleman on the court. Even his partner in the mixed mix, the legendary Suzanne Lenglen, because of the insult and her address left the court without finishing the match at the tournament in Vienna. For unsportsmanlike behavior, the Austrian Tennis Federation revoked his player's license for some time.
To avoid being arrested by the Nazis (SS), the count committed suicide by jumping from a hotel window in Budapest.

Otto von Salm-Hoogstreten- 2x Australian doubles winner with another brother Alexander (1890-1918).

Englishman Randolph Lisette(Randolph Lycett) (1886-1935) February 9, 1925 married a compatriot Joan Austin(Joan Austin) (1903-1998) and united in a mixed double they played at Wimbledon 1925, where they reached the semifinals (lost to future champions Susan Lenglen and Jean Borotra). They did not perform together anymore, since the next year they had a daughter.

Randolph Lisette Winner: Doubles at the Australasian Championship in 1905, 1911 (predecessor of the Australian Open) and Wimbledon in 1921-1923; in mixed doubles: "Wimbledon" in 1919, 1921, 1923. Until 1919. played for Australia.

Joan Austin finalist of Wimbledon-1923. Winner of the Whiteman Cup Whiteman Cup 1924-1925. ( author's note - The annual team meeting between the US and British women's tennis teams, held from 1923 to 1989. Named after Hazel Hotchkiss-Whiteman, founder of the prize and multiple winner of the US Tennis Championship). The older sister of the famous tennis player Bunny Austin.

English sisters Margaret(1895-1985) and Kathleen (1896-1992) McCain(Margaret and Kathleen McKane) became Wimbledon finalists in 1922. This was the first time in history when a pair of sisters ( approx.aut - Only in 2000. sisters Venus and Serena Williams made it to the final and won it).

For Margaret Kathleen the main sport was badminton, in which she won the English Championship three times in singles (1925) and doubles (1921, 1924) categories. In tennis, in addition to the final at Wimbledon-1922 in pairs, she took part in this tournament in singles four times, but each time she lost in the 1st round. After marriage (1921) she bore the surname McCain-Stokes.

Kathleen(Kitt) McCain is an award-winning tennis player: 2-time Wimbledon champion in singles and mixed (1924, 1926), 2-time winner of the US National Championship in doubles (1923, 1927) and mixed (1925), finalist of Roland Garros »(1923, 1925) and the US National Championship (1925) in singles, 5-time medalist of the Olympic Games in 1920 and 1924 in different categories (" gold "in Antwerp in 1920 in a pair). At the end of 1926, she was recognized as the 2nd racket in the world.
In 1978 she was inducted into the International Tennis Hall of Fame.
(author's note - Like my sister, she also played badminton: she was the champion of England in 1920-1922 and 1924, paired with Margaret in 1925 she won this championship in a pair).

In 1926, Kathleen married a compatriot Leslie Godfrey(Leslie Godfree) (1885-1971) and began to bear the double surname McCain-Godfree. Mona also performed successfully in the mix with her husband. Their best performances are the victory at Wimbledon 1926 and the final of Wimbledon 1927. This is the only married couple who managed to win this championship. Interestingly, in this tournament in 1924 in the mix, they played against each other in the final. McKay defeated John Gilbert. The couple played together at Roland Garros-1926, where they reached the quarterfinals.

Leslie Godfrey- champion of Wimbledon-1923 in doubles and Wimbledon-1926 in mixed doubles. At the 1924 Olympics, in a mixed double with Phyllis Covell reached the quarterfinals. From 1923 to 1927 he played in doubles matches for the national team in the Davis Cup.

The americans Robert(1897-1964) and Howard (1899-1966) Kinsey(Robert and Howard Kinsey) won the US National Championship in 1924.

Gorvad Kensi in doubles he won the Roland Garros 1926 and the US Championship in 1924, and was also a finalist:

  • singles, doubles and mixed at Wimbledon 1926;
  • mixed doubles at the US National Championships in 1922;
  • singles at the 1927 US Professional Championships.

(Author's note - In 1936. he and the American Helen Wills, with whom he was a finalist at the US Championship in 1922, kicked the ball over the net 2001 times for interest and they interrupted their fun only because Gorward needed to train. This rally lasted 1 hour 18 minutes).

About Robert Kinsey, except for the victory with his brother, there is no other information.

Spouses from Australia (Harry Hopman) (1906-1985) and (Nell Hall Hopman) (1909-1968), playing in pairs 3 times won the Australian Championship in 1936, 1937, 1939 ( Author's note They won the Australian Championship in 1930, but not yet as a spouse) and the 1939 US Championship, were also finalists for 1935 Wimbledon. In addition to these successes, they owned the following titles:

- Finalist of the Australian Championship in singles in 1930-1932, winner of the Australian Championship in doubles in 1929 and 1930. In 1938-1939 and 1950-1969 he was the captain and coach of the Australian Davis Cup team and led it to victory 16 times (1939, 1950-1953, 1955-1957, 1959-1962, 1964-1967). Among his pupils during these years were Frank Sedgeman, Ken McGregor, Lew Hode, Ken Rosewall, Rod Laver, Neil Fraser, John Newcomb, Fred Stoll, Tony Roch, Roy Emerson and Ashley Cooper.

In 1969 he moved to the USA, where his students included: Scott Davis, Peter McNamara, Paul McNamey, Andres Gomez, Vitas Gerulaitis, John McEnroe, Yannick Noah, Marie Pierce (Pierce) and Martina Hingis. In 1976 he founded the Hopman Tennis Academy in Largo (Florida, USA) ( author's note Now called "Hopman" s International Tennis Academy at Bardmoor ").

Member of the International Tennis Hall of Fame since 1978. Since 1989, the popular and unique Hopman Cup tournament has been held in his honor.

Finalist of the Australian Championship in singles in 1939, 1947, champion "Roland Garros-1954" in doubles.

In 1962, she convinced the ILTF to start hosting the Davis Cup women's team tournament, which in 1963 was called the Federation Cup. She died after an unsuccessful operation to remove a brain tumor.

Australian married couple Crawfords(Marjorie and Jack Crawford) won mixed doubles at the Australian Championships in 1931-33 before reaching the final in 1929-30.
The success of the head of the family Jack Crawford(1908-1991) in solitary appearances are more convincing. He is a 17-time winner of the singles, doubles and mixed Grand Slam tournaments, but has never won the US Championship. It was his victories in 1933 at the Australian Championships, Roland Garros, Wimbledon and reaching the final at the US Championships that prompted the introduction of the term “Grand Slam” into the tennis lexicon.

Listed in the International Tennis Hall of Fame since 1979.

Have Marjorie Cox-Crawford the best singles record is reaching the quarterfinals at the Australian Championships in 1926 and 1929.

French brothers Christian(1908-2003) and Roland (?) Beads(Christian and Roland Boussus) in 1937 together won the Le Touquet Spa Championships in Le Touquet-Paris-Plage (France).

- winner of the Australian Championship in mixed category (1935), finalist at Roland Garros: singles (1931), doubles (1932), mixed (1938).

He participated in the French Championship 19 times (1927-1953) ( third place after Fabrice Santoro and François Jauffret with 20 appearances). He was a substitute for the legendary French Davis Cup team in 1929, 1930, 1931 and 1932, in which the "four musketeers" won the competition, but never played himself. In 1949-1952 he was the captain of the national team in the Davis Cup. The first of the famous tennis players to play official competitions in shorts (at Roland Garros-1936).

Roland Bussus was an amateur and did not distinguish himself in anything special.

