Population census of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The population of Kazakhstan between past and future. Peoples inhabiting Kazakhstan

The developed results of the 1937 census were strictly classified. The developers were put on trial for the loss of minor materials.

The 1937 census provided scant data on the national composition.

Population of Kazakhstan by ethnic composition

according to the 1937 census


Number of ethnic group

Whole population




The number of Kazakhs within the USSR in 1937 was 2,862,458, including in the RSFSR - 292,099, KazSSR - 2,181,520, UzSSR - 287,214, Turkmen SSR - 60,035, Tajik SSR - 12,396, Kyrgyz SSR - 25 541.

KazUNKHU (National Economic Accounting Department) found itself at a dead end. It was necessary to explain the undoubted fact of a sharp decline in the population of Kazakhstan in the late 20s without mentioning the famine. Current accounting in these years was weak, however, KazUNKHU presented the following population dynamics to TSUNKHU.

Population dynamics of Kazakhstan (1930-1936)


Absolute number

Absolute growth for the year

The population decline was explained by KazUNKhU by the large number of people who left the USSR (with and without deduction for those who returned). So, excluding those who returned, the loss amounted to 1.3 million people; taking into account those who returned, the balance is about 2 million people.

In 1939, as of January 17, another census of the USSR population was conducted. The 1939 “revision” program contained 16 points. Despite all efforts, the census did not give the desired results; its results were “corrected,” including the number of residents being overestimated.

The task of the 1939 census was to count what the party and government ordered. And no one doubted that statistics would cope with this. For example, in order to confirm the thesis about the rapid growth of the urban population, the status of many settlements was changed: hundreds of settlements were called cities. As a result, it was possible to obtain a figure that showed a more than twofold increase in the number of city residents compared to 1926.

A separate problem was the rewriting of prisoners. It was impossible to allow areas where the population density had always been less than one person per square kilometer to suddenly become densely populated. Therefore, census forms of prisoners (in 1939 there were about three million of them) were distributed evenly, in small portions, throughout the entire country.

However, despite all efforts, the 1939 census did not refute the results obtained in 1937. The organizers of the census, feeling that they were facing the sad fate of their predecessors, began to urgently look for uncounted citizens. They caught and enumerated homeless people and even organized expeditions to hard-to-reach places, hoping to find people not covered by the census there.

From the point of view of the authorities, the results obtained were far from brilliant, but it was impossible to declare another census defective. As a result, its organizers were awarded, and the results were published in an ultra-succinct form. The main materials of the census, including the seven-volume book prepared for publication, were classified for fear that by collating the data by region, it would be possible to discover an addition.

The politicization and ideologization of the census program has sharply reduced the methodological and methodological level. Statistical authorities recalculated data from the 1926 and 1939 censuses for the administrative-territorial regions of Kazakhstan.

Ethnic composition of the population of Kazakhstan according to the 1926 and 1939 census.


absolute V %


absolute V %

Whole population



Dr. nationality

However, these materials remained in the USSR funds for a long time. Their new development began in 1959. However, information on ethnic groups was scarce. The absence of professional statisticians, who were subjected to repression in 1937-1939, had an impact. In January 1959, the first post-war census was carried out. The materials of this census were affected by the long legacy of the ideology of Stalinism. At the same time, the recalculated materials from 1939-1959 were published and became available to researchers. During this period, a new generation of demographers entered the scientific world. Demography, for the first time since the 1920s, is again accepted as a social science.

On January 15, 1959, there was another population census in Kazakhstan. The census took into account the current population, which included persons who were in a given premises at the time of the population count (on the night of January 14-15, 1959), regardless of whether they lived in this premises permanently or temporarily, as well as those living temporarily or permanently, but those who were in that city, town or village at the time of the census, all persons who left for places where they might not have been enumerated. The materials of this census were recalculated according to administrative-territorial boundaries as of January 1, 1960. Taldy-Korgan region was annexed to Almaty region, Beskaragai district of Pavlodar region was transferred to Semipalatinsk region; the composition of the urban settlements of Almaty, Dzhambul (Taraz), Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kokchetav, Temirtau changed, new urban settlements were formed: Talgar, Syr-Darya, etc.

National composition of Kazakhstan according to the 1959 census.




Whole population


Dr. Nationalities

In January 1970, an all-Union population census was conducted, which in terms of organizational, methodological and publishing parameters surpassed previous censuses and is comparable only to the results of the 1926 census. Part of the 1970 census materials was obtained as a result of a survey of 25% of residents; these materials were highly representative at that time.

