Using strong prayer to get rid of psoriasis. Prayer for water for psoriasis The most powerful spell for psoriasis

For a long time, healers and healers have drawn their energy from the surrounding nature and elements, then directed the resulting energy to treat the suffering.

They presented gifts and asked for help in return; it was from then on that “commandment” words were passed on from mouth to mouth. The spell for psoriasis is often used today, since even modern medicine cannot identify the causes of the disease. This disease, according to modern doctors, is chronic and its development cannot be predicted.

Treatment of the disease begins from the moment it manifests itself. However, modern medicine cannot effectively cope with it. Folk remedies, beliefs, magical rites and rituals come to the aid of sufferers. Believing in the healing power of herbs and the magical properties of spells, as well as having sufficient energy, you can, with the help of prayers, heal yourself or cure someone else from the most serious diseases. That is why treatment against psoriasis is most effective through spells and folk remedies.

Drug treatment can have serious consequences, since modern medicine is based on chemicals and other chemotherapy options.

It is no secret that psoriasis can completely ruin the life of a sick person, while powerful sorceresses and healers can cure this disease. White witches can also cure deadly diseases if the patient believes in it and the witch has sufficient strength.

The action of the ritual and the means for its implementation

Under the influence of a ritual against psoriasis, a person is endowed with a large amount of positive energy, which is enhanced by folk remedies. This energy activates the body’s internal reserves, which begin to actively fight the disease.

It is difficult to say how quickly treatment will occur after a conspiracy, since this is influenced by several factors:

  • General condition of the patient;
  • Correct choice of ritual;
  • Stage of the disease;
  • The power of the person who speaks.

Particularly severe stages of the disease will require long-term treatment, which can last from several months to several years. Of course, additional health improvement with folk remedies will not hurt. It is very important to initially set a goal, regardless of the time frame for achieving it, then the conspiracy will help, even if it takes years.

Conspiracies are carried out not only on the patient himself, but also on folk remedies, individual herbs or objects. Most often, such drugs are prepared by grandmothers-healers, after which they should be treated with the affected areas or taken orally. In any case, such treatment is most effective and does not entail any negative consequences, unlike chemotherapy.

Conspiracy based on folk remedies

In the case of this disease, it is necessary to read a strong conspiracy for psoriasis, since simple prayers will not cope with such a complex illness. An experienced, strong healer must perform the ritual, otherwise there will be no effect from the treatment. There are several rituals based on folk medicine.

In the first case, the prayer should be read 9 times. The means to achieve the goal will be rose hips, alcohol tincture of rowan, linen cloth and a candle. First, place a lit candle, over the flame of which rose hips should be held. Then, one by one, these berries are touched to areas of the body (palms, feet, knees, elbows, face), after which the berries are dipped into an alcohol tincture of red rowan. At this moment, you can begin to read the prayer 9 times, after which you wipe the above-mentioned areas of the body with linen cloth. After wiping, the fabric is completely burned over a candle.

Conspiracy “For psoriasis” with folk remedies

“I chase the disease with fire with flame, I drive it into red. From palms to feet, from knees to elbows. No ulcerative dryness, no creaking itching, no skin pits. I will wash the remains with a rag in the morning and burn them over the fire. From now on, forever, from the palms and feet, from the knees and elbows. As my veins are in me, like threads in flax, so in
the flame is a sick sore, until the last spark, until the end. I am healthy, but the fire is ill. Key, lock."

The conspiracy is carried out late in the evening on the moon, as it symbolizes the extinction of negative energy.

At the end of the ritual, the person must go to bed naked. In the morning, areas of the body are rinsed with water in the order indicated above (the face last), after which the used tincture with berries is buried deeply in the north side of the house. From above, the burial place of the tincture is covered with a massive stone. The rinsing is repeated every morning.

You can also read the egg yolk spell. The remedy for performing the ritual against psoriasis is the yolk of one egg. The ritual begins, according to folk legends, at midnight. The yolk is separated from the white, then the spell should be read on it 3 times.

Psoriasis spell for egg yolk

“The skin is sick, the muscle is alive, the bone is white, the bone is yellow. 3 monks are walking, 3 crosses are being carried: one healing one - for me, one for the monastery, one for the parish. Conspiracy, white with a cross, monk, sick yolk with me. The chicken is on a pole, and its egg is on me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."
God (name), did not want, did not want either a trap, or a potion, or dope. Roll down, fall down. I will give you a funeral service for the dope with all the saints. The cross is holy, the dope is removed, the cross is strong. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

The charmed yolk is applied to the affected areas and is not washed off until the morning. The ritual is repeated for 12 days. At this time, it is necessary to observe strict fasting: tea and black bread.

Complete collection and description: prayer for water for psoriasis for the spiritual life of a believer.

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Conspiracies for psoriasis will help

Unfortunately, prayers and conspiracies for psoriasis are remembered only when the disease has become sufficiently “strong” and established itself in the body. The problem is that skin diseases are quite difficult and troublesome to treat, and psoriasis in particular, and besides, this disease has been little studied.

Meanwhile, if you consult a competent doctor in time and/or use spells, this can significantly shorten the recovery time.

Psoriasis looks like the formation of excessively dry, red, slightly raised spots in comparison with the general surface of the skin, called psoriatic plaques.

Most often, these plaques appear on areas subject to friction, on the elbows and knees, in the places of their outer bends, and in a place just below the back. However, this is only the beginning, then they can spread almost anywhere, including the palms, crown of the head, genitals, feet, and once psoriasis spreads, it can even reach bone tissue. Therefore, it is better to start treating psoriasis right away.

Cleansing prayer for psoriasis

The prayer is read in the bathhouse on any church holiday, preferably on Maundy Thursday. While you are steaming, whisper:

“My Lord, my Savior, free my skin and my body from all filth, from vile disease, from vile leprosy. Cleanse my soul and heart from vile thoughts, obscene desires, evil memories, dashing enmity. Just as I forgive my offenders, so forgive me my sins and free me from all illnesses. In the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

It would not be superfluous to mention that a prerequisite for fulfilling the prayer will be unconditional forgiveness of one’s offenders. How will the Lord forgive you if you cannot forgive? Almost all of us have at least 1-2 people who once deeply “hooked” us and are very difficult to forgive; perhaps it is someone close to us. Nevertheless, you need to somehow overcome the resentment.

Psoriasis spell with holy water

Holy water is a symbol of holiness and purity; even ardent skeptics admit that there is something miraculous and healing in it. And at all times, its exceptional properties have been used in the treatment of ailments. It is quite capable of cleansing your skin and eliminating diseases. You can use this spell for almost any skin disease: ulcers, acne, acne, boils, lichen and others. So, while washing the plaques, read:

“Water is Clean, water is Holy, it will cleanse my body, clear my skin from plaques and psoriasis.

Just as this water is pure, so may my skin be pure.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

And don't forget to take a sip of the holy water.

The conspiracy will help get rid of psoriasis

A foggy glass, glass or mirror is suitable for these purposes. Run a clean finger over such glass, then use it over the surface of the sore, without pressing, rubbing it with light movements, say:

“From clear to plaques, from clear to sores.

I send dryness to my illness, I deliver myself from unclean illness

All the harmful moisture will certainly go away, my sore and plaque will heal.

As said, let it be so. Amen".

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I have been studying magic for many years, and I see my meaning in life as helping people.

My main principles: Individual approach to each person and work for results.

Psoriasis conspiracy

Psoriasis conspiracy

Most often, a spell for psoriasis is performed when the disease is already very deeply entrenched in the human body. This is far from the wrong approach, since doctors begin any treatment at the first signs of illness, so why not do the same when turning to magical love spells? Yes, sometimes they manage to literally pull a person out of the other world, but only sometimes. Recovery from diseases like psoriasis (in an advanced state) may be delayed.

