Flowering plant passport Christmas star. Poinsettia: photo and home care for a flower. Types and varieties of poinsettia

Few flowering plants can boast of "winter" flowering. One of them is the poinsettia, or, as this flower is also called, the Christmas star. This bright tropical beauty appears on the shelves of flower shops in the winter, before the New Year, which is the reason for her second name. The plant is capricious, but it may well "take root" on your windowsill - of course, subject to all the rules of agricultural technology.

The poinsettia plant, or the most beautiful euphorbia, belongs to the Euphorbia family. It occurs naturally in tropical regions of Central America and Mexico. It is an evergreen shrub growing up to 3 m in height in open ground. The leaves are dark green, ovate, with a serrated edge; can be up to 15 cm long.

The flowers are small, yellowish, collected in rosettes. This indoor flower attracts attention with red leaves, “bordering” the inflorescences. Today, hybrids have been bred with different colors of bracts - pink, yellow, red, apricot. There is even a two-tone and white poinsettia. Mass flowering occurs in December-February, which is why the poinsettia received the nickname "Christmas flower" or "Star of Bethlehem".

How to care for a poinsettia

Complete home care for a Christmas star is not as difficult to provide as it seems at first glance. The main thing is to strictly follow all the recommendations. It is important to remember that throughout the year, depending on the growth phase, poinsettias require different conditions. This plant blooms with a short light day, then sheds leaves and rests for several months, after which it begins to actively gain green mass.


Poinsettia begins budding only with a short daylight hours. For full flowering, she needs bright lighting, so in autumn and winter it is better to place the pot on the southern windowsills. On east-facing windows, additional lighting may be needed to obtain bright bracts.

Remember that the length of daylight hours cannot be increased - on the contrary, it is artificially reduced. The Christmas star reacts to any bright light sources and refuses to bloom at the slightest violation of the regime. In spring and summer, the plant is placed in partial shade.

Temperature regime

Despite the fact that the poinsettia is a resident of the tropics, it has a negative attitude towards excessively high temperatures. During the growing season, it is desirable to keep the plant at a temperature of 20-25 degrees. It falls on the summer heat, so it is important to take all measures to protect the flower from overheating. At 28 degrees, decorative properties are lost, a further increase in temperature can lead to death.

During the flowering of poinsettia, moderate coolness is required - 14-18 degrees. The Christmas star does not tolerate lower rates. During semi-rest, the plant is kept cool (12-14 degrees).

Air humidity and watering, fertilization

Poinsettia, or as this flower is sometimes mistakenly called "poinsettia", does not tolerate the dry air of our apartments. She needs extra hydration. The flower is sprayed all year round, except for the time when the plant is resting, several times a day with soft settled and necessarily warm water. To increase humidity, you can use pallets with wet sand or expanded clay, air humidifiers.

In winter, the bush is positioned so that the hot air from the batteries does not dry it out. At the same time, it is impossible to move the pot closer to the glass - the leaves that will touch the cold surface will die. Protect the poinsettia from drafts, especially cold ones, which can lead to its death.

At the same time, poinsettia, surprisingly, has a negative attitude to the high humidity of the earthy coma. It requires moderate watering with drying of the topsoil for most of the year. During active vegetation, the plant drinks more water - accordingly, it is watered more often. During the semi-rest period, the amount of moisture is reduced, but the earth is not allowed to dry out completely.

Full care for the "poinsettia" is impossible without regular top dressing. The use of complex mineral fertilizers will be optimal. Apply it at the dosage indicated by the manufacturer, twice a month. Naturally, during the rest, fertilizer application is stopped.

Care after flowering and how to prune the plant

To properly care for a flower, you need to know its features. In the spring, after the end of flowering, the poinsettia gradually goes into a dormant state, shedding leaves. Watering and lighting intensity are reduced, top dressing is stopped. At this time, you need to cut the poinsettia - each shoot is shortened to 15 cm.

For a good rest, the plant needs two months, after which the buds remaining on the shoots begin to start growing. At this stage, the bush is formed, trying to avoid thickening and give it a presentable appearance. Usually no more than five lateral processes are left on each shoot, the rest are cut out. It is important to remove the shoots growing inside the bush.

Post-Purchase Care

When purchasing a Christmas star, it is not enough to evaluate the condition of the bracts and the appearance of the bush. To choose a "fresh", recently bloomed plant that will delight you for a long time, pay attention to the buds themselves. If they are fully opened and the stamens are visible, the poinsettia has blossomed a long time ago. If the flowers are shriveled and begin to dry out, it is already fading and will soon begin to shed its foliage. Choose specimens with barely opened buds - such a plant will bloom for another 3-4 months.

After purchase, special care for the poinsettia at home is not required. The plant is moderately watered with warm settled water, sprinkled daily and fed regularly. A purchased Christmas star is not required to be transplanted - after all, we acquire it in the "final" part of the annual life cycle, and after a few months of flowering it will fall asleep. You can treat the plant with acaricides to prevent spider mites.


