Pisces after 40 years are suitable. Sexual horoscope of Aquarius. Leo: sexual compatibility with other signs

Divorce is a delicate matter. It happens to some people once, some only dream about it in nightmares, and some turn it into a way of life. Perhaps the answer is hidden in the dry clerical formulation “they didn’t get along.” Or maybe it all depends on the zodiac sign you were born under...

Aries (21.03 - 20.04)

Lovers of noisy companies and cheerful feasts, Aries, however, do not forget about their family responsibilities. The house of a person born under this sign is always clean, cozy and comfortable. Aries knows how to control passions in the same way as family life. And if the secret of their sexual exercises outside the marriage bed can be kept unsolved, they live in a happy marriage until old age.

Ideal partners.

After 20 years - fiery Leos and restless Sagittarius.
After 30 years - practical Virgos and reasonable Capricorns.
After 40 years - sensitive Libra and intellectual Gemini.

Taurus (21.04 - 21.05)

Once having chosen a person with whom they can live happily ever after, Taurus rarely fails to fulfill their promises. Instead of exquisite compliments and poetic speeches, they give their lovers expensive gifts, their sincerity and fidelity. Only chronic sexual dissatisfaction can lead them to divorce. In this case, they will easily find a replacement - the woman (man) of their whole life No. 2.

Ideal partners:

After 20 years - reliable Taurus, sensible Virgo.
After 30 years - smart Gemini and energetic Aries.
After 40 years, Scorpios are spiritually rich.

Gemini (22.05 - 21.06)

The largest number of bigamists and bigamists are born under this sign. However, it is not a matter of lack of correct moral principles. It’s just that Geminis are so impulsive that, having fallen out of love with their next partner (which happens quite often), they don’t want to delve into the intricacies of the divorce process, much less wait for it to end. It's easier for them to disappear. And become free again.

Ideal partners:

After 20 years - liberal Libra and fickle Aquarius.
After 30 years - calm Taurus and original Aries.
After 40 years - Sagittarius striving for self-improvement.

Cancer (22.06 - 23.07)

A typical example of Cancer is a guilty wife who, while her husband was on a business trip, managed to have fun with a handsome neighbor from the apartment opposite. Then she cleaned the rooms, prepared all sorts of goodies and greeted her husband at the door with hugs and kisses. Divorce? Never! Although those born under this sign find secret satisfaction in going to the left, home comfort, children and a significant other are everything for them.

Ideal partners:

After 20 years - passionate Scorpios and emotional Pisces.
After 30 years - energetic Gemini and mercantile Virgo.
After 40 years - pedantic Capricorns.

Leo (24.07 - 23.08)

Despite the fact that Leos easily succumb to impulses of passion and treat sex as a favorite toy, they prefer a tender, long-term relationship to carnal pleasures. And even if their relationship with their spouse completely deteriorates, and a new partner is waiting for them on the side, they will go to the idea of ​​divorce for a long time and painfully. And it’s not a fact that they will come...

Ideal partners:

After 20 years - independent Aries and selfless Sagittarius.
After 30 years - friendly Capricorns and courteous Geminis.
After 40 years - eager to please Libra and regal Scorpio.

Virgo (24.08 - 23.09)

As sad as it may be, most representatives of this sign remain lonely. Those who managed to entangle themselves with the bonds of Hymen become devoted, loving spouses. Their marriage is not built on passions and emotions, but on a reasonable approach to living together, raising children, and an intellectual union. In addition, before you become a Virgo's soul mate, you will have to undergo a thorough check. In a word, Virgos do not get divorced. Divorce Virgos.

Ideal partners:

After 20 years - soft Taurus and Capricorn.
After 30 years - passionate Scorpios and life-loving Leos.
After 40 years - virtuous Sagittarius.

Libra (24.09 - 23.10)

One of Libra's life goals is to find an ideal spouse. And if there is one (rarely, but it happens), they tend to adapt to his requirements and fulfill all his desires. Naturally, against the backdrop of such an idyll, the very thought of divorce is absurd. And even after breaking up, they strive to maintain warm, friendly relations with their ex-husband.

Ideal partners:

After 20 years - changeable Gemini and airy Aquarius.
After 30 years - ambitious Scorpios and restless Aries.
After 40 years - romantic Sagittarius and Pisces striving for the ideal.

Scorpio (24.10 - 22.11)

There are two types of Scorpios. Some people enter into arranged marriages and therefore do not seek divorce. Others are for love, and threaten to break up at every convenient and inconvenient occasion. At the same time, both the former and the latter easily enter into extramarital affairs and are sincerely surprised if rumors about this reach the spouses and they, in turn, file for divorce.

Ideal partners:

After 20 years - emotional Cancers and Pisces, less often "down-to-earth" Virgos and Capricorns.
After 30 years - patient Taurus and balanced Libra.
After 40 years - charming Aquarians.

Sagittarius (11/23 - 12/21)

If anyone is not created for a family hearth, it’s Sagittarius. After a long and, alas, fruitless search for an ideal life partner, they agree to marry a man who can not only create a home, but also discuss the tenets of Kant’s philosophy. True, this will not protect Sagittarius from sexual affairs for long. So only wise calm will help save the marriage. And you won’t hear about any divorce.

Ideal partners:

After 20 years - independent Leos, Aries, Taurus or Pisces.
After 30 years - educated Virgos and charming Geminis.
After 40 years - calm Libra.

Capricorn (22.12 - 20.01)

Restrained, always moping and sexually cold, Capricorn women, however, become excellent housewives and excellent mothers, and men born under this sign provide for their families better than others. By marrying him before the age of 30, you will receive a faithful, loving spouse “till death do you part.” The only reason for divorce can be Capricorn's excessive stinginess.

Ideal partners:

After 20 years - reserved Taurus and passive Virgo.
After 30 years - humane Aquarius and cunning Scorpio
After 40 years - spiritually rich Pisces.

Aquarius (21.01 - 19.02)

Those born under this sign are real rebels. They strive to throw off the shackles of public morality: for a long time they cannot find a suitable life partner, and having decided to marry, they soon get divorced violently and quickly. Moreover, the breakup of relationships turns into a reason for them to boast about their rich sexual experience and enjoy the bewilderment of others.

Ideal partners:

After 20 years - harmonious Libra and changeable Gemini.
After 30 years - hardworking Virgos and ambitious Aries.
After 40 years - secular Leos.

Pisces (20.02 - 20.03)

For Pisces, divorce is the worst thing that can happen to them. In their desire to dissolve in their partner, they cross the boundaries beyond which devotion turns into slavery, and love develops into painful jealousy and suspicion. Therefore, when incompatibility with a partner is discovered, they do not think about breaking up, but about better work on themselves.

