How to make chocolate meringue at home. "marble" meringue with chocolate "for your loved one." Step-by-step cooking recipe

Meringues, also known as meringues, are the only cakes that can be made from just two ingredients.

Egg whites and sugar can be found in every home.

But it's not that simple.

To make really tasty and fluffy meringue at home, you still need to know something.

Meringue at home - general principles of preparation

The process of creating meringues consists of three main stages: whipping the mass, shaping and baking the cakes. When whipping, you cannot immediately add sugar to the whites, otherwise they will not be able to raise it well, and the mass will not be very fluffy. First you need to achieve a dense foam, and then add sugar in small portions. And even better is powder, as it dissolves faster.

How and what to put meringues on a baking sheet

To mold the finished mass, it is most convenient to use a pastry bag. You can use attachments, then the cakes will turn out more beautiful. You can also just take a thick bag, put the whipped mixture into it, cut off the tip and squeeze the meringues through the resulting hole. The simplest and easiest way is to spread the meringue onto a baking sheet with a spoon, but in this case they will all be of different shapes and not very attractive in appearance.

The meringue is baked immediately after molding in the oven. The temperature should not exceed 120 degrees. The cakes must dry out inside otherwise they will fall off. The baking time is quite long and, depending on the size of the meringues, can reach several hours.

Recipe 1: Vanilla meringue at home

A recipe for a classic meringue cake at home without unnecessary additives. The meringues are white, airy and light. Can be used as an independent treat or in addition to other desserts.


250 grams of sugar;

A pinch of vanilla;

A little butter and flour.

You will also need a piece of parchment paper that is the size of your baking sheet.


1. Pour the whites into a bowl, lower the mixer and begin to beat, gradually adding speed.

2. After two minutes, the mass will become thick and fluffy,

3. We begin to introduce sugar a little at a time. Beat until the grains are completely dissolved. The mass will become whiter and denser.

4. At the end, add vanillin.

5. Cut a piece of parchment to the size of the baking sheet and lightly coat with oil. Sprinkle flour on top.

6. Now you can pipe the meringue. How and with what this can be done is described in detail above. We choose the appropriate option and form small cakes, 4-5 centimeters in diameter.

7. Dry in the oven at 100 degrees for about 70-80 minutes. The time depends not only on the size, but also on the stove itself.

Recipe 2: Chocolate meringue at home

Airy meringue with chocolate flavor. It's very simple and easy to make! To make the meringues truly aromatic and chocolatey, you need to use a bar with a cocoa content of at least 70%.


100 grams of sugar;

50 grams of dark chocolate.


1. Immediately turn on the oven at 120 degrees, let it heat up.

2. Beat the egg whites and gradually add sugar. Continue beating until all the grains are completely separated.

3. Crush the chocolate into cubes and place it in a water bath. The mass should melt, but not get too hot, stir regularly.

4. Pour chocolate into the protein mixture in a thin stream and stir. You don’t have to stir for a long time, just pass it around with a spoon several times. Then there will be beautiful chocolate stains in the mass.

5. Form the protein mass with chocolate onto a lined baking sheet. Bake until done for about an hour.

Recipe 3: Homemade meringue with coconut flakes

Recipe for the most delicate coconut meringue at home. It is not necessary to use white shavings. You can use colored ones and make the meringues more fun.


A pinch of salt;

30 grams of coconut flakes;

90 grams of powder;

1 tsp. lemon juice.


1. Take a clean and dry bowl, add lemon juice to it and wipe the inside.

2. Add the whites and start beating.

3. As soon as they increase and thicken, add powder and continue whisking.

4. Add coconut flakes and mix gently. If you wish, you can leave some of the shavings and sprinkle the already unformed meringues on top.

5. Place the tender mass on the prepared baking sheet.

6. Place in the oven and dry until done at 100-120 degrees.

Recipe 4: Homemade meringue with Charlotte cream

Delicate cakes, complemented with charlotte cream, which will help solve the problem with the remaining yolks. It is advisable to use a pastry bag to pipe these cakes so that they are as consistent in size and shape as possible.


