Blue eggplant spark for the winter. Eggplant "Spark" - an old recipe. Salad for the winter "Spark" without sterilization and tomatoes - recipe

The eggplant variety for this eggplant snack for the winter does not matter. The color of the skin can be any - blue, purple and even green. It is worth considering the age of the vegetable. It should not be overripe eggplant, elastic and not spoiled.

Cut well-washed eggplant into 0.7-1 cm thick circles. This is important! If cut too thinly, the skin will separate from the pulp during frying. But even if such thin circles did not break up during frying, then you definitely won’t be able to get them whole from the jar. Therefore, let the circles be thicker, so you will definitely keep their integrity.
It is not necessary to salt eggplant before frying in order to eliminate bitterness. As a result, the appetizer will be spicy, and the light bitterness of eggplant will not be noticeable at all.

Fry the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bcircles in vegetable oil on both sides. I can't tell you the exact amount of oil for frying. Eggplant tends to absorb a lot of oil, so control the amount yourself by adding it to the pan from time to time. Frying the eggplant is the longest step in preparing the appetizer, so you can arm yourself with several frying pans to speed up this process.

Place the fried eggplant on a large platter or baking sheet.

To prepare the filling, you need to take a well-washed sweet red pepper, peel it from seeds and stalks, cut into pieces so that they can be ground in a meat grinder.
The recipe says 300 g of garlic, but you can take 200 grams if you don’t like too much garlic flavor in your dishes.

Two pods of hot pepper will give the dish that same burning characteristic for an appetizer called “Spark”. Although there are many names for such a snack - "Teschin language", "Cobra", etc. Control the spiciness and amount of hot pepper yourself. I had 2 pcs. pepper no more than 10 cm long. The appetizer turned out to be quite spicy, but not “fiery”.

So, grind sweet, hot peppers and peeled garlic cloves through a meat grinder.

Add vegetable oil (odorless), vinegar, salt, sugar to the fragrant vegetable mass.
Put on fire (preferably minimal) and boil for no more than 10-15 minutes from the moment of boiling. For convenience, twist the pepper and garlic into an iron bowl or pan, which you will then put on the fire.

Prepare banks. They need to be sterilized. I like to do it in the oven - no more than 10 minutes at 100-110 degrees.

I boil the lids separately, about 5 minutes.

At the bottom of a hot jar put 1.5-2 tbsp. l. marinade, then eggplant mugs, then marinade again, etc. Leave at least 1-1.5 cm of free space to the top of the jar. If this is not done, then when boiling, the marinade will overflow.

For lovers of spicy eggplant salads, I propose to cook a delicious salad Ogonyok. These eggplants "Spark" are well known and loved by many. The cooking process is quite simple and will not be difficult even for a novice hostess. All you need is to fry the eggplants, mix them with hot sauce and roll them up. For lovers of very spicy dishes, the amount of red hot pepper can be increased to your liking. Try these as well.
From this amount of ingredients, 4 liters of spicy eggplant Spark are obtained for the winter. I indicated the weight of the ingredients in a purified form. Bulgarian and hot peppers I took exactly red, so that the sauce for the salad turned out to be a beautiful and rich color.


- eggplant - 3 kg.,
- vegetable oil - 500 ml.,
- salt - 1 tbsp. (with a slide).

For sauce:

- bell pepper - 8 pcs.,
- vinegar - 225 ml.,
- garlic - 225 gr.,
- salt - 0.75 tablespoons,
- red hot pepper - 2 pcs.

It is best to start the process of preparing the Ogonyok salad with eggplants, as they must stand for an hour or two with salt in order for bitterness to come out. And during this time it will be possible to sterilize the jars and prepare the sauce. Wash the eggplant well, cut off the tails and buttocks. Eggplants are best taken young, without black seeds, they are both tastier and more beautiful when cut. To determine in which eggplants the seeds have not yet ripened, try pressing them down. If the eggplant is slightly springy and not too hard, then the vegetable is still young.

Cut the eggplant into circles about 5-6 millimeters wide. Sprinkle with salt and mix well with your hands. Since there are a lot of eggplants, I recommend doing everything in a large metal or plastic bowl. It will be much easier to mix vegetables in it. Leave the eggplant to juice for at least an hour. Then drain the juice and fry on both sides.