Poinsettias can be propagated at home from cuttings. Only planting material taken in spring or early summer takes root. It is best to use the cuttings left after the forming pruning. It is desirable that each of them has at least 5 internodes.

After separation from the mother bush, the shoot is immediately washed under running warm water to wash off the milky juice that has come out. When solidified, it creates a dense cork that will not allow the roots to break through. Cuttings take root both in water and in a moisture-intensive loose substrate. As the latter, you can use a mixture of peat and sand in equal parts.

Containers (as a rule, these are plastic cups) with planted cuttings must be placed in a greenhouse or covered with plastic bags. The soil is constantly kept moist. Roots appear in about a month. By autumn, young plants will be ready for transplanting into regular pots and may bloom.

All work is carried out with gloves - milky juice is poisonous.


Poinsettia is transplanted annually in the spring, immediately after waking up. But the volume of the pot is increased as the root system develops - usually 1 time in 2 years. But even if a larger pot is not needed, it is better to change the old one or rinse it thoroughly to remove salts and harmful microorganisms that have accumulated on the walls over the year.

Choosing the right pot and soil

We choose a pot for poinsettia so that 5-7 cm remains between the sides and the bush; We prefer deep containers. The soil for poinsettia should be nutritious, moisture-intensive and loose. A mixture of turf, leafy soil, peat and sand (3:3:1:1) is ideal. Before use, the earth must be “boiled” for an hour: it is slightly moistened and put on fire in a sealed container.

Such a procedure is guaranteed to destroy all pests, including the nematode. In a dry state, only sand can be subjected to heat treatment - the remaining components become unsuitable for plants for several months. Leafy and soddy soil cannot be replaced with black soil - it is too heavy for indoor flowers. If you do not have the opportunity to "dig up" the necessary components, the best way out is to purchase the finished mixture in specialized stores.

Step by step transplant process

To painlessly transplant a Christmas star, follow the algorithm:

  1. Transplantation is carried out as soon as the buds swell and the first sprouts begin to hatch. An overgrown plant tolerates the procedure worse and may die.
  2. The bush is removed from the old container; the roots are partially freed from the soil, viewed for the presence of damaged areas. When found, they are cut with a sharp, non-kitchen knife.
  3. Drainage and some fresh soil are poured into the prepared container so that after transshipment it is not necessary to bury the shoots.
  4. An earthen ball is installed, earth is poured on the sides.

After transplantation, the bush is watered abundantly and placed in a room with a temperature of at least 20 degrees; the flower begins to be sprayed daily. Top dressing can be given after 2 weeks.

Growing problems

The Christmas star is also damaged by fungal diseases: root, gray and brown rot, powdery mildew. Their appearance is usually due to coolness, waterlogging or weakening of the plant's immunity. At the first sign, the damaged areas are cut out, the entire bush is treated several times with Fundazol.

Most often, the plant suffers from violations of the rules of agricultural technology.

External manifestationsCausesSolutions
Poinsettia leaves turn yellow and fall offIf the plant is not preparing for a dormant period, there may be several reasons: too high a temperature, lack of lighting. Most often, this is how poinsettia reacts to waterlogging of the soil.Follow agricultural practices. Remember that the Christmas star does not like the excessive moisture of the earthy coma; Let the topsoil dry out between waterings.
Inflorescences fall, the edges of the leaves dry upToo dry air.Poinsettia needs daily spraying.
Leaves fall green, with no signs of yellowing or wiltingA draft or a sharp drop in temperature.Protect your poinsettia from drafts. Remember that in winter the temperature should not fall below 12 degrees.

The most common problem that poinsettia owners face is the lack of budding. If the Christmas star does not bloom, then you did not provide it with a short daylight hours. Remember that the plant will react to any light source, even ordinary lamps in the room. Therefore, the bush is covered daily at the same time with a box or a bag that does not let light through. Poinsettias need 10 hours of daylight and 14 hours of rest in total darkness to bloom. Only after 2 months of this regimen will buds appear. You can prepare the plant for flowering in advance starting in September. To do this, the length of the natural daylight hours is “shortened” by 10 minutes daily.

Mila Rozhkova

Color Expert

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Poinsettia is a rather capricious plant that requires close attention and careful care. But it is quite possible to grow it indoors and achieve annual flowering. The Christmas star pays for all the trouble with a bright and long “bloom”.

Poinsettia or the most beautiful euphorbia (Poinsettia) is the flower of the New Year and Christmas for residents of European countries. Rosettes of red leaves resemble beautiful stars. The plant is striking in its beauty, unusualness, originality. Flowers appear in winter, on the holiday of Christmas. The blossoming seems to add to the miracle of birth, encouraging people to decorate their homes, acquiring an amazing poinsettia. There are many Christmas legends about this amazing flower.

Bracts - leaves surrounding inconspicuous flowers - give a fabulous look, the rest of the leaves are ordinary - green. Flowers are not particularly beautiful, nothing remarkable in them: they are small white flowers. It is the bracts, bright leaves around the inflorescences, that give all the splendor to the plant. Crimson red coloring is no longer the only choice. Buyers in stores are offered varieties with yellow, pink and spotted bracts.