American Sarah Palfrey(Sarah Palfrey) (1912-1996) married a compatriot in 1940 Elwood Cook(Elwood Cooke) (1913-2004), with whom she won the Roland Garros-1939 in mixed doubles and in the same year reached the final of the US National Championship. Perhaps they continued to perform in the same pair, if not the Second World War and the cancellation of virtually all international tournaments, but after the war in 1945 they were able to compete in place at the Tri-State Championships in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. But since it was not a mixed category, and there were not enough male pairs registered, the US Tennis Association, as an exception, allowed Cooks to play in the men's pairs tournament. For the spouses, this experiment turned out to be quite successful - they lost only in the final to Bill Talbert and Hal Surfes ( Author's note Bill Talbert defeated Elwood Cook in singles final).

Sarah she married three times, so she performed under different surnames: Fabian (Sarah Fabyan) in 1934-1940 and Cook (Sarah Cooke) in 1940-1949 ( author's note For the third time after the end of her career in 1951 and changed her surname to Danzig). Won the US National Championships in singles in 1941 and 1945, and in doubles in the period 1930-1941 9 times. The pair was the champion of Wimbledon in 1928-1939. In mixed doubles she won the Roland Garros-1939 and 4 times at the US National Championships. In 1947 she became a professional. In 1929-1931, 1933-1941 and 1945 she entered the Top 10 US players. The best international rating is 4 (1934). Inducted into the International Tennis Hall of Fame in 1963.
Her five sisters and brother John Palfrey (1918) were also tennis players and performed successfully at the junior level, but whether she entered with them, I could not find information.

- Finalist of Wimbledon-1939 in singles and champion in doubles. In the same year he won the doubles and Roland Garros. In 1938-1940 and 1945 he entered the Top 10 US players. In the world ranking he occupied the 8th position (1939). During World War II, he served as an officer in the United States Navy.

Leslie Turner(Lesley Turner) and Bill Bowrie(Bill Bowrey) were among the top players in Australia. Since 1967, they have played several mixed doubles tournaments. Won "Internationaux d" Italie in Rome (Italy), but lost at Wimbledon in the 1st round. In 1968 they were semifinalists at the Australian Championship, after which they got married a month later. As spouses at Wimbledon-1968 in mixed doubles reached the quarterfinals, and next year they lost in the 4th round to future winners Australian Fred Stoll and Englishwoman Anne Haydon-Jones. author's note I don’t know what kind of marital relationship they had, but after the marriage, their performance results sharply deteriorated).

Leslie Turner(1942) won 13 Grand Slam tournaments: 2 - singles; 7 in doubles; 4 in mixed doubles. Two-time winner (1964, 1965) of the Federation Cup as part of the Australian national team, and in 1994-2001 - its captain. In 1997 she was inducted into the International Tennis Hall of Fame. After marriage, she performed under a double surname: Turner-Bowry, and completed her performances in 1978.

Bill Bowrie(1943) Winner of the 1968 Australian Championship. He was a doubles finalist at Wimbledon 1966, the 1967 US and Australian Championships, and a mixed double at the 1967 Australian Championships. After marriage, he performed for another 4 years.

American sister and brother Nancy(1942) and Cliff (1946) Richie(Nancy and Cliff Richey), speaking together in mixed doubles, reached the quarterfinals at the US Championship in 1963, and at the Wimbledon tournament they participated in 1965-1966, 1967, 1969, but did not go beyond the 2nd round.

Has the best result in the Grand Slam tournaments: semifinals at Roland Garros-1970 and US Open-1970, 1972 in singles and winner of the Davis Cup in 1970 (was a member of the team in 1966-1970). Founding member of the Association of Professional Tennis Players (ATP) in 1972.

Singles Winner: 1967 Australian Championship and 1968 Roland Garros; in doubles: the US championships in 1965-1966, Australia in 1966, "Wimbledon-1966". Finalist: 1966 and 1969 US Singles Championships, Roland Garros 1969. Holder of the 1969 Federation Cup national team.

The americans Clark Grabner(Clark Graebner) (1943) and Carol Caldwell(Carole Caldwell Graebner) (1943-2008) became married in 1964. In mixed doubles they performed three times at Wimbledon and reached: the quarterfinals in 1965; 2nd circle in 1969; 4th circle in 1970.

Clark Grabner winner Roland Garros 1966 doubles, finalist: 1967 United States Championships in singles and doubles in 1966; Roland Garros-1966 mixed doubles. As part of the national Ionic team winner of the 1968 Davis Cup (was a member of the team in 1963-1970).

Carol Caldwell-Grabner winner of the USA (1965) and Australian (1966) championships in doubles, finalist of the USA (1964) in singles, as part of the national team, winner of the 1966 Federation Cup.

Brothers American Tom(1925) and Bean (1926) Falkenburgs(Tom and Bob Falkenburg) won the 1942 US National High School Championship and the 1946 National University Sports Association Tennis Team Championship.

Tom Falkenburg(born in Santiago, Chile) after graduating from university, he moved to coaching. However, in 1965 he was arrested in England for armed robbery of a bank.

(born in New York) started playing tennis at the age of 10. Winner of 1948 Wimbledon in singles and doubles winner of the 1944 US Nationals and 1947 Wimbledon. Finalist of the United States National Championship in 1945 in mixed doubles. Had a powerful serve. In 1950 he moved to Brazil and received Brazilian citizenship. Defended the colors of Brazil in the Davis Cup in 1954 and 1955. Member of the International Tennis Hall of Fame since 1974.

Their sister Jinx, a famous American movie star and model, also played tennis. Parents are also amateur tennis players. Jack Kramer, in his book The Game: My 40 years in Tennis (1981), wrote that Eugene Falkenburg was "the first to suggest the idea of ​​a tennis team league to him," which he later created.

American twin brothers Tim(1951-1996) and Tom(1951)Gallixons(Tim and Tom Gullikson) are finalists for Wimbledon 1983 ( approx. р Lost to the strongest pair of Americans John McEnroe and Peter Fleming 3: 0). They are winners in 10 ATP tournaments. In the early years after completing their professional career, they played on veteran tours and won the Legends Tournament at Wimbledon 1986.

It was convenient for them to play in a pair, since Tim is left-handed, and Tom is right-handed.

Tim Gallixon finalist of "Australian Open-1988" in mixed doubles ( 37 years paired with Martina Navratilova). Winner of 15 ATP tournaments in doubles (10 - with his brother). Coached by Martina Navratilova, Mary Joe Fernandez, Aaron Crikstein and Pete Sampras. ( note author Tim Gallixon in the fall of 1994. while traveling to European tournaments with Sampras, he suffered several minor strokes, but the disease was mistakenly attributed to congenital heart problems. In December, German neurologists discovered that he had a malignant brain tumor. Long-term treatment was ineffective. more details).

Tom Gallixon winner of "US Open-1986" in mixed doubles (with Manuela Maleeva, see below) and 16 ATP tournaments in doubles. Coached by Todd Martin, Jim Courier, Jennifer Capriati and Andy Roddick. Davis Cup team captain 1994-1999 ( note author ‒ USA in 1995. became the owner of the Davis Cup, in 1997. - finalist). Coach of the 1996 U.S. Olympic team (p Roman Authors “Gold” won by Andre Agassi and Lindsay Davenport in singles and female pair Gigi Fernandez with Mary-Joe Fernandez).

They gained great fame in the coaching field.

(Author's note From the modern tennis world there is a tennis player Carly Gallikson (1986) - the winner of the "US Open-2009", but she has no family ties with the Gallikson brothers).

Brothers from the USA Sandy(1952) and Gin (1956) Mayers(Sandy and Gene Mayer) winners of 5 tournaments: "Roland Garros-1979" in Paris; in San Jose, (California, USA) in 1978; Indian Wells Masters-1979 at Rancho Mirage (California, USA); "US Pro Tennis Championships-1980" in Boston (USA); "US National Indoor Tennis Championships-1981" in Memphis (USA). And finalists: "Forest Hills WCT-1979" in New York (USA); "Washington Open-1980" in Washington (USA); Pacific Coast Championships-1980 in San Francisco (USA); Rotterdam Open-1981 in Rotterdam (Netherlands).

