It doesn't fall far from the apple tree. An apple from an apple tree - meaning. “The apple now falls far from the tree” - step-by-step exercises

July 30, 2015

Folk wisdom keeps many secrets. Proverbs and sayings can have a large number of meanings. And if so, then they are conducive to research, large and small. Ours is of minimal size, it is dedicated to the saying “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.”

Where do proverbs and sayings come from?

Proverbs and sayings are the result of many years, or even centuries, of people’s observations of everything that happens around them: the weather, the behavior of animals and insects, plants. People watched each other, remembering and comparing.

Folk art is notable for the fact that it preserves only the most imaginative and vivid sayings for a long time. Only that which is close and understandable, that which can be seen every day, remains in the language for a long time. Naturally, people could observe the fall of apples every year, hence the saying “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.”

Source of the saying

Plants have come up with many ways to reproduce; their offspring fly through the air, are carried by birds and animals, and swim through the water in search of a piece of suitable land. But the apple tree did not bother itself: its fruits fall near the mother tree, right under its crown and at some short distance around. You'll be lucky if some apple, blown by the wind, hits the slope and rolls back a little further. So, from one small grain, introduced by chance, an impenetrable thicket of apple trees can form. This feature was once noticed by people and turned into a saying: “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.”

However, many fruit trees, for example, plums, cherries, and apricots, reproduce in this way. And not only fruits: nuts, oaks, lindens. Why did the saying arise specifically in connection with the apple tree? One can only assume that it was this cultivated tree that was most often found in the homeland of our famous aphorism. It was on the apple trees that the nameless, unknown author of an imperishable example of folk wisdom looked, season after season. After all, this thought is rightfully included in the golden fund called “Sayings and Proverbs.” Of course, there is also a certain poetry and even some rhythm in this phrase. Such a comparison with cherries or apricots would hardly have come to us from time immemorial, and, to be honest, we are not a southern country to be associated with apricots. This proverb is included, as it is now fashionable to say, in the corpus of texts with the title “Russian proverbs,” so it would be strange to have something other than an apple as a symbol.

The meaning of the saying

The way fruit trees, in particular apple trees, reproduce is neither good nor bad. It’s just that in the process of evolution, at some point this turned out to be the most effective way to continue the race. What is the meaning of the saying: “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree”? The answer is: mostly, unfortunately, negative. Such words speak about children, students, followers who repeat and aggravate the mistakes and shortcomings of their parents, teachers, and mentors. Also, the proverb is of a slightly edifying nature: the one who uses it seems to emphasize that it could not have been otherwise. And if the children did not continue the negative line of behavior, this would rather cause surprise and distrust. People about whom they say this not only cast a shadow on their reputation, but also confirm that negative traits and unpleasant actions are a family trait or a feature of the school.

Examples of using sayings

There are not only many examples of the use of this saying, they cannot be counted. Everything bad that is repeated in children and students is usually illustrated with this expression.

Is the son of a poor student a bad student? "An apple from an apple tree." Do children of alcoholics drink? The same. The daughter of a woman of easy virtue is pregnant at the age of sixteen? Again, “an apple from an apple tree.” And this expression is also used if a scientist who copied his articles word for word taught only this to his students, without giving them anything else.

But, despite the harmless method of reproduction in the apple tree, this expression is almost never used in a positive sense. Has a musician's student reached heights that remained inaccessible to the teacher? We will say: “The student has surpassed the teacher.” Have children had more successful careers than their parents? “Well done,” others will praise and will not comment on it further.




0 How much does a person need to insult his interlocutor? There are such figures of speech that, although they “omit”, do it so carefully, and even beautifully, that you can’t undermine it. Our ancestors knew how to do this, and today we will talk about a rather ambiguous saying, this Apple from the apple tree falls close, you can read the value a little lower. If you find our resource site worthy of attention, be sure to add it to your bookmarks.
Before continuing, I would like to recommend you some of our interesting articles on the topic of phraseological units. For example, what does the Golden Mean mean? which means On beans; the meaning of the expression Anika-warrior; how to understand Enter into a rage, etc.
So let's continue meaning Apple from an apple tree doesn't fall far?