Buying the most beautiful spurge in the store, people sometimes admire the house only once. The second time, it is difficult to make a flower bloom if you do not know the rules for caring for it. By choosing an unblown Christmas star, you get a chance for the longest flowering even without knowledge of agricultural technology. But as it turned out, caring for a busansetia is not difficult if you follow some of the nuances. Trying to make a flower bloom again is the dream of every enthusiastic florist, which is quite feasible!

Poinsettia care at home after purchase

Christmas star lighting

Flowering is an important period, poinsettias need plenty of light at this time. In winter, there is not enough light, the day is too short, additional lighting is required. The south window is the best place for poinsettia. There is no need to be afraid that the sun will burn the Christmas star, in winter the rays are too weak for this. On the contrary, the plant sheds leaves with a lack of lighting. Illuminate the poinsettia with additional light sources if you notice that it looks sickly.

Temperature regime in the care of poinsettia

Many are pleased with the long flowering of poinsettia. The Christmas star blooms in December and gives until the end of March. It is worth remembering that the cold is detrimental to the flower, you need to protect it from drafts and low temperatures. When buying, you need to take care of the safety of the plant: it is carefully packed and transported in a car.

Provide the plant at home with the usual room temperature - + 18-24 degrees. The poinsettia will also withstand a temperature of 14 degrees above zero, but it will not be able to live in it for a long time. In spring and summer, after flowering, poinsettias need coolness: + 16- + 18 degrees. This will be a kind of dormant period, thanks to which the flower will gain strength for a new flowering.

Watering and humidity

The Christmas star needs a lot of water, the lack of moisture is perceived very painfully. It is necessary to water the paunsetia abundantly throughout the growing season. However, daily watering is not always required. You should check if the earth in the pot has dried out. It is best to water with settled water at room temperature.

It is important to create optimal conditions, the plant loves humidity, does not tolerate too dry air. Our apartments are heated in winter, so the humidity may not be enough. Poinsettia will be capricious - shed leaves, flowers. In order to prevent trouble, it is enough to buy an ordinary air humidifier, which is useful, by the way, not only for the Christmas star, but also for human health.

How to feed a poinsettia

Buy fertilizer for flowering plants and please the beauty with additional nutrition. This will positively affect the state of the flower, and will allow the bracts to develop.

  • Every two to three weeks during the period of active growth, in the fall, the plant is fed with solutions of complex mineral fertilizers.
  • When the Christmas star forms buds, potash-phosphorus fertilizers are used.

Poinsettia transplant

Transplantation is required after the end of flowering. The plant needs fresh soil and more space. The best time for transplantation is the spring months - March, April, May. After flowering, the poinsettia is cut short (more on this below) and transplanted into a looser pot.

Horticultural stores sell special soil formulations for euphorbia, it is best to use them. The composition of the soil includes: leafy soil (2 parts), clay turf (3 parts), peat (1 part), sand (1 part). To ensure excellent absorbency and remove excess water, it is necessary to put a layer of expanded clay on the bottom of the pot. The capacity for transplantation is taken small, slightly freer than the previous one.

During transplantation, the plant can be injured, it is better to transplant it together with a clod of earth by transshipment, trying to maintain the integrity of the root system.

How to trim the poinsettia after flowering at home will tell another video:

Pruning poinsettia is necessary for proper formation, in order to avoid the formation of many stems, which will be very thin, take strength from the plant, which can lead not only to the absence of flowering, but even the death of the plant.

Propagation of poinsettia by cuttings

Trimmed tops will be an excellent planting material. The resulting cuttings are used for rooting.

  • 7-10 cm in length and a few buds are enough for the cutting to become a new viable plant.
  • Cut cuttings are slightly dried in the air for two hours to stop the release of juice.
  • After that, aging in a root solution is desirable, which will become a good activation for the formation of roots.
  • We take the ground for euphorbia, fall asleep in cups with drainage holes and “plant” the cuttings to a depth of 2-3 cm. Moisten the substrate, cover with cut plastic bottles. During rooting, do not allow the temperature to drop below twenty degrees Celsius.

Remember that the poinsettia is not a completely harmless plant; poisonous juice is released when pruned. Do not trim with bare hands, be sure to wear rubber gloves. All accessories are washed with warm water after work. Don't forget to wash your hands thoroughly. Do not let children touch the poinsettia, keep away from animals. Poison juice can cause poisoning.

How to make a poinsettia bloom Caring for a poinsettia after flowering

In order for the poinsettia to please with flowering many times, you just need to know the features of the life cycle of the plant in natural conditions. By simulating periods of dormancy and active growth, you can easily achieve beautiful flowering.

