Reviews: mgupp. Moscow State University of Food Production. Moscow State University of Food Production Institute of Food Industry on Sokol

License series A No. 268739 reg. No. 9101 dated 07/03/2007
Certificate of state accreditation series AA No. 000821 reg. No. 0799 dated July 16, 2007

Moscow State University of Food Production c is the largest technical university in Russia for training specialists for the food and processing industries of the agro-industrial complex and the biotechnological industry.

The university is a center for the education of science and culture, a structural link in the country's continuing education system, a leading educational and scientific institution in Russia in the field of food production, biotechnology, food chemistry, food engineering, economics and organization of food production, automation of technological processes.

In 1992, the University switched to a multi-level system of training specialists. The development of the university is focused on the creation on its basis of a National Center for Food Technologies and Equipment with the participation of Russian and foreign partners.

Since 1996 - Moscow State University of Food Production (MSUPP).


  • 80 years in education;
  • world fame, authority among manufacturers;
  • state higher education, prestigious state diploma;
  • all forms of education (full-time, evening, correspondence, distance learning);
  • all levels of higher education (bachelor's, specialist's, master's, second higher education, postgraduate, doctoral studies);
  • highly qualified teaching staff;
  • scholarships for students, provision of hostel accommodation for non-resident students and applicants, a full social package;
  • sports, leisure and recreation - in the best traditions of students;
  • mandatory professional practice during the training process;
  • demand for graduates and guaranteed employment.

Faculties, specialties:

  • Faculty of Technology and Production Management
    • Food Technology (Bachelor/Master of Engineering and Technology)
    • Biotechnology
    • Food biotechnology (on a contract basis only)
    • Grain storage and processing technology
    • Technology of bread, confectionery and pasta
    • Technology of sugar products
    • Fermentation technology and winemaking
    • Technology of fats, essential oils and perfumery and cosmetic products
    • Technology of children's and functional nutrition
    • Food service technology
    • Technology of canned food and food concentrates
    • Technology of subtropical and flavored products
    • Commodity research and examination of goods (by areas of application) – (specialty – commodity expert)
  • Faculty of Food Engineering
    Bachelor's/Master's degrees:
    • Technological machines and equipment
    Specialties for training certified specialists (engineers):
    • Small Business Food Engineering
    • Machines and apparatus for food production
    • Technology and design of packaging production
  • Faculty of Economics and Entrepreneurship
    • Accounting, analysis and audit
    • Economics and management in an enterprise (food industry)
    • Marketing
    • Applied informatics (in economics)
  • Faculty of Informatics and Management
    Bachelor's/Master's degrees:
    • 230100 Informatics and Computer Science Bachelor-Master of Engineering and Technology
    Specialties for training certified specialists (engineers):
    • 230102 Automated information processing and control systems
    • 220301 Automation of technological processes and production (in the food industry)
    • 220201 Management and computer science in technical systems (under contracts on an extra-budgetary basis)
  • Faculty of Management, Quality, Safety and Ecology of Food Enterprises
    Specialties of training of certified specialists:
    • Standardization and certification
    • Environmental protection and rational use of natural resources
    • Quality control
  • Faculty of Alternative Forms of Education
    One of the most convenient forms of training for those who want to combine work and education. The faculty offers two forms of study: part-time (evening) and part-time forms of study.

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Food Production (MSUPP) - a technical higher educational institution in Russia for training specialists for the food and processing industries of the agro-industry complex and biotechnology. Founded in 1930.

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow State University of Food Production"
International name Moscow State University of Food Production
Year of foundation
Year of reorganization 2011
Type university
Rector M.G. Balykhin
Students 5000 (2019)
Location Moscow , Russia
Legal address 125080, Russia, Moscow, Volokolamskoe highway, 11
Certificate of Honor from the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR


In 1934, the Lugansk Institute of Bakery Industry became part of the Moscow Institute of Grain and Flour Technology, and in 1939, the Leningrad Institute of Confectionery Industry.