In order to prepare hot sauce, first you need to clean the Bulgarian and red hot peppers from the core and rinse well. I recommend cleaning hot peppers with gloves, otherwise it will burn your fingers later.

Peel the garlic too.

Grind two types of pepper with garlic in a meat grinder. Again, this procedure should be done only with gloves.

Add vinegar and salt to the ground mass. Mix everything well and leave to brew for a while while the eggplants are fried. I draw your attention to the fact that the sauce does not require cooking at all, there is enough vinegar in it for the salad to be perfectly stored for more than one winter.

Heat a small amount of vegetable oil in a frying pan, put eggplant circles and fry over medium heat. I fried vegetables in two pans at the same time to speed up the process.

When the vegetables begin to brown on one side, turn over and fry until cooked through. If necessary, constantly add oil, but do not overfill. Vegetables should not float in it. Eggplant absorbs oil quite strongly, so you will need a lot of it.

Immediately pour the fried eggplant from the pan into the sauce, mix a little with it and put it in jars, which must first be washed well with soda and sterilized for at least 5 minutes each. Boil the lids for five minutes.

Eggplant rings, mixed with sauce, tightly packed in jars and closed with lids (tin or twisted).

Turn the jars upside down and wrap in a blanket. Keep it up until they are completely cool. Be sure to try these simple and delicious ones.

Eggplants Spark are ready for the winter. It remains to wait for winter and enjoy its taste. Store the preservation together with the rest of the spins in a dark and cool place.

Bon Appetit!

There are winter preparations that never fail and are appropriate not only for a quiet family dinner “under potatoes”, but also at the festive table. One of them is eggplant "light". The apt name of this spicy pepper-garlic-eggplant appetizer appeared in Soviet times, and it has remained in people's memory. The recipe is simple, clear, but there are a lot of variations. Just for those who like to improvise and experiment. Never tried? Join, it's easy.

Let's put it on the shelves: snack ingredients

We will teach you how to cook eggplant fire not just according to any one proposed recipe, but, knowing the basics of the dish, combine the ingredients to your own taste.

The snack consists of two parts:

  • eggplant, cooked until cooked or half cooked;
  • fills - different in severity and very similar to adjika.
And here the scope for improvisation opens up, since both the first and second components can be prepared in completely different ways, and at the output you get that same notorious “light”.

How to cook eggplant?

Let's start with eggplant. For the traditional "light" they are cut into rings. This is important, since a different slicing option, for example, oblong slices, is associated with the name of another famous and similar in taste dish - Mother-in-law's tongue.

Shredded vegetables must be freed from bitterness (solanine), which is also poisonous. To do this, they are sprinkled with salt and left for a while (0.5–1 hour) to drain. The second option is soaked in cold salted water. Before frying, the little blue ones must be discarded in a colander or dried thoroughly with a paper towel, otherwise the splashes will shoot all over the kitchen.

There are many ways to cook eggplant for a fire.

  1. Do not deviate from the classic recipe and fry in a pan. In the preparation of snacks, this is the longest and most laborious part of the work. You need to fry over high heat, otherwise the vegetables will absorb too much oil, but at the same time make sure that the circles do not burn.
  2. Deep fry the eggplant. The oil consumption will, of course, be significant, but the pieces of vegetables will turn out to be a uniform golden color.
  3. Bake in the oven. The baking sheet is greased with a minimum amount of oil, the vegetables are laid out in one layer and sent to the oven preheated to 250⁰ C for 15 minutes.
  4. Boil the eggplant in the marinade. In 4 liters of boiled water, dissolve 4 tbsp. l. salt and 500 ml of vinegar. Dip the pieces of vegetables into the liquid and boil for 20 minutes. The little blue ones should boil slowly, not so much boil as soak in the marinade. After they need to let it drain well. The last method is good because it does not contain oil at all.

Both the first and second methods are associated with frying, which means that too much fat plus decay products (carcinogens) will get into the finished dish. If this does not suit you, there is a third and fourth option for preparing blue ones.

When the eggplants for the fire are ready, you can start dressing, the composition of which depends not only on taste preferences, but also on the purpose for which the snack is prepared - for the winter or "for now".