The 1970 census took place over 8 days from January 15 to 22. To ensure comparability, this all-Union population census was conducted in mid-January, like the 1939 and 1959 censuses. The population was enumerated at the place of residence, at least temporarily, and not at the place of work and service. Census forms were filled out by specially selected and trained enumerators by visiting all the premises where the population lived or could live, including premises occupied by enterprises, organizations and institutions. The census forms in each premises recorded the entire existing population as of 12 o'clock at night from January 14 to 15, including temporary residents. Temporary absentees were also recorded from among the permanently resident population. The 1970 Census was conducted using a program that included 11 questions for the entire population and another 7 questions that asked 25% of the population. Census forms were filled out by enumerators by interviewing the population. Within 6 days after the census, from January 24 to 29, 1970, a random control check of the accuracy of the census was carried out. It was carried out by instructor-controllers together with counters. In urban settlements, control checks covered 50% of premises in each enumeration area, and in rural areas - in 50% of enumeration areas, where all rural residents were covered. Control rounds revealed 0.2% of the population missed by enumerators, the correction for the entire population was 0.25%. When developing and preparing the results of the census, administrative and territorial transformations were taken into account, for example, the formation of the Turgai region, partial changes in the border between the Uzbek and Kazakh SSRs.

Ethnic composition of the population of Kazakhstan according to the 1970 census


Number of ethnic groups

Whole population




Dr. nationality

There were 5,298,818 Kazakhs living in the USSR, including in the RSFSR - 477,820, in the Uzbek SSR - 476,310, in the Kazakh SSR - 4,234,166, in the Kirghiz SSR - 21,998, in the Tajik SSR - 8,306, in the Turkmen SSR - 68 5191. In the program of the 1970 All-Union Population Census, questions about nationality and languages ​​were formulated as follows: “Nationality. For foreigners, also indicate citizenship" and "Native language. Please also indicate another language of the peoples of the USSR that you speak fluently.” The population census instructions required that in the answer to the question about nationality, “the nationality indicated by the respondent himself” should be recorded, and in the answer to the question on his native language, the language “which the respondent himself considers to be his native language” should be recorded. Along with the native language, another language from among the languages ​​of the peoples of the USSR was also recorded (that is, he is fluent in it: he can speak this language fluently).

In difficult cases, the nationality of children in families was determined by the nationality of the mother. This instruction was followed in the 1939, 1959 and 1970 censuses.

On January 17, 1979, the next All-Union population census was conducted. The population was censused for 8 days - from January 17 to 24 - at the place of residence, and not at the place of work and service. Counters, according to the respondents, recorded responses at 12 o'clock at night from January 16 to 17, including temporary residents. Among permanent residents, those temporarily absent were also recorded.

The census program contained 16 questions, of which 11 questions were answered from a complete census and 5 questions were received from 25% of the permanent population (sample census). To ensure the completeness and correctness of the population registration in the census and after it, control measures were carried out: control forms were compiled, certificates of completion of the census were issued, and random control walks were carried out. The 1979 census program clarified the wording of the question about age based on year of birth and number of years completed. The complete census includes questions: attitude towards the head of the family, category of the population (permanent or existing), gender, age, marital status, nationality, native language of the peoples of the USSR, which is fluent, education, training, source of livelihood. The sample census contains additional questions: about place of work, occupation

History and culture... 23 - 31; About main indicators of the All-Union censusespopulation 1939, 1959, ... National composition population Republic Kazakhstan. T.1. Results censuspopulation 1999 in...

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  • National composition

    The census recorded an upward trend in the number of residents of Kazakhstan, which replaced a period of decline. This is explained by a reduction in emigration of European ethnic groups, an increase in the growth rate of the number of Kazakhs (from +22.9% in 1989-1999 to +26.2% in 1999-2009), including due to the influx of Kazakh repatriates (oralmans) and a reduction in the rate of decline of Russians (-15.3% for the period between 1999-2009) and Germans (-49.6%). The most numerous nationalities are, as before, Kazakhs (10.1 million) and Russians (3.8 million)

    The share of Kazakhs in the country's population is 63.1% (53.4% ​​in 1999), Russians - 23.7% (30.0%), Uzbeks - 2.8% (2.5%), Ukrainians - 2, 1% (3.6%), Uighurs - 1.4% (1.4%), Tatars - 1.3% (1.7%), Germans - 1.1% (2.4%), other ethnic groups - 4.5% (5.0%). As a result of the uneven dynamics of natural movement, as well as the magnitude and direction of migration among different ethnic groups, Ukrainians lost 3rd place to the Uzbeks, and the Germans to the Tatars and Uyghurs.

    National composition of Kazakhstan according to current statistics (as of January 1, 2009) and according to preliminary census data (02/25/2009)
    People Score on
    % Census
    % Score on
    census results
    % Score on
    taking into account
    census results
    % Correction
    as a result
    recalculation according to
    census results
    Total 15 776 492 100,00 16 004 800 100,0 16 036 075 100,0 16 197 000 100,0 + 1,0 %
    Kazakhs 9 540 806 60,47 10 098 600 63,10 9 801 501 61,12 10 301 000 63,6 + 5,1 %
    Russians 3 869 661 24,53 3 797 000 23,72 3 848 246 24,00 3 774 000 23,3 - 1,9 %
    Uzbeks 463 381 2,94 457 200 2,86 475 354 2,96 470 000 2,9 - 1,1 %
    Ukrainians 422 680 2,68 333 200 2,08 415 539 2,60 324 000 2,0 - 22,0 %
    Uyghurs 241 946 1,53 223 100 1,39 246 449 1,54 227 000 1,4 - 7,9 %
    Tatars 226 803 1,44 203 300 1,27 226514 1,41 194 000 1,2 - 14,4 %
    Germans 220 975 1,40 178 200 1,11 221 833 1,38 178 000 1,1 - 19,8 %
    other 790 240 5,01 714 200 4,46 800 639 4,99 729 000 4,5 - 8,9 %

