Hydroponics is a way of growing plants without the use of soil. Growing plants without soil: technology, methods, results What plants grow without soil

Hydroponics, in one word, is the cultivation of indoor plants without soil on nutrient artificial media that contain all the elements for nutrition in an easily digestible form in the right concentrations and ratios.

Hydroponic growing is based on several principles that provide favorable conditions for root nutrition and plant development.

  • Round-the-clock provision of air access to the root system.
  • Creating normal conditions for the roots of moisture. They have a large suction area and a delicate cover, so they should not be allowed to dry out, they may die.
  • Establishing the simplest contact of the root system with a nutrient medium that provides the best absorption of water and mineral salts dissolved in it.

Hydroponics depending on the nutrient medium, it is divided into a substrate culture (houseplants are grown on solid soil substitutes - substrates that are moistened with a nutrient solution) and aeroponics(air culture).

When growing plants in the substrate, inert soil substitutes are used: vermiculite, gravel, perlite, expanded clay, sand.

Such substitutes lend themselves well to disinfection, do not enter into chemical reactions with mineral salts in water, and provide excellent air access to the roots.

In home floriculture, hydroponics is practiced by growers in several ways to supply nutrient solutions to the root system of plants.

  • Moisten the substrate with regular watering.
  • One-time filling of dishes with a nutrient solution, into which the roots penetrate through the substrate and the air gap. As a result, most of the roots are located in a moistened air zone, which provides good air nutrition.
  • Feed watering with nutrient solution, through the pan. As a substrate for growing indoor plants in hydroponics, they are best suited vermiculite, expanded clay And peat, they are moisture-absorbing, sterile and air- and water-permeable.

Video - how to assemble hydroponics

Moss and sand can only be used if the substrates described above are not available. When growing decorative annual and biennial flowering plants, it is more expedient to use the hydroponics method.

Nutrient solution can be prepared independently by dissolving certain proportions of chemical salts in the required volume of water, which contain phosphorus, nitrogen, magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, boron etc.

Each salt is dissolved in a separate bowl and only then mixed.

Video - the cheapest do-it-yourself hydroponics

Hydroponics is a way of growing plants without soil. The word comes from the Greek. υδρα - water and πόνος - work, "working solution". When grown by the hydroponic method, the plant feeds on roots not in the soil, more or less provided with minerals, watered with clean water, but in a moist-air, highly aerated water, or solid but porous, moisture- and air-intensive medium, which promotes the respiration of the roots in a limited space pot, and requiring relatively frequent (or constant drip) watering with a working solution of mineral salts, prepared according to the needs of this plant.

Hydro Masta


In hydroponics, the root system of plants develops on solid substrates (having no nutritional value), in water or in moist air (aeroponics). Coconut fiber is an example of an organic substrate: it is ground coconut shell and bast, from which iron and magnesium salts are washed. Nature provided coconut fiber as the initial soil for the roots of a newborn palm tree. Coconut fiber is lighter than water, therefore, when watering, it does not sink like soil, but swells, filling with air. Each fiber contains in its thickness a large number of pores and tubules. By the force of surface tension, the tubules are filled with the working solution, but the root hair drinks the contents, sprouting nearby. The smooth surface of the fiber allows the root to slide freely from the drunk micropore to the next one. Through a network of microtubules, coconut fiber distributes water and air throughout its entire volume. Coconut fiber, as a fully reclaimed, environmentally friendly substrate, is used on many Dutch hydroponic farms to grow perennials such as roses.

The depletion and pollution of land is not yet obvious, but the lack of water is already acutely felt in some regions, for example, in the UAE, Israel, Kuwait. In these regions, the problem of irrigation is acute. Currently, up to 80% of all vegetables, herbs, fruits in Israel are grown hydroponically. The US Army always has everything it needs to deploy hydroponic greenhouses for vegetables and herbs in the field. Hydroponics is an ideal solution for hot, dry countries, since by saving water at times, you can harvest many crops in a year.

In greenhouse cultivation in the northern latitudes, hydroponics also shows excellent results, in the presence of additional illumination of the greenhouse with lamps.

The development of hydroponics in Russia is associated with the growing interest in the so-called. “small farms”, where greens, vegetables, flower and berry crops can be grown on an industrial scale on a small area. Drip irrigation systems are becoming more and more popular. They allow you to create in a short time and at low cost an irrigation system for both traditional land cultivation and for hydroponic installations such as drip irrigation.

Bob & Mary

Benefits of hydroponics

Hydroponics has great advantages over the conventional (soil) growing method.

Since the plant always receives the substances it needs in the required quantities, it grows strong and healthy, and much faster than in the soil. At the same time, the yield of fruit and flowering ornamental plants increases several times.

Plant roots never suffer from drying out or lack of oxygen when waterlogged, which inevitably happens with soil cultivation.

Since water consumption is easier to control, there is no need to water the plants every day. Depending on the selected container and growing system, you need to add water much less often - from once every three days to once a month.

There is no problem of lack of fertilizers or their overdose.

Many problems of soil pests and diseases (nematodes, mole crickets, sciarids, fungal diseases, rot, etc.) disappear, which eliminates the use of pesticides.

The process of transplanting perennial plants is greatly facilitated - there is no need to free the roots from the old soil and inevitably injure them. It is only necessary to transfer the plant into a large bowl and add the substrate.

There is no need to buy new soil for transplanting, which greatly reduces the cost of growing indoor plants.

Since the plant receives only the elements it needs, it does not accumulate substances harmful to human health that are inevitably present in the soil (heavy metals, toxic organic compounds, radionuclides, excess nitrates, etc.), which is very important for fruit plants.

No need to mess with the ground: hands are always clean; hydroponic vessels weigh little; in the house, on the balcony or in the greenhouse, it is clean and tidy, there are no extraneous odors flying over the pots of sciarids, and other unpleasant factors associated with soil cultivation.

Simplicity and cheapness.

Giancarlo Dessi


There are the following methods of growing plants using hydroponics:

  • hydroponics (water culture)
  • hydroculture (substrate culture)
  • aeroponics (air culture)
  • chemoculture (culture of dry salts)
  • ionoponics
  • aquaponics (collaboration of aquatic animals and plants)

Hydroponics (water culture)

Hydroponics (water culture) is a growing method in which a plant is rooted in a thin layer of organic substrate (peat, moss, etc.) laid on a mesh base, lowered into a tray with a nutrient solution.

The roots of plants through the substrate and the openings of the base descend into the solution, nourishing the plant. With the hydroponic method of growing plants, aeration of the roots is difficult, since the oxygen contained in the nutrient solution is not enough for the plant, and the root system of the plant cannot be completely immersed in the solution. To ensure the breathing of the roots between the solution and the base, an air space is left for young plants 3 cm, for adults - 6 cm. At the same time, care must be taken to maintain high humidity in this space, otherwise the roots will dry out quickly. The nutrient solution is replaced once a month.

Aeroponics (air culture)

Aeroponics (air culture) is a method of growing plants without a substrate at all.

The plant is fixed with clamps on the lid of a vessel filled with nutrient solution in such a way that 1/3 of the roots are in the solution, and the remaining roots are in the air space between the solution and the lid of the vessel and are periodically moistened. In order not to damage the stem of the plant with the clamp and not to prevent it from thickening as it grows, it is recommended to use soft elastic pads, for example, from foam rubber.

In addition to the above method of growing plants on aeroponics, you can use the method of pollinating the roots with a nutrient solution. To do this, a fogging sprayer is placed in the vessel where the roots are located, with the help of which a nutrient solution in the form of tiny drops is supplied to the roots 2 times a day for 2-3 minutes.

With aeroponic cultivation, it is especially important to take care of maintaining high humidity in the space surrounding the roots so that they do not dry out, but at the same time provide air access to them.


Chemoculture, or dry salt culture, in which plants take root in an organic substrate soaked in a nutrient solution. (for example, "Dutch" cacti is one of the options for the culture of dry salts).


Ionoponics - originated one and a half - two decades ago ionoponic - the culture of growing plants on ion-exchange materials. As a substrate, ion-exchange resins, fibrous materials, blocks and granules of polyurethane foam are used.

Completely new possibilities for the reproduction of especially rare species and forms are provided by in vitro propagation methods, when a whole plant is obtained from a piece of its tissue or even a single tissue cell. The essence of the method is that really rich nutrient solutions are used (and even with vitamins and hormones) and under normal conditions the microflora will instantly settle there. To avoid this, the explant is cultured under sterile conditions.

The mechanical substrate for plants is usually agar. This is a seaweed jellied meat.


Aquaponics is an artificial ecosystem in which three types of living organisms are key: aquatic animals (usually fish), plants, and bacteria. This technology is considered environmentally friendly. It works on the principle of the fish and plant eco-system: fish provide food for plants, and plants purify water. The essence of the method is the use of waste products of aquatic animals (fish, shrimps) as a nutrient medium for plants. Aquatic animals emit toxic waste products for themselves: nitrogenous, potassium, phosphorus compounds, carbon dioxide. The accumulation of these substances in the water is a major problem in both the closed industrial aquaculture and the simple aquarium. These same substances are absolutely essential in hydroponics and are added to water to make nutrient solutions for plants. In aquaponics, this problem is solved by itself: the waste products of fish are utilized by bacteria and plants.