- apart from Roland Garros-1979, he won Wimbledon-1975 in a pair. In total, he has 10 titles in singles and 24 in doubles. Best rating ‒7 (04/26/1984).

Gene Mayer winner of 14 ATP singles and 15 doubles. The best rating - 4 (6.10.1980). He played with both hands on the right and on the left.

Together they earned $ 2.5 million in their career.

They played among themselves in the final of the "Stockholm Open-1981" in Stockholm (Sweden). The younger brother won - 6: 4; 6: 2.

Englishman John Lloyd(John Lloyd) (1954) after a year of courtship in 1979 formalized a marital relationship with an American Chris Evert(Chris Evert) (1951). I managed to find information about only one of their joint performances - a charity tournament in London in May 1980, in which they beat Swede Bjorn Borg and his Romanian bride Mariana Simonescu in the final.

They were rightfully considered the most beautiful tennis couple. In addition to her husband's status, John also became Chris's coach, replacing her father in this position. The couple have been married for 8 years and parted without leaving common heirs. Andy Millu, a skier, became a lovebird. How this happened is not on the topic of the article, but I'll tell you anyway. On the New Year 1986, the amorous Chris was invited to visit her by her main rival and friend Martina Navratilova, who has a house in the ski resort of Aspen (Colorado). One fine day Martina took her to the ski slope and left her alone at the top, rolling off to ride herself. The girlfriend is called, because Evert first began to ski. It was then, to the wind-blown tennis star, and drove Milla, nicknamed "Wild Dog" (colleagues called him that for an aggressive driving style and appearance: beard and long messy hair). Olympian and helped Chris to move down, going down, while in front of her back to the slope. Apparently this conquered the heart of the tennis player. Well this is a joke. Our tennis couple at the time family relationships did not add up anymore. In the second, but not the last, marriage, Evert gave birth to three children.

John Lloyd he has three highest mixed titles: Roland Garros 1982 and Wimbledon in 1983-84 (all with Australian Wendy Turnbull), he, like his older brother David Lloyd, was the captain of the British team at the Davis Cup in 2006-2010. Actually, John has a tennis family. Parents Dennis and Doris Lloyd performed well in club tournaments, but never played in mixed doubles. How coaches brought up a large galaxy of tennis players. They had four children: Anna played decently at the amateur level and three sons who became professional players David (1948), John, Anthony (1956). David and John played Davis Cup matches in 1978, but did not pair up ( Author's note Team Britain reached the final, in which they lost to the hosts - Team USA, 1: 4). But with the younger bran Tony, Joe played in pairs and even, they were seeded at Wimbledon.

Chris Evert one of the most awarded players in tennis history. In singles alone, she won 157 WTA tournaments including 18 majors. She was number one in the world for a total of 260 weeks. I will not dwell on her other well-known achievements. I will report, in my opinion, only the most Interesting Facts... For 13 years (1974-1986) she won at least one title a year at Grand Slam tournaments. At these singles tournaments, throughout my career, I have always at least reached the third round. She won 90% of all her matches (1309: 146) ( author's note Better indicator, only Australian Margaret Court - 91.4% (593: 56)). For almost 6 years (from August 1973 to May 1979) she was invincible on clay, winning 125 matches in a row, and in total she has 316 victories on this surface in 336 matches (94%). Chris Evert chaired the Women's Tennis Association from 1975-1976 and 1983-1991. Since 1995 member of the International Tennis Hall of Fame.

Chris also has a tennis family. Father and first coach Jimmy Evert at one time twice became the champion of Canada and regularly participated in the US championships. Her sisters Jeanne and Claire, as well as her brother John, won the youth championships of the country. Zhanna has become a professional.

Before meeting Lloyd, the amorous Evert had the longest relationship with an equally successful tennis player - American Jimmy Conors. So they played in mixed doubles, and even were finalists at the "US Open-1974". Their romance lasted about two years, there was an engagement and wedding plans, but the marriage (11/08/1974) was canceled. The official version is long separations that extinguished their love ardor. But they remained good friends.

In 1976 brothers Anand(1952) and Vijay (1953) Amritraja(Anand and Vijay Amritraj) from India were semi-finalists at Wimbledon 1976. On their joint account of victories in 8 professional tournaments and in 9 tournaments, they were finalists. In the Davis Cup, from 1973 to 1988, she played 26 matches of which she won 17 ( author's note 1974, 1982, 1986. the Amritraji brothers met in doubles with tennis players from the USSR and won all).

They have a younger brother, Ashok (1957) (Ashok Amritraj), with whom the older brothers performed separately. For example, with Vijay he reached the semifinals in Little Rock (USA), with Anaid in 1978 he played in the semifinals in Calcutta (India) and in the third round of the US Open-1977.

Anand Amritraj holder of 12 titles of the Grand Prix and WCT tournaments ( author's note WCT professional tennis association World Championship Tennis) in doubles, Davis Cup finalist 1974 and 1987. Once, in 1976 at a tournament in Columbus (USA), the draw brought him to Vijay and he lost in two sets. His son Stephen (1984) also competed in professional tournaments.

Vijay Amritraj winner of 16 professional singles and 13 doubles events, including the 1977 WCT final, 1974 and 1987 Davis Cup finalist. Chairman of the Board of Players of the Asia-Pacific Region (1989-94). Since 2014, with the aim of popularizing tennis in India, he has launched the Champions Tennis League tournament. His son Prakash (1983) became a professional tennis player in 2003, but did not play with his cousin Stephen.

Ashok Amritraj has a 9-year tennis biography much more modest. The best rating position of the ATP - 81 (06/26/1975) in singles and 114 (02/03/1986) in doubles. In 1974 he became a finalist for the junior Wimbledon ( author's note Lost to American Billy Martin).

American sisters Barbara(1957) and Katie(1959)Jordan(Barbara and Kathy Jordan) in 1978 as a pair won the US Intercollegiate Championship.

Winner of the 1979 Australian Open in singles and Roland Garros 1983 in doubles. After completing her professional career, she was elected to the WTA Board of Directors five times.

Winner of five Grand Slam tournaments in doubles and two in mixed doubles. In 1992 she was elected Vice President of the WTA.

Their coach was their father, Bob Jorzhan.

The americans John(1959) and Patrick (1966) McEnroe(Patrick and John McEnroe) also tried doubles together. They became winners of two professional tournaments in Richmond (1984) and Paris (1992). Both played for the USA in the Davis Cup, but John retired in 1992 and Patrick became recruited in 1993. Now they occasionally play in pairs at veteran legends tournaments.

Have McEnroe's Party more modest results. He is the winner of the 1989 Roland Garros and the 1989 Masters final in doubles. In total he has 16 titles in doubles and 1 in singles. From December 2000 to December 2007, Patrick was the captain of the USA Davis Cup team, succeeding his brother John. Co-author of the book "Tennis for Dummies", translated into Russian.

Brothers' combined prize pool: $ 33.8 million.

Brothers from the USA Murphy(1968) and Luke (1966) Jensens(Murphy and Luke Jensen) played together from 1993 to 1997. During this period, they became the triumphs of Roland Garros-1993 and 3 more tournaments. Were finalists in 6 tournaments.

Murphy Jensen- in his asset there are no victories, except with his brother. Best Ranking Position - 586 (January 11, 1993)

Luke Jensen- won 10 doubles tournaments. The best rating position - 168 (07.25.1988). During the game, he intercepted the racket from one hand to the other so that he hit only with the forehand. He also served with equal strength with both right and left hands.

Together they earned $ 2 million in their professional careers.

German woman Claudia Code-Kilsch(Claudia Kohde-Kilsch) (1963) after a hip injury in 1993, she had to stop active performances, but in 1996 she again entered the court together with her younger sister Katrin Kielsch(Katrin Kilsch) (1975) and even won the $ 10,000 ITF tournament in Faro, Portugal. There is no more information about their joint performances.

