Cheese pie in the Panasonic multicooker. We bake a cheese pie in a slow cooker quickly and easily. Yeast cheese pie in a slow cooker

From a culinary point of view, cheese is a very convenient product. The variety of varieties and flavors of cheese allows you to cook with it a variety of salads, snacks, and, of course, pastries. There are many recipes for cheese pies - sweet and savory, open and closed, from yeast dough and puff pastry, with the addition of mushrooms, meat, potatoes. And today's recipe I address to lovers of cheese and pies. You will fall in love with this cheese pie in a multicooker. For the filling, along with cheese, I use cottage cheese, you can also take cheese. If you want something spicier, add a couple of cloves of garlic and herbs. The amazing aroma of this cake will bring the whole family together.


for the test:

  • eggs - 4 pcs
  • sour cream - 200 g
  • mayonnaise - 6 tbsp. l.
  • flour - 1 cup (250 ml cup)
  • baking powder - 1 tsp (with slide)
  • salt to taste

For filling:

  • 150 g cottage cheese (ideally cheese, but it is also delicious with cottage cheese)
  • 150 g cheese
  • salt to taste

Cheese pie in a slow cooker:

In a deep bowl, whisk together all the ingredients for the dough.

Crumble the cottage cheese or mash with a fork (if you are doing it with feta cheese, then grate the hard feta cheese on a grater, mash the soft cheese with a fork). Cheese grate on a coarse grater.

Combine cottage cheese and cheese. Add a pinch of salt and mix well.

Lubricate the multicooker bowl with oil. Pour out half of the dough. Spread the cottage cheese and cheese filling on top of the dough. Pour in the second half of the dough.

Bake the cheese pie in the slow cooker in the “baking” mode for 60 + 20 minutes (80 minutes in total). The top remains white.

Baking in a slow cooker turns out to be special, more magnificent, more fragrant and tasty. To check this, you should definitely cook a cheese pie.

The dough for the pie is prepared quickly, of course, that the filling does not take longer. The duration of cooking is no more than 90 minutes, and as a result, a delicious pie with unsweetened filling for tea, cheese filling with herbs is most in harmony with coffee, but this is not for everybody. So guests can be treated and treated themselves. In order not to tell for a long time, we suggest cooking, here is the recipe for cheese pie in a slow cooker.


  • a glass of mayonnaise;
  • a glass of flour;
  • 150 ml of kefir;
  • three eggs;
  • baking powder - a spoon;
  • a bunch of greens;
  • 150-200 grams of hard cheese.

Cooking a cheese pie in a slow cooker

Mix eggs with kefir, add mayonnaise. Separately combine the flour and baking powder, gradually introduce into the liquid mixture and stir until smooth.

We grate cheese with a large grain, add chopped greens (to your taste), stir.

Lubricate the container of the multicooker with oil, put part of the dough. Put the filling on it, and pour the second part of the dough on top. We close the lid and cook the cheese pie in the slow cooker using the "baking" function for 60-80 minutes. After the beep, be sure to try the cake for readiness with a skewer, if necessary, bake it.

So that the baking does not break, let it cool for 15-20 minutes and, using the steamer stand, take out the cake. Serve both hot and cold.

Cheese pie is a very satisfying dish with an unusual, peculiar taste, which can be served with tea, or can be used as an independent second course. Cheese pie baked in a slow cooker, it may well replace on your table and, and even, sometimes, and.

The original taste is given to the cheese pie by its filling, namely garlic and herbs, as well as seasonings (instead of suneli hops, you can, by the way, try other spices to your taste). And cheese with eggs makes the pie hearty, nutritious and high-calorie. Such food is just good in the harsh Russian winter!

What we need to cook a cheese pie in a slow cooker:

  • five chicken eggs
  • 200 grams of mayonnaise
  • 150 grams wheat flour (or 1.5 multi cups)
  • one teaspoon of baking powder, can be replaced with soda
  • 150 grams of cheese
  • three cloves of garlic
  • bunch of greens
  • half a teaspoon of hops-suneli seasoning
  • one teaspoon of salt

Break four eggs into a deep bowl (leave one for the filling) and beat with a whisk, add mayonnaise and beat again.

Add salt, flour and baking powder (soda).

Mix the dough until smooth.

Grate the cheese, cut the greens and finely chop the garlic. We break one egg there, add a little salt and spices.

Pour part of the dough into the greased bowl of the multicooker, put the filling for the cheese pie on it.

Pour the remaining dough on top.