The most widely used hydroculture is a method in which plants take root in a thick layer of mineral substrate (gravel, expanded clay, vermiculite, etc.).

Types of plants that can be grown soilless

At present, the technology of growing plants without soil throughout the year, using a special nutrient solution to feed them, has gained great popularity. This technology is called hydroponics and allows you to "garden" anywhere in your house or apartment.

Generally speaking, almost all types of plants can be grown in a soilless way. Let us first consider seedling plants that can be transferred to a soilless type of cultivation. The most proven such crops that live without problems on a nutrient solution are philodendron, phalangium, ivy, ficus, fatsia, common ivy, hoya.

When growing crops from cuttings or seeds using soilless technology, the choice of plant can be absolutely free. In addition to the above, asparagus, anthurium, indoor linden, coleus, begonia of all varieties, cissus, dracaena, monstera, dracaena have proven themselves well. Separately, I would like to highlight the well-known cactus, which grows on a nutrient solution literally before our eyes, striking a huge number of large spines.

Calcephobic plants, such as azalea, camellia, various types of heather, grow well without soil if the substrate is chemically treated with acid and the pH value of the solution is maintained in the range from 4.7 to 5.8. Bromeliad crops (bilbergia, guzmania, vriesia, aregelia, tillandsia), which are mainly epiphytes (they feed on both roots and leaves), grow well without soil, provided that their leaves are filled with a solution that is diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 10.

The most common soilless vegetable crop is the tomato. In addition to it, kohlrabi, cucumbers, and radishes develop well. Great aesthetic pleasure can be obtained by breeding a banana in a nutrient solution. A banana requires a lot of nutrient solution, but after a year it “swings” up to two meters in height.

Thus, as you already understood, if you comply with all the requirements (for lighting, thermal conditions, the necessary level of air circulation and some others), which are individual for different types of plants, then absolutely any plant can be grown using soilless technology, getting indescribable pleasure from your year-round home garden. It is undesirable that asphalting be carried out next to the planted plants, because cars will often drive on it and this can damage them. The only exceptions are cars equipped with HBO from Slavgaz. They certainly won't do any harm.

Ildar Sagdejev

Hydroponics on the windowsill

Hydroponics, unlike the soil, allows you to vary the nutrition system of the plant directly at the roots, which allows you to achieve excellent results. For each culture used, you can choose your own solution, but you can also use universal ones, such as Knop, Guericke, Chesnokov-Bazyrina. The mineral salts that make up their composition are usually available in fertilizer stores. And now ready-made mixes for hydroponics have appeared on sale. Now a person who wants to try using hydroponics can take ready-made mixtures and not look for simple ingredients. A significant negative difference between these mixtures and "self-made" ones is the price, which is about an order of magnitude higher. But for non-industrial, "home-school" methods, this is completely redeemed by the ease of use - "just add water."

Home methods of hydroponics deserve to take an important place among all other growing methods. Do-it-yourself plants are not only and not so much savings and income, but an increase in the environmental friendliness of the home and a powerful anti-stress factor. It is difficult to measure it in concrete numbers, but any person feels much more comfortable surrounded by green and blooming plants, especially in winter. And the square meter of the window sill on which they grow will not be superfluous in a modern apartment.

Many grow decorative crops on windowsills, which usually do not receive the minerals necessary for their development from the soil, due to the limited volume of containers used. This limitation makes frequent fertilizing and transplanting, which have a very negative effect on the development of almost all plants. You can get rid of this by simply switching to the hydroponic method.

For annuals, transplants become unnecessary, for perennials they are sharply reduced (once every 3-5 years), and top dressing becomes what it should be - improving plant nutrition. All salts, in the applied doses, do not cause any side effects, and can be replaced within 10-15 minutes, in contrast to soil application, where the introduction of salts is not an easy task, and their removal in case of, for example, an overdose, is almost impossible.

Translating the "green corner" to hydroponics, one should not expect miracles, this is not a "magic wand", this is a different growing technology. And like any technology, it has pros and cons. The main disadvantage is the presence of more complex systems that must either be purchased or made by yourself. Nothing can be done about it, but progress does not stand still, the majority live in cities, not in caves, and mow not with a scythe, but with combines. When mastering hydroponics, it becomes possible to compensate for part of the cost of it by organizing a “room garden”, where you can grow green and spicy-flavoring crops for your own family consumption. At the same time, products of own production will be both cheaper and better than greenhouse ones.

The range of crops possible for growing indoors is not so small; for example, shade-tolerant varieties of tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, radishes, onions (for feathers), strawberries, peppers, not to mention spicy greens such as lemon balm and mint. When growing these crops in the ground, the profitability and payback will be very low, while even industrial enterprises can work in hydroponic conditions, which is demonstrated by Western European greenhouse complexes. This is a definite plus.

But the main advantage is precisely the ability to place a much larger number of plants on the same growing area. And at the same time, they will look much better than their counterparts grown in "standard pot" conditions. Therefore, for those who want to get the best result, we can safely recommend hydroponics. Beginners should not immediately design complex systems of periodic flooding or DWG with aeration. You can just try hydropots - these are pots inserted one into one, in the upper substrate, in the lower nutrient solution.

Hydropots are simple and reliable, especially in winter, when food should be moderate and evaporation is low. For most indoor flowers, this is quite enough for normal growth and development. They can also be used in the summer, you just have to add water more often and adjust the solution (about once a month in winter, once a week or two in summer). After mastering hydropaths, there may be an interest in the "room garden". But unlike simple slow-growing ornamental plants, cash crops require more resources. This is due to rapid growth and the need to form generative organs - flowers and fruits. Hydropot can also be used to obtain small amounts of greenery, but for fruit crops this is unacceptable due to the rapid use of nutrients.

Kristan Price

In order to grow appreciable quantities of consumable plant parts, systems are needed where nutrients are applied continuously. The main ones are: periodic flooding, drip irrigation and for some crops - DWG. Each has advantages and disadvantages, but the system of periodic substrate flooding has become the most widespread. It is the main one in industrial hydroponics. It requires a pump and a tank with a working solution. A solution is periodically pumped from the tank with the solution into the growing tank (usually 15-20 minutes within an hour), and, passing through it, it drains back, this allows you to replenish the nutrients continuously and evenly throughout the entire root system, and also due to the large volume tank, to prevent strong fluctuations in their concentration. Drip irrigation is simpler, but has an unpleasant feature - frequent clogging of thin tubes and capillaries with salts and particles of the substrate (if it is reverse). DWG (both plain and aerated) can not withstand all crops, usually only lettuce is grown on it. These systems are not as complex as it seems at first glance, but, like any device, they require attention, both during assembly and during operation.

Many of their components, such as the pump, can be obtained from aquarium supply stores. Some components, such as tubes, pots and hoses, are available at hardware stores and construction markets. There are already companies on the Internet and in large cities that offer specialized equipment for hydroponics, but their disadvantage is the price and the inability to adapt a particular window sill to the specific conditions. It's more like office equipment.

In any case, after mastering a system, they usually strive to improve its functioning. I want to expand the “room garden” and get more good things, but this comes up against another limitation. Even shade-tolerant varieties of plants that can grow and bear fruit in winter conditions of poor lighting grow better with additional lighting, and when you try to enlarge the “garden” towards the room, the plants that are further than half a meter from the window cease to have enough light. And here, in room conditions, you can use light hydroculture using fluorescent lamps or energy-saving ones. The heating of their flasks is small, and with a competent calculation of reflectors, and with electronic control devices (for fluorescent lamps), you can get quite comfortable living conditions for both people and plants. This allows (with some increase in energy costs) to receive regular replenishment of the table with vitamins and herbs directly from your room, without buying imported - greenhouse. Not to mention the fact that plants will purify the air in the room and apartment.

I would like to note that for those who wish to do business in hydroponics, a window sill may well be enough for the initial development of the method, and after that it will be possible to move on to more voluminous cultivation, which will require larger investments and labor.

Hydroponics on the windowsill is good both in itself and as a start for more. Everyone can try it, and if it works out, your work and worries will be justified.

Do you grow plants this way? Looking forward to your advice!

Industrial greenhouses, which use the technology of growing plants without soil, are still surprising to many. After all, it is so unusual to see huge bushes of tomatoes with large fruits or powerful spreading stems of cucumbers, strewn with appetizing greens, growing not from the ground, but from boxes or special containers that do not contain even a gram of soil.

For people who do not understand this issue, this method seems to be the most modern invention of mankind. And someone, on the contrary, is thinking about how harmful it can be for those who eat the crop. Let's figure out how a plant can develop perfectly without being planted in the soil, and whether it is possible to apply this method in your garden or even on a home windowsill for growing indoor flowers or vegetables.

About method

Land for a plant is a source of nutrition that it must receive for its development and fruiting. The poorer the soil, the worse any culture develops. The whole history of the method of growing plants without soil has been associated with a rigorous study and analysis of the process of obtaining by the plant the substances necessary for growth and development.