Claudia Code-Kilsch She achieved the best results in doubles: the winner of the "US Open-1985", "Wimbledon-1987", as well as 3 times became a finalist at the "Australian Open" and "Roland Garros". In 1988, at the Olympic Games in Seoul (Korea), she won a bronze medal together with Steffi Graf.

Katrin Kielsch she did not choose a professional tennis career for herself and in 1998 she stopped playing.

Czech tennis couple Helena Sukova(Helena Sukova) and her brother Cyril Suk(Cyril Suk) won Roland Garroos 1991, Wimbledon 1996-97 ( author's note In 1997. in the final they beat Larisa Savchenko-Neiland and Andrey Olkhovsky 4: 6; 6: 3; 6: 4). and in 1998 were finalists for the Australian Open.

Helena (1965) and Cyril (1967) were born into a tennis family: their father, Cyril Suk Sr., was the president of the Czechoslovak Tennis Association, and their mother, Vera Sukova, was a Wimbledon 1962 finalist in singles and 5th in the world.

Helena Sukova 9-time winner of the Grand Slam tournaments in doubles and winner of the Career Grand Slam ( author's note Won all Grand Slam tournaments, but in different years), 5-time winner of the Grand Slam tournaments in the mixed category, 2-time silver medalist of the Olympic Games (1988, 1996) in the doubles, four times won the Federation Cup as part of the Czechoslovak team. In the WTA round she won 9 singles and 69 doubles. In 2014 she was awarded the Federation Cup debate for outstanding achievements.

Cyril Suk winner of the 1998 US Open doubles title and 4 mixed Grand Slam titles ( author's note Three - with my sister, one - with Larisa Savchenko-Neiland). Interestingly, Cyril, with a height of 180 cm, is 8 cm shorter than her older sister.

Some of the most famous tennis relatives are two brothers and a sister from a Spanish family. Sanchez Vicario: Emilio (1965), Javier(1968) and Arancha(1971) (Emilio, Javier and Arantxa Sanchez Vicario).

The pair, consisting of Emilio and Javier Sanchez-Vicario, took part in 14 professional tournaments. Their most successful performances were: victories in Bologna (1988), in Hamburg (“German Open-1989”) and Kitzbühel (“Bet-At-Home Cup Kitzbuhel-1989”, Austria), finals “Swedish Open Bastad-1987 "In Bastad (Sweden)," Bank Austria Tennis Trophy-1987 "in Vienna (Austria) and" ATP Internazionali-1991 "in Palermo (Sicily, Italy).

Emilio and his sister Arancha reached the final of US Opén-1989 in mixed doubles. After such a successful performance, they were in 1990-93. represented Spain at the Hopman Cup. In 1990, Emilio and Aranchei won this tournament, and in 1993 they were finalists.

Emilio Sanchez-Vicario- Three-time winner of the Grand Slam tournaments and silver medalist of the 1988 Olympics in doubles, winner of Roland Garros-1987 and US Opera-1988 in mixed doubles. Has 15 titles of ATP tournaments in singles and 50 in doubles. Repeatedly entered the top ten in singles and was the first racket in the world in doubles.

Javier Sanchez-Vicario- Winner of 4 titles of ATP tournaments in singles and 26 in doubles.

He faced his older brother 12 times in tournaments and won only 2 ( author's note Under the end of Emilio's playing career). In doubles, they played against each other in 20 tournaments, of which Javier and a partner were stronger in 5.

Arancha Sanchez Vicario in 1995 she became the first racket of the world in singles and doubles (12 weeks). During her career, she won 14 Grand Slam tournaments: 4 singles, 6 doubles and 4 mixed. She won a total of 29 WTA singles and 69 doubles. She has 2 Olympic silver medals won in Barcelona and 2 bronze medals from Atlanta. Since 2007, a member of the International Tennis Hall of Fame.

They also have the youngest sister, Marisa, who played in the US student championships, but did not go to the professional level.

Not so long ago, Aranta accused her parents of robbing her of all her earnings of $ 58 million. In this she wrote in her autobiographical book "Aranta, Vamos! Memoirs of the Suffering of a Woman", published in 2012.

Their jointly earned prize pool totaled $ 40.9 million.

Americans brother and sister Austins(John and Tracy Austin) won Wimbledon in the mixed category in 1980. Ate successes John Austin(1957) are not impressive: 70th position in the ATP ranking (1980), victory in doubles at the National Championship among students (1978), then his younger sister Tracy Austin(1962) had great opportunities to become an outstanding tennis player. Judge for yourself. At the age of 14, he begins to play in professional tournaments and immediately gets into the top 10. In 1979, she became the youngest winner of the US and Italian Opens, not to mention a number of other lower rank tournaments. For two years (1979-80) she held the second place in the WTA rankings, and during this period she was the first racket of the world for 21 weeks. However, the fragile young body could not withstand such a great physical exertion, and since 1981, injuries began to haunt her, especially her back worried. Despite this, Tracy once again became the best at the US Open, reaching the Wimbledon final in a mixed double with her brother John in 1981.

In December 1983, a few days before her 21st birthday, Tracy announced that she was retiring from the big sport. True, in 1988 she returned, but her return was not long and expressionless. Tracy Austen currently works as a sports broadcaster.

John Austin is the director of the John Austin Tennis Center in Scottsdale, Arizona. They have a sister Pam and two brothers Doug, Jeff, who also chose tennis as their profession.

In 1992, Tracy Austin was inducted into the International Tennis Hall of Fame (the youngest player ever to receive this honor).

Sisters from Bulgaria Manuela (1967), Katerina(1969) and Magdalena (1975) Maleevs(Manuela, Katerina and Magdalena Maleeva) periodically teamed up with each other. The following performances were the most successful. Manuela and Katerina won the 1985 WTA tournament in Indianapolis (USA) and became finalists in two other tournaments (1985 and 1987). 12 times in a pair have defended the colors of the country in the Federation Cup (World Group). The score of their victories and defeats 5: 7 ( Author's note We met four times with the USSR team and lost all matches). Won the ITF Singles Circuit finals-1985 in Bulgaria. Manuela and Magdalene in 1993 reached the final two times in WTA tournaments. The least successful pair turned out to be: Katerina and Magdalena. In this youngest combination, they did not achieve significant success.

Manuela Maleeva- Triumphant of the "US Open-1974" in mixed doubles, bronze medalist of the "1988 Olympics" in singles. Winner of 11 WTA and Virginia Slims professional tournaments in singles and 4 in doubles. Winner of the highest place in the world ranking in the history of Bulgarian women's tennis - 3 (4.02.1985).
She is the first player in professional tennis history to win three matches in one day. In Rome at the "Italian Open-1984", the older sister defeated three tennis stars: Romanian Virginie Ruzici (winner of Roland Graroos-1978), Canadian Carling Bassett in 2 sets and Chris Evert (at that time the owner of 14 tournament titles " Grand Slam "in singles) with a score of 6: 3; 6: 3. For her husband, former little-known tennis player François Franiere from Switzerland, who became her coach.

Katerina Maleeva- finalist of "US Open-1994" in doubles, winner of 11 professional tournaments WTA and "Virginia Slims" in singles and 2 in doubles. The best rating position - 6 (July 9, 1990). In 1984 she won junior tournaments: "US Open" and the European Championship. Participant of the 3rd Olympic Games.

Magdalena Maleeva in 1993 she was awarded the WTA Progress of the Year award. The best rating position - 4 (01/29/1996). Participant of the 3rd Olympic Games. Won the junior "US Open-1990".

For the first time in the history of tennis, three sisters:

  • played as part of a team at the Federation Cup (1989);
  • were included in the main draw of the Grand Slam tournament (Roland Garros-1990);
  • entered the number of seeded at the Grand Slam tournament (Australian Open-1993; US Open-1993) and at these tournaments, at least reached the 4th round;
  • in one year each won the WTA singles tournament (1992);
  • were among the 15 best tennis players in the world (April 1992; June 1993).