A little history

Since ancient times, people have been completely dependent on nature. They explained all natural phenomena by the influence of supernatural forces. Primitive man presented them with gifts and made requests and wishes. Over time, appeals received some form and “secret” words were formed for certain requests.

Therefore, today there are a huge number of conspiracies, from the ability to control natural elements to healing the human body. Over time, the number of people who performed rituals and spoke with the gods began to decrease. The chosen ones carefully preserved knowledge of conspiracies and rituals. Such people subsequently began to be called magi, shamans, sorcerers, healers, etc.

Conspiracies, regardless of religion, are used by all peoples and nations. Since Ancient Rome and Greece, Egypt, and African tribes, conspiracies and spells have been used in initiation, healing, and rituals.

Conspiracies on the territory of Ancient Rus' experienced a certain transformation. After Christianity was adopted, conspiracies were supplemented with prayers and appeals to patrons and saints. Despite the fact that the way of communicating with God has changed, the essence remains the same. Therefore, for the conspiracy to be highly effective, you must adhere to certain conditions. When pronouncing the spell, you must turn in the direction of the appearance of light.

The words of the conspiracy are pronounced alone (if there is no other condition according to the rule of the ritual), with clarity and without haste, with penetration into every word and with faith in what was intended.

The action of the conspiracy

How does the conspiracy work?

The ritual endows a sick person with special energy, helps to reveal his internal reserves, and prepares him to fight. Sometimes recovery can take years, and sometimes a conspiracy can nullify the disease in a matter of weeks. The result greatly depends on the skill and skill of the performer. Therefore, in a difficult case, it is better not to try to carry out the conspiracy yourself, but to turn to professionals. There is so much power in their mouths and hands that it can revive even a dying person.

This conspiracy activates internal processes, the skin and internal organs begin to work and change faster, a person’s well-being improves, scales and wounds disappear.

Execution of the plot

For the conspiracy you will need:

  • Alcohol tincture of red rowan
  • Rosehip berries
  • Linen fabric
  • Candle and matches

The ritual is intended to be performed on oneself. You need to light a candle late in the evening, hold a few rose hips over the flame, touch them to your palms, feet, knees, elbows and throw them into the alcohol tincture. Say nine times:

The same places are wiped with a linen rag and burned without a trace over a candle. After which they undress naked and go to bed. When you wake up early in the morning, first rinse your palms, feet, knees and elbows with water, and then your face. A tincture of rowan with rose hips is buried as deep as possible in the northern side of the house, and a stone is placed on top. The washing procedure is repeated again in the prescribed order.

A spell for psoriasis, like other rituals for recovery, is done on the waning moon. The moon symbolizes the fading of negative energy, the retreat of the disease. The ritual is carried out independently, without witnesses or assistants. If this is not possible, then it is better to choose a ritual in which the ritual will be performed by another performer.

Treatment with watermelon

As soon as summer begins, the patient begins to wash himself with watermelons. In this case, you need to give up meat, fat, lard, butter, sausages, and bread. The patient can only eat watermelon and cottage cheese. Cut the watermelon into 2 halves and eat the pulp. This is how the patient should start and end the day. Watermelon will fill a person with moisture, sweating and urine will expel all toxins. The body will be flushed and hunger will be satisfied. It is important to choose low-fat cottage cheese and red and sweet watermelon. Once every ten days, you can make a salad from milky ripe cucumbers and yellow tomatoes with olive oil.

Once again at ten or twelve at night, eat half a teaspoon of honey. Obesity is also treated in this way. The main thing is that when hunger makes itself felt, there is a juicy, red watermelon at hand.

Psoriasis is also treated using the following method: Brew one tablespoon of cereal 2 tbsp. l. water and wipe the sore spot with this decoction for twenty days.

They also read this spell on a red rag for nine evenings in a row and, wiping themselves with it, go to bed, after which they can no longer talk to anyone until the morning. Otherwise nothing will work:

I look at the holy images In the eyes of the Mother of God, In her hands is Jesus Christ. On whom her eyes will stand, on that body there will be no ailments. Sickness go to the wide sea, Sickness sit on the bottom of the sea. You live there, you live there, but you won’t be a slave (name) forever. Amen.

Egg white spell

The power of egg white

At midnight, separate the yolk from the white, slander it 3 times, smear it on the sore spots and leave it overnight. So for twelve nights. During treatment, they do not drink alcohol and keep a strict fast: black bread with tea.

The skin is sick, the muscle is alive, the bone is white, the bone is yellow. 3 monks are walking, 3 crosses are being carried: one healing one - for me, one for the monastery, one for the parish. Conspiracy, white with a cross, monk, sick yolk with me. The chicken is on a pole, and its egg is on me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Another remedy for psoriasis

  • Butter - forty grams
  • Chicken egg - one piece
  • Vinegar essence - two hundred milliliters

This whole composition is mixed well and left in the refrigerator in a glass container. Apply to the affected areas of the body for at least 12 days every three hours. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the composition should not contain acid, but acetic essence, in order to save the body from the danger of getting burns.

Conspiracy and prayer for psoriasis when medicine is powerless

Archeology has proven that the disease occurred a thousand years ago, occurring among emperors and noble people. The disease was called "imperial". It was believed that the disease appears due to resentment, greed or damage. The works of learned men of ancient Greece and Rome were discovered, describing the symptoms and methods of treating the disease.

Ancient Rus' had its own methods of getting rid of the disease. Russian forests, taiga, and steppes were considered storehouses of medicinal herbs. Healers were very careful about collecting herbs for psoriasis spells

Who is alternative medicine?

From time immemorial, man has sought healing from God, from the depths of nature. Alternative therapy for psoriasis is increasingly attracting special attention when traditional medicine is helpless.

Real healers live in the outback, practicing treatment of illness according to the ancient teachings of their ancestors. Today we have collected and described the healing spells of the famous Siberian healer, which miraculously help the sick. Special prayers against illness are aimed at alleviating suffering and recovery.

Performing the ritual

The spell against psoriasis is performed at a certain time of the day. It is carried out not only on the patient, but also on his food and medicinal infusions.

The prayer is read by a person with strong energy. Be sure to do it alone, clearly, without haste. The plot must be read and directed towards the dawn of the sun.

The ritual for recovery is performed on the waning moon, symbolizing the waning of bad energy and helping the disease to recede. The basis for a successful outcome is faith.

For prayer you will need:

  • candle and matches;
  • linen fabric;
  • rosehip berries;
  • alcoholic infusion of red rowan.

Late in the evening a candle is lit. Several rose hips are held over the flame, after which one should touch the places mentioned in the plot. Throw the berries into the alcoholic infusion of red rowan. Say the psoriasis plot nine times:

“I chase the disease with fire with flame, I drive it into red. From palms to feet, from knees to elbows. No ulcerative dryness, no squeaky itching, no skin pits. I will wash the remains with a rag in the morning and burn them over the fire. From now on, forever, from the palms and feet, from the knees and elbows. Just as my veins are in me, like threads in flax, so in the flame is the sickness, until the last spark, until the end. I am healthy, but the fire is ill. Key, lock."

The same places are wiped with linen cloth, the cloth is completely burned over a candle. Then they go to bed naked. Early in the morning, wash your palms, feet, knees, elbows, and then your face with water. The infusion with rose hips is buried very deeply from the northern part of the house, and a stone is placed on top. Afterwards, the procedure of washing the above places is carried out again.

For the next ritual you will need:

A prayer is said three times over a chicken yolk at midnight:

“The bone is yellow, the bone is white, the muscle is alive, the skin is sick. Three monks are walking, carrying three crosses:

one for the parish, one for the monastery, one healing - for me.