The first experiments in this area were started in the 17th century. It took almost three centuries for humanity not only to figure out how and what plants eat, but also to learn how to grow and harvest them without using soil. All researches of scientists were carried out in two directions.

The first was connected with the study of the functions of the root system, which is a conductor and supplier of nutrients for the aerial part of the plant. Researchers of the second direction studied the composition of the nutrient medium in which the roots must be placed in order for the nutrition to be sufficient for the development of any crop.

As a result, it was found that the root system performs several key tasks:

  1. Absorption of water and its transport to leaves and stems. In search of moisture, the root grows up to two meters, and the total size of the entire root system can be 100 times the total surface area of ​​the leaves.
  2. The assimilation of the nutrients necessary for the growth of the above-ground part, which in itself is a difficult task, since most of the salts are in the soil in a form that is difficult to digest. In order for the root to receive them, the soil must be populated with microorganisms that perform the tasks of processing mineral elements into a form accessible to the plant.

At the same time, without receiving oxygen, the root system cannot fully function: extract water and absorb microelements. Every gardener knows that all crops need regular loosening of the soil layer.

And this agricultural technique appeared thanks to research that proved that not only water, but also oxygen is the source of life for plants. Based on these findings, the inventors of the soilless growing method created a system in which the plant does not need to look for water and spend energy on building up a huge root system: there is always moisture in the necessary and sufficient amount.

In specially designed solutions, all nutrients are supplied in a form available for rapid absorption, and the specific structure of the growing substrates ensures a constant supply of oxygen to the roots.

Scientists have conducted countless experiments, selecting the optimal composition of the substrate that can replace the natural soil. They placed plants in sand, water, crushed stone, gravel, moss, combined the composition of substances that experimental samples should receive. Thanks to the research work carried out, today there are several methods of soilless cultivation of crops using different types of substrates.

hydroponic method. When using the hydroponic method, cultivation is carried out in water using nutrient solutions. Plants take root in an organic substrate, which is placed on special mesh bases, lowered into a solution with a specially selected composition containing all the necessary salts and trace elements.

The main difficulty in applying this method is to ensure oxygen access to the roots, since it is impossible to completely immerse the roots in the solution. Therefore, an air space is left between the roots and the substrate, in which high humidity is created so that the root system does not dry out and die. With the current level of development of technology in hydroponics, you can grow a large number of vegetable crops, indoor flowers and ornamental plants.

Aeroponics. With this method of cultivation, neither soil nor substrate is used. Plants grow and develop in moist air. To do this, they are placed in special vessels, in which only the lower part of the root system is in the aquatic environment, and the remaining roots are located between the solution and the upper lid of the vessel. A special system conducts periodic humidification of the "air" part.

The second option for aeroponic cultivation is the creation of regular irrigation in vessels using special sprayers, the operation of which is similar to the principle of operation of any aerosol used in everyday life. In this case, sufficient humidity is created in the tank, and the required amount of oxygen is supplied.

Aquaponics as a symbiosis of methods. The main objective of this method is the formation of a special ecosystem in which ordinary plants and an aquatic environment inhabited by fish and bacteria help each other to actively develop. At the same time, natural wastes that arise during the life of fish become the basis for the nutrition of bacteria and plants, which, in turn, feed on them and purify the water.

Technically, the problem is solved as follows: from an aquarium or reservoir, a pump supplies water to containers where plants are grown, similar to the hydroponic method with partial placement of the root system in an aquatic environment. The roots filter the water, taking the necessary nutrition, and then the water is fed back into the pond. The method can be used both for growing indoor plants and for obtaining a crop of greens or vegetables at home.

Chemoponics or chemoculture. The essence of this method is to grow plants in a substrate with no nutrient medium. It can be either organic material, such as bark, sawdust or coconut flakes, or inert materials: sand, gravel, crushed stone, brick. At the same time, all nutrition is carried out through watering with compounds containing a full range of minerals, salts and trace elements that a particular culture needs.

This method of cultivation has gained particular popularity among lovers of cactus cultivation and among manufacturers involved in the cultivation of this crop on an industrial scale in specialized greenhouses.

Chemoculture allows you to dose watering, and the specificity of the substrate used makes it possible not to overmoisten the root system of cacti that do not tolerate prolonged excessive moisture, since, for example, inert materials quickly pass water and dry out just as quickly.

Ionoponics or ionitoponics. Man's new step towards the creation of artificial soil. Ionoponics is an actively developing direction in the soilless technology of growing plants. The method is based on the use of synthetic substrates created from ion-exchange resins, fabrics, polyurethane. All these materials are able to carry out ion exchange between themselves and plants, giving away useful calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium ions and taking away plant waste products secreted by the root system.

Unlike other methods, not a specialized composition is used for irrigation, but ordinary clean water. The exchange process itself takes place in the aquatic environment: the plant is planted in the substrate, and the lower part of the root system is immersed in the water being poured.

On an industrial scale, soilless growing technologies allow high yields of vegetables and fruits in the desert and even Antarctica, previously considered completely unsuitable for crop production. Almost each of the listed methods can be implemented in a garden plot, a greenhouse, or even in an apartment.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of using soilless cultivation technologies include:

  1. Increasing the speed of plant formation, since the time of "life" is spent exclusively on growth and development, and not on overcoming the difficulties associated with obtaining the required trace elements, water and oxygen.
  2. An increase in yield, since ideal conditions are created without the stresses that often occur when planting in the ground: drought, waterlogging, sudden temperature changes, not always good nutrition.
  3. Reduced labor costs for cultivation: daily watering is not required, since everything is at the mercy of automation, there is no whole cycle of mandatory types of care work: weeding, loosening, fertilizing.
  4. Soil replacement is not required as a mandatory procedure for growing potted houseplants and flowers.
  5. The use of pesticides is completely excluded, since they will not be required in a “sterile” soil free from pests and pathogens.

But any method cannot consist solely of pluses. Cons can be considered:

  1. The need to have an understanding of the basics of soilless cultivation and technology in order to apply it correctly.
  2. Financial investments for the purchase of equipment, special formulations to ensure proper plant nutrition.
  3. Time spent on the collection of the selected system.
  4. The presence of certain restrictions on the cultivation of root crops, since not all types of crops can be grown using, for example, the hydroponic method.

What plants can be grown

The choice of plants depends on the goal pursued by the florist or vegetable grower. To obtain a crop in the autumn-winter-spring period, the most profitable and useful will be the cultivation of healthy greens: lettuce, spinach, green onions for feathers, parsley, basil. For those who have experience in growing crops such as bell pepper, tomato, cucumber, the task of obtaining these vegetables using systems that do not use soil is quite feasible.

For flower growers, the technology of growing indoor plants without soil will be of great help for forcing bulbous flower varieties. Also, many types of houseplants can be grown using soilless methods. However, it must be remembered that a number of plants that require certain conditions of maintenance during the dormant period should be transferred to soilless maintenance carefully and methods should be chosen that allow metering the flow of water and nutrient solutions to the roots of these plants.

Vessels and equipment

In order to independently grow crops without the use of soil, it is necessary to decide which of the methods this task will be implemented. Next, you need to select the equipment in accordance with the chosen technology and install it correctly.

When organizing a soilless growing system at home, as a rule, hydroponics is chosen as the simplest method, quite easily implemented in a house or apartment. To grow hydroponically, you need:

  • planting containers that have slits or holes so that the roots can grow through them and gain access to water with a nutrient composition;
  • containers in which pots are placed;
  • compressor, tubes and submersible sprayer for supplying air to the roots.

If we talk about aquaponic systems, they are often used by those who already breed ornamental aquarium fish. In this case, the placement of the installation directly above the aquarium can be chosen.

Types of substrates

The substrates in which plants will be placed for soilless cultivation must meet several requirements:

  • do not react with substances that are part of nutrient solutions;
  • have a slightly acidic or neutral reaction when interacting with water and solution;
  • be loose to ensure oxygen access to the root system;
  • pass water and do not retain it;
  • disinfected when necessary;
  • hold the plant in an upright position, not allowing it to fall or lean;
  • do not restrain the development of the root system.

Many growers and gardeners are well aware of such a soil substitute as hydrogel, however, when choosing specialized technologies for growing plants without soil, it cannot be used, and you will have to choose another substrate that meets the requirements of the methods used.

The use of expanded clay

When choosing expanded clay, it is necessary to choose its small version with a granule diameter of up to 0.5 cm. Its advantages include:

  • ability to absorb moisture;
  • high breathability;
  • the structure allows the roots to develop and penetrate through expanded clay;
  • cheap material.

The disadvantages include its ability to retain the waste products of plants growing in expanded clay for more than 3 years, which requires periodic disinfection. The material can be used continuously for up to 10 years.

Peat composition

When choosing peat for use in soilless cultivation technologies, it is necessary to pay attention to its characteristics. The best is peat obtained from raised bogs with ash content up to 12%. The humidity of such a substrate should correspond to 60%. Since high-moor peat has a high acidity, before its use, treatment with chalk or dolomite flour will be required.

Growing in the sand

Not all sand can be used to grow plants as a substitute for soil. It is necessary to choose only coarse-grained quartz quality sand. Most often, such a substrate is chosen in the case of growing succulents, as well as for solving the problem of rooting cuttings. One of the advantages of sand is its long service life, up to 10 years. It is important to remember that the material must be washed before use. An indicator that sand can be used for cultivation can be the transparency of the water after washing it.