Ideal partners:

After 20 years - impractical Cancers and domineering Scorpios.
After 30 years - graceful Libra and sociable Aquarius.
After 40 years - peaceful Virgos.

Aries (21.03 - 20.04)

Lovers of noisy companies and cheerful feasts, Aries, however, do not forget about their family responsibilities. The house of a person born under this sign is always clean, cozy and comfortable. Aries knows how to control passions in the same way as family life. And if the secret of their sexual exercises outside the marriage bed can be kept unsolved, they live in a happy marriage until old age.

Ideal partners

After 20 years - fiery Leos and restless Sagittarius.

After 30 years - practical Virgos and reasonable Capricorns.

After 40 years - sensitive Libra and intellectual Gemini.

Taurus (21.04 - 21.05)

Once having chosen a person with whom they can live happily ever after, Taurus rarely fails to fulfill their promises. Instead of exquisite compliments and poetic speeches, they give their lovers expensive gifts, their sincerity and fidelity. Only chronic sexual dissatisfaction can lead them to divorce. In this case, they will easily find a replacement - the woman (man) of their whole life No. 2.

Ideal partners

After 20 years - reliable Taurus, sensible Virgo.

After 30 years - smart Gemini and energetic Aries.

After 40 years, Scorpios are spiritually rich.

Gemini (22.05 - 21.06)

The largest number of bigamists and bigamists are born under this sign. However, it is not a matter of lack of correct moral principles. It’s just that Geminis are so impulsive that, having fallen out of love with their next partner (which happens quite often), they don’t want to delve into the intricacies of the divorce process, much less wait for it to end. It's easier for them to disappear. And become free again.

Ideal partners

After 20 years - liberal Libra and fickle Aquarius.

After 30 years - calm Taurus and original Aries.

After 40 years - Sagittarius striving for self-improvement.

Cancer (22.06 - 23.07)

A typical example of Cancer is a guilty wife who, while her husband was on a business trip, managed to have fun with a handsome neighbor from the apartment opposite. Then she cleaned the rooms, prepared all sorts of goodies and greeted her husband at the door with hugs and kisses. Divorce? Never! Although those born under this sign find secret satisfaction in going to the left, home comfort, children and a significant other are everything for them.

Ideal partners

After 20 years - passionate Scorpios and emotional Pisces.

After 30 years - energetic Gemini and mercantile Virgo.

After 40 years - pedantic Capricorns.

Leo (24.07 - 23.08)

Despite the fact that Leos easily succumb to impulses of passion and treat sex as a favorite toy, they prefer a tender, long-term relationship to carnal pleasures. And even if their relationship with their spouse completely deteriorates, and a new partner is waiting for them on the side, they will go to the idea of ​​divorce for a long time and painfully. And it’s not a fact that they will come...

Ideal partners

After 20 years - independent Aries and selfless Sagittarius.

After 30 years - friendly Capricorns and courteous Geminis.

After 40 years - eager to please Libra and regal Scorpio.

Virgo (24.08 - 23.09)

As sad as it may be, most representatives of this sign remain lonely. Those who managed to entangle themselves with the bonds of Hymen become devoted, loving spouses. Their marriage is not built on passions and emotions, but on a reasonable approach to living together, raising children, and an intellectual union. In addition, before you become a Virgo's soul mate, you will have to undergo a thorough check. In a word, Virgos do not get divorced. Divorce Virgos.

Ideal partners

After 20 years - soft Taurus and Capricorn.

After 30 years - passionate Scorpios and life-loving Leos.

After 40 years - virtuous Sagittarius.

Libra (24.09 - 23.10)

One of Libra's life goals is to find an ideal spouse. And if there is one (rarely, but it happens), they tend to adapt to his requirements and fulfill all his desires. Naturally, against the backdrop of such an idyll, the very thought of divorce is absurd. And even after breaking up, they strive to maintain warm, friendly relations with their ex-husband.

Ideal partners

After 20 years - changeable Gemini and airy Aquarius.

After 30 years - ambitious Scorpios and restless Aries.

After 40 years - romantic Sagittarius and Pisces striving for the ideal.

Scorpio (24.10 - 22.11)

There are two types of Scorpios. Some people enter into arranged marriages and therefore do not seek divorce. Others are for love, and threaten to break up at every convenient and inconvenient occasion. At the same time, both the former and the latter easily enter into extramarital affairs and are sincerely surprised if rumors about this reach the spouses and they, in turn, file for divorce.

Ideal partners

After 20 years - emotional Cancers and Pisces, less often "down-to-earth" Virgos and Capricorns.

After 30 years - patient Taurus and balanced Libra.

After 40 years - charming Aquarians.

Sagittarius (11/23 - 12/21)

If anyone is not created for a family hearth, it’s Sagittarius. After a long and, alas, fruitless search for an ideal life partner, they agree to marry a man who can not only create a home, but also discuss the tenets of Kant’s philosophy. True, this will not protect Sagittarius from sexual affairs for long. So only wise calm will help save the marriage. And you won’t hear about any divorce.

Ideal partners

After 20 years - independent Leos, Aries, Taurus or Pisces.

After 30 years - educated Virgos and charming Geminis.

After 40 years - calm Libra.

Capricorn (22.12 - 20.01)

Restrained, always moping and sexually cold, Capricorn women, however, become excellent housewives and excellent mothers, and men born under this sign provide for their families better than others. By marrying him before the age of 30, you will receive a faithful, loving spouse “till death do you part.” The only reason for divorce can be Capricorn's excessive stinginess.

Ideal partners

After 20 years - reserved Taurus and passive Virgo.

After 30 years - humane Aquarius and cunning Scorpio

After 40 years - spiritually rich Pisces.

Aquarius (21.01 - 19.02)

Those born under this sign are real rebels. They strive to throw off the shackles of public morality: for a long time they cannot find a suitable life partner, and having decided to marry, they soon get divorced violently and quickly. Moreover, the breakup of relationships turns into a reason for them to boast about their rich sexual experience and enjoy the bewilderment of others.

Ideal partners

After 20 years - harmonious Libra and changeable Gemini.

After 30 years - hardworking Virgos and ambitious Aries.

After 40 years - secular Leos.

Pisces (20.02 - 20.03)

For Pisces, divorce is the worst thing that can happen to them. In their desire to dissolve in their partner, they cross the boundaries beyond which devotion turns into slavery, and love develops into painful jealousy and suspicion. Therefore, when incompatibility with a partner is discovered, they do not think about breaking up, but about better work on themselves.

