How to grow blueberries in the country. Blueberries - a unique wild berry All about blueberries

Who does not want to harvest blueberries on their plot? To the greatest joy of gardeners and gardeners, breeders have bred many varieties of this fruit shrub, and now the juicy berry pleases with its taste not only residents of the northern regions, but also the southern ones. Planting and caring for garden blueberries requires some effort and skill, and if everything is done correctly, the result will fully justify itself.

We are accustomed to thinking that blueberries are a low-growing shrub that grows in the cool wetlands of the North. But in reality, this name hides a number of different varieties that are cultivated almost everywhere today.

Blueberries can be divided into two types:

  • Common blueberry (swamp, marsh)- this is the same berry that is found in the wild in northern latitudes. Its reproduction takes place successfully in the conditions of the Urals and Siberia, where it grows well among coniferous and mixed forests in damp, flooded places.
  • Blueberry garden- comes from North America and it is she who mainly grows in the cultural conditions of our country. The height of this shrub can reach up to 3 m, and the size of the berries is several times larger than that of the "wild". One bush yields up to 6-7 kg.

Blueberry breeding in America began 100 years ago. And only half a century later, the best varieties were finally bred, numbering more than 45 today.

To grow blueberries at home, you need to focus on the precocity of varieties. The fruiting of some begins too late for the region, others are distinguished by an early harvest.

Taking into account the climatic zones, American blueberry varieties are divided into the following groups:

  • northern tall blueberry, resistant to frost and does not require shelter for the winter. Varieties of this group are bred for regions with severe weather conditions. The most popular are Coville, Herbert, Elizabeth, Toro.
  • Southern tall blueberry, drought-resistant, but not tolerant of frost. Known varieties: Northland, Bluecrop, Bluray, Berkeley, Patriot, Ashy.
  • medium blueberry- varieties of this group are bred on the basis of Canadian narrow-leaved blueberries, which are distinguished by a short growing season. Blueberry narrow-leaved is very resistant to sudden changes in the weather, winter-hardy, undemanding to the soil. The best varieties are Chandler, Aurora, Liberty.
  • Blueberry Ashy- It is also called "rabbit eye". This is a group of varieties obtained from blueberries. It is drought tolerant and hardy in poor soils. The growing season is very long, so they are planted mainly in the south of the country.

Blueberries are self-pollinating and for its productivity it is better if several varieties are planted in one area at once.

Preparing for landing

Blueberries are a demanding crop. It just won't work to plant it. She needs attention and certain conditions for growth. With proper care, the culture will delight the summer resident for more than 20 years. You can plant it in the autumn, but it is better in the spring. Then the plant will have enough time to get stronger for the first upcoming wintering.

Choosing good seedlings

Usually two- and three-year-old seedlings are planted. These are small bushes growing in containers or in pots with acidic soil. An open root system is unacceptable, since a saprophyte fungus lives in symbiosis with the plant, helping to absorb nutrients.

If the seedlings have leaves, they should be free of spots and holes, and the bark should be even in color. The shrub must be grown in the same climate zone where it is sold. So it will be adapted to the environment and take root faster.

If a seedling with young, non-lignified branches was bought, such a plant may freeze in the ground in winter. It is better to let him spend the winter in the basement at low temperatures and land in the spring, when the frosts pass. The yield of blueberries directly depends on the growing conditions.

Good and strong blueberry bush

Choosing the best place to land

Growing conditions for cultivated blueberries are very different from the requirements of common blueberries. Garden berry prefers well-lit, open spaces with deep groundwater (at least half a meter) and wind protection.

Unlike the wild sister in dark, damp places, she will not give a good harvest and will begin to degenerate over time. It is ideal if the place for future planting has rested from other crops for several years: blueberries do not like their predecessors.

Wind protection is a must. This is because the branches of the culture rub against each other from the air currents, the bark is injured and an infection is introduced. The bush is sick. Berries lose their qualities and are stored worse.

preparing the ground

Soil requirements are serious. This is because blueberries absolutely do not like neutral and alkaline Ph. She needs acidic soil, with a Ph value of up to 3.5, and at the same time light, aerated, without stagnant water. It can be a peat bog, a peat bog with sandy loam or loam - the main thing is that the earth "breathes" and its acidity corresponds to the required one.

To check the Ph level, you can use a special device.

If it is not available, a simple litmus test will do, which is dropped into the ground for a few minutes. The result is judged by the change in its color. Another way to determine acidity is to test with vinegar. To do this, take a portion of the soil and pour acetic acid into it. If at the same time a reaction occurs as when soda is quenched, then the soil needs to be acidified. The absence of a reaction indicates its normal acidity for blueberries.

How to acidify the soil? To do this, pour half a glass of 9% vinegar into a bucket of water and irrigate the area with the resulting solution. Citric, oxalic acid with the calculation of 3 tbsp is also suitable. to a bucket of water. You can use sulfur for acidification.

With acidification, the main thing is not to overdo it. After each procedure, you need to check the pH of the soil, the norm for blueberries is 3.5-4.5 Ph. If the soil is clayey or purely peaty, for better crop growth, it is mixed with some sand to facilitate.

Planting seedlings

Usually blueberries are planted in rows in pre-prepared holes or in raised raised ridges. The depth of the planting holes should be 0.5-0.6 m, the gap between them should be 0.8-1.2 m, the row spacing should be 1.5-3 m. The blueberry needs space and individual conditions, so the neighborhood of trees and other shrubs are undesirable.

A pit for planting is prepared with a diameter of up to 0.8 m. Its walls are slightly loosened for aeration, and drainage from crushed stone or expanded clay is laid out on the bottom.

Then a mixture is prepared from pine or spruce needles, coniferous bark (mushroom root loves it) and twigs, rotted sawdust, acidified peat and a small amount of sand. For additional acidification add 3 tbsp. sulfur or ammonium sulfate (10 gr. per 10 l.). The resulting mass is well mixed, filled with a pit "with a slide" and rammed a little. The landing site is ready.

No organic fertilizers are required as they alkalize the soil. Peat, if desired, is replaced with earth from a pine forest.

Blueberry planting technology

Planting technology is the same for spring and autumn planting. The difference exists only in the preparation of the seedling. In autumn, all weak branches are cut off from a biennial bush, and stronger ones are cut in half. Three-year-old pruning is no longer needed. Planting blueberries is carried out as follows:

Garden blueberry care

Care for blueberries is required in the same way as for other horticultural crops. To do this, the following activities are carried out regularly:

Loosening and removing weeds

First of all, young seedlings are protected from weeds. They are removed at the first detection, preventing them from growing. You should also periodically, but not too often, loosen the soil around the planting along with the mulch layer. Loosening depth - 6-8 cm, it is not worth it deeper, because the root system can be damaged. For the entire growing season, mulch is sprinkled 2-3 times.


You need to water, but you can not overdo it - garden blueberries in conditions of high humidity may die. The irrigation scheme must be developed taking into account the local climate, but most often it is watered in the morning and evening every 2-3 days.

One bucket of water is enough for one bush, half a bucket for a young seedling. In the hot season, plants can be additionally sprayed.

Particular attention should be paid to watering during the period of ripening berries. At this time, future flower buds are being laid, so insufficient water will lead to a poor harvest next season. About once every two weeks, the culture is watered with acidified water.

top dressing

Garden blueberries do not tolerate organic fertilizers at all, so mineral complexes are perfect for her. Top dressing is applied twice - during the periods of sap flow and flowering. The older the culture, the more nutrition it needs. Biennials are scattered under a bush 1 tbsp. top dressing, after which it is watered. This dose is increased every year by 1-2 tablespoons until the plant is 5-6 years old. An adult shrub needs up to 8 tbsp. mineral fertilizer. A one-year-old seedling does not need this.