We bake cheese pie in a multicooker 80 minutes at 180 degrees.

In the Panasonic multicooker, the maximum "baking" time is 65 minutes. After the signal, you will need to wait a minute and add another 15 minutes.

Cheese pie in a slow cooker ready! Turn over and cut into serving pieces.

This is one of the easiest recipes. cheese pie in a slow cooker.

Time: 70 min.

Servings: 6

Difficulty: 3 out of 5

Delicious cheese pie cooked in a slow cooker

Recipes for cheese pies will especially appeal to those who are not indifferent to this product. Cheese pie in a slow cooker will turn out especially tasty if you use salty varieties of this dairy product.

Baking made in a slow cooker will amaze you with its lightness, deliciousness, aroma and extraordinary look.

Preparing a cheese pie in a slow cooker is so simple that any, even an inexperienced hostess, can easily handle it. Especially delicious recipes for such baking will turn out if Provence herbs are added to the dough - then the cake will be truly tasty and fragrant.

Cheese in such pastries is added directly to the dough to make it with a more delicate structure and porosity. As it cooks, it will melt, thereby soaking the dough. As a result, the dish will turn out not only soft, but also as juicy as possible.

In a slow cooker, such pastries will definitely not burn, and will also bake the dough evenly. And with the right mode, you can count on a quick rise in the dough and the appearance of a light crisp. In a word, a cheese pie in a slow cooker turns out to be so tasty that its recipes are one of the first places in the preparation of savory pastries.

Watching the recipes for such a pie, as well as thematic photos, you can understand that the dish can be prepared with many types of cheese. But still, the best option is salty varieties, which will be strongly felt in the pie and give it a bright taste.

Cheese can also be used for cooking, but it does not melt well, which means that if the wrong dough consistency is kneaded, the dish may fall apart.

The best cheese options are:

  • Dutch
  • Russian
  • Kostroma
  • Poshekhonsky

It is better to refuse processed cheeses, as they will not be able to give the same flavor as other varieties of this product.

It is also worth noting that for the preparation of the recipe it is recommended to use only hard varieties that are convenient to grate, as well as to select them.

  • The pie must be prepared before the feast, as it is much tastier when hot.
  • Any dough for the pie can be used except shortbread. If you chose puff pastry, the cheese must be chopped, mixed with butter and put on top of the rolled out layer.
  • If desired, you can add a little fresh herbs to the dough.
  • Seasonings are the main component of any cheese pie recipes, so it is important not to save on them and buy the most delicious types.
  • If desired, you can add any of your ingredients to the dough, for example, sausage, fried onions, chicken pieces and much more.
  • To prevent the dish from drying out and losing its shape, after cooking, place it in a bag and wrap the cake tightly. This will keep it soft for a few days.

Try to cook a cheese pie in a slow cooker, and this dish will become one of your favorites.

Cooking method

Judging by modern photos, a cheese pie in a slow cooker is prepared from their "improvised products" that are available in any kitchen. The main advantage of this dish is the speed of preparation, low cost and simplicity. By mixing a few components, you can get incredibly tasty recipes that many will like.


The dough for many recipes is classic, so you do not need to wait until it rises.

Step 1

Many recipes for this dish require, first of all, the preparation of cheese. Grate a piece of cheese on a small grater.

Step 2

Transfer the thawed butter to a bowl with cheese.

Step 3

Next, add eggs, mayonnaise (sour cream), as well as salt and any herbs to it.

Step 4

Using a mixer or an ordinary fork, mix the mass thoroughly. As a result, it should be homogeneous.

Step 5

Then pour the baking powder and sifted flour into a bowl (if you wish, you can not sift it, but in this case the dish will turn out to be more dense and tough).

Step 6

Once again, mix well. It is important that there are no lumps in it as it is stirred.

Step 7

Lubricate the bowl of the multicooker with plenty of oil and put the prepared dough on it. Then turn on the “Baking” mode for 50-60 minutes. So that the dish does not quickly lose its splendor after cooking, it is not recommended to pull it out of the multicooker until it has partially cooled.

Cheese pie in a slow cooker is ready. You just have to cut it and present it to the table. Judging by the photo, the baking turns out to be yellowish in color, rich, lush and incredibly tasty.

When preparing recipes for this dish, you will be pleasantly surprised, as it is prepared incredibly quickly, and it turns out especially tasty.