Conspiracy, monk, sick yolk, white with a cross, with me. Chicken on a pole

and her egg is on me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Apply to the affected areas and leave overnight. The procedure is repeated 12 nights in a row. In this case, you should not drink alcoholic beverages. They keep a very strict fast, consisting of tea and black bread.

Thanks to rituals, a person’s internal energy channels are released. All functions of the human body are activated, contributing to the cleansing of the skin from psoriasis plaques and rapid recovery.

The result of the outcome very much depends on the skill and strict adherence to the rules of conduct. The ritual is very complex, so it is best to turn to professional healers. It is they who, with their energetic power, are able to lift even a hopelessly ill person.

You should not expect an instant cure. This process is labor-intensive and can take a long time. The duration of the recovery period is individual for each patient.

*Insults, racial discrimination, political debates, obscene language, etc. are prohibited.

Strong prayer for psoriasis

Traditional healers often turn to God for help when treating diseases. Psoriatic lesions were no exception in this regard, and strong prayer for psoriasis has reached our days. Of course, it is best to get an appointment with a real sorcerer, but if this is not possible, then you can do the conspiracy yourself. The main thing is to believe and not violate the recommendations.

Conspiracy for psoriasis using rose hips

You can whisper a spell against psoriasis on rose hips. The ritual involves some – not complicated – preparatory stage, but it gives an excellent result. But to get the expected relief, you must follow the following rules:
  • Only a sick person can speak about psoriasis in this way, i.e. he must read it himself;
  • It is necessary to pronounce the spell precisely during the phase of the waning moon, since if read at another period of the month it will not give the desired result.

Before a strong prayer for psoriasis is read, you will need to prepare the following things:

  • Tincture of rowan berries (you can buy it in the pharmacy chain).
  • Rosehip berries. It is preferable to consume freshly picked ones. But, if this is not possible, then you can use dried ones.
  • Natural linen of natural color (small shred).
  • A candle bought in the temple.
  • Matches.

As soon as the entire necessary set of things is prepared, you can begin to perform ritual actions.

The psoriasis spell should be carried out in an empty room. The time should be late and the sun should be completely gone.

All necessary things need to be laid out on the table, sit on a chair and light a candle. It’s good – but you shouldn’t be too zealous – to warm rose hips in the flame of a candle. Then touch the berries to your elbows, knees, palms and feet. Place the fruits in a rowan tincture poured into a cup in advance.

After this strong prayer for psoriasis is read, you need to touch all the places indicated in the plot with a piece of cloth. After this, set the material on fire with a candle and let it burn completely.

After this, you can go to bed, having first taken off all your clothes. In the morning, immediately after waking up, the patient should wash his elbows, knees and palms with clean water. And only after that you can wash your face and brush your teeth.

The next step is getting rid of the rowan tincture and rose hips. It is not allowed to leave her in the house, since she has taken on part of the disease. But under no circumstances should you pour it out. To get rid of it “correctly”, you need to go out into your yard and bury a container in its northern part. It is imperative to lay a heavy cobblestone on top.

No more itching, peeling, redness and other symptoms of PSORIASIS! Our readers are already using this newest method to treat psoriasis. Read now in the special issue “Live Healthy!” with Elena Malysheva!

After the jar is buried, the patient must return to the house and once again wash the inflamed surfaces of the skin.

This prayer for psoriasis is quite effective and improvement in general condition occurs very quickly. In addition, drug treatment of psoriasis gives much better results.

Conspiracy against psoriasis on red cloth

A strong prayer or conspiracy against psoriasis on a red cloth - wool must be chosen - has enormous power. But it takes quite a long time: you need to read the hex for nine days in a row. You can't skip the nightly ritual!

And now about how to cure psoriasis on red wool. Before you go to bed, you need to whisper a text into the fur.

With the material read, touch all existing psoriatic formations. After this, you need to immediately go to bed, remaining silent until you wake up. This is a must!

The ritual must be repeated on each of the nine evenings. There is no need to change the fabric. On the morning of the tenth day, the matter simply needs to be burned. The first results will be noticeable in a few days. But you can’t stop, because the ritual must be completed completely.

Strong prayer for psoriasis on an egg

A prayer for psoriasis, read on an egg, relieves psoriatic manifestations in exactly twelve days.

To treat psoriasis, you must first separate the yolk and white parts. The reading whispers to the last one.

Apply the read product to psoriatic plaques.

For prayer for psoriasis to be as effective as possible, the following conditions must be met:

  • leave the charmed protein throughout sleep;
  • as soon as the plaques are treated, you need to immediately go to bed, maintaining complete silence until the morning;
  • the spell must be pronounced every evening for twelve days, and during the entire time one must fast (essentially the same strict diet for psoriasis) - one is allowed to eat only black bread and unsweetened tea.

Psoriasis spell for window condensation

There is another effective curse on window condensation. If the window fogs up, you need to collect droplets on your finger and touch the surfaces of all psoriatic formations with it, whispering the text.

The maximum effect can be obtained if ritual actions are carried out for the waning month.

Video with prayer for psoriasis

All information is presented for educational purposes. Do not self-medicate, it is dangerous! Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis.

Most often, a spell for psoriasis is performed when the disease is already very deeply entrenched in the human body. This is far from the wrong approach, since doctors begin any treatment at the first signs of illness, so why not do the same when turning to magical love spells? Yes, sometimes they manage to literally pull a person out of the other world, but only sometimes. Recovery from diseases like psoriasis (in an advanced state) may be delayed.

A little history

From the history

Since ancient times, people have been completely dependent on nature. They explained all natural phenomena by the influence of supernatural forces. Primitive man presented them with gifts and made requests and wishes. Over time, appeals received some form and “secret” words were formed for certain requests.

Therefore, today there are a huge number of conspiracies, from the ability to control natural elements to healing the human body. Over time, the number of people who performed rituals and spoke with the gods began to decrease. The chosen ones carefully preserved knowledge of conspiracies and rituals. Such people subsequently began to be called magi, shamans, sorcerers, healers, etc.

Conspiracies, regardless of religion, are used by all peoples and nations. Since Ancient Rome and Greece, Egypt, and African tribes, conspiracies and spells have been used in initiation, healing, and rituals.

Conspiracies on the territory of Ancient Rus' experienced a certain transformation. After Christianity was adopted, conspiracies were supplemented with prayers and appeals to patrons and saints. Despite the fact that the way of communicating with God has changed, the essence remains the same. Therefore, for the conspiracy to be highly effective, you must adhere to certain conditions. When pronouncing the spell, you must turn in the direction of the appearance of light.

The words of the conspiracy are pronounced alone (if there is no other condition according to the rule of the ritual), with clarity and without haste, with penetration into every word and with faith in what was intended.

The action of the conspiracy

How does the conspiracy work?

The ritual endows a sick person with special energy, helps to reveal his internal reserves, and prepares him to fight. Sometimes recovery can take years, and sometimes a conspiracy can nullify the disease in a matter of weeks. The result greatly depends on the skill and skill of the performer. Therefore, in a difficult case, it is better not to try to carry out the conspiracy yourself, but to turn to professionals. There is so much power in their mouths and hands that it can revive even a dying person.

This conspiracy activates internal processes, the skin and internal organs begin to work and change faster, a person’s well-being improves, scales and wounds disappear.

Execution of the plot

What you will need

For the conspiracy you will need:

  • Alcohol tincture of red rowan
  • Rosehip berries
  • Linen fabric
  • Candle and matches

The ritual is intended to be performed on oneself. You need to light a candle late in the evening, hold a few rose hips over the flame, touch them to your palms, feet, knees, elbows and throw them into the alcohol tincture. Say nine times:

“I chase the disease with fire with flame, I drive it into red. From palms to feet, from knees to elbows. No ulcerative dryness, no squeaky itching, no skin pits. I will wash the remains with a rag in the morning and burn them over the fire. From now on, forever, from the palms and feet, from the knees and elbows. Just as my veins are in me, like threads in flax, so in the flame is the sickness, until the last spark, until the end. I am healthy, but the fire is ill. Key, lock."