    A significant (14 - 22%) decrease in the number of a number of nationalities (characterized in the conditions of Kazakhstan as “European”) according to census data in comparison with current statistical data can be interpreted either as a mass departure abroad, which was not recorded by the registration authorities, or a sharp an increase in mortality precisely among these nationalities, which was also not previously taken into account by the registration authorities, or, most likely, a change in national identification. The direction of such a change in identification is indicated by the fact that of all the “European” ethnic groups, only Russians experienced a moderate correction in numbers according to the census results (-2%), which could have been influenced by the fact that a significant proportion of citizens of a number of “European” nationalities (Ukrainians, Tatars) , Germans) could be counted as Russians during the census.

    In some ways, similar processes could be observed in relation to the so-called. “Asian” nationalities (Uzbeks and Uighurs), only in this case, during the census, a certain part of the citizens of these nationalities could be counted as Kazakhs.

    Religious composition

    Religious affiliation of the population of Kazakhstan
    Respondents' answers
    about attitudes towards religion
    thousand people
    in the population
    Muslims 11 237,9 70,19
    Christians 4 190,1 26,17
    Judaists 5,3 0,03
    Buddhists 14,6 0,09
    other religions 30,1 0,19
    non-believers 450,5 2,81
    didn't give an answer 81,0 0,51
    Total 16 009,6 100,00
    Religious affiliation of ethnic groups of Kazakhstan
    (preliminary results of the 2009 census)
    Islam Christianity Judaism Buddhism Other Non-believers Refused
    give an answer
    Kazakhs 9928705 39172 1929 749 1612 98511 26085 10096763
    Russians 54277 3476748 1452 730 1011 230935 28611 3793764
    Uzbeks 452668 1794 34 28 78 1673 722 456997
    Ukrainians 3134 302199 108 49 74 24329 3138 333031
    Uyghurs 221007 1142 34 33 63 1377 1057 224713
    Tatars 162496 20913 47 58 123 16569 4023 204229
    Germans 2827 145556 89 66 192 24905 4774 178409
    Koreans 5256 49543 211 11446 138 28615 5176 100385
    Turks 96172 290 7 6 20 321 199 97015
    Azerbaijanis 80864 2139 16 16 24 1586 647 85292
    Belarusians 526 59936 25 9 20 5198 762 66476
    Dungans 51388 191 4 15 19 179 148 51944
    Kurds 37667 203 11 6 9 285 144 38325
    Tajiks 35473 331 2 6 30 307 128 36277
    Poles 235 30675 14 4 45 2486 598 34057
    Chechens 29448 940 6 3 16 653 365 31431
    Kyrgyz 22500 206 6 6 4 352 200 23274
    54533 82254 1286 1433 210 13266 4233 157215
    Total: 11239176 4214232 5281 14663 3688 451547 81010 16009597

    Corruption and distortion

    Despite Kazakhstan's relatively small population, the exact results of the population census are still unknown. 1.144 billion tenge was allocated for the population census, of which only 379 million tenge (33% of the total amount) was used directly for targeted spending, the rest of the funds were embezzled by agency officials and heads of private enterprises. The head of the Kazakh statistics agency, Anar Meshimbayeva, was removed from her post, accused of embezzling funds from the population census budget, fled, and was put on the wanted list. Her deputies Nurman Bayanov and Birlik Mendybaev, as well as the famous Kazakh businessman Serik Turzhanov, were also arrested and charged with embezzlement.

    The first very preliminary results of the census were announced in April 2009 and were announced by the head of the government of Kazakhstan, Karim Masimov, with the population amounting to 16 million 304 thousand 840, and the share of Kazakhs in the country’s population was 67% (which gave about 10.9 million people .). On September 1, 2009, President of Kazakhstan Nazarbayev, in his address to the people of the country, named a new estimate of the share of Kazakhs - 65% (which gave about 10.7 million people).

    The preliminary results of the census became known only on February 4, 2010, after Nazarbayev’s sharp demand that at least preliminary results be made public. According to these results, the total population of the country was 16,004.8 thousand people (that is, exactly 300 thousand less than previously announced), and the share of Kazakhs in the entire population was 63.1% (or 10.1 million people).

    Processing of the 2009 census materials is being delayed due to lack of funding for this work. Thus, according to the Chairman of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Statistics Alikhan Smailov

    “The most important issue that has not yet been resolved is the issue of financing the processing of census data this year. Only 19 million tenge were allocated for replication, printing services, and replication of statistical collections. While we do not have money for processing the data and obtaining the output tables themselves, which must then be replicated”

    Makash Tatimov, demographer, rector of the Central Asian University, critically assesses the quality of the 2009 census:

    ... I know that the population census was carried out in violation of UN instructions, and therefore it lost its scientific value and suitability for scientific analysis. Understand that when the enumerator enters into the questionnaire information out of thin air, and not the data of the person actually interviewed, there can be no question of any objectivity. And there were such facts in the last census. Consequently, for specialists in the field of demography, a census campaign conducted in this way may be interesting from the point of view of the volume of falsifications. It won’t be difficult for me to prove that perhaps we have received a distorting mirror, and not a real reflection of Kazakh society...