The appearance of the shrub allows you to determine which mineral it lacks. To prevent this, you can use complex fertilizers, the composition of which is selected specifically for growing garden blueberries. The most famous are Florovit and Target, which include soil acidifiers.


A young seedling needs pruning to form a strong base. To do this, sick, frozen branches are cut every spring. Upon reaching 6-7 years of age, the bushes rejuvenate. In the spring, they remove the old shoots, keeping only the strongest of them. And next year they are also removed, leaving only last year's growth.

If there is excessive thickening of the shrub, it is thinned out so that neighboring plantings do not touch - this can significantly reduce the yield.

Disease control

Garden blueberries are sensitive to soil moisture levels. Excessive moisture leads to the appearance of different types of fungus, from which the culture suffers very much. There are the following types of fungal diseases:

  • stem cancer- provoked by excessive moisture and an excess of nitrogen. It appears as red-brown spots on the stem, which grow and lead to the death of the branches.
  • Phomopsis- drying of the stems, begins with the tips of young shoots. Outwardly, it resembles stem cancer, but it spreads from the tops.
  • Botrytis - known as gray mold. It spreads to all parts of the plant. Affects crops during storage.
  • Fruit monoliosis - affects all parts of the plant, which take on the appearance of "beaten" by frost. The fungus lives in dried berries.
  • Physalosporosis - makes itself felt by the end of summer in the form of swollen brown spots on the shoot. In the spring, the affected area grows and the branch dies off.
  • Septoria- manifests itself in the form of small light spots on the leaves, which then fall off.
  • Anthracnose - when it spreads, the leaves become stained and crumble from the bush. The berries rot and become covered with brown or orange spores.

The fight against fungal diseases consists in removing diseased shoots and burning them. The issue of maintaining the required level of humidity at the landing site must be resolved.

To destroy fungi, fungicides like Fundazol, Euparen, Topsin, Skora, Tercel are used. Bordeaux liquid is suitable for prevention.

Among the viral diseases of garden blueberries, dwarfism, necrotic and red ring spots, threading of shoots and mosaics are terrible. Sick shrubs are dug up and burned. The strongest and most stable blueberry variety is Bluecrop.

Pest control

Pine silkworm caterpillar, aphids, leafworms, May beetles, bud mites, and beetles are noted among the crop pests. All these pests undermine the plant to one degree or another, significantly reducing the yield of the crop. Their attack occurs irregularly, but it happens. Beetle larvae are harvested by hand, then destroyed.

And in relation to other pests, insecticides "Karbofos", "Aktellik", "Iskra", "Karate" are used. Processing is carried out in early spring for prevention and during the invasion.

Preparing for winter

Garden blueberries are predominantly hardy. This is especially true of northern tall varieties. Other varieties can withstand up to -20 ° C or less, especially if the winter has little snow.

It is advisable to cover the shrub for the winter - this will protect it from frost and piercing cold winds. They cover after harvesting by bending the branches to the ground and carefully tying them with a rope. The bush is wrapped in burlap (not PVC) and covered with coniferous paws on top. In winter, make sure that the shrub is covered with snow - this will protect it from freezing.

The protection is removed in the spring, then the frozen branches are cut off. Blueberry flowers are resistant to frost down to -7°C. In the south, where there are no severe frosts, it is not necessary to cover the shrub.

Reproduction of garden blueberries


The harvest season depends on the precocity of the variety, from July to October-November. The fruits ripen in turn, so they are harvested for about a month or longer. Berries that are bluish in color and are easily removed from the bush are considered ripe.

The first of them are the largest and juiciest - they are eaten fresh or sold. Smaller berries will be next, so they are usually processed.

Blueberry- fruits of a plant of the Heather family. In addition, there are also such names for it: a drunkard and a gonobobel. They are so specific because the berries seem to intoxicate and dizzy.

Blueberries are often confused with blueberries because they look very similar. The fruits, blue in color, are covered with a bluish bloom on top (see photo). Ripe berries reach an average length of up to 1.2 cm. Inside the fruits have a fleshy juicy green flesh. The taste of the berries is moderately sweet with a slight sourness. They will appeal to those who do not like sugary sweetness in taste.

In the northern hemisphere, blueberries are found almost everywhere. Natural conditions for the growth of this shrub are forests, mountains and wetlands.

Where and how does it grow?

Blueberries grow mainly in wetlands, mountains, forests, and tundra. However, the plant can be planted in any other area. The main thing is that the area is characterized by high humidity. As for the choice of soil, here, too, scientists argue that blueberries are able to sprout in any soil and withstand severe frosts, sultry heat, and even flooding of the soil.

The plant grows in the form of a small bush, which reaches only one hundred centimeters in height. The branches of the plant are gray in color, smooth and curved. The leaves are small, three centimeters long. The inflorescences are small, painted in pink or white. Blueberries are dark blue. The skin is covered with a bluish bloom. The fruits of the plant are edible, they are quite juicy and moderately sweet.

When can you pick berries and how to do it right?

People who planted blueberries for the first time in a garden plot ask themselves this question: “When do blueberries ripen and how to pick berries correctly?” Experts say that the blueberry season falls in the middle of summer, or rather, at the end of July. Therefore, berries can be harvested as early as the beginning of August. But you should not hesitate with this matter, because the fruits of the plant can overripe and fall off.

If there are not very many blueberry bushes growing on the site, the berries can be picked manually or with the help of a comb (scoop), which is easy to use, and, most importantly, leaves do not fall into it, so sorting the berries is quite fast.

If a whole plantation of such plants has been planted and each bush has begun to bear fruit abundantly, then it is best to use a special berry harvester here. It is able to replace several people, so it is considered a fairly economical tool for picking blueberries.

How is blueberry different from shadberry, honeysuckle, blueberry?

Blueberry differs from shadberry in that the latter grows in the form of a tree that reaches almost five meters in height. And blueberries grow on a bush that is not more than a hundred centimeters in height. Also, the difference between the two berries is that the irga belongs to the Rose family, and blueberries belong to the Heather family. As for the fruits of the two plants themselves, there are differences here too. Blueberries are very juicy and sweet and sour, while the berries of the shadberry are less juicy, a little sweetish, almost tasteless.

The difference between blueberries and honeysuckle is that the berries of the latter ripen much earlier (in the month of June), and the fruits of the former only at the end of July. The taste of blueberries is sweet, with a slight taste of sourness, and honeysuckle can be sweet, tart, sour and even bitter. The taste of the berries depends on which variety is grown. There is also a difference in the color of the berries. The color of honeysuckle fruits is varied: they can be blue, white, black, red or orange. And in blueberries, the berries are painted in a rich dark blue tone.

Blueberries and blueberries, although they belong to the same family, still have a number of differences. The blueberry bush is even smaller than the blueberry bush. The stems of the latter, unlike the former, are firmer and lighter. Also, the difference is noticeable in that the blueberry bush almost spreads along the ground, and the blueberry bush, on the contrary, grows upwards. The latter plant can adapt to any conditions and soil, and blueberries grow only in pine forests. The juice secreted from blueberries is dark in color, while the juice of blueberries is clear. In addition, blueberries, unlike blueberries, are larger and oblong in shape. Blueberry fruit pulp is characterized by a dark blue tint, and blueberry pulp is greenish in color.

Beneficial features

The beneficial properties of such wild berries are very diverse. Blueberry positively affects the work of the digestive tract, the circulatory system, for example, the walls of blood vessels become stronger after eating berries, and the hematopoiesis process also improves. It is also worth considering beneficial effect of blueberries on the nervous system. Perhaps this is due to the content of magnesium, which acts like a sedative.

Berries have strong antimicrobial properties. Given this, blueberries are recommended to be used as a preventive measure against various infectious diseases, such as dysentery. In addition, blueberries is an excellent natural antioxidant, which allows the use of berries as a tonic, regenerating and tonic.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the ability of blueberries to break down fats. In addition, berries are low-calorie foods. Considering this, they are allowed to be used during the period of weight loss and to maintain ideal shape.