History of Moscow State University of Applied Biotechnology

Names of the University:

  • 1930-1933 - Chemical-Technological Institute of Meat Industry (evening).
  • 1933-1954 - Moscow Chemical-Technological Institute of Meat Industry.
  • 1954-1989 - Moscow Technological Institute of Meat and Dairy Industry.
  • 1989-1992 - Moscow Institute of Applied Biotechnology.
  • 1992-1996 - Moscow State Academy of Applied Biotechnology.
  • 1996-2011 - Moscow State University of Applied Biotechnology.

History of University:

The history of the formation and development of the university is continuously connected with the history of our country.

Each transformation of the university was the achievement of a new milestone in its scientific, labor and educational activities.

The university was founded in 1930 as the Evening Chemical-Technological Institute of the Meat Industry.

1933 - Moscow Chemical-Technological Institute of Meat Industry.

1953 - Moscow Technological Institute of Meat and Dairy Industry. In those and subsequent years, it was the only institute in the USSR that trained meat and dairy production technologists, veterinary and sanitary doctors, and economic engineers in the meat and dairy industries.

In 1981, for great success in training highly qualified specialists in the agro-industrial complex of the USSR, the Moscow Technological Institute of Meat and Dairy Industry was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.

1989 - Moscow Institute of Applied Biotechnology of the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.

1992 - Moscow State Academy of Applied Biotechnology.

1996 - Moscow State University of Applied Biotechnology.

Over the years, the university's rectors (directors) were: I.A. Klyamm, N.N. Avdeev, G.M. Ioffe, V.P. Feoktistov, I.A. Nevizhin, A.I. Nacerenus, A.N. Lepilkin, N.P. Yanushkin, A.M. Brazhnikov, G.A. Minaev, academician I.A. Rogov, academician E.I. Titov, N.S. Nikolaev.

The university was founded in 1930 as the Evening Chemical-Technological Institute of the Meat Industry, was transformed several times, increasing its status, and since 1996 it has become the Moscow State University of Applied Biotechnology. MGUPB was the largest educational, scientific and methodological center of the Russian Federation for education in the field of food biotechnology, engineering and technology of food products of animal origin, biological safety, commodity science, standardization and certification of food products, healthy nutrition, veterinary medicine and veterinary-sanitary examination, informatics and computer technology .

7 full members and 4 corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences worked at 14 faculties and 40 departments of the university, as well as 19 academicians and corresponding members of various academies, more than 100 professors, doctors of science; more than 240 associate professors, candidates of science, including 12 laureates of State Prizes, 16 honored workers of science and technology, 48 honorary workers of higher professional education of the Russian Federation.

More than 5 thousand students, 240 graduate students and doctoral students studied at the university.

The university had five educational and laboratory buildings. The MGUPB library collection consisted of over 1000 thousand book titles. The library had five electronic rooms. The MSUPB campus, which consisted of 4 dormitory buildings, made it possible to provide accommodation for nonresident students. There was a sanatorium, canteens, cafes, etc.

MGUPB participated in international projects and programs, exchanged students, graduate students, interns, researchers, and teachers with major educational and scientific institutions of other countries. Citizens from Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America studied at MGUPB.

The mission of the university was to ensure a high professional level of graduates, integrate the university into the all-Russian and international educational and scientific information space, develop high moral qualities of the individual, purposefully obtain and accumulate new knowledge in the field of applied biotechnology and other areas of the university’s activities, disseminate this knowledge to solve complex tasks of industry development, ensuring food safety and health of the nation. In its activities, MGUPB focused on the introduction of innovative educational programs that reflect the requirements of business circles for the quality of training of future specialists, on ensuring a high level of professional knowledge and entrepreneurial skills among university graduates that best satisfy the modern demands of the multi-segment labor market, as well as the development of products and services among consumers higher education new views on the quality of education, promoting the need to preserve cultural and democratic traditions in society.

In 2011, through a raider takeover, the university was liquidated. Most of the leading teachers have been fired.


List of rectors (directors):


Educational activities



The question of the incompetence of the former rector of MSUPP Edelev as a specialist was raised in the year after he was awarded the title “Scientist of the Year” for the implementation of a large number of nanoprojects. The amount allocated for this from the budget is 81 million rubles. You can find detailed information about the projects on the website MSUPP. The project has no practical results, except for the created database of world patent literature on the content of nanoparticles in products. More than 500 documents.