The same places are wiped with a linen rag and burned without a trace over a candle. After which they undress naked and go to bed. When you wake up early in the morning, first rinse your palms, feet, knees and elbows with water, and then your face. A tincture of rowan with rose hips is buried as deep as possible in the northern side of the house, and a stone is placed on top. The washing procedure is repeated again in the prescribed order.

A spell for psoriasis, like other rituals for recovery, is done on the waning moon. The moon symbolizes the fading of negative energy, the retreat of the disease. The ritual is carried out independently, without witnesses or assistants. If this is not possible, then it is better to choose a ritual in which the ritual will be performed by another performer.

Treatment with watermelon

As soon as summer begins, the patient begins to wash himself with watermelons. In this case, you need to give up meat, fat, lard, butter, sausages, and bread. The patient can only eat watermelon and cottage cheese. Cut the watermelon into 2 halves and eat the pulp. This is how the patient should start and end the day. Watermelon will fill a person with moisture, sweating and urine will expel all toxins. The body will be flushed and hunger will be satisfied. It is important to choose low-fat cottage cheese and red and sweet watermelon. Once every ten days, you can make a salad from milky ripe cucumbers and yellow tomatoes with olive oil.

Once again at ten or twelve at night, eat half a teaspoon of honey. Obesity is also treated in this way. The main thing is that when hunger makes itself felt, there is a juicy, red watermelon at hand.

Psoriasis is also treated using the following method: Brew one tablespoon of cereal 2 tbsp. l. water and wipe the sore spot with this decoction for twenty days.

They also read this spell on a red rag for nine evenings in a row and, wiping themselves with it, go to bed, after which they can no longer talk to anyone until the morning. Otherwise nothing will work:

I look at the holy images In the eyes of the Mother of God, In her hands is Jesus Christ. On whom her eyes will stand, on that body there will be no ailments. Sickness go to the wide sea, Sickness sit on the bottom of the sea. You live there, you live there, but you won’t be a slave (name) forever. Amen.

Egg white spell

The power of egg white

At midnight, separate the yolk from the white, slander it 3 times, smear it on the sore spots and leave it overnight. So for twelve nights. During treatment, they do not drink alcohol and keep a strict fast: black bread with tea.

The skin is sick, the muscle is alive, the bone is white, the bone is yellow. 3 monks are walking, 3 crosses are being carried: one healing one - for me, one for the monastery, one for the parish. Conspiracy, white with a cross, monk, sick yolk with me. The chicken is on a pole, and its egg is on me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Another remedy for psoriasis

Folk recipe

  • Butter - forty grams
  • Chicken egg - one piece
  • Vinegar essence - two hundred milliliters

This whole composition is mixed well and left in the refrigerator in a glass container. Apply to the affected areas of the body for at least 12 days every three hours. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the composition should not contain acid, but acetic essence, in order to save the body from the danger of getting burns.

Everything about religion and faith - “a prayer or conspiracy for psoriasis” with a detailed description and photographs.

Every person strives to look perfect. And acne can become an obstacle to this, especially when their number significantly exceeds human desires. In order to get rid of various skin problems, people are looking for the most effective ways to solve them, often resorting to magical influences. A spell for psoriasis is one of the ways to eliminate psoriasis and other factors that can ruin your appearance.

Psoriasis conspiracy

Should you be afraid of the consequences of treatment with conspiracies?

Folk conspiracies that are aimed at ridding a person of skin ailments are the safest means of magical influence. The magic of words, which is triggered by a prayer or a certain curse, is aimed at good action. Therefore, any fears of consequences and returns should not bother a person who uses conspiracies for psoriasis, even those that have the most powerful effect. If fear takes over, then there is simple advice on how to let the Universe know that balance has been restored. It is enough to give alms to those asking.

What is important to understand when using traditional medicine

Before using spells for psoriasis, pimples and acne, a person must understand several basic recommendations that will help get a more effective result.

  1. The magic of words, which is activated after reading the conspiracy, is most effective when the person who used it sincerely believes in what he is doing and what he is asking for from higher powers.
  2. It is no secret to anyone that some rituals and conspiracies depend on what phase the moon is in. However, certain magical effects aimed at getting rid of blackheads and other skin problems also depend on what day of the week they are performed. The plot against skin inflammation and psoriasis is recommended to be read on days such as Saturday, Wednesday or Tuesday. But it is best to read it on Maundy Thursday.
  3. Exactly how the plot is read also matters. This remedy, which helps get rid of skin problems on the face and body, is recommended to be said in a whisper, but with confidence in the voice. It is necessary to cleanse the skin with the help of spells alone, reading the text by heart. Also, magical practices have shown that before using spells, you should refrain from bad habits and observe fasts.

Various texts of conspiracies for skin ailments and psoriasis

As in any other case, there are many different conspiracies that relieve psoriasis. Each of them is effective in its own way. But there are those that are more popular than others.

Conspiracy using spring water

This powerful spell for psoriasis is the most popular among those who have used magic to clear their skin. Pure spring water is spoken, which is placed in a certain container.

What to prepare for the ritual:

  • clay bowl;
  • liter of clean spring water;
  • conspiracy text.

The text of the conspiracy is as follows:

“May my face be like a mirrored surface, like mother water, clean and fresh, brighter than light, whiter than snow, from this day forward and for all the light ages. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen."

The water on which the spell was read is poured onto the left hand in a thin stream, and then washed with it. These actions must be performed within three days at night.

Horsetail spell to get rid of psoriasis

A simple, but no less powerful conspiracy involves the use of the medicinal plant horsetail. This representative of the flora has not only magical, but also medicinal properties. Using spells, a person can forever rid himself of all possible rashes that appear on the face. In order to free your skin from problems, you need to take baths with this plant. First, 500 g of horsetail is evaporated in two liters of boiled water. Traditional healers say that this method is best used to treat a son or daughter; a mother’s word has powerful energy.

How the ritual is performed:

  1. Before taking a bath, those suffering from psoriasis recite the Lord’s Prayer.
  2. Next you need to understand
  3. When a person is in the water, it is necessary to read the following plot:

“I take a cleansing bath, rid my body of infection, rid my skin of (acne, ulcers or other problem). I will be clean, white, beautiful, young. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen."

Due to the healing properties of horsetail, such actions can help get rid of not only psoriasis, but also ulcers and lichen, which is also a fairly serious problem.

How else can you spell water?

A lot of remedies that help get rid of psoriasis use water, based on the memory properties of this substance. Many spells using water were used by our ancestors many centuries ago. They are still used today.

In order for the water spell to be as effective as possible, certain conditions must be met. The first of them is that water will help cleanse the skin of blackheads when it has passed the stage of charging with the energy appropriate for treatment. It is also important to understand that treating psoriasis with the help of spells and accompanying magical actions requires a person’s full concentration on his problem. This will have a positive effect on the effectiveness of the ritual.

Another important condition is to drain the water used for magical cleansing of problems on the face and body into the same container. After the activities are completed, the water resource is poured out on the street at three intersections.

Plot on a bowl

Charming a bowl of water is a fairly effective and popular way of cleansing the face using folk magic remedies. This self-healing ritual came to us from the Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova. She believed that not only healers, but also prayers and conspiracies aimed at self-medication at home can at times give a much greater effect than any drugs and official methods.