It has been noticed that with regular use of blueberries, you can relieve eye strain and restore vision.

Blueberries contain a lot of phyllochionine, which is actively involved in blood clotting.

The composition of blueberries includes a huge amount of vitamins, such as B, C, E and PP, as well as minerals: iron, sodium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and calcium. Berries contain proteins, carbohydrates, fats and water.

The plant is very useful for women because it has medicinal properties. Due to the low energy value, blueberries are considered a low-calorie product, in this regard, berries are recommended for weight loss, since the plant is able to break down fats.

Blueberries are good for the skin too. It can restore tone to the face and rejuvenate it. To do this, it is recommended to prepare the following mask. In a bowl, grind two teaspoons of berries with a tablespoon of sour cream, then add a drop of lemon juice and half a teaspoon of olive oil. Mix well and spread over the skin of the face. After fifteen minutes, the mask should be wiped off with a damp sponge, and then washed.

In addition, blueberries are good for the eyes. The berries of the plant are recommended to be eaten with daily eye strain.

Blueberries are useful for gastritis, but only with low acidity of the juice in the stomach. Proponents of non-traditional treatment advise a tablespoon of berries to pour two hundred milliliters of boiling water and set aside to infuse for fifteen minutes. After the infusion of blueberries, it is required to strain. The remedy should be drunk before eating seventy milliliters. Before use, the infusion should be warmed up a little so that it is warm.

Blueberries can strengthen if you eat dried berries. For constipation, you need to steam a tablespoon of dried and ground leaves of the plant with a glass of boiling water, let it stand for about an hour, and then filter the infusion. Drink half a glass up to four times a day.

With pancreatitis, blueberries are allowed to be eaten, but not at the time of an exacerbation of the disease. During the remission period, compote, jelly can be cooked from blueberries.

Also, the use of blueberries helps to lower blood pressure.

Below is a video about the beneficial properties of blueberries.

Use in cooking

Blueberries are widely used in cooking: they can be consumed both fresh and cooked.

Most often, jams and jams are prepared from fruits, which, even after heat treatment, retain many useful substances. Blueberries are used to make various drinks, for example, compotes, jelly are made from berries, and they also make juice and use berries in the alcohol industry.

Blueberries are widely used in baking. They can simply be added to the dough or used as a filling.

You can make a tincture from blueberries. Rinse, dry and crush two kilograms of fresh blueberries so that the berries release juice. Pour the blueberry puree into an airtight container, add two hundred and fifty grams of granulated sugar, pour a liter of vodka, stir well, and then close. Remove the container with the contents in a fairly dark place and leave for fifteen days at room temperature. Shake the container once every two days. After the tincture, you need to strain it with a gauze cloth, then pour it into a glass bottle and cork (you can add granulated sugar if you wish). Let the tincture stand for another five days, and then try. Blueberry tincture has a ruby ​​color and berry aroma.

What can you substitute for blueberries in a recipe?

Blueberries can be replaced in the recipe with only a few berries. For example, if blueberry filling is required for making a pie, they can be replaced with fresh blueberries, cherries or sea buckthorn.

To decorate the cake, you can use blackcurrants instead of blueberries.

If you can’t find blueberries, but you want to make a smoothie, fresh berries can be replaced with currants.

In addition, experienced chefs in many recipes replace blueberries with red currants, raspberries or strawberries.

Storage and harvesting of berries

For the storage of blueberries, it is necessary to select only ripe fruits of large size. By terms, there are two ways to store berries:

  1. Short. Fruits can be stored at room temperature for three days.
  2. Long. If the berries are washed, dried, distributed in glass containers and placed in the refrigerator on the top shelf, the fruits can remain fresh and edible for ten days.

Also, blueberries can be prepared for the winter in such ways as freezing, drying, candied, soaking in water and cooking jam from berries.

To freeze the fruits of the plant, they should be sorted out, cut off the tails, washed under water, dried, folded in layers in an airtight container (each layer must be sprinkled with sugar) and placed in the freezer. The shelf life of frozen blueberries is twelve months.

To prepare the berries by soaking, you need to rinse, dry, distribute the blueberries into glass jars (you will need a container that can hold five hundred milliliters), completely pour cold boiled water and boil for about ten minutes. After the jars should be preserved, and then placed in a cool room (cellar or on the top shelf of the refrigerator). This method of storage will ensure the freshness of the berries for at least six months.

For candied blueberries it is necessary to twist the washed berries with a meat grinder, and then pour the berry puree into a deep enameled container. After pouring granulated sugar into the puree (about five hundred grams of sugar will be needed per kilogram of berry puree) and put the container on fire to heat the berry mass. You also need to boil glass jars for twenty minutes, and then pour the puree into containers and preserve. It is advisable to store candied blueberries in a cellar or refrigerator for no more than twelve months..

To prepare blueberries jam, berries need to be sorted out, washed and dried. Now you need to make syrup. To do this, pour five glasses of water into a fairly deep bowl, add five hundred grams of sugar and boil until the sugar melts. Next, put the berries in the already prepared syrup and boil over low heat for about four hours. After the jam, pour into a sterilized container and cork. Store in the cellar for about two years.

blueberry harvesting for the winter with the help of drying implies the following. Distribute clean berries on a baking sheet and place in the oven, heating the oven to fifty degrees. The oven door does not need to be completely closed, leaving it ajar. At a fifty-degree temperature, blueberries dry for two hours, then the temperature regime must be increased by another ten degrees and the berries dried for about an hour. Place dried blueberries in an airtight container and store either in the refrigerator or in the cellar for up to six months..

Blueberry benefits and treatment

The benefits of blueberries have been identified through numerous scientific studies and experiments. Scientists have proven that regular consumption of berries increases the protective functions of the body, which allows you to resist the effects of radioactive substances. Vitamins and trace elements found in blueberries promote the elimination of toxins and salts of heavy metals from the body.

In folk medicine, many diseases are treated with blueberries. For example, a decoction is prepared from branches and leaves, which helps in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Besides, A decoction of the leaves can be used as a mild laxative..

Blueberry juice is widely used in folk medicine. Basically, it is recommended to use it for fever, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as during the period of increased secretion of gastric juice.

Harm of blueberries and contraindications

Blueberries can cause harm if berries are abused, eating berries in large quantities can provoke allergic reactions. In addition, headache, nausea, and even vomiting may occur.

It is worth reducing the amount of berries consumed by pregnant and breastfeeding women, as they can provoke the development of allergies in a child.

There are contraindications to the use of blueberries for biliary dyskinesia.

Characteristics of the best varieties

To date, a large number of blueberry varieties have been bred, which differ in ripening time, color, taste, and growing region. Consider and give a description of the best of them.

Blueberry varieties


Bluegold (translated as "blue gold")

The variety is bushy, tall (grows up to one and a half meters in height), frost-resistant, self-fertile, does not tolerate extreme heat, the berries ripen after the twentieth of July. The fruits are light blue, sweet. The blueberry bush bears fruit for about sixty years. In autumn, the green leaves of the plant turn first yellow, and then scarlet.

Belongs to those varieties in which the fruits ripen by early August. Blueberry berries are large, bright blue in color, the skin is covered with a blue bloom. The taste of blueberry "bluecrop" is moderately sweet, there are sour notes. Also, this variety is characterized by good resistance to severe frosts.

A plant with a late fruit ripening period (berries ripen in early August). Blueberries are round, bright blue in color, sweet. This variety is self-fertile, frost-resistant, subject to long-term transportation.

Denis blue

Blueberries, although they ripen late, are pleased with their large size, dessert taste and good transportability. The pulp is sweet and sour. The bush is tall, with medium frost resistance.