Do the following:

  • Water with less water when the poinsettia has faded. Resetting leaves after flowering is normal, do not be afraid.
  • When only bare branches remain, cut off all the tops. Most of the plant should be cut to a height of up to 10 centimeters;
  • After pruning, a transplant is carried out without damaging the roots, along with an old clod of earth.
  • In the summer, a dormant period begins, the poinsettia should rest and gain strength before the next flowering in December. She is placed in a dark cool place.
  • At the end of the dormant period of 2-3 months, we put the poinsettia in a bright place, increase watering.
  • Feed the Christmas star at the beginning of active leaf growth.
  • Numerous processes are best removed, leaving only a few of the strongest. By the way, cut ones can also be easily rooted.
  • In September, responsible time begins. Beautiful flowers for Christmas will be obtained subject to the necessary conditions. Buds are laid in autumn, flowers appear in winter. Many flower growers have mixed feelings, they do not know what to do to make the flower bloom. In autumn, daylight hours remain long, while poinsettias need a short one. She should sleep 14 hours, 10 hours awake in bright light. Move it to a dark cabinet or cover it with a cover after 10 hours of exposure to light. Water moderately, without excess moisture.
  • Two months of such conditions will ensure the further development of the flower. Bright bracts will bloom, after a while flowers will appear.

By fulfilling the conditions listed above, you will receive a blooming poinsettia for the New Year and Christmas holidays.

We are considering home care for poinsettia. We tell you how to properly care for the Christmas star after purchase and what to do in spring, summer, autumn and winter.

We describe watering, top dressing, propagation, pruning, transplanting, flowering, dormant period, as well as possible problems when growing a plant.

Poinsettia, spurge or Christmas star?

The plant is native to the tropical forests of Mexico on the Pacific coast. The common English name poinsettia is given to the flower in honor of Joel Roberts Poinsett, who introduced it to the US in 1825 as the first US minister to Mexico.

Scientifically, poinsettia is called the most beautiful spurge (Euphorbia pulcherrima), and in Europe and the USA it is known under the popular name - the Christmas Star, the Star of Bethlehem, the Star of Christ, as it blooms before Catholic Christmas (December 25th).

In the United States, the plant is very actively used during the celebration of Christmas as a decoration for homes, churches, offices and public places, and December 12 is the official national poinsettia day.

To date, more than 100 varieties of plants have been bred with different colors of bracts, for example: red (Angelica, Barbara), white (EckesWhite, WhiteStar), cream (PinkRibbon, Regina), pink (Dorothe, FestivalRose).

Poinsettia red: how to properly care for at home?


The Christmas star flower loves a lot of diffused light, so windows on the southeast, southwest, west or east side are best suited. In the summer, it is necessary to shade during the day so that direct sunlight does not fall.


For a plant, the optimal temperature regime: the active growth phase is + 18-25 ° C, flowering is not lower than + 16 ° C, the dormant period is + 11-16 ° C. The main thing is to protect it from drafts and temperature changes.

How to properly water poinsettia?

In summer, water the poinsettia once every 2-3 days, depending on the air temperature, as moisture actively evaporates due to high temperatures.

In autumn and winter (preparation for flowering and flowering) the Christmas star does not need to be watered often, it needs moderate watering - 1 time in 6-8 days.

During flowering, it is useful to spray the plant every 3-4 days with a small amount of warm and settled water.

top dressing

During active growth and development from May to September, poinsettia must be fed with a complex mineral or organic fertilizer, and during flowering with potash fertilizers.

Diseases and pests

Most often, the Christmas star is affected by whiteflies, spider mites and mealybugs. Read more about how to get rid of these pests.

For the prevention of diseases and pests, it is necessary to comply with the conditions for caring for the most beautiful milkweed and inspect the flower weekly, especially carefully the underside of the leaf and leaf sinuses.

Reproduction of the Christmas star at home

Poinsettias are propagated vegetatively in the same way that grown samples from seeds lose their varietal characteristics. At the same time, it is very difficult to obtain seeds at home.

Reproduction by cuttings

  1. Cut off the top of the young shoot at an acute angle so that there are at least 4-5 internodes on the handle (approximate length is 8-10 centimeters) and cut off the lower pair of leaves.
  2. To clean the milky juice, place the cuttings for 10-12 minutes in a container with warm water or wipe the cut with blotting paper. Then it is desirable to sprinkle the cut with charcoal to prevent decay.
    Attention: touching the cut with your hands is undesirable, skin irritation is possible. Wear gloves.
  3. Plant the poinsettia cutting in a moist nutrient substrate (peat, sand, leafy and soddy soil - 1: 1: 3: 3) to a depth of about 1 cm to reduce the risk of root rot.
  4. Place the container with the cuttings in a warm place (18-22˚С) with diffused light and cover with a film. Spray moderately daily and ventilate to keep the substrate moist but without excess water.
    After about a month, the cuttings of the Christmas Star take root and new leaves appear on them.
  5. Pinch off young shoots as they grow to speed up the formation of new stems. In September, transplant the cuttings into separate pots with a diameter of 10-16 cm.
  • The optimal time for propagation of poinsettia by cuttings is May-June. Also, cuttings can be used for cuttings from pruning after flowering (March).