Ideal partners

After 20 years - impractical Cancers and domineering Scorpios.

After 30 years - graceful Libra and sociable Aquarius.

After 40 years - peaceful Virgos.

But no matter what the stars promise you, you should never blindly follow their lead! Remember: love has its own, which act contrary to all the laws of the Universe. After all, love is an Element, and not something that can be cured and not a theorem that can be solved on a piece of paper. Listen to your heart and consult your own mind - and may your life be long and happy!

How to choose your soul mate? Intuitively, in the blindness of passion, according to calculation... And it is also possible in accordance with the compatibility of the zodiac signs. In any case, no one will make the choice for you. Perhaps, when solving such an important issue, the conclusions of astrologers will also be useful.


Lovers of noisy companies and cheerful feasts, Aries, however, do not forget about their family responsibilities. The house of a person born under this sign is always clean, cozy and comfortable. Aries knows how to control passions in the same way as family life. And, if the secret of their sexual exercises outside the marriage bed can be kept unsolved, they live in a happy marriage until old age.

Ideal partners:

After 20 years - fiery Leos and restless Sagittarius.

After 30 years - practical Virgos and reasonable Capricorns.

After 40 years - sensitive Libra and intellectual Gemini.


Once having chosen a person with whom they can live happily ever after, Taurus usually remain faithful to him until old age. Instead of exquisite compliments and poetic speeches, they give their lovers expensive gifts, their sincerity and fidelity. Only chronic sexual dissatisfaction can lead them to divorce. In this case, they will easily find a replacement - the woman (man) of their entire life.

Ideal partners:

After 20 years - reliable Taurus, sensible Virgo.

After 30 years - smart Gemini and energetic Aries.

After 40 years, Scorpios are spiritually rich.


The largest number of bigamists and bigamists are born under this sign. However, it is not a matter of lack of correct moral principles. It’s just that Geminis are so impulsive that, having fallen out of love with their next partner (which happens quite often), they don’t want to delve into the intricacies of the divorce process and, moreover, wait for it to end. It's easier for them to disappear. And become free again.

Ideal partners:

After 20 years - liberal Libra and fickle Aquarius.

After 30 years - calm Taurus and original Aries.

After 40 years - Sagittarius striving for self-improvement.


A typical example of Cancer is a guilty wife who, while her husband was on a business trip, managed to have fun with a handsome neighbor from the apartment opposite. Then she cleaned the rooms, prepared all sorts of goodies and greeted her husband at the door with hugs and kisses. Divorce? Never! Although those born under this sign find secret satisfaction in going to the left, home comfort, children and a significant other are everything for them.

Ideal partners:

After 20 years - passionate Scorpios and emotional Pisces.

After 30 years - energetic Gemini and mercantile Virgo.

After 40 years - pedantic Capricorns.

a lion

Despite the fact that Leos easily succumb to impulses of passion and treat sex as a favorite toy, they prefer a tender, long-term relationship to carnal pleasures. And even if their relationship with their spouse completely deteriorates, and a new partner is waiting for them on the side, they will go to the idea of ​​divorce for a long time and painfully. And it’s not a fact that they will come...

Ideal partners:

After 20 years - independent Aries and selfless Sagittarius.

After 30 years - friendly Capricorns and courteous Geminis.

After 40 years - eager to please Libra and regal Scorpio.


As sad as it may be, most representatives of this sign remain lonely. Those who managed to entangle themselves with the bonds of Hymen become devoted, loving spouses. Their marriage is not built on passions and emotions, but on a reasonable approach to living together, raising children, and an intellectual union. In addition, before becoming a Virgo's soul mate, you will have to undergo a thorough check. In a word, Virgos do not get divorced. Divorce Virgos.

Ideal partners:

After 20 years - soft Taurus and Capricorn.

After 30 years - passionate Scorpios and life-loving Leos.

After 40 years - virtuous Sagittarius.


One of Libra's life goals is to find an ideal spouse. And if there is one (rarely, but it happens), they tend to adapt to his requirements and fulfill all his desires. Naturally, against the backdrop of such an idyll, the very thought of divorce is absurd. And even after breaking up, they strive to maintain warm, friendly relations with their ex-husband.

Ideal partners:

After 20 years - changeable Gemini and airy Aquarius.

After 30 years - ambitious Scorpios and restless Aries.

After 40 years - romantic Sagittarius and Pisces striving for the ideal.


There are two types of Scorpios. Some people enter into arranged marriages and therefore do not seek divorce. Others are for love, and threaten to break up at every convenient and inconvenient occasion. At the same time, both the former and the latter easily enter into extramarital affairs and are sincerely surprised if rumors about this reach the spouses and they, in turn, file for divorce.

Ideal partners:

After 20 years - emotional Cancers and Pisces, less often “down-to-earth” Virgos and Capricorns.

After 30 years - patient Taurus and balanced Libra.

After 40 years - charming Aquarius


If anyone is not created for a family hearth, it’s Sagittarius. After a long and, alas, fruitless search for an ideal life partner, they agree to marry a man who can not only create a home, but also discuss the tenets of Kant’s philosophy. True, this will not protect Sagittarius from sexual affairs for long. So only wise calm will help save the marriage. And you won’t hear about any divorce.

Ideal partners:

After 20 years - independent Leos, Aries, Taurus or Pisces.

After 30 years - educated Virgos and charming Geminis.

After 40 years - calm Libra.


Restrained, always moping and sexually cold, Capricorn women, however, become wonderful housewives and excellent mothers, and men born under this sign are better at providing for their families than others. By marrying him before the age of 30, you will receive a faithful, loving spouse “till death do you part.” The only reason for divorce can be Capricorn's excessive stinginess.

Ideal partners:

After 20 years - reserved Taurus and passive Virgo.

After 30 years - humane Aquarius and cunning Scorpio.

After 40 years - spiritually rich Pisces.


Those born under this sign are real rebels. They strive to throw off the shackles of public morality: for a long time they cannot find a suitable life partner, and having decided to marry, they soon get divorced violently and quickly. Moreover, the breakup of relationships turns into a reason for them to boast about their rich sexual experience and enjoy the bewilderment of others.

Ideal partners:

After 20 years - harmonious Libra and changeable Gemini.

After 30 years - hardworking Virgos and ambitious Aries.

After 40 years - secular Leos.


For Pisces, divorce is the worst thing that can happen to them. In their desire to dissolve in their partner, they cross the boundaries beyond which devotion turns into slavery, and love develops into painful jealousy and suspicion. Therefore, when incompatibility with a partner is discovered, they do not think about breaking up, but about better work on themselves.