Variety "Duke" of the early period of fruit ripening. The berries are large in size, rich blue in color, the skin is smooth, covered with bloom, the flesh is tart-sweet. Well transfers long transportation. Good frost resistance, but it is better to cover for the winter.

Late variety with good frost resistance. A good harvest can be harvested from a tall bush. Berries are blue in color, large in size, with a sweet taste. Due to the strong skin and dense pulp, blueberries can be transported over long distances.

Northland (translated means "northern country")

The variety is suitable for growing in the northern regions, frost-resistant, undersized. It is characterized by an early ripening rate of berries. Fruits are blue, sweetish. Many gardeners plant blueberries "northland" as an ornamental shrub to decorate the garden plot.

The variety is undersized, frost-resistant, self-fertile, not susceptible to diseases and pests, the average period of berry ripening. The fruits are slightly flat, fairly large, light blue.

It is a tall shrub, which is characterized by a fairly high resistance to cold and diseases. Ripe berries are harvested after the twentieth of July. Blueberry fruits taste sweet and sour, small in size, deep blue in color. The plant begins to bear fruit three years after planting the seedling..

Tall shrub of an early variety, which produces fruits of relatively large size. The berries are blue, round, slightly flattened, sweet in taste, but there is astringency. This blueberry variety has an average frost resistance.

This variety has an average ripening rate of fruits, which at the time of harvest are painted in a bluish-blue hue and acquire a rounded shape. The skin is smooth, covered with a wax coating. The plant is frost-resistant, but can get sick with a fungal disease.

The variety is characterized by large blue berries and a late ripening period. Harvest can take over four weeks. It tolerates severe frosts well, when the temperature ranges from -24 to -28 degrees. Transportability is low, because blueberries are very tender and can crack.


Belongs to varieties with an average ripening rate of berries, good resistance to many diseases and pests. It may not withstand severe frosts, therefore it is suitable for growing only in warm areas. The fruits of the plant are round, with an elastic skin, with a sweet aftertaste.

Blueberry "Erliblu" is characterized by fairly early fruiting and high resistance to severe frosts. The berries grow in the form of a ball, medium and large sizes, light blue in color, with a tart, sweet and sour taste. Good resistance to diseases such as powdery mildew, but the fruits may be susceptible to mummification. Transportation and long-term storage is not subject.

In addition to the main varieties, other varieties of blueberries were bred, which are also quite popular with farmers. Conventionally, plant varieties can be divided as follows:

  • Tall: Puru, Berkeley, Nord Country, Sunrise, Chanticleer, Bluejay, Bluray, Meader, XXL, Atlantic, Blue Berry, Blueetta ”, “Weymouth”, “Huron”, “Double”, “Kaz Plishka”, “Collins”, “Sierra”, “Boniface”, “Jersey”, “Elliot”, “Goldtraube”, “Hannas Choice”, “Hardy Blue ”, “Brigita Blue”, “Herbert”, “Darrow”, “Pink Lemonade”, “Renkokas”, “Legacy”;
  • undersized: "North Blue", "Chippewa", "Alvar", "Blue Giant", "Wonderful", "Shegarskaya", "Polaris".

There are a lot of varieties of blueberries, and each of them has different taste qualities, fruiting and life periods, as well as areas and areas for planting. Therefore, you can always choose the option that is right for you.

Growing: planting and care

Blueberry cultivation technology consists in proper planting, care and harvesting. You can grow a plant both in a greenhouse and in a garden or in a personal plot.

So, with regard to the proper planting of shrubs. Before planting blueberries in the garden, you need to select high-quality seedlings, that is, so that they are healthy and have green leaves without spots. Blueberries should be planted in early spring before the buds ripen, choosing a sunny and calm place in the garden. To plant a plant, you first need to completely soak the pots with bushes in cool water for about three hours (so that the earthen ball is saturated with moisture). After that, you need to carefully pull the blueberry bush out of the pot, turning the plant upside down to break the lump from the ground. Now you should plant a bush in a hole, carefully fix the roots and fill it with a substrate (a mixture of sawdust, bark, sand, red peat and coniferous litter). Further, in a circle near the bush, you need to make a small hole, soak it well with water, and then add mulch (you can use straw or bark). The distance between seedlings should be at least one meter.

To transplant blueberries to a new place in the garden, the shrub needs to be planted in the ground only to the depth at which it was previously located. Although some gardeners recommend planting blueberries in the soil five centimeters deeper. For transplantation, it is best to dig up a young shrub that has reached two years old, cutting off green shoots and buds.

When the planting stage is over, you can proceed to the blueberry care stage. Throughout the season, it is necessary to loosen the soil several times, as well as to carry out mulching. It should also be remembered that a shrub plant needs timely watering, pruning and feeding.

Watering blueberries should be done no more than twice a week. For each adult bush, one bucket of water in the early morning and the same amount of water in the evening will be enough. During the fruiting period, blueberries need to be watered very often. If the plant is thirsty, this can adversely affect the yield.

Blueberry fertilization is not particularly required, however, the plant is very fond of mineral (inorganic) fertilizers, which should be added to the soil in early spring, at the time of sap flow and during the period of bud formation. But as for organic dressings for blueberries, experienced farmers categorically forbid them to be applied to the ground. The most optimal fertilizers for the plant are:

  • ammonium sulfate;
  • potassium sulfate;
  • zinc sulfate;
  • superphosphate.

Ammonium sulfate should be applied to the soil three times: during the movement of the juice, then at the beginning of the third month of spring, and then at the beginning of June. And more fertilizer in the ground for blueberries is not required until the onset of next spring. The only thing you can feed blueberries in the fall is superphosphate (one hundred grams is required per bush).

You also need to regularly prune blueberries. This is done so that the plant bears fruit well. Pruning in the spring is carried out until the buds swell on the branches. If there are diseased branches on the plant in autumn, they should be cut off immediately and not wait for spring. All flowers are cut from an annual bush so that the plant develops well. In four-year-old shrubs, weak, diseased, frozen branches, shoots (which are older than five years old) are cut off and shoots are removed.

During the flowering period, the plant requires pollination. The best pollinators for blueberries are bumblebees, sometimes bees. When the blueberry flowers turn white, there will be four days left for them to be pollinated, otherwise after two weeks they will change color to dark pink and eventually bear no fruit.

Blueberry diseases include:

  • white spotting;
  • drying of branches;
  • stem cancer;
  • gray rot.

To reduce the risk of developing the disease, every year with the advent of spring and after harvesting, the shrub should be treated with a Bordeaux mixture. If the shrub is still sick, it should be treated with Topaz three times (the break between treatments is exactly a week).

Thanks to proper care of the plant, blueberries begin to bear fruit four years after planting, and full fruiting begins after seven years. Blueberry yield is very high.

Fall care for blueberries is also important. It implies sheltering a bush for the winter, since the frost resistance of blueberries is average; in severe frosts, the plant can freeze. After collecting the fruits, the branches of the shrub should be pulled to the soil, put a wire loop on top, fix the bush, and then cover it with a bag on top and sprinkle with spruce branches. In warm regions, blueberries overwinter in the open, without shelter.

Blueberries can be propagated from seeds, cuttings and division of the bush.

Breeding blueberries by dividing the bush is as follows. The excavated plant must be divided so that each part has roots seven centimeters long. Divided bushes should be immediately planted in the place where they will constantly grow.

Cultivation of blueberries by cuttings is carried out at the very end of March. So, in order to properly propagate blueberries, you will need to cut branches in winter and put them in boxes with holes filled with peat. Boxes should be stored in a well-ventilated room at a temperature of five degrees Celsius. With the arrival of spring, you need to cut the blueberry cuttings using the lower parts of the branches. The length of the handle must be at least twelve centimeters. The cut at the bottom is made at an angle and under the kidney. The upper cut is made above the kidney by about one centimeter. After the cuttings must be treated with a growth stimulator. To root blueberry cuttings, they need to be planted in beds with a layer of drained soil and covered with a film. After three months, the film can be removed. With the advent of spring, when the soil warms up well, the cuttings can be planted in a permanent place.