Their mother, Yulia Berberian, is Bulgaria's leading tennis player in the 1960s and her daughters' first coach.

In 1987, at the age of 43, Yulia Berberian played for the Bulgarian national team in the Federation Cup with her daughters Manuela and Katerina, but played in tandem with Dora Rangelova. Now in Sofia the Maleev family has their own tennis club.
The sisters' joint prize money was $ 14.3 million.

Brothers first coach Byron (1969), Wayne(1973) and their sisters Kara (1979) Black(Byron, Wayne and Cara Black) from Zimbabwe was their father Don Black, who at one time reached the third circle twice at Wimbledon, acting as a citizen of Rhodesia ( author's note Since 1980 it became known as Zimbabwe).

Byron and Wayne paired up to make their Davis Cup debut in 1992 and beat the Moroccan pair. In total, they invariably represented a couple in this competition until 1999 and won 10 out of 13 matches ( author's note In 1997. outplayed a strong Ukrainian pair Andrey Medvedev, Dmitry Polyakov 3: 2). In the ATP Tour, the brothers began playing together at Indian Wells (1993), and in 1995 they won their first ATP Challenger tournament. In 1996, at the Atlanta Olympics, they won the 1st round match. They did not pair up again, except once at the Gold Flake Open-2001 tournament in Chennai (India), which they won.

Wayne in mixed doubles with his sister Kara achieved great success. They are the winners of Roland Garros-2002 (in the final they beat Elena Bovina and Mark Knowles 6: 3; 6: 3) and Wimbledon-2004 (they consecutively won such strong pairs as Navratilova and Paes, Davenport and Brian, Molik and Woodbridge) , were the finalists of Roland Garros-2004 (lost to the French Tatiana Golovin and Richard Gasquet 3: 6; 4: 6). In 1999, they played two Hopman Cup matches, one of which they won.

Byron Black winner of "Roland Garros-1994" and twice was a finalist in the majors. Has 2 ATP singles titles and 22 doubles titles.

Wayne Black winner of "US Open-2001" and "Australian Open-5" in doubles and 2 majors with his sister in mixed doubles. Has 18 ATP doubles titles.

Kara Black winner of 5 Grand Slam tournaments in doubles. Winner of the "Career Grand Slam" in mixed doubles. Won 1 WTA Singles and 57 Doubles. Former first racket of the world in doubles. Winner of the junior "Wimbledon-1997" and "US Open-1997" in singles.

The three of them earned $ 17.8 million in prize money.

Wayne in 2003 married his sister's partner in doubles in the junior years - Irina Selyutina from Kazakhstan ( Kara Black and Irina Selyutina in 1997. recognized as the best junior pair).

Brother and Sister from Holland (Czech) Richard(1971) and Michaela (1989) Kryceki(Richard and Michaella Krajicek) played several exhibition matches due to the big age difference, including in Delhi in 2005 against Sani Mirza and Mahesh Bhupati. They were announced at Wimbledon 2005, but Michaela's injury, received a week before the tournament, did not allow them to participate.

Richard Krycek- Winner of "Wimbledon 1996" in singles. Winner of 17 ATP singles titles and 3 doubles titles.

Michaela Krycek(paternal half-sister) is the winner of 3 WTA tournaments in singles and 5 in doubles. Champion of junior "US Open-2004" in singles and doubles and "Roland Garros-2004" in doubles. Ex-first racket of the world among juniors.

The Russian team at the Hopman Cup in 2009 was represented by Marat(1980) and Dinara (1986) Safins... I must say that Dinara had a long-standing dream to play mixed with her brother at official competitions.

In their subgroup, the Safins tandem won the match meetings of the teams against Italians, Taiwanese and French, but in the mixed doubles they managed to beat only the French duo consisting of Gilles Simon and Alize Cornet (6: 4; 6: 3). In the final they met with the winners of another group - Slovaks Dominika Cibulkova and Dominik Khrbaty. The Russians lost the first singles games, so the doubles match was not played. Their only attempt to play in pairs (at least at the official level) ended like the first pancake. And they didn't bake pancakes anymore.

Marat Safin during his career he won 5 singles Masters tournaments and 2 Grand Slam tournaments (US Open in 2000 and Australia - 2005). He occupied the first line of the rating three times, for a total of 9 weeks (2000-01). As a member of the national team, he won the Davis Cup twice (2002, 2006).

In 2016 he became a member of the International Tennis Hall of Fame.

Dinara Safina- holder of 13 titles in singles including 1 title of the Grand Slam tournament, silver medalist of the 2008 Olympics. First in the WTA rankings for 25 weeks (2009). In 2005, as part of the national team, she became the winner of the Federation Cup.

During their careers, two Russian rackets for the first time in the world together earned $ 29.8 million in tournaments.

Having won the final of the "Australian Open-2003" German Rainer Schuttler, Andre Agassi promised to play in a mixed double with his wife at the next Grand Slam tournament. But declaring this, Ande did not yet know that Steffi had become pregnant by the next major - Roland Garros will be 5 months old ( note author 3.10.2003 gave birth to a girl who was named Jazz Eli, the first was the son of Jaeden Jill - 10/27/2001.).

The mother of two young children allowed herself to start performing in December 2005 and only in tennis shows.

The first was an exhibition match in Boise, Idaho, against Victoria Azarenka and Mike Brian. The young Belarusian tennis player admitted: " Steffi Graf is my childhood idol, and I don't even know how to play with her: in public or seriously". The victory for the spouses - 6: 4.

I will not list all of their performances, but I will point out the most remarkable ones.

2007 charity match in Houston (Texas). During his spousal mix, "fooled" - holding hands, they moved around the court as if in handcuffs. And it was funny until the moment Andre, on the post-shock movement, “hit” his partner with a racket on the lips. The match is over, with three stitches and two weeks without the kisses that Andre loves so much. Once he admitted that he had never met a single woman who had the same sweet lips as Steffi.

In 2009, they pioneered the Wimbledon center court, after installing a retractable roof on it ( Author's note The project cost was about 100 million pounds. It closes in 20 minutes.). Their rivals were Kim Clijsters and Tim Henman. In the presence of 15,000 spectators, not the spouses won with a score of 7: 6.

In the same year, the titled tennis pair tore off Roland Garros with an exhibition match against novice players. At a press conference, Agassi said: “ Paris is very important for us - 10 years ago our destinies crossed here. By that time, I had long admired Steffi, I liked her demeanor, behaving with people, but I never managed to speak to her, to get her attention. When we both won here in 1999, I had many opportunities to be closer to her. It was hard not to regard them as signs of fate”(About the final Count - Martina Hingis. About the final Andre Agassi - Andrey Medvedev).

In 2010, at the Bender Arena in Washington, the eminent couple played against two legends: tennis and rock - Martina Navratilova and Elton John.

2010 - Prague tennis lovers watched with interest the star family during their game against Jana Novotna and Jiri Novak, whose spouses won 7: 6. You can watch the episode captured in this short video of how such matches are played.

Steffi Graf won 107 singles and 11 doubles titles, 22 Grand Slam titles, and in 1988 she became the only Golden Slam winner in the world. She owns an unprecedented achievement: 377 weeks in the rank of the first racket of the world, of which 189 weeks in a row.

For her merits, the Graf was awarded in 1999, and in 2004 was included in the International Tennis Hall of Fame.

It should be noted that her father Peter Graf was Steffi's first coach and later manager.

Behind Andre Agassi 60 tournaments in singles, including 8 Grand Slam tournaments. In total, he topped the ATP rating for 101 weeks. He became the first in the history of tennis who was awarded the "Career Golden Slam" for men. In 1999, Agassi was awarded the unofficial title "Champion of Champions" by the popular French newspaper "Equip" (fr. L "Équipe).

In 2011, he was inducted into the International Tennis Hall of Fame, despite being recognized for taking amphetamine.