The most beautiful poinsettia, like all euphorbias, secretes milky juice. Recent scientific studies have proven that the juice is minimally toxic and does not pose any danger to human health.

The juice can cause mild irritation if it comes into contact with sensitive skin, and if ingested, it can irritate the stomach, and can sometimes cause diarrhea and vomiting.

Pruning or transplanting a flower in rubber gloves, and at the end of them, wash your hands with soap and water. Take special care of your eyes - in case of contact, rinse them with running water for at least 15 minutes.

Care after purchase for poinsettia or during flowering (December-February)

After buying a poinsettia, you need to create optimal conditions for its flowering and development.

  1. Room temperature + 16-24 ° C, no drops and drafts. During flowering, the most beautiful euphorbia needs a lot of diffused light; in case of deficiency, its leaves may fall off.
    In winter, it is ideal to place on the south window, but the west and east sides are also suitable.
  2. Maintain high humidity: spray the flower with settled warm water 1-2 times a day. Dry air reduces the decorative effect: the leaves begin to dry out and turn yellow, and fall off prematurely.
  3. Water the Christmas Star after the top layer of the substrate is dry. The most beautiful poinsettia loves moderate soil moisture. Too much water is a big risk.
  4. The first 20-25 days the flower will get used to the new conditions. After three weeks, it needs to be transplanted into a new substrate: universal soil mix + sand + vermiculite + drainage at the bottom.
    Transplanting will prolong the flowering of the Christmas star. If it is not possible to transplant, then feed the most beautiful euphorbia fertilizer for flowering plants.

How to buy the right poinsettia?

It is better to buy poinsettia in the warm season, but in most cases it is bought in November-December, when it blooms and has maximum decorative effect.

  • Before buying, carefully inspect the flowers (not bracts!). The central inflorescences should not be opened (ie buds) so that the Christmas star still blooms in your house for as long as possible. Foliage should be lush and healthy.
  • Buy a flower in a warm store (temperature not lower than +15 ° C). In winter, there is a risk of buying a plant with frozen roots, especially in the market.
  • The most beautiful Euphorbia is afraid of frost, especially in a flowering state, so it is necessary to deliver it to the house as soon as possible. Before going outside, carefully wrap the poinsettia in paper and cover with a cloth.

An excellent copy of the poinsettia (Christmas star) to buy

Care for red poinsettia after flowering: pruning, rest period (March-April)

Poinsettia stops blooming, usually in early to mid-February. The approach of the end of flowering can be determined by the appearance of green leaves on top of the bracts. After flowering, the Christmas star sheds leaves (bracts), it begins a dormant period.

  1. Cut the stems about 50% (leaves a bush about 14-16 cm high), leaving 4-5 buds on each. With pruning, you can give the desired shape and density to the crown, and then maintain it by trimming and pinching new shoots.
  2. Transfer the flower to a darkened room with a temperature of + 11-14 ° C. Water it rarely and little (1 time in 10-12 days), but at the same time, so that the substrate does not dry out completely (some flower growers allow complete drying).
  3. After 1.5-2 months (the optimal period), the dormant period of the most beautiful poinsettia ends, and it is transferred to its usual place.

Poinsettia after pruning in March

How to make a poinsettia bloom a second time? Transfer

After the end of the dormant period, it is better to transplant the poinsettia for re-blooming into a new substrate.

  1. During transplantation, the earthen ball near the roots is stored and transferred to a new pot, slightly larger (transshipment). At the bottom of the pot, a drainage layer is required.
  2. The soil mixture is prepared independently (peat, sand, leaf and sod land - 1: 1: 3: 3) or bought ready-made loose and nutritious.
  3. After transplanting, the Christmas star is transferred to a warm and bright room (the south or southeast side is best) and they begin to water it abundantly after the top layer of the soil mixture dries by 2-3 cm.

10-15 minutes after watering, be sure to drain the water from the pan to avoid root rot.

Poinsettia transplant with a clod of earth

Care from May to September for the Christmas star

After the transplant and the onset of warm days, the Christmas star flower begins to grow and develop. During the active growing season, it is not difficult to take care of it: the main thing is to avoid drafts and direct sunlight.

  1. A large amount of diffused light and abundant watering stimulate the growth and development of poinsettia, new shoots appear. Of the young shoots, it is recommended to leave the strongest 4-6, and cut off the rest.
    If desired, a remote shoot can be rooted (reproduction by cuttings), and a new plant will grow from it.
  2. The shoots are pinched so that the Christmas star does not stretch out, but bushes, and a compact and beautiful bush is obtained.
  3. Every two weeks, it is desirable to fertilize with fertilizers for decorative and deciduous species or complex ones. Poinsettia also responds to the introduction of humus, humus or bird droppings with a sharp growth.

Preparation of poinsettia for flowering: October-November

In autumn, the air temperature drops, and accordingly gradually reduce watering and top dressing. To encourage the poinsettia to develop bracts, i.e. "bloom" is necessary for at least two months in the fall with continuous long dark nights and bright sunny days (8-10 hours).