Fruiting of blueberries propagated by cuttings and division of shrubs falls in the fourth year after the plant is planted.

To propagate blueberries from seeds, you should collect the berries, remove the seeds from them, dry them a little and plant them on temporary beds with sour peat. The air temperature should be at the level of twenty-five degrees. Nitrogen fertilizers should be applied in the spring when the seedlings are two years old. After that, the seedlings can be transplanted to a permanent site. Blueberries propagated in this way begin to bear fruit only after seven years.

Sometimes there may be difficulties with blueberry farming. If the blueberry turns yellow, then the plant does not have enough nitrogen. If the leaves on the shrub began to fall off, then you need to acidify the soil for blueberries. You can use sulfur powder, which should be applied to the moist soil where the seedlings were planted. If the blueberry does not bloom, it means that there is stagnant water in the soil, it is very wet, or the plant was planted in a shady area. Therefore, the soil should not be waterlogged and seedlings should be planted only in a well-lit place.

In the garden, blueberries are compatible with other plants such as blueberries, lingonberries, and cranberries. Also, the blueberry bush gets along well with corn, thyme, parsley, rosemary, zucchini and cucumber. However, blueberries are not recommended to be planted next to flowers and fruit trees.

Vaccinium uliginosum L.
Taxon: genus Vaccinium, heather family (Ericaceae)
Folk names: swamp blueberry, swamp blueberry, low blueberry, gonobobel, fool, drunkard.
English: blueberry

Blueberry is a branchy shrub up to 1.5 m high, with dark gray or brownish bark. The leaves are alternate, elliptical, on short petioles, dark green above, bluish below, covered with a bluish wax coating, with slightly curled edges; fall for the winter. The flowers are pale pink or white, small, with a pitcher-bell-shaped corolla, on drooping pedicels, arranged 2-3 on last year's branches. The fruit is a juicy, sour-sweet, without much flavor, spherical or oval, bluish-black berry with a bluish-black bloom, with greenish flesh. Seeds numerous, light brown. The plant is characterized by an extended flowering period, from May to July. Berries ripen in August.

Blueberry fruit shrub is found in the Far East, in Eastern and Western Siberia, in the Caucasus, in the northern non-chernozem zone of the European part of Russia. Favorite places of growth - in swampy mixed and coniferous forests, in moss swamps. Often blueberry marsh grows next to wild rosemary, the intoxicating smell of which causes a headache. Because of this, blueberries are often called fools or drunkards.

Collection and preparation:
Medicinal raw materials are blueberries. For drying, they are harvested mature. Then they are sorted out, discarding rotten, overripe and unripe ones, washed in cold water, poured in a thin layer on a sieve and dried in an oven or dryer at a temperature of not more than 60 ° C. During drying, the fruits must be mixed several times. The shelf life of dried berries is 1 year.
The leaves are harvested during flowering plants. Dried under a canopy in the shade, after drying in the sun for 30 minutes. The shelf life of dried leaves is 2-3 years.

Chemical composition:
Blueberry fruits contain: up to 45 mg% ascorbic acid, malic, citric, oxalic acids, sugars (up to 9.8%), which are mainly represented by fructose, fiber, pectin (up to 0.6%), tannins and dyes ( 0.2%), carotene and minerals. The branches and leaves contain tannins.

Pharmacological properties:
The plant has antiscorbutic, hypotensive, cardiotonic, choleretic, diuretic, antisclerotic and anti-inflammatory effects. Blueberries strengthen the walls of blood capillaries, normalize the functions of the intestines, pancreas; leaves increase the functional activity of the stomach, intestines and heart. Helps lower blood sugar.

Application in medicine:
Run away. Decoction - hypotensive and cardiotonic, mild laxative.
Leaves. In Siberia, infusion - for anemia and to improve metabolism, diabetes.
Shoots, leaves. In folk medicine, a decoction - for colitis, heart disease.
Fruit. They are used for dysentery, colitis, gastritis, pyelitis, cystitis and anemia, gastric catarrh; and also as an antiscorbutic and vitamin (with C-avitaminosis) remedy. A decoction of dried and juice of fresh fruits - with fever,. In folk medicine, infusion - for gastritis, colitis, diseases of the kidneys, pancreas. Juice - with diarrhea, inflammation of the renal pelvis, cholecystitis, liver disease, hypoavitaminosis, general weakness (after surgery, serious illness). In Tibetan medicine, a decoction is an astringent for diarrhea; in Korean - for diabetes and vitamin C deficiency.

Infusion for diseases of the pancreas and kidneys.
Pour 20 g of dry blueberries with a glass of boiling water and leave for an hour, then strain, and squeeze out the spent raw materials. Drink every three hours for a quarter cup.

A decoction for gastritis, diarrhea.
Brew 3 tablespoons of dried blueberries with a glass of boiling water, then heat in a water bath for a quarter of an hour. Filter the broth, and squeeze out the raw materials. Drink 3 times a day for half a cup.

Decoction as a laxative.
Pour a teaspoon of dried leaves and 3 tablespoons of fruits with a glass of water. Boil for 10 minutes on low heat. Cool the broth, filter. Drink throughout the day.

Broth as an antidiabetic agent.
10 g of blueberry leaves brew 250 ml of boiling water, then heat for a quarter of an hour in a water bath. Infuse the broth until it cools, and then strain, squeeze out the spent raw materials. Drink 3 times a day for half a glass.

Due to the high content of vitamin C, it is contraindicated to use blueberries in case of gastric ulcer, hyperacid gastritis in a state of exacerbation, duodenal disease, even in a state of remission. A contraindication to the use of medicinal preparations of the blueberry fruit bush is a low level of glucose in the blood.

Photos and illustrations:

Growing berry bushes in summer cottages has long become a tradition, but some of them are only gaining popularity among gardeners. Such is blueberries, planting and caring for which have their own characteristics. A lot of attention will have to be paid to the shrubs in the garden, but it will pay off handsomely when the time comes to harvest delicious sweet and sour berries. Healing properties are possessed not only by the fruits of blueberries, but also by its branches and leaves. Reproduction of this amazingly useful plant will not cause difficulties even for novice gardeners.

Varieties of blueberries

Types and varieties of blueberries are diverse. Her uncultivated specimens are undersized. Their height ranges from 40-100 cm. Wild blueberries are widespread in the northern regions. It prefers moist, swampy soils of coniferous forests and peat bogs, where it forms dense thickets.

Growing wild specimens of culture in a summer cottage is a pointless exercise. For these purposes, it is better to use seedlings of hybrid varieties of shrubs. The answer to the question why is obvious. Retaining the beneficial properties of wild blueberries, they bring more yield, have larger berries, have increased decorativeness and are less affected by diseases and pests. Among them there are undersized varieties that are ideal for breeding in the Urals and Siberia. They are not afraid of severe frosts, they are not damaged under a thick layer of snow.

Bushes of tall garden blueberries stretch up to 2-4 m. It originates from North America. In our country, it is more common in the southern regions. The climate of Siberia is too harsh for her, although she can be grown in the open field in the Urals, if you responsibly approach the preparation of her bushes for wintering: bend the branches to the ground and carefully cover them with spruce branches. Canadian blueberries, which have narrow leaves, are becoming increasingly popular with gardeners. It is surprisingly unpretentious, generous in yield and has increased frost resistance.

The most common varieties of tall blueberries are:

  • Bluecrop;
  • Nelson;
  • Rancocas;
  • Patriot;
  • Northland;
  • Weymouth.

