I dreamed of fortune telling for my betrothed with a comb. Fortune telling for the betrothed with a comb. Ancient night fortune telling with a comb

There are many different methods of fortune telling that have come down to us from the hoary depths of centuries. This is due to the fact that at all times people have been afraid of the unknown. They always wanted to know what the future had in store for them. This desire was especially strong among girls who used comb fortune telling at Christmas.
This pattern is quite simple to explain, keeping in mind the role that women played in traditional culture. Today it is difficult to imagine that not so long ago a woman was practically powerless and could only be active in the family. The girl could not even choose a groom on her own. All she could do was sit and wait to see what heaven had in store for her. It is not surprising that, unable to influence their destiny with any real actions, unmarried girls tried, at least through otherworldly help, to find out from heaven about their destiny.
Most often, fortune telling was carried out around Christmas. This is due to the fact that any attempts to lift the veil of the future were considered demonic and were severely punished. Only on Christmastide, when, according to the church, the power of the unclean weakened, was it considered permissible to find out what the fate had in store for each of the girls.

Basic principles of fortune telling with a comb

Fortune telling with a comb in Rus' at Christmas was incredibly popular, because it is this attribute that a girl picks up most often. Despite the existence of several fortune telling techniques, it is still necessary to follow the general rules, namely:

  • You can only tell fortunes during Christmas time, and not only on the traditional Christmas holidays, but also in the summer. It's no secret that the Christian religion noticeably overlapped with the pagan cult, where the winter and summer solstices were celebrated on a special scale.
  • It is best to carry out fortune telling in complete solitude, without informing anyone about your plans.
  • For fortune telling, you need to take a new comb or one that no one except the fortune teller has used.

Fortune telling with a comb for Christmas on the image of the betrothed

Fortune telling in this way, you will be able to see your betrothed in a dream and find out his name. To do this you need to do the following:

  • Comb your hair at night;
  • put this comb under your pillow;
  • say the following words: “My betrothed, mummer, come to me in a dream and comb my head.”

It is believed that if the fortune telling was carried out correctly, you will be able to see in a dream the face of the one with whom fate will tie you in marriage.

Fortune telling with a comb for a dream before Christmas

To carry out this fortune telling, you will need to use a new comb, and it is advisable that it be made from natural materials. It is difficult to say what this requirement is connected with. Most likely, due to the fact that earlier, when this fortune telling was especially popular, there were simply no artificial materials, and subsequently, fearing that new items would not violate the sacred magical meaning of the ritual. Therefore, to be on the safe side, we continued to use combs made from natural materials to ensure everything worked out perfectly.
So, you need to comb your hair with a new wooden comb, saying: “My betrothed, come to me in a dream and comb it with my comb,” after which you immediately put the comb under the pillow. Hair found on a comb indicates that a groom will appear within the year. It is also believed that the color and length of the hair on the comb and the young man to be married to will match.

Another option for fortune telling with a comb for Christmas

This ritual, unlike the previous ones, is not carried out in the evening, but, on the contrary, in the early morning. You need to get up and immediately comb your hair with a new comb. The hair that remains on her will tell you what the betrothed will be like:

  • If there is no hair left on the comb, then the fortune telling was unsuccessful. At the same time, this indicates that your hair is in excellent condition, and this is an important factor contributing to a successful search for a groom.
  • One hair on the comb indicates that the cherished meeting does not have long to wait. You can meet your betrothed literally at any moment.
  • Two hairs indicate that soon you will receive some kind of message, which in one way or another will include the name of the one destined for you by fate.
  • Three hairs indicate the presence of a rival.
  • If there are four hairs left on the comb, future troubles await you, and not necessarily related to your future spouse.
  • The presence of five or more hairs on the comb indicates that you need to pay serious attention to your hair, since hair loss is obvious.

Please note that the results of fortune telling with a comb at Christmas can be quite approximate, and you should not rely solely on them when making a decision regarding your future fate.