  1. To do this, from September 20-25 until the end of November - the beginning of December, from about 18.00 to 08.00, cover the Christmas Star with a thick cloth, cardboard or a dark bag so that the light does not fall on it and night falls. At the same time, move it away from the battery on the windowsill, but without touching the cold window, so that there is uniform coolness.
  2. In preparation for flowering, water the poinsettia moderately (after drying half of the substrate) and maintain the temperature at least +16 ° C.
  3. On December 1, transfer the most beautiful poinsettia to a sunny window and a warmer place. Soon, buds and colored bracts will appear on the milkweed.

Why isn't the poinsettia blooming?

During the preparatory period for flowering (two months), any random light at night (even a TV turned on, a street lamp or a passing car) can disrupt the laying of flower buds.

Poinsettia flowers

Poinsettia leaves turn yellow, fall or fall off, what should I do?

  • In poinsettia, the leaves wither and fall, most often due to an excess or lack of water.
  • The poinsettia can shed its leaves abruptly without wilting due to drafts or extreme cold.
  • The leaves of the Christmas star turn yellow, mainly due to the dry air in the room, against the backdrop of high temperatures. Spray the flower and water more often.

The most beautiful poinsettia: interesting facts

  • The milky juice of the most beautiful milkweed is used by the inhabitants of Central America to reduce warts, lubricate the bite site with insects, with toothache, as an anesthetic.
  • The popularity of the flower was brought by the Ekki family. Albert Ekki, and then his son Paul, began to grow the Christmas star in open ground and greenhouses, and later an indoor form was bred.
  • Euphorbia most beautiful - the most popular plant for the holidays in the United States. During the Christmas season, 40 to 50 million copies are sold.
  • The poinsettia often dies after flowering, so follow the flower care tips carefully.

See more photos of the Christmas star below:

Home care

The Christmas star in care is a completely unpretentious plant; it will grow without any problems in any corner of an apartment or office.

The only thing you have to take care of is the required amount of light and the ambient temperature.


During flowering, which occurs in winter, as well as during the growth phase in summer, the plant requires abundant watering. An earthen clod should not be allowed to dry out, but stagnant water will also be fatal. The main indicator for watering is a slight drying of the upper part of the soil. After watering, the water in the pan is left for an hour, and then drained.

In autumn and spring, the Star of Bethlehem has periods of rest, during which watering is done in minimal quantities, but without drying the earth.

The water used for irrigation should be warm (room temperature) and well settled.

Air humidity

Dry and warm air bad effect on a plant. With low humidity in the apartment, the beautiful poinsettia should be regularly sprayed with water (1-2 times a day). This is especially true in winter during the period of active operation of central heating batteries. A good solution would be to place the plant pot on a pallet. with wet gravel or expanded clay.

The main symptom of dry indoor air is yellowing the ends of the leaves with their subsequent reset.

Temperature regime

Poinsettia is a heat-loving plant, the lowest possible temperature for it +15 degrees.

During the period of active growth (summer), room temperature should be +20-22 degrees. It must be maintained at this level until mid-October. From this moment begins the period of budding and flowering, when the temperature should be +17-19 degrees. It should be noted that at low temperatures, the color of the bracts becomes brighter, while at higher temperatures, the size of the bracts increases.

The growth of poinsettia slows down if the night temperature exceeds the daytime.

Top dressing (fertilizer)

Feeding takes place in two stages.

In spring and summer, during the growth period, universal fertilizers containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, or fertilizers for decorative leafy plants with a high nitrogen content, are used. Giving a big boost to growth humus, humus or bird droppings.

September-November 1 time Fertilizer for ornamental flowering plants can be applied per week. During flowering, any top dressing stops.


pruning salutary affects the poinsettia. To stimulate growth in March, all shoots are shortened by about 1/3 , while each should remain at least 5 new kidneys. The processes remaining from the procedure can be rooted, and new plants can be obtained.

In the summer, it is allowed to periodically carry out formative pruning, pinching the tops.

Light mode

In summer, when the phase of active growth passes, the flower must be provided lighting for more than 12 hours in a day. At the same time, direct sunlight comes up until noon, after which the pot is covered from direct rays so that the lighting is bright, but diffused.

Reduction of daylight hours less than 12 hours is for a Christmas star a sign of flowering. First, the coloring of the bracts occurs. From the end of September, it is very important to cover the pot at night from any possible light, including moonlight or artificial lighting (in the apartment, street, etc.). This can be done by covering it with a cardboard box or a tight plastic bag. For 10 weeks every day for at least 14 hours the plant must be in total darkness.

ATTENTION! Even the slightest amount of light can knock down the internal "timer" of the beautiful poinsettia and postpone flowering.


The plant is perennial, and therefore, with proper care, it can live for many years. It is acceptable to grow a Christmas star as an annual or completely renew every 2-3 years from cut cuttings.

Poinsettia flowers have no scent.