Apple from the apple tree- means that as parents are, so are children, that is, by parent we mean " Apple tree"and under the child" apple"

Synonym of the expression Apple from the apple tree:cut off a dog's tail - there will be no sheep; from a pig there are piglets, from a moose - moose calves; the father is a fisherman, and the children look into the water; like the tree, so is the branch; from an apple tree an apple, from a spruce tree a cone; as is the root, so is the offspring; Aspen trees will not produce oranges.

The Germans have a similar saying - " Like a tree, like a pear".

As you already understand, the proverb discussed here is used exclusively in a negative sense, in the case when it is intended to show that the child is not far from his parents.
However, when a fruit falls next to its tree, this is not surprising. Philosophers from ancient Rome often resorted to the phraseological unit " Same root - same fruit". It would be surprising if apple trees began to pick cherries. However, the natural property that a child is the image and likeness of his parents begins to be interpreted by people who bring their own meaning and meaning to it.

Although the literal interpretation is not always correct, for example, if Apple orchard stands on a steep mountain slope, the apples from the tree can roll very far. Essentially, this proverb reflects human prejudices that if parents are scoundrels and bastards, then the child will grow up to be the same. This is not entirely true; history knows both situations that confirm this saying and those that refute it. For example, a maniac Chikatilo, left behind a son who followed in his footsteps, whereas Henry Ford, having parents " rednecks", at the age of 16 he ran away from home and became a very rich businessman. Therefore, if we paraphrase the expression of Christ, we can say" You will know them by their spirit".

After reading this informative article, you finally understand What does an apple from an apple tree mean? does not fall far, and now you will be able to correctly interpret this expression if you encounter it again.

Proverbs and sayings can have a large number of meanings. And if so, then they are conducive to research, large and small. Ours is of minimal size, it is dedicated to the saying “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.”

Where do proverbs and sayings come from?

Proverbs and sayings are the result of many years, or even centuries, of people’s observations of everything that happens around them: the weather, the behavior of animals and insects, plants. People watched each other, remembering and comparing.

Folk art is notable for the fact that it preserves only the most imaginative and vivid sayings for a long time. Only that which is close and understandable, that which can be seen every day, remains in the language for a long time. Naturally, people could observe the fall of apples every year, hence the saying “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.”

Source of the saying

Plants have come up with many ways to reproduce; their offspring fly through the air, are carried by birds and animals, and swim through the water in search of a piece of suitable land. But the apple tree did not bother itself: its fruits fall near the mother tree, right under its crown and at some short distance around. You'll be lucky if some apple, blown by the wind, hits the slope and rolls back a little further. So, from one small grain, introduced by chance, an impenetrable thicket of apple trees can form. This feature was once noticed by people and turned into a saying: “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.”

However, many fruit trees, for example, plums, cherries, and apricots, reproduce in this way. And not only fruits: nuts, oaks, lindens. Why did the saying arise specifically in connection with the apple tree? One can only assume that it was this cultivated tree that was most often found in the homeland of our famous aphorism. It was on the apple trees that the nameless, unknown author of an imperishable example of folk wisdom looked, season after season. After all, this thought is rightfully included in the golden fund called “Sayings and Proverbs.” Of course, there is also a certain poetry and even some rhythm in this phrase. Such a comparison with cherries or apricots would hardly have come to us from time immemorial, and, to be honest, we are not a southern country to be associated with apricots. This proverb is included, as it is now fashionable to say, in the corpus of texts with the title “Russian proverbs,” so it would be strange to have something other than an apple as a symbol.

The meaning of the saying

The way fruit trees, in particular apple trees, reproduce is neither good nor bad. It’s just that in the process of evolution, at some point this turned out to be the most effective way to continue the race. What is the meaning of the saying: “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree”? The answer is: mostly, unfortunately, negative. Such words speak about children, students, followers who repeat and aggravate the mistakes and shortcomings of their parents, teachers, and mentors. Also, the proverb is of a slightly edifying nature: the one who uses it seems to emphasize that it could not have been otherwise. And if the children did not continue the negative line of behavior, this would rather cause surprise and distrust. People about whom they say this not only cast a shadow on their reputation, but also confirm that negative traits and unpleasant actions are a family trait or a feature of the school.

Examples of using sayings

There are not only many examples of the use of this saying, they cannot be counted. Everything bad that is repeated in children and students is usually illustrated with this expression.