6 proteins;

1 bag of vanilla;

1.5 cups sugar;

1 cup nuts.

For cream:

6 yolks;

180 ml milk;

9 spoons of sugar;

1 bag of vanilla;

200 grams of butter.


1. Carefully separate the whites. We set the yolks aside for now; we’ll return to them later.

2. Finely chop the nuts. You can use hazelnuts, peanuts, walnuts or almonds.

3. Beat the whites with a mixer, gradually add sugar and vanillin. At the end, add 0.5 tablespoons of previously prepared nuts.

4. Place the thick and fluffy mass on a baking sheet in the form of cakes.

5. Bake until done at 120 degrees. Approximately 1.5 hours.

6. For the cream, combine sugar with 150 grams of milk and place on the stove.

7. Beat the yolks with the remaining milk and gradually pour them into a saucepan with the mixture already boiling on the stove. Stir, as soon as the mixture begins to thicken, immediately remove from heat. Do not let the cream boil, as the yolks will curdle. Let cool.

8. Beat the softened butter with a mixer, gradually add the yolk mass with milk, add vanillin at the end and the cream is ready!

9. Cool the meringue and remove it from the baking sheet. Cover with cream and sprinkle with nuts.

Recipe 5: Homemade meringue with sweetener

A dietary version of meringue cake at home. Prepared with stevia extract. But you can use any other sugar substitute. Add vanilla for flavor.


0.5 tsp. stevia extract;

A pinch of vanillin;

1 spoon of lemon juice;

A pinch of cinnamon.


1. Pour the whites into a bowl and immediately add lemon juice. Beat until fluffy.

2. Add stevia extract, beat well.

3. Now add vanillin and cinnamon. Mix and you're done!

4. Diet meringue is placed on a baking sheet in exactly the same way as ordinary meringue. But since it does not contain sugar, the mass is weaker and may fall off. Therefore, it is better to prepare small cakes.

5. And dietary meringues are baked in exactly the same way. More precisely, they are dried at 100 degrees until fully cooked.

Recipe 6: Homemade meringue with berries and chocolate

A recipe for a very tasty and beautiful dessert that will decorate any table. Children will especially be happy with him. You can use any berries, but seedless and tender ones are better: strawberries, raspberries, blackberries.


2 cups sugar;

½ tsp. cinnamon;

100 grams of chocolate;

200 grams of berries.


1. Wash and dry all the berries. Separate the softest and most broken ones, using gauze, squeeze a spoonful of juice out of them. The remaining berries will go into dessert. Let's put them aside for now.

2. Beat the whites with the gradual addition of sugar and cinnamon. Everything is as usual. But at the end we add a spoonful of berry juice. It will give the meringues an interesting taste. If desired, you can add a little coloring, since the juice will only give a slight tint.

3. Place the meringue on a baking sheet and bake until done at 100 degrees.

4. Melt the chocolate in the sauna.

5. Place the meringues on plates, 2-3 pieces per serving. Take a spoon and carefully remove the top. You will get a flat area.

6. Place the berries on it and pour melted chocolate over it. Let it harden a little and you can serve dessert!

Recipe 7: Walnut meringue at home

For nut meringues, you can use any nuts, but it is not recommended to use a mixture. This way the smells will cancel each other out.


50 grams of nuts;

A pinch of salt;

1 tsp. lemon juice;

180 grams of sugar or powder.


1. Dry the nuts in a frying pan and cool. Then we transfer them to a cutting board and roll them 3-4 times with a rolling pin. You should get small but visible pieces.

2. Beat the whites with a pinch of salt, then pour in the lemon juice.

3. Add powdered sugar a little at a time into the fluffy mass. As soon as the mixture becomes boiling white and a slight shine appears, turn off the mixer.