Growth per year

The growth period is summer, so if the Bethlehem star is purchased already blooming, then in the same season it will no longer grow. After rest and spring pruning, it grows rapidly, adding from 30 to 45 cm in height during the summer months.


Poinsettia at home is propagated by cuttings. The optimal period for this procedure is from April to May.

ATTENTION! Cutting cuttings due to toxic juice should be done with gloves!

During spring pruning, cuttings are cut from a healthy plant from 10-15 cm. The lower leaves on them are removed, and the cut point is washed for some time with water to remove the juice. After that, drainage holes are made in the bottom of disposable plastic cups, and the soil substrate is poured there.

For the best rooting the lower sections are coated with a root formation stimulator. After that, the shoots are stuck into the ground by 3 cm and covered with a film to form a mini-greenhouse.

The cups are regularly ventilated, the ambient temperature must be +15-21 degree. Watering is done so that the soil is not wet, but slightly moist.

Under optimal conditions, the process of rooting the star of Bethlehem takes 2 months. After that, the plants from the cups are transplanted into pots, and care is taken as for an adult plant.


Flowering takes place from October-November to February-March. The flowers are yellow, inconspicuous due to their small size. The bracts are large and of various bright colors (depending on the species). After the end of flowering, they turn pale and fall off.


old plants transplanted between April and May, this can also be combined with formative pruning. If grafting was carried out in the same period, then rooted sprouts are planted in containers in June-July.

The pot is chosen a few centimeters larger than the previous one. However, the rule here is the more the container will be in size, the higher can grow poinsettia. At the bottom, a layer of expanded clay drainage or broken bricks must be poured. The old soil is shaken from the roots, but you should not clean it off using force - you can damage the root system.

After transplanting, the pot is placed in a warm room on a well-lit window sill and they begin to water it intensively, not forgetting to remove excess water from the pan. This is a sign for the plant that the growth period has begun.

Transplantation and care after purchase

The acquisition of poinsettia is a kind of lottery - flowering plants are brought in in winter, after pouring abundantly the soil with water. At temperatures around zero, this becomes an impetus for the freezing of the soil and damage to the root system rot. Therefore, it is best to choose semi-dry, unblown plant, possibly standing for several days in the store.

Immediately after entering the apartment, the flower is placed on a lighted window, where the flowering period passes. After 3-4 weeks, after the end of flowering and acclimatization, a transplant is made into a new, more spacious pot, by transshipment coma.

Christmas Star Ground

A slightly acidic substrate with an indicator is preferred pH 5.8-6.5. Land for planting poinsettia is mixed independently. For this, two parts of leafy soil, three parts of clay-turf and one part of peat soil and sand are taken. You can also add a little humus.

If it is not possible to prepare the soil yourself, then a simple universal composition from the store is used with the addition of a small part of the sand.

Diseases and pests

Of the insect pests, the plant is most often is affected thrips, scale insects, whiteflies, mealybugs and spider mites. You can destroy them both with the help of improvised means (for example, washing plant with a sponge and soapy water), and sprinkling chemicals.

In addition, when in adverse conditions, poinsettia can get sick various types of rot (most often gray), fusarium or powdery mildew.


Poinsettia fine or Christmas star is an unusual plant that blooms during the winter months. Moreover, the most noticeable are not the flowers themselves, but bright large blossoms. Proper Care carried out in 2 stages - in summer for growth and in winter - for flowering. In spring and autumn, the plant is dormant. The most important are the conditions for temperature, air humidity and watering.

Useful video

Learn all the secrets of caring for the Christmas star:

Blooming poinsettia or the most beautiful euphorbia is a symbol of prosperity and comfort. It is no coincidence that this plant is also called the “Christmas star”, since it is on Christmas days that its bright star-flowers light up above the greenery of the leaves. More precisely, it is not flowers that give her a decorative look, they are small and inconspicuous, but bracts that frame them with a bright wreath.

Breeders have bred various varieties with bracts of red, apricot-pink, yellow-lemon, creamy white, and even spotted color. This flower is unpretentious and, when the necessary conditions are created, it will grow well at home.

It is very important to take a responsible attitude to the purchase of poinsettia. The specimens for sale are not always transported in comfortable conditions for the plant. Therefore, do not hope that the period of adaptation to room conditions will be easy. When choosing a plant, first of all, you should pay attention to the soil, which should not be too waterlogged. The buds must be unopened - this means that the life cycle of the plant is just beginning. The life cycle of a poinsettia consists of a winter bloom, a dormant period, and a growing period.

At home, it must be placed on a bright windowsill, always without drafts. The temperature in the room during the acclimatization period should be at least 16 degrees. Poinsettia gets used to home conditions in about 3 weeks. After about this time, it should be transplanted into an all-purpose soil with some sand and vermiculite added, while not forgetting about drainage. Compliance with these rules will allow you to admire the bright bracts of poinsettia for another 4 months.

It is not recommended to buy poinsettia in the markets in winter, as there is a risk of getting a plant with frozen roots.