On an industrial scale, the most commonly grown varieties are Bluecrop and Patriot. You can also plant them in the garden. Both varieties are distinguished by high productivity and unpretentiousness to the conditions of detention.

Site Requirements

In order for the berries of the plant to gain sweetness, they need a lot of heat and light. Therefore, planting garden blueberries is optimal in places open to sunlight. It should be borne in mind that the shrub reacts poorly to drafts. The site must be carefully protected from them by the walls of buildings or a hedge of trees. Bluecrop and Patriot varieties can also grow in the shade, their leaves will not suffer from it, but in this case the berries collected from them will turn out to be sour. The lack of light will also negatively affect their quantity.

Blueberries prefer loose, well-drained lands with low groundwater. It will be right to plant it on peat-sandy or peat-loamy soils. It is worth remembering that such a soil is rich in nitrogen. Due to the increased content of this element in winter, plants can freeze out, and with the advent of spring, their thawing will take longer than usual. The shrub develops well exclusively in acidic soil with a pH in the range of 3.5-4.5.

It is important that on the site where it is planned to place blueberries, any other crops have not been bred before. If there is no such site in the garden, the soil suitable for the shrub will have to be prepared independently according to the following rules.

  • Loamy soil is diluted with sand and high-moor peat, mixed in a ratio of 1:3.
  • Sand is added to acidic peat soil at the rate of 2-3 buckets per 1 m².
  • If the land on the site contains little organic fertilizer, complex mineral preparations containing equal amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are added to it.
  • The same mineral elements necessary for the full development of blueberries are added to the soil enriched with humus, but in a ratio of 1:2:3.

Selection and preparation of planting material

Reproduction of garden blueberries can be carried out in spring or autumn. Professionals advise not to postpone the procedure until September, and here's why. In summer, in favorable weather conditions for the shrub, its seedlings will take root well, gain strength and get stronger so that they will not be afraid of the winter cold. When plants are planted in autumn, the risk of freezing is much higher.

In order for the cultivation of blueberries on the site to be successful, it is important to choose the right variety. You need to focus on the characteristics of the climate of the area and the timing of the ripening of berries of a particular variety. For cultivation in the regions of the middle lane, early-ripening or mid-ripening types of crops (Bluecrop, Patriot, Weymouth) are suitable.

A guarantee of good survival of blueberry bushes on the site is high-quality planting material. It is recommended to purchase it in specialized stores or nurseries. It is better to choose seedlings whose roots are covered with soil, growing in a pot or other container. The transshipment method for planting them in a permanent place is not suitable. In order for the shrub to quickly take root and develop fully in the future, its roots will need to be carefully straightened in the hole.

15 minutes before planting blueberries in the ground, the container with it is placed in water. Then the future bush is removed from the pot and the soil ball is carefully kneaded, straightening the roots. Only after such preparation can it be planted in the ground.

In the spring, it is important not to be late with the planting dates. It is necessary to carry out the procedure before the buds of the plant swell.

Landing pattern

Tall blueberry seedlings are placed in pre-prepared pits. Their width should be 0.6 m, and the depth - 0.5 m. The distance between the holes depends on the selected plant variety. Low varieties of blueberries will need an interval of 0.5 m. Medium and tall varieties (Bluecrop, Patriot and the like) will need more free space. The interval between adjacent plants is made equal to 1 m and 1.2 m, respectively. The optimal row spacing is 3–3.5 m.

Proper agrotechnics of Bluecrop blueberries involves loosening the soil at the bottom and on the walls of the pit. It will facilitate the passage of air to the roots of the plant.

The pit is filled with an acidic substrate consisting of a mixture of the following components:

  • high peat;
  • needles;
  • sawdust;
  • sand;
  • 50 g sulfur.

Fertilizers, especially organic, do not need to be applied to it. The substrate is compacted, then the seedling is lowered into the hole and, having spread the roots of the plant well, they are covered with soil. If everything is done correctly, the root neck of the shrub should be deepened by 3 cm. Planting is completed by watering and mulching the surface of the pit. It is recommended to use coniferous sawdust, small straw, chopped bark or peat for this. The thickness of the mulch layer should be at least 12 cm.

In autumn, planting shrubs is carried out in the same way as in spring. If the age of the plant is less than 1 year, then after being placed in the ground, weak and damaged branches are removed from it. Only healthy and strong shoots are left on young blueberries, which are shortened by half. Seedlings of varieties Bluecrop, Patriot and others that have reached the age of 2 years do not require additional processing after planting.

Watering and fertilizing

Blueberry farming is quite simple. During the growing season, the soil around the shrub should be periodically loosened. It is not recommended to carry out the procedure too often, otherwise there is a high risk of overdrying the plant. Loosening should affect only the top layer of soil (about 8 cm). If you make it deeper, you can damage the roots of the shrub, which develop in a horizontal direction and are located close to the soil surface. The soil under the plants should always be covered with a layer of mulch, loosening is carried out without removing it. Every 2-3 years it is necessary to add mulching material. Bluecrop blueberries do not tolerate the neighborhood of weeds, so you need to carefully monitor the cleanliness of plantings.

The plant is moisture-loving, but prolonged (more than 2 days) stagnation of water at its roots can lead to the death of the bush. Properly water blueberries according to the following scheme:

  • twice a week;
  • twice during the day: early in the morning and late in the evening, when the sun has already set;
  • 1 bucket of water for each plant.

Timely watering is extremely important at the stage of laying flower buds - in July-August. The lack of moisture at this time will lead to a reduction in yield and a decrease in the quality of berries. It will tell next year as well. If the summer turned out to be sultry, one watering will not work, you will have to additionally spray blueberry leaves to prevent the plant from overheating. Carry out the procedure in the morning or in the late afternoon, when the heat subsides.

Shrubs respond well to mineral fertilizers: ammonium sulfate, potassium sulfate, zinc sulfate, magnesium sulfate, superphosphate. It is better to make them in early spring, when the plant begins to sap flow and the buds swell. Organic compounds for blueberries will only harm. Nitrogen-containing preparations are applied three times per season: in early spring, in May, when the shrub intensively grows leaves, and in June. The need for phosphorus in a plant occurs in summer and autumn. He needs magnesium, potassium and zinc in small quantities, they enrich the soil with them once a year.

Landings should be periodically carefully examined in order to detect signs of damage by diseases and pests in time. If the leaves of the plant change color, turn yellow or red, become stained, you should be wary.

Reproduction methods

Reproduction of any of the varieties of blueberries, including the most popular - Bluecrop, can be carried out in the following ways:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings;
  • layering;
  • dividing the bush.

The seeds are usually sown in autumn. Spring planting is also possible, but in this case one cannot do without their 3-month stratification in the refrigerator. Seeds are laid out in grooves and sprinkled with a mixture of 1 part peat and 3 parts sand. The layer of nutrient substrate above them should be 1 cm. They will give friendly shoots if the air is warmed up to 23-25˚C, and its humidity is at least 40%.

Agrotechnics of young blueberry shoots includes periodic moistening and loosening of the soil and removal of weeds. The following spring, seedlings are fed with nitrogen-containing preparations. It will be possible to plant them in a permanent place in 2 years. They will begin to bear fruit only 7-8 years after sowing.

Most often, shrub propagation is carried out by cuttings. It is better to cut them from the thickest shoots: they will give roots faster. Their length should be 8-15 cm. After cutting, the cuttings are placed for a month in a cool place where the temperature does not rise above 1-5˚C, and then planted at an angle in a substrate of peat and sand, deepening by 5 cm. It is even easier to breed blueberries by dividing the bush. It is dug up and cut into pieces so that each of them has a rhizome 5-7 cm long. Additional preparation for the divisions is not required, they are immediately planted on a permanent site.