During Edelev's reign as rector MSUPP The material and technical base of the University was completely destroyed, as well as the Moscow State University of Applied Biotechnology attached to it, leading scientists and teachers were fired, scientific centers and laboratories were closed, expensive equipment disappeared without a trace.

In accordance with the order of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science (Rosobrnadzor) No. 465 dated April 18, 2018, MSUPP was denied state accreditation in relation to the enlarged group of specialties and areas 38.00.00 "Economics and Management" in the following areas of training (specialties):

  • Bachelor's degree (38.03.01 Economics, 38.03.02 Management, 38.03.07 Commodity Science),
  • specialty (38.05.02 Customs Affairs),
  • Master's degree (38.04.01 Economics, 38.04.02 Management),
  • postgraduate study (38.06.01 Economics).

In the absence of state accreditation for specific areas of study, the university can still conduct educational activities in these areas and issue documents own sample. At the same time, the university can not issue diplomas of the standard established by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (state standard) and guarantee students a deferment from service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation upon conscription.

It should be noted that the university completely lacks specialists in the field of economics of food industries. This situation with economic education dates back to 2012, when, as a result of the merger of MGUPP, MGUPB and GAIN, poorly educated amateurs came to the leadership of economic educational units (Savvateev E.V., Novoselov S.N., Afanasyeva G.A., etc.) , who destroyed the traditions of scientific schools of educational organizations and fired leading teachers-industry specialists of economic departments of faculties. Of course, such actions could not but affect the training of personnel, which subsequently led to the refusal of state accreditation of the above areas of training.


  1. , With. 592.
  2. , Founded in 1930 on the basis of the food faculty of the Moscow Institute of Chemical Technology. D.I. Mendeleev and a number of departments of the Moscow Higher Technical School named after. N. E. Bauman..
  3. In May 1930, it was decided to create a new higher educational institution - the Moscow Institute of Grain and Flour Technology. The Institute was created on the basis of the Faculty of Grain and Flour of the Moscow Institute of Chemical Technology. D.I. Mendeleev and the Faculty of Mechanics of the Moscow Higher Technical University named after. Bauman and included two departments - flour-grinding-elevator and bakery., p. 230.
  4. “In 1930, on the basis of the Moscow, now Order of Lenin, Mendeleev Institute of Chemical Technology, the Moscow Institute of Grain and Flour Technology was organized.” - Proceedings of the Moscow Technological Institute of Food Industry. M.: State Publishing House of Technical and Economic Literature on Procurement Issues, 1952. - P. 3.

University today

MSUPP– these are new principles of innovation-oriented engineering, technological, technical and economic education to ensure priority areas for the development of the food industry and ensure the competitiveness of Russian higher education in the global market of educational services.
MSUPP– these are 46 departments, 8 branches of departments, an educational, research and production technology park, an educational laboratory on the rheology of food masses, an educational and industrial laboratory on food chemistry, a laboratory “Experimental equipment for low-power enterprises”, “Testing center for food quality and environmental management” food enterprises", a center for the study of environmental objects, a center for certification of technological machines and equipment, a certification body for production facilities, 2 mini-bakeries, a line for the production of extruded products, a line for the service and technical operation of transporting and technological machines.

The development of the university is focused on the creation on its basis of a National Center for Food Technologies and Equipment with the participation of Russian and foreign partners.

Faculties and departments

Main faculties

  • "Faculty of Technology and Production Management"
    • Biotechnology
    • Food biotechnology
    • Grain storage and processing technology
    • Technology of bread, confectionery and pasta
    • Technology of sugar products
    • Fermentation technology and winemaking
    • Technology of fats, essential oils and perfumery and cosmetic products
    • Technology of baby and functional food products
    • Food service technology
    • Technology of canned food and food concentrates
    • Technology of subtropical and flavored products
    • Service at catering establishments
    • Commodity research examination of goods in the field of production and circulation of agricultural raw materials and food products - (commodity expert)
  • "Faculty of Food Engineering"
    • Small Business Food Engineering
    • Machines and apparatus for food production
    • Safety of technological processes and production
    • Service of transport and technological machines and equipment – ​​(mechanical engineer)
    • Technology and design of packaging production
  • "Faculty of Informatics and Management"
    • Management and computer science in technical systems
    • Automation of technological processes and production (in the food industry)
    • Automated information processing and control systems
  • "Faculty of Economics and Entrepreneurship"
    • Accounting, analysis and audit – (economist)
    • Economics and management in an enterprise (food industry) – (economist-manager)
    • Marketing – (marketer)
    • Applied informatics (in economics) – (informatician-economist)
  • "Faculty of Management, Quality, Safety and Ecology of Food Enterprises"
    • Standardization and certification – (engineer)
    • Environmental protection and rational use of natural resources – (technological engineer)
    • Quality management – ​​(engineer-manager)


