What does an animal cell look like? Schematic drawing. Cell structure and functions. Cellular structure of the root

plant cell has a cellulose shell, which is significantly different from animal cell. This shell performs a protective, formative and transport function. In addition to organelles, characteristic of all eukaryotes, the plant cell contains plastids And vacuole with cell sap.

Types of plant tissues.

Textile- is a collection of cells of the same type and intercellular substance that perform the same or several functions.

Plant tissue there are the following types:

1) Integumentary

2) Educational

3) Conductive

4) Mechanical

5) Excretory

Plant integumentary tissues are found on the outside of plant parts. They perform barrier, protective and nutritional functions. Covering tissues include epidermis, rhizoderm, periderm and crust.

Educational fabrics ensure plant growth by forming new cells. It is thanks to these cells that the plant can continue to grow throughout its entire life. Educational tissues are apical, lateral, wound (traumatic) and intercalary.

Conductive fabrics transport nutrients to all parts and organs of the plant. Conductive tissues include phloem(bast) and xylem(wood). In the phloem, organic substances can move both from top to bottom and from bottom to top - to flowers or fruits. Nutrients and water flow through the xylem in an upward flow.

Mechanical fabrics perform a protective and support function. There are two types of mechanical fabric: sclerenchyma And collenchyma. Sclerenchyma consists of dead, keratinized cells, which, in fact, perform the main functions of protecting and supporting the plant. Collenchyma is still living cells that serve both for plant growth and for the formation of sclerenchyma after death.

Excretory tissues plants control metabolism and interaction with the external environment. Distinguish assimilative (photosynthetic), air-bearing, water-bearing and storage excretory tissues.

Option 1.

Look at the drawing. What cell is shown on it? What structures are indicated by numbers 6 and 7? Reveal the features of the structure and functions of these structures.

Option 2.

Look at the drawing. What cell is shown on it? What structures are indicated by numbers 5 and 6? Reveal the features of the structure and functions of these structures.

Option 3.

Look at the drawing. What cell structure does it depict? What functions does it perform in the cell? What is indicated by the numbers 1, 2, 5, 6, 7?

Option 4.

Look at the drawing. What cell structure does it depict? What functions does it perform in the cell? What is indicated by the numbers 1, 2, 3?


Option 5.

Option 6.

Look at the drawing. What cell structure does it depict? What functions does it perform in the cell? What is indicated by numbers 1, 2?

Option 7.

Option 8.

Look at the drawing. What cell is shown on it? What structure is indicated by number 2? Reveal the structural features and functions of this structure.

Option 9.

Look at the drawing. What cell is shown on it? What structure is indicated by number 4? Reveal the structural features and functions of this structure.


Option 10.

Look at the drawing. What cell is shown on it? What structure is indicated by the number 9? Reveal the structural features and functions of this structure.

Option 11.

Look at the drawing. What cell is shown on it? What structure is indicated by the number 5? Reveal the structural features and functions of this structure.

Option 12.

Look at the drawing. What cell is shown on it? What structure is indicated by the number 1? Reveal the structural features and functions of this structure.

Option 13.

Look at the drawing. What cell is shown on it? What numbers indicate its membrane organelles? Indicate their names.

Option 14.

Look at the drawing. What cell is shown on it? What is its structure indicated by the number 7? Reveal the structural features and functions of this structure.

Option 15.

Look at the drawing. What cell organelles are shown on it? In what cells are they found? What are their functions?

1. 2.

Option 16.

Look at the drawing. What cell structures are indicated by numbers 4 and 5? What functions do they perform in the cell?

Option 17.

Look at the drawing. What cell structures are designated by numbers with the letters D and Z? What functions do they perform in the cell?

Option 18.

Look at the drawing. What cell structure does it depict? What functions does it perform in the cell?

Option 19.

Look at the drawing. What process does it depict? What is its role in the cell? In what cells can it occur?

Option 20.

Look at the drawing. What cell is shown on it? What structures are indicated by numbers 7, 10, 11? What functions do they perform in the cell?

Option 21.

Look at the drawing. What cell is shown on it? What structures are indicated by numbers 3 and 6? What functions do they perform in the cell?

Option 22.

Look at the drawing. Which cells on it are marked with the letters A and B? Compare the structure of these cells.

Option 23.

Look at the drawing. What process in the cell is indicated by number 10? What is the significance of this process in the cell?