Recipes "light"

If you look closely at the ingredients of the dressing, it becomes clear that this is a kind of adjika - a spicy pasty seasoning of Georgian origin. Its main components, one might say, are the base - pepper (sweet and hot) and garlic, plus spices. Other components - tomatoes, herbs, nuts - are added as desired.

The variants of the “light” given below are taken in proportions calculated for 2–2.5 kg of little blue ones.

The dressing is more savory than hot

For her you will need:

  • 5 large red thick-walled sweet peppers;
  • half a cup of minced garlic;
  • 1 bitter pepper;
  • 125 g of vinegar.

Vegetables are ground into a paste with a blender, salted to taste, poured in vinegar. If the sauce is intended for canning with further sterilization, it can not be boiled, but used raw.

Note! This salad is called "fire" because of the spicy taste. But not only. The color of the dressing should be red, saturated, serve as a "blazing" background for the blue ones. Therefore, green, yellow peppers may not change the taste of the dish, but the effect will not be the same.

Spicy adjika based on chili pepper

The composition is almost identical to the previous recipe, with the exception of bitter pepper. Instead of one pod, take 2-3, as you like. Here you have to rely only on your own taste, since the size of the pepper can be different, you can remove the seeds (the sharpest part of the vegetable), or you can put them together. Keep in mind that in the final product, some of the spiciness will go into eggplant, because this vegetable itself is somewhat bland.

In many eggplant sparkle recipes for the winter, vegetable oil is present in the dressing. With it, the sauce becomes more elastic and richer. But if the blue ones were fried, then they already absorbed a lot of oil, adding it to the filling is completely superfluous. But the baked vegetables a little fat will not hurt.

Pouring with tomatoes

Almost half of the savory appetizer recipes come with tomatoes. Consider the proportions of the ingredients in this case:

  • 5 red thick-walled peppers;
  • 4 things. chili peppers;
  • 150 g of peeled garlic;
  • 0.5 kg of tomatoes;
  • 125 g of vinegar (can be less if the tomatoes are sour).

Washed, peeled vegetables (except garlic) are ground into gruel - with a combine, in a blender, passed through a meat grinder, salted and sent to the fire. This version of the sauce because of the tomatoes must be boiled for 40-50 minutes, otherwise it will be too liquid. At the end, vinegar is poured in, garlic is squeezed through a press. If you like spicy-sweet sauces, you can add a couple of tablespoons of sugar.

On a note! Use honey instead of sugar. You can sweeten spicy adjika with honey - for 2 kg of blue it will need no more than 100g. Honey itself is not felt in the finished snack, but it amazingly transforms the sauce. Absolutely new taste notes appear in it, softness, delicacy, even some sophistication.

Adjika with greens

If you want to try the real Abkhaz version of eggplant "light", prepare hot adjika for pouring. It includes:

  • Bulgarian pepper, slightly dried in the sun (1 kg);
  • hot pepper (1.5 kg);
  • garlic (4 large heads);
  • a generous bunch of greens (cilantro, parsley, mint, basil);
  • vinegar (100 ml);
  • salt to taste (approximately 2 tablespoons without a slide);
  • coriander (1 tablespoon).

All vegetables are ground into a homogeneous mushy mass, salted, spices, a little (50–60 g) olive oil are added and stewed for 5–10 minutes. At the end pour in the vinegar. If you plan to store the snack for a short time, you can do without vinegar or add it quite a bit (1 tablespoon).

Georgian recipe with nuts

According to the first or second recipe (without tomatoes), 250-300 g of walnuts, crushed into an oily gruel, are added to the pepper-garlic sauce. The filling acquires pronounced nutty notes and is always popular with lovers of Georgian cuisine.

Snack on "here and now"

It remains to connect the two parts of the dish. If you don’t plan to leave the “light” eggplant for the winter, but will eat it right away, proceed as follows.

  • Put the blue ones in a bowl, layering with adjika. In order for the vegetables to saturate each other with tastes and aromas, we insist the snack for at least a day, naturally, in the refrigerator.
  • It is absolutely optional to add vinegar to such a salad, even if it is provided for in the recipe. Especially if tomatoes were used in the dressing, which will give the necessary acid.
  • Since sterilization is excluded, the sauce must be boiled before pouring the eggplant. Raw adjika is not good here.
  • Now about oil. If the blue ones are baked, a few tablespoons of olive oil will make the sauce softer and more elastic, and improve the taste of the finished dish.