How to perform the ritual:

  1. Conspiracies are read over a wide bowl with a capacity of 2 liters, into which water has previously been poured.
  2. Circle the container three times with a candle from the temple.
  3. And read the plot.

The text of the conspiracy is as follows:

“As the holy face is pure, so may my face be pure from now on! Amen."

Wash with charmed water several times a day. A simple and effective ritual guarantees a gradual cure for psoriasis on the face. Reviews of Stepanova’s methods say that traditional medicine is stronger, safer and more effective than any clinical means.

Water spell

To perform this ritual, you need to start your day with spring or mineral water. Even reviews from doctors say that such methods of internal cleansing are called the most effective. The liquid must be poured into a glass and the following text read above it:

“I drink water and wash away all the bad stuff. So that my body doesn’t hurt in any way.”

The next step is to charm the water for washing. Water is poured into a cup, 7 drops of lemon juice are added to it and a slander is said. The spell is read 5 times.

“Water, water, wash away the pimples, sores, everything pockmarked and pockmarked. Let my face be white, clean, beautiful, good for everyone. Just as the sour juice dissolved in you, every pimple was washed away from me. Let it be so! My word is strong! Amen."

When pronouncing the text of a spell, it is very important to do it in such a way that the breath of the person who began to read it touches the surface of the liquid. After the water is charmed, they wash their face with it and then rinse it off.

Food spells

In order to cleanse the skin on the face and body, you can charm not only water, but also some foods; treatment with food is most effective because it works from the inside. These rituals are also very popular and have a high level of effectiveness. These ritual actions are performed quite simply, and the necessary ingredients are probably available in every home.

Charming bread

Another method of quickly treating both psoriasis and other skin ailments. To perform this ritual you need a piece of bread. Touch it to each place on the face where there are problems, then feed it to the dog. The best thing to do would be to give the bread to a homeless animal. During feeding you need to say the following text:

“The hungry dog ​​ran and licked all my sores. She ate every single one of them and removed them from my body. Amen. Amen. Amen."

Potato spell

This folk remedy for treating with magic is no less simple than the previous ones:

  1. To do this, you need to take a potato and cut it into 2 parts.
  2. Use the resulting halves to rub the problem areas, while clearly and clearly imagining how all the negative energy goes into the vegetable.
  3. When all areas have been wiped, the halves are joined, placed on the center of a sheet of white paper and salted well.
  4. The leaf is rolled up and thrown into the fire.

“Burn, burn, burn my pimples in the fire. Amen."

Rituals on the waning moon

As mentioned earlier, some rites and rituals depend on the lunar phase in which they are performed. Some actions that help cleanse the skin on the face and body are also dependent on this, and they should be performed only on the waning moon.

Conspiracy using blessed water

Place a basin of water and light three candles brought from the church nearby. Rinse your face with water three times, each time saying the text of the spell:

“As the face of a saint is pure, so is my face pure.”

  1. After this, the water is poured into another container and poured out at the intersection.
  2. Candles must be extinguished and removed before the waning moon appears in the sky again.
  3. If necessary, the ritual can be repeated every month until the skin problems are completely eliminated.

With this spell you can treat yourself, your children and your husband.

Why you should try spell therapy

There are many conspiracies and rituals that help you get rid of skin problems and give yourself a flawless appearance. Which one to use is a person’s decision. Very often, the most effective methods of control are not hidden on the shelves of pharmacies and store windows; they are not creams or ointments. And in our hearts and folk wisdom, which for many centuries helped our ancestors no worse than the best medicinal cream or other medicine.

Psoriasis spell Order wax cream "healthy"

The full video can be viewed here: http://vladimir-golovin

Only two procedures were performed. Half of psoriasis

In order to get liberation from what is bothering you, you can simply ask the moon or charm water, laundry or food. The main thing is to sincerely believe in yourself and believe that simple but effective spell magic will help you get rid of your problems once and for all.

Magic (spells, prayers) for the treatment of psoriasis

Despite the achievements of modern medicine, there are still incurable diseases. Which force a person to monitor his condition for years and adhere to various medical recommendations.

Psoriasis is just such a disease. Specific plaques periodically appear on the body, the pathology becomes chronic. Conspiracies and prayers for psoriasis, read under certain conditions, help to get rid of it.

Magic against psoriasis

To get a healing effect from magic against psoriasis, a person must understand that without deep faith in the result and the presence of secret knowledge and experience, it is impossible to heal. Psoriasis is a serious disease; it requires sufficient strength and energy from the sorcerer. Mediums do not recommend reading conspiracies on yourself, because without special preparation, treatment will be carried out with unhealthy energy. Such healing will not give any effect.

In the books of the Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova there are many rituals, the implementation of which helps to improve the health of the body and get rid of psoriasis or skin diseases in general.

But you don’t have to choose complex rituals for yourself. In the early stages of the disease, a short spell for psoriasis will help; in advanced cases, the help of a strong magician is needed.

There are cases where psoriasis that has plagued a person for years disappeared without a trace, to the surprise of doctors.

If the healing method was kept secret, the disease did not return. But one day the healer’s patient could not stand it and told how he got rid of psoriasis. The illness appeared the next day and with much worse symptoms than before. The sorcerer was no longer able to cure her.

An important magic rule: never reveal how you managed to achieve recovery. Magic does not tolerate publicity.

By reading a healing spell, the medium encourages the client’s body to work correctly. Its effect renews the skin and directs its functions in the right direction. The power of the magic word will manifest itself in any case, but the treatment of old chronic psoriasis will require a larger number of sessions.

Video: prayer for Larisa can be used by anyone to treat psoriasis.

Treatment of psoriasis according to Stepanova

Before performing healing rituals, the famous healer recommends cleansing the body. In the summer, it is enough to simply eat ripe watermelons, the liquid of which expels toxins. At night, Natalya Ivanovna advises using 0.5 tablespoons of honey. Cleaning can be done once every 7–10 days.

To cleanse the skin of plaques, Stepanova suggests reading the egg white spell.

The sacrament is performed at midnight. The patient picks up a chicken egg, breaks it and carefully pours the white into a cup. Bending over the dishes, he reads these words:

The charmed protein is used to lubricate areas of the body affected by psoriasis, and they go to bed without talking to anyone until the morning. The ritual should be performed 12 nights in a row. During this period they eat only black bread and black tea without added sugar.

To treat the soles and palms of the hand, the healer advises reading a plot against psoriasis on a piece of red fabric. Sessions are held 9 evenings in a row before going to bed. Taking the cloth in their hands, they quickly whisper the magic text (three times):

They wipe problem surfaces with an enchanted cloth and go to bed. There were no orders to talk until the morning.

A real sorcerer does not name the exact amounts for treatment. “How much will you give” - this is the answer of a person who is not engaged in witchcraft for the sake of profit.

Ritual with rose hips

A ritual for psoriasis using rose hips collects the best reviews from the people who performed it. Magic treatment with him is quick and effective.

To perform you will need:

  • Matchbox.
  • Church candle.
  • Alcohol tincture of rowan berries (pharmacy grade is suitable).
  • A piece of fabric woven from natural colorless linen.
  • A handful of fresh rose hips (you can use dried ones).

Where to start performing a ritual to heal psoriasis? As soon as everything you need has been collected, after sunset you should retire to the room, light and place a candle on the table, and lay out other accessories.

Several berries are carried over the flame so that they have time to warm up. The fruits are applied one by one to all parts of the body where there are symptoms of psoriasis, then thrown into rowan tincture.

As soon as the last word is said, the psoriasis elements are wiped with a linen cloth and the matter is burned in the flame of a candle. Then they strip naked and go to bed. In the morning they wash the body in the following sequence:

The dishes with tincture and rose hips are buried in the northern part of the residential building and a stone is placed on top of the “grave”. Then they return home and wash themselves again in the specified sequence.