    According to the results of the 2009 population census, the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 16,009.6 thousand people.
    During the intercensus period, the population of the republic increased by 1028.3 thousand people, the population increase compared to the previous census of 1999 was 6.9%.
    The urban population was 8662.4 thousand people, the rural population was 7347.2 thousand people. At the same time, the urban population increased by 206.6 thousand people or 2.4%, and the rural population by 821.7 thousand people or 12.6%. The share of the urban population in the country was 54.1%, rural - 45.9%, in 1999 their ratio was 56.4% and 43.6%, respectively. The most urbanized regions are Karaganda (here the urban population is more than 77.5%), Pavlodar (68%) and Aktobe (61%) regions. The rural population is mainly concentrated in Almaty (76.9% of the total population), North Kazakhstan (60.2%), Kyzylorda (58.1%) and Zhambyl (60.4%) regions.
    The number of men was 7712.2 thousand people, women – 8297.4 thousand people. The number of men increased by 496.8 thousand people or 6.9% compared to the previous census; the number of women increased by 531.5 thousand people or 6.8%. The ratio of the number of men and women has developed with a preponderance of the share of the female population over the male population (51.8% and 48.2%, respectively). According to the 1999 and 2009 censuses, there were 929 men for every 1,000 women.
    The change in the number of individual ethnic groups during the intercensus period is characterized by the following data:
    The number of Kazakhs increased by 26.0% compared to the previous census and amounted to 10,096.8 thousand people. The number of Uzbeks increased by 23.3%, amounting to 457.0 thousand people, Uighurs - by 6.8%, amounting to 224.7 thousand people. The number of Russians decreased by 15.3%, amounting to 3793.8 thousand people; Germans - by 49.5%, amounting to 178.4 thousand people; Ukrainians - by 39.1%, amounting to 333.0 thousand people; Tatars - by 18.0%, amounting to 204.2 thousand people; other ethnic groups - by 4.8%, amounting to 721.7 thousand people.
    The share of Kazakhs in the total population of the country was 63.1%, Russians - 23.7%, Uzbeks - 2.9%, Ukrainians - 2.1%, Uighurs - 1.4%, Tatars - 1.3%, Germans - 1.1%, other ethnic groups - 4.5%.
    The total population included 15850.7 thousand citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan (99.0% of the total population of the country), citizens of other states – 101.6 thousand (0.6%) and 57.3 thousand (0.4% ) without citizenship.
    In Kazakhstan, 11,237.9 thousand people or 70.2% of the total population indicated their religion as Islam, 4,190.1 thousand (26.2%) as Christianity, 5.3 thousand (0.0%) as Judaism, and 5.3 thousand (0.0%) as Buddhism. 14.6 thousand (0.1%) and others – 30.1 thousand (0.2%). 2.8% (450.5 thousand people) called themselves non-believers and 0.5% (81.0 thousand people) refused to indicate.
    The population of the republic as of October 1, 2010, according to operational data, taking into account the 2009 population census, amounted to 16,372 thousand people. The number of Kazakhs was 10,458 thousand people, their share in the total population was 63.9%.

    Astana 2010

    Within the framework of the World Program of Population and Housing Censuses 2010, planned by the UN for the period 2005-2014, in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 28, 2007 No. 1138 “On the national population census of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2009” in the period from 25 February to March 6, 2009, the second National Population Census (hereinafter referred to as PN2009) was conducted in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

    thousand people

    Change in population (to previous census)
    Growth (decrease) thousand people

    Population according to the results of Monument 2009
    The population of the Republic of Kazakhstan according to the results of PN2009 amounted to 16,009.6 thousand people and over the past 50 years has grown by 6.7 million people, and compared to the previous (1999) census it has increased by 1,027.7 thousand people or by 6. 9%.
    The urban population amounted to 8662.4 thousand people and increased compared to PN1999 by 218.4 thousand people or by 2.6%, the rural population - 7347.2 thousand people, increasing respectively by 809.3 thousand people or by 12.4%.
    The share of the urban population was 54.1%, rural - 45.9% (PN1999 - 56.4% and 43.6%, respectively).
    The share of the urban population decreased, while the share of the rural population increased by 2.3 percentage points, respectively.