Preparations for the winter

Among the ways to prepare an eggplant spark for the winter, there are options without sterilization, which for some reason scares many, but the bulk of the recipes provide for this process.

First, consider the options with sterilizations. The advantage of such recipes is the ability to minimize the amount of vinegar, an excellent preservative, but a product that is not very healthy in terms of a healthy diet.

Blue circles are placed in washed and calcined jars, each layer is interspersed with dressing, so that the liquid fills all the voids and covers the vegetables on top.

Without rolling the lid, the jars are lowered into a pot of water up to their shoulders, brought to a boil, and kept for a while. Half-liter jars - 10-15 minutes. If adjika was not previously boiled, the sterilization time is increased to 30 minutes.

As we have already said, vinegar and hot pepper are proven preservatives. To prepare an eggplant light for the winter without sterilization, give preference to sharp blanks and with an amount of vinegar in the range of 125–150 g per 2–2.5 kg of blue ones. In this case, the dressing must be boiled. The circles are dipped in it or layered directly in the jar, hermetically sealed.

Piquant eggplant "Ogonyok" is a great option for a winter vegetable snack. Such a preparation of blue ones turns out to be sharp, even burning. A canned dish will certainly appeal to lovers of bright salads. Despite the fact that the Ogonyok eggplant recipe for the winter can hardly be called new, thousands of housewives continue to use it. Of course, an appetizer is not prepared in a jiffy, but fussing with vegetables is definitely worth it! Salad will be a great addition to vegetable stew or mashed potatoes. "Spark" is also good during feasts: men eat it instantly as a snack for alcohol.

Classic "Spark" of eggplant for the winter

The classic "Spark" of eggplant for the winter is a wonderful preparation. In this salad, tomatoes and blue ones coexist very organically. In general, the method of preparing snacks is not difficult. The main thing is to clearly follow the proposed recipe, based on the photo.


To prepare a spicy winter snack, you should use:

  • garlic - 300 g;
  • eggplant - 5 kg;
  • tomatoes - 1 kg;
  • hot pepper - 8 pcs.;
  • fresh bell pepper - 10 pcs.;
  • table salt - to taste;
  • vinegar 9% - 1 tbsp.

On a note! To make the eggplant salad "Spark" for the winter bright and appetizing, it is better to take red bell peppers for its preparation.

Cooking process

Spicy eggplant "Spark" for the winter according to the old recipe is prepared quite simply and easily. Even the most inexperienced housewives will cope with the spin of such a spicy salad.

  1. The first thing to do is eggplant. They need to be washed, cut off the “tails” from them. The vegetables themselves are cut into slices. The optimal thickness is 5 mm. The cut is transferred to a large basin and richly flavored with salt. In this form, blue ones are recommended to be left for 2 hours.

Note! In 2 hours, eggplants will have time to let out dark juice - this leaves bitterness.

Then the liquid is drained, and the blue ones are washed.

  1. Eggplant must be fried in vegetable oil. It is best to do this in a cauldron. If this is not available, you should use a thick-walled pan. It is necessary to fry vegetables in several passes, shifting each batch of cuts into a separate container.

  1. Now it's time to prepare the spicy tomato sauce. It is they who are famous for the appetizer of eggplant "Spark" for the winter. But before that, you should immediately prepare the lids and jars. It is recommended to wash the containers with baking soda and pour over with a steep pitch, and it is best to boil the lids.

  1. Well, now you can prepare the filling itself! To do this, both types of peppers and tomatoes must be washed. The stalks are cut from the peppers, the seeds are removed from them. Tomatoes must be scrolled in a meat grinder. The same should be done with peppers. Remove skins and films from garlic. They also scroll. The whole mass is poured into a large saucepan and put on fire a little stronger than average. The mass should boil. Only after the appearance of characteristic bubbles, vinegar is poured into the mixture and salt is poured. It is recommended to boil the filling for another 5 minutes.

  1. In sterilized jars, you will need to pour 2 large spoons of the prepared filling. Then a layer of fried eggplant is laid out. They are covered in sauce. Alternating layers in this way, you need to completely tamp the container. Banks are covered with lids and sent for sterilization. The optimal procedure time is 40 minutes.