Application of vermiculite

Vermiculite is a natural material related to minerals with a layered structure. For use in floriculture and horticulture, it is heated, after which it swells and changes its shape. To use vermiculite as a substrate, it is necessary to choose a material with a fractional size of up to 2 cm.

Smaller fractions will not allow plants to receive oxygen in sufficient quantities. The fine fraction is usually used as part of soil mixtures used for growing vegetable seedlings in the classical way or for home maintenance of indoor plants and flowers.

Large vermiculite absorbs water well and gives it to plants, does not retard the growth of the root system. The main disadvantage of substrates from this mineral is their fragility. Terms of use are limited to a maximum of 3 years.

Nutrient solutions and rules for their preparation

When preparing nutrient solutions yourself, you must follow the selected recipe. Today, several such recipes have been developed. In each option, it is important to adhere to the indicated volumes of substances. Most often, the composition of nutrient mixtures includes phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and nitrogen. The basic rules for preparing solutions include:

  1. Use of water settled for 24 hours.
  2. Purification of the entire used water volume through the filter.
  3. Compliance with water heating up to a temperature of 20°C.

The most balanced options are ready-made solutions created by manufacturers of hydroponic systems.

Ready systems

A system for growing plants using hydroponics or aquaponics can be assembled by hand. To date, many options have been invented that are already used at home by flower growers and vegetable growers. They actively share their experience by posting detailed videos online showing the technology of self-assembly of such home-made structures.

For those who are not ready to spend time on independently designing a system for growing flowers or vegetables without soil, a fairly large range of ready-made systems from Russian and foreign manufacturers is offered. Today you can find and buy hydroponic and aquaponic systems for home use in different sizes and principles of operation.

Their main disadvantage is their rather high cost. Moreover, the larger the installation and the wider its capabilities, the higher the price becomes. For those who would like to use the methods of growing plants without soil, it must be taken into account that in addition to the finished system, it is necessary to independently assemble or purchase additional lighting modules to supplement the plants during the growing process.

Transition of plants to soilless cultivation

For those who have decided to transfer plants from normal soil conditions to a soilless environment, we will briefly describe the technology and procedure for solving this problem. First, the system is assembled and installed, additional lighting is being installed.

It is important not to install the system in places with bright sunlight while the plants are adapting to new conditions. Now you need to prepare the plants. The main task is to completely remove the earth from the roots so that it does not get into the installation. To do this, it is necessary to rinse the roots in water at room temperature, as carefully as possible, without damaging the root system. Next, the plant is placed in special planting containers with a substrate and watered with plain water.

In order to strengthen the root system, water with the addition of a root formation stimulator is poured into the installation for a week. During the week, the system will work using this composition.

Further, water renewal will be required: the initial mixture is completely removed, and the container is filled with a nutrient solution. Now it is necessary to change the solution in a timely manner in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. As a rule, replacement is carried out once every one and a half or two months.

Growing plants without soil allows you to get healthy greens and vegetables all year round even at home, create beautiful compositions from indoor plants, without wasting effort on watering and annual transplanting. At the same time, the installations themselves do not take up much space, they can be placed vertically in several levels, which allows you to significantly expand the landing area without taking up large spaces in a house or apartment.

Those who are interested in expanding the scope of soilless growing systems use hydroponic installations in their greenhouses and appreciate the quality of the crops they receive.

Many novice growers want to give their hobby not only summer time, but also while away winter evenings for a sweet deed. However, what to do if growing in traditional conditions is simply impossible in winter or autumn. The method of growing plants without soil will come to the rescue.

Hydroponics is a great way to grow crops and a variety of plants without soil. The plant takes all the necessary nutrients from nutrient solutions, which equally enter the root system. Hydroponics is very common and popular in the horticultural environment today. The method itself is divided into three main types:

    Hydroponics - the presence of an aquatic culture.

    Substrate culture - plants grow in soil substitutes - "substrates" that are periodically moistened with solutions.

    Aeroponics is a method of growing crops through air.

The simplest hydroponics is an ordinary jar of water. The plants themselves grow at the expense of the nutrient solution. Hydroponics has a huge variety of types and types, as well as a large number of equipment and additional elements.

Selection of equipment for hydroponics

Growing plants without soil is quite simple, but even here it is often necessary to select good equipment to make the quality of the crop high. First of all, choose the system in which you will grow your seeds. Each of them relies on certain opportunities, as well as premises and the number of plantations.

    Periodic flooding system. This system is installed permanently, which allows you to organize a larger number of crops.

    deep sea culture. An excellent method for plants that consume a lot of moisture. However, it is extremely difficult to manage, since plants often get sick, and it is extremely difficult to control the amount of nutrient solution.

    nutrient layer. Plants are placed in a pipe through which a nutrient solution constantly runs. It is fed through them by means of a pump. Thus, the root system of all plants consumes a sufficient amount of nutrients, in equal amounts. The main feature of this system is the saturation of the solution with oxygen.

    Drip irrigation system. This method requires the use of substrates - usually coconut, as well as adding mineral wool, peat mixture. A nutrient solution is poured onto all this, which eventually spreads into a special pan. This method is extremely good and simple, since from this pan the solution will drop by drop into the plants. Thanks to good space saving, the method allows you to grow a large amount of crop per 1 sq.m.

It is important to remember that with all these methods of growing plants without soil, you need to keep the roots as little as possible in the water. The solution itself needs to move in all directions and positions of the plantation, whether it is horizontal or vertical (do not forget about the location of the hydroponics on the wall). Otherwise, the crop may die.

Features of growing plants without soil

Having chosen the method and system of cultivation, you should be well prepared. To begin with, it is very good to purchase plants that are already grown in hydroponics, while not forgetting about containers, pots, clay granules, and various fertilizers necessary for the plant you have chosen. This practice of caring for a purchased plant will help you in the future to decide on growing plants from the very beginning.

Keep in mind that not every plant is suitable for hydroponics. Try to read additional information and experiment in equal measure. Basically, a large variety of crops, flowers, domestic, ornamental plants are suitable for the hydroponics method. Either one can be a great starting practice to prepare yourself for the more challenging plants to come.

Another method of growing plants without soil, close to hydroponics, is the ionitoponics method. It is based on growing plants on an artificial soil substitute. Unlike hydroponics, instead of a substrate, anion and cation exchange resins are used here, which are full of nutrients. Although this method is very similar to growing in a natural environment, it is as simple and easy as the hydroponics method, and most importantly, it is available at home at any time of the year.

Features of hydroponics

Let's take a closer look at the three main methods of growing plants without soil in a nutrient solution. When working with hydroponics, it is important to consider many nuances and details that you need to know when working with the system. It is well known that plants have different types of roots: soil and water. If the plant was in water, it developed water roots, but if it is transferred to the soil, it will take time for it to grow soil roots. This fact makes it very difficult to transfer a plant from one environment to another. The main feature of the hydroponics method is that the plants, once they have passed the transition phase, will be able to receive moisture and all the necessary nutrients from the solution, while the roots above will consume the necessary oxygen reserves. Nutrient levels play a major role in plant care. If there was a lot of water, then there simply will not be oxygen for the plant, which will lead to death. The problem is that oxygen, which is so necessary for plant life, is very poorly absorbed in water, because its level near the roots is significantly reduced. In such cases, a small device that can be made by hand at home will be very useful. This is an ordinary aquarium compressor, which is placed in a container through which air blows the solution, thereby making it saturated. Plants receive all the necessary elements and grow further.

There are other ways to deliver oxygen to the roots. It is necessary to immerse them in the nutrient solution, but only half. In this case, a tray with a mesh bottom will help you a lot, in which the substrate is placed in a small, three-centimeter layer. Germinated seeds are placed in it. After that, the pallet must be placed on a vessel filled with a nutrient solution. Remember to keep an air space between the mesh and the tray, which will increase as the roots grow. At the very beginning, while the roots have not yet reached the surface of the solution, it is best to moisten the plants with ordinary watering.

These methods and tricks are great for water-based hydroponics, not substrate based hydroponics. In the case of working with the substrate, the entire root system is securely fixed. The solution itself comes from above, if you follow the usual irrigation norms, or from below, if you use the flooding method. Remember that in this case the liquid level should be 2-5 cm below the surface of the substrate. These methods of supplying the nutrient solution are called subirrigation. Most often, in this case, soil substitutes are used: gravel, vermiculite, perlite, expanded clay, sand, moss, peat and much more. It is by the name of the substrate that the name of the cultivation method is given. Pay attention to this if you are looking for third-party information or advice on working with these methods.

It is convenient to work with inert substrates, as they are very easy to disinfect, do not react chemically with salts that are in solution, and most importantly, they reliably provide air to the roots. According to numerous recommendations, peat, vermiculite, expanded clay can be called good candidates for inert substrates, since they are also moisture-intensive and sterile. You can also use riding moss, sand and other substrates. However, they all need to be cleaned well before use. Third-party impurities are eliminated by sifting, and selecting the necessary fractions of a certain size - from 0.1 to 2 cm. All this must be washed well with a solution (5%) of sulfuric acid, and then with water. Only peat and moss do not require a similar procedure.