Ideal partners:

After 20 years - impractical Cancers and domineering Scorpios.

After 30 years - graceful Libra and sociable Aquarius.

After 40 years - peaceful Virgos.

The horoscope of sexual compatibility has existed at all times. It was used by everyone - from rich to poor.

A sexual horoscope allows you to better understand your capabilities and the character of your partner, and in this, a science such as astrology helps him. It is thanks to her that we can say which zodiac sign is more attractive and what qualities it values ​​in people. So, in the sexual horoscope, each zodiac sign has its own partner, its own planet that influences him.

Horoscope of sexual compatibility by zodiac signs


Aries: sexual compatibility with other signs

Aries makes passionate, assertive and energetic lovers. In bed he is quite selfish, but he knows how to do well not only for himself, but also for his partner. They do not know problems with potency.

You can satisfy Aries with an abundance and variety of sex, with flattering speeches during sexual intercourse.

  • Until the age of 30, the most suitable partners for Aries will be Leo and Sagittarius. All three are fire signs and are equally restless.
  • After 30, this sign matures, shows less ardor and impetuosity, and becomes more practical. Here Virgo and Taurus are more suitable for them. Both of these signs are distinguished by their practicality, which is what Aries lacks.
  • Having reached the age of 40, Aries need to control themselves, as they are characterized by negative traits. For example, they do not know how to finish what they start. During this period, Aries are more compatible with intellectual Gemini and smart, sensual Libra.

In youth, this sign is not distinguished by fidelity. At the age of 20 and a little older, he is looking for fun and adventure. Until the age of 30, Aries can be satisfied with all earthly blessings if they do not get married early and settle down. Having crossed the line of 30, he may think about creating a strong family. It will be ideal if both spouses are passionate about achieving joint goals.

Taurus: sexual compatibility with other signs

Taurus sexual compatibility horoscope

Taurus is a connoisseur of all carnal pleasures. In bed he is used to being thorough. He is unlikely to make a temperamental lover, but he knows exactly how to please himself and his partner. He is unhurried, persistent and attentive and knows how to kindle the fire of desires in his partner and fully enjoy it.

If Taurus is bored with a partner or does not have deep feelings for him, then his attitude towards sex easily becomes prosaic. It won’t be difficult for him to ask his ex-passion for the phone number of some suitable partner.

Until the age of 30, Virgo and Capricorn are suitable for this sign. All three are earth signs and seek casual connections. When choosing Virgo, Taurus must understand her beauty and coldness. Capricorn can be a good partner and spouse.

After 30, Taurus begins to grow spiritually. Here he will find himself with Gemini and Aries. Both signs are intellectual, which cannot be said about Taurus, who is used to having his head in the clouds.

Having crossed the border of 40 years, he is committed to deep, idealistic, spiritual relationships. In this sense, Scorpio is a good match for him.

When it comes to loyalty, Taurus do not like change. In their youth they are very faithful to relatives and friends, and in marriage they are constant and dependent.

Gemini: sexual compatibility with other signs

Gemini sexual compatibility horoscope

Geminis love everything new and hate routine. This completely affects the intimate sphere. Throughout their lives, they can count many different hobbies: from one-night stands, to being involved in two novels at the same time.

They are not characterized by increased sexuality, but they like to experiment in bed. Often, the Kama Sutra becomes the reference book for this sign. It's important for them to try everything. However, in marriage and love they prefer partners with intellectual compatibility rather than sexual compatibility.

Due to their sensitive nervous system, Geminis simply adore touch. They are fickle in love. They find it difficult to restrain themselves and refuse to try something new.

This sign can get along with anyone from the horoscope. Sometimes, he manages to try out each zodiac partner.

  • Until the age of 30, the best for him will be Libra and Aquarius. All three are air signs and also act easily, ficklely and superficially.
  • Having passed the thirty-year barrier, they begin to learn about their character and become more mature and calm. In this case, they may be compatible with Taurus and Aries.
  • At the age of 40, Geminis acquire self-control and have the highest intellectual strength. Here they will be perfectly compatible with Sagittarius, a similar mental sign.

In youth, this sign cannot be called true, except perhaps only with Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. They help stabilize his indecisiveness. In marriage, too, one cannot talk about fidelity with an absolute guarantee. However, after 40 they are ready to settle down and want someone to wait for them at home.

Cancer: sexual compatibility with other signs

Sexual compatibility horoscope Cancer

Cancer is not considered an inventive and temperamental partner, but can perfectly guess the desires and needs of the other. In bed, he is gentle and tactful, ready to do everything to make his loved one feel good. It should be remembered that by nature he is an esthete and appreciates convenience. So in love, he needs a special environment - comfortable furniture and suitable music.

To satisfy Cancer, you need to make him feel young.

  • Until the age of 30, the best partners will be Scorpios and Pisces. All three are water signs and are accustomed to close, passionate, deep emotional connections.
  • After 30, they mature and become aware of their own personality, becoming less cautious and more liberal. During this period, energetic Gemini and Virgo are perfect for them.
  • When they are over 40, Cancers gain complete control over themselves. At this time they will harmonize perfectly with Capricorn.

In their youth they cannot be called faithful. Exceptions occur in cases where Cancer remains under someone else's control, for example, parental control. In married life they can remain faithful only if they are in constant contact with each other, work together or have a common cause. Only at a very young age, in youth and after 35 years, can loyalty be expected from them.

Leo: sexual compatibility with other signs

Sexual compatibility horoscope Leo

Leo is used to showing himself in everything, even in bed. Almost everyone knows about seduction. He cannot be called an inventive and temperamental lover, but that is exactly what he will seem like. In bed, Leo will always find something to pleasantly surprise his partner.

To satisfy Leo, it is enough to flatter him often. During sex, Leos like to enjoy themselves and take time. They like caresses, kisses, gentle flattery addressed to them.

Leo women want to be seen as desirable and beautiful. The Leo man loves to hear about his masculinity and uniqueness. In fact, Leos cannot imagine rivals; they, by definition, must be the best. They love luxury, pleasant music and are ready to relax in such an atmosphere.

  • Until the age of 30, Leo's best partners will be Sagittarius and Aries. All three are fire signs, equally independent and acting on a selfless basis.
  • After 30 years, Leo becomes more practical, strives for patient relationships and a settled life. During this period they have the greatest compatibility with Capricorn.
  • Having passed the forty-year barrier, this sign can exist with Gemini. They fascinate him with their exceptional intelligence. At this time, Leos achieve their spiritual development, become less vain, eccentric and can be compatible with Libra and Scorpio.