The food industry in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century was mainly handicraft production. These were small bakeries, grain mills, oil mills, and distilleries. The small urban population, semi-subsistence farming in the countryside, and the technical backwardness of the country did not create conditions for the development of the food industry and large enterprises. The exceptions were sugar factories, some mills, distilleries (alcohol distilleries), and distilleries. The First World War and the Civil War largely destroyed these established industries, so the task of restoring and developing the food industry, set in the early 20s of the 20th century in Russia, was very relevant.

Initially, in accordance with the new economic policy, not only state and cooperative funds, but also private capital were attracted to this industry. In 1931, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR determined a program for the development of the country's food industry, with much attention paid to bakery. The construction of bakeries, mechanized bakeries, the modernization and industrialization of flour milling production was envisaged, and the production of mill and elevator equipment was developed. The construction of new food enterprises began. Profound and rapid changes have affected all spheres of life, requiring the development of equipment and technology for food production, and the training of qualified engineers and workers.

By the beginning of the 30s, scientific institutions were created serving the main branches of the food industry, and then higher technical educational institutions with food profiles. In 1929, the Grain Research Institute was created in Moscow, and in 1931, the Bakery Research Institute was created. Departments of food science began to be created in various universities, technical schools and courses for training specialists and workers appeared. The training of engineers in the field of food production was first organized at the Moscow Institute of Chemical Technology named after D.I. Mendeleev, where in 1922 the department of flour-milling production was organized, the tasks of which included training specialists in grain processing and the production of flour products. The department was headed by a prominent engineer and scientist, Professor M.M. Pakuto. The course in bakery technology and the training of the first engineers for the bakery industry was taught by the talented engineer B.G. Sarychev, who played an outstanding role in the organization of educational institutions and scientific institutions in the field of bakery in the 30s.

Since 1929, the faculty of grain and flour has been opened at this institute. At the same time, at the Moscow Higher Technical School. N.E. Bauman (MVTU) began training specialists in equipment for the food industry. In accordance with the resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR dated July 23, 1930, on the basis of the Faculty of Grain and Flour of the Moscow Chemical Technology Institute named after. DI. Mendeleev and the specialty of writing machines at Moscow Higher Technical University. N.E. Bauman created the Moscow Institute of Grain and Flour Technology (MITZIM), which began educational work in the fall of the same year. The Institute has established close ties with industry, organizations involved in the procurement, storage and processing of grain, manufacturing equipment for elevators, mills, bakeries, with design and construction organizations. Leading industry experts were attracted to work at the institute.

In 1931, MITZIM was divided into two independent universities. To train engineers in the baking industry in Moscow on the basis of the baking departments of MITZIM, the Institute of Consumer Cooperation named after. Lyubimov, Leningrad Institute of Consumer Cooperation and Moscow Polytechnic named after. V.I. Lenin organized the Training and Production Plant of Bread Baking (UPKH). It included the Moscow Engineering and Technological Institute of Bakery (MITIKH), a workers' faculty, a technical school and a federal educational institution. 1931 - the year of the creation of MITIKh - is considered the year of the founding of our University. MITIH began the first academic year as part of three departments, which later turned into faculties: technological, mechanical and economic. Until 1938, the Bakery Institute (MITIKH) was located in the office, production and laboratory premises of bakery enterprises in Moscow. This was a difficult period in the life of the institute, but the energetic team managed to organize the training of highly qualified specialists.