Option 24.

Look at the drawing. What cell structure does it depict? What functions does it perform in the cell? In what cells can this structure be found? What types of it do you know?

Option 25.

Look at the drawing. What cell structure does it depict? What functions does it perform in the cell? Give examples of human cells in which such structures occur in large numbers.

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“Animal cell” - The “internal” environment of the cell is the cytoplasm. Mitochondria interaction. Animal cell. The “labyrinth” of the cell is the endoplasmic reticulum. Interaction of lysosomes. The main component of the cell is the nucleus. Membrane interaction. The “generators” of the cell are mitochondria. The “builders” of the cell are ribosomes. The “warehouse” of the cell is the Golgi complex.

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Cells of different kingdoms have many common features, but there are also significant differences.

We will look at the cells of 4 living organisms - animals, plants, fungi and bacteria.

Let us describe their common organelles and what distinguishes them.

bacterial cell

It differs from all the others as the most simply constructed.

Cell membrane- main functions - protection and metabolism. The reserve nutrient is unique; it is not found in other living cells - it is the carbohydrate murein.

Membrane- like other living cells, the main function is protection and metabolism.


Ribosomes- synthesize protein.
Mesosomes- implementation of redox processes.
There is no core, there is nucleoid- circular DNA and RNA.
flagella- provide movement.

plant cell

Cell wall- functions are the same, reserve nutrient - carbohydrate - starch, cellulose, etc.
Membrane- protection and metabolism, slight difference - yes plasmodesmata- something like bridges between neighboring cells in multicellular plants.
Cytoplasm- internal semi-liquid medium containing nutrients.
Ribosomes- there is, but not much, they synthesize protein.
Core- the center of genetic information of the cell.
EPS(endoplasmic reticulum), smooth (without ribosomes) - ensures the transport of substances, maintains the shape of the cell, rough - ribosomes on it ensure protein synthesis.
Cytoplasm- internal semi-liquid medium containing nutrients.
Chloroplast- an obligatory organelle exclusively of plant cells. Function - photosynthesis.
Vacuole- also a plant organoid - a reserve of cell sap.
Mitochondria- ATP synthesis - providing the cell with energy.
Lysosomes- digestive organelles.
Golgi apparatus- produces lysosomes and stores nutrients.
Microfilaments- protein threads - “rails” for the movement of certain organelles, are involved in cell division.
Microtubules- approximately the same as microfilaments, only thicker.

animal cage

There is no cell wall, no chloroplasts, no vacuoles.

The remaining organelles are the same as those of a plant cell, there is one “addition” - a component ONLY of an animal cell - centrioles- participate in cell division, responsible for the correct segregation of chromosomes.

Fungal cell

Drawings of an animal cell are never found in the Unified State Exam, and the structure of the cell is considered only in comparison with animal and plant ones.

In structure, it is very similar to an animal, only there are no centrioles and there is a cell wall, the reserve nutrient of which is glycogen.

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Plant cells, like the cells of most living organisms, consist of a cell membrane that separates the contents of the cell (protoplast) from its environment. The cell membrane includes a fairly rigid and durable cell wall(outside) and thin, elastic cytoplasmic membrane(inside). The outer layer of the cell wall, which is a porous cellulose shell with lignin present in it, consists of pectins. Such components determine the strength and rigidity of the plant cell, provide its shape, and contribute to better protection of the intracellular contents (protoplast) from unfavorable conditions. The components of the cytoplasmic membrane are proteins and lipids. Both the cell wall and the membrane have semi-permeable abilities and perform a transport function, allowing water and nutrients necessary for life to pass into the cell, as well as regulating the exchange of substances between cells and with the environment.

The protoplast of a plant cell includes an internal semi-liquid medium with a fine-grained structure (cytoplasm), consisting of water, organic compounds and mineral salts, which contains the nucleus - the main part of the cell - and otherorganoids. The liquid contents of a cell were first described and named (1825–1827) by the Czech physiologist and microscopist Jan Purkinė. Organelles are permanent cellular structures that perform specific functions intended only for them. In addition, they differ from each other in structure and chemical composition. Distinguish non-membrane organelles (ribosomes, cell center, microtubules, microfilaments), single membrane(vacuoles, lysosomes, Golgi complex, endoplasmic reticulum) and double membrane(plastids, mitochondria).