Pruning and possible difficulties

Successful cultivation of blueberries is impossible without regular pruning of the bush, which helps to increase its productivity and decorative effect. It is better to carry out the procedure in early spring, when sap flow has not yet begun. Preventive pruning can be done at any time. Sick branches and severely damaged leaves should be removed and burned immediately.

If blueberry bushes bloom in the first year of life, the buds are cut off so that the plant develops correctly. At the age of 2-4, they form a strong skeleton by removing weak branches, as well as those damaged by diseases or frosts. It is necessary to get rid of the shoots that lie on the ground, and from the root shoots.

All varieties of blueberries, and Bluecrop is no exception, are susceptible to fungal diseases. The appearance of the shrub will signal them. If its leaves turn red, this is cause for concern. Most likely, the plant was struck by a dangerous disease - stem cancer. Excessive soil moisture can provoke it. Such symptoms can also appear with improper care of blueberries. Its leaves often turn red when the branches dry out or if the plant lacks minerals: nitrogen, phosphorus, magnesium.

American and Canadian garden blueberries are deservedly considered one of the most valuable berry bushes. She has a lot of merits. Among them are high yields, an abundance of useful properties of all parts of the plant, unpretentiousness, cold resistance, and durability. It's scary to imagine, but her bushes live and bear fruit up to 90 years!

The ability of the crop to endure adverse weather conditions allows it to be grown almost everywhere. You can meet a shrub in the USA, Western Europe, Ukraine, Belarus, the Caucasus, in the middle lane and even in the northern regions of Russia. Caring for blueberries is not difficult. Subject to the recommendations for growing a crop, it will consistently bring a rich harvest.

Blueberries are not found in every diet - only a few lucky people living in a particular area can indulge in these tasty and healthy berries on a regular basis. The rest have to be content with them occasionally.

Here I am - from the "others", that is, I am the person who, alas, does not have seasonal access to blueberries, but who, despite all the obstacles, loves her very much.

To be honest, I don’t remember if I ate this unusual berry as a child, but as an adult I had a chance to enjoy it only once. In our south, this plant does not grow, at least not everywhere, and therefore the locals are content with imported blueberries, which are sold at cosmic prices for our town.

One day, my friend and I, who, like me, are interested in proper nutrition (at least at that time in her life she tried to give up harmful things!), Decided on such a wasteful adventure - we took one glass of blueberries for two and literally clung to him. It seems to me that we ate these berries in 5 seconds - they seemed so tasty to us. Or maybe we were spurred on by competition? We ate together from the same glass! 🙂

This fact did not spoil our friendship, but gave us common pleasant memories. Did I manage to taste this rare product for the south? Oh yeah! I will definitely talk about the taste of blueberries in the corresponding section of the article, and now let me introduce you to it better, unless, of course, you already have a close friendship with it.

Blueberries alkalize your body as they have an acidic pH of 4.3-5.0.

This plant (in Latin "Vaccinium uliginosum") is a species of the genus Vaccinium and belongs to the Heather family, which, in fact, also includes blueberry, lingonberry, and not quite well-known individuals known to us: crowberry, arbutus, podbel, eric, pieris.

Blueberry is a small shrub (in some cases, a semi-shrub) with falling leaves, the height of which usually does not exceed 50 centimeters, but can reach a meter (and its tall variety can reach 4 meters). There are also such representatives of the plant, whose brown or gray stems creep along the ground.

At the same time, please keep in mind that, as we found out above, that the product we are interested in has a neutral taste, and, therefore, it can simply be lost among other ingredients. So, if blueberries are a rare guest on your table, I would advise you to eat them mono, enjoying each berry separately.

I find it hard to believe that there are lucky people in the world who regularly consume these delicious blue fruits. It is these people I do not know who prepare fruit drinks, kvass, smoothies, salads from them, squeeze juice, cook jams, jellies, preserves, marshmallows, put them in pies, pies, buns, cookies. We, residents of places where blueberries do not grow by themselves and are not grown on an industrial scale, most often only have to buy them in dried or frozen form.

Quite often, blueberry fruits can be found as a decoration for confectionery - cakes, pastries, muffins. Indeed, the presence of edible “beads” so unusual in color transforms them, because we are used to the fact that berries are usually red.

How do you eat blueberries? Do you have regular access to blueberry abundance, or is this product in short supply for you, as for me?

Have you eaten blueberry leaves? How are you?

I may surprise you, but you can squeeze oil out of blueberries - who would have thought? 🙂 However, it's a fact! However, as you probably already guessed, this substance is quite rare, although it has a number of useful properties for the body.

If you are lucky enough to find blueberry oil on sale and even become its owner, then know that after a while it will eliminate the dryness of your skin, relieve it of the feeling of tightness, give it freshness, smoothness and elasticity, nourish it with moisture and a whole complex of vitamins and minerals.

North American Indians actively used this plant, and all its parts, for the treatment of various diseases. Juice squeezed from berries saved from coughing, leaves brewed like tea improved blood composition and cleansed it, fresh berries strengthened the immune system, and dried berries saved hunger and beriberi in winter. Why am I speaking in the past tense? Blueberries still have all the listed beneficial properties - this has been confirmed by numerous scientific studies. And the Indians already knew everything! 😉

How to grow blueberries?

Long gone are the days when our ancestors rode through swamps and peat bogs in search of delicious blue berries. Today, any summer resident can grow blueberries in his garden plot, and if you don’t have your own piece of land yet, you can try to do it on the windowsill. It is important to consider that there are varieties of this plant that love light, but most of them can grow normally in light partial shade.

The ideal soil for blueberries is peaty or sandy, acidic or slightly acidic, clay can be used, but always with high-quality drainage. It is best to feed blueberry bushes with organic fertilizers of plant origin.

When buying seedlings of a plant, pay attention to its root system - it should not be open, otherwise the roots will dry out quickly.

The optimal time for planting is in the spring after frost, when the ground has thawed. It is advisable to plant bushes at a distance of 1.5-2 meters from each other in holes measuring 50x50 centimeters.

Blueberries love to be watered frequently and abundantly, avoiding drying out, but also avoiding stagnant water, especially in the first year of life. If it is hot outside, make sure that the bushes receive additional moisture in the form of a spray of leaves and stems.

If these basic conditions are met, you will be able to grow a fruitful blueberry bush and enjoy its gifts every year!

How beautiful are the blueberry bushes!

Blueberries reach their natural maturity in late summer and early autumn. It is at this time that they are filled with juice and filled with all the nutrients we need. However, when ripe, this product is difficult to collect and transport, so it is most often sold in the “al dente” state (this is what they say about pasta that has retained its elasticity after cooking!). It is elasticity that tells us that specific blueberry fruits will be very tasty.

How to choose blueberries?

Yes, these berries must be resilient and strong, and not soft and watery, but at the same time, hard fruits indicate that they would still hang on the bush for a week or two - to ripen. It is very important to buy ripe blueberries, because, plucked from the branches, they no longer ripen - and then, whether you like it or not, you will have to gnaw on the tasteless greens.

Therefore, be sure to feel a few berries, and also carefully examine them - high-quality "beads" are painted in a rich blue-blue color, sometimes even close to black, but always without a reddish tint.

Of course, blueberries should be intact - no stains, dents, scratches. It should not have a moldy coating, although, as you probably remember, it is good if there is a whitish translucent layer on the skin, indicating the ripeness of the berry. In addition, it is important that all fruits are dry, while wet individuals soften very quickly and become covered with fungus.

How to properly store blueberries?

To be honest, I would not have kept it for a long time - I would have eaten these delicious berries, so to speak, "on the spot." 🙂 But those people who intend to keep blueberries at home for some time should know that ripe berries can lie in the refrigerator without loss of quality for no more than 2-3 days, and even then, provided that they did not have mechanical damage.