Belief in magic is in people's blood, and magic has its roots in ancient times. Fortune telling with a comb for one's betrothed is only a small part of a forgotten world where magicians and sorcerers took tribute from the curious and predicted the future. Where sorcerers conjured diseases, and sorcerers whispered prayers into the water. From time immemorial, fortune-telling for Christmas and Christmastide has come to us.

A comb is not only an everyday item, it is also the main attribute of fortune-telling for your betrothed.

In the old days, every woman knew that most of her personal power lay in her hair. Remember how our ancestors treated hair - in those days absolutely everyone grew a long braid.

Married women always hid their hair from prying eyes so that all their strength remained in the family, because all the happiness in the house rests on the mistress. Unmarried girls, on the contrary, flaunted their hairstyles, weaving ribbons into their braids, decorating their heads with wreaths in order to attract the attention of guys with their hair. And when going to perform witchcraft, the witches let down their hair to release their power.

And every beauty’s assistant in women’s charms was a comb, which was enchanted to attract happiness and love to the mistress, and help her maintain youth. The personal comb was carefully kept, treated as a precious thing, and of course not left anywhere.

Questions from visitors and answers from experts:

Everyone knew that an unkind person could bring trouble to a person by using his hair in a ritual. And, of course, the girls knew how to cast a spell and tell fortunes about their betrothed with the help of a comb. This knowledge has survived to this day, and you, too, can perform fortune telling on a comb for your betrothed.

Choosing a magic comb

What is the magical power of a comb? The comb can serve as a talisman or amulet

Remember that not every comb will become your faithful magical assistant. Combs made of plastic or metal are not suitable for rituals! Buy a new wooden comb, you can find one at a crafts fair or in souvenir shops in the city center, or order one from a craftsman especially for you (this is the best option because you can choose the type of wood that the craftsman will work with). When buying or ordering a comb, do not haggle or take change.

The type of wood from which the comb is made gives it special properties:

  • Birch is the best talisman for a woman. Using a birch comb will enhance your energy, improve your health, and promote a successful pregnancy.
  • Cherry - attracts romance. Having chosen a cherry comb, get ready for a new love adventure.
  • Pear - bestows charm and good luck. By choosing her as your talisman, you will attract good luck into your life. Many new, favorable opportunities will open up before you that you never dreamed of.
  • Spruce is a talisman for longevity and health. Therefore, spruce combs are best suited for older women
  • Willow is a tree of witches. If you are studying magic, a willow comb will help you tidy up not only your hair, but also your thoughts. He will protect you, help you improve in the Craft and develop your intuition.
  • Alder is a tree for the guardians of the hearth. It will help you create comfort in your home, find mutual understanding in your family, and keep your husband from cheating.
  • Rowan is the best protector. Will protect you from damage and the evil eye.
  • Pine - cleanses the aura, helps to let go of the past and start a new life.
  • Apple tree - awakens sexuality, helps to attract a man. It is believed that fortune telling for your betrothed will be most successful if you use an apple tree comb.

But the most important rule is that you must like the magic comb. Buy one that you want to pick up and run through your hair, even if you were planning on getting a comb from a different tree.

This comb will become your faithful magical assistant. After doing fortune telling on a comb, cast a spell on it and use it to protect and increase your feminine power. Store it carefully; no one should use the magic comb except you.