American twin brothers Bean(1978) and Mike Bryans(Bob and Mike Bryan) specialize in doubles performances and, for good reason, they were voted Best Couple of the Year 12 times from 2005 to 2016, based on fan votes. The brothers finished the year in first place in the ATP rankings ten times.

The victory at the "US Open-2014" was the 16th in the "Grand Slam" tournaments and, thus, they set one of the records of these tournaments. Due to Bob's injury, his brother also won Wimbledon and the US Open in 2018 with Jack Sok. In the ATP round, their winnings amount to 85 tournaments. Four times were the best in the final tournaments of the ATP tour (2003, 2004, 2009, 2014). Their assets include gold at the 2012 Olympics, bronze at the 2008 Olympics, Davis Cup in 2007, and Career Golden Helmet. The Brian brothers are the most successful duo of all time. Their first title was Memphis Open-2001 in Memphis, Tennessee, USA.

The Brians hold the record for being in the first line of the doubles rating: in 15 years (2000-2014) they finished the season with the best pair 11 times, and from 2009 to 2014 - in a row ( author's note I am sure that hardly anyone will be able to achieve such indicators).

The brothers have everything in common, including a bank account and a charitable foundation for disadvantaged children. Bob for 2 min. older. On the court he can be distinguished by the fact that he is left-handed and 3 cm taller. Their parents Wayne and Katie Brian competed in national tournaments, and Katie's mom was 11th in the American rankings. Brian is the senior founders and executives of the Cabrillo Racquet Club in Sachikoy, California. Wayne Brian is a fairly reputable coach in America. Bob and Michael's orientation to pair tennis is due to the fact that parents-coaches based on child psychology were guided by the rule: sons should not play against each other until the age of 17.

An interesting exhibition meeting of different generations took place between the McEnroe brothers and the Brian twins on March 3, 2014 in Madison Square Garden (Rew York). It took the youth 44 minutes to win with a score of 8: 3 in pro-set. During the match they were leading 7: 0, but for the sake of respect for the older generation, the twins lost three games.

For all their performances, they were rewarded with $ 26.6 million (as of 01.01.2016).

Austrians Jurgen(1981) and Gerald (1990) Melzer(Jurgen and Gerald Melzer). The brothers began their joint "doubles activity" in 2008 and in the same year won the "ATP Challenger" in Graz (Austria). In total, they played 6 tournaments together.

Jurgen Melzer- Winner of Wimbledon 2010 and US Open 2011 in doubles and Wimbledon 2011 in mixed doubles. Semifinalist "Roland Garos-2010" in singles. Winner of 5 ATP titles in singles and 13 in doubles. The peak of his career began after his 28th birthday, although as a teenager in 1999 he won the junior Wimbledon in singles and the Australian Open in doubles.

In 2012, Jurgen married a Czech woman Iveta Beneshova (1983), a mixed partner at their victorious Wimbledon 2011, but after the wedding they did not play together.

Gerald Melzer You can’t call it a star or even an asterisk, but thanks to their older brother, they got on this list. He has won 3 singles and 1 doubles challenger and 11 ITF futures singles.

On account of an unrivaled pair of sisters Venus(1980) and Serena (1981) Williams(Venus and Serena Williams) 14 Grand Slam victories, 21 WTA titles, Olympic gold medals in 2000, 2008 and 2012, Federation Cup in 1999.

Listing all the imaginable and not mental achievements of these representatives of the world tennis elite will take up a lot of space. I will dwell on the most interesting ones.

Each of the sisters is the only tennis player (women and men) who simultaneously occupied the first line in the ranking in both singles and doubles, in addition, only Serena is the owner of the "Career Golden Slam" in the same categories. She is the oldest tennis player to top the women's singles rankings. She holds the record for women's professional tennis for the amount of prize money earned. Venus completed the Career Golden Helmet in doubles. The Williams sisters are four-time Olympic champions.

The two superstars earned $ 106.8 million in prize money as of January 1, 2016.

Belgian sisters Kim(1983) and Elke (1985) Claysters(Kim and Elke Clijsters) have teamed up only twice. For the first time at the "Proximus Diamond Games -2004" tournament in Antwerp (Belgium) they passed the 1st round, and in the 2nd they lost to Emilie Lua and Petre Mandula (2: 6; 2: 6). 7 years later in the same place, only in the exhibition match "Diamond Games-2011" ( Note: Since 2009, the Diamond Games has ceased to be a WTA tournament and has been transformed into an exhibition event for the best tennis players the moment of their participation) and defeated Caroline Wozniacki and Janina Wickmaier (6: 2; 6: 1).

Kim Clijsters four-time winner of the Grand Slam tournaments in singles and two-time in doubles. Won the WTA Final Championship three times (2002, 2003, 2010) and 41 WTA Singles Tournaments. Former first racket of the world (20 weeks).

Elke Clijsters winner of the 1st ITF tournament and finalist of 2 WTA tournaments in singles. In 2002 she won the ITF Junior World Championships, Wimbledon and US Open in doubles. Former first racket of the world in the junior doubles ranking. At the age of 19, she was forced to leave professional sports due to a spinal injury.

Ukrainka Alyona(1984) and Katerina (1986) Bondarenko distinguished themselves by winning the "Australian Open-2008". In addition, the sisters in a pair won twice at WTA tournaments (Paris, 2008; Prague, 2009) and four at ITF tournaments. At the 2008 Olympics in Beijing, they lost in the semifinals to the Chinese pair Jie Zheng and Yu Yang (2: 6; 2: 6) ( Author's note Due to Aleonena's injury, the sisters were unable to take part in the doubles Olympic tournament in London. They would be the fifth sibling tennis couple at the XXX Olympics).

To the listed achievements of the sisters, you can add:

Have Alena Bondarenko 2 victories in WTA singles tournaments (Luxembourg, 2006; Hobart, 2010).

Katerina Bondarenko holder of 2 WTA singles titles. Winner of the junior "Wimbledon-2004" in singles, the former first racket in the junior ranking. In 2013, she gave birth to a daughter and resumed performances from the next year. She won two ITF tournaments, and in 2017 she won the second title of the WTA tournament in Tashkent.

(author's note Bondarenko's first coach was his mother Natalya, and their sparring partner was their older sister Valeria (1984), who, due to injuries, could not prove herself in professional tennis).

In the bottom photo Alena and Katya after returning from Melbourne with Igor Ivitsky.

Brothers from Scotland Jamie(1986) and Andy (1987) Murray(Andy and Jamie Murray) don't play a couple very often ( author's note Sometimes their surname is written and pronounced as "Murray"). They have 4 victories in the ATP tournaments. The most significant of them are two: "ATP World Tour-500": "Valencia Open-2010" in Valencia and "Japan Open-2011" in Tokyo ( author's note Full name "Rakuten Japan Open Tennis Championships"). But their biggest success was with Team Great Britain in the Davis Cup in 2015. Of the four meetings, the brothers played the last three with teams from France, Australia, Belgium and won all. Thanks to these victories and Andy's victories in all singles, the UK team won the Davis Cup after a 79-year hiatus ( author's note Prior to this season, Jimi was involved in the team sporadically during his playing career - only 6 times. Andy, in front of the captain of the team, Scotsman Leon Smith, set a condition that he would play in tandem only with his brother. Smith coached Andy at the age of 11-15. He also helped Murray at Roland Garros 2006 when he did not have his own coach.).

The British Olympic Committee had high hopes for their pair in 2012, but the Brians were eliminated in the first round of the Olympic tournament in doubles.

Given that intense competition from top players requires Andy to focus on singles, he plays with his older brother only to raise his rating. James is mostly in the “40” in doubles rankings. According to their mother coach Judy (pictured in the center): “ Jamie is good at doubles and Andy is a born singles skater. And thank goodness their careers didn't overlap” (author's note Judy Murray was the captain of the UK Fed Cup team. At the beginning of 2016. at the age of 56, she resigned to devote more time to her granddaughter Sophia and to help Andy's young family). In 2017, Judy published Know the Score: My Family and Our Tennis Story.