    Number and share of individual ethnic groups

    Population size,
    thousand people
    Share, percentage
    Whole population14981,9 16009,6 100,0 100,0
    Kazakhs8011,5 10096,8 53,5 63,1
    Russians4481,1 3793,8 29,9 23,7
    Uzbeks370,8 457,0 2,5 2,9
    Ukrainians547,1 333,0 3,6 2,1
    Uyghurs210,4 224,7 1,4 1,4
    Tatars249,1 204,2 1,7 1,3
    Germans353,5 178,4 2,4 1,1
    Other ethnic groups758,4 721,7 5,0 4,5

    Changes in the number of individual ethnic groups

    The number has increased:
    Kazakhs - by 26.0%, amounting to 10096.8 thousand people
    Uzbeks - by 23.2%, amounting to 457.0 thousand people
    Uyghurs – by 6.8%, amounting to 224.7 thousand people

    The number has decreased:
    Russians - by 15.3%, amounting to 3793.8 thousand people
    Ukrainians – by 39.1%, amounting to 333.0 thousand people
    Tatars - by 18.0%, amounting to 204.2 thousand people
    Germans - by 45.5%, amounting to 178.4 thousand people

    Population by gender

    Share of men and women, %

    Population change by gender
    The number of men increased by 496.5 thousand people or 6.9% compared to the previous census; the number of women increased by 531.2 thousand people or 6.8%.
    The ratio of the number of men and women has developed with a preponderance of the share of the female population over the male population (51.8% and 48.2%, respectively).
    For every 1000 women there are 929 men (a similar ratio was found according to PN1999 data).

    Population by region

    RegionsPopulation size,
    thousand people
    increase (+), decrease (-)
    19992009thousand people%
    The Republic of Kazakhstan14981,9 16009,6 1022,9 6,9
    Akmola827,3 737,5 -89,8 -10,9
    Aktobe682,6 757,8 75,2 11,0
    Almaty1557,3 1807,9 250,6 16,1
    Atyrau440,3 510,4 70,1 15,9
    West Kazakhstan616,8 598,9 -17,9 -2,9
    Zhambyl988,8 1022,1 33,3 3,4
    Karaganda1410,2 1341,7 -68,5 -4,9
    Kostanayskaya1017,7 885,6 -132,1 -13,0
    Kyzylorda625,0 678,8 53,8 8,6
    Mangystau314,7 485,4 170,7 54,2
    South Kazakhstan1978,3 2469,3 491,0 24,8
    Pavlodar807,0 742,5 -64,5 -8,0
    North Kazakhstan726,0 596,5 -129,5 -17,8
    East Kazakhstan1531,0 1396,9 -134,1 -8,8
    Astana328,3 613,0 284,7 86,7
    Almaty1130,6 1365,6 235,0 20,8


    RegionsPopulation size,
    thousand people
    increase (+), decrease (-)
    Mon 199901.10.2010thousand people%
    The Republic of Kazakhstan14981,9 16372,4 1390,5 9,3
    Akmola827,3 733,1 -94,2 -11,4
    Aktobe682,6 773,4 90,8 13,3
    Almaty1557,3 1852,4 295,1 18,9
    Atyrau440,3 528,7 88,4 20,1
    West Kazakhstan616,8 606,6 -10,2 -1,7
    Zhambyl988,8 1041,2 52,4 5,3
    Karaganda1410,2 1350,0 -60,2 -4,3
    Kostanayskaya1017,7 881,9 -135,8 -13,3
    Kyzylorda625,0 696,7 71,7 11,5
    Mangystau314,7 517,3 202,6 64,4
    South Kazakhstan1978,3 2550,2 571,9 28,9
    Pavlodar807,0 745,8 -61,2 -7,6
    North Kazakhstan726,0 589,8 -136,2 -18,8
    East Kazakhstan1531,0 1397,4 133,6 -8,7
    Astana328,3 685,9 357,6 108,9
    Almaty1130,6 1422,0 291,4 25,9

    Population changes by region

    During the intercensus period (1999-2009)

    A significant increase in numbers occurred:
    in the city of Astana - more than 1.8 times or by 284.7 thousand people
    Mangystau region - more than 1.5 times or 170.7 thousand people
    South Kazakhstan region - by 24.8% or 491 thousand people

    In addition, the population has increased:
    in the city of Almaty (by 20.8%), Atyrau (by 16.1%) and Almaty (by 15.9%) regions.

    The greatest decline in numbers occurred in the following areas:
    North Kazakhstan - by 17.8% or 129.5 thousand people
    Kostanay - by 13% or by 132.1 thousand people
    Akmola - by 10.9% or 89.8 thousand people


    persons of this
    thousand people
    Indicating their native language,
    thousand people
    Share, in %
    his tongue
    different language
    Whole population16009,6 14963,0 1046,6 93,5 6,5
    Kazakhs10096,8 9982,3 114,5 98,9 1,1
    Russians3793,8 3748,3 45,5 98,8 1,2
    Uzbeks457,0 435,8 21,2 95,4 4,6
    Ukrainians333,0 52,5 280,5 15,8 84,2
    Uyghurs224,7 190,9 33,8 85,0 15,0
    Tatars204,2 104,2 100,0 51,0 49,0
    Germans178,4 30,4 148,0 17,0 83,0
    Koreans100,4 36,1 64,3 36,0 64,0


    14,961.6 thousand people, or 93.5% of the total population of the country, indicated the language of their nationality as their native language.

    Of them:
    urban population – 8039.5 thousand people (92.8%).
    rural population – 6922.1 thousand people (94.2%).

    Almost 99% of Kazakhs and Russians, 95.4% of Uzbeks, 85% of Uighurs indicated the language of their nationality as their native language.