Rules for fortune telling for your betrothed

If this is not your first time guessing, then most likely you already know them, but it won’t hurt to repeat them once again:

  • Start fortune telling only when it is already dark outside.
  • You must be alone in the room;
  • Make sure that children, animals and cell phone calls will not disturb you;
  • Joking with an unclean spirit is dangerous, so when performing the ritual you should be as focused and serious as possible. Our ancestors also knew that those who play with the spirit will face a cruel joke that can seriously harm their fate.
  • Before the ceremony, you should wash your hair. A clean head is as important as clean thoughts.
  • Before performing the ritual, the hair should be freed of all foreign objects. Hairpins, bobby pins, elastic bands, and barrettes can distort a person’s information field.
  • The fortune teller's clothing should be comfortable, not restrict movement and have no knots. It is advisable that the outfit consist of natural fabrics.
  • Decorations also need to be removed. Earrings, bracelets and rings will interfere with the fortuneteller. The Christian cross requires special attention. It should not be worn by a fortuneteller, and it should not be placed within the room (the same applies to icons).
  • Cleanliness of bed linen is important to avoid distortion of the information field. If all the rules of the ritual are observed, the fortuneteller will certainly see her chosen one in a dream.
  • If for some reason you are forced to interrupt the fortune telling process, you can only start again on another day.
  • Once you receive the result, do not tell anyone about it. If an ill-wisher finds out, he can make sure that nothing comes true for you.

Christmas fortune telling for your betrothed using a comb

Fortune telling by comb

It is best to carry out fortune telling with a comb under the pillow on the night before Christmas or during the holiday week. If winter is far away, then tell your fortune on any full moon. It is better to pronounce the spell at midnight; if it is too late for you, choose Wednesday, Friday or Saturday evening. These are the best days for female witchcraft.

Before you start fortune telling , make sure you are definitely ready to go to bed. Once you perform the ceremony, you will not be allowed to speak, get out of bed or do anything until tomorrow morning. If you violate this condition, the fortune telling will not come true, even if a man comes to you in a dream and you remember his face.

There are several ways to do dream fortune telling with a comb.

Rite 1

To see your future husband in a dream, it is enough to comb your hair well before going to bed with a new comb, put it under the pillow and call the groom to come to you in a dream to admire you:

“Betrothed, come into my dream,

Find me by the comb.

My beauty, your love,

We will meet you in a dream.”

Rite 2

With this ritual, girls can not only find out the name of their future groom, but also find out the color of their hair and get the opportunity to communicate with him in a dream. To start fortune telling, you should make fresh sheets, prepare a comb and focus on the question of interest. Then hide the comb under the pillow, saying:

My betrothed, mummer!

Come to me in a dream dressed up.

Show yourself and comb my hair.

Let it be so.

A young man in a dream can comb his curls or the hair of his beloved. This means that the girl is expected to get married within the next twelve months.

Rite 3

The girl needs to go to the mirror, run a comb through her hair once and say the following spell:

My dear betrothed,

My blue-winged dove,

Come to me at night,

Your wild strands

Comb your hair with my comb.


Place the comb under your pillow and go to bed. The results of divination should be judged in the morning. If any hair appears on the comb, it means that the girl is destined to get married this year.

Rite 4

There is a trickier way - you put not only a comb under the pillow, but also soap with a belt. And you call your betrothed to wash you, comb you and girdle you. While the groom is helping you put on your beauty in a dream, you will have enough time to look at his face.

Rite 5

Late in the evening, you need to comb your hair and go to bed, not forgetting to put a comb under your pillow, while saying the following words:

Betrothed-mummer, come to me in a dream and comb my head.

The will of the Lord is done, my dear, I dreamed!


During sleep, the image of your betrothed will appear to you. However, if, when you wake up and open your eyes, you don’t remember anything, you can safely repeat this ritual during Christmas time.

With a new comb

Simple fortune telling with a comb for Christmas time

This is a very similar ritual in which you will need to “call” your chosen one so that he combs his hair in a dream with the new comb you bought. So buy a new men's comb, and without using it in the evening, say the following words:

“My betrothed darling, come to me in a dream and comb your hair with my comb. Amen".

After this, many young girls testify that after sleep they found a man’s hair under their pillow, which indicates a successful fortune-telling. It is believed that this comb must be kept and given to your husband in the future. You can read about something else in this article.