See another version of this dish in the video below:

A multicooker is a real find for housewives. With its help, you can create culinary masterpieces, even without special education and skills. By loading products into the miracle technique, you get exquisite, fragrant, healthy and insanely delicious dishes. Usually, a recipe book is included with the multicooker. Do not forget that in it you can not only stew and boil, but also fry and bake.

Especially for the owners of this technique, we have prepared a delicious surprise - a cheese pie. In a slow cooker, you do not need to control the baking time - it will do everything for you. You just dip the kneaded dough into a special bowl and rest. Such a simple and hearty dish, like a fragrant pie, will delight you with a spicy taste.

Even the simplest multicooker model has several built-in modes and two types of programs that allow you to choose the cooking time. All options (depending on the model) differ in heating intensity and temperature. You can also manually correct all modes and set the time.

The most demanded function is "Stew" - with its help you can cook and stew different ingredients. The program excludes strong boiling and automatically determines the heating level. And the “Baking” mode completely replaces the oven and frying pan. Thanks to this function, you will get evenly baked pastries, vegetables, casseroles and pies with an appetizing crust.

Gentle in a slow cooker

The dish contains: flour (two hundred grams), cheese (one hundred grams), three eggs, baking powder, mayonnaise (10 gr.), a piece of butter. Optionally - greens, nuts.

Grate hard butter and cheese, mix with mayonnaise. Beat the mass with a whisk, add eggs and herbs. If you have additional products, add them. Combine the flour with the baking powder and gently fold into the egg and cheese mixture.

The result will be a dough of a thick, homogeneous consistency, which should be poured into an oiled bowl. We click on the “Baking” option, set the time to 40 minutes, tightly close the lid and go about our business. After the cheese pie is baked in the Redmond slow cooker, wait until it cools, and then transfer it to a plate, serve with sour cream.

Curd pie with cheese

To prepare the dough:

Two-hundred-gram package of butter;

Three chicken eggs;

Soda (half a teaspoon);

Two glasses of flour (any);

Sugar (one hundred grams).

We make the filling from cheese (two hundred grams), cottage cheese (400 grams), dried fruits - in our version there will be raisins (50 grams), vanillin.

In order for the cheese-curd cake to turn out airy and tender, the flour must first be sifted - this is very important. Set aside the butter before cooking to make it soft. After that, grind it with granulated sugar, you can beat with a mixer at low power.

We separate the yolks from the proteins and combine them with the oil mass - the proteins are useful for the filling. Pour the sifted flour into this mass, knead the dough, cover it with a clean towel and leave for 20 minutes.

During this time, we will take up the crucial moment - the preparation of the curd-cheese filling. Pour boiling water over raisins. We rub the cheese, knead the cottage cheese with a fork. Beat the whites with a blender. We mix all the products into a single mass.

We return to the test. We leave a piece for decoration, from the rest we roll out an even cake. We line the bottom of the bowl, grease it with a piece of butter and put a layer of dough. Evenly distribute the filling - do not forget to form the sides. We decorate the top at our discretion.

Press the "Baking" button - for 45 minutes. with raisins will surprise you with its exquisite aroma and great taste. So you have learned how to bake pies on your own, surprise your guests with culinary delights and cook with pleasure.

Pie in the multicooker "Polaris" on kefir

Components: two glasses of kefir, three glasses of flour, soda - on the tip of a knife, butter (10 gr.), granulated sugar (dessert spoon). You will also need an egg, two hundred grams of cheese and cottage cheese.

Knead the dough from kefir, butter, flour, sugar and soda. Leave for half an hour under a towel. Then roll out into a large cake. We spread the filling in the center: rub the egg with cottage cheese and add

Gently pull the ends of the dough to the middle and squeeze them tightly. Flatten the cake by hand. We lower into the bowl (grease with oil), set the “Baking” mode for an hour. Lubricate the finished pie with butter and serve with tea. Try a real Ossetian dish, you will like it.

Pie with cheese and potatoes

Prepare the next set of products: cheese (five hundred grams), potatoes (half a kilogram), a glass of cream, flour (half a glass), two eggs, onions, salt and pepper.

Make mashed potatoes, don't forget to add salt. Mix it with flour, this will be our dough. Lubricate the bottom of the container with oil and spread the potato layer evenly by hand.

For the filling: sauté onions, mix with grated cheese. We spread the resulting mass in the center of the cake and pour a mixture of beaten eggs and cream. Don't forget to season with spices. We cook in the “Baking” mode for 40 minutes. cooked, eaten in half an hour - no one can resist its delicate taste.

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