At home, doing this is very easy. The vessel in which the substrate and the plant are placed must be connected with a hose that is attached to the container with the solution. If the container is raised, the solution will flood the substrate, and if it is returned to the opposite position, the substrate will be washed back. Such a system is extremely simple and unpretentious and can be made with your own hands at home. At the same time, it does not require special financial costs.

Consider aeroponics - a method of growing plants without soil in moist air.. We can say that this is a very silent method, convenient if you have plantations on a veranda or balcony. The essence of the method is that the root system is always under the influence of moist air. If you turned to this technique, the plant itself must be placed on the lid of the box so that 1/3 of the roots are in the solution, and the rest is in the air space, which is saturated with moist air mixed with the solution. Plants can be placed at any stage of development. In order for the plants to fully grow and there are no problems, it is better to place elastic pads in the places of the clamps.

The roots must be sprayed with a finely sprayed solution. To carry out this process, it is necessary to install a spray gun that will supply the nutrient solution to the roots in the form of small drops. Spraying should be carried out only once a day, taking three minutes for this. Keep an eye on the sprayer for blockages and malfunctions so that the solution always enters the root system. With this technique, the roots can be moistened by periodic flooding, or by maintaining the presence of a nutrient solution in the tank. An extremely convenient method, since part of the roots receives oxygen from moist air, and the bottom of the roots receives elements from the solution.

Working with nutrient solutions

The solution can be obtained by dissolving chemical salts in water containing: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, sulfur and manganese, boron, copper, zinc and other components - the so-called macro- and microelements. There are a large number of methods for preparing solutions, but it is important to remember that a solution with a concentration of 0.15-0.3% is used for any plants.

Proportions are extremely important in this case. For example, if you need to prepare 5 liters of a solution, then the amount of salts must be multiplied by 5, if 10 liters - by 10, and so on. If you grow indoor plants, then try to stick to a solution concentration of 1.5 - 2 g per liter of water. If you keep plants in a cold room, then the solution must be made at a reduced rate - by about 50%. All salts must be kept separately, in a closed glass container. Moreover, salts containing trace elements should not be mixed with dry iron salts. When preparing a solution, each salt must be dissolved separately, in a specially prepared vessel. In this state, they can be stored for a long time. The only exception is iron salts. For them, dark glassware is best, and you need to store them in a dry form, separately from the rest. They need to be dissolved just before use.

The solution requires only clean, soft water, without the presence of any third-party impurities. It is best to use distilled or rain water. A freshly prepared nutrient solution will be ready to use if it is at the same temperature as the room temperature. Usually it is 16-20 degrees.

It is important to check the acidity of your solution from time to time - the pH indicator. A normal solution has an acidity rate of 4.8 to 6.6. If the solution was prepared correctly, it will last for quite a long time. The solution itself must be changed after 30 days of use (maximum 45), taking into account the nature and needs of the plant. The amount of salts used in the solution also depends on the needs of the plant itself. Some elements should prevail depending on the season - nitrogen is needed in summer, and potassium is needed in winter. If the solution has deteriorated, you need to quickly replace it with fresh one, having previously disinfected the substrate, the tank itself and the roots, using potassium diluted in clean water.

To properly grow plants without soil, you must follow a few rules. First of all, do not keep the maximum level of water in the tank, it is necessary that air is available in the lower layers. Make new bays at intervals of three days. Watering should be done once every two weeks, and top dressing should be carried out only twice a year. It is best to use tap water, as some fertilizers are ion-exchange fertilizers, and they will work effectively if there are certain chemicals in the water. Remember that water should be used at room temperature. Due to the lack of soil, cold water will have a negative effect on the plant, which will lead to death. Renew the fertilizer itself every six months. Also try to find additional information on third-party sites in order to know all the intricacies of working with a solution and hydroponics.

The article was prepared with the support of the online store of cannabis seeds BioSeeds

Hydroponics is a way of growing plants without soil., in which the plant receives from the solution all the necessary nutrients in the right quantities and exact proportions (which is almost impossible to do with soil cultivation).

Hydroponics has great advantages compared to the conventional (soil) growing method:

  • The plant always receives the substances it needs in the required quantities, it grows strong and healthy, and much faster than in the soil. At the same time, the yield of fruit and flowering ornamental plants increases several times.
  • Plant roots never suffer from drying out or lack of oxygen when waterlogged, which inevitably happens with soil cultivation.
  • Since water consumption is easier to control, there is no need to water the plants every day. Depending on the selected container and growing system, you need to add water much less often - from once every three days to once a month.
  • There is no problem of lack of fertilizers or their overdose.
  • Many problems of soil pests and diseases (nematodes, mole crickets, sciarids, fungal diseases, rot, etc.) disappear, which eliminates the use of pesticides.
  • The process of transplanting perennial plants is greatly facilitated - there is no need to free the roots from the old soil and inevitably injure them. It is only necessary to transfer the plant into a large bowl and add the substrate.
  • There is no need to buy new soil for transplanting, which greatly reduces the cost of growing indoor plants.
  • Since the plant receives only the elements it needs, it does not accumulate substances harmful to human health that are inevitably present in the soil (heavy metals, toxic organic compounds, radionuclides, excess nitrates, etc.), which is very important for fruit plants.
  • Well, and, finally, there is no need to mess with the ground: hands are always clean; hydroponic vessels weigh little; in the house, on the balcony or in the greenhouse, it is clean and tidy, there are no extraneous odors flying over the pots of sciarids, and other unpleasant factors associated with soil cultivation.

After mastering a few basic concepts, you can grow almost anything and with much less labor than soil. In the case of using automated solution circulation systems (some of which are very easy to assemble at home), the labor costs for watering and feeding plants disappear altogether.

  • The simplest hydroponic vessel is made in two minutes from an ordinary plastic pot and any suitable larger container (this container must contain a sufficient amount of water, be chemically inert and not let in light). A good example is a paper 1-litre shelf-stable juice or milk bag, laid on its side with a pot hole precisely cut (at the seam side). The pot with the substrate should be immersed in the solution by 1-2 centimeters.
  • The substrate (expanded clay, vermiculite, perlite, mineral wool, coconut fiber, any inert chemical fiber (polypropylene, nylon, nylon, etc.), foam rubber, etc.) costs the same or much less (depending on what at your fingertips) than a similarly sized piece of earth. But the earth, unlike the substrate, must be changed annually during transplantation.
  • One liter of the final solution is enough for one small (such as a small begonia or fuchsia) plant per year, that is, a jar of concentrate intended for 50 liters of solution is enough for 50 years, or for the annual maintenance of 50 plants.

Plants suitable for hydroponics:
Almost any plant grown from seed or cuttings is suitable. In the case of transplanting adult plants, it is better to give preference to plants with coarse thick roots that are easy to clean from the ground. It is not recommended to transfer adult plants with a delicate root system to hydroponics.

Soak the earth ball for several hours with water at room temperature. (for example, in a bucket). After that, carefully separate the soil under water, then gently wash the roots with a light jet of water at room temperature. After cleaning the roots from the remnants of the soil, straighten them down, and, holding the plant, cover the roots with the substrate (it is not necessary that the plant touches the water layer directly with the roots - the solution will rise up through the capillaries of the substrate, reaching the roots; subsequently they themselves will germinate to the desired depth). After that, pour plain water on top of the substrate, pour the desired level of water into the vessel, and leave the plant for about a week. Only then can the water be replaced with a solution.

Important: do not fill the solution immediately after transplantation!

Basic concepts:

  • solution concentration. Strictly adhere to the concentration of the solution recommended by the manufacturer. Try to keep the volume of the solution in the hydroponic vessel more or less constant by adding plain (preferably settled) water. Once every three months (depending on the manufacturer's recommendation), replace the solution completely. Some plants (epiphytes such as bromeliads, orchids and others such as carnivorous plants) require a much lower concentration (by a factor of 2-4), while for very fast growing plants (such as banana) an increase of about 1.5 is recommended. times the concentration of the solution. For annual vegetable crops, a concentration higher than the average by about 1.25 times is recommended. In winter, during the dormant period, the concentration should be reduced by about 2-3 times from the usual one, and the water level, depending on the severity of the dormant period, should also be reduced to a minimum.
  • The acidity of the solution (pH). Modern hydroponic formulations are designed to have a pH of around 5.6 (optimal for most plants) and not deviate much from this value during operation (some plants require other pH values, for example, azaleas and gardenias - a more acidic pH = 5, and palms - more alkaline pH = 7). The most accurate pH control device is an electronic pH meter, but it is quite expensive and difficult to use. The simplest and most reliable means are acidity tests made specifically for aquariums, they are quite accurate, inexpensive, and easy to use (universal test strips are not suitable due to their low accuracy). Reagents for measuring and changing pH are sold in zoological markets and in the aquarium section of pet stores.