Oh, that would be so great! I prayed and the psoriasis disappeared. But personally, such treatment methods do not help me. In any case, you need to follow a diet and use proven medications. Of the non-hormonal ones, naftaderm ointment helps a lot.

The power of thought is an unknown thing. Can greatly help in healing. You just need to intelligently combine it with traditional and non-traditional treatment. For psoriasis, most current medications are hormonal. The rest simply soften the situation. Apparently this is how naftaderm works.

I agree with you! It is no coincidence that there is so much talk about the placebo effect. If there is confidence in recovery, then the process goes much faster. As for naftaderm, it not only softens the condition. It acts deeply enough, so it gives long-term remission.

How do healers treat psoriasis with spells and prayers?

Since ancient times, spells for psoriasis have come to us from wise folk healers. They, like prayers, help many people recover from an illness that has been boring for years, or at least alleviate its course for some time. For success to be achieved, every word must be believed unconditionally and rituals must be carried out correctly. There are hereditary healers who are known not only in their localities, but also far beyond. Their spells and prayers for psoriasis help patients. If it is not possible to get an appointment with a real sorcerer, you can try to perform the ritual yourself, but you should not delay the development of the disease. It is advisable to start treatment using these traditional methods from the initial stage of the disease, then the chance of recovery is much higher.

Treatment of psoriasis with a conspiracy from healers

People know Natalya Stepanova and consider her their first assistant in the treatment of diseases. The Siberian healer saved many from psoriasis with her prayers and spells. However, before starting treatment, she advises cleansing the body with ripe watermelon. It expels accumulated toxins and fills the body with moisture. At night you can eat half a spoon of honey. This can be done not often, but at least once every 10 days.

1. Stepanova knows many rituals to help with psoriatic plaques. Here is a very powerful spell, which, according to the healer, guarantees complete healing. To perform this ritual, you must have egg white. At midnight it is separated from the yolk and the words read on it:

“We have implemented a national Russian development that can get rid of the cause of psoriasis and destroy the disease itself in a few weeks. “

The bone is yellow, the bone is white, the muscle is alive, the skin is sick. Three monks are walking, carrying three crosses: one for the parish, one for the monastery, one healing - for me slaves (state your name). Conspiracy monk, sick yolk, white with a cross, with me. The chicken is on a pole and her egg is on me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Now this protein is applied to all affected areas of the skin and is not washed off until the morning. After such actions are carried out, a girl who has had menstruation only once is given a cut aspen branch so that she can break it over her knee. When an aspen branch burns, you must say:

Burn quickly, the body of (name of the sick person) will be clean. Amen.

The ritual is repeated for exactly 12 nights. The patient and the master must fast. No alcoholic beverages should be consumed.

2. Since ancient times it has been known how to cure plantar psoriasis. For this, healers use another conspiracy. You need to take a piece of red cloth and say holy words of help onto it:

I look at the holy images,

In the eyes of the Virgin Mary,

In her arms is Jesus Christ.

On whom will her eyes rest,

There will be no illnesses on that body.

Go, sickness, to the wide sea,

Sit down, you sick thing, at the bottom of the sea.

That's where you live, that's where you live,

And on the servant of God (the name of an unhealthy person is called)

You won't live forever. Amen.

Use this piece of cloth to wipe all areas where the scales are located and go to bed. It is absolutely forbidden to talk to anyone until the morning. This must be done for 9 evenings without interrupting the course of treatment.

3. Another conspiracy against psoriasis, which healers have been using for many years, will help defeat the disease. You need to collect condensation from the window glass with your finger, which happens when it fogs up, and run a wet finger over the sore spot, saying the words:

Like the ring finger without a name, so the servant of God (name) neither has a sore, nor a pimple, nor a deprivation. As the morning dawn fades, so do the pains and sorrows of the servant of God (say the name of the sick person) fade away. Pain dry up. Go away! Amen.

It is good to carry out the ritual during the waning Moon, although you can try to treat at other times until the disease completely goes away and the body is cleansed.

Prayers for psoriasis

It's never too late to ask God for health with the words of prayer. There is no special prayer that would be read in a particular case, so you can say any holy words that are known.

If psoriasis does not go away, then you should know that it needs to be treated not only outside, where keratinized scales are visible, but also inside. In such cases, with words of prayer, healers advise turning to the Great Martyr Artemy or St. Feodor, who cure gastrointestinal diseases. You can also visit the temple and pray for health at the icon of St. Panteleimon. Many patients found relief from their illness after constantly turning to Nicholas the Saint with prayers.

Elena Malysheva: “How did I manage to defeat psoriasis at home in 1 week, without leaving the couch?!”

New article: a small prayer for the disease psoriasis on the website - in all the details and details from the many sources that we were able to find.

My daughter developed psoriasis again last fall, my daughter is in convulsions, she is 13 years old, her whole body is covered in wounds, I give up. When we left the hospital, an exacerbation began. I prayed and asked God for healing, but the wounds remained in the same place and even grew larger. I was advised to contact you - Boris.

listen to me psoriasis, I am attacking you with a disease and I command you, by the power of the Holy Spirit right now, disappear from Katya’s body. Leave, leave now, leave her, leave her, I said leave her, in the name of Jesus.

(Alla, tell your daughter to actively exhale it several times, and during the exhalations you actively step on the demon)

away from Katya, away, I said, leave her, take this sore with you, leave, leave immediately, by the power of the Holy Spirit I drive you out.

I command all psoriasis plaques to disappear, the skin to renew itself, the excess number of lymphocytes, macrophages and keratinocytes of the skin to disappear, I said, the excess disappear from Katya’s body by the power of the Holy Spirit, in the name of Jesus.

Psoriasis, I throw you into the abyss, in the name of Jesus - get away from Katya, I said - get away from her body in the name of Jesus.

Following Boris’s instructions, I again said the prayer.

Now on her T-shirt there were no these terrible bloody stains and husks, her arms and legs remained in the wounds, but I already knew that they too would disappear, God heard us.

I constantly wanted to cry, out of happiness.

Conspiracy and prayer for psoriasis when medicine is powerless

Archeology has proven that the disease occurred a thousand years ago, occurring among emperors and noble people. The disease was called "imperial". It was believed that the disease appears due to resentment, greed or damage. The works of learned men of ancient Greece and Rome were discovered, describing the symptoms and methods of treating the disease.

Ancient Rus' had its own methods of getting rid of the disease. Russian forests, taiga, and steppes were considered storehouses of medicinal herbs. Healers were very careful about collecting herbs for psoriasis spells

Who is alternative medicine?

From time immemorial, man has sought healing from God, from the depths of nature. Alternative therapy for psoriasis is increasingly attracting special attention when traditional medicine is helpless.

Real healers live in the outback, practicing treatment of illness according to the ancient teachings of their ancestors. Today we have collected and described the healing spells of the famous Siberian healer, which miraculously help the sick. Special prayers against illness are aimed at alleviating suffering and recovery.

Performing the ritual

The spell against psoriasis is performed at a certain time of the day. It is carried out not only on the patient, but also on his food and medicinal infusions.

The prayer is read by a person with strong energy. Be sure to do it alone, clearly, without haste. The plot must be read and directed towards the dawn of the sun.

The ritual for recovery is performed on the waning moon, symbolizing the waning of bad energy and helping the disease to recede. The basis for a successful outcome is faith.

For prayer you will need:

  • candle and matches;
  • linen fabric;
  • rosehip berries;
  • alcoholic infusion of red rowan.