Interestingly, in 2012, the Murray brothers in the second round of the "ATP Masters-1000" in Monte Carlo met with the Brian brothers. The match (7: 5; 6: 4), like the tournament, was won by the Americans ( author's note One of the brothers in each pair - left-handed. In addition to them, the brothers with the right and left striking hands were: McEnroes, Mayers and Gallixons ).

Andy Murray in singles achieved the following successes. Champion "US Open-2012", "Wimbledon-2013" ( author's note before him the last time Wimbledon was won by the representative of Great Britain back in 1936. It was Fred Perry), "Wimbledon-2016", the Olympics in 2012 and. Olympic silver medalist in mixed doubles (with Laura Robson). Five-time Grand Slam finalist.

Highest achievements Jamie Murray are victories in doubles at Australian Open 2016 and US Open 2016 with Brazilian Bruno Soares, as well as at Wimbledon 2007 mixed with Elena Jankovic, Wimbledon 2017 and US Open 2017 "With Martina Hingis," US Open-2018 "with Bethany Mattek-Sands. He is both a Wimbledon 2015 and 2015 US Open doubles runner-up with Australian John Pearce. For the first time climbed to the 1st line of the doubles rating on March 28, 2016.

On November 5, 2016, Andy became the first racket of the world in singles, and 7 months earlier, Jamie topped the ATP rankings in doubles. This is the first time in history This is the first time in the history of the Asia-Pacific region, when two brothers were at the top of world tennis in both categories. Moreover, in one year. On November 8 of the same year, according to a poll by the American sports Internet publication ESPN, Andy was named the best sportsman in Great Britain of all time.

Serbs Novak(1987) and Marco (1991) Djokovici(Novak and Marko Djokovic) played their first joint match at the "Croatia Open-2007" in Umag (Horavtia) and were eliminated in the 1st round. A similar result was in Bangkok in 2008, in Umag a year later, in Dubai in 2011 and in Doha in 2013. But at the Qatar ExxonMobil Open-2019 in Doha, they reached the semifinals, but lost in the fight to future champions David Goffin and Pierre-Hugues Herbert - 1: 6; 6: 3; 13:15.

Novak Djokovic holder of 15 Grand Slam titles, 72 ATP singles titles, and the 2010 Davis Cup as part of the national team. Bronze medalist of the 2008 Olympics in singles. The first racket of the world.

Marko Djokovic winner of 1 tournament "ITF futures" in singles and 1 in doubles. Due to injury, he almost completely missed 2011. In 2012-13, the elder brother made an agreement with the organizers of several ATP 250 series tournaments to give Marco wild cards and then he would take part in these tournaments too. But in all cases, Novak's hopes for raising his relative's rating did not materialize, and he lost in the first round. Now they say that Marco has doubts about his future as a tennis professional and wants to go to university in order to get another profession.

In their footsteps is the younger brother George (1995), who is studying tennis at the Nick Bollettieri Academy. The most famous tennis guru predicts a great future for him. Yes, and Nole considers "the little one" more talented than him.

I would like to cite a few more spouses-tennis players, about whose joint performances, I do not know.

Englishman George Gilliard(1864-1943) - finalist of Wimbledon (1889, 1890) and champion of the 1908 Olympics in doubles July 13, 1887 married the champion of Wimbledon-1886 Blanche Bingley, who, being married, won 5 more times at the Wimbledon tournament (1889, 1894, 1897, 1899, 1900) in singles.

Australian Pat O "Hara Wood(1891-1961) - Winner: Singles at the Australian Championship in 1920 and 1923; in doubles "Wimbledon-1919" and the Australian Championship in 1919-1920, 1923, 1925; in the mixed "Wimbledon-1922" on August 3, 1925 formalized marital relations with a compatriot Meryl O "Hara Waxman- Winner of the Australian Championship in doubles in 1926-1927. Pat O "Hara Wood had a brother, one year older, Arthur O" Hara, who was also a tennis player, but became a pilot in the British Air Force in 1915 and died in 1918.

American Clark Grebner(1943) - finalist of "US National Championships-1967" and winner of 4 tournaments "Grand Prix and WCT", in 1964 he chose a compatriot and the same age as his wife Carole Caldwell- a finalist of the same US National Championships-1964. In the following years, she won the 1965 US National Championships and 1966 Australian Championships in doubles. In 1975, they stopped living together, but they did not officially file for a divorce. They have two children.

Swede Bjorn Borg(1956) and Romanian Mariana Simonescu(1956) met during Roland Garros-1976 ( author's note - Before that, his girlfriend was Swedish tennis player Helena Anliot)... Their joint performances are limited to only one charity tournament in London in May 1980 when their official relations have not yet been issued (07.24.1980).

Bjorn Borg- ex-first racket of the world. Between 1974 and 1981, he won 11 Grand Slam tournaments: five straight Wimbledons and six Roland Garros. He is the only Open Era player to have won two unofficial world championships both on clay (Roland Garros) and on grass (Wimbledon) for three consecutive years (1978-80). He announced his retirement from his professional career in January 1983, but in 1991 he tried to resume performing. He finally finished playing after the defeat in the 1st round of the Kremlin Cup-1993 "from Alexander Volkov. In 1987 he was inducted into the International Tennis Hall of Fame.

Mariana Simonescu played on the 1973-80 WTA tour (before marriage). Won one Tokyo Outdoor 1980 tournament. The best result of performances at the majors is the 4th round of Wimbledon-1977, and in a mixed double with Anatoly Volkov she reached the quarterfinals of Roland Garros-1975. From 1973 to 1978 she was a member of the Romanian team at the Federation Cup (13 wins, 7 losses). In 1974 she won the Junior Roland Garros.

Their married life lasted 4 years and was not cloudless due to the constant betrayal of the playboy spouse ( author's noteWikipedia states "ended in divorce, after the publication of the announcement of the birth of the illegitimate son of Borg from model Janica Bjorling"In reality, Borg met the Swedish model Yannika (Jennica) Bjorling after the divorce, and their illegitimate son Robin was born in 1985.). On the backstage personal life of Borg.

American Robert Seguso(1963) winner of Roland Garros 1987, Wimbledon 1988, US Open 1988 and Olympics 1988 in men's doubles, after marrying a leading Canadian tennis player in 1987 Carling Bassett(1967), could just as successfully perform in the family mixed doubles. And although they had a son the following year, Carling ended her playing career in 1996. Now they have three grown children and they all play tennis.

Winner of the "Australian Open" in singles (1998) and doubles (1996) Czech Peter Korda(1968) married a compatriot Regina Raikhrtovoy(1968). Korda was convicted of doping in 1998. Now the coach of Radek Stepanek. Regina was a member of the Czechoslovak Olympic team in 1988 and the Federation Cup team in 1991. The best rating - 21st place (1991).

The chosen one of another Czech Radek Stepanek(1978) - the winner of 2 Grand Slam tournaments of 17 ATP tournaments in doubles, as well as 5 ATP tournaments in singles became a German (with Czech roots) Nicole Vaidishova(1989). At the time of the wedding (2010), the young wife had 6 WTA singles titles. After such a significant event, Nicole decided to end her professional career and devote her life to her family, and in vain, since in 2014 their marriage broke up.

Australian Jason Stoltenberg(1970) also chose a Czech woman - the champion of the youth "Wimbledon-1989, 1990" Andrea Strnadovu(1972). In 1991 she was awarded the WTA award for "Most Impressive Debut". Jason Stoltenberg has 4 ATP Tour Singles titles and 5 Doubles titles. The highest rating is 19 position. In 2001-03 he was the coach of Lleyton Hewitt.