With a lock in the braid

But this fortune telling is suitable for long-haired girls, because here you need to braid your hair and at the same time hang a lock on it... So, comb your hair thoroughly and braid the braid as tightly as you can, insert the lock approximately in the middle of the braid, hide the comb and the key under the pillow, saying these words:

“My betrothed, come ask for the key, unlock the lock on the spit...”

If in the morning you see that the castle has fallen out of the braid, this year you will certainly be wooed! Read more that you can do at home.

Interpretation of sleep

They say that the most talented witches not only see in their dreams how the groom combs his hair, but also finds real men's hair of the appropriate color and length on the comb in the morning.

Don't be upset if no one came to you in your dream. Perhaps you simply did not remember the dream. Or your future is not yet determined. Fortune telling at night with a comb can be repeated once a lunar month.

It is worth recognizing that fortune telling with a comb does not always give 100% correct results. Especially during those periods when the hair is sick. You shouldn't tempt fate at a time like this. You should postpone this type of fortune telling until better times and start treatment.

Fortune telling for Christmas and Epiphany

To this day, the Slavs widely celebrate the Holy Week. It marks the birth of Jesus Christ and lasts until the Epiphany. It is on these days that young girls gather to tell fortunes about what awaits them in the future, about their betrothed, about the fulfillment of a wish, about marriage and much, much more. A variety of objects are used for rituals: candles and nut shells, a boot and an apple with thread, needles and a mirror, water and a saucer, and, of course, a comb.

With red ribbon

You can tell fortunes about your betrothed at Christmas, or on the full moon. It is very important to follow all our recommendations for fortune telling.

To perform the most popular Christmastide fortune-telling with a comb for your betrothed, hang a new comb on a red ribbon in your home. It will be easier to do this if you buy a comb with a ring on the handle; these are also sold by craftsmen.

If there is a suitable guy among your friends, then during the holiday week he will definitely find a reason to come to you and touch the comb. Keep a close eye on your guests so you don't miss this moment. You can hang the comb in such a way that it is easy to get caught inadvertently. You can’t adjust the result, for example, by pushing the guy you like. If a girl touches the comb first, this does not spoil the fortune-telling, wait until the young man touches it.

With mirrors

Another fortune-telling for Christmas with a comb is carried out similarly to the well-known method of inviting the groom to a festive dinner. Closer to midnight, place two mirrors on the table in such a way that, when reflected in each other, they form an endless mirror corridor. Place a white candle in the center between the mirrors. Before midnight, turn off the lights, sit down so that you are reflected in the mirrors and start combing your hair, calling on your betrothed. Do this until instead of yourself you see an unfamiliar male face in the reflection. If something scares you during fortune telling, immediately place both mirrors on the table with the reflection down, turn on the light and do something else.

Fortune telling with a comb under the pillow for your betrothed is far from the only Christmas ritual, but it rightfully occupies one of the first places in popularity. After all, a comb is a personal item that comes into contact with the main carriers of genetic information - hair.

Now few people know about this, but in the old days, in addition to winter Christmastide, summer “green” Christmastide was also celebrated. They have a lot in common with winter ones. They also last 2 weeks, and their beginning falls on the summer solstice - June 22. The day is considered the most favorable for working with the human information field.

Morning fortune telling with a comb

Set your alarm clock so that you wake up with the first rays of dawn (you can check the required time on the Internet). When you wake up, the first thing you do is take the comb you left on it from the nightstand from the nightstand and run it through your hair once. Count how many hairs are left on the comb:

  • 1 - soon you will meet your fiancé, whom you will love deeply and sincerely. You will be with him for many years.
  • 2 - you will not yet meet your betrothed in person, but today you will hear something that will be related to your future marriage. For example, colleagues at work will actively discuss football, and when you meet your soul mate, it turns out that he is a football player.
  • 3 - an ill-wisher is preventing you from finding family happiness. Someone is spreading rumors behind your back that push men away from you.
  • 4 - troubles await you in the near future, perhaps not even related to your personal life.
  • 5 or more - repeat the fortune telling another day.