Libra-Leo makes a great duo. Libra pleases Leo, and Leo, in turn, expects this. Thus, the slave-master relationship is completely satisfactory for both parties.

Scorpio-Leo combines authority, intelligence and a love of creativity. These are emperors and empresses, kings and queens.

In terms of fidelity, Leo, perhaps, occupies a leading position among other signs.

In their youth, they make loyal and devoted friends.

In married life they are faithful when they occupy a leading role in the family. The main rule is to never humiliate Leo in society, since other people’s opinions are extremely important to them. They are capable of divorcing their spouse if he constantly embarrasses them in front of their friends and family.

Virgo: sexual compatibility with other signs

Virgo sexual compatibility horoscope

Virgos do not tend to waste their time on light novels. They are used to looking for true love. At the same time, they can abstain for quite a long time until they find their soulmate. It is her chastity that attracts the opposite sex so much. In bed, Virgo does not have passion and sensuality, but thanks to her external fragility, she can have a partner.

To satisfy Virgo, she must first be relaxed and relieved of mental and physical tension. However, they do not like affection towards themselves. The only thing that can truly satisfy them is the belief that they are providing a service to you.

Despite the fact that Virgos have excellent qualities for marriage and love, they cannot be called good lovers.

Until the age of 30, the most suitable partners will be Taurus and Capricorn. All three are earth signs and behave passively. They are accustomed to casual and sensitive connections, stable and close relationships. Taurus adds softness to Virgo's nervous nature, while Capricorn appeals to their practical mind.

After 30 years, Virgos become less strict, realizing their stupidity in relation to life. During this period, they are best compatible with Scorpio and Leo. They both know how to deeply appreciate Virgo's intelligence.

At the age of 40 they reach their spiritual development and may be with the sign of Sagittarius. As smart and idealistic as Virgo herself.

At a young age, they are faithful individuals who are looking for relationships with people who have traits similar to Virgo.

They also remain faithful in marriage. They are accustomed to getting married after several years of courtship, having studied their future spouse well and having managed to fall in love forever.

Libra: sexual compatibility with other signs

Libra sexual compatibility horoscope

Perhaps this is almost the most romantic sign in the horoscope. He is capable of beautifully caring, which is fully reflected in bed. Their mystery and mystery creates a special atmosphere of flirtation. Despite the fact that Libra cannot be called temperamental, love with this sign is saturated with many different shades of feelings and is full of surprises. They are able to maintain their love for the opposite sex until old age.

You can satisfy Libra with your tender attitude. They tend to dream during lovemaking, to imagine someone else.

  • People under 30 are most sexually compatible with Gemini and Aquarius. All three are air signs and are used to having fragile and changeable sexual relationships.
  • Once over 30, they become more mature and practical, and have acquired a more sedentary and less intermittent lifestyle. During this period, they are able to converge with Aries and Scorpios. Both can encourage Libra's calm demeanor and need their gentle poise.
  • After 40 years, this sign has already developed, gained control over itself and is perfectly compatible with Pisces and Sagittarius.

In the period from 13-23 years old, they have the desire to create close friendships and love unions.

In marriage, they are quite faithful if they are not asked to do too much and are given relative freedom to engage in social life. They are accustomed to devoting their free time to aesthetic values.

The best condition for compatibility is the presence of a large amount of money and mutual work interests.

Scorpio: sexual compatibility with other signs

Sexual compatibility horoscope Scorpio

Scorpio is considered to be the most passionate sign of the Zodiac. He is able to love and appreciate carnal pleasures, especially physical love. In bed he is distinguished by ingenuity, tenderness, persistence, ardor and tirelessness.

  • Until the age of 30, Pisces and Cancer are perfect for Scorpio. All three are water signs and are emotional. In some cases, Virgo and Capricorn signs can also be well compatible with him.
  • After 30 years, he develops an awareness of his own “I”, which acquires an aggressive and domineering character. During this period, Scorpio can be compatible with Libra and Taurus, who have great patience and the ability to endure his difficult nature.
  • At the age of 40, this sign gains control over itself and turns out to be a fully developed personality, so it can be with the signs of Aquarius and Sagittarius.

In their youth, Scorpios cannot be called completely faithful, however, in marriage they trust and do not betray their partner. They tend to protect and strengthen their home; they can have extramarital affairs and skillfully hide them. Their spouses must be careful and keep everything clean.

Scorpios become more faithful when they are over 30 and there is mutual understanding with their partner.

Sagittarius: sexual compatibility with other signs

Sagittarius sexual compatibility horoscope

Few people can compare to a Sagittarius in bed. This is a strong, tireless, experiment-loving sign. Thanks to his carelessness and good mood, he is able to create easy and relaxed intimate communication. It is difficult to guess and difficult to keep with you for a long time.

In their youth, Taurus and Pisces can become their partner.

  • Up to 30 years old, Leo and Aries are ideal. All three are fire signs and do not have such close and dependent relationships as water signs. The main thing for Sagittarius, Leo and Aries is independence.
  • After 30, Sagittarius becomes more mature and realizes his restless personality. During this period, compatibility with Virgo and Gemini will suit them. These are highly intelligent individuals who can charm Sagittarius.
  • Having crossed 40, we are faced with an already developed personality who understands himself very well. At this time, he is characterized by aggressiveness, authority and independence, so compatibility with Libra and Taurus will be appropriate here. Both signs are able to get along with powerful people.

In their youth they are not known for their loyalty. There is also nothing much to be proud of in married life. Thus, after 35 years is the best period for compatibility with Sagittarius.

Sagittarians like sexual adventures, and not so much the process of love itself, but the opportunity to change their partner for a new one.

Capricorn: sexual compatibility with other signs

Sexual compatibility horoscope Capricorn

Capricorn has a sensitive and even sentimental nature, which manifests itself fully in moments of intimacy. He is not characterized by a hot temperament, however, in combination with perseverance, tenderness and confidence, he is able to lift his partner to the peak of bliss. When making love, he was used to using proven methods and not experimenting.

  • Until the age of 30, Taurus and Virgo are suitable for him. All three are earth signs and are used to stable relationships.
  • After 30 years, Capricorns become less strict and lose their restraint. During such periods, they are compatible with Aquarius and Scorpio. Aquarius helps to look at life humanely and teaches nobility and kindness. However, Capricorns admire the smart and cunning Scorpios more.
  • After 40 years, having achieved their goals and reached the top of their minds, they can be with Pisces, which gives them spirituality.

In their youth they are quite faithful, modest and caring. In marriage, too, nothing bad can be said about them.

It should be remembered that romance in a relationship with Capricorn lasts no more than three months, and the sexual aspect will become a simple necessity.