Late in the evening a candle is lit. Several rose hips are held over the flame, after which one should touch the places mentioned in the plot. Throw the berries into the alcoholic infusion of red rowan. Say the psoriasis plot nine times:

“I chase the disease with fire with flame, I drive it into red. From palms to feet, from knees to elbows. No ulcerative dryness, no squeaky itching, no skin pits. I will wash the remains with a rag in the morning and burn them over the fire. From now on, forever, from the palms and feet, from the knees and elbows. Just as my veins are in me, like threads in flax, so in the flame is the sickness, until the last spark, until the end. I am healthy, but the fire is ill. Key, lock."

The same places are wiped with linen cloth, the cloth is completely burned over a candle. Then they go to bed naked. Early in the morning, wash your palms, feet, knees, elbows, and then your face with water. The infusion with rose hips is buried very deeply from the northern part of the house, and a stone is placed on top. Afterwards, the procedure of washing the above places is carried out again.

For the next ritual you will need:

A prayer is said three times over a chicken yolk at midnight:

“The bone is yellow, the bone is white, the muscle is alive, the skin is sick. Three monks are walking, carrying three crosses:

one for the parish, one for the monastery, one healing - for me.

Conspiracy, monk, sick yolk, white with a cross, with me. Chicken on a pole

and her egg is on me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Apply to the affected areas and leave overnight. The procedure is repeated 12 nights in a row. In this case, you should not drink alcoholic beverages. They keep a very strict fast, consisting of tea and black bread.

Thanks to rituals, a person’s internal energy channels are released. All functions of the human body are activated, contributing to the cleansing of the skin from psoriasis plaques and rapid recovery.

The result of the outcome very much depends on the skill and strict adherence to the rules of conduct. The ritual is very complex, so it is best to turn to professional healers. It is they who, with their energetic power, are able to lift even a hopelessly ill person.

You should not expect an instant cure. This process is labor-intensive and can take a long time. The duration of the recovery period is individual for each patient.

*Insults, racial discrimination, political debates, obscene language, etc. are prohibited.

What conspiracies for psoriasis should you read for yourself?

All healers took energy from the surrounding world, and nature was their assistant. Only after this could they direct their energy in the right direction, namely to treat and charm diseases. Words have been passed down from generation to generation that can help a person recover from an illness when medical help was either powerless or could easily be done without it. You should not neglect the help of a professional, but prayer for psoriasis can help you cope with the disease when long and expensive treatments are not effective.

Prayer for psoriasis can help cope with the disease

Magic and treatment of psoriasis

Psoriasis is one of the types of diseases that still remain completely incurable. If you comply with special conditions, then with the help of a conspiracy you can get rid of the pathology that manifests itself from time to time. A person can get the desired effect if he believes in the result, and also becomes familiar with the little secrets and knowledge of experienced healers. Read the spell on yourself necessary with confidence and faith in a positive result t. Before you start reading the plot, you should draw in your imagination the image of a healthy, beautiful and happy person who sincerely believes in his recovery. Among the well-known conspiracies that work and a person feels the result are the following:

Conspiracy on paper

“I’ll collect all the bad things and put them in prison so that you don’t dare get out and do mischief.”

After this, crumple the leaf, and then hide it in another piece of paper. Take a dish and burn the paper on it, wash the remaining ashes into the sink or bathroom and repeat the same words again.

We talk ourselves into the grass

Before performing this magical ritual, you need to prepare and buy or collect medicinal herbs (chamomile, nettle, linden flowers). Bring water to a boil and add herbs so that there is 4-5 times more water. Leave at room temperature, let cool and brew. The temperature should be comfortable for you. Sit comfortably in the bathroom, slowly pour the infusion over yourself and repeat the spell:

“I cleanse myself with three herbs, I wash myself with three powers, I wash away all illness from myself, I drive away from myself forever. Good herbs, help me, heal me, I am resorting to your help, cleanse me and forgive me.”

Do not wipe or rinse, dry and return to normal life.

Water spells

Cold water drawn from the tap must be brought to a boil, and then left to cool to 40 degrees. Then wet a rag and wipe all areas of the body that are affected by psoriasis. When you pour out the water, repeat the words of the spell to yourself:

“Living water, go through the gate, carry illnesses deep into the sea, wash them away quickly - the body will be clean.”

Repeat every day until you notice results and complete recovery. Also drink more water from natural sources and recite a similar spell:

“Living water, go through me, carry illnesses deep into the sea, wash them away quickly - the body will be clean.”

Psoriasis and oats spell

Take natural oats, the kind that is used to feed animals. Fill it with boiled water and put on fire, let it boil for no more than 5 minutes. Then you should leave it to brew for a couple of hours, it’s better to cover it so that there is a steam bath effect. After a couple of hours, take a bandage and soak it in infused oats. Read the plot and blot the sore spots with psoriasis:

“Polyushka is free and free, the sun is red and belted, dance, knock, untie your gift. Let your gift of cobwebs collect from evil spells. Help Oats, the boyar, so that I won’t know sorrow in the future.”

A similar plot can be used at all stages of the disease; take into account that the more you neglect the treatment situation, the more difficult it will be to get rid of the disease.

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  • 12/10/2017 Maria I wonder if I will get my very first copy.

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Spells and prayers for psoriasis

Patients who prefer to deal with skin plaques using traditional medicine often make a conspiracy against psoriasis. History knows many cases when such rituals actually helped defeat the disease. All you need to recover is faith in your own strength and a little patience. Also, do not forget to strictly follow all the rules of the conspiracy. After all, the success of therapy for a dermatological disease depends on this.

The action of magical rituals

Modern medicine offers a lot of methods for treating psoriatic rashes. But in fact, they only help to reduce the severity of the symptoms of the pathology, and put it into remission. Therefore, patients begin to look for other methods to solve the problem. Many of them try to cast special spells on themselves or loved ones that help defeat the disease.

Strong conspiracies that promote recovery from psoriasis force a person’s internal energy to fully open up. It is she who helps the body cleanse itself of painful rashes. With the help of magical rituals, the body's reserves are activated, which have not been used for a long time. They are sent to fight a disease that medicine has not yet learned to completely cure.

The effectiveness that a spell or prayer for psoriasis should have directly depends on a number of important factors:

  1. The current state of health of the person;
  2. Complexity of the disease;
  3. Correct selection of ritual;
  4. The strength of the patient's internal energy.

Equally important is who exactly performs the ritual. If the case is very severe, patients should not refuse to use other methods of traditional therapy against psoriasis along with the conspiracy.

A conspiracy for psoriasis is not always carried out on the patient. It is often done with medications that should help cope with the pathological process.

A ritual is useless if the patient himself does not believe in it

Types of rituals

There are a huge variety of different conspiracies that help cope with skin lesions from psoriatic plaques. Symptoms of the disease are well treated with special prayers.

Ritual with a red rag

Absolutely anyone can treat psoriasis using the red rag spell. For it to work, it is necessary to perform the ritual within 9 days. The most important thing is not to miss a single day.

Before going to bed, you need to say the following words on a red rag:

“I look at the holy images In the eyes of the Mother of God, In her hands is Jesus Christ. On whom her eyes will stand, on that body there will be no ailments. Sickness go to the wide sea, Sickness sit on the bottom of the sea. You live there, you live there, but you won’t be a slave (name) forever. Amen".

When finished, use a rag to thoroughly wipe all the areas covered with plaques. Afterwards you need to go straight to bed.

After the ritual has been carried out for 9 days, the rag is burned. The first results of unconventional treatment will become noticeable after a couple of days.

Food plot

To treat psoriatic rashes of a husband, wife, child or other loved one, you can read food conspiracies. They will be able to influence the body from the inside, thereby accelerating recovery.