Location and lighting

Poinsettia in the growth period loves lit, even sunny places, protected from drafts. To prevent compaction of the soil, it is useful to loosen it or penetrate through it in several places to allow air to enter. Staying outdoors in the summer with poinsettia will only benefit.

If it is not possible to provide her with summer holidays on the balcony or in the country, then the room where the poinsettia is located should be often ventilated, avoiding drafts. With a lack of light in winter, during flowering, the plant may shed its foliage. Therefore, in the evening, she needs to provide supplementary lighting. In the autumn months before the flowering of poinsettia, on the contrary, a shortened daylight hours are required.


The plant requires a constant temperature, both in summer and in winter, not lower than 18 degrees. For a flower, room temperature in the range of 18-25 degrees is quite suitable. When the poinsettia blooms (in winter), the temperature in the room should be at least 14-16 degrees. During the dormant period, the optimum temperature for a flower is 12-14 degrees. Poinsettia does not tolerate sudden temperature fluctuations.


In summer, poinsettias need to be watered frequently, and in winter, after they have faded, they should be watered infrequently. Do not use cold water for irrigation. It is also important not to allow excessive waterlogging of the earth, as this will lead to the formation of rot on the roots.

Air humidity

The reason for failures in growing poinsettia may be too dry air. Reduced humidity has a detrimental effect on the plant, it can shed foliage. In addition, the high temperature of the room and low humidity contribute to the reproduction of the main enemies of the poinsettia - the red spider mite. Therefore, frequent spraying with warm water will increase the humidity of the air and help in pest control.

Top dressings and fertilizers

Every 2 weeks, from spring to autumn, the poinsettia is fed with a mineral fertilizer complex. In the summer, poinsettia must be fed with a complete mineral fertilizer composition or a weak solution of mullein. During flowering, the plant needs more potash fertilizer for decorative flowering specimens.

The soil

A slightly acidic (pH about 6) substrate is ideal for poinsettias. The optimal composition of the soil: clay-soddy, leafy and soddy soil with the addition of sand in a ratio of 3:2:1:1. It is important to take care of good drainage for the plant.


Poinsettia needs an annual transplant, which is best done in the spring (April-May). In March, the stems are cut by a third and the plant is left in a warm room. It is important that at this time the plant receives a sufficient amount of sunlight. Watering should be done with slightly warm water. When the leaves appear, the poisettia is transplanted into a pot slightly larger than the previous one. After transplantation, the poinsettia is moved to a warm place with a constant temperature of 20 degrees and they begin to water and spray abundantly.

When new shoots appear, only the 5-6 most powerful should be left, the rest should be removed. Cut shoots can be used as cuttings for propagating poinsettias.


The poinsettia grows pretty fast. So that it does not become large-sized, it must be cut short after flowering. The flower is trimmed, leaving the stems about 10 cm high from the ground. In the future, they simply maintain a beautiful crown shape.

Propagation of poinsettia is carried out by cuttings in spring and summer. The shoots of the plant contain milky juice, so the cuttings are placed in warm water to drain it. After that, they are allowed to dry and planted in a soil consisting of a mixture of peat and sand in equal proportions.

Since the root system of the poinsettia is not large, they are planted in liter pots of 2 cuttings, having previously been dipped in the root. The stalk is buried no more than 1 cm, otherwise it may rot. It is necessary to maintain the temperature within 24-28 degrees. Containers with cuttings must be constantly sprayed and ventilated. Cuttings take root for about 3 weeks. In order for the plant to branch further, it is pruned.

In order for the poinsettia to bloom not once, but to please with beautiful flowers next Christmas, it is necessary to provide it with proper care during rest. After the flowering period, within 6 weeks, watering is reduced - until the leaves wilt. Water the plant only after the soil is completely dry. At the end of March, the stems are shortened by 1/3 and transplanted into a room pot with good drainage in soil from soddy, leafy soil, rotted compost, sand and peat and peat, taken in equal proportions.

In the third decade of September, for 8 weeks, daylight hours for poinsettia are reduced to 10 hours. At the end of this time, it is transferred to a dark place or covered with a material that does not transmit light. This is a necessary condition for laying buds and coloring bracts. Lighting, even subdued, delays the development of the kidneys and provokes rapid vegetative growth.

Diseases and pests

If the plant is sick, then it is necessary to destroy the affected parts of the plant and use a special antifungal drug.

  • The leaves turn yellow and fall - the flower is in a draft.
  • Spots appear, inflorescences turn pale - a large amount of water gets on the leaves.
  • Leaves and inflorescences fall off - rotting of the roots from excessive waterlogging of the soil.
  • Yellow or brown edges of the leaves, inflorescences fall off - the air in the room is too dry.
  • Sharp fall of leaves - too low air temperature or drafts; lack of light.

If at least once poinsettia gets to flower growers, then it is already impossible to part with it. Every Christmas will be held in anticipation of the flowering of the original stars of the most beautiful poinsettia.

Poinsettia or Christmas star - how to grow (video)

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