In 1934, the Lugansk Institute of the Baking Industry joined the institute, in 1936 the training of specialists in pasta production began (before that, engineers for the pasta industry were trained at the Moscow Higher Technical School and at the Leningrad Institute of Confectionery and Pasta Industry), in 1938 it joined the MITIH Leningrad Institute of Confectionery and Pasta Industry. This enlarged institute became known as the Moscow Technological Institute of Bakery and Confectionery Industry.

In 1938, a building was built for it on Volokolamsk Highway. To train engineers for the elevator-warehouse and flour-grinding industry in Tomsk, the Tomsk Flour-Grinding Institute was organized as part of the training and production flour-milling and elevator plant of the Soyuzkhleb system, which in 1939 was transferred to Moscow. The Moscow Institute of Grain and Flour Technology (MITZIM) joined this institute. The new institute was named the Moscow Institute of Flour Milling and Elevator Engineers.

A historical event for both institutes was their merger, which took place in accordance with the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR on March 31, 1941, two months before the start of the Great Patriotic War. The united university was named Moscow Technological Institute of Food Industry (MTIPP). It consisted of technological, elevator and flour milling, mechanical and economic faculties.

During the first period of the Great Patriotic War, a significant part of the students and teachers went to the front; the remainder were evacuated from Moscow in October 1941 to continue their studies, first in Sverdlovsk, then in Ishim; at the beginning of 1942, the institute was returned to Moscow, where it resumed work in the previous building. Already in 1942, the wounded (who had previously worked) began to return, and new teachers and students began to come. Their appearance changed the entire life of the institute. The front-line soldiers sought to establish themselves in their new peaceful life, persistently helping each other, studying and taking an active position in life. Students Krasnikov V., Babev N., Grachev Yu., Brusilovsky S., as well as Heroes of the Soviet Union Bazakin N. and Vanichkin I. received a scholarship named after. I.V. Stalin, other personalized scholarships were received by dozens of students who came from the front. After graduating from MTIPP, most of the front-line soldiers worked and are now working at the University, largely determining the high level of its work. During the war years, the scientists of the institute fulfilled their patriotic duty. For the active Army, installations were designed that made it possible to bake bread and produce flour and cereals in the field. They paid a lot of attention to the restoration of food industry enterprises destroyed during the war, their adjustment and startup. The contribution of the institute's scientists during the war years was highly appreciated. Many teachers and students died a heroic death while participating in the battles near Moscow. Their memory is carefully preserved in the MSUPP museum.

An important event in these years was the opening in 1942 of the Department of Sugar Production Technology and the invitation of Prof. P.M. Silin, who was later awarded the high title of Hero of Socialist Labor, and the creation of the department of food concentrates, headed by prof. N.S. Pisarev. In 1943, the Department of Winemaking Technology was opened. It was headed by an outstanding specialist, creator of a new champagne production technology (Soviet Champagne), laureate of the USSR State Prize, prof. A.M. Frolov-Bagreev. A famous winemaker, prof. worked with him at the department. M.A. Gerasimov is a corresponding member of the Italian Academy of Viticulture and Winemaking. In the same year, training of specialists in the field of technology of vitamin preparations began at MTIPP, and later a special department of technology of vitamin preparations was opened, the first head of which was Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences V.N. Bukin.

The war caused enormous damage to the food industry. More than half of the food enterprises were destroyed. In the post-war years, enormous efforts were made to quickly restore the national economy. In a relatively short period of time, thousands of enterprises, including food enterprises, were restored and rebuilt. This required expanding personnel training both in the old traditional specialties and in new ones. And the institute solves these complex problems. The number of students at MTIPP is expanding, new departments are being created, new specialties are being opened, and new courses are being taught. Thus, at the Faculty of Mechanics, in 1952, the training of electromechanical engineers for the automation of chemical-technological production began, and in 1959, for engineers in the design of automatic machines for the mill-elevator and food industries. Since 1962, the production of process engineers in the field of enzyme preparation technology began. In connection with the development of the food industry and the need to train highly qualified specialists for this important sector of the national economy from among working practitioners, the All-Union Correspondence Institute of the Food Industry was created in 1953 on the basis of MTIPP.