Rituals should be performed on the following products:

  • Bread. You'll need a piece of it. They should touch every area that appears to be affected by psoriasis. Afterwards, you need to give the bread to a dog, preferably a homeless one. At the moment of feeding the animal, you must say: “The hungry dog ​​ran, licked all my sores. She ate every single one of them and removed them from my body. Amen. Amen. Amen.".
  • Potato. Another simple remedy that helps cure psoriasis with a spell. To carry it out, you need to take a potato and cut it into 2 halves. They need to wipe the affected areas on the body and face. At this time, it is advisable to understand as clearly as possible how the root crop absorbs the disease. Upon completion of the procedure, the halves are connected. They need to be placed on white paper and salted well. Afterwards the leaf is thrown into the fire. At this moment you should say the words: “Burn, burn, burn my pimples in the fire. Amen.".

Conspiracies against psoriasis on products are considered the most popular, since they do not require specific items.

Exotic items are not needed for a food plot

According to Stepanova's method

Many positive reviews can be found online about the method of treating psoriasis proposed by Stepanova. It offers a simple way to combat dermatological disease.

In the summer, psoriatic plaques on the skin can be removed using the Stepanova method, which involves cleansing the body using liquid from ripe watermelons. They should be eaten before bed. It is also advisable to eat ½ tsp. natural honey. Such cleaning will be effective if carried out once a week;

Egg plot

The well-known egg white spell helps a lot. This ritual must be performed at midnight. The patient should pick up a chicken egg, break it and pour its white into a cup. Afterwards, the patient must bend over the vessel and read the spell:

“The bone is yellow and the bone is white, the skin is sick and the muscle is alive. Three monks are walking, carrying three crosses with them. One - to the church parish, the second - to the monastery, the third healing - for me, the servant of God (state your full name). A conspiracy, a squirrel with a cross, a monk and my sick yolk with me. The chicken sits on a pole, and its egg remains with me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Afterwards, you need to lubricate the affected areas with protein. Then the patient should go to bed without talking to anyone until the morning.

Such a conspiracy, read on a son by his mother, works well.

As with the red rag spell, you cannot talk after the ritual

Water spell

To carry out the ritual, spring water is required, which must be poured into a clay vessel. When making a spell on water, you must say the following words:

“May my face be like a mirrored surface, like mother water, clean and fresh, brighter than light, whiter than snow, from this day forward and for all the light ages. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen."

Upon completion of the reading of the plot, healing water is poured into the patient’s left hand. Afterwards he washes his face with it. This ritual should be repeated for 3 days.

A correctly performed ritual helps fill the body of a psoriasis patient with magical energy, which helps suppress all pathological processes in the body. The most important thing is to pronounce the words of the conspiracy with faith in them. Only in this case will the ritual work and the person will be cured of the hated disease.

Judging by the fact that you are reading these lines now, victory in the fight against psoriasis is not yet on your side.

Have you already thought about radical treatment methods? This is understandable, because psoriasis can progress, resulting in the rash covering 70-80% of the body surface. Which leads to a chronic form.

Red blistering blisters on the skin, itching, cracked heels, peeling skin. All these symptoms are familiar to you firsthand. But perhaps it would be more correct to treat not the effect, but the cause? We recommend reading the secret of cure from the head of the Institute of Dermatology of the Russian Federation, V.N. Abrosimov.

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Magic (spells, prayers) for the treatment of psoriasis

Despite the achievements of modern medicine, there are still incurable diseases. Which force a person to monitor his condition for years and adhere to various medical recommendations.

Psoriasis is just such a disease. Specific plaques periodically appear on the body, the pathology becomes chronic. Conspiracies and prayers for psoriasis, read under certain conditions, help to get rid of it.

Magic against psoriasis

To get a healing effect from magic against psoriasis, a person must understand that without deep faith in the result and the presence of secret knowledge and experience, it is impossible to heal. Psoriasis is a serious disease; it requires sufficient strength and energy from the sorcerer. Mediums do not recommend reading conspiracies on yourself, because without special preparation, treatment will be carried out with unhealthy energy. Such healing will not give any effect.

In the books of the Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova there are many rituals, the implementation of which helps to improve the health of the body and get rid of psoriasis or skin diseases in general.

But you don’t have to choose complex rituals for yourself. In the early stages of the disease, a short spell for psoriasis will help; in advanced cases, the help of a strong magician is needed.

There are cases where psoriasis that has plagued a person for years disappeared without a trace, to the surprise of doctors.

If the healing method was kept secret, the disease did not return. But one day the healer’s patient could not stand it and told how he got rid of psoriasis. The illness appeared the next day and with much worse symptoms than before. The sorcerer was no longer able to cure her.

An important magic rule: never reveal how you managed to achieve recovery. Magic does not tolerate publicity.

By reading a healing spell, the medium encourages the client’s body to work correctly. Its effect renews the skin and directs its functions in the right direction. The power of the magic word will manifest itself in any case, but the treatment of old chronic psoriasis will require a larger number of sessions.

Video: prayer for Larisa can be used by anyone to treat psoriasis.

Treatment of psoriasis according to Stepanova

Before performing healing rituals, the famous healer recommends cleansing the body. In the summer, it is enough to simply eat ripe watermelons, the liquid of which expels toxins. At night, Natalya Ivanovna advises using 0.5 tablespoons of honey. Cleaning can be done once every 7–10 days.

To cleanse the skin of plaques, Stepanova suggests reading the egg white spell.

The sacrament is performed at midnight. The patient picks up a chicken egg, breaks it and carefully pours the white into a cup. Bending over the dishes, he reads these words:

The charmed protein is used to lubricate areas of the body affected by psoriasis, and they go to bed without talking to anyone until the morning. The ritual should be performed 12 nights in a row. During this period they eat only black bread and black tea without added sugar.

To treat the soles and palms of the hand, the healer advises reading a plot against psoriasis on a piece of red fabric. Sessions are held 9 evenings in a row before going to bed. Taking the cloth in their hands, they quickly whisper the magic text (three times):

They wipe problem surfaces with an enchanted cloth and go to bed. There were no orders to talk until the morning.

A real sorcerer does not name the exact amounts for treatment. “How much will you give” - this is the answer of a person who is not engaged in witchcraft for the sake of profit.

Ritual with rose hips

A ritual for psoriasis using rose hips collects the best reviews from the people who performed it. Magic treatment with him is quick and effective.

To perform you will need:

  • Matchbox.
  • Church candle.
  • Alcohol tincture of rowan berries (pharmacy grade is suitable).
  • A piece of fabric woven from natural colorless linen.
  • A handful of fresh rose hips (you can use dried ones).

Where to start performing a ritual to heal psoriasis? As soon as everything you need has been collected, after sunset you should retire to the room, light and place a candle on the table, and lay out other accessories.

Several berries are carried over the flame so that they have time to warm up. The fruits are applied one by one to all parts of the body where there are symptoms of psoriasis, then thrown into rowan tincture.

As soon as the last word is said, the psoriasis elements are wiped with a linen cloth and the matter is burned in the flame of a candle. Then they strip naked and go to bed. In the morning they wash the body in the following sequence:

The dishes with tincture and rose hips are buried in the northern part of the residential building and a stone is placed on top of the “grave”. Then they return home and wash themselves again in the specified sequence.

Oh, that would be so great! I prayed and the psoriasis disappeared. But personally, such treatment methods do not help me. In any case, you need to follow a diet and use proven medications. Of the non-hormonal ones, naftaderm ointment helps a lot.

The power of thought is an unknown thing. Can greatly help in healing. You just need to intelligently combine it with traditional and non-traditional treatment. For psoriasis, most current medications are hormonal. The rest simply soften the situation. Apparently this is how naftaderm works.

I agree with you! It is no coincidence that there is so much talk about the placebo effect. If there is confidence in recovery, then the process goes much faster. As for naftaderm, it not only softens the condition. It acts deeply enough, so it gives long-term remission.

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