4. Add chopped nuts, stir with a spoon.

5. Place the nut meringues on a baking sheet and bake until done at 100 degrees for at least two hours. Nuts are quite fatty and heavy, so the meringue with them takes a little longer to prepare.

To obtain a more stable protein mass, it is recommended to cool the whites before whipping.

It is best to beat egg whites in a metal bowl, not an aluminum one. But it’s better to avoid plastic containers and bowls, as they make the mass less fluffy.

The egg white will not whip if you use dirty utensils. The bowl must be dry, as well as the mixer. If even a drop of fat remains on the whisk, the beating process will become much more difficult.

If the oven is gas, then you need to carefully monitor the temperature. Over time, it may rise higher and the meringue will darken. It’s easier with electric ovens; the temperature rarely exceeds the set parameters.

When preparing the whites for meringue, it is very important that no yolk gets into them. Therefore, you need to separate the eggs one at a time into a small bowl, and then transfer the whites into the total mass. The same technique will prevent spoiled eggs from getting into the dessert.

A very simple and tasty dessert, usually liked by everyone without exception and can be made by everyone who knows how to bake ordinary white meringues. Its main secret is the combination of sweet meringue and dark chocolate. It makes no sense to do this with milk chocolate. Choose dark chocolate with at least 70% cocoa content.

2 squirrels
100g sugar
75g dark chocolate

baking tray lined with baking paper

oven 130C

Line a baking tray with baking paper and preheat the oven. It is important to do this in advance.

Melt the chocolate. You can read about how to do this.

Place two egg whites in a bowl and beat with a mixer at maximum speed until thick white foam forms. It should stick to the rims and not be runny.
Add sugar and beat for a few more minutes, the mass should become snow-white, dense and shiny.

Pour the chocolate (it can be around 40C or lower, it doesn’t matter) onto the whites, trying to distribute it evenly.

Using a fork or spoon, stir the whites into the chocolate in two or three movements.

Immediately pour the mixture onto the prepared baking sheet.

Bake at 130C for 1 hour (rather large meringues the size of half a palm).

You can eat. And advice - bake a double portion at once!

When luscious chocolate chip cookies are combined with silky meringue and crunchy hazelnuts, you get the combination that a good dessert should have.

I love nuts and always keep a good supply in the fridge to have on hand when inspiration strikes and I want to make a sweet treat. It's absolutely divine. And I'm not alone in my love for chocolate and hazelnuts. Dulce de Leche, or simply caramel sauce, is another ingredient that goes perfectly with this recipe.

The great value of this dessert is that you can prepare it as a cake or make brownies like mine. Like many desserts, this dish can be prepared ahead of time.

Difficulty level: medium difficulty.

Cooking time: 3 hours.

To make chocolate meringue, you will need the following ingredients:

For the meringue:

    200 grams of sugar

For the chocolate cake:

400 grams of sugar
- 500 grams of flour
- 200 grams of unsweetened cocoa powder
- 2 teaspoons baking soda
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 2 large eggs
- 1 glass of kefir
- 250 milliliters of strong coffee
- 100 grams of vegetable oil
- 2 teaspoons vanilla

For the glaze:

250 grams of cream cheese
- 8 tablespoons butter
- 400 milliliters of caramel sauce “Dulce de Leche” (boiled condensed milk)
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- ¼ teaspoon salt

For decoration:

300 grams of hazelnuts
- 250 grams of chocolate-nut butter
- a little melted chocolate

Cooking process:


I usually start by preparing the meringue, since here you have to bake it in the oven - it will take longer. This step of preparation can be done a day or two before assembling the chocolate meringue.

Placed aluminum foil on a baking sheet. Preheated the oven to 120 degrees.

Beat the egg whites in a food processor, starting on medium speed and gradually increasing to high speed until thick and foamy. To make the whipping process faster, I added a pinch of salt. Gradually added sugar. Beat the egg whites for another 15 minutes until they have a firm and thick consistency.

Placed the whipped egg whites on a prepared baking sheet.

Bake at about 120 degrees for 2 hours.