For great merits in training specialists for the national economy and the development of scientific research, by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR No. 3944 of February 15, 1973, MTIPP was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, and in 1981 - the Certificate of Honor of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR “For great merits in training of specialists for the national economy and development of scientific research" (Decision of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR of December 4, 1981). In 1992, in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 11, 1992, No. 1691-R, MTIPP received the status of an Academy and became known as the Moscow State Academy of Food Production (MSAPP).

In 1996, the academy celebrated its 65th anniversary and received university status. Over the years, the institute was headed by prominent scientists and organizers of the food industry: A.Ya. Lokshin, A.A. Loginov, prof. F.G. Shumaev, associate professor N.V. Podgorny, Honored Workers of Science and Technology of the RSFSR, Professor L.A. Trisvyatsky, V.N. Stabnikov. From 1951 to 1975 The rector of the institute was Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the RSFSR, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. N.F. Gatilin. From 1975 to 1988, the institute was headed by Academician of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. V.V. Krasnikov, and since January 1, 1989, the rector of MSUPP is a graduate of the institute, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. IN AND. Tuzhilkin.


  • Moscow State University of Food Production (official website)
  • Student Forum (unofficial site)
  • KVN in Pishchevoy (KVN team website)

Coordinates: 55° N. w. 37° east d. /  55.807046° s. w. 37.496552° E. d.(G)55.807046 , 37.496552

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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Every year, young people graduate from school and are faced with the need to make a serious choice: where, what university should they go to next? In this article we will look at an educational institution that will help you get a higher education in the food industry - we are talking about MSUPP. Reviews, faculties, specialties, the situation with the hostel - all this is collected in this material.

History of the university

MGUPP, or food production, was founded in 1930, however, to be more precise, at that time, by order of the People's Commissariat of Internal and Foreign Trade of the USSR, the Moscow Institute of Grain and Flour Technology (abbreviated MITZiM) was established. It was designed to train specialists in the food industry, in particular qualified engineers and other workers. The year 1941 was marked by the fact that the university merged into one institution with another capital industrial institute. The merged institution became known as the Moscow Technological Institute of the Food Industry (for convenience, the abbreviation MTIIP was used). At that time there were only 4 faculties:

  • elevator-flour mill;
  • technological;
  • economic;
  • mechanical.

Then came the Great Patriotic War, which also affected the institute: the food industry suffered colossal damage. Therefore, in the post-war period, a large supply of government forces was aimed at restoring the national economy. In particular, the number of specialists trained at MTIIP has increased significantly. The role of both existing and newly emerging professions and areas of activity was actively growing. For example, in 1952, on the basis of the institute, the training of electromechanical engineers in the field of automation of chemical-technological production began; in 1959, a training program for engineers in the design of automatic machines for the food and mill-elevator industries was launched; in 1962, the graduation of professional process engineers in industry for the creation of enzyme preparations. Because of this rapid development, the All-Union Correspondence Institute of the Food Industry was established on its platform.

1992 was a time of new changes: the then MTIIP, also known as the modern MGUPP, reviews of which will be presented later in this article, received the status of an Academy and was renamed a second time to the Moscow State Academy of Food Production (abbreviated as MGAPP). After this, already in 1996, the university acquired the status of a university. Then, the University of Applied Biotechnology was added to MSUPP, reviews of which in the future will allow us to get a complete picture of this educational institution. This happened in 2011.

Current situation

Today MSUPP, reviews of which cannot be presented without describing the real situation taking place within the walls of the university, is one of the largest educational institutions for training specialists in the field of technologies for processing, storing and preparing products, veterinary medicine and even medicine. Technological fields are especially famous here, including biotechnology, modern nanotechnology and chemistry. At the same time, the minimum passing score at MSUPP for a budgetary form of education in comparison with other educational institutions turns out to be quite low - it is equal to 60-70 units for one subject taken by a graduate in the form of the Unified State Exam.

Structure of institutes and faculties

The university has 6 institutes under its jurisdiction. This:

  • medical institute for advanced training of doctors;
  • Institute of Production Management and Technology;
  • Institute of Sanitation, Ecology and Veterinary Education;
  • Institute of Continuing Education;
  • Institute of Technology;
  • Institute of Management, Law and Economics.