Men of this sign can perfectly provide for a family, and women make excellent housewives and slightly stern mothers.

Aquarius: sexual compatibility with other signs

Sexual compatibility horoscope Volodya

Aquarius has a bright and unconventional view of the world. For foreplay, he can use his extensive knowledge of sex and share erotic fantasies. Despite the fact that he does not have a special temperament or imagination, sex with him promises to be varied and unpredictable.

  • Until the age of 30, the most suitable partners will be Libra and Gemini. All three are air signs. Gemini offers fun camaraderie and intellectual stimulation, while Libra offers harmony and balance.
  • After 30 years, Aquarians are interested in practical earthly life and, during such periods, they can be compatible with Virgo and Aries. Thanks to Virgo's keen mind and ability to work tirelessly, Aquarius can enter the realms of practicality. Aries will serve as a good example for him of his own “I” and ambition.
  • After 40 years, this sign can enter high society and becomes most compatible with Leo. These are both adult partners who can understand each other and know what to expect.

Aquarians are considered faithful in any field. This is a sign of constancy.

In their youth, they make loyal and trusting friends.

As for marriage, they still need to be forced to marry. If this does happen, then Aquarius will be faithful to his spouse.

You should never disrespect the individuality and intelligence of this sign. Also, you should not offer to spend one night with you, you will receive a refusal. They like to get to know their partner first, and only then go to bed with him. For him, sexual intercourse is the acquisition of a new friend.

Because of his curiosity, he needs to try everything.

Pisces: sexual compatibility with other signs

Pisces sexual compatibility horoscope

Pisces are characterized by a special erotic charm, which lies in their defenselessness and touchingness. In bed they are unusually gentle and sensitive, so love with them seems unforgettable.

In their youth, they like domineering Scorpios and impractical Cancers.

Until the age of 30, Cancer and Scorpio are the most suitable for them. All three are water signs and have close, emotional, turbulent and passionate relationships.

After 30 years they have compatibility with Libra. They attract Pisces with their sense of balance and calm grace.

Mature Pisces may be interested in Aquarians, who expand their world of communication and suppress their high emotionality.

After 40, this sign is characterized by stability. Here Pisces can come together with the opposite sign - Virgo. They are able to stabilize each other together and are accustomed to being indifferent to sex.

Pisces should try each of the 12 signs to finally find their partner.

Pisces are considered faithful, especially in their youth. They enjoy deep and lasting connections with strong personalities.

Pisces are accustomed to living in a world of illusions. In sexual relations with them you need to play pretend.

Many of the women of this sign are frigid. They behave imperiously and cunningly with a man, thereby compensating for a not entirely healthy attitude towards sexual passion.

Men, on the contrary, are romantic, attentive and devoted lovers.

Pisces is an emotional sign, completely dependent on loved ones. They are characterized by sympathy, generosity, and hospitality, but long chatter and hypersensitivity should be avoided.

Table: men and women of all zodiac signs

Compatibility horoscope: who suits an Aquarius man by zodiac sign after 40 years - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

  • Aries 21.03 – 20.04
  • Taurus 21.04 – 21.05
  • Gemini 22.05 – 21.06
  • Cancer 22.06 – 22.07
  • Leo 23.07 – 23.08
  • Virgo 24.08 – 22.09
  • Libra 23.09 – 22.10
  • Scorpio 23.10 – 22.11
  • Sagittarius 23.11 – 21.12
  • Capricorn 22.12 – 20.01
  • Aquarius 21.01 – 20.02
  • Pisces 21.02 – 20.03

Aquarius man horoscope

Aquarius man: appearance

Most Aquarians, regardless of age, are boys in their behavior and attitude to appearance. Their whole appearance reflects democracy, a desire for openness, and a dislike of subordination and officialdom. Aquarius men do not like to wear strict business suits, preferring jeans of less formal models, T-shirts, loose jumpers, etc. They welcome various new products, including in perfume, which emphasizes their image of open, easy-going people.

Aquarius man - behavior characteristics

Being loners at heart, men born during this period are distinguished by great charm, a focus on fair and equal relationships with others, they are wonderful friends, ready to sacrifice their interests for the sake of others. These people are extremely independent in all their manifestations; social norms and traditions are an empty phrase for them if they consider them wrong. People around them do not always fully understand Aquarius, which is why they are considered great originals.

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Aquarius is open and friendly, but, nevertheless, his relationships with others often depend on his well-being - both mental and physical. Such men do not consider it necessary to smile and pretend that everything is fine when in fact it is not. Then they curtail communication, limit meetings, and trying to influence them is pointless.

Aquarius sign - a man in work and career

Aquarians are capable of getting to the very top of the career ladder, and they can thank for this their natural talents and great charm, but not their amazing efficiency and assertiveness. Aquarius men prefer to live in such a way as not to stress too much and not create unnecessary difficulties for themselves. People of this zodiac sign need to be encouraged to work periodically, but this should be done extremely delicately. Aquarians are not big spenders, spending money left and right. They are rarely rich, if only because they never make a cult out of money.

Aquarius man in love

A man of this sign is a very addicted person, new novels embrace his entire being, but they usually don’t last long. Aquarians are “tamed,” paradoxically, by providing them with the greatest possible freedom. In a chosen one, a person born under such a constellation wants to see not so much a mistress as a friend. It is difficult for him to imagine that only one single woman will walk next to him all his life. He is attracted to everything new, unknown, including female representatives, and he wants to solve this riddle. Only a woman who can retain a certain mystery and intrigue can count on a long life together. But even to her, as the horoscope warns, the Aquarius man will not belong completely, because he belongs to everyone at once.

Aquarius man in sex

Sex is not on Aquarius’s list of priorities; he develops vigorous activity in everything, but not in this area. A very temperamental woman is unlikely to get what she wants with him, and for Aquarius himself, there are a lot of components in intimacy, in addition to the purely physical. He needs to be intellectually interested, attracted aesthetically. If Aquarius is very sexually active, then this usually happens in his youth, and then he treats the behavior of that time condescendingly, preferring to do things that are more important, in his opinion.

Characteristics of an Aquarius man in marriage

Aquarians are difficult prey because they usually have no desire to get married. However, it is from them that a woman can receive an offer to get married at the most unexpected moment. The foundation of marital relationships for Aquarius is friendship, common interests, a woman’s ability to be with her husband in periods of both brilliant victories and failures, and not being fixated on the material support of the family.