Looking ahead, I will say that when the meringue had completely cooled, I carefully removed the aluminum foil from it and cut it in half.

If you prepare the meringue ahead of time, you can store it at room temperature, tightly closed in an airtight container.

Chocolate pie.

Preheated the oven to 180 degrees.
Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil and grease it with vegetable oil. I prepared 250 milliliters of strong coffee and set it aside to cool.

Combine all dry ingredients (sugar, flour, cocoa powder, baking soda, salt) in a large bowl and mix thoroughly until smooth.

I like to sift the cocoa powder before cooking as it tends to clump. Only after that I mixed everything together.

Pour the liquid ingredients into the dry ingredients and stir until smooth.
The dough turns out quite liquid.

Spread the pie dough evenly on the prepared baking sheet.

Bake for 25 minutes in a preheated oven.

It turned out great! When the pastry had cooled a little, I cut it in half.


Mix softened cream cheese and butter using a mixer until smooth.

Assembling the cakes.

Since I was going to make a brownie dessert, I placed the first half of the chocolate cake on a large cutting board. If you are making a cake, it is better to use a large tray or a spacious, wide and shallow dish.

Spread half the frosting over the cake and sprinkle with some lightly toasted and chopped hazelnuts.

Spread ¼ cup of chocolate hazelnut butter on top. I don’t like desserts that are too sweet, so I used just that much, but for connoisseurs of sugary sweets, you can use 1/3 or even ½ cup.

Meringue has only one drawback - it is too sweet. Therefore, combining dark chocolate and sweet meringue in one cake is a great solution. The result is a balanced and unusual taste. Offer chocolate meringue to those who did not like these cakes because they were cloying, and you will see how this person’s opinion changes in the opposite direction!

I bring the ingredients for the minimum portion (it turns out 4 large meringues the size of half a palm:

  • Whites of two eggs (I use medium sized eggs, C1, total weight 130-140 g)
  • Sugar (take the finest one you have) - 100 g
  • Dark chocolate (with at least 70% cocoa content) - 75 g

For these cakes, use only dark chocolate with a cocoa content of at least 70%; chocolate meringues cannot be made with milk.

How to cook:

First, melt the chocolate in the usual way. I’ve talked about my version many times, but I’ll repeat it in detail step by step.

Break the chocolate into pieces and place in a bowl with a heatproof bottom.

Bring water to a boil in a saucepan (you need to pour 2-3 fingers thick). Remove from heat and place a bowl of chocolate on top of the saucepan or saucepan.

Cover with a lid to create the right temperature to melt the chocolate.

Set aside for 5-7 minutes. All we have to do is stir the finished product with a spatula.

There is another “lazy” way to melt chocolate: crush the bar into small pieces with a knife (the smaller the better), put it in a plastic bag or pastry bag. Tie the edge and place it in hot water for 5-7 minutes. Then all that remains is to cut off the bottom edge of the bag and squeeze the chocolate into the meringue.

Whisk egg whites with sugar

To prepare meringue, we need two whites from medium-sized eggs (C1) and 100 g of sugar.

Carefully separate the whites from the yolks so that not a drop of yolk gets into the protein mass (otherwise it will be more difficult to beat them). You also need to make sure that the bowl for beating the whites is perfectly clean, without a drop of oil or fat (to be on the safe side, it is recommended to wipe the clean bowl with lemon peel so that the acid breaks down any possible fat).

The yolks can be used in or in a yolk sponge cake recipe.

We begin to beat the whites at low speed, gradually increasing it. The protein mass should turn from transparent to foamy.

After the whites have foamed, we begin to add granulated sugar in a thin stream (or one tablespoon at a time). To make it easier for the sugar to dissolve, beat the whites at room temperature.

With each passing minute, the protein mass will become thicker, the whisks will begin to leave a mark on the surface, and grains of sugar will visually almost disappear.