It becomes obvious that among Moscow universities MSUPP occupies far from the last place, because a wide range of choice of directions, coupled with feasible admission conditions, continues to attract students. The university provides training for workers in the following areas:

  • service;
  • jurisprudence;
  • Computer Engineering;
  • veterinary medicine;
  • veterinary and sanitary examination;
  • Applied Informatics;
  • customs affairs;
  • merchandising;
  • economy;
  • mechatronics;
  • technological equipment and machines;
  • technosphere safety;
  • quality control;
  • management in technical systems;
  • metrology and standardization;
  • food products from animal raw materials;
  • cryogenic and refrigeration technology;
  • biotechnology;
  • chemical Technology;
  • food products of plant origin;
  • operation of transport and technological complexes, structures and machines;
  • technologies of printing and packaging production;
  • technologies of organization, production of products and much more.

Moscow universities in facts and figures: MSUPP

Currently, approximately 10,000 students are studying within the walls of MSUPP, 500 of whom are foreign citizens. This also applies:

  • 34 departments;
  • 33 directions for bachelor's training;
  • 8 directions for master's training;
  • 38 programs for training specialists;
  • 46 postgraduate courses;
  • 7 scientific directions for graduating doctors;
  • 18 internship specialties;
  • 40 directions for residency;
  • and, finally, 1 school of wine experts and sommeliers, within the framework of which MSUPP even cooperates with the Swiss University.

Proposed terms

The bachelor's degree, which is traditionally attended by graduates of the 11th grade, is taught at MSUPP for 4-5 years. Prices for studying on a commercial basis are average, as in many other universities in Moscow: for a year you will have to pay, depending on the chosen faculty, from 74 thousand rubles and more. For the most popular and in-demand directions among incoming applicants, you will need to pay 140-150 thousand rubles annually, and this is not the limit. However, a large number of budget places can save a student’s pocket: a free form of education exists for both bachelor’s, master’s and specialist programs. A nice addition is that it is implemented for daytime, evening, and correspondence departments. The offered conditions are perfect for those who need to combine study and work. Thus, for the specialty “Food products from plant raw materials” for 2017-2018, as many as 190 budget places have been allocated for full-time education, and 40 for part-time education.

How are your studies going? Review of MSUPP

According to the Internet user audience, the situation with studies at MSUPP is quite contradictory. Some reviews indicate the active return of the university to its former positions, the rebirth of the institution, and the improvement of the situation with the training and graduation of truly competent and knowledgeable specialists. This emphasis of student opinions on the renewal of the university is associated with the history of 2015, which became an extremely unpleasant time for the university - by decision of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the admission of applicants to MSUPP was prohibited. The reason for this was that during the inspection, the commission, which entered the classrooms where, according to the schedule, classes were supposed to take place, simply did not see either teachers or students there. However, today this is already a thing of the past - after correcting the existing problems, MGUPP was again allowed to accept young people.

Negative opinions

However, everything positive, one way or another, outweighs the negative reviews. The majority of users spoke negatively about the teachers of MSUPP, further prospects for development, the demand for a diploma from this educational institution and the organization of the process. In their opinion, the best teaching staff were dispersed. There are also stories about management's negligence in their duties: students can wait weeks for classes! However, the advantage between the first and second categories of reviews is still small, and therefore it is recommended to see the situation with your own eyes once rather than hear about it a hundred times, since Open Days are held regularly at the university.

On the plus side

Be that as it may, students can count on social support from MSUPP: more than 7 thousand students in need of housing are provided with a hostel, and “state employees” are regularly paid the required state scholarship. The extracurricular life of the institution is widely developed; sports and cultural events are often organized. In addition, every year everyone has the opportunity to go on vacation to a boarding house or student camp and recharge their batteries for the next year.


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Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., Fri. from 10:00 to 19:00

Sat. from 10:00 to 16:00

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general information

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow State University of Food Production"


No. 09606 valid indefinitely from 02/08/2017


No. 02870 is valid from 12/20/2017 to 12/20/2023

Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for MSUPP

2016 result: By decision of the Interdepartmental Commission, MSUPP was included in the group of universities in need of reorganization (report)

Index18 year17 year15 year14 year
Performance indicator (out of 7 points)5 4 5 6
Average Unified State Examination score for all specialties and forms of study58.14 69.41 64.17 66.16
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on the budget59.66 71.21 66.58 69.59
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on a commercial basis55.22 65.53 51.53 61.15
Average minimum Unified State Exam score for all specialties for full-time students enrolled44.87 62.79 45.23 54.06
Number of students3992 4368 7287 8431
Full-time department2488 2806 5329 5922
Part-time department301 358 723 1090
Extramural1203 1204 1235 1419
All data Report Report Report Report


MSUPP is the largest state higher education institution, which provides highly qualified training for industrial food and processing enterprises, as well as for the biotechnological industry.