    6.5% of the population indicated languages ​​of other nationalities as their native language, among them Ukrainians (84.2%), Germans (83%), Koreans (64%) and Tatars (49%) prevail.


    1999 CENSUS
    Knowledge of the state language:
    (according to the 1999 census)
    9631.3 thousand people (64.4%) speak the state language.
    of them:
    -1123.6 thousand people speak poorly (11.7%),
    Do not speak the state language - 5321.8 thousand people (35.6%);
    Study the state language - 2029.6 thousand people (13.6%)
    A high degree of proficiency in the state language is typical for the following nationalities:
    Kazakhs (99.4%), Uighurs (80.5%), Uzbeks (80.0%).


    Level of language proficiency

    2009 CENSUS
    In the census form “3C” for the 2009 population census of the Republic of Kazakhstan, questions were asked about the degree of proficiency in Kazakh, Russian and English languages, the answers to which were as follows:
    I understand spoken language
    I read freely
    I write freely
    It is understood that a person who can write fluently can, as a rule, read and understand spoken language fluently;
    and a person who can read fluently, as a rule, understands oral speech

    Degree of language proficiency (by individual ethnic groups), %

    Level of language proficiency:
    of which free:understand
    of which free:understand
    of which free:
    readwrite and
    readwrite and
    readwrite and
    Whole population100,0 74,0 2,9 62,0 94,4 3,4 84,8 15,4 2,6 7,7
    Kazakhs100,0 98,4 2,3 93,2 92,1 4,4 79,1 17,5 2,9 9,0
    Russians100,0 25,3 2,5 6,3 98,5 1,0 96,7 12,6 2,1 5,6
    Uzbeks100,0 95,5 12,5 61,7 92,9 10,3 68,3 10,7 2,3 5,4
    Ukrainians100,0 21,5 2,0 5,2 98,9 0,9 97,1 8,0 1,3 3,7
    Uyghurs100,0 93,7 9,7 60,8 95,8 6,4 81,8 15,7 2,6 7,2
    Tatars100,0 72,6 6,3 33,7 98,4 1,7 94,7 14,2 2,3 6,7
    Germans100,0 24,7 2,5 7,9 99,0 0,9 96,9 9,1 1,5 4,4
    Koreans100,0 43,5 3,7 10,5 98,0 1,4 95,5 24,2 3,5 11,4

    (persons aged 15 years and older)

    By degree of language proficiency:

    understand oral speech - 8988.5 thousand people (74.0%),
    read fluently – 348.6 thousand people (2.9%),
    write and read freely - 7528.5 thousand people (62.0%).

    understand oral speech – 11437.4.4 thousand people (94.4%),
    read fluently – 415.2 thousand people (3.4%),
    write and read freely - 10306.8 thousand people (84.8%).

    understand oral speech - 1873.6 thousand people (15.4%),
    read fluently – 311.3 thousand people (2.6%),
    write and read freely - 930.9 thousand people (7.7%).

    Degree of language proficiency, %
    (persons aged 15 years and older)





    Thousand peopleShare in %
    1999 2009 1999 2009
    Republic of Kazakhstan 14867,9 15850,7 99,3 99,0
    Other countries95,8 101,6 0,6 0,6
    of them:
    Russia44,0 38,6 45,9 38,0
    Uzbekistan3,1 26,9 3,2 26,4
    Kyrgyzstan1,7 9,1 1,7 9,0
    China0,7 5,5 0,7 5,4
    Azerbaijan1,2 3,1 1,2 3,1
    Ukraine1,8 2,4 1,9 2,4
    Turkmenistan0,3 1,8 0,3 1,8
    Tajikistan0,6 1,8 0,7 1,8
    Mongolia10,4 1,0 10,8 1,0
    Armenia0,6 0,9 0,7 1,0
    Türkiye0,7 3,7 0,8 3,6
    Other countries30,8 6,8 32,1 6,5
    Stateless17,5 57,3 0,1 0,4

    Proportion of population by religion, %:
    ISLAM 70.2%
    JUDAISM 0.0%
    BUDDHISM 0.1%
    OTHER 0.2%

    More than 70% of the country's population professes Islam, and more than 26% professes Christianity.
    In census sheet 3C of the First National Population Census of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 1999, the question about religion was not included.

    The results of the second National Population Census are accurate and objective, they can and should be trusted - head of the Agency of Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan
    ASTANA. November 12. KAZINFORM /Aituar Mamlin/

    As previously reported, today the Agency of Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan summed up the final results of the 2009 national population census.
    Answering questions from journalists, the head of the Agency of Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Alikhan Smailov, noted that in order to complete the work on processing the data obtained during the census and obtaining the output tables necessary for the formation of collections that will be published before the end of the current year, additional funds were allocated from the republican budget 59 million tenge.
    “You can and should trust the results of the census, since we have done a lot of work to clean up the previous database, analyze existing data, and also compare this data with the administrative databases of the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection and other government bodies. As a result, Such a comparison revealed a discrepancy between the results of the Agency’s statistical information and the data of the indicated departments by less than 1%, which indicates the high accuracy of the census results. There is no need to conduct a repeat census,” A. Smailov.
    During the press conference, brief results of the socio-economic development of the Republic of Kazakhstan in January-October 2010 were also announced. Thus, compared to the same period last year, the volume of real gross domestic product increased by 7.5%. The country's foreign trade turnover increased by 23.3%.