  1. When sterilization is completed, lettuce jars should be immediately tightened with lids. The containers are turned over and wrapped in warm scarves. In this form, they are left until completely cooled, after which the blanks can be rearranged in the basement or simply in the kitchen cabinet.

"Lazy light" of eggplant for the winter

Many housewives are well acquainted with another version of this bright spicy snack. “Lazy light” from eggplant for the winter also turns out to be very piquant, fragrant and tasty.


The original preparation for the winter of eggplant "Spark" involves the use of:

  • eggplant - 3 kg;
  • garlic - 1 tbsp.;
  • granulated sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.;
  • hot pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • red sweet pepper - 2 kg;
  • vinegar - 1 tbsp.

Cooking process

It’s enough just to make “Spark” eggplant for the winter: a recipe with a photo will help cooks prepare this spicy snack.

  1. As usual, it’s worth starting with the main ingredient of the workpiece - the blue ones themselves. Eggplant should be thoroughly washed and cut. It is best to do this in circles, but you can choose another suitable option.

  1. The resulting eggplant slices are sent to a deep bowl. The blue ones need to be well sprinkled with salt: you should not feel sorry for her. Eggplants will give back all excess salt. The cut is mixed with salt and left for at least 2 hours.

  1. In the meantime, you should work on other components of the snack. It is necessary to prepare pepper and garlic for sale. Remove the peel and thin, translucent films from the garlic. Bulgarian pepper is washed, the stalk is cut off from it, all seeds are removed from the inside. The same should be done with hot peppers.

On a note! It is best to work with hot peppers with gloves to avoid unpleasant surprises in the future.

Garlic and all peppers must be scrolled in a meat grinder. Pour vegetable oil into the resulting mixture and add granulated sugar.

  1. After the specified amount of time, you will need to return to the eggplant slices. Slices of vegetables must be squeezed out of the juice they gave. After all, it is in him that all the bitterness is concentrated. Blue slices are transferred to a mass of pepper and garlic.

  1. The whole mass is thoroughly mixed and sent to the fire.

By the way, in eastern countries this plant is usually called the "vegetable of longevity", and this is not just. Eggplant contains a lot of vitamins and nutrients, and in Europe they began to use it exclusively for medicinal purposes. This vegetable-berry - and scientists consider eggplant to be just a berry - helps with various skin diseases, food poisoning, dental diseases and normalizes blood pressure. fresh, it is unlikely to get more than one month, so you should think about alternative methods, for example, conservation.

Of course, in canned form, eggplants lose most of their usefulness, but something remains. Either way, it's delicious too! So, let's move on to the main thing, namely the ingredients that will be needed when preserving the Ogonyok eggplant for the winter. For this workpiece you need:

  • 5 kg of eggplant;
  • 400 g of garlic;
  • 8 pieces of bell pepper;
  • 8 pieces of hot pepper;
  • 0.5 st. l. vegetable oil;
  • 1 kg of tomatoes;
  • 1 glass of vinegar;
  • salt to taste.

First of all, you should soak the eggplants in salted water, after cutting them into circles (the thickness should be no more than 0.5 cm). After holding the “berries” a little in water, put them in a wide container (basin or pan), and sprinkle with salt on top. This must be done so that the bitterness contained in the fruits disappears. Leave eggplant with salt for about 3 hours.

After the specified time has elapsed, it is necessary to squeeze the vegetables and put them in a deep frying pan or pan. Pour in the same vegetable oil, wait until it boils. Next, you need to thoroughly fry each circle of eggplant on both sides.

After the roasting process is completed, we place the vegetables in an empty deep dish (basin or pan). It's time to start making the sauce. By the way, it is thanks to him that eggplants become sharp during conservation.

All pre-cooked vegetables (red and hot peppers, garlic and tomatoes) must be chopped using a meat grinder. This gruel should be poured into a saucepan, which is then placed on the stove. You need to wait until the sauce boils.

Put the eggplant on it. We put in the oven for 60 minutes (the temperature in it should be equal to 180 degrees), periodically stir the pieces. After the vegetables have been in the oven for an hour, take out and let them cool, after which we distribute this semi-finished product into packages and put it in the freezer. If guests come over or you want something tasty yourself, just defrost the vegetables and cook them with your favorite sauce. By the way, in the freezer you can - how to do this is described in detail in another article on our website.

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