A simple recipe for preparing a solution:
To prepare one liter of solution, two components are required (the 5-ml syringe sold in every pharmacy is well suited for dosage):

  • 1.67 ml of complex fertilizer "Uniflor Buton" or "Uniflor Growth" (depending on the type of crop - "Bud" is more for fruiting and flowering, and "Growth" - for the growth of green parts of plants) in a liter of water.
  • Add 2 ml of a 25% solution of calcium nitrate there (to prepare a solution, dilute 250 g of four-water calcium (not potassium!) Nitrate in 1 liter of water). This amount of SC is given for soft (such as St. Petersburg or distilled water). The final amount of calcium in this dilution is about 100 mg/l. In the case of hard water, it is recommended to find out (from local water utilities or sanitary epidemiologists) the concentration of calcium per liter of water and add the appropriate amount of CS.
  • Attention! Do not mix concentrated solutions 1 and 2 before diluting them with water! It is better to use different syringes for solutions 1 and 2, or be sure to flush the syringe before measuring another solution.

Causes of mold:

To prevent the development of mold, it is necessary to ventilate the room more often, keep it clean and periodically disinfect the surfaces of window sills, shelves where flowers are located, plant care equipment and other things.

Sometimes a white coating on the surface of the soil can be caused by excessively hard water for irrigation. Citric acid, diluted in a proportion of 1 tsp, will help soften such water. per liter of water.
Various fungicides will help in the fight against mold. In critical cases, an emergency plant transplant is necessary with the removal of a part of the root system affected by mold.

  • Woodlice.
  • White bugs (podura)
  • Nematodes.
  • Bulbous root mite.

Soil moisture indicator for potted plants

It is recommended to use moisture indicators to determine soil moisture. The use of this device will help to avoid problems associated with excessive watering. It is enough just to introduce the indicator into the soil and determine if the plant needs watering.

hydroponics aeroponics).

Hydroponics: the technology of growing indoor flowers without soil

With this method of cultivation, the necessary nutrients of the plant are obtained from aqueous solutions. The most common recipe for such a solution is the solution of the German scientist, one of the founders of hydroponics F. Knopp. For growing hydroponic plants at home, you can purchase ready-made hydroponic nutrient solutions.

In general, this method can be applied to growing absolutely any plant.
In general, growing hydroponic plants is a fairly simple process that will help to avoid problems associated with soil.

Growing plants without soil

The book outlines the basics of modern methods of industrial cultivation of plants without soil. Various types of installations are described, recipes for nutrient solutions are given, features of plant care when growing without soil, methods for controlling the chemical composition of the nutrient solution are described in detail.

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auto repair books

Each car owner, taking care of his car, provides for the possibility of further repairs, if necessary. Someone can afford to contact specialized salons even if it is necessary to change the pads on a car, while someone tries to prevent other people's hands from reaching their iron horse.

Series books

History of the method

The method of hydroponics was based on the study of the root nutrition of plants. Many scientists have worked hard for decades to find out what the root extracts from the soil. It was possible to understand this as a result of experiments on growing plants in water (aquatic culture method). Certain mineral salts are dissolved in distilled water, in addition to salts of that chemical element, the significance of which for the life of plants they want to find out. The plant is grown on this solution in a glass jar. Experiments have shown that the plant develops well only if the salt solution contains potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, sulfur, phosphorus and nitrogen. If potassium is removed from the nutrient solution, plant growth stops. Without calcium, the root system cannot develop. Magnesium and iron are necessary for the plant to form chlorophyll. Without sulfur and phosphorus, the proteins that make up the protoplasm and nucleus are not formed. For a long time, it was thought that only these elements were necessary for the normal development of plants. But then it turned out that the plant also needs very small amounts of other elements, which are therefore called microelements. At about the same time in the nineteenth century, the German botanist F. Knop, and in Russia K. A. Timiryazev and D. N. Pryanishnikov developed for scientific purposes a method of plant culture in aqueous solutions of inorganic compounds. In 1936, in the USA, Gerikke USA tested the cultivation of vegetables in solutions, calling this method hydroponics. The first successful experiments in growing vegetables in solutions without soil in our country were made in 1938-1939. Initially, hydroponic plants were grown exclusively in the aquatic environment. But with water culture, the supply of oxygen to the roots turned out to be unsatisfactory, the reaction of the solution was unstable, individual roots and whole plants quickly died off. Therefore, purely aquatic plant culture did not find application, but other methods were subsequently developed. Their essence boils down to the fact that the roots of plants are placed in some relatively inert substrate. The substrate and roots are immersed in a solution of all the nutrients the plants need. Depending on the substrate used, methods such as Aggregatoponics- when the roots are placed in solid inert, inorganic substrates - crushed stone, gravel, expanded clay, sand, etc.; Chemoponics- in which moss, high-moor peat, sawdust and other organic materials inaccessible for direct plant nutrition serve as a root-inhabited substrate; ionitoponics substrate from ion-exchange materials; Aeroponics there is no solid substrate, the roots hang in the air of a darkened chamber.

Pots for hydroponic houseplants

Indoor plants are placed in hydropots - double pots or vessels (one inside the other). Pots must meet certain requirements.

  • The outer vessel must not let water through. The inner pot must have slots or holes for active interaction of the roots with the hydroponic solution. The outer pot must not be transparent. Both pots or vessels must be made of a material that does not react with the nutrient solution. Fired ceramic pots made of clay or glazed are better suited for this. In glazed pots, mineral salt deposits will not show through.

The most suitable shape of the outer pot is spherical, as its volume will be larger than that of a regular pot. The inner pot can be made from an ordinary plastic pot or from a plastic bottle. Hydroponics pots have long been available in specialized stores. At the same time, the outer vessel is completely waterproof, made of various materials and has a beautiful decorative appearance. The inner vessel is usually made of plastic and is equipped with a liquid level indicator. This device has marks at three levels - the minimum amount of solution, optimal and maximum. It will be more correct to add the nutrient solution when the liquid level indicator drops to the minimum point. At the same time, it is necessary to add water so much that the float of the liquid level rises to the optimum value. The amount of liquid is brought to the maximum value only in cases where the plants are left without watering for a long time, for example, during the holidays.


In the hydroponic growing method, inert earth substitutes are used: gravel, vermiculite, perlite, expanded clay, coarse sand, moss, peat. According to the name of the substrates used in pure form or mixture, the name of the cultivation method is given: gravel culture, sand culture, peat culture, etc. Inert substrates are easy to disinfect, do not enter into chemical reactions with mineral salts dissolved in water, and provide good air access to the roots. The substrate must have the following properties:

  • it is easy to pass air and solution, it is good to wet it; do not enter into a chemical combination with dissolved substances; have a slightly acidic or neutral reaction; do not interfere with the development of the root system and keep the plant upright.

With proper operation, substrates from granite and quartz are used up to 10 years, from expanded clay and perlite 6-10 years, and from vermiculite only 2-3 years.

growing plants without soil

Expanded clay

For growing plants in hydroponics, a substrate of fine expanded clay (0.1 - 0.5 cm) is usually used, since it has a better water-holding capacity. Expanded clay is breathable, water-permeable, moisture-absorbing. The roots in it are well kept and moistened. A plant planted in expanded clay is not injured, the root neck does not stick out to the surface, and well-branched roots are not damaged and penetrate the entire substrate. Expanded clay in operation does not need to be disinfected often, it is cheap and not harmful to plants. With long-term cultivation of plants (for 3–4 or more years), the expanded clay substrate may accumulate in it the products of the vital activity of the plant (metabolites), which have a bad effect on the development of the plant. Therefore, expanded clay must be periodically washed with water or hydrogen peroxide of low concentration (3%).


In hydroponics, burnt vermiculite is used. As a result of firing, it acquires lightness, sterility, unique moisture capacity and durability of use. The size of the fraction is very important. The optimum for growing perennial and annual crops is 0.5 - 2 cm. Aeration is difficult in a substrate with finer fractions, and it is more suitable for sowing seeds, picking seedlings, rooting cuttings, or as a ripper for soil mixtures. Burnt vermiculite is sterile (burning at high temperatures ). During firing, the mineral swells, its plates increase several times. They take the form of "accordions" with a large number of air cavities. The substrate retains an amount of water that is 5-6 times its own weight. At the same time, it easily absorbs and also easily gives it to plants. Very high air capacity contributes to the powerful development of the root system of plants. Thanks to the mass of through slit-like pores, water or nutrient solution freely passes through the substrate plates (from pore to pore), and the particles remain in place. This does not happen, for example, in expanded clay. Its granules often float up, tearing the root hairs of plants.


Peat is a good substrate. The most suitable sphagnum peat of raised bogs, almost undecomposed, with a normal ash content (no more than 12%). Relative humidity of peat should be in the range of 60 - 65%. Dryer peat is less wetted. High-ash peat can only be used as fertilizer, not as a substrate. The relative humidity of peat should be in the range of 60-65%, drier peat is less wetted when watering plants. High-moor peat has a rather high acidity, therefore, before use, the peat substrate is neutralized with chalk or dolomite flour.


Sand should be used coarse-grained, quartz. Before use, it is washed several times (until the flowing water becomes clear). It is mainly suitable for hydroponic cultivation of succulents and other plants when watered from above, as well as for rooting cuttings. There are substrates made of granular polyethylene or glass. Of great interest are studies with substrates made of ion-exchange materials, which can be charged with ions of substances necessary for plants that can go into solution as they are absorbed by their roots.