    The current version of the page has not yet been verified

    The current version of the page has not yet been verified by experienced participants and may differ significantly from the one verified on January 14, 2019; checks are required.

    The total population of Kazakhstan as of December 1, 2018 is 18,376,178 people.

    Flows of external migration for permanent residence and the number of births and deaths for 1990-2015 in Kazakhstan, people. Source: Current data from the Statistics Committee of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan

    Population census of the Republic of Kazakhstan 1999 took place in February, exactly 10 years after the 1989 All-Union Population Census of the USSR. The first, after gaining independence, population census of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Conducted from February 25 to March 4, 1999. By the end of 2000, the main results of the country's first population census were published. The population of the Republic of Kazakhstan according to the results of the 1999 population census amounted to 14,953.1 thousand people, decreasing by 1,246.1 thousand (7.7%) people compared to the data of the Kazakhstan audit (16,199.2) of the 1989 All-Union Population Census when 16.4 million people officially lived in the republic.

    Population census in Kazakhstan 2009- the second, after gaining sovereignty, population census of the Republic of Kazakhstan. It was carried out from February 24 to February 25, 2009. Preliminary official census results were published on February 4, 2010 on the website of the Kazakhstan State Statistics Committee. The population of the Republic of Kazakhstan according to the results of the 2009 population census amounted to 16,004.8 thousand people, increasing by 1,022.9 thousand (6.8%) people compared to the 1999 census. One of the most unexpected results of the census was a sharp decrease in the share of the urban population from 56.3% to 54.0% and a corresponding increase in the share of the rural population.

    Official preliminary data from the 2009 census on the share of the main ethnic groups were published on February 4, 2010: Kazakhs - 63.1% of the population, Russians - 23.7%, Uzbeks - 2.8%, Ukrainians - 2.1%, Uyghurs - 1, 4%, Tatars - 1.3%, Germans - 1.1%, other ethnic groups - 4.5%.

    The number of Kazakhs in 1999-2009 thus increased by 26% (or 2.1 million people), Uzbeks - by 23% (by 87 thousand), Uighurs - by 6% (by 13 thousand). The number of Germans decreased sharply - by 50% (by 175 thousand), as well as Ukrainians - by 39% (by 214 thousand), Tatars - by 18% (by 46 thousand), Russians - by 15% (by 683 thousand . people).

    National composition of Kazakhstan in 1897-1970. The largest ethnic groups. The periods of famine in the 1920s and 1930s are marked in grey.

    Kazakhs, Russians and Ukrainians in national costumes. Postage stamp of Kazakhstan, 2003

    Uighurs and Tatars in national costumes. Postage stamp of Kazakhstan, 2007

    The formation of a multinational population on the territory of modern Kazakhstan began in the middle of the century, under the Kazakh Khanate, when the ethnogenesis of the Kazakhs from Turkic and partially Mongolian tribes ended. Further, until the very beginning of the 20th century, Kazakhs absolutely dominated the population of Kazakhstan.

    At the beginning of the twentieth century, as a result of Stolypin’s resettlement policy, a significant increase in the Russian-Ukrainian population occurred in Kazakhstan. By 1911, the share of Kazakhs had dropped to 67.2% of the population.

    Since 1993, the population of the republic declined annually until 2003 and decreased by 13%.

    Since 2003, the population of Kazakhstan has stopped decreasing, thanks to the disappearance of the migration balance, that is, the number of people entering the republic today exceeds those leaving.

    In 2009, the number of residents of the republic exceeded 16 million people for the first time since independence.

    Among the different ethnic groups of Kazakhstan, there are significant differences in the degree of language proficiency. Thus, among Slavic ethnic groups, 25.3% of Russians, 21.5% of Ukrainians, 19% of Belarusians and 20.9% of Poles understand oral Kazakh speech. Germans also demonstrate a similar level of proficiency in the Kazakh language - 24.7%. 6.3% of Russians, 5.2% of Ukrainians, 4.8% of Belarusians, 6.6% of Poles, 7.9% of Germans said that they were able to read and write in Kazakh. From 2 to 2.9% of representatives of these nationalities stated that they can only read Kazakh.

    At the same time, a high percentage of those who understand oral Kazakh speech is observed among the Kazakhs themselves - 98.4%, as well as a number of Turkic peoples: Uzbeks 95.5%, Uighurs 93.7%, Kyrgyz 92.7%. But if among the Kazakhs 93.2% can read and write in Kazakh, then among the other listed Turkic peoples 61-63% can do this, and another 8-12% said that they can only read in Kazakh.

    The degree of proficiency in Russian among the Slavic peoples and Germans is approximately 99%, and 97% read and write in Russian. Of all the ethnic groups for which information was published, ethnic Tajiks understood the least amount of Russian - 85.2%; they also had the lowest proportion of those who could read and write Russian - 56.6%. Among all other ethnic groups of Kazakhstan, from 92.1% (Kazakhs themselves) to 98.4% (Tatars) understand Russian, and from 68.3% (Uzbeks) to 95.5% (Koreans) can read and write Russian ). Among Kazakhs, 79.1% can read and write Russian.