Fortune telling for the betrothed | Viktor Dolya

Dream about future husband

They put a comb under the pillow, saying: “Betrothed, comb my head.” The betrothed appears in a dream and scratches his head.

They take a thimble of salt and a thimble of water, mix and eat. Going to bed, the girl says: “Whoever is my betrothed, whoever is my mummer, will give me a drink.” The betrothed appears in a dream and serves you a drink.

They put four card kings under the pillow and say: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer - dream about him.” If you dream about the king of spades, the groom will be an old man and jealous, the king of hearts means young and rich, the king of the cross - expect matchmakers from a military man or businessman, and the king of diamonds - from the desired one.

Fortune telling - Betrothed's name

If you want to find out the name of your betrothed, then doing this is as easy as shelling pears. Take several sheets of paper, write one man's name on each of them and put it, for example, in a hat. Shake the hat several times and pull out one leaf at random. The name that will be written on the piece of paper will be the name of your future husband.

Fortune telling on a towel

At night, they hang a white towel outside the window (I wonder if this is so that the future groom can see better?) and say: “The betrothed, come and dry yourself.” If in the morning you took out a completely dry towel from outside the window, then this year you will be a “girl,” and if the towel is wet, then you will definitely be married.

fortune telling at night with twigs for the betrothed

They make a bridge out of twigs and put it under the pillow, wishing for a dream, “who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, he will take me across the bridge.” Of course, she must dream about him.

fortune telling for the groom sitting by the window

Before you go to bed, put on a pure white nightgown and sit in front of the mirror. An indispensable condition is that your body should be reflected at least to the waist. Let your hair down, pick up a comb and start combing your hair, saying: “Betrothed mummer, I’m dressing up for you, good for you. Come into my dream and start a conversation. Tell me your name, tell me when we will meet. I will wait for you and we can be together. With almighty powers I conjure you: appear in my dream. Amen".

Next, according to the ritual of fortune telling for the betrothed with a comb, you should go to bed and light a church candle at the head of the head. Place the comb under your pillow. We draw your attention to the fact that on the day when fortune telling is performed, you must go to bed before midnight, since otherworldly forces come into contact exactly at this time.

Fortune telling at home with a boat

For this fortune telling at home, take a basin of water so that it is not completely filled with water. On the sides of this basin, folded strips with the names of fortune tellers are hung or riveted, or possible events are written on them: Wedding, infatuation, kidnapping, flirting, passionate love, illness, failure, death, winning, unexpected happiness, or luck, etc. take a walnut shell (its half) and place a small stump of a Christmas tree candle in the middle of it. The boat is launched into the middle of the basin and, depending on which edge it approaches and which piece of paper it sets on fire, such an event will happen to the one whose name is written on the piece of paper or who is telling fortunes.

Fortune telling on paper

At home, take a whole sheet of paper or, best of all, a newspaper, and this sheet of paper must be crumpled with your hands so that it turns into a shapeless mass, however, avoiding turning it into a ball, but leaving some outline. When the paper is ready, it is placed on the bottom of an overturned plate and lit with a match. The burnt paper, without moving or destroying the shape of the ash, is brought to the wall, carefully turning the edges of the plate until some shadow is outlined, by the outlines of which, just like in the previous fortune-telling, one judges the future .

Fortune telling at home on a gold chain

Wait until everyone at home goes to bed. Sit at the table and rub the gold chain in your hands until you feel warm. Then take the chain in your right hand, shake it a little and throw it sharply to the floor. The chain forms various figures, which are interpreted as follows.

Circle - soon you will find yourself in a difficult situation, as if in a vicious circle.

Fortune telling is done on Saturday, before which you must observe 3 days of fasting.