The main methods of growing in hydroponic culture

1. A nutrient solution is poured into a container or a special pot and the root system of the plant is placed in it. As the solution evaporates, water is added, and at certain intervals the solution is completely replaced with fresh one, since over time an imbalance in the proportions of nutrients occurs in the solution. A significant disadvantage of this method is that the supply of oxygen to the roots is difficult, and not all plants tolerate this. 2. For another method, two pots are used, one larger than the other. In a smaller pot, which has many small holes, the roots of the plant are placed and covered with gravel, expanded clay or other material. Then this pot is placed in a larger one and the nutrient solution is poured, while the roots should be immersed in the solution by no more than 2/3. If it is necessary to replace the nutrient solution, the inner pot with the plant is taken out, the water is allowed to drain. The outer pot is washed and after placing the pot with the plant in it again, a fresh solution is poured. Among flower growers, the second version of the hydroponic culture technique is most popular.

Nutrient solutions and their preparation

Nutrient solutions are prepared by dissolving chemical salts in water that contain nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium, sulfur, manganese (i.e. macronutrients), as well as boron, copper, zinc and other trace elements necessary for development. The nutrient solution should contain all the elements in ratios that do not exceed the norm for their consumption by plants. Plants absorb nutrients better from dilute solutions; if the concentration exceeds the optimal rate, the plants may die. The concentration of the nutrient solution may increase due to the fact that the plants absorb water faster than the mineral salts dissolved in it. In addition, water partially evaporates, and this also leads to an increase in the concentration of the nutrient solution. It is especially important to monitor the nutrient solution in the summer, when the evaporation of water in the vessels increases. It is necessary that the nutrient solution in the outer vessel is always at the same level, i.e., fills it up to half the volume. When the solution becomes smaller, it is added with water to the original volume: in summer it is usually added after 2-3 days, less often in winter. To prepare the solution, salt is taken in certain proportions. The concentration of the nutrient solution should be in the range of 1-5 g of mineral salt per 1 liter of water. Plants react differently to the concentration of an aqueous solution of mineral salts. If it is higher than 13.5 g per 1 liter of water, a number of plant species are inhibited, at lower concentrations of 1.5-2.5 g per 1 liter, the same species develop normally. The concentration of the solution of 0.5-0.6 g per 1 liter of water inhibits the growth and development of plants. In winter conditions, in cold rooms, it is enough for plants that are in a dormant period to give a nutrient solution of a reduced concentration - 50% of the norm. Dry salts are stored (each separately) in a glass buried dish. For iron salts, it is necessary to take dark glassware and store it dry. Water for the preparation of nutrient solutions should be clean, soft, without impurities. The best is distilled water. If it is not possible to purchase distilled water, you can use rain water or water additionally purified using household filters. To soften hard water, special cartridges for filters and water softener tablets (the so-called pH tablets) are produced. You can also soften hard water with peat. To do this, peat at the rate of 700 g per 10 liters of water in the grid is placed in a container with water and left for 10-12 hours, for example, overnight. The water filtered from peat chips in the morning can be used to prepare a nutrient solution or to water plants. Each salt must be dissolved separately, in a small enamel or glass container, and then poured into a common vessel designed for nutrient solution. Salts must be dissolved, strictly adhering to the order in which they appear in the recipe of the nutrient mixture. Violation of this rule can lead to the fact that a precipitate of their undissolved salts will fall to the bottom of the vessel. Begin with macronutrients, i.e. elements needed by the plant in large quantities. Magnesium sulphate is dissolved in a small amount of water and, after it has dissolved, is poured into a common vessel, into which a small amount of water has previously been poured. Then ammonium and potassium nitrate are also dissolved, after them potassium chloride, and at the end ammonium phosphate. These salts are also dissolved separately in a small amount of water and poured into the same vessel. After pouring the next salt solution, mix thoroughly. After mixing well, the general solution is added to it. trace elements. They are also dissolved in a certain sequence in a separate glass container in a small amount of water. First, boric acid is dissolved, after acidifying the water with sulfuric acid (1-2 drops per 1 liter of water) for its better dissolution. After mixing well and making sure that it is completely dissolved, salts of zinc, iron, molybdenum and copper are added successively, dissolving each separately in a small amount of water. After adding the next salt, the solution is mixed properly. Then the solution of trace elements, with constant stirring, is poured into a vessel with a solution of macronutrients. The solution prepared in this way is ready for use. The reaction of the solution is of great importance for the normal growth and development of plants. The nutrient solution for plants grown without soil, depending on the crop, should have a pH of 5.5-7.0. A shift in the reaction of the solution to the alkaline side (Ph above 7) negatively affects plants; in such a solution, salts of iron, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and manganese turn into insoluble compounds that are not absorbed by plants. Sometimes changes in the composition and concentration of the solution are insignificant, but they can still adversely affect the development of plants, so it is necessary to periodically determine the acidity of the solution. Ready-made solution can be stored in a sealed container for 2-3 months. A nutrient solution ready for use should have the same temperature as the air temperature of the room in which the plants grow. Properly prepared solutions last a long time. Change the solution after 30-40 days, depending on the type of plant. The amount of nutrient salts in the solution depends on the needs of plants in them: potassium should prevail in winter, nitrogen in spring and summer. Pink colour).

The composition of the nutrient mixture according to Gerikka (g / 1 l of water)

Modern technologies: hydroponics

home hydroponics

Hydroponics is a method of growing plants without soil, quite suitable for home use. The plant receives from a special solution all the necessary nutrients in the right quantities and exact proportions.

There are three main methods of growing plants in nutrient solutions: water culture - hydroponics proper; air culture - aeroponics.

Benefits of hydroponics

Home hydroponics has a number of advantages over conventional (soil) growing. This technology is simple and affordable - after mastering a few basic concepts, you can grow almost any plant with much less labor than on soil.

In the case of using automated solution circulation systems (they are very easy to assemble at home), labor costs for watering and feeding plants are not required at all. Since a hydroponically grown plant always receives the nutrients it needs in the right quantities, it grows strong and healthy and much faster than in soil, and its roots never suffer from drying out or lack of oxygen due to waterlogging, which inevitably happens with soil cultivation. Since the water flow is easier to control with the hydroponic method, there is no need to water the plants frequently.

You can safely go on vacation without fear that upon arrival you will find your pets withered or suffering from a lack of moisture.

Depending on the selected container and growing system, it is only necessary to add water to the system at certain intervals. In addition, your plants will never suffer from a lack of fertilizers or their overdose. Another nice feature of home hydroponics is that you do not have to deal with many soil pests and diseases (nematodes, mole crickets, sciarids, fungal diseases, rot, etc.).

Well, and, finally, there is no need to replant the plant, which greatly reduces the cost and simplifies the growing process. The room where hydroponic plants are kept is always clean and tidy, there are no sciarids flying over the pots and other unpleasant factors associated with soil cultivation.

Modern hydroponic systems use only plastics, with the exception of some elements made of bronze. Even pumps are made with epoxy coating.

The use of materials of this type together with neutral substrates is the way to success due to durability and harmlessness for plants and humans. The simplest hydroponic vessel is made in two minutes from an ordinary plastic pot and any suitable larger container (the vessel must hold a sufficient amount of water, be chemically inert and not let in light). on its side with a precisely cut (from the side of the seam) hole for the pot. The pot with the substrate should be immersed in the solution by 1-2 cm.

Aqueous solutions for hydroponics

As a nutrient medium for plants in hydroponics, a special solution acts, containing all the compounds necessary for the plant to develop fully. Under the solution, you can take any water suitable for drinking.

This primarily applies to rain and distilled water. With regard to waste rainwater, a reservation should be made: its use is allowed only if the roof is in a satisfactory condition.

Do not collect water from a rusting roof or from a roof impregnated with resins. Water supplies should be stored in a dark, cool place to prevent algae from forming.

To provide the root system with oxygen, only part of the roots is immersed in the nutrient solution. The root neck of a hydroponic plant is fixed with cotton wool or foam rubber on the pot lid so that 1/3 of the roots are in the nutrient solution, and 2/3 of the roots are in the air space (between the solution and the pot lid).

Nutrient solution can be prepared at home or purchased from a flower shop.

Ready-made solutions are sold either in liquid form or in the form of water-soluble tablets. When buying a nutrient solution, pay attention to its purpose - whether it is really designed for growing hydroponic plants.

A complete replacement of the solution is carried out monthly in the summer and once every 5-8 weeks in the winter. A simple recipe for preparing a solution for hydroponics per 1 liter: to 1.67 ml of Uniflor Buton or Uniflor Growth complex fertilizer (depending on depending on the type of culture), add 2 ml of a 25% solution of calcium nitrate. This amount of saltpeter is given for soft (eg distilled) water.

Converting plants to hydroponics

Unpretentious plants with large roots are suitable for growing in home hydroponics (for example, chlorophytums, many aroids, ivy, asparagus, and even some succulents). To transfer to hydroculture, the plant must be prepared in a special way.