    The declaration of the degree of proficiency in English varies quite noticeably among different ethnic groups, while the highest levels of proficiency in English were declared by Koreans: 24.2% understand spoken language, 11.4% can read and write, 3.5% can only read. The group of ethnic groups that declared a relatively high degree of proficiency in English also includes Kazakhs (17.5% understand, 9% read and write, 2.9% only read), Uighurs (15.7% understand, 7.2% read and write, 2 .6% only read), Kyrgyz (12.6% understand, 5.8% read and write, 2% only read).

    Russians have the highest declared level of English proficiency among Slavic peoples and Germans: 12.6% understand, 5.6% read and write, 2.1% only read.

    At the same time, Belarusians and Poles declared the lowest level of English language proficiency: 6.8% understand English, only 3% can read and write, 1% can only read.

    According to the 2009 census, 70.2% of Kazakhstanis are Muslims, more than 26.2% are Christians, 2.8% are non-believers, and 0.5% refused to answer the question.

    Comparison of natural and migration growth rates for 1990-2015 in Kazakhstan.

    Authors: Mikhail Vladimirovich Aleynikov - Ph.D. ist. Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Russian History; Ivan Evgenievich Borovikov, applicant. Altai State Academy of Education (AGAO) named after. V. M. Shukshina, Biysk.

    Kazakhstan, our partner in the Eurasian Union, the initiator of post-Soviet integration, together with Belarus, is considered the most prosperous regarding the fate of the Russian issue in comparison with other post-Soviet republics. Then why was there a stable outflow of Russian-centric population from Kazakhstan under the program of resettlement of compatriots to Russia, and even before the introduction of this program? We offer a very high-quality analysis by experts on the Russian dimension of the national question in Kazakhstan.


    1. Savoskul S.S. Russians in the new abroad. The choice of fate. - M., 2001. - P. 347; Tishkov V. A. Russians in Central Asia and Kazakhstan. Research in applied and urgent ethnology. - M., 1993. - No. 51. - P. 4.

    2. Belikov V.D., Chetverikova-Belikova S.I. Milestones in the history of Rus'. - Buenos Aires - Novosibirsk, 2006. - P. 68.

    3. Lad. - 2003 No. 4. - P. 9.

    4. Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan by nationality and language proficiency. - Almaty, 2000. - T. 2. - P. 1012.

    5. Laruelle M., Peyrouse S. “The Russian question in independent Kazakhstan: history, politics, identity. - M., 2007. - P. 27.

    6. Makarenko A. F. Ukrainians. - Alma-Ata, 1998. - P. 22.

    7. National composition of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Results of the 1999 census in the Republic of Kazakhstan. - Almaty, 2000. - T.1. - P. 6.

    8. Khlyupin V. N. Genocide. Russians in Kazakhstan: a tragic fate. - M., 2001. - P. 46.

    9. Brief results of the 1999 population census in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Stat. Sat. - Almaty, 1999. - P. 102, 108.

    10. Sadovskaya E. Some political aspects of emigration of the Russian-speaking population from Kazakhstan // Modern ethnopolitical processes and migration situation in Central Asia. - M., 1998. - P. 82.

    11. National composition of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Results of the 1999 census in the Republic of Kazakhstan. - T. 1. - Almaty, 2000. - P. 38.

    12. Lad. - 2003. No. 1. - P. 8.

    13. Kurganskaya V.D., Dunaev V.Yu. Kazakhstan model of interethnic integration. - Alma-Ata, 2002. - P. 187.

    14. Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan by nationality, gender and age. - Almaty, 2000. - T. 4, part 1. - P. 6–9.

    15. Employed population of the Republic of Kazakhstan by nationality and occupation. Results of the population census in 1999 in the Republic of Kazakhstan. - Almaty, 2001. - T. 3. P. 5.

    16. Masanov N. E. National-state construction in Kazakhstan: analysis and forecast // Bulletin of Eurasia. - M., 1995. - No. 1. - P. 120.

    18. Nazarbayev N.A. In the flow of history. - Almaty, 1999. - P. 195.

    19. Lad. - 1995. - No. 7. - P. 6.

    20. Dzhunusova Zh. Republic of Kazakhstan: president, institutions of democracy. - Alma-Ata, 1996. - P. 93.

    21. Kurtov A. A. Where is the snow leopard going? // Nezavisimaya Gazeta. - 1996, November 11.

    22. Ashment B. Problems of Russians in Kazakhstan - ethnicity or politics? // Diasporas. - M., 1999. - No. 23. - P. 175.

    23. Malinin G.V., Dunaev V.Yu., Kurganskaya V.D., Nysanbaev A.N. Theory and practice of interethnic and intercultural interaction in modern Kazakhstan. Textbook for universities. - Alma-Ata, 2002. - P. 138.

    24. Statistical Yearbook of Kazakhstan. 2000. - Almaty, 2000. - pp. 98–99.

    25. Lad. - 1999. - No. 5–6. - P. 10.


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