Fortune telling by dreams

Fortune telling from dreams about the betrothed is very diverse. The best days of fortune-telling are around Christmas (they are also called Christmas fortune-telling) or on Friday, when the moon is waxing or the full moon. You need to sleep alone, there should be no one else in the room. After speaking to your betrothed, do not talk to anyone and do not be distracted by extraneous matters. The less conversations you have with strangers about the supposed fortune-telling, the better. To see a true dream, you need to lie with your head in the other direction (that is, put the pillow where you previously lay with your feet), turn the pillow over to the other side, also turn the sheet over with the bottom side up and put on your shirt inside out.

1. This is fortune telling for girls with long braids. When going to bed, put a padlock in your braid, close it with a key and say: “Mummer, come to me and ask for the key.” Place the key under the pillow. In a dream, a groom will appear who comes to get the key.

2. Before going to bed, put a comb and comb under the pillow, say: “Mummer, come comb me” (with this wish, go to bed without combing).

3. Place a mirror and a comb under the pillow with the words: “Come, come. Comb it, comb it. Look at me, show yourself."

4. Before going to bed, place a jug of water and a mug close to the head of the bed. Before going to bed, say: “You’ll get tired from the journey, my betrothed, I have some water, come, I’ll give you a drink.” Cross yourself and go to bed.

5. Eat a thimble of salt at night without drinking water. “Whoever is my betrothed, whoever is my mummer, will get me drunk.” Instead of a thimbleful of salt, you can eat over-salted food.

6. They make a bridge out of twigs, place them under the pillow, wishing: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, he will take me across the bridge.”

In a dream, you may see both young men at once (draw conclusions about who you are going to stay with based on the plot of the dream), or you may not see either one. In the latter case, after waking up, take one of the photographs out from under the pillow by touch. Whose portrait you get, that’s what you’ll be left with.

If you don’t have photographs of young people who interest you at hand, but you need to make a choice, you can do the following.

Betrothed-mummer, come undress me.

Fortune telling using cards for a future dream

At night, four kings from a regular 36-card deck of cards are placed under the pillow. The deck must be new and not used for games or fortune telling. CONSPIRACY:

Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, dream about me!

This fortune telling for the betrothed should presuppose the presence of a man of heart. You can use matches to determine whether you are destined to be together. You need to take a matchbox and insert two matches on the sides. At the same time, set them on fire, and at the same time, determine which match symbolizes you and which symbolizes your love. If the burnt matches are connected together, you will be together. Fortune telling with water and fire has always been considered one of the most powerful, because from time immemorial these natural elements have been endowed with magical qualities.

Fortune telling by cards for the king

Onion as one of the ways of telling fortunes about a betrothed

The names of possible husband candidates should be written on the bulbs.

If you can't wait to see the appearance of your future husband, buy or take a wooden comb for fortune telling. Before going to bed, place the comb under your pillow and say the following words: “Betrothed, my mummer, come comb me!” When you wake up in the morning, try to remember who you saw in your dream. To do this, do not hold your head; if you do this, the dream may be forgotten.

Another method of fortune telling with a comb in a dream is suitable for a girl with long hair. Before you go to bed, braid your hair, take a small light lock, and secure it in your hair. For these purposes, you can take a light souvenir or toy castle. Say: “Betrothed-mummer, come to me and ask for the key to unlock the lock and comb your hair.” Hide the key and comb under the pillow. The future chosen one will appear in a dream. But be careful or think about whether it’s worth guessing on the comb and hair, since there were cases when someone came to the girls, combed their hair or opened the lock in reality, but whether it was the groom remains a question...

Meet your betrothed or go to a trichologist

There is another simple way of telling fortunes using a comb. It will help you not only find out about an imminent meeting with a significant person, but also what the coming or subsequent days promise you.

When combing your hair in the morning, do not rush to clean the comb, place it on paper, and carefully remove the remaining hair there. Count how many there are. Well, if you are alone, then on this day you have a chance to meet your future chosen one. Take a closer look at all the potential candidates for your hand and heart; perhaps they will be a person you know well, whom you have not taken seriously until now.