What there definitely won’t be in an Aquarius family is boredom and monotony; the husband will change something all the time, and if the wife resists this too much, he will change her too. The Aquarius man does not react to scandals, hysterics, tears, threats; he is not jealous or selfish, and does not understand when his wife begins to see him as her property. Nevertheless, this independent person really needs a partner - to satisfy the need for communication, care, and care. If the spouse does not attempt re-education and accepts her loved one with all his character traits, a completely new world will open up before her.

Aquarius zodiac sign – male owner

Aquarius cannot be classified as zealous owners, caring day and night to ensure that the house is full and all the material needs of the family are satisfied. This person spends a lot of time outside the home, for this reason he is not very actively involved in solving household issues, but loves to return to a well-groomed, clean, comfortable home. He is often very demanding in such requests, but he will not create scandals over an unprepared dinner.

Zodiac signs: Aquarius man - father

The character of an Aquarius man is such that he is not inclined to devote all his free time and attention to his own children. But between him and his offspring, very good, friendly relationships based on mutual understanding are most often established. Children love such a father very much, trust him completely, tell him about all their affairs, finding in him an excellent listener and a good adviser. Aquarius instills in children open-mindedness, the ability to take life lightly, and the desire to have a wide range of interests.

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Who is suitable for an Aquarius man according to his horoscope to start a family?

What to give an Aquarius man

This zodiac sign is an intellectual one, and therefore a gift to an Aquarius man can be a good book in an appropriate edition, a solid album of reproductions, high-quality video or audio recordings. However, you can also give something completely opposite, which falls into the category of “madness” - for example, something for extreme sports, in which he voiced his interest. A good gift for an Aquarius man is anything that is somehow connected with water, for example, a miniature fountain, an aquarium, a reproduction of a waterfall, etc. True, you should not convince the recipient of such a gift of its magical overtones, recall Feng Shui and others like it: Aquarius is a philosopher, but not a mystic.

  • Aries 21.03 – 20.04
  • Taurus 21.04 – 21.05
  • Gemini 22.05 – 21.06
  • Cancer 22.06 – 22.07
  • Leo 23.07 – 23.08
  • Virgo 24.08 – 22.09
  • Libra 23.09 – 22.10
  • Scorpio 23.10 – 22.11
  • Sagittarius 23.11 – 21.12
  • Capricorn 22.12 – 20.01
  • Aquarius 21.01 – 20.02
  • Pisces 21.02 – 20.03

Who suits Aquarius

Aquarians are creative people for whom public opinion does not matter. They are used to acting at their own discretion, without listening to anyone. Such people are attracted to other halves with a strong and rebellious character, who do not know what a monotonous and passive life is. Shyness is also not for Aquarius, so timid representatives of other zodiac signs will not be interesting to them.

Who is suitable for Aquarius? Sign compatibility

Aquarius - the name given to this zodiac sign speaks for itself; it is an air sign thirsting for freedom and eternal movement, which rather lives by the mind than by feelings. But even such a reserved and mysterious person has a heart that wants to love and be loved.

The eternal adventurer is not used to living by the rules; it is common for him to destroy stereotypes and create his own laws of life. With whom can such an eccentric, highly intelligent person, deep down in his soul, with an ocean of feelings and emotions seething, find happiness?

The Aquarius lady is a charming woman who attracts men with her sexual sarcasm and genuine self-confidence. Such women know their worth well, and winning them is not an easy task. They are smart and calculating, often flirting for the sake of sport and raising their self-esteem.

They constantly strive to challenge society, emphasizing their individuality and independence. Often such women seem to be made of iron, but this is only a mask. In fact, the Aquarius woman is a very gentle and vulnerable girl who simply does not know how to open her heart and is afraid to be left alone.

Representatives of the stronger sex born under this sign are skilled conversationalists, cheerful and creative. Their charisma and intelligence are so attractive that they will turn the head of any girl. But it’s very difficult to call them family men.

After all, this man most of all dislikes boundaries, restrictions and obligations. Therefore, when creating a family, an Aquarius man needs to be aware that life in marriage is not the end for him as an individual, but a new stage of his realization and the opportunity to take more from life.


An Aquarius in love will surround his partner with tenderness and love. He will not be jealous or restrictive. On the contrary, he will try to bring a sea of ​​pleasant new impressions into the life of his loved one.

Thanks to his broad outlook, this sign can find a common language with any representative of the zodiac. He is especially attracted to unapproachable intellectuals, with a pronounced inner core, who, just like he, love variety, new experiences, noisy companies and numerous friends.

Let's take a closer look at who is suitable for Aquarius:

This couple can become ideal and live together happily ever after. The fire of Aries is exactly what Aquarius lacks in the implementation of his brilliant ideas and plans. In turn, the calm prudence of the latter is the missing puzzle in the character of Aries, who needs to learn to restrain the sudden surge of irritation and not cut from the shoulder.

The main thing in such relationships is mutual respect for each other and the absence of pressure. Passion and ardor help create a union, and the desire for novelty and complementarity of characters allow this air-fiery couple to maintain their fire of love for many years.

With Taurus

A complex and problematic union, most likely after the age of 40. Partners have different interests and views on life. For Aquarius, the basis of relationships is intellectual compatibility, and for Taurus it is harmony in sexual relationships; in sex, he is completely liberated and, like an animal, surrenders to his instincts.

And if, at first, partners may be captivated by illusions, then at the end of the candy-bouquet period, the discovery of all differences is inevitable. Freedom-loving Aquarius will feel locked in a stuffy cocoon of relationships, while family-oriented Taurus will feel unloved and unwanted.

With Gemini

A union ideally named for which is “sex friends.” The partners have a lot in common, they get along well and understand each other. But spending a long time together becomes satiated with them, and they go their separate ways for a while on their own business and friends, while perhaps getting carried away by light affairs.

And when these two intellectuals are full of new impressions, they come together again with newly revived feelings. Gemini can understand Aquarius without words, and this relationship can be very deep and romantic. But they can grow into a family only for the sake of the children, because the two of them are comfortable together and in an open relationship.

“Dolphin and mermaid, not a couple, not a couple. Aquarius and Cancer are like people from different planets who do not know how to communicate with each other. Aquarius is irritated by Cancer's excessive emotionality and talkativeness, and his desire to do everything together and spend as much time as possible together completely infuriates the wayward Aquarius, always thirsting for freedom. Cancer, captivated by the mystery and enigma of Aquarius, will suffer silently next to her lover, not daring to break off the relationship for the sake of children or family.

Leo is perhaps one of the best partners for Aquarius. At first sight, passion flares up between representatives of these zodiacs. They not only complement each other, but also stimulate development. True, even here it will not be without difficulties.