It is better if the selected specimen is small in size and not old - this one will take root better. On the eve of the transplant, it is watered abundantly or the pot is immersed in a basin of water. After that, the ground is separated under water and the roots are thoroughly washed with a light jet of water at room temperature.

Then they are carefully placed in the inner pot, trying not to damage and evenly distribute the roots, which are lowered into the solution through the holes in the base. First, use a diluted (1:10) nutrient solution.

In phytodesign, for decorative purposes, sometimes plants are simply placed in a transparent vessel filled with a nutrient solution (in some cases, tinted with a special dye).

It should be remembered that this method does not provide long-term existence for most plants, since the roots, deprived of free oxygen, begin to rot. It is easy to germinate the seeds of some grasses, most bulbous plants in this way, or you can use a similar method for a short-term decorative effect.

Try to keep the volume of the solution in the hydroponic vessel more or less constant, adding plain (preferably settled) water as needed. About every three months (depending on the manufacturer's recommendation), replace the solution completely. If possible, control the pH level in the solution (it should be about 5.6, which is optimal for most plants).

Ready hydraulic systems

If you want to transfer the plant to home hydroponics, it is most convenient to purchase a ready-made hydraulic system. There are several types of hydro systems designed for growing indoor plants in hydroponics. Modern systems usually consist of two pots.

Thanks to the peculiarities of the hydraulic system, you can easily adjust the "diet" of the plant, providing it with everything necessary for harmonious development. The substrate is an inert substance that, unlike soil, does not supply plants with any nutrients - all life support comes from the solution. The substrate provides support for the potted plant and allows the air and nutrients necessary for plant growth to freely enter.

At the same time, thanks to the substrate, the plants do not “float” in the nutrient solution, which prevents them from rotting. The main difference between hydroponic fertilizer and soil fertilizer is that hydroponic fertilizer contains the proper amounts of all the essential micronutrients that are in soil fertilizer. do not include. If one or more trace elements are not present in the soil in the proper amount, the plant does not receive adequate nutrition. Hydroponic fertilizers usually have fewer impurities than soil fertilizers and are much more soluble in water.

Choosing Plants for Hydroponics

Whether you want to purchase ready-made plants grown in hydroponics, or transfer your “pet” to it, you have little to fear. This method can be considered quite versatile, since most hydroponic plants feel great and please the owners with a well-groomed, healthy look.

Some growers believe that home hydroponics is suitable for growing basically all indoor plants, and is best suited for deciduous ornamental crops. But there are exceptions that you need to be aware of.

Plants that form tubers or rhizomes are least suitable for growing in hydroponics, since they rot very quickly if not watered properly (for example, cyclamen). Some plants, such as high begonia or balsam, will have to be constantly cleaned of wilted flowers or leaves so that they do not get into the nutrient solution.

Plants that grow roots very quickly will need to be repotted frequently (eg cyperus). Species that require cool dormant temperatures to flower should also not be grown hydroponically. A hydrangea, clivia, or azalea may react with root rot.

But lovers of kus will be able to fully appreciate the benefits of hydroponics. Many columnar and spherical cereus cacti, various prickly pear cacti, leafy peresian, epiphytic cacti and the like grow well in aquatic culture.

Even if you chose a large enough pot when you bought it, the plant's roots may need more space over time. A transplant is necessary if the roots occupy almost the entire vessel, so that there is almost no room for expanded clay in it.

It is recommended to choose a large enough inner pot from the start so that the plant does not have to be repotted too often. The same expanded clay can be used several times, it is quite simple to wash it properly.

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The soil is the usual substrate for growing most indoor plants. Growers are well aware of the many soil problems that arise from improper plant care, which can cause diseases and even death of flowers.

White plaque and mold on the soil of indoor plants

Often on the surface of the soil in a flower pot you can see a white or yellowish coating. Many do not attach importance to this, and completely in vain. The appearance of plaque indicates the presence of a fungal disease or mold. Such a plaque not only spoils the appearance of the plant, but can also lead to rotting of the roots of the plant.

White plaque and mold on the ground of indoor plants: photo

Causes of mold:

  • violation of the irrigation regime, excessive watering of the plant;
  • violation of the conditions of the plant (poorly ventilated room, insufficient lighting, high humidity);
  • improperly selected container for growing a plant (too much soil, which disrupts the natural processes of moisture evaporation).

It is known that mold can grow in any environment. However, room temperature with high humidity is favorable for its development.

To prevent the development of mold, it is necessary to ventilate the room more often, keep it clean and periodically disinfect the surfaces of window sills, shelves where

Plant care supplies and more.

The following solution is suitable for disinfection: 5 g of a 0.5% solution of copper sulfate per 1 liter of water. If an available insecticide is added to such a solution, it will also turn out to avoid the appearance of some insect pests.

As you know, any disease is easier to prevent, so it is recommended to follow simple soil mold prevention measures:

  • It is better to water the flowers as needed, giving the earthy someone the opportunity to dry slightly.
  • For irrigation, it is recommended to use settled water (water from an aquarium is perfect).
  • The soil of the plant must be loosened regularly to ensure oxygen access to the roots of the plant and effective drying of the deep layers of the soil.
  • You should responsibly approach the choice of a container for growing a plant. A pot "for growth" will not work, it is better to gradually increase the diameter of the pot as the plant grows. Pots with holes in the bottom are preferred. So, excess liquid will not linger in the pot and will not provoke the formation of mold.
  • When preparing the soil for planting a plant, it is recommended to add a small amount of crushed charcoal or activated charcoal, ash. This will not only ensure soil looseness, but also contribute to its disinfection.

Sometimes a white coating on the surface of the soil can be caused by excessively hard water for irrigation. Citric acid, diluted in a proportion of 1 tsp, will help soften such water. per liter of water. Various fungicides will help in the fight against mold. In critical cases, an emergency plant transplant is necessary with the removal of a part of the root system affected by mold.

Pests in the soil of indoor plants

Mold that affects the soil of indoor plants is not the only problem that worries flower growers. Often when growing flowers, you can also encounter insect pests. Some of them affect the soil, damaging the root system of the plant.

The reason for the appearance of pests can be poor-quality soil, and improper care of the plant. In the fight against insects, special industrial preparations will help, as well as folk remedies, such as a soap solution or a solution of manganese.

  • Woodlice. Appear due to excess moisture in the soil. They are dangerous because they harm the roots of the plant by eating them. When they appear, watering should be reduced. Insects can be removed manually.
  • White bugs (podura) in the soil of indoor plants. Appear due to high humidity of the earth or air. The way to deal with them - the top layer of the soil should dry out, after which they will disappear. You can also fight with chemicals: potassium permanganate solution, arrows Doctor, Aktara.
  • Nematodes. Microscopic worms that live on plant roots. Their appearance is also facilitated by an excess of moisture in the soil. In the fight against these dangerous pests, anthelmintic drugs such as Decaris can be used. A severely affected plant is best destroyed to avoid infecting other plants.
  • Bulbous root mite. They are harmful, especially to bulbous plants. Appear due to high humidity. Preventive measures: good drainage, moderate watering. Mite-affected roots and bulbs are treated with an available systemic insecticide, such as Aktellik, Aktara.

Why do you need a soil moisture sensor for indoor plants?

Soil moisture indicator for potted plants To determine soil moisture, it is recommended to use moisture indicators. The use of this device will help to avoid problems associated with excessive watering. It is enough just to introduce the indicator into the soil and determine if the plant needs watering.

The use of such devices is especially important for large deep planters, where it is very problematic to determine the state of moisture in the lower layers.

Description of growing indoor flowers without soil

For more than 100 years, there has been a method of growing houseplants that avoids soil problems. This is about hydroponics, i.e. growing plants without soil using substrates replacing soil (expanded clay, vermiculite, moss, peat, coarse sand, coconut fiber and others) or without them (this method is also called - aeroponics).

Hydroponics: the technology of growing indoor flowers without soil With this method of cultivation, the necessary nutrients of the plant are obtained from aqueous solutions. The most common recipe for such a solution is the solution of the German scientist, one of the founders of hydroponics F. Knopp. For growing hydroponic plants at home, you can purchase ready-made hydroponic nutrient solutions.

Growing plants in a hydroponic way is possible under several conditions:

  • free access of air to the root system of the plant;
  • sufficient air humidity where the roots of the plant are located;
  • contact of plant roots with nutrient solution.

According to the method of supplying the nutrient solution to the roots of the plant, one can distinguish such hydroponic plant growing methods:

  • one-time filling of a container with a plant with a nutrient solution, with immersion in a solution of 2/3 of the root system;
  • traditional periodic watering of the plant with a solution from above;
  • adding mortar to the pots tray.

For hydroponic growing plants at home, it is recommended to purchase special containers or use pots of different sizes.

What houseplants can be grown without soil

Those who comprehend the basics of hydroponic cultivation are recommended to start with such plants as anthurium, aspidistra, vriesia, begonia, cactus, dieffenbachia, ficus, monstera, nephrolepis, shefflera, tradescantia.

In general, this method can be applied to growing absolutely any plant. In general, growing hydroponic plants is a fairly simple process that will help to avoid problems associated with soil.

See also a video on how to create a hydroponics system at home with your own hands:

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