Member of the Italian Olympic team in 1994, 1996 Renzo Furlan(1970) linked his life with a little-known French tennis player Natalie Bodon. Best rating Renzo Furlan has 19 (1996).

Austrian Jurgen Melzer(1981) triumphant of 2 Grand Slam tournaments in doubles and one in mixed doubles in 2012, married his partner with whom he won Wimbledon-2011, Czech Iveta Beneshova (1983).

Pierce Mari Peers Career: Tennis
Birth: France, 1/15/1975
Having beaten the Italian Penneta, the third racket of the Kremlin Cup Frenchwoman Marie Pierce became the first quarterfinalist of the tournament. Pierce's next opponent will be the winner of the pair Elena Likhovtseva (Russia) - Patti Schnyder (Switzerland). By the way, Pierce has not come to Moscow for the first time. She even won a tournament on the courts of the Olympic, and meetings with Russians for a French woman are always fundamental, especially since recently the Russian national team in the final of the Federation Cup in Paris defeated the French team, for which Pierce also played. Surely Marie is eager for revenge, although initially she did not plan to play in Moscow, she got the right to play in the Kremlin Cup only because of the refusal of Lindsay Davenport.

How do you like the first entertainment in the current draw? Have you succeeded?

The first match is always difficult. You need to get used to the surface, new balls, new environment. My opponent has already played one game and got used to it. The whole foundational set I tried to test the court, and I kind of succeeded.

Why initially did you not want to play in the Kremlin Cup?

Initially, I had no plans for this time. But afterwards I decided to play in some decent tournament. At first I wanted to go to Asia, but in Moscow the order of the tournament is higher, and they give more rating points. So I accepted the conclusion to play in Moscow.

And along the way to take revenge on the Russians for the defeat in the final of the Federation Cup?

No, I had no idea to take revenge on someone for something. I just want to play tennis. My main target at the end of this season is the Masters series tournament, which will be held in Los Angeles.

What do you think is the reason for your team's defeat against Russia?

Elena Dementieva played brilliantly. She, in fact, single-handedly brought victory to the Russian national team.

Do you like Moscow?

Yes, I like that very hail. That’s why I’m not the first time I come here. In 1999, moreover, I won the Kremlin Cup, after which I came to the same tournament two more times. In general, I come to Russia with pleasure. The weather is fine now, and I walk a lot in Moscow.

Who did you come with at that very time?

With my brother and my regular sparring partner.

How do you like the conditions in which the tournament is held?

The court at Olimpiyskiy is very difficult. Its coverage is different from what I'm used to. Moreover, they say that someone has already been injured. It must be done carefully.

Tell me, will you still play for the French national team?

It all depends on the calendar on which I will play next season. This year my schedule was adjusted to the games of the national team, and what will happen next, while I do not know. But I don't want to leave the national team. Our team has a wonderful atmosphere. Besides, I still want to win the Fed Cup.

Now all the sensitivity at the Kremlin Cup is chained to Maria Sharapova. Doesn't it bother you?

Not. This is existence. Now she is in the center of events, as she is the first number in the rating. In general, its popularity is easy to explain.

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Mary Piers

You don't have to be a tennis connoisseur to assume that the top contenders for the 2005 Kremlin Cup women's singles.

Having beaten the Italian Penneta, the third racket of the "Kremlin Cup" Frenchwoman Marie Pierce became the first quarterfinalist of the tournament. Pierce's next opponent will be the winner of the pair Elena Likhovtseva (Russia) - Patti Schnyder (Switzerland). By the way, Pierce has not come to Moscow for the first time. She even won a tournament on the courts of Olimpiyskiy, and meetings with Russian women are always fundamental for a French woman, especially since recently the Russian national team in the final of the Federation Cup in Paris defeated the French team, for which Pierce also played. Surely Marie is eager for revenge, although initially she did not plan to play in Moscow, she got the right to play in the Kremlin Cup only because of the refusal of Lindsay Davenport.

- How do you like the first game in the current draw? Have you succeeded?

The first match is always difficult. You need to get used to the coating, to new balls, to a new environment. My opponent has already played one game and got used to it. The whole first set I tried to feel the court, and I seem to have succeeded.

- Why initially did you not want to play in the Kremlin Cup?

Initially, I had no plans for this time. But then I decided to play in some decent tournament. At first I wanted to go to Asia, but in Moscow the level of the tournament is higher, and they give more rating points. So I decided to play in Moscow.

- And at the same time take revenge on the Russians for the defeat in the Federation Cup final?

No, I had no idea to take revenge on someone for something. I just want to play good tennis. My main goal at the end of this season is the Masters tournament, which will be held in Los Angeles.

- What do you think, what is the reason for your team's defeat against Russia?

Elena Dementieva played brilliantly. She actually single-handedly brought the victory to the Russian national team.

- Do you like Moscow?

Yes, I like this city. Therefore, this is not the first time I come here. In 1999 I even won the Kremlin Cup, then I came to this tournament two more times. In general, I come to Russia with pleasure. The weather is fine now, and I walk a lot in Moscow.

- Who did you come with this time?

With my brother and my regular sparring partner.

- How do you like the conditions in which the tournament is held?

The court at Olimpiyskiy is very heavy. Its coverage is different from what I'm used to. They even say that someone has already been injured. You need to tread carefully on it.

- Tell me, will you still play for the French national team?

It all depends on the calendar on which I will play next season. This year my schedule was adjusted to the games of the national team, but I don't know what will happen next. But I don't want to leave the national team. Our team has a wonderful atmosphere. Besides, I still want to win the Fed Cup.

- Now all the attention at the "Kremlin Cup" is riveted on Maria Sharapova. Doesn't it hurt you?

Not. That's life. Now she is in the center of events, as she is the first number in the rating. In general, its popularity is easy to explain.

- Marie, as you know, you did not plan to participate in the Kremlin Cup and replaced the American Venus Williams in the main draw of the tournament. What were your initial plans for this period?

- For a long time I could not decide where I would play. But she agreed to compete in Moscow, because the level of competition here is high and you can score a lot of points that are necessary to get to the final tournament of the year in Los Angeles. This is my main goal now.

- How do you feel about the fact that all the attention of journalists and fans at the current Kremlin Cup is focused on Maria Sharapova?

- These are the laws of life and tennis. When you are number one, you get more attention, and that's okay. And Sharapova deserved it with her successes.

- Anastasia Myskina recently announced that she would no longer play for the Russian national team. Are you planning to continue playing for France in the Fed Cup?

- I haven’t thought about my plans for the next year yet. For now I am concentrating on the goals of this season. But we have a very good team, we have every chance of winning the Fed Cup, and I believe that I can help the team do it.

- What happened in the last Fed Cup final? How did the Russian national team beat France?

- First of all, Russia won at the expense of Elena Dementieva's super tennis. I was very impressed with the level of her play. We were in the same conditions then, both had just returned from New York from the US Open, where we played in the finals - I was in singles, and Lena was in doubles. We had only three days to adapt to the new conditions. It wasn't easy. But Lena managed to show great tennis.

Best of the day

- After the final of the Federation Cup, you did not participate in official matches. How did you spend your time?

- I took a nine-day leave. I chose an apartment in Paris. I went to the south of France to visit my relatives, whom I had not seen for a long time, and then started training again.

- Would you like to take revenge on the Russian tennis players for the defeat in the Federation Cup already on their territory?

- No, I don't think about it at all. And I do not set such a task at this tournament. We have been playing in the finals of the Federation Cup for several years in a row and even won it in Moscow. it good result... And we are not going to take revenge on the Russians.

- How do you like the conditions at the Kremlin Cup?

- The surface of the court here is quite traumatic, and you have to be more careful. I heard that some players have already been injured.

- You have already won the Kremlin Cup in 1998. Do you remember that victory?

- Much has changed over the years: life, tennis, myself and the level of my game. But I am pleased to remember that victory. It gives me a certain amount of confidence now.

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