If there are 2 hairs left, be prepared to hear some not-so-good news. But you already know in advance what can await you, so treat it calmly and philosophically. After all, as you know, sometimes even trouble can help future happiness.

Three hairs will encourage you to become more observant. It turns out that in your environment there is a person who is only pretending to be a friend, in fact he is an ill-wisher and can plot intrigues behind your back. Think about who could be envious? Maybe there is another contender for your place or your successes do not give him peace. Suddenly this is a rejected gentleman. Take a closer look at these people, and you will understand who does not wish you well.

Four hairs can signal that you need to take care of your health and strengthen your immune system so as not to get sick due to infection. It might be worth taking some cotton wool with you when you go outside if you are guessing during the season of infectious diseases.

More than four hairs and without fortune telling can remind you that you should take care of strengthening your hair. The advice of a trichologist, special ointments, and head masks will help with this.

If the comb remains clean during fortune telling, you are not in danger of baldness. You can relax as no important events are expected on this day.

Many people want to believe that magic still exists. Probably everyone knows that magic appeared far in the past, and many rituals are still popular today. Fortune telling with a comb under the pillow is the most accurate fortune telling if you believe the legend. To this day, Christians celebrate Christmastide - the holiday symbolizes the arrival of the Nativity of Christ and on Christmastide they carry out many different fortune-telling events. Below are some ways to tell fortunes with a comb under the pillow for your betrothed.

How to tell fortunes for Christmas with a comb under your pillow?

In order to carry out Christmas fortune-telling, any objects can be used, but in this article we will look at using a comb at night.

Some tips for correct fortune telling:

  1. When carrying out fortune telling, you must take this matter seriously - you cannot joke with spirits, otherwise your fate can be seriously spoiled. As a rule, everyone knows about this.
  2. Before carrying out this fortune-telling, you should definitely let your hair down and remove all unnecessary elements from it: elastic bands, hairpins, hairpins, crabs, and so on. Hair should be cleanly washed.
  3. At night, it is best to wear comfortable clothes in which you can move freely. If there are knots on the clothes, they should be untied.
  4. It is necessary to remove all jewelry from the body: rings, chains, earrings, and the pectoral cross should also be removed - this is a prerequisite.
  5. The comb should be new and clean.

Christmastide fortune telling with a comb

There are three most popular methods of fortune telling with a comb:

  1. This method of fortune telling has existed for a long time; with its help you can not only find out the name of your betrothed, but also see him. In order for you to dream about your betrothed, you should put a comb under your pillow at night and sleep on it, after saying the following words: “Betrothed in disguise, come to me dressed up and comb my hair. Let it be so!" And at the very end you need to say the word “Amen” three times. If a girl dreamed of a groom combing her hair, this means that she will get married within this year.
  2. To carry out this fortune telling, you should buy a natural wooden comb. Before going to bed, the girl must stand in front of the mirror with a comb and say the following words once: “My dear betrothed, blue-winged darling, you dream about me at night and comb your hair with my comb.” At the end, be sure to say the word “Amen.” Next, for fortune telling, you need to put the comb under the pillow and go to bed. After morning comes, you should definitely look to see if any hairs have appeared on it. If so, then the girl will have a loved one within a year.
  3. The next fortune telling should be done in the morning. When a girl wakes up, she should run a comb through her hair several times. After completing the procedure, you should count how many hairs are left on the comb and look at the values ​​below:

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Fortune telling for the betrothed with a comb
There are many different methods of fortune telling that have come down to us from the hoary depths of centuries. This is due to the fact that at all times people have been afraid of the unknown. They always wanted to know what the future had in store for them. This desire was especially strong
Why dream of being late for the train: interpretation from various dream books for men and women
At first glance, they are included in plots in which the dreamer hopes to do something, to be on time somewhere. But if his aspirations are thwarted by being late, this means that deep down in his soul the person does not want serious changes. Often the reason for being late in a dream is