The university was founded in 1930 and immediately began to actively develop. Currently, its management has established good relationships with both Russian and some foreign partners. The main goal of this cooperation is the creation of a National Center for Food Technologies and Engineering on the basis of the university.

In 2011, MSUPP received a license officially allowing the university to continue educational activities throughout its existence. At the same time, he was given a certificate of state accreditation.

Most of the university's teachers are honored figures of science and technology, professors and doctors of science, academicians and laureates of numerous awards.

Educational process at MSUPP

In 1992, the university underwent some transformations in the educational system. From that moment on, a multi-level program began to operate:

  • bachelor's degree;
  • specialty;
  • master's degree;
  • graduate school;
  • doctoral studies;
  • internship;
  • residency.

Modern MSUPP is a complex consisting of 6 universities, each of which has its own structure, leadership and specialized area. These include the following institutes:

  • Veterinary Expertise, Sanitation and Ecology – trains highly qualified veterinarians, experts in the field of veterinary and sanitary services, as well as bachelors of bioecologists for a wide range of sectors of the agro-industrial complex;
  • Continuing education - provides students with the opportunity to study in a specialty part-time (in the evening) or part-time, as well as in a shortened program, or attend classes only on weekends;
  • Technology and production management – ​​trains well-educated personnel who can easily adapt to new conditions to work in industrial food enterprises;
  • Economics, management and law - allows students, graduates of MSUPP and other Russian specialized universities to receive a second higher education in economics in just 2.5 years, creating all the necessary conditions for their studies;
  • Institute for Advanced Training of Doctors - created specifically to improve the qualifications of doctors, pharmacists and mid-level medical staff;
  • Technological - is engaged in the preparation of bachelors, masters, and graduate students who are able to compete with graduates of other universities of a similar focus and have excellent knowledge in their field of specialization.

The university organizes practical internships that take place at leading enterprises in Moscow and the Moscow region. After graduation, the graduate is provided with assistance in finding employment in the chosen field.

Center for Elite Training and Employment Promotion

Since 2002, the university has been conducting special intensive training for the most gifted students. The main emphasis is on in-depth study of foreign languages, core subjects, improving the adaptation of a specialist, increasing his communication skills and competitiveness. Upon completion of the course, the graduate is issued a certificate or state diploma confirming that he has received additional qualifications.

Higher school of sommelier MSUPP

The university provides support to the Higher School of Sommeliers and Wine Experts operating on its basis. Here, every student of the Department of Winemaking Technology at MSUPP has the right to take special courses that provide training for sommeliers, bartenders and other highly qualified specialists in the wine business. It also produces highly educated experts who are simply indispensable for wineries. The educational program provides not only theoretical, but also practical lessons with tasting of high-quality wine products. Full-time students at MSUPP enjoy the privilege and receive a good discount on tuition.

At the end of the courses, graduates defend their final work and pass exams, after which they are issued a certificate or state-issued ID.

Infrastructure of MSUPP

The university has good logistics, which includes:

  • veterinary clinic;
  • vivarium;
  • scientific diagnostic center;
  • lecture hall with multimedia system;
  • teaching laboratories;
  • laboratory diagnostic complex;
  • computer centers;
  • a library rich in educational and methodological literature;
  • cafe;
  • large dining room;
  • dormitory;
  • sports and gyms;
  • chapel.

Student life at MSUPP

The university has a public association - a student council, whose members carry out activities aimed at helping students and the university as a whole. They organize formal events, sports competitions, environmental tours, and also solve problems faced by students.

The university has organized a volunteer movement that is designed to help everyone in need. Activists of this organization conduct charity events and activities, provide social services and all possible assistance to people completely free of charge.

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