(one or more) is the most important component of the protoplast, characteristic only of plant cells. In young cells, as a rule, several small vacuoles are present, but as the cell grows and ages, the small vacuoles merge into one large (central) vacuole. It is a reservoir limited by a membrane (tonoplast) with cell sap inside it. The main component of cell sap is water (70–95%), in which organic and inorganic compounds are dissolved: salts, sugars (fructose, glucose, sucrose), organic acids (oxalic, malic, citric, acetic, etc.), proteins, amino acids. All these products are intermediate results of metabolism and temporarily accumulate in vacuoles as reserve nutrients in order to subsequently participate in the metabolic processes of the cell. The cell sap also contains tannins (tannins), phenols, alkaloids, anthocyanins and various pigments, which are excreted into the vacuole, while being isolated from the cytoplasm. Unnecessary products of the cell's vital activity (waste), for example, potassium oxalate, also enter the vacuoles.

Thanks to vacuoles, the cell is provided with reserves of water and nutrients (proteins, fats, vitamins, mineral salts), and it also maintains osmotic intracellular pressure (turgor). In the vacuoles, old proteins and organelles are broken down.

The second distinctive feature of a plant cell is the presence of double-membrane organelles in it - plastid. The discovery of these organelles, their description and classification (1880 - 1883) belongs to German scientists - naturalist A. Schimper and botanist W. Meyer. Plastids are viscous protein bodies and are divided into three main types: leucoplasts, chromoplasts and chloroplasts. All of them, under the influence of certain environmental factors, are capable of changing from one type to another.

Among all types of plastids, the most important role is played by chloroplasts: They carry out the process of photosynthesis. These organelles are distinguished by their green color, which is due to the presence in their composition of a significant amount of chlorophyll - a green pigment that absorbs the energy of sunlight and synthesizes organic substances from water and carbon dioxide. Chloroplasts are separated from the cell cytoplasm by two membranes (external and internal) and have a lens-shaped oval shape (length is about 5 - 10 µm, and width ranges from 2 to 4 µm). In addition to chlorophyll, chloroplasts contain carotenoids (auxiliary orange pigments). The number of chloroplasts in a plant cell can vary from 1 - 2 (protozoan algae) to 15 - 20 pieces (leaf cell of higher plants).

Small colorless plastids leucoplasts found in the cells of those plant organs that are hidden from sunlight (roots or rhizomes, tubers, bulbs, seeds). Their shape is very diverse (spherical, ellipsoidal, cupped, dumbbell-shaped). They synthesize nutrients (mainly starch, less often fats and proteins) from mono- and disaccharides. When exposed to sunlight, leucoplasts tend to transform into chloroplasts.

Chromoplasts are formed as a result of the accumulation of carotenoids and contain a significant amount of yellow, orange, red, and brown pigments. They are present in the cells of fruits and petals, determining their bright color. Chromoplasts are disc-shaped, crescent-shaped, jagged, spherical, diamond-shaped, triangular, etc. They cannot participate in the process of photosynthesis due to the lack of chlorophyll in them.

Double membrane organelles mitochondria are represented by small (several microns in length) formations, often cylindrical, but also granule-like, thread-like or round in shape. They were first discovered using special staining and described by the German biologist R. Altmann as bioplastics (1890). The name mitochondria was given to them by the German pathologist K. Benda (1897). The outer membrane of the mitochondria consists of lipids and half the amount of protein compounds; it has a smooth surface. The composition of the inner membrane is dominated by protein complexes, and the amount of lipids does not exceed a third of them. The inner membrane has a folded surface; it forms comb-like folds ( cristas), due to which its surface is significantly increased. The space inside the mitochondrion is filled with a denser than the cytoplasm viscous substance of protein origin - the matrix. Mitochondria are very sensitive to environmental conditions, and under its influence they can be destroyed or change shape.

They perform a very complex physiological role in cell metabolic processes. It is in mitochondria that the enzymatic breakdown of organic compounds (fatty acids, carbohydrates, amino acids) occurs, and, again, under the influence of enzymes, adenosine triphosphoric acid (ATP) molecules are synthesized, which is a universal source of energy for all living organisms. Mitochondria synthesize energy and are, in essence, the “energy station” of the cell. The number of these organelles in one cell is not constant and ranges from several tens to several thousand. The more active a cell is, the more mitochondria it contains. During cell division, mitochondria are also capable of dividing by forming a constriction. In addition, they can merge with each other to form one mitochondrion.