The power of my hand mixer is 350 W, it takes me 7-10 minutes for perfectly whipped whites with sugar (depending on whether the whites are warmed or not). If you have a stand mixer, it will take much less time (3-5 minutes), but if you have a hand mixer with a lower power, it may take longer. Focus on the consistency of the protein: when turning the bowl upside down, the mass should be motionless (if it creeps down, it means you need to beat further). Another signal that it is enough to beat is the peaks on the whisk and the surface of the protein mass (if you build a “snowdrift”, it will not settle or collapse).

Pour melted chocolate into the finished whites in a random stream, trying to get it evenly over the entire surface.

Using a fork or spoon (not a mixer), stir this mass (only 2-3 movements, no more). Our task is to make neat marble patterns on a white background, and not a homogeneous chocolate mass. If desired, this can be done using a pastry bag and nozzle.

Spoon the meringue onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper (or a silicone mat).

Place the chocolate meringues in a preheated oven at 130 ºC with convection. Immediately reduce to 100 ºС and dry for 1.5-2 hours. The cooking time for the meringue will directly depend on the size of the cakes, the power and features of your oven. The finished meringues are easily separated from the baking sheet, look dry, without shine, and a dull sound is heard when tapped on the surface. After 2 hours, I leave the meringues in the oven until they cool completely.

Ready-made cakes are very good for tea, coffee or as an original decoration for cakes!

Bon appetit!

If you add photos to Instagram, please indicate the tag #pirogeevo or #pirogeevo so that I can find your photos on the Internet and admire them. Thank you!

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  • squirrels - 2 pcs. from medium eggs with a total weight of about 133-135 g
  • fine granulated sugar - 100 g
  • dark chocolate - 60 g
  • lemon juice - 5 drops or a pinch of salt


Turn on the oven and heat it to 1.1 (110 °C) or 1.5 (130 °C) depending on what kind of meringue you want: at a lower temperature but longer baking, the meringues will turn out dry and brittle, and at a higher temperature, but shorter heat treatment, they will have a crispy, brittle crust, but a viscous and viscous core (their bottom may turn golden).

Line a large roll baking tray (28 x 38 cm in size) with non-stick paper (the sides are optional).

Measure out the amount of chocolate required by the recipe (at room temperature), put it in a saucepan and melt it in a water bath, then remove from heat and set aside until used (wiping the bottom of the saucepan from drops of water).

Measure out the amount of sugar required for the recipe. In a clean container, beat the whites with a mixer with regular whisks into a fluffy foam, after adding about 5 drops of lemon juice or a pinch of salt to them, first at low speed and then increasing it. Then gradually (in portions) add all the granulated sugar to them, mixing it in each time.

Beat the whites and sugar at high speed, rotating the mixer in one direction, until a stiff, snow-white mass forms (this may take about 5 minutes). The egg whites are whipped correctly if the mass is textured, and after removing the beaters from it, the latter are left with stable “peaks” that hold their shape well (see photo). Another test - a well-beaten egg white does not fall out even from an overturned bowl. But be careful here - to check, you only need to tilt the bowl, and not turn it over at lightning speed, because if the egg white is not whipped enough, it will slip out of the bowl very quickly.

Pour the previously melted and cooled chocolate into a bowl on top of the whites and very carefully mix it with the protein mass using a circular motion with a spoon or fork until a marbled pattern is obtained. Don’t be too zealous: beautiful, contrasting color “stains” are formed in just a few circular or zigzag movements; if you stir longer, the final color of the meringue will be more uniform (but in this case, the crust of the finished products will be crispier).

Spread the finished mixture 1 tbsp. l. with a medium or large mound on a previously prepared baking sheet at a distance from each other, then place the baking sheet in the oven and bake the meringue for 2 hours at number 1.1 (110 ° C) or for 1 hour at number 1.5 (130 ° WITH).

Remove the baking sheet with the prepared meringues from the oven and cool completely at room temperature. Then carefully transfer the meringues onto a serving plate using a spatula and you are ready to serve. Bon appetit!

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