You can, of course, gently wash and dry the blueberries, then carefully layer them in dry glass containers to refrigerate. In this case, your purchase will last a week and a half, but will lose a significant part of the vitamins and minerals, and the taste will no longer be the same.

Therefore, if you are lucky enough to become the owner of a large number of blueberries, eat them in handfuls. 😉 And what you can’t use in its original form, dry it in a dehydrator or freeze (the first option for harvesting berries is still preferable!). You can also pour sweet "beads" with honey.

Nature has generously endowed this plant with numerous varieties - there are about 200 of its species in the world, but only two of them are suitable for cultivation by people (and that - thanks to the breeders!), The rest remained wild. We are talking about marsh blueberries and tall blueberries (American blueberries). The second, as the name implies, is taller, spreading, with large berries.

As for plant varieties, then, again, through the efforts of breeders, a great many of them have been bred over the past century. Now it is not at all necessary to walk along the swamps with a staff and a basket to find rare blueberries. The modern agricultural industry allows every amateur gardener to become the owner of pretty bushes dotted with small blue fruits.

All currently known blueberry varieties are divided into 5 varietal groups:

  1. Undersized- a small group, which is a small bushes with small berries that contain an impressive amount of antioxidants.
  2. tall northern- late frost-resistant varieties of blueberries with increased demands on soil quality.
  3. tall southern are mainly hybrid varieties, bred from northern tall varieties of the plant and those species that grow naturally in the south, are drought tolerant and adapt well to various soils.
  4. Semi-tall- also resistant to low temperatures, like the northern varieties of plants, able to withstand up to -40 ° C, their height is not more than a meter, but they winter well under the snow.
  5. rabbit eye- representatives of the plant, which grow well on poor soils, give a good harvest, are stored for a rather long time, but in terms of taste, as a rule, they are inferior to varieties of other groups, in particular, tall bushes.

Let's look at the most attractive blueberry varieties.

Variety "Jersey"

This variety of plant is very loved by farmers all over the world for its high yield (from one bush - up to 6 kilograms of berries!) And unpretentiousness. Jersey bushes usually grow no more than 2 meters high, but they can safely be called frost-resistant, resistant to pests and diseases, and also take root on various types of soil. Small light blue rounded berries usually ripen in mid-August, are well stored and have a pleasant, not sugary sweet taste.

Variety "Elizabeth"

Remember the section on blueberry history about a farmer named Elizabeth White? So, this variety of especially large (up to 17 millimeters in diameter) and tasty fruits was named after her. It is interesting that such berries, even on the same bush, do not ripen at the same time - this process can take two weeks, and it begins in early August.

Variety "Northcountry"

These blueberry bushes are usually relatively small - up to 90 centimeters, but they are strong, frost-resistant, quite productive and very pretty, which gives them decorative properties. From one "Northcountry" you can collect up to 2 kilograms of medium-sized light blue berries. They taste pleasantly sweet.

Variety "Chandler"

Representatives of this plant variety are upright, sprawling, of medium height (up to 160 centimeters), with an impressive yield and good frost resistance. The fruits of "Chandler" are very large - they weigh an average of 2 grams, and reach 20 millimeters in diameter. They are painted in a rich blue color, have a pronounced sweet taste, good density and aroma characteristic of blueberries. Such berries ripen unevenly - they start in August and finish ripening in mid-September.

Sort "Bluray"

One of the most popular among gardeners is an early plant variety that gives a bountiful harvest at the end of July. From one Blue Ray bush, you can collect up to 8 kilograms of rather large (up to 17 millimeters in diameter), shiny berries of a rich blue color. In addition, this variety of blueberries copes well with frost and is able to withstand temperatures down to -30 ... -34 ° C.

Other varieties of blueberries:

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Aren't these smoothies delicious? And also useful!

The benefits of blueberries

It is not at all surprising that European breeders set about cultivating these delicious berries with such zeal, because they (apparently, at the suggestion of the Indians!) Learned about their many beneficial properties.

  • Did you know that not only blueberries are good for vision, but also their twin sister blueberries? This bluish-blue berry relieves tension from the optic nerve, improves blood circulation in the retina, and therefore - with regular use, of course - restores visual abilities day after day. It is especially recommended for people suffering from glaucoma.
  • It would be nice to include blueberries in your diet for those who suffer from diabetes. Not only does this product have a low glycemic index of 25 units, but it also has a positive effect on the functioning of the pancreas, and, according to studies, increases the effectiveness of medications designed to reduce blood levels.
  • , which means that its blue berries are able to have a positive effect against diseases of the heart and blood vessels, as well as on the nervous system. It strengthens the vascular walls and prevents the destruction of nerve cells.
  • Vitamins K and, which are also found in this miracle berry, are an excellent prevention of varicose veins. In addition, known for its clotting ability, it can reduce blood loss during operations and childbirth, as a result of injuries.
  • Blueberries, which contain a large amount of vitamin C, are a natural antioxidant, strengthen the immune system and protect our body from harmful radiation. It is especially recommended for use by people who live in ecologically unfavorable areas, and, in fact, by all of us, city dwellers. 🙂
  • The presence of natural antioxidants (vitamins C and E) in the composition of this product makes it a prophylactic against cancer.
  • Low calorie content combined with a pleasant, not sugary sweet taste makes blueberries an indispensable product for those who are struggling with obesity, overweight or just trying to keep their body in shape. Moreover, these berries have the ability to break down fats and reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood.
  • Juice squeezed from blueberry fruits will help reduce fever at high temperatures, and also quench the thirst of the patient and saturate his body with nutrients.
  • If you include blueberries in your diet, then soon your digestive system will get better and you will forget what constipation is. These berries increase the secretion of gastric juice.
  • Like almost all plant products eaten in their original form, these berries alkalize the body, and, therefore, contribute to the process of normalization of the intestinal microflora.
  • Blueberries have antimicrobial activity and stop inflammation in the body. Very effective for urinary infections. It is also considered a natural diuretic and choleretic agent, and therefore is indicated for problems with the kidneys and liver.
  • It can be safely recommended to parents of small children, as tasty berries are endowed with the ability to increase appetite.
  • Since ancient times, this natural medicine has been used for rheumatism, atherosclerosis, and high blood pressure. And in case of poisoning, blueberries are able to remove toxins from the body.
  • Scientists have found that blueberries, especially in combination with their sister blueberries, are a sure remedy, including prophylactic, for severe Alzheimer's disease.

Harm of blueberries

Blueberries, for all their undoubted usefulness, have weaknesses. So, not being an allergen, this berry can still cause intolerance in some people, which manifests itself in the form of a skin rash, itching, runny nose. For this reason, it is recommended with caution to introduce it into the diet of babies and pregnant women prone to allergic reactions.

The abuse of blueberries (suppose you finally reached the whole field of these delicious berries!) Can also be deplorable for the body - cause diarrhea, nausea, and in some cases vomiting, as well as bloating, increased flatulence and even headache. Everything is good in moderation!

  1. The recognized world record holder for the production of blueberries is the US state of Maine, which hosts a research center for the cultivation of this berry, funded by Washington.
  2. The plant we are interested in is a honey plant, and honey based on it is a very rare healthy delicacy with amazing taste.
  3. 100 grams of blueberries contain about 5 times more antioxidants than the same amount of broccoli and apples!
  4. Although blueberry juice does not have a rich color, it is able to color what it comes into contact with - for example, pie dough. For this reason, nutritionists may use it as a natural dye.
  5. It is known that British pilots during the Second World War ate blueberry and blueberry jam in order to see better at dusk.
  6. Blueberries also helped out American soldiers during the Civil War - they protected them from scurvy.

And what ailments do you get rid of with the help of blueberries? Have you, for example, managed to restore your vision with its help? Do you manage to regularly include this berry in your diet? If yes, in what form?

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