The struggle for leadership in a couple can lead to a cooling of feelings and a break in the relationship. But still, this is unlikely because this couple feels and understands each other very well, which gives them the opportunity to resolve all possible conflicts in a timely manner.

These two can only end up together when both are well over 30, have scars on their souls from love failures and want a calm and measured life. Union is possible, although very problematic. Aquarius will be bored with the pedantic and meticulous Virgo, and it will be difficult for her to maintain his fast-paced and full of impressions rhythm of life.

A magnificent and harmonious union based on intellectual compatibility and love of beauty. The thirst for impressions will unite their hearts in difficult moments, when everyday life will destroy their friendly union. The only thing that can jeopardize their happiness together is Libra’s desire to agree on everything, so as not to quarrel, the desire to idealize and balance them all around.

Aquarius may be burdened by all this, which may lead to the latter leaving for a stronger partner than Libra. They can remain good friends, keeping happy memories in their minds like precious stones.

With Scorpios

A controversial and unlikely alliance. What metal can be compared with the energy of Scorpio? Adamant is probably the strongest metal in the world. After all, no one can resist the magnetism of Scorpio, not even Aquarius. But when the violent passion subsides, and ordinary everyday life begins in the life of a couple, each of them begins to demonstrate opposing aspirations.

Aquarius will strive for equal, calm relationships, full of trust and diversity, but for Scorpio it is important to be the main one in the relationship and completely control the loved one. The children who suffer the most in such families are those who grow up in an atmosphere of constant tug-of-war and showdowns. .

With Sagittarius

Good mutual understanding and common interests. Sagittarius is flattered by the independence and charisma of their partner. And Aquarius likes the uncontrollability, sense of humor and nobility characteristic of Sagittarius. Provided that the partners value each other and make efforts to maintain the family hearth, the union promises to be long and strong.

With Capricorns

The likelihood of a strong union is low for these two signs. Capricorn is too conservative and boring for Aquarius, his views on life are as hard as stone. In this couple, everyone will live their own interests, creating only the appearance of a happy couple.

With Aquarius

Two representatives of this sign, on the one hand, will never get bored of each other, and on the other hand, there won’t be any special passions in this pair either. Their intimate life will be full and varied, but sensual intimacy will be lacking; they may even be of the same profession. Two identical signs are a wonderful couple that can last for many years if they can let each other go to look for new experiences and... miss their partner.

It is impossible to say for sure that an alliance is impossible. The beginning of the novel will probably be stormy and interesting. But then both will come face to face with a misunderstanding of each other’s nature. Pisces can get stuck in such relationships for a long time due to the fear of being left alone, so more often than not it is not the Pisces who initiates the breakup. Tolerance of each other's shortcomings and willingness to compromise can save the union.

So we found out who is suitable for Aquarius and who is not. But no matter how harsh or generous the stars are to us, it depends only on us whether we will be happy and whether we will make our loved one happy. Horoscope compatibility is important, but not paramount. Therefore, let’s paraphrase the well-known saying as follows: trust horoscopes, but don’t make a mistake yourself; there is also the option of taking a compatibility test.

Who is suitable for Aquarius?

Classic Aquarius is a humanist, a realistic romantic, an engine of progress, always seeking new knowledge and impressions, sometimes paradoxical. It may seem and actually be different from everyone else, because he is used to living by his own laws and rules, and does not want to be like others. Sometimes it can surprise and discourage others with some statement. Aquarius can be interested in anything, from pottery to questions of the universe. Who will suit Aquarius, his restless and inquisitive nature? Next, let's talk about who is well compatible with an Aquarius woman and an Aquarius man.

Who is suitable for an Aquarius woman?

The Aquarius lady is attractive, smart, and sometimes sarcastic, but in love she can be timid, gentle and pleasant. To do this, you need to get her to remove her “protective armor,” and not everyone succeeds and not always.

  • The relationship between an Aquarius woman and an Aries man is good. He admires her, she admires him. They may have a lot in common, and therefore such unions are very strong.
  • Also, a Gemini man is good for such a woman. Both are intellectually developed, knowledgeable and ready for adventure. At least a good friendship.
  • The Leo man shows a possessive instinct towards his chosen one, he is jealous of her, but this jealousy only amuses her. Both get a lot of new things from the relationship, a strong union.
  • Sometimes a relationship develops with a representative of one’s own sign, but more often it is something like “friendly love”; there may not be children in such a marriage, since each other is enough for both.
  • A Libra man and an Aquarius woman will jointly enjoy the beauty and richness of this world, without bothering each other with everyday problems.
  • A good union can turn out with a Pisces man if both partners have experience from past relationships that taught them a lot.

Who is suitable for an Aquarius man?

The Aquarius man is active, sociable, cheerful, and full of new ideas. Attractive to women due to his charisma and love of life. Not many Aquarius men get married because they believe that marriage can limit their freedom. An Aquarius man is advised to choose a woman based on his age.

  • Until the age of 30, he needs interesting communication, learning something new, comprehending new sensations and impressions. During this period, women of the air element are most suitable for him: Libra, Gemini, Aquarius.
  • After 30, Aquarius becomes more practical and realistic. He needs a woman who is suitable for such a life. It is worth choosing a woman of the Virgo and Aries signs.
  • After 40, many Aquarians acquire the respectability characteristic of this age, and therefore a Leo woman will be an ideal companion during this period.

What is Aquarius like in a love relationship?

Many Aquarians are very interesting personalities, so they choose the same ones as their partners. Aquarius will never stay with someone who doesn’t “hook” him. You will not be nice to Aquarius by force; you cannot crush him under you, since this sign retains part of its freedom and independence even when married. However, if you managed to interest Aquarius, he will be faithful to you both soul and body if the relationship goes well.

The Aquarius partner will have to come to terms with the fact that, in addition to him, his loved one has a lot of interests of his own. He cannot constantly sit next to him and look with enthusiastic eyes at his chosen one; he definitely needs time for endless self-development, communication, studying something that has not yet been explored. But this also has its advantage: Aquarius will not demand that you spend all your time next to him, and will easily let you go to meet friends or go on some kind of trip. By nature you are not jealous - by flirting with another person you will not cause a storm of emotions in him, but the fact of betrayal will not be forgiven.

If you are suitable for your Aquarius, he will surround you with warmth and care, and will constantly feed you with new information, emotions, and impressions. But even if you are madly in love, do not rush to run for the rings - such people are in no hurry to enter into an official marriage.

You should not take all of the above information as the ultimate truth. All people are different, and even if the horoscope says a categorical “no,” this does not mean that you will not be happy. In reality, relationships largely depend on how both partners behave, and not on who was born under what sign.

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