Golgi apparatus named after its discoverer, the Italian scientist C. Golgi (1897). The organoid is located near the nucleus and is a membrane structure in the form of multi-tiered flat disc-shaped cavities located one above the other, from which numerous tubular formations branch off, ending in vesicles. The main function of the Golgi apparatus is to remove waste products from the cell. The device tends to accumulate secretory substances inside the cavities, including pectin, xylose, glucose, ribose, and galactose. System of small bubbles ( vesicle), located on the periphery of this organelle, performs an intracellular transport role, moving polysaccharides synthesized inside the cavities to the periphery. Having reached the cell wall or vacuole, the vesicles, breaking down, give them their internal contents. The formation of primary lysosomes also occurs in the Golgi apparatus.

were discovered by the Belgian biochemist Christian de Duve (1955). They are small bodies bounded by one protective membrane and are one of the forms of vesicles. They contain more than 40 different hydrolytic enzymes (glycosidases, proteinases, phosphatases, nucleases, lipases, etc.) that break down proteins, fats, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, and therefore participate in the destruction of individual organelles or areas of the cytoplasm. Lysosomes play an important role in defense reactions and intracellular nutrition.

Ribosomes- These are very small non-membrane organelles close to spherical or ellipsoidal in shape. Formed in the cell nucleus. Due to their small size, they are perceived as “granularity” of the cytoplasm. Some of them are in a free state in the internal environment of the cell (cytoplasm, nucleus, mitochondria, plastids), while the rest are attached to the outer surfaces of the membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum. The number of ribosomes in a plant cell is relatively small and averages about 30,000. Ribosomes are located singly, but sometimes they can form groups - polyribosomes (polysomes). This organoid consists of two parts of different sizes, which can exist separately, but at the time the organoid functions, they are combined into one structure. The main function of ribosomes is the synthesis of protein molecules from amino acids.

The cytoplasm of a plant cell is penetrated by a huge number of ultramicroscopic strands, branched tubes, vesicles, channels and cavities, bounded by three-layer membranes and forming a system known as endoplasmic reticulum (EPS). The discovery of this system belongs to the English scientist K. Porter (1945). The EPS is in contact with all organelles of the cell and together with them forms a single intracellular system that carries out the metabolism and energy, as well as providing intracellular transport. The ER membranes are connected, on the one hand, to the outer cytoplasmic membrane, and on the other, to the outer shell of the nuclear membrane.

The structure of EPS is heterogeneous; there are two types: granular, on the membranes of which ribosomes are located and agranular(smooth) – without ribosomes. In the ribosomes of the granular network, protein synthesis occurs, which then enters the EPS channels, and carbohydrates and lipids are synthesized on the membranes of the agranular network, which also then enter the EPS channels. Thus, biosynthesis products accumulate in the channels and cavities of the ER, which are then transported to the cell organelles. In addition, the endoplasmic reticulum divides the cell's cytoplasm into isolated compartments, thereby providing a separate environment for different reactions.

Core It is the largest cellular organelle, bounded from the cytoplasm by an extremely thin and elastic double-membrane nuclear envelope and is the most important part of a living cell. The discovery of the plant cell nucleus belongs to the Scottish botanist R. Brown (1831). In young cells, the nucleus is located closer to the center, in old cells it is shifted to the periphery, which is associated with the formation of one large vacuole, occupying a significant part of the protoplast. As a rule, plant cells have only one nucleus, although binucleate and multinucleate cells occur. The chemical composition of the nucleus is represented by proteins and nucleic acids.

The nucleus contains a significant amount of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), which acts as a carrier of hereditary properties. It is in the nucleus (in the chromosomes) that all hereditary information is stored and reproduced, which determines the individuality, characteristics, functions, characteristics of the cell and the entire organism as a whole. In addition, one of the most important purposes of the nucleus is to control metabolism and most processes occurring in the cell. Information coming from the nucleus determines the physiological and biochemical development of the plant cell.

Inside the nucleus there are from one to three non-membrane small bodies of round shape - nucleoli immersed in a colorless, homogeneous, gel-like mass - nuclear juice (karyoplasm). The nucleoli consist mainly of protein; 5% of their content is RNA (ribonucleic acid). The main function of nucleoli is RNA synthesis and the formation of ribosomes.

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