Is the son of a poor student a bad student? "An apple from an apple tree." Do children of alcoholics drink? The same. The daughter of a woman of easy virtue is pregnant at the age of sixteen? Again, “an apple from an apple tree.” And this expression is also used if a scientist who copied his articles word for word taught only this to his students, without giving them anything else.

But, despite the harmless method of reproduction in the apple tree, this expression is almost never used in a positive sense. Has a musician's student reached heights that remained inaccessible to the teacher? We will say: “The student has surpassed the teacher.” Have children had more successful careers than their parents? “Well done,” others will praise and will not comment on it further.

The behavior of parents greatly influences the educational process. Communication in the family becomes a model for the child. Communication in the family allows the child to develop his own views, norms, attitudes and ideas. The child will copy the behavior of his parents. He will end up learning more from their actions than from their words.



The apple never falls far from the tree

Teach your children to be silent.

They will learn to speak on their own.

B. Franklin.

Bragish Nadezhda Vyacheslavovna teacher of GBDOU No. 44 of the Frunzensky district of St. Petersburg.

Talking about raising children is always difficult. For many centuries, humanity has taken this issue seriously. Clearly formulated moral laws were put at the forefront. The modern problem is that many parents stand half-turned to their children, and sometimes even have their backs turned to their child.

However, there is no doubt that it depends on the parents what their children will be like: will they become self-confident adults who evaluate their actions adequately, or will they spend their whole lives struggling with complexes acquired in childhood, alas, not without parental help .

The best way to vaccinate a childgood manners- this is my own example. The behavior of parents greatly influences the educational process. When raising a child, you must understand that your words should not differ from your actions.

Communication in the family becomes a model for the child. Communication in the family allows the child to develop his own views, norms, attitudes and ideas. The child's development will depend on how good the conditions for communication are provided to him in the family; development also depends on clarity and clarity of communication in the family.

Family for a child- This is the place of birth and the main habitat. In his family he has close people who understand him and accept him for who he is - healthy or sick, kind or not so kind, flexible or prickly and impudent - he belongs there.

It is in the family that the child receives the basics of knowledge about the world around him, and with the high cultural and educational potential of the parents, he continues to receive not only the basics, but also culture itself all his life. It is in the family that a child’s ideas about good and evil, about decency, about respect for material and spiritual values ​​are formed. With close people in the family, he experiences feelings of love, friendship, duty, responsibility, justice... It is in the family that the childlearns about what is good and what is bad, how to react badly and well to it, what he should strive for. The child trusts his parents, he is sincere, open, pure, he does not know that someone can make mistakes, be mistaken and even deceive; for him there are no such concepts yet. He absorbs, like a sponge, all the experience of his parents, trusting them with his little life.

Those who have children in kindergarten know firsthand what it’s like when children copy someone’s behavior. After all, when a child comes home from kindergarten, the first thing he will do in some game is to use all the words and phrases that he heard from his teachers. The same thing happens in the garden; by the child’s behavior you can immediately understand what is going on in his family, what the relationships are between family members.

Therefore, it is highly recommended to carefully monitor your behavior and your words. If you force your child to clean up his toys and his things, but you don’t do it yourself, then you may not expect the child to do this, because you are his example.

Or another example: a feast, everyone is having fun, talking, alcoholic beverages are presented on the table. With one such example, a child develops many stereotypes: “fun, friends, a holiday - there must be alcohol, otherwise you won’t have fun”, “adult life begins when I can drink just like adults” and others. What are the consequences of copying these stereotypes as a child in the future, one can only guess, because now we ourselves understand, we know, we have negative experiences of this kind associated with alcohol: ruined lives, lives that could have gone along completely different lines and led a person to a different future.

While the child is small, he spends a lot of time with his parents, is in the mental field that was created by them, if there is cleanliness and order, if there is goodness and joy there, then everything will be fine with him and the awakening of negativity in him is sharply reduced.

The child will copy your behavior. He will end up learning more from your actions than from your words. If you behave politely towards your child and other people, your child will do the same.

We must become exactly the kind of people we want our children to be, because our happiness will only be when our children are happy. What the world will be like later, after us, depends on us now. What we sow is what we reap. Let's sow goodness, be sincere, loving, open, joyful, healthy, cultivate real Human qualities in ourselves and help others in this matter.

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